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Kent, Washington
May 19, 1998
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor
White. Present: Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, and Woods,
Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford,
Fire Chief Angelo, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Parks Director Hodgson, Employee
Services Director Viseth, Finance Director Miller, and Information Services Director
Mulholland. Councilmember Yingling was excused from the meeting. Approximately 95
people were at the meeting.
PUBLIC Drinking Driver Task Force Design Contest. Nancy Mathews,
COMMUNICATIONS Drinking Driver Task Force Coordinator, noted that the City of Kent
Task Force has been in existence for 15 years and it's the 14th
year with design contest winners. She noted that there were over
400 posters entered, and that winners ranged from preschool to
senior high. She then introduced and congratulated each of the
winners, who were presented certificates by Mayor White, Police
Chief Crawford, and Councilmember Woods.
Fire Department OfFcer Development Academy
Presentation. Fire Chief Angelo explained that in fire service it is
a constant matter of training, learning, and growing. He expressed
appreciation to the Council and Mayor for providing the
opportunities that are available.
Angelo noted, however, that in today's world of complexity the
training is often not enough so many of the firefighters, through
the ]DC, join an apprenticeship training program. He noted that
they go out and receive, on their own, education which puts this
community in a much safer place. He explained that several
individuals who are exemplary of their dedication could not be
present tonight, but that Lt. Barsness is an example of the officer
development academy. Chief Angelo explained that the academy
requires a great deal of study beyond the regular hours spent in
class because it has a very rigid curriculum with testing that covers
everything from tactics and handling hazardous situations with
leadership, dealing with people and finances. He noted that there
is a great deal of involvement at every level and every part of the
department's operation but without the efforts of individuals like
Lt. Barsness, not as much would be achieved. He explained that
l the academy is for six long weeks with about 10 different courses
l and, at the end, a certificate is given.
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
PUBLIC Chief Angelo gave recognition to Eric Tomlinson, Jim Merritt, Tom
COMMUNICATIONS Shepard, Ron Johnson, Jon Napier, Gary Read and Bob Loveless
for going out on their own to receive this education and make our
community a better and safer one to live in. Chief Angelo and
Mayor White then presented Lt. Barsness with the certificate of
completion from the Officer's Development Academy of King
Finance Department Award Presentation. Mayor White read
a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting
presented to the City of Kent for its comprehensive annual financial
report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996. He noted that
this certificate is presented by the Government Finance Officer's
Association of the United States and Canada to government units
and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive
annual financial reports achieved the highest standards in govern-
ment accounting and financial reporting. He then presented the
certificate to Finance Director May Miller.
Mayor White noted that it is quite an honor for a city to win this
award and that the Finance Department has been the recipient of
it several times through the years.
Arson Alarm Award Presentation. Chief Angelo noted that this
presentation is an extreme privilege not only as a Fire Chief but as
a father. He explained that arson is one of the worst crimes that
any community or person will ever encounter because it not only
wipes out those things valued the most, but it tears into the heart
of the family and right into the heart of society. He noted that it
causes fear, great discomfort, and possibly loss of life. He noted
that in today's society it is very difficult to raise children with a
deep sense of personal values and determine what is a typical
behavior or typical value. He also noted that it takes a very special
person and a very special family to stand up in the face of possible
misjudgment, uncertainty, and, in even some cases, fear.
Chief Angelo explained that on November 22, 1997, there was a
fire which cost a minimum of $200,000 in one of the local schools.
He noted that the fire disrupted the operations of the school, but
_) the damage could have been much worse if it had happened
during school hours when people were in the facility. He stated
that the sprinkler system held the fire in check until firefighters
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
PULBLIC came in and finished the job, but the job was not over. He
l ]
COMMUNICATIONS explained that it took some very special help from Cheryl Ann
Weaver and her parents, Carla & Roger Weaver. He noted that
Cheryl Weaver chose to come forward and provide information that
led to the arrest of two people who were responsible for that arson
even though she knew the peer pressures, could have remained
silent, or avoided any type of questioning or doubt. He also noted
that her parents encouraged her to do the right thing, and that the
total Fire Department, the City, the Council, and Mayor are proud
of them. Chief Angelo told Cheryl Ann that her actions were above
and beyond the call of duty, and that he ranked them along side
his fellow firefighters who go in and risk their lives. He explained
that Cheryl risked any challenges or questions that may come up
and did the right thing, and that if anyone questions it he will be
right by her side. He also noted that her parents did the right
thing, and he thanked all three for their outstanding example of
citizenship, choosing to become involved, and making a difference.
Chief Angelo then read and presented a plaque to Cheryl on behalf
of the Council, the Mayor, the Kent Fire Department and Fire
District #37.
CONSENT ORR MOVED to approve Items A through Q, including the added
CALENDAR per annum interest rate as explained by the City Attorney to
Item C. Epperly seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular
Council meeting of May 5, 1998.
