HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/04/2014 s�/ ICENT w.,s inxc+o" Kent City Council Meeting March 4, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Boyce, Fincher, Ralph, Ranniger, and Thomas. Councilmember Higgins arrived at 7:02 p.m. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. Council President Ralph removed items M and N from the Consent Calendar. B. From the Public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Oath of Office, Councilmember Fincher. City Clerk, Ronald F. Moore, administered the Oath of Office to Councilmember Fincher who was appointed to Council Position No. 6. Councilmember Fincher introduced her family and friends who were in the audience. Council President Ralph communicated that Councilmember Fincher will serve on the Public Works Committee and the Parks and Human Services Committee. B. Public Recognition. Council President Ralph communicated that she attended Sarafina! last Friday which was put on by the teens at the Kent Community Center Phoenix Academy. She said it was a great production. Mayor Cooke also added that a City volunteer, Ty Whitfield assists the youth in the community and she worked with them to make this play happen. Council President Ralph also applauded the Kentridge Robotics Team for winning the Innovation Award at the robotics competition at the Auburn Mountainview Academy. She added that her son is a member of the team. She also thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for the Kent Kids Arts Day. Councilmember Boyce wished Councilmember Higgins a happy birthday and the Council and audience sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Councilmember Higgins introduced his wife and daughter in the audience. Mayor Cooke thanked Acting City Attorney Fitzpatrick for his great work and testimony in the Washington State Court of Appeals on February 24. She stated that he handled the questions from the judges very well. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker communicated that Fitzpatrick is a very talented attorney and his testimony and work is unparalleled. Acting City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick thanked Kim Komoto, Legal Analyst and Robert Goehring, City Auditor. He noted that it will take three to six months for the City to get a response on the appeal. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 Mayor Cooke pointed out that our case is a civil case. Mayor Cooke stated that Bob Nelson, the director of the Oscar-nominated film "Nebraska" graduated Kentridge High School. Councilmember Higgins recognized the Kentridge Girls basketball team and Kentwood Boys basketball team for their participation in the Washington State basketball tournament and wished them luck. Mayor Cooke recognized all high school seniors who are preparing for their oral presentations this week at Kent-Meridian and Kentridge high schools. C. Community Events. None. D. Legislative Update. Michelle Wilmot, Public Information Officer, reported on the session in Olympia. She stated the session is slated to end on March 13. She said there hasn't been a lot of activity on our top priority items. Yesterday, she noted that the deadline for the items to pass out of the budget and transportation committees, otherwise they would be considered dead for this session. Wilmot highlighted that this Friday is the last day for the house to consider bills from the senate and for the senate to consider bills from the house, unless they are budget related. She noted the senate passed their operating and capital budgets last week and the house passed its operating and capital budgets out of committee, not the house floor. The transportation budget has passed both the senate and house. However, this has nothing to do with the transportation investment package. She communicated that a multi-billion legislative transportation package was introduced last week for major projects, but it has some issues with moving forward, such as an 11.5 cent sales tax on gas. She also noted that another challenge is that this legislation calls for sales tax collected for transportation projects to go to transportation funding, instead of the general fund. She communicated that there is $9 million in streamlined sales tax and annexation sales tax credits and those funds are needed by Kent and look to be untouched in both of the budgets. As far as liquor revenues, the City's lobbyist noted that it looks like there will be a battle between how liquor revenues and future marijuana revenues are distributed. She noted that the City receives about $920,000 in liquor revenues per year and both the senate and house budgets don't offer any restoration of those revenues. She reported that the City's capital budget request for the remaining $600,000 for the 228`h connection is included in the house capital budget. Additionally, she said the house and senate capital budgets include flood control funding for $25 million. Wilmot discussed the statewide gangs database and reported that those funds aren't in any of the budgets, but Senator Fain is supportive of this item. The house operating budget has about a $500,000 grant program for gang intervention. She noted the measure to have cities have more public works projects brought in-house was approved by the house and is in the senate. Mayor Cooke communicated that in 2009 the bill lowered the cap for in-house projects from $90,000 to $65,000. She added that the request is to increase the limit to $125,000. 