HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 08/01/2006 AGENDA City of Kent 1 City Council Meeting Agenda t I August 1 , 2006 Mayor Suzette Cooke Deborah Ranniger, Council President Councilmembers Tim Clark Debbie Raplee Ron Harmon Les Thomas Bob O'Brien Elizabeth Watson ' KENT WA5H INGTON 1 City Clerk's Office KENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS K E N T August 1, 2006 WASHINGTON Council Chambers MAYOR: Suzette Cooke COUNCILMEMBERS: Deborah Ranmger, President Tim Clark Ron Harmon Bob O'Brien ' Debbie Raplee Les Thomas Elizabeth Watson ' COUNCIL WORKSHOP CANCELLED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA I5:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. CHANGES TO AGENDA This is a special meeting Therefore, items may not be added to the agenda. 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A Public Recognition B Community Events Employee of the Month �._��� C�-ems 6-v✓ d� �-�--D 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS U None 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of Previous Meeting—Approve B. Payment of Bills—Approve C. Mid-Year 2006 Budget Adjustment Ordinance—Adopt D. Water Service Boundaries lnterlocal Agreement—Authorize E. Bill of Sale, Copper Hill—Accept F Bill of Sale, East Hill Village—Accept G. Bill of Sale, Starwood—Accept H. Bill of Sale, Starmeadow—Accept I. Bill of Sale, 3rd Avenue Improvements—Accept J. Bill of Sale, Kent Station, Phase I—Accept I K. Western Arts Federation Grant—Accept and Amend Budget L. Second Quarter Fee-in-Lieu Fees—Accept and Amend Budget (Continued) 1 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CONTINUED M. Starbucks Grant for Clark Lake Trail Development—Accept and Amend Budget N S 228th Erosion Control Final Pay Estimate—Approve O. Town Square Plaza Fountain Base Agreement—Authorize ' P. Proposed LID 359, 116th Avenue— Resolution Setting Hearing Date Q. 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program—Set Hearing Date 7. OTHER BUSINESS A. �nVallley View R ) II Rezone (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING ^ lt J� �t 8. 8113IDS &J ' None I 9. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES 10. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION ' A. Pending Litigation B. Property Acquisition 12. ADJOURNMENT tNOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. The Agenda Summary page and complete packet are on the City of Kent web site at www ci kent wa us An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at (253) 856-5725. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388 SUGGESTIONS • r COMMENTSEFFECTIVE • UNCIL WELCOME HOWTO PARTICIPATE Speaking to the Council- When you are MEETINGS The public is welcome and encouraged to Audience participation is encouraged recognized by the Mayor or Presiding City Hall Council Chambers participate in Kent C ity Council meetings, at all Count l Meetings Citizen input is Officer,speak directly into the microphone Workshops at 5 30 p m which are televised on local cable typic ally given cluing"Changes to the and state your name and address for the Full Council at 7 00 p in television channel 21 (Kent TV21) Agenda,""Public Hearing,"and"Other record,spelling your last name Business". Purpose What is the idea you wish to ABOUT THE COUNCIL resent? and 3" Tuesdays,January-November The citizens of Kent elec t their p 2 Changes to the Agenda" nd Tuesday, December Reason. Why are you making this point? Councilrnernbers who serve on A part- When the Mayor asks for changes to the time basis They usually have full Uric Summary What condition will be agenda from the public,please slip to the changed or improved if your viewpoint is Kent City I fall, 220-41h Avenue South lobs m addition to then City duties It is podium and give your name,address and Kent,WA 98032-5895 the responvbilily of Counc dniembers to adopted? set policies which ensure that citizens are the Sublet t of your concern You may ask Action State what you would like the being served in a safe community to speak to any item on the agenda(for City Council to do in response to your Business Hours "Other Business"items,see below),or viewpoint 8 00 a of-5 00 p of COUNCIL COMMITTEES you may ask to add an agenda item The Monday-Friday Council will determine whether or not to Counul Committees are composed of three add your Rein to the agenda Please limn your comments to three Councilmembers who meet regularly to best minutes address then constituents'concerns Most items brought be(oro the entire "Public Hearing" Council have been chu ussed by one of Public Hearings are held to receive input these working committees After a review on a particular issue When the Mayor is completed,the c uninutlee makes a asks for public comment,you should CONTACT: recommendation to the entire Council for rise or raise your hand Upon being a vote at a subsequent Council Meeting red ognized,step to the lectern,give your City Council Office This recommendation is voted on under name, address and state the nature of Phone(253) 856-5712 the"Consent Calendar,"if the vote by the your interest or concern Please speak 1 E-mail citycoum il@ci kent wa us Committee was unani nous into the microphone on the lectern All Committees and Members comments should be addressed to the Operations: Tim Clark,Chair chair(Mayor) Meeting agendas are available At each Mayor's Office Deborah Ranniger, Debbie Raplee meeting The Agenda Summary page is Phone(253)856-5700 Meets I"and 3'"Tuesdays at 4 00 p m "Other Business" also posted on the uty's internet site, Items under Other Business are generally hill)//www a kent wa us E-mail mayor@ci kent wa us Parks and Human Services: g y A copy of the full agenda packet is Deborah Ranniger,Chair discussed by the Council before action Debbie Raplee, Bob O'Brien is taken If you wish to address an item available for perusal in the City Clerk's Meets 3"'Thursday At 5 00 p rn under Other Business,you(flay do so by Offic e and the Kent Libiary Planning and Economic Development: following the same procedure as in Public Ron Harmon,Chair Hearings Any person requiring a disability Tim Clark, Elizabeth Watson accommodation should contact the Meets 3" Monday at 4 00 p m Continents are typically horned to three City Clerks Office in advance at Public Safety. Ron I larmon,Chair minutes per speaker (253)856-5725 For TOD relay service call Bob O'Brien,Les Thomas the Washington Telecommunications Relay Meets 2 'Tuesday At 5 00 p In Service at 1-800-833-6388 Public Works: Debbie Raplee,Chair Ron Harmon,Tim Clark KEN T W.S.INGTOM Meets 1"and 3"d Mondays at 500 p m ad,,8696 7Ai6 iCHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to address the Council will, at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF r r 1 B) FROM THE PUBLIC 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) PUBLIC RECOGNITION r 1 B) COMMUNITY EVENTS 1 r rC) EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH 1 r r Uv r i 1 r 1 r ' CONSENT CALENDAR 6. Citv Council Actio . Councilmember moves, Councilmember (�— tseconds to approve Consent Cale dar Items A through Q. Discussion // ? Action 6A. Approval of Minutes. 1 Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 18, 2006. ' 6B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 18, 2006. Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/06 Wire Transfers 2483-2497 $1,247,445 71 6/30/06 PrePays & Regular 595601-596248 4,383,305 86 Use Tax Payable 2 641 04 $5,633,392 61 Approval of payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 18,2006 Approval of checks issued for vouchers. Date Check Numbers Amount 7/15/06 Wire Transfers 2498-2513 $1,493,785 17 7/15/06 PrePays & Regular 596249-596792 2,747,521 44 Use Tax Payable 2,901 93 $4,244,208 54 Approval of checks issued for payroll for June 16 through June 30 and paid on July 5, 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/5/06 Checks 291595-291919 $ 250,531 02 7/5/06 Advices 198591-199283 1,311,013 75 $1,561,544 77 Council Agenda Item No 6 A-B • Kent City Council Meeting KENT July 18, 2006 WA5 HINGTON The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7.00 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranniger, Raplee, Thomas and Watson. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA B From the Public. (CFN-198) Consent Calendar Item 6K was removed by Councilmember O'Brien. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke thanked the Lions Club, volunteers and participants for a wonderful Cornucopia Days event. B Community Events (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke noted Kent Day at Emerald Downs and National Night Out. C. National Night Out. (CFN-122) Mayor Cooke presented a proclamation for National Night Out to Judy Mauhl, Public Education Specialist with the Kent Police Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS A LID 329 —Traffic Signal at 74th Avenue South and SR 516, Final Assessment Roll, Ordinance (Quasi-Judicial). (CFN-885) As established by Council, this date has been set for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 329 The City has determined that certain properties are specially benefited by the traffic signal installed at the intersection of 74"' Avenue South and SR 516 (Willis Street) and has proposed to proportionately assess these properties in accord with those special benefits Because the proposed final assessment roll affects specific, individual property owners, the Council sits in a quasi-judicial capacity as a board of equalization for this matter. The City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process and it was determined that there I had been no ex-parte communication by Councilmembers Brubaker read the names of the four property owners who sent a letter of protest. RAPLEE MOVED to have these documents accepted for the record Harmon seconded and the motion carved Design Engineering Manager Tim LaPorte gave a power point presentation and outlined the history of the project LaPorte explained that the estimated amount in 2002 was $600,000 and that that was the final cost. He also explained that the overage the City would pay is because of the ongoing dispute with the railroad and since this has been going on since 1987, the property owners need to have this settled. Richard von Reeson, representing John and Audrey Hollinger, 25014 74th Avenue South, explained that it was an arduous process but the benefits to the industrial park and the traffic flow is working much better now than it was and thanked the government for bearing through the process and having an improvement that helped everyone 1 Kent City Council Minutes July 18, 2006 LaPorte explained that the four letters of protest did not include proof that the special benefit they received as a result of the signal or the increase in the property is less than the amount of the assessment There were no further comments from the audience and Mayor Cooke closed the hearing. RAPLEE MOVED to adopt Ordinance No 3802 which approves and confirms the final assessment roll on Local Improvement District 329 concerning a traffic signal at 74th Avenue South and SR 516. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Clark seconded and the motion earned A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 5, 2006 were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-t04) Numbers were not available for approval. C. Purchase of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign an agreement for the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) in the amount of $645,738. D. U.S. Department of Education Grant. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign a grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Education in the amount of$78,227. E. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign a grant agreement with the Washington Traffic Commission (WTSC) in the amount of$7,500 to purchase school zone flashing beacons/lighting to be used in marked elementary school zones. F. August 1, 2006 Council Meeting Time Change—National Night Out. (CFN-198) The time change for the August 1, 2006, City Council meeting from 7 00 p in. to 5:00 p in was authorized and the City Clerk was directed to give notice of the time change in the same manner as a special meeting. National Night Out is an annual event and every year, the police department, City Council, and other City representatives take this opportunity to thank the citizens who make this neighborhood crime prevention program work G Bill of Sale, 100th Avenue Sewer Extension. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for the 100`h Ave SE Sewer Extension for one sanitary sewer manhole and 367 linear feet of sewer was accepted This project is located at 20846 - 100th Ave SE was accepted. H. Bill of Sale, F & R Country Estates. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for F&R Country Estates for 269 linear feet of streets, one storm manhole, two catch basins, and 93 linear feet of storm sewer was accepted This project is located at 12800 SE 261"P1 1. Bill of Sale, Selbourne Lane. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for Selbourne Lane for one gate valve, two watermam hydrants, 592 linear feet of watermam, 6 sanitary sewer manholes and 601 linear feet of sewer was accepted This project is located at 25833 - 116th Ave SE. 2 � Kent City Council Minutes July 18, 2006 J. Traffic Safety School Fee Increase. (CFN-122) The Drinking Driver Task Force's fee increase for the Traffic Safety School to $60 per participant, effective September 1, 2006, was approved and the City's budget amended accordingly OTHER BUSINESS A. Lake Meridian Outlet Project Cooperation Agreement. (CFN-1038) Environmental Engineering Supervisor Mike Mactutis gave a presentation of the project and described the project cooperation agreement. RAPLEE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the Project Cooperation agreement between the City and the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Lake Meridian Outlet Project upon concurrence of its terms and conditions by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director Clark seconded In response to Hodgson's question, Mactutis explained the time constraints associated with the fish windows that begin in August and the rainy season that begins in October. Motion carried. ADDED B ConLyressional/Le2islative Support Contract. (CFN-198) The proposed contract with Thompson Smitch Consulting Group for $70,000 would provide the City with assistance to secure the FY07 Energy and Water appropriation request, upon concurrence of its terms and conditions by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. Councilmember O'Brien questioned why the contract was needed and the amount being paid to the consulting group. Larry Blanchard,Public Works Director, noted that this consulting group would keep track of grant funding opportunities Mactutis explained that this contract is in support of the Green-Duwamish Ecosystem Restoration project which is 45 projects He also explained that due to the City's foresight in the past, other projects are being prepared which are now in the design phase and the City is in a position to take advantage of these grants as they become available. Mactutis explained that it is a very complicated process working through the Federal/Congressional budgets and Mr. Thompson and his firm have consulted with the City for last two years and have been successful securing funding for the Green-Duwamish Water Shed. In answer to Councilmember O'Brien's question, Mactutis explained the cost of the contract and the cost of the grants secured RAPLEE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract, upon concurrence of language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, with Thompson Smitch Consulting Group for $70,000 to provide the City of Kent assistance to secure the FY 07 Energy and Water appropriation request. Harmon seconded and the motion carried with O'Brien opposed. REPORTS C. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger stated that the Parks Committee will meet this Thursday, July 20 at 5 00 p.m. D. Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon reported that the meeting was held Monday, July 17th and that the commercial truck issue will be going to Council on August 15th with two motions. F. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon reported that Fire Marshal Jon Napier gave a report on the 4th of July demonstrations and illegal fireworks. G. Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee stated that the next Public Works meeting will.be Monday, August 7th at 5 00 p m. 3 Kent City Council Minutes July 18, 2006 H Administrative Reports. (CFN-198) CAO Hodgson stated that the August 1st meeting is a special meeting which will be held at 5 00 p.m so that Councilmembers will be able to celebrate National Night Out and there will not be a workshop that evening Hodgson announced that the Red Barn is no longer owned by the City, the market building was sold last week. Hodgson then reminded Councilmembers of an Executive Session of approximately 20 minutes to discuss property acquisition, on which action may be taken when the regular meeting reconvenes, and pending litigation which will have no action EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:17 p.m and reconvened at 8 30 p in (CFN-198) Property Acquisition. (CFN-239) RANNIGER MOVED to approve the purchase and sale agreement for the Schmidt Trust property located at 218 Naden Avenue, as part of the Naden St. Assemblage, to authorize the Mayor to executive any and all documents necessary to close the land transaction upon review and approval by the City Attorney, and to appropriate closing costs from the Park Land Acquisition account. Raplee seconded and the motion carried. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS Event Center. (CFN-1305) Councilmember Watson asked for an update on the Kent Event Center progress. Hodgson reported that the City received a draft feasibility study that demonstrated what the City of Kent looks like in a market with a facility this size with a junior hockey team as an anchor tenant. He also reported a real positive that more families live in Kent than most of the other markets, the population is smaller but the draw of these event centers is really family oriented. Hodgson noted that the City is proceeding with the major phase of the project which is to do a full pro forma feasibility study, in addition, there will be an economic impact study and also an evaluation of potential conference convention piece element to the project. Staff expects to review this with the citizen's committee and have a report at the August 15th Council meeting Special Council Meeting. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that this Friday Council is having a special council meeting and will be going up to Vancouver, British Columbia, to look at three aquatic facilities that are contemporary and include a number of different features. Council is doing this in an effort to understand modern aquatic facilities. ADJOURNMENT At 8:36 p.m., WATSON MOVED to adjourn Thomas seconded and the motion carried. Mary Simmons Deputy City Clerk 4 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MID-YEAR 2006 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE — ADOPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No for budget adjustments made between January 1, 2006, and June 30, 2006, totaling $24,542,430. This ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance. Of the total amount, a net amount of$402,617 has not yet been approved by Council, primarily authorizing expenditure of designated revenues already received. 1 3. EXHIBITS: Memo from Finance Director and ordinance 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? _ Revenue? _ Currently in the Budget? Yes X No X If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Various Amount $402,617 Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Various Amount $402,617 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION- Council Agenda Item No. 6C t FINANCE R J. Nachlinger, Director • Phone.253-856-5260 K E N T Fax 253-856-6255 W A S M I N O T O N Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98432-5895 DATE: July 18,2006 1 TO: Kent City Council Operations Co FROM: R. J. Nachlinger, Finance Director THROUGH: John H odgson, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments Between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006 MOTION:I move to recommend Council approve the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006 totaling $249542,430. SUMMARY: Authorization is requested to approve the technical gross budget adjustment ordinance totaling$24,542,430 for budget adjustments made between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006. The net amount, excluding transfers and internal service charges, is$12,628,491. Please note that $24,139,813 was previously approved by Council. These were primarily for projects. BUDGETIMPACT: BACKGROUND: Of the net amount of$402,617 not yet approved by Council, $390,272 is for the allocation of dedicated revenues and settlements and authorizing expenditures, $75,196 represents a technical correction of cost allocations and closing of projects, ($84,488) is a reduction in the confidential fund per department request, and$21,637 is a correction of the Fire Physical Fitness fund per contract terms. Authorized position totaling 1.00 is increased by: ■ 1.0 for Administration for a permanent full-time Neighborhoods Program Manager for the Neighborhoods Program. Kent Council Operations Committee Consolidating Budget Adjustment ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending the 2006 budget for adjustments made from January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2006. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES ' HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 - Budget Adjustment. The 2006 city budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments as summarized and set forth in Exhibit"A,"which is attached and incorporated by this reference. Authorized positions are increased by 1.00 full-time equivalent. SECTION 2. - Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 3. - Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. I i i 1 2006 First Half Budget Adjustments SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of August, 2006. APPROVED: day of August, 2006. PUBLISHED: day of August, 2006. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. pal by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) ' BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 2 2006 First Half Budget Adjustments i I City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006 Exhibit A Adjustment IFund Title Ordinance 001 General Fund 58,427 110 Street Fund 211,860 150 Capital Improvement Fund 35,000 160 Criminal Justice Fund (8,468) 190 Other Operating Projects Fund 233,403 220 Non-Voted Debt Service Fund (140,000) I310 Street Capital Projects Fund (526,846) ■ 320 Parks Capital Projects Fund 12,048,251 330 Other Capital Projects Fund 12,000,869 350 Facilities Capital Projects 195,567 410 Water Operating Fund 292,760 440 Sewerage Operating 105,568 480 Golf Operating (119,946) 510 Fleet Services Fund 37,242 520 Central Services Fund 1 540 Facilities Management Fund 118,742 1 Total Gross Budget Change 24,542,430 ' Less: Internal Service Funds 0 Other Transfers (11,931,735) Internal Transfers 17,796 Subtotal (11,913,939) Total Net Budget Change 12,628,491 1 j 1 y o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m � IL IL o 00 0 0 $ o rl � � 0 O cm N 1 Cl) N w co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 m O O O co CO O N N CDcm e- r O T� Lf) 7 If r ti & 00 N tf v O Q O O O M 00 N N 0 r to LN o $ o r. o to v m cow � a c co � P.: o Sri ao w .= r N r 10 e r C. 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W r W O O O O 0) O O N 7 C- co N N r O O O O O O O O O O 0 r r O O O 0 0 0/ O O N Q p V V OOf N N CA O O �0co M in7 R N O A CV O O c7 (0 OD N N N 0) r st r Y1 N Cl o O N O VD � O O co Oct r O c'f m N 0 co co V3 OC � v N m � O 1=L. Go V p O O p��j O O O O cy q L'a� C .O Z Z N N'C 7 m E 6 Ci LL 7 OI LL m m Cc 0 V53 to O n Co C d Q — O OJ -• m c R > > c m E 0 M c U m m O E D d — O U 4 c s L U E'o o U o T O O .V-. T w Y7 O LL c� U m m a m m U a o o ° a E E o -0 > a 0 S o o > y Q a r o ¢ D F- m N F- C o n aD 0 a a'�'a m o a o Ga. V m -o 'O O. 0 m rG N CL V 9 a Ti m m m 0 0 m �. m U s A �. m o �. y a m u q o o) d m F o U 5 E 0 Q m W FF- o U w > Un a0i un u> to a CL c 0 0 r O0p O N ci CL 'T O O OO O Oo C O .O Z t0 ... Q cn LL Z LL LL It Z CD c m a $ 3 0 N LL m N R c LL a- V O � 81 it O NLnm p o u o N C N C G dk m •� ova U LL 4 m LL U J Ii N N IL 40 m 0 40 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: WATER SERVICE BOUNDARIES INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT— AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization for the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement between Kent, Auburn, and Water District 111, which will allow Kent to provide water service to the Verdana development which is to be built on the former "Impoundment Reservoir Property" previously owned by and previously annexed to the City of Kent, although within the potential water service areas of Auburn and Water District 111. 3. EXHIBITS: Interlocal agreement 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? None Revenue? Yes Currently in the Budget? Yes No X If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount S Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund water enterprise funds Amount est. $1,003,600 SDC's 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds i DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director KEMT• Phone 253-856- 500 WASHINGTON Fax 253-856-6500 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: July 17tt', 2006 To: Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: July 17, 2006 From: Brad Lake, Water Superintendent , �a Through. Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director L../o Subject: City of Kent, KC WD l I 1 & City of Auburn Iterloeal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Motion: ■ Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Information Only Authorize the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement granting the Kent Water Division authority to provide water service to the water system for the Verdana project at 124i", Ave. S.E. between SE 2881n and SE 304th Street. Will document be required? ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution ■ Agreement ❑ Contract ❑ Policy ❑ SOP's ❑ Other Governing Policies Procedures Rules & Regulations: Background/Historv: Kent Public Works was directed by the City Council to sell the Kent Water Division "impoundment property" as a condition of acquiring 25% of the Seattle share of the Second Supply Project. Kent has agreed to provide the water supply for the development which is now planned to be constructed on the site, as it is presently annexed to Kent, although within the service areas of Auburn and WD ]11. The attached interlocal agreement is the process necessary to authorize the three parties (Auburn, Water District 111, and Kent) to proceed with that action. Summary: Authorization to enter into an interlocal agreement that will allow Kent water to supply the proposed Verdana development which is to be located on the former "Impoundment" site. Recommendations: Authorize the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement that will grant the Kent Water Division the authority to provide water service to the water system for the Verdana project at 1241h Ave. S.E between SE 288`" and SE 304th Street. C nod SefturgIl,aeJALacn1 SelrsugslTcmlwrm,lrrrvron FV,stOl 10RIAror 4ldnenr HD111 a. onaa4etim Page.dae r CITY OF KENT, KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 111 and CITY OF AUBURN j INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE BOUNDARIES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement'), made and entered into this day of I , 2006, by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ( "Kent"), King County Water District No. 111, a Washington municipal corporation ( "WD #111"), and the CITY OF AUBURN, a Washington municipal corporation, ( "Auburn"), all being duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington (individually a "Party" and collectively the `Parties). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.A.11.040, Auburn has the legal authority to exercise its powers and perform any of its functions as set forth in RCW 39.34; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Auburn has the legal authority to cooperate with other localities and utilities on the basis of mutual advantage and the efficient provision of municipal services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Kent has the legal authority to cooperate with other localities and utilities on the basis of mutual advantage and the efficient provision of municipal services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, WD #111 has the legal authority to cooperate with other localities and utilities on the basis of mutual advantage and the efficient provision of municipal services; and WHEREAS, the parties recognize the responsibility of public water utilities to provide efficient and reliable service to their customers at reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, Kent owns, and desires to be the water service provider for a property currently within the corporate limits of Kent, and within the service areas of Auburn and WD #111; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 70116 RCW, Public Water System Coordination Act, the Parties determined and agreed upon the water service areas Ibetween the Parties as set forth in the South King County Coordinated Water System Auburn Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD 9111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establistung Water Sennce Boundaries ' Page 1 of 9 r Plan ("Plan") and the Parties now desire to modify their water service area boundaries as agreed in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Water Service Area. WD #111 and Auburn agree to relinquish to Kent the water service area depicted on the map attached hereto as Attachment 1 and legally described in Attachment 2, which are by this reference incorporated herein. The Parties agree that the South King County Coordinated Water System Plan and the water service area boundaries as set forth in the Plan shall be modified to be In accordance with the Parties' water service area boundaries as set forth in Attachment 1. 2. Management, Regulation and Control of Water System. Kent, WD #111 and Auburn shall have the sole responsibility and authority to construct, maintain, manage, conduct and operate their water systems within their designated water service areas as depicted in Attachment 1, together with any additions, extensions and betterments thereto. 3. Future Annexations. The Parties agree that Kent shall provide water service to the area depicted in Attachment 1 without regard to the present corporate boundaries of the Parties and without regard to future corporate boundaries as they may be periodically altered through annexation. 4. Kent Comprehensive Water Planning. The terms of this Agreement will be included as an amendment to Kent's Comprehensive Water System Plan. Kent will submit to Auburn and WD #111 its Comprehensive Water System Plans and amendments thereto. 5. WD #111 Comprehensive Water Planning. The terms of this Agreement will be included as an amendment to WD #111's Comprehensive Water Plan. WD #111 will submit to Kent and Auburn its Comprehensive Water System Plans and amendments thereto. 6. Auburn Comprehensive Water Planning. The terms of this Agreement will be included as an amendment to Auburn's Comprehensive Water Plan. Auburn will submit to Kent and WD #111 its Comprehensive Water System Plans and amendments thereto. 7. Reliance. Each Party hereto acknowledges that the terms hereof will be relied ' upon by the other in its comprehensive planning to meet the needs of the service area designated herein. Auburn Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD#111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 2 of 9 j8. Liability. Except as set forth in Section 12 regarding default, failure to perform or negligent conduct, the Parties agree that this Agreement shall not be a source of liability between the Parties for any failure or interruption of service in the service area of any Party as designated in this Agreement. 9. Government Notifications. Auburn will give notice of the adoption of this Agreement to Metropolitan/King County, to the Washington State Department of Health, to the South King County Regional Water Association, to the Water Utility Coordinating Committee, and to any other agency with jurisdiction over, or interest in, the terms hereof, and the Parties shall cooperate and assist each other in all reasonable manner in procuring any necessary approvals hereof by those agencies. j 10. Boundary Review Board. In the event that implementation of the terms herein result in permanent water service to areas that will be outside the respective service boundaries of Kent, WD #111 or Auburn, the Parties will, at the time of such service, jointly file a notice of intention with the King County Boundary Review Board in accordance with Chapter 36 93.090 RCW and Chapter 57.08.047 RCW. 11. Alteration, Amendment or Modification. Kent, WD #111 and Auburn hereby reserve the right to alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement only upon written agreement of the Parties to such alteration, amendment or modification. 12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Each Party hereto agrees to protect, defend, and indemnify the other Parties, their officers, officials, employees and agents from any and all cost, claims, judgments and/or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the indemnifying Party's, its employees, subcontractors or agents default, failure of performance, or negligent conduct associated with this agreement. Each Party agrees that its obligations under this provision extend to any claim, demand, and(or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any of its employees, or agents. The foregoing indemnity is specifically and j expressly intended to constitute a waiver of each Party's immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, as respects the other Parties only, and only to the extent necessary to provide each Party with a full and complete 1 indemnity of claims made by the other Party's employees. The Parties acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them. 13. Integration. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and there are no other representations or oral agreements other than those listed herein, which vary the terms of this Agreement. Future agreements may occur between the Parties to transfer additional or future service areas by mutual agreement. Aubum Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD#111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 3 of 9 r� t 14. Obligation Intact. Nothing herein shall be construed to alter the rights, responsibilities, liabilities, or obligations of Kent, -WD #111 or Auburn regarding provision of water service, except as specifically set forth herein. 15. Duration. This Agreement shall take effect on the last day approved by all of the Parties and shall remain in effect until modified by written agreement of the Parties. 16. Recording. Pursuant to RCW 39.34.040, following the approval and execution of this Agreement by the Parties, this Agreement shall be filed with the King County Auditor. i Auburn Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD#111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 4 of 9 CITY OF KENT Approved by Motion No. of the City of Kent, Kent, Washington, at its regular meeting held on the day of , 2006. By: Suzette Cooke, Mayor City of Kent Approved as to form: City Attorney City of Kent KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 111 Approved by Resolution No. of the King County Water District No. 111, Kent, Washington, at its regular meeting held on the day of �vnz. 2006. By: �Q 1 V t .- x2� ' Patrick Hanis, President King County Water District No. 111 Approved as-to form: h General Counsel King County Water District No. 111 Auburn Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD 9111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundanes Page 5 of 9 I CITY OF AUBURN Approved by Resolution No. of the City of Auburn, Washington, at its regular meeting held on the day of 2006. By: Peter B. Lewis, Mayor City of Auburn Attest: Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Appr Daniel B. Held-,-City Attorney l 1 i Auburn Resolution No.3920 Kent,WD#111 and Aubum Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 6 of 9 ST 284th co w w E 286th ST CITY F SERVI E RE4 SE 288th ST E 28M PL w t w �� WATER DISTRICT 11 SERVICE AREA ICY ji W SE 298M PL ti PL PL SE P w 1 F L a 3E 301ST 4� 2ND ST co SE 304th ST TH Sr SE 305H PL CITY OF AUB RN �w �� sF T, pL J ^^ J 1 TH ST _= SERVIC SE 306TH n SE 3067H CT a m m c�i N w SE [/] SE 307TH P N w i ^ 306rH PL SSE 308TH PL ul SE 307"�' SE 306TH PL SE �81Fi PL SE 08TH Pt- r d CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. III AND CITY OF AUBURN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE BOUNDARIES ATTACHMENT I Attachment 2 Legal Description THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SAID SECTION 4; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 124T" AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SOUTHEAST 304TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SE 304T" STREET j TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PLAT OF CRYSTAL MEADOWS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 194 OF PLATS AT PAGES 66 AND 67, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY EDGE OF SAID PLAT TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 10 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH EDGE OF SAID PLAT TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 15 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 15 TO A POINT 50 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 11 OF THE PLAT OF THE SOUND TRUSTEE COMPANY'S THIRD ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 13 OF PLATS AT PAGE 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID TRACT 11, SAID POINT LYING 135 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 11; ' Auburn Resolution No 3920 Kent,WD#111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 8 of 9 i ' THENCE CONTINUING NORTHWESTERLY TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 11, SAID POINT LYING 313.36 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 11; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO TRACTS 10 AND 11 OF SAID PLAT OF THE SOUND TRUSTEE COMPANY'S THIRD ADDITION TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF SAID TRACT 10; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF SAID TRACT 10 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF SAID TRACT 10; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF SAID TRACT 10 TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 10; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 10 AND THE WEST LINE OF TRACT 9 OF SAID PLAT OF THE SOUND TRUSTEE COMPANY'S THIRD ADDITION TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 9; tTHENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 9 TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 9 AND THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE NORTH ALONG LAST SAID WEST LINE AND THE WEST LINE OF I GOVERNMENT LOT 3 OF SAID SECTION 4 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Auburn Resolution No.3920 I Kent,WD#111 and Auburn Interlocal Agreement Establishing Water Service Boundaries Page 9 of 9 j t i Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, COPPER HILL — ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Copper Hill for 4 sewer manholes and 861 linear feet of sanitary sewer. This project is located at 22521 — 104`, Ave. SE. 1 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ iUnbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: ICouncil Agenda Item No 6E t Bill of Sale Page 1 of 2 1 KENT I WASHINGTON MAIL TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1 ATTN: MARK DAMON 220 47"AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 PROJECT: COPPER HILL LOCATION: 103XXX SE 225'ST TAX ACCT NO: 172205-90" BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this f (En day of ),I"L 11 2006,by and between SWG CONSTRUCTION INC,hereinafter called "Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of King County,State of Washington,herinafter called"Grantee": WITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A. _WATF.RMAINS: together with a total of N/A gate valves at$ N/A each, hydrants at$ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. i ON FROM TO ' (street,esmt,etc) Including N/A linear feet at$ N/A per LF of N/A (size&type) waterline. B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of FOUR manholes at $3,000 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) ( Including 861 linear feet at$ 35 per LF of 8"PVC sewer line. ' C. I Together with curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and/or any other appurtenances thereto. nor cnnnT Tn 1 Bill of Sale Page 2 of 2 ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Including N/A linear feet at$ N/A per LF of (size&type) sewer line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property;and that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of ;L h .2006. f � r STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of R ,2006, before me,the j undersigned,a Notary PublieN and(or oe Stat�of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally app red l� 'l' �R?'\n to me known to be the and respectively o ' c)n the that executed the foregoing instru ent,and ckn/gwledged the said instrument to he the free and voluntary act and deed of saidy c-ct� l for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and of ai j`hu"to affix the day and year first above written. r Q�1, r� \AoTA8y L ota Pub is in and f r the �'4F N ' NUt U :'p= State g ` at� �n WASH My Commission Expires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded,and passed h,,tha Vhi ('maned of tho('ity of lCs nt Kina(`aunty Wachinatan_ nn the I 1 KENT W A S H I N G T G N ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE 1 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for COPPER HILL 1 project dated JUNE 16, 2006 ,were Ibased on the "As-Built" Engineering Plans dated MAY 16,2006 , for the same said COPPER HILL project. SHUPE HOLMBERG the undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. , the firm responsible for the preparation of the "As-Built" Engineering Drawings. jSignature f` %:,;4; ,� E r s• •. f r• Jlr'rF' .�' EXp3r7ES 1770 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 ! Category Consent Calendar ! 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, EAST HILL VILLAGE — ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for East Hill Village for 3 gate valves and 287 linear feet of watermain. This project is located at 22521 — 1041h Ave. SE. 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale r4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure9 N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ ' Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: ! Council Agenda Item No. 6F Bill of Sale Page l of 3 KENT WASH 1 N G T O N MAIL TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: 220 4Tn AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON i 94803`2 PROJECT: Cast th it V {liar/ LOCATION: TAX ACCT NO: IBILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT ' KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this 28th day of February 2006,by and between Madrona Real Estate,hereinafter called "Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington,herinafter called "Grantee": 1 WITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A. WATERMAINS: together with a total of 3 gate valves at$ 700.00 each, and 3 Ihydrants at $ 2,500.00 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO I 256`6 St SE 465 feet west of the Intersection of Into project site via easement 104th Ave SE & 256th St SE Including 252 linear feet at$ 90.00 per LF of 8"Ductile Iron waterline. 