HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/21/2011 ® Kent City Council Meeting ���T wAsI I —,. June 21, 2011 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Harmon, Perry, Ranniger, Raplee, and Thomas. Councilmember Higgins was excused from the meeting. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) Councilmember Thomas added Consent Calendar Item J and Other Business Item A. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Public Comment Item A was added at the request of audience members. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Parks & Community Services Director Watling announced that King County Executive Dow Constantine has given the IIth annual John D. Spellman Award for Achievement in Preservation Planning to the City of Kent. He said some of the work the City has done includes the Saar Pioneer Cemetery, Earthworks Park, and the Mill Creek Neighborhood. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Ranniger announced upcoming community events, and Raplee announced events taking place at ShoWare. C. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Police Chief Thomas updated crime statistics and presented awards as follows: The Chief's Citizen Commendation Award was presented to Joshua Smith and Austin Howitz, who assisted in the capture of a suspect in an armed robbery. Roman Bulala also assisted, but was unable to attend this meeting to receive his award. ® The Chief's Exceptional Duty Award was presented to Kent Regional Fire Authority Battalion Chief Tom Shepard for his assistance in detaining a robbery suspect. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Neighborhood Councils. Vivian Bruns, 24815 42"d Avenue South, voiced concern about the manner in which funds are dispensed to neighborhood councils, noting that such funds were recently used to restore a boat. She also mentioned a potential conflict of interest regarding use of that boat for political purposes. Harmon opined that the use of such funds could be considered close to a gift of public funds and suggested that citizens who have paid into the fund be able to reserve the boat. It was clarified that Councilmembers are not involved in awarding Neighborhood Council funds, and Hodgson said he will follow up on these concerns. Gwen Allen said she appreciates the neighborhood council program, is starting one in her neighborhood, and encouraged those who are considering forming a council to get an understanding of the process before applying. 1 Kent City Council Minutes June 21, 2011. CONSENT CALENDAR Thomas moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Raplee seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) Minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of June 7, 2011, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through May 31 and paid on May 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on June 7, 2011, were approved. Checks issued for vouchers were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/31/11 Wire Transfers 4625-4644 $1,349,816.32 5/31/11 Regular Checks 653657-654004 2,667,018.60 5/31/11 Use Tax Payable 2,653.99 $4,019,488.91 Checks issued for payroll for May 1 through May 15 and paid on May 20, 2011, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 5120111 Checks 323002-323251 $ 148,685.73 5/20/11 Advices 283081-283721 1,237,672.24 '' $1,386,357.97 Checks issued for-payroll for May 16 through May 31 and paid on June 3, 2011, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/3/2011 Checks 323253-323506 $ 166,809.84 Voids & Reissues 323252 (21.46) 6/3/2011 Advices 283722-284361 1,230,921.10 $1,397,709.48 C. ORCA Agreement 2011-2012. (CFN-171) The Mayor was authorized to sign the One Regional Card for All (ORCA) Agreement for 2011-2012, between the City and King County, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, WSF, Everett Transit, and Pierce Transit in order to provide a comprehensive transportation pass available to 350 regular, benefited employees. The total cost of this agreement is $64,249.50, D. Washington State Parks & Recreation Boating, safety Program Award.. (CFN-122) The grant from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission in the amount of $21,866 was accepted and amendment of the budget was authorized. E. First Amendment to Rainier Pacific Management Lease Agreement. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign the First Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Rainier Pacific Management, LLC for a Kent Police Department Substation. 2 Kent City Council Minutes June 21, 2011 F. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. (CFN-122) Additional grant funds in the amount of $1,000 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission was accepted and amendment of the budget was authorized. G. Easement from Boeing Company for 72Id Avenue South Extension. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to accept an Easement for 72"d Avenue S. from the Boeing Company, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Agreement with Puget Sound Energy for S. 2281h Street Improvements° (CFN-1269) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Agreement between the City of Kent and Puget Sound Energy to relocate private utility services in conflict with the South 228`h Street Improvements project in an amount not to exceed $55,450.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, I. Mountain View Vista (f/k/a Mount View) Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The final plat mylar for Mountain View Vista, formerly known as Mount View, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the mylar. J. Excused Absence. (CFN-198) An excused absence from the June 21, 2011, meeting for Councilmember Higgins was approved. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED AT THE COUNCIL MEETING A. Budget. (CFN-186) Councilmember Thomas moved to reduce the City of Kent's property tax assessment from $1.48/$1000 to $1.10/$1000 for a total reduction of $.38, to be used for the 2012 budgeting process, and that this proposal be sent directly to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on July 5. Harmon seconded. Thomas then read from a prepared statement noting that several Councilmembers felt strongly that the citizens of Kent were being overburdened on their property taxes, and that some on the Council, as well as some local leaders, say the money should be given back to the taxpayers. He said returning the money is not possible because it went into the City's General Fund and has been spent. He said it is necessary to adopt this proposal in order for the Regional Fire Authority to succeed. Albertson spoke against the motion saying it is unfair to put forth a budget item when the full Council is not in attendance and Council President Perry, acting as Mayor Pro Tem, cannot participate fully. She added that it is unconscionable to ask for support without providing a list of the budget cuts. It was clarified that this issue has not gone through a Council committee. Harmon noted that he had addressed Council on this issue last September, and said the citizens of Kent need tax relief, and that the City must live within its means. He suggested that if the motion passes, the Council look at what the obligations of city government are, which are to provide public safety and infrastructure. He moved to amend the motion to send the issue to the Operations Committee. Thomas seconded. Ranniger