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 E. Intergovernmental Reports. Council President Ralph communicated that the Regional Law Safety and Justice committee met last Thursday and a discussion occurred about public defense and a finding that cities have been preventing indigent people from adequate counsel. This has generated a lot of discussion and a limit has been set to 400 cases per year. She noted that there is more to come and will have a budget impact in the future as this will lead to move defense staff being required in the City's jails. Acting City Attorney noted that Brubaker, Human Services, and himself have met, He said they are going to make revisions to their process to ensure they comply with the new rules. Councilmember Higgins highlighted that the Sound Cities Association Board of Directors approved to hire a replacement for Monica Whitman who was hired by the City of Kent and to create a subcommittee to determine how to fund one additional staff member. He added that the Regional Transit Committee met and discussed the actions of the King County Council to create a Transportation Benefit District (TBD) and move forward to the ballot in April an issue to implement a $60 car tab fee and a one-tenth of 1% sales tax for transportation. The split would be 60% to King County and 40% to cities with Kent receiving $3.1 million. Additionally, a low income fare would be implemented. He noted that the King County Council acting as the TBD passed this by a 9-0 vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Heidi Wills, Seattle - Spoke on behalf of First Tee, Inc. She noted that it is a national organization to serve the youth through the game of golf. This organization serves the needs of children. She stated that First Tee works with 35 physical education teachers in the schools and serving 14.000 students who use Riverbend Golf Course. She said it seems to be an easy solution to sell the course, but safe places are needed for the youth to use. 2. Evan Johnsen, Seattle - Spoke as the program director of First Tee. Johnsen said his interest is in the youth and taking care of those in the general community. The needs of the youth can't be met in schools or in family and their education is supplemented by the golf course, he said. He said they have done their due diligence and Riverbend is the only location for them to do their training. He asked the Council to do everything in its power, but either keep the Par 3 or the training facility that was discussed in the workshop. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that this isn't an easy decision and that this is very difficult. She said this decision is still on hold for at least another six months so the Council can find a solution for all users and the community to work on it. 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 3. Zachary Lockhart, Des Moines - Discussed the possible sale of the Par 3 golf course. He communicated that he has met many friends there and that the course is great. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through L, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. A. Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of February 18, 2014 and special meeting of February 25, 2014 — Approve. The minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of February 18, 2014 and special meeting of February 25, 2014 were approved. B. Payment of Bills — Approve. The Council approved the payment of the bills received through January 15 and paid on January 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 18, 2014. C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Berrios - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve an excused absence for Councilmember Berrios who is unable to attend the March 4, 2014 Council meeting. D. B&O Tax Exemptions and Deductions Ordinance - Adopt. Ordinance No. 4106, amending Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code, to adopt additional exemptions and deductions and to clarify a portion of the square footage tax component of the City's B&O tax. E. New Water Superintendent I Classification - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to add the Water Superintendent I classification as a recognized classification within budget documents subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and Public Works Director. F. Position Change from Supervisor to Special Projects Manager - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve a position change in the Public Works Department from Supervisor to Special Projects Manager subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and Public Works Director. G. Consultant Aareement for the Green River Trail Projects from Veterans Drive to Three Friends Fishing Hole — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Consultant Agreement with the Berger Partnership, P.S, for $161,555.00 to provide landscape architectural services for two projects along the Green River Trail, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. H. Land O' Frost Donation Agreement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to accept the $19,000 donation from Land 0' Frost for the 2014 season of youth sports programs and authorize the Mayor to sign the donation agreement, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. 4 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 I. 2014 Washington State Slo-Pitch Umpires Association Agreement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington State Slo-pitch Softball Umpires Association Agreement for the 2014 season, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. J. Fire Station #74 Data Center Remodel Agreement with Dutton Electric Company, Inc. — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the contract with Dutton Electric Company, Inc. to perform all work for the new city-wide Data Center at Fire Station #74 in the amount of $53,232.33, including WSST, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. K. 2013 Fourth Quarter Fee-in-Lieu Funds — Accept. The Mayor was authorized to accept $7,875.00 for fourth quarter 2013 fee-in-lieu funds and authorizing the expenditure of funds in the Garrison Creek Park Budget. L. Malik Ridge Final Plat — Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve the final plat for Malik Ridge and authorize the Mayor to sign the mylars. M. Boeing Company — Release and Cancellation of Sanitary Sewer Easement — Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve a Release and Cancellation of the Sanitary Sewer Easement with the Boeing Company, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. N. Boeing Company — Release and Cancellation of Public Turnaround Easement — Approve. The Mayor was authorized to approve the Release and Cancellation of the Public Turnaround Easement with the Boeing Company, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. OTHER BUSINESS A. Consultant Services Contract with Karras Consulting — Authorize. - Lorraine Peterson, Human Resources Director discussed the item. She noted that this item was brought to the Operations Committee in September and $3,700 was spent in advertising the position. She noted that the City received some responses, but yielded no fully qualified