HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/21/2007 Kent City Council Meeting KEN T W AS HINGTDN August 21, 2007 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7.00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Albertson, Clark, Hannon, O'Brien, Ranger, Raplee and Thomas. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA From Council,Administration, Staff. (CFN-198) Public Communications Item G (REI Donation)was postponed to a later date, Consent Calendar Item F (Appointment to the Arts Commission) was removed from the agenda, and Consent Calendar Items O (King County Agreement for Services, Lower Green River Property Acquisition Project) and P (Kent Events Center Floodplam Mitigation Project Funds) were removed for discussion. Other Business Item C (Oracle Agreement for Permit Management and Police Records Management Systems) was added to the agenda. Regarding Consent Calendar Item A (Approval of Minutes), it was clarified that the minutes of the July 26 special meeting which are in the agenda packet are incomplete and should be replaced by the complete set which was provided to Council tonight. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke expressed pride in the Kent Little League All Stars and their coaches. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Council President Ranniger announced that the fall Parks and Recreation brochure is now available, and that the Spotlight Series Performing Arts season will begin on September 22"a C. Introduction of Appointee. (CFN-873) The Mayor introduced Pastor Wilbur Vincent, her appointee to the Kent Human Services Commission. D. Ukrainian Independence Day. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation declaring August 24, 2007, as "Sixteenth Anniversary Ukrainian Independence Day" and urged citizens to commemorate this momentous event in the life of the Ukrainian nation Oleksandr Dudyshyn expressed thanks to the Mayor and Council for their attention to the Ukrainian community E. Greenfield Park Neighborhood Association Recognition. (CFN-1304) The Neighborhood Program Coordinator explained the program and announced that Greenfield Park neighborhood has met the criteria. Mayor Cooke presented representatives Chuck Monroe and Dallas Radford with a certificate. F. Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. (CFN-155) Finance Director Nachlmger explained that the Government Finance Officers Association has awarded the City it's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for it's 2006 Budget. The award was presented to Budget Department Director Cliff Craig by Mayor Cooke. H. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Police Chief Strachan updated the Council on public safety statistics, the alcohol zone, National Night Out, and the Weed and Seed Program 1 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 CONSENT CALENDAR Ranmger moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through R, with the exception of Items F, O and P Clark seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Meeting. (CFN-198) The minutes of the special Council meeting of July 26, 2007. and regular Council meeting of August 7, 2007, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 7, 2007, was approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/07 Wire Transfers 2894-2908 $1,305,938.18 6/30/07 Regular 609275-609774 4,819,028.86 Voids (5,950 76) Use Tax Payable 2,76500 $6,121,781.28 Payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 7, 2007, was approved Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/15/07 Wire Transfers 2909-2925 $1,654,454 98 7/15/07 Regular 609775-610230 1,683,198.13 5/31/07 Void Checks (525 00) Use Tax Payable 2.509.60 $3,339,637 71 Payment of the bills received through July 31 and paid on July 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 7, 2007, was approved. Approval of checks issued four vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/31/07 Wire Transfers 2926-2943 $1,476,504 07 7/31/07 Regular 610231-610863 5,646,350.67 5/31/07 Void Checks (3,587.97) Use Tax Payable 2,15038 $7,121,417.15 Approval of checks issued for Payroll for June 1 through June 15 and paid on June 20, 2007- Date Check Numbers Amount 6/13/2007 Void Check 297915 ($ 1,676.58) 6/13/2007 Reissued Check 298236 1,67658 6/20/2007 Checks 298237-298561 248,662 61 6/20/2007 Advices 214601-215310 1,367,770.70 Total Regular Payroll $1,616,433.31 2 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 Approval of checks issued for Payroll for June 16 through June 30 and paid on July 5, 2007: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/5/2007 Checks 298562-298893 $ 256,486.23 7/5/2007 Advices 215311-216025 1,388,893.23 Total Regular Payroll $1,645,379.46 Approval of checks issued for Payroll for July 1 through July 15 and paid on July 20, 2007. Date Check Numbers Amount 7/20/2007 Checks 298894-299232 $ 257,193,39 7/20/2007 Advices 216026-216742 1,388,990 58 Total Regular Payroll $1,646,183.97 Approval of checks issued for Payroll for July 16 through July 31 and paid on August 5, 2007: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/5/2007 Checks 299233-299558 $ 275,299 05 8/5/2007 Advices 216743-217460 1,394,187 31 Total Regular Payroll $1,669,486.36 Approval of checks issued for Payroll for August 7 and paid on August 5, 2007: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/7/2007 Void Check 299451 ($ 639 00) 8/7/2007 Reissued Check 299559 639.00 8/7/2007 Interim Check Run 299560 13,547.62 Total Interim Payroll $ 13,547.62 C. Lake Meridian Pointe Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The Final Plat mylar for Lake Meridian Pointe was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the mylar. Hultquist Development, Inc proposes to subdivide approximately 4.68 acres into 30 single-family residential lots. The property is located at 13419 SE 2401h Street D. Forest Ridge Court Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The Final Plat mylar for Forest Ridge Court was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the mylar. Forest Ridge Court, LLC, proposes to subdivide approximately 4 78 acres into 13 single-family residential lots The property is located at 12301 SE 274th St E. Human Services Commission Appointment. (CFN-873) The Mayor's appointment of Pastor Wilbur Vincent to the Human Services Commission was confirmed. He will fill a vacancy and his term will expire on January 1, 2010. G. Change Account Balance Increase Ordinance. (CFN-104) Ordinance No 3856 which amends section 3.41 020 of the Kent City Code to increase the maximum change account limit from $6,000 to $10,000 was adopted. 