HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/04/2013 �E1dT Kent City Council Meeting June 4, 2013 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Mayor Cooke, Council President Higgins, Councilmember Albertson, Councilmember Boyce, Councilmember Perry, and Councilmember Ranniger. Councilmember Ralph was excused from the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. Council President Higgins pulled item 7A from the Consent Calendar and added item K as an excused absence for Councilmember Ralph. He also revised item J and added the terms "for June 18th" to the language. Council President Higgins moved to add an item 8A: Other Business, 256th Street Improvements. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker removed item 4D, Legislative Report from the agenda. B. From the Public. None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. Councilmember Thomas communicated that Senator Mike Carrell passed. Mayor Cooke acknowledged and thanked everyone for their participation in the Veterans Drive renaming event. B. Community Events. Mayor Cooke discussed the Kent International Festival and stated that there is a large group of entertainers that will be performing at the event on June 21-22 at the Kent Plaza. She noted that the Kent International Dance Festival will also be at the Senior Center. Councilmember Ranniger encouraged people to attend. Mayor Cooke also discussed the Kent City Center at the corner of 4th and Smith and there will be further public announcements concerning the apartment complex and retail development there. Councilmember Thomas communicated that the South King County Activity Center will have their breakfast tomorrow. He also noted that on June 28th a Beatles cover band and on July 19th "American Idol" will be at the ShoWare. C. Proclamation. Mayor Cooke read the Juneteenth Proclamation and presented it to Gwen Allen-Charlston and proclaimed Friday, June 19th as Juneteenth Day in Kent. Ms. Charlston thanked the City for the proclamation and introduced the staff of the Kent Black Action Commission (KBAC). She noted that the event will be held on June 15th at the Kent Senior Center. E. Intergovernmental Report. Council President Higgins reported on the Regional Policy Committee and said there are two upcoming meetings to discuss what the impact will be after the legislative sessions are done. He discussed the Regional Policy Committee meeting and communicated that the City of Bellevue took action not to 1 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 extend the agreement. He also noted that the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Oversight Board meeting will be in June. Councilmember Albertson said the South County Area Transportation Board meeting is on June 18th and will be attending a presentation at the Kent Commons regarding homeless. Councilmember Perry discussed the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee and said they took positions to not support regional tolling and have the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) take a full look at statewide tolling to fund all roads. She noted that they also took a position to have Metro Regional Long Range plans. She pointed out that the Council took an emergency position to support the Marketplace Fairness Act. Council President Higgins added that he has asked for a meeting with Congressman Dave Reichert on this item. Councilmember Albertson noted that she attended a Sound Cities Association Dinner and she would like Councilmember Perry to view the presentation on community engagement that was given at the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. R. C. Sample, Kent, extended an appreciation to Mayor Cooke and the staff for the Veterans Drive event. He saluted the Mayor, the Council, and the City staff. He discussed the attendance of the Council and members of the police department who attended their Block Watch event. He also saluted them for their attendance. He discussed the Par 3 golf course and said he has been walking around and determining how much the park facilities are being used. He stated there are 10 or 15 times as many people utilizing the Par 3 course. 2. Zack Ketter, Kent, discussed the Shoretel/Tri-Tec Communications, Inc. item in the agenda. He noted that BlackBox responded to the bid and was given a quote from BlackBox and stated his company was 25% cheaper. He expressed concerns with how the City is spending their money. Councilmember Thomas inquired what the other parameters might be concerning contract approvals. Acting City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick replied that the quality of work and what best fits the needs of the City. He added that the IT Director ultimately decides who would fit the needs of the City best. Councilmember Albertson asked if there was a time constraint and Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker communicated that there isn't, but there is a timeline. