HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/15/2013 Kent City Council Meeting KENT WNS HIHGTGN January 15, 2013 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Perry, Ralph, and Thomas. Councilmember Ranniger was excused from the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration. Staff. Council President Higgins suggested adding Consent Calendar Item R, an excused absence for Councilmember Ranniger, and removing Consent Calendar Item Q and placing it on Other Business Item B to the agenda. B. From the Public. No changes were made by the public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. No public recognition was given. B. Community Events. No community events were given. C. State of the County. King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn gave an overview of the County's budget, criminal Justice system, flood district, county roads, human trafficking campaign, and county internship program for veterans. D. Legislative Report. Communication and Public Affairs Manager Michelle Wilmot noted that the 63rd Legislative Session started yesterday. She gave an overview of the legislative challenges facing the legislature this session. E. Public Safety Report. Police Chief Thomas gave a life saving award to Officer Scott Renkin for giving life support assistance to a school student. He went on to give the monthly crime statistics and then introduced Sergeant Mark Gustafson, who is retiring after 33 years. Chief Thomas reported on other activities in the Police Department. F. Intergovernmental Reports. Council President Higgins gave a brief update on what committees he'll be serving on this year. Councilmember Ralph reported that the Regional Law Safety and Justice Committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of the month. Councilmember Perry gave an update on the issues that the Sound Cities Association (formerly Suburban Cities Association) Public Issues Committee (PIC) will be working on and noted the committees she will be serving on this year. 1 �j 1 s� Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2013 PUBLIC COMMENT A. Kent Historical Museum. Nancy Simpson, 20836 101't Avenue SE, thanked the Mayor and Council for their support of the Kent Museum. She also noted the events this month and in February. B. Kent Lions Club. Bill Westcott, 12604 SE 222"d Place, noted the issues the Kent Lions Foundation participates in and the activities the Kent Lions Club is involved with in Kent. He thanked all the sponsors, partners and volunteers involved with these events. C. Invitation from Councilman Adam Smith. Linh Thai, 101 Evergreen Building, 15 South Grady Way, Renton, invited the Mayor and Council to participate in a ribbon cutting and open house for Councilman Adam Smith's new office on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Higgins moved to approve the revised Consent Calendar Items A through R, excluding Item Q, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0 and the following items were approved: A. Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of January 2, 2013 B. Payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30, 2012 after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 2, 2013. Checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/30/12 Wire Transfers 5287-5305 $1,429,543.95 11/30/12 Regular Checks 668726-669190 2,958,360.53 11/30/12 Use Tax Payable 1,922.45 $4,389,826.93 Payment of the bills received through December 15 and paid on December 15, 2012 after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 2, 2013. Checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/15/12 Wire Transfers 5306-5324 $1,840,911.00 12/15/12 Regular Checks 669191-669543 1,735,276.26 Void Checks 669387,669412 (27,951.17) 669532 12/15/12 Use Tax Payable 1,988.92 $3,550,225.01 2 7 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2013 Checks issued for payroll for November 16 through November 30 and paid on December 5, 2012: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/5/12 Checks 329923-330047 $ 91,997.82 12/5/12 Advices 307002-307632 1,576,697.66 $1,668,695.48 Checks issued for payroll for December 1 through December 15 and paid on December 20, 2012: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/20/12 Checks 330048-330195 $ 92,407.73 12/20/12 Advices 307633-308263 1,226,843.02 $1,319,250.75 C. City Clerk Ronald F. Moore. The Mayor's selection and appointment of Ronald F. Moore as Kent City Clerk was confirmed. D. Target. Inc. Crime Fighting Grant. The Mayor was authorized to accept the Target, Inc., grant in an amount of $500, amend the budget, and expend the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. E. Implementing Marijuana Initiative 502 — Ordinance. Ordinance No. 4068 amending Section 9.02.150 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Criminal Code," adopting new RCW's relating to marijuana, subject to approval of the City Attorney, was adopted. F. Worksite Wellness Contract. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Worksite Wellness contract, subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resource Director and the City Attorney. G. James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Acceptance of Statewide Stormwater Grant. The Mayor was authorized to accept the FY2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant in the amount of $75,000 for the James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Project, amend the budget, and expend the funds in accordance with the grant terms was authorized, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Right-of-Way Dedication - Pacific Hwy S. at 242"d Street. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Quit Claim Deed dedicating Right-of-Way for South 242"d Street at Pacific Highway South, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. I. Contract with Columbia Basin Water Works Large Meter Testing and Calibration. The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract with Columbia Basin Water Works for testing and calibration of large distribution water meters, in an amount not to exceed $20,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2013 J. Amendment to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for McSorley Creek Wetland Acquisition Grant. The Mayor was authorized to sign an amendment to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for McSorley Creek Wetland Acquisition Grant with King County to reimburse the City $300,000 to purchase 40.58 acres of property known as the McSorley Wetland, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. K. Boeing-Pacific Gateway Easement Releases. The Mayor was authorized to sign easement releases for the Pacific Gateway property, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. Kent North PUD Division I-East Site. Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the Kent North PUD Division I - East Site project, Permit No. 2062462 for 10 sanitary sewer manholes, and 1,522 linear feet of sanitary sewerline was accepted. M. Kent North PUD Division II, Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the North PUD Division II project, Permit No. 2073940 for 23 gate valves, 8 hydrants, and 4,464 linear feet of waterline, 20 sanitary sewer manholes, and 3,999 linear feet of sanitary sewerline was accepted. N. Kent North PUD Sewer Lift Station, Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the North PUD Sewer Lift Station project, Permit No. 2060896 for 1 sanitary sewer manhole, and 854 linear feet of sanitary sewerline was accepted. O. Kent North PUD, Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the North PUD project, Permit No. 2061577 for 29 gate valves, 8 hydrants, and 4,625 linear feet of waterline, 9 sanitary sewer manholes, and 1,708 linear feet of sanitary sewerline, 3,861 linear feet of new street, 3 storm sewer manholes, 44 Type I catch basin, and 3,589 linear feet of storm sewerline was accepted. P. Kent North PUD, Division I, Bill of Sale. The Bill of Sale for the North PUD Division I project, Permit No. 2062462 for 20 gate valves, 7 hydrants, and 2,840 linear feet of waterline, 18 sanitary sewer manholes, and 2,790 linear feet of sanitary sewerline was accepted. ADDED ITEM R. Excused Absence. An excused absence for Councilmember Ranniger, who was unable to attend the January 15, 2013, meeting, was approved. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2013 Legislative Agenda. Communication and Public Affairs Manager Michelle Wilmot reviewed the top priority issues that will impact the City's local services. Council President Higgins moved to approve the 2013 State Legislative Agenda for the city of Kent, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2013 B. Coal Trains — EIS Scoping Letter, Impact to City of Kent. Public Works Director Tim LaPorte noted that a letter opposing an increase in train traffic and coal dust be signed. Councilmember Albertson moved to approve and endorse the Coal Export Facility Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Letter and authorize the Mayor and councilmembers to sign the document, seconded by Council President Higgins. Motion carried 7-0. Councilmember Albertson noted that this letter will be on the website for the public to view. The motion passed unanimously. REPORTS A. Council President. Council President Higgins noted that at workshop a staff report was given on services available to the homeless during the winter and a Task Force that was formed to review these services and research laws in Kent and surrounding cities. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke noted that she wanted to recognize the hundreds of volunteers who help serve the Monday night meals at the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Kent Lutheran Church. She highlighted the legislative session in Olympia and the Tazo Tea ribbon cutting ceremony. She also introduced the new City Clerk, Ronald F. Moore. C. Administration. Chief Administration Officer John Hodgson noted that there will be a 30 minute executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss property negotiations and that there may be action following. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Perry noted that at the last meeting Economic & Community Development department gave an update of their accomplishments and goals. E. Operations Committee. Councilmember Thomas noted that Economic & Community Development Director Ben Wolters will mediate forums for ShoWare events. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. No report was given. G. Public Safety Committee. Councilmember Boyce noted that Police Chief Thomas was asked for a staffing plan and to work towards this goal. H. Public Works Committee. No report was given. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas noted that he was voted to be the next Chairman of the Board. 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2013 EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:36 p.m., Mayor Cooke announced that the Council would recess into an Executive Session for one hour to discuss property acquisition, per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) & (c). ADJOURNMENT At 9:08 p.m., the Executive Session concluded and Mayor Cooke declared the regular meeting adjourned. 3 lRonald F. Xor�eX, MC City Clerk i 6