HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/04/2009 Kent City Council Meeting KENT WASMINGTGN August 4, 2009 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Clark, Danielson, Harmon, Ranniger, Raplee, and Thomas. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) There were no changes. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Continued Communications Item A was added at the request of an audience member. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) There were no items for public recognition. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Ranniger spoke about upcoming movies to be shown at the Outdoor Movies at Town Square Plaza; Clark noted that Kent Little League won the State Championship. C. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Kent Municipal Court Probation Supervisor Janene Johnstone introduced the August Employee of the Month, Marge Hyatt. She noted that Ms. Hyatt is passionate about her work and commended her for the great Job she does. Mayor Cooke presented her with the Employee of the Month plaque. CONSENT CALENDAR Raplee moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through L, including a minor modification to Item G, the Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds. The City Attorney explained that the ordinance in the agenda packet is a draft and that the ordinance distributed tonight contains the interest rate available as of this date. Clark seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) Minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 21, 2009, were approved. B. Aoproval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through June 15 and paid on June 15, after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 7, 2009, were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/15/09 Wire Transfers 3760-3777 $1,787,268.73 6/15/09 Regular Checks 633125-633567 1,624,649.78 Void Checks 633398 -1,915.25 Use Tax Payable 2,584.40 $3,412,587.66 1 Kent City Council Minutes August 4, 2009 Payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30, after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 7, 2009, were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/09 Wire Transfers 3778-3796 $1,778,172.45 6/30/09 Regular Checks 633568-633907 5,013,609.27 Use Tax Payable 2,064.54 $6,793,846.26 Payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15, after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 21, 2009, were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/15/09 Wire Transfers 3797-3818 $1,918,579.57 7/15/09 Regular Checks 633908-634429 1,120,605.56 Void Checks 633913 -754.11 Use Tax Payable 2,607.30 $3,041,038.32 Checks issued for payroll for June 1 through June 15 and paid on June 19, 2009, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/19/09 Checks 312406-312658 $ 200,099.11 6/19/09 Advices 250419-251201 1,561,131.11 $1,761,230.22 Interim payroll for June 8, 2009, was approved: 6/23/09 Void Check 312260 -19.97 6/23/09 Reissued Check 312659 19.97 0 Checks issued for payroll for June 16 through June 30 and paid on July 2, 2009, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/2/09 Checks 312660-312938 $ 208,538.54 7/2/09 Advices 251202-251983 1,566,698.21 $1,775,236.75 Checks issued for payroll for July 1 through July 15 and paid on July 20, 2009, were approved: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/20/09 Checks 312939-313224 $ 243,940.70 7/20/09 Advices 251984-252761 1,662,712.02 $1,906,652.72 2 Kent City Council Minutes August 4, 2009 C. King County Aukeen Court Lease Agreement Time Extension. (CFN-983) The Parks Director was authorized to approve a 90-day extension, and any additional, reasonable time extensions, for the design and construction of the Aukeen Court Renovation Project. D. Verizon Wireless Account and Contract Consolidation. (CFN-1155) The Mayor was authorized to sign all necessary documents to convert and consolidate the City's Verizon Wireless accounts under the contract terms and pricing schedules negotiated by the United States General Services Administration, through October 2009, with four 1-year renewal options, and an estimated annual cost of $85,000. E. Jail Proceeds Agreement. (CFN-104) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Proceeds Distribution and Hold Harmless Agreement with the City of Bellevue for Kent to receive its proportionate share of proceeds from the sale of former King County jail property, amendment of the budget was authorized, and staff was authorized to spend the funds upon receipt in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. F. Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (Safer) Grant. (CFN-122) The Fire Department SAFER Grant in the amount of $758,660 was accepted, the Mayor was authorized to sign all necessary documents, amendment of the budget was authorized, and staff was authorized to spend the proceeds in accordance with the grants provisions, and the seven grant-funded firefighter positions as funding becomes available. G. Issuance of Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds Ordinance. (CFN-104) Ordinance No. 3925 which authorizes the issuance of the 2009 Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds of $25,000,000 to undertake improvements to Water, Sewer, and Storm Water systems was adopted. H. 2010-2015 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan — Setting Hearing Date. (CFN-164) August 18, 2009, was set as a public hearing date for consideration of the 2010-2015 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. I. Easement Agreement re Upper Johnson Creek Restoration Project. (CFN-1297) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Easement Agreement with King County Drainage District No. 2 to acquire access and maintain the flow in Upper Johnson Creek, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. J. Anchor QEA LLC/Lake Meridian Outlet Project Contract. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign a consultant contract with Anchor QEA LLC for the Lake Meridian Outlet Project in an amount not to exceed $24,060 and any necessary amendments or additional contracts with this consultant if within established budgets, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. K. Release of Sanitary Sewer Easement. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the release of sanitary sewer easement. 3 Kent City Council Minutes August 4, 2009 L. Surveyor for Green River Levees Contract. (CFN-1318) The Mayor was authorized to sign a professional services contract for Topographic Survey work in support of Green River Levee Reconstruction work in an amount not to exceed $50,000, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. OTHER BUSINESS A. Economic and Community Development Department Reorganization. (CFN-198) CAO Hodgson explained that the proposed ordinance would restructure and reorganize City departments to bring all permitting and economic development functions within one newly created department called the "Economic and Community Development Department." He added that it would be led by the current Economic Development Director, Ben Wolters. Albertson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3926 which is intended to expedite the local permitting process by reorganizing existing antra-departmental permitting functions into a new single department to be known as the "Economic and Community Development Department". Raplee seconded. Clark spoke in opposition to the ordinance, stating that it would create a super- department, and that it is not revenue-neutral as presented by Administration, in that nearly 50 employees are being delegated to the Economic Development Director without a change in his job and title. He also voiced concern about the loss of the Council Secretary, and about incentives and conflicts between departments in the future. Harmon said although he is in favor of a reorganization of economic development and planning, he would have preferred that an outside agency be used rather than being done internally, and said it should not have been rushed. Thomas spoke in favor, noting that this reorganization by the Mayor is for the betterment of the city. Danielson said the new permit system will be efficient, and that 50 people will be working toward economic development as well as planning. Albertson said that this idea is not entirely new, and that although she is concerned about the large size, she will support the ordinance. Upon a roll call vote, the motion to adopt Ordinance 3926 carried 5-2 with Clark and Harmon opposed. Mayor Cooke expressed thanks to the Council for their due diligence on this project. B. Regional Valley Cities Broadband Grant Application. (CFN-818) Information Technology Department Director Carrington explained that this project will include development of a regional fiber optic ring to interconnect all participating cities and agencies including the Valley Cities Association, and that the fiber optic ring will enhance interagency communication, emergency response, and municipal services. He noted that this is the first phase of the project and said that additional cities, public safety agencies, school districts, and so forth may be added in the future. Clark moved to adopt Resolution No. 1812 authorizing City of Kent's participation with the Valley Cities Association (VCA) and Federal Way in a federal grant application opportunity through the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and authorizing the City of Auburn to act as the City's agent in the grant application process. Danielson seconded and the motion carried. 4 Kent City Council Minutes August 4, 2009 REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Raplee announced changes to Council Committees as follows: Public Works Committee: Chair Debbie Raplee, members Les Thomas and Ron Harmon. Meetings will be held at 4:00 p.m. on the 15t and 3rd Mondays Planning & Economic Development Committee: Chair Jamie Danielson, members Deborah Ranniger and Les Thomas. Meeting times may be changed. B. Mayor. (CFN-198) No report was given. C. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. D. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. E. Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Albertson announced that the August 101h meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled for August 24 because the Land Use and Planning Board needs time to work on the water management plan. F. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. G. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. H. Administration. (CFN-198) No report was given. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. Police. (122) Martin Plys, 3004 S. 266, Kent, commended the City, Council, Mayor and Police Department for cleaning up Pacific Highway South. He said there is far less prostitution, and that minorities are no longer concerned about racial profiling. He expressed concern about the image of the City which was created by the recent payment of a settlement, and about whether the officer involved should remain a police officer. Police Chief Strachan thanked Plys for his positive comments and explained where he could find information on the incident. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. (CFN-198) Gd-� Brenda Jacober, MC City Clerk 5