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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/02/2007 Kent City Council Meeting K WA5HINGTON T October 2, 2007 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7.00 p in by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson (who arrived at 7 15), Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranmger, Raplee and Thomas (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) CAO Hodgson announced that there will be no Executive Session B. From the Public. (CFN-198) No changes were made by the public. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted receipt of a thank you letter from the Kent Baseball All Stars Little League team. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Council President Ranmger displayed postcards being sent to residents regarding upcoming meetings to discuss the proposed Aquatics Center. C. Make A Difference Day Proclamation. (CFN-155) Victoria Andrews of the Parks Department explained activities which will take place on Make A Difference Day and accepted the proclamation. D. ReLeaf 2007 Proclamation. (CFN-155) Victoria Andrews of the Parks Department explained ReLeaf 2007 activities and accepted the proclamation. E. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Community Development Director Satterstrom introduced Lydia Moorehead and read some of the comments made by her coworkers about her commitment, attitude and ethics. Ms. Moorehead was given an Employee of the Month plaque. F. Economic Development Report. (CFN-198) Ben Wolters announced that there has been a great deal of interest in the parking garage by high quality developers He noted that developers are being encouraged to contact the owners of property about redevelopment at the site of the fire at Second and Meeker, and that construction has started at the Events Center site He added that selection of an operator for the Events Center will be made soon PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ballot Proposition No. 1: Sound Transit (A Regional Transit Authority) and RTID (A Regional Transportation Investment District), Regional Roads and Transit System. (CFN-171) Deputy Public Works Director LaPorte gave a brief report on the contents of the package and answered questions from Councilmembers regarding the costs involved, specific projects. and so forth The City Attorney explained the right-to-debate at public facilities issue and the process for the hearing 1 Kent City Council Minutes October 2, 2007 King County Council Member Julia Patterson spoke in favor of Proposition 1. She said constituents are demanding a solution to traffic problems and that delaying action will cost more in the end She said this system would create a seamless system with roads and transit working together, and added that global warming is not relevant. She answered questions from Council members regarding funding options, timing, specific traffic improvements, and so forth. Sierra Club representative Anthony Cacallori, 4049 S. 2121h, Kent, spoke in opposition to the pro- position, due to the large size of the sales tax and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, the fact that the plan doesn't fund improvements to bridges, the fact that the benefits are not immediate, and the global warming issue He said economic solutions should be used to deal with congestion He then answered questions from Council members regarding congestion tolling, funding, the use of transit, and so forth. Jim Brownlee, 15014 SE, 218th. Alaska Distributors, spoke in support of the proposition, noting that moving people and products is difficult due to traffic congestion Lora Cree, 1401 Central Avenue South, said that the congestion results in higher costs and loss of quality of fresh products. Charlie King, 26201 Military Road, also spoke in support and said congestion tolling is very expensive. Dan Streiffert, 10102 SE 2701h Place, spoke in opposition to the proposition and opined that transit should be voted on separately He voiced concern about global warming and the impacts of carbon emissions. Ed "Thomas, 27239 121 Avenue SE, also spoke against the proposition Ranniger moved to close the public hearing. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR Ranniger moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through O. Clark seconded and the motion carried A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 18, 2007, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through August 31 and paid on August 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 19, 2007, were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers- Date Check Numbers Amount 8/31/07 Wire Transfers 2961-2977 $1,567,268 92 8/31/07 Regular 611352-61282 4,209,351.67 5/31/07 Void Checks (1,075.03) Use rax Payable 20,620 19 $5,796,165.75 Payment of the bills received through September 15 and paid on September 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 19, 2007, were approved 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 2, 2007 Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/15/07 Wire Transfers 2978-2995 $1,752,649.34 9/15/07 Regular 612083-612517 1,469,836.21 5/31/07 Void Checks 000 Use Tax Payable 4,354.58 $3,226,840 13 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 28 through August 28 and paid on August 28, 2007: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/28/07 Void 299869 ($23518) 8/28/07 Interim Checks 299894 $235 18 1 otal Interim Payroll $ 000 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16 through August 31 and paid on September 5, 2007. Date Check Numbers Amount 9/5/07 Checks 299895-300202 $ 271,756.50 9/5/07 Advices 218183-218904 1,369,890.36 Total Interim Payroll $1,641,646.86 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20, 2007. Date Check Numbers Amount 9/20/07 Checks 300203-300502 $ 239,583 49 9/20/07 Advices 218905-219628 1.367,177 34 Total Interim Payroll $1,606,760.83 C. 2008 Budget. (CFN-186) October 16, 2007. was set for the second public hearing on the 2008 Budget at the regular City Council meeting. D. 