1 Including 35 linear feet at$ 55.00 per LF of 6"Ductile Iron waterline. B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of manholes at $ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street, esmt, etc) Including linear feet at$ per LF of (size&type) sewer line. C. STREETS: Together with curbs, gutters,sidewalks,and I or any other appurtenances thereto. Bill of Sale Page 2 of 3 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ and/or anv other appurtenances thereto. , ON FROM TO (street,esmt, etc) Including linear feet at$ per LF of (size&type) server line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the ' same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend tine same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has caused this instru nt to be executed on this 1 day o Ayim , 20 . STATE OF WASHIN TON } 'SS iCOUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 20 ,before me,the ' undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she signed and sealed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 20 , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at My Commission Expires: ' Bill of Sale Page 3 of 3 Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. 1 ENNLY&tARIE BREIDENBRC#i Notary Public in and for the STATE OF WASNINGTON State of s 'ngton, residing at NOTARY-_• PUBLIC L L�7 WY COMMISSION EXPIRES 03-29.00 My Commission Expires- (A , 0 The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington, on the } day of 520 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 KEN TT WASHINOTON ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT IQNG COUNTY,WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for the water main-extension for Madrona Real Estate's East Hill Village project dated December 6.2004,were based on the"As-Built" , Engineering Plans dated February 20'h,2006,for the same said East Hill Village project. Erik S.Davido the undersigned P.E. is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of Davido Consulting Group,Inc.,the firm responsible for the preparation of the"As-Built"Engineering Drawings. Signature 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, STARWOOD —ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Starwood for 4 gate valves, 2 hydrants, 460 linear feet of watermams, 6 sewer manholes, 698 linear feet of sanitary sewer, 410 centerline linear feet of streets, 2 storm manholes, 10 catch basins, 100 lmear feet of biofiltration swale, 8,600 cubic feet of detention pond storage, and 528 linear feet of sewer This project is located at 26521 — 114th Ave SE 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale ' 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) j5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ ' 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda ' Item No 6G 1 Bill of Sale ' Page 1 of 3 i i KENT WASHINGTON ' MAIL TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Mark Damon 220 4"AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 PROJECT: Plat of Starwood KIVA 2021209 ' LOCATION: 26521 114`h Ave SE TAX ACCT NO: BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of 20 ,by and between , hereinafter called "Grantors",and City of Kent, a municipal corporation of King County,State of Washington,herinafter called"Grantee": WITNESSETH: ' That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: ' A. WATERMAINS: together with a total of Four gate valves at$ 600 each, Two hydrants at$ 1400 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO SE 265"h PL Sta 6+30 Sta 10+90 + Including 460 linear feet at$ 28 per LF of 8" PVC waterline. B. SANITAR C .WFRS: Together with a total of Six manholes at $ 3,500 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. iON FROM TO SE 265`h PI Private Rd. Sta 21+47 Sta 22+92 ' SE 265`h PL Sta 6+30 Sta 6+80 SE 265`h PL Sta 7+70 Sta 10+48 114`h Ave SE Sta 29+95 Sta 32+20 ' Including 698 linear feet at$ 30 per LF of 8"PVC sewer line. !, QTT V. --A i Bill of Sale Page 2 of 3 , D. STO M S W .RS: Together with a total of Two manholes at$ 2,000 each or a total of Ten catch basins at$ 900 each, 100 LF of biofiltration swale or drainage ditch with a total cost of$ 1600 , 8600 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ 21,000 ,and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO SE 265"'PL Private Rd. Sta 20+30 Sta 23+10 SE 265'h PL Private Rd. Sta 20+65, 17' RT Sta 20+65, 114' RT SE 265`"PL Sta 9+85, 14' LT Sta 9+85,45' RT SE 265 'PL Sta 9+959 34' RT Sta 10+87,35' RT ' Including 528 linear feet at$ 25 per LF of 12"PVC sewer line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. , The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrume t to be executed on this day of 20 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ' )SS COUNTY OF KING On this �/ — day of 4 cr. 20 L before me,the undersigned A Notary Public{nand for the State of ashington,duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared} t'D r1�,A-->� �n ���: to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the(f4regoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he/she signed and sealed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 1"� day of� BETH-ANN PETERSON NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public in and for the ' STATE OF WASHINGTON State of Washington,residing at COMMISSION EXPIRES ) APRIL 9, 2006 My Commission Ex ires: Bill of Sale Page 3 of 3 respectively of the that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at My Commission Expires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded,and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington,on the day of ,20 t KENT WASH I N G T O N ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for The Plat of Starwood - KIVA 2021209 project dated October 4,2002 ,were based on the"As-Built" Engineering Plans dated r ,February 11,2004 , for the same said Plat of��w ��T U.� project. Robert Balmelli PE the undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of RB Engineering Inc. , the firm responsible for the preparation of the"As-Built"Engineering Drawings. , iguature Kent City Council Meeting Date Aufzust 1, 2006 ' Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, STARMEADOW— ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Starmeadow for 4 gate valves, 1 hydrant, 530 linear feet of watermains, 9 sewer manholes, 822 linear feet of sanitary sewer, 510 centertme linear feet of streets, 6 storm manholes, 9 catch basins, 10,000 cubic feet of detention pond storage, and 880 linear feet of sewer This project is located at 26525 — 114`h Ave. SE. ' 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale ' 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6H Bill of Sale Page I of 3 4# �60�00 \SS7 KEN T ' W A S H I N G T O N MAIL TO: ' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Mark Damon 220 4T"AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 PROJECT: Plat of Starmeadow KIVA 2020080 ' LOCATION: 26525 114`h Ave SE TAX ACCT NO: 1 BILL OF SALE ' CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON ' THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of 20 ,by and between hereinafter called "Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of King County,State of ' Washington,herinafter called"Grantee": WITNESSETH: ' That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: ' A. WATERMAIN4: together with a total of Four gate valves at S 600 each, One hydrants at S 1500 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ' ON FROM TO SE 266"'PL Sta 1+00 Sta 3+50 112`h SE Sta 3+50 Sta 6+30 Including 530 linear feet at$ 28 per LF of 8" PVC waterline. ' B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of Nine manholes at S 3,500 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO SE 266"'PL Sta 0+88 Sta 3+50 112`h SE Sta 3+50 Sta 6+30 SE 266 h St.Private Rd. Sta 20+65 Sta 22+05 SE 266`h PI Private Rd. Sta 10+00 Sta 11+35 Tnrb.d;no R77 linear font at 4t in nrr IN of R"PVC sewer line. Bill of Sale Page 2 of 3 , D. STORM SF, : Together with a total of Six manholes at S 2,000 each and a total of Nine catch basins at S 900 each, 0 , LF of biofiltration swale or drainage ditch with a total cost of S 10,000 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of S 25,000 ,and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO SE 266'h PL Sta 0+85 Sta 2+20 112'h SE Sta 2+75 Sta 5+25 ' Private Easement Sta 30+00 Sta 31+00 SE 266'h St.Private Rd. Sta 20+70 Sta 21+95 SE 266h PI Private Rd. Sta 10+14 Sta 10+30 , Including 880 linear feet at$ 25 per LF of 12"P VC se"er line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property;and that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself, its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF,tke undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of 2W , i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ' )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I On this lam day of " 20 0' , before me,the undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State o Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared /4-kk- QA^ S;a4& to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregojog instrument,and acknowledged to me that he/she signed.aviswajed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and Vtss. g1i{.pientioned. GIVEN under my Santa•ft',9-6-lgl~fjAl8searhis day of 6 20 PUBLtGtia:-e �9UARY�5% C9 e.`s •` T� �\�O OF WAS . No Public in and for the eee ry ,,t•��••'"""�"��ee Statj of Washington, residing at My Commosiou�Expires•a ar Bill of Sale Page 3 of3 to me known to be the individuals who MM& xxspeati^UlWXX XHg ' Aimkexecuted the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to he the free and voluntary act and deed akxaM for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said ' instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first abode vritten. i�«4R6�^•S IF9StfrF e4��•`' � S 01YO F,a • ry Publ' in od for the z�pTARY !0 State of hi tQo, residing at �! .� . GARY P SCHUET2 -A 'l. a v,.-' %Y' 4—n %' ''••,ir•S'rrIM1111101 05/04/07. The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded, and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington,on the day of ,20 KENT WASH IN G T O N ' ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT ' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ' The figures used on the Bill of Sale for The Plat of Starmeadow- KIVA 2020080 project dated August 23,2002 ,were based on the "As-Built"Engineering Plans dated February 11, 2004 , for the same said Plat of Starmeadow project. Robert Balmelli PE the ' undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of RB En2ineerin2 Inc. ,the firm responsible for the preparation of the"As-Built"Engineering Drawings. Signature Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, 3RD AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS —ACCEPT ' 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for 3`d Avenue Improvements for 190 linear feet of storm drain. This project is located at 1001 — 3`d Ave. S. 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue• Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6I Bill of Sale Page 1 of 1 �EN WASHINGTON MAIL TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: 220 4TT'AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 PROJECT: 3rd Avenue Improvements LOCATION: 1001 3rd Avenue South TAX ACCT NO: 000 600-0083-01 BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this 8 day of March 20 04 by and between Signal Electr_ Lc, Inc. hereinafter called"Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of King County,State of Washington,herinafter called"Grantee": WITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A. WATF.RMATNS: together with a total of gate valves at$ each, hydrants at$ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Including linear feet at$ per LF of (size& type) waterline. B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of manholes at $ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Including linear feet at$ per LF of (size& type) sewer line. C. STRFETS: Together with curbs,gutters,sidewalks, and/or any other appurtenances thereto. Bill of Sale Page 2 of 2 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ , and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON 3rd Avenue South iilOirl 10+48.59 SW TO 14+35 SW (street, esmt, etc) Including 190 linear feet atS 216.27 perLFof Storm Drain (size oc type) '- PVC sewer Nale. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this 8 day of March 20 04 Bernell ithmiller, President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this t) day of 1� '``4' ,20 D `' ,before me,the undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared fix tn<it i?-.c-,"-rr,.,.-I ' ( to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he/she signed and sealed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this $ day of 20 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at i My Commission Expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) �cc KEN T W A S H I N G T O N ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASIUNGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for 3rd Avenue Improvements Kent, WA project dated 08-21-01 ,were based on the"As-Built" Engineering Plans dated 08-21-01 ,for the same said 3rd Avenue Improvements project. Charles price the undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of ECG Inc. ,the firm responsible for the preparation of the"As-Built" Engineering Drawings. l� 1 r�! T Signature ✓✓✓ j Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: BILL OF SALE, KENT STATION, PHASE I—ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Kent Station Phase I for 6 gate valves, 60 linear feet of watermam, 8 sewer manholes, and 1,164 linear feet of sanitary sewer. This project is located at 528— Is' Ave N. 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6J Bill of Sale Page t of 3 4400 KENT WASHINGTON MAIL TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATI N nr_-te Cana5aurll0 220 4"i AV ENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHING CON 98032 PROJECT Kent Slatton LOCATION Phase I TA%A CCT NO: BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this Z3" day of -AUK>✓ 2006 by and between _FAKKAGeM— Kett-T SY *Vfi&" 3"'M 1 I..F.0 hereinafter called"Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal eorpoi ation of King County,State of Washington,hereinafter called"Grantee' W ITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A WATERMAINS: togethel with a total of 6 gate valves at$700 each, 4 hydrants at$2.500 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Ramsav N'ai, Temperance Street 4th Avenue North Including 60 linear feet at S 70 per LF of 8-inch D_I. (size&type) watnhne. B. SANITARI SEWERS Together with a total of 8 manholes at S 2.500 _each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Kent Station Phase I 1st Avenue North 41h Avenue North Including 1.164 linear feet at S 80 per LF of 8-mch PVC (sine&type) sewer line. C. STRFFTS: Together with curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and/or any other appurtenances thereto ON FROM TO (stiect,esmt,etc) ` Including centerhne LF at S per LF of (type)streets, Feet asphalt i oadway Page 1 of 3 1 zeal ola doc[vsrod Bill of Sale Bill of sale Pagc of 3 D. sTnRn1 SL\]'_FFRS: Together with a total of manholes at$ each of a total of catch basins at$ each, LF ofbiofiltration so ale or drainage(Inch with a total cost of$ CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) i Including linear feet at$ per LF of (site&type) sewer line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property;and that the same is See from all encumbrances, that all bills foi labor and material hate been paid,that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid:that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its r� successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances IN W TNE�WHEREOF the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of . JtAw 200('� . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF fiING Ou this day of`, LA1-L, ,20_Q(a before me,the undersigned A Natal y Public in and for the State of shmgton,duly commissioned and svvoin,Personalh appealed Tg �1 6P� to me known to he the mditrdual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that helshe stZued and sealed thus insti ument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thei ein mentioned. GIVEN umlf lrvfi%y�'li''Zitl4iofficial seal thrs�3 day oft, LA 4d,4 20Q_. r Q`f";�>,jjg��vvSl OJ�IV//•F77����+1+ o %aoTARy�S —Notary Public in and for the i •O `�"'� i State of Wasbungton,residing at tPP PUBOG A __: � t+tt ' p� � N�CN�.7 My Commission Expues.__. e,, S a - l9- r Page 2 of 3 11361 oia doc lVA1061 Bill of Sale Bill of Sale Page 3 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 20 before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared and to me known to be the and respechaely of the that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath slated that they at a authorized to execute the said Instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,j esidmg at My Commission Fxplres: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded,and passed by the Cit3 Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington,on the day of .20 i I i Page 3 of 3 11361 ew doe 12a111061 Bill of Sale j- 40 KENT WASHINGTON ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for Kent Station Phase I project dated June 23, 2006 ,were based on the"As-Built" Engineering Plans dated March 15, 2006 ,for the same said Kent Station Phase 1 project. Ali Sadr the undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of BarQhausen Consulting Engineers , the firm responsible for the preparation of the "As-Built" Engineering Drawings. Signature i kent 016 doc PJ9/06] I Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: WESTERN ARTS FEDERATION GRANT—ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the $2,500 grant from Western State Arts Federation in support of Keola Beamer's Hawaiian Holiday Concert, and the expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission's budget, and authorize the Mayor to sign all grant related agreements. Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) has awarded the Kent Arts Commission a "TourWest" grant to fund the presentation of a touring performance plus educational activities in the 2006-2007 Spotlight Series season The maximum amount of$2,500 has been awarded to present Keola Beamer's Hawaiian Holiday Concert on December 2, 2006 3. EXHIBITS: King County Grant No. TWP070131 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks and Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure's X Revenue? X Currently in the Budget? Yes No X If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund 10006222.64190.4310 Amount $2,500.00 Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund 10006222.53315.4310 Amount $2,500.00 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6K June 13, 2006 2006-2007 TourWest Contract Presenter: City of Kent Arts Commission Artist/Company: Keola Beamer Engagement Dates 12/2/2006 - 12/2/2006 Number of Outreach Activities 2 Number of Public Performances: 1 TourWest Award Amount. $2500 Artistic Fees: $6300 TourWest Grant Number: TWP070131 The Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) shall assign the grant award amount for the presenter listed above following the return of a signed coos of this contract within 30 days of the date on this contract. Failure to return a signed copy of this contract in accordance with the schedule shall result in the forfeiture of the grant award. WESTAF shall pay the presenter 100% of the award amount listed above upon the submission of the following tens within 60 days following the engagement: a copy of the performance program, a current season brochure, published press releases, feature stories, and/or reviews. Presenters will access the TourWest Final Report online at. http-1/westaf.cgweb org Further information regarding the process of submitting TourWest Final Report information online will be emailed to you before September 1, 2006. If any dates, fees, andfor activities change at any time from those listed above, the presenter must notify WESTAF within 30 days of the change. NOTE: Changes in plans may affect award amounts and must meet the goals and review criteria of the TourWest program. The above artistic fees shall be paid directly to the artist/company(or designated representative) by the presenter as per the artist-presenter contract All TourWest supported engagements must include at least (1) public performance A public performance is defined as a full-length performance for which promotion and marketing to the general public have been provided and the audience for which is a cross-section of the community(e g. not primarily school-aged children during regular school hours). All TourWest supported engagements must also include at least(1)outreach activity, for example. lecture- demonstrations, master classes, in-school educational activities involving students with the artist, etc. All information and conditions contained in the 2006-2007 TourWest guidelines are incorporated herein. By signing this contract, the presenter agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U S-C. 2000d et seq ); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 US C 794)and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") (42 U.S.C. 12101- 12213); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U S C. 6101 et seq.), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.); and The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701 et seq. And 45 C.F.R. pt. 1154); as well as all regulations of the National Endowment for the Arts issued pursuant to these statutes, and the applicant thereby gives assurance to immediately take any measures necessary to comply. Grantees must clearly acknowledge support from the National Endowment for the Arts and WESTAF in their programs and related promotional materials. Acknowledgement should be given in text and graphically by using the NEA and WESTAF logos. Copies of both the WESTAF and NEA logos may be found on the WESTAF website Please point your browser to http //www.wesfaf org Alternately, you may request copies of these logos via regular or i - 1 - electronic mad by calling 303-629-1166. Acknowledgement of the Endowment and WESTAF's support can be phrased in a variety of ways—for example. Funding for the Commission and its programs is provided by the Western States Arts Federation and the National Endowment for the Arts. This project received support from the[your State Arts Agency], WESTAF, the Western States Arts Federation;and the Nationaf Endowment for the Arts Compliance is mandatory with all requirements, paperwork, and related timelines as described herein; failure to comply may jeopardize current and/or future funding from WESTAF TourWest is made possible through support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), and its participating state arts agencies. Support through TourWest is contingent on available funds We the undersigned understand and will comply with the terms of this contract. i4l June13 2006 Y for WESTAF Date �Yy VO �i t' for Presen er `-�U Date � 1 Lori Hogan, Interim Director Name and title(typed) 220 4th Avenue Address Kent WA 98032 City, State Zip Grant Contact- Ronda Billerbeck 253-856-5055, rbi71PrhPrkra i.kent,,' k Phone/Fax/E-mail Please return both pages within 30 days to: WESTAF 1743 Wazee St,Suite 300 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303/629-1166 Fax: 3031629-9717 E-mail shannon daut@westaf.org Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: SECOND QUARTER FEE-IN-LIEU FEES —ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept $31,500 for fee-in-lieu funds from Norris Homes and Power Custom Homes, and authorize the expenditure of funds in the Wilson Playfield and Clark Lake Park budgets Between April and June 2006, the City of Kent received a total of$31,500 from two developers who voluntarily paid fees, in lieu of dedicating park land to mitigate the development of single family homes in two subdivision. Norris Homes paid $18,000 for Tahoma Vista development and Power Custom Homes paid $13,500 for Powers Short Plat. Ordinance 2975 requires developers to dedicate park and open space land in proximity to new construction sites or to pay "fee-in-lieu" funds. The fee is based on assessed land values 3. EXHIBITS: Copy of Finance Revenue Report 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks and Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? X Revenue? X Currently in the Budget? Yes No - X If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund P20076 Amount $18,000 00 Unbudgeted Expense: Fund P20069 Amount $13,500 00 Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund P20013 56730 Amount $31,500.00 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Counctlmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6L u V N W QQ QQ JIQ Q Q ala a n. C 0 o � � rn m r- a O U `o `o n c T C t p w O 6 ~ N O J N h N ❑ `o o li £ z n ` E z m m V N N 4 CIO O O J C9 m a a� 0 o p o 0 p o in m b �n Elm v m m v # pp N O fD a0�O � N r r r u o o p m m o m m `o 0 !