HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 06/05/2007 40 City of Kent CityCouncil Meeting Agenda i June 5, 2007 ,11 Mayor Suzette Cooke Deborah Ranniger, Council President Councilmembers ` Elizabeth Albertson Bob O'Brien Tim Clark Debbie Raplee Ron Harmon Les Thomas E KEN T WASHINOTON v`= City Clerk's Office W di cbh4W KENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS \.147 K E N T Junes, 2007 W^s 1,I N G T O N Council Chambers MAYOR. Suzette Cooke COUNCILMEMBERS• Deborah Ranniger, President 1 Elizabeth Albertson Tim Clark Ron Harmon Bob O'Brien Debbie Raplee Les Thomas COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA 5:30 p.m. Item Description Speaker Time I. Anti-Graffiti Coordination Staff 30 minutes 2 Countywide Jail Studies Police Chief Strachan 30 minutes FOR PROCEDURAL PURPOSES, THE ORDER OF SECTIONS ON THIS AGENDA HAS IBEEN CHANGED FOR THIS MEETING ONLY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:00 p.m. 1 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL C 3. CHANGES TO AGENDA L A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMIMSTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC —Citizens may request that an item be added to the agenda at this time. P ase stand or raise your hand to be recognized by the Mayor. 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition B Community Events C Neighborhood Council Recognition Presentation D. Employee of the Month E. Introduction of Appointees 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of Previous Meeting—Approve B. Payment of Bills — Approve C. Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Levy Resolution —Adopt 1755 D. Neighborhood Council Program, Resolutions—Adopt 17 66, 5-71 5!9 (Continued) COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CONTINUED iE. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Land Use & Zoning District Map Amendments, Parks t� & Open Space Ordinance — Adopt :0q I F. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Land Use & Zoning District Map Amendments, Reconciling Zonmg, Ordinance—Adopt 3ot(2-- G. Shoreline Master Program Update, Consultant Contract—Authorize (� --- H Animals in Residential Districts Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance—Adopt �7 I. Countywide Planning Policies Amendment Resolution— Adopt 170 J. 2008-20t3 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan— Set Hearing Date K. Lodging Tax Advisory Board Appointment—Approve L. King County 4Culture Grant— Accept M Town Square Plaza Temporary Construction Easement—Authorize i N. Fire Creek Grill Assignment of Lease — Authorize O East Hill Skate Park Naming—Approve P. Kent Arts Commission Appointment—Confirm 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Single Family Residential Moratorium Extension Resolution 17(00 7. OTHER BUSINESS I A. Ellis Rezone (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING) B. Devonshire Pointe Rezone (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING) 8. BIDS A. Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements 9. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES 10. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS it. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Land Acquisition B Pending Litigation 12 ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library The Agenda Summary page and complete packet are on the City of Kent web site at www.ci.kent wa us An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at (253) 856-5725 For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B) FROM THE PUBLIC i i T 1 i i T I PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) PUBLIC RECOGNITION B) COMMUNITY EVENTS i C) NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL RECOGNITION PRESENTATION D) EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH E) INTRODUCTION OF APPOINTEES i CONSENT CALENDAR 6. City Council Action: - i Councilmember moves, Councilmember UXtA)L seconds to approve Consent Ca endar Items A through P Discussion ckq� o Action 6A Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 15, 2007. 6B. Approval of Bills Approval of payment of the bills received through April 30 and paid on April 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on May 15, 2007. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 4/30/07 Wire Transfers 2821-2835 $1,274,628 30 4/30/07 Regular 307034-307624 3,325,608.34 Use tax Payable 1,700 18 $4,601,936.82 Approval of checks issued for payroll for April 1 through April 15 and paid on April 20, 2007: iDate Check Numbers Amount 4/20/07 Checks 296989-297278 $ 230,493 22 4/20/07 Advices 211778-212481 1,328,282 79 Total Regular Payroll $1,558,776 01 jApproval of checks issued for payroll for April 16 through April 30 and paid on May 4, 2007. Date Check Numbers Amount 5/4/07 Checks 297279-297587 $ 227,084 79 5/4/07 Advices 212482-213184 1,335,074 31 Total Regular Payroll $1,562,159.10 Council Agenda Item No. 6 A-B i Kent City Council Meeting K E N T WAS May 15, 2007 HINGTDN i The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7.00 p in by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present Albertson, Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranmger. Raplee and Thomas (CFN-198) fiPUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A Public Recognition. (CFN-198) The Mayor introduced Roberto Gonzales and presented him with a proclamation from Governor Christine Gregoire recognizing the celebration of Cmco de Mayo. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) The following events were announced Kid's Fishing Experience at Three Friends Fishing Hole, registration for summer quarter Parks programs, Youth Soccer, Downtown Spring Clean-Up, National Trails Day, and the Relay for Life. C National Public Works Week. (CFN-155) Mayor Cooke read a proclamation declaring the week of May 20-26 as Public Works Week The Public Works Director accepted the proclamation and gave a brief explanation of the functions of the Public Works Department D. National Historic Preservation Day. (CFN-155) The Mayor read a proclamation declaring i May 26 as National Historic Preservation Day, and presented the proclamation to Norm Turner, the President of the Kent Historical Society Turner in\,ited all to attend an Open House at the Bereiter House that day. E. Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Police Chief Strachan outlined statistics for April and May regarding charges and arrests,jail bookings, stolen vehicles, speeding tickets, drunk driving arrests, and traffic infractions He also discussed the crime analyst, recruitment and bicycle unit deployment and staffing CONSENT CALENDAR RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through L. Clark seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Meeting. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 1, 2007, were approved B Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Bills were not available for approval. C. East Seattle Street Water and Sewer Replacement. (CFN-1038) The East Seattle Street Water& Sewer Replacement Project was accepted as complete and the Mayor was authorized to execute a contract amendment, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the contract amount by $84,216 for a total final project cost of$747,216. 1 D. Vision Leadership Goods and Services Agreement. (CFN-122&1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Vision Leadership in the amount of $15,118 to construct a Challenge Course at a site near 124 Ave SE and SE 286 Place. A 1 Kent City Council Minutes May 15 2007 Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Fire Department and the Water Department for use of this parcel. E. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Pre-Hospital Participation Grant. (CFN-122) An EMS Pre-hospital Participation Grant in the amount of$1,439 was accepted This grant has been received from the State of Washington Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention since 1998. The grant was provided through the Trauma Care Fund to assist with meeting requirements to provide trauma care services to the public as a verified EMS and Trauma Pre-hospital service. This money will be used to purchase temporal artery thermometers F. Kent East Hill Operations Center (KEHOC) Architectural Contract. (CFN-239) The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract for architectural services with Wagner Architects Planners for Phase 2 Design of the Kent East Hill Operations Center in an amount(KEHOC) in an amount not to exceed $2,472,142, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director G Jail Services Memorandum of Understanding. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between King County and the City of Kent for Jail Services The Memorandum of Understanding will dedicate office space for one full-time equivalent (1 0 FTE) DSHS financial application worker to be sited within the Kent City Hall building This effort is sponsored and supported by HB 1290 Jail Services funds. H 2O06 Building and Fire Codes. (CFN-205) Ordinance Nos. 3839 and 3840 which adopt the International Building, Residential, Mechanical and Fire Codes and the Uniform Plumbing Code, together with the City's local amendments to those codes, were adopted I Rotary Club of Kent Donation. (CFN-104) Donation to the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force (DDTF) in the amount of S 1,000 from the Rotary Club of Kent was accepted. The funds will be used to cover printing costs for coffee sleeves which will be printed with various messages about the consequences of drinking and driving, and will be distributed by various coffee shops in the community. J. Kent Lions Club Donation. (CFN-104) Donation to the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force (DDTF) in the amount of$250 00 from the Kent Lions Club was accepted The funds will be used to cover printing costs for coffee sleeves which will be printed with various messages about the consequences of drinking and driving, and will be distributed by various coffee shops in the community. , K Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. (CFN-122) Grant to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) in the amount of$2,500.00 to fund officer overtime for the Night Time Seat Belt Enforcement mobilization was accepted. This is an enforcement activity with "zero tolerance" for seat belt violators L. Emergency Management Homeland Security Sub-Grant. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to accept and sign a contract relating to the King County Office of Emergency Management Homeland Security Sub-grant in the amount of$21,800 2 Kent City Council Minutes May 15, 2007 OTHER BUSINESS A. 2006 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning District Map Amendments, Parks and Open Space and ReconcilinIz Single Family Zoning. (CFN-377,131&118) The proposal amends the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning District Maps regarding 1) adjustments to properties 1 for Parks and Open Space, and 2) reconciliation of the maps related to single family residential, including additional consideration of properties located within the Lake Meridian watershed These projects were included in the Annual Docket which was approved by the City Council in December, 2006 for further staff analysis and recommendation Gloria Gould-Wesson of the Community Development Department explained the amendments and the Land Use and Planning Board process, and answered questions from Councilmembers. The following persons spoke in support of the proposal: 1 Anne Jacot, 13841 SE 260"', Kent Don West, 25866 1361h Avenue SE, Kent Greg Byler, 26218 135`h Avenue SE, Kent Scott Highland, 13721 SE 260`h, Kent Wendy Basham, 25739 1351h Ave SE, Kent Jerry Whitten, 26080 141" Avenue SE, Kent Julie Orsman, 26226 1351h Avenue SE, Kent Nancy McElheran, 25931 138`h Ave SE, Kent Jeanine Crowley, 26130 134`h Ave SE, Kent Kathy Ekstrand, 26600 1371h Ave SE, Kent Bill Hazelett, 14258 SE 2701h Place, Kent Chet Ekstrand, 26600 137`h Avenue SE, Kent Debra Hazelett, 14258 SE 2701h Place, Kent Michelle McDowell, 25860 136°i Ave SE Kent Paul Noot, 26200 135"h Avenue SE, Kent John Wright, 14506 SE 266`h, Kent Trade McGovern, 26200 135°i Ave SE Kent Sally McDonough, 26441 137`h Ave SE Kent Kathy Highland, 13721 SE 2601h, Kent Brian McDonough, 26441 1371h Ave SE, Kent Jim Berrios, 9506 S 234`' Place, Kent Bruce Axworthy, 26137 135"h Place SE, Kent Jamie Danielsen 25860 1361h Ave SE, Kent Monica O'Neill, 26459 137`h Ave. SE, Kent Bernice West, 25866 1361h Avenue SE, Kent Laurin McElheran, 25931 138`h Ave. SE, Kent Mike Carpinito, 1148 N. Central, Kent, spoke in opposition to the proposal, and suggested that the area from the lakeshore back to a line of 150 feet be set aside for an SR-3 zone. He said this would mirror most of the developed areas He also suggested that any land behind the SR-3 zoned lakefront be left at SR-4 5 Larry Costich, Attorney representing the Carpinito family, 2801 Alaskan Way, Seattle, also spoke against the proposal as it pertains to Lake Meridian, saying it will not protect water quality He said that it will result in a development that will adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare, that it is not based on new information and no circumstances have changed since the Comprehensive Plan was passed, and that it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies. HARMON MOVED to approve the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning District Maps regarding Parks and Open Space and Reconciling Single Family Zoning as recommended by the Planning & Economic Development Committee, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance Watson seconded Harmon said the impact of this proposal is insignificant to citywide housing targets O'Brien stated that zoning does not affect water quality and said that cleanup of the lake should begin with the residents Environmental Engineering Manager Mactutis clarified that storm water detention requirements are based on the square footage of impervious surface, not on density or zoning ' 3 Kent City Council Minutes May 15, 2007 HARMON MOVED to make a letter from Sam Pace of the Seattle-King County Association of Realtors and material submitted by Michelle McDowell part of the public record Raplee seconded and the motion carried Clark stated that the Council is concerned with the health of the lake and greater urbanization will continue to present problems Thomas pointed out that Council has recently rejected up-zones on the north side of SE 2561" Ranniger said increasing the density will not take the pressure off the lake and that affordable housing can be created in other areas She noted that water quality problems will not be solved by down-zoning. Thomas said the impact to the school system will be minor. Upon a roll call vote, the motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning District Maps carried 4-3 with Albertson, Harmon, Ranniger and Raplee in favor and Clark, O'Brien and Thomas opposed B. Medic One/EmerEencv Medical Services (EMS) Levy. (CFN-122) The proposed resolution would support the countywide EMS levy, which would raise $605 million over six years, beginning in 2008 If approved by the voters, the cost to property owners on a $300,000 home would be $90 a year. Basic life support agencies would receive some funding from the levy, and Kent's portion is projected to be $1,208,076. Fire Chief Schneider explained the issue in detail, including the formula for determining the appropriation, expenditures from the contingency fund, and the importance of the levy, and noted that 73% of their calls are EMS-related CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No 1754 supporting the countywide Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Levy Ranniger seconded and the motion carried REPORTS Council President. (CFN-198) No report was given. Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke announced that House Bill 2388 relating to the ability of the City to form a Public Facilities District was signed today Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. Parks and human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that the next meeting will be held on May 17 at 5 00 p m Planning and Economic Development Committee (CFN-198) No report was given. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the next meeting will be held at 5.00 p m. on May 21" 4 Kent City Council Minutes May 15, 2007 Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson announced that there will be activity on the Amiga Center site next week, and the City Attorney explained that only planning work on this project has been done so far, including applying for a permit 1 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 5 Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MEDIC ONE/EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) LEVY RESOLUTION— ADOPT 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Resolution No. supporting a county- wide proposition for funding a six year Medic One/Emergency Medical Services Levy pursuant to RCW 84.52.069. L The existing Medic One/Emergency Medical Service Levy will expire at the end of 2007. In accordance with RCW 84 52.069, King County would like to submit to voters a ballot proposition for funding a six year levy of$0 30 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation for the period of 2008 through 2013 3. EXHIBITS: Memo 5/15/07 and resolution 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense- Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: ICouncil Agenda Item No. 6C 5 FIRE ADMINISTRATION Jim Schneider Fire Chief/Director of Emergency Management 24611 116`h Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Fax 253-856-6300 PHONE: 253-856-4300 1 May 15, 2007 To: Operations Committee From: Jim Schneider, Fire Chief Regarding: 2007 Emergency Medical Service Levy MOTION: Recommend Council adopt the proposed resolution supporting a county-wide 2008-2013 Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Levy. SUMMARY: Currently, every six (6) years the public needs to re-authorize the Emergency Medical Services/Medic I Levy Cities of 50,000 or greater in population must authorize the 1 County to put the EMS Levy on the ballot for the November 2007 election. The Levy would raise $605 million over six years, beginning in 2008. The cost to property owners, if approved by the voters, is .30 cents for each $1,000 of assessed valuation, or $90 on a $300,000 home annually. The EMS Levy planning process committee, included Councilmember Tim Clark as a voting member, completed its work in November 2006, and recommended sending a 6 year, .30 cent EMS levy to the voters at the 2007 general election. As with the current levy, basic life support agencies (the City of Kent) will receive some funding from the levy. The projected 2008 funding allocation for the City of Kent is $1,208,076; this is a 55.9% increase over the actual allocation of $775,056 for the year 2007. The City Attorneys office has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form. Staff recommends that the proposed resolution supporting the proposed King County Medic ' One/Emergency Medical Services levy be adopted. EXHIBITS: Proposed resolution BUDGET IMPACT: 2008 Projected allocation $1,208,076 I t 1 City of Kent Fire Department-Internationally Accredited Fire Agency r r r iRESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION supporting a county-wide ballot ' proposition for funding a six year Medic One/Emergency Medical Services Levy pursuant to RCW 84.52.069. RECITALS A. The existing Medic One/Emergency Medical Services Levy (Medic One/EMS Levy) will expire at the end of the year 2007. In accordance with RCW L84.52.069, King County is seeking voter authorization of a six-year Medic One/EMS Levy of $.30 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation for the period of 2008 through 2013. B. The Medic One/EMS Levy supports the valuable and renowned regional Medic One/EMS program. A region-wide effort to thoroughly review the future needs of the emergency medical services system began in October 2005 Iand involved the full range of Medic One/EMS Stakeholders. This analysis included the impacts that a specific levy type, length, and rate might have on the regional system and on the taxpayers. The City of Kent significantly participated in these discussions throughout the process and acted as a stakeholder on both the Technical Stakeholder and the Elected Official Committees. C. In October 2006, the Stakeholders developed consensus around the future funding and operational plans for a 2008-2013 Medic One/EMS Levy and unanimously endorsed a six-year, $.30 per thousand dollars of assessed value levy proposal. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS. ✓r 1 EMS Tax Levy Ballot Proposition 1 SECTION 1. - Recitals Adopted as Findings. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects, are incorporated by this reference, and are adopted as the council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. - City Support. The City of Kent supports the proposed six- year, $.30 per thousand dollars of assessed value, county-wide Medic One/EMS Levy for the Years 2008-2013 (for Medic One), and urges the voters to vote for ' the Levy. SECTION 3. - Severabdity. If any section, subsection, paragraph, ' sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. - Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior S to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION S. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington this day of June, 2007 CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this day of June, 2007. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY , 2 EMS Tax Levy Ballot Proposition 1 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of June, 2007. 1 BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 P Wlvll%R olutbn�Me is ne EMSLevyRes ludm EaC 1 i 1 � 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 i 1 I 3 EMS Tax Levy Ballot Proposition 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5. 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL PROGRAM, RESOLUTIONS — ADOPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Resolution Nos. and which recognize the Dover Park, South Kent Community, and the Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Councils These neighborhood councils will support their community building efforts, and they will relieve all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. The City's new Neighborhood Program is an initiative designed to foster better communication between city government and residents from a specific geographic area and city government. The underlying objective of the program is to provide an avenue for residents to work together to enhance the livability of their neighborhoods In order to further that objective, the program encourages organization of neighborhood councils These councils serve as independent, neighborhood organizations promoting resident-based efforts for neighborhood improvements while also establishing partnerships between city government and the neighborhoods they serve. 3. EXHIBITS: Resolutions 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Planning and Economic Development Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner. Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds i DISCUSSION: ACTION. Council Agenda Item No. 6D RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, recognizing the Dover Park Neighborhood Council. RECITALS A. The City of Kent has developed a Neighborhood Program to promote and sustain an environment that responds to residents by building partnerships between the City and its residents. In addition, the City of Kent encourages ' residents to work together to form geographically distinct neighborhood councils as a means to foster communication among residents and to enhance their sense of community. ' B. TheCity of Kent recognizes and supports neighborhood councils b Y 9 PP 9 Y I endorsing a process to establish neighborhood boundaries, approve neighborhood councils, and provide neighborhood grant matching program opportunities to make ' improvements in defined neighborhoods. C. The Dover Park neighborhood, which is bounded to the north by SE 2601h Street, to the east by Rainier View Estates, to the south by SE 264th Street and to the west by 124th Avenue SE , consists of 28 housing units. On March 6, ' 2007, the Dover Park neighborhood completed and turned in an official registration form requesting that the City recognize the Dover Park Neighborhood Council, allowing it to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program, including the City's grant matching program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Dover Park Neighborhood Council RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recognition of Neighborhood Council. - The City Council for , the City of Kent hereby acknowledges the effort and commitment of the Dover Park , neighborhood and all those who participated in forming the Dover Park Neighborhood Council. The Kent City Council hereby recognizes Dover Park as an official Neighborhood Council of the City of Kent, supports Dover Park's community building efforts, and confers on the Dover Park Neighborhood Council all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. 1 SECTION 2. - Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions ' of this resolution. SECTION 3. - Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in , force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, this day of June, 2007. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this day of June, 2007. , SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 2 Dover Park Neighborhood Council ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, the day of June, 2007. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK ' a\UngResautionweighWm Council-ooveme.x ea ' 3 Dover Park Neighborhood Council ' RESOLUTION NO. ' A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, recognizing the South Kent Community Neighborhood Council. RECITALS A. The City of Kent has developed a Neighborhood Program to promote ' and sustain an environment that responds to residents by building partnerships between the City and its residents. In addition, the City of Kent encourages residents to work together to form geographically distinct neighborhood councils ' as a means to foster communication among residents and to enhance their sense of community. B. The City of Kent recognizes and supports neighborhood councils by ' endorsing a process to establish neighborhood boundaries, approve neighborhood councils, and provide neighborhood grant matching program opportunities to make improvements in defined neighborhoods. C. The South Kent Community neighborhood, which is bounded to the north by Willis Street, to the east by Central Avenue South, to the south by South 259th Street, and to the west by 74th Avenue South, consists of approximately 389 ' housing units. On March 21, 2007, the South Kent Community neighborhood completed and turned in an official registration form requesting that the City recognize the South Kent Community Neighborhood Council, allowing it to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program, including the City's grant matching program. 1 The South Kent Community Neighborhood Council NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ' WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: , RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recognition of Neighborhood Council. - The City Council for ' the City of Kent hereby acknowledges the effort and commitment of the South Kent Community neighborhood and all those who participated in forming the South Kent Community Neighborhood Council. The Kent City Council hereby recognizes the South Kent Community as an official Neighborhood Council of the City of Kent, , supports the South Kent Community's community building efforts, and confers on the South Kent Community Neighborhood Council all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. SECTION 2. - Severability If any section, subsection, paragraph, ' sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions , of this resolution. SECTION 3. - Ratificabon. Any act consistent with the authority and prior ' to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed ' SECTION 4. - Effecbve Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. , PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, this day of June, 2007. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this day of June, , 2007. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR 2 The South Kent Community Neighborhood Council 1 ATTEST: 1 BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY ' I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, the day of June, ' 2007. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK ' a\Gvtl\0.e5oluhom NeighnnrhapOCOuno1 south KentCommunU tloe 1 1 i 1 1 1 3 The South Kent Community Neighborhood Council 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, recognizing the Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council. RECITALS A. The City of Kent has developed a Neighborhood Program to promote and sustain an environment that responds to residents by building partnerships between the City and its residents. In addition, the City of Kent encourages ' residents to work together to form geographically distinct neighborhood councils as a means to foster communication among residents and to enhance their sense of community. B The City of Kent recognizes and supports neighborhood councils by endorsing a process to establish neighborhood boundaries, approve neighborhood councils, and provide neighborhood grant matching program opportunities to make ' improvements in defined neighborhoods. C. The Lakes at Kent neighborhood, which is bounded to the north by ' South 2281h Street, to the east by Frager Road, to the south by James Street, and to the west by 641h Avenue South, consists of 2,193 housing units. On March 9, ' 2007, the Lakes at Kent neighborhood completed and turned in an official registration form requesting that the City recognize the Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council, allowing it to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program, including the City's grant matching program. 1 The Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, , WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS- RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recognition of Neighborhood Council. - The City Council for , the City of Kent hereby acknowledges the effort and commitment of the Lakes at ' Kent neighborhood and all those who participated in forming the Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council. The Kent City Council hereby recognizes the Lakes at Kent as an official Neighborhood Council of the City of Kent, supports the Lakes at , Kent's community building efforts, and confers on the Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. ' SECTION 2. - Severabillty. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. ' SECTION 3. - Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior , to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in ' force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, this day of June, 2007. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this day of June, 2007. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR 1 ATTEST: 2 The Lakes at Kent ' Neighborhood Council ' BRENDA JACDBER, CITY CLERK ' 3 The Lakes at Kent Neighborhood Council APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ' passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, the day of June, 2007. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK F\cmnpiemNbon\Ne,gneornoodCoumI Ia AtKenl e« ' 4 The Lakes at Kent ' Neighborhood Council Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 2006 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE & ZONING DISTRICT MAP AMENDMENTS, PARKS & OPEN SPACE, ORDINANCE— ADOPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Ordinance No ��� affirming Council's vote taken on May 15, 2007, amending the Zoning District and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps related to adjustments to properties for parks and open space This � project was included in the Annual Docket that was approved by the City Council in December of 2006 for further staff analysis and recommendation The motion authorizing this ordinance passed by a vote of four councilmembers in favor, and three councilmembers opposed Councilmembers Ranniger, Albertson, Raplee and Harmon were in favor, and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien and Thomas were opposed. The record on this ordinance should reflect the same. 3 EXHIBITS: Ordinance and exhibits 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Council (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure`' No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget? Yes No L If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember secopds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E t � 2 ORDINANCE NO. Jg�f AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending zoning and comprehensive plan land use designations for Parks & Open Space (CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5). RECITALS A. The city of Kent has established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan in chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code, allowing amendment, in accordance with state law, no more than once per calendar year with a few narrow exceptions. B. The city of Kent Planning Services Office submitted a request for a study that would amend the comprehensive plan land use map and zoning district map designations concerning Parks and Open Space (Docket 2005-7) because the city of Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department had acquired property slated for park development since the 2004 update of Kent's Comprehensive Plan, and the definition of Parks & Open Space (P&OS) does not support the designation of privately held properties as MOS. The proposed amendment was initially introduced to the Land Use and Planning Board as part of the 2005 Annual Docket Report in accordance with Ch. 12.02 of the Kent City Code. Docket 2005-7 was approved by Council as an action item in the 2005 Annual Docket Report on December 13, 2005 (CPA 2005-8). Attached and incorporated as Exhibit A is a map showing all of the parcels involved in this study. 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5 C. On January 23, 2006, the city provided the State of Washington the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 of the city's proposed amendments. The sixty (60) day notice period has lapsed. D. On March 23, 2007, the city's SEPA responsible official adopted existing environmental documents consisting of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement Draft and Final (ENV-93-51) and a SEPA Addendum dated March 23, 2007 (ENV-2007-8(A)). The SEPA Addendum explained that the amendment would not create unavoidable impacts beyond those previously identified in the EIS. E. The Land Use and Planning Board held a workshop regarding this study on December 11, 2006, and a public hearing on March 26, 2007 The amendments were also considered by the city council's Planning and Economic Development Committee on April 23, 2007 On June 5, 2007, the city council approved amendments to the comprehensive plan land use map and zoning designations (CPA-2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5) by a vote of four council members in favor and three council members opposed. Councilmembers Ranniger, Albertson, Raplee and Harmon were in favor, and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien, and Thomas were opposed. F. These amendments are made in accord with Kent City Code 15.09.050(A)(1) and (C) as to area wide zoning amendments and Kent City code 12.02.050 as to comprehensive plan amendments. Attached and incorporated as Exhibits B-1 through B-20 are the maps depicting the location of the parcels of real property affected, their tax parcel numbers, and the zoning and/or comprehensive plan land use map designation amendments. NOW THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, , DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5 ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein. SECTION 2, -Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district map designations for the parcels of real property identified in Exhibits B-1 through B-20 are adopted as shown. SECTION 3, - Severabilitv. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided by law. 1 SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of June, 2007. APPROVED: day of June, 2007. PUBLISHED: day of June, 2007. 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of ordinance no. passed by the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Ordinance\CompPlanAmend-2005-8 doc 1 1 I 1 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 2005-8 and CPZ 2005-5 3 JTFl Iti Ckl Ir cA AA T n r tq t 'f i attm r, 521 m V] m� � A '° 00 �_ a ct � ts � y y0 e b EXHIBIT B-1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations QA-ZMSYCPL2MSJ Change all Affected Properties Zone: From MR-M to SR-1 Land Use: From P&OS to US Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA ] AFFECTED PARCELS ; �./KENT wm I r eew .00 2322049036 i SR 516 M ■ No Scale uysm.oM.�etiwwwaarwrm EXHIBIT B-2 \ Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations `, n�•arsrcezuase Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to US Legend CITY LIMITS 'POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS f5 KENT wm f i i 2322049064 2322049072 et Sft 51 No Scale I EXHIBIT B-3 jComprehensive Plan Amendments _ Zoning&Land Use Plan — -- ---- i Map Designations Ij CFw 208saVCM2054 Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From LDMF to P&OS Legend � / CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS moo i \! 000 w� j 2922059322 1 , 1 - - ,-- -- ._-- _-_ $E 264 St 1 , J _ I 1 i • i N NoU0 EXHIBIT B4 Comprehensive Plan Amendments i Zoning&Land Use Plan i -- i ` Map Designations i Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From SF-6 to P&OS Legend \ CITY LIMITS w 'POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA C/) AFFECTED PARCELS ^ T ST ; 264 ST SE 264 PL 1 A SE 265 w 265 PL CN PL f 8700107777 I- -- T" 'SE 266 ST 266 PL SE 267 W w PL — - i SE 268 SE 268 ws d` ST w , (n •" f} �' , V CO-) N SE 269 ST .— o i OI I ••` ' - - -- ;26',q i I No Scale EXMIT B-5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan 1 Map Designations ---i v�-bosmzwu-s Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From SF-6 to P&OS Legend / CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA �]AFFECTED PARCELS 7 -- _ y t 26220590 C 270 PL w J CL N, C) + 1 Ui! No S4 r� � 1 a�n0(4Mw.q(-MfAYSU6)PN1 t t EXHIBIT B-6 Ilk, Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations cry-mosycezzass 1 PRIv. Change all Affected Properties - Land Use: From SF-6 to P&OS I Legend N/ CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA \� ]AFFECTED PARCELS >I a QI w� 212205�003 I U) SE 242 ST 'f sr Q �p9i i I CO. / ce) i I ! 1 SE 243 --- I i v Its, (P ST NI A Se 246 J SE 247 _— -- - — — -- - SE , -247 PL -- — ! I U W SE 248 PL 212205913 ; ..., Pl. '\SE28oST SS LLI —)I ' J QQI �— pu i II �� I No Scale N' sa.w,ra•w.�rm.w�os.ow. EXHIBIT B-7 3L W Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan -- E223 ST G Map Designations _ _ 223 lil' fn M � J a SE 223 Change all Affected Properties i Land Use: From UR4-12 to P&OS SE 223 PL > PL Q Legend CITY LIMITS . . . POTENTIAL 0 .__SE 2 tn AFFECTED PARCELS TION AREA / KENT SE 224 PL ,I w� i SE 225-ST- -- - - SE_ 255 ST_ 1722059 70 ST . SF 226 -- -' w ai �w� v Q SE >I co T > Qj r a _r.. 226 < N, - SE 227 PL - �, STww,4�� _ x ^, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Q� - - - - - - ^SE2 8PL � 9 SE 229 1 C - i - W I SE 230 I - 3T - > PL No Scale C i � EXHIBIT 13-8 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Oil 1„ Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations 7 Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to SF-6 Legend - 'CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA �]AFFECTED PARCELS 00 rr+ w I w� I t ( 4016800190 401680p200 1 4016800210 4016800220 4016800230 4016800240 LW 5 4016800250 v 4016800260 4016800270 ; 4016800280 o 4016800290 4016800300 \ 4016800310 CKTM 1. 4016800360 `4016800390 NOSE r r EXHIBIT B-9 S 248 ST Comprehensive Plan Amendments -- - Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations j i CPA-SWSi/CPT t�OSf ;_- ---S249ST Change all Affected PnVertles j Land Use: From P&OS to SF-6 S 250 ST - _.._ _ j_S 250_ST Legend > /N t CITY LIMITS Q POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA I uji b AFFECTED PARCELS - >' $20 ST-1 -- QI r _- I ST j S 252 ST U --- � ----i CO---- S 252 PL c�i pl , S 252 PL v� f I LL t co S 253 -- C f ' `46 ST O_ S 253 i0PL -- o a.' - - cos LPL --S2 272?046032 S254 S 25s PL-- ____ - — .Z`�1G---- ST_ ,' 255 383231015 272204922# Is z5acr_ fJ PL S - - a 'm 27224Q22- 257 ST u ,• � ��e� � 258 PL � tKT�a 9� •FNe t S 260 ST.-- -UY - /,2�2204922 ,C$ 4 S 261 ST Q E "-- -----�-" ' " � -- ------ - 272204907 No Scale S 262 ST r r EXHIBIT B-10 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-U054tCM2005-5 Change all Affected Properties Zone: From MR_M to SR-1 Land Use:From P&OS to SF-6 Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS r � it � r 232 2049014 232204902 r d i 232204902 SR 516 " No Scale r EXIIIBIT B-11 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Inning&Land Use Plan Map Designations change all Affected Properties j land Use: From P&OS to Industrial Legend CITY LIMITS POT NTIAL ., E PARCELS TION AREA AFFECTED I / 0006200002 0006200032 J 0006200038 �k .,`i• �" t- 1��M 4 a haCt'X a ".3`� 0006200026 -------------- tNoSeW j EXHIBIT B-12 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations ti �tizasycrzxwss Change all Affected Properties ' Land Use: From P&OS to MA �y Legend /%, CI LIMITS / POTENTIALNTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS VKENT 1022049016 1022049191 * 1022049024 ■ � � 0006200011 JJ ..'., 0006200020 226 kF _ b ��_—.� No,Seal EXHIBIT B-13 \ / Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations 1 660021022 -r Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to Industrial Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS / `.•/K6N7 O0021-0240- � i 1 / 112204900 1 No Scale EXHIBIT B-14 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations 1 CPA-2NSi/CPZ3ff5•S j f Change all Affected Properties j Land Use: From P80S to Industrial Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA j AFFECTED PARCELS t rs tis . k YO eY n Qh'4Yv'1xfTY ]IFi M� �{`^ -- ----- -- --_-hl-ames-St__`_ _ i No Scale } �spm�wtwmunoosryrr.w EXMBIT B-15 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA 2E*54'CPLSN46 Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P$OS to SF- Leg ndv LIMITS cc POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS i `"KexT w� 9183702575 = -_Maplee.� —_---�- 9183702745 9183704450 , it nY4i Yw_ .1'{. 1 No Scale i i ...umosrow.or t _ EXHIBIT B-16 L +, Comprehensive Plan Amendments j Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations ICPA-30054,CM20 5,5 1+ Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to MHP 1, Legend CITY LIMITS � + 'POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS �KEM r 1 S Alderin--, 3462800300 T 3462800290 3462800285 r No Scale Imo,. �•� �.�/ �/MM0NmA6pYs�r EXHIBIT 13-17 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ii Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations • CPAiNSiCPYrTMN-S :i J Change all Affected Properties r Land Use:From P&OS to MDMF ti Legend CITY LIMITS ET ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED AFFECCTEDD PARCELS KENT w+ T I _A- Weer-.,n_ Ell- 3394200000 2890600000 No Scale EXHIBIT B-18 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations jCPM3290" Change all Affected Properties 1 / Land Use: From P&OS to SFd.5 Legend /., CITY LIMITS 1 POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA \\ AFFECTED PARCELS �� '✓KENr I M-2-40- . 2122059157 212 ` 59153244 No Scale \ �w,neiaos��wr,o 1 EXHIBIT B-19 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-20V,4CPL2$0M 14 t Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to UR 4-12 Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS 'I✓KeNV sE-203-S ___ 1 6624030050 i �62403 030 662 30040 �b v4a yLi y' k. 3p - No Scale 1 EXHIBIT B-20 Comprehensive Plan Amendments — --" Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPM2"S-WCMI"5.3 I Change all Affected Properties Land Use: From P&OS to US Legend \,CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA AFFECTED PARCELS \- V r.WT w� 1 0422059024 ----- 0422053aG4 ----- — ----- 0422059025 0422059074 P _ = 0422059034 Lu 0422059048 F' 0422059051 0422059002 0422059032 SE-1-9B_S No Scale Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 2006 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE & ZONING DISTRICT MAP AMENDMENTS, RECONCILING ZONING, ORDINANCE— ADOPT I2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Ordinance No. 3Mo"- affirming Council's vote taken on May 15, 2007, reconciling the Zoning District and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps related to single-family residential, including additional consideration of properties located within the Lake Meridian watershed This project was included in the Annual Docket that was approved by the City Council in December of 2006 for further staff analysis and recommendation I The motion authorizing this ordinance passed by a vote of four councilmembers in favor, and three councilmembers opposed. Councilmembers Ranniger, Albertson, Raplee and Harmon were in favor, and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien and Thomas were opposed. The record on this ordinance should reflect the same. 3. EXHIBITS: Ordinance and exhibits 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Council (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget9 Yes No ' If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ` Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ` ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F 2 ORDINANCE NO. 3S 4 a` AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending the zoning and comprehensive plan land use maps for 1) single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan land use map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do not match, and 2) real property within the Lake Meridian sub-basin (CPA 2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2). RECITALS I1. General Recitals 1.1. The city of Kent has established procedures for amending the ' Comprehensive Plan in chapter 12 02 of the Kent City Code, allowing amendments, in accordance with state law, no more than once per calendar year with a few narrow exceptions. 1 1.2. The city of Kent Planning Services Office submitted a request for a study that would amend the comprehensive plan land use and zoning district maps to reconcile single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan land use map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do not match. (Docket 2006-5) Staff identified 4,492 affected tax parcels totaling approximately 1,897 acres that are distributed city wide. 1.3. The Lake Meridian Community Association submitted a request asking that zoning district and comprehensive plan land use map designations around Lake Meridian be lowered to SR-3 and SF-3. (Docket 2006-3) 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ` CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 t 1.4. The proposed amendments set forth in recitals 1.2 and 1.3 were initially introduced to the Land Use and Planning Board and Planning and Economic Development Committee as part of the 2006 Annual Docket Report in accordance with Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code, and were subsequently approved for action by the city council on December 12, 2006. 1.5. On January 16, 2007, the city provided the State of Washington the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36.70A 106 of the city's proposed amendments to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The sixty (60) day notice period has lapsed. 1.6. On March 23, 2007, the city's SEPA responsible official adopted existing environmental documents consisting of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement Draft and Final (ENV-93-51) and issued a ' SEPA Addendum dated March 23, 2007 (ENV-2007-8(B)). The SEPA Addendum explained that the proposed amendment would not create impacts beyond those previously identified in the EIS. 1.7. To begin the review of these two docket items, the public was invited to attend three (3) open houses on January 17, 2007, January 20, 2007, and January 22, 2007. The docket items were then presented and discussed at the January 22nd and February 26, 2007, Land Use & Planning Board workshops. A public hearing was held before the Board on March 26, 2007, and the issues were t considered by the city council's Planning and Economic Development Committee on April 23, 2007. 1.8. During the study of these docket items, city staff divided the affected parcels into five geographic subareas. West Hill, Valley, North East Hill, South East Hill, and Lake Meridian. All of the subareas are shown on Exhibit A attached and incorporated into this ordinance. The remainder of these recitals will discuss the zoning and comprehensive plan map amendments by subarea. 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 1.9. On May 15, 2007, the city council voted four votes to three to approve amendments to the zoning district and comprehensive plan land use map designations as recommended by the Planning & Economic Development Committee Council members Ranniger, Albertson, Harmon, and Raplee voted in ' favor of the amendments, and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien, and Thomas were opposed I1.10. These amendments are made in accord with Kent City Code 15.09.050(A)(1) and (C) as to area wide zoning amendments and Kent City code 12.02.050 as to comprehensive plan amendments. These amendments reflect the City Council's understanding of the Growth Management Act's (GMA) concept of urban density and the goals related to urban growth, reducing sprawl, and ensuring the availability of affordable housing. RCW 36.70A 020(1), (2), and (4). At the same time, Council acknowledges the importance the GMA places on open space, protecting the environment, and providing a variety of residential densities. RCW 36.70A.020(4), (9) and (10). The Council takes very seriously its duty to the citizens of Kent to harmonize these goals in planning for the future of the City of Kent given the particular needs and circumstances of the City of Kent. With this Ordinance, the City Council has exercised its statutorily granted discretion while staying within the framework provided by GMA. RCW 36.70A.320(1). 2. West Hill Subarea t2.1. The West Hill subarea is depicted in Exhibits B-1 through B-8, which are attached and incorporated into this ordinance. 2.2. The Exhibit B-1 map depicts 81 tax parcels totaling 26.7 acres. The affected parcels are located in two clusters with the first cluster located off of 36th Avenue South and South 241" Street and the second cluster located south of South 268th Street and 37th Avenue South. The existing uses on these parcels are primarily single-family residential and the surrounding area is zoned and developed at SR-6. The current zoning designation for these parcels is SR-4.5 with a comprehensive plan land use map designation of SF-6. The amendment adopted 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 � i by council amends the zoning to SR-6 and makes no change to the comprehensive plan land use map designation. The Exhibit B-1 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 81 affected properties and the corresponding zoning map designation amendment. 2.3. The Exhibit B-2 map depicts 15 tax parcels totaling 78.2 acres and includes each tax parcel number. The location of these parcels is north of South ' 272nd Street and east of Pacific Highway South. The parcels are primarily vacant land containing wooded wetlands that function as the headwaters of McSorley Creek. The current zoning is SR-4.5 with a land use plan map designation of SF-6. The amendment adopted by council changes the zoning to SR-1 and the land use plan designation to Urban Separator (US). The designation of Urban Separator provides additional protection for this sensitive wildlife habitat, creates an open space corridor with a visual separation between Federal Way and Kent, and clusters ' future development to further protect the sensitive nature of the landscape. 2.4. The Exhibit B-3 map depicts 47 tax parcels totaling 38.5 acres located west of I-5 and north of South 272nd Street The Exhibit B-3 parcel list provides the tax parcel number for each of the 47 parcels. These parcels are located outside of the wooded wetland on the Exhibit B-2 parcels. Council voted to amend the existing zoning from SR-4.5 to SR-6 and keep the existing land use plan designation of SF-6. 2.5. The Exhibit B-4 map depicts tax parcel No. 7682800106 that is 0.88 of an acre in size. This parcel is land-locked and abuts a General Commercial (GC) zoning designation to the west and a multifamily use to the south Council voted to change the zoning designation from SR-4.5 to GC and change the land use plan designation from SF-6 to Commercial. This changes allows a vacant buildable parcel to aggregate with adjoining commercially zoned properties with frontage along Pacific Highway South, adding to the viability of those adjacent properties as well as the land-locked parcel. 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 2.6. The Exhibit B-5 map depicts seven (7) tax parcels totaling 12.4 acres located north of South 272"d Street and west of I-5. These parcels surround an existing multifamily development zoned Medium Density Multifamily (MR-M). Three (3) parcels have existing single-family residences deemed re-developable and the others are vacant. Council voted to amend the zoning designation from SR-4.5 to IMultifamily Residential Townhouse 16 units per acre (MRT-16) with a land use plan designation changed from SF-6 to Low Density Multifamily (LDMF). Wetlands I influence some of the parcels, however, the amendments provide a tool for aggregating the parcels and building a viable development. The higher density 1 supports the tenets of 'Smart Growth', which place higher density residential development near mass transit and commercial. These parcels are located within walking distance of a Park n Ride and a shopping center. 2.7. The Exhibit B-6 map includes tax parcel numbers and depicts three (3) tax parcels totaling 1.4 acres located south of South 260`h Street and just off Pacific Highway South. Wetlands influence a portion of one parcel and have no influence on the other two. Council adopted a zoning designation change from SR- 4.5 to MRT-16 and a land use plan designation change from SF-6 to LDMF. The 1 higher density supports the tenets of 'Smart Growth' These parcels are located within short walking distance of a shopping center and transit. One parcel has an existing single-family residence and the remaining parcels are vacant. The isurrounding use to the west is a large shopping center and to the north are multifamily and mobile park residences. 2.8. The Exhibit B-7 map includes tax parcel numbers and depicts four(4) Itax parcels located north of SR-516 and off Military Road totaling 0.91 of an acre. The parcels are generally 60 feet wide, limiting development options without bundling the land with adjacent properties. Council amended the existing land use plan designation from Commercial to SF-6 with no change to the existing zoning designation of SR-6. This is considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. 5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 i 2.9. The Exhibit B-8 map depicts tax parcel No. 1402450000 located off South 272nd Street and is 4 4 acres in size. The Carriage Row Condominiums are located on this parcel. Council voted to amend the existing zoning designation from SR-6 to Low Density Multifamily (MR-G). The existing land use plan ' designation of LDMF does not change. This is also considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. 3. Valley Subarea , 3.1. The Valley subarea is depicted in Exhibit C-1, which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. 3.2. Tax parcel No. 5436200041 is located at the northwest corner of 68th Avenue South and West Morton Street and is 0.23 of an acre in size. This parcel has an existing split zoning designation of SR-6 and Industrial Park (M1) and a split land use plan designation of Mixed-Use (MU) and Industrial (I). The adjacent parcel has a zoning designation of M1 and a land use plan designation of Industrial with existing industrial uses. The zoning designation on all surrounding street corners is General Commercial-Mixed Use (GC-MU) with a land use plan designation of MU. Council voted to change the designations so that they are consistent across , the parcel and the surrounding area. The zoning designation of the parcel is changed to M1 and the land use plan designation to I. 4. North East Hill Subarea 4.1. The North East Hill subarea is depicted in Exhibits D-1 through D-7, which are attached and incorporated into this ordinance. 4.2. The Exhibit D-1 map depicts 252 tax parcels totaling 123.7 acres located from South 202nd Street south to Southeast 240th Street. Council voted to , amend the existing zoning designation from SR-4.5 to SR-6 with no change to the existing land use plan designation of SF-6 This is an area in transition from large vacant or underdeveloped lots to single-family subdivisions. The surrounding area 6 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 ris developed and zoned at SR-6. The streams, wetlands and slopes are protected I by use of the city's critical areas regulations The Exhibit D-1 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 252 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning designation change. 4.3. The Exhibit D-2 map depicts 52 tax parcels totaling 36 8 acres located from South 218th Street south to South 232"d Street along the base of Kent's east hill slope. These parcels are surrounded by parcels to the west zoned and developed at SR-4.5 with land use designations of SF-4.5. The primary existing uses are single-family residences on lots that on average range from 8,700 to 12,000 square feet with some vacant land. The character of the area is dominated by single-family subdivisions and large vacant or underdeveloped parcels. Council voted to amend the existing land use plan designation from SF-6 to SF-4.5 to match the existing zoning designations. The Exhibit D-2 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 52 affected parcels and the Icorresponding zoning designation change. 4.4. The Exhibit D-3 map depicts 135 tax parcels totaling 65.7 acres located between South 2401h Street and South 248th Street and North Summit ' Avenue and 100th Avenue Southeast. Council voted to change the existing zoning designation from SR-4.5 to SR-8 with no change to the existing land use plan ' designation of SF-8. The Exhibit D-3 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 135 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning designation change. The primary existing uses are single-family residences with Isome vacant land, and virtually no environmentally sensitive areas that would not be protected by Kent's critical area regulations. The character of the area is dominated by single-family subdivisions and high density development. The tenets of "Smart Growth" are supported by existing bus routes that serve the area and ' commercial activities nearby along 104th Avenue Southeast. 4.5. The Exhibit D-4 map depicts 175 tax parcels totaling 30.3 acres located between South 242"d Street and South 248th Street and 96th Avenue South 7 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 and 104th Avenue Southeast. Council voted to change the existing zoning r designation from SR-6 to SR-8 with no change to the existing land use plan , designation of SF-8. The Exhibit D-4 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 175 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning designation change The primary existing uses are single-family residences with i some vacant land, and virtually no environmentally sensitive area that would not be protected by Kent's critical area regulations. The character of the area is dominated by single-family subdivisions and high density development. The tenets of 'Smart Growth' are supported by existing bus routes that serve the area and >' commercial activities nearby along 104th Avenue Southeast. 4.6. The Exhibit D-5 map depicts tax parcel No. 8802400130 totaling 2.6 acres located west of 100th Avenue Southeast and north of South 220th Place. Council voted to change the zoning designation from SR-6 to SR-4.5 with no , change to the existing land use plan designation of SF-4.5. This parcel is located on the Middle Fork of Garrison Creek. Over half of the land consists of steep slopes and a creek. The land use plan designation of SF-4.5 recognizes the environmentally sensitive nature of the parcel 4.7. The Exhibit D-6 map depicts tax parcel No 1722059014 totaling 0.96 of an acre located west of 104th Avenue Southeast and north of Southeast 236th Street. Council voted to change the existing zoning designation from Office (0) to SR-6 with no change to the existing land use plan designation of SF-6. The parcel currently contains a church. The adjacent zoning designation and uses to the north and west are multifamily. Across the street in Kent's Potential Annexation Area (PAA) are single-family residential uses supported by an equivalent zoning designation. This amendment is considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. 4.8. The Exhibit D-7 map depicts tax parcel No. 1922059171 totaling 0 43 of an acre located east of Summit Avenue North and north of South 244th Street. This parcel contains a single-family residence. Council voted to keep the 8 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 , r existing zoning designation of SR-6 and amend the land use plan designation of Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to SF-6. The surrounding zoning designations and existing uses to the south and east are multifamily. The surrounding zoning designations and existing uses to the north and west are single-family. The parcel ` is considered too small for a higher density development. This amendment is considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. S. South East Hill Subarea 5.1. The South East Hill subarea is depicted in Exhibits E-1 through E-5, which are attached and incorporated into this ordinance. ' 5.2. The Exhibit E-1 map depicts 1,009 parcels totaling 268.2 acres located from Southeast 2515C Street to Southeast 282nd Street and 109th Avenue Southeast and 132nd Avenue Southeast. Council voted to amend the existing zoning designation from SR-4.5 to SR-6 with no change to the existing land use plan designation of SF-6. The primary existing uses are single-family residences with some institutional uses and vacant land The character of the area is ' dominated by single-family subdivisions developed and zoned SR-6, reflecting the zoning designation change Any environmentally sensitive areas are protected by ' Kent's critical area regulations, or are presently protected in sensitive area easements The Exhibit E-1 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 1,009 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning designation change. ' 5.3. The Exhibit E-2 map depicts tax parcel No 2022059022 totaling 4.7 acres located north of Southeast 256th Street and east of 111th Avenue Southeast. 1 Currently, there are two zoning designations (SR-4 5 and MR-M) and two land use plan designations (SF-6 and MDMF) for this parcel, but the entire parcel contains a 1 multifamily complex (Stratford Arms). Council voted to amend the portion with a zoning designation of SR-4.5 to MR-M and to amend the portion with a land use plan designation of SF-6 to MDMF. This amendment is considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. 9 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ' CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 5.4. Tax parcel No. 2022059090 depicted in the Exhibit E-3 is 0.48 of an , acre and is located off of Southeast 248th Street and east of 109th Avenue ' Southeast. The property is surrounded by high density uses with zoning designations of MR-G and SR-8 to the north. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the property and it is served by transit. Council voted to amend ' the existing zoning designation from SR-6 to Multifamily Residential Townhouse 12 units per acre (MRT-12) with no change to the existing land use designation of LDMF. This amendment is considered a correction of a mapping anomaly. 5.5. The Exhibit E-4 map depicts 126 tax parcels totaling 84.1 acres ' located between SR-516 and Southeast 272"d Street and 104th Avenue Southeast ' and the valley floor. The primary existing uses are single-family residences on lots ranging from 9,600 to 27,000 square feet with some vacant land. There are no inventoried environmentally sensitive areas in the affected area and Kent's critical area regulations would protect any that are identified at the time of development The general character of the affected parcels and the surrounding uses are large , lots indicative of the density allowed in an SR-4.5 zone. There is a bus route that serves the area. Council voted to keep the existing zoning designation of SR-4.5 and amend the land use plan designation from SF-6 to SF-4.5 The Exhibit E-4 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 126 affected parcels and the corresponding land use designation change. 5.6. The Exhibit E-5 map includes tax parcel numbers and depicts seven j (7) tax parcels consisting of 18 5 acres located off 97th Avenue South and south of South 262nd Place. Currently, the parcels all have two zoning designations (SR-4.5 , and SR-1) and two land use plan designations (SF-4.5 and Urban Separator (US)). The surrounding zoning designations to the north and east are SR-6 and SR-4.5 respectively, and to the south and east is SR-1 supported by an US land use plan designation. The split designations are a remnant of past decisions to limit the zoning designation on the steep slopes located on the west side of the parcels. Four (4) of the seven properties are approximately 70' wide and two (2) of those four are built with single-family homes that stretch across nearly the entire width ' 10 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 , ' of the parcel. The other three (3) parcels average around 4.0 acres each. One parcel is very constrained by steep slopes and is built with a large residence on the small portion of the parcel that is buildable. The other two (2) parcels have land to subdivide, but critical areas limit the number of building sites. Council voted for a zoning designation of SR-1 and a land use plan designation of US over the entire area reflecting the fragile nature of the land and its capacity for development. 6. Lake Meridian Subarea ' 6.1. The Lake Meridian subarea is depicted in Exhibits F-1 through F-4, which are attached and incorporated into this ordinance. 6.2. The Exhibit F-1 map depicts 81 tax parcels located adjacent to Lake Meridian along the western shoreline and totaling 36.9 acres. These parcels currently have a zoning designation of SR-6 and a land use designation of SF-6 The Exhibit F-2 map depicts 60 tax parcels totaling 46.4 acres adjacent to Lake Meridian along the eastern shoreline with a current zoning designation of SR-4.5 and a land use plan designation of SF-6. The primary existing uses in these two areas are single-family residences with two condominium developments and some vacant land Council voted to amend the Exhibit F-1 and Exhibit F-2 zoning designations to SR-3 and the land use plan designations to SF-3. The Exhibit F-1 and Exhibit F-2 parcel lists provide each King County tax parcel number for the respective 81 and 60 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning and land use plan designation amendments. These amendments are supported by the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use ' Goals and Policies overall goal, which is to "[e]ncourage a future growth and development pattern which implements the community's vision, protects environmentally sensitive areas, and enhances the quality of life of all Kent residents." The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element goal LU-21 also recognizes the significant role played by natural features and systems in determining the overall environmental quality and livability of a community. Likewise goal LU-26 acknowledges the need to "[p]rotect and enhance natural resources for multiple benefits including recreation, fish and wildlife resources and habitat, flood protection, water supply and open space." 11 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 Lake Meridian is used as a recreational facility by those who reside on or near the lake and thousands of other families in our community on an ongoing basis. Lake Meridian also serves surrounding cities and unincorporated King County residents. It has been designated as a shoreline of significance by the state 1 of Washington. Lake Meridian is a unique body of water that is large in scale, complex, and of high value. This unique feature requires another level of protection in addition to development regulations. The city must ensure that Lake Meridian remains useful and protected for future generations to use and enjoy. The city must preserve and enhance the public experience at Lake Meridian. The impact of zoning Lake Meridian's lakefront parcels at SR-3 is insignificant when considering the city's 2020 housing target. The differential of potential housing units for these amendments is approximately sixteen (16) housing units. The City has already achieved approximately seventy-five (75) percent of the targeted 2020 growth goal, and continues to encourage and stimulate urban growth through its existing zoning and comprehensive plan land use map designations, flexible development regulations, and review of annual comprehensive plan requests. Kent has become a significant urban center. The ratio of single-family housing to multifamily housing is currently 51 percent to 49 percent. The Kent Station development in the downtown includes retail, office, and the opportunity for multifamily housing, condominiums, and townhouse development. Where there are appropriate opportunities, the city has planned for higher , density and increased opportunities for affordable housing, however, one size does not fit all. There is room in the city to have both larger parcels and higher ' densities. All of these densities, however, do not need to occur around the city's Lake Meridian resource. With this amendment Council has used its discretion and taken into consideration the particular needs and vision of the City of Kent while balancing the goals of urban growth, reducing sprawl, affordable housing, open , space, protecting the environment, and providing a variety of residential densities. 12 Comprehensive Plan Amendments , CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 ' Y 6.3. The Exhibit F-3 map depicts 280 tax parcels totaling 88.2 acres inside the Lake Meridian sub-basin and generally extending west with a cluster of parcels north of Southeast 2S6th Street and east of 132°d Avenue Southeast. The existing density within the basin averages four (4) dwelling units per acre. Council voted to amend the zoning designations from SR-6 to SR-4.5 and to amend the land use plan designations from SF-6 to SF-4.5. This amendment is compatible with development in the vicinity and is supported by Comprehensive Plan Framework Policies for Urban Growth 1, 3, 4 and 7, and for Housing 2 and 3 The amendment is also supported by Land Use Element policy LU-9.1 and goals LU-9 and LU-10. The Exhibit F-3 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 280 affected parcels and the corresponding zoning and land use plan designation change. 6.4. The Exhibit F-4 map depicts 2,196 tax parcels totaling 923.2 acres outside the Lake Meridian sub-basin generally north of Lake Meridian extending to the city limits with a large cluster of parcels west of 132"d Avenue Southeast and north of Southeast 256th Street. The primary existing uses are single-family residential with some institutional uses, vacant land, condominiums, and a private golf course. The existing density within the basin averages four (4) dwelling units per acre Council voted to amend the land use plan designations from SF-6 to SF- 4.5 and to make no change to the zoning designation of SR-4.5. This amendment iis compatible with development in the vicinity and is supported by Comprehensive Plan Framework Policies for Urban Growth and Housing and the Land Use Element ' policy and goals list in 6.3 above. The Exhibit F-4 parcel list provides each King County tax parcel number for the 2,196 affected parcels and the corresponding land use plan designation change. ' NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: �I 13 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 ORDINANCE , SECTION 1. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein. SECTION 2. - Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district map designations for the parcels of real property identified as the West Hill subarea , are redesignated as shown in Exhibits 131 through B-8. SECTION 3. - Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district , map designations for the parcel of real property identified as the Valley subarea is redesignated as shown in Exhibit C-1. SECTION 4. - Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district , map designations for the parcels of real property identified as the North East Hill subarea are redesignated as shown in Exhibits D-1 through D-7. , SECTION 5. - Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district , map designations for the parcels of real property identified as the South East Hill subarea are redesignated as shown in Exhibits E-1 through E-5. SECTION 6. - Amendment. The land use plan map and zoning district ' map designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Lake Meridian subarea are redesignated as shown in Exhibits F-1 through F-4. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or , sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR S 14 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 ' ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of June, 2007. ' APPROVED: day of June, 2007. PUBLISHED: day of June, 2007. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of ordinance no. passed by ' the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Ordinance\CompPlanAmend-2006-5 doc 15 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ' CPA-2006-5 and CPZ 2006-2 1 i �._08 Av r _ _ ' 10,4AVSIE ~, _ < 132 AV�9'E ' 1_: 'OW • '' 0 '' :0Re CL c L7 f�.P m to is West Hill St EXHIBIT B-1 Q, to Comprehensive Plan Amendments U) Zoning&Land Use Plan m r' S 243 St I I Map Designations , i I I CPA-2006.src't -2sat:2 'S 244 St 1 _ _ __I'' Change all Affected Properties 245 c.. Zone:From SR4.5 to SR-6 V) 24a a Land Use:No Change of SF-6 , 01 St a Legend i CITY LIMITS 247a t AFFECTED PARCELS S 248 St S248St '- - - N S 249 Si ; 24sP1- 250 PIN<' 8 250 R m y2 8251R J" i 251PI' ' � 251 PI ' 252_St _. st 252 R 2 46 AV 252 PI r — — -� — — y1 S 262 R ? 3 � � VVV Q y R S 255 St y 255 P1_ ;1?__ R S 250 St I s 256 a; m 2sa Rt 1 N Q�s2st 1 Mtn GQI 5, _ , Ise WAll 1 / 260s<_ y�_ S_260St_ t a� S 261_St S 261 PI < - — 'w' S 2g1� 1 S 262 St t y / ao;; 4, 7 g I 1 1 t5 T 1 71 S 253 St t 1 I t5 Q �. c omersst to Kant Cl •2'•22"tt Hanplgl WY a ararlar q a _S 268 St •-- F« 1 y tC ,1' Cemahy�, Ct S - d 'A Q 2Jp I 270 at t�, � � ; • '� � � 00 � i i � �4 No Bola West Hill ' EXHIBIT B-1 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 8860000255 SR-6 SF-6 8860000125 SR-6 SF-6 8860000250 SR-6 SF-6 8860000130 SR-6 SF-6 8860000245 SR-6 SF-6 9392500010 SR-6 SF-6 8860000025 SR-6 SF-6 9392500140 SR-6 SF-6 8860000020 SR-6 SF-6 9392500130 SR-6 SF-6 8860000015 SR-6 SF-6 9392500120 SR-6 SF-6 8860000010 SR-6 SF-6 9392500110 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000005 SR-6 SF-6 9392500100 SR-6 SF-6 8860000260 SR-6 SF-6 9392500090 SR-6 SF-6 8860000180 SR-6 SF-6 2722049112 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000185 SR-6 SF-6 2722049026 SR-6 SF-6 8860000240 SR-6 SF-6 9392500020 SR-6 SF-6 8860000190 SR-6 SF-6 9392500150 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000140 SR-6 SF-6 9392SO0300 SR-6 SF-6 8860000135 SR-6 SF-6 9392500310 SR-6 SF-6 8860000050 SR-6 SF-6 9392500320 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000045 SR-6 SF-6 9392500330 SR-6 SF-6 8860000040 SR-6 SF-6 9392500030 SR-6 SF-6 8860000035 SR-6 SF-6 9392500160 SR-6 SF-6 8860000030 SR-6 SF-6 9392500290 SR-6 SF-6 8860000145 SR-6 SF-6 9392500040 SR-6 SF-6 8860000195 SR-6 SF-6 9392500170 SR-6 SF-6 8860000235 SR-6 SF-6 9392500050 SR-6 SF-6 8860000150 SR-6 SF-6 9392500280 SR-6 SF-6 8860000230 SR-6 SF-6 9392500270 SR-6 SF-6 8860000060 SR-6 SF-6 9392500260 SR-6 SF-6 8860000055 SR-6 SF-6 9392500250 SR-6 SF-6 8860000175 SR-6 SF-6 9392500180 SR-6 SF-6 8860000170 SR-6 SF-6 9392500060 SR-6 SF-6 8860000075 SR-6 SF-6 9392500190 SR-6 SF-6 8860000070 SR-6 SF-6 9392500200 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000065 SR-6 SF-6 9392500210 SR-6 SF-6 8860000165 SR-6 SF-6 9392500220 SR-6 SF-6 8860000155 SR-6 SF-6 9392500230 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000160 SR-6 SF-6 9392500240 SR-6 SF-6 8860000080 SR-6 SF-6 9392500070 SR-6 SF-6 8860000085 SR-6 SF-6 9392500080 SR-6 SF-6 8860000090 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000095 SR-6 SF-6 8860000100 SR-6 SF-6 8860000105 SR-6 SF-6 ' 8860000110 SR-6 SF-6 8860000115 SR-6 SF-6 8860000120 SR-6 SF-6 1 of 1 West Hill !� J a259 St EXHIBIT B-2 ! Bz HI N N Comprehensive Plan Amendments �- \' 2 _ i Zoning Land Use Plan � Map Designations CPA-20%-&CM2"&2 ! ' I S 260 Change all Affected Properties ! A •yr 2 Zone:From SR4.5 to SR-1 ! • v AA2 Land Use:From SF-6 to Urban Separator r I �94K 1 Legend CITY LIMITS ! AFFECTED PARCELS /\ r7�r ��-- Q' .� N / 1 S 266 PI a ! 0 ?68 t c� S �5 26,p! � l �269) ! St 27 t � r p1 N S273St I / I NO*00 West Hill EXMBIT B-3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan l Map Designations CTA4006,W7W006-I Change all Affected Properties Zone:Change SR4.5 to SR-6 Land Use:No Change from SF-6 Legend \I CITY LIPATS Cf AFFECTED PARCELS t ✓�N rr.yw.w�. ws sr Jy 265 St i 3< x NOV I1 y 268 P ; tea 0 _ �S 270 N.scak West Hill ' EXHIBIT B-3 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 1397800020 SR-6 SF-6 2908900280 SR-6 SF-6 , 1397800030 SR-6 SF-6 290890TR.A SR-6 SF-6 1397800040 SR-6 SF-6 290890TR.B SR-6 SF-6 2822049006 SR-6 SF-6 2936600005 SR-6 SF-6 2822049016 SR-6 SF-6 2936600005 SR-6 SF-6 ' 2822049196 SR-6 SF-6 2936600005 SR-6 SF-6 2822049197 SR-6 SF-6 768280.ESM SR-6 SF-6 2822049198 SR-6 SF-6 7682800165 SR-6 SF-6 ' 2822049199 SR-6 SF-6 7682800185 SR-6 SF-6 2822049203 SR-6 SF-6 7682800185 SR-6 SF-6 2908900010 SR-6 SF-6 ' 2908900020 SR-6 SF-6 2908900030 SR-6 SF-6 2908900040 SR-6 SF-6 2908900050 SR-6 SF-6 2908900060 SR-6 SF-6 2908900070 SR-6 SF-6 2908900080 SR-6 SF-6 2906900090 SR-6 SF-6 2908900100 SR-6 SF-6 , 2908900110 SR-6 SF-6 2908900120 SR-6 SF-6 2908900130 SR-6 SF-6 ' 2908900140 SR-6 SF-6 2908900150 SR-6 SF-6 2908900160 SR-6 SF-6 , 2908900170 SR-6 SF-6 2908900180 SR-6 SF-6 2908900190 SR-6 SF-6 2908900200 SR-6 SF-6 2908900210 SR-6 SF-6 2908900220 SR-6 SF-6 ' 2908900230 SR-6 SF-6 2908900240 SR-6 SF-6 2908900250 SR-6 SF-6 2908900260 SR 6 SF-6 ' 2908900270 1 SR-6 I SF-6 I Of I 1 West Hill ! ! EXHIBIT B4 Jj41 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-2000alCP NOW Change all Affected Properties Zone:From SR-4.5 To General Commercial Land Use:From SF-b to Commercial Legend CITY LIMITS AFFECTED PARCELS 1 1 !! / / J ! ! 1 ! I / i J S-272 St - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- •�N acda West Hill i EXHIBIT B-5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CTA-2N6.57CPZ-240&1 Change all Affected Properties Zone:From SR4.5 to MRT-16 Land Use:From SF-6 to LDMF Legend , /\/CITY LIMITS 0 AFFECTED PARCELS w� I I`1 1 i i 1 r s s$-A 5. lb I / ry�oo i � __- _____ _ __-_ j NoBa4 ' W�4riP West Hill EXHIBIT B-6 / Comprehensive Plan Amendments / Zoning&Land Use Plan / Map Designations , CTA•3606dlClZ3016.1 / Change all Affected Properties / Zone:From SR4.5 to MRT-16 / . Land Use:From SF-6 to LDMF t Legend /Cm LIMITS / I AFFECTED PARCELS i --- �( s 260 t 9Nil ,LpA� 6 •ti �p�9 Z N No scale OwV.rtw�wrr West Hill EXHIBIT B-7 y Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-20%-51CM20062 Change all Affected Properties Zone:No Change of SR-6 Land Use:Change from Commercial to SF-6 Legend /,%/CITY LIMITS ©AFFECTED PARCELS 210 pw 1 N V+u I / No Sub m/yw` j.__ rrR West HUI EXIIIIBIT B-8 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-20K4lCPL2006-2 Change all Affected Properties Zone:From SR-6 to MR-G Land Use:No Change from LDMF Legend /\/CITY LIMITS AFFECTED PARCELS j 441, 1 � . .0 f � Ile If - - - - - _ _ � S 272 St N No s"% ��ti Valley EXHIBIT C-1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CTA-i�M•YC►4i0K'3 Change all Affected Properties Zone:From Split SR-6&Industrial Park To Industrial Park(Ml) Land Use:From Split Mixed-Use&Industrial t To Industrial(I) Legend \, CITY LIMITS AFFECTED PARCELS ..w. \ N No snk wh'IAI+(DM'raT W North East Hill al sW sl ` o- 1 gl s W aI EXHIBIT D-1 ^ I et 0 °d� y s st it Comprehensive Plan Amendments I p [ ° <P 8, Zoning&Land Use Plan Map DesignationsI! nA.mcyczwocs q t [ f Change all Affected Properties SI 3`-20?Aji I S�� Zone:From SR-4-5 to SR-6 S �I� an a Land Use:No Chang of SF-6 2Vp $ta, Szoege si �IT-- Legend ,a CITY LIMITS j:�5 AFFECTED PARCELS / ae :e< (sue 212st ' 2 9212et 21 st - �i-j- 9219W._\� I 821]& i1 ran 4. SE 213 PI -t �• 2na W�'� �2t931 Q I21 3t � Ir�ti E8� �I �!, llft f rest > a i3 8I ran - ,I non 21e- _i, 216 St 2 z 9� is i 6��, SE 217St- zta 21791 IE I� S 9 BE3 f�a_ 1(` y 3 21or1 1 z18 C 3 ai 2 ,r 8E218o f� -p--� iGI1 mte$ 8229 q- 220 - St y BE 27B PI 221 n Q g� �6�1 c nL C¢� 22 lI 2m\_,--_"-5E-710 Pi / a SEi {€, 1 ���� aa2n �) '�+ m_tn SE 223 St SE 224 St _.�._1 .1. 1_Tp j � o pi OE/ aaa -f- " QH 20 It SE 71S •mn .-�--- LS yL 8228 et -J 3 a g 2288t 8E7�. w y -----------{{{ a a 2M 2zest 3 e Bl2ze SE I 2n■ a� g am _ mc2 s i 8E 227N y i S [ 228 st SE aze St 229 St I e K 22a A - �I i -,l� �- ,�' i� z _in 1• g� .� ��q� +o a s4 an n_ l 2 321281 L/�_ SE 232 m w� 232 t t32 A � rL MN �I�a��� 1235 P/� 3 e��_�'_y1r 4w—", 2]88,235� rr dot. �� — 82341 EE 2a, i'�"��-DEMBpr W' 1CO I m B- - w - I 8E237& _(l i SE 2nst .St eEz30A N — "�4 23p et 3E y�1 Isin 24 i 2eN i.T 8uo 82131 r 1tI ! 