HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/15/2013 � ® T Kent City Council Meeting October 15, 2013 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Higgins, Albertson, Boyce, Perry, Ralph, Ranniger, Thomas, CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Tom Brubaker, Interim Chief Administrative Officer communicated that there will be two Potential Litigation items discussed in Executive Session and one item concerning Labor Negotiations as authorized per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and RCW 42.30.140(4). A. From Council, Administration, Staff. None. B. From the Public. None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. None. B. Community Events. None. C. Washington Urban and Community Forestry Council Award presentation to Green Kent Stewards. Victoria Andrews, Parks and Community Services discussed the Green Kent Stewards and introduced Joe Scorcio, Chair of the Washington Urban and Community Forestry Council. Mr. Scorcio explained what his organization does and the nomination process. He highlighted the accomplishments of the Green Kent Stewards and thanked them for their work. Councilmember Ralph also thanked the Green Kent Stewards. D. Proclamation for Second Annual "Green Kent Day". Mayor Cooke presented the proclamation for the Second Annual "Green Kent Day" to Victoria Andrews and discussed the event on October 26, 2013. E. Proclamation for Third Annual "Kent Turkey Challenge". Mayor Cooke discussed the Kent Turkey Challenge and Matt Lynch, Vice President of Retail Operations at Torklift accepted the proclamation. Katie Brown, Marketing Director announced how businesses could participate in the challenge and thanked the Kent Reporter for sponsoring the weekly ad and announcing the leaders in their newspaper. F. Introduction of Kent Arts Commission Reappointees. Mayor Cooke announced Kent Arts Commission reappointees Suzanne Smith, Sharona Chandra, Tonya Goodwillie, Susan Machler, and Linda Mackintosh. She also noted that Linda Denny was retiring from the Commission and has been a member for 17 years. Mayor Cooke presented a certificate of appreciation to her. Denny thanked the Council and Mayor for their support. Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 Ronda Billerbeck, Parks and Community Services stated that Linda has been amazing over the years and there are openings on the Commission, including a youth position. Councilmember Ralph noted that she served on the Arts Commission for several years and is a huge fan of all the programs. She thanked all the Commissioners for their work, but especially thanked Linda for her time and efforts throughout the years. G. Introduction of Pheasants Hollow Neiahborhood Council. Toni Azzola, Neighborhood Coordinator highlighted where Pheasants Hollow is located and that it consists of 115 homes. She introduced Nancy Jones, Phaesants Hollow Neighborhood Council Treasurer. Jones communicated that she looks forward to working with the City on some of the issues in the neighborhood. H. Public Safety Report. Police Chief Ken Thomas gave the public safety update. He thanked the Council for their support. Chief Thomas stated that auto theft and vehicle prowl numbers are decreasing. However, he said it is a tough crime in our region because there are a higher amount of vehicles in King County than in all of the other three local counties combined. He stated there is a decrease in robberies because summer is over and there have been 50 residential robberies this year compared to 105 last year. He noted that there is a reduction in the amount of commercial burglaries, too. Chief Thomas said the special investigations unit did a sting concerning human trafficking and prostitution and in one night 18 "johns" were arrested. He announced that K-9 Kato is back to work after his stabbing. He added that there is a group called "Vested Interest" who raised money for a vest for K-9 Kato. Through their efforts, he said there were two vests purchased and any extra funds will be given to other K-9s in the region. He noted that the handlers don't want the vests used unless there is a situation where the likelihood is high that the person is carrying a weapon. He also communicated that the Kent Police Department is participating in the Domestic Violence Detail, a national event. I. Intergovernmental Report. Council President Higgins discussed his attendance at the King County Regional Policy Committee meeting and the King County Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement was discussed. He said the City will be submitting its comments concerning its preferred solid waste plan. He added that he can't attend the Regional Transit Committee meeting and that the King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse and Dependency Board will be meeting at the end of the month. Councilmember Ralph communicated that the South County Area Transportation Board met and there was discussion concerning South Central Avenue and doing an overlay on the road. She said she is pleased that the board sees the road as a regional connector. She added that they also discussed King County's cutting of their snow and ice response on roads in unincorporated King County because staff has been cut in half. There was also discussion on the Washington Rail Plan. She said by 2035 rail demand in the area will double, not including coal trains and is encouraged by the support from neighboring cities concerning this. Mayor Cooke reported on Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee and discussed the Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement and said the lead cities haven't 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 executed the agreement. She thanked Councilmember Ralph for attending the Senate Transportation Forum last night and for doing an outstanding job at the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. R.C. Sample, Kent, discussed the golf course and communicated that if the residents would have known six years ago about there being revenue issues there could have been more done. He highlighted that the golf course has lost over $1 million in that timeframe. He stated the answer may be to sell nine of the 18 holes at the 18 hole golf course and apply the savings on debt from the Par 3. 