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker presented the three proposals and noted that this is an RFQ and not a bid. He stated that it is an inherent process where the Director chooses which vendor is chosen. Councilmember Boyce communicated that when the City is looking at taxpayer money some of those differences need to be overlooked. 2 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 ICAO Brubaker communicated that the fact that the company chosen was located in Kent and the fact that they have more technicians, can store product at their location, and remove the packaging. Councilmember Thomas noted that the company is located in Kent, CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items B through K, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion carried and the following items were approved: A. Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of May 21, 2013, were not approved. B. Approval of Bills. Bills were not available for approval. C. Berger Partnership Agreement For Kent Valley Loop Trail. The Mayor was authorized to sign the consultant agreement with the Berger Partnership for $98,550 to develop a master plan for the Kent Valley Loop Trail, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. D. 4Culture Sustained Support Grant Agreement. The sustained support grant from 4Culture in the amount of $17,000 to fund 2013 Kent Arts Commission programs was accepted, the Mayor was authorized to sign all necessary documents and the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission budget was approved, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. E. Northwest Playground Equipment Inc. Agreement for Turnkey Park. The Mayor was authorized to sign the public works agreement with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $46,063.77 for the playground restoration project at Turnkey Park, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. F. East Hill Elementary School Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the East Hill Elementary School project; permit 2100096, for 520 linear feet of new street, and 7 Crimson Sentry street trees in frontage improvements was accepted. G. Shoretel/Tri-Tec Communications, Inc. Goods & Services Agreement. The Mayor was authorized to sign a goods and services agreement with Shoretel/Tri-Tec Communications, Inc. in the amount of $264,222 for the purchase of telecommunications equipment, services, and maintenance, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. H. Allied Telesis Annual Maintenance & Support. The Mayor was authorized to sign a goods and services agreement with Allied Telesis, Inc. in the amount of $41,094 for the purchase of annual maintenance and support, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. 3 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 I. CDW-G/EMC Annual Maintenance & Support. The Mayor was authorized to sign a goods and services agreement with CDW-G, Inc. in the amount of $65,209 for the purchase of annual maintenance and support, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. J. 2014-2019 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. June 18, 2013, was set as the public hearing date to consider the DRAFT 2014-2019 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). ADDED ITEM K. Excused Absence. Councilmember Ralph was excused from the Council meeting of June 4, 2013. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED ITEM A. SE 256th Road Improvements. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director gave a brief background of the improvements. He discussed the current status of funding of the project and noted what would be paid for and what improvements would specifically take place in the project. He said that there were funding options presented in the workshop which would cover the $2 million shortfall. He pointed out that the Traffic Impact Fees are expected to be realized by the end of the year are $802,000. Councilmember Boyce asked about traffic implications and Mr. LaPorte communicated that traffic could be detoured through 116th to Kent-Kangley and back. He stated typically the workers are out of the road by rush hour. Councilmember Thomas verified that there would be left turn lanes and two islands that would be 250 feet long. Mayor Cooke questioned what would happen to the driveways and verified there wouldn't be any impact. Council President Higgins stated that he has been asking himself what he would think of his decision four years from now if the road was kept in this condition. He stated that the people living there are living in this substandard roadway and is committed to find a way for this to happen. He said if this isn't awarded by the end of this month the City will lose $2 million in grants and cause the project to cost $7 million. Then, since the City