33 I: c� al,pp c No Sale North East Hill EXHIBIT D-1 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 0622056666 SR-6 SF-6 1822059259 SR-6 SF-6 0622059041 SR-6 SF-6 1822059309 SR-6 SF-6 0622059057 SR-6 SF-6 1822059329 SR-6 SF-6 0622059063 SR-6 SF-6 1822059352 SR-6 SF-6 ' 0622059068 SR-6 SF-6 1822059353 SR-6 SF-6 0622059071 SR-6 SF-6 1822059354 SR-6 SF-6 0622059083 SR-6 SF-6 1822059366 SR-6 SF-6 0622059105 SR-6 SF-6 1822059367 SR-6 SF-6 0622059115 SR-6 SF-6 1822059368 SR-6 SF-6 0722059116 SR-6 SF-6 1822059369 SR-6 SF-6 1822059006 SR-6 SF-6 1822059370 SR-6 SF-6 1822059036 SR-6 SF-6 1822059371 SR-6 SF-6 1822059044 SR-6 SF-6 1822059372 SR-6 SF-6 1822059045 SR-6 SF-6 1822059373 SR-6 SF-6 , 1822059047 SR-6 SF-6 1822059374 SR-6 SF-6 1822059061 SR-6 SF-6 1822059375 SR-6 SF-6 1822059062 SR-6 SF-6 1822059385 SR-6 SF-6 1822059063 SR-6 SF-6 1822059386 SR-6 SF-6 1822059068 SR-6 SF-6 1822059388 SR-6 SF-6 1822059070 SR-6 SF-6 1822059389 SR-6 SF-6 1822059073 SR-6 SF-6 1822059428 SR-6 SF-6 1822059074 SR-6 SF-6 1822059429 SR-6 SF-6 1822059090 SR-6 SF-6 1822059430 SR-6 SF-6 ' 1822059103 SR-6 SF-6 1822059431 SR-6 SF-6 1822059104 SR-6 SF-6 1822059432 SR-6 SF-6 1822059105 SR-6 SF-6 1822059433 SR-6 SF-6 1822059107 SR-6 SF-6 1822059434 SR-6 SF-6 1822059113 SR-6 SF-6 1822059435 SR-6 SF-6 1822059121 SR-6 SF-6 1822059436 SR-6 SF-6 1822059126 SR-6 SF-6 1822059439 SR-6 SF-6 1822059134 SR-6 SF-6 1822059440 SR-6 SF-6 1822059148 SR-6 SF-6 1822059441 SR-6 SF-6 1822059149 SR-6 SF-6 1822059442 SR-6 SF-6 1822059165 SR-6 SF-6 1822059443 SR-6 SF-6 1822059170 SR-6 SF-6 1822059444 SR-6 SF-6 1822059201 SR-6 SF-6 1822059445 SR-6 SF-6 1822059207 SR-6 SF-6 1822059446 SR-6 SF-6 1822059214 SR-6 SF-6 1822059447 SR-6 SF-6 1822059227 SR-6 SF-6 1822059448 SR-6 SF-6 1822059229 SR-6 SF-6 1822059449 SR-6 SF-6 1822059234 SR-6 SF-6 1822059450 SR-6 SF-6 1822059237 SR-6 SF-6 1822059451 SR-6 SF-6 1822059243 SR-6 SF-6 1822059452 SR-6 SF-6 1822059253 SR-6 SF-6 1822059453 SR-6 SF-6 182205TR.A SR-6 SF-6 7429000120 SR-6 SF-6 1of3 3832150010 SRI SF-6 7429000130 SRI SF-6 3832150020 SRI SF-6 7429000140 SRI SF-6 3832150030 SRI SF-6 7429000150 SRI SF-6 3832150040 SRI SF-6 7429000160 SRI SF-6 3832150050 SRI SF-6 7429000170 SRI SF-6 38321SO060 SRI SF-6 7429000180 SRI SF-6 3832150070 SRI SF-6 7429000190 SRI SF-6 3832150080 SR-6 SF-6 7429000200 SRI SF-6 3832150090 SRI SF-6 7429000210 SRI SF-6 3832150230 SRI SF-6 7429000220 SRI SF-6 3832150240 SRI SF-6 7429000230 SRI SF-6 3832150250 SRI SF-6 7429000240 SRI SF-6 3832150260 SRI SF-6 7429000250 SRI SF-6 3832150270 SRI SF-6 7429000260 SRI SF-6 3832150280 SRI SF-6 7429000270 SRI SF-6 3832150290 SRI SF-6 7429000260 SRI SF-6 4224100010 SRI SF-6 7429000290 SRI SF-6 4224100020 SRI SF-6 7429000300 SRI SF-6 4224100030 SRI SF-6 7429000310 SRI SF-6 4224100040 SRI SF-6 7429000320 SRI SF-6 4224100050 SRI SF-6 7429000330 SRI SF-6 4224100060 SRI SF-6 7429000340 SR-6 SF-6 4224100070 SRI SF-6 7429000350 SRI SF-6 4224100080 SRI SF-6 7429000360 SRI SF-6 4224100090 SRI SF-6 7429000370 SRI SF-6 4224100100 SRI SF-6 7429007777 SRI SF-6 4224100110 SRI SF-6 8029900020 SRI 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SR-6 SF-6 9430000010 SR-6 SF-6 9430000020 SR-6 SF-6 9430000030 SR-6 SF-6 i 3of3 -.1,, i' lv' I W North East Hill 216 PI aI I EXHIBIT D-2 / I d Q I Comprehensive Plan Amendments l/ W �i I Zoning&Land Use Plan S 218 St Map Designations (01 cl 1 219 PI Change all Affected Properties Zone:No Change of SR4.5 p q�Q Land Use:From SF-6 to SF4.5 ? Ln S Legend 220 �l/ ,�, CITY LIMITS 221 PI ` AFFECTED PARCELS S 22-2 sr l_ S 222 St I VAN+ I U) i S 223 yea — _ I g t i SE 224 St_ �Gj�' Li E 22Sp1_ S 225 PI I — _ — — � S 226 St I - - - - F6 a 226 PI _ cn I__ �dr Q N t T SE 227 Q> i o 1� �� �� o� 22e a 2.28 t I SE Go LT� S 230 St i LU 230 PI �— 230 PI rM I a; ��- - — SE 231 St II o r ~ WI 4 Ct S LU 233 St � A 23 �I / q a I S'?34PI of O O `b 235 PI 235 St_ SE 234 I —" r 3235 PIT " 236 S 235 SPI Y( 236 P S - _r---- SE 2 _ 1 36 w Q S 237 St cr 1 > + a > Irn al a- Ho North East Hill EXHIBIT D-2 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 1822057777 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059390 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059003 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059423 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059064 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059424 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059077 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059425 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059078 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059426 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059081 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059427 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059125 SR-45 SF-4.5 7757800265 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059127 SR-45 SF-4.5 7757800266 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059128 SR-45 SF-4.5 7757800267 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059135 SR-45 SF-4.5 7757800268 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059155 SR-45 SF-4.5 7757800269 SR-45 SF-4.5 , 1822059157 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059158 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059159 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059160 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059161 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059162 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059167 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059173 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059181 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059182 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059187 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059200 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059202 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059204 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059205 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059210 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059211 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059218 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059219 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059220 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059224 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059226 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059259 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059274 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059275 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059276 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059278 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059327 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059328 SR-45 SF-4.5 1822059381 SR 45 SF-4.5 i I Of 1 -may North East Hill 23� , I EXHIBIT D-3 �o `s234 PI Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations �4j i_e, rnMswc.r�crzs«W V� 235 PI S 235 �� r— - I-- Change all Affected Properties rr —_ Zone:From SR-4-5 to SR-8 II V Land Use:No Change of SF-8 Legend ` Q CITY LIMITS S 22 AFFECTED PARCELS S233 — � 238 St S 239 St Gr w � SE 238 PI _ v Q' SE 23S n ' A-le,' S 239 PI_ rn o 239 Pi3 S 240 St S2 I � rn S241St Q — S 242 St ao t - — --- 0) S 242 PI 242 PI 242 Ct --- -- , ai o 243 St )o S Qr `- �244 Ct W I� 1245 PI i, d St I _ I 31246 PI I o 247 PI N�5 yid \O -- . i n , _-I r1- _ Nqr North East Hill EXHIBIT D-3 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 1330650010 SR-8 SF-8 1922059302 SR-8 SF-8 ' 1330650020 SR-8 SF-8 1922059302 SR-8 SF-8 1330650030 SR-8 SF-8 1922059308 SR-8 SF-8 1330650040 SR-8 SF-8 1922059314 SR-8 SF-8 1330650050 SR-8 SF-8 1922059317 SR-8 SF-8 1330650060 SR-8 SF-8 1922059319 SR-8 SF-8 1330650070 SR-8 SF-8 1922059321 SR-8 SF-8 1330650080 SR-8 SF-8 1922059329 SR-8 SF-8 1330650090 SR-8 SF-8 1922059332 SR-8 SF-8 1330650100 SR-8 SF-8 1922059333 SR-8 SF-8 1330650110 SR-8 SF-8 1922059337 SR-8 SF-8 1330650120 SR-8 SF-8 1922059339 SR-8 SF-8 1330650130 SR-8 SF-8 1922059340 SR-8 SF-8 1330650140 SR-8 SF-8 1922059345 SR-8 SF-8 1330650150 SR-8 SF-8 1922059347 SR-8 SF-8 1922059006 SR-8 SF-8 1922059348 SR-8 SF-8 1922059008 SR-8 SF-8 1922059349 SR-8 SF-8 1922059013 SR-8 SF-8 1922059352 SR-8 SF-8 1922059015 SR-8 SF-8 1922059356 SR-8 SF-8 1922059016 SR-8 SF-8 1922059368 SR-8 SF-8 1922059017 SR-8 SF-8 1922059387 SR-8 SF-8 1922059024 SR-8 SF-8 1922059388 SR-8 SF-8 1922059025 SR-8 SF-8 1922059398 SR-8 SF-8 1922059027 SR-8 SF-8 1922059401 SR-8 SF-8 1922059110 SR-8 SF-8 1922059402 SR-8 SF-8 1922059128 SR-8 SF-8 1922059403 SR-8 SF-8 1922059186 SR-8 SF-8 1922059404 SR-8 SF-8 1922059193 SR-8 SF-8 1922059408 SR-8 SF-8 1922059195 SR-8 SF-8 1922059409 SR-8 SF-8 1922059201 SR-8 SF-8 1922059410 SR-8 SF-8 1922059219 SR-8 SF-8 1922059411 SR-8 SF-8 1922059234 SR-8 SF-8 1922059414 SR-8 SF-8 1922059235 SR-8 SF-8 1922059415 SR-8 SF-8 1922059243 SR-8 SF-8 1922059416 SR-8 SF-8 1922059244 SR-8 SF-8 1922059417 SR-8 SF-8 1922059245 SR-8 SF-8 1922059418 SR-8 SF-8 1922059246 SR-8 SF-8 1922059425 SR-8 SF-8 1922059247 SR-8 SF-8 1922059429 SR-8 SF-8 1922059248 SR-8 SF-8 1922059433 SR-8 SF-8 1922059249 SR-8 SF-8 1922059434 SR-8 SF-8 1922059255 SR-8 SF-8 1922059435 SR-8 SF-8 1922059257 SR-8 SF-8 1922059437 SR-8 SF-B , 1922059285 SR-8 SF-8 1922059438 SR-8 SF-8 1922059288 SR-8 SF-8 1922059439 SR-8 SF-8 1922059294 SR-8 SF-8 1922059440 SR-8 SF-8 1 of 2 1922059441 SR-8 SF-8 1922059445 SR-8 SF-8 1922059446 SR-8 SF-8 1922059447 SR-8 SF-8 3585100010 SR-8 SF-8 3821000010 SR-8 SF-8 3821000020 SR-8 SF-8 3821000030 SR-8 SF-8 3821000040 SR-8 SF-8 3821000050 SR-8 SF-8 3821000060 SR-8 SF-8 3821000070 SR-8 SF-8 3821000080 SR-8 SF-8 3821000090 SR-8 SF-8 I 3821000100 SR-8 SF-8 3821000110 SR-8 SF-8 3821000120 SR-8 SF-8 3821000130 SR-8 SF-8 3821000140 SR-8 SF-8 3821000150 SR-8 SF-8 4359100010 SR-8 SF-8 4359100020 SR-8 SF-8 4359100030 SR-8 SF-8 4359100060 SR-8 SF-8 43S9100070 SR-8 SF-8 4359100080 SR-8 SF-8 4359100090 SR-8 SF-8 4359100100 SR-8 SF-8 4359100110 SR-8 SF-8 4359100140 SR-8 SF-8 4359100150 SR-8 SF-8 4359100160 SR-8 SF-8 9149000140 SR-8 SF-8 9149000150 SR-8 SF-8 9149000160 SR-8 SF-8 9149000170 SR-8 SF-8 9149000180 SR-8 SF-8 9149000190 SR-8 SF-8 9149000200 SR-8 SF-8 9149000210 SR-8 SF-8 9149000220 SR-8 SF-8 I I 2of2 1 North East Hill 2 EXHIBIT D 3�'0\ -4 I Comprehensive Plan Amendments �>sZ34 PI Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CTA-2MFYCTL 2 co 235 PI S 235 PI S 23 Change all Affected Properties 'i ` Zone:From SR-6 to SR-8 Land Use:No change to SF-8 236 P S 23 Legend ' ,•, CITY LIMITS S 237 S F-1 AFFECTED PARCELS /\ 7 S-2 St 2313 St S 239 St- 239 ` G �I SE 238 PI ' L Q SE 239 St S_239 Pi.,� o --239 PI - S 240 St S 240 P 1 _ U)� S 241 St Q __ S 242 St J oo C w 242 PI Q I 242 Ct cn a 1 S 243 St �244 St � __—�FT.-] Lu i S 245 PI_ C �� to dSt S246PI --- CO a a 247 Ct 248 PI �T 248 Ct i W I ( p 49 > v North East Hill EXHIBIT D-4 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE t 1330250010 SR-8 SF-8 1332300270 SR-8 SF-8 1330250020 SR-8 SF-8 1332300280 SR-8 SF-8 1330250030 SR-8 SF-8 1332300290 SR-8 SF-8 1330250040 SR-8 SF-8 1332300300 SR-8 SF-8 1330250050 SR-8 SF-8 1332300310 SR-8 SF-8 1330250060 SR-8 SF-8 1332300320 SR-8 SF-8 1330250070 SR-8 SF-8 1332300330 SR-8 SF-8 1330250080 SR-8 SF-8 1332300340 SR-8 SF-8 1330250090 SR-8 SF-8 1332300350 SR-8 SF-8 1330250100 SR-8 SF-8 1332300360 SR-8 SF-8 1330250110 SR-8 SF-8 1332300370 SR-8 SF-8 1330250120 SR-8 SF-8 1332300380 SR-8 SF-8 1330250130 SR-8 SF-8 1332300390 SR-8 SF-8 1330250140 SR-8 SF-8 1332300400 SR-8 SF-8 1330250150 SR-8 SF-8 2215450010 SR-8 SF-8 1330250160 SR-8 SF-8 2215450020 SR-8 SF-8 1330250170 SR-8 SF-8 2215450030 SR-8 SF-8 1330250180 SR-8 SF-8 2215450040 SR-8 SF-8 1332300010 SR-8 SF-8 2215450050 SR-8 SF-8 1332300020 SR-8 SF-8 2215450060 SR-8 SF-8 1332300030 SR-8 SF-8 2215450070 SR-8 SF-8 1332300040 SR-8 SF-8 2215450080 SR-8 SF-8 1332300050 SR-8 SF-8 2215450090 SR-8 SF-8 1332300060 SR-8 SF-8 2215450100 SR-8 SF-8 1332300070 SR-8 SF-8 2215450110 SR-8 SF-8 1332300080 SR-8 SF-8 2215450120 SR-8 SF-8 1332300090 SR-8 SF-8 2215450130 SR-8 SF-8 1332300100 SR-8 SF-8 2215450140 SR-8 SF-8 1332300110 SR-8 SF-8 2215450150 SR-8 SF-8 1332300120 SR-8 SF-8 2215450160 SR-8 SF-8 1332300130 SR-8 SF-8 2215450170 SR-8 SF-8 1332300140 SR-8 SF-8 2215450180 SR-8 SF-8 1332300150 SR-8 SF-8 2215450190 SR-8 SF-8 1332300160 SR-8 SF-8 2215450200 SR-8 SF-8 1332300170 SR-8 SF-8 2215450210 SR-8 SF-8 1332300180 SR-8 SF-8 2331540010 SR-8 SF-8 1332300190 SR-8 SF-8 2331540020 SR-8 SF-8 1332300200 SR-8 SF-8 2331540030 SR-8 SF-8 1332300210 SR-8 SF-8 2331540040 SR-8 SF-8 1332300220 SR-8 SF-8 2331540050 SR-8 SF-8 1332300230 SR-8 SF-8 2331540060 SR-8 SF-8 1332300240 SR-8 SF-8 2331540070 SR-8 SF-8 1332300250 SR-8 SF-8 2331540080 SR-8 SF-8 1332300260 SR-8 SF-8 2331540090 SR-8 SF-8 2331540100 SR-8 SF-8 3375800180 SR-8 SF-8 I of 2 1 2331540110 SR-8 SF-8 3375800190 SR-8 SF-8 2331540120 SR-B SF-8 3375800200 SR-8 SF-8 2331540130 SR-8 SF-8 3375800210 SR-8 SF-8 2331540140 SR-8 SF-8 3375800220 SR-8 SF-8 2331540150 SR-8 SF-8 3375800230 SR-8 SF-8 2331540160 SR-8 SF-8 3375800240 SR-8 SF-8 2331540170 SR-8 SF-8 3375807777 SR-8 SF-8 2331540180 SR-8 SF-8 3375807777 SR-8 SF-8 2331540190 SR-8 SF-8 7830800232 SR-8 SF-8 2331540210 SR-8 SF-8 7830800247 SR-8 SF-8 2331550010 SR-8 SF-8 7830800249 SR-8 SF-8 2331550020 SR-8 SF-8 7830800251 SR-8 SF-8 2331550030 SR-8 SF-8 7830600471 SR-8 SF-8 2331550040 SR-8 SF-8 7830800473 SR-8 SF-8 2331550050 SR-8 SF-8 7830800491 SR-8 SF-8 2331550060 SR-8 SF-8 8047000010 SR-8 SF-8 2331550070 SR-8 SF-8 8047000020 SR-8 SF-8 2331550080 SR-8 SF-8 8047000030 SR-8 SF-8 2331550090 SR-8 SF-8 8047000040 SR-8 SF-8 2331550100 SR-8 SF-8 8047000050 SR-8 SF-8 2331550110 SR-8 SF-8 8047000060 SR-8 SF-8 2331550120 SR-8 SF-8 8047000070 SR-8 SF-8 2331550130 SR-8 SF-8 8047000080 SR-8 SF-8 2331550140 SR-8 SF-8 8047000090 SR-8 SF-8 2331550150 SR-8 SF-8 8047000100 SR-8 SF-8 2331557777 SR-8 SF-8 8047000110 SR-8 SF-8 3375800010 SR-8 SF-8 8047000120 SR-8 SF-8 3375800020 SR-8 SF-8 8047000130 SR-8 SF-8 3375800030 SR-8 SF-8 8047000140 SR-8 SF-8 3375800040 SR-8 SF-8 8047000150 SR-8 SF-8 3375600050 SR-8 SF-8 8047000160 SR-8 SF-8 3375800060 SR-8 SF-8 8047000170 SR-8 SF-8 3375800070 SR-8 SF-8 8047000180 SR-8 SF-8 3375800080 SR-8 SF-8 8047007777 SR-8 SF-8 3375800090 SR-8 SF-8 804700TR.D SR-8 SF-8 3375800100 SR-8 SF-8 8662500010 SR-8 SF-8 3375800110 SR-8 SF-8 8662500030 SR-8 SF-8 3375800120 SR-8 SF-8 8662500410 SR-8 SF-8 3375800130 SR-8 SF-8 3375800140 SR-8 SF-8 3375800150 SR-8 SF-8 3375800160 SR-8 SF-B 3375800170 SR-8 SF-8 2of2 V North East Hill EXHIBIT D-5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations /� CTM3NG3'CPLINL7 Change all Affected Properties Zone:From SR-6 to SR4.5 Land Use:No Change of SF4.5 216 St Leg nd CITY LIMITS �]AFFECTED PARCELS • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 �-- sever 1 00 wn sn 1 1 T l I I 1 1 � 1 1 I 1 j , - 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SR-6 SF-6 3830630190 SR-6 SF-6 3830630460 SR-6 SF-6 3830630200 SR-6 SF-6 3830630470 SR-6 SF-6 3830630210 SR-6 SF-6 3830630480 SR-6 SF-6 3830630220 SR-6 SF-6 3830630490 SR-6 SF-6 3830630230 SR-6 SF-6 3930630500 SR-6 SF-6 3830630240 SR-6 SF-6 3830630510 SR-6 SF-6 3830630250 SR-6 SF-6 3830630260 SR-6 SF-6 3830630270 SR-6 SF-6 3830630280 SR-6 SF-6 3830630290 SR-6 SF-6 3830630300 SR-6 SF-6 7 of 8 3830630310 SR-6 SF-6 3830630320 SR-6 SF-6 3830630330 SR-6 SF-6 1 1 E t 1 L 1 1 8 of 8 1 l South East Hill -� EXMBIT E-2 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations c1n-noFvc7z2rc2 Cbange a0 Affected Properties Zone:From Split SR4.5&MR-M to MR-M Land Use:From Split SF-6&MDMF To MDMF - " Legend CITY LIMITS AFFECTED PARCELS i �l Y � 4 i � I I i r/ No scab ��a4 South East Hill EXMBIT E-3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations CPA-2SW4CT "P" Change all Affected Properties Zone:From SR-6 to MRT-12 Land Use:No Change of Low Density Multifamily Legend CITY LIMITS AFFECTED PARCELS SE 248-St- i N , \ No seal r 253 R - - South East Hill ,nn - -- EXHIBIT E-4 V� Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations 6 cr�a«�mzsw�: `��- LAN J r �256 St Change all Affected Properties � 9�—. - Zone:No Change of SR-4.5 Land Use:From SF-6 to SF4.5 a N 6 ,i o - -- e��' LegendITY LIMITS ` Gr w - Q AFFECTED PARCELS �j z5P1 O = N � CO SE 260 St t s� \ - - I 260 M 7 T _ $t o(p 262 -S 262 PI � w` St I N SE 2 I \ cD I Q 263 SE 264 St 1 - - - _ — i < I - L,w w rCn l �> 1 �' I Q co O/ I �cr) ' \ 266 PI LLJ r a fA I > I 0 268 st I o }D LE 269 StF m ' O r�I _ SE 272 St N ' a 1 272 PI 0 i � , - lU) South East Hill EXHIBIT E-4 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 2922059025 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308010080 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 2922059026 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308010090 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 2922059043 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308010100 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 2922059091 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308020010 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 2922059098 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308020020 SR-4.5 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SR-4.5 SF-4.5 ' Iof2 3308030250 SR-4.5 SFAS 3308030260 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030270 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030280 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030290 SR-4.5 SFAS i 3308030300 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030310 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030320 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030330 SR-4.5 SFAS 3308030340 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030350 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 t 3308030360 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030370 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030380 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 ' 3308030390 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030400 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030410 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 ' 3308030420 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3308030430 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 330803TR.A SR-4.5 SF-4.5 i 3830800010 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800020 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800030 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 ' 3830100040 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800050 SR-4.5 SFAS 3830800060 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800070 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 1 3830800080 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800090 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800100 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800110 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800120 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800130 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 t 3830800140 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800150 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 3830800160 SR-4.5 SF-4.5 i t t t t 2of2 r I , I South East Hill 1 $ 262 PI EXI�IIBIT E-5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning&Land Use Plan Map Designations Change all Identified Properties 1 Zone:From Split SR-4.5&SR-1 to SR-1 I Land Use:From Split SF4.5&US I 1 To Urban Separator Legend — CITY LIMITS 1 AFFECTED PARCELS I ry.n 1-I 77 . � S 205 PI:00 � r - - - - - - - - - - - - - �Nos r �gp.wUr�av i rW a E 2s2 St s M PI Lake Meridian > s; _ 253 St 2 us EXHIBIT F-1 Q W, N x ,,..gg�g�si Comprehensive Plan Amendments CY) SF253 PI > Cj N Q'd<"253 PI Zoning&Land Use Plan ^ Map Designations lot Change all Affected Properties v` 255 Pf Zone:From SR-6 to SR-3 - -�-- - 2 - -- --- -- --- Land Use:From SF-6 to SF-3 257 St y8 Pt Qa G QI' tt N Legend Pse 257 a of z57 a , g clTv uMlrs > Q AFFECTED PARCELS 258`St , SE 258 St - 7\SE 258 Ct `� ?69 r FlN1 259 St Q S v9 259 PI,; 259P SE 260 Ln 261 St, SE 260 St t61 PI_ 261 St h gE 261 St p, a>' m LUI t u qr iO4, ) 262 St Q :9 Q 283 PI i SE 263 St PI Q SE 284 SE 284, 764 PI at QFL w -- SfZeesf FLF SE 266 S i J 266 St �i << a M 266 PI 267 268 St SE 268 St irL IJJ p 270 St 0' 270 9 a' '\271 St, _SE Kant Kangley-Rd_ V—----- z73 st s ; W 273 Ct SE 274 St ; r w 2j :274 qI - c �A� �ii Q 274 PI a its -7 5%, ' d} 234 PI 4' "A' ' W ,� `- n4 274 Q, Ct uJ Ct > I 275 Pt t Q 275 PI 1 276 St ?7B$t Nl9nk Lake Meridian EXHIBIT F-1 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 2622059044 SR-3 SF-3 4030500181 SR-3 SF-3 2722059024 SR-3 SF-3 4030500200 SR-3 SF-3 2722059046 SR-3 SF-3 4030507777 SR-3 SF-3 2722059049 SR-3 SF-3 4050800005 SR-3 SF-3 2722059051 SR-3 SF-3 4050800010 SR-3 SF-3 2722059057 SR-3 SF-3 4050800015 SR-3 SF-3 2722059058 SR-3 SF-3 4050800020 SR-3 SF-3 2722059074 SR-3 SF-3 4050800025 SR-3 SF-3 2722059075 SR-3 SF-3 4050800030 SR-3 SF-3 2722059080 SR-3 SF-3 4050800035 SR-3 SF-3 2722059085 SR-3 SF-3 4050800040 SR-3 SF-3 2722059066 SR-3 SF-3 4050800055 SR-3 SF-3 2722059087 SR-3 SF-3 4050800065 SR-3 SF-3 2722059089 SR-3 SF-3 4050800070 SR-3 SF-3 2722059090 SR-3 SF-3 4050800075 SR-3 SF-3 2722059091 SR-3 SF-3 4050800080 SR-3 SF-3 2722059092 SR-3 SF-3 4050800085 SR-3 SF-3 2722059100 SR-3 SF-3 4050800091 SR-3 SF-3 2722059111 SR-3 SF-3 4050800095 SR-3 SF-3 2722059112 SR-3 SF-3 4050800100 SR-3 SF-3 2722059113 SR-3 SF-3 4050800125 SR-3 SF-3 2722059114 SR-3 SF-3 4050800135 SR-3 SF-3 2722059115 SR-3 SF-3 4050800145 SR-3 SF-3 2722059116 SR-3 SF-3 4050800155 SR-3 SF-3 2722059118 SR-3 SF-3 4050800165 SR-3 SF-3 2722059123 SR-3 SF-3 4050800170 SR-3 SF-3 2722059133 SR-3 SF-3 4050800176 SR-3 SF-3 2722059142 SR-3 SF-3 4051200000 SR-3 SF-3 2722059143 SR-3 SF-3 9454200020 SR-3 SF-3 2722059150 SR-3 SF-3 9454200025 SR-3 SF-3 2722059151 SR-3 SF-3 9454200030 SR-3 SF-3 2722059171 SR-3 SF-3 9454200035 SR-3 SF-3 2722059245 SR-3 SF-3 9454200040 SR-3 SF-3 2722059249 SR-3 SF-3 9454200045 SR-3 SF-3 2722059253 SR-3 SF-3 9454200050 SR-3 SF-3 2722059262 SR-3 SF-3 9454200055 SR-3 SF-3 2722059265 SR-3 SF-3 2722059266 SR-3 SF-3 2722059275 SR-3 SF-3 , 2722059283 SR-3 SF-3 2722059284 SR-3 SF-3 2722059287 SR-3 SF-3 i 2722059308 SR-3 SF-3 a 3400307777 SR-3 SF-3 4030500170 SR-3 SF-3 ' 1 Of 1 X4 St 41, i oP, �'� w ' Lake Meridian �� 245 Sk �' � y; EXHIBIT F-2 \gl Comprehensive Plan Amendments _ 246Ct 24�L Qa�� Zoning&Land Use Plan 'a SE 247 St Ns Map Designations I ,L49 s' \ Change all Affected Properties tp Zone:Change SR-4.5 to SR-3 ` v. ���9p\ W. Land Use:Change from SF-6 to SF-3 1"' $� .1 py" ,,s g Legend gg g� \,• 8 CITY LIMITS lS y�2`� `` `SE23> AFFECTED PARCELS SE 2S1 PI ! /\ LI J sE 252 St C,252 P1 Q ti w` �, N r �p s S'F253 PI 253 PI 9N0 `r y I w l£ i 3 255 PI I c 255 n ' 1O`255 PI l . 257 S1 266M 258 PI - - Ir W N I SE 257 Ct a{i SE 257 PI 258 3t SE 258 St q � ,\SE 258 ' 258 PI I s �9s�25s sr 'VC ? G' t' I S. F I •- 6A�Irl 25 I ' 261S1 SE 280 Ln " �� SE 200 St t SE 261 St 9c gE 261 St 'ia t tag 3 202 SI 4 1 ' W :2 25g PI SE 263 St I Q I N ' — — 264 S1 <' - Se"64 4 SE 264 St 64 PI 285 St SE 258 St 1 266 St 2660 267 P1 t St SE 266 St - ,_ 9 267 St s Qa 270 a < f52 270 St yy o� o t 2?13t<'S SE2�o 270 Pta " _ ------"-Pt m 277PI a, SE Kent Kangley Rd �273Se s IW NoScgk MNi.FawJe+wW V�� Lake Meridian , EXHIBIT F-2 - Parcel List PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE PARCEL NUMBER ZONING LAND USE 2622059066 SR-3 SF-3 3728800115 SR-3 SF-3 2722057777 SR-3 SF-3 3728800120 SR-3 SF-3 2722059005 SR-3 SF-3 3728800329 SR-3 SF-3 2722059028 SR-3 SF-3 3728800331 SR-3 SF-3 2722059032 SR-3 SF-3 3728800335 SR-3 SF-3 2722059050 SR-3 SF-3 3728807777 SR-3 SF-3 2722059054 SR-3 SF-3 5467200005 SR-3 SF-3 2722059055 SR-3 SF-3 5467917777 SR-3 SF-3 2722059056 SR-3 SF-3 7763407777 SR-3 SF-3 2722059106 SR-3 SF-3 8955800001 SR-3 SF-3 2722059149 SR-3 SF-3 8955800005 SR-3 SF-3 2722059153 SR-3 SF-3 8955800015 SR-3 SF-3 2722059154 SR-3 SF-3 8955800020 SR-3 SF-3 2722059155 SR-3 SF-3 8955800025 SR-3 SF-3 2722059157 SR-3 SF-3 8955800030 SR-3 SF-3 2722059164 SR-3 SF-3 8955800040 SR-3 SF-3 2722059207 SR-3 SF-3 89SS800045 SR-3 SF-3 , 2722059222 SR-3 SF-3 8955800050 SR-3 SF-3 2722059232 SR-3 SF-3 8955800055 SR-3 SF-3 2722059285 SR-3 SF-3 8955807777 SR-3 SF-3 3728800010 SR-3 SF-3 3728800015 SR-3 SF-3 3728800020 SR-3 SF-3 3728800025 SR-3 SF-3 3728800030 SR-3 SF-3 3728800035 SR-3 SF-3 3728800040 SR-3 SF-3 3728800045 SR-3 SF-3 3728800050 SR-3 SF-3 3728800055 SR-3 SF-3 3728800060 SR-3 SF-3 3728800065 SR-3 SF-3 3728800070 SR-3 SF-3 3728800075 SR-3 SF-3 3728800080 SR-3 SF-3 3728800090 SR-3 SF-3 3728800095 SR-3 SF-3 3728800100 SR-3 SF-3 3728800105 1 SR-3 SF-3 3728800110 SR-3 SF-3 i Lake Meridian SE 247 PI j �9� EXMBIT F-3 W; Z48 sr g� �` S� �d� Comprehensive Plan Amendments s O a Zoning&Land Use Plan w! Map Designations rL t `� cry-swcs cr��eu s Go P' SE y�2 251 Change all Affected Properties $ti0, �` SE 251 PI Zone:Change SR-6 to SR4.5 ` Land Use:Change from SF-6 to SF-4.5 252 W r 252 P1 G 253 Ct N Q' W �` " ?js Legend W _ CITY LIMITS �r4 a a' M; < H 253 p AFFECTED PARCELS a-' SE253 PI yqa Pi .w 5PI -- -- ---' - - 255 PI-- — -- - - -- s 1 257S 256Pf � 256 Pf W -SE 257 q � i9 'y 257 Cl Q Q<; BE 257 PI-- 258S5�� � fl 1 i� 258PI 256 BE 258 q! 9 r 7 S H s N 258 Pl � Q t� \ 250 2590 >� .- 4' SE 260 St �f ( g1:281 St 261 PI 261 .� < W N 1V 262 St Lu SE 263 St 91 8@ Iss ! 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SUBJECT: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM UPDATE, CONSULTANT CONTRACT— AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with MAKERS Architecture + Urban Design for completion of a comprehensive update to the Shoreline Master Program for a total cost not to exceed $190,000 upon concurrence of contract language acceptable to the City Attorney and the Planning Manager Properties and activities governed by the Shoreline Master Program generally include the area adjacent to and within 200 feet of any defined shoreline. RCW 90 58.080 requires the City to amend its master program for the regulation of uses of shorelines by December 1, 2009 3. EXHIBITS: Minutes of 5/14/07 PEDC meeting; Staff memo to PEDC 5/8/07 with attachments including proposed scope of work 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Planning and Econotmc Development Committee (Committee, Staff. Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" $190,000 Revenue? No Currently in the Budget? Yes X (CIP) No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6G IPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 14, 2007 Committee Members: Chair Ron Harmon, Tim Clark, Elizabeth Albertson. Chair Harmon called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Albertson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a MOTION to APPROVE the minutes of April 23, 2007. Motion PASSED 3-0. Neighborhood Councils' Recognition Neighborhood Program Coordinator Toni Azzola described the scope of the Neighborhood Program implemented by the City last summer. She stated that the neighborhoods would define neighborhood boundaries, create by-laws, and form councils within the residential communities, so that communities experience a sense of pride in ownership and benefit by working toward common goals. Ms. Azzola introduced the new Neighborhood Councils: Dover Park, South Kent and The Lakes at Kent, describing the requirements for establishing neighborhood councils. ( Ms. Azzola stated that 1) The Dover Park Community consists of 28 single family units. The community is bounded on the north by Southeast 260th, east of the Rainier View Estates, south by southeast 2641h Street and west of 1241h Avenue Southeast. Ms. Azzola stated that 2) The South Kent Community consists of approximately 389 single family units. The community is bounded on the north by Willis Street, on the east by Central Avenue South, south of 259th Street and west of 741h Avenue South. Ms. Azzola stated that 3) The Lakes at Kent consists of 2,193 single family units. The community is located north by south 228th Street, east of Frager Road, south of James Street, and west of 64th Avenue South. Ms. Azzola stated that she would like recognition of these neighborhood councils to move forward to the June 5th City Council meeting. Community residents will be invited to attend. Ms. Azzola responded to questions raised by the Committee Members with respect to how communities form their own neighborhood councils independently from the City, and described her function as liaison between the City and the Kent communities. She stated that currently there are no requirements to dictate how often neighborhood councils should meet on an annual basis, but would suggest that policy be implemented requiring these communities to meet four times per year Ms. Azzola stated that she would like to empower the communities to decide what is best for their neighborhoods. Clark MOVED and Albertson SECONDED a MOTION that Council Adopt the proposed resolutions which recognize the Dover Park, South Kent Community, and the Lakes at Kent neighborhood councils, support its community building efforts, and confer all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Ms. Azzola stated that for those who would like to get involved, she could be reached at 253.856.5708. Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the SMP update, as required by State legislation, was discussed before the Planning and Economic Development Committee in late 2006. She stated that the City has a two year budget allocation of $100,000 each year to PEDC Minutes May 14, 2007 Page 1 of 2 accomplish the update. Ms. Anderson stated that John Owen, Principal of MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design and the Watershed Co. (providing the scientific analysis), were selected as a team to assist on this two year effort with a projected completion of December 2008. She stated that a committee will be established to assist with garnering public participation. Ms. Anderson stated that the City has not received a response on their request for a State grant, but believes that the city will receive some money to offset the dollars the city has allocated. Ms. Anderson stated that Lake Meridian, the Green River and a portion of Big Soos Creek to the southeast of the city are recognized as designated shorelines, stating that water flow is one of the parameters in designating shorelines. Albertson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a MOTION to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design for completion of a comprehensive update to the Shoreline Master Program for a total not to exceed $190,000 upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Planning Manager. Motion PASSED 3-0. #ZCA-2007-1 Animals in Residential Districts Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this project is a proposed amendment to Kent City Code, Chapter 8.03 and 15.08 regarding animals. She stated that this project was initiated as a 2006 docket item. Ms. Anderson stated that this amendment would allow animals in all zoning districts (minimum lot sizes in residential districts of 5000 square feet or greater) with limitations placed on the number of animals allowed She stated that staff has added a section on beekeeping and potbellied pigs, which was not previously in the city's ordinance. Ms. Anderson stated that Kent's nuisance ordinance deals with noise or odor issues related to animals. She stated that Seattle's ordinance requires a ten foot setback if the animals are penned and they are free to roam the yard when not penned. She stated that the majority of public comment indicated opposition to enclosure requirements. Chris Welch, 12905 SE 247`h Place, Kent stated that he favors the proposed changes to the City Code and supports penning the animals. He stated that he is not a proponent for the potbellied pig, but believes that it is beneficial to allow these animals on residential property. Mr. Welch stated that it is the property owner's responsibility to maintain the animals they own and ensure that they are not infringing on anybody else's rights. Paige Arreola, 28311 143rd Avenue SE, Kent stated that her neighbor is the initiator of this amendment. She stated that though this person has indicated that she keeps her animals clean and there is no issue with odor, that is contrary to the truth. She stated that the animals are penned up against her neighbor's fence and causes an offensive odor problem. Ms. Arreola stated that another of her neighbors allows their 25 chickens to run free and they have been in the streets and neighboring yards destroying vegetation. She stated that minimum lot sizes should be bigger than 5000 square feet and that fowl need to be penned with an appropriate setback, responding to Chair Harmon that a 25 foot setback would be appropriate. Janelle Burridge, 14311 SE 283rd Place, Kent stated that her 8800 square foot property abuts the approximately 12,000 square foot property with the chickens She stated that the odor is so offensive that her family cannot be in the yard at times She stated that she is not opposed to her neighbor owning chickens but is opposed to the chickens being located right on the property line Ms Burridge stated that she would like the city to implement a penning and PEDC-Minutes May 14, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Planning & Economic Development P j KE Committee Agenda NT Councilmembers: Elizabeth Albertson. Tim Clark. Ron Harmon, Chair WASMINGTCN May 14, 2007 Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Approval of April 23, 2007 Minutes YES 5 min 1 j 2. Neighborhood Councils' Recognition YES Toni Azzola 15 min 3 ■ 3. Shoreline Master Program Update YES Charlene Anderson 5 min 17 Consultant Contract #CPA-2007-1 4. Animals in Residential Districts YES Charlene Anderson 10 min 31 Code Amendment #ZCA-2007-1 5. Countywide Planning Policies Amendment YES Charlene Anderson 10 min 87 King County Ordinance No. 157092 j6. Commercial Motor Vehicles in Residential NO Bob Hutchinson 5 min Zoning Districts - Update #ZCA-2005-3 j7. Residential Development Standards- NO Matt Gilbert 5 min 0 Update #ZCA-2006-3 8. Parking in East and West Frame Districts- NO William Osborne 5 min 0 Update Unless otherwise noted, the Planning and Economic Development Committee meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information on the above items, the City of Kent's Website can be accessed at htt[p:j/www.ci.kent.wa.us/CityCouncil/committees/planning or contact Pamela Mottram or the respective project planner in Planning Services at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at(253) 856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800- 833-6388. 5 iPemtlP,a Pldnnmg Cannn 12001JAgendisIPEOCAgenOa_051407do[ 17 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager W A S H I N G T 0 N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax 253-856-6454 Address- 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 8, 2007 TO: Chair Ron Harmon and Planning & Economic Development Committee Members FROM: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager RE: #CPA-2007-1 Shoreline Master Program Update MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with MAKERS Architecture + Urban Design for completion of a comprehensive update to the Shoreline Master Program for a total not to exceed $190,000 upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Planning Manager. SUMMARY: RCW 90.58.080 requires King County and the cities within King County to amend their master programs for the regulation of uses of shorelines by December 1, 2009. Following issuance of a Request for Qualifications, the City interviewed five consultant teams who were interested in providing services to the City for the required update. The Interview team selected the consultant team of MAKERS and The Watershed Co. BUDGET IMPACT: $190,000 over 2 years in Capital Improvement Program. The City has applied for a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology to offset some or all of the expense. BACKGROUND: On November 20, 2006 staff presented information to the Committee regarding the required update to the city's Shoreline Master Program (SMP). A number of changes are required to the local shoreline regulations, most notably the requirement to provide for a standard of "no net loss of ecological functions." The city last revised the SMP in 1999. Staff anticipates a two year process to complete the update for the SMP. Local jurisdictions that have designated "shorelines of the state" are required to have a Shoreline Master Program which is locally administered and approved by the Department of Ecology. The city of Kent has three designated shorelines: the Green River, Lake Meridian and a portion of Big Soos Creek near the confluence of Little Soos Creek. The existing SMP identifies goals, policies and performance standards to meet the goals of the Shoreline Management Act. Properties and activities governed by the SMP Include the area adjacent to and within 200 feet of any defined shoreline. Included In this agenda packet Is a proposed scope of work for this update. Staff will be I available at the May 14th meeting to further discuss this Issue. CA pm S Permitl Plan I COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS120071 CPA-2007-1_SMPI PEDC051407 doc Enc Scope of work cc* Fred N Satterstrom,AICP,CD Director Project File #CPA-2007-1 r 19 Shoreline Master Program Update 1 Scope of Work Project Description- The Consultant will complete a draft update of the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) that is developed and adopted in a manner consistent with the procedural and substantive requirements of the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) and its implementing rules, including the Shoreline Master Program Guidelines (Guidelines) The SMP update process includes completion of inventory and analysis reports with corresponding maps and illustrations that characterize shoreline ecological conditions, development of shoreline policies, environment designations, and use regulations, as well as analysis of cumulative impacts and uses, preparation of a shoreline restoration plan and a formal local adoption process The Consultant and the City will incorporate public participation in all phases of the SMP update. As noted below, portions of the work will be accomplished by the City. Work Program: The Consultant shall perform the following tasks: ` Task A: Coordination The Consultant will coordinate throughout the SMP update process with the City, I King County, the Department of Ecology (Ecology), and other applicable state agencies, neighboring jurisdictions, and Indian tribes as provided in the Guidelines and SMA procedural rules The consultant will utilize King County's j new Characterization Model as a means to create efficiencies and share resources In addition, the Consultant shall consult with all other appropriate entities which may have useful scientific, technical, or cultural information, including federal agencies, watershed management planning units, salmon recovery lead entities, universities and other institutions, local individual outdoor recreationists and conservationists, and organizations with special expertise 1 representing these interests Particularly, The Consultant will coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions engaged in similar SMP I update tasks, for the purpose of efficiently using grant funds, sharing information and methods of analysis, drafting compatible SMP policies, regulations, environment designations, and coordinating public involvement The Consultant I will also attend Ecology-sponsored coordination meetings, which occur on a regular basis, for the duration of the project. Ecology will provide ongoing technical assistance on data sources and approaches, and will evaluate consistency of products with the Shoreline Management Act and applicable guidelines The Consultant shall provide Ecology opportunities for review of draft products at appropriate intervals This shall include a written response to Ecology's comments on all draft deliverable products The Consultant will document these contacts in quarterly progress ' reports 21 Itemized Sub-Tasks (1) Prepare 8 quarterly reports (2) Send letter and communicate with agencies and neighboring jurisdictions. (3) Meet with City and Ecology to review draft deliverables (4) Attend 8 quarterly Ecology-sponsored sessions Deliverable • Documentation of contacts in quarterly progress reports (three hard copies and one digital copy) Due Dates: January 20, April 20, July 20 and October 20, each year. Project Initiation Task B: Establish project scope of work, procedures, and Consultant services Prepare the Consultant scope of work and establish a target schedule, communication procedures, administrative activities, and coordination with Ecology The City will identify a Project Advisory Committee (Committee). Deliverable: • Final executed scope of work and Consultant contract (digital or hard copy). Due Date. July, 2007 PHASE 1 : PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF JURISDICTION, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN, AND SHORELINE INVENTORY Task 1.1: Identify preliminary shoreline jurisdiction, including shorelines and shorelands The Consultant shall contact the Ecology Project Officer for the most current information available regarding the geographic extent of SMA jurisdiction The Consultant will work with City staff to identify mapping procedures and delineate shoreline jurisdiction boundaries and map the land and water area contained within SMA jurisdiction, identify the preliminary extent of SMA shorelines and shorelands within the City's jurisdiction, addressing both the required minimum SMA jurisdiction areas and any optional (e g , floodplain and critical area buffer) SMA jurisdiction areas for consideration and decision-making later in the SMP update process The City will provide available base maps in electronic format Deliverable: • Preliminary jurisdiction map (digital) of Shorelines of the State subject to local SMP. 21 Due Date: July 31, 2007 Task 1.2: Prepare plan for public participation Throughout Phases 1 through 5 of the SMP update planning process, the Consultant and the City shall inform and involve the public in updating the SMP consistent with the Shoreline Management Act (see RCW 90 58 130) and WAC ' 173-26 The City and Consultant, in consultation with Ecology, will prepare a public participation plan that identifies specific objectives, key parties (Land Use and Planning Board and elected officials, shoreline property owners, state agencies, Tribes, local residents, neighboring jurisdictions, etc ), and establishes timelines for public participation activities Extra effort shall be made to engage all parties early and continuously in the update process, particularly those relevant individual recreationists and conservationists or organizations that may not typically seek involvement in new shoreline regulations L Generally, the Consultant shall be responsible for preparing materials for, conducting, and documenting public participation activities. The City will be responsible for advertising the public involvement events, arranging for location of meetings, and any mailings or web-based public communications The Consultant will prepare the content of mailings, if requested Deliverables: • Public participation plan (digital copy) • Public participation updates in quarterly progress reports. Due Dates: July 31, 2007 Task 1.3: Complete shoreline inventory ' The Consultant shall compile all pertinent and reasonably available data, plans, studies, inventories, maps and other applicable information The Consultant will collect the following information to the extent that such information is relevant and reasonably obtainable • Shorelines of the State (all marine shorelines, streams >20 cfs mean annual flow, lakes >20 acres, and shorelands) as defined in RCW 90 58 030, located in the City's jurisdiction • General location of channel migration zones, floodplains, and the floodway • Critical areas, including wetlands, aquifer recharge areas, fish and wildlife conservation areas, geologically hazardous areas, and frequently flooded areas, as defined in RCW 36 70A, the Growth Management Act 21 • Shoreline and adjacent land use patterns/density and transportation and utility facilities, including the extent of existing structures, impervious surfaces, vegetation and shoreline modifications within shoreline jurisdiction • Degraded areas and sites with potential for ecological restoration • Areas of special interest, such as priority habitats, rapidly developing waterfronts, previously identified toxic or hazardous material clean-up sites, and eroding shorelines • Existing and potential shoreline public access sites, including public rights- of-way and utility corridors The inventory will include descriptions of recorded public access easements, their prescribed use, maintenance and terms. • Historical aerial photographs documenting past conditions to assist in preparing an analysis of cumulative impacts of development • Archaeological and historic resources in shoreline jurisdiction. • Policies and regulations in shoreland and adjacent areas that affect shorelines, such as surface water management and land use plans and regulations (Critical Areas Ordinance, flood ordinance, etc.) Task 1.4: Prepare a partial checklist Task 1.5: Review Phase 1 materials with the Committee (One meeting for Committee review) Deliverables • Draft list of inventory data sources (digital copy) for review and comment. • Digital working maps of inventory information displayed at appropriate scales • A complete shoreline inventory • An SMP Submittal Checklist completed as relevant to task Due Dates. October 31, 2007 PHASE 2: SHORELINE ANALYSIS & CHARACTERIZATION Task 2.1: Preliminary analysis of shoreline inventory information & data The Consultant shall conduct a preliminary analysis of the information and data collected in Task 1 3 as it relates to development of an effective SMP. This preliminary analysis will: r • Present the geographic and jurisdictional context for the SMP update • Characterize ecosystem processes and functions. • Identify future opportunities for shoreline protection, restoration, public access and potential use conflicts so as to inform later environment designation and allowed use decisions. r r 23 • Identify measures to ensure consistency between existing local plans and regulations and the updated SMP • Translate the findings of the shoreline inventory into recommendations for protection and restoration of ecological functions through updated SMP policies, regulations, environment designations, and restoration strategies 2.1.1 Characterize ecosystem-wide processes This characterization will include a coarse analysis of the broader area that influences the shoreline jurisdiction It will include a narrative with reference to maps that describes and illustrates the processes in the larger drainage area that are linked to the shoreline through hydrologic flows. These processes include the uptake, transport and deposition of sediment, nutrients, woody debris, and pollutants Specifically, this characterization will. • Present the basic geographic context — geology, soils, topography, >� climate, vegetation, and drainage patterns, and a description of how these are relevant to the shoreline This information may be available through existing regional watershed or natural resource related plans Note location and nature of major land uses, e g , dams, railroads, logging, mining and irrigation. • Note location and nature of known pertinent regulatory activities, e g. 1 TMDL, ESA listings, contaminated sites • Identify what issues can be addressed through your SMP and what are being addressed through other planning and regulatory implementation • Identify preliminary opportunities for protection/restoration of upland and adjacent areas essential for maintaining shoreline form and function 2.1.2 Characterize shoreline functions This will be a more detailed analysis of the shoreline jurisdiction that includes a narrative with reference to maps and GIS data The shoreline will be separated into reaches based on land use and ecological processes (such as man-made physical features, stream confluences, or littoral drift cell boundaries) Functions will be described as they are associated with each shoreline reach Specifically, this characterization will • Detail the physical, biological, and land-use components within the shoreline jurisdiction • Evaluate and assess shoreline ecological function based on current scientific understanding of the relationship between the conditions of ecosystem-wide processes and conditions within shoreline jurisdiction. 21 2.1.3 Analyze opportunities for shoreline protection, restoration, public access and use ■ Identify potential opportunities and possible impediments to the protection and restoration of ecological functions. ■ Identify current public access sites and opportunities for future access sites. • Conduct shoreline use analysis identify current and projected shoreline use patterns, and potential use conflicts Estimate future demand for shoreline space consistent with WAC 173-26-201(3)(d)(11) requirements • Identify opportunities for appropriate shoreline (SMA preferred) uses , and potential conflicts based on current use patterns and projected trends 2.1.4 Conduct community visioning process The Consultant shall conduct a community visioning process to determine citizen goals and aspirations with respect to the preliminary findings of the shoreline inventory and characterization The visioning process will I identify shoreline problems and opportunities and shall be used to prepare a strategy for shoreline uses, public access, resource protection, and restoration that is consistent with SMA policy and SMP Guidelines objectives Sub-Tasks: (1) Meet with the Committee up to 6 times in Phase 2. (2) Meet with selected property owners and interest groups (up to 6 meetings). (3) Prepare for, conduct, and document 2 public work sessions (1 for the rivers/creeks and 1 for Lake Meridian) Task 2.2 Develop recommendations based on shoreline inventory/ I characterization: Based on the findings of the shoreline inventory and characterization, SMA policy and the SMP guidelines, and community visioning, the Consultant will develop draft recommendations for updated SMP policies, regulations, environment designations, and restoration strategies Task 2.3 Finalize shoreline characterization and refine maps The Consultant shall prepare a final report with accompanying maps that summarizes the analysis findings and the information and data collected in Tasks 2.1 and 2 2 as it relates to development of an effective SMP The final report will present findings and recommendations in a way that is useful for making SMP planning decisions For example, significant features of the landscape and activities occurring in adjacent lands that affect shoreline ' ecological function will be clearly described. More detailed information on shoreline reaches will identify opportunities and constraints in ■ Protecting and restoring ecological function 25 ■ Addressing the special requirements of shorelines of statewide significance ■ Providing public access ■ Accommodating appropriate water-oriented uses iThis will provide a foundation for establishing environment designations and implementing regulations The report should identify data gaps, focusing on information that would be useful to support shoreline program development and implementation The final report will include refined shoreline jurisdiction boundaries and synthesis maps at appropriate viewing scales that will inform the final analysis report and illustrate findings that correspond with the narrative For example, the 1 user will be introduced to the area with coarser resolution vicinity maps indicating the county/city location in the state, and delineating county/city and watershed boundaries Maps at the shoreline reach scale will clearly differentiate the land I and water contained within SMA jurisdiction from adjacent lands and contributing drainages Maps at this scale will present the significant geologic, hydrologic, and ecologic features most essential to maintaining shoreline form and function and those land uses that may have altered upland processes influencing shoreline function Maps at the shoreline management reach scale will indicate applicable inventory features such as known presence of listed species, critical I riparian or aquatic vegetation, existing land uses, designated critical areas, and shoreline modifications Potential areas for shoreline uses, public access, restoration and/or protection will be indicated The portfolio will include a comprehensive list and map of public access to shorelines Itemized Tasks: 1 (1) Refine the technical analysis and maps (2) Identify potential environmental protection and restoration activities. (3) Draft shoreline use and access recommendations. 1 (4) Draft recommendations related to shoreline modifications and other City activities (e g., water quality measures). Task 2.4 Prepare draft recommendations The Consultant shall review with Ecology (?) the analyses and community visioning results conducted in Task 2 above, and produce a draft report with I recommended actions for translating inventory and characterization findings into proposed SMP policies, regulations, environment designations and restoration 1 strategies Deliverables (digital copy with accompanying maps): • Draft characterization of shoreline processes and functions (Tasks 2.1 1 and 2 1.2 above). • A shoreline use and public access analysis report (Task 2 1.3 above). 21 • Strategy for shoreline uses, public access, resource protection and ' restoration (Task 2 1 4 above) • Final shoreline analysis report and accompanying map portfolio (Task 2 2 above) • Draft report of recommended actions for translating the inventory and characterization findings into SMP policies, regulations and strategies (Task 2 3 above). • An SMP Submittal Checklist completed as relevant to task (adding incrementally to earlier completed tasks) Due Dates. February 29, 2008 PHASE 3: SHORELINE POLICY, ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATION, AND REGULATION DEVELOPMENT Task 3.1: Draft general SMP policies and regulations The Consultant shall prepare shoreline goals and policies that comply with the Shoreline Management Act and specifically the SMP Guidelines and are applicable throughout the local government's shoreline jurisdiction Optional SMP components may include "general" SMP regulations, applicable regardless of specific environment designation Meet up to 3 times with staff and the Committee to review general policies and regulations. Task 3.2: Assign draft environment designations r The Consultant shall develop Guidelines-compliant environment designations that reflect the findings of the shoreline inventory and characterization. The Consultant shall prepare draft map/s illustrating the land and water area contained within mapped shoreline designation boundaries together with justification and rationale for the proposed designations. A map illustrating existing designations compared to proposed designations with a narrative rationale describing reasons for maintaining or changing the designations shall be included. Updated shoreline environment designations may be those recommended in the guidelines, the existing local SMP unique, locally developed environments, or any combination of these, so long as they are consistent with WAC 173-26-211 environment designation criteria. Task 3.3: Draft environment-specific, shoreline use & modification policies, regulations and standards The Consultant shall prepare draft environment designation-specific, use and modification policies and regulations consistent with SMP guidelines requirements The draft shoreline environment designation specific policies and regulations shall, at a minimum, identify • Shoreline use and modification activity goals and policies. , 27 Which shoreline uses and modifications are prohibited and allowed by Substantial Development Permit or Conditional Use Permit • Bulk dimensional standards (buffers, setback, density, etc) • Shoreline modification activity standards. • Any local policies or regulations adopted by reference, if relied upon to satisfy SMA or guidelines requirements Optional SMP components may include: • Shoreline use and dimensional standards listed in matrices, by environment designation • SMP "users guide " Meet with staff and the Committee up to 4 times to review environment 1 designations and environment-specific policies, regulations, and standards Review with Ecology. Task 3.4 Draft SMP administrative provisions The Consultant shall draft provisions for SMP administration, including necessary elements for permit administration, compliance, and enforcement Optional SMP components may include additional administrative provisions, if not inconsistent with SMA procedural rules and the guidelines. jDeliverables (three hard copies and one digital copy, with accompanying maps)- Draft general goals and policies and optional regulations. (Task 3 1) • Draft environment designations and draft environment maps. (Task 3 2) • Draft environment-specific shoreline use and modification policies, regulations, and standards (Task 3 3) • Draft administrative provisions (Task 3.4) • Definitions, as necessary • A final report demonstrating how shoreline inventory and characterization 1 findings are reflected in proposed SMP policies, regulations, environment designations, and restoration strategies • An SMP Submittal Checklist completed as relevant to task (adding incrementally to earlier completed tasks). Task 3.5 Review the draft with the Committee (2 meetings) and conduct a public open house to present the draft 1 Task 3.6 Revise the draft and review with Ecology, if requested Due Dates: April 30, 2008 21 PHASE 4: CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ANALYSIS AND RESTORATION PLANNING; REVISITING PHASE 3 PRODUCTS AS NECESSARY Task 4.1 Prepare cumulative impacts analysis The Consultant will evaluate the incremental and cumulative impacts of future uses and development allowed by the proposed draft SMP as an ongoing part of ' the SMP update process Based upon the findings of the cumulative impacts analysis, the Consultant will adjust proposed SMP provisions as needed to demonstrate how no net loss of ecological function and SMA use-preferences (water-oriented uses, public access, etc ) will be achieved The analysis will identify how proposed SMP standards will avoid and offset expected impacts of future permitted and exempt shoreline development Scenario-based impacts analysis is encouraged Present the draft cumulative impact analysis to the Committee for review Deliverable (three hard copies and one digital copy, with accompanying maps): • A report identifying what adjustments were made to the SMP as a consequence of evaluating anticipated cumulative impacts, including demonstration of how no net loss of ecological functions will be achieved overtime through implementation of the updated SMP Due Date• June 30, 2008 Task 4.2 Prepare the restoration plan The Consultant will incorporate findings from the analyses completed above into a restoration plan The plan will establish overall goals, objectives, and priorities in each shoreline area for restoration of ecological functions Current and ongoing programs that contribute to achieving these goals as well as additional projects necessary for success will be identified In addition, an implementation I strategy including funding, timelines, and benchmarks will be developed Identification of specific prioritized restoration projects may be included as an appendix to the SMP Present the draft restoration plan to the Committee for review. Deliverables (three hard copies and one digital copy, with accompanying maps) • A complete restoration plan and implementation strategy. • An SMP Submittal Checklist completed as relevant to task (adding incrementally to earlier completed tasks) Due Dates: June 30, 2008 ' 1 29 ' Task 4.3: Revise the draft environment designations, policies and regulations and finalize SMP jurisdiction maps Based on findings in the cumulative impacts analysis, the Consultant shall re- evaluate and adjust the draft SMP environment designations, policies, and regulations developed in Phase 3 as necessary to assure that they are adequate to achieve no net loss of ecological functions Meet with the Committee up to 3 times to review changes. The Consultant shall also finalize the preliminary jurisdiction maps (digital) of Shorelines of the State identified in Task 1.1 that will be subject to the local SMP. Deliverables (three hard copies and one digital copy, with accompanying maps): • Revised designations, policies, and regulations that address the findings of the cumulative impacts analysis 1 • A report indicating how the revisions achieve no net loss of ecological functions • Finalized SMP jurisdiction maps and boundary descriptions • An SMP Submittal Checklist completed as relevant to task (adding incrementally to earlier completed tasks) jTask 4.4 If substantial changes have been made to the draft, conduct a public open house to review Due Dates September 30, 2008 1 PHASE 5: LOCAL SMP ADOPTION PROCESS The Consultant shall conduct a local review and adoption process for the proposed SMP as provided in the SMA, WAC 173-26, and the State Environmental Policy Act The SMP shall contain shoreline policies, regulations, environment designations, definitions, required administrative provisions, and a clear description of final SMP jurisdiction boundaries together with copies of any provisions adopted by reference I Task 5.1: Assemble complete draft SMP The Consultant shall assemble a complete draft SMP and submit it to the City, which will submit it to Ecology for informal review together with supporting documentation. Task 5.2: Informal Ecology review of draft SMP documents. The City shall provide Ecology with SMP review draft documents at appropriate phases in the update process. Prepare the Phase 5 checklist 31 Task 5.3: SEPA review and documentation The Consultant shall conduct and document SEPA review pursuant to chapter RWC 43 21 C, the State Environmental Policy Act Task 5.4: Provide GMA 60-day notice of intent to adopt , Upon conclusion of Tasks 5 1 , 5 2, and 5 3 above, the City shall notify Ecology and the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development of its intent to adopt the SMP as least sixty days in advance of final local approval, pursuant to RCW 36 70A 106 and WAC 173-26-100 (5) Task 5.5: Public hearings ' The City shall hold at least one public workshop and one public hearing at the Land Use and Planning Board The Board would forward a recommendation on to the Planning and Economic Development Committee for at least one hearing and then, at the City Council's discretion, at least one City Council Workshop prior to adoption at the full City Council meeting The names and mailing addresses of all interested parties providing comment shall be included as parties of record Task 5.6: Prepare a responsiveness summary Prior to adoption of the draft SMP by the local elected body, the Consultant shall prepare a summary responding to all comments received during the public hearing and the public comment period, discussing how the draft SMP addresses the issues identified in each comment. Task 5.7: Submit locally adopted SMP to Ecology ' Following completion of the above tasks, the City shall complete the adoption process for the SMP update and adoption by the local elected body, and submit the adopted Draft SMP to Ecology. Deliverables (three hard copies and one digital copy in Microsoft Word format, with accompanying maps). • A complete, locally adopted SMP including maps, with relevant supporting documentation (Tasks 5.1 and 5.7) • SEPA products (checklist, MDNS or EIS; SEPA notice. (Task 5 3) • Evidence of compliance with GMA notice requirements (Task 5 4) • Public hearing record (Task 5 5) • Response to comments received (Task 5.6) • A complete SMP Submittal Checklist Due Dates February 28, 2009 t S IPermdlPlanICOMP PLAN_AMENDMENTS120071CPA-2007-1_SMPIShomline Master Program Update scope of work doc Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1, SUBJECT: ANIMALS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE — ADOPT 1 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Ordinance No. which amends the Kent City Code to permit the keeping of small domesticated animals and domesticated fowl in all zoning districts within the city As currently enacted, the Kent City Code restricts the types of animals allowed in residential zoning districts. In 2006, the City received a citizen request to amend the Kent City Code to allow other animals, specifically chickens, in these zoning districts. At its December 12, 2006, meeting, the Council directed staff to review the code to determine if amendments were appropriate in response to the citizen request Staffs recommended code revisions were approved by the Land Use and Planning Board on 1 April 23, 2007, following its public hearing on the matter. At its May 14, 2007, meeting, the Planning and Economic Development Committee approved the code revisions recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board with some changes to address concerns raised by the Committee during its meeting The attached ordinance is staffs interpretation of the Committee's request. 3 EXHIBITS: Ordinance; memo from Pat Fitzpatrick 5/30/07; PEDC minutes 5/14/07 and PEDC Agenda packet 5/14/07 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Planninty & Economic Development Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no• Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6H 1 LAW DEPARTMENT Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Phone: 253-856-5770 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6770 W ASHI NGT 01 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 May 30, 2007 ' To: City Council Cc: Suzette Cooke, Mayor John Hodgson, Chief Administrative Officer Fred Satterstrom, Community Development Director Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager Tom Brubaker, City Attorney I From: Arthur"Pat" Fitzpatrick, Deputy City Attorney Regarding: Animals Maintained within the City This issue was originally raised by way of a citizen complaint against a resident who ' maintained chickens on her residential lot. Subsequent to the complaint, the resident maintaining the chickens applied for a change to the zoning code to permit the maintenance of unspecified farm type animals in residential districts At the December 12, 2006, Council meeting, Planning staff recommended that the code amendment requested to expand the type of animals allowed within residential districts not be made part of the 2007 Work Program However, at its December 12, 2006, meeting, Council added the matter to the Planning Department's 2007 Work Program. A public hearing on this matter went before the Land Use and Planning Board on April 23, 1 2007. The Land Use and Planning Board adopted staff's recommendation, which was based largely on Seattle's ordinance, on a vote of 5 — 0 This matter next went before the Planning and Economic Development Committee on May 14, 2007. During the hearing, a ' motion was made to amend the ordinance approved by the Land Use and Planning Board, based upon the desire of the Committee to incorporate some elements of the Bellevue model. ' Legal staff has reviewed the record, including a tape of the May 14, 2007, Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting, the Committee minutes, and the documents that were before the Committee Legal staff, with the assistance of Planning staff, has amended Kent's ordinance to best reflect the desires of the Committee. However, the amendments the Committee made to the ordinance passed by the Land Use and Planning Board are not precisely clear based upon the record. As such, Legal staff is recommending that Council review the ordinance very closely before passage. Some effects of the ordinance worth noting are as follows: • This ordinance defines the various animals as follows: o Domesticated Fowl, duck, goose, swan, chicken (includes roosters), and other fowl of similar size. o Small Domesticated Animal: dog, cat, rabbit, and animals of similar size and character Does not include potbelly pigs. Memorandum: , May 30, 2007 Page. 2 o Large Domesticated Animal: horse, mule ass, bovine animal, Iamb, goat, sheep, and animals of similar size and character. • This ordinance will permit small domesticated animals and domesticated fowl in all zoning districts in the city, including residential, commercial, industrial, etc. Lot size is the factor that determines which kind of animals are permitted and , how many are permitted. The ordinance will permit the keeping of bees in all zoning districts. ' • On lots less than 20,000 square feet, the following applies: o Up to three small domesticated animals are permitted per business use or ' dwelling unit (including apartment or condominium unit). o One pot belly pig is permitted o Up to three domesticated fowl are permitted in addition to the three small domesticated animals , o The animals mentioned above need not be penned, but if they are, the pen must be 25 feet from the property line. o Beekeeping is permitted and no setback is required under certain circumstances (lot is 8 feet above grade of ad3acent lot, or hive is kept against a 6 foot high hedge or fence). o Large domesticated animals are not permitted on lots of less than 20,000 sq. ' ft o Properties housing small domesticated animals and domesticated fowl need not be fenced. Note, however, that the city's Animal Control Code, Ch 8.03 KCC, defines animals that enter another's property without permission a nuisance On lots over 20,000 square feet, the following applies: , o More than three small domesticated animals are permitted on lots of 20,000 sq ft. or more, provided, an owner with more than three small domesticated animals must restrain them in a structure that is at least 25 feet from any ' residentially zoned lot. This would include dogs, cats, and any other small domesticated animal o One pot belly pig is permitted. o More than three domesticated fowl are permitted on lots of 20,000 sq. ft. or more, provided, an owner with more than three domesticated fowl must restrain them in a structure that is at least 25 feet from any residentially zoned lot. o On lots of 20,000 sq. ft, or more, large domesticated animals (horses, cows, goats, etc.) are permitted at a rate of one animal per 10,000 sq. ft. While no pen is required, if the owner chooses to have a pen, it must be at least 50 feet from any residentially zoned lot. o Beekeeping is permitted, with no restriction on the number of hives permitted on a lot over 10,000 sq. ft. and no setback is required under certain circumstances (lot is 8 feet above grade of ad]acent lot, or hive is kept against a 6 foot high hedge or fence). ' Memorandum: 1 May 30, 2007 Page: 3 o Up to three (3) small domesticated animals and up to three (3) domesticated 1 fowl may be kept without a fence. Note, however, that the city's Animal Control Code, Ch 8.03 KCC, defines animals that enter another's property without permission a nuisance. v\OV11W ttOmeys�MnimaQonmgOrtllnan¢Memo Oa i 1 � 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 i t r ORDINANCE NO. ' AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent City Code regarding the keeping of animals and fowl on property within the City of Kent. RECITALS A. The Kent City Code, as currently enacted, restricts the types of animals property owners may maintain in residential districts on lots smaller than 20,000 square feet. While dogs and cats are allowed under existing code provisions, it is a nuisance to maintain horses, mules, rabbits, bovine animals, Iambs, goats, sheep, birds, hogs, and chickens on lots smaller than 20,000 square feet. Some community members, however, have contacted the City expressing a desire to maintain some animals, currently considered to be nuisances, in residential districts. B. The City's review of its code provisions concerning animals authorized in residential districts began with an application received on August 14, 2006, from a Kent citizen requesting the City recognize the benefits chickens provide to the community. This application was identified as Dkt-2006-5. At its December 12, 2006, meeting, the Kent City Council added Dkt-2006-5 to staff's 2007 work program, requesting staff review the applicable Kent City Code provisions to determine if it is appropriate to amend the code to allow animals 1 other than cats and dogs to be possessed on residential lots smaller than 20,000 square feet. ' C. On April 10, 2007, the City provided the State of Washington the notification required under RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's proposed code 1 Animals Maintained Within City amendments. On April 25, 2007, the state granted expedited review of this issue and provided its confirmation that the City met the requirements of RCW 36.70A.106. D. At its April 23, 2007, meeting, the Land Use and Planning Board r held a hearing where the board solicited public comment on the issue At the conclusion of the public hearing, the board unanimously approved the Community ' Development staff recommendation to amend the Kent City Code to allow animals in all zoning districts in the city and to expand the types of animals allowed in ' residential districts. E. At its May 14, 2007, meeting the Planning and Economic ' Development Committee considered the Land Use and Planning Bboard's recommendation and discussed proposed code revisions relating to the types of animals property owners may maintain in all zoning districts in the City. This ordinance reflects the Committee's recommendation to Council. The Council considered this matter at its June 5, 2007, Council meeting and adopted the Committee's recommendation. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 8.03.030 of the Kent City Code, relating to animal control and entitled 'Definitions," is amended as follows: Sec. 8.03.030 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this ' section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Abatement means the termination of any violation by reasonable and lawful means determined by the director in order that an owner or a person presumed to be the owner shall comply with this chapter. Animal means any living creature except persons, insects and worms. 2 Animals Maintained Within City , ' Animal control authority means the King County Animal Control Section, ' licensing and regulatory services division, acting alone or in concert with other municipalities for enforcement of animal control laws and the shelter and welfare of animals. Animal control officer means any individual employed, contracted or appointed by the animal control authority for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of this chapter or any other law or ordinance relating to the licensing of animals, control of animals or seizure and impoundment of animals, and ' includes any state or municipal peace officer, sheriff, constable or other employee whose duties in whole or in part include which involve the seizure and taking into custody of any animal. Animal rescuer means any individual who routinely obtains an unwanted dog or cat or who locates within ninety (90) days an adopted home for that spayed or neutered dog or cat; provided, however, an interim, administrative extension may be granted by the animal control authority for a maximum of six (6) months if a dog or cat is pregnant, nursing, or injured and that condition is verified by a veterinarian. Cattery means a place where four (4) or more adult cats are kept, whether by owners of the cats or by persons providing facilities and care, whether or not ' for compensation, but not including small animal hospital, clinic or pet shop. An adult cat is one (1) of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached an age of six (6) months. Dangerous dog means that term as defined by RCW 16.08.070, and KCC ' 8.03.220 through 8 03.250. Director means the individual in charge of and responsible for the King County Animal Control Section, licensing and regulatory division. Domesticated animal means any dog, eat, rabbit; herse, nru;e ass bevin-e animal, lamb, geat, sheep er he h _a etheF a d to be a,,...., 4,.,qny animal made to be domestic and includes, but is not limited to, domesticated fowl small domesticated animals, and large domesticated animals. Domesticated fowl means any duck, goose, swan, chicken, or other fowl of similar size and character. Euthanasia means the humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that involves instantaneous unconsciousness and immediate death, or by ' 3 Animals Maintained Within City a method that causes painless loss of consciousness, and death during such loss ' of consciousness. ' Exotic animal means any of the following: 1. Venomous species of snakes capable of inflicting serious harm or death to human beings. 2. Non-human primates and prosimians. 3. Bears. , 4. Nondomesticated species of felines. 5. Nondomesticated species of canines and their hybrids, including , wolf and coyote hybrids. 6. The order of crocodilia, including alligators, crocodiles, carman, and ' gavials Grooming parlor means any place or establishment, public or private, where animals are bathed, clipped or combed, whether or not for compensation, for the purpose of enhancing their aesthetic value. Harboring, keeping, or maintaining a dog or cat means performing any of , the acts of providing care, shelter, protection, refuge, food, or nourishment in such manner as to control the animals actions, or, that the animal(s) is treated as living at one's house by the homeowner. Hobby cattery means a noncommercial cattery at or adjoining a private , residence where four (4) or more adult cats are bred or kept for exhibition for organized shows or for the enjoyment of the species; provided, however, a , combination hobby cattery/kennel license may be issued where the total number of cats and dogs exceeds the number allowed under KCC Title 15. ' Hobby kennel means a noncommercial kennel at or adjoining a private residence where four (4) or more adult animals are bred and/or kept for hunting, training and exhibition for organized shows, field, working and/or obedience trials , or for enjoyment. Juvenile means any dog or cat, altered or unaltered, that is under the age of six (6) months. Kennel means a place where four (4) or more adult dogs or cats or any , combination thereof are kept whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing facilities and care, whether or not for compensation, but not including a small animal hospital or clinic or pet shop. An adult dog or cat is one (1) of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached the age of six (6) months. 4 Animals Maintained Within City , Large domesticated animal means any horse mule, ass bovine animal, Iamb goat sheep, or other animal of similar size and character Leash shall include a cord, thong or chain not more than eight (8) feet in ' length by which an animal is controlled by the person accompanying it. Livestock means horses, bovine animals, sheep, goats, swine, reindeer, donkeys, mules and fowl. ' Owner means any person having an interest in or right of possession to an animal or any person having control, custody or possession of any animal, or who, ' by reason of the animal being seen residing consistently in a location, may presume to be the owner, and includes the definition as provided in RCW 16.08.070. Pack of dogs means a group of three (3) or more dogs running upon either public or private property not that of its owner in a state in which either its control or ownership is in doubt or cannot readily be ascertained, and when such dogs are not restrained or controlled. ' Park means and includes all parks, squares, drives, parkways, docks, piers, moorage buoys and floats, boulevards, golf courses, beaches, playgrounds and recreation areas, play fields, public gardens, green belts, and other park, recreation, and open space areas, buildings, and facilities comprising the parks ' and recreation system of the city of Kent Person means any individual, partnership, firm, joint stock company, ' corporation, association, trust, estate or other legal entity. Pet shop means a person or establishment that acquires for the purpose of sale live animals, including birds, reptiles, fowl and fish, bred by others whether as owner-agent, or on consignment, and sells, or offers to sell such live animals, including birds, reptiles, fowl and fish, to the public or to retail outlets. Potentially dangerous dog means that term as defined in RCW 16.08.070 and KCC 8 03 220 through 8.03.250. Recognized program means: 1. A program responsible for training a service animal that follows written guidelines for training; 2. The training methods have been reviewed and approved by an organization of groups that perform such training, if such an organization exists; 3. Has been in existence and directly involved in the training of service animals for at least three (3) years; and 5 Animals Maintained Within City 4. Can show that the training of the service animal is performed or directly supervised by a person who has a minimum of five (5) years' experience ' training the type of animal sought to be used for service. Restraint means an animal is considered to be under restraint if it is maintained and remains within the property limits of its owner or keeper. ' Running at large means to be off the premises of the owner or on the premises of another without the written permission of the owner thereof and not , on a leash and not under the control of the owner or competent person authorized by the owner. , Service animal means any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained through a recognized program to do work or perform tasks for ' the benefit of an individual with a disability, including but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to ' sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items. Shelter means a facility which is used to house or contain stray, homeless, , abandoned or unwanted animals and which is owned, operated or maintained by a public body, an established humane society, animal welfare society, society for the , prevention of cruelty to animals or other nonprofit organization or person devoted to the welfare, protection and humane treatment of animals. Small domesticated animal means any dog, cat, rabbit, or other animal of similar size and character; provided, this definition does not include domesticated ' fowl or a type of swine commonly known as Vietnamese, Chinese, or Asian Potbelly Pigs (Sus scrofa bittatus), which may only be maintained in the city in accordance with KCC 15.08.070. Under control means the animal is restrained by a leash, chain, or similar device from approaching any bystander or other animal and from causing or being , the cause of physical property damage when off the premises of the owner. Vicious means actions of animals, other than a dangerous dog or , potentially dangerous dog, with the propensity to do any act that might endanger the safety of any person, animal, property of another, including, but not limited , to, a disposition to mischief or fierceness as might occasionally lead to attack on human beings without provocation, whether in play or outbreak of untrained , nature. 6 Animals Maintained Within City , SECTION 2. — Amendment. Section 8.03.210 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Animal nuisances defined," is amended as follows: Sec. 8.03.210. Animal nuisances defined. For purposes of this section, violations of this section are nuisances and shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Any public nuisance relating to animal control known at common law or in equity jurisprudence. 2. Maintaining large domesticated aAnimals, excluding seF E^ animals pets, sueh as lambs, geats, sheep, birds, hegs, eh+ekens er e>;eF !aree deffie 4eat d ' a+,na,I--. "narIs-idete be EIE)FR estie, bean kept ent al d,stom�is on lots of less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or in violation of KCC 15 08.070. ' 3. Maintaining more than three (3) small domesticated animals +Fr ^sident6a' list. e -,...1 per business establishment or dwelling unit on lots of less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, or maintaining any small domesticated animal in violation of KCC 15 08 070; provided, this section shall not apply to a properly licensed business operating as a pet shop, veterinary clinic, or animal shelter to the extent that the animals maintained at the business are maintained for the purposes of conducting the business and not for the personal benefit of the owner, operator, or any employee or volunteer of such business 4. Maintaining more than three (3) domesticated fowl +n ' 4K-4fiets—Q won lots of less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, or maintaining any domesticated fowl in violation of KCC 15.08.070; provided, this section shall not apply to a properly licensed veterinary clinic to the extent that maintaining the domesticated fowl is necessary for the veterinary treatment of the ' domesticated fowl. 53. A dog, whether or not dangerous or potentially dangerous as defined by RCW 16 08.070, running at large within the city. 64. Any domesticated animal, whether licensed or not, which runs at large in any park or enters any public beach, pond, fountain, or stream therein or upon any public playground or school ground; provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit a person from walking or exercising an animal in a public park or 7 Animals Maintained Within City on any public beach when such animal is on a leash, tether or chain not to exceed ' eight (8) feet in length This section shall not apply to any blind person using a trained Seeing Eye dog; to animal shows, exhibitions or organized dog training classes where at least twenty-four (24) hours' advance notice has been given to the animal control authority, by such persons requesting to hold such animal shows, exhibitions or dog training classes. In the case of potentially dangerous dogs as defined and regulated in KCC 8.03.030 and KCC 8 03.220 through 8.03.250, the provisions of KCC 8 03.220 through 8.03.250 shall apply to the leashing, muzzling, and restraint of such animals in public. ' 78. Any animal which enters any place where food is stored, prepared, served or sold to the public or any other public building or hall. However, this ' section shall not apply to any disabled person using a service animal; to veterinary offices or hospitals; or to animal shows, exhibitions, or organized dog , training classes where at least twenty-four (24) hours' advance notice has been given to the animal control authority, by such persons requesting to hold such animal shows, exhibitions, or dog training classes. 