LID 348, 64th Avenue S. Street Improvements, Final
Assessment Roll. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3403 establishing
the final assessment roll for LID 348, 64th Avenue South Street
Improvements, as recommended by Council
City Attorney Lubovich distributed to Council an updated copy of
Ordinance No. 3403 showing the estimated interest rate to be
5.9% per annum. He explained that the percentage rate per
annum was left blank on the copy in the agenda packet, on
Page 4.
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
Fire Inspection Agreement With King County.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Fire Inspection
Interlocal Agreement between the City of Kent and King County for
This agreement with King County covers the inspection of all
occupancies in Fire District No. 37 with the exception of single-
family residences and miscellaneous structures. The agreement is
in a series of continuing agreements that have been signed for
the last several years, and it provides a tool used by the Fire
Department to alleviate serious fire hazards in the District's
commercial buildings. It covers the first inspection and one re-
inspection only, and any follow up work after the first re-
inspection, is the responsibility of the King County Fire Marshal.
The County will reimburse the City at the rate of $85 per hour for
travel, research time, and inspections performed on any permit
application within the Fire District's jurisdictional boundary. This
agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney's Office.
Horseshoe Acres Annexation AN-98-1. SET June 16, 1998,
for the public meeting to accept the 10 percent petition for the
annexation of 36 acres located between the Green River and the
Burlington Northern - Santa Fe Railroad and between S. 258th and
the Green River.
Rhododendron Estates Preliminary Plat SU-97-2. SET
June 2, 1998, as the date for a public meeting to consider the
Hearing Examiner's recommendation of approval with conditions
for a preliminary plat application by Bob Newman.
Canterbury Greens Townhomes Final Plat FSU-96-4. SET
June 2, 1998, for a public meeting to consider a final plat appli-
cation by Canterbury Greens Associates for the Canterbury Greens
FSU-96-4. The subject subdivision is 4.21 acres in size and is
located south of SE 264th Street at approximately 126th Place SE.
The subdivision contains 19 lots. The City Council approved
Kent City Council Minutes May 19 1998
PLATS the Hearing Examiner's September 25, 1996, recommendation of
approval on November 5, 1996.
COPS Universal Grant Budget Amendment. APPROVAL of a
budget amendment to the 1998 revenue budgets for the COPS
Universal three-year grant which funds two police officers, as
recommended by the Public Safety Committee. The amendment
would decrease the COPS revenue by $23,928 and increase the
City share revenue transferred in from the general fund by
$23,928. The maximum amount of the COPS Universal grant is
$150,000 which has been reimbursed as of this time. The budget
amendment is necessary for balancing the project revenue and
expenditures, and to maintain the project for the three-year report
108th Avenue Sewer Extension. AUTHORIZATION to accept
as complete the 108th Avenue Sewer Extension project, and
release of retainage to VLS Construction, Inc upon standard
releases from the State, and release of any liens, as recommended
by the Public Works/Planning Committee. The original contract
amount was $85,120.68 and the final construction cost was
$161,555.27. After completion of the 277th Corridor Earthworks
project, it was determined that an access road along the top of the
steep slopes would be desirable. This road construction along with
preparation for sale of two surplus houses, constituted the overage
but adequate funds exist in the project budget to cover the
CONTROL W.S.D.O.T. Detour Agreement, 84th Avenue/Grady Way.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Washington State Dept.
of Transportation Detour Agreement for the SR167 - 84th Ave S. to
Grady Way project, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning
Committee. During the State's construction of improvements along
SR167, nine ramps will be closed and several of the detours will
cross the jurisdictional boundaries of Kent, Renton and King
County. This agreement will allow the State use of City streets as
part of their detour route.
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
King County Waste Reduction Agreement. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign the King County Waste Reduction & Recycling
Agreement, direct staff to accept the grant of $33,187.00, and
establish a budget for same, as recommended by the Public
Works/Planning Committee.
Solid Waste and Recycling Contracts. Operations Director
McFall explained that the firm the City contracted with for waste
disposal and recycling services has been sold. He noted that the
assignment of the contract requires approval by the City. He noted
that staff recommends approval from Kent Disposal/Rabanco
Companies to Allied Waste Industries Inc. He informed Council
that representatives from Allied Waste Industries are present
tonight to answer any questions Council may have.
CLARK MOVED that the Council approve the assignment of the
City's solid waste disposal contract and recylcing contract from
Kent Disposal to Allied Waste Industries Inc. Woods seconded and
the motion carried.
RENTAL Declaration Of Surplus Vehicles. AUTHORIZATION to declare
certain Equipment Rental vehicles as surplus and authorize the sale
thereof at the next public auction, as recommended by the Public
Works/Planning Committee.
MOBILITY Chamber Of Commerce Freight Mobility Systems Proposal.
AUTHORIZATION to co-sponsor $10,000 for the Chamber of
Commerce Freight Mobility Systems Proposal, as recommended by
the Public Works/Planning Committee.
The Chamber of Commerce has been pursuing the issue of freight
mobility on a system-wide basis. The proposal involves establishing
a 50 member state-wide stakeholder team to identify low cost
implementable system improvements. Their proposal has received
support from the business community as well as affected govern-
mental agencies. The total cost of this effort is $160,000 and the
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
FREIGHT monies would come from the Green River Transportation Benefit
MOBILITY District Project fund (R52).
