HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/13/2011 ® Kent City Council Meeting �E�T December 13, 2011 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Higgins, Perry, Ranniger, Raplee, and Thomas. Councilmember Harmon was excused from the meeting. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration. Staff. (CFN-198) Confirmation of the Municipal Court Judge was moved from Other Business to Public Communications. Item Z was added to the Consent Calendar. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Nothing was added by the public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Parks Director Watling announced that United Way and GMC partnered with the city to install new playground equipment at West Fenwick Park, and noted that Seattle Seahawk Marcus Trufant was a part of the celebration. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Raplee outlined upcoming events at the ShoWare Center. Her colleagues commended outgoing Council member Raplee on her service to the city and wished her well in the future. Although not in attendance, Harmon was also commended for his accomplishments on the Council. C. Valley Communications Center Director. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke intro- duced Lora Ueland, the new Executive Director of Valley Communications Center. Ms. Ueland spoke briefly about her qualifications and her new position. D. Municipal Court Judge. (CFN-983) Mayor Cooke noted that in October Robert McSeveney resigned his position as a Kent Municipal Judge in order to accept a position as a federal immigration judge. She then presented Karli Jorgensen as her appointee to fill the vacancy and outlined her qualifications and experience. Perry moved to confirm Karli Kristine Jorgensen for the position of Judge of the Kent Municipal Court for the remainder of the current judicial term which will end December 31, 2013. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Jorgensen expressed her appreciation. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2012-2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). (CFN-164) Transportation Engineering Manager Steve Mullen explained the Program and noted that this years is significantly smaller, which reflects the current economic conditions and acknowledges the fact that there aren't as many federal or state grants or city funds available to complete some of the projects. He confirmed that the projects listed accurately reflect the Public Works Committee's recommendation, and explained for Albertson that both grade separations were removed from the Program at the recommendation of the Citizens Advisory Committee who felt regional funding partners could be found in the future. He added that the Program can be amended in the future to include the grade separations at the pleasure of the City Council. 1 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 The Mayor opened the public hearing, There were no comments from the audience and Raplee moved to close the public hearing. Higgins seconded and the motion carried. Perry moved to send the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program back to the Committee for further discussion. Albertson seconded. Higgins pointed out that the reason the issue was brought to the full Council for final consideration was because of dissention within the Committee, and urged the Council not to send it back. Raplee concurred. Perry pointed out that there will be new members on the committee beginning in 2012 and that the entire Council is not fully aware of the issues. Albertson agreed that more work by the committee is needed. Higgins explained that the issue the Committee was not comfortable with was the grade separations. The motion to return the Program to the Committee then failed 2-4 with Albertson and Perry in favor, and Higgins, Ranniger, Raplee and Thomas opposed. Raplee then moved to adopt Resolution No. 1849 approving the 2012-2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Higgins seconded. Albertson stated that she was not aware of some of the issues mentioned tonight, and Perry voiced concern about removal of the grade separations and the effect on freight mobility. Ranniger reiterated that the Program can be amended if there is a sudden windfall. The motion to approve the Program carried 4-2 with Higgins, Ranniger, Raplee and Thomas in favor, and Albertson and Perry opposed. PUBLIC COMMENT Kent Historical Society. (CFN-1087) Jack Becvar, 11617 SE 258, thanked the city for their support of the Greater Kent Historical Society over the years, and announced that he is stepping down as the Director. He introduced Historical Society members Nancy Simpson and Debbie Edwards. Midway Subarea Plan. (CFN-1315) Teresa Melton, Betty Lou Kapela, Gloria Sferra and Dana Kapela made comments relating to the Midway Subarea Plan, as shown in Other Business Item B. Medical Cannabis. (CFN-1320) Jared Allaway, Don Skakie, and Philip Dawdy made comments relating to Medical Cannabis, as shown in Other Business Items C and D. CONSENT CALENDAR Perry moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Z. Raplee seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 15, 2011, and workshop minutes of November 10, November 15, November 17, November 19 and December 6, 2011, were approved. B. Aooroval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through October 31 and paid on October 31, 2011 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 15, 2011, were approved. 