2. Jim Flynn, Kent, discussed Panther Lake and said it has been taken over by noxious weeds. He said the business owners and property owners in the area want to clean it up. He noted that he has talked with Council President Higgins who informed him that it is up to the State. He noted that they are forming a grassroots effort to work on cleaning it. Mayor Cooke introduced Mr. Flynn to Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director. LaPorte communicated that he and Brubaker have discussed this lake and gave a report to the Council and the public. He communicated that he would work with Mr. Flynn. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through K, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion carried and the following items were approved: A. Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meetings of September 17, 2013 and October 1, 2013. B. Reanuointments to the Kent Arts Commission. Mayor Cooke reappointed Suzanne Smith, Sharona Chandra, Tonya Goodwillie, Susan Machler, and Linda Mackintosh to the Kent Arts Commission which was confirmed by the City Council. C. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Resolution - Adopt. Resolution No. 1878 endorsing and adopting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policies, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. D. Neighborhood Council Resolution — Pheasants Hollow - Adopt. Resolution No. 1879 recognizing the Pheasants Hollow Neighborhood Council, support its community building efforts, and confer on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. E. Target Zero Grand and Memorandum of Understanding - Accent. The Mayor was authorized to accept the Target Zero Grant in the amount of $26,336 for funding Target Zero Teams enforcement, media outreach, target zero teams manager, and law enforcement liaison overtime, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 F. Kent Drug Free Communities Grant. The Mayor was authorized to accept the Kent Drug Free Coalition grant from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $104,988.00, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. G. DO] Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant - Accent. The Mayor was authorized to accept the Bulletproof Vest Partnership FY 2013 grant in an amount of $13,151.46, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. H. Emergency Management Performance Grant — Accept. The Mayor was authorized to accept the 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the State of Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division, in the amount of $108,112, authorize amending the budget and authorize execution of any related documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Emergency Manager. I. 2013-2014 Mid-Biennium Budget Adiustments — Set First and Second Public Hearing Dates. November 5, 2013 was set for the first public hearing and November 19, 2013 was set for the second public hearing of the 2014 mid-biennium budget at the regular City Council meeting. 1. 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan — Set First and Second Public Hearing Dates. November 5, 2013 was set for the first public hearing and November 19, 2013 was set for the second public hearing of the 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan at the regular City Council meeting. K. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element and Update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13 School Impact Fees — Set Hearing Date. November 19, 2013 was set as the date for a public hearing to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and amendment of Chapter 12.13 Kent City Code to incorporate the updated Capital Facilities Plans of the Auburn, Federal Way, Highline and Kent School Districts, and changes to adopted school impact fees. OTHER BUSINESS A. GreenPlav Agreement. Lori Hogan, Assistant Superintendent, Parks and Community Services discussed the agreement and noted that Green Play is a consulting firm that will review the City's recreation programs as a result of the Berk Study. She explained what would occur during the five-to-six month process and the specifics of GreenPlay's Pyramid Methodology. Councilmember Ralph stated this was discussed several times in the Parks and Human Services Committee and wanted to ensure this fits the Council's request to identify the need and justify programs. She verified with Hogan that by spreading this out there will be less of an impact. Hogan added that the result will be a living, breathing document that will allow everyone to voice where to have future services and evaluate what needs to be done in the future. 