HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/2012 ® Kent City Council Meeting �, � October 16, 2012 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Perry, Ralph, Ranniger, and Thomas. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) Council President Higgins removed Other Business Item C, Resolution Endorsing Proposition 1, from the agenda. CAO Hodgson removed the Executive Session from the agenda. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) The public made no changes to the agenda. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted that the Omax Corporation is adding a new 22,000 sq. ft. building, and announced that Kona. Kai Coffee Company and Pacific Metallurgical both recently received King County Executive's Small Business awards. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Higgins noted that SkateAmerica is this weekend, and Albertson said Kent's Dancing With The Stars is also this weekend. C. Glenbrook Neighborhood Council (CFN-1304) Toni Azzola introduced members of the Glenbrook Neighborhood Council. Mayor Cooke presented them with a Certificate of Recognition. D. Torklift's 2nd Annual Turkey Challenge. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke proclaimed October 16 through November 16, 2012, Second Annual Kent Turkey Challenge in the city of Kent, and presented the proclamation to Katie Brown of Torklift Central. Ms. Brown explained the turkey challenge and noted that approximately $10,000 was raised last year for the food bank. E. Intergovernmental Reports. (CFN-198) Council members reported on issues discussed at the regional committees on which they serve. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2013-2014 Biennial Budget (Second Hearing). (CFN-186) Finance Director Nachlinger gave a presentation on the budget including each fund balance, staffing levels, and major changes. Mayor Cooke then opened the public hearing. The following people thanked the City for their past support and requested that support be continued: Mike Heinisch, Executive Director of Kent Valley Youth and Family Services, 232 2"d Avenue; Bill Halleran, Director of Catholic Community Services; Ken Taylor of Chief Executive Officer of Valley Cities; Ceugant Scolaidhe, P.O. Box 88067, Director of Community Advocacy of Domestic Abuse Women's Network; Tracy Vandewall, Director of Education at and Employment Programs at the Multi Service Center; John Naegele, Early Childhood Director at the Children's Home 1 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 Society, 4338 Auburn Way; Ted Schwarz, 9818 S. 2181h, member of the Human Services Commission, 9818 S. 213th Place; and Shaina Fristo of Washington Women's Employment and Education. Some expressed support for changing to a per capita basis for giving, but expressed concern about using the funds for staffing. Also speaking were Heinz Strakeljahn, 13228 SE 231, who voiced opposition to taxes and fees, Jack Cosby, 525 Van de Vanter, who spoke highly of the Neighborhood Council program and expressed hope that it would not be cut, Val Jodais, 25425 34`h Place So., who urged the City to live within its means, and Andy Massagli, 11232 SE 2671h Place, who voiced concern that the B & O tax would become permanent, and encouraged more discussion on it. Albertson and Perry explained that because there is no state income tax, this tax is the only option available. Ranniger noted receipt of letters relating to parks functions from Irma Knapp, Loretta Pearson, Orval Dealy, Laura Kader, and Cynthia Tanis, and moved to make them part of the record. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Higgins moved to make a letter from Linda Denny regarding cuts to Parks staff a part of the record. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Higgins moved to close the public hearing. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. B. 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Plan (Second Hearing) and Comprehen- sive Plan Amendments. (CFN-775) Finance Director Nachlinger gave a presenta- tion on the Capital Improvement Plan, noting that the total includes the levy lid lift and the B & O tax. He broke down the total cost by projects and revenues by sources. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and Higgins moved to close the public hearing. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. C. Kent Comprehensive Plan and Amendments to Kent City Code Section 12.13 re School Impact Fees. (CFN-775/961/1000) Planning Manager Charlene Anderson explained that this hearing is to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the updated Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts and the new Capital facilities Plan of the Highline School District. She noted that these plans also propose to amend school impact fees outlined in Kent City Code Chapter 12.13. She added that adoption will be through the budget. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. Bob Kenworthy, Auburn School District, 915 Fourth St. NE, Auburn, reviewed the update-to their plan and noted that single family impact fees will remain at the same level as 2011. Tanya Nascimento, Federal Way School District, 33330 81h Avenue SE, described their plan and noted that their single family impact fees will also not be increased. Ralph Fortunato, Kent School District, 11020 SE 256, also outlined their plan and noted that school impact fees for single family and multi-family will not be increased. There were no further comments from the public and Higgins moved to close the public hearing. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 D. 2012 Property Tax Levy. (CFN-104) Finance Director Nachlinger noted that the total estimated levy is $20,079,269 and explained how that figure was determined. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience, and Higgins moved to close the public hearing. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Business and Occupation Tax. Sam Pace, Association of Realtors, 28932 154th Avenue SE, commented on the sunset clause, and letters on the subject were made a part of the record. (See Other Business Item 8B.) CONSENT CALENDAR Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of October 2, 2012, and the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 21, 2012, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Bills were not available for approval. C. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. Mobilization (CFN-122) The Police Chief was authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in an amount not to exceed $8,000, and amend the budget in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. D. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant, Law Enforcement Liaison (CFN-122) The Police Chief was authorized to sign the interagency agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in an amount not to exceed $5,000, and amend the budget in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. E. Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant. (CFN-122) The Drug Free Communities Support Program grant in the amount of $53,639 was accepted and amendment of the budget in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney was authorized. F. Stop Act Grant. Substance Abuse Mental Health Services. (CFN-122) The STOP Act grant in the amount of $48,258 was accepted and establishment of the budget in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney was authorized. G, Police Services Agreement with Kent School District (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign the police services agreement with the Kent School District in the amount of $40,258.44 and establishment of the budget, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney was authorized. 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 H. Glenbrook Neighborhood Council Resolution. (CFN-1304) Resolution No. 1865 recognizing Glenbrook as a Neighborhood Council, was adopted. I. Mobile Home Darks Ordinance. (CFN-207) Ordinance No. 4050, amending Chapter 12,05, Kent City Code, related to mobile home parks, was adopted. J. Guiberson Corrosion Control. (CFN-1111) The Guiberson Corrosion Control Project was accepted as complete and release of retainage to McClure and Sons, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens was authorized. The original contract amount was $926,769.68. The final contract amount was $894,523.68. OTHER BUSINESS A. LID 363 S. 224t" Street, East Valley Highway to Benson Road, Final Assessment Roll. (CFN-1308) City Attorney Brubaker explained that this is a quasi-judicial meeting which involves only those property owners assessed by the LID. He noted that three appeals from the Public Works Committee recommendation were filed; and, that the Council previously decided not to hear oral comments on any appeals. He then introduced Wayne Tanaka, member of Ogden Murphy Wallace, outside legal counsel for the City Council. Mr. Tanaka stated that the purpose of this meeting is to confirm the final assessment roll for LID 363. He explained that the hearing on the final assessment roll was conducted by the Public Works Committee and the Committee's recommendation has been distributed to all members of the Council. He added that the Council has also had the opportunity to review the complete record of that hearing, as developed by the Public Works Committee. In order to maintain the appearance of fairness, Tanaka asked if any member of the Council has any disclosures to make with respect to the appearance of fairness, Mayor Cooke stated that, although she has no authority in this matter, she did speak with someone from the Holiday Inn. Tanaka asked whether any property owner wishes to challenge any member of the Council on the basis of the appearance of fairness; no one made any challenges. Tanaka noted that three of the property owners filed appeals of the Public Works Committee's recommendations: D & I II, LLC, Steven and Brenda Lau, and AR Hospitality, Inc. He stated that the LID filed a response to these appeals and also submitted two additional letters in response to further letters submitted by D & I II, LLC. He noted that the Council has been provided with this paperwork and with the appeal proceedings. He suggested proceeding with determining whether to confirm, modify, or deny any of these appeals, and once that issue has been resolved, then to determine if the Council wishes to make any further modifications to the final assessment roll as recommended by the Public Works Committee; if not, the final action would be to confirm the final assessment roll, as modified if applicable, by passage of the ordinance. There were no questions for Mr. Tanaka from the Council, or further discussion on the appeals. Albertson questioned whether there is a staff presentation (no response was heard). She then moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4051 adopting the Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations of the Public Works Committee acting as a Board 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 of Equalization for LID 363, and confirming and establishing the Local Improvement District 363 final assessment roll as recommended by the Committee in all respects. Higgins seconded. Brubaker added that in addition to his introduction and Mr. Tanaka's comments, staff is available to answer questions if Council had any. The motion then carried. B. Business & Occupation Tax. (CFN-104) City Attorney Brubaker noted that two ordinances were presented and discussed at Council workshops and that the ordinances presented tonight contain the changes requested at the workshops. He explained that as designed, the tax should generate approximately $4.7 million a year of additional tax revenue which is dedicated to street improvements, and that there is a $300,000 allocation to hire two new auditors to monitor and help enforce the ordinance. He said that in the event the tax generates more than $5,000,000, any funds received in excess of that will be dedicated to the capital improvement fund to be allocated per the direction of the City Council. Brubaker clarified that this is a gross receipts tax, and that it imposes a tax of 46 cents per thousand dollars on manufacturing and retail sales, and $1.52 per thousand dollars for services and wholesale operations or business activities. Brubaker also explained that the ordinance includes a square footage tax of three cents per square foot per quarter on warehouse operations, and one cent per square foot per quarter on other