86. A female domesticated animal whether licensed or not, while in heat, accessible to other animals for purposes other than controlled and planned ' breeding. 9-7. Any domesticated animal which chases, runs after, or jumps at vehicles using the public streets and alleys. 108. Any domesticated animal which habitually snaps, growls, snarls, , jumps upon or otherwise threatens persons lawfully using the public sidewalks, streets, alleys, or other public ways. ' 114. Any animal, other than a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog as defined by RCW 16.08.070 which has exhibited vicious propensities and which constitutes a danger to the safety of persons or property off his premises or ' lawfully on his premises. 128. A vicious animal or animal with vicious propensities, other than a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog as defined by RCW 16.08.070, which runs at large at any time, or which is off the owner's premises not securely leashed and in the control of a person of suitable age and discretion to control or restrain such animal. , 8 Animals Maintained Within City ' 13�. Any domesticated animal which howls, yelps, whines, barks, or ' makes other oral noises, in such a manner as to disturb any person or neighborhood to an unreasonable degree. ' 143. Any domesticated animal which enters upon another person's property without the permission of that person. 153, Animals staked, tethered, or kept on public property without prior ' written consent of the county animal control authority. 164. Animals on any public property not under control by the owner or ' other competent person. 17§. Animals kept, harbored, or maintained and known to have a contagious disease unless under the treatment of a licensed veterinarian; 186. Animals running in packs. ' SECTION 3. — Amendment. Section 15.08 070 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Animals in residential districts," is amended as follows: Sec. 15.08.070. Keeping of Aanimals On resodentuall dw9troetsi. Animals (exeluding househeld pets sizieh as eats and respeeially heFses, eews, sheep .terra Beats, shall et be peicmitted lR residential dlSt. ,-f, en lets ' . The keeping of bees, small domesticated animals, large domesticated animals, and domesticated fowl, as ' those terms are defined in KCC 8.03.030, is permitted in all zones as an accessory use to any principal use permitted or to a permitted conditional use subject to the standards and restrictions of this section and chapter 8.03 of this code. A. Small domesticated animals. Up to three (3) small domesticated animals may be kept accessory to each business establishment or dwelling unit on a lot, except as follows. ' 1. In no case is more than one (1) miniature potbelly pig allowed per business establishment or dwelling unit. ' 2. More than three (3) small domesticated animals are permitted on lots of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, subject to the provisions of t ch. 8.03 KCC. However, in that event, the small domesticated animals must be restrained in a kennel or other accessory structure that shall be at least twenty- five (25) feet from any other lot in a residential zone. ' 9 Animals Maintained Within City r 3. In no case shall a restrained animal, a kennel, or other accessory r structure for animals be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any other r lot in a residential zone. B. Miniature potbelly pigs. The type of swine commonly known as the r Vietnamese, Chinese, or Asian potbelly pigs (Sus scrofa bittatus) may be kept as a small domesticated animal in accordance with subsection (A) of this section, r provided, the swine is neither greater than twenty-two (22) inches in height at the shoulder nor more than one hundred fifty pounds in weight. In the event the , swine exceeds either of these limitations, it is not allowed within the city. C. Domesticated fowl. Up to three (3) domesticated fowl may be kept on any r lot in addition to the three (3) small domesticated animals permitted in subsection ' (A) of this section. In no case shall a restrained fowl, a coop, or other accessory structure for fowl be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any other lot in a residential zone. More than three (3) domesticated fowl are permitted on lots of r at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, subiect to the provisions of ch 8.03 KCC. However, in that event, the domesticated fowl must be restrained in a r pen, coop, or other accessory structure. D. Large domesticated animals. Large domesticated animals are permitted r only on lots of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet subiect to the r provisions of ch. 8.03 KCC The keeping of swine is prohibited except for miniature potbelly pigs maintained in accordance with subsection (B) of this r section. 1. One (1) large domesticated animal for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet of lot area is permitted. ' 2 Large domesticated animals and structures housing them must be kept at least fifty (50) feet from any other lot in a residential zone. , E. Beekeeping Beekeeping is permitted as an accessory use when r registered with the state Department of Agriculture, provided that: 1 No more than four (4) hives, each with only one (1) swarm, shall be ' kept on lots of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 10 Animals Maintained Within City r r ' 2. Hives shall not be located within twenty-five (25) feet of any property line except when situated eight (8) feet or more above the grade immediately adiacent to the grade of the lot on which the hives are located or when situated less than eight (8) feet above the adiacent existing lot grade and behind a solid fence or hedge six (6) feet high parallel to any property line within twenty-five (25) feet of a hive and extending at least twenty-five (25) feet beyond the hive in both directions. SECTION 4. - Severabihty. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: I BRENDA )ACOBER, CITY CLERK ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 11 Animals Maintained Within City PASSED: day of June, 2007. APPROVED: day of June, 2007. PUBLISHED: day of June, 2007. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK v\CINI\D inanceWnimalSNiMinedR idenbalDISVIM aac 12 Animals Maintained Within City accomplish the update. Ms. Anderson stated that John Owen, Principal of MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design and the Watershed Co. (providing the scientific analysis), were selected as a team to assist on this two year effort with a projected completion of December 2008 She stated that a committee will be established to assist with garnering public participation. Ms. Anderson stated that the City has not received a response on their request for a State grant, but believes that the city will receive some money to offset the dollars the city has allocated. Ms. Anderson stated that Lake Meridian, the Green River and a portion of Big Soos Creek to the southeast of the city are recognized as designated shorelines, stating that water flow is one of the parameters in designating shorelines. Albertson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a MOTION to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design for completion of a comprehensive update to the Shoreline Master Program for a total not to exceed $190,000 upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Planning Manager. Motion PASSED 3-0. #ZCA-2007-1 Animals in Residential Districts Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this project is a proposed amendment to Kent City Code, Chapter 8.03 and 15.08 regarding animals. She stated that this project was initiated as a 2006 docket item. Ms. Anderson stated that this amendment would allow animals in all zoning districts (minimum lot sizes in residential districts of 5000 square feet or greater) with limitations placed on the number of animals allowed. She stated that staff has added a section on beekeeping and potbellied pigs, which was not previously in the city's ordinance. Ms. Anderson stated that Kent's nuisance ordinance deals with noise or odor issues related to animals. She stated that Seattle's ordinance requires a ten foot setback if the animals are penned and they are free to roam the yard when not penned. She stated that the majority of public comment indicated opposition to enclosure requirements. Chris Welch, 12905 SE 247th Place, Kent stated that he favors the proposed changes to the City Code and supports penning the animals. He stated that he is not a proponent for the potbellied pig, but believes that it is beneficial to allow these animals on residential property. Mr. Welch stated that it is the property owner's responsibility to maintain the animals they own and ensure that they are not infringing on anybody else's rights. Paige Arreola, 28311 143rd Avenue SE, Kent stated that her neighbor is the initiator of this amendment. She stated that though this person has indicated that she keeps her animals clean and there is no issue with odor, that is contrary to the truth. She stated that the animals are penned up against her neighbor's fence and causes an offensive odor problem. Ms. Arreola stated that another of her neighbors allows their 25 chickens to run free and they have been in the streets and neighboring yards destroying vegetation. She stated that minimum lot sizes should be bigger than 5000 square feet and that fowl need to be penned with an appropriate setback, responding to Chair Harmon that a 25 foot setback would be appropriate. Janelle Burridge, 14311 SE 283rd Place, Kent stated that her 8800 square foot property abuts the approximately 12,000 square foot property with the chickens. She stated that the odor is so offensive that her family cannot be in the yard at times. She stated that she is not opposed to her neighbor owning chickens but is opposed to the chickens being located right on the property line. Ms. Burridge stated that she would like the city to implement a penning and PEDC Minutes May 14, 2007 Page 1 of 2 a 25 foot setback regulation and she supported the restriction of 3 domestic fowl and 3 domestic small animals per 5000 square foot lots. Ms. Anderson stated that staff acknowledged to the Land Use and Planning Board that the City had received 54 complaints in the past 5 to 6 years, deferring to Bob Hutchinson, Building Official on behalf of Code Enforcement. Building Official Bob Hutchinson stated that there are provisions in Kent City Code Chapter 8.03 for animal control. He stated that the city contracts with King County Animal control for enforcement of that service, which includes enforcing animal facility sanitation issues Mr. Hutchinson stated that general provision of public nuisances falls under code enforcement control which would include enforcing the number of animals, type of animals and lot size, setback regulations and animal containment regulations. Albertson stated that the city's public nuisance ordinance 8.01.030 clearly defines the issue of odors in that it refers to the accumulation of manure, any putrid or unhealthy smells or retention of waste. Albertson opined that the city's public nuisance code is not subjective stating that she believes that the issue with this particular neighbor should be addressed outside of any action taking place with this amendment After Deliberations, Clark MOVED and Albertson SECONDED a Motion to modify and approve the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation to amend the Kent City Code regarding the keeping of animals; allowing a maximum of three (3) small domestic animals and three (3) domestic fowl on minimum lot sizes of 5000 square feet for a total of six (6) domestic animals with no restraint or setback requirements; additional animals will require a 20,000 square foot lot size and the LUPB recommendation is also amended to add a 25-foot property line setback and restraint requirements. Motion PASSED 3-0. Harmon asked that this item be brought before the Committee in October 2007 for an update. Countywide Planning Policies Amendments Planning Manager Charlene Anderson introduced ordinances that have passed the King County Council and the Growth Management Policy Committee for ratification. She stated that none of these ordinances affect Kent; however, Kent is asked to consider ratification of these ordinances. She stated that 1) Renton is proposing to include a portion of the area southwest of Lake Washington to their Potential Annexation Area (PAA). The next motion clarifies how household and employment targets will be determined when incorporation occurs, and is housekeeping in nature. The third motion discusses a request to designate the Overlake area of Redmond as an urban center. Staff is proposing that the Committee ratify all three of these ordinances. Clark MOVED and Albertson SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the Full Council ratification of amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies approved under GMPC Motion Nos. 06-1, 06-2, and 06-03 amending the interim Potential Annexation Area Map; revising policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets with new municipal incorporations, and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. Motion PASSED 3-0. #ZCA-2005-3 Commercial Motor Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts Building Official Bob Hutchinson gave a report from the code enforcement perspective. He stated that this amendment became affective in October 2006, prohibiting the parking of large commercial vehicles in residential zones. He stated that at that time, our records showed four pending code enforcement cases. Mr Hutchinson indicated that since that time, all outstanding cases have been resolved by compliance, with one case necessitating a hearing before the Hearing Examiner, with a brief PEDC-Minutes May 14, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Planning & Economic Development P • Committee Agenda Z4CLENT Councilmembers: Elizabeth Albertson. Tim Clark. Ron Harmon, Chair W A HIN G T C N May 14, 2007 Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Approval of April 23, 2007 Minutes YES 5 min 1 2. Neighborhood Councils' Recognition YES Toni Azzola 15 min 3 3. Shoreline Master Program Update YES Charlene Anderson 5 min 17 Consultant Contract #CPA-2007-1 4. Animals in Residential Districts YES Charlene Anderson 10 min 31 Code Amendment #ZCA-2007-1 5. Countywide Planning Policies Amendment YES Charlene Anderson 10 min 87 King County Ordinance No. 157092 6. Commercial Motor Vehicles in Residential NO Bob Hutchinson 5 min 0 Zoning Districts - Update #ZCA-2005-3 7. Residential Development Standards- NO Matt Gilbert 5 min 0 Update #ZCA-2006-3 f8. Parking in East and West Frame Districts- NO William Osborne 5 min 0 Update Unless otherwise noted, the Planning and Economic Development Committee meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information on the above items, the City of Kent's Website can be accessed at http://www ci.kent.wa.us/CityCouncd/committees/planning or contact Pamela Mottram or the respective project planner in Planning Services at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at(253) 856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800- 833-6388. 5 IDeITI%IG1anlolanmlg Comm,&t 120071Agenda lGE7DCAgenda_051I07dw 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KENT Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager NAS H I.GTON Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax 253-856-6454 Address- 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 8, 2007 TO: Chair Ron Harmon and Planning & Economic Development Committee Members FROM: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager RE: #ZCA-2007-1 -Animals in Residential Districts MOTION: I move to a rove den modify the Land Use & Planning Board's PP / Y/ fY 9 recommendation to amend Kent City Code regarding the keeping of animals. SUMMARY: Existing regulations do not allow the keeping of animals on lots less than 20,000 square feet in size, nor do existing regulations address the keeping of bees in the city. On April 23, 2007 the Land Use & Planning Board recommended amending Kent City Code to allow animals, fowl, and bees in all zoning districts in the city. The recommendation generally adopts the regulations of the City of Seattle. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: On December 12, 2006, the City Council approved for action Docket No. 2006-5 regarding amendments of Title 8 (Health & Sanitation) and Title 15 (Zoning) to consider reducing the minimum lot size requirement for the keeping of animals, specifically chickens. After holding a public hearing on April 23, 2007, the Land Use & Planning Board recommends approval of the following code amendments: Add to 8.03.030 Definitions Domestic Animals, Small. Includes dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, geese swans chickens other fowl and animals of similar size and character. Delete 8.03.210(2) (Animal nuisances defined.) , Fabbmts, bevlige anifnals, IaFnbs, geats, sheep, birds, hegs, eh'ekens er ether animals Rgade t-e the deffiestle, being l(ept IR Fesidentlal distraets eR lets ef less than twenty theiusand (29,999) squaire feet. ' Amend 15.08.070 Animals an resildentiall distre Keeping of Animals. Igeats, shall net be peFFnitted an Fesidential distFlets en lets 5Fnaller than twenty theusand !ten inn ,. feet.m „ The keeping of small domesticated animals, farm animals domestic fowl and bees is permitted Ioutright in all zones as an accessory use to any imncipal use permitted outright or to a permitted conditional use subject to the standards of this section and Kent City Code Section 8 03: A. Small Domesticated Animals. Up to three (3) small domesticated animals may be kept accessory to each business establishment or dwelling unit on a lot, except as follows: 1 In no case is more than one (1) miniature potbelly pig allowed per business establishment or dwelling unit (see subsection B of this section). 2. In single-family zones. a. Accessory dwelling units shall not be considered separate dwelling units for the purpose of this section, b. Up to four (4) small domesticated animals are permitted on lots of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet; and C. One (1) additional small domesticated animal is permitted for each 5,000 square feet of lot area in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet Accessory structures, including kennels, for four (4) or more animals must be at least ten (10) feet from any other lot in a residential zone B. Miniature Potbelly Pigs. That type of swine commonly known as the Vietnamese, Chinese, or Asian Potbelly piq (Sus scrofa bittatus) may be kept as a small domesticated animal, provided +� that no swine that is greater than twenty-two (22) inches in height at the shoulder or more than one hundred fifty (150)pounds in weight may be kept in the City. C. Domestic Fowl. Up to three (3) domestic fowl may be kept on any lot in addition to the small domestic animals permitted in subsection A. For each one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area in excess of the minimum lot area required for that zone, as long as the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet or greater, one (1) additional domestic fowl may be kept. D. Farm Animals. Cows, horses, sheep and other similar farm animals are permitted only on lots of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. The keeping of swine is prohibited, except for miniature potbelly pigs allowed under subsection B of this section. 1. One (1) farm animal for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet of lot area is permitted. 2. Farm animals and structures housing them must be kept at least fifty (50) feet from any residentially zoned lot. E. Beekeeping. Beekeeping is permitted outright as an accessory use, when registered with the State Department of Agriculture, provided that: 1. No more than four (4) hives, each with only one (1) swarm, shall be kept on lots of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 2. Hives shall not be located within twenty-five (25) feet of any property line except when situated eight (8) feet or more above the grade immediately adjacent to the grade of the lot on which the hives are located or when situated less than eight (8) feet above the adjacent existing lot grade and behind a solid fence or hedge six (6) feet high parallel to any property PEDC Meeting May 14, 2007 Page 2 of 3 line within twenty-five (25) feet of a hive and extending at least twenty (25) feet beyond the hive in both directions The proposed amendments are procedural in nature and categorically exempt from environmental review. Staff will be available at the May 14th meeting to further discuss this Issue. CA pm 5 I PermItI Plan I ZONECODEAMENDI z0071 ZC4-2007-IAnimals-inResiDistrictsI PEDC051407 doc Inc 4,11,07 LUPB Minutes, City of Bellevue's regulations regarding animals, Matrix of regulations of other junsdict.ons; Docket Request, Kent City Code Sections 8 01 and 8 D3 cc: Fred N Satterstrom,AICP, CD Director Project He#ZCA-2007-1 i 1 t t i i i i 1 PEDC Meeting May 14, 2007 Page 3 of 3 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES April 23, 2007 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Jon Johnson, Vice-Chair Dana Ralph, Alan Gray, Aleanna Kondelis, Jack Ottini BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Dowell (excused?), Tim Gimenez (excused?) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlene Anderson, Kim Adams Pratt, Chris Holden Approval of Minutes: Jack Ottini MOVED and Alan Gray SECONDED a Motion to APPROVE the Minutes of March 26, 2007. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Added Items: None Notice of Upcoming Meetings: Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the City Council Planning and Economic Development Committee made a motion to approve the Reconciling of Single Family Zoning & Land Use Designations #CPA-2006-5 / #CPZ-2006-2. She stated that this item will be placed on the City Council Agenda for May 15, 2007 at 7:00 PM. #ZCA-2007-1 Animals in Residential Districts Planning Manager Charlene Anderson presented the request to allow animals in residential districts in the City of Kent She reiterated that the current regulations only allow animals on lots of 20,000 square feet or larger. A matrix has been included in the staff report that shows what animals are allowed in neighboring cities. Also included is Bellevue's code regarding animals. Ms. Anderson remarked that the staff report provides proposed changes to the Zoning Code regarding what type of small animals including domestic fowl and bees would be allowed in all zoning districts in Kent. Ms. Anderson commented that there had been 54 complaints regarding farm animals, including chickens, received by the City of Kent since 2001. In general, the type of complaints received by the cities of Tacoma and Seattle related to the crowing of roosters and the number of chickens on property. A letter was received and submitted by a concerned citizen regarding allowing chickens on residential lots; specifically, setbacks and smell issues. Chair Johnson declared the Public Hearing Open. Tami Jackson and Brian Ward both spoke about how chickens are pets and with proper care, there should be no smell or odor problems associated with chickens. Both speakers did state that the present location of their chicken coop is on the property line. Jack Ottini MOVED and Alan Gray SECONDED a motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion Passed 5-0. Further discussion ensued regarding setback requirements for structures housing animals. Vice-Chair Dana Ralph made a MOTION to accept the staff recommendation of amending Kent City Code Sections — Title 8 (Health and Sanitation) and Title 15 (Zoning) regarding "animals" in residential zoning districts. Jack Ottini SECONDED MOTION. Motion PASSED 5-0. Adiournment Jack Ottini MOVED and Alan Gray SECONDED a MOTION to adjourn the meeting. Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board 5 iPennitl Plan lLUP811007IMmutes1041307LUPBmn do Land Use and Planning Board Meeting Minutes—April 23, 2007 Page 1 of 1 Chapter 20.20 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 3 20.20.130 Animals. A. General. fThe keeping of animals is subject to the requirements of this section and BCC Title 8, Animal Regulations B. Minimum Requirements. The following chart entitled, "Animal Regulations" sets forth the minimum requirements for the keeping of animals Animal Regulations Type of Maximum Number(A) Minimum Minimum Setback(E) Animal/Use Lot Size May not be restrained or enclosed outdoors so that the animal is able to come within 15 feet of a property line This limitation does not prohibit the keeping of a household pet within the following areas, provided it must be allowed to roam freely therein 1) A lot which is fenced along all lot lines so as to 1 Household Dogs, Cats, Rabbits No enclose the entire lot, or Pets* 3(B), Fowl 6(D), minimum 2)An enclosed portion of a lot which is bounded by Other no maximum fences along either the entire front lot line or entire rear lot line, and along a portion of both side lot lines, which utilizes the house or primary structure as one side of the enclosure and which may include all or a portion of either or both side yards No structure to house the household pet may be within 15 feet of a property line May not be restrained or enclosed outdoors so that the animal is able to come within 25 feet of a property line This limitation does not prohibit the keeping of a small domestic animal within the following areas, provided it 10 20,000 sq ft and an must be allowed to roam freely therein 2 Small additional 1,500 sq ft 20,000 sq 1)A lot which is fenced along all lot lines so as to Domestic for each animal, ft or enclose the entire lot, or Animals or 6 10 000 sq ft and an 10,000 sq 2)An enclosed portion of a lot which is bounded by Hobby Kennel* additional 1,500 sq ft ft fences along either the entire front lot line or entire for each animal over 6 rear lot line, and along a portion of both side lot lines, which utilizes the house or primary structure as one side of the enclosure and which may include all or a portion of either or both side yards No structure to house the household pet may be within 25 feet of a property line May not be restrained or enclosed outdoors so that the animal is able to come within 25 feet of a property line This limitation does not prohibit the keeping of a large domestic animal within the following areas, 3 Large I 20,000 sq provided it must roam freely therein Domestic 1 each 10,000 sq ft ft 1)A lot which is fenced along all lot lines so as to Animals* enclose the entire lot, or 2)An enclosed portion of a lot which is bounded by fences along either the entire front lot line or entire rear lot line, and along a portion of both side lot lines, which utilizes the house or primary structure as one http://www.bellevuewa.gov/belicode/Bluc2O2o.html 3/26/2007 Chapter 20.20 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 3 i side of the enclosure and which may include all or a portion of either or both side yards No structure to house the animal may be within 25 feet of a property line *Special Regulations Open pasture, foraging or grazing may extend to the property line Maximum of four hives, each with one colony Lots containing 15,000 Hives must be at least 25 feet from a property line, sq ft or less, except when situated 8 feet or more above adjacent Maximum of 15 hives, ground level, or when situated less than 6 feet above each with one colony 7,200 sq adjacent ground level and behind a solid fence or 4 Bees" Lots containing more ft hedge at least 6 feet high parallel to any property line than 15,000 sq ft but within 25 feet of the hive and extending at least 25 feet less than 35,000 sq ft , level, or when situated beyond the hive in both Maximum of 25 hives, each with one colony directions Lots containing 35,000 sq ft or more **Special Regulations Must register with the Washington State Department of Agriculture Must requeen annually or anytime following swarming or aggressive behavior with a breeder raised queen of suitable docile strain Hives must be maintained to avoid overpopulation and minimize swarming Must be maintained in a movable frame hive at all times May not be restrained or enclosed outdoors so that the animal is able to come within 50 feet of a property line This limitation does not prohibit the keeping of an animal within the following areas, provided it must be allowed to roam freely therein 1)A lot which is fenced along all lot lines so as to Determined in 35,000 sq enclose the entire lot, or 5 Kennel (C)*** Conditional Use ft 2)An enclosed portion of a lot which is bounded by Process fences along either the entire front lot line or entire rear lot line, and along a portion of both side lot lines, which utilizes the house or primary structure as one side of the enclosure and which may include all or a portion of either or both side yards No structure to house the animal may be within 50 feet of a property line ***Special Regulations See LUC 20 10 440 May not be restrained or enclosed outdoors so that the animal is able to come within 50 feet of a property line This limitation does not prohibit the keeping of an animal within the following areas, provided it must be allowed to roam freely therein , 1)A lot which is fenced along all lot lines so as to 6 Commercial Determined in 35,000 sq enclose the entire lot, or Stable or Riding Conditional Use ft 2)An enclosed portion of a lot which is bounded by Academy (C)` Process fences along either the entire front lot line or entire rear lot line, and along a portion of both side lot lines, which utilizes the house or primary structure as one side of the enclosure and which may include all or a portion of either or both side yards No structure to house the animal may be within 50 feet of a property line +Special Regulations See LUC 20 10 440 Open pasture, foraging or grazing may extend to the property line htti)://www.bellevuewa.gov/belicode/Bluc2O2o.html 3/26/2007 Chapter 20.20 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 3 (A) Number of adult animals. One unweaned litter of offspring, and foals are not included in the number of animals allowed (B) More than three rabbits are regulated as small domestic animals (C) Requires a Conditional Use Permit (D) More than six fowl are regulated as small domestic animals. (E) The purpose of these setback requirements is to prohibit the confinement of an animal within specific distances from neighboring property, as by leashing the animal to a stake or placing the animal in an enclosure, but to allow animals to be kept in yards fenced on their perimeter so long as the animal is free to roam within the fenced area jC. Prohibited Animals. The keeping of mink, foxes or hogs is prohibited (Ord 5480, 10-20-03, § 6, Ord 5089, 8-3-98, § 10, Ord 4654, 6-6-94, § 25, Ord 3413, 9-24-84, § 1) I I 1 t 1 1 http://www.bellevuewa.aov/bellcode/Bluc202o.html 3/26/2007 Chapter 20.50 DEFINITIONS Page 1 of 1 Household Pets. Includes dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, cage birds, fish, nonvenomous reptiles and amphibians and other animals of similar size and character normally associated with a dwelling unit and generally housed within the dwelling unit Specifically included as household pets is the keeping of six or fewer fowl (Ord 3413, 9-24-84, § 5) Domestic Animals, Large. Generally grazing or foraging animals including horses, cattle, llama, sheep, goats, ponies and other animals of similar size and character (Ord 4654, 6-6-94, § 79, Ord 3413, 9-24-84, § 4) Domestic Animals, Small. Includes ducks, geese, swans, chickens, other fowl and animals of similar size and character, however, fewer than six fowl are treated as household pets (Ord 4654, 6-6-94, § 79, Ord 3413, 9-24-84, § 4) htto•//www.bellevuewa.gov/belicode/Bluc2O5O.html 3/26/2007 � . � � E E E / 0 a o ® / / / Q) c ru k = \ � C k / \ \ % § \ % E m § 3 2 e \ CLcr E e E o y o E o m � � = 2 \ ƒ � c � � � � � / ) / / cc o § t § t u g � / \ -a _0 2Clcn Ln ƒ § 5 % 0 0 \ 0 \ 0 " j ,e ® = \ \ / u / / \ 2 Ufa / 2 f f \ j \ e g % » . / \ / � e / @ — — u \ / � 3 \ ƒ 05 ck \ 2 / E / E / Ln + § / u + a � + % 8 0u $ k E 2 © 5 b 5 ¥ Q 2 � « ck / $ o / $ erg § o E G E b n v � @ \ C) �/ in ® m cl c ^ 2 / 22 © ec -0 E � / 2 % + n \ k / 3 W u @ \ \ \ \ / / _ / _ / % \ � \ / 6 2 _ \ o o 0 LnR / / � \ / 7 v v / / E $ c $ 2 § 2 § # \ g - 2 _ c = 0 u E- ' § g \ 2 / 7 $ $ / / 3 3 2 $ @ � � u o u c / f / f ƒ \ \ / @ ek % ° \ e % 2 u e 2 ® & / \\ � 2 \ E t / 3 ° oc — E § 0 # o /© [ x t » \ 7a & fa � § m7£ \ ƒ ° E $ ƒ / � � � ƒ 7 \ § � \ Gi2 C) 10 � m \ / E / c u s t m U) 7 § � 7 ° / \ ® sue = k § E Lj / 22 _\ u 0 2 ƒ % / _0c « 2 / fu Ln ( @ % CD m § CC) \ o Lr) o CD Ego% o / n / � � � � ro � / u o _ C) v 0 / � \ a) \ LnLn 0 x c / k / � % _ � _ ® \ x t m o f % = c � � / r 3 \ / q / e ~ � ` \ ® \ ® \ n ° / / Ln R S + — \ � •> § / / ( v ^ � u $ 7 D 2 u \ o r4 0- E C: © o \ 5 / u o \ g u ] % 0 k ai \ � \ � g a / Ln u k § 2 / f / { y k e = t \ \ o / \ 2 / / / J f $ / / @ � Planning Services Location.400 W.Gowe• Mail to:220 4th Avenue South• Kent,WA 98032-5895 Permit Center (253) 856-5302 FAX (253) 856-6412 'N%m/ KENT www.ci.kent.wa.uslpermitcenter W33M MOION PLANNING SERVICES Comprehensive Plan Text and Zoning/Development Code Please print /n black ink only. Amendment Docket Application Name:AN1mALS W aS1DWf D_faTKfcn'Docket #: DKT'Z006 -S OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Received: Aj4Qs--C 4. U5>6 Received by:c jmizljE►Ae 74*tw'zsm-J Applicant: Name: —rAmt ypie -J'4Cg_C.=j Daytime Phone: (i63) ?oq"4syq Mailing Address: Z93257- 1444`-14..* SE Fax Number: City/State/Zip: KELsC, WA %042- Signature. Professional License No: E-mail: }jav ehar_6 '►GQ. Yoko.Gat Agent/Consultant/Attorney: (mandatory if primary contact is different from applicant) Name: Daytime Phone: j Mailing Address. Fax Number: City/State/Zip: E-mail: Signature Suggested comprehensive plan text or zoning/development code amendment language. This can be either conceptual or specific amendatory language. Please be as clear and concise as possible so that your proposal can be adequately evaluated. If specific wording changes are proposed, reference the spe- cific comprehensive plan or code section and show changes in strikeout/underline format. Attach additional pages as needed. C'avrIcrDoe 4rybVjb11+4 sera 0%4 rti TITLE g j /�l64t-7w iXw1z�'t*")A, 7i jo rLe is �av1N�) 1lECaAg rW. "A-Au MA -D& FaXll8SW Lobe . p-FINt-n0?..4 * A41WALS/ (t7S r l Ag—relic I ArMD Aerga, ►2.IA'CGL MuJt KA.— l ar SIDES i.. �fS iO�srt/U DM-raic-M 69 Dac­tr.S b Au\�AIL$. Support for the suggested comprehensive plan text or zoning/development code amendment. Explain the specific reason for the request. If a zoning/development code amendment, describe how it is consistent with the intent of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and reference the specific supporting goals and policies. If a comprehensive plan text amendment, describe how it addresses the interests and changed needs of the entire city as identified in the City's long-range planning and policy documents, in- cluding, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Plan. Include any data, research, or reasoning that supports the suggested amendment.Attach additional pages as needed. M -A-t AC"48D E-MALL. 1 fGHl_2 PSD4098.8/24106 p 1 oft RMessage Page 1 of 5 Anderson, Charlene From: Mayor Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:51 AM To: Cooke, Suzette Cc: Anderson,Charlene Subject: FW Responding to your phone cal(/RE:Variance For Chickens -----Original Message----- From: Tami Jayne Jackson, LMT[mailto:tjaynejackson@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 2:41 PM To: Mayor Subject: Responding to your phone caIVRE: Variance For Chickens Mayor Suzette Cook; Thank you so much for responding to my inquiry with a phonecall. in an ideal world, there would be no need for city codes. Every resident would be mindful of his/her neighbor and there would be no conflict between them. With that being said, please know I'm doing everything in my power to get along with my neighbors. I hope you understand the reason I am writing back (instead of calling). There are just too many issues that need to be communicated and I feel if I give those reasons to you in writing (instead of responding over the phone) it will spare you of a significant amount of work (you won't have to do the tedious chore of documenting everything needs to be said because this email will do that for you). I have nine chickens (all female). My pet birds all eat out of my hands (as I pluck yard weeds, offer them over-ripened raspberries or provide table scraps to them with my outstretched fingers). Each of our pet birds have names: Freckles, Dots, Fawn, Percephone, Llew . . . In asking for a personal variance - I am not specifically asking for the city to make a code change (but if that happens, I would feel very happy for it because I think raising chickens, in an environmentally responsible manner, is part of futuristic/organic thinking). I'm asking the City of Kent to consider what kind of message it hopes to send to the people, If I am denied the right to raise healthy Ft happy pet chickens on a 1/3 acre lot, which abuts farmland, then the City of Kent will be sending a new message that is in comptete opposition to what the city has been trying to convey about being environmentally conscious. Owning chickens enables me to have an organic and environmentally accountable yard. Please see all of my reasoning for making this statement, below: • MY RAISING CHICKENS iS PART OF BEING ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE o Bug and Grub Control These pet chickens that I supervise dwelt inside a private coop that is further enclosed in our yard's surrounding 6-feet-tall fence (wooden on three sides/chain-(ink on the farming side). They are not mere farm animals. Our pet chickens afford the most natural way I know of to keep away bugs (they consume them). I even throw the occasional slug into the chicken coop because I know the slug will NOT survive in there (I don't have to poison the yard with slug ki(ter, weed killer or any other kind of poison because the chickens eat pretty much everything that I don't want in my yard). o Odor Control: My coop is very large considering the number of birds I oversee (and so � 8/15/2006 Message Page 2 of 5 there is no odor problem for me or the neighbors to contend with). Because of the coop size, the manure gets spread out throughout a large area and doesn't congregate in one spot. What's more, I throw straw down and periodically change it (I put the old straw on the compost pile because it gets wet from their water dishes and from rain water that hits a small segment of their coop. The biggest focus, when it comes to cleaning up after the chickens, is their bedding - which I change weekly. o More Composting: My husband Doug is presently building a "chicken tractor" (small but mobile chicken coop) so we can safely move the chickens about the yard without concern of predators (our fenced yard keeps stray dogs outside of the yard but we have eagles nesting nearby so a fully enclosed coop is mandatory for chicken safety). in the chicken tractor, our pets can eat all of the weeds in our fall garden while they fertilize the soil. Here's a picture of what a typical chicken tractor looks like: http://www.robocoop.com/finishedwithpots.)pg. Using a chicken tractor further spreads the valuable chicken manure around the yard and feeds the soil with nutrients (so there's even LESS manure inside the large coop). o Organic gardening- Our soil is like a bank account. We can only take out of it what we put in. One must feed the soil with pure, good nutrients to get much back from it. Since we bought this place, my husband and I have been converting our home into a very well-groomed and purely organic environment. We've planted seven trees on our yard in the last year (two apple trees, one pear, one flowering cherry, a blue spruce, a tall/thin evergreen, a Japanese mapte). Our home offers well-kept landscaping; including a new herb garden, patio-potted plants and our grub/insect eating pet chickens are a part of that well-groomed environment. Their manure fertilizes the plants. Their stomachs ingest the bugs and grubs. They consume whatever table scraps and yard waste that doesn't make it to the compost pile. (E.g., coffee grounds and egg shells still go to compost but most everything else gets fed to the chickens). to Noise issue: Because we keep NO roosters (our farm-neighbors rooster crows enough to pleasure us at() there are no crowing or loud noises coming from the chicken habitat I in my yard. Female chickens (hens) only squawk when they are being chased. Otherwise, there's really nothing about the volume of their coop that could be considered a nuisance by any of the neighbors. What's more, the coop is a reasonable distance from any bedroom windows. I've hosted wedding showers and such parties in my back yard (near the coop) and my guests regularly comment on how peaceful and quiet the chickens are- they're also very colorful and aesthetically pleasing to them. My guests report they wouldn't know the chickens were there if they didn't SEE them (and the residential neighbors cannot see my chickens without climbing over the tall wooden fence or else trespassing into ithe farm next door where they could spy through the tall chain link fence). CONFESSION: The loudest birds I have in my chicken coop is actually a dove and her baby. No complaint has ever been made about the dove's cooing (I don't think the neighbors even know I have a dove in there). If a complaint was ever made against the dove, I would move her indoors and place her at my massage clinic where my clients could hear doves coo while they get their massage. Right now, however, the doves truly enjoy all the room that the large chicken coop provides for them and they fly about with a great amount of freedom. o Aesthetics: Not only did my husband and I use an existing metal structure to house our chickens (something that's been on this property for many years) but our rare- 8/15/2006 Message Page 3 of 5 breed pet chickens are very colorful and they remain a beautiful expression of the peace and tranquility that my husband and I have been trying to create on this property. We've added rock walkways and beauty bark with many shrubs. The gate into the chicken coop is a piece of art. I collected large engraved picture frames from the thrift store and added bamboo to construct the sturdy doorway. The walkway up to the coop comes from the many rocks that I've pulled from digging in my herb garden (and formed into an aesthetically pleasing-shaped walk). o Spiritual Oasis: chickens are wonderful companions. I feel spiritually centered and destressed (forget about work or crabby people) when i enter our chicken coop. I cannot wait until the day when our chickens are more mature and can lay their hormone-free/antibiotic-free eggs (with an orange yolk instead of the less nutritious yellow yolks available at the grocery store). "This i expect to be able to glean in another 8 or 9 months when the chickens become fully mature. in the mean time, they feed me spiritually. o Disease prevention: All of my chickens were immunized upon hatching. I received a certification to document such from McMurry Hatchery (in Iowa) where I had ordered my chickens via their "rare bird" special. I've raised these chickens since they were a couple days old. What's more, the fact that my coop is fully covered means no wild birds can visit the chickens and spread disease. Because my birds are ALWAYS enclosed, they do not socialize with other birds or animals that might bring them harm. o WHY THE COMPLAINT ABOUT OUR CHICKENS WAS FILED IN THE FIRST PLACE: When we bought this home, at 28325 144th Ave SE, the back yard was full of unsightly raspberry bushes (rows and rows of them). The front yard also housed a very cumbersome and rotting (5 feet above ground) plywood fish tank that did not fit into the greater scheme of this beautiful neighborhood. Carpenter ants were consuming that fish-tank's insulation. So my husband and I tore it down and got rid of all the other yard eyesores that previously plagued this piece of property. What's more, on the north side of this property (the stretch along the fence that abuts 283rd Street) there used to be pea-gravel on the ground and that encouraged neighbors to park there. With so many cars parked on our property - the place looked like a used car lot. My husband and I determined to changed the pea grave( (used it instead to make attractive walk-ways in the back yard) and replaced the landscaping along 283rd with beauty bark and small shrubs. The complaining neighbor, who lives on the west side of our home, was angry to not be able to have her son and his friends park on our property anymore and THAT is what this complaint about chickens is all about. She was angry when I removed raspberry bushes from our back yard (even when I gave her some of the plants in an attempt to appease her). She has been angry with ANY change we've made to this property and if I have a party she spies through the fence at us (she's not wilting to come over and share a drink or anything. She just wants to spy). Please understand that my husband and I only have good wit( for my neighbors and we will continue to groom our yard to create an environment that expresses and enhances the lives of those who occupy this space in South King County. If someone from the city could just come by our property to look and see what has been going on, they would see that the public interest is well served by the chicken coop. Our coop completely relates to the larger environment in which it occurs. The Landscaping contributes to the ecosystem in which it occurs as well. No new structures have been built on our property to house the pet chickens (with the exception to the added chicken wire - and 8/15/2006 -_.Message Page 4 of 5 with exception to the mobile and small "chicken tractor" that we are constructing right now). This issue (of me potentially being in violation of city code by owning pet chickens) Is NOT an argument between immaculate green lawns with their sharply confined vegetation and a single family (us) who seeks to garden via more environmentally sensible/alternative methods. It's about residential homes that invaded farmland and those new residents are now beginning to challenge what has always been in this farming community. Again, i do not regard the pet chickens i supervise as farm animals because I spend a good deal of time with them each day. I feet a significant amount of therapeutic rest each time I enter that coop and talk to the "girls." They are all happy and healthy birds. They are all dutifully cared for and are always confined to our yard (unlike the free range pet chickens next door). I ask for a personal variance to this issue of keeping pet chickens because my birds are making a small but significant contribution to the environment (they offer an alternative to damaging the environment with weed and slug control/pollutants). My chickens offer a little oasis of spiritual vegetation to offset any negative (e.g. sounds of garbage collection/barking dogs/mating cat) noises that can be heard around the neighborhood throughout the week. HERE ARE MORE REASONS WHY i BELIEVE OUR PROPERTY (SPECIFICALLY DOUG AND 1) DESERVE A PERSONAL VARIANCE FOR RAISING CHICKENS Request to acquire a personal variance. (We're not the least bit "chicken"about presenting our desire to keep healthy poultry!) #1: DESIGNATION OF OUR PROPERTY SHOULD NOT BE PURELY "RESIDENTIAL" SO WE SHOULD NOT BE IN VIOLATION OF THE CODE: I am not living in a typical "residential" neighborhood. Our house begins the farming area of the Kent East Hill. Therefore the restriction for "residential" neighborhoods does not accurately apply to our 1/3 acre (as farms surround our home -- both to immediate south and east of our property). #2: GRANDFATHERED STATUS OF OUR HOME AS CAPABLE OF HOUSING FEMALE CHICKENS DUE TO ! ITS HISTORY: Our home was one of the earliest homes built in this East Hill neighborhood, built more than 40 years ago (in 1965) before any of the residential areas on the Kent East Hill began to spring up. Our property came into existence when the entire neighborhood was still designated exclusively as a farming community. #3: KENT'S CITY CODE AGAINST CHICKENS IS THE CURRENT LAW AND I RESPECT THAT -- ALWAYS I WANT TO LIVE PEACEFULLY WITH LAW GOVERNING BODIES --THE RULES AGAINST CHICKENS SEEMS OUTDATED (WHEN EVEN EXCLUSIVELY METROPOLITAN AREAS SUCH AS SEATTLE ALLOW CITY RESIDENTS TO KEEP CHICKENS WITHIN RESIDENTIAL AREAS). • Again, 1 do not think my piece of property breaks the city code because Ws not purely a "residential" lot. However, in most cities, ordinances about chickens came about because of concern that the animals would make the atmosphere to be Podunk . . . and undeveloped- looking. • Laws prohibiting backyard hens often took place during the suburban development boom in the 1950s (and are no longer appropriate in neighborhoods where there is the financial means to create aesthetically pleasing, healthy, homeostatic chicken coops. • Just Google search "Chicken coop tour, Seattle" and see MANY articles about Seattle residents raising chickens in small yards and on condo porches - which is in ACCORDANCE with City of Seattle codes. • The following Seattle Times article shows PHOTOS of such chicken coops: ` 8/15/2006 message rage 5 or 5 http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/pacificnw/2002/0120/cover.htmi #4: DOUG AND I ARE BOTH VERY RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS: All of our pets (including our dachshund and two indoor cats) receive proper veterinarian care. They all *(including the chickens)have been vaccinated. None of our pets are able to invade the neighbors home or yard due our very adequate houseing and fencing. Our dog/cats are registered with the City of Kent and all three of them also have identification chips implanted. WE DO NOT WANT TO WASTE CITY TiME/ENERGY: o Our primary goal in addressing this complaint is to come to a peaceful solution without having to surrender any of our pets. I'd like to resolve this issue as soon as possible, and without wasting any city employee time or energy. o The most expedient and painless way to resolve this issue is for the city to offer us a personal variance where our home is recognized as being part of the old farming community and our old rambler home is grandfathered in under that designation. 0 This is not a small issue. The big issue here is how people should live. Should we all have homes built 12 inches apart, surrounded by concrete, or in a greener environment where we manage the soil responsibly? Mayor Cook, I am more than willing to talk with you on the phone (or will meet with you in person) if you think that would be helpful. Again, I send this letter to help save you some time and effort -- to prevent you from having to document all of the reasons why I feel Doug and I should be able to keep our chickens. If you have any tasks that you would like to assign me (e.g., should I get a petition started?) please, just ask me and I will do it. I just need to know what the proper procedure is for asking for a variance - what protocol should I follow to make this thing happen (where I am allowed to keep my pets, responsibly). Thank you, so much, for giving of your valued time to consider this issue fully. I cannot tell you how much this means to me (to finally feet like I am being heard). Most humbly, Tami Jayne Jackson 28325 144th Ave SE Kent, WA 98042 Tami Jayne Jackson, LMT/BA Tamoon Massage LLC: "Feeling The Healing" 20 B St NE, Auburn, WA 98002 P: 253.709.4589 * http.;/Tamoon.com Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make-PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 8/15/2006 i t Ln O n Ia ° c cE 0 aa) Y C c E a m -r U a) CD -0 O Y O L d CD C 0 T O U O O O N N N r U C Q (O fE N a) > N — co > C) cn0 � � U c c cn U co tY a> C) -C o T E W m m TOEp Oo CD ^L` ° V T� 0 O S_ > W CD `y ca a0 O Y E N C14 �_ a) O O c� a)L r- U OI U L C > C � C > °m c Y a) m v� Q m E c a) o E C a) d U i U C O or)M -° — C cn N C) O C C N OC °U ." L C C7 a) O O C � p O O p O ' Z LV)Q YU OO "pE C U aC O >. 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C O C Ln -o QC OCa) OC O a) dtfra U E ,a y fo OiCC yE(UO Q O d E " a 4) CC r ru _0 a) C O O O a l ri CD O t O L O N C �N V C) C i Ln Ou p t.D O }' t0 •CL Ln C 3 -1-1 y N i U j, r0 its Cn C 0i -O O a) a) u C ' E � o 00 u X 0 C a 0 Ln o o a o M T (6 C .-. C t +� Ol C a) _ a) a) O a1 O 6 OC o M -0 a) %D �_ rru T fi O C C �' 'N O 'O 0 w 0 ra r0 0 EC r O OQ) O T0 ii ru N � rp O O i Ln 11n � O m > U � CLD O) m O O O i E LL LL p W C V rD � — OV r0 Q• a) C CO Q p L u U -c- Y ro In in y Ln ul Cll +� V Q1 . Q) j +�.-+ a) i v C C C a) In �` N Ln a) i (n in 0 u O_ ,� Q ,� Gyy7 u L O U f0 a) O `C (O C — C '�' N r6 C N i� N — U Q1 U T n O C U C fC r6 4J L C — L 7 rfr a-- � ca-'O u a) o LM � � an 6. C = w o � � E v — M - - ro — > _ I- o L c ,r° `-° roa v 6 a a LO � � `Ln l`o ca; � a � a LL a raa ro C v a) a ro °' c V a ai O V �` U M O M C o E � a) M r C of 73 C p rD O O — p U 7 _ L a1 a C ,� — c0 O C rp — '� N w O 0 _ ++ Z Z +� — al— 0 0 .--r C C u �Y � 01 (6 a) 3 7 O ,E C C (O U N m O L ` ro U) 3 a) O 0 W n O `° 0)Y m +� C U a ai u `° al > °) O O O E c (U o � Ql azi i Ya) 0 (n O a) C p a0 p 00 d u U O rru � N O O U) C O- +.I a) a p a--i L U Q N rV C O O w V U u O (n U +� a ro O O - ro 00 F Q � ru O 3 +�+ t0 00 O O Y a0+ ,� O) > a) fu Z d Lnn O a) C 43 (6 U1 O O Q > C) t0 L O rn O _ru O O al d 'a .� J �O ai E Y E U ru O a) ro +� CO i a) -O rD O H C +� E .n L 41 a — a) a) U p 7 UQ of +�-� � cn f � V U C H T 3 O � — y Q C V a O O T Y V)i L L a cn (Novi •a Y O N fu � N p r0 'a R � � 'n a) c c E c c p tn 'on � r- `o v E u (ten rOo m E � s al En `-) 30 3 E 3 3 00 Z o � Q 3 }' a � ao ( ) U o v c (a 1� C O O O O N 3 N w C a) O N V 3 -C 'a t L s 0 1� > O O pOp r0 u v L � O 001 Cl a) O- C U O Z O c 3 0ai aJ w ro z O _' a) �� o ri c�i ri Sri v a 0 o n E m u -a A o Y U r0 rn a 00 H (ten 00 Ln -o ran c N o- 00 Q ((n 3 3 Y s i M O p ` C C - fl O ° of _ c _ v O T C O a-0 ro Y O Q! O U ro Y o C a) E i >.L C C cD �+ C L p r� UO ( fCp -C9 `+- Ln �C p N a Q) ° +� o O c co c C ro °E a) OL o > ° o a) a) v E a) ° a) u o rco o � o a o f a)i co i O L a) ' C.-0 � O L. � 0 U ,� c ro c u a) o CD a t - ) U E o O ) v o oforo a) o > a U0 o - roy` C_ of r =i Nw o ) C: aJ Oc r ro u 5 O 0 O 00 O U U 01 Q > a) N a) pd � E 4-- - U) Q) r o E EEo, � or � �— c O u m L ° r ( ro m O ]G C a) CD U) a ,Bc M N 0)— a) L N L O rV -0 -0 N rn Ln O c ro o Lro Y o fu L ° n3 Cl) Y O a--+ C a) L 1-4 ° � of y (Ii of c c `v a) f6 ai E E aa)) n Ln ro a) a) cm v O ro Lm O Q) +' c- con -2 c im +, a) U a) .0 +� C. f6 O n w rn i aj L rn Cl i C � u L C O i O U 0- ro 0 J-- r6 W O a1 Q1 fdLn aL-� C0 i T u i CO r`aoE ru " , u ' °' cE o � � °` vmvno °�' c n E rn Q -0 -0a) Y n E of— L n p w ru c c c 70 ° ra E c O � T� a -0 u C ''' O a) ro ru O Vl (6 Y +`.+ O N C '"' O a) E o L o u Y V u c c fo c u E f0 v c' L) to c E u y > >, o Ln ro E o > E S fu > v p a ro a) -0 -a a) a) au) o o ro r° o 0 o a) �` co 0 �, ro o — o a) E E c E Ln ,C 01 C -0 L ro Ol �' a) i i L ,�-- C O w 0 O v- C C_ p C O > M O p f0 ro C p C LL 7 O -O U- O Ln Q) L Q r0 LL E N O LL L U r`O ° d' a) u 1 O p U aC) C0 � �- rC9 a) fo °' u v aJ °i ° n a rn aJ u rn C Y w N Ln > d Ln Q) O a) i o U `� a) U r0J1 L N O 'p N -0 E 3. L N i O 'L_' ry U O O L Ln L .--I f0 a1 "� V) O `� U ^r fp a-+ O a) .--i p r° a) � C ro v c.o, L -0 v rn -0 u n w T Z tm ` v U � 3 �_ U O L rn 7 C Ln �— ro ro E t0 N ro kO O +� a t0 tB O ro > O C ° O C r-I Ln u Ln E �' C rl i a) i E p .-I C C v 0 E Ln O1 O fo +� CD E T fh .a O c cn M ° p v +, M O ro u c cn ° 00 o � 'o c n o L o, ao Qj o u ro w CU o �= E ro � � o o u o 0 Fn o Z v Z a ` u E z ° u z — r0 vL � v ° o + > u o C c a) +� P a) a) yr o fo o O v in rn L E o -6 E O L Ln v 5, O Y L ° O � L° co c O vi rn a) C Co U Y fo -p aJ C w ro +� a) �` C LL r0 6 rn Q _ o cn fn = O o O o E o E o w m LZro = w c o E o t um �' ' c a La, W � }' c `° ? urn C � 3 u n fu = Y u u o6 aa)ifu kD Q � � Fu0 � rn � ono �o vi $ `- ao`io = V) v a) � v rO m '-' a7 cn m L c , 4 c °) O '' Ln U -' C ' L - O Q S aL-+ E Q N co 6 a--i > N H ''� a 0) N = `� aJ N N V m > o o f n o a) O a) o v o 3 u a) o .� � fu o o — o .4 � ra .n -C 1 � o N ro a c �c o M rn o u L Z rl m a) ro Z ri — O M a) In Z rl C L .� Z ri = a) Z D � c o u ~ o c n a fro Q Ln p n E � o f -' p m � CJ � O ro O w ro O +., o C- a) a) O v o o O c u 00 LU ro O u ._. 00 �--� U ro O Ul i .� 00 .-r O_ u +.., .i oo Q U c Y L uM L L N ro o O C1 O O C ro O �N O Ln T -gyp 0) ra 0 a) a) L Ul _0 VI O + 2 Q U � -o JJ M a) w L N O L+ ru c > _� L C oLn vi w ro U o rn a) o C aO-+ C of O E C }' -0 E ro V 1 m m C C L c � C C C a) 6 6 O N ra m C +� a) ro `p 'O C y L C a) c au r O C > cu — c ra � m@ aa) rD aa)i E c E io O a ,n ' � � Ln a ` � � v � Ln 0) E o a C' 0 ai a) E U aaii � -a L t v Ln aa)) o w L O -0 O ZIVI Lca. L i+ Q O c E �n �0 0 O C a a C 0 Ln YLn fu ru O�6 a) ate) N a @ C 3 /6 f— Y U M 73 O's N E N a0) rya Ln ,--� > Ln >' O� `p w w-. C a) Lr- U r.0'1 L a 0) � OL � � � j ai0 c a fa w C C co Ln -r Ln Z, a) o rn fa 6 C O L m O U ro E a") 'a L t�D a) U R w 0 = �- C C a-+ 7 O () c •p a) r0 C ro a r6 � O -O O• L ( O CO O u aJ O a-a 0) O Ou >' L O1 Vl C m = Q) y0 � n + O c a L " a) E ro a) L 7 C O (y6 rru w Q OU ro ra aka C fc6 �' L i , n o a) � Ln c (n >, vi aJ a J (n 3 Y LL o L L as a v rz 6 a) o ro _E N '-' LnE a 'O a) ro ra i a Lnp a) O C O �CLn Y ca E `u > 6 0 � � y o a 0 � o E N O a) C u L � 7 VI L E c �' Q) U rL° a' n -0 vi a�i c O . v a '^ c m N T O C= C L a E u ro m y IU a r i u C a) O N C O — J a m CL O a) O "O O ai 'Q to Oi to y Y O U O o fu a) Ln LO f-i +� La p Q Q1 OL ry O "O cm .fl a) ro ? N M co p O O a) W Qfo O a) E O u f9 N io o C c�i� a U a p O> (n (o c N - _0 rn -6 � C C ra rn � a Q Q) C1 C Z N E o � � � Q E Ln O v � u' 0) o E C E a) 'p (n •C C � > c C a) L E a-� ra — fo C O o Y — O 'L7 Q c ra rn ro ro m -0 Ln o — vi E ro Oa ' O — ra O a) aJ E rn > — w u a) a c 0) c o � m L u- U OM C Y JL-a a) a) 76 ru Q) m rn r0 rn a) L rn d• C 61 1 }' O c L a_+ C O co Fu UI C ) O — O u mE fl• ra U_ fo Q O� C C O a) ro C Cl 0) U C VE _0 C U w a) m O w ai O a U L a a) LnLn N 7 _ a) a O N , r0 Q� ro C to t m r0 N N a ui Ln O E Y a) aN m m V u a) c a� E > rn a) rn C Y M a) a) L a O (Lj ro U p a) ui O o O Oa n ro U n E C +—�+ o Z O C LU -0 7 Ln C a_ _ ro (n -O C Q Z Z a) I� N ro .0 M OU 0 O Ln U �o m M N Y CO V) O) Oq _ U O v O -C Y L CD M O O CD O COU p }, wO E O a) rCa afp)� v -O 0N 0) C fO _0 ai a) cn C Z, C L O fa N U U O U O O +7-+ N 7 E C OC m O En O (a ra 0 C a) to Mn t-0 0o a) _ w U p U = a_' C L 0) v L O - a) U X C C U _0 fa O O i C -0 N c C L L U fy -0 w 0U' O U -0 E Qro OC L+U p —(6 C [J rap O O ap L Fa a) a�) oLaJ n fn p E OU C O L � C: C) a) C a) rD 00 O a) >� ra '0 En E O O C a�i m � a) m o m o` a� L � U E -0 -0 i O y0 � rru E a) ra L '- O U U -0 a) C O 0)a �+ L a✓ �' ry i L p U a) E C (n fa C_ a) Vf >- 0 V L L L C O C +' ra rya O Z _>, C V) L 0 C C p U Q) v E O E v� N C •� L ra Q L1 Q) C U Ln L a_� �- UI O_ f1 L fa O 0- O a) a) O L ate) L C 0 L = U C O O u U C aLn 0-� -0 C t 7 ' to ra C C zz a) I s_. L� � � � X aj C aL-� a� �' rib O C L L ~ 7 Q) O` C ON Ua'1 O. 3 -0 a) L c .0 a '0 E cn a '0 O `° E73 00 0C Ya) �E — 0 o v= Yln ° w l `a>°1 a� oo o 0- o Uo 6 ) a ai ° In U a1 c Ln � c" a) ro _0 0 V C OL. 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O' O L V) m O t� IA N Ou C 5 Q) d T Ln Lm f0 ) L C Y O OC Ou LM O �I tD d O C Y > C-L �O IA > a'"' L Q. p _ �o +� 4J 00 a vi O r6 ao p a) +� ut +� ra Obi c aai ' vi'v o D Qaom a'I-id Qo3 c � UE ,� N Y ~ a) GJ C C M (n 0 LLn a) L V) O ?' Y p Oj rn U C O M 0 0 a) '"' "O C L i 0- >,L (D a) f 6 Y U V O > a o � U O a a o w - U �0 w O i C o L a OlU i i •y Q p L O a) O i a� o Ln v O m o L L L a L E aJ > 6 c c p' E y +' Ln v v o O E vL o o L rp C C 'O LA � OV ro p p C LL C O a) L` cn (D mr O O U C Ln Ln t7 _ a E L v rn >, vL o h o c v a) rn O o m o rn �C O >, 0 '_' i-n i u o @ O C ro O" lf'f +' p C `~- aa) -6 rU vl Ln Y L '0 a) '� N i vi Ol a� C u 7 '� V , a) o a) L N w N a) 01 -O a) � N O -O Y L L ru aL.-. 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GJ rru a) o O O O E - N O }' rp O O r6 H V O >, v> ra Un f0 C p--0 .a O Q) of unLn O 4% N w C L.vl u ' OL ro > E N Q p� >s Q' v, E ° 0� v 0 N � E - 10 o u 0�w C N Q S o m O 0 0 n a) > L as O c f6 'D a Q) v N U = — = aC--i V O a1 10 0 0 7 m rca O v C 0 O ro 'o Q 0 E O O ro 7 z 7 I .0 a) +� >,-p N a) > rO z N O C Ln � ro >, ra `) Z N a) 1� � (n � � Cp Hcv � � pH > m ZZcQ O O 0 7 p p 0 O V 0 7 0 C i C a) a) O u oo Im ¢ V o. o. om L — L a 07 ¢ ro 0 0o CL L L 00 3 ,v � Y tj o M n V o U +�-' O N C CD E Y o c m c m N a) c � ° c c V)oM ru o' m Ln o o o _ 3: o C C �O to C n to to C O r.,� N a p r6 I i- 7 E U ate--+ C 0)� N o 0 Y i 0 ` O C 0 U E .-. CO E ' i p Ln m n 75 7 m m d m a) a1 v C N E U Q1 O .0 U 0 ai C (p r L tn 0 73 0 C O Z:lU p O . Z, � Nam)O wE o a O E C k LCto aa Co a) as w m C j 4J � .� 0 0 Z > Q O a) ` a) Q) V C to O L T Y n +� m Q 0 -0 fo n V a) a) C i E C 06 p U T m Ln — a) l 0 O � QJ CZ Ln V 0- 0 f6 a ru ) a)7 w ant a) O O Ln E VOL Cl a) m MT Q) o C - C t to 0. L a) Eo -0 p u, i 0. C) C O a) D i U d CO m 4J m 7 V O of V U N O) o 0 C N L n In � l/) � i m O) l_ O o) V Q Q1 c +� c o C n° a) o nv cn 0 U m Q In = U rn �--� Q� J-a c o v ,n Ucc a) E mm E to �+_ + O vui E ^ o n oL_, rj Ln -ocU Ln s cLn mU 7 O -0 >,cn to ra O uL -O O — co C O cn U aYpON 0 °0L1° a) c 0) � n m a) 0 _ r0 a) U QE n m E — o W co) 5o m ra pn o L C 0O a+ L ra m O O r 0 UO O N OLn m fu ? 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M a a Ew a a � 0 v � Xu � Q E N m > M n N C O M V n v U1 m a) Y m O C V V U O _ ` V a m w C6 wv.. U ccf co �o 00 ii T U �a c m Y � 'o N o U .-. L O X O a) ,--1 Ea) C N a) >. ruL 0 w tD C71 C C O 3: to O r6 C a) `� ra In f0 7 O0 ru Ul ,a ru v D L LLn � O C C Q1 a) > 0 73 O to L r0 to >, a) N OU a) LM > 61 p C- r6 d O Q1 a) r6 N 00 C O L rn O U) C cn 0 it � ca O w0 C c r� m } w a) C T +' 0 O E O L O L U r1-1 ru C ru �-' diCDQ 7 O �" U 'm C +-� coil C v aL--+ In u Ln C -0 ? ' C- 0 7 N Ln N L a) E a) O N , O a) Q) or i U to `� 0 a) N i L >_ i1 _r_ U O Oa Q. ru O_ µ-. 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C O + Q a) O_ U OLO r O 0) L — '0 U �, 0O � a)a) -EU L O > 7 dca N C c: 7da) O rn -.i'0 cu ru ip O cn }' ML 0 U C M O C O O N C� 0 0 0 U L C L ro 7 Y > 7 L C Cl C 'U Q N (n CT u) a) U U i a1 CO L U C U Y � ltJl N 00 a = RD NE o ru ro ) i ro EO Ea ua ru C) `U a a� t E Y �a a z > ro � 0 ro oro �f co ro a) c Y 'M .0 +� C O E `O U U U O 'J w y y Y f6 a-' ru C l0 zl0' CO NN O Yai O p � o E y v a �o> O Oac O X O O a) C u -O v 0 -p >a ro o rra o, p ru E -0 -0 nQ) n E E E Na o a)�a ¢ c Q � Q 0 a 6 > aUai � ~ M U_0 OLn t m _ M 1-1 - r6 4 -p Y U � 3 a� o w o 0 o (3) n �, _0L oN 14 o o v o a� c Ln > L L ro O Cln w 01 O c aJ -e a- L L - L L r6 p .O a tA C O i Ql O U U C O 7 3 U O C O >. ro 'O aJ� C tO i O L a) C O Q aJ U N Ln -EO u ( _ U) a C r6 cn w aJ Ln E L ' ul v U �- Cl O O U al O O Ln >' 7 aJ U > m rd - ra N c E U O O _IleCU ca. fo 7 a 6 N U L U O. 4 i fp �[ 0 O C •3 O O O C U _0u O_ O i > O -0 ro j, rn 7 C rn +� N C. a LO L > n L �' fa O aJ ro a) U U Z rn �.+ d aJ a 7 N a) -p rUo `� p rA 7 O N U C p O C 6'r C w O O3aJ UEo Cc ra 0. Cih c 0U f i) a C rn6 9 aCu p >Ln aru C a n O OJ o E fu Q' U -0c a a Z � v 6 c flai a o a a J — an oO o 0 aJJ u -O C aJ a Lo O U c -0 v + � -v V) qj aJ -C n ro -0 > u> tj l> � � a � n aJp� L aJ n p -0E Q) L OOO oc v 0> o o ruc , c 0 OL 0) O v o mtA o v V) o o a uo p F O a o Q " a)aJ f c @ ' ro 3> O OUrn O N ( JOL_0 Q) L 0 +U' O O O C D O O L. 0 n C CU ru +� TC ti o 0 rp a rQL°1 c � aJ C _0 r0 J r>>p a¢C i p aJ o ) o0 E j u ro u E 0 CU � avu a N oo o o )ac o ro C n pco a) C v L O � 'aU O M 4. , L UlO 01y 6 C r0 M0Oi ) 0a0o a0 O U a) rp O Q Ln a o O. � C Zo o rnU v o uUE E � s o vc aJ a c v E v : ro � o u . 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V R O a1 i CL C p C L to V °� ra a L L +-+ r6 o O C a O E -0 cn al 7Q p_ O a O ` ru _0 a' p rCo a) aD •C Z — ru E u -p JJ L r0 L 7 L a0 > L O •Q l(� L C OL .n O i C r6 E' a) = w N = O •O O a) U a) •o V) E >'+, V T 7 VO C O) � w O O C i X 7 0 O a) o E 'n C In a cL— O U1 C O O C O Ln 0 Uj a) �n Cl) a) O C r6 Q- O *�-' N cn O N C O yt•, ro Q (n p p ? p_ O fa td C N +, w '� a) E OU +-' a) v �J L _ CL o Q c c FA .n O c m p � `n p -0 `+-- �-r rCu ; rO E ro a ru ra a o Cn ro Ln ro a u E -0 00 7 m e ... _ E O Q Mo O a m ru C' o OL i E ms-, w O L N a O o C 0 m L O O X ,i`.. � N 01 aj Q C- E N w N C Z a)0) 1 " � C ru 7 > CL 0 O n n C O ra O O O N r6 LL ru C r0 -0 a) E C -0 Q C `� ru ^ _ ru O a) Ln r'Oa c ay�i ca r $ � � � CIO � E c O M o M o a) u O c a) o o 0 r6 4! v '+-' Q. +-' � O U V •� O aL+ a) C rn O L >' Ou o O 0 �, o E u 5a E o t Ln y C v a) -0 p fu -0 M c o 06 O ° w c " o E T a y c c o i°' L o E ro n a u L L C rn C U ro +a rco O ra j a) �D w w p — >' ro t C O_ c O- Ln oLuEo a) � oc ° � tip i = nt C >o +� rLoco '0 " o f1 ru O C u = E to O U N Q W r(U 0 Lnu Ln r6 v O-0 LnO O u U u O Lnn I--I L a) 0 C a) O O O O f0 N Q Cl) 7 m ry rD y to C +j U Ln v E w O L � Ln j Ln c a Z 00 m Q) E = g r`' E > ac) O N 3 a rn a 1 N 7 aJ al u Q) O C rp '- Y O 0 -6 a) 01 EO ~ O CL p m O L j -0 ,--� N OJ rD L u m CO O u C U ate-+ w -0 U CO E L'm V1 06 Q Q T a) Y L C) M r cn O 0 C) o Ln N NN CO 'D 0 ra0 CO M Ln U L i s O ro V d C o L 6 L �o v > G C: of E 0 a v 4J Obi N L rn O � Lm Ln Y 2 O O a) O_ i '0 c C {Z l O) O L U L E C O O O N O O 00 0 O > L io -p C v -d ,+--' O -O 01 C L O (C6 '+ O -0 N O �' r0 ~ VI O u L N C a) C u O C O- u `� C a) fa O L > C }O � aJ -0 O N C O Q a) '� v L 47 i� N u O o O L T C ++ V_ 5 u �, o E >, v E 0 m L > L L U m d' 7 m 0 ru V to ' > ' 0) C C r6 +� 0 O a) O 3 .�-� O 0 ro a) U c LJ (n ( M C a) ' m O E L v a) aJ CO `pMO 0 '� '( 0 L ~ t LO) � L km � O N L E LA O O a) O N V (n a) L .--( 7 c u a) L Ln L f0 (n Ln (n OL vn C O r0 L L ,--I a) (p �--� >�0 0) f6 J-+ C L C O. > M E •� U 0 M m C Ln Ol m VI aa) a z O fLf L z M � C Ln v L N N a) i t L Z 01 (n u C O L C Ln N U L O N 4- L L 0 Zn (DVfO a (D 0 0 L _� O UJ L > 0 v L F +>+ C O C 0 aJ U a) (n C '0 V) C — > V c ' L O L U (n O 0 C: 7 L L N C f6 7 N a--' 00 O N — > CL) L to T f0 L O >; ra CO Ln j i L a) � La � u i0 _0 O .� rV O L r0 7 " N C L r6 a) > N M i E (� "0 i. 6 W C If1 O Bu E ^ r0 l0 C OU N c r0 OC O m ,--r a 0 L0 N aJ ^ CO — U r6 a) L L F +� u c O �-' aLn L--+ 00 a1 U � 0 0i co L 0 U C O `� LL +-' " 7 E L N a"' O a) _O +-+ � Ln L c � O � O C +-T' OL Y o c u ra 4; a) ' o C 0 rn L J fO L c a 0 -0 O ro O O `/ d a.d O �/ co " N O O O - Q) N L N aJ U _ O C > >Ln 0 Lon •V E LM O U l.Cn O N i 7 (6 c f O ry ra .-. +7 Lro u V a) -t r� .--i i w 7 0 r\ C (IJr\ 'C C) L 0 E O O t O W LM L t L W C7 7 (o m CO 7 ffu i O ro to v aJ 0 to O U a) O U Y 0 ru c 0 N u a� Z a) ruM co 0 - ra z O c c z 0 w o ro o c f ru 'C C (O >, cLn 0 "0 Z, L. 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C; 3 Y `� a a) o dog z o 0 T 0 w o L' ru o o v f3) O c v ac d o p ra o 0 a� c vi v O N O y 00 2 70 (a C � 7 � � p1 _O O �1 ro C L can CL a) u rco m 00- N " a`� E � u, a) rYi c 0 0 Y 'G s a rB ro O 2 W p O O a) O L c 2i to a) O Z a M 0) d r0 O L @ ✓ C ] C d ro " w a) O v E w to �. aJ x O C W w a)75 ru <D a) iJ � ti 'CD 0 O U Q O L a) a-+ 7 Jam-.+ Vf N r� C O r, aJ Y rya N L b 3 3 Y p O c -i O " Ln o r m^ - rug o c c o a) ra V N � u �he^ CL O 0) .� U C O O E 01 c rM,io cj o o N 3 E 00 v E o a)cc m n M � �a O O c m N a) a) a) a) O � O U O rl 0 O N ra C aj aUJ L s L L c O `.O V C z -114 Q No z v Ln v aci I- F- H I— v z a zz a) 0 0 ~ N aJ E .-i N M ry 'O O O ,O U U ai 00 I- Q O Q ran S m a) O <) V > W J.J c a) � Y Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES AMENDMENT RESOLUTION — ADOPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Resolution No. ratifying the proposed 1 amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies to add acreage to the City's Potential Annexation Area; revising LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area, and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. 3. EXHIBITS: Resolution and 5/7/07 memo/motion to Planning & Economic Development Committee with enclosures 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Planning & Economic Development Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget9 Yes No If no Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 61 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, regarding King County Countywide Planning Policies adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council that would amend the interim Potential Annexation Area map in the Countywide Planning Policies, revise LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area, and designate the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. 1 RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the Growth Management Act requires the adoption of Countywide Planning Policies to provide a countywide framework from which local comprehensive plans are to be developed. King County, the City of Seattle, and the incorporated suburban cities and towns in King County established a process for the development, adoption, and ratification of Countywide Planning Policies by an interlocal agreement. This agreement established the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC), a group consisting of elected officials from King County, suburban cities, and the City of Seattle, who were authorized to develop a set of recommended countywide planning policies for consideration by the King County Council. 1 B. The GMPC met on April 26, 2006, and September 20, 2006, and voted to pass amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amending the interim Potential Annexation Area map in the Countywide Planning Policies, revising LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a 1 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments - 2007 new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area, and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. (GMPC Motion 06-1, 06-2, and 06-3). The King County Council approved and ratified these amendments on behalf of King County on April 9, 2007, pursuant to King County Ordinance 15709. The Kent Planning & Economic Development Committee reviewed these amendments at its meeting on May 14, 2007. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Amendment. The City of Kent, acting pursuant to the I interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and incorporated suburban cities, ratifies the proposed amendments to the Countywide Planning Polices as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in King County Ordinance 15709, attached and incorporated in this resolution. SECTION 2. - Public Inspection The amendments to the Countywide j Planning Policies adopted by this resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk and placed in the planning services office so they are available for inspection by the public. SECTION 3. - Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. ' PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, this day of June, 2007. 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments - 2007 , CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this day of June, 2007. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: i TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, the day of June, 2007. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Resolution\CountywitlePlannmgPolityAmend-2007 doc 3 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments - 2007 ' 87 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager WMSHINGTON Phone 253-856-5454 Fax 253-856-6454 Address. 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 7, 2007 To: Chair Ron Harmon and Planning & Economic Development Committee Members From: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Through: Mayor Suzette Cooke Subject: Countywide Planning Policies - Amendment jKing County Council Ordinance No. 15709 MOTION: I move to recommend/not recommend to the full Council ratification of amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies approved under GMPC Motion Nos. 06-1, 06-2, and 06-03 amending the interim Potential Annexation Area map; revising policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets with new municipal incorporations, and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. SUMMARY: The adoption of countywide planning policies is required under the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210. The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) provide a framework for Kent and other cities in King County to conduct planning under the requirements of GMA. This framework ensures that city and county comprehensive plans are consistent. On April 9, 2007, the King County Council approved and ratified amendments that had been approved by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) to amend the interim Potential Annexation Area map; revise policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area; and designate the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center, adding Overlake to the list of Urban Centers following policy LU-39. Now the amendments are presented to jurisdictions in King County for ratification. ' BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The City of Kent ratified the original CPPs on September 15, 1992, with Resolution No. 1326 and ratified Phase II amendments to the CPPs on November 16, 1994. Over the years, the City has ratified other proposed amendments. Through the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC), jurisdictions within King County work together to plan for economic and population growth in King County, including consideration of CPPs. The Countywide Planning Policies become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution of at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County according to the established Interlocal Agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies unless the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments within 90 days of adoption by King County, which in this case is July 8, 2007. The following GMPC motions to amend the CPPs were approved and ratified by the full County Council on April 9, 2007. GMPC Motion No. 06-1: Amends the Interim Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) map to add an area known as West Hill to the City of Renton PAA. The area is located southwest of Lake Washington. GMPC Motion No. 06-2: Revises policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area (PAA). GMPC Motion No. 06-03: Designates the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. Civerlake is added to the list of Urban Centers following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39. C41 pm S JPermitl Plan l COMP PLAN AMENOMENT5120071 cpppedc051407 doc Enc April 27, 2007 letter from King County Council including Ordinance 15709,GMPC Motion Nos 06-1, 06-2,and 06-03 CC. Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, C D Director Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager Project File"Misc" 89 1 King County April 27, 2007 The Honorable Suzette Cooke City of Kent 220-4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Dear Mayor Cooke: We are pleased to forward for your consideration and ratification the enclosed amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPP) On April 9, 2007, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ratified amendments on behalf of unincorporated King County Copies of the King County Councii staff report, ordinance and Growth Management Planning Council motions are enclosed to assist you in your review of these amendments. • Ordinance No. 15709, GMPC Motion Nos. 06-1, 06-2 and 06-3 amending the Countywide Planning Policies by amending the interim Potential Annexation Area map in the Countywide Planning Policies; revising existing policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area; and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center, Overlake is added to the list of Urban Centers following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39. In accordance with the Countywide Planning Policies, FWA, Step 9, amendments become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County according to the interlocal agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies unless, within 90 days of adoption by King County, the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments_ Please note that the 90-day deadline for this amendment is July 8, 2007. fQS 91 I If you adopt any legislation relative to this action, please send a copy of the legislation by the close of business, July 9, 2007, to Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council, W 1039 King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. If you have any questions about the amendments or ratification process, please contact Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, King County Department of Development and Environmental Services, at 206-296-6705, or Rick Bautista, Council Staff, King County Council, at 206-296-0329. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Larry Gossett, Chair o Ims Metropolitan King County Council King County Executive Enclosures pc: King County City Planning Directors Suburban Cities Association Stephanie Warden, Director, Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, DDES Rick Bautista, Council Staff, Growth Management & Natural Resources Committee (GM&NR) ' 91 KING COUNTY 1200 King County Courthouse 516Thud Avenue • Seattle,WA98104 Signature Report King County April 10, 2007 jOrdinance 15709 Proposed No. 2006-0578.I Sponsors Phillips 1 AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the 2 Countywide Planning Policies; amending the interim 3 potential annexation areas map and ratifying the amended 4 Countywide Planning Policies for unincorporated King 5 County, and amending Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as 6 amended, and K C.C. 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, 7 Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040. 8 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 1 I SECTION 1. Findings. The council makes the following findings: 12 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth 13 Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 14 Policies (Phase I) in July 1992, under Ordinance 10450. 15 B The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase II 16 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15, 1994, under Ordinance 17 11446. 1 9� Ordinance15709 18 C. The Growth Management Planning Council met on April 26, 2006 and t9 September 20, 2006 and voted to recommend amendments to the King County 20 Countywide Planning Policies, amending the interim potential annexation areas map as 21 shown in Attachment A to this ordinance and designating Overtake an Urban Center as 22 shown on Attachment B to this ordinance. The Growth Management Planning Council 23 also approved an amendment to Countywide Planning Policy LU-25b to allow 24 adjustments of growth targets as municipal incorporations are approved. 25 SECTION 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10 030 are 26 each hereby amended to read as follows: 27 Phase 11. 28 A. The Phase It Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 29 Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 30 B. The Phase tI Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 31 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 12027. 32 C. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 33 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12421. 34 D_ The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 35 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 36 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 37 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415. 38 F. The Phase It Amendments to the King County 20t2 - Countywide Planning 39 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858. 2 93 Ordinance15709 40 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012—Countywide Planning j41 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14390. 42 H. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 —Countywide Planning 43 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14391. 44 I. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 — Countywide Planning 45 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14392 46 J. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 47 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14652. 48 K. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 49 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 14653. 50 L. The Phase 11 Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 5 t Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14654. 52 M. The Phase 11 Amendments to the King County 20 t 2 -Countywide Planning 53 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14655. 54 N. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 55 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance 14656. 56 O. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 —Countywide Planning 57 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844. 58 P The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 59 Policies are amended as shown by Attachments A, 8 and C to Ordinance 15 12 1. 60 Q. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 61 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance IS 122. 3 9�Ordinance 15709 62 R The Phase It Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 63 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123. 64 S. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 65 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance 15426. 66 T. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 67 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A. B and C to this ordinance. 68 SECTION 3. Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 69 each hereby amended to read as follows: 70 Ratification for unincorporated King County. 71 A. Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes 72 specified are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 73 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 74 10840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 75 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 76 11061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 77 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 78 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 79 unincorporated King County. 80 E. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as r 81 shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 82 population of unincorporated King County. 4 95 Ordinance 15709 83 F. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as i84 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 85 population of unincorporated King County, 86 G. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 87 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 88 population of unincorporated King County. 89 H. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 90 shown by Attachment 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 91 the population of unincorporated King County. 92 1. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 93 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 94 the population of unincorporated King County. 95 J. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 96 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14390, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 97 population of unincorporated King County. 98 K. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 99 shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 14391, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 100 population of unincorporated King County. 101 L. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 102 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14392, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 103 population of unincorporated King County 5 91 Ordinance 15709 104 M. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 105 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14652, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 106 population of unincorporated King County. 107 N. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 108 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 14653, are hereby ratified on behalf of 109 the population of unincorporated King County. 110 O. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as III shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14654, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 112 population of unincorporated King County. 113 P. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 114 shown by Attachment t to Ordinance 14655, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 115 population of unincorporated King County. 116 Q The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 117 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 14656, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 118 population of unincorporated King County. 119 R. The amendments to the King County 2012—Countywide Planning Policies, as 120 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844, are hereby ratified on behalf of the t21 population of unincorporated King County. 122 S. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 123 shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance 15121, are hereby ratified on behalf of 124 the population of unincorporated King County. 6 97 Ordinance 15709 125 T. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 126 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 127 population of unincorporated King County 128 U. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 129 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 130 population of unincorporated King County. 131 V. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 132 shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance 15426, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 133 population of unincorporated King County. 134 W. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, I f f 7 Ordinance IST09 135 as shown by Attachments ALS and C to this ordinance, are hereby ratified on behalf of 136 the�pulation of unincomorated Krug County, r 137 Ordinance 15709 was introduced on 2/5/2007 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 4/9/2007,by the following vote. Yes: 9 - Mr. Gossett, Ms_ Patterson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine No: 0 Excused: 0 KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COMFY, WASHINGTON Larry Gossett,Chair ATTEST: , T Anne Noris,Clerk of the Council APPROVED this 3 day of �(Q t�-^ 2007. OR? r Ron Sims,County Executive Attachments A Motion No.06-1--Dated April 26,2006,B Motion No.06-2--Dated April 26,2006, C.Motion No.06-03--Dated September 20, 2006 8 99 2000 - 5713 4126/06 Attachment A Sponsored By: Executive Committee /pr 1 MOTION NO. 06-1 2 A MOTION to amend the interim Potential Annexation Area 3 map in the Countywide Planning Policies. 5 6 7 WHEREAS,Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 designation of Potential Annexation Areas(PAA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by cities. 10 1 I WHEREAS,the attached PAA map amendment removes one of the largest unincorporated 12 urban areas not within the PAA of any city and adds this area to the City of Renton PAA. 13 14 WHEREAS,the attached PAA map amendment is supported by the City of Renton and 15 King County. 16 17 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF 18 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 19 20 21 1. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including the area known as 22 West Hill,shown on attachment A of this motion,within the Potential Annexation 23 Area of the City of Renton. 24 25 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 26 Cities of King County for adoption and ratification. 27 28 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on 29 April 26, 2006 in open sescRon ebythechaioftheGMC. 30 31 32 gement Planning Council s,Cir, Gh Man 34 - i - 10 15709 Attachment A Interim PAA Amendment /.11 cM..e r_.I.Ib r m..�..f�•q.a r of p ....r .q...._ _..._. ^� PAA Boundary ��•.�••dA..-..�.�. .Ir.rlr/ar,��a w w MI W I Ib r w If. rs+wrwrw...oe4NwwnNwv..r r���=� .s .n U Incorporated Areas wz A i�y�` r " I j gag sr. q a .rq I _ � II •�iw 1 tl a �� _ - Area to be added to a... •/ _ __ __- .r __-__ • City of Renton's PAA +'a/� _ _ f ��t lrr _ v`#vs:.sr.�=e0.�a. •-�� -= a,i.=r_ _ -_ i=��.l f _II _"- _ lilM '5. - _---- - -_ '9`~~ •� i • ` C __ �_ ' '-- � -__ ____�`_ _ - .-xZ ,mow _ _ `Sl'�Y _ _ _ __ �_ _ 101 115709 kw- 006 - 5 "7 8 Attachment B April 26, 2006 Sponsored By: Executive Committee /pr 1 MOTION NO. 06-2 2 A MOTION by the Growth Management Planning Council of King 3 County recommending the amendment of the Countywide Planning 4 Policies by revising existing policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of 5 household and employment targets if a new municipal incorporation 6 occurs within a designated Potential Annexation Area(PAA). 7 8 "WHEREAS,in accordance with the Growth Management Act(GMA),the Countywide 9 Planning Policies establish a household and employment target for each city and to for unincorporated Urban designated King County through 2022; and 11 12 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policy LU-25b states that the adopted household and 13 employment targets shall be adjusted as annexations occur within a Potential Annexation 14 Area,but no similar provision is made if a municipal incorporation occurs within a PAA. 15 THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY 16 HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 17 18 Amend Sections III.C.of the King County Countywide Planning Policies as follows: 19 20 ' 21 LU25b As annexations or incorporations occur, growth targets shall be adjusted. 22 Household and employment targets for each jurisdiction's potential 23 annexation area, as adopted in Table LU-1, shall be transferred to the 24 annexing jurisdiction or newly incorporated Gifu as follows: 25 26 a. King County and the respective city will determine new household 27 and employment targets for areas under consideration for 28 annexation prior to the submittal of the annexation proposal to the 29 King County Boundary Review Board; 30 b. A city's household and employment targets shall be increased by a 31 share of the target for the potential annexation area proportionate to 32 the share of the potential annexation area's development capacity 33 located within the area annexed. In the case of incorporation, an 34 equivalent formula shall be used to establish household and 35 employment targets for the new city. Each city will determine how 36 and where within their corporate boundaries to accommodate the 37 target increases; - 1 - 10� 15709 1 c. The County's target shall be correspondingly decreased to ensure j 2 that overall target levels in the county remain the same; 3 d. The household and employment targets in Table LU-1 will be 4 updated periodically to reflect changes due to annexations or s incorporations. These target updates do not require adoption by the 6 Growth Management Planning Council. 7 1 8 9 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on A.pn1246 10 20026 in o session. 11 12 13 14 is R Sims,Chair,Growth Management Planning Council 16 17 i 1 19 20 21 22 23 i 1 t 2 - 1 103 15709� r 2006 - 57 j9/20/06 Attachment C iSponsored By: Executive Committee /pr 1 MOTION NO. 06-03 2 A MOTION to amend the Countywide Planning Policies by 1 3 designating the Overtake area of Redmond as an Urban 4 Center. Overtake is added to the list of Urban Centers 5 following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39. 6 8 9 WHEREAS, a goal of the Growth Management Act is to encourage development in Urban 10 Areas where adequate public facilities exist or can be provided in an efficient manner, 11 12 WHEREAS, Policy LU-39 of the Countywide Planning Policies of King County describes ; 13 the criteria for Urban Center designation; 14 15 WHEREAS, Policy LU-40 of the Countywide Planning Policies of King County describes 16 standards for planned land uses within Urban Centers; 1'7 18 WHEREAS, the City of Redmond has demonstrated that Overtake meets the criteria for 19 designation as an Urban Center; and 20 21 WHEREAS,King County Comprehensive Plan Policy U-108 supports the development of 22 Urban Centers to meet the region's needs for housing,jobs, services,culture and recreation 23 and to promote health 24 25 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF 26 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 2 28 29 1, The Overtake area of Redmond is designated as an Urban Center. The list of Urban 30 Centers following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39 is modified to include Overtake 31 32 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 33 Cities of King County for adoption and ratification. 34 35 I 36 - 1 - 15709 1 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on 2 September 20,2006 in open session and signed by the chair of the GMPC. 3 4 5 6 (on ir,Growth Manag ent Planning Council 7 2 gt`It^L.0:..■ � .�• w wry. `III■■1l11 :: .�i�'a. ..■ . q/ All / �annuq� d i:U/ /gl■111.::■1:i. 11 I �.1•q�•�/Li.�ii j.q.�1��•�� ■1 : • �a 111111.■.• �t�►tA, ►v.� ♦u.11Ilu.Ur all m -- • � ,1111�11■� �/ �:-'■ ;\ ill Los •..y • �► no ;.g� Ili - �■ � ■• i ■oo n.uuu%' .C�i�ii�► RN ON MEME MIN M,\\\\ .1 Algoma 1001 ■�� ,.[ • MEME st..Iy:iii`iii7.1�•:i 'Ui11•/���/ ■� MEMEMMINN \ / Inp•..n•, :C^fin •. •♦ a \� •. . • \•'ill \ fir _.•..:.nu111lost 1■1-•i•i`ii•ti._ .� ,•t [�l�.uulv►\\��tr.i'�IInC�Ills/1/\\\\i\\\,Ili:i.■�i�do Age .A/�1., 11417It� MNN ♦Inl.pnn.. ♦ �\\\\\u\�\ ����� ►.a1.\NIIII�:■•����h1u y�u1 ''' ,y < Illtl/ �� ��.1.•u11111111�MUMMA Ulle" / 111� \ 1 • 11 •IIIIP.•11111■��Iu.u1 ._: '.. •�'-- al t �\••••••••••••••\ .' �■ :Illllililllll�!ip.•.111 ::•1/ �yIUJ' UIIIq ��\ �j= 111 Illfll ii 11111 'II'1 '�• _-- !► L `I `{I 1■OO�t \\�\MEN" \\\\\\\�\\,\ ��.�.1��.Illlli i11111�i..ih1.•Ii��-�i'�'i 1�� �\4__■ C\\\\\\\' •nnu/ ♦, � \� �*111■1. U.Rd?11111��C�p�•Illi �.�a- \'� \\� :•QIt11111�pOl.0 Am uMIMN rn �\ N \� :...r�C�' w•:..:: �i! \NO Q■Lill N 24 mil'/ / .1 ` .. ii o.. i•a �� • .�\mot.P1 i, a� 1_��1�� • •I 'MU Nor-doe ........ :�=11- a..a•1 ♦1.•.1.■.a►1.nuu.u..L1Jr.11rU fill.t•.••.\ Safi �• , �r�•ll�l SOON , •r a11.If�glqu►/lt•�:^.trill\111111■/.tQ•.• ft U4_/. of be..I •/•,r'1�.11 f/ttr,:��.7 :::i1i 41 .�li ••'_/: 1•(Inr `- 7 �.�14.V nuu��...�uuuu.l 1. .:ice fit lii\�.,�`7 a ..•..11.����N■�..-�Q _ • �. 7nu. =-.r1..u1■•�: ; � 44 ► ICIVINT , I', V/' °: is 04�:•a41 nail■�rrl�l� ►'11111/u..I �:rL• 41 a' .man "If vImain Ulu �', Legend City Boundary • • • Parcel Boundaries 1 107 VED King County ' ��"°l '; ,PM 1 1 Ron Sims I King County Executive 701 Fifth Avenue, suite 3210 if N�ll. Seattle,WA 98104 _ 206-296-4040 Fax 206-296.0194 ww m Relay: 711 ww 2006 � 578 w etrokc gov 1 November 20, 2006 The Honorable Larry Phillips Chair, King County Council Room 1200 COURTHOUSE Dear Councilmember Phillips: I am pleased to submit to you an ordinance that will adopt motions that have been approved by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC). Under the interlocal agreement that established ' the GMPC, a motion is first approved by GMPC. King County Council must then approve the motion and ratify it for the unincorporated area. Finally, the motion is sent to all of the cities in King County for ratification. There are no fiscal impacts to King County government as a result of these motions The attached three motions are the result of regional cooperation. Each received unanimous approval by the Growth Management Planning Council. One of these motions amends the Countywide Planning Policies interim potential annexation areas (PAA) map to add the area known as West Hill to the PAA for the city of Renton. The annexation of the West Hill area is one of the highest priorities of the King County Annexation Initiative In 2005, King County supported a community governance study that resulted in a recommendation by area residents to join Renton. Earlier this month, I transmitted to you an interlocal agreement (ILA) between King County and Renton that establishes the goal to have the nearly 15,000 residents that live in the West Hill area annexed by Renton before January 2009_ The fiscal impact of this action was analyzed in a fiscal note attached to the legislation authorizing the ILA. The second motion makes a correction to Countywide Planning Policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of growth targets as new incorporations occur in King County. The third motion amends the Countywide Planning Policies by designating Overtake as an Urban Center, recognizing Redmond's efforts to plan for future redevelopment under the Growth Management Act. 15709 King County is an Equal OpportunttyfAfftrmattve Al-Mm Employer and complies with the Americans with Qisabdittes Act 101 The Honorable Larry Phillips November 20, 2006 Page 2 My staff is available to assist the council in its review of these GMPC motions. Please contact Stephanie Warden, Director, Department of Development and Environmental Services(DDES), at 206-296-6700, for further information regarding this transmittal Sincerely, ! onOtmsV-I King County Executive Enclosures cc: King County Councilmembers ! ATTN: Ross Baker, Chief of Staff Shelley Sutton, Policy Staff Director Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council Bob Cowan, Director, Office of Management and Budget Stephanie Warden, Director, Department of Development and Environmental Services Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, Department of Development and Environmental Services 5 7-1 0 ! 109 r Metropolitan King County Council Growth Management and Natural Resources Committee Staff Report Agenda Item: 3 Name: Rick Bautista Proposed Ord: 2006-0578 Date: February 27, 2007 Adopting GMPC Motions 06-1, 06-2 and 06-3 Attending: Paul Reitenbach, DDES SUBJECT: Adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies to adjust the potential annexation area (PAA)for the city of Renton, adjust growth targets as a result of incorporations within existing city PAAs, and to designate the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center, BACKGROUND: 1 The Growth Management Planning Council and Countywide Planning Policies The Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) is a formal body comprised of elected officials from King County, Seattle, Bellevue, the Suburban Cities, and Special Districts. The GMPC was created in 1992 by interlocal agreement, in response to a provision in the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requiring cities and counties to work together to adopt Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) ' Under GMA, countywide planning policies serve as the framework for each individual jurisdiction's comprehensive plan, and ensure countywide consistency with respect to land use planning efforts. As provided for in the interlocal agreement, the GMPC developed and recommended the CPPs, which were adopted by the King County Council and ratified by the cities. Subsequent amendments to the CPPs follow the same process recommendation by the GMPC, adoption by the King County Council, and ratification by the cities rAmendments to the CPPs become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30% of the city and county governments representing at least 70% of the population of King County. A city shall be deemed to have ratified an amendment to the CPPs unless, within 90 days of adoption by King County, the city by legislative action disapproves it. SUMMARY: Proposed Ordinance 2006-0578 would adopt the following three motions (06-1, 06-2 and 06-3) approved by the GMPC in April and September 2006: • GMPC Motion 06-1 would amend the interim Potential Annexation Area (PAA) for the City of Renton. • GMPC Motion 06-2 would make a correction to CPP Policy LU-25b to allow adjustment of growth targets if new municipal incorporations occur within designated PAAs_ • GMPC Motion 06-3 would amend the CPP Policy LU-39by adding Overlake to the list of Urban Centers. 1 The ordinance would also ratify the change on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County, as required by Countywide Planning Policy FW-1, Step 9 1 11� GMPC MOTION 06-1 (MAP AMENDMENT: CITY OF RENTON PAA) The unincorporated urban area of"West Hill" is located between the cities of Renton, Seattle and Tukwila and is currently located outside of the mapped PAA of any of these three cities. Over the course of the past ten years, the West Hill community has been exploring governance options, which have included annexation into one or more of the three adjacent cities or incorporation as a new city. King County has conducted two governance studies during that period to analyze financial and service delivery issues for each of the governance options Ultimately, both studies concluded ' that annexation was the most viable future governance option. However, until recently none of the cities had expressed strong interest in moving forward with annexation of the area. In the past year, the Renton City Council has taken action to include the West Hill area within their PAA, thus resolving the quandary of what to do with one of the largest unincorporated urban areas remaining outside of a city PAA. Approval of Motion 06-1 would recognize the action of the Renton City Council and is consistent with the Growth Management Act, applicable Countywide Planning Policies, the King County Comprehensive Plan, and the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan GMPC MOTION 06-2 TARGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR INCORPORATIONS WITHIN PAAS) The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) establish household and job growth targets for cities, Potential Annexation Areas(PAAS), and unclaimed urban unincorporated areas. Anticipating the eventuality of changing jurisdictional boundaries in King County, particularly the shifting of unincorporated urban areas to city jurisdiction, the CPPs contain policies such as LU- 25b which specifically establishes a formula for adjusting growth targets upon annexation of urban unincorporated areas by cities The formula is based on a proportionality of land use capacity in annexed areas, and ensures that cities take on additional target levels commensurate with the capacity to accommodate jobs and housing in the areas that are annexed Given the frequency of annexations and the formula-based target adjustment called for, LU-25b also makes the adjustment process an administrative rather than a legislative action The city of Renton had initiated the proposed revision to LU-25b to make explicit that the policy ' applies equally to new incorporations (versus just annexations), in large measure because the Renton PAA contains the Fairwood area, which had been under study for potential incorporation. Since that time, the proposed incorporation failed to be approved by voters of the proposed city. Although the incorporation of the Fairwood area ultimately failed, the revision to LU-25b would ensure that, in any case where a new city incorporation occurs within the PAA of an existing city, the growth targets for the existing city would be adjusted commensurate with land use capacity for lands remaining in the PAA of the existing city GMPC MOTION 06-3(URBAN CENTER DESIGNATION: OVERLAKE) The City of Redmond initiated the request to amend the CPP LU-39 to add its Overlake area to the list of Urban Centers The city has followed the process for obtaining such a designation, starting with amending its own plans, policies and capital improvement programs, and secured the recommendation of approval for Motion 06-3 on September 20, 2006 by the Growth Management Planning Council. A complete analysis of the city's proposal as presented to the GMPC is included as Attachment 2 to this staff report_ The CPPs describe Urban Centers as areas of concentrated employment and housing, with direct service by high-capacity transit and a wide range of other land uses. Collectively, they are 111 expected to account for up to one half of King County's employment growth and one quarter of household growth over the next 20 years The list of Urban Centers in Countywide Planning Policy LU-39 currently includes: • Bellevue CBD • Downtown Auburn I • Downtown Burien • Federal Way CBD • Kent CBD • Redmond CBD • Renton CBD • Seattle CDD I Seattle Center • First Hill/Capitol Hill • University District • Northgate • SeaTac CBD • Tukwila CBD • Totem Lake • South Lake Union 1 In order to be designated as an Urban Center, jurisdictions must meet specific criteria in the Countywide Planning Policies, including having planned land uses to accommodate: • A minimum of 15,000 jobs within one-half mile of a transit center; At a minimum, an average of 50 employees per gross acre, and • At a minimum, an average of 15 households per acre ' In addition to these requirements, Policy LU-40 states that fully realized Urban Centers shall be characterized by the following • Clearly defined geographic boundaries; • An intensity/density of land uses sufficient to support effective and rapid transit; • Pedestrian emphasis within the Center, • Emphasis on superior urban design which reflects the local community; • Limitations on single-occupancy vehicle usage during peak commute hours; • A broad array of land uses and choices within those land uses for employees and residents; ' Sufficient public open spaces and recreational opportunities; and • Uses which provide both daytime and nighttime activities in the Center. Specific factors leading to the GMPC action are that. • Overlake is well positioned within the regional transportation network, adjacent to SR-520 and within 3 miles of 1-405 and can support extension of high capacity transit across Lake Washington on both 1-90 and SR 520 with service to urban centers in Downtown Bellevue, ' Overlake and Downtown Redmond, specifically • The proposed Overtake Urban Center includes a transit center at SR 520 and NE 400' Street and at 152nd Avenue NE and NE 26'h Street METRO, Sound Transit and Community Transit provide service to the area via these transit centers. • Sound Transit's long range plan identifies a fixed-guideway transit system extending.: across Lake Washington on both 1-90 and SR 520 with connections to Bellevue, Overlake and Downtown Redmond For purposes of the initial Phase 2 financial analysis, Sound Transit is using a representative alignment that includes the 1-90 crossing and then through Bellevue to Overlake and to Downtown Redmond. Within ' Overtake, the representative alignment extends along 152"d Avenue NE and SR 520, with stations at or in the vicinity of the existing Overlake transit centers. These station locations would reinforce the vision for mixed-use development in the area, significantly 11� improve travel options for people who work or live in the area, and help spur redevelopment in the Overtake shopping center area. • Redmond has a strong Commute Trip Reduction program. Overlake includes 18 companies that are affected by the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) law, and they are already achieving the City's goal for use of modes other than driving alone Currently, 25 percent of people who work for these employers use modes other than driving alone, which is on track to meet the 2012 goal of 30 percent non-single occupant vehicle (SOV). Employers use a variety of methods to improve the non-SOV mode share including private shuttles, reserved parking for carpools and vanpools, transit and vanpool subsidies, bicycle parking and flexible work schedules • The City's Transportation Master Plan provides clear direction and standards for improving , the environment for pedestrians and bicyclists accessing the Overlake Urban Center- The TMP also sets out the strategy for funding these improvements and for monitoring progress • Overtake is recognized regionally as a growth center and when compared to urban centers in King County, is second for total employment only to three Seattle urban centers: , Downtown, 151 Hill/Capitol Hill, and University District (based on King Count 2005 Benchmarks Report) In terms of existing multi-family dwellings, Overtake compares favorably to a number of the designated urban centers in the central Puget Sound region. ' • As of 2004, an estimated 36,600 people worked within the proposed Overtake Urban Center, which equates to 72 jobs per gross acre. Under the Microsoft Development Agreement, an additional 1 5 million square feet of commercial floor area (net) will be constructed east of SR 520 within the Overtake Urban Center With this development, the number of people working in the Overlake Center is expected to reach 44,800 by 2022, or 87 jobs per gross acre- Based on the current rate of employment growth, Redmond expects to reach this employment level earlier than 2022 • As of 2005, the Overtake Urban Center contained nearly 770 dwelling units. Redmond has the capacity under current zoning to accommodate the urban center criteria of 15 households per acre and has based its adopted growth targets on increasing the amount of housing in this area to nearly 2,300 dwellings by 2022. This future density is within the range of long-range densities planned for other designated urban centers in the central Puget Sound region • Redmond's Comprehensive Plan, development standards, and capital improvement plans , address a number of the other strategies listed in CPP LU-45. The City's policies and standards emphasize the importance of designing buildings and sites to not only be attractive but also to encourage walking and bicycling. • Redmond's Plan also recognizes that providing open spaces and recreational opportunities ' within the Overlake shopping area is a high priority_ Finally, Redmond has also worked closely with Bellevue through the Bel-Red Overlake Transportation Study(BROTS) in order to identify and implement needed transportation improvements to improve mobility in the verlake area ATTA ENTS: 1. Prop d Ordinance 2006-0074 with attached GMPC Motions , 2. GMP ff reports for Motions 06-1, 06-2 and 06-3 i Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 2008-2013 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN — SET HEARING DATE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set June 19, 2007, as the date for a Public Hearing on the draft 2008-2013 Transportation Improvement Plan. State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually i (RCW 35.77.010). This Draft 2008 -2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan represents Kent's current list of needed projects that may begin work in the next six years It includes 43 projects with estimated project costs of$523,080,500. Including these projects in the Six-Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding partners and to apply for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. 3. EXHIBITS: Draft 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan i4 RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" X Revenue? Currently in the Budget? Yes X No If no. Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds iDISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6J 3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R Blanchard, Public Works Director • i KEi -C Phone 253-856-5500 WAS III N GTO N l Fax 253-856-6500 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 ' Date: May 15, 2007 To- Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date May 21, 2007 From: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager Through- Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Subject: Draft 2008-2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Item 2 Motion: ■Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Information Only Recommend that the Public Works Committee forward the Draft 2008-2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the full Council and Recommend that Council set June 19, 2007 as the date for a Public Hearing on the draft TIP. Will document be required? ❑ Ordinance ■ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Contract ❑ Policy ❑ SOP's ❑ Other Governing Policies Procedures Rules & Regulations: RCW 35.77.010 Background/History: The Draft 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) has added 5 new projects for a combined total cost of $7,502,000. Including these projects in our Six-Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding partners and apply for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. Summary: Including projects listed in the prior Six-Year TIP, the Draft 2008 - 2013 Six-Year TIP now ' includes 43 projects with estimated project costs totaling $523,080,500. Recommendations: Recommend that Public Works Committee forward the Draft 2008 - 2013 Six-Year Transportation Program (TIP) to Council and recommend that Council set June 19, 2007, as the date for a Public Hearing on the draft TIP. u tpwcommit e'actionpagcs,200pwc052107atem2200820136ynip doe 4 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON 1 1 SIX YEAR , TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008 - 2013 1 Mayor Suzette Cooke 1 1 KENT W A S H I N G T G N Larry R. Blanchard, ' Director of Public Works 1 1 5 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013 Introduction What is the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that is annually updated based on needs and policies identified through a variety of sources. Project and financial development involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local, regional, state and federal levels. It represents Kent's current list of needed projects that may begin work in the next six years. The document also identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects included in the TIP. Typically, projects listed in the first three years of the document are shown as having secured funding or there are reasonable expectations ' to acquire those funds, while projects in the last three years can be partially funded and be seeking funding partners. All projects are consistent with the City's adopted 2004 Comprehensive Plan. Mandated by State Law State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010). In order for cities to compete for transportation funding grants from Federal and State sources most granting agencies require that projects be included in the TIP. Federal ' grant funded and regionally significant projects from the City's TIP are included in the Regional TIP, which is assembled by the Puget Sound Regional Council for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. The regional TIPs (RTIP) from around the state are then combined to form the State TIP (STIP), which is approved by the Governor and then submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for their review and approval. The STIP must include all federally funded and all regionally significant local and state projects and cover a four year period. 6 CITY OF KENT ' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 1. Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kangley Road at the Clark Springs Watershed 2. South 277th Street Corridor Extension Widen 116`h Avenue SE from Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to SE 25e St 3. Kent Station Mitigation Projects Widen Willis Street at 4`h Avenue and Central Avenue at Willis Street 4. James Street Improvements Union Pacific Railroad to 4`h Avenue North 5. 4ch Avenue North at Cloudy Street Intersection Improvement 6. East Valley Highway (841h Avenue South) Improvements SR 167 to South 212`� Street 7. South 2281h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation crossing at Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad 8. Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Smith Street 9. Transportation Master Plan Major update of the Kent 1984 Comprehensive Transportation Plan 10. Southeast 256"' Street and 132"d Avenue Southeast Intersection ' Intersection Improvements 11. Southeast 248th Street Improvements 116`h Avenue Southeast to 132"`i Avenue Southeast 12. Smart Growth Initiative 1 7 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 13. 72"d Avenue South Extension South 20e Street to South 196ih Street 14. South 2281h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Lakeside Boulevard to 72..'A venue South 15. Southeast 2561h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116`h Avenue Southeast 16. I-5/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction, Phase I Provide transit and HOV Direct-Access between South 272"`iSt and I-5 17. South 2241h Street Extension 84ih Avenue South to 104`h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) 18. Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Improvement 19. 801h Avenue South Widening South 1961h Street to South 1881h Street 20. Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bridge to East Willis Street (SR 516) ' 21. Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 22. Willis Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Burling Northern Railroad 23. South 212`h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 8 ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 24. South 212th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 25. South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation ' Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 26. Military Road South Widening South 272`11 Street to Kent Des Moines Road(State Route 516) 27. South 272"d Street Widening, Phase II Pacific Highway South to Military Road South 28. SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approximately the 218`h block 29. Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/SR 515/Southeast 256th Street Intersection Improvements Intersection of Southeast Kent Kangley Road(SR 516), SR 515, and Southeast 256rh Street, ("Y') 30. West Meeker Street Widening—Phase I 641h Avenue South to the Green River Bridge 31. West Meeker Street Widening— Phase II ' Lake Fenwick Road to the east side of the Green River 32. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening— Phase I ' Southeast 288`h Street to Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) 33. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening— Phase II Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to Southeast 248`h Street 34. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening— Phase III ' Southeast 248`h Street to Southeast 236`h Street 9 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 35. Southeast 2561h Street Widening— Phase HI 132"d Avenue Southeast to 148`h Avenue Southeast 36. South 208`h Street Improvements 84`h Avenue South to 96`h Way South 37. South 190/192"d Street Corridor—Phase III 84`h Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108`h Avenue Southeast 38. State Route 167 Corridor Plan SR 167 from 1405 to Port of Tacoma 39. Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing Citywide Program 40. Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongoing Citywide Program 41. Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing Citywide Program ' 42. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing Citywide Program ' 43. Transit Now Service Partnership Program N p +. w W �{J U ~ W \T w` U G w w a C , m O Z w C 0 GC M C7 O a z Q ■ L L 3 C1 oD {� QA V o 0 o O ' I.i � N S N 2 y Q W Q W , � W � W S Q x _ is C4i . C 3$iAV 9b3 ir Iiiifi All C {S\�`S:rOH VL�Ak r v f � a �° 1p PIEG G Y 'C 0 C _ ro zi�3AV SZt Vl O O n= 'O f' C C N 3 0 Y CJ0' ' pp N dS 9J79, ly - Ncu y ,,.... a� . .:a.»... , .�.,...� ,.,.�., jai - r` N a �. n ea u E Z �6Z r v i 7 1) ? y" `a utis ay r39'31r In .>, n v +Ae ao 3JAY 53nVx8 M Jr Ir �r nit ,iii •� -�yi p�i�+f\i�a <, ,61 9 . r� 11 ' CITY OF KENT ' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #I: Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kcangle),Road at the Clark Springs I Fatershed DESCRIPTION: Dig out and repair areas of the roadbed that have failed. Overlay the full- vvidth roadway with three inches of asphalt concrete and crack stabilizing fabric to rehabilitate this arterial. ' PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . . . ...... ...$60,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . $0 Construction .. . . . S440,000 TOTAL...........................................$500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JLSTIFiCATION: Our Pavement Management Analysis rates this road as a critical candidate for overlay The City_ is increasingly responding to unscheduled requests to repair potholes High average daily truck traffic carrying unusually licayy loads is accelerating the distressed conditions of the travel lanes, elevating the risk of damage to vehicles froni developing potholes. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight I Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],IIES—Hazard Elimination [Federal].ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 12 CITY OF KENT ' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 ' PROJECT #2: South 277°i Street Corridor Extension , 16 nlera 116'` .,l venire Southeast ftorn Kent Kangley Roar!(SR 516) to Southeast 256"'Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 1 16"' Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four genetal-purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane and a bicycle facility Also included in this project will be the widening of the intersection of Kent Kangley Road and 1 16"' Avenue Southeast to add an additional left turn lane to provide dual left turn lanes westbound on Kent Kangley Road to southbound 116t'' Avenue Southeast The project will include the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, bicycle lanes, street lighting, storm drainage, ittihtics and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. SSOQ000 Right of Way Acquisition . ... ...S1,500,000 Construction ....... . . . . . . .........S5,500,000 TOTAL........................................S7,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, T113 PROJECT , JUSTIFICATION: The stretch of 116"' Avenue between the Kent Kangley Road and SE 2561° Street is a substandard roadway that acts as a bottleneck Cor those wishing to access the South 277"' Street corridor from the north and those wishing to access South 256'1' Street from the south SE 256'" Street, at the north end of the project. is a major east-west corridor that connects the SR 515,SR516 intersection and SR 18 with 116t" Avenue. Traffic volumes are contimtmo to increase and this stretch of the roadway cannot accommodate the existing or anticipated future traffic volumes In addition, this stretch of 116"' Avenue is lacking curb, gutter and sidewalk. - -A1P-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 2 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,I-XISIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- ' Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 13 CITY OF RENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT 93: Kent Station Mitigation Projects fVidc ii I filhr% Street at 4'1' Ai,enue and Central Avenue at Willis Street DESCRIPTION: Provide an additional left-turn pocket on eastbound Willis Street to northbound 4t" Avenue Provide a right-turn pocket southbound on Central A�cnue to westbound Willis Street 1 PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . ... .....$100,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . .S619,000 Construction .. S485,000 TOTAL........................................$1,204,()00 ' FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, WSDOT Overlay 1,unds ' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects are traffic mitigation requirements for additional trips generated by the Kent Station development The City of' Kent will be implementing these projects required by the developer. 1 -AiP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 3 ' Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PffTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 14 CITY OF KENT ' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #4: James Street Improvements Union Pacific Railt oad to 4"'.t venue North DESCRIPTION: Widen James Street between the Union Pacific Railroad and 41" Avenue North to provide exclusive left turn lanes eastbound and westbound at the Reti,lonal Justice Center/proposed Amiga Center entrances, and to Install a westhound bike lane Install a tratfic signal at the Intersection of the RJC-Amiga Center entrances The project will include the construction of full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainagc, uttlity undergrounding and pedestrian gates at the Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . . ....$200,000 Right oC Way Acquisition ....$70,000 Construction . ... . ..... . . . S1,530,000 'TOTAL........................................S 1,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The location of the main entrance into the Amiga Center at Kent will be opposite the existing driveway into the Regional Justice Center A signalized intersection, along with dedicated left turn pockets widened sidewalks and improved street lighting are required to piot ide for smooth and safe access to and from the Amiga Center at Kent. - -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CAfAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal] FAST—Freight 4 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— , Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Impro�ementDistrict,PWTF—PublIL Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 15 ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #5: 4t11 Avenue North at Cloudy Street Intersection Improvement DESCRIPTION: Widen 41h Avenue North at the Cloudy Street intersection to provide exclusive left turn lanes northbound and southbound Improvre Cloudy Street cast and vest of 4"' Avenue a5 required to provide Cor intersection improvements. Install a traffic signal at the intersection The project will Include the construction of Full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, and utility undergroundmg PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . ... . S200.000 Right of Way Acquisition... S220,000 Construction .. ...........................S 1,740,000 TOTAL........................................$2,160,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes along 4'h Avenue and the number of residences in the adjoining neighbothood results in significant congestion at this intersection in the morning and evening peak hours. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 5 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[state],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal] ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program [State] 16 CITY OF KENT ' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT#6: East Valley Highway (84ti' Avenue South) Improvements. SIZ 167 to South 212"'Street DESCRIPTION: Widen the roadway to provide 3 general purpose lanes in each direction with a center left-turn lane between South 212`h Street and State Route 167 Construct new curb. gutters and sidewalks on both odes of the roadway to provide a complete sidewalk system. Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway 0vcrlay the entire roadway area with asphalt concrete pavement Project includes upgrading existing traffic signal systems as well as storm drainage improvements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering erin S280,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . ..S1,500,000 Construction ... . ...... .. ... ......S3,326,000 TOTAL........................................$5,106,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, TI13, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This portion of East Valley Highway cannot accommodate current and proposed traffic volumes that utilize this stretch to access State Route 167 and South 212`' Street The sidewalk system is incomplete. In addition, the existing pavement along this section of 84ih Avenue South is showing signs of structural distress as demonstrated by "alligatormg", longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. - -AIP-Arterial Impro�emcnt Program[State],CAL4Q-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 6 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 17 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #7: South 228th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Gracie Separation crossing at Burlington .Northern/Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct tirade separation of the Builington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at South 228'1' Street. The project will include the construction of a road overpass, full-width pw irg, concrete curbs, gutter, and sidewalks, street lighting, utilities and apputtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . $1,440,000 Right of Way Acquisition $1,150,000 Construction . .- 320,410,000 TOTAL......................................$23,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, FAST, FMSIB, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad ' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destinations. This project will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system Grade separating the arterial will increase both rail and roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety. and improve freight mobility in the corridor and throughout the region This project will provide iegional connections between thousands of businesses, employers and 40 million square feet of %�arehousciindustnal space The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the 13NSF Railroad mainline is rising as a consequence of mcreased traffic in the Puget Sound area, and new Sound Transit and Amtrak service -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 7 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 18 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR 17RANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #8: Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect IV(e t Meeker Stleet and Nest Smith Street DESCRIPTION: Interconnect the existing traffic signals at the Interurban 'Grail crossings at West Meeker and West Smith Street to the Union Pacific Railroad crossings signals at said streets PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................. $38,000 Right of Way Acquisition . ........... .$0 Construction .. .$304.000 TOTAL...........................................$342,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.IF,CT JUSTIFICATION: This project is required in order to interconnect the existing street signals with the railroad crossing signals It will eliminate potential conflicts where traffic could back up across the railroad tracks Most of the cost of this project is for the Union Pacific Railroad to upgrade then- grade crossing signal equipment to provide sufficient warning time of an appioachrng tram - -ALP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 8 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvcment District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation improvement Account,TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 19 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008—2013 PROJECT #9: Transportation Master Plan DESCRIPTION: Tins protect consists of a major update of the Transportation Master Plan including near-term and long range planning of the City's transportation system needs. Protect costs will include consultant contracts from transportation planning, concurrency management, public involvement, travel demand and traffic operations modeling and analysis of potential financing strategies to construct, operate and maintain the City', transportation network The project may Include staff resources, hardware and software to analyrc and manage the transportation network and develop implementing legislation and regulations related to the transportation system. PROJECT COST': Preliminary Engineering ..$1,300.000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . $0 Construction $0 'r OTA L........................................$1,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City's Transportation Master Plan is more than 20 years old and needs to be brought into compliance ,%,ith current Growth Management policies and practices as defined in PSRC's Destination 2030 the region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan The City most be in compliance with all state, county and regional policies in order to be eligible to apply for competitive giants Likewise, the City would like to im,estigate methods of measuring concurrency that would incorporate all modes of travel, better reflect the ways our community is changing, engatre the community in the discussions about their future transportation im estments, and investigate various ways of funding our future transportation needs -AIP-Arterial improvement Program [State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 9 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State],TPP— Transportation Partnership Program [State] i 20 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT #10: Southeast 256ri' Street and 132°a Avcone Southeast Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: This project will reconstruct the intersection of Southeast 2561" Street and 132" Avenue Southeast by extending the northbound and southbound left turn pockets to provide additional storage capacity, extend the vxestbotind right turn lane, and con,,tract new i ight turn lanes easthound and southbound. This project will include signal modifications and minor reconstruction of curb, gutter and sidewalk to accommodate the additional widening, including potential future bike lanes on 132nd Avenue Southeast. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . . $21,000 Right of Way Acquisition.................$40,000 Construction .,S,241,000 TOTAL...........................................$302,000 FUNDiNG SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.)ECT JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the East Hill area of Kent has increased traffic flows through this intersection The existing configuration of the intersection is not capable of accommodating the current and anticipated traffic flows Traffic flows have also increased due to the new connection of Southeast 2�6t" Street to State Route 18 to the east. This project will supplement the improvements already constructed along Southeast 256th Street as well as anticipated improvements to Southeast 256"' Street to the east and the improvements anticipated to 132na Avenue Southeast - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 10 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],PTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportau oil Systems [Federal],LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 21 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2004 PROJECT #1 L• Southeast 2481b Street Improvements 1161" A renue Southeast to 13 2"j A venue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Construct a three lane roadway from 1161b Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast which includes the construction of full width paving, possible bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances The project includes either a modern roundabout at the 1 16°' Avenue Southeast intersection or a traditional traffic signal improvements to vertical roadway oeomctry for sight distance and safety will also be addressed PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering... ...... . ... $900,000 Right of Way Acquisition .. . . ... $140,000 b Y q Construction . . ...$4,600.000 TOTALL........................................$5,640,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, Development Mitigation Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing development in the East Hill aiea of the city This protect will provide additional east- "est capacity to supplement Southeast 240"' Street to the north, and Southeast 256'h Street to the south. In addition, the southeast corner of Southeast 248"' Street and 124'h Avenue Southeast is tine future site of the City of'Kent's Public Works maintenance facility -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 11 Action Strategy for Everett-Scattle-Tacoma Corridor,FUSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],LIES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 22 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT #12: Smart Growth Initiative DESCRIPTION: Widen Smith Street to provide a left turn lane from eastbound Smith Street onto northbound Lincoln Avenue I-he project includes the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Smith and Lincoln as well a',, the reconstruction of existing curb, gutter and sidewalks along Smith Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. ....$100,500 Right of Way Acquisition S370X0 Construction .. .. .. . . SI,520,000 TOTAL.........................................S1,990,500 FENDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects will improve traffic flow within the Kent Urban Center and improve access to Kent Station and the downtown business district. The left tarn pocket and signal at Smith and Lincoln Streets will facilitate the tedeN clopnient of a portion of King County [Metro Transit's Park and Ride Lot - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 12 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal] ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PIVTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB -Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 23 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT 913: 72"d Avenue South Extension South 200'h So eet to South 196 h Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 200°1 Street to South 196'" Street The project will include the crossing of Mill Creek and construction of lull-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting; storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. jPROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .... .. ... . 5225,000 Right of Way Acquisition ... . . . . .... .... SO Construction .. . . . .$790.000 TO7'AL........................................$1,015,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the northern Kent industrial area, and high levels of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 1 SOth Street and South 196I' Street corridors, mandate additional north-south arterial capacity Phis project provides some relief for South 180`' Street, South 196"' Street, and South 2121"' Street intersections alone West Valley I Highway It also provides improved access to the South 196"' Street corridor from industrial development along 72°d Avenue South by constructing the missing link bctkicen South 200'1' Street and South 196t" Street -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 13 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PTVTF- Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA —Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 24 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT #14: South 2281h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Lakeside Boulevard to 72"`r.4venne South DESCRIPTION: This project will consist of grinding, dig-opts, and a full width overlay of South 228rh Street between Lakeside Boulevard and 72"d A,,enue South. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. S40,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . ...... .. . $0 Construction . . .... ........ . ..$600.0000 TOTAL...........................................$640,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This road lies in the heart of the City's manufacturing area and that heavy truck traffic means pavement condition on South 228`h Street has deteriorated significantly. Kent Is the second largest warehouse/distribution centet on the west coast with over 40 million square feet of industrial space With the completion of major portions of the 228th corridor and the anticipated increase in the number of daily truck trips, the pavement will continue to deteriorate at an accelerated rate. This project will maintain a major freight corridor to the ports and protect the City's investment in transportation infrastructure - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 14 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TI,4—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 25 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT 915: Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase 11 SR 516 (Kent Jiangley, Road) to 116" 4tenue.Southeuv IDESCRIPTION: Construct a five lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116`I' Avenue Southeast Including bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The project will include construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and suie�,talks, street lighting, storm dramage; landscaping, utilities, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. S425,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . S575,000 Construction . . ...S4,I00,000 TOTAL........................................$5,100,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement District, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Southeast 256th Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks and a lunited Street light s-vstem During peal, hours. the roadway cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blocking the roadway while waiting to turn left into driveways. The widening of Southeast 256`1' Street also alletitates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as the tvko roads essentially run parallel to each other The project will increase the capacity of this roadway by adding a two general purpose lanes and a new center left turn lane This project will connect the SR 515/SR 516 intersection with the impio\,ements already existing on Southeast 256t" Street east of 116"' Avenue Southeast and the improvements along 11611' Avenue Southeast between Southeast 256'h Street and Kent Kangley Road. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CAIAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 15 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FIfSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID -Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 26 CITY OF KEN T SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PRO.iECT #16: i-5/South 272,it Street Interchange Reconstruction, Phase i Prowde lramrt undHOl'Duect-Access between Soruh 272"/ and 1-5 DESCRIPTION: Phase I would reconstruct the east half of the South 272"j Strcet/I-5 interchange to provide transit and HOV Direct-Access to South 272"t Street Sound Transit and King County Metro Transit have major park and ride facilities in the area with over 1,200 parking stalls Transit and HOV traffic would be able to turn onto South 272"O Street from 1-5 without weaving through traffic on 1-5 The pioject includes a new northbound f-5 bridfoe and reconstruction of approximately one-half mile of northbound 1-5 The improvements would be constructed to match projects on South 272"`l Street that would be built between Pacific Highway South (SR 99) and Militar} Road PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . . . ...S4,500.000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . . . $460,000 Construction .. .... . . ... . . . $37,370,000 TOTAL......................................$42,330,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, City of 1`ederal \Vay, King County, STP, Sound Transit, TPP, WSDO"C PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at the interchange have reached the point where reconstruction is required to reduce congestion The new interchange will provide needed capacity through the year 2030 fhe reconstruction will also allow Sound Transit and King County Metro Transit to operate efficiently through the Star Lake and Redondo Heights Park and Ride lots. - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program [State], CAGAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 16 Action Strategy for Everett-Scattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FT4— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 27 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #17: South 224th Street Extension 84'" ;1 venue Sowh to 104"' -1 venue Southeast(Benson Road) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a five-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 1041h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515), including new bridges over SR 167 and Garrison Creek The project will include the coustruchon of full- width paving; concrete curbs. gutters and sidewalks; street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engtneertng.... .. ......:S2,30U00 Right of Way Acquisition . S8,000,000 Construction .. . . .S25,700,000 TOTALL......................................S36,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current and forecast east-west traffic N olumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor In oider to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required Intersections along South 208°i/2121" Street and James/Southeast 2401" Streets are also at or over capacity. It IJ not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240'1' Street and South 208'1,-12`" Street `corridors' to accommodate forecast traffic volumes w tthout additional east-west capacity because of existing devetopmeut and topographic constraints. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal],PAST—Freight 17 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TfB—Transportation Improvement Board[State],TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 28 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #18: Military Road South at Reith Road Inter.tiection Iml)r•oi ement DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reath Road intersection to provide exclusive left turn lanes for each approach, and exclusive right turn lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Mihtaty Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road Replace the existing traffic signal The project will include the construction of full width paving, paved shoulders, street fighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. . . . $160,000 Right of Way Acquisition . S185,000 Construction . S 1,600,000 TOTAL........................................$I,945,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): T113, City of Kent, Developer Mitigation Funds PRO.iECT JUS i'IF iCATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth in the Puget Sotind area and the regularly occurring congestion along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5 iesults in significant congestion at this intersection in the morning and evening peak hours. - -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 18 Action Strategy for Everett-Scattle-Tacoma Corridor,FUSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PIVTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TI.4—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 29 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT#19: 80`h Avenue South NVidening South 196'h Street to South 188`h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 80th Avenue South from South 196'h Street to South 1("`h Street to live lanes This will include four general-purpose lane-, and a center left- turn lane. The project will also Include the construction of full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering... .. . ... . ,$195,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . .. S403 000 Construction S725,000 TOTAL L........................................$1,323,001) FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The opening of the 196°i Street corridor on the south end of the project and Renton completion of Oaksdale Avenue South results in 80°i 1 Avenue South being a significant north-south corridor serving the industrial area As a result, the increased traffic volumes along this section of 801h Avenue South could reach the point where a consistent five lane roadway section is required to provide safe left turn access into the adjoining properties Further, concrete cuibs and gutters are required to provide control of roadway drainage and to prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. Sidewalks and street hghtmg will provide safe access for pedestrians. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal].FAST—Freight 19 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TiB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 30 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #20: Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green Karen Bridge io East IN/lis Street(SR 510) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway, between the Gicen River Bridge and Past Willis Street (SR 516) This prolectwill include the removal and replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asplialt concrete overlay of the entire roadway Also included in this protect is the selective replacement o] curbs, gutters and sidewalks as sse.11 as mmof storm drainage improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeeriug . ..... ... . $138,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . ... ....$0 Construction . ...... ........... ..... . . .$1,587,000 TOTAL........................................$I,725,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT J USTWICATION: The existing pavement along this section of Central Avenue South is exhibiting signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alligatorinb', lorngitudinal cracl.mg, and cracking of the curbs and gutters The serslce life of this roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service life of the roadway, and prevent further pay ement degradation The sidewalk system is sub-standard in many locations and in need of replacement. - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 10 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP Sui face Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 31 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM iYEAR: 2011 PRO.IECT#21: Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacitic Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR) 1 DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at Willis Street (SR 516) The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge, a fout-lane ioadway under-crossing, full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and ode%valks, Street hgliting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . . . . ...$5300,000 Right of Way Acquisition .$0 Construction .. . . . $21,200,000 TOTAL......................................$26,500,000 1 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST. FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, T[B, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. Mote than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Wills Street, including over 800 freight-bearing trucks. The level of freight traffic on the UP Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 20 trams a day Grade separations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossing will no longer impede Height and other traffic Flow Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion are also expected This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and pros ide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 21 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMS/B—FreightMobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 32 t CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #22: Willis Street(SR 516)/Burtington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Burlington,Northern Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at Willis Street (SR 516) The pio]ect will include the construction of a railroad bridge, four-lane vehicle under-crossing, full width paving: concrete curbs, gutters. and sidewalks, street lighting, utilities and appurtenance PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........ . .S4,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition....... . .S4,000,000 Construction .. . . . ... .....S 14,600,000 TOTAL......................................S22,600.000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Burlington Northern Santa l-e Railroad, FAST. FNISiB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, T113 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, including over 800 freight-bearing trucks Be level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the 13NSF Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 45 trains a day Grade separation provides more efficient movements of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossing will no longer impede freight and othei traffic flow Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is expected This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. t t -ALP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAO—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 22 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor, F'MSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PTPTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP -Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 33 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #23: South 2121h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at South 2121"' Street. The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge, a six-lane roadway under-crossing, full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutter, and odewalks, street lighting, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . . . .....$5,200,000 Right of Way Acquisition . S 1,400,000 1 Construction . . . ..$26,400,000 TOTAL......................................$33,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 vehicles per day travel on South 2121" Street, including nearly 3,500 freight bearing trucks The level of freight traffic on the UP Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 20 trains a day. Grade sepaiations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is also expected This project Will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters r -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal],FAST—Freight 23 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB- Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES -Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transpoiation Systems [Federal], LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board [State], TPP ' Transportation Partnership Program[State] 34 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT 924: South 212ti' Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Crade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rallroud DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at South 212'h Street. i'he project titi Ill include the construction of a railroad bridge, six-lane vehicle under crossing; full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, Street lighting, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . . S5,200,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . . SIAM000 Construction .. $26 400,000 TOTAL......................................$33,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 yehicics per day travel on South 212`h Street, including nearly 3,500 freight-bearing trucks The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railroad mainline is also increasing to appioximately 45 trains a day Gracie separation provides more efficient movement of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion The iailroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is expected. This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers and commuters -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program [State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],179ST—Freight 24 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LILT—Local Improvement District,Pff TF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] ', 35 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 YEAR: 2011 PROJECT 925: South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228n' Stiect Che project will include the construction of an overpass or an underpass road, full-width paving. concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Fri inec.rin $1,650.000 Right of Way Acquisition .. . .....$1,100 000 Construction .$21,450,000 TOTAL......................................S24,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB_ FAST, FMS113, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTII'ICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and theit primary detitlnations This project will support freight mop ing through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, ScaTac Airport and the freeway system Grade separating this arterial will increase both rail and roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety, improve freight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region This project will provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and the 40 million square feet of warehouse/uidustrial space in the valley -AIP-Arterial improvement Program [State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 25 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PwTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 36 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #26: Military Road South Widening South 272"d Street to Kent-Des ,Moines Road (State Route 516) DESCRIPTION: This project will widen Military Road from South 272"d Street to Kent- Des Mouses Road adding a center left-turn lane. bicycle; lanes, curb, gutter and sidewalks, street lighting, utilities and apputtenances (Note Reith Road, Kent-Des Moines Road and South 272" Street intersections are separate projects and are not me]uded u1 thus project) PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering $1,480,000 Right of Way Acquisition . ...S750,000 Construction ... . . . . . $11,400,000 TOTAL......................................$13,630,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road South has reached a point where a separate center two-way left-turn lane is required During peak traffic flow houis, the roadwav cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blocking the roadway waiting to make left turns. i - -,41P-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Au Quality[Federal], FAST—Freight 26 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],I.-TA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PRTF- Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 37 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #27: South 272"`i Street Widening, Phase Il Pacific Hiahivcrt South to i1 ilitart•Road South DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV lanes and a center left-turn lane from Pacific Highway South (SR 99) to Military Road South Construction will include full width paving, concrete curb, gutter, and ,ldewalks, street hghting, storm drainage, utilities, traffic signals, and appurtenances The protect also includes widening the roadway under the I-5 bridges PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineenng. . . . .....S1,420,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....$1,386,000 Construction $1 1,1 10,000 TOTAL......................................$13,916,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, Washington State Transportation Partnership Account, Federal, Sound fransit PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pacific Highway South and Military Road South have reached the point where improvements supporting HOV- added capacity are required to reduce congestion at the intersections and reduce backups approaching 1-5 The HOV lanes will provide access to the Star Lake Park and Ride lot and the Redondo Heights Park and Ride lot Adding HOV lanes and HOV access to I-5 supports various county, City of Kent and City of Federal Way transportation and transit ImproN ement projects -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 27 Action Strategy for Everett-Scattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,Plf'TF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, T18—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 38 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #28: SR 181/West Valley t igh«ay/Washington Avenue Widening Hceker Street north to approximately the 218`" block DESCRIPTION: Widen the existing five lane road to seven lanes to Include three lanes in each direction and a center left-tum lane and install a traffic siunal at the intersection of West Valley Highway and South 2)8th Street The project mill include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutter'. and sidewalks, street lighting; storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering S950,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ . S5,200.000 Construction ... $10,000.000 TOTAL......................................$16,150,000 FUtiDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, STP, TI13, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SR 181/West Valley Highway"Washington Avenue is a major north- south route through the City and an important truck route for freight moving between the nnanufacturing, industrial and warehousing center of the Green River Valle} and the regional Height corridors This route is seven lanes wide both north and south of the project segment. With increasing traffic volumes from the expected growth in both the freight and commute setiuments, the widening is needed to reduce congestion at intersections and reduce backups approaching SR 167 and South 2121h Street. -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 28 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State] FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 39 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT#29: Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/SR 515/Southeast 256th Street intersection Improvements I171crsection of Southeast Kent Kangley Road(SR 516), SR 515 and Southeast 256"' Street DESCRIPTION: This project will reconfigure the Kent Kangley Road (State Route 516)-State Route 5 1 5"Southeast 256th Street ("Y") intersection to provide a more efficient flow of traffic Work w ill include the construction of a new three land roadway along SE 108°i Avenue from Southeast Kurt Kangley Road to Southeast 256th Street and the closuic of the eastbound left turn lane at the Kent Kangley Road/So uuhcast 256th Street intersection Work will include the construction of new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street lighting, modification of the existing traffic signal at Kcnt Kangley;108t1' Av enue, and the installation of a new signal at the 108'h Av enuei Southeast 256th Street intersection. I PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. S155,000 Right of Way Acquisition . S1,060,000 Construction . . . .. ... . ... . .... $1,285,000 TOTAL........................................$2.500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will relieve congestion at the Y intersection by improving the traffic flow alone SR 516. The existing configuration of the Y cannot accommodate the current and anticipated traffic volumes It will eliminate the left turn pocket from SR 516 to SE 256th Street and redirect that traffic along SR 516 to 1081h Avenue SE. There will be a new left- turn pocket constructed for motorists wishing to travel north on 108t11 Avenue SE to SE 256"' Strut By moving these left turning movements further to the east, away from the congested Y intersection, al] directions of traffic will be able to flow more efficiently This extension will also provide another way for East Hilt residents to have direct access to the business-by-pass route and better access to the commercial area south of the Kent Kangley Road/104"i Avenue Southeast intersection. -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal],FAST—Freight 29 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HGS—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STY—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 40 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #30: West Meeker Street Widening— Phase 1 64`h.4 venue South to the Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center ]eft-turn lane, bicycle lanes, a pedestrian signal at the Riverbend Golf Course, and modifications to the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of West Meeker Street and Russell Road The project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sideitialks, landscaping, street lighting, storm diamagc, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. .. . —S1,060,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... .... S1,_'00.000 Construction _ . S3,700.000 TOTAI.........................................$5,960,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway segment is required to accommodate through traffic. Existing traffic volumes west of the Intersection of 64th Avenuc South indicate the need for a five lane section to accommodate additional development Sidewalk and bicycle improvements will prov ide additional incentive to encourage a safe and attractive ualkmg and biking environment. promote alternative modes of travel, and facilitate access to scenic and recreational facilities. - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 30 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 41 CITY OF KENT ■ SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #3I: West Meeker Street Widening— Phase 11 Luke Penwick Road to the east side o/the Green River DESCRIP rION: Widen West Meeker Street between Lake Fenwick Road and the east side of the Green River Bridge to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and bicycle lanes Construct a new bridge over the Green River and extend the five lane roadway to the West Meeker Street Widening — Phase I improvements Remove the existing traffic signal at West Meeker/SR 516 and constrict a new interchange, including new ramps to connect West Meeker and SR 516 PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.......... . .$7,000,000 1 Right of Way Acquisition. . ......S3,000,000 Construction . ..$60,000,000 TOTALL......................................$70,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Increasing traffic on SR 516 and West Meeker Street has resulted in an overall lowering of the level of sen'tce at the existing intersection A new interchange would reduce delays and allow for unimpeded traffic flow on SR 516 1 i 1 -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 31 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],fIES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP -Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 42 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT 432: 132"`i Avenue Southeast Widening— Phase I Southeast 2 8"'Street to halt Kan ley Road(SR SI b) DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose tratiel lanes, a center Ieft-turn lane, a bicycle facility, and modification of the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Kent Kangley Road The project will include the construction of full width paving. bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . SLM,000 Rio-lit of Way Acquisition . . ......S2,300,000 Construction .. . . . .S8,970,000 TOTAL......................................$13,120,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132"d Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway section is needed to provide safe left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. The south end of 132"d Avenue Southeast pim ides ahernatitic access to SR 18. Existing traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 1321d Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road) necessitate a five lane section Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multmlodal access to adjacent land uses - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CiUAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 32 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PIVTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP -Surface transportation Program[Federal], TIA —Transportation improvement Account, TIR—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 43 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT 433: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase It Kent Kangley,Roud(SR 516) to Southeast 2481h Street i DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"`i Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle facility, modif}ing the existing traffic signal systems at the intet,ections of Kent Kangley Road and Southeast 256" Street. The project will include the construction of full-Width paving, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters and Sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, utilities, and appuitenances. PROJECT COST: Prelmuiary Engineering. S3,450,000 11 Right of Way Acquisition . ....