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 Councilmember Ralph moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GreenPlay in the amount of $33,950 for its assistance in reviewing the City's recreation programs as a result of the recent efficiency study, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director, seconded by Councilmember Albertson. Councilmember Albertson stated that there was a robust discussion about this in the Parks and Human Services Committee meeting. She favored the GreenPlay philosophy because it asks the City if its programs are priced equitably and fairly. Also, she noted it asks how the City will continue to fund facilities and services knowing that there are budget constraints. Continuing, she said that this organization, with the experience they have will go to the community and get the answers to the hard questions like "Is the City using its funding in a responsible manner," "Does the City have a methodology for subsidy distributions," and "How does the City charge for services and programs that are aligned with the City's mission, vision, and values". She added that there will be community meetings which will assist in determining which methodology the City should use. She added that there are challenges after the parks levy did not pass. This, she concluded, is a small investment that she hopes will pay off in the future and urged Council support. Councilmember Thomas is opposed to the motion. He communicated that $33,950 can pay for a part-time clerk in the police department, He pointed out that there was a list of projects discussed in the workshop concerning roads that need repair and felt there are other expenditures needed in the City. He inquired if Parks could do something similar and come up with a list of programs for the community, staff and Council to consider first. Councilmember Albertson communicated that deciding on what failing road needs to be fixed isn't as agonizing to decide on as deciding on what programs or parks need to be cut or closed. These will be an emotional decisions and they are harder to deal with, she communicated. Hogan communicated that the period methodology doesn't give the City answers on what parks to close or programs to cut. It gives the City a tool by an unbiased entity which places the services on the pyramid and gives the Council the informational tool to go forward and decide what choices need to be made. Councilmember Perry said this is an objective measure to get as much information as possible. This should be done with roads, too, she stated. The City should be getting a return on investment on public dollars and this is to ensure the City is running the best operation it can run, she said. A vote was taken on the motion on the table which carried 4-1. Councilmember Thomas opposed. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 A. Council President. Council President Higgins discussed the workshop and said there was a discussion about the King County Solid Waste Transfer Plan and there will be a letter drafted concerning that item sent to the King County Council. . He also communicated that there is a letter coming drafted concerning the lack of availability motorists have to exit the I-405/SR-167 HOV lanes into Kent. He noted that the bulk of the workshop was about the budget and said the City is in the middle of the biennium cycle. He discussed the report from Finance Director Nachlinger and announced the budget adoption schedule. B. Mayor. None. C. Administration. None. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Perry discussed their meeting and the passage of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan which will be on the agenda at the second meeting in November. She communicated that it is a long read, but it is important for the Council to be aware of it. She said it concerns how the City will revitalize downtown and encompasses the Council Strategic Plan. She highlighted the aspects of the Strategic Plan. She also stated that there are larger proposed items like lighting, a covered pedestrian walkway over 2Id Avenue, an entertainment district, etc. She said she found that there has been a lot of outreach and both surveys and the responses are included in the plan. She thanked everyone who filled out the surveys and the people who worked on the entire plan. She mentioned that the committee passed what came out of the committee and it didn't include a rezone of the North Park District. The Committee also discussed and agreed to have a study done concerning what the right standard of parking is in Kent and whether are code has the proper utilization rate. She added that there was a community meeting on the Planned Action Ordinance and it won't come to Council until a later date. E. Operations Committee. None. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Albertson announced that the next Parks and Human Services Committee meeting would be on October 17 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. G. Public Safety Committee. None. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Albertson thanked the three Public Works Committee members for attending the Senate Transportation Forum meetings. She said their next meeting is October 21st at 4:00 p.m. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas stated that the Regional Fire Authority meets at Station 78 on October 2"d to review their budget. Councilmember Thomas confirmed for Councilmember Perry that there is a small increase in commercial and a small reduction in residential fire benefit charges. At 8.05 p.m., the Council moved into the Executive Session for a period of thirty minutes. 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 15, 2013 At 8:35 p.m., Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for ten minutes. At 8:45 p. ., Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for ten minutes. At 8:55 p.m., Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for ten minutes. At 8:59 p.m., the regular meeting reconvened. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Ronald F.,MOore,AMC City Clerk 7 PUBLIC COMMENT KENT SIGN UP SHEET wsh .a;a. For the Kent City Council Meeting of: r NAME Street Address Email Addre s To k 1234 Main Street SE Comprehensive �x bane Doe Kent, WA 98032 jdoe@hotmail.com Plan Al � NT tt6 sr 4 5 G 7 s 10 �1 12 13 14 35 16 17 1$ 19 �0 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.