can't afford it for about five more years it will end up costing $10 million dollars in years to come. He noted that four major property owners signed the protest and he has to weigh the lives of 6,600 people with the four people. He communicated that he supports the $300,000 assessment and approves of the $250,000 allocation of Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) funds. He also agreed with the borrowing of B&O Tax revenue and it will be paid back with the TIF funds within five years. Councilmember Perry agreed with Council President Higgins with the funding sources except for the payment back of the B&O funds. The B&O ordinance is for the transportation existing network, she said, and felt that B&O funds can be used for the project. 4 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 Councilmember Boyce stated that the Council spoke about this during the workshop. He said there is a list of projects that the B&O was supposed to be used for and this isn't one of them. He felt the B&O should be paid back to do more projects in the future and will have a hard time supporting it if the B&O language isn't included. Councilmember Thomas inquired about Roberts Rules and making a motion prior to discussion. Councilmember Albertson said this project has been on the City's radar for 23 years and noted that it wasn't on the B&O list or the Citizen's committee list because the City felt it had a strong funding source in the LID. She said the Council has a duty to take care of its residents and it makes her uneasy that those four property owners could back out of the LID. She stated that the TIF money can be applied to this project. She urged the Council to approve it with keeping landscaping and undergrounding included. Councilmember Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to award the SE 256th Street Improvements construction contract, including Alternative A, to Goodfellow Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $5,208,988.59 and to direct the city attorney to prepare a resolution, as appropriate, to ensure that all funds. used from the City's B&O tax revenues to construct the project be returned to the City's B&O budget, over time, using 100% of all current and future Transportation Impact Fee revenues until the monies spent out of the B&O account are fully returned, seconded by Council President Higgins. Councilmember Thomas stated that other cities utilize the roadway and that is why the City is being given $2 million for the project. He noted that turning down a grant could be negative in the future when the City is attempting to secure grants. He communicated that there were 6,600 in favor and 124 against the LID. Councilmember Ranniger expressed concerns with the B&O returns and the amount collected. She said she isn't in favor of the item. Councilmember Perry communicated that the LID isn't being formed and only the people who executed the LID contracts will be assessed under this. She said she is against utilizing the B&O funds because there was no project listed and is only supposed to be utilized for the City's existing transportation projects and there hasn't been a determination on what projects could be funded by the B&O as of yet. She felt the City should formulate a list of its most pressing projects. Council President Higgins communicated that the B&O discussion was about how much the City isn't spending on road projects. He stated that this supports the Council moving in that direction. He also stated that this will bring forth more projects and the paving of more streets due to the repaid B&O account. He communicated that it is important to honor the previous community discussions on the repaving of streets. 5 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 Councilmember Boyce stated that there is a list, but it wasn't voted on. It was generated to determine what projects need to be done in the City. Mayor Cooke clarified that ICAO Brubaker should produce the list. Councilmember Perry communicated that there was a list, but any list that binds the Council has to be voted on by the Council. She stated that the conversation was done with certain councilmembers and the Chamber. She said if the list was approved by the community then she would like to know when and the Council can't be bound to something that wasn't voted on in a public meeting. Councilmember Albertson urged the Council to pass this item. Councilmember Perry suggested revising the motion. A vote was taken on the motion on the table, which carried 4-2. Councilmembers Ranniger and Perry dissenting. BIDS A. 2013 Thermoplastic Markings. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, briefly explained the project and noted his recommendation awarding this contract to the low bidder. Councilmember Albertson moved to award the 2013 Thermoplastic Markings Project contract to Stripe Rite, Inc. in the amount of $226,510 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Council President Higgins. Motion carried 6-0. B. 2013 Crack Sealing. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, noted his recommendation to awarding this contract to the low bidder. Councilmember Albertson moved to award the 2013 Crack Sealing Project contract to C.R. Contracting in the amount of $195,300 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Council President Higgins. Motion carried 6-0. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Higgins discussed the workshop. He discussed the Employee Wellness Program. He also highlighted the discussion of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). He stated that the Washington State Liquor Control Board has a draft of I-502 regulations and the City will be sending questions to them concerning it. He also highlighted that there was discussion in the workshop concerning the 256th Avenue Improvement Project that was just approved by the Council 6 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke announced the King County Flood Control District is entering their budget process and their report to the district concerning rebuilding the levees in Kent. She discussed the District's System-Wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) and looking at the entire network from the Howard Hansen Dam down. She stated that there are statements from King County concerning not working on projects until SWIF is complete which is opinioned to take another two to five years. She stated that the residents in the Lakes wouldn't want to be on hold for another two to five years. She stated that there was a community meeting concerning the YMCA coming to Kent and ideas concerning what it would take to make it happen. She added that Parks and Community Services Director Jeff Watling would likely be on the steering committee. She stated that Bobbi Bridge chairs the committee. Finally, she stated that the King County Coordinating Council on Gangs is almost ready to publish their comprehensive plan to address key problems with goals and an action plan on what to do about it in the future. C, Administration. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker communicated that the City closed on the sale of the Kent City Center property and the project consists of 176 units with a rooftop and retail on the first floor. The total project cost is worth $24 million to the developer, he said. He also noted that housing and urban development has notified us that the block grant funding will be increased by $200,000. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Perry had no report and said that the meeting was cancelled. E. Operations Committee. Councilmember Thomas said the City's financial future is looking better. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. None. G. Public Safety Committee. None. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Albertson noted that the documents concerning the 256th meeting will be included in the Public Works Committee meeting next agenda on June 17tn I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Les Thomas noted the Regional Fire Authority's next meeting is next Wednesday at Station 74. Councilmember Thomas moved to reconsider the vote on the 256th Improvement Item, seconded by Councilmember Perry. Councilmember Thomas stated that the second paragraph seems redundant. Acting City Attorney Fitzpatrick communicated the proper Robert's Rules. Councilmember Albertson stated that she would not support a motion to reconsider and urged the Council not to. 7 Kent City Council Minutes June 4, 2013 Councilmember Perry suggested to have the Public Works Committee chair bring the list of projects available for B&O funding to a public meeting. This will give the Council the opportunity to state on the record its opposition and support for the list and to give direction to the staff concerning future projects. Council President Higgins clarified Roberts Rules concerning this item. .A roll call vote was taken on the motion on the table which failed 2-4. Councilmember Perry and Thomas voted in the affirmative. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ,F Ronald F oo MMC City Cle k i 8 � x 2 u a a i WELLNESN'qk- Welcome Welcome!This program has been specifically designed to help encourage and support you in reaching all of your wellness goals. By building w awareness and engagement, we are committed to creating a culture that celebrates employees ' who are healthy, happy and have balance in 5 their lives.Jump in and get ready for an exciting program, created just for you. fi Here's to health! r � 71, Al tea-, d Y 3 The Basics What will your program be able to offer you? Here's a sampling of some of the program's highlights that are all included free for all employees. • Know Your Numbers-Find out your key health metrics (blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate and body composition) by visiting your primary care provider.After you self-report your numbers,your wellness site will guide you on how to improve any that may be out of the healthy range. • Well-Being Assessment-Beyond the numbers and scores, how well are you?Take the online health and well-being assessment to see how you score in different life areas, learn your strengths and get recommendations for areas where you could use support. Please allow for around twenty minutes to complete. • Unlimited Health Coaching-Have a goal you're focused on or looking for more general support?Build a one-on-one relationship with a health coach,set goals and tap into their expertise to help make the changes you want for yourself. • Set and Track personal Goals-Choose a goal and keep track of your success via the online wellness program site. * Join Company-Wide Wellness Challenges-Check your dashboard for new challenges to join that cover a wide-variety of wellness topics. • Connect with the Community- Find others with similar wellness goals, questions or interests through the online community forum. • Earn Points and Gain Rewards-Everything you do within the program will not only help you lead a healthier life, but also allow you to earn points and qualify for big rewards designed to keep you motivated. ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All righ¢reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com p Gx WR vigorating the Online at orm » HOME >> MY RESULTS >> MY PLAN FIND CHALLENGES COMMUNITY MY POINTS p Navigating the Online Platform The best way for you to get started is to sign in,do some exploring and simply use the platform. Here's a quick guide of what you'll find once you sign in. HOME. Your"Home" page lists the challenges and goals you're currently involved in,all available challenges you haven't joined yet and how many points you've earned. Look below for help navigating this page. CHoma My lt.Wea .�lb��''aa'' Fly PW Find ChAi Community Hy P... ► EPI C}RFF'P lettkSaF 21 -'"ro MMKhN so O1.Promo:Look here for new promos Jou"to W**W".-- and tips related to your wellness program. IX0, 2.Profile Picture:To change your profile picture,click on the image ea�F s next to your user name.This box also shows your total points earned and celd s000. any activity devices you currently have synced to your account. 4 3. Rewards:Look here for incentive ` �"` `" ""° levels and rewards for reaching each level.To hide completed levels,click on the'Hide levels'arrow in the r«. Hwn upper right corner of this box. 4_My Plan:This section shows required and recommended actions 6 IoewFmb ._ for you as well as any goals or challenges you're currently tracking. Clicking on the'History'tab will show what you have completed in your maw naKtn~"" owwww. program. S. Required:Events on your plan that have a'Required'box on them show actions you must take before you can reach your first level.Click on each box to find out information on how to complete these events. 6. Other things to do:This section includes featured challenges and events that can earn you incentive points and are designed to help keep wellness fun.Once you have completed or declined each of these events they will either move to your history section (in"My Plan")or be removed from your"Home"page.Click on each challenge to find out more information.To remove recommended goals or delete challenges,visit the"My Plan"page. 02013 ADURO,Inc.All rights reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Navigating the Online Platform, continued... 6 MY RESULTS How full is your well-being glass?The results from your well-being assessment and biometric testing are found on the"My Results" page. Learn more about yourself,your strengths and areas to work on based on your assessment scores.Also,get connected to resources by hovering over any of the 'Learn More'and 'Take Action'links. Well-Being Assessment Results twit Sups s R&1a6n%PWftW C""Diasa,Payw-V!cu .,?e+xa;t^ sx Ea, aetumm cvryk�eb Sc.m3p SW t Aen g. M-0 W.41 a" 4 OIIOOM4 f � yusx Gsec.Y: i i+ 3� { 3.t z 3l ("�, { P usnve.�aCrwkveyvz If you have taken this assessment before, you can track how your scores have changed from year to year.Track important health test results under the 'Health Risk'tab. For health values,you can also view where you fall on the healthy scale. (Green/Blue=ideal, Red=risk factors) Heart HeAth How healthy is my heart? Leam Mare l a. Take Action I.:t Edit LDL Cholesterol Lasi Peticd t;rt#kdL 66 mtON MY PLAN. By clicking on this page you can see all the goals and challenges you're currently in.Track your progress regularly to collect points. If you want to create a new personal goal to track(example, "Go to bed by 10 pm each night")click on the Add a New Goal'button by the green plus-sign at the top of the page. FIND CHALLENGES Come to the"Find Challenges"page to see any available challenges that you haven't joined yet. If one sounds interesting,simply press the'Join...'button and start tracking! If you want to create a new personal challenge(example, "Eat 20 servings of fruits and vegetables each week")click on the'Create a Challenge' button by the green plus-sign at the top of the page. Although you can create your own challenges and goals,you cannot award yourself points in this program. ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All righa reserved Ke nt.mywe l l m e t ri e s.eo m Navigating the Online Platform, continued... 7 COMMUNITY. On this page,you can post to an online-community that consists of hundreds of thousands of users who have a wellness program website and platform designed by a company called Limeade.With so many users you're likely to find a group, posting or resource that is the perfect fit for you. If you would like to post a comment that can only be seen by other employees at your company,simply leave a comment within specific challenges. Community Forums Publish to forum: t 6oercise.NutrilBo+i 6 weluht loss t,ae MY POINTS. Here you can see your current points and levels in more detail. Find out about your company's program under the About a Program'tab including how you can earn points and see a detailed record of your progress in 'Points History'. City of Kent Incentive Program Nox1 seeps rar arsarcn 0 No Level owcaac .. Haw to EM Poi*.PaiiLLs Kztorp --- ail $50 111111 ITI III Lovols 1 PPtt p�ghg 3 V V U lieacfi 1000 Pmnls 6rortze a ;.flay 1w: orlse..ba px.luir.d Fw f.relj. S50[on pxle or torw�ds s t`Cdh{�2='v.^.tr$.SC.w.cc!k'-si±:E p�fe.nNW *vim) �9500 Raa..t 25�34 yusiia Silver LJR/{/ t� C ^„s Ci�+:cs`-it r+s n 5zi cna­to V an Pad Gold 5000 xa$ch 5004 ;, If ... t PTO dxiy @2013 ADURO,Inc.All righu reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Program 101 , . . How to? JOIN & CREATE CHALLENGES CREATE GOALS >> CONTACT A COACH COMPLETE A HEALTH SCREENING w..raailllw PONr T Program 101: How to...? 9 Challenges JOIN OR CREATE A CHALLENGE.Sign in and r b4o.. simply scroll down on the"Home" page,or click the"Find Challenges"tab. From there you can either join any current NdT company-wide challenges by clicking the'Join...'button or you can create your own by clicking the'Create a Challenge' �" link at the top of the page. If you are creating your own challenge,follow the prompts given to decide the best way to track.Once it's set up,you can track your progress on the"My Plan" page where you'll see all of your current challenges and goals. 1,000 Push UQ e u 8 2 � TO'vM4M 9!H4!19...1@�t0lLTR'aoH C41!BdvE!V PCNt t!:�e0s 1f009 z na'v65'sesf,f'rzvAiu Cb„&-'B h1P1..; TEAM CHALLENGES. Form a team with 4-12 other individuals,and compete against other teams in your company to reach the challenge goal.To locate a team challenge,visit the"Home" page or"Find Challenges" page. Next to the challenge name,there will be a colored box that A»• ( :F__j says'TEAM'. -"' You have two choices to join the challenge:form your M�Mr«wMr own team or join a team that someone else has already «.MpaaMMtiaMJ.»tldAanai Mz�•YR form. tlwlMsa,•w4a T••aiw«gM1Rlaati w»d+•a. To form your own team find the leaderboard on the right TewftWAMh� bW 04 side of the challenge.Click on .oe„neonwrlabp.,,.,p�,.0 'Start your own team'next to the green plus symbol.A new window will pop up krow r.a-W_a this am to instruct you on how to finish the creation of your —4.N�+�— team.Choose a team name and click'Create Team'. — — ---- A message window will pop-up above the challenge „,,,,• after you have successfully created your team. - You must have at least four team members,and -. no more than twelve team members.To invite _ people to your team,scroll down on the challenge page. Find the green plus sign and 'Invite another person to this team'.Type in their sign-in name or email address to invite them. ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All rights reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Program 101: How to...? 10 To join a team,look to the left of the challenge page for the leaderboard. Find the team you would like to join and click on Join'. If you do not see the team you want to join,that means it already has the maximum twelve members. Please join another team or create your own team. Don't see your team on the leaderboard?Click on 'Recalculate'at the bottom of the leaderboard to refresh the stats and team names. CHALLENGE OTHERS Only someone with access to your company's Administrator account can create a challenge for the entire company and award points. However,anyone can choose to create their own challenge and invite a few co-workers or friends to compete for bragging rights or any other prize they'd like. fly VV Restas kty Plan Find Ghaflenges Ger^arunig, My<Pein!s From the"Find Find Challenges Challenges" page, No challenges left' click on'Create a en;aryw,'a Wa ftsaaasesaueangasAYauaaan agsnuaxnnameenaaa