$2,750,000 1 Construction . . ............. $17,000,000 TOTAL......................................$23,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132" Avenue has already reached the point whereby and consistent five lane roadway section is needed to provide safe left-turn access into adloining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes Existing traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132nd Avenue southeast and Kent Kan( lev Road) necessitate a five lane section Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multimodal access to adjacent land uses. -AIP-Artenal improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Au Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 33 ' Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal] HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],III)—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State],TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 44 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT 434: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening— Phase III Southeast 148" So eet to Southeast 236rh Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, Including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle faeiltty, modifying the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Southeast 240`t' Street The project will include the construction of full- width paving, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting. storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering... ..... . S 1,850.000 Right of Way Acquisition. .. . . S800,000 Construction . . . . . .. ... ..... . . S9,300.000 TOTALL......................................$11,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .1USTIF[CATION: The level of development along this section of 132"d Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent live lane roadway section is needed to provide safe left-turn access to adjoining properties and accommodate forecast ttaflic volumes Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multimodal access to adjacent land uses - -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 34 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PfVTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] t 45 ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #35: Southeast 256th Street Widening— Phase III 132"�'4 v enne Southeast to 148"' ,1 venue Southeast I DESCRIPTION: Widen Southeast 2561h Street to provide a three-lane roadway, including two general-purpose travel lanes, a center lest-turn lane, and a bicycle facility, modifying the existing traffic signal systems where appropriate Construct a new bridge crossing at Soos Creek and elevate Southeast 25611i Street approaches above the 100 year flood plain The project will include the const uctwn of full-width paving, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, bridge, street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . . S2,650,000 I Right of Way Acquisition ...... . $1,030,000 Construction . . . . 313,300,000 TOTAL......................................$16,980,000 IFUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Southeast 2561h Street has already reached the point whereby a consistent three-lane roadway section is required to provide safe left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes With the widening Of Southeast 2561h Street, the bridge at the east end of the project would need to be replaced and cic%ated above the 100 year flood plain. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide safe access for pedestrians and cyclists The east end of Southeast 256`h Sheet provides an alternative access to S R IS 1 -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 35 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tranit Administration[Federal],HGS—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF -Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 46 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #36: South 208th Street trnprovemeuts 84`h Avenue South Jo 96"' lVav South DESCRIPTION: Rehabilitate the existing pavement to add additional service life to the roadvtay from 84"' Avenue South to 96"' Way South This project will widen the existing roadway to two 14 foot lanes with the addition of concrete curb. uutters, sidewalks, storm drainage and illumination The project will rebuild failung roadway sections near 9"d Avenue and add a left tuns lane from eastbound 208"' Street to northbound 92i," Avenue South Retaining walls and guardrails will be added as needed r PRO,JL+ CT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. . . $220,000 Right of Way Acquisition . S125,000 Construction . ..................... . $2,500,000 TOTAL........................................$2,845,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: South 208th Street between 84th Avenue South and 96"' Way South is a substandard narrow two-lane roadway that connects 84"' Avenue (Gast Valley Highway) with Southeast 208n, Street This section of roadway cannot accommodate the existing and anticipated traffic rolumes and is experiencing pavement and roadway failures that require repair. Widening of the roadway will necessitate the installation of retaining walls and guardrails r - -AiP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 36 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,P",TF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] 47 CITY OF KENT ■ SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #37: South 190/192nd Street Corridor— Phase IIi 84th Avenue South (Fast 1`011ey i ighwuv) to ION" Avenue Southeast (SR SI S) r DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five lane roadway from 841h Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108th Avenue Southeast (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167. Pioject will include the construction of full-mdth paving, concrete curb, butter and sidewalks; street lighting; storm diainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances IPROJECT COST. Preliminary Engineering 56,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . 56,600.000 Construction . .$32.000,000 TOTALL......................................$45,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, STP, TIB PROJECT .JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes on existing east-west corridors will exceed the adopted standards if forecasts of economic and residential growth on the East Hill of Kent and jurisdictions to the east of Kent continue as predicted by state and regional planning agencies Additional ioadway capacity must be provided to accommodate this growth within the urban growth boundaries. This project supports GMA policies, helps the City meet its Concurrency Standards, and augments previous investments in this corridoi by extending its usefulness as a freibht corridor and major east- west connection 1 -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 37 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTP—Public Works Trust Fund Loan tState],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 48 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 - 2013 PROJECT #38: State Route 167 Corridor Plan SR 167/1.017, 1405 to Port of Tacoma DESCRIPTION: City of Kent Engineering and Transportation Planning staff support towards the Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) development of the SR 167 Corridor Plan and Implementation of the plan phases This WSDOT plan includes an additional general purpose lane ui each direction and completion of the HO`,' system PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ...... $1,20U00 Right of Way Acquisition . . . . . . . .$0 Construction $0 TOTAL........................................$1,200,000 FDNDIING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: While this Washington State Department of Transportation project is a multi-million dollar improvement consisting of state and RTID funding, the City of Kent has provided, and will provide, hundreds of hours of transportation planning, data gathering, and preliminary engineering in support of this critical transportation condor The congestion on SR 167 resulting from inadequate capacity creates spillover congestion onto Kent arterials and jeopardizes the future of our local and regional economy With the planned extension of SR 167 to the Port of Tacoma and planned completion of SR 509 connecting Kent to the Port of Seattle, this project would complete the freight corridor, shifting thousands of displaced daily trips back to the regional transportation system. -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST—Freight 38 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Work;Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] r 49 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 - 2013 PROJECT 439: Bievele and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing Ca I.wide Program DESCRIP iION: Make miscellaneous Improvements to the city's pedestrian network and bicycle routes as identified in the Nonimotonzed 1-dement of the rTransportation Master Plan r PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . $60.000 Right of Way Acquisition . . .$0 Construction .. . $562,000 TOTAL...........................................$622,000 rFENDING SOURCE(S): Crtv of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project can help achieve the City's transportation goals for imprming mobility and safe access for walking and bicycling fhe project complies with the City's Commute Trip Reduction Ordinance by promoting non-motorized travel to employment centers, commercial districts, transit stations, schools and cn,ic centers, and recteational destinations. Walking can be a practical alternative to driving, especially for short trips and contributes greatly to neighborhood quality and vitality Pedestrian improvements to streets, intersections, sidewalks, and other facilities can improve access and safety Such facilities are particularly important for children, senior citizens, and people with disabilities This project also leverages opportunities to enhance safe walking route,, to schools for childien r - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 39 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,F.USIB—Freight Mobility Strategic lnvestment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 50 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008- 2013 PROJECT 440: Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongoing C:trtiti ide Program i DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motoriNt Safety Candidate projects include Frager [toad and 10011 Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block). Upgradc existing guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations PROJECT COST: Prellmmary Engineering.. ......... . . $20,000 Right of Way Acquisition... . . . SO Construction S t75,000 TOTAL...........................................$195,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, HES PROD ECI' JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. - -ALP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 40 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FT,4 - Federal Transit Administration [Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal] LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account,TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Tramportation Partnership Program[State] 51 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 -2013 PROJECT #41: Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing CIlvivide Programs DESCRIP ['ION: Continue to provide enhanced transit service to meet the needs of the community through the use of fixed-route shuttle service, with demand- responsi�e routing capabilities Routes 914,1916 serve the Kent Transit Center, Regional Justice Center, Kent Ctt_v Hall, Green River Community College's Kent campus, and local shopping and medical facilities The i City plans to add two new routes to demonstrate the value of circulator transit service connecting residential ateas of the east and west hills v ith the, regional bus and commuter tram services at the Kent Transit Center PRO.iECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . .. . .. S0 Right of Way Acquisition SO Construction S840,000 TOTAL...........................................$840,000 1 FUNDiNG SOURCF,(S): City of Kent, King County, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Routes 914/916 provide mobility and independence to many of the city's seniors and reduce the need for expensive ACCESS service for many wheelchair-lift service trips. Community circulating shuttles encourage the participation of all ages, all economic groups, all physical abilities, and ),irtually all of our community in everyday ci%ic life without the isolation and pollution of the automobile for every trip Commuter shuttles enhance the regional transit%tram service by providing the vital link from the home to the Transit Center and from the Transit Center to the ikorkplace, encouraging people to leave their vehicles at home, avoiding the cold start impacts to air quality and reducing congestion on local streets -AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 41 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program [State] 52 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 - 2013 PROJECT #42: americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidcvialk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing Clll wide Program DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and curb ramps and install new tiuneated domes and hard-surfaced sidewalks to implement the requirements of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) consistent with the findinos of the hlonmotori7ed Element of the Transportation Master Plan. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. . . . ... $200,000 Right of way Acquisition . ..... $0 Construction .. $1,7;0,000 TOTAL........................................ $1,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT , JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by Title I1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act Title It requires that a public entity must evaluate Its services, programs, policies, and practices to determine whether they are in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of the ADA The ADA requires that an _ADA Transition Pfan be prepared to describe any structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible The City of Kent has conducted a self evaluation and prepared a I'ranswon Plan including a prioritised list of projects to bring itself into compliance with the Federal ADA regulations This program begins working on that list of projects to reconstruct and repair the City's sidewalk and street/sidewalk transition zones for accessibility for all citizens -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CddAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 42 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FUSIS—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program [State] 53 CITY OF KENT I SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008-2013 PROJECT #43: Transit,"Vow Service Partnership Program DESCRIPTION: Transit Noii, is a voter-approved King County Metro Transit program which provides i ncentves for local jurisdictions to improve local transit operations by entering into a direct financial partnership with Metro for providing that additional service Metro will match a partner's contribution on a 21 basis Transit Noii requires a minimum contribution from the partner of$100,000 per year for five (5) yeai s to add service on an existin; route or routes or $200,000 per year for five (5) years to add a new route or routes. Some possibilities include shuttle service through Fhe Lakes and Riverview communities to the Kent Transit I Center. increased frequencies on the Route 153 between Kent and Renton, and Increased frequencies on the Route 183 through the West Hill of Kent ' PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. S2,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction $0 TOTAL........................................$2,600.000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, King County, CMAQ, Commute Trip Reduction Program (C"i'R) Employers iPROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Transit service (bus & train) between Kent and downtown Seattle is generally competitive with automobile driving during the commute hours Transit serv,ice within Kent and between Kent and its neighboring jurisdictions has serious deficiencies Due to low frequency, transit is simply not a viable option for travelers who need to make a trip during the midday, connmuteis working non-traditional shifts, and peals hour commuters who are concerned that there is no safety net service should they need to travel during the midday These partnership proposals allow us to buy our way into providing additional service to our community that we would not otherwise be able to obtain -ALP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],F4ST—Freight 43 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—FreightMobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal].HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program [State] 54 r CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON r SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM r 2008 - 2013 r r I ' r KEN T, WASH IN G T O N r rl For more information or additional copies of this document contact: r Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager r City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 ' (253) 856-5585 smullen(c)ci.kent.wa.us ' - -AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 44 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FT4— , Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 2008-2013 55 SIX YEAR TIP COST ESTIMATES PR03ECT ESTIMATED 2008 2fJ ? NUMBER START DATE DESCRIPTION COST IMA Ins 1 2008 South 277th Street Corridor Extension $7,500,000 2 2008 Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation $500,000 3 2008 Kent Station Mitigation Projects $1,204,000 4 1 2008 James Street Improvements $1,800,0001 NEW 5 2008 4th Avenue North at Cloudy Street $2,160,0001 NEW ' 6 2008 East Valley Highway(84th Avenue South)Improvements $5,106,000 7 2008 South 228th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad $23,000,000 Grade Separation I 8 2008 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect $342 000 9 2008 Transportation Master Plan $1,300,000 10 2009 Southeast 256th Street and 132nd Ave SE Intersection $302 000 NEW 11 2009 Smart Growth Initiative $1 990 500 12 2009 Southeast 248th Street Improvements $5 640 000 13 2009 72nd Avenue South Extension 1 015 000 14 2009 South 228th Street Pavement Rehabilitation 640 000 NEW 15 2009 Southeast 256th Street Wideninq, Phase II $5,100,000 16 2010 South 224th Street Extension $36,000,000 17 2010 I-5/South 272nd St Interchange Reconstruction Phase I $42,330,000 I 18 2010 Military Road South at Reith Road $1,945,000 19 2010 80th Avenue South Widening 1 323 000 20 2010 Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation $1,725,000 Willis Street(SR516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade 21 2011 $26,500,000 Separation ' 22 2011 Willis Street(SR516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe $22,600,000 Railroad Grade Separation 23 2011 South 212th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade $33,000,000 Separation 24 2011 South 212th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad $33,000,000 Grade Separation 25 2011 South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade $24,200,000 Separation 26 2011 Military Road Widening 13 630 000 27 2012 South 272nd Street Widening, Phase II $13,916,000 2012 SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue $16,150,000 28 Widening 29 2012 108th Avenue Southeast Extension 2 500 000 30 2013 West Meeker Street Widening, Phase I $5 960 000 1 31 2013 West Meeker Street Widening, Phase II $70,000,000 32 2013 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening, Phase I $13,120,000 33 2013 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening, Phase II $23,200,000 ' 34 2013 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening, Phase III $11,950,000 35 2013 Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase III $16,980,000 36 2013 South 208th Street Improvements $2,845,000 37 2013 South 196th/192nd Street Corridor Phase III $45,200,000 38 2008-2013 State Route 167 Widening 1 200 000 39 2008-2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements $622,000 40 2008-2013 Guardrail and Safety Improvements $195 000 ' 41 2008-2013 Community Based Circulating Shuttles $840,000 42 2008-2013 Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk $1,950,000 Repair and Rehabilitation 43 2008-2013 Transrt Now Service Partnership Program $2 600 000 NEW TOTAL �>521,080,500 New New Pro ects added in 2008 2013 Six Year TIP_ Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: LODGING TAX ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT — CONFIRM 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee, approve the appointment of Mr Noel Ryan, Towneplace Suites, to fill a vacant position on the Board His term will expire on December 31, 2009. 3. EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5 FISCAL IMPACT ' Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6K ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters KENT Phone 253-856-5703 Fax 253-856-6700 WASHINGTON ' Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 May 15, 2007 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: Ben Wolters, Economic Development Director THROUGH: Ben Wolters, Director SUBJECT: Lodging Tax Advisory Board Appointment MOTION: I move to recommend to approve the appointment of Ryan Noel to the Lodging Tax Advisory Board. SUMMARY: The Lodging tax Advisory Board recommends that Ryan Noel of TownePlace Suites be appointed to the Board. Mr. Noel would fill a vacant position and his term would expire on December 31, 2009. We look forward to talking with you about this appointment at your June 5, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please call Ben Wolters, 856- 5703. EXHIBITS: None BUDGET IMPACT: None I Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KING COUNTY 4CULTURE GRANT — ACCEPT ' 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the King County Sustained Support grant in the amount of$15,000, approve the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission budget and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. 4Culture has awarded the Kent Arts Commission $15,000 in Sustained Support funding ' through a competitive grant process. The funding will support 2007 Kent Arts Commission programs, including Spotlight Series performances, Kent Kids' Arts Day, Kent Summer Concert Series and two Missoula Children's Theatre residencies 3. EXHIBITS: Copy of contract #107099A 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks & Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT ' Expenditure9 X Revenue? X Currently in the Budget? Yes No X If no: Unbudgeted Expense- Fund 10006222.64190 4310 Amount $15,000.00 Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund 10006222 53705 4310 Amount $15,000 00 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: ' Council Agenda Item No. 6L Agreement No 107099A Contractor's Federal Taxpayer ID No. "It _ ,CL,jy`5j Contractor City of Kent Arts Commission Project Title. 2007 Programs ' Contract Amount $15,000 00 Fund Source CP—Arts Sustained Support Contract Period From: O-VO1/07 To- 12/31/07 AGENCY SERVICES CONTRACT 2007 THIS CONTRACT is entered into by the CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF KING COUNTY ("4Culture"), whose address is 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104-2672 and telephone number is (206)296-7580 and the City of Kent Arts Commission (the "Contractor"), whose address is 220 4th Avenue S. Kent WA 98032 and telephone number is 253 856-5055 Contractor is an art, cultural or historical organization or specialist qualified to receive funds pursuant to King County Code Sections 2 48 and 4.42 and RCW 67 28,180 and as hereinafter may be amended. The 4Culture Board of Dnectors approved providing funds for this project by Motion No. 2007-06. 4Culture desires to provide funds with which the Contractor shall render certain services to King County citizens. Such seances are for the benefit of art museums, cultural museums, heritage museums, the arts, and/or the performing arts and are consistant with those defined in RCW 6728.180 ("Public Benefit ' Services") •4Culture is organized pursuant to King County Ordinance 14482 and RCW 35 21.730, et seq. RCW ' 35.21.750 provides as follows: "[All) liabilities incurred by such public corporation, commission, or authority shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets and properties of such public corporation, commission or authority and no creditor or other person shall have any right of action against the city, town, or county 1 creating such corporation, commission, or authority on account of any debts, obligations, or liabilities of such public corporation, commission, or authority." The legislative authority of 4Culture has found and declared that providing funds to Contractor to reimburse Project costs in consideration of services provided hereunder constitutes a public purpose with the meaning of Article VII, Section I of the Washington State Constitution for which public funds may properly be expended or advanced NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to ' be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and do mutually agree as follows. ' AG SVC 07 Page 1 of (_SCOPE OF SERVICES ' A. The Contractor shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth hereinafter and ' in the following attached exhibits which are incorporated herein by ieteience. ® Specific Scope of Services & Reimbursement Schedule Attached hereto as Exhibit A ❑ Project Proposal and Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit_ B ® Insurance Requirements Attached hereto as Exhibit C ❑ Personnel Inventory (K.0 C 12 16 060A)( in combination with Attached hereto as Exhibit D other agreements, in excess of$25,000 in a calendar year I ❑ Affidavit and Certificate of Compliance (K C C 12 16.060B) Attached hereto as Exhibit E ' for Agreements in excess of $25,000 ❑ Disability Assurance of Cornpliance"Section 504 (KCC Attached hereto as Exhibit F 12.16 060D) [ORGANIZATIONS OIV_LY]_ ' B. Purchase of Services Funds awarded under this Agreement shall be used solely to reimburse the Contractor for expenses incurred expressly and solely in accordance with the Protect Proposal and ' Budget and/or the Specific Scope of Services attached_ Any amendment or modification to the Project Proposal and Budget or the Specific Scope of Services and Payment Schedule must be approved in writing by 4Culture. The work described generally by the Project Proposal and Budget and more specificaity by ' the Specific Scope of Services shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Project". C. In addition to performing the Project, Contractor shall provide any Public Benefit Provisions that , may be specified in the Specific Scope of Services attached. D Contractor agrees to acknowledge 4Culture support with inclusion of the approved 4Culture logo in all marketing and promotional materials during the period this contract is in force: ' 4 Approved logos are available for download in a variety of formats at C U LTC!RE http://www.4culture.org/partner/logos NING LOUNIT LOWHO TAY ' E. The Contractor agrees to notify 4Culture in advance of any public Project activities, including but not limited to ground breaking events, dedications, and other public programs. , IL DURATION OF CONTRACT This Agreement shall commence on January Is, 2007 and shall terminate on December 3151, 2007. , This Agreement, however, may be terminated earlier as provided in Section lV hereof Ill. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT i A. 4Culture shall reimburse the Contractor for its actual and authorized expenditures incurred in , satisfactorily completing the Specific Scope of Services attached and otherwise fulfilling all requirennents specified in this contract in an aggregate amount not to exceed 1$ 5,000 [10 AG S V C 07 Page 2 of 7 ' B. Contractor may apply to 4Culture for reimbursement upon completion of specified phases as detailed in the Specific Scope of Services and Reimbursement Sch.eduie attached to this contract C- Contractor shall submit an invoice and all accompanying reports in the forms attached hereto as "EXHIBITS", not more than 30 days after the completion of each specified phase identified in the Spec6G Scope of Seances and Reimbursement Schedule 4Culture will initiate authorization for payment after ' approval of corrected invoices and reports. 4Culture shall make payment to the Agency not more than 60 days after the appropriate invoice is received D- Contractor shall submit its final invoice and all outstanding reports within 30 days of the date this Agreement terminates If the Agency's final invoice and reports are not submitted by the day specified in this subsection, 4Culture will be relieved of all liability for payment to the Agency of the amounts set forth in said invoice or any subsequent invoice E. Accompanying the final invoice for the project, the Contractor shall also submit: 1. A project evaluation report upon the form provided by 4Culture. 2. If 4Culture requests, at least two images (prints, slides, or digital images accompanied by a high-quality print-out) of publishable quality for use by 4Culture to publicize its funding programs Photos shall have credits, caption information, and permission to publish. F. If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms or conditions of this contract or to provide in any manner the work or services agreed to herein, 4Culture may withhold any payment to the Contractor until 4Culture is satistied that corrective action, as specified by 40ulture, has been completed This right is in ' addition to and not in lieu of 4Culture's right to terminate this contract as provided in Section IV, any other rights of4Culture under this Agreement and any other right or remedy available to4Culture at law or in equity. ' IV. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT ' A. If, through any cause, the Contractor shalt fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement or if the Contractor shall violate any of its covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, 4Culture may terminate this Agreement and withhold the remaining allocation. Prior to so terminating this Agreement, 4Culture shall submit written notice to the Contractor describing such default or violation 4Culture shall not so terminate this Agreement if 4Culture determines that Contractor has, within twenty (20) days of the date of such notice, fully corrected such default or ' violation. V. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS ' A. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic records and other such records as may be deemed necessary by 4Culture to ensure proper accounting for all contract funds and compliance with this Agreement All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided in tha performance of this Agreement. ' B. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after termination of this Agreement unless a longer retention period is required by law AG SVC 07 Page 3 of 7 f Vi. AUDITS AND EVALUATIONS ' A. The records and documents with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement shall be subject at all times to inspection, review or audit by 4Culture and/or federatlstate officials so authorized by law during the performance of this Agreement and six (6) years after termination hereof B. The Contractor shall provide right of access to its facilities, including by any subcontractor to ' 4Culture, the King County, state and!or federal agencies or officials at all reasonable times in order to monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Agreement_ 4Culture will give advance notice to the ' Contractor in the case of fiscal audits to be conducted by 4Culture. C. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with 4Culture in the evaluation of the Contractor's ' performance under this contract and to make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process. The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW Chapter 42 17 (Public Records Act). ViI. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS If any patentable or copyrightabie material or article should result from the Project, all rights accruing from such material or article shall be the sole property of Contractor Contractor agrees to and does hereby grant to 4Culture, an irrevocable, nonexclusive, and royalty-free license to use, according to law, any material or article and use any method that may be developed as part of the work under this Agreement The foregoing license shall not apply to existing training materials, consulting aids, checklists, and other materials and documents of Contractor which are modified for use in the performance of this Agreement. ViIi. FUTURE SUPPORT 4Culture makes no commitment to support the services contracted for herein nor guarantee regarding the success of the services and assumes no obligation for future support of the Protect except as expressly set forth in this Agreement IX. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION A. In providing services under this Agreement, the Contractor is an independent contractor, and ' shall determine the means of accomplishing the results contemplated by this Agreement. Neither the Contractor nor its officers, agents or employees are employees of 40ulture for any purpose. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding employment, minimum wages and hours, and discrimination in employment The Contractor is responsible for determining the compensation of its employees, for payment of such compensation, and for all federal and/or state tax, industrial insurance, and Social Security liability that may result from the performance of ' and compensation for these services The Contractor and its officers, agents, and employees shall make no claim of career service or civil service rights which may accrue to a 4Culture employee under state or local law. 4Culture assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes by, or on behalf of the Contractor, its employees and/or others by reason of this Agreement To the extent allowed by law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmiess 4Culture and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or losses whatsoever occurring or resulting from (1)the Conti actor's failure to pay any such compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes; (2) the supplying to the Contractor of work, services, materials, or supplies by Contractor employees or other suppliers in connection with or support of the performance of this Agreement The Contractor shall ' also defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture, and its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims made by Contractor's employees arising from their employment with Contractor. AG S VC 07 Page 4 of 7 ' ' B. To the full extent provided by applicable law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture its ofiicer3, employees, and agents from any and a�i costs, claims, judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the acts or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, employees, and/or agents, except to the extent resulting from 4Culture s sole negligence. If this Agreement is a "a covenant, promise, agreement or understanding in, or in connection with or collateral to, a contract or agreement relative to the construction, alteration, repair, addition to, ' subtraction from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any building, highway, roaci, railroad, excavation, or other structure, project, development, or improvement attached to real estate" within the meaning of RCW 4 24.225, the Contractor shall so protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture, its officers, employees, and agents only to the extent of the Contractor's, its officers', employees', and/or agents' negligence. The Contractor agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, or agents In the event 4CUlture ' incurs any judgment, award and/or cost arising there from including attorneys' fees to enforce the provisions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Contractor. Claims shall include, but are not limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, ' document, report, film,tape or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright. ' X. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance as described on the Exhibit labeled as Insurance Requirements attached here to. XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ' Chapter 42 23 RCW (Code Of Ethics For Municipal Officers--Contract Interests) is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and the Contractor agrees to abide by all the conditions of said Chapter. Failure by the Contractor to comply with any requirements of such Chapter shall be a material breach of ' contract. In addition, Contractor represents, warrants and covenants that no officer, employee, or agent of 4Culture who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the Specific Scope of Contract Services funded herein has or shall have any beneficial interest, directly or indirectly, in this contract. The Contractor further represents, warrants and covenants neither it nor any ' other person beneficially interested in this Agreement has offered to give or given any such officer, employee, or agent of 4Culture, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward in connection with this Agreement. The Contractor shall take all appropriate steps to assure compliance with this provision. 1 AG SVC 07 Page 5 of XII. NONDISCRIMINATION During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor shall comply with state, federal and local legislation requiring nondiscrimination in employment and the provision of services to the public, including, but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, chapter 49 60 RCW (the Washington state law against discrimination); K C.C. chapter 12.16 regarding discrimination and affirmative action in employment , by contractors, subcontractors and vendors; K.C.C. chapter 12 17 prohibiting discrimination in contracting; K.0 C. chapter 12.18 requiring fair employment practices; K C C. chapter and 12.22 prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation , The Contractor shall maintain, until 12 months after completion of all work under this contract, all written quotes, bids, estimates or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate in this Agreement. The Contractor shall make such documents available to 4Culture for inspection and copying upon request_ XIII. NOTICES 1 Whenever this Agreement provides for notice to be provided by one party to another, such notice shall be in writing and directed to the chief executive officer of Contractor and the Executive Director of ' 4Culture at the addresses first written above. Any time within which a party must take some action shall be computed from the date that the notice is received by said party. XIV.OENERAL PROVISIONS No modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed , by the parties hereto Proposed changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be incorporated by written amendments to this Agreement. tCulture's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof or the acceptance of any performance ' during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this Agreement In the event any term or condition of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Agreement which can be given ' effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable. The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Both parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this ' Agreement. XV. ATTORNEYS' FEES; EXPENSES Contractor agrees to pay upon demand all of 4Culture's costs and expenses, including attomeys' fees and 4Culture's legal expenses, incurred in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement. 4Culture may pay someone else to help enforce this Agreement, and Contractor shall pay the costs and expenses of such enforcement Costs and expenses include 4Culture's attorneys' fees and legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including attorneys'fees and legal expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (and including efforts to , modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection services. Contractor also shall pay all court costs and such additional fees as may be directed by the court. t AG S VG 07 Page 6 of 7 ' �j XVI. SURVIVAL The terms and conditions of Sections 111, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XI1, XIII, XIV and XV shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall be continuing obligations of the parties. 4CULTURE: CONTRACTOR: ' 4Culture-CDA Executive Director Signature ' Date Name (Please type or print) Title (Please type or print) Date AG SVC 07 Page 7 of 7 Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICE City of Kent Arts Commission and 40ulture, the Cultural Development Authority of King Count;-, mutually agree that the following services be provided in accordance -,vith the application and Conti act work sheet submitted to and approved by the 4Cultme Board of Directors. Support for 2007 Programs, including Spotlight Series, a professional performing arts series (9 performances between Jan. and Apr- 2007; another 6-7 between Sept. and Dec_ 2007). 0(her events include Kent Kids' Arts Day (hands-on arts festival for youth —March 3, 2007), Kent's Summer CODeei r Series (20 performances in July and August 2007), Bent Arts Commission produced arts and cultural activities at Kent's annual Cornucopia Days festival (a collaboration with the Kent Lions Club— [lily 13-15, 2007) and two Missoula Children's Theatre residencies (March and July 2007). Evcnts are open and publicized to the community. AMOUNT $15,000.00 For artist fees and program expenses. Payable upon completion, submittal of invoice and documentation regarding: • Final budget, actual • Completion ofevaluation form ' • Final report of program activities • Programs, brochures. flyers if available PUBLIC BENEFIT Approximately 1,100 free tickets to Kent Kids'Arts Day distributed to economically disadvantaged families A variety of summer arts activities are provided free of charge, including 20 summer concerts. Complimentary and discounted tickets for many perlounances are distributed by local social service agencies; these tickets reach seniors, teens, disabled citizens and ethnically diverse groups Public and school kO_uires, workshops and other outreach activities ate offered for free or very low cost in conjunction with pcilormances. Scholarships for classes and residency activities are available. All programs will be accessible to .) broad range of King County citizens. PUBLICITY/PROMOTION POLICY ' Prominent acknowledgment of 4Culture! King County Lodging Tax Fund is required of all recipients for use in all publicity and promotional materials, including, but not limited to brochures, press releases, programs, posters, public service announcements, flyers and advertisements. Please contact your 4Culture contract administrator or go to http./Mculutre org/partneriindex.htm to download the appropriate logo cred,t Final payment will not be made until acknowledgment is submitted on�rinred material EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall procure, at its sole cost and expense, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with the performance of work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees, and/or subcontractors The costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor or subcontractors. For All Coverages Each insurance policy shall be written on an"Occurrence"form The Minimum Scope of Insurance needed for this contract is as follows �j ® Commercial General Liability Insurance Services Office form number(CG 00 01 Ed 11-88)—Minimum Combined Single Limit of$1,000,000 BI & PD with a General Aggregate [ per protect 1. Deductibles and Self Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to, and approved by 4Culture The deductible and/or self-insured retention of the policies shall not apply to the Contractor's liability to 4Culture and shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor 2 Other Insurance Provisions A. The insurance policies are to contain or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions- (a)General Liability Policies (1)4Culture, its otficers, employees and agents are to be covered as primary additional insured as respects liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor in connection with this Agreement (2)To the extent of the Contractor's negligence, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects 4Culture, its officers, employees, and agents Any insurance and/or self-insurance maintained by 4Culture, its officers, employees, or agents shall not contribute with the Contractor's insurance or benefit the Contractor in any way (3)The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made and/or lawsuit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability y, (b)All Policies (1) Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits, except as reduced in aggregate by paid claims, at any point during the life of this contract 3. Acceptability of Insurers Unless otherwise approved in writing by 4Culture, insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A Vill, or, if not rated with Best's, with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Bests' surplus size Vlll 4. Verification of Coverage Unless otherwise approved in writing by 4Culture, Contractor shall furnish 4Culture with certtficate(s)of insurance evidencing compliance with requirements set forth above, which certificate(s) shall provide that no material change, or cancellation or nonrenewal of policies referred to herein shall occur without thirty (30) days'prior written notice to 4Culture. Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TOWN SQUARE PLAZA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT — AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the easement agreement for $7,300 with Heart of Kent LLC for property at Town Square Plaza, upon approval of the easement language acceptable to the City Attorney. During construction of Town Square Plaza there is a need to provide the contractor an area to stage for construction and have an area for stockpiling materials during construction of the plaza. The one acre area identified is west of 4th Avenue behind Key Bank and fronts on both Meeker and Harrison streets The contractor is responsible for returning the site to the same or better condition than when they started the project and is also responsible for securing the site. The City is responsible for paying the taxes on the property during the period that it will be used by the contractor, estimated to be approximately $7,300, depending on the � duration of the project 3. EXHIBITS: Copy of easement agreement 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks & Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT 3 Expendrture9 X Revenue? X Currently in the Budget? Yes No X If no: Unbudgeted Expense- Fund P20059.64960.5499 Amount $7,300 00 (approx.) Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $7,300 00 (approx.) 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councdmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION. Council Agenda Item No 6M AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn. Property Management Grantor(s): HEART OF KENT PROPERTIES, LLC. Grantee(s): CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation Abbreviated Legal Description: 3 - 5 & 14 Yeslers 15` Add to Kent 3-5 & 14-16 Less E 1/2 of 14 Additional Legal Description is on Exhibit A of Document Assessor's Parcel No.: 982570-0875 ` Project Name: Town Square Plaza TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 2007, by and between HEART OF KENT PROPERTIES, LLC., a Washington limited liability company hereinafter called "Grantors" and CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: That Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits derived and/or other valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant to Grantee, its successors or assigns, a Temporary Construction Easement over the real property legally described in Exhibit A, incorporated herein (the"Easement Area") for the purpose of a laydown area which shall be used primarily for the storage of materials used for the project, machinery and possibly for the jot) shack during the construction of the Grantee's proposed Town Square Plaza Project (the "Project"). The Project will be located directly east of the Easement Area The Temporary Construction Easement shall remain in force for one (1) year after construction of the Grantee's Town Square Plaza Project has begun. Grantee shall provide Grantor written notification, at the address provided herein, at the start of construction. The Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon the Easement Area for the purpose granted herein, without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, provided that Grantee's use of the Easement Area shall be accomplished in such a manner that the existing improvements and land contours shall not be disturbed or destroyed or in the event that they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the Easement Area was entered upon by the Grantee. Grantee shall erect a security fence around the Easement Area for the duration of the Temporary Construction Easement Temporary Construction Easement - Page lof 2 (May 11, 2007) (between Heart of Kent Properties, LLC, and City of Kent- Town Square Plaza) This Temporary Construction Easement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor's successors, heirs, and assigns for the time period provided above. HEART OF KENT PROPERTIES, LLC: MEMBER Print Name: Address STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss: COUNTY OF KING } On this __ day of _, 2007, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared a Member of HEART OF KENT PROPERTIES, LLC., a Washington limited liability company, the company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, and for the uses and purposes thereon mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written Print Name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at My Commission Expires P\Civil\Files\OpenFdes\1157\TempConstEasement-HeartKentP,aperties doc Temporary Construction Easement - Page 2of 2 (May 11, 2007) (between Heart of Kent Properties, LLC., and City of Kent - Town Souare Plaza) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXHIBIT"A" iPARCEL A: I LOTS 3, 4, 5, 15 AND 16, AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 14, BLOCK 14, YESLER'S FIRST ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 64, IN KING 1 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOTS 2 AND 17, BLOCK 14, YESLER'S FIRST ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 64, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: FIRE CREEK GRILL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE — AUTHORIZE 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Assignment of Lease between Atlas Services, Inc. and Washington Hospitality LLC, upon approval of terms and conditions from the City Attorney. Atlas Services Inc. is the current lessee of the Fire Creek Grill at the Riverbend Golf Complex As landlord, the City entered into the current agreement with Atlas on March 31, 2006 Terry Suzuki, owner of Atlas, notified the City of his interest to bring in two partners into the operation of the Fire Creek Grill Washington Hospitality, LLC, is the new company comprised of the three partners, with Mr. Suzuki as the majority partner. All terms, conditions and obligations of the current lease agreement will be transferred, accepted and assumed by Washington Hospitality, LLC 3. EXHIBITS: Third Assignment of lease and Consent to Assignment 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks & Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure`? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6N THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE THIS ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE ("Assignment") is made and entered into as of (date) , by and between Atlas Service, Inc ("Assignor"). whose address is 5306 — 154"' Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98006, and Washington Hospitality LLC ("Assignee"), whose address is 1106 — 1081' Avenue NE, #40 Bellevue, WA 98004 The parties agree as follows L1 RECITALS a The City of Kent, as "Landlord," and Public Golf Management, Inc., entered into the Rlverbend 18-Hole Golf Course Clubhouse Lease Agreement dated March 23, 2000, and Addendum One To Lease Agreement dated .January 29, 21002 These agreements were assigned to Access Golf Management LLC by an Assrgrirment of Lease dated February 5, 2003, and Landlord and Access Goll Management LLC entered into Addendum Two To Lease Agreement dated February 5, 2003 Access Golf Management assigned these agreements to Assignor by an Assignment of Lease dated March 31, 2006, fj and Landlord and Assignor entered into Addendum Three To Lease Agreement dated �j March 31, 2006 (These documents shall, as a group, be referred to as the "Lease"). Under the terms of the Lease, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A"and incorporated herein by reference, Landlord leased to Assignor the restaurant facilities now commonly known as the Fire Creek Grill, located at 2019 W Meeker Street, Kent, Washington 98032 (the"Premises"). b. Assignor and Assignee have entered into an Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement, pursuant to which Assignor is transferring certain assets of its business to Assignee As a condition to the effectiveness of the Agreement, Assignor is required to assign its interest in the Lease to Assignee C. According to the provisions of the Lease, any assignment of the Lease requires Landlord's consent, which consent is evidenced by Landlord's execution of the Consent to Assignment provision attached as Schedule 1 to this Assignment and incorporated herein by this reference d. This Assignment shall be effective as of the close of escrow under the Purchase Agreement("Effective Date") 2. ASSIGNMENT As of the Effective Date, Assignor hereby transfers, assigns, and sets over unto Assignee all of Assignor's rights, title, interest, and obligations as the Tenant under the Lease and delegates all of its duties and obligations thereunder to Assignee Assignor further expressly assigns and conveys to Assignee all tenant deposits held by Landlord under the Lease 3. ACCEPTANCE AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY Assignee hereby assumes and agrees to fully and faithfully keep, fulfill and perform Iall of the terms, covenants, conditions and obligations contained in the Lease required to be FIRE CREEK GRILL— THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE& CONSENT (Apni 2007) Page 1 of 4 kept, performed and fulfilled by Assignor as Tenant under the Lease, effective as of the Effective Date, to the extent such obligations accrue on or after the Effective Date 4. INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNOR Assignee shall indemnify, defend and hold Assignor harmless from all liability accruing under the Lease from and after the Effective Date, except as to any liability arising from any default of Assignor thereunder occurring prior to the Effective Date. 5. INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNEE Assignor shall indernrnfy, defend and hold Assignee harmless from all liability accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date, and for any breach of representation or warranty of Assignor under this Agreement. 6. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ASSIGNOR Assignor hereby represents and warrants to Assignee that the copy of the Lease attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the Lease as currently in effect 7. UTILITIES AND PRORATIONS Any amounts owed under the Lease which are assessed on a monthly or annual basis shall be pro-rated using a per diem proration Assignee shall have no liability for any utility accounts or charges accruing prior to the Effective Date As of the Effective Date, Assignor shall close out all existing utility accounts of Assignor applicable to the Premises in order to allow for Assignee to secure new accounts for continued utility service on and after the Effective Date 8 PROVISIONS FOR BENEFIT OF LANDLORD 1 a. Assignor acknowledges that it owes Landlord for outstanding sums due under the terms of the Lease These amounts include rent, leasehold tax, Pupet Sound Energy utilities, City of Kent Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage utilities, City of Kent Phone Service and applicable finance charges The estimated amount is $ 41,036 27, but the final amount remains to be calculated b. The parties agree that $41,036 27 will be held in escrow for the benefit of the Landlord pending final tabulation of the amount owed under section 8 a Any funds remaining after satisfaction of money owed to by Assignor to Landlord shall be disbursed to the Assignor. C The parties agree that the City of Kent is intended to be the third party beneficiary of this Section 8 8. MISCELLANEOUS FIRE CREEK GRILL— THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE a CONSENT (April 2007) Page 2 of 4 i i a. Successors and Assigns. Each and all of the covenants, terms, agreements and obligations hereof shall extend to and bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Assignor and Assignee b. Time Time is of the essence of this Assignment with respect to each and every provision of this Assignment in which time is a factor C. Counterparts This Assignment may be executed in several counterparts and any and all such executed counterparts shall constitute a single agreement binding on each of the parties hereto and each of their respective successors and assigns, notwithstanding that each of the parties hereto is not signatory to the original or to the same counterpart d Applicable Law The existence, validity, construction and operational effect of this Assignment, each and all of its covenants, agreements, terms and conditions and the respective rights and obligations hereunder of each of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington e Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally, at the time confirmed for delivery if by telegram, telex, facsimile or telecopy transmission, or three days after being mailed, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage pre- paid, to the addresses set forth in the initial paragraph of this Assignment or to such other addresses as any such party may from time to time in writing designate to the other parties hereto in accordance with the provisions of this Paragraph f Captions Captions and Section headings used in this Assignment are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall not in any manner amplify, limit, modify or otherwise be used in the interpretation of any such document g. Gender and Number. As used in this Assignment, the masculine, feminine or neuter gender and the singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the others whenever the context so indicates or requires h Controversy In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto arising out of or relating to this Assignment, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith The term "prevailing party" shall include, without limitation, a party who obtains legal counsel or brings an action against the other by ' reason of the other's breach or default and obtains substantially the relief sought, whether by compromise, settlement or judgment. ASSIGNOR: ASSIGNEE: Atlas Service, Inc. Washington Hospitality LLC i BY BY Its: Its [CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT ON NEXT PAGE] P ICiviAFiles'QpeuFiles10463Wssigninen(AndConsenf Firecfeek 4-07 doc FIRE CREEK GRILL—THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE& CONSENT (Apnf 2007) Page 3 of 4 t SCHEDULEI CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT The City of Kent ("Landlord"), under a lease dated March 23, 2000 and Addendums ("Lease"), hereby agrees as follows 1 Landlord hereby consents to the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached from Atlas Service, Inc ("Assignor") to Washington Hospitality LLC ("Assignee"). Landlord's consent is contingent on the following a Assignor and Assignee represent and warrant to Landlord that the quality of service provided to the public shall not be negatively impacted by this Assignment, and the parties specifically represent and warrant that the restaurant's hours of operation shall not change and that ail requirements contained in the Lease relating to service and pricing shall continue to be fulfilled b. Acknowledgement by Assignor and Assignee that, upon satisfaction of the conditions for the release of the Assignor's funds held back at closing under the Agreement, any amounts remaining unpaid under the Lease shall be paid to Landlord from the Assignor's funds held back, and c. Assignee's execution of the Lease Extension attached as Exhibit "A" to this Consent to Assignment. 2. Assignor is hereby released from any further liability accruing under the Lease after the Effective Date of the Assignment of Lease, with the exception of amounts due from Assignor under the Lease frorn January 1, 2003 through closing and $41,03627 due for 2007. 3. The Lease described in the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached is unmodified except as indicated therein and is in full force and effect 4. There are no deposits currently held for the account of Assignor under the Lease 5. Landlord will not look to Assignee for performance of any obligations accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee. 6. Landlord confirms that the Lessee's option under Section 3 of the Lease to extend the term for an additional six year period of time exists as of the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee and shall pass to Assignee upon said assignment. LANDLORD CITY OF KENT By Name Title: Date. P ICiviAFilestOpenFfiesV0463VAssignment AndConsent Fwecreek 4-07 doc ' FIRE CREEK GRILL— THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE& CONSENT (April 20071 Page 4 of 4 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: EAST HILL SKATE PARK NAMING —APPROVE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Approve the name of Arbor Heights 360' as the Iofficial name for the new skate park located on the southwest corner of 116th Avenue SE and South 240th Street. In compliance with City Resolutions 1049 and 1624 and Parks Policy No 1.14, staff solicited public nominations in 2005 Thirteen names were nominated Fora variety of reasons a name was not chosen at that time. Arbor Heights Park was a leading candidate among the recommended names. As a special use park, staff suggests that the park name associate with the use of the park and not just the geographic location 360' represents a wide variety of park elements (the full pipe, view from pinnacle, loop trail, multi-generations). This new skate park on the east hill of Kent is scheduled to open in June 2007. 3. EXHIBITS: Copy of Resolution Nos. 1049 & 1624 and Parks Policy No. 1:14 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks & Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount S Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund Amount S 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 60 t RESOLUTION NO. 1049 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington relating to parks and public facilities; establishing policy and procedure for the naming of City parks and public facilities. WHEREAS, the City of Kent does not have a policy and procedure concerning the naming of parks and public facilities; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to outline the criteria and process for official naming of park, recreation and other public facilities; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The following policy and procedure is established for the naming of parks and other public facilities_ PARK ANO PUBLIC FACILITY NAMING POLICY 1.0 PURPOSE: To outline the criteria and procedures for the official naming of park, recreation and other public facilities. 2.0 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: 2.1 the naming of parks, recreation areas and other public facilities should be approached with caution, patience and deliberation. 2.2 A name once adopted should be bestowed with the Intention that it will be permanent, and changes should be strongly resisted. 3.0 CRITERIA: Consideration in naming facilities shall be given primarily to: 3.1 Neighborhood or geographical identification; 3.2 A natural or geological feature (e.g. , Lake Fenwick, Mill Creek); t 3.3 Historical or cultural significance (e.g. , Van Doren's Landing); 3.4 An individual who has donated substantial monies or land or who was otherwise instrumental in the acquisition of park acreage or public property (e.g. , Milwaukee Playfield). i 3.4.1 Facilities shall not be named for living persons; however, exceptions may he considered when A) a significant contribution of land or money is made and the donor stipulates naming of the facility as a condition of the donation, or B) when an unusually outstanding public service would so justify. 3.5 The wishes or preference of residents of the neighborhood surrounding the public park, recreation area of public facility. 4.0 PROCEDURE: 4.1 Suggestions for names shall be solicited from organizations, individuals and the media, and all suggestions, solicited or not, shall be acknowledged and recorded for consideration by the City. 4.2 The legislative authority, following such review and public hearings by the Parks Committee as deemed appropriate, shall designate names for park, recreation and other public facilities. 4.3 There shall be a time lapse of at least six months between receipt of a name proposal and the final recommendation on its adoption in cases where the person is living or in which the death of the person or the event to be commemorated took place within the past year. 4.4 Facilities shall be identified by the established name, and signs shall be maintained as a source of identity and civic pride. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent Washington this _4? day of �Q.J -- 1485: Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of �e— 148? Al i 1 2 _ I � I ATTEST: MARI ��� -- APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ - r-- I I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. loszll passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the �( day of e C- 19$5 �~ (SEAL) TTY'QLSkR' I 2070-90 2/25/85 - 3 - 42 The legislative authority, following such review and public hearings by the Parks Committee as deemed appropriate, shall designate names For park,recreation and other public facilities 43 There shall be a time lapse of at least six months between receipt of a name proposal and the final recommendation on it s adoption in cases where the person is living, or in eases where wlnuh-the death of the person or the event to be commemorated took place within the past year 4 3 i The six month lapse period may be waived by the City when a park. Dubhc facility, or a feature Nvithin mark is to be named after living person when an unusually outstanding public service would so justify. In those instances,the Mayor Council President, Parks Committee Chan erson, and Parks Director may unanimously designate the name of such park, public facility, or a feature within a park, The mark name so designated is.ill be announced at the park, or public facility dedication 44 Facnl-,ties shall be identified by the established name, and signs shall be maintained as a source of identity and civic pride. SECTION 3. - Severability If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of tills resolution SECTION 3. - Rati tcation Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed ll .Naming of Park Facdrties- f Updating Policy and Procedure I i 1 SECTION 4. - Q ertwe Bate This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of tKent, Washington,this /�o day of 2002 1 CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this /6 day of ^_002 MAYOR ATTEST r am,/ :••� '•••. 6 BRENDAJACOBE,4jrTY CLERK : f APPROVED AS TO FORM '' ••••'`' TOM BRU$AKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the I16 day of 2002 �4' •• RENDA LA��Mnrf ITY CLERK 4 • ecww..•n.,w..v...4v.,.v...ram..m�.0 y. a � • � N X L .. •• INaming o fPark Facilities— Updating Policy and Procedure Parks, Recreation and Community Services Policy and Procedure Manual Section: 1 Policy No: 1.14 Title: Naming Parks and Facilities References: Resolution 1049, 1649 Division: Parks Administration Approved: Supersedes: 1.18 1.0 Policy 1.1 It is the policy of the Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department to follow Resolution No. 1049 and 1624 of the City Council and to properly name parks and other facilities with the intention of the naming being permanent. 1.2 In naming parks and other facilities, consideration shall be primarily given to, 1) neighborhood or geographic identification; 2) natural or geological features (e.g. lake, canyon, etc.); 3) historical or cultural significance and 4) j individual who donated substantially or was otherwise significant to the park acquisition, development, or parks system. 1.3 Facilities shall not ordinarily be named for living persons, except under consideration when a significant donations made or unusually outstanding public service would so justify (see Resolution 1624, para. 4.3.1). 1.4 The usual six month lapse period may be waived by the City, when a park, public facility or a feature within a park is to be named after a living person when an unusually outstanding public service would so justify In those instances, the Mayor, Council President, Parks Committee Chairperson and Parks Director may unanimously designate the name of a park, pubic facility or a future within a park (Resolutions 1049 and 1624), 2.0 Procedure 21 Suggestions for names shall be solicited from organizations, individuals and the media, and all suggestions, solicited or not, shall be acknowledged and recorded for consideration by the city. 2.2 The involvement and input of neighborhood residents surrounding property to be named will be sought. I � 2.3 The legislative authority, following such review and public hearings by the Parks committee as deemed appropriate, shall designate names for parks, recreation and other public facilities. 2.4 There shall be a time lapse of at least six months between receipt of a name proposal and the final recommendation on its adoption in cases where the person or the event to be commemorated took place within the past year, unless unusually outstanding public service would so justify 2.5 Facilities shall be identified by the established name, and signs shall be maintained as a source of identity and civic pride_ i i Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KENT ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENT — CONFIRM 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Linda Mackintosh to the Kent Arts Commission Ms. Macintosh is a West Hill resident and an agent associated with Windermere Real Estate. She has a history of volunteering her time to benefit not-for-profit organizations. She has devoted time to organizations in Olympia, Seattle and Kent She has also served as a member of several Boards of Directors and is accustomed to holding leadership positions Her professional career includes working with Washington Business Week and Strategic Education Centers, Three M Supply Company and as Director of Corporations in the office of the Secretary of State. I Ms Macintosh has a BA in Music Education and taught music in the public schools for two years She will utilize her musical background as a Kent Arts Commission member. She will replace C J Bell, who resigned, and her new term will continue until 10/31/2009. 3. EXHIBITS: Memo 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor Cooke (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no. Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds r DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6P r KENT WASHINOTON MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Deborah Ranniger, City Council President City Council Members From Mayor Suzette Cooke Date May 23,2007 07 Subject: Appointment to Kent Arts Commis I seek your approval of my appointment of Ms. Linda Mackintosh to the Kent Arts Commission. Ms. Macintosh is a West Hill resident and an agent associated with Windermere Real Estate. She has a history of volunteering her time to benefit not-for-profit organizations. She has devoted time to organizations in Olympia, Seattle and Kent. She has also served as a member of several Boards of Directors and is accustomed to holding leadership positions. Her professional career includes working with Washington Business Week and Strategic Education Centers, Three M Supply Company and as Director of Corporations in the office of the Secretary of State. Ms. Macintosh has a BA in Music Education and taught music in the public schools for two years. She will utilize her musical background as a Kent Arts Commission member iShe will replace C.J. Bell, who resigned, and her new term will continue until 10/31/2009. I submit this for your confirmation. jb 1 t Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Public Hearings 1. SUBJECT: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORATORIUM EXTENSION RESOLUTION 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: On December 12, 2006, the City Council passed Resolution No 1746 unposing a moratorium on filing rezones and other related land use applications on residential properties whose zoning designation does not match the property's comprehensive plan designation. On February 6, 2007, after a public hearing, Council continued the moratorium pursuant to Resolution 1748, which will expire at midnight, June 12, 2007 Council resolves these zoning and comprehensive plan differences by passing appropriate amendments on tonight's consent calendar. However, these ordinance amendments will not take effect until after the current moratorium expires. As a result, Council must extend the moratorium until the new ordinance takes effect. State law requires a public hearing before extending the moratorium. I3. EXHIBITS: Resolution 4. RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no• Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: A. Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds to close the public hearing. v B Councilmember iLmmoves, Councilmember L�rconds to adopt Resolution No /1�0 , adopting Findings of Fact and CONTINUING the moratorium established pursuant to Resolution Nos. 1746 and 1748 affecting certain residential properties whose zoning and comprehensive plan designations do not match. DISCUSSION: ! ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. SA 1 1 IRESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to residential zoning and comprehensive plan map designations and adopting findings of fact renewing a moratorium on the filing of rezones and other dependent land use applications for real property with single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do not match (Dkt 2006-4). i A. RCW 35A.63.220 authorizes cities to adopt moratoriums. On December 12, 2006, the Kent City Council adopted Resolution 1746 imposing a moratorium upon the filing of rezones and other dependent land use applications for real property with single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do not match. After a public hearing on February 6, 2007, Resolution 1748 was adopted keeping the moratorium in effect until midnight June 12, 2007. B. During the moratorium, city staff, the community, the Land Use and Planning Board, the Planning and Economic Development Committee, and the city council have been researching, reviewing, and providing comment to help resolve the issue of unequal or unmatched residential designations. C. As a result of the above study, on May 15, 2007, the city council voted to approve amendments to the city's zoning and comprehensive plan map designations. An ordinance adopting these amendments was passed on June 5, 2007, and will go into effect thirty (30) days after passage (Reconciliation Ordinance). Because the Reconciliation Ordinance will not be in effect until after the expiration of the moratorium, city staff is requesting renewal of the moratorium until the effective date of the Reconciliation Ordinance. 1 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal D. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220, a public hearing was held on June 5, 2007, to consider renewing the moratorium The city council has considered all comments and materials presented and finds that the protection of health, safety, and welfare supports renewing the moratorium on the filing of rezones and other dependent land use applications for real property with single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do not match. The moratorium will be renewed until the effective date of the Reconciliation Ordinance. The specific zoning and corresponding comprehensive plan map designations affected by this moratorium are identified in Resolution No. 1746. This moratorium shall not apply to any application for a land use permit or approval that has vested by the effective date of this moratorium. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recitals Incorporated. The recitals set forth in this resolution, resolution 1746, and resolution 1748 are incorporated as if fully set forth and are adopted as Findings of Fact. SECTION 2. - Renewal of Moratorium. Based on the Findings of Fact adopted in Section 1, the city council concludes that it is necessary for the moratorium enacted in Resolution 1746 to be renewed until the effective date of the Reconciliation Ordinance adopted on June 5, 2007. During the moratorium, no , applications shall be filed for rezones and other dependent land use applications for real property with single-family residential zoning and/or single-family residential comprehensive plan map designations that are not of equal density or otherwise do ' not match. The specific zoning and corresponding comprehensive plan map designations affected by this moratorium are identified in Resolution No. 1746. 2 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal 1 SECTION 3. - Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. - Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to ' the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. 1 SECTIONS. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon Its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this day of , 2007. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this day of June, 2007. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR LATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of June, 2007. BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Resolution\ResidentialRezones-MoratoriumRenewal doc 3 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: ELLIS REZONE (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING) 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The proposed ordinance relates to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of three parcels totaling 5.67 acres of property from SR-4.5 (Single Family Residential), to SR-6 (Single Family Residential). The property is located at 12824 SE 256th The Kent Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on May 2, 2007, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a Recommendation for approval on May 16, 2007. ' 3. EXHIBITS: Ordinance; Hearing Examiner Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation, staff report with map, Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, Decision Document 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue Fund Amount $ ' 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ' Councilmember RJ moves, Councilmember (0 seconds to-a�rejectAviod.ify.the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Ellis Rezone . nd le adepT G2k-&Free No..ter ,r DISCUSSION: C ACTION• Council Agenda Item No 7A ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of approximately 5.67 acres of property located at 12824 SE 256`h Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 5 units per acre) to SR-6 ' (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Ellis Rezone RZ-2006-11). RECITALS A. An application was filed on September 21, 2006, to rezone approximately 5 67 acres of property located at 12824 SE 2561h Street from SR- 4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Ellis Rezone, #RZ-2006-11). B. The City's SEPA responsible official issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) (#ENV-2006-73) for the proposed rezone on March 17, 2007. C. A public hearing on the rezone was held before the hearing examiner on May 2, 2007. On May 16, 2007, the hearing examiner issued findings ' and conclusions that the Ellis Rezone is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan; that the proposed rezone and subsequent development activity would be compatible with the development in the vicinity; that the proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated; that circumstances have changed since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone; and that the proposed rezone will not adversely affect the ' health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. 1 Ellis Rezone D. Based on these findings and conclusions, the hearing examiner recommended approval of the Ellis Rezone. ' E. On June 5, 2007, the City Council determined that the hearing examiner's findings and conclusions are consistent with sections 15.09 050(A)(3) , and 15.09 050(C) of the Kent City Code. Council accepted the findings of the hearing examiner, and adopted the hearing examiner's recommendation for approval of the Ellis Rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ' WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE , SECTION 1. - Rentals Incorporated as Findings The foregoing recitals, which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. - Rezone. The property located at 12824 SE 256th Street in Kent, Washington consisting of approximately 5.67 acres depicted in Exhibit "A" ' (marked "Vicinity Map"), attached and incorporated by this reference, and legally described in Exhibit "B", attached and incorporated by this reference, is rezoned from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). The City of Kent zoning map shall be amended to reflect the rezone granted above. SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or ' sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same ' shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its publication as provided by law. , 2 Ellis Rezone , SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY ' PASSED: day of June, 2007. APPROVED: day of June, 2007. ' PUBLISHED: day of June, 2007. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the ' Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Ordmance\Rezone-Elhs doc 1 ' 3 Ellis Rezone OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ' Theodore Paul Hunter KE N T Hearing Examiner WASH INGTDN FOR THE CITY OF KENT FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FILE NO: ELLIS REZONE #RZ-2006-11 (KIVA #RPP4-2064512) APPLICANT: Schneider Homes 6510 Southcenter Blvd., Suite 1 Tukwila, WA 98188 RE UEST: A request to rezone 5.67 acres from SR-4.5 to SR-6 Single Family ' Residential. LOCATION: The property is located at 12824 SE 256th Street, Kent, ' Washington. APPLICATION FILED: September 21, 2006 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ISSUED: March 17, 2007 HEARING DATE: May 2, 2007 DECISION ISSUED: May 16, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: GRANTED ' STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: William D. Osborne, AICP, Planner ' TESTIMONY: The following individuals presented testimony under oath at the open record hearing: ' William Osborne, City Planner Mike Gillespie, City Public Works Jeff Morgan, for the Applicant ' EXHIBITS: ' 1. Staff Report, dated April 25, 2007 ' Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Heanng Examiner E111s Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA #RPP4-2064512 ' Page I of 7 2. Rezone Application, received September 21, 2006 3. Preliminary Plat Application, received September 22, 2006 4. Tentative Plat Information 5. Department Routing and Comments 6. Public Notice with documentation 7. Notice of Application, dated November 29, 2006 and Notice of Completeness, dated November 2, 2006 8. Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, issued March 17, 2007, and Environmental Checklist ' 9. Preliminary Plat Site Maps, including Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PP-1); Subdivision Site and Utility Plan (PP-2); Storm Drain Detention/Water Quality Pond (SD-1) 10. Public Comment Letters a. Email message from Linda and Dennis Johnson to William Osborne, dated April 30, 2007 b. Email message from Ted and Melodye Johnson to William Osborne, dated April 30, 2007 C. Email message from Kimberly Brookey to City Planning Department, dated May 1, 2007 11. Property Land Use Summary, prepared by Triad Associates, dated May 2, 2007 , The Hearing Examiner enters the following Findings and Conclusions based upon the testimony ' and exhibits admitted at the open record hearing. FINDINGS 1. Schneider Homes (Applicant) requested a zoning map amendment to rezone 5.67 acres from SR 4.5 to SR-6 Single Family Residential.' The site is located at 12824 SE 2561h Street, in Kent, Washington.Z Exhibit', Staff Report, page 2; Exhibit 2. 2. The City of Kent (City) determined the rezone application to be complete on November ' 2, 2006. The City issued a revised notice of application on November 29, 2006. On 1 Concurrent with the rezone request, the Applicant also submitted a preliminary plat application to , subdivide the 5 67 acres subject to the rezone request into 27 single-family residential lots, two access/utility tracts, two roads, and one stormwater tract. The subject property would be developed at a density of 4 76 du/acre (27 du / 5.67 acres = 4 76 du/acre). Exhibit', Staff Report,page 1; Exhibit3. ' The preliminary plat application is addressed in a separate decision See Decision of Hearing Examiner, Ellis Preliminary Plat File No. SU-2006-12, KIVA # 2064514. The Hearing Examiner's preliminary plat decision is contingent upon City Council approval of the rezone request. Z The property subject to the rezone request is identified by King County tax parcel numbers 2122059063, 2122059064, and 2122059081. A legal description of the property is included with the rezone application and on the preliminary plat map. Exhlbit2;Exhibit , Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation ' City of Kent Hearing Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA #RPP4-2064512 Page 2 of 7 November 29, 2006, the City posted notice of the application and sent notice to public agencies and parties of record. The City published notice in the King County>ournal on ' November 15, 2006, in compliance with City ordinances. Exhibit 3. On April 20, 2007, the City posted notice of the public hearing associated with the application and mailed notice to all owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property, in compliance with City ordinances. On April 21, 2007, the City published notice of the public hearing in the Kent Reporter. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, page 6; Exhibit 6. 4. The City of Kent acted as lead agency for review of environmental impacts caused by the proposal as required by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The City reviewed the environmental impacts for both the proposed rezone and the concurrently submitted preliminary plat application.' The City determined that with conditions, the rezone and preliminary plat proposals together would not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) with four conditions on March 17, 2007. The four conditions ' require the Applicant to: (1) submit a Traffic Impact Study and construct the transportation improvements called for in the study or pay an Environmental Mitigation Fee representing the project's fair share of the City's South 224th Street/ South 2281h ' Street Corridor Project; (2) provide plans for pedestrian walkway improvements to nearby elementary schools; (3) minimize negative impacts to on-site soil and neighboring properties; and (4) minimize grading and the need for retaining walls by ' following the natural topographical contours of the property No one appealed the MDNS. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 3 and 5; Exhibit 8. 5. The subject property is currently located in the City's SR-4.5 Single-Family Residential zoning district. The City's SR-4.5 Single-Family Residential zoning district permits a maximum of 4.53 dwelling units per acre and a minimum lot size of 7,600 square feet. ' Kent City Code (KCC) 15.04.170. In the SR-4.5 zoning district, a 5.67 acre lot could be developed with 26 lots. The City's SR-6 Single-Family Residential zoning district permits maximum density of 6 05 dwelling units/acre, with a minimum lot size of 5,700 square ' feet, allowing for development of up to 34 lots on a 5.67 acre parcel. KCC 15.04.170; Exhibit 1, Staff Report, page 2. 1 6. The subject property was annexed to the City in 1996. The subject property was designated SF-6 Single-Family Residential, 6 dwelling units per acre, by the City Comprehensive Land Use Map following the 1995 Comprehensive Plan update. The t1995 Comprehensive Plan contained a target for the number of new households that the 'The Washington Supreme Court endorsed this combined threshold review process when it found ' impacts of a specific development proposal can be a useful yardstick to measure rezone impacts. See GtizensAlliance v. Auburn, 126 Wn.2d. 356, 365 (1995). Combined threshold review is consistent with KCC 12.01.030(D), is a more efficient use of City, applicant and public resources, and promotes SEPA ' policies. See 126 Wn.2d at 366 ('The SEPA rules underscore flexibility and gauge the level of detail according to the proposal at issue'. ' Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Hearnng Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA 4`RPP4-2064512 Page 3 of 7 City must accommodate during the City Comprehensive Plan's 20-year planning horizon. ' A 2004 Comprehensive Plan update also designated the subject property as SF-6 Single Family Residential. The subject property is currently designated SF-6 Single-Family , Residential by the City Comprehensive Land Use Map (last revised May 2006).4 The Comprehensive Land Use Map designates most property located between 1161h and 132nd Avenues SE and between SE 248th and SE 264th Streets as SF-6 Single-Family , Residential. City Comprehensive Land Use Map (last revised May 2006); Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 2 -3 and 15. 7. The Comprehensive Plan describes the Land Use Element as having "the central role of ' defining the direction of the Comprehensive Plan, and thereby defining the vision of the community." City Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element, page 4-2.5 The Land Use Element includes the Land Use Map, which designates the subject property as SF-6. In addition, the Land Use Element contains goals and policies requiring a minimum density of four units per acre, encouraging flexibility in housing and site designs, and promoting ' home ownership with smaller houses and lot sizes.b Housing Element goals and policies relevant to the rezone request include the promotion of home ownership by revising zoning codes to increase the supply of affordable housing options such as small lot , sizes.7 Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 8-9 and 11 - 12. 8. The subject property borders SE 256th Street to the south, 129th Avenue SE on the east, ' and 128th Avenue SE on the west. Development in the vicinity of the subject property consists of low to medium-density single-family residential use, with a church and associated parking facility to the south of the site. A vacant lot lies to the east of the site at the intersection of SE 256th Street and 132nd Avenue SE 8 Property to the north of SE 256th Street is zoned SR-4.5 Single-Family Residential; property to the south of SE 'The Comprehensive Plan SF-6 designation would permit a maximum of 34 lots on the 5.67 acre site (6 du/acre multiplied by 5 67 acres = 34 du). 5 The Growth Management Act (GMA) directs that a city's development regulations must implement and , be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. RCW 36.7OA.O4O. 6 See Land Use Element Goals LU-1 and LU-10, and Policies LU-1.1, LU-9.1, LU-9.4, LU-11.1, LU-11.3, , LU-11.6, and LU-12 2 City Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element(last revised May 4, 2006), pages 4- 26, 4-32, 4-33, and 4-34. See Housing Element Goals H-2, H-5, and H-7, and Policies H-2.2, H-2.3, H-2.5, H-5.1, H-5.2, H-5.3, ' and H-7.5 City Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element(2004), pages 6-11, 6-12, 6-13 and 6-14. The City identified the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies as also relevant to the rezone and subdivision applications: Transportation Element Goal TR-1, TR-4, Policy TR-1.2 and Policy TR-5.4, Community Design Element Goals CD-1, CD-3, CD-16, CD-21 and CD-22, and Policies CD-1.1, CD-14.2, CD-15.2, CD-16.1, CD-16.2, CD-19.2, and CD-20.1. City Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element (2004), page 9-40, 9-42, and 9-43; City Comprehensive Plan, Community Design Element(2004), pages , 5-7, 5-10, 5-20, 5-22, 5-25 and 5-26; Exhibit 1, Staff Report,pages 9-13. 8 To the east of the subject property, City Council denials of two applications for rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6 are currently under judicial appeal. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,page 14. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation , City of Kent Hearing Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA #RPP4-2064512 Page 4 of 7 2561h Street is zoned SR-6 Single-Family Residential. William Osborne, City Planner, testified that the general development in the area is consistent with the proposed rezone. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 2—3; Testimony of Mr. Osborne. 9. The subject property is currently developed with a single-family residence, a mobile home, a barn and associated outbuildings, and a detached shed. All existing buildings would be demolished prior to development. Mr. Osborne testified that the Applicant filed the rezone request prior to the moratorium placed on rezones by the City Council. If the rezone were approved, the SR-6 zoning classification would allow development of approximately 34 single-family detached residences on the subject property. The subject property's current SR-4 5 zoning classification permits the development of up to 26 single-family residences on the subject property. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 2 - 3 and 15, Testimony of Mr. Osborne. 10. Linda and Dennis Johnson submitted a public comment letter to the City expressing concern about the traffic impact of the proposed rezone, if traffic potentially resulting from the increased development density allowed under the rezone would follow SE 254`h Place. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson describe SE 2541h Place as a quiet residential street where children play in the adjoining cul-de-sac. Melodye and Ted Johnson and Kimberly Brookey concurred with the description in public comment letters they submitted to the City. EXhlblt 10(a)-(c). 11. Mr. Osborne responded for the City that development associated with the preliminary plat application submitted for the subject property would result in the connection of SE 254`h Place with 1291h Avenue SE. SE 2541h Place currently terminates at 1281h Avenue SE. Roads within the proposed subdivision would connect 128`h Avenue SE with 1291h Avenue SE. Mike Gillespie, City Public Works, testified that one-half of new vehicle trips resulting from the proposed subdivision development would follow 1281h Avenue SE to access the subdivision and the other half would follow 1291h Avenue SE. Subsequent development of the subject property would be required to meet City code and regulations, including mitigation of environmental impacts and required street improvements. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, page 15; Exhibit 9; Testimony of Mr. Osborne; Testimony of Mr. Gillespie. CONCLUSIONS Jurisdiction The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction to hold an open record hearing on quasi-judicial actions, including this rezone, and to issue a written recommendation for final action to the City Council, pursuant to RCW 35A 63 170 and Kent City Code Chapters 2.32, 12 01 and 15.09. Findings, Conclbslon5 and Recommendation City of Kent Heanng Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, IUVA #RPP4- 2064512 Page 5 of Criteria for Review Section of the Kent Zoning Code sets forth the standards and criteria the Hearing Examiner must use to evaluate a request for a rezone. A request for a rezone shall only be granted if: 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity; 3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated; 4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone; and 5. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. Conclusions Based on Findings 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated SF-6 by the Comprehensive Plan, allowing for development of up to six dwelling units per acre. The proposed rezone would bring the property's zoning classification into alignment with the property's Comprehensive Plan designation. Properties in the vicinity of the subject parcel are also designated SF-6 under the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezone would support development of single family residences within the City limits near existing streets and services at a density of at least four units per net developable acre, consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use goals and policies. The smaller lot sizes made possible by the rezone would support a variety of housing styles, consistent with Housing Element goals and policies. Development of the property would include improvements to area streets according to MDNS conditions, consistent with Transportation Element goals The Comprehensive Plan contemplates the revision of zoning districts to ensure adequate housing options. Findings 1, 4 —9. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development would be compatible with the existing neighborhood. Although featuring smaller lot sizes, subsequent development would be single family residential in a single family residential neighborhood. Subsequent development of 27 lots on the 5.67 acre property subject to the rezone would result in a lesser density than the maximum permitted under the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation for the subject property. Properties in the vicinity of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Hearing Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA #RPP4-2064512 Page 6 of 7 ' the subject property also have a SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and a SR-6 zoning classification. Findings 1, 5, 6, 8, 9. 3. The proposed rezone would not unduly burden the transportation system. The proposed rezone itself would not generate increased traffic. The Applicant would address traffic impacts resulting from the proposed subdivision associated with the rezone through compliance with MDNS conditions and any conditions applied to approval of the proposed plat. Findngs 9 - 11. 4. Circumstances have changed substantially to warrant the proposed rezone. Washington state courts have held that proof of changed circumstances are not required for a rezone if the proposed rezone and associated development implement policies contained in the comprehensive plan. Bjarnson v. Kitsap County, 78 Wn.App. 840 (Div. I, 1995); Henderson v. Klttitas County, 124 Wn. App. 747 (Div. III, 2004). Here, property has been classified as SF-6 by the City Comprehensive Plan since 1995, a designation upheld through a Comprehensive Plan update. The rezone request and associated plat development would implement City Comprehensive Plan goals and policies to promote home ownership and reduce urban sprawl through flexibility in housing and site design. The rezone would bring the property into line with the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation. Findings 1, 5 - 9. 5. The proposed rezone would not adversely affect public health, safety and general welfare. The City provided adequate public notice of the rezone application and associated public hearing. The rezone would not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Approval of the proposed rezone would allow development of the property consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the property and consistent with single-family residential development in the vicinity. Future development would be conditioned to address impacts on streets surrounding the subject property, through compliance with City codes, regulations and MDNS conditions. Findings 1 - 11. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the preceding Findings and Conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommends that the request to rezone 5.67 acres, King County Tax Parcels Numbers 2122059063, 2122059064, and 2122059081, from SR-4.5 to SR-6 be GRANTED. DATED this 16`h day of May 2007. THEODORE PAUL HUNTER City of Kent Hearing Examiner ch 5\PermitlPlan\rezone\2006\20 645 1 2-200 6-1 1FINDINGS dm Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Oty of Kent Hearing Examiner Ellis Rezone #RZ-2006-11, KIVA #RPP4-2064512 Page 7 of 7 ■ 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager K E N T Phone- 253-856-5454 W A 5 H i N c T o N Fax 253-856-6454 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 KENT PLANNING SERVICES (253) 856-5454 STAFF REPORT FOR HEARING EXAMINER MEETING OF May 2, 2007 FILE NO: ELLIS SUBDIVISION AND REZONE #RZ-2006-11 KIVA# 2064512 r #SU-2006-12 KIVA# 2064514 APPLICANT: Mr. Hans Korve 11814 115 AVE NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6923 RE UEST: A request to rezone 5.67 acres from SR-4.5 to SR- 6, Single Family Residential and subdivide into 27 single-family residential lots. The property is located at 12824 SE 256th Street. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: William D. Osborne, AICP, Planner STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Rezone: APPROVAL Subdivision. APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Description of the Pr000sal The applicant proposes to rezone then subdivide three existing residential parcels totaling approximately 5.67 acres into 27 single family lots and one stormwater tract. The rezone proposal would change the current zoning of SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6, Single Family Residential. The City's Comprehensive Plan Map designates the site SF-6, Single Family Residential. ■ Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 The proposed lot sizes range from 5,079 to 7,377 square feet. The proposal also includes construction of site improvements such as utilities, streets, and a stormwater facility to be located in the southeast corner of the property. Primary access to the site is proposed via 129th Avenue Southeast, which would be widened in its connection to Southeast 256th Street. Two private access/utility road easements will be provided internally, and a public street will be made to connect with property adjacent to the west of the site via 128th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 254th Street. B. Location The site is located north of Southeast 256th Street between 126'h and 1291h Avenues Southeast. The site is identified by King County Parcels #2122059063, #2122059064, and #2122059081. C. Size of Property The subject site consists of three parcels totaling approximately 5.67 acres. D. Zoning / Comprehensive Plan The site is currently zoned SR 4.5, Single Family Residential. The applicant proposes to rezone the site to SR-6, Single Family Residential. Generally, properties surrounding the site north of Southeast 256th Street are zoned SR-4.5. Properties in the vicinity located to the south of Southeast 256"' Street are primarily zoned SR-6. The City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Map designates the site together with most properties located between 116th and 132'd Avenues Southeast and Southeast 248th and 264th Streets as SF-6 Single Family Residential, 6 Units per acre. The lots proposed in the Ellis subdivision are generally consistent with this intensity of development. Utilizing gross acreage, the SR-6 zoning designation would allow for the development of approximately 34 single family detached units on this site, as opposed to 26 single family units under the existing SR-4.5 designation The subdivision proposed through this request includes a total of 27 single family residential lots, per the plat map dated September 22, 2006. Page 2 of 33 1 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 E. Land Use The site of this proposed rezone and subdivision is currently developed with one single-family residence, a mobile home, barn and associated out-buildings, all of which are proposed to be demolished. Existing development in the vicinity of the site in all directions is generally low- medium density single family residential use with a mixture of platted and unplatted lots. A large undeveloped property is located to the east at the northwest corner of the Southeast 256th Street/132nd Avenue Southeast intersection. There is a church and related parking facilities located directly south of the site. F. History The property was annexed to the City of Kent on January 1, 1996 under Ordinance No. 3241. The applications for subdivision and rezone for this site were submitted to the City on September 22, 2006, and deemed complete on November 1, 2006. A Notice of Application (NOA) was issued on November 15, 2006. II. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Environmental Assessment A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued on March 17, 2007. A copy of this MDNS is part of the record for this plat/rezone. No appeals to this decision have been filed. B. Significant Physical Features Topograi)hv, Wetlands and Vegetation The site is described by the applicant as flat and rolling with slopes on a majority of the site ranging between 60/0 to 8%, with a maximum slope on the site of 911/6. A balanced grade and fill is proposed to maintain current soils on site during site development. Shrubs, grasses and pasture are identified vegetation types existing on the subject site. The applicant has indicated that up to 40% of the site may be covered with impervious surface, as allowed by the zoning code. All of the existing trees, and most of the existing vegetation described above will be removed and replaced with residential landscaping. Page 3 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 At this time, the applicant claims that no wetlands or other sensitive areas are have been identified on the site. C. Significant Social Features 1. Street System Transportation impacts associated with this development were identified and evaluated during the environmental review process and analysis of this project. The development will take its primary access from 129th Avenue SE. This street is classified as a Residential Collector Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards This street has an existing public right-of-way width that varies from about 30-feet to about 101-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 10 to 15-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. A second public street having frontage along the subject development is Southeast 2561h Street This street is classified as a Minor Arterial within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street has an existing public right-of- way width of about 60 feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 46 feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic and a two-way left-turn lane, and does include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system, cement concrete sidewalks and an approved street lighting system. A third public street having frontage along the subject development is Southeast 254th Street. This street is classified as a Residential Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way I� width of about 48-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 28-feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic, and does include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks. It does not include an approved street lighting system. A fourth public street having frontage along the subject development is 128th Avenue Southeast. This street is classified as a Residential Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way Page 4 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 width of about 30-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 20-feet wide The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, and does not include the following other street improvement features along the east side of the street: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks, or an approved street lighting system. The existing asphalt pavement section of these streets is inadequate to provide an expected 20-year service life and is in need of an asphalt overlay/rebuild in order to maintain an acceptable level of service while accommodating the increased volume of trips being generated by this proposal. As stated in the SEPA decision document, the proposed subdivision development will cause incremental but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems -- demonstrated, in part, as additional traffic congestion at the intersections of: Southeast 256t" Street at 127" Avenue Southeast / Southeast 256t" Street at 124t" Avenue Southeast / Southeast 256t" Street at 116th Avenue Southeast / 116t" Avenue Southeast at Kent Kangley Road / SR- 516. This development is within an area that is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes and narrow or no shoulders, and has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities. This development will require off-site sidewalks / walkways to provide safe travel for school-age pedestrians to and from Martin Sortun Elementary School. Compliance with City of Kent's 'Public Works Ordinance' and the State of Washington's Growth Management Act will require concurrent improvement -- or the execution of binding agreements by the Owner / Subdivider with the City of Kent, for participation in future public improvement projects -- of roadways, pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, intersection and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, stormwater treatment, and stormwater conveyance, utility, sanitary sewage, and domestic potable water systems. 2. Water System The site is located within the Water District #111 service area. Adequate capacity is available to serve this proposed subdivision. Page 5 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 3. Sanitary Sewer System The site is located within the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District's sewer service area. Adequate capacity is available to serve this proposed subdivision. As a condition of approval, the applicant is required to identify any adjacent drain fields which may extend onto the project site. If any existing drain fields in the immediate area are identified to extend onto the Ellis site, the applicant shall provide necessary easements to maintain these dram fields or provide sanitary sewer connections to impacted property owners. 4. Stormwater System A stormwater system will be necessary to accommodate the proposed development. The applicant has submitted a preliminary drainage analysis which supports the location and size of the proposed storm drainage tract. Prior to development of the site the applicant will be required to submit complete drainage plans prepared in accordance with the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual and the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. III. CONSULTED DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES The following departments and agencies were advised of these applications: Chief Administrative Officer U.S Post Master Police Department WA State Dept. of Ecology ' Director of Public Works K. C. Wastewater Treatment Fire Chief Puget Sound Energy Parks & Recreation Director King Co. Environmental Health City Clerk Qwest City Attorney King Co. Transit Division Kent School District WA State Dept. of Transportation In addition to the above, all persons owning property located within 300 feet of the site were notified of the application and of the public hearing. A Notice of Application (NOA) was published in the King County Journal and was posted on the site on November 15, 2006. Notice for this public hearing was published in the Kent Reporter on April 21, 2007 and posted on-site on April 20, 2007. Comments from departments, agencies, and the public have been incorporated and addressed in the staff report where appropriate. No public comments were received regarding these applications. Page 6 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 IV. PLANNING SERVICES REVIEW A. Comprehensive Plan tThe City of Kent has adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Ordinance #3698 — July 2004). The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan represent an expression of community intentions and aspirations concerning the future of Kent and the area within the potential annexation area The Comprehensive Plan is used by the Mayor, City Council, Land Use and Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and City departments to guide decision-making relative to development and capital facility spending. L The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan is comprised of eleven elements which contain written goals and policies as well as a Land Use Plan Map. The proposed subdivision supports several goals and policies in the Land Use, Community Design and Housing Elements. The proposed plat is located near existing urban services and infrastructure. The City supports the development of close-in vacant or underdeveloped properties which limits further urban sprawl on the edges of the planning area In addition, in-fill development provides a more efficient means of providing services and enhancing pedestrian mobility. Also, one of the objectives of the comprehensive plan is to provide a wide variety of housing types and opportunities to accommodate projected population growth while protecting single family residential neighborhoods. Development of single family subdivisions on underdeveloped, single family zoned land is consistent with this objective. Upon reviewing the subdivision map for the Ellis Preliminary Subdivision ' development, it has been determined that the proposed development will cause incremental but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems. Additional incremental, but cumulatively significant, impacts will be created to stormwater quantity, stormwater quality, stormwater detention and conveyance facilities, utility transmission facilities, sanitary sewage and domestic potable water conveyance systems. Compliance with City of Kent's 'Public Works Ordinance' and the State of Washington's Growth Management Act will require concurrent improvement -- or the execution of binding agreements by the Owner / Subdivider with the City of Kent, for participation in future public improvement projects — of roadways, pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, intersection and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, stormwater treatment, and stormwater conveyance, utility, sanitary sewage, and domestic potable water systems. Page 7 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 LAND USE ELEMENT The Land Use Element of the plan contains a Land Use Plan Map, which designates the type and intensity of land uses throughout the city, as well as in the entire potential annexation area. The Land Use Plan Map designates the subject property as SF-6, Single Family Residential which allows six units per acre. In addition to the Land Use Plan Map, the Land Use Element also contains goals and policies relating to the location, density, and design of future development in the City and in the Potential Annexation Area. Goal LU-1: Designate a Potential Annexation Area which will define the City's planning area and projected city limits for the next 20 years. Policy LU-1.1: Provide enough land in the City's Potential Annexation Area to accommodate the level of household growth projected to occur in the next 20 years. Policy LU-9.1: Where appropriate, establish urban residential densities of at least four (4) units per net developable acre in order to adequately support urban densities. Policy LU-9.4: Locate housing opportunities with a variety of densities r within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and where possible, near human and community services. Goal LU-10: Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the City and the Potential Annexation Area to meet needs of the region's changing demographics. Policy LU-11.1: Support the achievement of allowable density in single- family developments through flexibility and creativity in site design. Policy LU-11.3: Allow more flexibility in single-family and multifamily residential setbacks, vehicle access, and parking, particularly on small lots, to encourage more compact infill development and innovative site design. Policy LU-11.6: Allow more flexibility for private street standards to encourage a variety of compact innovative residential developments. Page 8 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Policy LU-12.2: Promote residential streetscape patterns which foster more opportunities for pedestrians and community interaction. Such measures include narrower paved roadways, smaller front-yard setbacks, and a pattern of streets, sidewalks and pathways that encourages connectivity between neighborhoods. ' Planning Services Comment: The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The development proposed through this subdivision request seeks to establish residential lots at an overall density of approximately 4 8 units per acre, which is sufficient to support urban services and infrastructure The proposed location is easily served by existing urban services and is in proximity by automobile to the commercial areas served by Kent-Kangley Road. The land use plan supports the development of close-in vacant or underdeveloped properties, which limits further urban sprawl on the edges of the planning area. Also, one of the objectives of the comprehensive plan is to provide a wide variety of housing types and opportunities to accommodate projected population growth without converting single family lands to multifamily residential. A subdivision on underdeveloped, single family zoned land is consistent with this objective. Growth Management Hearings Board decisions have determined that lands within urban growth areas should be divided at a minimum of four dwelling units per net acre to ensure efficient provision of urban services. The zoning district SR-6 allows 6.05 dwelling units per acre and a minimum lot size of 5,700 square feet. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT The primary goal of the Community Design Element is to ensure the form, function, and appearance of Kent's built environment is balanced with the functional and aesthetic values of the natural and human environment. Community design policies intend to improve visual connections among individual structures and neighborhoods, and improve social interactions among individuals and the larger community. Goal CD-1: Establish street and circulation patterns that encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use. Policy CD-1.1: Where physically possible, arrange streets in all new neighborhoods, including multifamily housing projects, in an interconnected block pattern, so that local pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile traffic does not have to use arterial streets to circulate within the neighborhood. Page 9 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Goal CD-3: [ ]Consider equally during site design all modes of transportation access, including pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and motor vehicle. Goal CD-14: Layout neighborhoods that are oriented to the pedestrian and foster a sense of community. Policy CD-14.2: Encourage residential site and building design that contributes to an attractive, pedestrian-friendly environment along neighborhood streets. Decreasing the visual prominence of garages and incorporating porches, stoops, and functionally-opening windows which face the street foster community interaction. Policy CD-15.2: Limit the repetitive character of new development, by encouraging diversity among dwelling units in the use of color, building materials, floor plan layouts and roof lines. Maintain continuity of a few design features to provide context between individual units and the neighborhood. Goal CD-16: Design for greater surveillance and visibility of public and semi-public places. Policy CD-16-1: Encourage the placement of windows so that they view onto yards, corridors, entrances, streets, and other public and semi-public places. Policy CD-16.2: Encourage the use of porches, stoops, and other elements that provide a place to comfortably linger and thereby provide "eyes on the street", helping to maintain a sense of security within neighborhoods. Policy CD-19.2: Encourage the preservation of healthy, attractive native vegetation during land development. Where this is not possible, encourage site landscaping which uses appropriate native plant materials. Policy CD-20.1: Encourage participation in low-impact development and environmentally sensitive builder programs. The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties- sponsored Built Green program provides guidance and incentives for local home builders[ ] King County also promotes ]ob-site recycling through its Construction Works program. Page 10 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 iGoal CD-21: Promote renewable resource use and energy-efficiency in site and architectural design. Goal CD-22: Promote Low-Impact Development and limited disturbance of natural hydrological systems, so that water quantity and quality are protected throughout the development process and occupation of the site. Planning Services Comment: The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by several goals and policies contained within the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed clearing of land is not encouraged. On the other hand, replacement with 'residential landscaping' comprised of appropriate native species would be encouraged. The development proposed through this subdivision request seeks to establish several connections to existing neighborhood streets. Inclusion of design features such as porches, stoops, and functionally-opening windows facing onto public and semi-public spaces greatly improve the community-regarding qualities that make a development a "neighborhood" The SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-significance for the 1 project also includes provisions for sensitivity to existing site topography. HOUSING ELEMENT The primary goal of the Housing Element is to meet the current and future need for housing in the Kent area. The ability to obtain affordable housing is essential to a stable, healthy, and thriving community. Goal H-2: Promote the organization and enhancement of neighborhoods and provide the opportunity for comfortable and well-maintained housing for all citizens. Policy H-2.2: Support housing with appropriate amenities for individuals, families and children. Policy H-2.3: Provide an appropriate mix of housing styles and choices, allowing for different types of housing from neighborhood to neighborhood. Policy H-2.5: Require developments to provide their fair share of on-site and off-site improvements needed as a result of the development. Page 11 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Planning Services Comment: Through fee in lieu charges or provision of on-site recreational open space commensurate to increased demand, the proposed rezone and subdivision would respond to the above goals and policy contained within the Parks & Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Standards for Granting a Rezone The following standards and criteria (Kent Zoning Code, Section 15.09.050) are used by the Hearing Examiner and City Council to evaluate a request for a rezone. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the City Council determines that the request is consistent with these standards and criteria. I. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Services Comment The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property as SF-6, Single Family Residential which allows up to six units per acre A rezone of the site from SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6 Single Family Residential will allow residential development up to six units per acre, which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As previously mentioned, the proposed rezone is also consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity. Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone and subdivision of the site for development would be j compatible with the existing development in the vicinity. Subsequent development of the site will include detached single family residences on individual lots. The subject property is in an area which is rapidly developing to urban densities of at least four dwelling units per acre. To the east, Council denials of two applications for rezone/subdivision are currently under judicial appeal. The Orme application proposed to rezone 5.67 acres from SR-4.5 to SR- 6 and subdivide the property into 27 buildable lots. The Kent-256`h application proposed to rezone 1.29 acres from SR-4.5 to SR-6 and subdivide the property into 7 buildable lots. 3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated, Page 14 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 iPlanning Services Comment The proposed subdivision will be conditioned to include site, road and street frontage improvements to meet the City of Kent roadway standards. These improvements include but are not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalks, planting strips, street lighting, paving, necessary street improvements, and public stormwater conveyance The applicant will be required to participate in other City transportation improvement projects by providing a mitigation fee for the impacts created by this and other future development. 4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. Planning Services Comment The subject site was annexed to the City of Kent on January 1, 1996 and is developed with a single family home and a detached shed The designation of the site as SF-6 in the City Comprehensive Plan dates back to the 1995 Comprehensive Plan Update. In 2004, the Kent City Council adopted an update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan which designates this area as SF-6, Single Family Residential. Along with the Land Use Plan Map and Policies, the plan also contains a target for the number of new households the City must accommodate for the 20-year time horizon of the plan. The GMA also states that the City's development regulations must implement, and be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Higher density single family development with smaller lot ' sizes while recognizing significant environmental features is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Significant improvements to roadway infrastructure in the immediate area have been completed, particularly for Southeast 256`h Street. In addition, the South 272 d/2771h Street Corridor located to the south of the site has been substantially completed. This corridor provides roadway connectivity from the East Hill area of Kent to the valley floor and provides direct freeway access for residents coming off the Kent East Hill. S. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent, Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Subsequent development on the site will be required to meet applicable codes and regulations, including mitigation of anticipated environmental impacts. Page 15 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Therefore, the rezone proposal will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. C. Standards for Granting a Subdivision The purpose of the City of Kent Subdivision Code is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for subdividing land in the City of Kent, ensuring that the highest feasible quality in subdivisions will be attained; that the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the City of Kent shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth, development, and the conservation, protection and proper use of land shall be promoted; that proper provisions for all public facilities, including connectivity, circulation, utilities, and services shall be made; that maximum advantage of site characteristics shall be taken into consideration; and that the process shall be in conformance with provisions set forth in the City of Kent Zoning Code and Kent Comprehensive Plan (KCC 12.04.015). The procedures regulating subdivisions are established to ensure quality development which promotes orderly and efficient growth, the conservation and proper use of land; protects the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the city; makes adequate provisions for public facilities in conformance with provisions set forth in KCC Title 15, Zoning, and the Kent Comprehensive Plan; and complies with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 58.17 RCW (KCC 12.04.600). No subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met; the subdivision shall: 1. Create legal building sites which comply with all provisions of KCC Title 15, Zoning, and health regulations; 2. Establish access to a public road for each segregated parcel; 3. Have suitable physical characteristics; a proposed plat may be denied because of flood, inundation or wetland conditions; slope, soil stability and/or capabilities; or the construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval; 4. If adjacent to another municipality or King County, take into consideration the subdivision standards of that jurisdiction as well as the requirements of this chapter; 5. Make adequate provision for stormwater detention, drainageways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, and other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary; Page 16 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 6. Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways and other public ways (KCC 12.04.635). rAs evidenced by the General Information in Section I. and the following responses to the criteria for approving subdivisions, the proposal is in general conformance with the Kent Subdivision Code. Furthermore, Section 12.04.685 of the Kent Subdivision Code indicates that a subdivision shall not be approved unless the City finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; The proposed plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-6. The proposed density and lot dimensions are consistent with the respective zoning districts, as proposed through this application. b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (ENV-2006-73) was issued for this development proposal as well as for the proposed rezone on March 17, 2007 Conditions of this determination require the applicant to provide mitigation for traffic impacts created by the proposed development. C. Open spaces; Provisions for open space will be made through payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of on-site open space as discussed in section d. below. d. Community parks and recreation; The Parks Department has commented that the proposed subdivision does impact existing park facilities. No open space is shown on the site plan for this project. The owner/applicant will be required to pay a fee in lieu of dedication of land pursuant to Section 12.04.780. This fee is based on the value of the subject land at the time of application for preliminary subdivision approval. As this application for subdivision was deemed complete in November of 2006, land values from that date have been used to determine that a fee of approximately $26,925 will SPage 17 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 be required in lieu of dedication of open-space within the proposed plat (based on the values provided by the King County Department of Assessments). Funds collected in lieu of an on site dedication of open space will be used for improvement and/or acquisition of additional park space within the general area of the proposed site. e. Neighborhood tot lots and play areas; Provisions for these areas will be accomplished by the fee paid under section d. above. f. Schools and school grounds; The subject property lies within the Kent School District. Pursuant to KCC 12.13.160, a school impact fee (currently assessed at $4,928 per single family residence) will be assessed in association with the subdivision of land. The impact fee will be assessed and collected for each individual lot at the time of construction permit issuance and will be based upon the adopted impact fee at that time. g. Drainageways; Each individual residence will be required to provide on-site infiltration as well as an overflow connection to an approved conveyance system. h. Stormwater Detention; The City of Kent Public Works Department has reviewed the incremental increase in impervious area and determined the proposed stormwater system to be adequate. 1. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services; Sidewalks will be required along both sides of the proposed public streets, and along Southeast 256th Street. The proposed road configuration will allow connection of sidewalks to future developments west and east of the site. Page 18 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 ). Connectivity of streets or roads, alleys, pedestrian accessways, and other public ways within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods; Other properties in the vicinity of the Ellis proposal have developed street improvements for their portions of the connective network. The proposed roadways for the Ellis subdivision provide connections along the east and west property lines k. Transit stops; Transit service is available at various points along Southeast 256th Street. i1. Potable water supplies; All homes within the proposed plat will be connected to water service provided by the Water District #111. M. Sanitary wastes; All homes within the proposed plat will be connected to sanitary sewer service provided by the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. n. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary: The applicant shall be responsible for providing power, natural gas, telephone, cable and other applicable utilities and services to each lot within the proposed short subdivision. The applicant is responsible for contacting each agency separately for more information about their individual requirements. Garbage service will be established by the individual residents. 2. The city has considered all other relevant facts; and determined that the proposed plat will be in conformance with all of the criteria listed above. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. 4. The City has considered the physical characteristics of the proposed subdivision site and may deny a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions; slope, or soil stability and/or capabilities. Construction of protective improvements may be required as Page 19 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat. C. ZONING CODE 1. Feasibility of Development If the proposed rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6, Single Family Residential is j approved, development on all lots in the proposed subdivision will be subject to Zoning Code requirements in the SR-6, Single Family Residential zoning district. All proposed lots within the subdivision area meet the minimum lot size and width requirements for the SR-6, Single Family Residential district. Zoning regulations encourage the retention of significant trees where roads, utilities, and site improvements are not proposed. Tree mitigation plans will be required for the plat and development of each lot (per KCC Section 15.08.240) and previous enforcement activity. D. CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS The proposed rezone and subdivision are consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. 1. Type of Land Use Allowed The development of single family home sites is a principally permitted use on land zoned SR-4.5 and SR-6, Single Family Residential. 2. Level of Development Allowed The proposed subdivision of approximately 5.67 acres into 27 building sites is consistent with the designated Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-6 Single Family/6 units per acre and with the zoning designation of SR-6 (pending the outcome the proposed rezone). , 3. Adequacy of Infrastructure The proposed subdivision will place increased demands on existing transportation, water and sanitary sewer systems in the general vicinity. The project will also result in a significant net increase of impervious surface area on the two parcels involved. When fully developed, the impact of 27 new homes being occupied will result in an estimated 250 daily and 25 PM peak hour trips to the local street system. Page 20 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 1 The effects on the domestic water supply, sanitary sewer service, stormwater run-off, conveyance, storage, treatment and discharge and transportation impacts have been analyzed through the subdivision review as well as the SEPA process and associated MDNS. 4. Characteristics of the Proposed Subdivision The proposed subdivision, as presented, appears to be in general conformance with the Kent City Code with respect to the required minimum lot area, minimum lot width and access to a public right of way. E. PROPOSED FINDINGS Planning Services has reviewed these applications in relation to the Comprehensive Plan, zoning, land use, street system, flood control problems and comments from other departments and finds that: 1. The Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates this site SF-6, Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre maximum density. 2. The site is currently zoned SR-4.5 Single Family Residential. If RZ-2006- 11 is approved, this site will be zoned SR-6 Single Family Residential and subject to the development standards which include 5,700 square foot minimum lot size and 50 foot minimum lot width. 3. Current land uses in the immediate area are predominantly low and medium density single family residential. 4. A Tentative Plat meeting was held for the proposed subdivision on June 14, 2006 (#TSU-2006-12). 5. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance was issued for the plat on March 17, 2007 (#ENV-2006-73). 6. The site has access to 129`h Avenue South. 7. The subject property would receive water service from the King County Water District #111. 8. The subject property would receive sewer service from the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. tPage 21 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 V. CITY STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (#RZ-2006-11) Upon review of the merits of this request and the Code criteria for granting a rezone, the City staff recommends APPROVAL without conditions of the Ellis rezone. 2. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (#SU-2006-12) Based on the merits of this request and the code criteria for granting a preliminary subdivision, staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed Ellis preliminary plat subject to the following conditions A. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE PLAT FOR THIS SUBDIVISION: 1. The Owner / Subdivider shall pay all Charges in Lieu of Assessments and/or Latecomer Fees, if any, prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction Conference and/or prior to recording this plat, whichever comes first. 2. The Owner / Subdivider shall provide Public Works with a digital plat map prepared with a CAD program. The digital information can be formatted in either *.DWG (AutoCad) or *.DXF (Drawing Exchange File), but must be based upon State Plane coordinates: an assumed coordinate system is not permitted. The State Plane Coordinates shall be on the NAD 83/91 datum and must relate to at least two City of Kent reference points within one half mile of the subdivision In addition, the project shall be tied into at least two City of Kent NAD 88 vertical benchmarks and two additional permanent benchmarks shall be established within the project. The locations, descriptions and elevations of these benchmarks will be reported at the time as-built drawings are submitted along with field notes sufficient to verify the required precision. 3. The Owner / Subdivider shall submit and receive City approval for engineering drawings from the Department of Public Works, and shall then either construct or bond for the following: a. A public gravity sanitary sewer system to serve all lots. This development will be served by the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District and will be constructed to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District standards and specifications. Page 22 of 33 IStaff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 The public sanitary sewer system shall be extended from the existing public sanitary sewer system and shall be sized to serve all off-site properties within the same service area, in addition, the sanitary sewer system shall be extended across the entire subdivision as needed to serve adjacent properties within the same service area, unless otherwise determined by the sanitary sewer purveyor The septic system serving the existing home(s) within the proposed subdivision - if any - shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department Regulations. b. A public water system meeting domestic and fire flow requirements for all lots. This development will be served by Water District #111 and will be constructed to Water District #111 standards and specifications. The public water system shall be extended and shall be sized to serve all off-site properties within the same service area; in addition, the water main extension shall be extended across the entire subdivision as needed to serve adjacent properties within the same service area, unless otherwise determined by the water purveyor. Existing wells — if any - shall be decommissioned in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Ecology. C. A stormwater system. The Engineering Plans must meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards and 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM). Initial guidance for the Engineering Plans is given below (See Chapter 2 of KSWDM for detailed submittal requirements): (1) The Engineering Plans will include at a minimum: Site improvement plans which include all plans, details, notes and specifications necessary to construct road, drainage, and other related improvements. The engineering plans shall include fPage 23 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 a technical information report (TIR) which contains all the technical information and analysis to develop the site improvement plans. (2) An erosion and sedimentation control (ESC) plan j shall be included in the engineering plans. The ESC shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These plans must reflect the Detailed Grading Plan discussed below, and the Planning Services approved Detailed Tree Plan. (3) The retention / detention and release standard that will be met by the subdivision is Level Two. The water quality menu that will be met by the subdivision is the Resource Stream Protection Menu. To meet resource stream protection standards for water quality, a combined detention and stormwater wetland facility can be utilized, instead of the proposed detention and water quality pond, and stormfdter. (4) The site improvement plans and technical information report will contain drainage calculations and a drawing of the retention / detention pond tract at an appropriate engineering scale. The site improvement plans will also show that all required stormwater management facilities will be outside of delineated wetlands and their buffers, as well as outside of creeks and rivers and their buffers. (5) A downstream analysis is required for this development, and it will include an analysis for capacity, erosion potential, and water quality Refer to the requirements of Technical Information Reports in Section 3: "Offsite Analysis", of the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual for the specific information required for downstream analyses. (6) Roof downspouts for each roofed structure (house, garage, carport, etc.) shall be diverted to a Roof Downspout Infiltration System meeting the requirements of section 5.4.5, Infiltration Trenches, Page 24 of 33 i IStaff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. These roof downspout conveyance and dispersion systems shall include overflow pipes connected to an approved dispersion system. The drainage plans shall include an approved detail for the roof downspout infiltration system. The face of the recorded plat shall contain the following restriction: AS A CONDITION OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE, RESIDENCES CONSTRUCTED ON LOTS OF THIS SUBDIVISION MUST PROVIDE ROOF DOWNSPOUT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS PER DETAILS SHOWN ON THE ' APPROVED PLANS. (7) If determined necessary by the Public Works Department following review and approval of the required downstream analysis, the Owner / ' Subdivider shall provide public drainage easements meeting the requirements of the City of Kent I Construction Standards for the specified downstream reach where adequate public drainage easements do not currently exist. (8) The Owner / Subdivider shall submit Landscape Plans for within and surrounding the retention / detention facility to the Planning Department and to the Department of Public Works for concurrent review and approval prior to, or in conjunction with, the approval of the Engineering Plans These Landscape Plans shall meet the minimum requirements of the Gty of Kent Construction Standards, and the stormwater management landscaping requirements contained within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Landscape Plans are required to show adjacent Street Trees so that the Gty arbonst can assess potential adverse stress upon all types of vegetation. (9) The Owner / Subdivider shall execute Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenants for the private portions of the drainage system prepared by the Property Management Section of ' the Department of Public Works. See Reference 8- F, Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Page 25 of 33 s Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Covenant, to the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual for information on what is contained within this document. d. A Detailed Grading Plan for the entire subdivision meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits & Grading Plans. Initial guidance for these plans is given below: (1) These plans will include provisions for utilities, roadways, retention / detention ponds, stormwater treatment facilities, and a budding footpad for every lot. (2) These plans shall be designed to eliminate the need for processing several individual Grading Permits upon application for Building Permits: phasing of grading on a lot-by-lot basis will not be considered (3) These plans will use a 2-foot maximum contour interval, and every fifth contour line will be darker, wider and labeled in conformance to standard drafting practice. e. Interim Street Improvement Plans for 129th Avenue Southeast, including the intersection with Southeast 256th Street. These Interim Street Improvement Plans shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochures #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements, and # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans, for a street designated as a Residential Collector Street within the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. Initial guidance for the necessary interim street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical concrete curbs & gutters, a 5- foot wide planter strip, and a 5-foot cement concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. The sidewalks will connect to the existing sidewalk constructed along Southeast 2561h Street in an ADA-compliant manner. Page 26 of 33 1 i Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 1 (2) A minimum of 36-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement as measured from the existing curb constructed along the east side of the street to the 1 new vertical curb constructed along the west side of the street. Where the cul-de-sac bulb is constructed along the east side of the street, the eastern edge of HMA pavement will be the extension of that existing curb line. The entire HMA pavement width specified above shall be provided with a 20-year service life as determined by the process identified in the Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Pnvate and PublIC Street Requirements (3) The curb return radius for both the northwest and northeast corner of the intersection with Southeast 256th Street will be 30-feet. 1 (4) A street lighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for by the Home Owner's Association created for this subdivision. (5) Public stormwater conveyance, detention and treatment facilities as applicable. (6) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips constructed between the back of curb and the front of the cement concrete sidewalk. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the ' species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent De velopment Assistance Brochure 014, City of Kent ' Street Trees. f. Street Improvement Plans for the new public Residential Street connected to Southeast 2541h Place, continuing through the subdivision and then connecting to 1291n Avenue Southeast (Roads A & B). The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Page 27 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street 28-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical curb & gutter, a 5-foot wide planting strip constructed between the back of curb and the front of the sidewalk, and then a 5-foot wide cement concrete sidewalk along both sides of the street. (2) A minimum of 28-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, as measured from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb. (3) A street lighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for by the Home Owner's Association created for this subdivision. (4) A public stormwater drainage system, including provisions for collection, conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities. (5) Curb return radii of 30-feet at the intersection of this residential Street with 129th Avenue Southeast, and at the ell street intersections. (6) The proposed tee intersection of Road A with Road B will have the design of ell intersection with a 30- foot minimum inside curb radius. Road B will be extended to the west property line of this , subdivision as a private street. (7) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. Page 28 of 33 , .s. Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 19. Street Improvement Plans for the new Private Residential Street connected to Southeast 254`h Street to serve lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and potentially the two lots created by the I Fleury Short Subdivision, SP 2006-09, and terminating with an approved permanent approved turnaround at or near its northerly terminus. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Private Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street at least 20-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Private streets serving four or more lots, where no parking will be permitted along either side of the street- A minimum of 20-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement except where the Fire Marshal requires additional pavement width for emergency vehicle access. (2) A 5-foot wide cement concrete sidewalk constructed along one side of this private street. (3) An approved permanent turnaround at or near its terminus, unless these additional street improvements are not required by the City Fire Marshal. (4) A private stormwater drainage system, including provisions for conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities where applicable. (5) This private streets will connect to the public street system with a Residential Concrete Driveway Approach conforming to the minimum requirements of Standard Detail 6-5(c). The minimum design inside radii for the driveway approaches serving these private streets shall be 30-feet unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works. rPage 29 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 (6) All private streets will conform to the minimum horizontal and vertical alignment and safe stopping sight distances requirements for a public Residential Street. (7) Fire Lanes - if any - shall be marked as directed by the Fire Marshal. (8) The private street, including sidewalks must be centered within a private roadway tract or easement that is at least 1-foot wider than the total width of the Private Street and sidewalk combination. ' h. Street Improvement Plans for the new Private Residential Street connected to Road A to serve those lots located west of Road A and the three or four potential new lots that could be created by a short subdivision on that abutting parcel identified as APN 212205-9040, and terminating with a permanent approved turnaround at or near its westerly terminus. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Private Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street at least 20-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Private streets serving four or more lots, where no parking will be permitted along either side of the street: A minimum of 20-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement, or from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb, except where the Fire Marshal requires additional pavement width for emergency vehicle access. (2) A 5-foot wide cement concrete sidewalk constructed along one side of this private street. (3) An approved permanent turnaround at or near its terminus, unless these additional street Page 30 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 1 improvements are not required by the City Fire Marshal. (4) A private stormwater drainage system, including provisions for conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities where applicable. 1 (5) This private street will connect to the public street system with a Residential Concrete Driveway 1 Approach conforming to the minimum requirements of Standard Detail 6-5(c). The minimum design inside radii for the driveway approaches serving these private streets shall be 30-feet unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works. (6) This private street will conform to the minimum horizontal and vertical alignment and safe stopping sight distances requirements for a public Residential Street. (7) Fire Lanes - if any - shall be marked as directed by the Fire Marshal. (8) This private street, including sidewalks must be centered within a private roadway tract or easement that is at least 1-foot wider than the total width of the Private Street and sidewalk combination. i. Street Lighting Plans for all public streets meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-1, Street Lighting Requirements. 4. The Owner / Subdivider shall create a Homeowner's Association for this subdivision to ensure that the property owners within this subdivision are advised of their obligation to pay for the energy and maintenance required for the street lighting system installed in their development. Those sections of the required document written to govern that association as they relate to any IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy street lighting systems, shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works, prior to the recording these documents. Page 31 of 33 1 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 5. The face of the final plat will clearly identify all private streets, and which lots will be served by those private streets. The face of the final plat will also specify that the maintenance of all private streets is the sole responsibility of the property owners who are served by those private streets. 6. Direct vehicular access to and from lots having frontage along Southeast 256th Street is prohibited, and the face of the final plat will carry the following restriction, DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO AND FROM LOTS HAVING FRONTAGE j ALONG SOUTHEAST 256T" STREET IS PROHIBITED. ACCESS FOR THESE LOTS IS RESTRICTED TO THOSE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STREETS SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THE FINAL PLAT. 7. The Owner / Subdivider shall deed all public rights-of-way, and otherwise convey all private and public easements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the required improvements for this subdivision development. For Southeast 2561h Street, the ultimate right-of-way width is 47.5 feet from the approved centerline consistent with the Minor Arterial standards. 8. Prior to release of any construction bonds, and prior to the approval of any Building Permits within the subject subdivision, the Department of Public Works must receive and approve As- Built Drawings meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #E-1, As-Budd Drawings, for: Streets; Street Lighting System; Water; Sewer; Stormwater Drainage Facilities; and all off- site improvements where the locations and/or elevations are deemed critical by the Department of Public Works. 9. The applicant shall submit to the City of Kent for review and approval and obtain appropriate permits to relocate or demolish the existing structures on the site. 10. Break-away mailbox clusters shall be installed at locations and per standards approved by the US Postmaster and the City of Kent Public Works Department. B. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT ON ANY LOT IN THIS SUBDIVISION, THE OWNER / SUBDIVIDER SHALL: 1. Record the Plat. Page 32 of 33 Staff Report Ellis Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-11 KIVA #RPP4-2064512 #SU-2006-12 KIVA #RPP3-2064514 2. Construct all of the improvements required in Section A, above, and pay the respective fees-in-lieu-of including any mitigation (EMA or EMF) charges. 3. Receive approval of the required As-Built Drawings for Street, Street Lighting, Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management Facilities as deemed appropriate by the Department of Public Works. i KENT PLANNING SERVICES April 25, 2007 WO:ch•S-\Permit\Plan\rezone\2006\2064512-2006-llstfrpt doc i 1 1 1 1 Page 33 of 33 Y WE _ 2xm s 1 I I i I I 1 39 246M 5T � I R ZONE S 4.5 I I I I xxsnx " SINGLE FAMILY I I I RESIDENTIAL I I I I I L to AI II \ 2s 12 13 is 23 I 24 22 14 UI JN EA.SFMfI'IJI B T�` �y�s` --• TIUCr s �4 ACC2W UTILMl � *C7Wr 21 '20 ' 1! 18 V a_ I SIN( Rl SE 256th STREET — �— APPLICATION NAME: ELLIS REQUEST: PRELIMINARY PLAT(SU-2006-12) AND REZONE (RZ-2006-11) VICINITY AND SITE MAP r KENT WASNINGTON CITY OF KENT MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE r Environmental Checklist No. #ENV-2006-73 Project ELLIS PRELIMINARY PLAT #RPSA-2064510 & REZONE Description The applicant proposes to rezone a 5 67-acre site from SR-4.5 to SR-6 Single Family Residential. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the property as SF-6, Single Family 6 units per acre. If this request for rezone is approved, the applicant also proposes to subdivide the property into 27 new single family residential lots and one storm drainage tract. The site does not appear to include sensitive areas. All existing structures on the site are proposed to be removed as part of this development. Location The subject property is located north of SE 256th Street between 128th Ave SE and 129th Ave SE. The site is identified by King County Parcels #2122059081, #2122059063,and #2122059064. Applicant Jeff Morgan Triad Associates 12112 — 115th Avenue NE Kirkland WA 98034 Lead Agency CITY OF KENT The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. X This MDNS is issued under 197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 28 days from the date of this decision, this includes a 14-day comment period followed by a 14-day appeal period as provided by WAC 197 11 680 Comments must be submitted by April 2, 2007 Responsible Official Charlene Anderson, AICP Position/Title SEPA OFFICIAL iAddress 220 S. Fourth Avenue, Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: (253)856-5454 Dated March 17, 2007 Signature APPEAL PROCESS. AN APPEAL OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) MUST BE MADE TO THE KENT HEARING EXAMINER WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) FOLLOWING THE END OF THE COMMENT PERIOD PER KENT CITY CODE 11.03.520. Mitigated DNS Ellis Subdivision & Rezone #ENV-2006-73 #2064510 CONDITIONS/MITIGATING MEASURES: 1. The Owner/ Subdivider shall provide the City's Traffic Engineer with a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify the existing and future level-of-service(LOS) for the adjacent intersections and the existing and future V / C ratios for the adjacent City street network with the first submittal for any Construction Permits.The TIS shall specifically identify all intersections currently at LOS"E"or'F", or estimated to be at LOS"E"or T" due to the increased traffic volumes reasonably expected from the development, and all adjacent streets at or above the V / C ratios established for that Mobility Management Zone. The TIS shall then identify what improvements are necessary to provide a LOS better than "F"for all intersections to completely mitigate the existing or development impacts thereon. The TIS shall also identify what improvements are necessary to completely mitigate the adjacent streets which do not meet the V / C requirements of the City of Kent's Concurrency Management Ordinance, Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. Upon agreement by the City with the findings of the study and mitigation measures outlined in the study, implementation and/or construction of said mitigation measures shall be the conditional requirements for the issuance of the respective development Construction Permits. OR In lieu of submitting the TIS required above and then providing the mitigation measures identified in the approved study, the Owner / Subdivider may instead execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 2241h Street/ South 228th Street Corridor Project. The minimum benefit to the Owner/ Subdivider is estimated at$21,520(1986 dollars to be adjusted for rezones, and for inflation based upon the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, or the substituted index as prepared by the United States Department of Labor) based upon 20 new PM Peak Hour Trips (at the rate of $1076 per PM Peak Hour Trip) and the capacity of the South 224th Street/ South 228th Street Corridor The payment of the traffic mitigation fees shall be made on an incremental basis prior to the issuance of a building or development permit on each lot within the subject subdivision. If the Owner / Subdivider creates a Homeowners Association and provides for a sinking fund to pay for the identified financial obligation (subject to City approval of the form of the sinking fund financial obligation),then the Owner/Subdivider may execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement(EMA)to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 224th Street/South 228th Street Corridor. a. The final benefit value for this subdivision will be determined based upon the number of new lots approved upon the final plat(minus two for the existing homes) multiplied times$1076 (m 1986 dollars and adjusted for rezones; and for inflation as described above.) b. The benefit for each lot will be determined by dividing the final benefit value for the ' subdivision by the total number of lots shown on the face of the final plat. C. The execution of this EMA and the traffic related conditions given within this document will serve to mitigate traffic impacts to the above mentioned intersections and road system by committing funding for the South 224t1'Street/South 228th Street Corridor which will provide additional capacity for traffic volumes within the area of the above mentioned development. 2. The Owner/ Developer shall provide Pedestrian Walkway Improvement Plans for a 6-foot wide vertically separated asphalt walkway to Meridian Elementary School, meeting the minimum requirements of Standard Detail 6-60 At the discretion of the Department of Public Works, the 2of3 Mitigated DNS Ellis Subdivision &Rezone #ENV-2006-73 #2064510 Owner/Subdivider may instead pay a regional sidewalk improvement mitigation fee in the amount of $1500 per gross acre to the School Pedestrian Walkways Fund (fund #R20036) 3. The Applicant shall be sensitive to the natural topography of the site during construction and minimize negative impact to on-site soils and neighboring properties. 4. The Applicant shall minimize grading of the site and where done shall follow the natural contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Any retaining walls shall be no more than ' 4 feet high at perimeter and internal individual property lines and no more than 6 feet high around the detention/retentio.) pond that is not adjacent to common property lines Walls around such detention ponds shall not exceed 50 percent of the perimeter of the pond and ponds shall be landscaped per City standards. The walls shall be constructed of rockery, other natural material, or with Planning Services and Public Works approvals may be constructed of patterned concrete that simulates natural materials. Where structural walls are required to support access roads and as such cannot be constructed of rockery or natural material, the walls shall be faced with such materials. ' Site conditions may warrant slight adjustments to wall height during construction. Height adjustments up to 10% of the overall height may be permissible and are subject to review and approval by Planning Services and Public Works. Retaining walls associated with construction of the public streets along the frontage of the property are exempt from the height limits described herein. Grading to achieve flat building lots shall be minimized. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I,Charlene Anderson, Responsible Official under the Washington Administrative Code(WAC)Chapter 197-11-788 and 910, and Kent City Code Chapter 1103 410 do hereby declare that the Determination of Nonsignificance, as described in this public notice, was duly posted on by a member of Kent Planning Services, on or near the site described therein Charlene Anderson, AICP, Responsible Official S:\Permit\Plan\Env\2006\20645I0-mdns doc 3of3 ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N Satterstrom, Director PLANNING SERVICES • Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager ' KENT NASHINGTON Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT Decision Document ELLIS PRELIMINARY PLAT & REZONE #ENV-2006-73/KIVA #RPSA-2064510 Responsible Official: Charlene Anderson, AICP Staff Contact: Chris Hankins I. PROPOSAL LThe applicant proposes to rezone a 5.67-acre site from SR-4.5 to SR-6 Single Family Residential The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the property as SF-6, Single Family 6 units per acre. If this request for rezone is approved, the applicant also proposes to subdivide the property into 27 new single family residential lots and one storm drainage tract. The site does not appear to ' include sensitive areas. All existing structures on the site are proposed to be removed as part of this development. The subject property is located north of SE 256th Street between 128th Ave SE and 1291h Ave SE The site is identified by King County Parcels #2122059081, #2122059063, and #2122059064. II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Compliance with Kent's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 3222), the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), The Local Project Review Act (ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094), Kent's Construction Standards (Ordinance 3117) and Concurrency Management (Chapter 12.11, Kent City Code), will require concurrent improvements or the execution of binding agreements by the Applicant / Owner with Kent to mitigate identified environmental impacts. These improvements and/or agreements may include ' improvements to roadways, intersections and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, treatment and conveyance, utilities, sanitary sewerage and domestic water systems. Compliance with Kent's Construction Standards may require the deeding / dedication of right-of-way for identified improvements. Compliance with Title 11.06, and to Section 15.08.240 of the Kent City Code may require the conveyance of Sensitive Area Tracts to the City of Kent, in order to: preserve trees; or to regulate the location 1 and density of development based upon known physical constraints such as steep and/or unstable slopes, wetlands or proximity to lakes, streams and wildlife habitat conservation areas; or to maintain or enhance water quality. Compliance with the Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ENV-2006-73 #2064510 , provisions of Chapter 6.12 of the Kent City Code may require provisions for mass transit adjacent to the site. ' In addition to the above, Kent follows revisions to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 197-11 WAC (effective November 10, 1997), which implements ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094. III. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS A. Earth Slopes on the subject site range from 6-9%. Maximum impervious surface upon development will be approximately 40%. A balanced grade and fill is proposed during site development. The Community Design Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies that encourage low impact development and environmental sensitivity in the design of all projects. The grading of the site should be done within the existing contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls Furthermore, low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation, reduce infrastructure and utility maintenance costs (streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm sewer), and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. Also, low impact development has the potential to reduce costs for site development improvements such as streets, utilities, and stormwater management systems. The Applicant shall be required to submit and receive approval of a Detailed Grading Plan from the Department of Public Works for the entire development. These Plans will be required to meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits & Grading Plans These plans shall include provisions for utilities, roadways, retention / detention ponds / facilities, stormwater treatment facilities, and a building footpad for each building. These plans shall also be designed to eliminate the need for processing several individual Grading Permits upon application for Budding Permits. The Applicant shall be required to submit and receive approval of a Temporary Erosion / Sedimentation Control Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards from the Department of Public Works for the entire development. These plans shall be required to reflect the Detailed Grading Plan discussed above and the Detailed Tree Plan meeting the requirements of City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #3, Detailed Tree Plans, approved by Planning Services. , B. Water The proposed project is located in the Lake Meridian watershed, which flows into the Green River. The Applicant shall be required to complete a drainage analysis and develop and ' submit drainage plans according to the "2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual"and the "1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual." Page 2 of 8 Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ' ENV-2006-73 #2064510 C. Plants The Applicant will be required to submit and receive approval for a Tree Plan complying with Section 15.08.240 Kent City Code. The City of Kent has determined retention of significant trees is necessary to maintain and protect property values, to enhance the visual appearance of the city, to preserve the natural wooded character of the area, to promote utilization of natural systems, ' to reduce the impacts of development on the storm drainage system, and to provide a transition between various land uses in the city. 1 If the subdivision includes an open air stormwater pond, the Applicant will be required to submit and receive approval for a Landscape Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the landscape requirements for retention / detention ponds in City of Kent Development ' Assistance Brochure #S, Landscape Plans. Both the Kent Planning Department and the Department of Public Works must approve these plans prior to, or in conjunction with, the approval of the Detailed Drainage Plans. Low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. D. Animals No known threatened or endangered species are known to exist on the site. Various songbirds have been observed on the site. E. Energy and Natural Resources Natural gas for heating and electricity for lighting and other general purposes is planned for this project. Construction of the proposed building will be per the International Budding Code and the Washington State Energy Code. F. Noise Noise generally associated with home construction activities will be generated. Construction of the subdivision will take approximately 6 months to complete. The City of Kent limits construction activities to between the hours of 6 a.m. and ' 10 P.M. G. Land and Shoreline Use The subject property is approximately 5.7 acres in area, and zoned SR-4.5 Single Family Residential. The site is also developed with a single family residence and a barn. The applicant proposes to rezone the site concurrently with the 1 preliminary plat from SR-4.5 to SR-6 Single Family Residential. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the property as SF-6, Single Family 6 units per acre. The type of development proposed is ' consistent with the zoning and comprehensive plan designations if rezoned to SR-6. Although there are no specific regulations in place at this time, the City encourages developers to utilize low impact development techniques within new subdivisions. The Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan ' Page 3 of 8 Decision Document , Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ENV-2006-73 #2064510 ' contains goals and policies that encourage low Impact development and environmental sensitivity in the design of all projects. The applicant proposed grading of the site which should be done within the existing contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Low Impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation, reduce Infrastructure and utility maintenance costs (streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, , storm sewer), and potentially decrease the Impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. Also, low Impact development has the potential to reduce costs for site development Improvements such as streets, utilities, and storm water management systems. H. Transportation The Washington State Legislature created the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law in 1991 with the goals of reducing traffic congestion, air pollution and petroleum consumption. This law requires major employers to encourage their employees to use commute alternatives such as transit, carpools, bicycles, walking; compressed work weeks, telecommuting, and flexible work schedules to reduce drive alone commute trips during the peak congestion periods. The City , addresses the transit alternative by requiring that the Applicant accommodate the needs for transit as expressed by King County Metro Transit. This development will add an estimated 250 daily and 25 PM peak hour trips to the local street system. This development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections: • Southeast 256Ih Street at 127th Avenue Southeast • Southeast 256th Street at 1241h Avenue Southeast • Southeast 256th Street at 116th Avenue Southeast +� • 116th Avenue Southeast at Kent Kangley Road / SR-516 The proposed development project is located within the East Hill area of the City and will take its primary access from 129th Avenue Southeast. This street is classified as a Residential Collector Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an , existing public right-of-way width that varies from about 30-feet to about 101- feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 10 to 15-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the ' following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. A second public street having frontage along the subject development is Southeast 256th Street. This street is classified as a Minor Arterial within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 60 feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 46 feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic and a two-way left-turn lane, and does include the following other street improvement features: cement Page 4 of 8 Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ' ENV-2006-73 #2064510 concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks and an approved street lighting system. ' A third public street having frontage along the subject development is Southeast 254th Street. This street is classified as a Residential Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 48-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 28-feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic, and does include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system, cement concrete sidewalks. It does not include an approved street ' lighting system. A fourth public street having frontage along the subject development is 128th Avenue Southeast. This street is classified as a Residential Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 30-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 20-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, and does not include the following other street improvement features along the east side of the street: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks, or an approved street lighting system. This development is within an area that is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes and narrow or no shoulders, and has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities. This development will require off-site sidewalks ' /walkways to provide safe travel for school-age pedestrians to and from Meridian Elementary School. I. Utilities Electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service and telephone service are available at the subject site. Utilities for this site will be provided by Quest, Puget Sound Energy, Kent Disposal and the City of Kent. Sanitary sewer is currently available to the site. ' IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION A. It is appropriate, per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43 21C.060 that the City of Kent ' establish conditions to mitigate any identified impacts associated with this proposal. Supporting documents for the following conditions and mitigating measures include: ' 1. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as prepared and adopted pursuant to the State Growth Management Act. ' 2. The State Shoreline Master Program and the Kent Shoreline Master Program 3. Kent City Code Section 7.07 Surface Water and Drainage Code. 4. City of Kent Transportation Plan, Green River Valley Transportation action plan and six-year Transportation Improvement Plan. 5. Kent City Code Section 7.09 Wastewater Facilities Master Plan. Page 5 of 8 Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ENV-2006-73 #2064510 ' 6. City of Kent Comprehensive water plan and conservation element. 7. Kent City Code Section 6 02 Required Public Improvements S. Kent City Code Section 6.07 Street Use Permit Requirements. 9. Kent City Code Section 14.09 Flood Hazard Protection. 10. Kent City Code Section 12.04 Subdivision Code. 11. Kent City Code Section 11.03 Critical Areas. 12. Kent City Code Section 12.05 Mobile Home Parks and 12.06 Recreation Vehicle Parks. 13. Kent City Code Section 8.05 Noise Control. 14. City of Kent Uniform Building and Fire Codes 15. Kent Zoning Code. 16. Kent City Code Section 7.13 water shortage and emergency regulations , and Water Conservation Ordinance 2227. 17. Kent City Code Sections6.02 and 6.03 required public improvements. 18. Kent City Code Section 7.05 Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utility. ' 19. City of Kent Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 20. City of Kent Fire Master Plan. B. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) is issued with the following conditions: 1. The Owner / Subdivider shall provide the City's Traffic Engineer with a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify the existing and future level-of-service (LOS) for the adjacent intersections and the existing and future V / C ratios for the adjacent City street network with the first submittal for any Construction Permits. The TIS shall specifically identify all intersections currently at LOS "E" or "F", or estimated to be at LOS "E" or "F" due to the increased traffic volumes reasonably expected from the development; and all adjacent streets at or above the V / C ratios established for that Mobility Management Zone The TIS shall then identify what improvements are necessary to provide a LOS better , than "F" for all intersections to completely mitigate the existing or development impacts thereon. The TIS shall also identify what improvements are necessary to completely mitigate the adjacent streets which do not meet the V / C requirements of the City of ' Kent's Concurrency Management Ordinance, Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. Upon agreement by the City with the findings of the study and mitigation measures outlined in the study; implementation and/or construction of said mitigation measures shall be the conditional requirements for the issuance of the respective development Construction Permits. OR ' In lieu of submitting the TIS required above and then providing the mitigation measures identified in the approved study, the Owner / Subdivider may instead execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 224th Street / South 2281h Street Corridor Project. The minimum benefit to the Owner / Subdivider is estimated at $21,520 (1986 dollars to be adjusted for rezones; and for inflation based upon the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, or the ' substituted index as prepared by the United States Department of Labor) based upon 20 Page 6 of 8 Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat&Rezone ' ENV-2006-73 #2064510 new PM Peak Hour Trips (at the rate of $1076 per PM Peak Hour Trip) and the capacity of the South 2241h Street / South 2281h Street Corridor, The payment of the traffic mitigation fees shall be made on an incremental basis prior to the issuance of a building or development permit on each lot within the subject subdivision. If the Owner / Subdivider creates a Homeowners Association and provides for a sinking fund to pay for the identified financial obligation (subject to City approval of the form of the sinking fund financial obligation), then the Owner / Subdivider may execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate In, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 2241h Street / South 2281h Street Corridor. a. The final benefit value for this subdivision will be determined based upon the number of new lots approved upon the final plat (minus two for the existing ' homes) multiplied times $1076 (in 1986 dollars and adjusted for rezones; and for inflation as described above.) b. The benefit for each lot will be determined by dividing the final benefit value for the subdivision by the total number of lots shown on the face of the final plat. 1 C. The execution of this EMA and the traffic related conditions given within this document will serve to mitigate traffic impacts to the above mentioned intersections and road system by committing funding for the South 2241h Street / ' South 228t1' Street Corridor which will provide additional capacity for traffic volumes within the area of the above mentioned development. 2. The Owner/ Developer shall provide Pedestrian Walkway Improvement Plans for a 6-foot wide vertically separated asphalt walkway to Meridian Elementary School, meeting the minimum requirements of Standard Detail 6-60. At the discretion of the Department of Public Works, the Owner/ Subdivider may instead pay a regional sidewalk improvement mitigation fee in the amount of $1500 per gross acre to the School Pedestrian Walkways Fund (fund #R20036). 3. The Applicant shall be sensitive to the natural topography of the site during construction and minimize negative impact to on-site sods and neighboring properties. 4. The Applicant shall minimize grading of the site and where done shall follow the natural contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Any retaining walls shall be no more than 4 feet high at perimeter and internal individual property lines and no more than 6 feet high around the detention/retention pond that is not adjacent to common property lines. Walls around such detention ponds shall not ' exceed 50 percent of the perimeter of the pond and ponds shall be landscaped per City standards. The walls shall be constructed of rockery, other natural material, or with Planning Services and Public Works approvals may be constructed of patterned concrete ' that simulates natural materials. Where structural walls are required to support access roads and as such cannot be constructed of rockery or natural material, the walls shall be faced with such materials. Site conditions may warrant slight adjustments to wall ' height during construction. Height adjustments up to 10% of the overall height may be permissible and are subject to review and approval by Planning Services and Public Works. Retaining walls associated with construction of the public streets along the ' Page 7 of 8 Decision Document Ellis Preliminary Plat& Rezone ENV-2006-73 #2064510 , frontage of the property are exempt from the height limits described herein. Grading to achieve flat budding lots shall be minimized. KENT PLANNING SERVICES ' March 14, 2007 CH ]m\\S \Permit\Plan\Env\2006\2064510-2006-73decision doc ' 1 f Page 8 of 8 Kent City Council Meeting ' Date June 5. 2007 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: DEVONSHIRE POINTE REZONE (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING) 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The proposed ordinance relates to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of one parcel totaling 1.34 acres of property from SR-4.5 (Single Family Residential), to SR-6 (Single Family Residential) The property is located at 9138 S. 208th St The Kent Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on ' May 2, 2007, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a Recommendation for approval on May 16, 2007. 3. EXHIBITS: Ordinance; Hearing Examiner Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation; Staff Report with map, Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, Decision Document 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? No Revenue`' No Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Z Councilmember 9 T rYvW moves, Councilmember seconds ' to accept/ref eAi y the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Devonshire Pointe Rezone and to adopt Ordinance No. 35Y3. DISCUSSION: n v ACTION: `' (l Council Agenda ' Item No. 713 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, ' specifically the rezoning of approximately 1.34 acres of property located at 9138 South 2081h Street from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 5 units per acre) to SR-6 ' (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Devonshire Pointe Rezone, RZ-2006-2). RECITALS A. An application was filed on January 24, 2006, to rezone approximately 1.34 acres of property located at 9138 South 208th Street from SR- ' 4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Devonshire Pointe Rezone, #RZ-2006-2). ' B. The City's SEPA responsible official issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) (#ENV-2006-5) for the proposed rezone on April 4, 2007. ' C. A public hearing on the rezone was held before the hearing examiner on May 2, 2007. On May 16, 2007, the hearing examiner issued findings ' and conclusions that the Devonshire Pointe Rezone is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan; that the proposed rezone and subsequent development activity would be compatible with the development in the vicinity, that the proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of ' the property with significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated; that circumstances have changed since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone; and that the proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. ' 1 Devonshire Pointe Rezone D. Based on these findings and conclusions, the hearing examiner ' recommended approval of the Devonshire Pointe Rezone. E. On June 5, 2007, the City Council determined that the hearing examiner's findings and conclusions are consistent with sections 15.09.050(A)(3) ' and 15.09.050(C) of the Kent City Code. Council accepted the findings of the hearing examiner, and adopted the hearing examiner's recommendation for ' approval of the Devonshire Pointe Rezone from SR-4 5 to SR-6. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, , WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: , ORDINANCE , SECTION 1. - Recitals Incorporated as Findings. The foregoing recitals, which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the council's findings on this ' matter. SECTION 2. - Rezone. The property located at 9138 South 2081h Street in Kent, Washington consisting of approximately 1.34 acres depicted in Exhibit "A" ' (marked "Vicinity Map"), attached and incorporated by this reference, and legally described in Exhibit "B", attached and incorporated by this reference, is rezoned from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4 5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). The City of Kent zoning map shall be amended to reflect the rezone granted above. SECTION 3. - Severabdity. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same ' shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its publication as provided by law. ' 2 Devonshire Pointe Rezone , SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of June, 2007. APPROVED: day of June, 2007. ' PUBLISHED: day of June, 2007. tI hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. ' (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Orvd\O rdmance\Rezone-DevonshvePomte doc i ' 3 Devonshire Pointe Rezone ' OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Theodore Paul Hunter Hearing Examiner • FOR THE CITY OF KENT KENT WASHINGTON FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FILE NO: DEVONSHIRE POINTE REZONE #RZ 2006-2 (KIVA #RPP4-2060414) APPLICANT: Mr. Russ Millard Crystal Springs Ranch 24725 2301h Way SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 REQUEST: Request to rezone a 1.34 acre parcel from SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6 Single Family Residential. LOCATION: 9138 South 208th Street, Kent, Washington APPLICATION FILED: January 24, 2006 ' MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ISSUED: April 4, 2007 ' HEARING DATE: May 2, 2007 RECOMMENDATION ISSUED: May 16, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: GRANTED ' STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Gilbert, AICP, Senior Planner ' TESTIMONY: The following individuals presented testimony under oath at the open record hearing: ' Matt Gilbert, AICP, Senior Planner, City of Kent Andy Rykels, Applicant Representative 1 ' Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Cdy of Kent Heanng Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 1 of 8 r EXHIBITS: ' 1. Staff Report, dated April 25, 2007, with preliminary plat maps , 2. Rezone Application, received January 24, 2006 3. Preliminary Plat Application, received August 28, 2006; Soos Creek ' Water and Sewer District Certificate of Water Availability, dated November 29, 2005; and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated November 23, 2005 , 4. Tentative Plat Information 5. Wetland Information 6. Department Routing and Comments ' 7. Public Notice with affidavits of notice 8. Revised Notice of Application, dated March 17, 2007; Notice of ' Completeness, dated September 21, 2006 9. Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, dated April 4, 2007; SEPA Environmental Checklist, dated August 28, 2006 ' The Hearing Examiner enters the following Findings and Conclusions based upon the testimony and exhibits admitted at the open record hearing: FINDINGS 1. Russ Millard (Applicant) requested a zoning map amendment to rezone a 1.34 r acre parcel from SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6 Single Family Residential.' The property is located just east of the Valley Freeway, SR-167, r and is currently addressed as 9138 S 208th Street, in Kent, Washington.z Exhibit 1, pages 1, 2; Exhibit 2. ' 2. The City of Kent (City) determined the rezone application to be complete on April 3, 2006. The City determined the associated subdivision application to be complete on September 21, 2006. The City issued a revised notice of application on March 17, 2007. On March 16, 2007, the City posted notice of the rezone Concurrent with the rezone request, the Applicant also submitted a preliminary plat application to , subdivide 3 98 acres, including the 1.34 acre parcel subject to the rezone request, into 15 lots, three tracts, and a cul-de-sac. Andy Rykels testified for the Applicant that the remaining 2.64 acres are already zoned SR-6 Exhibit', pages' —3; Testimony of Mr. Rykels The preliminary plat application is addressed in a separate decision; preliminary plat approval would be contingent upon the City Council granting the Applicant's rezone request. See Decision of Hearing Examiner, Devonshire Point Preliminary Plat File No. SU-2006-16, KIVA # RPP3-2064073. , 2 The property subject to the rezone request is identified by King County tax parcel number 062205-9083. A legal description of the property is included with the rezone application and on the preliminary plat , map. Exhibit 1, Preliminary Plat map;Exhlblt 1, page 2; Exhlbt Z. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation r City of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 2 of 8 ' and subdivision applications and sent notice to public agencies and parties of record. The City published notice in the KentReporteron March 17, 2007. Matt Gilbert, Senior Planner for the City, testified that the rezone request was received prior to the rezone moratorium effective December 2006. Exhibit 1, page 3; Exhibit 8; Testimony of Mr. Gilbert: 3. The City posted notice on the subject property on April 20, 2007; mailed notice to all owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property; and published notice of the public hearing associated with the subdivision application and rezone in the local newspaper in compliance with City ordinances. Exhibit7. ' 4. The City acted as lead agency for review of environmental impacts caused by the proposal as required by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The City reviewed the environmental impacts for both the proposed rezone and the concurrently submitted preliminary plat application.4 The City determined that with conditions, the rezone and preliminary plat proposals together would not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) on April 4, 2007. To mitigate for impacts, the Applicant would: (1) submit a Traffic Impact Study and construct the transportation improvements called for in the study or pay an environmental mitigation fee representing the project's fair share of the City's South 200th Street/ South 196th / South 192"6 Street Corridor Project; (2) minimize negative impacts to on-site soil and neighboring properties; and (3) minimize grading and the need for retaining walls by following the natural topographical contours of the property. Mr. Gilbert testified that the City did not receive any comments or appeal of the MDNS prior to the termination of the appeal period on April 18, 2007. Exhibit 1, page 4; Exhibit 9; Testimony of Mr. Gilbert: 5. The property at issue was annexed to the City in 1959 (Ordinance No. 320). The portion of the property subject to the rezone request, the northern parcel, was zoned SR-4.5 during the 2004 Comprehensive Plan update (Ordinance No. 3698), along with several other properties along 92nd Avenue. The 2004 Comprehensive Plan update designated both parcels in the property as SF-6, 'The City's exhibits do not specify in which local newspaper the public hearing notice was published. Since the demise of the King County-7ournal,, the City has used the Kent Reporterto publish public notices. See, e.g., Exhibit 8, e-mail correspondence with Jody Barton of the Kent Reporter. 4 The Washington Supreme Court endorsed this combined threshold review process when it found ' impacts of a specific development proposal can be a useful yardstick to measure rezone impacts. See CrtrzensAl/rance v Auburn, 126 Wn.2d 356, 365 (1995). Combined threshold review is consistent with KCC 12.01.030(D), is a more efficient use of City, applicant and public resources, and promotes SEPA policies. See 126 Wn.2d at 366 ("The SEPA rules underscore Flexibility and gauge the level of detail according to the proposal at issue"). Frndngs, Conclusions and Recommendation Oty of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 3 of 8 Single Family Residential, six dwelling units per acre. Since the 2004 Comprehensive Plan update, the City Council has approved requests to rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6 for developments north of the subject property. The rezoned developments total 26 acres along 92"d Avenue between South 200th Street and South 208th Street. Property south of the two parcels, across 208th Street, is zoned NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial. To the west of the two parcels is the Valley Freeway (SR 167). Property immediately to the east is zoned SR-4.5. Property to the east across 92"d Avenue is zoned both SR-4.5 and SR-6. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Figure 4.7, page 4-53; Exhibit 1, pages 2, 18; Exhibit 2. 6. The subject parcel is currently located in the City's SR-4.5 Single Family Residential zoning district, which permits a maximum of 4.53 dwelling units per acre and a minimum lot size of 7,600 square feet.s A 1.34 acre parcel of land within the SR-4.5 zoning district could be developed with six lotS.6 The SR-6 zoning district would permit a maximum density of 6.05 dwelling units/acre, with a minimum lot size of 5,700 square feet, allowing for development of up to 8 lots on a 1.34 acre parcel.7 KCC 15.04.170; Exhibit 1, pages 15— 18. 7. The Applicant has proposed development of three lots and a storm drainage tract on the 1.34 acre parcel subject to the rezone request. In addition, the proposed public road would curve along the eastern and southern portions of the parcel. A portion of the wetland buffer extends onto the southwestern corner of the parcel. Mr. Gilbert testified that approval of the rezone request would allow the Applicant to develop one lot more than would be allowed under the SR-4.5 zone, and that a rezone would provide additional flexibility for lot layout. The Applicant noted much of the surrounding property is zoned SR-6, and stated that it would be inconsistent from a planning perspective to maintain the current SR-4.5 zone. The preliminary plat proposed by the Applicant would provide for development of 15 residential lots, three tracts, and a public road on the northern parcel subject to the rezone request and the southern parcel currently zoned SR-6. The ' proposed development would have a gross density of 3.79 dwelling units per acre. The Staff Report states that the net density, that is the number of dwelling units per acre after subtracting street right-of-ways, would be approximately 5 The maximum density and minimum lot size for the SR-4.5 zoning district is found in KCC 15.04.170. 6 The maximum density calculation for dwelling units per acre in the SR-4.5 district is 1.34 acres x 4.53 dwelling units/acre = 6.1 dwelling units , The maximum density and minimum lot size for the SR-6 zoning district is found in KCC 15.04.170 The maximum density calculation for dwelling units per acre in the SR-6 district is 1.34 acres x 6.05 dwelling units/acre = 8 1 dwelling units. Findings, Concluslon5 and Recommendation Gty of Kent Heanng Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 4 of 8 seven dwelling units per acre. Exhibit 1, pages 2 8, I5— 18; Exhibit 2; Testimony of Mr. Gilbert. 8. The Comprehensive Plan describes the Land Use Element as having "the central role of defining the direction of the Comprehensive Plan, and thereby defining the vision of the community." City Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element, page 4-2. The Land Use Element includes the Land Use Map, which designates the subject property as SF-6. In addition, the Land Use Element contains goals and policies requiring a minimum density of four units per acre, encouraging flexibility in housing and site designs, and promoting home ownership with smaller houses and lot sizes.$ Housing Element goals and policies relevant to the rezone request include the promotion of home ownership by revising zoning codes to increase the supply of affordable housing options such as small lot sizes.9 Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 7— 11; Exhibit 2. 9. A public street to be constructed in the Valley View development to the north would connect the subject property with 92nd Avenue. The property also has street frontage on South 2081h Street, but would not have direct access to either South 208th Street or 92"d Avenue. The rezone request itself would not generate increased traffic on 92nd Avenue, South 208th Street, or surrounding neighborhood streets. However, the proposed development allowed through the rezone would generate 16 new PM peak hour trips.10 The Applicant would address traffic impacts of development through the construction of street improvements and the payment of traffic mitigation fees, as required by the MDNS and proposed preliminary plat conditions of approval. Exhibit 1, pages 4 — 6, 17; Exhibit 9. 10. The property is generally hilly, with slopes of 12 percent to 17 percent. There are significant trees located on the property. There are two wetlands on the a See Land Use Element Goals LU-1 and LU-10, and Policies LU-1.1, LU-9.1, and LU-9 4. City Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element(last revised May 4, 2006), pages 4-26, 4-32 and 4-33. 9 See Housing Element Goals H-2 and H-7, and Policies H-2 3 and H-2.5 City Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element(2004), pages 6-11 and 6-14. The City identified the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies as also relevant to the rezone and subdivision applications, Transportation Element Goal TR-1 and Policy TR-1.2, and Community Design Element Goals CD-20 and CD-22, and Policies CD- 20 1, CD-22 2, and CD-22 3 Qty Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element(2004), page 9-40, City ' Comprehensive Plan, Community Design Element(2004),pages 5-25 and 5-26;Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 7—11. 10 The number of additional peak hour trips is based on development of 17 lots, with one lot to contain an existing house, as initially proposed. The current proposal for development of 15 lots, with the retention of the existing home, would be expected to generate fewer peak hour trips. Exhibit 1,pages 1, 3;Exhibit 9. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 5 of 8 property. With the associated preliminary plat application, the Applicant proposes setting aside one wetland and associated buffer as a sensitive area. Exhibit 1, page 4. 11. No public testimony was presented at the hearing other than the City Planner and the Applicant's Representative. CONCLUSIONS Jurisdiction The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction to hold an open record hearing on quasi-judicial actions, including this rezone, and to issue a written recommendation for final action to the City Council, pursuant to RCW 35A.63.170 and Kent City Code Chapters 2.32, 12.01 and 15.09. Criteria for Review KCC sets forth the standards and criteria the Hearing Examiner must use to evaluate a request for a rezone. A request for a rezone shall only be granted if: 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity; 3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated; 4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone; and 5. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. Conclusions Based on Findings 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated SF-6 by the Comprehensive Plan, allowing for development of up to six dwelling units per acre. The proposed rezone would Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, K-TVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 6 of 8 bring the property into alignment with the Comprehensive Plan designation. Development on the subject parcel supported by the proposed rezone would not exceed a density of six units per acre. Properties in the vicinity of the subject parcel are also designated SF-6 under the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezone would support development of single family residences within the City limits near existing streets and services at a density of at least four units per net developable acre, consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use goals and policies. The smaller lot sizes made possible by the rezone would support a variety of housing styles, consistent with Housing Element goals and policies. Development of the property would include improvements to area streets, consistent with Transportation Element goals. Findings 1, S, 8. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development would be compatible with the existing neighborhood. Subsequent development would be single family residential, in a single family residential neighborhood. The City Council has approved rezone requests for other development proposals, a total of 26 acres along 92"d Avenue. Although property immediately east of the subject parcels is zoned SR-4.5, property to the east across 92"d Avenue is zoned both SR-4.5 and SR-6. In addition to the residential zoning districts, property to the south is zoned Neighborhood Convenience Commercial. Matt Gilbert testified for the City that the proposed rezone would allow development of one more lot on the subject parcel, but would not increase gross density above what is currently allowed. Findings 1, 5- 7. 3. The proposed rezone would not unduly burden the transportation system. The proposed rezone itself would not generate increased traffic. The Applicant would address traffic impacts resulting from the proposed subdivision associated with the rezone by constructing street improvements on South 208th Street and paying a traffic mitigation fee. Finding 9. 4. Circumstances have changed substantially to warrant the proposed rezone. Washington state courts have held that proof of changed circumstances are not required for a rezone if the proposed rezone and associated development implement policies contained in the comprehensive plan. 8jarnson v. Kitsap County, 78 Wn. App. 840 (Div. I, 1995); Henderson v. Kittitas County, 124 Wn. App. 747 (Div. III, 2004). Here, property has been classified as SF-6 by the City Comprehensive Plan since 2004. The rezone request and associated plat development would implement City Comprehensive Plan goals and policies to promote home ownership and reduce urban sprawl through flexibility in housing and site design. The rezone would bring the property into line with the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan classification. In addition, City Council has approved rezone requests for 26 acres in the surrounding vicinity of the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation City of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-2006-2, KIVA #RPP4-2060414 Page 7 of 8 subject parcel. The character of the surrounding neighborhood is expected to change significantly with future development of recently rezoned properties. Findings 1 and 5. 5. The proposed rezone would not adversely affect public health, safety and general welfare. The City provided adequate public notice of the rezone application and associated public hearing. The rezone would not have a probable, significant, adverse impact on the environment. Approval of the proposed rezone would allow development of the property at the current density. Future development would be conditioned to address impacts on the surrounding neighborhood and streets. Findings 1 — 11. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the preceding Findings and Conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommends that the application for a rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6 of a 1.34 acre parcel, King County Tax Parcel Number #062205-9083, be GRANTED. DATED this 16th day of May 2007. THEODORE PAUL HUNTER City of Kent Hearing Examiner S\Permit\Plan\rezone\2006\2060414-2006-2findings doc 1 i 1 Frndrngs, Conclusions and Recommendation Gty of Kent Hearing Examiner Devonshire Pointe Rezone #RZ-1006-2, KIVA #RPP4-1060414 Page 8 of 8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, Director • PLANNING SERVICES K E N T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager w.S.1��r o. Phone* 253-856-5454 Fax* 253-856-6454 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 KENT PLANNING SERVICES (253) 856-5454 STAFF REPORT FOR HEARING EXAMINER MEETING OF May 2, 2007 FILE NO: DEVONSHIRE POINTE 1 #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) #RZ 2006-2 (KIVA # 2060414) APPLICANT: Mr. Russ Millard Crystal Springs Ranch 24725 230" Way SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 REQUEST: The applicant proposes to subdivide two existing tax parcels into 15 new single family residential lots. Tracts for stormwater management, shared driveways and wetlands are also proposed. Also, the applicant proposes to rezone the northerly 1.34 acre parcel from SR 4.5 to SR-6. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Gilbert, AICP, Senior Planner STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Rezone: APPROVAL Subdivision. APPROVAL, with conditions I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Description of the Proposal The applicant proposes to subdivide two existing tax parcels into 15 new single family residential lots. Tracts for stormwater management, shared driveways and wetlands are also proposed. Access to the new lots will be via a planned roadway system to be extended to the site from the Valley View and Sophia 1 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Glenn subdivisions, located immediately north of the subject site. The site area is approximately 4 acres and contains two category 3 wetland areas. Protection and/or mitigation of impacts to these wetlands will be per KCC 11.06. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan map designates this entire site as SF-6, Single Family Residential. The northern parcel of the subject site is currently zoned SR 4.5, Single family residential, while the southern parcel is zoned SR-6. The applicant proposes to rezone this northern 1.34 acre parcel to SR-6. B. Location The site is currently addressed as 9138 S 208`h Street, located just east of the Valley Freeway, SR-167. The properties proposed to be subdivided are identified by King County Tax Parcel numbers 062205-9031 and 062205-9083. The applicant's rezone request pertains only to parcel -9083, which is the most northern of the two parcels. C. Size of Property The subdivision area is 3.98 acres, while the rezone area is 1.34 acres. D. Zoning / Comprehensive Plan The southern parcel is currently zoned SR-6 Single Family Residential, while the northern parcel is zoned SR-4.5 The applicant proposes to rezone the northern parcel to SR-6, Single Family Residential. Properties to the north of the site were recently rezoned from SR 4.5 to SR-6 (ref. Brenna's Vista II/Sophia Glenn #RZ 2005-1 and Valley View #RZ 2005-12). Properties immediately east of the site are zoned SR 4.5. Properties located to the south of the site are located across 2081h Street and zoned NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial. The site is bound on its western edge by the Valley Freeway, beyond which land is zoned M2, Limited Industrial. The City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Map designates the site, together with properties located to the north, east and west as SF-6 Single Family Residential, 6 Units per acre. Properties south of the site are designated C- Commercial. The nearby single family neighborhoods located east of 92nd Avenue are designated both SF-4.5 and SF-6. Utilizing gross acreage, the SR-6 zoning designation applied to the entire L subject site would allow for the development of approximately 24 single family detached units, as opposed to 22 single family units if the northern parcel were to remain zoned SR 4.5. The subdivision proposed through this request includes 15 lots, which will result in a gross density of 3.75 homes per acre. Page 2 of 32 f Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 E. Land Use The site of this proposed rezone and subdivision is currently developed with one house which will be retained on lot 5. Wetland areas have been identified on the site. While most of the surrounding developed properties are located in the SR-6 zoning district, the intensity of development varies Low and medium density development generally characterizes the east side of 92"d Avenue with homes on platted and unplatted lots Several properties north of the Devonshire Pointe site have recently received preliminary subdivision approval and will likely be under construction in the Summer of 2007. These properties encompass about 26 acres and generally propose development of 5,700 to 8,000 square foot lots and maximum achievable density for the SR-6 zone. This development will largely define the surrounding neighborhood. The lots of the Devonshire Pointe subdivision are generally consistent with this intensity of development. F. History The property is part of 320 acres annexed to the City of Kent on March 15, 1959 under Ordinance No 320. During the 2004 update of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City Council established the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and SR-4.5 Zoning designation for several properties along 92"d Avenue including the northern parcel of the subject site (ref. Ord. 3698). Kent's records indicate that since the mid-1980 the southern parcel has been zoned medium density multifamily, SR-4 5 and SR-6. The SR-6 designation appears to have become effective sometime in the early 90's. The current application for rezone of the subject site was submitted to the City on January 24, 2006, and the subdivision on August 28, 2006. A meeting between City staff and the applicant was held in March 2006 to discuss conditions likely to be applied to the subdivision of this site. The rezone was deemed complete on April 3, 2006 and the subdivision on September 21, 2006. City Staff's review of this rezone and subdivision has involved a number of resubmittals. The final review of the proposal however is based upon the preliminary plat map stamped as received by the City of Kent Permit Center on December 21, 2006. Page 3 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 II. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Environmental Assessment The applicant's SEPA application requested both a non-project analysis (rezone) and project-specific (subdivision) analysis. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (#ENV-2006-5) for the non-project rezone proposal as well as a project-specific proposal for a 15 lot subdivision was issued on April 4, 2007. Three conditions are associated with the MDNS and are related to mitigation of vehicle trip impacts, and minimization of grading and retaining walls on the site. B. Significant Physical Features Topography, Wetlands and Vegetation The site is hilly and falls to the west at grades of 12% to 17%, with an approximately 50 foot elevation change across the site. The site will be graded to create stable on-grade pads for the new homes, roadway and utility improvements. The applicant indicates that new homes will be conformed to the existing grades. On January 10, 2007, the City of Kent Environmental Engineering division approved a Wetland Assessment prepared for this site by J.S. Jones and Associates. This report describes two wetland areas associated with the subject site. These areas are identified in the report as Wetland 1 and Wetland 2, and each are category III wetlands as defined by Kent City Code Section 11.06. Wetland 1 is located in the NW portion of the property and Wetland 2 is located in the SE portion of the property. Wetland 2 is associated with a man-made ditch that borders the east property boundary and flows south. This ditch was determined by Environmental Engineering staff on September 14, 2006 to be man-made and therefore not meeting the stream definition provided in KCC 11.06.485. There is also an off-site wetland (Wetland 3) located south of the SW property corner, whose buffer does not extend on-site. The man-made ditch drains into Wetland 3 via a culvert under the existing driveway. A copy of the delineation is located in the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, in Wetland File No. 06-08. Wetland 2 is proposed to be filled and mitigated for in accordance with the requirements of KCC 11.06. Filling of Wetland 2 is permitted pursuant to KCC 11.06.620. A copy of the conceptual wetland mitigation plan is located in the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, in Wetland File No. 06-08. Wetland 1 will be protected in accordance with Kent City Code Section 11.06, including recording a sensitive area easement or deeding the property to the city for preservation of wetland function and values. ' Page 4 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 A mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, as well as grasses and wet-soil plants has been identified on the site. No threatened or endangered species have been identified. Pursuant to Section 15.08.240 Kent City Code, tree retention is required, and the applicant has indicated that existing trees and vegetation will be incorporated into the landscape plan where possible. IC. Significant Social Features 1. Street System The proposed development project is located within the East Hill area of the City and will take its primary access from 92,d Avenue South via a planned new roadway that will be extended from the Sophia's Glenn and Valley View subdivisions just north of the site 92 d Avenue South is a Residential Collector Arterial Street with Bike Lanes within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 40-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 20-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. A second public street in close proximity to the development frontage is South 208th Street. South 208th Street is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way width that varies significantly along the frontage of the subject development from about 58-feet to more than 230-feet, while the asphalt street width varies from about 16-feet wide to 22-feet wide The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system NOTE: The subject site is currently being served by a private driveway constructed within the public right-of-way. Design drawings for the street improvements associated with Valley View are currently being reviewed by the City's Public Works department. In order to achieve roadway connectivity, the proposed 1 north/south roadways of Valley View and Devonshire Pointe will be required to match at the common boundary, along the north property line of the subject site. Due to the complex site grading associated with each of these proposals, close design coordination will be necessary. Coordination will also be required to achieve connectivity of other utility Page 5 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 systems. To this end, the applicants for the Devonshire Pointe and Valley View projects have, and will continue to work closely together and with the City's Public Works Department to achieve this coordination This development is within an area which is characterized by streets with ' narrow traffic lanes and narrow or no shoulders, and the area has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities. , 2. Water System The site is located within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The applicant has provided a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from this agency. 3. Sanitary Sewer System The site is located within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The applicant has provided a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from this agency. 4. Stormwater System A stormwater system will be necessary to accommodate the proposed development. The applicant has submitted a preliminary drainage analysis which supports the location and size of the proposed storm drainage tract Prior to development of the site the applicant will be required to submit complete drainage plans prepared in accordance with the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. As the on-site stormwater will ultimately discharge into the Garrison Creek channel, located within the SR-167 right-of-way, the applicant will , need to receive approval from the Washington State Department of Transportation prior to construction of the stormwater system. III. CONSULTED DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES The following departments and agencies were advised of these applications: Chief Administrative Officer Kent School District Police Department U.S. Post Master Director of Public Works WA State Dept. of Ecology Fire Chief Washington State DOT Parks & Recreation Director K. C. Wastewater Treatment City Clerk Puget Sound Energy City Attorney King Co Environmental Health Page 6 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdwision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Qwest Muckleshoot Tribe King Co. Transit Division WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Soos Creek Water & Sewer Dist. Duwamish Tribe tIn addition to the above, all persons owning property located within 300 feet of the site were notified of the application and of the public hearing. No public comments were received regarding this proposal. Comments received from the above listed agencies and departments have been incorporated in the staff report where applicable. IV. PLANNING SERVICES REVIEW A. Comprehensive Plan The City of Kent has adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Ordinance #3698 — July 2004) The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan represent an expression of community intentions and aspirations concerning the future of Kent and the area within the potential annexation area. The Comprehensive Plan is used by the Mayor, City Council, Land Use and Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and City departments to guide decision-making relative to development and capital facility spending. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan is comprised of eleven elements which contain written goals and policies as well as a land use map. The proposed subdivision supports several goals and policies in the Land Use element, most notably goals LU-1 and LU-8, and policies LU 1.1 and LU 8.1. The proposed plat is located near existing urban services and infrastructure. The City supports the development of close-in vacant or underdeveloped properties which limits further urban sprawl on the edges of the planning area. In addition, in-fill development provides a more efficient means of providing services and enhancing pedestrian mobility. Also, one of the objectives of the comprehensive plan is to provide a wide variety of housing types and opportunities to accommodate projected population growth without converting single family lands to multifamily residential. Development of single family subdivisions on underdeveloped, single family zoned land is consistent with this objective. Upon reviewing the subdivision map for the Devonshire Pointe Preliminary Subdivision development, it has been determined that the proposed development will cause incremental but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems. Additional incremental, but cumulatively significant, impacts will be created to stormwater quantity, stormwater quality, stormwater detention and conveyance Page 7 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 facilities, utility transmission facilities, sanitary sewage and domestic potable water conveyance systems. Compliance with City of Kent's 'Public Works Ordinance' and the State of ' Washington's Growth Management Act will require concurrent improvement -- or the execution of binding agreements by the Owner / Subdivider with the City of Kent, for participation in future public improvement projects-of roadways, pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, intersection and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, stormwater treatment, and stormwater conveyance, utility, sanitary sewage, and domestic potable water systems. LAND USE ELEMENT The land use element outlines the proposed general distribution and location of j various of land uses within the planning area. The Land Use Element is designed to guide where and when development happens. In addition, it guides the character of the development pattern on the Kent area. Goal LU-1: Designate a Potential Annexation Area which will define the City's planning area and projected city limits for the next 20 years. Policy LU-1.1: Provide enough land in the City's Potential Annexation Area to accommodate the level of household growth projected to occur in the next 20 years. Policy LU-9.1 Where appropriate, establish urban residential densities of at least four (4) units per net developable acre in order to adequately support urban densities. Policy LU-9.4 Locate housing opportunities with a variety of densities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and where feasible, near human and community services. Goal LU-10: Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the City and the Potential Annexation Area to meet needs of the region's changing demographics. Planning Services Comment: The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The development proposed through this subdivision request seeks to establish residential lots at a net density of approximately 7 units per acre, which is Page 8 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 sufficient to support urban services. The proposed location is easily served by existing urban services and is in convenient proximity to commercial areas along East Valley Highway Also, the proposed rezone is consistent with the Land Use Plan Map, which allows up to six dwelling units per gross acre on the proposed rezone parcel. HOUSING ELEMENT The primary goal of the housing element is to meet the current and future need for housing in the Kent area. The ability to obtain affordable housing is essential to a stable, healthy, and thriving community. Goal H-2: Promote the organization and enhancement of neighborhoods and provide the opportunity for comfortable and well-maintained housing for all citizens. Policy H-2.3: Provide an appropriate mix of housing styles and choices, allowing for different types of housing from neighborhood to neighborhood. Policy H-2.5 Require developments to provide their fair share of the on-site and off-site improvements needed as a result of the development. Goal H-7: Encourage flexibility and innovative site and budding design for a variety of housing developments to expand home ownership. Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan Appropriate services, including, but not limited to, fire, police, medical services and neighborhood shopping are easily accessible to neighborhood residents upon development of the subject property. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT: Goal TR-1: Coordinate land use and transportation planning to meet the needs of the City and the requirements of the Growth Management Act. Policy TR-1.2 Coordinate new commercial and residential development L in Kent with transportation projects to assure that transportation facility capacity is sufficient to Page 9 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 accommodate the new development, or a financial commitment is in place to meet the adopted standard within six years, before allowing it to proceed. Planning Services Comment: The Growth Management Act requires consistency between land use and transportation planning. As noted, the Land Use Plan identifies the area of the rezone as SF-6 Single Family Residential. The Public Works Department has identified improvements to the local transportation network necessary to accommodate the proposed higher density. These improvements will be required through the conditions of approval proposed for this subdivision COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT Goal CD-20: Encourage environmental sensitivity and low-impact development principles in the design and construction of all projects. Policy CD-20.1: Encourage participation in low-impact development and environmentally sensitive budder programs. The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties- sponsored Built Green program provides guidance and incentives through the nationally recognized LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program. King County also promotes job-site recycling through its Construction Works program. Goal CD-22: Promote Low-Impact Development and limited disturbance of natural hydrological systems, so that water quality and quantity are protected throughout the development process and occupation of the site. Policy CD-22.2: Promote the use of rain gardens, open ditches or swales, and pervious driveways and parking areas in site design to maximize infiltration of stormwater and minimize runoff into environmentally critical areas. Policy CD-22.3: Promote inclusion of passive rainwater collection systems in site and architectural design for non-potable water (gray-water) storage and use, thereby saving potable (drinking) water for ingestion. Page 10 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Planning Services Comment: As conditioned through the April 5, 2007 MDNS, the proposed subdivision will meet the main goals and policies of low impact development and environmental sensitivity contained within the community design element of the Comprehensive Plan mentioned above. Although, there are no specific regulations in place at this time, the City encourages developers to utilize low impact development techniques within new subdivisions. Low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation, reduce infrastructure and utility maintenance costs (streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm sewer), and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. Also, low impact development has the potential to reduce costs for site development improvements such as streets, utilities and storm water management systems. B. Standards For Granting A Subdivision The purpose of the City of Kent Subdivision Code is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for subdividing land in the City of Kent, ensuring that the highest feasible quality in subdivisions will be attained; that the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the City of Kent shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth, development, and the conservation, protection and proper use of land shall be promoted; that proper provisions for all public facilities, including connectivity, circulation, utilities, and services shall be made; that maximum advantage of site characteristics shall be taken into consideration; and that the process shall be in conformance with provisions set forth in the City of Kent Zoning Code and Kent Comprehensive Plan (KCC 12.04.015). The procedures regulating subdivisions are established to ensure quality development which promotes orderly and efficient growth, the conservation and proper use of land; protects the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the city; makes adequate provisions for public facilities in conformance with provisions set forth in KCC Title 15, Zoning, and the Kent Comprehensive Plan; and complies with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 58.17 RCW (KCC 12.04.600). No subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met, the subdivision shall: t1. Create legal budding sites which comply with all provisions of KCC Title 15, Zoning, and health regulations; 2. Establish access to a public road for each segregated parcel; iPage 11 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 3. Have suitable physical characteristics; a proposed plat may be denied because of flood, inundation or wetland conditions; slope, soil stability and/or capabilities; or the construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval; 4. If adjacent to another municipality or King County, take into consideration the subdivision standards of that Iurisdiction as well as the requirements of this chapter; 5. Make adequate provision for stormwater detention, drainageways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, and other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary; 6. Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways and other public ways (KCC 12 04.635). As evidenced by the General Information in Section I. and the following responses to the criteria for approving subdivisions, the proposal is in general conformance with the Kent Subdivision Code. Furthermore, Section 12.04.685 of the Kent Subdivision Code indicates that a subdivision shall not be approved unless the City finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; The proposed plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-6. The proposed density and lot dimensions are consistent with the respective zoning districts, as proposed through this application. b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (ENV-2006-5) for this development proposal as well as for the proposed rezone was issued on April 4, 2007. Conditions of this determination require the applicant to provide mitigation for traffic impacts created by the proposed development and require the applicant to minimize site grading. i Page 12 of 32 I � Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 C. Open spaces; Provisions for open space will be made through payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of on-site open space as discussed in section d. below. d. Community parks and recreation; The Parks Department has commented that the proposed subdivision does impact existing park facilities. No open space is shown on the site plan for this project. The owner/applicant will be required to pay a fee in lieu of dedication of land pursuant to Section 12.04.780. This fee is based on the value of the subject land at the time of application for preliminary subdivision approval. As this application was deemed complete in 2006, land values from that year have been used to determine that a fee of approximately $29,700 will be required in lieu of dedication of open-space within the proposed plat (based on the values provided by the King County Department of Assessments). Funds collected in lieu of an on site dedication of open space will be used for improvement and/or acquisition of additional park space at the Chestnut Ridge park, located about one-half mile east of the proposed subdivision. e. Neighborhood tot lots and play areas; Provisions for these areas will be accomplished by the fee paid under section d above. f. Schools and school grounds; The subject property lies within the Kent School District. — Pursuant to KCC 12.13.160, a school impact fee (currently assessed at $4,928 per single family residence) will be assessed in association with the subdivision of land. The impact fee will be assessed and collected for each individual lot at the time of construction permit issuance and will be based upon the adopted impact fee at that time. SPage 13 of 32 t Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 g. Drainageways; Each individual residence will be required to provide on-site infiltration as well as an overflow connection to an approved conveyance system. h. Stormwater Detention; j The City of Kent Public Works Department has reviewed the incremental increase in impervious area and determined the proposed stormwater system to be adequate. i. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services; Sidewalks will be required along both sides of the proposed public street, and along 208th Street. The proposed road configuration will allow connection of sidewalks to future developments north of the site. J. Connectivity of streets or roads, alleys, pedestrian accessways, and other public ways within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods; Properties to the north of the Devonshire Pointe site have t received preliminary subdivision approval and will likely be under construction in Summer 2007. The proposed new roadway for the Devonshire Pointe subdivision provides a connection to the northern property so as to allow the roadway to be part of an interconnected network of streets and pedestrian ways that will be created by the proposed development in this area. By working closely with City staff and the applicants for the northern adjacent project (Valley View #SU-2005-16), the applicant has proposed a roadway design that will be part of a larger network, and have access to existing public right of way only through the northerly Valley View site. As Civil Construction drawings are currently under City review, and construction of Valley View, and the northerly Sophia Glenn subdivision is expected to take place this summer, the Page 14 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 connection to 92nd Avenue South will likely be in place prior to final approval of the Devonshire Pointe subdivision. k. Transit stops; Transit service is available less than 1 mile from the site at East Valley Highway and 208`h Street. I. Potable water supplies; All homes within the proposed plat will be connected to water service provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District iM. Sanitary wastes; All homes within the proposed plat will be connected to sanitary sewer service provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. n. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary: Power and natural gas lines will be installed during plat construction. Garbage service will be established by the individual residents. 2. The city has considered all other relevant facts; and determined that the proposed plat will be in conformance with all of the criteria listed above. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. 4. The City has considered the physical characteristics of the proposed subdivision site and may deny a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions; slope, or soil stability and/or capabilities. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat. C. ZONING CODE 1. Feasibility of Development If the proposed rezone of the northerly site from SR-4.5 to SR-6, Single Family Residential is approved, development on all lots in the proposed subdivision will be subject to Zoning Code requirements in the SR-6, Page 15 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Single Family Residential zoning district. All proposed lots within the subdivision area meet the minimum lot size and width requirements for the SR-6, Single Family Residential district. The existing house on lot 5 will remain and meets the development standards of the SR-6 zone. If the rezone is denied, a revision to the lot configuration on the northerly parcel will be required, so that these lots meet the SR 4 5 standards. Numerous significant trees are located on the site. Zoning regulations encourage the retention of significant trees where roads, utilities, and site improvements are not proposed. Tree retention plans will be required for the plat and development of each lot where trees are located (per KCC Section 15.08.240). 2. Criteria for Granting a Request for Rezone The following standards and criteria (Kent Zoning Code, Section 15.09.050) are used by the Hearing Examiner and City Council to evaluate a request for a rezone. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the City Council determines that the request is consistent with these standards and criteria. The applicants request for rezone pertains only to parcel 0622059083, the 1.34 acre northern parcel of the proposed Devonshire Pointe subdivision. a. The proposed rezone Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Services Comment The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designates the subject property as SF-6, Single Family Residential which allows up to six units per acre. A rezone of the site from SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6 Single Family Residential will allow residential development up to 6.05 units per acre, which is also allowed under the Comprehensive Plan. As previously discussed, the proposed rezone is also consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan b. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vlcirnty. Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible and integrate well with the existing development in the vicinity. Future development on the subject site will be part of a residential area defined on the north by 200th Street, on the south by 208th Street and on the west by the Valley Freeway. This area features Page 16 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 low to medium density residential development in located both in subdivisions and on unplatted lots. In 2006 the Kent City Council approved rezoning of the 26 acres immediately north of the subject site from SR-4.5 to SR-6 (ref. Sophia Glenn/Brenna's Vista II #RZ-2005-1, Ord. 3787 and Valley View #RZ 2005-12 Ord. 3804). The proposed SR-6 zoning designation allows for 6 05 units per acre, a medium density designation. As previously noted, the City is currently processing Civil Construction plans on the northern subdivisions which, when built out, will establish modern residential neighborhoods comprised of approximately 5,700 square foot to 8,000 square foot lots. The Valley Freeway (SR-167) abuts the site along the western boundary. C. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system In the vlcnity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated Planning Services Comment A rezone of this property to SR-6, Single Family Residential will not generate additional trips onto the existing transportation system. However, the subdivision development will add trips to the local street system. Road and street frontage conditions are part of the conditions of approval recommended by staff for the proposed subdivision. These improvements include but are not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalks, planting strips, street lighting, paving, necessary street improvements, and public stormwater conveyance. The applicant will be required to participate in other City transportation improvement projects by providing an environmental mitigation fee for the impacts created by future development. d. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. Planning Services Comment In 2004, as part of the Comprehensive Plan update, the Council established the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and SR-4.5 zoning designation to the entire 48 acre area between 92"d Avenue and the Valley Freeway, south of 200th Street and north of 208`h Street. Page 17 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 In 2006 the City Council approved rezones for the 26 acres north of the Valley View site from SR-4.5 to SR-6. This recent rezoning and the pending development have redefined the character of the area. Of the 33 acres located between S 2001h Street and S 208`h Street, west of 92nd Avenue that was once zoned SR 4.5, all but six acres are now zoned SR-6. Development of the northern adjacent sites will help accommodate the new development through creation of a roadway and utility network that will benefit the subject site. The applicant proposes this rezone to support development of the subject site as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. e. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone is consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. Subsequent development on the site will have to meet applicable codes and regulations, including mitigation of anticipated environmental impacts. Therefore, the rezone proposal will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. D. CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS The proposed rezone and subdivision are consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. 1. Type of Land Use Allowed The development of single family home sites is a principally permitted use on land zoned SR-4.5 and SR-6, Single Family Residential. 2. Level of Development Allowed The proposed subdivision of approximately 4 acres into 15 building sites is consistent with the designated Comprehensive Plan designation of SF- 6 Single Family/6 units per acre and with the zoning designation of SR-6 (pending the outcome the proposed rezone). 3. Adequacy of Infrastructure The proposed subdivision will place increased demands on existing transportation, water and sanitary sewer systems in the general vicinity. The project will also result in a significant net increase of impervious Page 18 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 surface area on the two parcels involved. When fully developed, the impact of 14 new homes being occupied will result in an estimated 140 daily and 14 new PM peak hour trips to the local street system. The effects on the domestic water supply, sanitary sewer service, stormwater run-off, conveyance, storage, treatment and discharge and transportation impacts have been analyzed through the subdivision review as well as the SEPA process and associated MDNS. 4. Characteristics of the Proposed Subdivision The proposed subdivision, as presented, appears to be in conformance with the Kent City Code with respect to the required minimum lot area, minimum lot width and access to a public right of way. E. PROPOSED FINDINGS Planning Services has reviewed these applications in relation to the Comprehensive Plan, zoning, land use, street system, flood control problems and comments from other departments and finds that: 1. The Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates this site SF-6, Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre maximum density. 2. The northern parcel of the site is currently zoned SR-4.5 Single Family Residential, and the southern portion SR-6. If RZ-2006-2 is approved, the entire site will be zoned SR-6, Single Family Residential and subject to the development standards which include 5,700 square foot minimum lot size and 50 foot minimum lot width. 3. Current land uses in the immediate area are predominantly low and medium density single family residential. 4. A Tentative Plat meeting was held for the proposed in March of 2006 (#TSU-2006-4). 5. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsigrnficance was issued for the plat on April 4, 2007. 6. There are significant trees of six inch or greater caliper located on the property. 7. The site has access to 92"d Avenue South and South 208th Street Page 19 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 8. The subject property would receive water service from the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District 9. The subject property would receive sewer service from the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. V. CITY STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (#RZ-2005-12) Upon review of the merits of this request and the Code criteria for granting a rezone, the City staff recommends APPROVAL without conditions of the Devonshire Pointe 1 rezone. 2. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (#SU-2005-16) Based on the merits of this request and the code criteria for granting a preliminary subdivision, staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed Devonshire Pointe 1 preliminary plat subject to the following conditions A. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE PLAT FOR THIS SUBDIVISION: 1. The Owner / Subdivider shall pay all Charges in Lieu of Assessments and/or Latecomer Fees, if any, prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction Conference and/or prior to recording this Final plat, whichever comes first. 2. The Owner / Subdivider shall provide Public Works with a digital Final plat map prepared with a CAD program. The digital information can be formatted in either *.DWG (AutoCad) or *.DXF (Drawing Exchange File), but must be based upon State Plane coordinates: an assumed coordinate system is not permitted. The State Plane Coordinates shall be on the NAD 83/91 datum and must relate to at least two City of Kent reference points within one half mile of the subdivision. In addition, the project shall be tied into at least two City of Kent NAD 88 vertical benchmarks and two additional permanent benchmarks shall be established within the project. The locations, descriptions and elevations of these benchmarks will be reported at the time as-built drawings are submitted along with field notes sufficient to verify the required precision. 