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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/2012 Kent City Council Meeting
W AS,E September 4, 2012
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Perry, Ralph,
Ranniger, and Thomas. (CFN-198)
A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) Albertson removed Item A
from the Consent Calendar.
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) No changes were made.
A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) No public recognition was given.
B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke announced the First Avenue Block
Party scheduled for September 14 at 4:00 p.m.
C. Proclamation — Gay Pride Day. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation
declaring September 9, 2012, as Gay Pride Day in the City of Kent, and encouraging
everyone to recognize and applaud the numerous contributions of gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender individuals in the city. The proclamation was accepted by
Wade Schwartz, who expressed appreciation to the city.
D. Intergovernmental Reports. (CFN-198) Council members reported on issues
discussed at the regional committees on which they serve.
No comments were made by the public.
Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items B through I. Thomas seconded
and the motion carried. Item A, approval of previous meeting minutes, was removed
from the agenda.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through July 31 and
paid on July 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 21, 2012, was
Checks issued for vouchers were approved:
Date Check Numbers Amount
7/31/12 Wire Transfers 5142-5161 $1,718,299.85
7/31/12 Regular Checks 665336-665790 3,804,627.49
Void Checks 665549 (5,335.85)
7/31/12 Use Tax Payable 1,368.92
Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2012
Approval of payment of the bills received through August 15 and paid on August 15
after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 21, 2012.
Checks issued for vouchers were approved:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/15/12 Wire Transfers 5162-5179 $1,598,857.62
8/15/12 Regular Checks 665791-666219 2,319,549.22
8/15/12 Use Tax Payable 1,821.70
Checks issued for payroll for August 1 through August 15 and paid on August 20,
2012, were approved:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/20/12 Checks 328776-328943 $ 135,495.38
8/20/12 Advices 302542-303192 1,228,865.15
C. 2013-2014 Biennial Budget. (CFN-186) September 18, 2012, was set for the
first public hearing to consider the 2013-2014 biennial budget at the regular City
Council meeting.
D. 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-775) September 18, 2012, was
set for the public hearing to consider the 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Plan at the
regular City Council meeting.
E. BERK & Associates Inc., Consultant Services Agreement. (CFN-462) The
Mayor was authorized to sign the consultant services agreement with BERK &
Associates Inc., to produce a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and
Planned Action Ordinance for the Downtown Subarea Action Plan in an amount not to
exceed $90,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and
Community Development Director and the City Attorney.
F. Scenic Hill Stormwater Pipe Replacement Agreement. (CFN-1038) The
Mayor was authorized to sign a goods and services agreement with H.D. Fowler
Company, in an amount not to exceed $23,354.21, plus sales tax, for drainage
materials related to the Scenic Hill Stormwater Pipe Replacement Project, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works
G. Rock Creek Salmon Spawning Survey Contract. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was
authorized to sign a consultant services agreement with R2 Resource Consultants,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $26,276.50, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
H. Horseshoe Bend Levee Right-of-Way Dedication, S. 2591h. (CFN-1318) The
Mayor was authorized to sign a quit claim deed dedicating city owned property along
Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2012
S. 2591h Street, 80`h Avenue S. and S. 2615Y Street as right of way, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City Attorney.
I. Smith Street Left Turn Lane at Lincoln Avenue. (CFN-1038) The Smith
Street Left Turn Lane at Lincoln Avenue Project was accepted as complete and release
of retainage to Road Construction Northwest, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases
from the state and release of any liens was authorized. The original contract amount
was $593,880. The final amount paid was $593,879.90.
A. Efficiency Study Consultant Services Agreement. (CFN-147) Hodgson noted
that Resolution No. 1862 calls for Administration to research and hire an organization
to conduct an efficiency study, and explained how BERK & Associates was chosen. He
reviewed the scope of work and the timeline involved, and said a report should be
available by late November, with action beyond that beginning in December. He
noted that the cost is $43,730, half of which will come from the Council budget and
half from the fund balance. Higgins pointed out that a draft of cost efficiency
opportunity findings will be available prior to the November election.
Thomas moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant services agreement with
BERK Consulting, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human
Services Director and the City Attorney. Albertson seconded and the motion carried.
A. Council President. (CFN-198) Higgins noted that there was no workshop
tonight and that the annual meeting of the Economic Development Corporation was
held today.
B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke reported that the International Latino Gang
Investigation Association presented an award to the Valley Gang Unit in recognition of
their gang suppression efforts and outstanding group effort and teamwork. She
commended the team, Commander Derek Kammerzell, Commander Rafael Padilla,
Sgt. Michael O'Reilly and Detective Eric Steffes for making the community safer.
C. Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson noted that there will be an executive
session of approximately ten minutes to discuss a matter of property acquisition
having to do with protection of the city's water system.
D. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry
announced that their September loth meeting has been cancelled.
E. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given.
F. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given.
G. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Boyce noted that their next meeting will
be held on September 11th.
Kent City Council Minutes September 4, 2012
H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson noted that the committee did
not meet on September 3 due to the Labor Day holiday and that their next meeting
will be on September 17, at which time they will discuss traffic calming devices in
response to the accident which took a Kent residents life on August 22.
I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-198) No report was given.
The meeting was recessed to Executive Session at 7:38 p.m., and reconvened at
7:48 p.m.
A. Property Acquisition. (CFN-239/119) Hodgson reported that 60% of the city's
water supply is supplied by Clark Springs and that the property proposed for
acquisition is located next to an area which could potentially contaminate the water
supply. He said that the property would provide a buffer and allow monitoring in
order to avoid contamination.
Albertson moved to authorize the purchase of two parcels for the purpose of water-
shed protection located at 26204 SE Kent Kangley Road, Ravensdale, WA 98051
(Parcel No. 252206-9048) and the vacant property immediately located to the north
(Parcel No. 252206-9066) and to authorize the Mayor to sign the Purchase and Sale
Agreement and all other necessary documents to purchase the property, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City
Attorney. Higgins seconded and noted that utility funds have been set aside for this
purpose for some time. The motion then carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. (CFN-198)
Brenda Jacober, CMC
City Clerk