HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/07/2006 • Kent City Council Meeting KEN T November 7, 2006 WASHINOTON The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranmger, Raplee, Thomas and Watson (CFN-198) CHANGES TO AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, or Staff. (CFN-198) Public Communications Items G and H were added, and Consent Calendar Item U, Diversity Advisory Board Ordinance, was removed from the agenda by staff. B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Continued Communications Items A, B and C were added at the request of audience members The City Attorney pointed out that no further action will be taken on the Cedar Pointe Rezone (Continued Communications Item A) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition Colonel Joe Jackson Bridge. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke commended Councilmember Harmon for his efforts on the dedication ceremony for the Colonel Joe Jackson Bridge. B. Community Events Kent Event Center. (CFN-1305) Mayor Cooke announced open houses regarding the Event Center at 6:30 p in on November 29 and at 10 00 a.m. on December 2, 2006, at the Kent Memorial Park building. Harmon noted that there will be a special Council workshop on November 28 from 5.30 to 7 30 p.m. on the Transportation Master Plan The Mayor noted that City Hall will be closed on Thursday,November 23 and Friday,November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday. C. Hospitality House Women's Shelter Comments. (CFN-456) No one from the Hospitality House Women's Shelter was in attendance at the meeting. D. Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. (CFN-I55) Finance Director Nachlmger explained the criteria for receiving this award and noted that this is the 16t' time the City has received it. E. Introduction of Appointee. (CFN-997) Mayor Cooke introduced Scott Gibbons, her appointee to the Bicycle Advisory Board. F. March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day. (CFN-155) The Mayor read a proclamation declaring November 14, 2006, as Prematurity Awareness Day in the City of Kent. She presented the proclamation to a representative from the March of Dimes. G. West Nile Virus Update. (CFN-198) Fire Captain Kyle Ohashi gave a briefing on the West Nile Virus and how to avoid it. 1 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 H Flood Stage Report. (CFN-198) Public Works Director Blanchard updated the Council on the status of flooding in the area and efforts being made by the Public Works Department. CONSENT CALENDAR RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through T, noting that Item U has been removed from the agenda. Clark seconded and the motion carved. A. Minutes of Previous Meeting. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 17, 2006, were approved. B Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through August 15 and paid on August 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 17, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/15/06 Wire Transfers 2530-2544 $1,430,887.44 8/15/06 Prepays &Regular 597439-598017 4,795,011.93 Use Tax Payable 829.49 $6,226,728.86 Payment of the bills received through August 31 and paid on August 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 17, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/31/06 Wire Transfers 2545-2561 $1,228,530.30 8/31/06 Prepays &Regular 598018-298888 4,511,898.26 Use Tax Payable 6,96527 $5,747,393 83 I Payment of the bills received through September 15 and paid on September 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 17, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/15/06 Wire Transfers 2562-2581 $1,559,692 62 9/15/06 Prepays & Regular 598889-599346 1,717,756.37 Use Tax Payable 1,91080 $3,279,359 79 2 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 Payment of the bills received through September 30 and paid on September 29 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 17, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/29/06 Wire Transfers 2582-2596 $1,252,561 17 9/29/06 Prepays & Regular 599347-599990 3,646,570.22 Use Tax Payable 86943 $4,900,000 82 Payment of the bills received through October 15 and paid on October 13 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 17, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/13/06 Wire Transfers 2597-2610 $1,394,031 22 10/13/06 Prepays & Regular 599991-600550 1,621,301.26 Use Tax Payable 1,583.25 $3,016,915.73 Approval of checks issued for payroll for July 16 through July 31 and paid on August 4, 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/4/06 Checks 292253-292576 $ 276,960.31 8/4/06 Advices 199981-200676 1,286,79017 Total Regular Payroll $1,563,750 48 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 1 through August 15 and paid on August 18, 2006. Date Check Numbers Amount 8/18/06 Checks 292577-292888 $ 251,833.59 8/18/06 Advices 200677-201370 1,268,238.36 Total Regular Payroll $1,520,071 95 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16 through August 31 and paid on September 5, 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/5//06 Checks 292889-293193 $ 274,984.81 9/5/06 Advices 201371-202060 1,267,30127 Total Regular Payroll $1,542,286 08 3 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20, 2006- Date Check Numbers Amount 9/6/06 Interim Check 293194 $ 1,14135 9/20'06 Checks 293195-293488 241,686 46 9/20/06 Advices 202061-202749 1,280,08132 Total Regular Payroll $1,521,767.78 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 16 through September 30 and paid on October 5, 2006 Date Check Numbers Amount 10/5//06 Checks 293489-293778 $ 217,326,72 10/5/06 Advices 202750-203442 1,281,546 41 Total Regular Payroll $1,498,873 13 10/4/06 Interim Check 293779 $225 04 C. 2007 Washington State Arts Commission Organizational Support Grant. (CFN-118) The $6,000 grant from the Washington State Arts Commission was accepted, the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission budget was authorized, and the Mayor to was