SERVICES Blue Cross Of Washington And Alaska And Group Health
Contract Renewal For 1998. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor
to sign contracts with Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska and
Group Health Cooperative. The Blue Cross contract is an
administrative agreement whose sole function is to provide claims
administration services. The City purchases medical insurance
through Group Health Cooperative and funding is provided through
the Health and Welfare Fund.
SERVICES Network Backbone Equipment Contract. AUTHORIZATION to
purchase network backbone equipment from Newbridge Networks
Inc. in the amount of $370,122.54 plus applicable sales tax and
initiate an ongoing hardware maintenance contract in the amount
of $59,518.91 plus applicable sales tax, as recommended by the
Operations Committee.
The City's network has been identified for a complete redesign and
overhaul as part of the 1998-2000 Technology Plan. A technology
known as ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) has been recom-
mended to the City for implementation. The City Information
Services staff has identified a bid issued by the Washington State
Information Processing Cooperative, which allows agencies to
purchase ATM equipment from Newbridge Networks at a 40%
Senior Center Carpet Replacement. AUTHORIZATION to
proceed with sole source purchase of ADA required carpeting for
the Senior Center under King County Directors contract in the
amount of $65,000 including state sales tax, as recommended by
the Operations Committee.
After intense searching for a product that would best meet the
needs of the Senior Center, a carpet manufactured by Interface
was discovered. This product consists of carpet tiles which have
two unique features as follows: (1) it takes a minimal amount of
glue to install and (2) it has a patented anti-microbial solution
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
MAINTENANCE integral to the fiber. This product has a 15-year wear warranty as
opposed to 5-year warranties on other carpets.
Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence from
tonight's Council meeting for Councilmember Rico Yingling as he
will be unable to attend.
July 4th Celebration. Parks Director Hodgson noted that staff
discovered about a week ago that the Seattle Symphony received a
grant which provides them with an opportunity to hold a concert
outside the Seattle City limits. He explained that the symphony
wants to perform a July 4th Celebration Concert at Lake Meridian
at 2:00 p.m., if Council approves. He noted that the artists are
funded by a grant from Puget Sound Energy but that the City will
incur production costs of approximately $9,500.
Woods apologized to the Council for not having this item to them
in a timely manner. WOODS THEN MOVED to recommend that
Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with the Seattle
Symphony to conduct a concert at Lake Meridian on July 4, 1998
and establish a budget of $9,500 for production costs. Orr
Upon Mayor White's question, Hodgson noted that staff will look
into obtaining outside support for production costs without
jeopardizing other parks programs. He also noted that the
challenge before the Parks Department is trying to find sponsors
for all of the other summer activities but that they will certainly try
to find support for this concert. Woods explained that the Parks
Committee considered this item today, and it was passed on,
unanimously, to the full Council from the committee this afternoon.
The motion then carried.
Russell Road Ballfield Complex Improvements. The bid
opening for this project was held on May 15, 1998. Due to time
constraints, the low bid results and recommendations will be
presented at the Council meeting.
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
PARKS & Parks Director Hodgson noted that several bids were received with
RECREATION the lowest bidder, Golf Landscaping, approximately $20,000 over
the Engineer's estimate. He explained that things came up during
the initial construction phase which caused the price to go up sub-
stantially so this item was also taken to the Operations Committee
this afternoon. He noted that the Operations Committee recom-
mends approval of Golf Landscaping as the contractor for the
project, and transfer of some funds.
WOODS MOVED that Golf Landscaping Inc. be awarded the Russell
Road Ballfield Complex Improvements for the bid amount of
$875,000.00, that a budget change in the amount of $447,400.00
be authorized, that $152,800.00 be transferred from existing pro-
jects, that the balance of $294,600.00 be transferred from the CIP
Fund Balance and the Russell Road Ballfield Complex budget be
amended in the amount of $447,400.00. Amodt seconded.
- ) Clark noted that, as discussed at the Operations Committee, the
City is facing a timeline and a timely operation because the Park
has already been closed for the season. He noted that in the
reconstruction process there were some problems that were
unexpected and expensive but the City needs to move forward on
this project.
Mayor White noted that it appears the City is being caught in a
bind like many private industries with contractors having more
work than they can handle. Hodgson noted that the cost of goods
are approximately 20% higher than anticipated when the budget
was set for this project. The motion then carried unanimously.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received
through April 30 and paid on April 30, 1998, after auditing by the
Operations Committee on May 5, 1998.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
4/30/98 199208-199502 $ 340,221.07
4/30/98 199503-199932 2,086,875.17
Kent City Council Minutes May 19, 1998
FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll for April 16 through April 30
and paid on May 5, 1998:
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/5/98 Checks 227220-227555 $ 252,872.52
5/5/98 Advices 57869-58397 738,920.83
$ 991,793.35
REPORTS Administrative Reports. Operations Director McFall noted that
an executive session of approximately 10 minutes is scheduled to
discuss negotiations for property acquisition.
EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. The
SESSION meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Donna Swaw
Deputy City Clerk