HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/19/2012 y RCN i Kent City Council Meeting June 19, 2012 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Higgins, Perry, Ralph, Ranniger, and Thomas. Councilmember Boyce was excused from the meeting. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) The Council President added Consent Calendar Item M, removed Consent Calendar Item L and sent it back to committee, and moved Consent Calendar Item E to Other Business. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) No changes were made by the public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke read a letter from local business owner Tom Barghausen commending Senior Development Engineer Ozzie Carrasquilla for his exceptional customer service. Dave Mortenson reported on the success of the recent International Festival, Cheryl dos Remedios presented a brief video on hunger, Council member Perry announced an award recently presented to her husband Matt Perry, and Council members commended various school teams and players on their accomplishments. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Albertson outlined upcoming events including the Independence Day Splash event at Lake Meridian Park, and Council President Higgins announced upcoming events at ShoWare Center. C. Proclamation — Juneteenth Day. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation relating to the Emancipation Proclamation, emphasized the significance of the Juneteenth celebration in African-American history and in the heritage of the nation and the City of Kent, and declared June 19, 2012 Juneteenth in the City of Kent. Gwen Allen Carston, President of the Kent Black Action Commission, introduced other members of KBAC, accepted the proclamation, and expressed her appreciation. D. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Assistant Police Chief Randy Bourne gave an update of the monthly crime statistics and spoke about the upcoming Fourth of July events and safety issues. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. (CFN-164) Transportation Engineering Manager Steve Mullen explained that the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program represents the City's proposed transportation improvement work program for the next six years. He noted that including projects in the TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding partners and apply for grants. He explained the projects which were added this year and responded to questions from Council members. 1 Kent City Council Minutes June 19, 2012 Public Works Director LaPorte then reported on projects which have been on the TIP for several years and for which grant funds were received. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. Ella LaVoie, 25213 132nd Avenue SE, member of Brownie Girl Scout Troop #42290, told the Council that there is no sidewalk on one side of the street where children walk to and from the bus stop, and that it is very unsafe and scary. Ranniger suggested doing something about this problem right away, and LaPorte said staff will look into the matter. Perry moved to make the letter from the Brownie Girl Scout Troop a part of the record. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. There were no further comments and Higgins moved to close the public hearing. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Albertson moved to adopt Resolution No. 1860 approving the 2013-2018 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Higgins seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Leaislative Intern. (CFN-198) Alex Clark, Legislative Intern in King County Council member Julia Patterson's office, introduced himself and asked the Mayor and Council to contact him if there are any Kent issues Council member Patterson can assist with. B. Juneteenth. (CFN-155) Gwen Allen Carston, 24914 109th Place SE, announced a Juneteeth family reunion picnic on June 24, 2012, and invited interested persons to attend. Linda Sweezer, 23243 105th Avenue SE, described the celebration and asked for help funding the dinner. CONSENT CALENDAR Higgins moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through M, with the exception of Items E, which was moved to Other Business as item A, and L, which was removed from the agenda. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of June 5, 2012, and Council Retreat minutes of June 1, 2012, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through May 15 and paid on May 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on June 5, 2012, was approved. Checks issued for vouchers were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/15/12 Wire Transfers 5056-5077 $1,879,812.59 5/15/12 Regular Checks 663183-663603 1,568,613.63 Void Checks 663433 (681.16) 5/15/12 Use Tax Payable 5,461.65 $3,453,206.71 2 Kent City Council Minutes June 19, 2012 Checks issued for payroll for May 1 through May 15 and paid on May 20, 2012, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/20/12 Checks 327635-327846 $ 119,895.61 5/20/12 Advices 298667-299311 1,205,353.04 $1,325,248.65 Checks issued for payroll for May 16 through May 31 and paid on June 5, 2012, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/5/12 Checks 327847-328046 $ 120,986.87 6/5/12 Advices 299312-299958 1,232,974.09 $1,353,960.96 C. 2012 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Grants. (CFN-825) The Mayor was authorized to accept the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants in the amount of $400,000, amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms and conditions, subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney. D. Downtown Strategic Action Plan, Planning Principles. (CFN-462) The planning principles for the update of the 2005 Downtown Strategic Action Plan, were approved. F. King County Animal Services Agreement. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the animal services interlocal agreement with King County, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director. G. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant Amendment. (CFN-122) The Kent Police Department was authorized to accept grant funds from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in the amount of $6,150, and amendment of the budget and expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms and conditions were authorized, subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. H. Washington State Patrol Sector Service Level Agreement. (CFN-122) The Police Chief was authorized to sign the SECTOR Service Level Agreement with Washington State Patrol, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. I. Downey Farmstead Restoration Consultant Contract. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the consultant services agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $232,780, for final design of the Downey Farmstead Restoration Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. 3 Kent City Council Minutes June 19, 2012 J. Cooperative Aareement with the Kina County Flood Control District for Completion of Emeraencv Flood Protection Measures. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the cooperative agreement for completion of Emergency Flood Protection Measures with the King County Flood Control District, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. K. Washington State Parks and Recreation Boating Safety Program Award. (CFN-122) The grant from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission in the amount of $19,045 was accepted, and amendment of the budget and expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms and conditions were authorized, subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. REMOVED L. Daliit Cove Off-Site Sewer Bill of Sale. (CFN-484) This item was removed from the Council agenda and sent to the Public Works Committee. ADDED M. Council Absence. (CFN-198) An excused absence from tonight's meeting for Council member Bill Boyce was approved. OTHER BUSINESS A. Consolidating Budget Adiustment Ordinance. (CFN-186) Finance Director Nachlinger explained that this ordinance consolidates all actions taken by the Council, and that it is done every six months. He added that it results in a net reduction in the budget of $488,000. At Ralph's request, he explained that funds which were pre- viously set aside for street overlays and technology went to pay debt service, per the financial policies recently adopted, since debt service is first. Higgins moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4038 approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between July 1, 2011, and December 31, 2011, reflecting an over budget increase of $9,968,168. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. B. Central Avenue South Storm Water Forcemain Phase I. (CFN-117) Public Works Director LaPorte explained that this project will help alleviate local flooding at James Street and Central Avenue, once all phases are constructed. He noted that a change order to Phase I was proposed at the Public Works Committee meeting last night, to install the forecemain near the Mill Creek Middle School this summer, so as to minimize impact to the school, the creek and the environment. He explained the project, displayed maps and photographs, and said it could be finished before the start of school in the fall. Based on the public safety issues described by staff, Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to order construction of the Central Avenue Forcemain work as soon as practical, by change order or otherwise, to avoid potentially damaging effects to the public that likely will be avoided by construction earlier in the year. Ralph seconded and the motion carried. 4 Kent City Council Minutes June 19, 2012 BIDS A. Green River Levee Flood Protection Larae Super Sack Removal. (CFN-1318) Public Works Director LaPorte explained that repairs to the Howard Hanson Dam have been completed, allowing for the removal of the giant sandbags from levees and recreational trails in Kent. He noted that bids were opened in May, but that errors occurred and the project was rebid and the bid opening is now scheduled for June 25. Due to time constraints, he requested authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract before the bid opening, noting that it will expedite the contract process, removal of the sandbags, and reopening of the trails. Higgins agreed that timeliness is an issue, and emphasized that the public is protected from any excessive bids. Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract up to a maximum of $1,600,986, to remove flood protection measures related to the Howard Hanson Dam repairs, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. Higgins seconded and motion carried. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Higgins reported on discussions held at the workshop, noting that a recommendation on infrastructure issues is expected after their final meeting on June 25. B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke announced that she has signed a proclamation recognizing World Refugee Day, and that the City is looking into the Lean program of better serving the public. C. Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson noted a 5-minute executive session to discuss pending litigation. The City Attorney clarified that the original hearing on the LID 363 final assessment roll was scheduled for May 14, but was rescheduled to July 25. He added that a motion to affirm that change will appear on the July 3 agenda. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry outlined highlights of their most recent meeting, and mentioned the opening of a new business called Sweet Themes. E. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that the next meeting will be on Thursday, June 21, and that they will be discussing human services funding strategies. G. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson said the committee will not meet on July 2, will have their regular meeting on July 16, will have a special meeting on July 23, and will meet as a Board of Equalization for LID 363 on July 25. 5 Kent City Council Minutes June 19, 2012 I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-198) Thomas noted that tomorrow's meeting has been cancelled and that the next meeting will be on June 27 at 5:30. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:45 and reconvened at 8:53 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 6