HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/05/2007 Kent City Council Meeting
• WASHINGTON June 5, 2007
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7.00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke.
Councilmembers present: Albertson, Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranniger, Raplee and Thomas.
A. From Council,Administration or Staff. (CFN-198) Upon a request from Councilmember
Albertson, Consent Calendar Item H, Animals in Residential Districts Zoning Code Amendment,
was removed from the agenda and returned to the Planning and Economic Development
Committee, which will meet at 5:00 p.m. on June 11, 2007.
A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Parks Director Watling announced that the City has received
a national award from the Arbor Day Foundation for their Tree Education Program.
B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Council President Ranniger announced that the East Hill
Skate Park will open on June 9, that there will be lifeguards at Lake Meridian Beach beginning
June 23Td, and that the Farmers Market will be held at Second Avenue between Smith and
Harrison Streets.
• C. Neighborhood Council Recognition Presentation. (CFN-1304) Neighborhood Council
Program Coordinator Toni Azzola recognized the first three neighborhood councils, Dover Park,
The Lakes at Kent, and South Kent, and introduced representatives from the councils.
D. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Public Works Director Blanchard introduced Jason
Barry, Capitol Improvements Inspector, who has been chosen as Employee of the Month for June.
He commended Barry for his hard work and his demonstration of the City's values.
E. Introduction of Appointees. (CFN-1170&839) Mayor Cooke noted that Ryan Noel's
appointment to the Lodging Tax Advisory Board is on the consent calendar for Council's
approval, as well as that of Linda Mackintosh, her appointee to the Kent Arts Commission.
Mackintosh voiced her desire to make music available to all people.
Ranniger moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through P, with the exception of Item H,
which was removed from the agenda and returned to committee. Clark seconded and the motion
A. Approval of Meeting. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 15,
2007,were approved.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through April 30 and paid
• on April 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on May 15, 2007, was approved.
Kent City Council Minutes June 5, 2007
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
4/30/07 Wire Transfers 2821-2835 $1,274,628.30
4/30/07 Regular 307034-307624 3,325,608.34
Use tax Payable 1,700.18
Approval of checks issued for paw for April 1 through April 15 and paid on April 20,
Date Check Numbers Amount
4/20/07 Checks 296989-297278 $ 230,493.22
4/20/07 Advices 211778-212481 1,328,282.79
Total Regular Payroll $1,558,776.01
Approval of checks issued for payroll for April 16 through April 30 and paid on May 4,
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/4/07 Checks 297279-297587 $ 227,084.79
5/4/07 Advices 212482-213184 1,335,074.31
Total Regular Payroll $1,562,159.10
C. Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS)Lew Resolution. (CFN-122) Resolution
No. 1755 supporting a countywide proposition for funding a six year Medic One/Emergency
Medical Services Levy pursuant to RCW 84.52.069 was adopted.
D. Neighborhood Council Program,Resolutions. (CFN-1311) Resolution Nos. 1756, 1757,
and 1758 which recognize the Dover Park, South Kent Community, and the Lakes at Kent
Neighborhood Councils, were adopted.
E. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Land Use & Zoning District Map Amendments, Parks &
Open Space, Ordinance. (CFN-377,131,118) Ordinance No. 3841 affirming Council's vote
taken on May 15, 2007, amending the Zoning District and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps
related to adjustments to properties for parks and open space was adopted. The May 15, 2007,
motion authorizing this ordinance passed by a vote of four to three, with Councilmembers
Albertson, Hannon, Ranniger and Raplee in favor, and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien and
Thomas opposed. The record on this ordinance reflects the same vote.
F. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Land Use & Zoning District Map Amendments, Reconciling
Zoning, Ordinance. (CFN-377,131) Ordinance No. 3842 affirming Council's vote taken on
May 15, 2007, reconciling the Zoning District and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps related to .
single-family residential, including additional consideration of properties located within the Lake
Meridian watershed was adopted. The May 15, 2007, motion authorizing this ordinance passed by
Kent City Council Minutes June 5, 2007
. a vote of four to three with Councilmembers Albertson, Harmon, Ranniger and Raplee in favor,
and Councilmembers Clark, O'Brien and Thomas opposed. The record on this ordinance reflects
the same vote.
