HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/06/2012 iCENT Kent City Council Meeting „p,„,„„,n„ March 6, 2012 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Boyce, Higgins, Perry, Ralph, and Thomas. Councilmember Ranniger was excused from the meeting. (CFN-198) The flag salute was led by Girl Scout Troops 41104 and 41213. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) No changes were made. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) No changes were made. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Council member Ralph thanked everyone involved in last week's memorial service for State Trooper Tony Radulescu which took place at the ShoWare Center. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Council President Higgins announced events coming up at the ShoWare Center and Mayor Cooke announced a Spotlight Series event. C. Girl Scout Week Proclamation. (CFN-155) Mayor Cook read a proclamation noting that March 12, 2012, marks the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. She proclaimed March 12-16, 2012, as Girls Scouts of America Week in the City of Kent, and presented the proclamation to Troop leaders Wendy Gire and Jennifer Ritchie. D. Kiwanis Day Proclamation. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation declaring March 6, 2012, as Kent Kiwanis Day in the City of Kent and encouraged citizens to join her in honoring local Kiwanians for their years of outstanding service to the community. The proclamation was presented to the Lt. Governor of Division 32, who expressed appreciation for the recognition and invited persons who are interested in joining to contact her. E. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Mayor Cooke administered the Oath of Office to Officers Chris Bigler and Brieann Johnsen, after which Police Chief Thomas reported on crime statistics, the recent memorial for Trooper Radulescu, and the upcoming St. Patrick's Day traffic emphasis. Sheila Knapp, Police Support Services Manager, then gave a demonstration of the new crime report software. PUBLIC COMMENT A. KentHOPE. (CFN-118) Chuck Zimmer of KentHOPE, 4221 S. 253rd Street, Kent, outlined the timelines relating to use of the former Kent Resource Center as a center for the homeless and asked any residents or business leaders interested in providing input or serving on the Executive Committee to contact them. 1 Kent City Council Minutes March 6, 2012 B. Kent Black Action Commission (KBAC). (CFN-198) Gwen Allen Carsten, 24914 109th Place SE, Kent, gave an update on the activities of the Kent Black Action Commission, noted that their next meeting is on March 10 at 3:00 p.m., and invited interested persons to attend. CONSENT CALENDAR Perry moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of February 21, 2012 and the Council Retreat Minutes of February 10 & 11, 2012, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through January 15 and paid on January 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 21, 2012, were approved. Checks issued for vouchers were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/15/12 Wire Transfers 4908-4926 $1,566,674.23 1/15/12 Regular Checks 659917-660293 1,705,645.52 1/15/12 Use Tax Payable 1,136.21 $3,273,455.96 Payment of the bills received through January 31 and paid on January 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 21, 2012, were approved. Checks issued for vouchers were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/31/12 Wire Transfers 4927-4943 $1,596,085.00 1/31/12 Regular Checks 660294-660665 3,354,178.81 Void Checks 660405,660413,660664 (2,206.85) 1/31/12 Use Tax Payable 293.93 $4,948,350.89 Checks issued for payroll for January 1 through January 15 and paid on January 20, 2012, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/20/2012 Checks 326148-326328 $ 220,374.26 Voids & Reissues 326146,326147 98.59 1/20/2012 Advices 293539-294177 1,451,460.06 $1,671,932.91 2 Kent City Council Minutes March 6, 2012 Checks issued for payroll for January 16 through January 31 and paid on February 5, 2012, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/5/2012 Checks 326331-326515 $ 114,138.77 Voids & Reissues 326329,326330 0.00 2/5/2012 Advices 294178-294816 1,233,461.10 $1,347,599.87 Checks issued for payroll for February 1 through February 15 and paid on February 20, 2012, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/20/2012 Checks 326517-326691 $ 109,911.59 Voids & Reissues 326516 0.00 2/20/2012 Advices 294817-295457 1,200,883.62 $1,310,795.21 C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Ranniger. (CFN-198) An excused absence for Councilmember Ranniger, who was unable to attend the March 6, 2012, meeting, was approved. D. Biennial Budget Ordinance. (CFN-186) Ordinance No. 4031 establishing a biennial budget beginning January 1, 2013, was adopted. E. Indigent Defense Services Findings Resolution. (CFN-122) Resolution No. 1855 adopting findings relating to indigent defense service contracts was adopted and the Mayor was authorized to sign indigent defense contracts with the law firms of Stewart, Beall, MacNichols and Harmell, Inc., P.S., and Jordan Law Office, P.S. F. Kent Municipal Court Remodel Procurement Code Reguirements (CFN-118) The City, as construction manager, was authorized to apply the City's procurement code requirements to purchases of individual products, services, and supplies for the Kent Municipal Court remodel, and to ratify all acts consistent with this motion. G. 2012 Highline School District Agreement for Camp Waskowitz Facility Rental. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2012 contract with the Highline School District to rent the Camp Waskowitz Facility, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. H. 2012 Washington State Slo-Pitch Umpires Association Agreement. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington State Slo-pitch Softball Umpires Association Agreement for the 2012 season, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. 3 Kent City Council Minutes March 6, 2012 I. 2012 Icing County/ASA Umpires Association Agreement. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the King County ASA Umpires Association Agreement for the 2012 season, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. J. Vineyards Plat Bill of Sale. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for the Vineyards Plat project permit No. 2063566, for 3 gate valves, 1 hydrant and 424 linear feet of waterline, 5 sanitary sewer manholes and 536 linear feet of sanitary sewer line, 2,342 linear feet of new curb and gutter, 2,155 linear feet of sidewalk, 2,185 linear feet of new street, 2,100 linear feet of frontage improvement, 1 storm sewer manhole, 13 catch basins, 42 linear feet of biofiltration swale, 62,820 cubic feet of detention pond storage, and 732 linear feet of sewer line was accepted. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Higgins announced that he has provided Council members with a draft of the strategic goals which will be discussed at the workshop on April 17 and asked that they review the document before then. B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke thanked the Council for passing an ordinance establishing a biennial budget at tonight's meeting. She reported on meetings with the president of Highline Community College and with Andy Chin, representative of the Republic of China. C. Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson reported on the status of the state budget as it relates to the City, and said there are three property acquisition items for discussion during the executive session. He noted that the session will take approximately 20 minutes and that action is expected when the regular meeting reconvenes. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry noted that Josh Hall will report on the East Hill Revitalization Forum at the next meeting, which will be on March 12, and that code enforcement will be discussed at the April 9 meeting. She then thanked the City's partners who are in Olympia lobbying on the City's behalf every day. E. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson noted that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on March 15, and said that a discussion of comments from the March 14 meeting on the homeless center may be held at that time. G. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Boyce noted that the next meeting will be at 4:30 on March 13. 4 Kent City Council Minutes March 6, 2012 H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson noted that a Citizens Committee to provide feedback to the Public Works Committee on prioritizing and funding transportation issues is being formed, and that anyone interested in serving on the committee should contact her at the City. She added that the next meeting is on March 19. I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-198) Thomas announced that the RFA will meet on March 7 at 5:30, and that a subcommittee has been formed to work on their bylaws. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:18 p.m. and reconvened at 8:52 p.m. A. Property Acquisition. (CFN-239) CAO Hodgson explained that one of the properties discussed during Executive Session is approximately 40 acres of wetland which would be used as a wetland habitat and for future trails which could go from Lake Fenwick to Puget Sound. He said the property would be purchased using a $300,000 King County Conservation Futures grant. Albertson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to complete the purchase of a regional wetland property consisting of approximately 40.58 acres generally known as the "McSorley Wetlands" from Midway Sand and Gravel Company and K.C.C. Associates in the approximate amount of $326,000, subject to approval of the final terms and conditions by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. Perry seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. (CFN-198) 1 Brenda Jacober, CMC / City Clerk 5