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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/17/2013 a T
Kent City Council Meeting
September 17, 2013
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by
Mayor Cooke.
Councilmembers present: Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Ralph, Ranniger and Thomas.
Councilmember Albertson arrived at 8:04 p.m.
A. From Council, Administration, Staff. Council President Higgins added Consent
Calendar item 7(J), an excused absence for Councilmember Albertson.
Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker communicated that there will be an
executive session, as authorized per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b), concerning property
B. From the Public. None.
A. Public Recognition. Mayor Cooke communicated that the Harlem Globetrotters
had an event at the ShoWare Center and Kent was recognized as getting a "Money
Ball" because the attendance to the event has increased in each of the previous three
B. Community Events. Mayor Cooke announced that the "Crop Walk" will be on
October 6 at 1:00 p.m. at the Kent Lutheran Church. She added that proceeds go to
the Kent Food Bank, the Homeless Men's Shelter, and the Community Supper at the
Councilmember Thomas communicated that the Barnum & Bailey Circus will be at the
ShoWare from October 3-6.
Councilmember Ralph communicated that the 2013-2014 Spotlight Series is going on
and discussed the specific plays.
Councilmember Thomas communicated that there is a casino event at a Kent "sister"
Kiwanis Club on September 28.
C. Introduction of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointee. Mayor Cooke
introduced Tim Higgins, the new Lodging Tax Advisory Committee member.
Tim Higgins thanked the Mayor for the appointment and communicated that having a
seat on the board will help the communication flow easier to the ShoWare. He thanked
Councilmember Thomas for the mention of the circus event.
D. Proclamation for National Public Lands Day at Park Orchard Park. Jeff
Watling, Parks and Recreation Director accepted the proclamation and communicated
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
that National Public Lands Day has been going on for six years and the event will occur
on September 28.
E. Public Safety Report. Police Chief Ken Thomas presented the September 2013
Public Safety report. Car prowls have reduced over the past year and auto thefts are
still relatively high, but it is a regional issue, he said. He communicated that robberies
have jumped due to it being summertime and the influx of iPhone and iPad robberies.
He noted that residential burglaries are going down slightly and commercial robberies
are, unfortunately, going up. He presented the Police Chief's Life Saving Award to
Officer Jeff Kuzack who used his police-issued automated external defibrillator (AED)
to revive a resident who was experiencing a heart attack. Chief Thomas noted that this
is Officer Kuzack's second life-saving award in two years. He read a letter from the
crew of firefighters who arrived on the scene, applauding the efforts of Officer Kuzack.
Thomas presented Officers Joe Mello, Justin Davis, Jason Phelps, Justin Rausch and
introduced new Correctional Officer Amber Brunelle to the Council and public. He
discussed their backgrounds and Mayor Cooke swore the officers in. He noted that the
next quarterly open community meeting is this Thursday at 7:00 p.m at Horizon
Elementary School
Councilmember Boyce confirmed that all vehicles are equipped with an AED.
F. Intergovernmental Report. Council President Higgins said the King County
Regional Transit Committee meeting was cancelled for September 18 and will meet in
October and that the King County Chemical Dependency and Oversight board will also
meet in October. He discussed the King County Regional Policy Committee and the
main topic was the solid waste interlocal agreement extension and that the city of
Bellevue didn't execute the agreement. He stated that Seattle also hasn't signed the
Councilmember Ralph communicated that the South County Area Transportation Board
(SCATBD) met this morning and the Puget Sound Gateway Project completion of State
Route 509/State Route 167was discussed. She noted that Washington State exports
$111 billion in goods and products and this project is crucial to the economic vitality in
this area and keeping the ports competitive. She noted that the King County Regional
Law and Safety & Justice Committee meets on September 26 and they will be
discussing affordable health care and its impacts on the criminal justice system.
Councilmember Boyce attended the Sound Cities Association (SCA) meeting and said
the non-execution of the solid waste interlocal agreement extension upset cities, but a
draft extension agreement should be ready by October 29 for SCA and going to the
King County Council on November 27.
1. Tom Brice, Kent, presented a petition against the sale of the Par 3 golf course to
the City Clerk.
2. Perry Sobolik, Kent, discussed the utility committee and said he received a shut off
notice for his water. He said the customer service department was friendly and
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
voiced his disapproval of having to pay a $30 fee for the shut off notice. He said
that a $30 fee for the cost of paper, postage, and an envelope seems punitive and
the people who are struggling can't afford it. He said it doesn't seem fair to charge
the fee. However, he said he had to pay the fee. He suggested someone look into
the fee and any others.
Mayor Cooke communicated that Councilmember Thomas will look into the water shut
off fees.
Councilmember Thomas stated that the banks charge $35 per bad check.
Council President Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A
through 3, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion carried and the
following items were approved:
A. Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of September 3, 2013.
B. Payment of the bills received through July 31 and paid on July 31 after auditing by
the Operations Committee on August 20, 2013.
Checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
7/31/13 Wire Transfers 5553-5566 $1,243,227.03
7/31/13 Regular Checks 675004-675381 3,543,602.38
7/31/13 Use Tax Payable 387.38
Approval of checks issued for payroll for July 16 through July 31 and paid on August 5,
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/5/13 Checks 332515-332661 $ 118,441.57
8/5/13 Advices 317109-317760 1,229,266.12
Approval of payment of the bills received through August 15 and paid on August 15
after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 3, 2013.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/15/13 Wire Transfers 5567-5585 $1,605,558.35
8/15/13 Regular Checks 675382-675990 2,503,922.78
8/15/13 Use Tax Payable 4,830.79
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 1 through August 15 and paid on
August 20, 2013:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/20/13 Checks 332662-332803 $ 106,227.78
8/20/13 Advices 317761-318413 1,209,260.47
C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Albertson. Councilmember Albertson was
unable to attend the September 3, 2013 Council meeting,
D. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code 8.01 — Establishing "Chronic Criminal
Nuisance" — Adopt. Ordinance No. 4088 amending Ch. 8.01 of the Kent City Code,
entitled "Public Nuisances," to establish a "chronic criminal nuisance" that exists when
three instances of criminal conduct occur on a property within a one year period and
do not involve the property owner or occupants being the victims of the criminal
conduct or contacting the police to report the criminal conduct, was approved.
E. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code 15.02 and 15.04 regarding Group
Living Facilities — Adopt. Ordinance No. 4089 amending Chapter 15.02, entitled,
"Definitions," by adding and amending sections, and correcting a publishing error in
section 15.02.173; amending Chapter 15.04, entitled, "Residential land uses,"
amending zoning districts and residential land use development conditions; and
updating the code for consistency with state laws and regulations, was approved.
F. Lodaina Tax Advisory Committee Appointment — Confirm. The Mayor
confirmed the appointment of Tim Higgins to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
G. Kent Public Facilities District Board Member Reappointment — Confirm The
Mayor confirmed the reappointment of Mike Miller to the Kent Public Facilities District
H. 2014 Mid-Biennium Budget — Set First Public Hearing Date. October 1, 2013
was set for the first public hearing date for the 2014 Mid-Biennium Budget.
I. 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan — Set Public Hearing Date. October 1,
2013 was set for the first public hearing date for the 2014-2018 Capital Improvement
A. Karras Consulting Services. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Tom Brubaker
communicated that this item involves hiring an outside recruitment firm to locate a
new Finance Director because current Finance Director Robert Nachlinger resigns on
December 31, 2013. He communicated that the Operations Committee expressed
concerns that there could be a new Mayor and an Interim Chief Administrative Officer.
He stated that the hiring process will take four to five months and communicated the
process. He added that the firm has communicated that even if expedited the new
Finance Director probably wouldn't be in place until the end of January.
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
Council President Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement
with Karras Consulting, Inc., and all other documents necessary and
consistent with that Agreement, in an amount not to exceed $26,280, plus
limited travel costs, to assist the City in recruiting a replacement for the City's
retiring Finance Director, subject to approval of final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Human Resources Director and the City Attorney, seconded
by Councilmember Ranniger.
Councilmember Thomas communicated that he would be voting against this because of
the timeline and felt the talent pool within the City should be considered to fill this
position. He stated that the Operations Committee could not come to a conclusion on
this item.
Councilmember Boyce opposed this because it is too early and felt there is staff in-
house that can fulfill the requirements of this position. He added that the City could
advertise this and obtain a candidate. He added that there are talented people out in
the market who could possibly qualify and for $25,000 he is sure that Bob could come
back for a couple of weeks to be a consultant. He also added that there are national
publications that this can be advertised in.
Councilmember Ranniger stated that she has two concerns. One is with advertising
and the other is with whether there is talent in-house to do the job. She inquired if the
process is to select the new Finance Director after the Mayor race is concluded.
Brubaker replied and Councilmember Ranniger felt the Council could move ahead with
a process. She inquired what the advantage would be to use an outside consultant and
Brubaker replied that the position is important and is hard to fill. He stated that the
Human Resource Director picked this firm because they have expertise with finding
candidates and have a pool of excellent candidates.
Mayor Cooke communicated that the City has both the Finance Director and the Chief
Administrative Officer (CAO) position to fill and the Finance Department and Human
Resource Departments are being stretched. She communicated that the consultants
could do a thorough job, provide additional background information, and can
communicate with people who are employed who may be interested in this job.
Councilmember Ranniger verified that the motion is only for the Finance Director
position and wondered if there was any thought in using the consultant for both
Mayor Cooke replied that the CAO position wasn't discussed and isn't as urgent as the
Finance Director.
Brubaker communicated that once the election is completed the CAO position will be
considered. He said there is a lot of recruiting to be done because of a high number of
retirements in the staff, to include one of the Human Resource recruiters.
Councilmember Albertson arrived at 8:04 p.m.
Councilmember Ralph stated that she will not be supporting this and felt that the City
should advertise in national publications and do the recruitment themselves.
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
Council President Higgins moved to postpone this item until the October 1
meeting, seconded by Councilmember Albertson.
Councilmember Boyce verified that Council President Higgins wants the full council
available to consider this motion.