3. The Owner / Subdivider shall submit and receive City approval of engineering drawings from the Department of Public Works, and shall then either construct or bond for the following: Page 20 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 a. A public gravity sanitary sewer system to serve all lots. This development will be served by the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District and will be constructed to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District standards and specifications. The septic system serving the existing home(s) within the proposed subdivision - if any - shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department Regulations. b. A public water system meeting domestic and fire flow requirements for all lots. This development will be served by the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District and will be constructed to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District standards and specifications. Existing wells — if any - shall be decommissioned in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Ecology. C. A stormwater system. The Engineering Plans must meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards and 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM). Initial guidance for the Engineering Plans is given below (See Chapter 2 of KSWDM for detailed submittal requirements): (1) The Engineering Plans will include at a minimum: Site improvement plans which include all plans, details, notes and specifications necessary to construct road, drainage, and other related improvements. The engineering plans shall include a technical information report (TIR) which contains all the technical information and analysis to develop the site improvement plans. (2) An erosion and sedimentation control (ESC) plan shall be included with the engineering plans. The ESC shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These plans must reflect the Detailed Grading Plan discussed Page 21 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 below, and the Planning Services approved Detailed Tree Plan. (3) The retention / detention and release standard that will be met by the subdivision is Level Two. The water quality menu that will be met by the subdivision is the Resource Stream Protection Menu. (4) The site improvement plans and technical information report will contain drainage calculations and a drawing of the retention / detention pond tract at an appropriate engineering scale to show that the proposed on- site or off-site retention / detention tract is large enough to contain the required minimum stormwater storage volume and water quality facility. The site improvement plans will also show that all required stormwater management facilities will be outside of delineated wetlands and their buffers, as well as outside of creeks and rivers and their buffers. The outfall pipe from the stormwater pond shall be directed southwest to the buffer of the existing wetland. To prevent scour or erosion to the wetland buffer, an appropriate energy dissipater or level spreader at the end of the outfall pipe will be required. Along the toe of the east hillside along the back sides of Lots 7 through 12 and Lot 15, an interceptor trench shall be placed within an easement to convey stormwater from the hillside, away from the lots and into Wetland C. To prevent scour or erosion to the wetland buffer, an appropriate energy dissipater or level spreader at the end of the conveyance system will be required. (5) A downstream analysis is required for this development, and it will include an analysis for capacity, erosion potential, and water quality. Page 22 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Refer to the requirements of Technical Information Reports in Section 3: "Offsite Analysis", of the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual for the specific information required for downstream analyses. (6) Roof downspouts for each roofed structure (house, garage, carport, etc ) shall be diverted to a Roof Downspout Infiltration System meeting the requirements of section 5.4.5, Infiltration Trenches, of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. These roof downspout conveyance and infiltration systems shall include overflow pipes connected to an approved dispersion system. The drainage plans shall include an approved detail for the roof downspout infiltration system. The face of the recorded Final plat shall contain the following restriction: iAS A CONDITION OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE, RESIDENCES CONSTRUCTED ON LOTS OF THIS SUBDIVISION MUST PROVIDE ROOF DOWNSPOUT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS PER DETAILS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS (7) If determined necessary by the Public Works Department following review and approval of the required downstream analysis, the Owner / Subdivider shall provide public drainage easements meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards for the specified downstream reach where adequate public drainage easements do not currently exist. I (8) The Owner / Subdivider shall submit Landscape Plans for within and surrounding the retention / detention facility to the Planning Department and to the Department of Public Works for concurrent review and approval prior to, or in conjunction with, the approval of the Engineering Plans. These Landscape Plans shall meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the stormwater management landscaping requirements contained within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Page 23 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 Landscape Plans are required to show adjacent Street Trees so that the City arborist can assess potential adverse stress upon all types of vegetation. (9) The Owner / Subdivider shall execute Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenants for the private portions of the drainage system prepared by the Property Management Section of the Department of Public Works. See Reference 8- F, Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant, to the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual for information on what is contained within this document. d. A Detailed Grading Plan for the entire subdivision meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits & Grading Plans Initial guidance for these plans is given below: (1) These plans will include provisions for utilities, roadways, retention / detention ponds, Stormwater treatment facilities, and a building footpad for every lot. (2) These plans shall be designed to eliminate the need for processing several individual Grading Permits upon application for Building Permits- phasing of grading on a lot-by-lot basis will not be considered. (3) These plans will use a 2-foot maximum contour interval, and every fifth contour line will be darker, wider and labeled in conformance to standard drafting practice. (4) Grading of the site shall be minimized by the owner/subdivider and where done shall follow the natural contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Any retaining walls shall be no more than four feet high at perimeter and internal individual property lines. The walls shall be constructed of rockery, other natural Page 24 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 1 material, or with Planning Services and Public Works approvals may be constructed of patterned concrete. e. A Final Wetland Mitigation Plan meeting the requirements of the Kent City Code Chapter 11.06. These plans shall pursue avoiding or minimizing impacts to wetlands to the maximum extent possible by analyzing alternatives that would avoid the impact. If grading is a part of the final wetland mitigation plan, all grading shall be included on the grading plan for the entire site, including buffers and appropriate Budding Setback Lines. f. Interim Street Improvement Plans for South 208`h Street. These Interim Street Improvement Plans shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochures #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements, and # 6-8, 1 Street Improvement Plans, for a street designated as a Residential Collector Arterial Street within the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. Initial guidance for the necessary interim street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical concrete curbs & gutters, a 5- foot wide planter strip, and a 5-foot cement concrete sidewalk along the north side of the street. (2) A minimum of 30-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement as measured from face of vertical curb constructed along the north side of the street to the edge of the traveled pavement on the south side of the street. The entire HMA pavement width ' specified above shall be provided with a 20-year service life as determined by the process identified in the Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Requirements. (3) A City-owned street lighting system. (4) These Street Improvement Plans will provide for guard rail installation between the intersection of 92"d Avenue South and the bridge crossing SR- 167. Page 25 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 (5) Public stormwater conveyance, detention and t treatment facilities as applicable. (6) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips constructed between the back of curb and the front of the cement concrete sidewalk. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. g. Street Improvement Plans for the new public Residential Street connected to 92nd Avenue South and terminating with a permanent cul-de-sac bulb at its westerly terminus. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street 28-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical curb & gutter, a 5-foot wide planting strip constructed between the back of curb and the front of the sidewalk, and then a 5- foot wide cement concrete sidewalk along both sides of the street. (2) A minimum of 28-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, as measured from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb. (3) A street lighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for by the Home Owner's Association created for this subdivision. Page 26 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 1 (4) A public stormwater drainage system, including provisions for collection, conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities. (5) A 45-foot radius to the face of curb for the permanent cul-de-sac bulb. (6) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. h. Street Improvement Plans for the new public Residential Street along the east property line (adjacent to lots 1 and 2), connected to the above referenced new Public Street, extending to the north property line and connecting to the new public residential street being constructed by the plat of Valley View. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street 20-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical curb & gutter, a 5-foot wide planting strip constructed between the back of curb and the front of the sidewalk, and then a 5- foot wide cement concrete sidewalk along west side of the street. (2) A minimum of 20-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, as measured from face of vertical curb to edge of HMA. (3) A street lighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for jPage 27 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 by the Home Owner's Association created for this subdivision. (4) A public stormwater drainage system, including provisions for collection, conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities. (5) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. 1. Street Improvement Plans for the new Private Residential Street connected to Public Residential Street Cul-De-Sac proceeding south and terminating at the South 2081n Street right-of-way. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance with the requirements for a Private Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a street at least 20-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) A minimum of 20-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement, or from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb, except where the Fire Marshal requires additional pavement width for emergency vehicle access. (2) A private stormwater drainage system, including provisions for conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities where applicable. (3) All private streets will connect to the public street system with a Residential Concrete Driveway Approach conforming to the minimum requirements of Standard Detail 6-5(a). The minimum design inside radii for the driveway Page 28 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 approaches serving all private streets shall be 30- feet unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works. ' (4) All private streets will conform to the minimum horizontal and vertical alignment and safe stopping sight distances requirements for a public Residential Street. (5) Fire Lanes - if any - shall be marked as directed by the Fire Marshal. (6) The private street, including sidewalks must be centered within a private roadway tract or easement that is at least 1-foot wider than the total width of the Private Street and sidewalk combination. j. Lighting Plans for the City-owned street lighting system on South 2081h Street, and for a PSE-owned street lighting system for the new public street. Both sets of plans will meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-1, Street Lighting Requirements. 4. The Owner / Subdivider shall create a Homeowner's Association for this subdivision to ensure that the property owners within this subdivision are advised of their obligation to pay for the energy and maintenance required for the street lighting system installed in their development. Those sections of the required document written to govern that association as they relate to any IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy street lighting systems, shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works, prior to the recording these documents. 5. The face of the final plat will clearly identify any private streets, and which lots will be served by those private streets. The face of the final plat will also specify that the maintenance of all private streets is the sole responsibility of the property owners who are served by those private streets. 6. Direct vehicular access to and from lots having frontage along South 208th Street is prohibited, and the face of the final plat will carry the following restriction: Page 29 of 32 t Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO AND FROM LOTS HAVING FRONTAGE ALONG SOUTH 2O8TH STREET IS RESTRICTED TO THE NEW PUBLIC STREET WITHIN THIS PLAT. 7. The Owner / Subdivider shall deed all public rights-of-way, and otherwise convey all private and public easements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the required improvements for this subdivision development. 8. The Owner / Subdivider shall permanently protect the approved and preserved, and/or enhanced, or created sensitive area(s) and the associated buffer(s) by creating a separate Sensitive Area Tract and deeding the tract in fee simple to the City, OR by granting a Sensitive Area Easement to the City for the entire sensitive area, pursuant to Kent City Code Chapter 11.06. This Sensitive Area Tract or Easement shall be consistent with the wetland and wetland buffer map contained within the approved Wetland Delineation Report and/or approved Wetland Mitigation Plan as appropriate. The Owner / Subdivider shall provide a legal description of said easement or tract prepared by a licensed land surveyor, prior to issuance of any Construction Permits. The Sensitive Area Tract and the following language shall be included on the face of the recorded plat: SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS / EASEMENTS DEDICATION OF A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / EASEMENT CONVEYS TO t THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE TRACT. THIS INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION OF NATIVE VEGETATION FOR ALL PURPOSES THAT BENEFIT THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE, INCLUDING CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY, VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY, PLANT ECOLOGY AND WILDLIFE HABITAT THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / EASEMENT IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE TRACT / EASEMENT THE OBLIGATION, ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF KENT, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROM THE CITY OF KENT. THE COMMON BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE TRACT / EASEMENT AND THE AREA OF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY MUST BE MARKED OR OTHERWISE FLAGGED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF KENT PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR Page 30 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY. THE REQUIRED MARKING OR FLAGGING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT ARE COMPLETED. NO BUILDING FOUNDATIONS, STRUCTURES, FILL OR OBSTRUCTIONS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO OUTBUILDINGS AND OVERHANGS) ARE ALLOWED WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / EASEMENT BOUNDARY, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY. jTHE CITY OF KENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INSTALL PUBLIC UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITHIN THIS SENSITIVE AREA TRACT, AND TO ENTER AND PERFORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, BUT IS REQUIRED TO RESTORE OR ENHANCE THE SENSITIVE AREAS DISTURBED UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION, AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE THE CITY OF KENT ALSO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ENHANCE THE SENSATIVE AREA TRACT OR EASEMENT VIA PLANTING NATIVE VEGETATION AND REMOVING NON-NATIVE OR INVASIVE VEGETATION 9. After construction, the wetland and /or streams and their associated buffer areas shall be isolated from intrusion by installing a permanent wildlife-passable fence (split rail cedar). In addition, wetland/sensitive area information signs obtained from 1 the Department of Public Works shall be placed at the buffer edge to inform and educate owners and nearby residents about the value of wetlands/sensitive areas. 10. Prior to release of any construction bonds, and prior to the approval of any Building Permits within the subject subdivision, the Department of Public Works must receive and approve As- Built Drawings meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and 0tyof Kent DevelopmentAssistance 1 Brochure #E-1, As-Build Drawings, for: Streets; Street Lighting System; Water; Sewer; Stormwater Drainage Facilities; and all off-site improvements where the locations and/or elevations are deemed critical by the Department of Public Works. 11. Break-away mailbox clusters shall be installed at locations and t per standards approved by the US Postmaster and the City of Kent Public Works Department. Page 31 of 32 Staff Report Devonshire Pointe Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2006-2 KIVA #RPP4-2060414 #SU-2006-16 KIVA #RPP3-2064073 B. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT ON ANY LOT IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE OWNER / SUBDIVIDER SHALL: 1. Record the Plat. 2. Construct all of the improvements required in Section B, above, and/or pay the respective fees-in-lieu-of including any mitigation (EMA or EMF) charges. 3. Receive approval of the required As-Built Drawings for Street, Street Lighting, Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management Facilities as deemed appropriate by the Department of Public Works. 4. Construct all wetland mitigation plans, wetland and stream buffer plans, install all required wildlife passable fences and any other conditions to protect or enhance critical areas. KENT PLANNING SERVICES April 25, 2007 MG•ch•\S \Permit\Plan\rezone\2006\2064073-2006-16staffrpt doc Page 32 of 32 _,�.z.a., •`fir:�_ _ .:;r'.,:�,�;�e'^";h:;e v_r,.'r.,_NI.t,Yr� 1 SITE All st 110, MQ• • ui� Mf _ _ tirCi•S;C�� ( `l� L`� :�5 Y' �,5.•.1L S1 I 1 • i 1 • I 1 t � 1 \ a� lei I I r I = =I so s FF 7 •r � s� N Iq APPLICATION NAME: DEVONSHIRE POINTE 1 REQUEST: PRELIMINARY PLAT (SU-2006-16) AND REZONE (RZ-2006-2) VICINITY AND SITE MAP 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Phone 253-856-5454 K E N T Fax 253-856-6454 +VASHINGTON Address. 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 REVISED NOTICE OF APPLICATION And Proposed Mitigated Determination of Nonsianificance The following Permit Applications have been filed with City of Kent Planning Services. ' Following is a description of the applications and the process for review. The applications and listed studies may be reviewed at the offices of Kent Planning Services, 400 W. Gowe Street, Kent, WA. The City of Kent expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Nonsianificance (MDNS) for the proposal and the Optional MDNS Process is being used. This may be the only opportunity 1 to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and associated mitigation measures. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared A copy of the subsequent threshold determination for the specific proposal may be obtained upon request. Following is a description of the application and the process for review. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: March 17, 2007 APPLICATION NUMBER: #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) #RZ 2006-2 (KIVA # 2060414) #ENV-2006-5 (KIVA #2060415) APPLICATION NAME: DEVONSHIRE POINTE 1 REZONE AND SUBDIVISION lPROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to subdivide two existing tax parcels into 17 new single family residential lots. Tracts for stormwater management, shared driveways and ' wetlands are also proposed. Access to the new lots will be via a planned roadway system associated with the Valley View and Sophia Glenn subdivisions, located immediately north of the subject site. The site area is approximately 4 acres and contains two category 3 wetland areas. Protection and/or mitigation of impacts to these wetlands will be per KCC 11.06. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan map designates this entire site as SF-6, Single Family Residential. However, the northern parcel of the subject site is currently zoned SR 4.5, Single 1 family residential, while the southern parcel is zoned SR-6. The applicant proposes to rezone this northern 1.34 acre parcel to SR-6. 1 Revised Notice of Application &proposed MDNS Devonshire Pointe 1 Rezone &Plat #ENV-2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) #RZ-2006-2 (KIVA#2060414) #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) ZONING: SR-4.5 Single Family Residential and SR-6, Single Family Residential PROJECT LOCATION: The subject project is located at 20615 - 92,d Avenue South and 9138 ' S 208th Street, which is are identified by King County Parcel Numbers 0622059083 and 0622059031. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION: As the Lead Agency, the City of Kent has determined that the proposed project is unlikely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment. , Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Kent is using the Optional Determination of Non-Significance process to give notice that a MDNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed MDNS are integrated into a single comment period. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the MDNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATES: Rezone: January 24, 2006 Preliminary Subdivision: August 28, 2006 DATE OF DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS: ' Rezone: April 3, 2006 Subdivision: September 21, 2006 STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION: Wetland Assessment completed on December 12, 2005 by J.S. Jones and Associates; Geotechnical Exploration and Engineering Evaluation completed on January 23, 2006 by Bergquist Engineering Services OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Site Grading and Civil Construction Plans, Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, Building and Zoning Permits. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: March 17, 2007 —April 2, 2007 All persons may comment on this application. Comments must be in writing and received in Kent Planning Services by 4:30 PM, Monday, April 2, 2006 at 220 41h Avenue South, Kent WA 98032. For questions regarding this project, please contact Matt Gilbert, Planner at (253) 856-5454. Any person wishing to become a party of record shall include in their ' comments that they wish to receive notice of and participate in any hearings and request a copy of decisions once made. A party of record may appeal the decision on this application by filing a complete appeal application -within 14 calendar days of the date of decision. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service, call 1-800-833-6388 (hearing impaired) or 1-800-833-6385 (Braille) or the City of Kent at(253) 856-5499 TENTATIVE HEARING: A public hearing has been TENTATIVELY scheduled for May 2, 2007. Please note that as this date is subject to change, further public notice of the hearing will be given as the date approaches. This hearing notice will be posted at the site on the Public Page 2 of 5 Revised Notice of Application &proposed MDNS Devonshire Pante 1 Rezone& Plat #ENV-2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) #RZ-2006-2 (KIVA#2060414) #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) Notice Board published in the Kent Reporter and mailed to owners of property within a 300 foot radius of the project site. STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This project is subject to and shall be consistent with the Kent City Code, specifically, Title 12, Planning and Land Development, and Title 15, Zoning, the Kent Construction Standards Excavation and Grading Ordinance, International Building Code and International Fire Code. tPROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The Applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify the existing and future level-of-service (LOS) for the adjacent intersections identified in the Staff Report for this development and the existing and future V / C ratios for the adjacent City streets in the roadway network. The TIS shall specifically identify all intersections and streets currently at or below City standards, or estimated to be at or below City standards due to the increased traffic volumes reasonably expected from the development; and all adjacent streets at or above the V / C ratios established for that Mobility Management Zone. The TIS shall then identify what improvements are necessary to provide a LOS better I than or equal to City standards for all intersections to completely mitigate the existing and/or development impacts thereon. The TIS shall also identify what improvements are necessary to completely mitigate the adjacent streets which do not meet the V / C requirements of Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. Upon agreement by the City with the findings of the TIS and of the mitigation measures recommended in the approved TIS; implementation and/or construction of said mitigation measures shall be the conditional requirement of the issuance of the respective development permits. OR In lieu of submitting the TIS required above and then providing the mitigation measures identified in the approved study, the Owner / Subdivider may instead execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pav a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the Citv's South 200`h Street / South 196" Street / South 192nd Street Corridor Protect. The minimum benefit to the Owner / Subdivider is ' estimated at $14,352 (1986 dollars to be adjusted for rezones, and for inflation based upon the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, or the substituted index as prepared by the United States Department of Labor) based upon 16 new PM Peak Hour Trips (at the rate of $897 per PM Peak Hour Trip) and the capacity of the South 2001h Street / South 196" Street / South 192nd Street Corridor. The payment of the traffic mitigation fees shall be made on an incremental basis prior to the issuance of a building or development permit on each lot within the subject subdivision. If the Owner / Subdivider creates a Homeowners Association and provides ' for a sinking fund to pay for the identified financial obligation (subject to City approval of the form of the sinking fund financial obligation), then the Owner / Subdivider may Page 3 of 5 Revised Notice of Application &proposed MDNS Devonshire Pointe 1 Rezone &Plat #ENV-2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) #RZ-2006-2 (KIVA#2060414) #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 200th Street / South 196th Street / South 192"d Street Corridor Protect. a. The final benefit value will be determined based upon the number of lots approved upon the final short plat (minus one for the existing home) multiplied ' times $897 (in 1986 dollars and adi sted for rezones; for inflation as described above). b. Payment of the traffic mitigation fees, and the execution of this EMA, and the conditions given within this document, will serve to mitigate traffic impacts to the above mentioned intersections and road system by committing funding for the South 200th Street / South 196th Street / South 192nd Street Corridor which will provide additional capacity for traffic volumes within the area of the above mentioned development. 2 The Applicant shall be sensitive to the natural topography of the site during construction ' and minimize negative impact to on-site soils and neighboring properties. 3. The Applicant shall minimize grading of the site and where done the grading shall follow the natural contours as much as possible minimizing the need for retaining walls. Any retaining walls shall be no more than 4 feet high at perimeter and internal individual property lines and no more than 6 feet high around the detention/retention pond that is not adjacent to common property lines Walls around such detention ponds shall not exceed 50 percent of the perimeter of the pond and ponds shall be landscaped per City standards The walls shall be constructed of rockery other natural material, or with Planning Services and Public Works approvals may be constructed of patterned concrete that simulates natural materials Where structural walls are required to support access roads and as such cannot be constructed of rockery or natural material, the walls shall be faced with such materials Site conditions may warrant slight adjustments to wall height during_construction Height adjustments up to 10% of the overall height may be permissible and are subject to review and approval by Planning Services and Public Works Retaining walls associated with construction of the public streets along the frontage of the property are exempt from the height limits described herein. Grading to achieve flat building lots shall be minimized. APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: Mr. Russ Millard, Crystal Springs Ranch LLC 20624 SE 213th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 ph. 206.941.3000 MG jm\\S\Permtt\Plan\NOA\2006\2060415-2006-5optdns doe i Page 4 of 5 Revised Notice of Application &proposed MDNS Devonshire Pointe 1 Rezone &Plat #ENV-2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) #RZ-2006-2 (KIVA#2060414) #SU-2006-16 (KIVA# 2064073) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING As required by the Regulatory Reform Act, Chapter 347, 1995 Laws of Washington, and Kent City Code Chapter 12 01, 1 do hereby declare that the Notice of Application & Proposed MDNS, as described in this notice, was duly posted on by a member of Kent Planning Services, on or near the site described herein Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager 1 i I f 1 1 1 1 1 Page 5 of 5 t ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Phone 253-856-5454 K E N T Fax, 253-856-6454 IVA5H INGTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT Decision Document DEVONSHIRE POINTE 1 REZONE AND SUBDIVISION ENV-2006-5 KIVA RPSA 2060415 rCharlene Anderson, AICP: Responsible Official Staff Contact: Matt Gilbert, AICP I. PROPOSAL The applicant seeks to subdivide two existing parcels having a combined area of about 4 acres into 17 single-family residential lots. The property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of South 208th Street and SR-167 and the parcels associated with this project are addressed as 20615 92nd Avenue S and 9138 S 208th Street, identified respectively as APN 062205-9031 and APN 062205-9083. In addition to the ' new lots, the applicant proposes to establish tracts/easements for access, sensitive areas, and stormwater management facilities Primary access to the site will be via a new public roadway that will connect to 92nd Avenue South via the roadway to be constructed on the northern adjacent parcel known as the Valley View Subdivision. This project also includes a proposed rezone of the northern parcel (-9083) from SR 4.5 to SR-6, Single-Family Residential. The southern parcel (-9031) is currently zoned SR-6. The subject property is encumbered with wetlands and wetland buffers and has slopes that exceed 12 percent. II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Compliance with Kent's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 3222), the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), The Local Project Review Act (ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094), Kent's Construction Standards (Ordinance 3117) and Concurrency Management (Chapter 12.11, Kent City Code) will require concurrent improvements or the execution of binding agreements by the Applicant/Owner with Kent to mitigate identified environmental impacts. These improvements and/or agreements may include improvements to roadways, intersections and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, treatment and conveyance, utilities, sanitary sewerage and domestic water systems. Compliance with Kent's Construction Standards may require the deeding/ ' dedication of right-of-way for identified improvements. Compliance with Title 11.03, and 11.06 of the Kent City Code may require the conveyance of Sensitive Area Tracts to the City of Kent. r Decision Document Devonshire Pointe 1 ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) In addition to the above, Kent follows revisions to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 197-11 WAC (effective November 10, 1997), which implements ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094. Specific conditions are applied to mitigate the identified impacts. These conditions are necessary to mitigate project-specific impacts which are not addressed by existing City codes and ordinances. III. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS A. Earth The site is hilly and slopes to the west at grades of 12% to 17%, with an approximately 50 foot elevation change across the site. The site will be graded as required to create stable on-grade pads for the new homes, roadway and utility improvements. The applicant indicates that new homes will be conformed to the existing grades. Imported structural fill may be required under the ' roadway and building pads, though the amount is not currently known. Existing top-soil will be retained and used for future landscape areas Erosion control measures will be implemented consistent with city regulations. The Community Design Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies that encourage low impact development and environmental ' sensitivity in the design of all projects. The grading of the site should be done within the existing contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Furthermore, low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation, reduce infrastructure and utility maintenance costs (streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm sewer), and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. Also, low impact development has the potential to reduce costs for site development improvements such as streets, utilities and storm water management systems. The Applicant will be required to submit and receive approval of a Detailed Grading Plan from the Department of Public Works for the entire development. These Plans will be required to meet the requirements of the City of Kent , Construction Standards and City of Kent Development AssIstance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits & Grading Plans. These plans shall include provisions for utilities, roadways, retention / detention ponds / facilities, stormwater treatment facilities, and a building footpad for each building These plans shall also be designed to eliminate the need for processing several individual Grading Permits upon application for Building Permits. The Applicant will be required to submit and receive approval of a Temporary Erosion / Sedimentation Control Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards from the Department of Public Works for the entire development. These plans shall be required to reflect the Detailed Grading Plan discussed above and the Detailed Tree Plan meeting the requirements of City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #3, Detailed Tree Plans, approved by Planning Services. Page 2 of 8 ' Decision Document ' Devonshire Pointe 1 ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) B. Water The proposed project is located in the Chestnut Ridge Garrison watershed, which flows into the Green River. ' On January 10, 2007, the City of Kent Environmental Engineering division approved a Wetland Assessment prepared for this site by J S Jones and Associates. This report describes two wetland areas associated with the subject site. These areas are identified in the report as Wetland 1 and Wetland 2, and each are category 3 wetlands as defined by Kent City Code Section 11.06. Wetland 1 is located in the NW portion of the property and Wetland 2 is located in the SE portion of the property. Wetland 2 is associated with a man-made ditch that borders the east property boundary and flows south. This ditch was determined by Environmental Engineering staff on September 14, 2006 to be man-made and therefore not meeting the stream definition provided in KCC 11.06.485. There is also an off-site wetland (Wetland 3) located south of the SW property corner, whose buffer does not extend on-site. The man-made ditch ' drains into Wetland 3 via a culvert under the existing driveway. A copy of the delineation is located in the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, in Wetland File No. 06-08. tWetland 2 is proposed to be filled and mitigated for in accordance with the requirements of KCC 1106. Filling of Wetland 2 is permitted pursuant to KCC ' 11.06.620 A copy of the conceptual wetland mitigation plan is located in the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, in Wetland File No. 06-08. Wetland 1 will be protected in accordance with Kent City Code Section 11.06, ' including recording a sensitive area easement or deeding the property to the city for preservation of wetland function and values. ' New impervious surface associated with rooftops, driveways and roadways at this site will generate the need for new on-site stormwater management facilities. This runoff will be collected, detained and discharged in the existing public drainage system through a water quantity and quality control pond structure. The Applicant will be required to complete a drainage analysis and develop and submit drainage plans according to the "2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual"and the "1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual." ' C. Plants A mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, as well as grasses and wet-soil plants have been identified on the site. No threatened or endangered species have been identified. Pursuant to Section 15.08.240 Kent City Code, tree retention is required, and the applicant has indicated that existing trees and vegetation will be incorporated into the landscape plan where possible. All trees ' over six-inch caliper are required to be preserved to the maximum extent possible. A tree preservation plan for the proposed subdivision will be required as ' a part of the grading plans for the property. Low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. ' Page 3 of 8 Decision Document Devonshire Pointe 1 ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) The applicant will be required to submit and receive approval of a Tree Plan complying with section 15.08.240 Kent City Code. The City of Kent has determined retention of significant trees is necessary to maintain and protect property values, to enhance the visual appearance of the city, to preserve the natural wooded character of the area, to promote utilization of natural systems, and to reduce the impacts of development on the storm drainage system and to provide transition between various land uses in the city. The Applicant will be required to submit and receive approval of a Landscape Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the landscape requirements for retention / detention ponds in the City of Kent ' and King County Surface Water Design Manuals. Both the Kent Planning Department and the Department of Public Works must approve these plans prior to, or in conjunction with, the approval of the Engineering Plans. ' D. Land and Shoreline Use The Devonshire Pointe 1 site involves two existing tax parcels. The northern property is currently zoned SR-4.5, single family residential, which allows a maximum gross density of 4.53 dwelling units per acre. The southern parcel is currently zoned SR-6, single family residential, and allows 6.05 units per acre. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of the entire site is SF-6, single family residential, 6 units per acre. The proposed rezone request for the northern parcel from SR 4.5 to SR-6 is consistent with the comprehensive plan The property is currently developed with one single-family residence, which will be retained. The subdivision proposed for this site will create a total of 17 single ' family lots, for a net gain of 15 lots. The Devonshire Pointe 1 development is at the southern end of several parcels between S 200th Street and S 208`h Streets that have recently been rezoned to SR-6 and will likely be under construction in , 2007/2008. Although, there are no specific regulations in place at this time, the City encourages developers to utilize low impact development techniques within new subdivisions. As mentioned previously, the Community Design Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies that encourage low impact development and environmental sensitivity in the design of all projects The applicant proposes grading of the site which should be done within the existing contours as much as possible, minimizing the need for retaining walls. Low impact development techniques promote the protection of existing site vegetation, reduce infrastructure and utility maintenance costs (streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm sewer), and potentially decrease the impacts and costs of land clearing and grading. Also, low impact development has the potential to reduce costs for site development improvements such as streets, utilities and storm water management systems. Page 4 of 8 ' Decision Document ' Devonshire Pointe 1 ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) E. Housing As proposed, the Devonshire Pointe 1 subdivision will provide 15 new single family residential building lots, and a net gain of 16 new homes. ' F. Transportation The Washington State Legislature created the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law in 1991 with the goals of reducing traffic congestion, air pollution and petroleum consumption. This law requires major employers to encourage their employees to use commute alternatives such as transit, carpools, bicycles, walking; compressed work weeks, telecommuting, and flexible work schedules to reduce drive alone commute trips during the peak congestion periods. The City addresses the transit alternative by requiring that the Applicant accommodate the needs for transit as expressed by King County Metro Transit. The Devonshire Pointe 1 subdivision development will add an estimated 160 daily and 16 PM peak hour trips to the public street system. iIt has been determined that the proposed development will cause incremental, but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems -- demonstrated, in part, as additional traffic congestion at the following intersections: South 2081h Street at 84th Avenue South 92nd Avenue South at South 208th Street 92nd Avenue South at South 2001h Street ' The proposed development project is located within the East Hill area of the City and will take its primary access from 92nd Avenue South. This Street is a ' Residential Collector Arterial Street with Bike Lanes within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 40-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 20-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. NOTE: This paved street is not always within deeded or dedicated right-of-way. A second public street in close proximity to the development frontage is South ' 208th Street. South 208th Street is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This street is not fully constructed to current street standards. This street has an existing public right-of-way width that varies significantly along the frontage of the subject development from about 58-feet to more than 230-feet, while the asphalt street width varies from currently about 16-feet wide to 22-feet wide. The existing street provides for two ' narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other street improvement features: cement concrete curbs & gutters, stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. NOTE: The ' subject site is currently being served by a private driveway constructed within the public right-of-way. ' Page 5 of 8 Decision Document ' Devonshire Pointe 1 , ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) The existing asphalt pavement section of this portion of the street is inadequate to provide an expected 20-year service life and is in need of an asphalt overlay/rebuild in order to maintain an acceptable level of service while accommodating the increased volume of trips being generated by this proposal. ' Streets and roadways, which do not provide adequate capacity for motor vehicles, and streets that have failing pavement sections, result in increased air ' pollution when compared to streets that comply with current standards and provide adequate capacity and pavement section. Similarly, intersections that do not provide for adequate capacity also increase the levels of air pollution. According to the Kent School District, school children will be bussed from the Devonshire Pointe 1 site. The bus stop to serve these children is located along , 92nd Avenue South, adjacent to the Valley View subdivision site which is immediately north of the Devonshire Pointe 1 property. The proposed public street which will connect this site to the Valley View site, and 92nd Avenue will ' include 5 foot sidewalks on both sides of the street that will provide adequate pedestrian facilities between this site and the school bus stop. IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION A. It is appropriate, per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43 21C.060 that the City of Kent establish conditions to mitigate any identified impacts associated with this proposal. Supporting documents for the following conditions and mitigating measures include: 1. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, as prepared and adopted pursuant to the State Growth Management Act. , 2. The State Shoreline Master Program and the Kent Shoreline Master Program. 3. Kent City Code Section 7.07, Surface Water and Drainage Code. 4. City of Kent Transportation Plan, Green River Valley Transportation action plan and current Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. 5. Kent City Code Section 7.09, Wastewater Facilities Plan. 6. City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan and Conservation Element. 7. Kent City Code Section 6.02, Required Public Improvements. 8. Kent City Code Section 6.07, Street Use Permit Requirements. 9. Kent City Code Section 14.09, Flood Hazard Protection. 10. Kent City Code Section 12.04, Subdivision Code. 11. Kent City Code Section 12.05, Mobile Home Parks and Section 12.06, Recreation Vehicle Parks. 12. Kent City Code Section 8.05, Noise Control. 13. City of Kent International Building and Fire Codes 14. Kent City Code Section 15, Kent Zoning Code 15. Kent City Code Section 7.13, Water Shortage and Emergency Regulations, and Water Conservation Ordinance 2227. 16. Kent City Code Section 6.03, Improvement Plan Approval and Inspection Fees. Page 6 of 8 Decision Document Devonshire Pointe 1 ' ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) 17. Kent City Code Section 7.05, Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utility. 18. City of Kent Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 19. City of Kent Fire Master Plan. 20. City of Kent Section 11.06, Critical Areas. ' B. It is recommended that a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) be issued for this project with the following conditions: 1. The Applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify the existing and future level-of-service (LOS) for the adjacent intersections identified in the Staff Report for this development and the existing and future V / C ratios for the adjacent City streets in the roadway network. The TIS shall specifically identify all intersections and streets currently at or below City standards, or estimated to be at or below City standards due to the increased traffic volumes reasonably expected from the development; and all adjacent streets at or above the V / C ratios ' established for that Mobility Management Zone. The TIS shall then identify what improvements are necessary to provide a LOS better than or equal to City standards for all intersections to completely mitigate the existing and/or development impacts thereon. The TIS shall also identify what improvements are necessary to completely mitigate the adjacent streets which do not meet the V / C requirements of Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. Upon agreement by the City with the findings of the TIS and of the mitigation measures ' recommended in the approved TIS; implementation and/or construction of said mitigation measures shall be the conditional requirement of the issuance of the respective development permits. OR In lieu of submitting the TIS required above and then providing the mitigation measures identified in the approved study, the Owner / Subdivider may instead execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction ' costs of the City's South 200`h Street / South 1961h Street / South 192"d Street Corridor Project. The minimum benefit to the Owner / Subdivider is estimated at $14,352 (1986 dollars to be adjusted for rezones; and for ' inflation based upon the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, or the substituted index as prepared by the United States Department of Labor) based upon 16 new PM Peak Hour Trips (at the rate of $897 per PM Peak Hour Trip) and the capacity of the South 200`h Street / South 196"' Street / South 192nd Street Corridor. The payment of the traffic mitigation fees shall be made on an incremental basis prior to the issuance of a budding or development permit on each lot within the subject subdivision. If the Owner / Subdivider creates a Homeowners Association and provides for a sinking Page 7 of 8 Decision Document ' Devonshire Pointe 1 ENV #2006-5 (KIVA#2060415) , fund to pay for the identified financial obligation (subject to City approval of the form of the sinking fund financial obligation), then the Owner / Subdivider may execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 200th Street / South 196th Street / South 192 d Street ' Corridor Project. a. The final benefit value will be determined based upon the number ' of lots approved upon the final short plat (minus one for the existing home) multiplied times $897 (in 1986 dollars and adjusted for rezones; for inflation as described above). b. Payment of the traffic mitigation fees, and the execution of this EMA, and the conditions given within this document, will serve to mitigate traffic impacts to the above mentioned intersections and road system by committing funding for the South 200th Street / South 1961h Street / South 192"d Street Corridor which will provide ' additional capacity for traffic volumes within the area of the above mentioned development. 2. The Applicant shall be sensitive to the natural topography of the site ' during construction and minimize negative impact to on-site soils and neighboring properties. 3. The Applicant shall minimize grading of the site and where done the grading shall follow the natural contours as much as possible, minimizing , the need for retaining walls. Any retaining walls shall be no more than 4 feet high at perimeter and internal individual property lines and no more than 6 feet high around the detention/retention pond that is not adjacent , to common property lines. Walls around such detention ponds shall not exceed 50 percent of the perimeter of the pond and ponds shall be landscaped per City standards. The walls shall be constructed of rockery, other natural material, or with Planning Services and Public Works , approvals may be constructed of patterned concrete that simulates natural materials. Where structural walls are required to support access roads and as such cannot be constructed of rockery or natural material, , the walls shall be faced with such materials. Site conditions may warrant slight adjustments to wall height during construction. Height adjustments up to 10% of the overall height may be permissible and are subject to review and approval by Planning Services and Public Works Retaining walls associated with construction of the public streets along the frontage of the property are exempt from the height limits described herein. Grading to achieve flat budding lots shall be minimized. KENT PLANNING SERVICES April 4, 2007 MG:jm\\S•\Permit\Plan\Env\2006\2060415-2006-5 doc Page 8 of 8 ' Kent City Council Meeting Date June 5, 2007 Category Bids 1, SUBJECT: RUSSELL ROAD MAINTENANCE FACILITY ROOF AND WALL ' IMPROVEMENTS 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening was held on May 24, 2007, and the tow bid was submitted by Mike Werlech Construction in the amount of$429,066 for roof and wall improvements to the Russell Road Maintenance Facility. The $429,066 total bid includes a base bid of$286,000 for removal of the old roof, addition of plywood sheeting and 24-gauge metal roofing, sheer walls perpendicular to the rear where the sanding truck beds hang, and redoing the bracing for those walls An additional $108,000 includes the cost of improvements to the exterior walls of both buildings A and B (adding plywood sheeting and new 24 gauge metal to the rear walls of the structures). The remaining S35,066 is applicable Washington State sales tax The funding for this project will come from the Public Works portion of the budgets authorized for the construction of the Kent East Hill Operations Center and the renovation of the Russell Road Facility This is work that is being done early because of storm damage incurred during last December's wind storm A claim has been submitted to FEMA for the estimated repair of the storm damage of S 18,000 and approximately $13,500 is our anticipated reimbursement from them. When and if this money appears, it will be placed in the Public Works budget. 3. EXHIBITS: Contract 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Parks Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure9 X Revenue'? X Currently in the Budget? Yes X No Unbudgeted Expense: Fund R90095 Amount $429,066 00 Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund R90095 Amount $429,066 00 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Counctlmember CL titi moves, Councilmember seconds to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Mike Werlech Construction in the amount of$429,066 for roof and wall improvements to the Russell Road Maintenance Facility subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the City ' Attorney. DISCUSSION: YW ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 8A ' CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate, is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Mike Werlech Const , organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at PO Box 46579, Seattle, Wa 98146. Mike Werlech, 206-937-2208 ("Contractor"). WITNESS In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follow 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements in accordance with and as described in the Contract and Bid Documents and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the Contract Documents and every part thereof. The Contract Documents shalt include all protect specifications, provisions, and plans, the City's general and special conditions, the 2006/2007 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations. if applicable ("Standard Specifications-): the City's bid documents, and the Contiactor's response to the City's bid Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within 90 calendar days The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of inateiials and for constructing and completing the work piovided for in the Contract Documents and every part thereof, except as mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City. 2. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract Documents and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contiact Documents and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the mamnei and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract Documents 3. The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors. administrators, successors, and Iassigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided heicin 5. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, igluries, 1 damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or Project Name City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements in connection vN ith the performance of this contract. except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24 115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees. agents and volunteers. the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. 6 Contractor agrees, upon the City's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, ieview, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable tines (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. 7. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of constriction and throughout the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference 8. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch 19 122, as amended Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch 19.122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing arty excavation activities 9. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials, including but not limited to sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials. construction debris, etc, to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient au-environment within the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF KENT Protect Name City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Kull improvements Page 2 BY: SUZETTE COOKE. MAYOR DATE: iATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM• KENT LAW DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR I BY. PRINT NAME. TITLE- DATE: i ' I .i i i 1 iProject Name City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements Pave 3 WITNESS, if INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP STATE OF WASHINGTON ) t ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 2007, before me personally appeared and to me known to be and of the corporation/individual that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, rending at My appointment expires i 1 1 Project Name City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements Page 4 BID FOR1Vt Project: City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements I 5821 S 240ih Kent, Wa. 98032 I Consultant: Charles Lindsey, Superintendent of Facilities 220 4`f' Ave. So Kent, Wa. 98032 Contact: Charlie Lindsey 253 856-5081 To the City of Kent, Having carefully examined the Drawings and Project Manual prepared by Wagner Architects Planners. dated April 19, 2007 / / I/WE (name) A'( I kr i+�l���`��t"�1 C� 1 i`��7'[t 5AoC have c-amined the site at 5821 W. James St , Kent, and correlated the drawings to the site and understand the present conditions as well as the requirements of the Construction Contract, and propose to furnish all labor and materials for the City of Kent Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements In submitting this Bid,I agree- 1, To hold my Bid open until thirty (30) calendar days after the actual bid opening. 2. To enter into and execute a contract, if awarded on the basis of this bid, on City of Kent Public Works Agreement, and to furnish proof of insurance as required by the prolect document 3. To complete the work in accordance with the Project Documents. 4. That the Owner has the right to waive any informalities in the bidding or to reject any or all bids 5. TOTAL BASE BID. For Base Bid as defined in specifications. The sum of(excluding «'SST/) Written ]� � I t :. r •<< ���L�eS.�xt •c'caS rh^ n� dollars ($ C ` : Unit Price Bids: Unit Price One: Replacing a single 2 x 6 roof joist, each is approximately 22 ft. long $ �&0 c,.4 Unit Price Two: Replacing a single 3 1/8 x 19 'h v-lu lam. each is approximately 30 ft long and each supports roof joists . $ 3&&O nx Alternate Bids: Bid Alternate One: Add the cost of improvements to the exterior walls at building B $ � Bid Alternate Two: Add the cost of improvements to the exterior of Building A . $ � ;clv� SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Prepared in Compliance with RCW 39.30.060 Pursuant to RCW 39.30.060, list each subcontractor that shall perform the following Itsted subcontract work amounting to more than 10% of the total bid contract price, less applicable sales tax List each bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence This subcontractor list must be frilly completed, signed and delivered no Later than the time for bid opening. If no subcontractors will be performing 10% of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form. PRO.iECT NAME L" 'fI P 1Al i10 r i�iflt 6e 1W 34tj Tllc- ILA, CONTRACTOR' SIGNATURE Subcontractor Name Item Numbers } j 4-II tti)t 1 rrl TG i 1=fit 3 � tf k` Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Nance Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers 1 Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers BIDDER'S CHECKLIST The following checklist is a guideline to help the Contractor make sure all fornis are complete The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms. Failure to execute these forms as required may result in rejection of any bid. Bidder's I'ackage should include the following: LBid Document Cover Sheet filled out with Bidders Name...................................0 Tableof Contents Sheet...........................................................................................0 Callfor Bids..............................................................................................................0 ContractorsCompliance Statement.......................................................................f� 1 Date................................................................................................................0 Have/have not acknowledgment.................................................................0 ISignature and address.................................................................................0 Proposal ....................................................................................................................I'J Firstline of proposal —filled in...................................................................0 Unitprices are correct and written in words............................................0 Subcontractors Listing............................................................................................�Subcontractors listed properly. .0 Signature.......................................................................................................0 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications filled out by bidder...................................L'J Proposal Signature Page........................................................................................ O All Addenda achrim)ledged. .0 Date, signed and addressed.........................................................................0 BidBond Form.........................................................................................................0 Signed, sealed and dated .............................................................................0 (Amount of bid shall equal 5% of the total amount bid and shall be shown in both words and figures) Non-Collusion Affidavit ..........................................................................................0 Signed, dated and notarved........................................................................0 Bidder's Checklist....................................................................................................0 The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A) CONTRACT This agreement to be executed by the successful bidder. B) PERFORMANCE BOND To be executed by the successful bidder and his surety company. DECLARATION CITY OF KLNT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLIC17 The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative iesponse is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract; The questions aie as follows 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. During the time of this contract I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this contract the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all neNv employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity empleyer 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities 5. Before acceptance of this contract, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. 1 t• Dated this day of $�= _ , 2047 B VIt for- For: Title: ( );)Vr'•tTl lr _ — Date- j C/ l 6. OVERHEAD AND PROFIT The undersigned agrees that all of the above named Base Bid includes all Contractor's overhead and profit for fee. 7. SALES TAX: The above Base Bid and Alternate Bid(s) do not include Washington State and local sales tax. Bidder Address Signatu City State Zip AllI�' � �`�`�L Title Telephone Washington State Registration No Receipt of Addenda numbered through is hereby acknowledged. The Project construction time shall b-- e ^t(; eonseeuw e days from Notice to Proceed until Substantial Completion is achieved. END OF BID FORM i i t I t - I STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION To be filled in by the Bidder_ Each contractor bidding on work included in these contract documents shall prepare and submit the data requested in the following schedule of information. The City will use information offered by the Bidder in this Statement as a sign3�icant factor in determining whether the Bidder is responsible and able to perform the contract wort. This data sheet must be included in and made a part of these Bid Documents. 1. Name of Bidder: 2. Business Address: 3. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under the present firm name`' 4 Contracts now in hand. Gross amount: $ \ I 5. General character of work performed by your company nrrnects com-4Pted by your company, including approximate -cst_ :^d name and phone numbe- _jCzi, Engineer or Owner, 3g\G- �'��\ C`-:�� `(-t' •'�C�.. ��� ��� r L���-tit.; C�-:,� �f`. UL��'1-r 7. List your maior equipment- ' �D C Y rt`�C a�F�, Cx' �,G C S. Bankreferences: /`V) k_,A 9 Bondina Companv: c.� f Z S - 14`+ �l1 _ City of Kent Combined Affidavit & Certification Form: Non-Collusion, Minimum Wage(Non-Federal Aid) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he/she is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person of corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himseifberself or to any other person any advantage over other bidder or bidders AND jIvI1 JMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this prollect, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not Less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief FOR; NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT lr'@ 11 i�� i;� � � r� ,��`� t'Gt ld'tIrt �tf� t t✓ ' NAME OF PROTECT r.,1 NAME OF BIDDER'S FIRM IG1V E OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER ��'���"�•'_,c,: .- .tea, °°� _is '�e ,�xe, `s borra to before me this 1� day of r� +� , 2007. C+ � 951xx`. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, � !fl�4irEi residing ai 5f►- 1_.J/- -t i i u BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Mike Werlech Construction. Inc. as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety CQmpan3. of America , as Surety, Five Percent are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of (51'0 of Total Amount[aid Dollars, for the payment of the which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids. then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damaged,the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 241h DAY OFMay 2004. Mike Werle4CConsft4nc. Travelers Casualty (a� Surety Company of America SURETY Theresa A. Lamb Attomey-in-Fact 2004. Received return of deposit in the sum of S • WARNING THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER .TRAVELERS POWER OF ATTORNEY Farmington Casually Companv St.Patti Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranh Insurance Company St.Paul Dleruiry Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,inc. Travelers Casually and Suretv Company Seaboard Suretv Company Traveler%Casually and Surely Companv of America St-Paul Fire and Marine insurance Company United State%Fidelity and Guaranh Compan} Attorney-In Fact No. 218179 Certificate No. 0 0 1 6 C 6 7 4 9 KNOW ALL NIEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the law%of the State of New York that St Paul Fire and Marne Insurance Company,St Paul Guardian insurance Company and St Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporation,duly organized under the law% of the State of Minnesota,that Fammngton Ca,ualiy Companv,Travelers Camalty and Surety Compan} and Travelers Casualty and Smelt'Coinpanv of America are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Manland,that Fidelity and Guiranty,Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelioy and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Stale of WiRconsm therein collectiveb,called the 'Companies I and that the Companies do hereby male,constitute and appoint tDarlene Jakielski,Julie M Glover,M J Cotton,Nancy J Osborne,S M.Scott,Steven K Bush,Michael A Murphy,Jim W Doyle,Brandon K Bush,Andy I Prill,Jim S Kutch, Chad M Epple,Steve Wagner,and Theresa A Lamb of the City of Bothell ,State of Washington their true and lawful Attorney(s)-m-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one t%named above,to sign execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recogro Lances,conditional underiakmgs and other writings obligator} in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons guaranteeing the performance of contracts and execunng or guaianteema bonds and undcnakmgs requned or permitted in any actions or pit oceedings allowed by law 2nd IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Compasl goiave caused this instrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this day of May GGUUOO!! Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guarantt Insurance Company St.Paul 4lercury Insurance Compmv Fidelitt and Guarantt Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Trawlers Casuido and Sureti Company Seaboard Surety Companv Travelers Casually and Surety Company of 4merica nVM St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelrh and Guaranty Company r1 i �P "Yt Cj' Tr L ��'*jt. y,tRE• ' aO\y�i IMSL9 `Jpa\N34gy bJ,�,f.Hp L S'¢SMt'Y ,PYY'rly O A 5 d _tl o�`19s 3{60 '< 19� ��It11FD � 1927 $#•• ra.- r �ito•=y.,r m1 Z�o0.YOF«r e=: ' NlJrrroaD : �(wmrxo,� � t"`� sy^Kcs" > � 19J�1 .f4O.c4' q+„V3icoz ���SFIlL�o?{ t�A SE)LL �s A�' f f� �OFn£M`_ 'wy;,`nve, ^Sri.A,�NA \ •r '�r°• �`i �e �e\. cif` �Qn ANt� State of Connecticut By City of Hartford ss Gcoro 4' noomp,on cmor line president IOn this the 2nd day of May 2007 fore me personally appeared George W Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Fannnigton Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty insurance Undemiaers, Inc,Seaboard Surety Company,St Paul File and Maine Insurance Company St Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Cornpany and that he,as Inch,beme authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by n_nmg on behalf of the cmporattons by hunself at a duly authorized officer i p,TlT In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal TAA My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2011 Gi pI/BII�' * Marie C Teire,wuh 'vo m puhhc �E�S 58440-8-06 Printed to U S A, WARNINGTHIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER WARNING THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the author try of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidehty and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Llndencrners Inc, Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Compann St Patti Guardian Insurance Conpany, St Paul Mercury insmance Companv Tratelers Casualty and 1 urely Company, Travelers Camiahy and Sorely Company of Amer Ica,and[rotted States Fidelity and Guarani) Company,which resoluuax are now in lull force and eflect,reading as follows RESOLVED, that the Chairman,the President-any Vice Chapman, any FXCLntive Vice President, any Semor Vice President any Vice President,any Second Vice President the Treasurer any Assistant Treasurel the Coiporale Secretary or any Assistant Scciaary may appoint Annrnevs-m-Fat t and Aeeri�io act for and on behalt of the Company and may give such appointee such nithoniv as its or tier cero icate of authont% may prescr,be to sign with the Compan,� name and seal with the Compam s seal bonds iecogn¢anees,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obhgann% tit the nature of a bond recognizance,orcondmrnal undertaking,and am of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her,and it is FLRTHFR RESOLVED that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may dJegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that any bond,recognizance,contract of indemnity,or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or condmonal undertaking %hail be vand and Mndmg upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman any Executive Vice President.any Senior Vice President or anv Vice Pi csrdent,am Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Tr easm er the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duty attested and sealed with the Company s seal by a Secictaq or Assistant Secretary,or(h)duly executed tunder seal it required)by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power piescnbed in his or her eenificue or their certificates of authority or by one or more Compmv officers pursuant to a vurten delegation of authority and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the signature of each of the following officers President any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President any Vice President m} Assi%ranr Vice Resident, any Secrctary, am Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Compam may he affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to are, cc�tifi-.ac rclaun_^thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or %t aneys-ua-Pact for purposes only of execnung and attesune bonds and undenap rags and other wnim,s obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such power ofattomev or certificate hearing such facsimile stgnalure or facsimile seal shall be .aid d,iJ bmduig upon the Company end am such power so executed and cert,fied by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on die Cnaap.int m the future y ah respect to any bond or undetstmadnhg to which It is attached 1,Koti M Johanson,the madersraned,Assistant Secretary,of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidehn and Guaranty insurance Lndetsttrtera Inc Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul Fire and Maine Insurance Company, St Paul Guardian Insurance Company Sr Paul Atercury Insurance Compmm Tr.ncfers Casuailt and Surety Company,Trawlers Casualty and Surety Company of America and United States Fidelity and Guarnty Company do hereln cer n`} that the chose and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is in full force and effect and has not been +cso6ed IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this day of 'Y' ,20 J� fort A4 lohaim Assistant Secrvzur W,, lE�pl -L• /fig p4♦S''l}/*�7Y *'a� A..o ` I�/,�'Je�y�mn� lN % �977 llCp+fitihED 19G7 '�- Q{,,y,� m2 1j+tORP^��>C �£`�pyOCA f tit u HWTFORD T% � m+i3O�t i .a ,��r+ c e SFAi, .SEAL 3 co!+e o ',<.F 2896 A �! n' To senfv the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-431-3880 or contact us at wwwstpaultraselersbond com Please refer to the Attorney-in-Fact number, the.hose-waned mdniduak and the details of the bond to which the power is utaotied REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF tA. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B. MAYOR c to, I � C. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE D. PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE ,ox v zv� rte a ca ai,� (ztiti 1 E. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEUI/ F. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE G. PUBLIC WORKS �cw lu (co- H. ADMINISTRATION `CS aX to-od rn!Q I c "oQp- 4-a +axC �c 3U ry IREPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES t 1 KENT W A 5 H 1 N O T O N OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 1, 2007 Committee Members Present Deborah Ranniger, Debbie Raplee, and Tim Clark, Chair The meeting was called to order by Tim Clark, Chair at 4.03 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED APRIL 17, 2007 Deborah Ranniger moved to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2007, Operation Committee meeting. Debbie Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. JAIL SERVICES MEMORANDM OF UNDERSTANDING/AGREEMENT Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson presented the Jail Services Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement. Ms. Johnson advised that this Agreement covers relationships and operational agreements for purposes of providing Jail transition services to defendants with 1 co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders being released from the Kent Municipal Jail. It is a collaborative effort to assist eligible and appropriate offender-clients and defendants with mental illness who are transitioning from the Kent City Jail in applying for Department of Social and Health Services' (DSHS) entitlements and publicly funded benefits for I the purposes of accessing mental health counseling, medications management, and case management services in the community. Specifically, dedicated office space for one full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE) DSHS financial application worker to be sited within the Kent City Hall building In the past, the DSHS financial application worker has been housed at the King County Regional Justice Center, so Kent did not receive the allotted time necessary to assist the defendants in need who were being transitioned from the Kent City Jail This effort is sponsored and supported by HB1290 Jail Services funds and is a $4,000 impact to the budget. King County will reimburse the City for office expenses incurred Questions and concerns were raised by the Committee and addressed. Debbie Raplee moved to Move to recommend Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between King County and the City of Kent for Jail Services. Deborah Ranniger seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. I3. 4T" QUARTER 2006 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Finance Director Robert Nachlinger presented the 4th Quarter 2006 Financial Summary Report Ifor informational purposes only. e eting was adJourned at 4:27 p.m. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES 1 May 7, 2007 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee and Committee Member Ron Harmon and Tim Clark were present. The meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m. ITEM 1- Approval of Minutes Dated April 16, 2007 Committee Member Clark moved to approve the minutes of April 16, 2007. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0. 1 ITEM 2 — East Seattle Street Water & Sewer Replacement Proiect/Final Pay Estimate Peter Tenerelli, Construction Engineering Manager explained that projects extra work (to install new sanitary sewer and upgrade the water main) was necessitated due to unforeseen field conditions and used sound engineering practices to mitigate the impact of these conditions. Considerable up front Engineering Investigative Costs (EIC) would have been the only way to avoid this additional cost, however, the EIC would have cost more than the additional cost The additional cost for constructing the project totaled 12.7 D/o to the cost of constructing the project, however, the overall cost of the project is within its budget. The money to defray this additional cost is available in the project funds (both sewer and water). Harmon moved to recommend the City Council accept as complete the East Seattle Street Water & Sewer Replacement Project and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract amendment to increase the contract amount by $84,216 for a total final project cost of $747,216 in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Clark and passed 3-0. ITEM 3— Kent East Hill Operations Center (KEHOC) Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Ken Langholz, Project Manager went over the history of the Kent East Hill Operations Center, stating that it has been in the works for many years. The City is currently in the early design stage of the KEHOC and associated infrastructure improvements. The City authorized Wagner Architects Planners to complete Phase 1 of the Preliminary Design of the KEHOC to provide for sizing of the facility and final grading of the property. Phase 2 will provide for Pre-schematic design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding Services, and Construction Services. This contract will authorize the Wagner to proceed with Phase 2 Design Services. I Clark moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract for architectural services with Wagner Architects Planners for Phase 2 Design of the KEHOC for a total not to exceed contract amount of $2,472,142, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0, ITEM 4 — Information Only/Lake Meridian Drainage/Active Septic Systems Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager provided an overview of Lake Meridian showing where the septic systems are. He noted that the city is pursuing the older septic systems that are failing before looking at the rest of the septic systems. He also noted that the systems are within the Soos Creek Sewer District. A brief discussion followed regarding forming a Local Improvement District (LID) or Utility Local Improvement District (ULID). Laporte noted that the citizens would have to petition Soos Creek Sewer District in order to form a ULID for those systems in the City, but where sewer service is provided by others. The Detention/Retention Ponds, will be looked at on a worst case basis. There are 400 retention/detention ponds in the City of Kent and many are greater than 20 years old. Those that do not meet recent standards will need to retrofitted. It is estimated that as many as 50 would need to be reconstructed. to meet current water quality standards. These systems will be identified in the CIP and Drainage Master Plan. Page 1 of 2 U\PNCommittee\Minutes\PWMinu[es 04 16 07 doc PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES 2 May 7, 2007 r Information Only No Motion Required t� Item 5 - Information Only/Public Works Week May 20 - 26, 2007 Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director noted that Public Works will be recognizing Public Works Week the week of May 20 - 26, 2007. Information Only No Motion Required ' Item A. Committee Follow-up Items Lake Meridian Drainage/Active Septic Systems - Will be brought back to the committee as we have updated information. Item B. Public Comment Follow-up Items South Kent Neighborhood - Toni Azzola will be meeting with the South Kent Neighborhood President. Traffic analysis was done and found to be within the 85% for speed, traffic volumes are within parameters of the classifications of street, truck volumes are normal, and the number of accidents in this area is minimal. Those that live adjacent to the location of the proposed traffic circle have raised concern about the placement of the traffic circle adjacent to their property. The meeting will be set to determine what can be done to respond to their concerns. , Item C. Access Modifications Due to Construction 116th Ave SE Joint Utility Project - The project is ahead of schedule, the pre-con is scheduled for Thursday, May 10. Adiourned• The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Next Scheduled Meeting for: Monday, May 21, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. Cheryl 4,s , Public Works Committee Secretary Page 2 of 2 U\PWCommtttee\Minutes\PWMlnutes 03 19 07 dx CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. t 1 1 i 1 1 t 1 t t 1 ' EXECUTIVE SESSION CO 1 , y. 1 ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION 1 1 1 i 1