x. Challenge'. Enter hmuayrcwt saauacea sex a challenge title, end date,chose a challenge image,enter a a description of the challenge,and the details about the challenge type(Activity or Weight Loss).Then,at the bottom of the page you'll be given the option to invite others. Enter the email address associated with their wellness account(generally a work email)OR their wellness user name. Include a short personal message if you'd like and you are done!They will get an email letting them know that they have been challenged and they can choose to accept or not. If you are creating a private challenge for just yourself, simply enter your own email address or user name to receive the invite. QUIT A CHALLENGE If you no longer wish to be in a particular challenge, navigate to the My Plan area of your account,then locate the "X"symbol to the right of the title of the challenge in question.Clicking this "X"will remove the challenge from your plan. Please note that once you remove a challenge from your plan, it cannot be re-added. If a challenge has ended,you may notice that it is still visible on your Home page and My Plan page.To remove completed challenges,take the same steps that you did to quit a challenge. Eat Breakfast:5 days this weekk, L Did you eat breakfast On wsek? iju M T W T F 3 3 <`00000 > .1..—16 en lareaau 47 _� .... ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All rights reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Program 101: How to...? li CREATE AND TRACK A PERSONAL GOAL_ Click on the"My Plan" tab and create your own goal by clicking the Add a New Goal' link at the top of the page. Follow the prompts to get your goal set up and once it is,go back to the "My Plan" page to track your progress. My Plan rim sup. }<140J Nrw Geai WT IT"M CONTACT A COACH. Even the world's best Next5ft" athletes and business people have a coach. Why 6ET iTAllTEO wouldn't you?Whether you want support in making . better food choices,quitting tobacco, managing stress, exercising,finding motivation,or simply being more fully alive,our coaches are here for you.They won't ion �,catcmm cro judge you,diagnose you,or tell you what to do. Instead, ,«,,,,,,, they are here to support you in finding your own best thinking and what is best for you! T'. P.,topate in a challeme s>. CALL 888-213-7953 to set up your appointment to P-ttnaCon—Oa F—n speak with a coach. C2013 ADURO,Inc.All rion reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com f 3^ POW- _ * 1f Iy� F his W'ki "'M✓ 777 Rai h v, v T % d C Yip aa.,. t ce ON kt � wso Devices, start tracking! 13 Device Set Up The City of Kent has purchased the"Fitbit One"and the"Fitbit Flex"at a discounted price.Once you have reached the"Bronze" level of 1000 points you will have a choice to receive$50 in your paycheck OR you can purchase a Fitbit for a reduced price of$31.44 ($100 value).Contact Human Resources to get your Fitbit today! With your wellness platform,you have the opportunity to track your steps using different devices:Fitbit, RunKeeper or Nike+.The following information will guide you in setting up your device within your platform. It is simple to sync up your device(s): • Start by clicking on Settings(upper right corner of your dashboard). Wellmetrics Dem Settings I box Sign out • Find the Apps&Devices'tab to connect your specific device. Raie ➢Aota Enri a t�aq See ate." APas a DEVICES .. a Cacho a �aa�w�,r�k*d Mh paar r_wxy n,�k:g aypa r e ae s n ice tAee�. rd FrSrm.To tied a ctud a you ssc trxk dh-ape w A-& e: F dwxw 7o3k fee fha duce icon to the Wff.It you caKt W amK Your ocgrez s may n yet tie e."a da ae-arm m ct eoga.PI.—etj t—a! • Find your specific device and click on`Connect'. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish syncing your device. • Important:Please do not click"Get It"for Fitbit. Please contact Human Resources to get your Fitbit. ® Fitbit The f-abit Tracker shown your rea"rna ad o cots so you know hew am you am a Vow guts hartms your*act saps uken,calonot hu—d.and d.M.-tm"l*1.k a,dtanaerany sym your data whanem its near your computer. ®2013 nouao,lay.ai dgn.reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Devices, start tracking! 1� '�0*' T itbit TIPS FOR USING YOUR FITBIT DEVICE'. • The Fitbit tracking device can relay information regarding steps, minutes, miles and calories-burned of running,walking and exercise. Participate in challenges that call for these activities to use your Fitbit and earn points. At this time,any other data that your Fitbit tracks(sleep,floors climbed or food diary)can only be accessed through the official Fitbit platform. • Note:You may notice that the tracked activity on your Fitbit display does not match the activity uploaded into your account.This difference is likely the result of your Fitbit tracking non-exercise actions like foot tapping which our wellness platform will not accept. If you think the difference is significant, please contact support@adurolife.com. ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All rights reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com Devices, start tracking! 15 DEVICE COMPARISON The chart below lists the four devices available to sync to your wellness platform.All of these devices will track calories,steps, miles and minutes for each of the activities listed below. Bum RunKeeper Nike+ Fitbit Type Smart Phone Smart Phone Activity App-GPS App-GPS Device Activities Exercise, Exercise,walk, Exercise, tracked walk, hike, run walk, run run, bike, elliptical You must be enrolled in a challenge that is tracking these activity types in order to view your data. Each activity device and app syncs nightly on your wellness platform.You can also visit your"My Plan page to refresh your activity in challenges you have joined. If you have more than one device activated on your account, the most recent data will be populated. UR off, i . I ©2013 nouao,Inc..vi rights reserved Kent.mywellmetrics.com FAQs PRIVACY >> USER NAME KNOW YOUR NUMBERS COMPLETED CHALLENGES I 4 a � it FAQs Here are some of the most common questions that come up for users. If you ever experience problems with your account or have specific questions email support@adurolife.com. 1. Can my employer see my results,track my use or read my online wellness journal? e No!Strict HIPAA guidelines are followed to protect Write in yOurJwmal r your information and assessment results.Your employer and company can see aggregate views of well-being issues for their general workforce, but never any personally identifiable information. FOUND ON YOUR MY PLAN PAGE * Your online wellness journal is entirely private as well. If you would like to make your journal public at any time, navigate to the'Settings'section of your account(upper right corner of your screen on each page)and modify your privacy settings. 4 Wellmetrics Oem " 5ettlrigs ', I x Sign out 2. Are there any tips for choosing a good user name? e Your user name will appear on the Leaderboard when you join a challenge, post a comment or ask a question on a community forum. If you would like to remain anonymous to other users, choose a user name that doesn't include your first or last name or any other identifiable information. e To change your user name at any time, please navigate to the Settings section of your account and click on the'Change Sign In Name' button on the ensuing page. e You can also upload a profile image by clicking on the image next your user Worksite Wellness name on the"Home" page.You will be J'27pts history prompted to select from the library of icon images,or you may upload you own Profit. image. MY PHOTO Ed"your Photo ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All righ¢reserved Kent.mywel l metri cs.com 18 3. How do I get my biometric values loaded into my account and receive my Know Your Numbers points? Visit your primary care physician: Learn City of OWED Inbox S your key health numbers through your --.. -- doctor: Height,Weight, BMI, Body Fat(optional), ' ' oto Email&Pri Cholesterol/Lipids, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, and Hemoglobin A I C(optional). BASIC INFORMATION Ir 1 :tt:.0 vV.u*ther we ir ber s I Log into your wellness account,click on 'Seto rigs'in the upper right hand sIOME7RiC5 ••�-e,w �uae mu«nt sse; corner of your screen.While on the 'Profile'tab,scroll down until you seep the'Biometrics'section.Self-report Boar Mist;„ your numbers and click`Save Profile and Body Fal (..... Settings Changes'. Navigate to your'My Results'tab to see what these numbers mean to your overall health. 4. 1 foe-got to track my progress on a goal/challenge for a few days. Is it too late to get credit? Currently,you can track progress on any goal or challenge up to one week in the past using the convenient drop-down menu associated with each goal or challenge on your plan. r.. 2097 r' ©2013 ADURO,Inc.All righu reserved Kent.mywel l metri es.eom OK, my account is all set up... Now what? Now comes the fun part—start using this great benefit!Take a look at your results,join a challenge or two,set a goal, and see what members of the community are talking about. HAVE FUN AND BE WELL! Thank You! ADURO strives to offer the most relevant and engaging wellness programs around.We are excited to be a part of your company's well-being makeover and look forward to working together.As always, if you have questions, please contact suppo! �adurolife.com. p T _ Y 0 :. 4� CU - �. duo k z , Al • ti[ - { e Pak ML i • , •,-off ,„� �" ,, ti ,� '��c ` i • t y tr• . r'4 Y y r Am , ,k lk r - z -f fi a 9 yr f P• i ,tva ir icy M1� iy k s p liie--t . t • t s 6 • s , �' •,,��. .ram is y�`S t �. '. �_ - h n( "'1 '. a� a 4 {. f' ) n n� x �t - l � c AL P IN r ilk 5,-.-xlk 1. c Yf t 9 . u, ti33lt j''✓ a,. O CL O O O LL E 00 O O Co _ . 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