authorized sign all necessary documents. The Kent Arts Commission will use the funding to support the presentation of arts and cultural activities at the 2007 Cornucopia Days. D. 2007 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan and Funding Allocations. (CFN-493) The 2007 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan, including funding allocations and contingency plans, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute the appropriate certifications and agreements. E. 2006 Third Ouarter Fee-In-Lieu Funds. (CFN-118) $32,475 for fee-in-lieu funds from MacFarlane Homes, LLC, and Crescent Construction was accepted and the expenditure of funds in the East Hill Skate Park and Garrison Creek Park budgets was authorized. F. Robinson & Noble Water Contract. (CFN-110) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Source Water Availability& Hydrologic Analysis agreement between the City of Kent and Robinson-Noble Saltbush, Inc in the amount of$207,193 for the City's groundwater hydrologic source analysis project. G. Extension of Interlocal Agreement for Watershed Resource Inventory Area 8. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement for the Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 8. H. Extension of Interlocal Agreement for Watershed Resource Inventory Area 9. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement for Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 9. 4 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 I. Washington Central Improvement Company Knob Hill Addition Alley Vacation. (CFN-102) Resolution No 1735 scheduling a public hearing for December 12, 2006, on an application to vacate the south 120 feet of the alley in Block 3, Washington Central Improvement Company Knob Hill Addition was adopted. J. 138th Place SE Street Vacation. (CFN-102) Resolution No. 1736 scheduling apublic hearing for December 12, 2006, on an application to vacate a portion of 138th Place Southeast was adopted. K. Street Sweeping Contract Change Order. (CFN-136) The Mayor was authorized to sign Change Order#5 with McDonough& Sons, Inc for a one-year contract extension and a 2% increase in the monthly lump sum for the street sweeping contract, upon the concurrence of the z language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. L. 2007 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-186&775) November 21, 2006, was set for the second public hearing on the 2007 Budget and 2007-2012 Capital Improvement Plan. The Capital Improvement Plan is also incorporated as an amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. M. 2006 Tax Levy for 2007 Budget. (CFN-104) November 21, 2006,was set as the public hearing date for the 2006 Tax Levy for the 2007 budget. N. Kent Comprehensive Plan and Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Districts Capital Facilities Plans and 2007-2012 Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-775&961&1000) November 21, 2006, was set as the date for a public hearing to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and amendment of Chapter 12 13 of the Kent City Code to incorporate the updated Capital Facilities Plans of the Auburn,Kent, and Federal Way School Districts, and changes to adopted school impact fees O. Cedar Pointe Rezone Decision Resolution. (CFN-121) Prior to adoption of the Consent Calendar, the City Attorney explained that he received documents from one of the proponents of this rezone seeking reconsideration of Council's decision on this matter He noted that copies for the Council were provided but that he instructed the City Clerk not to distribute them, since the record has been established and the decision has been made He emphasized that the Kent City Code does not provide for a reconsideration process upon a motion made by an opponent or proponent of the rezone application, and explained that the only method to reconsider would be by a motion to rescind and amend the prior motion. Under the motion to approve Consent Calendar items, Resolution No. 1737 affirming the vote taken on October 17, 2006, which denied the rezone application for properties located at 25213, 25401 and 25231 136`h Avenue Southeast from Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre, to Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre, was adopted P. Rust Rezone Decision Resolution. (CFN-121) Resolution No. 1738 affirming the vote taken on October 17, 2006, which denied the rezone application for property located at 12722 SE 256`h Street from Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre, to Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre, was adopted. 5 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 Q Smith Street Improvements. (CFN-1038) The Smith Street Improvements project was accepted as complete and release of retainage to R W. Scott Construction upon receipt of standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized. R Muth Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance. (CFN-377&131) Ordinance No. 3818 relating to the Muth Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA-2006-2, which amends the comprehensive plan land use designations from Agricultural Resource Land to a land use designation of Urban Separator(US), and changes the zoning map from a zoning designation of Agricultural, 1 unit per 10 acres, to a zoning designation of Single Family Residential, 1 unit per acre, (CPZ-2006-1) for the property located at 21320—42nd Avenue South, was adopted S. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Appointment. (CFN-997) The Mayor's appointment of Scott Gibbons to serve as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board was confirmed. T. Valley Cities Wireless Interlocal & Consulting Services Agreement. (CFN-818) The Mayor was authorized to execute the Wireless Department of Justice/ COPS More Grant Interlocal Agreement and the Consulting Services Agreement with CBG Communication, Inc. The agreement establishes a cooperative effort between the cities of Algona, Auburn, Fife, Kent, Pacific, Puyallup, Renton, Sumner, and Tukwila to use approximately$98,723 in grant funds to support planning and implementation of wireless systems (including fiber transports) and support mteroperabihty between jurisdictions particularly as related to public safety OTHER BUSINESS A. Orme Rezone Ordinance. (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance relates to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of two existing tax lots and a portion of a third, totaling 5 67 acres of property from Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre, to Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre. The property is located at 25410 142°d Avenue Southeast, in Kent, Washington. The Kent Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on September 27, 2006, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a recommendation for approval on October 9, 2006. The City Attorney outlined the quasi-judicial process to be used, noted that a complete copy of the record has been available in the City Council Office, and explained the history of the matter Upon a question from the City Attorney regarding ex-parte contacts, Councilmember Thomas recused himself since one of the persons involved is a former employer. There were no objections from the audience. Matt Gilbert of the Community Development Department gave a report on the rezone. He noted for Hannon that no citizens attended the hearing which was held at 1.30 p in on October 27`h, and that a petition signed by property owners who oppose the rezone because of connectivity issues had been received Clark noted significant traffic problems at the intersection of SE 256" and 132 Avenue SE during rush hour. HARMON MOVED to reject the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Orme Rezone. Clark seconded. Harmon said the rezone would not be com- patible with development in the vicinity, that it would burden the transportation system, and that it would adversely affect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. Raplee and Ranniger agreed. O'Brien opined that the area should be 6 units per acre. The motion to reject the Findings, 6 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner then carried 5-1, with Thomas abstaining and O'Brien opposed. B. Kent Event Center. (CFN-1305) The City Attorney explained that understate law, cities with a population greater than 70,000 can award public contracts to a general contractor/ construction manager for large projects such as the construction of the proposed Kent Event Center The City intends to use this process and will select a contractor through formal advertisement and competitive bids, subject to the City Council's final determination as to whether or not to construct this project. This process provides a substantial public and fiscal benefit by allowing the City to negotiate a maximum allowable construction cost State law requires that the City hold a public hearing so that the public can submit written and oral comments on the City's preliminary determination to proceed with the general contractor/construction manager process. CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1739 which sets a public hearing on December 4, 2006, at 5.00 p in before the Public Works Committee on the City's proposed use of the general contractor/construction manager procedure for the City's Event Center project, and to direct the City Clerk to publish notice of the public hearing at least 20 days before the public hearing. Raplee seconded and the motion carried BIDS A. LID 360— S. 227th Place Sanitary Sewers. (CFN-1301) The bid opening (rebid) for this project was held on September 12, 2006, with seven bids received. The low bid was submitted by DPK, Inc , in the amount of$220,504.96. The Engineer's estimate was $183,014.61. RAPLEE MOVED to award the bid on LID 360 — S 227th Place Sanitary Sewers, to DPK, Inc , in the amount of$220,504.96. Clark seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS Mayor's Report. Mayor Cooke thanked all who were involved with the Service Club Ball Fields dedication. Parks and Human Services Committee. Ramliger noted that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m on November 16th. Planning and Economic Development Committee. Harmon noted that the next meeting will be held on November 201 at 4.00 p in. Public Safety Committee. Harmon noted that the next meeting will be held on November 14`h at 5:00 p.m. Public Works Committee. Raplee noted that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on November 201 Administration. Hodgson stated that property acquisition will not be discussed during the executive session,but that there is one item of pending litigation He noted that the session will take approximately 10 minutes and that no action afterward is anticipated 7 Kent City Council Minutes November 7, 2006 CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS ADDED ITEM A Cedar Pointe Rezone. The Mayor noted that Randy Goodwin, who requested that this item be added to the agenda, has left the meeting. ADDED ITEM B Speed Bumps. Jerry Johnson, 11316 SE 271s`, asked for action on the neighborhood's request for speed bumps on SE 271" and 114`h Avenue SE. Council member Raplee said this issue was addressed at the Public Works Committee meeting yesterday and that the speed bumps will be installed when the weather improves ADDED ITEM C S. 224`h Street Corridor. Gene Bremner, 10502 SE 216`h St., urged the Council not to proceed with plans for the 224'h Street Corridor He said the EIS is flawed, the cost is too high, and the road will create problems Daniel Parks, 21647 981h Avenue South, also spoke in opposition to the corridor, citing EIS issues, notification issues, safety issues, and environmental impacts Clark noted that the City has been pressured by citizens to relieve traffic problems, which this corridor would do. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 827 p.m. and reconvened at 8.33 p.m. ADJOURNMENT At 8 33 p m , WATSON MOVED to adjourn. Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 8