2 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 Checks issued for vouchers were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/31/11 Wire Transfers 4811-4828 $1,496,509.24 10/31/11 Regular Checks 657925-658277 4,064,238.45 Void Checks (7,717.80) 10/31/11 Use Tax Payable 502.61 $5,553,532.50 Checks issued for payroll for October 16 through October 31 and paid on November 4, 2011, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/4/11 Checks 325308-325487 $ 142,778.27 11/4/11 Advices 290283-290937 1,234,980.60 $1,377,758.87 C. Kent Downtown Partnership Contract. (CFN-462) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Kent Downtown Partnership in an amount not to exceed $33,600, to provide economic development of the downtown core, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. D. Thunderbirds First Amendment to License Agreement. (CFN-1305) The Mayor was authorized to sign the First Amendment to the Thunderbirds License Agreement with terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and the City Attorney. E. SMG Amendment to Kent Event Center Sales, Marketing, and Operational Management Services Agreement. (CFN-1305) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Amendment to the Kent Event Center Sales, Marketing, and Operation Manage- ment Services Agreement with terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and the City Attorney. F. Van Ness Feldman Federal Lobbyist Contract. (CFN-1216) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Van Ness Feldman to repre- sent the city as federal lobbyist, in an amount not to exceed $90,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. G. Premera Blue Cross Administrative Services Contract. (CFN-147) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Premera Blue Cross 2012 administrative contract in an amount not to exceed $11,740,135, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. H. Group Health Cooperative Medical Coverage Contract. (CFN-147) The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract with Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound Group Medical Coverage Agreement in an amount not to exceed $471,541, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. 3 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 I. Washington Dental Service Administrative Services Contract. (CFN-147) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington Dental Services 2012 Administra- tive Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $1,151,331, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. J. 2011 City Art Plan Reassignment of Funds. (CFN-815) The reassignment of City Art Plan Funds in an amount of $40,200, to support a Youth Media Art Program and add an art element to the Municipal Court remodel was approved. K. AECOM Contract, Boeing Levee. (CFN-1318) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM for structural engineering design of a flood wall at the Boeing Levee in an amount not to exceed $18,850.89, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. URS Corporation Contract, Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract with URS Corporation in an amount not to exceed $310,620 for the Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. M. Parking Revision Ordinance, Fern Crest Development. (CFN-171) Ordinance No. 4008 amending section 9.38.020 of the Kent City Code, entitled "No Parking Zones," to add no parking zones in the Fern Crest Neighborhood was adopted. N. Blue Boy Reservoir Seismic Retrofit. (CFN-1038) The Blue Boy Reservoir Seismic Retrofit Project was accepted as complete and release of retainage to Western Engineering Constructors, Inc., upon receipt of standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized. The original contract amount was $141,818.93. The final contract amount was $133,842.89. O. Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvements. (CFN-1318) The Horseshoe Bend Levee Improvements Project was accepted as complete and release of retainage to Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., upon receipt of standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized. The original contract amount was $294,463.38. The final contract amount was $207,076.85. P. Central Avenue Plaza Bill of Sale. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for the Central Avenue Plaza project permit No. 2090461, for 2 gate valves, 1 hydrant, and 20 linear feet of waterline was accepted. Q. Eastman Consultant Contract, Boeing Levee Appraisals. (CFN-1318) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with the Eastman Company to complete property appraisals for the Boeing Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $12,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. R. Granoer Company Consultant Contract, Boeing Levee Appraisals Review. (CFN-1318) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with the Granger Company to review property appraisals for the Boeing Levee Project in an 4 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 amount not to exceed $2,700, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. S. Rittenhouse Consultant Contract, Boeing Levee Right-of-Way Acquisition Services. (CFN-1318) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Rittenhouse Consulting for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services for the Boeing Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $15,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. T. Gray & Osborne Consultant Contract, Guiberson Reservoir. (CFN-1111) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborne, Inc. for engineering services for the Guiberson Reservoir Replacement in an amount not to exceed $22,600, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. U. Meeker Street Speed Limit Revision Resolution. (CFN-171) Resolution No. 1850 amending the speed limit to 35 MPH on West Meeker Street from Washington Avenue South to Russell Road was adopted. V. Government Relations Consulting Services Contract, Outcomes by Levy. (CFN-1216) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consulting Services Agreement with Outcomes by Levy in the amount not to