- m F- o m <0 0 W O O C O C O O 0 N 00 ❑ N N O OU J U Q O o U N m o � r M y O � n o � a w 0 0 N O O O a r r V N m 0 Z L O O O C7 0 O N N N Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: STARBUCKS GRANT FOR CLARK LAKE TRAIL DEVELOPMENT — ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the $15,000 grant from the Starbucks Coffee Company in support of the Clark Lake Trail Development Project and authorize the expenditure of funds in the Clark Lake Park budget In April, Park staff applied for the Starbucks Coffee Company neighborhood park grant program through the Kent Parks Foundation. Staff and Foundation members met the granting agency at the park site April 28 and explained the scope of work planned for trail development Staff and the Foundation Executive Director were informed on June 5 that the project was funded in the amount of$15,000 Eleven Starbucks employees participated in a community service project a Clark Lake Park on June 22, and constructed the trail which started on National Trails Day, June 3. The grant will be used to continue construction of the trail. 3. EXHIBITS: Starbucks Coffee Company award letter 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks and Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? X Revenue? X Currently in the Budget? Yes No_X If no. Unbudgeted Expense: Fund P20069 Amount $15,500 00 Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund P20069.56718 Amount $15,500 00 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6M Sraibucks Coffee Company Pacific Northwest Region 2200 rutl Pwn ir, sure IM Seattle,WA 181-14 206/903-8224 FAX 206/623 4671 6116106 jMs.Sally McDanough Kent Parks Foundation 26441 137th Ave.SE Kent, WA 98042 Re:Starbucks Neighborhood Park Grants Dear Ms. Sally McDanough, Starbucks is pleased to have the opportunity to show its support for Kent Parks Foundation("YouNour")as a grant recipient in the 2006 Starbucks Neighborhood Park Grants Program("Program")for the Clark Lake Park Trail Construction (the"Protect"). The purpose of this letter is to outline the conditions of our cash donation of Fifteen Thousand Dollars($15,000)(the"Donation")for the proposed park project submitted by Kent Parks Foundation in this Program. You acknowledge that Your organization(or your grant sponsor)is a charitable,nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status. You agree that the Donation will be used for the Project and that Your organization has strong community support and involvement by community members and that the Project will start within six months of the award notification. If you are unable to or do not go forward with the Protect,You agree to return the Donation to Starbucks. Once this letter has been signed by You and your grant sponsor(if applicable)and returned to Starbucks Coffee Company, the cash Donation of$15,000 will be forwarded to either You or Your grant sponsor. You may contact Gwen Edwards at Starbucks Coffee Company at(206)903-8224,ext. 2207 with any questions. Should there be any promotional events,press releases or promotional materials prepared in connection with the Donation by You, You agree to include the Starbucks logo and acknowledge Starbucks as a donor Starbucks shall have at least ten(10)days prior to the printing of any materials containing Starbucks name,logo or other trademarks to review and approve the use of such material You acknowledge that the permission granted to use Starbucks name and trademarks is expressly limited to use in connection with the Donation All trademarks shall be reproduced accurately and the matenats You create will not infringe upon the rights of any other party You will remove or correct any use not consented to by Starbucks at Your expense. Any materials or products provided by Starbucks to You are provided"as is,'without any warranty whatsoever Starbucks shall have the right, but not the obhgahon to use Your name,logo,image andfor likeness without separate written consent or compensation and identify itself as a donator in the Project and may use this information m its Stas6uckc Coffee Company Pacific Natthvvezt Region 2200 f r^I Aven00 Suite 100 Seattle WA Ile I✓7 206/W3 A224 FAX 20C/623-4671 advertising and/or press releases regarding the Program. In addition, Starbucks shall have the right,but not the obligation,to promote Your activities You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the Project. You agree that Starbucks will have no liability whatsoever and that You shall indemnify,defend and hold Starbucks harmless for any injuries, losses, liabilities,claims or damages of any kind resulting in whole or in part from the Donaton. In nine(9)months to one(1)year from the start of Your Project,You will be asked to provide a report to Slarbucks on the success of Your Protect and the value of Starbucks Donation to the Project Please signify Your acceptance of the conditions of our Donation contained in this letter by signing this letter and returning it to the attention of Starbucks Neighborhood Parks Program at 2200 First Avenue S Suite 100 Seattle,WA 98134 or use the enclosed envelope. If you are using a grant sponsor,they will need to sign the letter as well. We wish you every success in your efforts! Very truly yours, STARBUCKS CORPORATION (d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY) Signature:_ Its: Date: Agreed to and Accepted: NAME C��fCO S Sign re: i its - Date: f Grant Sponsor Name (if applicable) Signature: Its: Date: Co 7 Y f,�� tKent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: S. 228TH EROSION CONTROL FINAL PAY ESTIMATE — APPROVE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the S 2281h Street Erosion Control/Storm Event Mitigation project as complete and release retamage to Scotty's General Construction, Inc. 3. EXHIBITS: None 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense• Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6N Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: TOWN SQUARE PLAZA FOUNTAIN BASE AGREEMENT— AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorization for the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Seattle Solstice LLC in the amount of$35,000, excluding Washington State Sales Tax to design, fabricate and deliver the fountain base for the future Town Square Plaza, upon review by the City Attorney The Mayor waived the procurement requirement in accordance with Kent City Code 3 70 080 and determined it was in the City's best interest to negotiate directly with Seattle Solstice LLC for the design, fabrication, and delivery of the fountain base because the entire fountain (floating sphere and base) is being fabricated from one piece of imported granite. Not only is it critical that the sphere be engineered to float freely inside of the base while maintaining the tolerances necessary for proper functioning of the piece as a whole, but only two other companies have the technology necessary to fabricate the base and they are located to Germany and Japan, making it difficult to meet the City schedule and budget limitations. 3. EXHIBITS: Agreement with Seattle Solstice LLC and Sole Source Procurement Waiver 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks and Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? Yes Revenue? Currently in the Budget? Yes X No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 60 i KENT WnSHIMOTOH CITY OF KENT PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Suzette Cooke FROM: Lod Hogan,Acting Director C: John Hodgson SUBJECT: Waiver of Procurement Requirements DATE: July 19, 2006 REFERENCE: Section 3.70.080 Kent City Code Number 1.1.10 City of Kent Administration Policy PROJECT: Town Square Plaza FUNDING: General Obligation Bonds The Parks Department is asking for a written determination waiving the bidding requirements as allowed in the above referenced sections to purchase the base for the floating granite sphere fountain that is being donated by the Kent Rotary Clubs as provided by Seattle Solstice LLC. The estimated cost of the base is $35,000.00 which includes design, engineering, fabrication and delivery. Applicable Washington State Sales Tax (WSST)of 8 8%will be added to the contract. The funding source is City of Kent General Obligation Bonds dedicated towards the development of Town Square Plaza. jWe believe it is in the City's best interest to negotiate a purchase price directly with Seattle Solstice LLC for the following reasons: • Seattle Solstice is fabricating the sphere and base from the same piece of granite while the granite piece being used has been imported from India for this protect • It is critical that the sphere is engineered to float freely inside of the base while the tolerances necessary between both pieces is essential in the proper function of the piece as a whole_ • The only two other companies that have the technology to fabricate the base are located in Germany and Japan, making it difficult to meet our schedule and budget If you determine the procurement waiver is justified,and once the contract with Seattle Solstice LLC is negotiated, it will be submitted to the Parks Committee and the City Council for signature autho ion. or S zette Cooke Date` iTown Square Plaza 1 of 1 07/1 9/Oft Fountain Base Waiver AGREEMENT FOR ART WORK KENT between the City of Kent and Seattle Solstice, LLC 1117 WnSMINOTON THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (the "City"), and Seattle Solstice, L.L.C. ("the Artist"), located and doing business at 7500 Fifth Avenue South, Seattle, WA 9H108. iARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. 1.1 General. a. The Artist shall perform all services and work, and furnish all supplies, materials, and equipment as necessary for designing, engineering, fabricating and delivering to the City of the Work as described in attached Exhibit A, incorporated by this reference (the "Work"). b. The Artist shall determine the artistic expression, scope, design,color,size, material, and texture of the Work, subject to review and acceptance by the City. C. The Artist will estimate the life of the Work and will guarantee durability of workmanship and materials against normal exposure to the elements in the Town Square Plaza for five (5) years. 1.2 Structural Design Review. a. Within thirty (30) days after the City approves the Work, the Artist shall prepare and submit to the City detailed working drawings of the Work, together with such other graphic material as may reasonably be requested by the City in order to permit the City to carry out structural design review and to certify the compliance of the Work with any applicable statutes and ordinances. The City shall furnish to the Artist all information, materials, and assistance required by the Artist in connection with said submission by the Artist promptly on the request by the Artist for such information. Should the Structural Design Review find that the Artist's work does not conform to safety and material standards, the Artist shall be required to make the necessary changes at its own expense. b. The City may require the Artist to make such revisions to the Work as are necessary for the Work to comply with applicable statutes, ordinances, or regulations of any governmental regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the project. C. The City may also request revisions for other practical (non-aesthetic) reasons. d. Within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Artist's submission pursuant to Section 1.3, the City shall notify the Artist of its approval or disapproval of such submission and of all revisions made in the Work as a result thereof. Revisions made pursuant to this Agreement become a part of the Work. 1.3 Execution of the Work. a. After written approval of the submissions and revisions made pursuant to Section 1.2, 1 the Artist shall furnish to the City a schedule for completion of fabrication and delivery of the Work, including a schedule for the submission of progress reports, if any. After written approval of the schedule by the City, the Artist shall design, fabricate, and deliver the Work in accordance with that schedule. The schedule may only be amended by written agreement between the City and the Artist. b. The City shall have the right to review the Work at reasonable times during fabrication. The Artist shall submit progress reports to the City in accordance with the schedule provided for in Section 1.3(a). AGREEMENT FOR ARTWORK - 1 C. The Artist shall complete the fabrication and delivery of the Work in substantial conformity with the Work. d. In the event the services of the Artist are integrated into, combined, or otherwise coordinated with services by third parties not within the control of the Artist, the Artist shall not be responsible for that third party services. If proper execution of the Artist's work depends upon the work of the City or a third party, the Artist shall, prior to proceeding with the work, promptly report to the City any apparent discrepancies or defects in the third party's work that renders it unsuitable for proper execution. Any costs incurred as a result of the defective work shall be borne by the party responsible for the discrepancy or defect. 1.4 Delivery and Installation. a. The Artist shall notify the City in writing when fabrication of the Work is complete and ready for delivery and the Artist shall deliver the completed Work for installation in compliance with procedures approved by the City pursuant to Section 1.3. 1.5 Post-Installation. a. The Artist shall be available at those times agreed between the City and the Artist to attend any inauguration or presentation ceremonies relating to the Work. The City shall use its best efforts to arrange publicity for the completed Work. b. Upon completion, the Artist shall provide written instructions for appropriate maintenance and preservation of the Work. 1.6 Final Acceptance. a. The Artist shall advise the City in writing when all services required prior to those described in Section 1.5(b) have been completed in substantial comormity with the Work. b. When the City determines that the work contemplated in this Agreement is complete, the City shall notify the Artist of its final acceptance of the Work. 1.7 Risk of Loss. The risk of loss or damage to the Work shall be borne by the Artist until final acceptance by the City, and the Artist shall protect the Work from loss or damage until final acceptance; except that the risk of loss or damage shall be borne by the City prior to final acceptance while the Work is in the actual custody, control, or supervision of the City; provided, that the Artist shall bear the risk of loss and damage of the Work due to structural or design defects at all times including the warranty period. 1.8 Indemnity by City. Each party shall defend, indemnify, and hold the other harmless for losses attributed to each party's own comparative negligence. 1.9 Title. Title to the Work shall pass to the City upon final acceptance. 1.10 Ownership Df Documents, Models. Upon final acceptance, all studies, drawings, designs, maquettes, and models prepared and submitted under this Agreement shall be returned to the Artist and shall belong to the Artist. The City may select and the Artist shall convey to the City one of the original drawings submitted pursuant to section 1.2 as part of the Work, the City representing that such drawing(s) will be used by it solely for exhibition. At the request of the City, the Artist agrees to inan the City studies, drawings, and maquettes for use in exhibits of display and the Artist will not unreasonably withhold its consent. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION, PAYMENT SCHEDULE, AND EXPENSES. 2.1 Compensation and Payment Schedule. The Artist shall be paid for Work only as provided in this section. Each payment shall constitute full compensation for all work performed and services rendered including all incidentals necessary to complete the Work. If state sales tax is due, the City will pay that amount owing to the Artist who shall be responsible to collect and report those taxes to the State. Total payment, including all expenses and sales tax, if any, shall not exceed the surn of$35,000. Payments will be made as follows: Payment of 17 500 Upon both parties' execution of this Agreement. Payment of$17,500 Within thirty (30) days from the date of final acceptance 2.2 Artist's Expenses. The Artist shall be responsible for the payment of all mailing or shipping charges on submissions to the City, the costs of transporting the Work to the site, and the costs of all travel by the Artist and the Artist's agents and employees necessary for the proper performance of the services required under this Agreement. ARTICLE 3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. 3.1 Duration. Time is of the essence in the Artist's performance of this Agreement. The services set forth in Article 1 shall be completed in accordance with the schedule for completion of the Work pursuant to Section 1.2. 3.2 Early Completion of Artist Services. The Artist shall bear the transportation and storage costs resulting from the completion of Artist services hereunder prior to the time provided in the schedule for completion. 3.3 Time Extensions. The City shall grant a reasonable extension of time to the Artist in the event there is a delay on the part of the City in performing its obligations under this Agreement or in completing the underlying capital project. ARTICLE 4, WARRANTIES. 4.1 Warranties of Title. In addition to the warranty set forth in paragraph 1.1(c), the Artist also warrants that: (a) the Work is solely the result of the artistic effort of the Artist, (b) except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the City, the Work is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c) that the Work or a duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; and (d) the Work is free and clear of any liens from any source whatsoever. 4.2 Warranties of Quality and Condition. In addition to the warranty set forth in paragraph 1.1(c), Artist represents and warrants, except as otherwise disclosed to the City in writing in connection with submission of the Work pursuant to Section 1.1(b) and 1.2(c), that: (a) the execution and fabrication of the Work will be performed in a workmanlike manner; (b) the Work, as fabricated and installed, will be free of defects in material and workmanship, Including any defects that would cause or accelerate detenoration of the Work; and (c) reasonable maintenance of the Work will not require procedures substantially in excess of those described in the maintenance recommendations to be submitted by the Artist to the City hereunder. The warranties described in this Section 4.2 shall survive for a period of five (5) years as outlined in Section 1.1(c), after the City's final acceptance of the Work. The City shall give notice to the Artist A/"CCAACAIT CnD ADTAInDV _ '2 of any observed breach with reasonable promptness. The Artist shall, at the request of the City, and at no cost to the City, cure reasonably and promptly the breach of any warranty and Artist's cure will be consistent with professional conservation standards (including, for example, cure by means of repair or refabrication of the Work). ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE. Artist shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement,insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit B, attached and incorporated by this reference. ' ARTICLE 6. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS. 61 Retention of Rights and Issuance of License. The Artist retains all rights it may be entitled to pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 101, et sea., and all other rights in and to the Work except ownership and possession, and except as such rights are limited by this Section 6.1. Because the parties intend that the Work in its final dimension shall be unique, the Artist shall not make any additional exact duplicate reproductions of the Work or permit others to do so except by written permission of the City. 6.2 Recognition of City. The Artist shall use her best efforts to give a credit reading substantially, "an original work owned and commissioned by the City of Kent," in any public showing under the Artist's control of reproductions of the Work. 6.3 Intellectual Property. If for any reason the proposed design is not implemented,all rights to the proposed Artist's artwork shall be recognized as the Artist's intellectual property. ARTICLE 7. ARTIST'S RIGHTS. 