HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/20/2010 Kent City Council Meeting
KENT April 20, 2010
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Harmon, Higgins, Perry,
Ranniger, and Raplee. Councilmember Thomas was excused from the meeting.
A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) Consent Calendar Item L was
added by the Council President and CAO Hodgson removed the Executive Session.
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Continued Communications Item A was added at
the request of Tom Sharp.
A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation recognizing
the vital services performed by the Office of the Municipal Clerk, and presented it to
City Clerk Brenda Jacober.
B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Council President Perry announced three Town
Hall meetings being held in the upcoming week; Raplee announced events coming to
the ShoWare Center; and Ranniger encouraged all citizens to vote for Earthworks
Park in the $1,000,000 Preservation Funding competition.
C. Introduction of Appointees. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke announced her
appointees to the Kent Arts Commission and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee,
and introduced those who were in attendance.
D. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Police Chief Strachan updated the monthly
statistics and provided information on school officers, grants, and fund-raising. He
then awarded a commendation to Dick and Dee Staples and Tootie Gerber, who
have provided mooring for the Police boat at Lake Meridian, as well as many other
volunteer services to the Police Department.
E. Legislative Update. (CFN-198) Michelle Witham gave a final update on the
status of legislative issues including cuts to services, tax increases, flooding issues,
street utility and brokered natural gas.
Perry moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through L. Raplee seconded and
the motion carried.
A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) Minutes of the regular Council meeting of
April 6, 2010, were approved.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through March 15
and paid on March 15, after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 6, 2010,
were approved.
Kent City Council Minutes April 20, 2010
Checks issued for vouchers were approved:
Date Check Numbers Amount
3/15/10 Wire Transfers 4079-4099 $2,553,664.52
3/15/10 Regular Checks 641182-641566 962,979.40
Void Checks 64133 (740.00)
Use Tax Payable 2,454.27
Payment of the bills received through March 31 and paid on March 31, after auditing
by the Operations Committee on April 6, 2010, were approved.
Checks issued for Vouchers were approved:
Date Document Numbers Amount
03/31/10 Wire Transfers 4100-4114 $1,672,410.00
03/31/10 Regular Checks 641567-641993 3,014,586.77
Void Checks 641579 (200.00)
Use Tax Payable 706.19
Checks issued for payroll for March 1 through March 15 and paid on March 19, 2010,
were approved:
Date Document Numbers Amount
3/19/10 Checks 316824-317049 $ 162,964.46
3/19/10 Advices 264357-265130 1,585,383.78
Interim Pay
3/19/10 Check 317050 $187.80
Checks issued for payroll for March 16 through March 31 and paid on April 5, 2010,
were approved:
Date Document Numbers Amount
4/5/10 Checks 316824-317049 $ 162,964.46
4/5/10 Advices 264357-265130 1,585,383.78
Interim Pay
4/6/10 Check 317316 $1,097.97
4/5/10 Voided 317058 ($845.89)
C. Countywide Planning Policies, Amendments, Allocation of Regional
Service and Facilities, and Growth Targets Resolution. (CFN-961) Resolution
No. 1825 ratifying the proposed amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies
(CPP) approved under County Growth Management Planning Council Motion
Nos. 09-1, and 09-2 was adopted.
Kent City Council Minutes April 20, 2010
D. Meridian Valley Creek Design Consultant Agreement. (CFN-1038) The
Mayor was authorized to sign the consultant services agreement with The Watershed
Company in the amount of $68,391 to perform design work, and environmental
studies, and to obtain the needed permits to construct the project on the Meridian
Valley Creek.
E. Safe Routes to School Grant. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to accept
Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Safe Routes to School Grant Funds totaling
$893,775, and Congested Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant Funds totaling
$350,000 for the George T. Daniel Elementary School and Horizon Elementary
School's Safe Routes to School Projects, sign all necessary grant documents, and
amendment of the budget and expenditure of the funds were authorized.
F. Federal Grant Funding for East Valley Highway Improvements. (CFN-1038)
The Public Works Director was authorized to accept the Construction Phase portion of
the Federal Highway Administration's Surface Transportation Program Grants received
for East Valley Highway (84th Ave. South) Improvements, establish a budget, and
expend the funds, and the Mayor was authorized to sign all documents necessary to
receive the grant funds.
G. Union Pacific Railroad Agreement for James Street Crossin4. (CFN-113)
The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement in the amount of $143,564 with the
Union Pacific Railroad Company for reconstruction and widening of the existing James
Street crossing, subject to approval of final terms and conditions by the City Attorney.
H. Appointments to the Kent Arts Commission. (CFN-839) The Mayor's
appointments of Wendy Johnson and Sharona Chandra to the Arts Commission were
confirmed. Ms. Johnson's term on the commission will expire on October of 2011 and
Ms. Chandra's term will expire on October of 2013.
I. Appointments to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. (CFN-1170) The
appointments of Andrew Hutchinson and Aaron Watne to the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee were confirmed, and their terms will expire on December 31, 2012.
J. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. (CFN-122) The grant from
the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in the amount of $8,200 to fund overtime
for two sergeants and four officers to conduct four Illegal Street Racing enforcement
sweeps during the summer of 2010 was accepted, amendment of the budget was
authorized, and the Police Chief was authorized to sign all necessary grant
K. 2121h Street Warehouse Bill of Sale. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for the South
212th Street Warehouse for 1 gate valve, 2 hydrants, and 271 linear feet of water
main, 24 linear feet of sanitary sewer line, 15 linear feet of frontage improvements,
4 storm sewer manholes, 5 storm sewer catch basins, 2,640 cubic feet of detention
pond storage, and 131 linear feet of storm sewer lines was accepted.
Kent City Council Minutes April 20, 2010
L. Council Absence. (CFN-198) An excused absence from tonight's meeting for
Councilmember Thomas was approved.
A. Verdana (aka Bridges) Revised Request for Major Modifications to
Previously ARproved Planned Unit Development. (CFN-1314) City Attorney
Brubaker noted that this is a quasi-judicial matter and explained the process to be
used. It was determined that none of the Councilmembers have a conflict of interest
or have had ex-parte contacts. There were no objections from the audience regarding
the Council's participation. It was noted that a copy of the complete record has been
available for review in the Council Office. Brubaker explained the issue and major
modification criteria to be considered.
Sharon Clamp of Planning Services stated that this is a modification to the
Verdana Planned Unit Development previously approved by the Hearing Examiner
with conditions on February 15, 2006. She outlined the history of the project,
summarized the revisions, and noted that the Hearing Examiner's recommendation is
approval with conditions. Clamp then responded to questions from Councilmembers
regarding wetlands, screening, and density.
Perry moved to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the
Hearing Examiner, to approve the revised Verdana (aka Bridges) Planned Unit
Development Major Modification, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the
necessary ordinance consistent with this motion and bring that ordinance back to
Council, and to amend the motion to add the "in addition to" language, so that it's
very clear that all original conditions of the residential PUD and commercial PUD
modification revision conditions be met, and to amend the motion to clarify that
improvements to 124th/304th Street required by the original PUD be constructed as
required by the original PUD, if residential development begins before commercial
development, and that, if commercial development begins first, the developer
construct all improvements to 124th/304th required by both the original PUD and this
major modification. Ranniger seconded. A brief discussion clarifying the intent of and
supporting the motion was then held, after which the motion carried unanimously.
B. Mid-Air Refuelinn Tanker Contract. (CFN-198) Michelle Witham, Community/
Public Affairs, explained that the United States Department of Defense has begun the
process to procure the Air Force's next mid-air refueling tanker, and that The Boeing
Company and Airbus are anticipated to be competitors to build that tanker, the cost
of which could be $35 billion. She noted that the proposed resolution urges the
Department of Defense to select The Boeing Company to build the tanker. Raplee
moved to adopt Resolution No. 1826 urging the U. S. Department of Defense to
award the mid-air refueling tanker contract to The Boeing Company. Harmon
seconded and the motion carried.
A. East Hill Operations Center Phase II On-Site Utilities. (CFN-239) The bid
opening was held on April 13, 2010, with eleven (11) bids received. The low bid was
Kent City Council Minutes April 20, 2010
submitted by Shoreline Construction Company in the amount of $1,964,027.59. The
Engineer's estimate was $3,418,540.73. Public Works Director LaPorte explained the
project and noted that funds have been budgeted. He recommended awarding the
bid to the low bidder, and noted for Harmon that the fact that the bids were lower
than the estimate is a sign of the economy, and that he is comfortable with the low
bid. Raplee moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract to award the East
Hill Operations Center Phase II On-Site Utilities project to Shoreline Construction
Company in the amount of $1,964,027.59. Harmon seconded and the motion carried.
A. Council President. (CFN-198) Perry reminded everyone of the upcoming Town
Hall meetings.
B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted that staff is working on a grant request
focusing on obesity.
C. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) Perry noted that an animal control agree-
ment will be on the next Council agenda.
D. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger encouraged
citizens to attend the Wine, Women and Wow event.
E. Economic & Community Development Committee. (CFN-198) Perry noted
that the next meeting will be in May, and that an annexation zoning plan will be on
the May 4 Council agenda.
F. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given.
G. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the next meeting will
be on Monday, May 4, at which time they will discuss transportation projects and
H. Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson reiterated that there will be no Executive
Session. City Attorney Brubaker explained that since the time the Council
grandfathered in the house-banked social card rooms in the annexation area, the
Gambling Commission has changed their opinion and now say that the Great
American Casino would be allowed to relocate but that the Gambling Commission
would coordinate that relocation with the City of Kent. Brubaker opined that the
Council will still have sufficient controls. He noted that the Side Track Tavern is a
non-house-banked social card room, and the recent ordinance does not give the City
the right to grandfather in that establishment.
Brubaker then explained the status of the foreclosure issue on the parking garage
property, noting that the process will take approximately five months. He clarified
that it is possible to opt out at any time, and that there are also delay options
throughout the process.
Kent City Council Minutes April 20, 2010
A. Regional Fire Authority. (CFN-122) Tom Sharp, 24254 143rd Avenue SE, Kent,
questioned why there have been no comments on the Regional Fire Authority from
the City. He expressed hope that there will be a revenue neutral transition, saying he
feels it would be unethical for the City to keep any money from it.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. (CFN-198)
Brenda Jacober, CM
City Clerk