exceed $66,000, for lobbying services to be provided during 2012, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. W. Public Defense Conflict Counsel Agreement Amendment, Jordan Law Offices. (CFN-234) The Mayor was authorized to sign Amendment No. 3 with Jordan Law Office, P.S., extending their services for conflict public defense services through March 31, 2012. X. Public Defense Services Agreement Amendment, Stewart Beall MacNichols & Harmell. (CFN-234) The Mayor was authorized to sign Amendment No. 7 for public defense services with Stewart Beall MacNichols & Harmell, Inc., P.S., extending their services for public defense services through March 31, 2012. Y. Goods & Services Contract, Allied Telesis, Inc. (CFN-1155) The Mayor was authorized to sign all documents related to the Goods and Services Contract with Allied Telesis, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $134,318.89, to replace network equipment for the Regional Fire Authority (RFA), subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. ADDED ITEM Z. Excused Absence. (CFN-198) An excused absence for Council member Harmon from tonight's meeting was approved. OTHER BUSINESS A. Municipal Court Judge. (CFN-983) This item was moved to Public Communications. 5 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 B. Midway Subarea Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, and Design Guidelines. (CFN-1315) Planner Gloria Gould-Wesson described the plan and confirmed that a station location study for Sound Transit will begin in 2012. Earlier in the meeting, the following comments on this subject were made: Threasa Melton, 2703 S. 240th Street, owner of New Alaska RV Mobile Home Park, questioned how she would be affected by the rezoning. Betty Lou Kapela, 5652 132nd Avenue NE, Bellevue, asked that her three parcels called Argus be deleted. She noted that the property is not in the core area and that they cannot afford the taxes, since there is no income on the property. Gloria Sferra, 9761 Beacon Avenue South, Seattle, co- owner of the Argus parcels, also asked that the property be removed from the comprehensive plan and left as it is, General Commercial. Dana Kapela provided an outline of the three properties and noted that taxes on the property doubled in 2008. She asked that it be removed from the land use plan map and the zoning, but that the transit oriented community land use designation be kept. At Perry's request, Gould-Wesson and Planning Director Fred Satterstrom explained the Argus property situation and how the plan would be impacted if they were deleted. Perry moved to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4009 through 4013 amending the City's Comprehensive Plan to include the Midway Subarea Plan and Land Use Plan Map as further amended tonight to exclude parcels #7790000005, 2222049113 and 2122049068 from changes to land use plan map designations; Kent City Code to include Definitions, Zoning Districts, Uses, Development Standards, Design Guidelines, Project Permit Application Framework and Administration; and Zoning Districts Map as further amended tonight to exclude the same three aforementioned parcels from changes to zoning districts map designations. Ranniger seconded. Albertson expressed the hope that the Kapelas understand that there is no guarantee of any future rezone. Higgins spoke highly of the plan and said honoring a request from a landowner is fair. The motion then carried. C. Medical Cannabis Moratorium Extension. (CFN-1320) During the Public Comment section of this meeting, Don Skakie, 4313 2"d Place, Renton, asked the Council to consider ending the moratorium because people have not had safe access to medical marijuana. City Attorney Brubaker distributed copies of a new zoning ordinance to replace the one in the agenda packet, noted that it had been discussed at the Economic & Community Development Committee meeting yesterday, and explained that the change in the ordinance is the effective date. He suggested extending the mora- torium in order to avoid a gap of unregulated time for medical marijuana collective gardens to operate between the expiration of the current moratorium and the effective date of any zoning ordinance. It was clarified that the current moratorium expires on January 5, 2012, and that an emergency moratorium ordinance could be passed at the January 3, 2012, Council meeting. Raplee moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4014 establishing a six-month extension on the emergency six-month moratorium within the City of Kent on the establishment, 6 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 location, operation, licensing, maintenance or continuation of medical marijuana collective gardens or dispensaries. Thomas seconded. Albertson said there is no need for this ordinance at this time; Higgins said a moratorium feeds irrational paranoia around the issue; Perry said a zoning package is ready for the Council to consider, making the moratorium unnecessary. Upon a roll call vote, the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 4014 extending the medical cannabis moratorium then failed 4- 2 with Raplee and Thomas in favor and Albertson, Higgins, Perry and Ranniger opposed. D. Medical Cannabis Zoning. (CFN-1320) Planning Services Director Satterstrom said differences between federal and state laws make this a difficult zoning issue, but that the Law Department and the Economic & Community Development Committee have developed a relatively straight forward ordinance for Council's consideration. He reiterated that a new version of the ordinance has been provided tonight and re- viewed it. Earlier in the meeting, under Public Comments, Philip Dawdy, Washington Alternative Medicine Alliance, 1608 E. Republican Street, Seattle, stated that seven cities in Washington have enacted regulations