HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/2014 � KENT W . """ Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Ranniger, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS i A. Public Recognition. Mayor Cooke recognized Kentridge and Kent-Meridian High Schools for their 17`h Annual Kent School District Cherry Blossom Festival. She also recognized Kent Little League for starting their season on Saturday in the rain. Mayor Cooke announced that the Seattle Thunderbirds are in the next round of the playoffs and the next game is April S. B. Community Events. Council President Ralph communicated that two weeks ago classical pianist Alpin Hong played with the orchestra, band, and choir from Kent- Meridian High School. C. Proclamation for National Walking Day. Mayor Cooke read and presented the National Walking Day Proclamation to Cherish Heart from the Red Cross. She proclaimed April 2, 2014 as National Walking Day in the city of Kent. Heart thanked the Mayor and the City for the proclamation. Pam Clark discussed the walking program at the ShoWare Center and that everyone should get out and walk for 30 minutes tomorrow. D. Intergovernmental Reports. Council President Ralph discussed the Regional Law Safety and Justice Committee meeting and noted that they discussed the implementation of I-502. She stated the next meeting is on May 29 and the topics will be Ending Sexual Exploitation and Indigent Defense Standards. Councilmember Higgins stated that the Sound Cities Association has made an offer to hire a person and there is a meeting tomorrow. Councilmember Boyce communicated that he has no report, but there is a Regional Water Quality meeting tomorrow. Mayor Cooke introduced Jeff Watling and communicated that the City received two gold medals from the Washington State Festival Association. One of the gold medals was won by Mark Hendrickson and the Multimedia Department for the Splash Event. The second gold medal was received for the Christmas Rush Event for the Best Partnership. He thanked Mark Hendrickson and Dennis Zaborac, Owner of Tab Wizard. Mayor Cooke thanked both of them for their work in the event. She also noted that the Christmas Rush is a walking event, too. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Wayne Jensen, Unincorporated King County - Jensen stated he has lived in the community for 16 years. He thanked Jeff Watling for his help with Petrovisky Park. He stated that any recommendation that Jeff Watling puts forth is the right thing to do. He communicated that this is about what Wilson Playfields will look like ten years from now. 2. R.C. Sample, Kent - Sample communicated on the workshop and said it's amazing that two people can look at the same numbers and see such a different financial picture. He said the numbers he presented to the Council shows the Par 3 can be saved. He noted that the information he gathered came from Paula Barry and it is available. He communicated that the staff didn't present it in the way he got it and wants them to consider it going forward when making a decision on whether to sell the Par 3. 3. Brad Martin, Kent - Martin said he is a representative of the company, Speed Turf, and has the upmost respect for Jeff Watling. He stated that replacing the turf at Wilson Playfields through a co-op will cost the City over $200,000 more than the estimated price. He noted that there are over 160 filed turf failures. He noted that the turf the City selected hasn't been available for four years. He noted that the City has retained D.A. Hogan and associates for the project and inquired why the door was shut on other responsible proposals. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through K, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. A. Approval of the minutes - Approved. The workshop and regular Council meeting minutes of March 18, 2014 and the special Council meeting of March 21-22, 2014 were approved. B. Payment of Bills — Approve. The payment of the bills received through February 28 and paid on February 28 after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 19, 2014 was approved. C. Tri-Tec (ShoreTel) Annual Maintenance and Support Contract — Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Agreement for Tri-Care Maintenance and related PO# 114368 in the amount of $33,059 for the purchase of annual maintenance and support, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. D. Hewlett Packard/Western States Contractina Alliance (WSCA) Contract - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Purchase Order in the amount of 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 $43,330 for the purchase of 30 HP ProBook 650 G1 Notebook PCs, services, and maintenance, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. E. 2014 City Art Plan and Five Year City Art Plan 2014 — 2018 - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to approve the 2014 City Art Plan and the Five Year City Art Plan for 2014 - 2018. F. 2014 Highline School District Rental Agreement for Camp Waskowitz - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement with Highline School District #401 in the amount of $41,040.00, to rent Camp Waskowitz for the 2014 summer resident camp, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. G. King County Parks Property Tax Levy Agreement - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign the King County Parks Property Tax Levy agreement to accept Proposition 1 Parks Levy funds, and approve the expenditure of funds, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. H. Television Inspection Truck Procurement - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign an interlocal agreement with the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) to facilitate the purchase of a Television Inspection Truck and associated software, hardware, cameras and training, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. I. Upper Russell Road Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District to receive reimbursement for improvements to the Russell Road Upper Levee - North Reach and South Reach Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney, the Public Works Director and the Parks Director. J. Consultant Services Agreement with GEI Consultants, Inc. for Briscoe- Desimone Levee Reaches 2 & 3 - Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Contract with GEI Consultants, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $152,552 to provide engineering services for the Briscoe-Desimone Levee Reaches 2 & 3 project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. K. Boeing Levee Environmental Restoration Project Funds Transfer — Authorized. The Mayor was authorized to transfer $100,000 from the Lake Meridian Outlet Ecosystem Restoration Project to the Boeing Levee Ecosystem Restoration Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. OTHER BUSINESS A. King County Directors Association Contract for Wilson Playfields Turf 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 Replacement Project — Authorize Jeff Watling, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director noted that the City contracted landscaper D.A. Hogan and the design is completed. He displayed the layout plan of the area and discussed the highlights. He noted that the rubberized surface on the sides will be synthetic turf in order to reduce wear and the selection of the turf was very well thought out through an extensive amount of staff research and tours. He added that they discussed this with other agencies with synthetic turf and got their suggestions on best practices and surfaces. Watling communicated the three aspects involved in the quality of synthetic turf, which are maintenance, quality of fiber, and the weight of the infill material. He highlighted the King County Director's Association (KCDA) process and noted that there are several cities that use this co-op. He noted that the price of the bid for this turf is well within the budget and there is a five percent contingency built in. Councilmember Berrios questioned if the product that the City is purchasing is an improvement on the previous turf products and Dave Hogan from D.A. Hogan replied that the product chosen was installed at Ingraham High School about a year and a half ago and is functioning well. He added that they also toured the fields at Magnuson Park which are about five years old. Hogan added that Ingraham is the only local location that has the same turf the City would be getting. Hogan replied to Councilmember Boyce and said his firm is acting on behalf of Kent and doesn't represent any field turf firm. He discussed the fiber, installation, durability, products, value, and other considering options. He noted that some of his clients choose the KCDA process and some utilize outside bids. Councilmember Boyce verified that Hogan's role is to work for the client and facilitates the decision-making process so the client can make a decision to get the best value and best fit. He noted that different clients pick different turfs. Councilmember Boyce clarified that Hogan puts together a cost estimate during the design process, looking at all aspects of the project, and ensures the cost is similar to other bids. He said he communicates whether the bid is fair. Councilmember Boyce stated that he received an email from Sprint Turf concerning an installation in Eastern Washington and Hogan replied that he isn't familiar that installation. Councilmember Boyce continued and said the email noted that the City can save $200,000 if they choose Sprint Turf. Hogan replied that the pricing that came through KCDA is well within the estimate and isn't sure where that number came from. Mayor Cooke confirmed with Watling that the decision was that Field Turf was the product to go with and KCDA is the vehicle which provides the City how to purchase it. He noted that KCDA bids for products and services every two or three years. Watling confirmed that Sprint Turf was a vendor that the City toured and the City visited their products. Councilmember Berrios inquired why the City should go with Field Turf and Watling communicated that other cities have communicated issues with installs with other firms and this a critical investment with the City. 4 i Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 i Councilmember Higgins asked Watling for more specifics and Watling replied that he couldn't give specifics in order to be respectful to those turf vendors and other jurisdictions. Councilmember Boyce verified with Watling that using Field Turf would be about $100,000 more, but it is well within the budget. Councilmember Boyce verified that the decision wasn't made until the consultant was brought in after extensive investigation and research. Watling communicated the research parameters and said the consultant brings their knowledge and respect in the industry into the decision-making process. Councilmember Boyce communicated that he is struggling with the costs. Councilmember Thomas stated that there is a product that is less and compares to the more expensive product. Therefore, he said he is struggling to be in favor of this. He inquired if any of the Councilmembers visited any of the