expressed surprise that Thomas brought this up without sharing his intent with anyone on the Council, except perhaps Councilmember Harmon. She said it is 3 Kent City Council Minutes June 21, 2011 inappropriate, and that this is not the time to discuss a potential $5,000,000 budget cut, which she pointed out would affect public safety, as well as parks and public works. Albertson spoke in opposition to the amendment and stated that the 38 cents has kept City Hall alive, parks open, fresh water to homes, police on the streets, and services alive. She pointed out that people voted on the RFA, that funds were not taken from them. Raplee also spoke against the motion, agreeing that it is too soon to take a cut of this size without information on the cost of running the city in 2012. Thomas responded that it is not too early to begin work on the budget, and that the issue is not that people voted on the RFA, but that too much money was collected. The motion to amend then failed by a vote of 4-2 with Harmon and Thomas in favor, and Albertson, Perry, Ranniger, and Raplee opposed. The main motion also failed by a vote of 4-2 with Harmon and Thomas in favor, and Albertson, Perry, Ranniger and Raplee opposed. BIDS A. Horseshoe Bend Levee, Building Demolition. (CFN-1.318) Public Works Director LaPorte explained that the bid opening for this project was held on Tuesday, May 31, 2011, with 11 bids received, and that the low bid was submitted by Skycorp Limited in the amount of $62,598.96. He noted that the Engineer's estimate was $102,930.00, and recommended award to Skycorp. LaPorte added that the project is funded by a grant from the Department of Ecology. Raplee moved to award the Horseshoe Bend Levee Building Demolition project contact to Skycorp Limited in the amount of $62,598.96 and to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. B. Upper Johnson Creek Restoration. (CFN-1297) Public Works Director LaPorte explained the project and noted that it is privately funded by a donor. He noted that six bids were received and recommended award to the low bidder. Raplee moved to award the Upper Johnson Creek Restoration project contract to Jansen Inc., in the amount of $317,314.58 and to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) No report was given. B. Mayor, (CFN-198) No report was given. C. Administration. (CFN-198) CAD Hodgson announced that there will be no Executive Session, and encouraged Councilmembers to attend the Kent Downtown Partnership's Downtown and Branding workshop on June 27. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry announced that the June meeting has been cancelled. E. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. 4 Kent City Council Minutes June 21, 2011 F. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. G. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that information on fireworks will be made available to the public. H. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. I. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN 198) Raplee noted that work on the budget has begun. Thomas reiterated that the SeaTac exploratory committee has been suspended indefinitely, and that the Tukwila exploratory committee will not be meeting in June and July. I Other. (CFN-198) Thomas reported on his attendance at today's South County Area Transportation Board meeting, and said he spoke at the Greater Kent Historical Museum on Memorial Day. Albertson reported that at a recent Flood District Advisory Council meeting, Mayor Cooke requested funds to remove the large sandbags in Kent, and noted that the Human Services Commission will not meet the rest of the summer. She then requested that someone from King County speak to the Council about the Human Services and Veterans levy. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, Onl' City Clerk 5 Kent City Council Meeting June 21, 2011 Prepared Statement Read by Councilmember Les Thomas Added Other Business Item A, Budget This proposal to lower the City's portion of the property tax collected by 38 cents per thousand of assessed valuation has been on the minds of several Council members. We felt strongly that the citizens of our city were being overburdened on their property taxes, even though the City lowered their portion of the property tax already by 88 cents per thousand. Much of that was due in part by the creation last July 15t of the Regional Fire Authority, also known as the RFA. The RFA is primarily the Kent Fire Department along with Fire District 37, which was basically the City of Covington and some areas of unincorporated King County. At that time the RFA became an entirely new government entity with new taxing power of its own. This first year of the RFA's existence left the City in an unusual position. It collected more than was projected by about $4.9 million, which found its way into the general fund, and don't let anybody mislead you, the City of Kent had some serious needs at that time and still does today. There are some on the Council who thought we should give the money back to the taxpayers, but there were not enough votes to do that, and even recently there have been a handful of local leaders who say we should give the money back. That idea is neither practical or possible. It's not practical because it would be too costly to try and send out refunds to over 39 parcels of property. It's not possible because the money went into the general fund and was spent. It's gone. And I might add, it went for some very important needs of our city, such as a couple of police officers, road repav- ing, and on and on, We needed that money to sustain the level of service that we felt was necessary at the same time and save possible layoffs. Over the past several months there have been lengthy discussions between the City and the RFA as to the amount that was collected, and after all these months it was agreed upon by all parties that the amount was approximately $4.9 million, or 38 cents per thousand of assessed valuation. Coincidentally, this is the same amount that Councilmember Harmon did ask our City Finance Director way back in September, and verified by me. Since that time, several of us on the Council have been trying to seek a workable solution. Although we cannot give the money back as some have suggested, this tax-cutting proposal of 38 cents for the budget year 2012 will keep the City from collecting more than necessary for next year. It is my desire, and that of several other Councilmembers, that the RFA succeed, and to do that, I think it's necessary to adopt this proposal so as not to jeopardize the chances of that success. I would encourage my fellow Councilmembers to adopt this proposal as we begin our 2012 budgeting process. In conclusion, I would like to recognize Councilmember Harmon for his leadership in this effort. I know how much the RFA means to him. Now, everyone should realize that our economy is still not very strong, so there will be consequences for proposals such as this. Don't let anyone kid you - the City still has needs to be met and bills to pay if we are to sustain the level of service that our citizens have come to enjoy and expect. No doubt tough decisions will have to be made as we begin prioritizing the needs of our great city, but bottom line - this is the right thing to do. We constantly ask our citizens to live within their means. It's just as important that our government do the same. I encourage your vote on this proposal.