business operations. He said the business activity will pay the higher of the B & O tax or the square footage tax, and added that if a business in Kent conducts business activity which occurs outside the city limits, that gross income will be deducted from the amount of tax due; similarly, businesses located outside the city who conduct business activity inside the city will also be required to pay the B & O tax. He noted that any business activity which does not exceed $250,000 in gross receipts per year is exempt from the B & O tax. He concluded by explaining that there are limited exemptions including nonprofit organizations, health management organizations, public utilities, investment income received by individuals, farming, gasoline sales, and liquor sales, and noted that the tax would take effect beginning January 1, 2013. Brubaker clarified that one of the ordinances imposes the square footage and B & O tax, and the other creates administrative provisions so that Finance Director and staff can administer the tax and taxpayers can understand how to pay the tax to the city. Earlier in the meeting,,under Public Comments, Sam Pace of the Association of Realtors, 28932 154th Avenue SE, opined that eliminating the sunset clause in the ordinance is not well advised and that it would not affect refinancing of bonds. Also under Public Comments, Higgins moved to make letters conforming to the Chamber's recommendation from Vicky Warnock, Debra Snoey, Sam Pace, Jim Muir, Kent Sharp, and Pat Hanis a part of the record. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Higgins moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4052 adopting a new Chapter 3.28 to the Kent City Code entitled "Business and Occupation Tax Gross Receipts" and establishing an effective date; and Ordinance No. 4053 adding a new Chapter 3.29 to the Kent City Code entitled "Business and Occupation Tax - Administrative Provisions". Perry seconded. 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 Higgins reviewed the history of this issue, voiced opposition to the sunset clause, and pointed out that the B & O tax will be one of the lowest in the state. Thomas spoke against the ordinance for the following reasons: the fact that Kent does not have a B & O tax encourages economic development in the city; it is not based on net profit; sunset clauses are usually ongoing; and the city is not planning on bonding anything soon. Ralph said maintenance has been deferred for along time and it needs to be addressed now, and voiced concern that the sunset clause will continue without further discussion on the issue in the future. Boyce said although he is opposed to taxes, he feels the tax is the right thing to do for the city. He said the City needs to look for ways to cut costs and be efficient, and to address the ShoWare problem. Albertson said the transportation issue has not been addressed for many years, and that the B & O tax will still not fix all the problems. She concurred with Boyce that making ShoWare work is a priority. Perry explained that forces the city doesn't control have caused problems with the budget, including twenty years of debt. She said this tax is better than nothing but that the City must find new revenue sources or make severe cuts. She voiced opposition to the sunset clause, since the problem is ongoing and needs an ongoing funding source. Ranniger commented on the phenomenal community engagement in this budget process, reiterated that several revenue streams have been lowered and others have disappeared while costs have gone up, and that the city has had to make some painful decisions. She said the B & O tax is a compromise, but it's a start. The motion to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4052 and 4053 carried 6-1 with Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Perry, Ralph, and Ranniger in favor, and Thomas opposed. BIDS A. 2012 Vehicle Detector Loops Project. (CFN-171) Public Works Director LaPorte explained the project and recommended award to the low bidder. Albertson moved to award the 2012 Vehicle Detector Loops Project to Totem Electric of Tacoma in the amount of $117,874.08 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Ralph seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Higgins reported on the discussion which took place at today's workshop and noted that there will be an additional workshop from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on October 23ra B. Mayor. (CFN-198) No report was given. C. Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson announced that City Clerk Brenda ]acober will retire at the end of this year, and that she has been with the City of Kent for 37 years, the last 21 as City Clerk. 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 16, 2012 D. Economic & Community Development Committee (CFN-198) No report was given. E. Operations Committee (CFN-198) No report was given. F. Parks and Human Services Committee (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that the next meeting will be held on October 18. G. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson reported that the next meetings will be on October 22 and November 5. I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-198) Thomas said the budget will be discussed at a meeting at 5:30 tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, CNIAe City Clerk 7 CAD Ccr 0 CD BCD � � p c CD CD a CDFE- n Cam" aS. te . � °� � (D = CD0 �' p' o'er c� 'CD a y_' O CD CD °N° O, O 0 BCD • o .3 � 8 CD ��J ID _a id vo p ° cnCD CD y� CD v BCD CD N n (7 cn a CD /r+ C-D �O p o o � z O a �feet, C � �'� � � �� o CJn 0 CD CD 0 CD O 0 CD .� CD x CD o rD z y CD o � � y C 's (r4 CDLi n `C O ECD ms' O CD C � CD v z O C N •C O �� O CD £" 0 N ~ CD oil CD 'C �v CDD 'rs � v' � � CD CD � a CD ID i / Con CA �t ro Nw �Cv x� ac n�57Cx5OsS w> 3 !� C fD< p.�" .N f7 Q•�' O N'C G. oYo^ °3 m o � N "2 C� O N0.o tj � O'b �O ny ti �•p waa� cca•o '"',a, o p7 o a cD a o v - 7Co �f° o4? w o`D �°5� 5"< =Z o,7a =ac rD C o - � (� � �� 'O c� Pic°0D Nm�� a� o eD C� v O rn -n oo w �'.� eD orn �-n. �.B"'-3_`D o s CD •v aoQ O vMa o a c h ° o_ o°°o CO �'s - . p° ?:.",t ••,C, FCD 4 coo w o•can m 3 �• �� n�° N 5 w� oa°o -� 'p`D a w ° ^.c^o W� vm'~ o c as c rnCA wa 0 0 cD mow =° U; ° c V41