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-775) October 16, 2007, was set for the second public hearing on the 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Plan at the regular City Council meeting. E. 2007 Tax Levy For 2008 Budget. (CFN-104) October 16, 2007, was set as the public hearing date on the 2007 "fax Levy for the 2008 budget. F. Kent Comprehensive Plan And Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Districts Capital Facilities Plan And 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-377,775,961) October 16, 2007, was set as the date for a public hearing to consider amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and amending Chapter 12 13 of the Kent City Code to incorporate the 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 2, 2007 updated Capital Facilities Plans of the Auburn, Kent, and Federal Way School Districts, the City's 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Plan, and changes to adopted school impact fees. G. 2007 Budget Amendment Regarding Firefighter Positions. (CFN-186,122) An amendment to the 2007 Budget to create 14 new firefighter positions to enable the Fire Department to fully staff the new fire station being built in Covington was approved The new positions will be filled in a phased process beginning in December 2007 and continue through August 2008 The cost of the new positions will be offset by revenue from King County Fire District#37. H. Public Defense Services Contract Amendment. (CFN-234) The Mayor was authorized to sign an amendment to the agreement for Public Defense services for the period of July 1 — December 31, 2007, to increase funding by an additional $40,000 for new services required by the Kent Municipal Court which requires indigent counsel law firm, Stewart, Beall, MacNichols and Harmell, to be present at all arraignments, and has added additional court calendars resulting in an increased number of defendants being served by indigent counsel. I. King County Domestic Violence Grant for Safe Havens. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the King County Domestic Violence Grant Agreement, the $50,000 grant to fund Safe Havens services was accepted, and the expenditure of funds in the Safe Havens budget was approved J. Safe Havens Fees for Service. (CFN-118) The fees for service were accepted and the expenditure of funds for the Safe Havens Visitation and Exchange Program was authorized. K. Washington State DSHS Access and Visitation Grant for Safe Havens. (CFN-118) The State of Washington DSHS Grant in the amount of$8,184 was accepted, the Mayor was authorized to sign all grant documents, and the expenditure of funds in the Safe Havens budget was approved L. Amendment to Human Services Commission Ordinance. (CFN-873) Ordinance No. 3861, which amends chapter 2 53 of the Kent City Code entitled `l luman Services Commission,' to expand the commission's size, to re-define member koting roles and term limits, and to make other housekeeping revisions was adopted. M. 2008 Washington State Arts Commission Grant. (CFN-839) The Washington State Arts Commission grant in the amount of$6,750 was accepted, the Parks Director was authorized to sign the necessary grant documents, and the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commissions budget was approved N. 2007 Second Quarter Fee-in-Lieu Funds. (CFN-118) The $47,925 in fee-in-lieu funds for the second quarter of 2007 was accepted, and the expenditure of funds in the Clark Lake and Arbor Heights 360 budgets was authorized O King Conservation District Reimbursable Grant for Green River Trail Improvements. (CFN-118) The $697 29 grant from King Conservation District for Green River Trail Improvements was accepted, the Parks Director was authorized to sign all necessary grant documents, and the expenditure of funds in the Adopt-a-Park budget was authorized. 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 2, 2007 REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) Albertson announced that the Historical Museum Auction will be held on Saturday, October 6. B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted that neighborhood meetings are listed on the City's Websrte, that she has been attending meetings regarding a West Idill Youth Council,that programs have begun at the Phoenix Academy, and that she is on the Puget Sound Regional Council Congestion Pricing Task Force C. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given D. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger reiterated that three meetings to receive public input on the Aquatics Center will be held in October. E Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Hannon noted that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p in on October 8` F. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Thomas noted that the next meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. on October 91 . G. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the next meeting will be held on October TT at 5.00 p.m. H. Administration. Elodgson noted that the public hearing on the 2008 Budget will be held on October 17 and that it will be presented to Council at the workshop at 5:30 the same day. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9.18 p m Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 5