HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/20/2014 s DENT Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Boyce, Fincher, Ranniger, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. B. From the Public. I PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition 1. Recognition of Merrill Vesper - Mayor Cooke read the proclamation to Merrill Vesper. She noted that Merrill has been with the City for 41 years and was hired in 1972 when the City's population was 16,500. She communicated that he was the 2008 Employee of the Month and 2009 Employee of the Year. She proclaimed May 31, 2014 as "Merrill Vesper Day" in the City of Kent. Tim LaPorte communicated that Merrill is a great engineer and his work has touched almost every neighborhood in Kent. B. Community Events. Council President Ralph communicated that the Kent International Festival is on May 31. C. Introduction of Human Services Commission Aonointee Andy Rosas. Mayor Cooke communicated that Andy Rosas was unable to attend the meeting. D. Public Safety Report. Acting Police Chief Jon Strauss gave the Public Safety Report. He communicated that vehicle prowls have increased significantly and there have been eight arrests last month. However, he said there has been a decline since the arrests because two of them were directly linked. He noted that there were 13 arrests in vehicle thefts, too. Residential burglaries continue to decline and commercial burglaries have increased. There were a series of burglaries along 256th and the department placed some emphasis on that area, leading to returning the number to zero. There were six commerical burglary arrests and the detectives have solved five bank robberies. He noted that the new computer tracking software led to these arrests. Strauss introduced new Police Officer Anthony Gambino. He communicated that he is from the New York Police Department. Mayor Cooke swore in Officer Anthony Gambino. Officer Gambino introduced his wife, Jessica from Tacoma and their three children. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 Strauss com municated that the Police Department sent seven officers to Gang, Resistance Education and Training. He highlighted that there were 300 pounds of prescription drugs taken in at the Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. He noted that the bike officers are out and enforcing the laws when it comes to the homeless in a fair and decent manner. He noted that the Police have worked directly with other facilities to get people taken care of. Strauss announced that the Drugs & Alcohol 101 class is on May 22 at 6pm at Faith Baptist Church. He also noted that the next Kent Police Department Community meeting is on June 5 at 7pm at Totem Junior High School. Strauss introduced Kathy Berrens as the new Administrative Services Supervisor in the Police Department. Council President Ralph communicated that the Kent Youth Board filmed a public service announcement concerning texting and driving and it is targeted to elementary school children. She noted that they will bring a contract home to their parents to sign, promising not to text and drive. E. Intergovernmental Reports. Council President Ralph communicated that the WRIA-9 Watershed Ecosystem Forum met last week and discussed grant monies for projects. She said Kent has done well and will be receiving grant funds for restoration projects along the Green River. Continuing, she noted that they discussed their flood plain habitat goals which will be forwarded to the King County Flood Control District as a part of the System Wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) goals. She stated that the South County Area Transportation Board (SCATBD) met today and the hiring of 5,000 employees and building of 500 more locomotives this year by Burlington Northern was discussed. SCATBD, she said, expressed concerns about oil cars. She communicated that the timeline for the oil trains couldn't be discussed as it is a matter of national security. However, the railroad informed people to call the number on the crossings when there are delays with the crossing arms. Councilmember Boyce communicated that the Sound City Association (SCA) met and discussed oil trains and will be discussing greenhouse gas emissions at the next meeting. He noted that the Kent City Council supported the Puget Sound Council Air Agency membership increase, but SCA voted it down. He announced that Councilmember Debbie Ranniger was unanimously approved to be on the Committee for Domestic Violence. Finally, Governor Jay Inslee will be at the SCA Network Dinner on May 28, he said. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Juanita Hines-McLeod, Kent - Hines-McLeod stated that she has a neighbor who runs a business out of their house and she is afraid of them. She said that her neighbor has many visitors and when she calls non-emergency 911 they all leave when the police show up. She expressed concerns with the business, which is a food bank, and wants to be listened to. She said she has been threatened and harassed. 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 Mayor Cooke referred her to Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director about her issue. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through P, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 6-0. A. Approval of the Minutes — Approve. Approval of the minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of May 6, 2014. B. Payment of Bills — Approve. Approval of payment of the bills received through March 31 and paid on March 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 15, 2014. C. Excused Absence — Councilmember Dennis Higgins - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve an excused absence for Councilmember Higgins as he was unable to attend the City Council meeting of May 20, 2014. D. Appointment to Human Services Commission — Confirm. The Mayor was authorized to confirm appointment of Andy Rosas to the Kent Human Services Commission to fill a vacant position expiring January 1, 2015 and for an additional three-year term expiring January 1, 2018. E. Telecommunications Franchise Ordinance with tw telecom of Washington LLC - Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Ordinance No.4112, granting tw telecom of Washington LLC a franchise to install and maintain facilities for a telecommunications network within the public rights-of-way of the City. F. Washington State Department of Natural Resources Aguatic Lands Easements for Existing Sanitary Sewer & Pedestrian Bridge Crossing - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Aquatic Lands Easements from the Washington Department of Natural Resources for the exiting sanitary sewer and pedestrian bridge crossing over the Green River, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. G. Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers. Inc. for Low Impact Development - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized sign a consultant services agreement with GeoEngineers in an amount not to exceed $52,186.00 to provide geotechnical engineering services for the Mill Creek Neighborhood Low Impact Development Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Fiscal Year 2014 ]AG Grant - Accept. The Mayor was authorized to accept the justice assistance grant to fund the Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team office manager, in an amount of at least $91,842.00, authorize the Mayor to sign all documents, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 I. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Amendment #1 to MOU — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign all documents amending the memorandum of understanding between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and the Kent Police Department to increase funds for police overtime for the purpose of conducting distracted driving, high visibility enforcement in support of Target Zero priorities, with agreement terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney, and recommend Council ratify all acts consistent with the memorandum of understanding and this motion. J. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Amendment #1 to Interagency Agreement for Target Zero Manager — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign all documents amending the interagency agreement between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and the Kent Police Department to extend the dates of the South King County Target Zero Traffic Safety Task Force Project from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, and to increase funds to $122,000, with final agreement terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. K. Blumenthal Uniform Co.. Inc., Contract — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a goods and services agreement with Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc., for the purchase of police uniforms in an annual amount not to exceed $100,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. L. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team Interlocal Agreement and Resolution — Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Resolution No. 1885, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement that establishes and maintains a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team to effectively respond to high risk criminal occurrences to ratify all prior acts of SWAT consistent with the resolution, with final agreement terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. M. Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Application Resolutions — Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Resolution Nos. 1886. 1887, 1888, and 1889 authorizing the submittal of grant applications to the Recreation and Conservation Office to assist in funding three top-priority projects. N. Fee-in-lieu Funds — Accept. The Mayor was to accept $16,875.95 for first quarter 2014 fee-in-lieu funds and authorize the amendment to the community parks reinvestment budget for future expenditures of funds in project budgets. O. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 — Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Ordinance No. 4113, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014, reflecting an overall budget increase of $7,286,726. P. Countywide Planning Policies, Resolution — Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Resolution No. 1890 ratifying an amendment to the Urban Growth Area map in the 2012 King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) to add the Central 4 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 Issaquah Urban Core as an urban center as approved under Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Motion No. 13-1. OTHER BUSINESS None. BIDS 1. 641h Avenue South Channel Improvements - Award - Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director discussed the project and what it entails. He noted that there were eight bids and recommended awarding the bid to R.L. Alia Company. Council President Ralph moved to award the 64th Avenue South Channel Improvements Union Pacific Railroad Spur Culvert Replacement project to R.L. Alia Company in the amount of $1,176,550.13 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Councilmember Boyce. Motion carried 6-0. 2. 2014 Thermoplastic Markings - Award - Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director noted that this is an annual project and recommended awarding the bid to Apply-A- Line Incorporated. Councilmember Fincher moved to award the2014 Thermoplastic Markings project to Apply-A-Line, Inc. in the amount of $277,695.00 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Council President Ralph. Motion carried 6-0. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council Presidnet Ralph communicated that there were two items on the workshop agenda. The first was the 2015-2016 Budget Calendar and Revenue Forecast. The calendar for the budget process was presented and it leads to the adoption of the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget. She noted that the City is proceeding on a conservative revenue forecast track which the Council and the Mayor's Office deem to be the most prudent thing for us to do to keep us moving towards our goals of debt repayment and keep the fund balances where they need to be. There was also a HOT lane presentation by Washington State Department of Transportation, she said, and noted that there will be some restriping of the HOT lanes on Highway 167 which will lead to more access for drivers into Kent. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke announced that the Khalsa Day event is taking place this weekend and it is being done by the Sikh community. She said that the event is taking place at the ShoWare Center on Saturday. At the event there will be food from India and a parade which proceeds through downtown Kent. 5 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 Mayor Cooke communicated that the Public Works Week event today was very well done. She thanked the Public Works employees for the event and all their work. Mayor Cooke stated that she met with the Department of Ecology along with Tom Brubaker and Kelly Peterson on the Landsburg mine and is more optimistic in the City's ability to protect Clark Springs. She also stated that she met the new Executive Director of the Flood Control District and will not be able to make the next meeting due to Pete Curran's memorial service. She verified that Council President Ralph would be the alternate to the King County Flood Control District. Mayor Cooke spoke highly of the leadership, support and dedication Pete and Pat Curran gave the city of Kent over the years. Mayor Cooke also wished her mother a Happy 87th Birthday. C. Administration. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Tom Brubaker stated he had no report, but there will be an executive session. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. In the minutes. E. Operations Committee. In the minutes. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Ranniger echoed Mayor Cooke's sentiments concerning the Curran Family and the memorial service is 10:30 am on Thursday at Holy Spirit Church. G. Public Safety Committee. In the minutes. H. Public Works Committee. Council President Ralph noted said the Public Works Committee met yesterday and the 2015-2016 Transportation Improvement Plan was on the agenda. She noted that the list of projects was discussed and that the plan is in place to be able to apply for grant funding. There was a presentation from Gina Hungerford on the TeamUp2CleanUp event, she noted, and there were 150 people who cleaned up Kent. She added that this is Public Works Week and the Public Works Department had their equipment on display at City Hall today. Councilmember Fincher discussed the Public Works Week event and it was a wonderful opportunity to see and learn about what they do. Councilmember Berrios communicated that it was a great event and appreciated the opportunity to meet the team that takes care of the City's infrastructure. Mayor Cooke stated that this was the first time this type of show-n-tell has been done and the employees have ideas to make this more available to the youth. She noted that these types of jobs have become more attractive because of advancements in technology and equipment. This, she said, would be an opportunity for the youth to learn about careers in this field. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas communicated that they will be meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 p.m at Station 78. 6 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes May 20, 2014 Mayor Cooke asked for a briefing on the Regional Fire Authority (RFA) budget process either at a workshop or a regular Council meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:56 p.m., Mayor Cooke announced that the Council would recess into an Executive Session for 20 minutes to discuss the sale of property as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b). At 8:16 p.m., Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for a period of 10 minutes. At 8:26 p.m., Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for a period of 25 minutes. At 8:50 p.m., the Executive Session concluded and Mayor Cooke reconvened the regular meeting. ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION i Jeff Watling, Parks and Cultural Services Director stated that for years the City has had in its strategic acquisition goals a desire to combine Morrill Meadows Park and East Hill Park. He explained that this purchase is for the last two properties in order to combine both parks and the funds for this acquisition are from acquisition funds and the King County Levy funds. Councilmember Ranniger moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to finalize the purchase of the property located at 10820 South 248th St, Kent in the amount not to exceed $310,000.00 including earnest money but excluding closing costs subject to the approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks and Cultural Services Director, seconded by Councilmember Berrios. Council President Ralph verified with Watling that the funds to purchase this property are through the King County Parks Levy and can only be used for acquisition not enhancement. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Ronald F. M6ore, MMC City Clerk 7 PUBLIC COMMENT 40 ' SIGN UP SHEET Zooe,KENT msk:. .an For the Kent City Council Meeting of: � avv NAME Street Address En ail Address Topic 12'34 Maim Street SE Comprehensive Ex Jane Doe Kent, WA 98032 jdoe@hotmail.com plan 3 4 S 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.