HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/2014 KENT W n S n i ry G i u N Kent City Council Meeting February 4, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Boyce, Higgins, Ranniger, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff - Council President Ralph replaced Public Communications, item C with 2014 Arts Commission grant recipients. Councilmember Higgins pulled item G from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Cooke pointed out that Lynn Bohart, the Arts Commission appointee, had a last minute emergency and was unable to make the meeting. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that she knows Lynn Bohart and worked with her at Renton Technical College. She stated that she is drawn to service and is an established mystery writer. She noted that she is creative and full of great ideas. B. From the Public - None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition - None. B. Community Events - Councilmember Ranniger communicated that the Kent Severe Weather Sheltering Center is at the Kent Lutheran Church, 336 2nd Avenue South and open tonight through February 6. Mayor Cooke called on Rhonda Billerbeck, Program Manager and noted that Lynn Bohart couldn't make the meeting due to a last minute conflict. Mayor Cooke noted that she is still on the consent calendar. Billerbeck thanked the Council and presented 2014 Arts Commission grants to, At The Ridge Theater, Kent Senior Activity Center, and the Rainier Corrale. Mayor Cooke thanked all of the representatives for their efforts in the community. C. Arts Commission Grant Recipients for 2014 - Rhonda Billerbeck presented grants to, At The Ridge Theater, Kent Senior Activity Center, and the Rainier Corrale. D. Introduction of new Land Use and Planning Board Appointee, Katherine )ones and Re-appointee, Barbara Phillips - Mayor Cooke introduced Katherine Jones and Barbara Phillips. She noted that Jones resides in the Lakes and works for John L. Scott. Jones communicated that she has been a resident of Kent since 2006 and sat on the board of the cottage housing development project. She added that she also was involved in the Midway development. She said she has taken classes on Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 green development and land use planning and is excited to bring some of those principles to the land use and planning board. Mayor Cooke communicated that this is Barbara Phillips' third term on the board. Phillips communicated that she continues on the board for the betterment of the City and is interested in transit on the west side. E. Intergovernmental Reports - Council President Ralph discussed the Regional Law Safety and Justice Committee meeting and that the entire discussion was on I- 502. She noted that there is an increase in police officers getting positive results for marijuana use in traffic stops. She added that admonitions of marijuana use from drivers has also increased and a message needs to go out that this is impaired driving. Councilmember Higgins attended the Sound Cities Association (SCA) Retreat and the day was spent imagining what the organzation would look like in 2020. Based on that discussion, it was decided that the organization needs to be more proactive instead of being reactive. He stated that doing that would mean more staff and assistance from member cities. The challenge, he said, is to determine how to make this happen by 2020. He added that there is a meeting going on right now concerning "Plan B" in the King County Council. One of the Plan B items is to increase car tabs to $60.00 and .5 more in sales tax. He added that the next Regional Transit Committee meeting is on the February 19. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Richard Wilkinson, Kent - Wilkinson discussed the open Council seat and stated he thought the Council would choose Bailey Stober to fill the vacancy and was surprised there is a process. He said there are only six names now and supports the appointment of Bailey Stober to the open seat, noting Stober has shown voter confidence in the past election. He also said it will be interesting how many people will show up for the Mayor's State of the City Address and verified that it is still scheduled and will be recorded. He discussed the neighborhood council districts and said if they continue the Council should consider having councilmembers by geographical alignment instead of elected at large. 2. R.C. Sample, Kent - Sample congratulated Mayor Cooke, Councilmember Higgins, Councilmember Berrios for their election wins, and Council President Ralph on her presidency. He discussed the Par 3 golf course and stated that the departmental budgets have been increased by $250,000. He said selling the Par 3 doesn't cover the operating losses and presented specific questions to the Council. He gave special recognition to Interim Finance Director Paula Barry for answering his questions during the week. Council President Ralph highlighted the process for filling the Council vacancy. She pointed out that once an election is certified, it is complete, and the elected official 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 assumes office. She stated that the law reflects that the Council handles appointing a replacement. Council President Ralph communicated that the City Clerk is accepting applications until February 7 and that the qualifications of individuals will be done in executive session and after that the Council will announce who will be interviewed. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that this is an accepted protocol that has been in place for many, many years. Councilmember Boyce communicated that this is open and the process that was used when he was on the school board. Brubaker communicated that the special meetings will be on February 11 and February 25 and begin at 6:00 p.m. 3. Thomas L. Brice, Kent - Brice complimented the Council and stated that he is a member of the Par 3 Committee to save the Par 3 golf course. He noted that he previously submitted 1,500 signatures to the Council and wants them reviewed so they can see the various areas the petitioners represent. 4. Gwen Allen-Carston, Kent - Allen-Carston communicated that she is speaking as an individual, not as a representative of the Kent Black Action Commission. She inquired if this is the only option for the Council to get the council vacancy filled; pointing out that the state doesn't prescribe any specific procedure for filling the position. She added that there haven't been any prerequisites posted about the position and the average citizen doesn't understand how the process is run. She stated that there should be an open meeting to discuss this. She inquired if the public will be able to communicate and listen to the interviews that occur. She discussed code enforcement and the garbage on East Hill and inquired if she could be a junior code enforcement officer. S. Mary Ann Hopkins, Kent - Hopkins stated that she has lived in Kent since 1971 and manages the Colony Park Apartments. She said it sits between the Riverbend driving range and golf course. She said that she has enjoyed nature over the years there and enjoyed the people who have used the course. She said the Par 3 course is a treasure and children learn how to play golf on it. She said over the years there have been countless users of the course and encouraged the Council to keep it. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through i, with item G removed, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 6-0. A. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the workshop and regular meeting of January 21, 2014, were approved. B. ARproval of Bills . Payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 21, 2014. 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 C. Appointment to Arts Commission — Confirm. The Mayor's appointment is confirmed, of Lynn Bohart to the Kent Arts Commission. D. A12120intments to Land Use and Planning Bard — Confirm. The Mayor's appointment is confirmed, of Katherine Jones and reappointment of Barbara Phillips to the Land Use & Planning Board. E. Refunding 2004 Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Ordinance — Adopt Move to adopt Ordinance No. 4103, approving the refunding of the 2004 Limited Tax General Obligation bonds. F. Budget Certification for Annexation Sales Tax Credit Resolution- Adopt. Move to adopt Resolution No. 1881, approving the certification of $4,230,777 for the Panther Lake annexation sales tax credit for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. G. Emergency Guardrail Repair Service Contract with Peterson Brothers. Inc. — Authorize. The Mayor is authorized to sign a contract with Petersen Brothers Construction, Inc. to perform emergency repairs of damaged guardrails on an as needed basis in an amount not to exceed $20,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. 2013 Crack Sealing Project Completion — Accept. Accept the 2012 Crack Sealing Project as complete and release retainage to C.R. Contracting, upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. I. Oakleigh I & II Bill of Sale- Accept. Accept the Bill of Sale for the Oakleigh I & II project, permit 2071420, for 28 gate valves, 5 hydrants, and 3,816 linear feet of waterline; 17 sanitary sewer manholes, and 2,747 linear feet of sanitary sewerline; near feet of new curb and gutter, 272 linear feet of new sidewalk, 2 street lights, and 6 street trees; 1 storm sewer catch basin, and 320 linear feet of storm sewerline. OTHER BUSINESS A. Financial policy Resolution. - Mayor Cooke noted that she appointed Paula Barry as interim Finance Director yesterday. Paula Barry, Interim Finance Director communicated what the proposed ordinance consisted of. She noted resolution amends the city's financial policies by clarifying the requirements and available uses for the city's Strategic Opportunities Fund, first, by confirming that non-recurring revenues only be applied to non-recurring expenses, and second, by confirming that monies will not be spent out of this fund unless the council first approves the expenditure. She noted that this also adds a governmental funds reserve. She communicated that the greatest volitility was in the amount of $15 million during the recession and noted that the aspirational goal in this would be to have double the greatest fluctuation amount, or $30 million. 4 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 Brubaker communicated that these revisions were proposed by the Council and have been drafted so the money can't be moved without Council approval. Ranniger communicated the issue of reserves has come up for several years and $30 million is the aspirational goal. She inquired where the $30 million was sitting and what would it be used for. Barry explained that the $30 million is derived from access budgets over the years to come. Brubaker communicated that the City has fluctuating funds, such as REET and sales tax revenue, and based on them, the greatest volatility over the years was $15 million. He stated that this volatility occurred during the recession and this aspirational goal would be double it, $30 million, in the event of another recession. Ranniger communicated that her goal was to ensure the public knew that these funds would be spread out among funds and not sitting in one pot to be expended on one item at one time. Mayor Cooke pointed out that the City's top priority is to pay down debt and stated she doesn't