G. Shoreline Master Program Update, Consultant Contract. (CFN-472) The Mayor was
authorized to sign a contract with MAKERS Architecture+Urban Design for completion of a
comprehensive update to the Shoreline Master Program for a total cost not to exceed$190,000
upon concurrence of contract language acceptable to the City Attorney and the Planning Manager.
I. Countywide Planning Policies Amendment Resolution. (CFN-961) Resolution No. 1759
ratifying the proposed amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies to add acreage to the
City's Potential Annexation Area, revising LU-25b to allow adjustment of household and
employment targets if a new municipal incorporation occurs within a designated Potential
Annexation Area, and designating the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center was adopted.
J. 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. (CFN-164) June 19, 2007, was
set as the date for a Public Hearing on the draft 2008-2013 Transportation Improvement Plan.
K. Lodging Tax Advisory Board Appointment. (CFN-1170) The appointment of Mr. Ryan
Noel, Towneplace Suites,to fill a vacant position on the Board was confirmed. His term will
expire on December 31, 2009.
• L. Kint County 4Culture Grant. (CFN-118) The King County Sustained Support grant in the
amount of$15,000 was accepted, the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission budget
was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement.
M. Town Square Plaza Temporary Construction Easement. (CFN-1298) The Mayor was
authorized to sign the easement agreement for $7,300 with Heart of Kent LLC for property at
Town Square Plaza, upon approval of easement language acceptable to the City Attorney.
N. Fire Creek Grill Assignment of Lease. (CFN-1 I8) The Mayor was authorized to sign the
Assignment of Lease between Atlas Services, Inc. and Washington Hospitality LLC, upon
approval of terms and conditions by the City Attorney. Atlas Services Inc. is the current lessee of
the Fire Creek Grill at the Riverbend Golf Complex.
O. East Hill Skate Park Naming. (CFN-118) Arbor Heights 360' was approved as the official
name for the new skate park located on the southwest comer of 116th Avenue SE and South 240th
Street. Arbor Heights refers to the geographic location; 360' represents a wide variety of park
elements (the full pipe, view from pinnacle, loop trail, multi-generations).
P. Kent Arts Commission Appointment. (CFN-839) The Mayor's appointment of Ms. Linda
Mackintosh to the Kent Arts Commission was confirmed. She will replace C.J. Bell, who
resigned, and her new term will continue until 10/31/2009.
A. Single Family Residential Moratorium Extension. (CFN-121) On December 12, 2006, the
City Council passed Resolution No. 1746 imposing a moratorium on filing rezones and other
Kent City Council Minutes June 5, 2007
related land use applications on residential properties whose zoning designation does not match
the property's comprehensive plan designation. On February 6, 2007, after a public hearing,
Council passed Resolution No. 1748 extending the moratorium, which will expire at midnight,
June 12, 2007. The City Attorney explained that the zoning and comprehensive plan differences
were resolved by the passage of appropriate amendments on tonight's consent calendar, however
they will not take effect until after the current moratorium expires. He said that, as a result,
Council must extend the moratorium until Ordinance No 3842 takes effect, and it was noted that a
public hearing is required by state law.
Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. Mark Jones. 25215 138th Place SE and Roger Hurst,
26705 102"d Avenue SE, spoke in support of the moratorium. The Mayor noted that Kathryn
Johnson, 14110 SE 288"', indicated her support but did not wish to speak There were no further
comments from the audience and Ranniger moved to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and
the motion carried.
Harmon moved to adopt Resolution No. 1760, adopting Findings of Fact and continuing the
moratorium pursuant to Resolution Nos. 1746 and 1748 affecting certain residential properties
whose zoning and comprehensive plan designations do not match. Ranmger seconded. Harmon
explained that the moratorium is needed to satisfy the zoning issues previously passed. The motion
then carried.
A. Ellis Rezone. (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance relates to the rezoning of three parcels
totaling 5.67 acres of property from SR-4.5 to SR-6. It is located at 12824 SE 2561h. The Hearing
Examiner held a public hearing on May 2, 2007, and issued Findings, Conclusions and a
Recommendation for approval on May 16, 2007.
The City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process and determined that there have been no
ex parte contacts or conflicts in decision making by any Councilmembers, and that no one in the
audience is aware of any conflicts.
Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager, pointed the location out on the map, and responded to
questions from Councilmembers regarding zoning in the surrounding area.
Hannon moved to reject the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner
on the Ellis Rezone. Thomas seconded. Hannon said the proposed zoning is not consistent with
that of the surrounding neighborhood and that it would put a burden on the transportation system.
O'Brien pointed out that Planning staff and the Hearing Examiner both recommended approval.
The motion then carried with O'Brien opposed.
B. Devonshire Pointe Rezone. (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance relates to the rezoning of
one parcel totaling 1.34 acres of property from SR-4.5 to SR-6. It is located at 9138 S. 208
Street. The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on May 2, 2007, and issued Findings,
Conclusions and a Recommendation for approval on May 16, 2007.
Kent City Council Minutes June 5, 2007
The City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process and determined that there have been no
ex parte contacts or conflicts in decision making by any Councilmembers, and that no one in the
audience is aware of any conflicts.
Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager, displayed a map of the area and Clark expressed concern
about the slope. Harmon moved to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the
Hearing Examiner on the Devonshire Pointe Rezone and to adopt Ordinance No. 3843 rezoning
the area. Raplee seconded. Harmon stated that this zoning fits the surrounding neighborhood
design and long-term plan. Clark reiterated his concern about the slope and about the extra
density. Upon a roll call vote,the motion carried 5-2 with Harmon, O'Brien, Ranniger, Raplee,
and Thomas in favor and Albertson and Clark opposed.
A. Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof and Wall Improvements. (CFN-120) Parks
Director Watlmg explained that this structure had been slated for improvements as part of the
scheduled renovation of the facility in 2009-10, that this damage was incurred during the
December 2006 wind storm, and that the recommendation is to do the repair and renovation at the
same time. He said the bid opening was held on May 24, 2007, that two bids were received, and
that the low bid was submitted by Mike Werlech Construction in the amount of$429,066. He
added that funds are available in the Kent East Hill Operations Center and Russell Road
Renovation project budgets, and that reimbursement from FEMA is anticipated.
Ranniger moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Mike Werlech Construction in
the amount of$429,066 for roof and wall improvements to the Russell Road Maintenance Facility
subject to approval of final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney. Raplee seconded
and the motion carried.
Council President. (CFN-198) No report was given.
Mayor. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke encouraged Councilmembers to attend the Suburban Cities
Association dinner meeting this month.
Operations Committee. (CFN-198) No report was given.
Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger announced that a survey is being
conducted regarding the proposed Aquatics and Recreations Center.
Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that the next
meeting will be held on June I Ith.
Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Thomas noted that the next meeting will be held at
5:00 p.m. on June 12th.
• Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the last meeting was cancelled and that
the next meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. on June 18'h.
Kent City Council Minutes June 5, 2007
Administration. (CFN-198) Hodgson announced that there are two items of property acquisition
and an item of potential litigation for the Executive Session, and that action may be taken after the
meeting reconvenes. He estimated the Executive Session to last thirty minutes.
The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. (CFN-198)
Property Acquisition. (CFN-1038) Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager,
explained that an easement is required by the Corps of Engineer in order to participate in
emergency repairs on the Briscoe School Levee. Raplee moved that the Mayor be authorized to
execute a Flood Protection Levee Easement to King County which will allow the Army Corps of
Engineers to construct and repair the Briscoe School Levee along the Green River. Harmon
seconded and the motion carried.
Property Acquisition. (CFN-239) CAO Hodgson explained that the City has negotiated with
Dr. and Mrs. Lake to purchase 3.5 acres of land and a single-family dwelling on SE 240th Street.
He added that, as part of the agreement, the Lake family will be allowed to live on the site for five
years He stated that the site may eventually house a small conference center for community use.
He noted that funding would be by grant funds and thanked former Senator Steve Johnson who
assisted in obtaining most of the funds. Ranniger moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into a
Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between Melvin Harold Lake and Karen Joyce Lake,
husband and wife, for the purchase of the property located at 12665 SE 240`h Street, Kent, WA,
with a purchase price of$1,540,000, subject to agreement of the terms by the Parks Director and
the City Attorney. Raplee seconded and the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. (CFN-198)
Brenda Jacober, CMC
City Clerk