7.1 Maintenance. The City shall take reasonable steps to assure that the Work is maintained and protected. The City shall take into account the instructions and recommendations of the Artist and shall take ' reasonable steps to protect and maintain the Work in its original condition. 7.2 Repairs and Restoration. a. The City shall have the right to determine, after consultation with a professional conservator, when and if repairs and restorations to the Work will be made. The City may, at its option, consult with the Artist regarding the aesthetics of all repairs and restorations. b. All repairs and restorations shall be made in accordance with recognized principles of conservation. 7.3 Alteration of the Work or of the Site. a. The City agrees that it will not alter, modify, or change the Work without first attempting to obtain the prior written approval of the Artist. b. The City shall employ its good faith efforts to notify the Artist of any proposed alteration of the site that would affect the intended character and appearance of the Work, to consult with the Artist in the planning and execution of any alteration, and to make a reasonable effort to maintain the integrity of the Work. C. Nothing in this Section 7.3 shall preclude any right of the City: (1) to remove the Work from public display or (2) to sell or destroy the Work for any reason. If the City at any time decides to sell or destroy the Work, it shall, by written notice to the Artist's last known address to the City, offer the Artist a AraFFMFNT FOR ARTWORK - 4 easonable opportunity to purchase or recover the Work pursuant to Washington State law for the disposition if property and applicable local ordinances, policies, or rules relating to the disposition of City personal �roperty. 7.4 Artist's Address. The Artist shall notify the City of changes in address. The failure to do so, if such failure prevents the City from locating the Artist, shall be deemed a waiver by the Artist of the right subsequently to enforce those provisions of this Article 7. Is 7.5 Surviving Covenants. The covenants and obligations set forth in this Article 7 shall be binding �upon the parties, their heirs, legatees, executors, administrators, assigns, transferees, and all their successors in interest, and the City's covenants do attach and run with the Work. ARTICLE S. ARTIST AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Artist shall perform all Work under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an *agent or an employee of the City. The Artist shall not be supervised by any employee of the City nor shall the •Artist exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City. ARTICLE 9. ASSIGNMENT, TRANSFER, SUBCONTRACTING. 9.1 Written Consent. Neither the City nor the Artist shall assign or transfer an interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other; provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due from the City under this Agreement may be assigned to a financial institution without approval. 9.2 Subcontracting. The Artist may not subcontract the Work. ARTICLE 10. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon giving the other party not less than thirty (30) days written notice as provided in Section 11.4 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 11. MISCELLANEOUS. I11.1 Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. 11.2 Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 11.3 Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; ArMP=LACRM CnD ADTU/r101e _ S provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section 1.8 of this Agreement. 11.4 Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. 11.5 Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assegning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. 11.6 Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Vendor. 11.7 Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 11.8 Compliance with Laws. The Vendor agrees to comply with all federal,state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Vendor's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. 11.9 Heirs and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the , City and the Artist and their respective heirs, personal representative, successors and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement,which shall become effective on the last date entered below. ARTIST: CITY: SEATTLE SOLSTICE, L.L.C. CITY OF KENT By: By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Stuart Kendall Print Name: Suzette Cooke Its Owner Its Mayor (title) DATE: DATE: AGREEMENT FOR ARTWORK - 6 NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: ARTIST: CITY OF KENT: Stuart Kendall Mr. Perry Brooks Seattle Solstice LLC City of Kent Parks and Community Svcs Dept. 7500 Fifth Avenue South 220 Fourth Avenue South Seattle, WA 98108 Kent, WA 98032 (206) 763-0221 (telephone) (253) 856-5114 (telephone) (206) 763-0277 (facsimile) (253) 856-6050 (facsimile) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department i 1 1 1 i 1 i i r AGREEMENT FOR ARTWORK - 7 EXHIBIT A July 19, 2006 TO: Perry Brooks Kent Parks Department City of Kent,Washington RE: Ball base for new City of Kent park: Contract between the city of Kent or it's agent and Seattle Solstice LLC. The following letter agreement concerts the design, engineering, fabrication and delivery of the base socket will)plastic surrounds required for the approximately 62" diameter floating sphere which is being donated by the Rotaty Chubs of Kent in association with Seattle Solstice, LLC. 1. FORM: A base socket with a plastic surround, engineered and fabricated to t support the floating"ball" (sphere)which will be supplied by others. 2. SIZE: Approximately 56.25" in Diameter by 25 50" inches high. These figures are subject to a plushninus tolerance of 8%. Actual as built dunensions will be available by August 1, 2006 at which time drawings to affected parties will be released. 3. MATERIAL: Reinforced,banded cast concrete with a machined UHMW polyethylene inner liner and an ABS plastic surround per Portico's specifications for material, dimensions and color. 4. WEIGHT: Approximately 2800 lbs. i 5. MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS: The base will be cast in ferro cement with reinforcing steel, lilting eyes, water delivery entry points and a polyethylene liner, secured to the concrete via cast in place stainless hardware. A 12"wide stainless steel compression band will surround the top of the cylindrical side. The lifting eyes will penetrate a temporary socket cover. Seattle Solstice will remove both the lifting eyes and the cover when the sphere is seated. The ABS plastic surround will be attached to the base via stainless steel assemblies and hardware. 6. TOTAL PRICE: $38,080.00 This price includes state and local sales taxes, design, engineering, fabrication, insurance and delivery of the base to the site along with supervision as required by the City of Kent's contractor for its installation. 7. TIME OF DELIVERY: Delivery of the base will be at the option of the Contractor, but no sooner than September 15, 2006. 8. LAW: The terms of this agreement will be governed by Washington State Law. 9. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT: At the time of approval and signing of this contract, 50% of the contract sum will be due and payable to Seattle Solstice in order to begin the work. The final 50% of the contract sum will be due and payable within thirty(30) days of satisfactory completion of the installation of the base at the City of Kent's park site site. All payments are to be made by the City of Kent or by Their Designated Representative to Seattle Solstice, LIX. 10. WARRANTY: Seattle Solstice guarantees the socket base to be free of any defects in material or workmanship. However Seattle Solstice will not be liable for any damage after the installation of the base socket which might occur as a result of accidents or mishandling by personnel working or recreating in the area, Seattle Solstice will provide a full five-year warranty—parts and labor---on the base socket and we will be happy to negotiate a further limited warranty and/or maintenance agreement for the entire base socket and sphere with the City of Kent once the installation is commissioned and accepted. This contract is the entire agreement between the parties. If the above meets your approval,kindly sign and return the enclosed copy of this contract along with your check for the initial payment. Stuart Kendall, Seattle Solstice,LLC City of Kent's Authorized Representative Approved (Date) r� EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE CONTRACTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may artse from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Ltability insurance covering all owned, non-owned,hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary,the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Connnercral General Liabtltty_ insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement LSO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the Ctty using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial hlsurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: I. Automobile Liability insurance with a rninimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shalt be wtitten witli limbs no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a$2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate Britt. EXHIBIT B (Continued ) C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by etthei party, except after thirty(30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. i3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement nailing the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against wham claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors IContractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. r 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: PROPOSED LID 359, 116TH AVENUE —RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING DATE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Resolution No. setting September 5, 2006, as the hearing date on proposed formation of Local Improvement District 359. 1 The city is planning to widen 116`h Avenue SE between Kent Kangley Road and S. 256`h Street, which is part of the 2771h Corridor that has not yet been fully improved to city standards The project will widen 116`h Avenue SE from two lanes to five lanes and will include bike lanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, a new storm water system, a new street illumination system, and will underground existing overhead power and telephone wires. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvements is $6,702,000. Approximately $4,686,802 of that cost and expense will be paid by the city or through the use of grants and the remainder, roughly $2,015,197, will be assessed against the properties specially benefited by the improvements in the proposed local improvement district 3. EXHIBITS: Tim LaPorte's memorandum, dated 7/17/06 and resolution 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense. Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6P PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 400 Larry R. Blanchard, Public A Vorks Director • ` K EN T Phone 253-356-5500 W A S H I N G T O N Fax 253-856-6500 Address 220 Fouith Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: July 10, 2006 I To: Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members PW Comnuttee Meeting Date: July 17, 2006 From: Tun LaPorte, Engineering Design Manager Through: Larry Blanchard,Public Works Director Subject: Proposed L.I.D. —116"'Ave S. E. Street and Utility Improvements (Kent Kangley Road to S. E. 256th Street) Motion: ■ Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Infonnation Only Recommend adoption of the Resolution of Intent setting a public hearing date on the formation of a street and utility L.I.D. for the 19 properties shown on the attached map. r Will document be required? ■ Ordinance ■ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Contract ❑ Policy ❑ SOP's ❑ Other 1 Governing Policies Procedures Rules & Regulations: RC W's ' BACKGROUND 1 HISTORY: As you maybe aware the City has been planning to widen 116th Avenue SE between Kent Kangley Road and S 256th Street. This section of 1161h Avenue is part of the 277d' Corridor which has not yet been fully improved to City standards. The project 1 has been on the City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and is known as the S 277`h Corridor Extension. Traffic studies show that traffic demand will continue to increase on this section of 116'h Avenue. The roadway facilitates traffic from SE 256`' Street to the already improved portion of the 272"d Street Corridor south of Kent Kangley Road. The project will widen the street from two lanes to five and will include bike lanes each way, curb, gutters, sidewalk, a new stone water system, a new street illumination system, and would underground the existing overhead power and telephone wires. Also included is widening on Kent Kangley Road near the intersection with 116`h Street. City Engineering staff have Propwol LID 1160 AwIPWC6..wnUduNPNgcdw N competed for a state grant to help pay for the costs and were ultimately successful in obtaining a $1.9 million dollar grant for the project. To complete the project the City needs to widen the right-of-way to accommodate the wider roadway. Following a typical process the City hired an outside appraiser and property negotiator to acquire the strips of private property needed adjacent to the roadway. During the process of negotiation with the property owners in this area to acquire these property strips it became evident that nearly all of the property owners wanted to have sewer service installed, and again nearly all of the property owners wanted to either sell their property to a developer or redevelop the property themselves. To develop individual properties a developer would have to install the necessary sanitary sewers, ' storm sewers, water lines, storm water detention and build typical street frontage improvements similar to what you would see in other private residential developments throughout the City. , The grant the City obtained cannot be used for the utility extensions that would benefit individual private properties, but only for the general roadway. Because the properties have requested these utility e xtensions to their private property to allow development to occur, the City investigated the best way for the property owners to finance the added cost and recommended a local improvement district. One of the property owners circulated all L.I.D petition and collected signatures from a number of property owners. In addition, there are two other parcels which have signed L I D. no protest covenants for street improvements. The cost of adding the utilities and extending the sewer, water lines, and street frontage unprovements was estimated. Information was sent to all of the property owners within the proposed L.I.D including the project description, L.I.D. information and the proposed assessment. Subsequently, we met individually with all but three of the property owners which declined the invitation . Nearly all of the property owners expressed interest in developing their property or eventually selling to a developer. During these meetings we discussed the potential for development of each property owners property and the need for street and utility improvements to allow development to occur. An individual property owner could extend the sanitary sewer to their property and pay the full cost up front, however, for most cases this would not be economically feasible. With the L.I D. everybody serviced shares in the cost. It also make sense to install the utilities prior to the street construction to avoid cutting the new street and the associated extra costs at a later date. The City has obtained grant funding and has other funds to reduce the cost of the street , improvements. Including the L.I.D. improvements in the City project increases the economy of scale as larger projects usually receive better prices which also reduces the cost. Also, the L.I.D. provides a 15 year payment plan at a low rate of interest. The response to the proposal was very positive. Therefore, the next step in the formation process is for City Council to pass the Resolution of Intent scheduling the formation public hearing. PROPOSED L.I.D. IMPROVEMENTS FOR 116Ti AVE SE Sanitary Sewer: ' The project consists of installing an eight-inch diameter sanitary sewer collection system complete with manholes Six-inch diameter side sewer stubs from the main line to the property lines at the street are also included. For properties where future multiple connections are Propmrd LID Ile Ane1PWComm,f1mWct�,Pagcd6c anticipated, the appropriate number of stubs are included. Where there is anticipated significant future development, an eight inch stub is included. Water: A City water main is already located within 116`h Ave SE and the existing houses are already connected, however, for future development of the properties, additional connections to the water main will be required. To avoid cutting the new street, stubs and services to accommodate future development will be installed to the edge of the right of way. This work includes one inch service lines for anticipated future lots or where required, an eight inch stub for a main extension. Roadway: The roadway improvements include widening to 5 lanes ( 2 lanes each direction with a center 1 turn lane), bike lanes, curb and gutter, sidewalk, channelrzation, signing, storm drainage and detention including stubs to adjacent properties as well as street lighting, street trees and undergromnding of overhead power and telephone wires. These improvements include the roadway frontage improvements typically required for development. NEED FOR THE, IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed L.I.D. improvements are needed for development as discussed above. In addition, sanitary sewer is needed for other reasons. The project area is an older residential area with septic systems. All residential lots except one I have homes. It is not known how many existing septic systems are technically in a state of failure if any. However, we did receive input regarding septic problems. Due to the age of the septic systems and the potential for problems, the sewer is a desirable improvement, particularly with the adjacent creek. Usually it is difficult and expensive to repair septic problems, especially with today's stneter standards Sanitary sewers are usually the only feasible, economical and long term method for addressing these potential problems, especially when numerous property owners in a neighborhood support sewer installation as is the case with this proposal. The Department of Public health has told us that the life expectancy of a septic system is twenty ' to thirty years depending on use and maintenance and that they are a short term disposal method until public sewers become available. These homes were built in the 1950's and 1960's, with some being older, therefore the project area has exceeded this time frame. These systems are at or are near the end of their useful life The cost of septic repairs may also be as high as converting to public sewers. The latest state codes make septic repairs more difficult and expensive than in the past. The soil type within the project area is rated poor for septic system use. According to the Soil Conservation Service (US Dept. of Agriculture) soil survey for King County, the soil type as mapped is rated "severe hinitation" (worst case) for septic dram fields. The soil series is designated as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam This soil exhibits very low permeability below a depth of 24 to 40 inches and has a seasonal high water table less than 4 foot depth. Effluent and I drainage move laterally over the shallow imperious layers. Effluent may come to tine surface resulting in odor. In addition to the need for sewers in this area to replace the old septic systems, there are environmental concerns. Septic systems are a threat to water quality, fish and wildlife and public health within the drainage basin for this area. A stream tributary to Soosette Creek runs through Proposed LID Ile A,a PWC.....f eUU.nPage doc the project area. There is also a wetland along one portion of the stream Septic seepage and runoff can degrade water quality in the stream and wetland. FUNDING: The proposed project funding is as follows: T.I.B. Grant $1,945,200 Environmental Mitigation Agreements (for the 277"' Corridor) $1,183,206 Drainage Funds $ 500,000 Other Street Funds $1,058,397 Local Improvement District $2,015,197 ' TOTAL PROJECT COST $6,702,000 The L.I.D. component assessments are as follows: Street $ 410,391.97 Sanitary Sewer $1,266,911.13 Water Stubs $ 163,726.04 Storm Detention $ 174,168.45 TOTAL $2,015,197.59 There are no City properties within this L.I.D. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: The proposed assessment for each component of the L.LD. was distributed as follows: 1 Street: These costs were distributed by square footage using the zone and termini method. The assessment rate decreases with each 100 foot zones back from the street frontage to the rear of the property. For this project there are up to 7 zones. The zone rate for the first 100 foot strip of each parcel is seven times the rate of the seventh zone from the frontage, the second zone from , the frontage is six time the rate of the seventh zone and so on. Most of the property within this L.I.D. is zoned single family (SR6 and SR8). Due to the different densities of single family and the fact that the benefit relates to the number of developable lots that can be obtained, the single f amily property assessments were c alcu I ated based on the number of developable lots. Each parcel was reviewed to determine the minimum number of lots that could be obtained through a short plat or full plat. The total cost from the zone and termini distribution for all of the single family zoned properties was distributed on a per future lot basis. The assessment for three other parcels zoned multiple family (MRM) and office-mixed use (O-MU) are per the zone and termini calculation. Sanitary Sewer: These assessments were calculated in the same manner as the street assessments described above. Water Stubs: Each property is assessed for the cost for the actual number of new one inch water services or for an eight inch stub from the existing water main as required to fully develop the property. Pr M,r d LID 116'Ale1PINConrm/ne¢Lfc/ronPrzg<rloc , Storm Detention: The 2 properties that are being assessed for storm detention will share a portion of the capacity of the City's proposed detention pond for the road project. A portion of this cost is assessed to these 2 properties (assessment numbers 8&9) based on an estimate of the cost to construct a pond to serve just these two properties. This cost is distributed based on the number of lots that can be developed for these 2 parcels. PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS; Upon Council passing the Ordinance confirming the Final Assessment Roll, there is a 30-day period in which any portion or all of the assessment can be paid without interest charges. After the 30-day period, the balance is paid over a ten-year period wherein each year's payment is one- fifteenth of the principal plus interest on the unpaid balance. The market determines the interest rate at the time the L.I.D. bonds are sold to the public. SUPPORT FOR LID 359: To defeat an L.I.D. proposal by protest, there must be protest from property owners representing 60% or more of the proposed L.I.D. assessments. The total project cost for calculating protest percentage is $2,015,197.59 The 60% protest amount would be $1,209,119. As indicated previously, there appears to be substantial property owner support for the project with substantially less than 60% protest. Should this level of support continue through the public hearing process, it will then be a City Council decision whether or not to proceed with the L.LD formation and approve the L I.D. formation ordinance. SEPA: The SEPA process for environmental review has been completed for this project and we are ready to move forward. SUMMARY; Property owners have petitioned for and have shown interest in forming a street Iand utility L.I.D. to obtain public improvements necessary for development of their properties. RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend adoption of the Resolution of I ntent setting a public hearing date for the foration of a street and utility L.I.D. for the 19 properties shown on the attached map. Proposed LID Ile Aw1PWCammweM&mmPage dm I I ! Fill SE 258TH ST � T I 1 1 I � I I 1 1 I O ! I 1 1 I N� I wl OS >I I!_I . I PR PAID MITIGATION fES 1 \ I I I I ! , 1 I I I I I � � 1 1 t I L I ! j SE 254TH PL O 1 f- I j t0 I � I I I I I I I O 1 � 1 I 1 I I I 1 \\ O I \ \`N I I 15 �"\\``\\` \ \ 1 1 A S kN i �-'� NNNN \ c..cmccama . cevu,CITY zOFNICENT aten,wa.aeoaz 1 ��� UD ASSESSMENT MAP 116M AYENUE SE 1 lO = LID ASSESSMENT NUMBER RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of , Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to order the construction of roadway improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, water main improvements, and a storm water detention pond; to create a local improvement district to assess a part of the cost and expense of carrying out those improvements against the properties specially benefited by the project; and to notify all persons who desire to object to the formation of this local improvement district and its attendant improvements to appear and present their objections at a hearing before the city council to be held on September 5, 2006. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, as follows: SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Kent, Washington, intends to L order the improvement of the properties within the area described in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated, by the construction of roadway improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, water main improvements, and a storm water detention pond, as more fully described in Exhibit B, attached and incorporated. All these improvements shall conform with the plans and specifications prepared by the city's Director of Public Works and may be modified as long as that ' modification does not affect the purpose of the improvements. SECTION 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvements is , declared to be $6,702,000; approximately $4,686,802 40 of that cost and expense to be paid by the city and from grants, and the balance (an estimated 1 Resolution of Intent — LID 359 t ' $2,015,197.60) to be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by the improvements. This proposed local improvement district will tinclude, as nearly as practicable, all property specially benefited by the improvements Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments so long as those assessments do not exceed the increased true and fair value that the improvements add to the property. SECTION 3 The city clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution and of the date, time, and place fixed for the public hearing to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land, or other property within the proposed local improvement district by mailing appropriate notice at least fifteen (15) days before the date fixed for the public hearing to the owners or reputed owners of the property as shown on the rolls of the King County Assessor at the address shown on the rolls, as required by law. This resolution also shall be published in its entirety in at least two (2) consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the city, the date of the first publication to be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. SECTION 4. All persons who wish to comment in support of or object to the formation of the proposed local improvement district and its attendant improvements are notified to appear and present those comments or objections at ' a hearing before the city council to be held in the council chambers in the Kent City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South in Kent, Washington, at 7:00 p.m. on tSeptember 5, 2006, which time and place are fixed for hearing all matters relating to the improvements, for receiving all comments and objections, and for determining the method of payment for the improvements. All persons who wish to object should appear and present their objections at that hearing. Any person ' who wishes to file a written protest with the city council may do so within thirty (30) days after the date of passage of the ordinance ordering the improvements in ' the event the local improvement district is formed. The written protest should be signed by the property owner(s) and should include the legal description of the property for which the protest is filed and should be delivered to the city clerk. t 2 Resolution of Intent — LID 359 t SECTION 5 The city's Director of Public Works is directed to submit to the ' city council on or prior to September 5, 2006, all data and information required by law to be submitted. Passed at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, this 1st day of August, 2006. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this day of August, 2006. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: FOSTER PEPPER PLLC , Special Counsel and Bond Counsel i i 1 t 3 Resolution of Intent — LID 359 1 1 Exhibit A L.I.D. Boundary Description L.I.D. 359 — 116th Avenue S.E. Street and Utility Improvements That portion of the northwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W M. and the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W M., all in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence S00156'55"W, along the east line of said Section 29, a distance of 660.21 feet to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N88003'55"W, along the south line of said subdivision, 655.92 feet to the west line of the east half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence S00035'16"W, along said west line, 165.60 feet to the south line of the north half of the north half of the south half of the east half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence S88006'42"E, along said south line, 654.87 feet to the east line of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence S00056'55"W, along said east line, 165.05 feet to the south line of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence N88009'29"W, along said south line, 366.75 feet to the east line of the west 287.00 feet of the east half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence S00035'16"W, along said east line, 330.74 feet to the south line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 29; thence N88015'05"W, along said south line, 36 61 feet; thence SO1006'30"W 325 20 feet; thence N89001'18"E 178 31 feet; thence 1 S02040'13"W 181.41 feet to the northeasterly margin of SR 516 (a.k.a. Kent-Kangley Highway); thence S61105'12"E, along said northeasterly margin, 259.70 feet to the east line of said Section 29; thence continuing S61005'12"E, along said northeasterly margin, 580.16 feet to the east line of Lot 1, King County Short Plat, KCSP 382004R, recorded under King County Recording Number 8509090500; thence N021117'22"E, along said east line, 227.16 feet; thence N87042'38"W, along the north line thereof, 203.15 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 7 of Seven Oaks Terrace, as recorded in Volume 142 of Plats, pages 42 and 43, records of King County; thence N0201741"E, along the west line of said plat, 656.48 feet to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 28 and an angle point in the west line of said plat; thence N00057'50"E along the ' west line of Seven Oaks Division 1, as recorded in Volume 127 of Plats, pages 3 and 4, records of King County, a distance of 660 20 feet to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 28; thence N88056'39"W along said south line, 330 24 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Exhibit A 1 Exhibit B ' Description of Improvements L.I.D 359 — 1161" Avenue S.E. Street and Utility Improvements Roadway Improvements: The roadway improvements include widening to 5 lanes ( 2 lanes each direction with a center turn lane), bike lanes, curb and gutter, sidewalk, channelization, signing, storm , drainage including stubs to the adjacent properties, street lighting, street trees and undergrounding of overhead power and telephone wires Also included is widening on Kent Kangley Road at the intersection with 116th Avenue to provide for additional turn lanes. The project also includes the purchase of additional right of way to accommodate the widening. ON FROM TO 116T" Ave S.E. Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) approximately 140 feet south of S.E. 256th Street (L I D. assessments are to approximately 660 feet south of S.E. 256th Street) Kent Kangley Road approximately 300 feet west approximately 97D feet of 116th Ave. S.E. east of 116th Ave. S.E. (There are no street assessments along Kent Kangley Road.) Sanitary Sewer Improvements: The project consists of installing an eight-inch diameter sanitary sewer collection system complete with manholes to service all properties within the L.I.D. boundary not currently serviced by sanitary sewer. Six-inch diameter side sewer stubs from the main line to the property lines at the street are also included For properties where future multiple connections are anticipated, the appropriate number of stubs are included Where there is , anticipated significant future development, an eight inch stub is included. Water Main Improvements: Stubs and services from the existing water main to accommodate future development will be installed to the edge of the right of way. This work includes one inch service lines for anticipated future lots or where required, an eight inch stub for a main line extension. Storm Water Detention: A storm water detention pond will be constructed at the northeast corner of 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 259th Place. Included is purchase of property for the pond. Exhibit B rCERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kent, Washington (the "City"), hereby certify as follows: 1. The attached copy of Resolution No. (the "Resolution") is a full, true and correct copy of an Resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held at the regular meeting place thereof on August 1, 2006, as that Resolution appears on the minute book of the City, and the Resolution will be in full force and effect immediately following its adoption. ' 2. A quorum of the members of the City Council was present throughout the meeting and a majority of those members present voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of August, 2006. CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Brenda Jacober, City Clerk 50697468 1 Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — SET HEARING DATE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Set a hearing date of August 15, 2006, for consideration of the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. The Draft 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes 38 projects with estimated project costs totaling $378,597,000.00. Six projects from the 2006-2011 TIP were dropped because they were completed or will be completed this year Those include the Pacific Highway project, Kent Station Infrastructure, Kent Transit Center Access Improvements, the South 277`h Street corridor bicycle path, and the west leg of the South 228`h Street Corridor. Six new projects are added this year with combined estimated project costs of$59,660,000. Including these projects in the Six-Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding partners and apply for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. ' 3. EXHIBITS: Draft 2007-2012 Six-Year TIP and Public Works Memorandum 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) ' 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? _ Revenue? Currently in the Budget? Yes X No If no• Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6Q PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 400 Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director • KENT Phone 253-856-5500 ' W.sHI G_O Fax 253-356-o500 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: July 10, 2006 To: Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date• July 17,2006 From: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director ItA Subject: Draft 2007—2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Motion: ■ Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Information Only Recommend that Public Works Committee forward the Draft 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Impro,ement Program (TIP) to the full Council and Recommend that Council set date for a Public Hearing. Will document be required? ■ Ordinance ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Contract ❑ Policy ❑ SOP's ❑ Other Governing Policies Procedures Rules & Regulations: RCW 35.77.010 Background/History: The Draft 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Project has ' 6 new projects for a combined $59,660,000 Including these projects in our Six-Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding partners and apply for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. Summary: The Draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP includes 38 projects with estimated project costs totaling $ 378,597,000. ' Recommendations: Recommend that Public Works Committee forward the Draft 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Program (TIP) to Council and Recommend that Council set a date for a ' Public Hearing on the Draft TIP. 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Resolution adoption the 2007-2012 Six Year TIP..........................0 i 2. Statement of Purpose..............................................................I i 3. Listing of the Projects..........................................................i-iv i 4. Map of the Projects............................................................map i 1 S. Project Descriptions.........................................................1 — 38 1 6 Contact Information..............................................................39 i 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' 2007-2012 PURPOSE What is the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)? The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that is annually updated based on needs and policies identified through a variety of sources. Project and Financial development involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local, regional, state and federal levels. It represents Kent's current list of needed projects that may begin work in the next six years The document also identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects included in the TIP Typically, projects listed in the first three years of the document are shown as having secured funding or there are reasonable expectations to acquire those finds, while projects in the last three years can be partially funded and be seeking funding partners. All projects are consistent with the City's adopted 2004 Comprehensive Plan. Mandated by State Law State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77 010) In order for cities to compete for transportation funding grants from Federal and State soutces most granting agencies require that projects be included in the TIP. Federal grant funded and regionally significant projects from the first three years of the City's TIP are included in the Regional TIP, which is assembled by the Puget Sound Regional Council for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. The regional TIPS (RTIP) from around the state are then combined to form the State TIP (STIP),* which is approved by the Governor and then submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for their review and approval. ' *The State TIP (STIP) is a three-year, fiscally constrained and prioritized program of transportation projects compiled from local and regional plans. Beginning tit July 2007, the STIP is to change to a four-year document as described tit the Federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act — A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Projects listed in the STIP are the only projects that will be approved by the Federal Highway Administration to utilize federal funds 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 1. Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kangley Road at the Clark Springs Watershed) 2. South 2771h Street Corridor Extension Widen 116"'Avenue SE fi-oin Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to SE 256`h St 3. Kent Station Mitigation Projects Widen Willis Street at 4`'Avenue and Central Avenue at Willis Street 4. Transportation Master Plan Major update of the Kent 1984 Comprehensive Transportation Plan 5. South 228`h Street/Burlington Northern Santa 6e Railroad Grade Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad 6. 84"' Avenue South Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation SR 167 to South 212ii' Street 7. I-5/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction—Phase I Provide transit and HOV Direct Access between South 272"d St and 1-5 8. 72"d Avenue South Extension South 20(1i'Street to South 196'1' Street 9. Smart Growth Initiative Widen South Street near Lincoln Avenue and widen Willis at 2"d Ave South 1 10. Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Sunth Street 11. SE 248"' Street improvements 116`i'Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast 12. 801h Avenue South Widening South 1961i'Street to South 188"'Street t CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 13. Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Iniprovenient 14. South 228ih Street/Union Pacific Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 15. Southeast 256"' Street Widening, Phase II SR 516(Relit Kangley Road) to 116"'Avenue SE 16. Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bridge to East Willis Street (SR 516) 17. South 2281" Street Corridor—Phase Ili/South 224"' Street Extension 84`r'Avenue South to 104"'Avenue Southeast (Benson Rood)(SR515) 18. Willis Street (SR 516) Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR) 19. Willis Street(SR516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 20. Military Road Widening South 272"d Street to South 240i" Street 21. South 2121h Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 22. South 212`h StreetBurlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 23. West Meeker Street Widening—Phase I 64`1' Averure South to the Green River Bridge 24. West Meeker Street Widening—Phase II SR 516 to the east side of the Green River, including a new bridge �i CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Project Name Number Project Location and Extent 25. 108"' Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kanglev Road(SR 516) to SE 256"'Street 26. South 272"d Street Widening—Phase II Pacific Highhivy South to,11ilitat),Road South 27. SR 1811West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxunately the 218'" block 28. South 2081h Street Improvements 84ir'Avenue South to 9611' Wav South 29. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase I Southeast 288t" Street to Kent Kanglev Road(SR 516) 30. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase II Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to Southeast 24811' Street 31. 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase III Southeast 248'1' Street to Southeast 236"' Street 32. Southeast 256th Street Widening—Phase III 13211d Avenue Southeast to 148'h Avenue Southeast 33. South 196t"/192"d Street Corridor—Phase III 841h Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108"'Avenue SE(SR 515) 34. State Route 167 (SR 167) Widening On,staff engineering and planning support of WSDOT project to widen State Route 167 front SR 512 to South 180'h Street 35. Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing cit wide program to encourage the use of non-motorized transportation modes and provide safe routes for schoolchildren tit I I CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM S 2007-2012 Project Project Name Number Protect Location and Extent 36. Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongoing citvwide program to elaninate potentially hazardous roadway conditions 37. Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing citywide prograin to provide enhanced transit service within the City and provide mobility and independence to Senior Citizens,youth and others who prefer to niove about the City without an automobile 38. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing citywide program to repair and/or replace pedestrian ramps in compliance with the Federal Government's Americans with Disabilities Act I I i iv CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT 41: Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kanglev Road at the Clark Springs Watershed DESCRIPTION: Dig out and repair areas of the roadbed that have failed. Overlay the full- width roadway with two inches of asphalt concrete and crack stabilizing fabric to rehabilitate this arterial. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................. $60,000 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 Construction ............ ........ .............$300,000 TOTAL...........................................$360,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Our Pavement Management Analysts rates this road as a critical candidate for overlay. The City is increasingly responding to unscheduled requests to repair potholes. High average daily truck traffic carrying unusually heavy loads is accelerating the distressed conditions of the travel lanes, elevating the risk of damage to vehicles from developing potholes. 41P-Arterial Improvement Piogt am[State],CM,AQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight ] Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndoi,FMS1B-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Boat d[State],FTA- Federal Transit Administration[Federal],FIGS-Hazard Elimination[Federal],I7J-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Program[Federal],TIA-Transportation Improvement Account,T18-Transportation Improvement Board[State],TPP— Transportatron Partnership Program[State] I CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT#2: South 277t" Street Corridor Extension Widen 1161h Avenue Southeast front Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to Southeast 256"' Street jj DESCRIPTION: Widen 116"' Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a two-way left turn lane and a bicycle facility. Also included in this project will be the widening of the intersection of Kent Kangley Road and 116"' Avenue Southeast to add an additional left turn lane to provide dual left turn lanes westbound on Kent Kangley Road to sorthbound 116"' Avenue Southeast and a right turn acceleration lane eastbound ou Kent Kangley Road from northbound 116"' Avenue Southeast. The project will include the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; bicycle lanes; street fighting; stone drainage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$400,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,100,000 Construction ................................$4,200,000 TOTAL........................................$5,700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The stretch of 116'" Avenue between the Kent Kangley Road and SE 256"' Street is a substandard roadway that acts as a bottleneck for those wishing to access the South 2771" Street corridor from the north and those wishing to access South 256"' Street from the south. SE 256"' Street, at the north end of the project, is a major east-west corridor that connects 1 the SR 515/SR516 intersection and SR 18 with 116"' Avenue. Traffic volumes are continuing to increase and this stretch of the roadway cannot accommodate the existing or anticipated future traffic volumes. hn addition, this stretch of 116"' Avenue is lacking curb, gutter and sidewalk. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CAIAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 2 Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Condor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Fedeial Tiansit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Tiansportation Systems [Fedeial],LID—Local Improvement District,PlVTF—Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Tiansportation Progiam[Federal],TIA—Tiansportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Progiam[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT 93: Kent Station Mitigation Projects 6fiden Willis Street at 4`h Averlve and Central Avenue at Wdhs Street DESCRIPTION: Provide an additional left-turn pocket on eastbound Willis Street to northbound Avenue. Provide a right-turn pocket southbound on Central Avenue to westbou Willis Street PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering...................$53,000 Right of Way Acquisition... ........... .$44,000 Construction ......... . .................$423,000 TOTAL...........................................S520,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, WSDOT Overlay Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects are traffic mitigation requirements for additional trips generated by the Kent Station development. The City of Kent will be implementing th projects required by the developer. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAO—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 3 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridoi,FilISLY—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board [State],FT,d— Federal Tiansit Ad nuustrauon[Federall,HES—Hazard Elimination [Fedeial],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Impiovement District,PWTF—Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation Impiovement Account,TIB— transportation Impiovement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 YEAR: 2007 - 2009 jPROJECT #A Transportation Master Plan DESCRIPTION: This project consists of a major update of the Transportation Master Plan including near-teen and long range planning of the City's transportation system needs. Project costs will include consultant contracts from transportation planning, concurrency management, public involvement, travel demand and traffic operations modeling and analysis of potential financing strategies to construct, operate and maintain the City's transportation network. The project may include staff resources, hardware and software to analyze and manage the transportation network and develop implementing legislation and regulations related to the transportation system. i PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$850,000 Right of Way Acquisition..................... ....$0 Construction ..............................................$0 TOTAL...........................................$850,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City's Transportation Master Plan is more than 20 years old and needs to be brought into compliance with current Growth Management I policies and practices as defined in PSRC's Destination 2030, the region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan The City must be in compliance with all State, County and Regional policies in order to be eligible to apply for competitive transportation grants_ Likewise, the City would like to investigate methods of measuring Concurrency that would incorporate all modes of travel, better reflect the ways our community is changing, engage the community in the discussion of their future transportation investments, and investigate various ways of funding our future transportation needs. AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State],CAIAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 4 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local improvement District,PIPTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA-Transportation Improement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT#5: South 228th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation crossing at Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at South 228th Street. The project will include the construction of a road overpass or underpass; full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutter, and sidewalks; street lighting, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$1,250,000 Right of Way Acquisition.. . ..... $1,000,000 Construction ..............................$17,750,000 TOTAL......................................$20,0009000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, FAST, FMSIB, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destinations. This project will support fi-eight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating the arterial will increase both rail and roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety, and improve freight mobility in the corridor and throughout the region. This project will provide regional connections between thousands of ' businesses, employers and 40 million square feet of warehouse/industrial space. The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railroad mainline is rising as a consequence of increased traffic in the Puget Sound area, and new Sound Transit and Amtrak service. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],04AQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST—Freight 5 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridoi,Fr14S18—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],PTA— Fedeial Transit Administration[Federal],TIES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID—Local Improvement District,Pff TF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Fedeial] TIA—Transportdnon Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Paitneiship Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #6: East Valley Highway(84"' Avenue South) Improvements. SR 167 to South 212'4 Street DESCRIPTION: Widen the roadway to provide 3 general purpose lanes in each direction between South 2121" Street and South 220' Street. Construct new curb, gutters and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway where they don't currently exist. Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway. Overlay the entire roadway area with asphalt concrete pavement. Project includes upgrading existing traffic signal systems as well as storm drainage improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$217,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$706,000 Construction ................................$2,410,000 TOTAL........................................$3,333,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, TIB, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This portion of East Valley Highway cannot acconunodate current and proposed traffic volumes that utilize this stretch to access State Route l67 and South 212th Street. In addition, the existing pavement along this section of 84ih Avenue South is showing signs of structural distress as demonstrated by "alligatonng", longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. j AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[state],CHAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST—Freight 6 Action Strategy foi Evei ett-Seattle-Tacoma Coi ridor,FHSW—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Admiiusuation[Fedeial],ILES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LiD—Local linpiovement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],.STP—Surface Transportation Ptogiant[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation linpiovement Board[State],TPP— Transportation Partneiship Piogram[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT#7: I-5lSouth 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction, Phase I Provide transit and HOV Dived-Access between South 272"d St and I-5 DESCRIPTION: Phase I would reconstruct the east half of the South 272"d Street/I-5 interchange !4� provide transit and HOV Direct-Access to South 272❑d Street. Sound Transit aui King County Metro Transit have major park and ride facilities in the area w over 1,200 parking stalls. Transit and HOV traffic would be able to turn on South 272"d Street from I-5 without weaving through traffic on I-5 The prole includes a new northbound I-5 bridge and reconstruction of approximately of half mile of northbound I-5. The improvements would be constructed to mate projects on South 272"d Street that would be built between Pacific Highway Sou 1 (SR 99) and Military Road. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ..... . ..$3,850,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$170,000 Construction . . ........................$30,800,000 TOTAL......................................$34,8209000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, City of Federal Way, King County, STP, Sound Trarisi1. TPP, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at the interchange have reached the point where reconstruction is required to reduce congestion The new inteichange provide needed capacity through the year 2030. The reconstruction will a allow Sound Transit and King County Metro Transit to operate efficient y through the Star Lake and Redondo Heights Park and Ride lots i .4IP-Arterial huprovernent Program[State],CAIAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 7 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSI8—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],KES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Tiansportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Impror ement Distract,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Tiansportation Progiam[Federal], TTA—Tianspoitation Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Boaid[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM iYEAR: 2008 iPROJECT#8: 72nd Avenue South Extension South 20Vh Street to South 1961h Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 200"' Street to South 196"' Street. The project will include the crossing of Mill Creek and construction of fiull-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage; landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$195,000 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 Construction . . . ..... ... .................$690,000 TOTAL...........................................$885,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the northern Kent industrial area, and high levels of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 180"' Street and South 1961h Street corridors, mandate additional north-south arterial capacity. This project provides some relief for South 180th Street, South 196"' Street, and South 212th Street intersections along West Valley Highway. It also provides improved access to the South 196th Street corridor from industrial development along 72"d Avenue South by constructing the trussing link between South 200"i Street and South 196"' Street. I AIP-Arterial Imps ovement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 8 Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Fteight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Administ ation[Federal],IIES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial),LID—Local Inipiovement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Tianspoitation Ptogiam[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account,TIB—Transportation Improvement Boaid[State],TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT#9: Smart Growth Initiative DESCRIPTION: Widen Smith Street to provide a left turn lane from eastbound Smith Street , onto northbound Lincoln Avenue. The project includes the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of South and Lincoln as well as the reconstruction of existing curb, gutter and sidewalks along Smith Street. Widen Willis Street to provide a left turn lane from eastbound Willis Street to northbound 2"d Avenue South. This project includes construction of new curb, gutter and sidewalks along 2"d Avenue between Willis Street and Saar Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$225,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$305,000 Construction ................................$1,250,000 TOTAL........................................$1,780,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects will improve traffic flow within the Kent Urban Center and improve access to Kent Station and the downtown business district The left turn pocket at Willis and 2"d Streets will improve access to the City's Central Business District and stimulate economic development by providing a direct connection between downtown Kent and State Route 516 The left turn pocket and signal at Smith and Lincoln Streets will facilitate the redevelopment of a portion of King County Metro Transit's Park and Ride Lot. A1P-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 9 Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB--Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FT4- Federal Tiansit Administration[Fedeiall,IIES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transpoi tation Systems [Fe leiall, LID-Local Impiovement District,PbiTF-Public works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP-Sui face Transportation Progiam[Federal], TIA-Transpoiation Impiovement Account, TIB-Transportation Impiovement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] i CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT#10: Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Afeeker Street and West Smith Street DESCRIPTION: Interconnect the existing traffic signals at the Interurban Trail crossings at West Meeker Street and West Smith Street to the Union Pacific Railroad crossings signals at said streets PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering...................$38,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$304,000 Construction ........ ..... .. . .............. ..... ....$0 TOTAL...........................................$3427000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, iPROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is required in order to interconnect the existing street signals ' with the railroad crossing signals. It will eliminate potential conflicts where traffic could back up across the railroad tracks. Most of the cost of this project is for the Union Pacific Railroad to upgrade their grade crossing signal equipment to provide sufficient warning time of an approaching train. AIP-Aitenal Improvement Program[State] CVAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 10 i Action Strategy for Beiett-Seattle-Tacoma Cot ridoi,FAISIB—Freight Mobdrty Stiategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Adnumsnation [Federal],LIES—Hazard Ehmmation[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Tianspotation Svstetns [Fedeia]],LTD—Local Impiovement Dish ict,PJVTF—Public Works Tiusl Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TM—Transportation Improvement Account,TIB—Transportation ImpiovementBoaid[State], TPP— Transportation Paitneiship Program[State) 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT 911: SE 248th Street Improvements , 116`h Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from 1161h Avenue Southeast to 132nd Avenue Southeast which includes the construction of full width paving; possible bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; stone drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances The project includes either a modem roundabout at the 1161h Avenue Southeast intersection or a traditional traffic signal. Improvements to vertical roadway geometry for sight distance and safety will also be addressed. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................$800,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$120,000 Construction .............................. .$4,000,000 TOTAL........................................S4,920,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, Development Mitigation Funds PROJECT i JUSTIFICATION: Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing development in the East Hill area of the city. This project will provide additional east- , west capacity to supplement SE 240t1i Street to the north, and SE 256t11 Street to the south. Whether or not bicycle lanes are added depends upon the final bicycle route plan adopted in the Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the southeast corner of SE 248t1' Street and 124th Avenue SE is the future site of the City of Kent's Public Works maintenance facility. .4IP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CM.4Q—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 1 1 Action Su ategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Admmisnation[Federal],HES—tlatard Elinmation[Federal], (TS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District, PFLTF—Public works Tiust Fund Loan[State],STP—Sur face Transportation Piogiam[Federal], TI4—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] I CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 YEAR: 2010 j PROJECT #12: 80'h Avenue South Widening South 196"' Street to South 1881h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 801h Avenue South from South 196t1' Street to South 188`, Street to five lanes. This will include four general-purpose lanes and a two-way left turn lane. The project will also include the construction of full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$170,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$350,000 Constriction . .................................$630,000 1 TOTAL........................................$1,150,000 1 FUNDING SOURCF(S): City of Kent, LID 1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The opening of the 196`h Street corridor on the south end of the project and 1 Renton's completion of Oaksdale Avenue South results in 80`h Avenue South being a significant north-south corridor serving the industrial area As a result, the increased traffic volumes along this section of 80`I' Avenue South could reach the point where a consistent five lane roadway section is required to provide safe left turn access into the adjoining properties. Further, concrete curbs and gutters are required to provide control of roadway drainage and to prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. Sidewalks and street lighting will provide safe access for pedestrians. i AIP-Artei ial Ii provenient Program[State], CAfAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 12 Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FAISIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Administration[Federal],HES—Hazaid Fhmmation [Federal],ITS—InteIIigentTianspoitation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],S7P—Sun face Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation hnprovement Account, TIB—Tiansportaton Improvement Boaid[State],TPP— Ti anspoi tat ion Pai tnen ship Progn am[State] 1 i CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM t YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #13: Military Road South at Reith Road. Intersection Iinprovenlent DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection to provide exclusive left turn lanes for each approach, and exclusive right turn lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Military Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road. Replace the existing traffic signal The project will include the construction of full width paving, paved shoulders, street lighting, stone drainage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$140,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$160,000 Construction ................................