want the audience to think we have a surplus. She stated that the irony is that the City is still waiting on the state to mitigate funds concerning sales tax. She noted that it is still growing. She further communicated that these funds are temporary and the City has a $9 million revenue stream from the state each year and this $30 million goal will be an very large aspirational goal for the future. Brubaker further explained that the City has a great need and there is currently a ten percent reserve fund. He said he would like to have more than that and if this goal is achieved the City the Council can decide what it will be used for at that time. Councilmember Thomas moved to adopt Resolution No. 1880 repealing Resolution No. 1859 amending financial policies to be used for guidance when enacting and amending the city budget, seconded by Councilmember Higgins. Motion carried 6-0. BIDS None. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Ralph discussed the workshop and noted that department directors highlighted their top four issues. She added that this discussion will be how the Council puts together their priorities and policies and that there is a lot of need, especially in information technology. She added that a motion was also passed in operations concerning moving the start time of Council workshops to 5:00 p.m. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke discussed working with Chief Ken Thomas on the Coalition on Gangs. She highlighted the discussions at the meeting. She noted that local cities are 5 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 working together and speaking the same "language" now. She asked that Council President Ralph determine a time when the findings of the coalition can be presented to the Council. She communicated that she testified in Olympia concerning I-502 and there are several revisions to the legislation being proposed. She added there are proposals to change the tax allocations; however, she noted; Kent would receive no funds from the implementation of I-502. She said she testified that enforcement takes place on the City level so it would make sense to have the funds go to the cities. Additionally, she testified that a look should be taken at Colorado for a better way to allocate funds from marijuana processing. She also noted that she didn't make any suggestion concerning the Council's support or opposition to this item. Mayor Cooke added that she spoke in favor of the formation of the King County Transportation Benefit District (TBD) based on the fact that there is a lack of funding for transportation projects. She noted that there is no funding coming to Kent for street maintenance and a reduction of transit services coming to Kent. She added that she signed a letter of support for the TBD and executed it as the Mayor, not as a representative of the Council. C. Administration. No report. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Boyce communicated that the next Economic and Development Committee meeting is Monday, February 10 at 5:00 p.m. E. Operations Committee. Councilmember Thomas communicated that the report is in the minutes. He also urged the public to vote. He discussed several events going on at the ShoWare Center to include the Globetrotters and The BeeGees on March 7. He discussed Allen-Carston's comments and stated that the Council can implement its own criteria for the Council vacancy. He stated that the only experience the Council has had with this when Councilmember O'Brien passed away. He noted that the process has been announced in the paper, website, television, and at council meetings. He stated there are a lot of candidates. He also noted that he agrees with Allen- Carston on code enforcement and stated that the City relies on volunteers. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that the next meeting of the Parks and Human Services Committee is February 20 at 5:00 p.m. G. Public Safety Committee, Councilmember Bernos said he will be meeting with Police Chief Thomas on February 5 to determine the next meeting date and time of the Public Safety Committee. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Higgins reported that there have been two Public Works Committee meetings since the last Council meeting. He announced that discussion has begun on the B&O project list and it will be discussed at a future Council workshop. He added that there is a significant amount of levy work continuing and received a report about an idea for some downtown improvements including street lighting and a quiet zone. Additionally, there was discussion about a a possible local improvement district. He stated there was also a presentation concerning increasing 6 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 the fines for littering in Kent. He concluded that there was discussion on all the improvements done by the City staff and contractors in 2013 throughout the City. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas communicated that Mike Denbo is the new chair of the Regional Fire Authority (RFA) and Councilmember Higgins is vice chair. He also announced that the stated that the RFA passed their 2013 audit with no findings. EXECUTIVE SESSION None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Ronald F. oore, MC City Clerk 7 PUBLIC COMMENT KENT SIGN UP SHEET For the Kent City Council Meeting of: NAME Street Address Email Ad ress Topic 1234 Main com Street SE Comprehensive X Jane Doe Kent, WA 98032 jdoe@hotmail. Plan Sr-- �O��j-k- pL. � �iCl�� �JtLK�:•, � 1���- RwI�Kr��lZ3 �G �L> N� �� 2ate.S` ti^r-"scK `� • fZ 7 CGS .� �/� � .t � 6 dl�rll�#7 ,irc�.0 r � i my'S l L 11-d bm 7 8 9 10 �.1 12 13 14 35 16 17 18 19 20 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.