HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/21/2006 Kent City Council Meeting KEN T November 21, 2006 WASH INGTGN The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranniger, Raplee, Thomas and Watson (CFN-198) CHANGES TO AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, or Staff. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke added Public Communications Item F, and CAO Hodgson removed the Executive Session from the agenda. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Reginald Carter asked for more information on Consent Calendar Item H, 271 st Street Speed Study Update and Traffic Calming Device Installation. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. (CFN-198) Watson introduced guests from the NHSC Home School Co-op, who are studying government. B. Community Events. (CFN-198) Ranniger announced the opening of the Holiday Carousel, the 237 Annual Holiday Bazaar, and the 24th Annual "Christmas Rush" Fun Run/Walk. Raplee announced two open house forums regarding the Event Center, a special workshop on the Transportation Master Plan, and a special workshop on the Event Center Mayor Cooke announced the Winterfest tree lighting, Keola Beamer Hawaiian Music, Magical Strings, and Toys for Joy Program. C. Introduction of Appointees. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke introduced her appointees to the Kent Arts Commission, Greg Worthing and Sheila(Shell)Newberry-Cantrall She also announced her appointment of John Botten to the Human Services Commission. D Public Safety Report. (CFN-122) Police Chief Strachan reported on an arrest in a murder case, a Police Department family open house, the installation of school beacons as the result of a grant, receipt of full accreditation for medical and health for the jail, receipt of the fourth canine, and graduation from the 30t" Citizens Academy E. Green Business of the Year Award. (CFN-147) Public Works Director Blanchard introduced Mark Williams from World Wide Distributors, and outlined their many recycling efforts and accomplishments The award was presented by Mayor Cooke. F. Historical Society Presentation. (CFN-1087) John Mergens, Director of the Kent Museum, displayed a copy of"Kent... Then and Now 1900-1960", a memory book which is now ready for distribution. He signed and presented the first copy to Mayor Cooke. PUBLIC HEARINGS A 2007 Budget. (CFN-186) This date has been set for the second hearing on the 2007 annual budget. John Knutson, representing the Budget Advisory Committee which is made up of citizens and the private sector, explained the principals which were considered during preparation of the I Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 budget, and said they expect to make a recommendation at the next Council meeting. Finance Director Nachlmger then outlined the goals, revenues, expenditures and program changes. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. Donna Reinke, President of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, 26203 125th Place SE, stated that the Chamber has reviewed the proposed budget and has met with City staff regarding the increases to various fees that affect businesses. She acknowledged that many fees have not been reviewed for several years, but said the number and amount of the increases causes some concern. She urged the Council to continue to re-evaluate processes and procedures and to continue to look for opportunities to be most efficient when going forward with this and future budget initiatives. There were no further comments from the audience and RANNIGER MOVED to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carried. B. 2007-2012 Capital Improvement Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. (CFN-775&377) This date has been set for the second public hearing on the 2007-2012 Capital Improvement Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The Finance Director noted that the CIP totals $211,000,000 and gave a breakdown of the costs Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and RANNIGER MOVED to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carried. C. 2006 Tax Levy for the 2007 Budget. (CFN-104) The date has been set for the public hearing on the 2006 tax levy for the 2007 budget. The Finance Director explained that the property taxes which residents pay to the City represent about 17% of the total revenues of the City, and that the estimate for 2007 is slightly over S26,100,000. The Mayor opened the public hearing There were no comments from the audience and RANNIGER MOVED to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carved. D. Kent Comprehensive Plan and City Code Amendments,School District Capital Facilities Plans Regarding Impact Fees. (CFN-775,961&1000) Planning Manager Charlene Anderson noted that this hearing is to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the updated Capital Facility Plans of the Kent, Federal Way and Auburn school districts, and that the Plans propose to amend school impact fees. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing John Knutson, Executive Director of Finance, Kent School District, 12033 SE 256`h Street, spoke in favor of the School District's Plan He gave a brief explanation of the District and their recent changes and improvements, and answered questions from Council members Mike Newman, Associate Superintendent of the Auburn School District, noted that the part of Kent that impacts the Auburn School District is the former Impoundment property, which has experienced significant growth He outlined changes in the District and urged the Council to include the Capital Facilities Plan as part of the Comprehensive Plan, including the impact fees Gen Walker, Enrollment and Demographic Analyst for the Federal Way School District, gave a brief presentation on their District and requested support for their Plan There were no further comments from the audience and RANNIGER MOVED to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carved. CONSENT CALENDAR RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Q. Clark seconded and the motion carried. 2 Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 A Minutes of Previous Meeting. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 7, 2006, were approved. B Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through October 31 and paid on October 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 7, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/31/06 Wire transfers 2611-2627 $2,214,741.40 10/31/06 Prepays & Regular 600551-601168 2,766,651.30 Use Tax Payable 1,276.54 $4,982,669.24 Approval of checks issued for poll for October 1, 2006 through October 15 and paid on October 20, 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/20/06 Checks 293780-294062 $ 217,326 72 10/20/06 Advices 203443-204136 1,281,546.41 Total Regular Payroll S1,498,873.13 Interim Check 10/19/06 Voids 288401,288578,289246 ($185.25) Checks 294063-294065 185.25 Total Interim $ 0.00 Interim Check 10/25/06 Voids 293918 ($97.61) Checks 294066 9761 Total Interim S 000 Approval of checks issued for payroll for October 16 through October 31 and paid on November 3, 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/3/06 Checks 294067-294338 $ 232,468.24 11/3/06 Advices 204137-204826 1,313,721.97 Total Regular Payroll $1,546,190.21 C. Kent Station Division 2 Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The Final Plat Mylar for Kent Station, Phase I1, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Mylar. Tarragon proposes to subdivide approximately 8 34 acres into 9 lots within a Planned Unit Development Phase II represents the final phase of this subdivision. D. Kent Arts Commission. (CFN-839) The Mayor's appointments of Greg Worthing and Sheila(Shell) Newberry-Cantrall to the Kent Arts Commission were confirmed. Mr. Worthing 3 Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 will replace Judy Lee,who resigned, and his new appointment will continue until 10/31/2007. Sheila(Shell) Newberry-Cantrall will replace Cass Brotherton,who resigned, and her new term will continue until 10/31/2007 E Appointment to Human Services Commission. (CFN-873) The Mayor's appointment of John Botten to serve as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission was confirmed. Mr. Botten will replace Marilyn LaCelle, who resigned He will serve as the non-voting Agency Representative on the Commission His term will become effective upon confirmation and will continue until 1/l/2008. F. Kent Centennial Parking Garage Seismic Project. (CFN-1263) The Kent Centennial Parking Garage Seismic Project was accepted as complete. G. Modified Consent to Construction Agreement with Midwav Sewer District. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Amended Utility Easement Agreement between the City of Kent and the Midway Sewer District in a form approved by the City Attorney Construction of the Pacific Highway South HOV Improvements necessitated the acquisition of additional right-of-way for installation of underground power vaults. Some of the additional right-of-way is subject to existing sanitary sewer line easements owned by the Midway Sewer District, which include restrictions on placing structures within the easement area In order to install the underground power vaults, an Amended Utility Easement Agreement was prepared for signature by both parties, amending the easement restrictions and establishing appropriate protections and conditions for access to the District's sanitary sewer lines H. 271st Street Speed Study Update and Traffic Calming Device Installation. (CFN-171) Before adoption of the Consent Calendar, Reginald Carter, 13820 SE 271" Street, asked for something m writing explaining why the calming device is in place, and was given copies of the information provided in the Council agenda packet. Rescission of the Public Works Committee's motion of August 21, 2006, regarding installation of temporary speed humps on SE 271" Street, and authorization to install four(4) speed humps of an appropriate design that would allow for potential removal if after a trial period a majority of the residents on 271s' Street request them to be removed, was then approved on the Consent Calendar. I. Kent School District Liaison Officer Agreement for 2006-2007. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign a renewal agreement with the Kent School District for the full-time services of one police officer to act as the School Liaison Officer. The agreement shall be effective September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007 J. Retirement Health Savings Administrative Services Agreement. (CFN-147) The Mayor was authorized to sign the ICMA-RC Retirement Health Savings Plan Administrative Services Agreement and Declaration of Trust K. Rate And Fee Amendments. (CFN-110,121,131,175,205,&1038) Ordinance No. 3819 amending various fees established by Council in the Kent City Code, and Resolution No 1740 which would enact a modest increase in business licenses, planning and land use applications and various building permits and inspections beginning January 1, 2007, were adopted. 4 Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 L. LID 358 Internal Financing Ordinance. (CFN-1292) Ordinance No. 3821 providing for the internal financing of LID 358 and amending the budget was adopted. M Fleet Services Fuel Budget Increase. (CFN-186) Increasing the Fleet Services budget for fuel by$102,400 due to the increase in fuel prices was approved. Since the revenue is delayed, this expenditure would come out of available fund balance in the Fleet Services fund this year. N. Orme Rezone Decision Resolution. (CFN-121) Resolution No. 1741 affirming the vote taken on November 7, 2006, which denied the rezone application for real property located at 25410 142nd Avenue Southeast in Kent, Washington, seeking a change from the current zoning of Single-Family Residential 4.5 units per acre to Single-Family Residential 6 units per acre was adopted with Councilmember O'Brien opposed and Councilmember Thomas abstaining O. Corrections Facility Medical Services Agreement Amendment. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign the amendment with Occupational Health Services to provide certain required medical services to the inmates of the City of Kent Corrections Facility. The amendment includes the extension of the Agreement from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, with the option to extend the agreement for two additional one-year periods. P. King County Community Organizing Program Mini-Grant. (CFN-122) The King County Community Organizing Program Mini-Grant was accepted. Funds will be used to support registration and follow-up projects for five community teams that attend the Kent Game of Life Youth Conference. A small portion will also help fund a team building activity for the Youth Board Q. Kentara Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The Final Plat Mylar for Kentara was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Mylar Schneider Homes proposes to subdivide approximately 11.67 acres into 41 single-family residential lots OTHER BUSINESS A. Kent 256in Rezone. (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance relates to the proposed rezoning of approximately 1.28 acres of real property from Single Family Residential, 4 5 units per acre, to Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre. The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on October 4, 2006, and issued Findings, Conclusions and a Recommendation for approval on October 25, 2006 Deputy City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process and determined that there have been no ex-parte communications on this issue Chris Hankins of the Planning Department gave a brief explanation of the project and pointed out that the Hearing Examiner and staff have both recom- mended approval. Hankins then answered questions from Councilmembers regarding drainage, traffic, safety, and compatibility with surrounding zoning HARMON MOVED to reject the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Kent 256`h Rezone. Ranniger seconded. After comments from the Council members expressing their concerns, the motion to reject the rezone carried, with O'Brien opposed 5 Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 B. Devlin Rezone. (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance would rezone approximately.46 acres of property from Single Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre, to Single Family Residential, 8 units per acre The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on October 18, 2006, and issued Findings, Conclusions and a Recommendation for approval on November 1, 2006. The Deputy City Attorney determined that there have been no ex-parte communications on this issue Lydia Moorehead of the Planning Department gave a brief presentation and noted that the staff and the Hearing Examiner have both recommended approval Moorehead noted that neighborhood access is through the Malik subdivision HARMON MOVED to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Devlin Rezone and to adopt Ordinance No. 3820. Ranniger seconded. Harmon said this rezone fits the criteria, Clark voiced concern about the lack of connectivity between the project and Summit Avenue The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 3820 then carved with Clark opposed. C. Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS). (CFN-1303) The proposed resolution directs the City of Kent and the Kent Chamber of Commerce to establish initial operations and market roll-out of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound, including the recruitment of its first Board of Directors and Executive Director. Ben Wolters,Economic Development Director, noted that the Feasibility Study and Business Plan recommend moving forward with the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound. He added that funds are available for start up. He outlined the history and purpose of the project, and Marcelle Pechler, Executive Director of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, reported on the Chambers' plans relating to fund raising, incorporation of the organization, hiring of the Executive Director, and having a grand opening by June 2007 She answered questions from Council members regarding the financial status and location. CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1742 directing the City of Kent and the Kent Chamber of Commerce to move forward establishing Initial Operations and Market Roll-Out for the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound. Ranniger seconded and the motion carved. REPORTS Mayor's Report. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted that she has recently attended the Suburban Cities Association annual dinner, the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board meeting, the South King County Transportation Board meeting, and the Punjab Festival, and that she has visited with the outgoing and incoming Consulate Generals of Mexico. Council President. (CFN-198) Ranniger encouraged everyone to enjoy the new carousel. Operations Committee. (CFN-198) It was noted that the committee will meet on December 5 to review budget adjustments to the 2007 budget for recommendation to the Council on December 12 Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that there will be no further meetings until January Watson noted that the Human Services Commission completed their 2007-2012 Human Services Master Plan and that it will appear on the next Council agenda. 6 Kent City Council Minutes November 21, 2006 Planninjj and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that the committee will not meet in December In regard to a discussion held at the committee meeting of November 20, 2006, Clark explained the implications of down zoning the area north of Lake Meridian to 3 units per acre. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that there will be a special meeting of the committee on December 6. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the committee will meet on December 4 at 5:00 p.m., and that there will be a special workshop on the Transportation Master Plan on November 28. Administration. (CFN-198) The Mayor noted that City staff has met with the Governor regarding funding for the Event Center. Hodgson outlined upcoming open houses on the Event Center on November 29 and December 2, and said there will be a special meeting on it on December 5 He reminded the Council and public that there is only one Council meeting in December, which will be on the 12`h ADJOURNMENT At 9 25 p.m., WATSON MOVED to adjourn. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 7