and that nothing bad has happened in those communities, and urged the Council to adopt the ordinance. Jared Allaway, 35810 16`" Avenue South, #F303, Federal Way, also spoke in favor of the ordinance, and said employees of airplane manufacturers have to work with much more hazardous substances than cannabis. A lengthy discussion including the consequences or adopting and not adopting the proposed ordinance, the legality of growing and using cannabis, and zoning issues, was then held. Perry moved to recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 4015 for the proposed medical cannabis collective garden. Higgins seconded. Albertson, Higgins and Perry spoke in favor of the ordinance, citing the need for regulations, the need for safety for the patients, and the lack of public opposition. Ranniger, Raplee and Thomas spoke in opposition noting that the use of cannabis is illegal, that definitions aren't clear, and that state legislation is confusing. Albertson voiced concern that all of Kent will be open for collective gardens as soon as the moratorium expires on January 5; Raplee pointed out that the Council could extend the moratorium on January 3. Brubaker agreed to research whether the moratorium could become effective immediately upon passage. Upon a roll call vote, the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 4015 failed 3-3 with Albertson, Higgins and Perry in favor, and Ranniger, Raplee and Thomas opposed. E. 2011 Tax Levy for 2012 Budget. (CFN-104) Finance Director Nachlinger explained that the first proposed ordinance authorizes an increase in the regular property tax to 1% over the previous maximum allowed tax levy, and the second proposed ordinance levies the tax for collection in 2012. He noted that the levy is $19,892,138 for the General Fund, and that it reflects a substantial reduction due to the formation of the Regional Fire Authority and includes an increase due to the Panther Lake Annexation. Raplee moved to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4016 and 4017 7 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 increasing the property tax levy and levying the property tax for collection in 2012. Ranniger seconded and the motion carried. F. 2012 Operating Budget Ordinance and Fee Resolution and Ordinances. (CFN-186) Finance Director Nachlinger explained the purpose of the four proposed ordinances and one proposed resolution. Raplee moved to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4018, 4019, 4020, and 4021, and Resolution No. 1851 adopting the 2012 budget; establishing and amending regulatory fees; updating and establishing fee schedules; reducing the scheduled rate increase for storm water utility rates from 15% to 5%; and raising the internal amount of water, sewer and storm drainage utility tax to contribute to the cost of providing street lighting and fire suppression, and to free up available additional funding for information technology capital programs and street overlays. Perry seconded. Higgins said this budget is the result of many compromises and said he would like to make the city more sustainable in the future. Albertson said she cannot support this budget because it does not address all of the revenue options available through the state. Perry agreed with Albertson, but said she would reluctantly support the budget. She emphasized that the internal utility tax being implemented will fund street lighting, fire suppression, technology improvements and street overlays, and that it will not affect taxpayers. Thomas spoke in opposition to this budget due to the nearly $5,000,000 collected in taxes related to the Regional Fire Authority. Albertson pointed out that the people voted overwhelmingly for the Regional Fire Authority. Raplee said it is difficult to let good employees go, but that the proposed budget is the best they can do for right now. Upon a roll call vote, the motion carried 4-2 with Higgins, Perry, Ranniger, and Raplee in favor, and Albertson and Thomas opposed. G. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Include 2012-2017 Capital Improve- ment Plan. (CFN-775/377/961) Finance Director Nachlinger explained the proposed ordinance and Perry moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4022 amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the City's Capital Improve- ment Plan for 2012-2017, Raplee seconded and the motion carried. H. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13. (CFN-775/961/1000) Perry moved to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4023 and 4024, amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the amended Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts, and amending the school impact fees established in Section 12.13,160 of the Kent City Code. Raplee seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Perry noted that a new Council President will be elected in January. B. Mayor. (CFN-198) No report was given. C. Administration. (CFN-198) No report was given. 8 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2011 D. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry outlined the committee's achievements over the past year. E. ®Derations Committee. (CFN-198) It was noted that there will not be a meeting on January 3. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. G. Public safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-198) Perry noted that discussions are being held on agreements between the City and the Fire Authority. She said she will provide agenda packets for the January meeting to the Council members who are on this committee in 2012. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. (CFf98) ' Brenda Jacober, CC City Clerk 9 CDC �" c�D � Cc�D ° CD �' � � ZC `< 0 ��' ? cro � Cam" CAD P . � v ° CD a � '. 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