fields. Councilmember Fincher communicated that she visited Wilson Playfield and other fields. She communicated that parks maintenance has made these fields last longer than their life expectancy. Councilmember Higgins communicated that in decisions like this the Council needs to have trust in the staff. He stated that he has worked with many Parks representatives and have spent time on soccer fields. He noted that this product will save the City funds over time and said he would be supporting the motion. Councilmember Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the King County Director's Association (KCDA) agreement in the amount of $1,716,511.53, including Washington State Sales Tax, to replace the synthetic turf at Wilson Playfields and perform associated incidental work, subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director, seconded by Councilmember Ranniger. Council President Ralph communicated that she is supporting the motion and that the Parks staff had done due diligence and has found the best product for Wilson playfields. She noted that the information and research results she has received is that choosing this product will cost more in the beginning but save funds in the end. Councilmember Boyce stated that he deeply supports the Parks Department and the work that they do and thanked the Council for their comments. He stated that the City usually goes with the lowest bid and isn't convinced that the extra spending will save the City any money. He stated that the warranty for both products is for ten years and both firms will fix any issues and replace the turf free of charge if it fails. He concluded that he will not be supporting this. Councilmember Berrios supported the Parks Department and the work that they have done going through this process. He said he needs to understand what the field will look like in four years and felt there is weight to Watling not wanting to discuss the 5 i I Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 products of different vendors and the experiences other jurisdictions have had with them and different products. He stated he is in favor of the motion. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that she missed the last Parks meeting and Wilson Playfield is a high impact field that needs to have turf that lasts and is durable. She said she is comfortable with this product and will be supporting this item. A vote was taken on the motion on the table which carried 5-2. Councilmember Boyce and Councilmember Thomas opposed. BIDS There were no bids. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Ralph highlighted the Council Retreat and said it centered on the City's short term goals such as appearance, maintenance, etc. She noted that some of the priorities have been communicated and department directors will be coming out with recommendations on priorities. She noted that there was a conversation about the Par 3 and what reinvestment dollars there are. She noted that the Council by consensus came to a decision to start an RFP/RFQ process for the possible sale of the Par 3. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke communicated that Fitzpatrick did a very good job in the Washington State Appeals Court concerning the City's medical marijuana appeal case. Fitzpatrick stated that in June 2012 the City passed a prohibition on medical marijuana and it was appealed. He stated that the City won the appellate court case. He added that the Council has a decision to make on recreational marijuana in the next coming months. Mayor Cooke inquired if the appellate court case win gives the City grounds to go after these marijuana establishments. Fitzpatrick communicated that there is a stay from the appellants and they can appeal the case to the State Supreme Court and operate under that stay. However, if the State Appellate Court removes the stay the City can move them to close. C. Administration. Interim Chief Administrative Officer thanked Fitzpatrick for his work on the case. He noted that the briefs and motions were excellent. He stated that the work the Legal Department has done is as good as any work done in the State. He noted that the City has great employees in the City and they do great work for the residents of the City of Kent. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. In the minutes. Councilmember Boyce also communicated that the Lodging and Tax Advisory Committee hired Arnett and Muldrow to begin the process of marketing Kent. He noted that they will be working on a citywide marketing website to boost tourism. E. Operations Committee. In the minutes. E. Parks and Human Services Committee. No report. 6 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014 F. Public Safety Committee. No report. G. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Higgins reported that the next committee meeting is April 8 at 4:00 p.m. H. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas reported that the next meeting is April 2 at Station #78, EXECUTIVE SESSION None. ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None. ADJOURNMENT I The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. / f i E /Ronald F. Koiore, MMC City Clere 7 PUBLIC COMMENT KET•fT SIGN UP SHEET � w•swi.a;aa For the Kent City Council Meeting 'of: /W 00 NAME Street Address Email Address Topic 1234 Maim Street SE Comprehensive �x Jane Doe Kent, WA 98032 ]doe@hotmail.com plan IL `-5e�n5ev� `7b33 ►51� e s Paz; s m ��` W`,Is� w, F � 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 �.1 12 13 14 �.5 16 17 18 19 20 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.