applicants. Additionally, she stated that the three reasons Karras can do this recruitment are first, the Human Resource Department isn't staffed to do executive searches. She noted that executive searches utilize a lot of resources and entail doing full candidate profiles, having an executive database, and doing background checks. She pointed out that Karras utilizes its database and contacts possible highly qualified executive candidates about vacant positions. She communicated that another positive in using Karras Consulting is that they have had very successful recruitments in the State of Washington. She communicated that Karras also limits the number of recruitments they handle at one time in order to give their clients the attention they deserve. Patterson explained that Karras has great references and they are experienced in networking and finding the right candidate. Councilmember Fincher questioned if the salary range here in Kent would be sufficient to attract a candidate who is currently comfortable in their present position and Peterson commented that our package is very acceptable. Furthermore, she 5 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 communicated that it would take about 12 weeks to identify a proper candidate for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) position. Councilmember Higgins inquired if the funds for this executive recruitment were budgeted and Peterson said it wasn't and it would need to come out of the general fund. Assistant Finance Director Paula Barry added that budget funds from vacant positions could be used for this expenditure. Mayor Cooke highlighted that normally an organization doesn't know when an executive search would be needed. Councilmember Thomas added that the Council did know when the CAD position was vacated and when the Finance Director was retiring, so it could have been budgeted. Councilmember Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to execute a Consultant Services Agreement with Karras Consulting to conduct searches for the Chief Administrative Officer and Finance Director, in an amount not to exceed $60,212, plus limited travel costs, upon approval of final terms and conditions by the Human Resources Director and City Attorney, seconded by Council President Ralph. Councilmember Boyce communicated that he approves of this. He said he wanted Patterson to do an initial recruitment and she did that did a great job at explaining how this works in the human resource environment. He stated that it is important at this level that the City gets the right people for the right job. He noted that Karras Consulting has done a great job at filling positions throughout the state and that these are two critical positions in the City that need to be filled. Council President Ralph communicated that she has some concerns, but respects the authority of the Mayor and will approve this contract. A vote was taken on the motion on the table which carried 5-1. Councilmember Thomas opposed. Mayor Cooke thanked the Council in helping her find the best persons to perform in these positions. BIDS REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Ralph noted that at the workshop the B&O List was discussed and consensus was obtained from the Council. There was also discussion on the Par 3 Golf Course at the workshop and the Council received a presentation from Brubaker and Watling. She noted that after a painful conversation the decision was to put out an RFP for a golf management company who could operate the site. She said there are three issues debt, reinvestment, and repair of the facility. She said the RFP could take up to six months. 6 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke discussed the Puget Sound Regional Council meeting and coal and oil trains. She said that she will send the notes out and report from the future special meeting to the Council. She said she will also have the Public Works Committee to go into more depth to educate the local population on the trains that will be over a mile long. She added that she wants to have the communication include congestion and possible health effects. She noted that Washington has a responsibility to prepare cities for the emergency management part of this. Councilmember Higgins confirmed he will bring the issue up in his Public Works Committee meeting. Council President Ralph communicated that she has been speaking with the Emergency Management Planning Department and they are onboard with the potential hazards this brings and getting the City prepared for this in the future. Mayor Cooke added that preparing for this scenario doesn't mean the City won't be opposing this. C. Administration. No report. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Boyce said there will be a meeting on Monday at 5:00 p.m. He is attending the first Regional Air Quality Board meeting tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. E. Operations Committee. In the minutes. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that the Riverbend Golf Complex will be brought to a future committee meeting. G. Public Safety Committee. Council President Ralph noted that there was no meeting last month and the meeting is next Tuesday, March 11 at 4:30 p.m. H. Public Works Committee. No report. I. Regional Fire Authority. No report. Mayor Cooke reopened public comment. 1. Drew Romine, Kent - Romine communicated that he is a member of First Tee and uses the Par 3. He said he uses it a lot. He added that his family also loves the course. 2. Hayden Myers, Kent - Myers communicated that he also loves the Par 3 golf course. He noted that a 77-year old golfer got a 2 with his hybrid club on the fifth hole. EXECUTIVE SESSION No executive session was held. 7 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m. ,% l " Ronald F. Mc)6re, M.'MC / City Clerk 8 PUBLIC COMMENT ' SIGN UP SHEET KENT For the Kent City Council Meeting of: NAME Street Address Email Address Topic 1234 Main Street SE Comprehensive E Jane Doe Kent, WA 98032 Jdoe@hotmaii.com Plan i 4\j i I I S o► P,�4 c�,�• Ave .S he;cla'�J first-�ea`'`� (R,vry hQ►�C ��v 3 -e.��� s t -tee (`} �vc,n 7��nserl ,� PI-AvIC 10Q r\j raV3 3 ycle e vS b(e�' i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 is :16 17 18 19 20 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment", Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.