3 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 H. JDE/Peoplesoft Server Upgrades. (CFN-1155) The Mayor was authorized to sign purchase orders and all necessary contracts acceptable to the City Attorney to Hewlett Packard Corporation in an amount not to exceed $130,000 for the purchase of hardware, maintenance agreements and disc storage for the JDE/PeopleSoft Upgrade project. I. Town Square Plaza Construction Inspection Agreement. (CFN-1298) The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement with SB & Associates, Inc for construction inspection of Town Square Plaza for the amount of$61,340.00,upon terms and conditions approved by the City Attorney. J. Night Court Supplemental Budget Appropriation. (CFN-I86) The supplemental budget appropriation of up to $9,328 for the period October—December 2007 to fund night court sessions was approved. K. SE 256th Street Improvement Project Agreement. (CFN-1122) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Transportation Improvement Board "Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement" and "Project Funding Status Form" for the SE 2561h Street Improvement Project, establish a budget for the same, and direct staff to spend the money accordingly. L. Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Disposal. (CFN-239) The Public Works Department was authorized to dispose of nine vehicles, seven mowers, one snow plow, and one trailer which are surplus to the City's need. M. Transit Service Agreement Amendment No. 2. (CFN-171) The Mayor was authorized to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Transit Service Agreement (Route 918) between the City of Kent and King County, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director, extending the current Agreement from February 2008 until February 2009.. N. Lower Green River Property Acquisition. (CFN-239) Grants from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the King County Conservation Futures Grant Program were accepted; the funds, together with $180,000 in City matching funds to be used to acquire property necessary for the enhancement of the Lower Green River, were authorized; all prior acts of the City related to the funds were ratified, and the Mayor was authorized to sign the associated grant and purchase agreements. (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER O'BRIEN) O. King County Agreement for Services, Lower Green River Property Acquisition Project. (CFN-239) The proposed action is to authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement for Services with King County to assist the city in acquiring properties in connection with the Lower Green River Acquisition Project, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, The City successfully applied for a$975,000 Salmon Recovery Funding Board grant and is to provide $180,000 match funding, with King County and the Green River Flood Control District providing $25,000 each. The grant was dedicated to the purchase of the Rosso Nursery, but the City was unsuccessful in negotiating a price for the Rosso Nursery and afterward the Tuefel Nursery. which ended up purchasing the Rosso Nursery. 4 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 Public Works Director Blanchard explained that the Desimone, Flowers, Lotto and Koch properties will provide the salmon recovery habitat. and the City is in negotiations with the property owners He noted that the City's match will actually be less than $180,000 because of a King County Conservation Futures grant in the amount of$94,000 He noted for O'Brien that the property owners have been approached about selling, and that the City is asking, as a part of one of the other approvals, to have the assistance of King County in the final negotiations, since they have worked closely with these property owners. It was clarified that the City, not the county, will own the property, and that 51,205,000 has been available since 2003. Blanchard explained that the project will work even if one of the property owners decides not to sell. Clark moved to authorize the purchase of the properties known as the Desimone Property, the Flowers Property, and the Koch Property in part with grant funds from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board for Lower Green River Acquisition as well as grant funds from the King County Conservation Futures Grant Program O'Brien seconded Clark noted that this is part of an attempt to establish the Wild Chinook Salmon and Bullhead Trout stocks The motion then carried. (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER O'BRIEN) P Kent Events Center Floodplain Mitigation Project Funds. (CFN-1305) The Waste Action Project, a citizen environmental group, has proposed giving the City funds to be used specifically for fish and wildlife habitat and water quality projects in the City of Kent The city has a number of projects in various stages of planning and design which include these types of features, including the Kent Events Center Floodplain Mitigation Project This project is located on the Boeing Creek along S 2121h Street and 6`h Avenue South, and includes excavation of flood plain storage along the channel. O'Brien referred to a letter from Greg Wingard, Executive Director of the Waste Action Project, offering to donate $15,000 from penalties assessed against Ralcorp Frozen Bakery Products, Inc. and the Waste Action Project. He suggested delaying action on this item until he can do some research. Clark moved to authorize the Mayor to accept the $l 5,000 in funds and establish a budget for the Waste Action Project to be used for fish and wildlife habitat and water quality features in the Kent Events Center Floodplain Mitigation Project Albertson seconded and the motion carried with O'Brien opposed. Q. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. (CFN-122) The Washington Traffic Safety Commission(WTSC) a grant in the amount of$65,750 for the Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program was accepted This award begins July 1, 2007 and ends June 30, 2009. R Department of.Justice Weed and Seed Program Grant. (CFN-122) A grant in the amount of$174, 845 from the Department of Justice for the FY2007 Weed and Seed Competitive Program was accepted. The grant funding will be received yearly in increasing amounts over five years for a total of one million dollars Kent's East Hill area has been designated as a Weed and Seed Community Program. The grant program requires comprehensive strategies to address areas of high serious and violent crime, drug abuse and gang activity. OTHER BUSINESS A. Amendment to Kent School District Agreement for Phoenix Academy. (CFN-118) The City and the Kent School District have been working to modify provisions of the Joint Use 5 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 Agreement originated in 1983 to include the operation of an after-school and evening community center on the Phoenix Academy campus The amendment will formalize a partnership with the school district to manage, schedule and program a defined area at Phoenix Academy that includes the main gymnasium, auxiliary gym, adjacent classrooms, restrooms, shared use of the cafeteria, and potentially the weight room Parks Director Watling explained the project and displayed a map of the area denoting the three classifications of space and management of each He added that funds are available in the Youth- Teen Fund. Sandy Collins and Fred High of the Kent School District spoke, noting that this is a unique opportunity to use the building when school is not in session, and that it fills a great need in the community. Harmon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to the Joint Use Agreement with the Kent School District to incorporate use of the Phoenix Academy Campus, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney Raplee seconded. Upon a request from Harmon, Watling explained security at the school at night. The motion then carried. B. Kent Events Center Contract. (CFN-1305) Ben Wolters explained that three consultant contracts are required which will provide inspection and commissioning services in support of construction of the Center He noted that they are within the $78,600,000 budget but are not part of the contract authorized on July 26, 2007 He outlined the contents and cost of each contract, and explained the role of the Public Facilities District as the financing conduit. Ranniger moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Engineering Economics, Inc., in the amount of$83,774 for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) services; with Shannon & Wilson, Inc., in the amount of$117,469 for monitoring and evaluating the project's sub- grade preparation, and with a consultant yet to be determined in the approximate amount of $100,000 to $125,000 for structural special testing and inspections, and to ratify all acts consistent with this motion. Raplee seconded and the motion carried. ADDED OTHER BUSINESS ITEM C. Oracle Database Licensing. (CFN-1155) Information Technology Director Carrington explained that as a result of unanticipated changes in Oracle licensing policies, the City is required to update it's legacy database licensing agreement for both the Permit Management and Police Records Management systems. He outlined the changes and consequences of delaying approval, and noted that the request to authorize the Mayor to sign a purchase order in the amount of $101,000 was approved by the Operations Committee. Clark moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a purchase order for Oracle database licensing for Permit Management and Police Records Management systems not to exceed $101,000. Ranniger seconded Clark reiterated that there are significant cost overruns if action is delayed. The motion then carried. REPORTS A. Council President. (CFN-198) No report was given. 6 Kent City Council Minutes August 21, 2007 B. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted that a letter from the City of Minneapolis has been received thanking the City of Kent for the letter expressing condolences on the recent bridge collapse. C. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. D. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. E. Planning and Economic Development Committee. No report was given. F. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. G Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the September 3`d meeting has been cancelled due to the Labor Day holiday. H. Administration. (CFN-198) CAO Hodgson announced an Executive Session of approxi- mately 30 minutes dealing with two items of pending litigation and one of property negotiations, with action expected when the meeting reconvenes EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p in. (CFN-198) ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Kent 256`h Rezone. (CFN-121) The City Attorney explained that when this rezone came to Council, they elected not to upzone the property from 4 5 units per acre to 6 units per acre, and that the City was consequently ordered by King County Superior Court to approve the rezone at 6 units per acre. Clark moved to approve Ordinance No. 3857 rezoning the Wilson Kent 256`h Rezone, approximately 1.2 acres of property, from SR-4 5 to SR-6 in accordance with the Hearing Examiner's recommendation and as directed by the King County Superior Court Albertson seconded and the motion carried with Thomas opposed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9.18 p in. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 7