Councilmember Albertson said she is in favor of the motion because she just arrived
from the Senate hearings and hasn't heard all the discussion.
Councilmember Thomas stated he wasn't in favor of the motion
A vote was taken on the motion on the table. Council President Higgins,
Councilmember Ranniger, and Councilmember Albertson voted in favor.
Councilmember Thomas, Councilmember Ralph, and Councilmember Boyce
dissented. Motion failed 3-3.
Councilmember Thomas moved to postpone the item indefinitely, seconded by
Council President Higgins. Council President Higgins, Councilmember Ralph,
Councilmember Albertson, Councilmember Thomas, and Councilmember
Boyce voted in favor. Councilmember Ranniger dissented. Motion carried 5-1.
A. Council President. Council President Higgins discussed the workshop and
summarized that there was a report from Economic and Community Development
(ECD) staff concerning the Downtown Subarea Plan. He noted that the staff
recommendation and the ECD Committee proposals were heard. He pointed out that it
was announced that most of the goals from the 2005 plan have been completed. He
appreciated the presentation and said it will be going to the ECD Committee and
Council in early November. He discussed the Senate Transportation Hearings and said
the letter was reviewed by the Council. He noted that he will sign the letter and other
Councilmembers are welcome to sign it. .
B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke discussed the Heritage Bank ribbon cutting and encouraged
the Council and public to visit their display of Kent's history inside the bank. She
stated that there was a meeting last week by the King County Executive Flood Control
District Board with FEMA and it was communicated that flood insurance rates are going
significantly up. She stated that it is critical to have properties mapped to determine if
they aren't in the flood plains. She stated that FEMA has stated that the maps will be
done in about five years and will be reflect how the levees will be in 2016. She
continued and thanked the Kent4Health volunteers for their participation in the event
in Renton. She stated that Thursday she will be at the Interstate 405/State Route 167
advisory group meeting and there is a high amount of pressure for the City to accept
three-person HOV lanes. She said she isn't in favor of it on State Route 167, but felt
there may be room for it on Interstate 405. She noted that the Kent Downtown
Partnership has been very engaged with the Downtown Subarea Plan and their
breakfast is Friday morning at ShoWare.
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
C. Administration. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker stated there will be
an executive session for 10 minutes.
D. Economic & Community Development Committee In the minutes.
E. Operations Committee. In the minutes.
F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Ranniger stated that
there will be a discussion on September 19 in the Council Chamber at 5:00 p.m. about
the financial challenges concerning the golf course. No decision making will occur, she
said, and the meeting is a part of the ongoing exploration concerning the shortfall and
how to make the golf system sustainable. .
G. Public Safety Committee. In the minutes.
H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Albertson stated that there was a
Public Works Committee meeting last night concerning cuts to bus service in Kent. She
said mostly the east-west routes within Kent and travel within King County would be
cut and that the north-south routes that bring residents to Seattle aren't affected. She
discussed the Senate Transportation Hearings, where Kent stands, and said that the
location and times of the meetings are on the City's website. She noted that the next
meeting is on October 7.
I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas communicated that there was a
4-3 vote for the city of SeaTac to execute an agreement to procure fire protection
services from the Regional Fire Authority.
Mayor Cooke announced that she has executed a proclamation naming September 28,
2013 as "Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry."
At 8:27 p.m.; Mayor Cooke called for a two minute recess.
At 8:30 p.m., the regular meeting reconvened.
At 8:31 p.m. the Council adjourned into Executive Session for ten minutes.
At 8,39 p.m., the regular meeting reconvened.
Brubaker discussed the acquisition of two properties by the City for enhancement of
the storm drain utility, to eventually certify the levee, and enhance the Lower and
Lowest Russell Road Levee.
Councilmember Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign any and all
necessary documents to complete the purchase of the property located at
22254 Russell Road South from Thomas & Janice C. Baxter in an amount not
to exceed $201,600 plus any reasonable closing costs for the Lower and
Kent City Council Minutes September 17, 2013
Lowest Russell Road Levee project, subject to approval of final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public works Director,
seconded by Council President Higgins. Motion carried 6-0.
Councilmember Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign any and all
necessary documents to complete the purchase of the property located at
22250 Russell Road South from Jeanne Hamilton in an amount not to exceed
$221,000 plus any reasonable closing costs for the Lower and Lowest Russell
Road Levee project, subject to approval of final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public works Director, seconded by
Councilmember Ralph. Motion carried 6-0.
Mayor Cooke noted that the funds for this purchase came from King County
Conservation Futures Program.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. -
Ronald F. Mao re, MafiC
City Clerk""
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For the Kent City Council Meeting of:
NAME Street Address Email Address Topic
1234 Main Street SE Comprehensive
Ex Jane Doe Kent, WA 98032 ) Plan
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Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6.
Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium.
Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. If sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. If sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. If sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. if sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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Name _ Address Voter(Y/N) Signature
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. If sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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1. Par 3 is owned by the City of Kent for 50 years. A very unique asset.
2. Par 3 is used by citizens of all ages year round.
3. Par 3 has been generating revenue compared to other Parks in the system. If sold, it's gone forever,
and so are the proceeds.
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