$1,400,000 TOTAL........................................$1,700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, City of Kent, Developer Mitigation Funds PROJECT ' JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth in the Puget Sound area and the regularly occurring congestion along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5 results in sigruficant congestion at this intersection in the morning and evening peak hours AIP-Arterial hnprorement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal].F,4ST—Freight 13 Action Strategy for E%ciett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridoi,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansn Adnunisnation[Fedeial],HFS—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement Disti ict,Pu'TF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Progiam[Federal],TM—Transportation Impiovement Account,TIB—Tiansportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #14: South 228t6 Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation crossing at Union Pacific Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228"i Street The project will include the construction of an overpass or an underpass road; full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$1,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,000,000 Construction ..............................$19,500,000 TOTAL......................................$22,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, FAST, FMSIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destinations. This project will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating this arterial will increase both rail and roadway capacity, 1 decrease congestion, enhance safety, improve freight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region. This project will provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and the 40 million square feet of warehouse/industrial space in the valley. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 14 Action Snategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridoi,FAfSI6—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Fedei al I iansit Administration[Federal],KES—Hazard Elunmat on[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Impiovement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Tian sportation Program [Federal], TIA—Tiansportat ion Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Impiovement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partneiship Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT#15: Southeast 256t1i Street Widening, Phase II SR 516(Kent KangleF Road) to 116`I' Avenue SE DESCRIPTION: Constrict a new three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Langley Road) to 116tb Avenue SE including bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The project will include construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$315,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$435,000 Construction ........ .......................$3,100,000 TOTAL........................................$3,850,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement District, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SE 256th Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks and a limited street light system_ During peak hours, the roadway catinot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blocking the roadway while waiting to turn left into driveways. The ' widening of SE 256"' Street also alleviates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as the two roads essentially run parallel to each other. The project will increase the capacity of this roadway by adding a new center two-way left turn lane. This project will connect the SR 515/SR516 intersection with the improvements already existing on SE 256t1' Street east of 116"' Avenue SE. AIP- Aiteiial Improvement Program[State],Ct,9Q-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 15 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,F,IISLY-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Transit Administration[Fedeiall,LIES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Impiovement District,PIVTF-Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Sui face Tiansportation Piogram[Federal],TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, T[B-Transportation Impiovement Board[State],TPP— Tiansportanon Partnership Program[State] i CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #16: Central Avenue Soutb Pavement Rehabilitation Green Raver Bridge to Fast Wallas Street (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway, between the Green River Bridge and East Willis Street (SR 516), This project will include the removal and replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Also included in this project is the selective replacement of curbs, gutters and sidewalks as well as minor storm drainage improvements. IPROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ..............$120,000 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 jConstruction .......................... .....$1,380,000 TOTAL........................................$1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of Central Avenue South is exhibiting signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alligatoring", longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. The service life of this roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service life of the roadway, and prevent further pavement degradation. The sidewalk system is ' sub-standard in many locations and in need of replacement. AIP-Artei tal Improvement Program[State],C MAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 16 Action Strategy lot Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdoi,FMStB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],PTA— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],IIES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],tTS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Ti ust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Tiansponation Piogi am[Federal], TIA—Transpoi tation Improvement Account, T16—Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP— Tianspoilation Partneiship Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #17: South 228t" Street Corridor—Phase III, South 224"' Street Extension j 84`L'Avenue South to 1041It Avenue Southeast(Berson Road) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Constrict a new five-lane road from 84"' Avenue South to 104th Aveng- Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167, and modify the traffic signals at the Intersection of South 224"' Street and 84"' AvenI South The project will include the construction of full-width paving, cuncr curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; uttlits and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering........... ..$1,725,000 Right of Way Acquisition.. ........$5,525,000 Construction ....... ......................$21,500,000 TOTAL......................................$28,750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current and forecast c. west traffic congestion between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Val l, floor. In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersecti along South 208"'/212th Street and James/SE 240"' Streets are also at or o 1 capacity. It is not feasible to widen the James/SE 240th Street and So l 208"'/212th Street `corridors' to accommodate forecast traffic volumes with additional east-west capacity because of existing development and topograp c constraints. ALP-Aiteiial Improvement Progiam[State], CA4AQ-Con gestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],F4ST-Freight i7 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,)-AISIB-Freight Mobility Stiategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Tiansit Administration[Federal],LEES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial],LID-Local Impiovement Disnict,PlVTF-Public Works Trust Fetid Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Progiam[Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account,TIB-Transportation Improvement Braid[State], TPP— Tianspoitation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #18: Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Radroad(UPRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at Willis Street (SR 516). The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge, a four-lane roadway under-crossing, full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, sheet lighting; utilities and 1 appurtenances. I PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. ... ........$4,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................$0 Construction ..... ........................$18,400,000 TOTAL......................................$23,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, TIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, including over 800 freight-bearing bucks. The level of freight traffic on the UP Railroad mamlme is also increasing to approximately 20 trains a day. Grade separations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental Impacts caused by traffic congestion are also expected. This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CAIAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 18 Action Strategy for Eveiett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FAfSIB—Freight MobiItry Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Unimistaton[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Transportation improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #19: Willis Street(SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossings at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at Wills Street (SR 516). The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge; four-lane vehicle under-crossing, full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$3,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$3,500,000 Construction .......................... ...$12,700,000 TOTAL......................................$19,700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, including over 800 freight-bearing trucks. The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 45 trains a day. Grade separation provides more efficient movements of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow. Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is expected. This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 19 Action Strategy for Evetett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Stiategte Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Administration[Federal],fIES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LiD—Local improvement District,P4VTF—Public Worms Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Tiansportation Program[Federa]], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account,TIB—Ttansportatton improvement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] ■ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #20: Military Road Widening South 272ad Street to South 240'h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Military Road South from South 272nd Street to South 24e Street adding left tum pockets at key intersections. (Note- Reith Road and South 272°d Street intersections are separate projects and not included in this project.) r� PROJECT COST: Preliminary Enguneenng.................$230,000 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 Construction ...............................$2,070,000 TOTAL........................................$2,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road South has jreached the point where separated turn pockets are required to provide ■ safe turning movements at key intersections and reduce the congestion by separating the turning movements from the through traffic. ATP-Artei laI Improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 20 Action Strategy foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Transit Adminisnauon[Federal],11FS-Hazard Elimination[Fedetai],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Iniprovenient District, Pff,'TF-Public Works Tiust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Tiansportation Pigram[Federal], 7IA -Tiansportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation lmpiovement Board[State], TPP— Tianspoitation Paitnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT 421: South 212"' Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Glade Separation Crossing at Union Paczfrc Rath-oad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at South 212t1' Street. The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge; a six-lane roadway under-crossing; full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; sheet lighting, utilities and appurtenances. j PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering............ .$4,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,200,000 Construction ..............................$23,000,000 TOTAL......................................$28,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB,Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 vehicles per day travel on South 212t1' Street, including nearly 3,500 freight bearing tricks. The level of freight traffic on the UP Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 20 trains a day. Grade separations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossing wilt no longer mipede freight and other traffic flow. Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is also expected. This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and conunuters. AIP-Arterial improvement Program[State].CMAO-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 21 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Con idol,FMSIB-Freight Mohdity Strategic investment Board[State],I-TA- Federal Transit Administration[Federal],LIES-Hazard Ehmuiati on[Federal],ITN-1ntclhgentTranspoitahon Systems [Fedei al],LID-Local Impi ovement District,PJVTF-Public Avoiks Tiust Fund Loan [State],STP-Surface Ti ansportation Piogiam [Federal], TIA-Transportation impiovement Account,TIB-Transportation improvement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportanon Partneiship Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 1 PROJECT #22: South 212t" Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossings at Burlington Norther Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mainline tracks at South 212"' Street. The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge; six-lane vehicle under crossing; full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street liglntmg, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$4,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,200,000 jConstruction ..............................$23,000,000 TOTAL......................................$28,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Burlington Nor-them Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. Approximately 29,000 vehicles per day travel on South 212"' Street, including nearly 3,500 fretght-beanng trucks. The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railroad mainline is also increasing to approximately 45 trains a day. Grade separation provides more efficient movement of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow. Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic i congestion is expected. This project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers and commuters. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],C14AQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 22 Action Suategyfoi Everett-Seattle-TacomaCou idol,FUSIB-Fr eight Mobility Strategic lnvestmentBoard(State],FTA- Fedei al Transit Admimstiation [Fedeiall,HES-Ha7aid Elimination [Federal],ITS- Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID-Local Improvement Distract,PWTF-Pub]ic Woiks Trust Fund Loan[Stale],STP-Surface'Iiansportation Program[Federal], TIA -Transportation lmprovement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Tianspotation Partneiship Piogram[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #23: West Meeker Street Widening—Phase I 64'I'Avenue South to the Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left tuna lane, bicycle lanes, a pedestrian signal at the Riverbend Golf Course, and modifications to the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of West Meeker Street and Russell Road. The project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; landscaping; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances i PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$920,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,040,000 Construction ...............................$3,220,000 TOTAL........................................$5J 80,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway segment Is required to accommodate through traffic. Existing traffic volumes west of the intersection of 64"' Avenue South Indicate the need for a five lane section to accommodate additional development. Sidewalk and bicycle improvements will provide additional Incentive to encourage a safe and attractive walking and biking environment, promote alternative modes of travel, and facilitate access to scenic and recreational facilities. ,41P-Arterial Improvement Program[State];CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal]:FAST-Freight 23 Acuon Shategy Poi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Coi ndoi,FMSIR-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FT-1- Fedeial Transit Adnunisnation[Federal], HES-Hazaid Elimination[Fedeiall,ITS-IntelIigentTransportation Systems [Fedei al I,LID-Local Improvement Disn ict,Pff'TF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Transportation Piogiani[Federal], TGI-Transpoitation Impiovement Account,77B-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] i i CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT#24: West Meeker Street Widening—Phase II SR 516 to the east side of the Green River, including a new bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street between SR 516 and the Green River to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left turn lane, and bicycle lanes. Construct a second two lane bridge for westbound traffic with a bike lane and sidewalk over the Green River parallel to the existing structure and convert the existing bridge to one-way eastbound with an eastbound bike lane. The project will include construction of full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting; stone drainage, utilities and appurtenances. t PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$920,000 Right of Way Acquisition............ . . . . . .$0 Construction .. .. . . ............. .......$4,000,000 jTOTAL........................................$4,920,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway is required to accommodate through traffic. Existing traffic volumes indicate the need for five lanes to accommodate additional development. Sidewalk and i bicycle improvements will provide additional incentive to encourage a safe and attractive walking and bicycling environment, promote alternative modes of travel, and facilitate access to scenic and recreational 1 facilities AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CAIAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST—Freight 24 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FARM—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Transit Adnunistration[Federal],TIES—hazard EIunmation[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,Pif'TF—Public works Trust Fund Loan[State].STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TIA—Tr ail spoitaoon Improvement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #25: 108t1i Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kangley Road(SR 516) to SE 256 ' Sheet DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 2561h Street including rebuilding the traffic signals at the intersection of SE Kent Kangley Road and 108"' Avenue SE and installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of SE 256"' Street and 109"' Avenue SE. The project includes right turn lanes northbound at 256"' Street and Southbound at Kent Kangley Road. The project will also include construction of full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. As part of this project, the eastbound left-turn lane from Kent Kangley Road to 256th Street will be eliminated. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$120,000 Right of Way Acquisition.............. $860,000 Construction ...............................$1,040,000 TOTAL........................................$2,020,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will relieve congestion at the Y intersection of 104"' Avenue SE (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/SE 256"' Street by improving the traffic flow along SR 516 It will eliminate the left turn pocket from SR 516 to SE 2561h Street and redirect that traffic along SR 516 to 108th Avenue SE. There will be a new left turn pocket constructed for motorists wishing to travel north on 108"' Avenue SE to SE 2560' Street. By moving these left turning movements further to the east, away from the congested Y intersection, all directions of traffic will be able to flow more efficiently This extension will also provide another way for East Hill residents to have direct access to the business-by-pass route and better access to the commercial area south of the Kent Kangley Road/104th Avenue SE intersection. AIP-Arterial Improvement Piogram[State],CAflQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 25 Action Strategy for Evei ett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FAlSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Boat [State],FT,4— Federal Transit Administration[Federal],HPS--Hazard Elimination[Federal],fTS—Intelligent Ttansportahon Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State],STP—Surface Transportation Program[Federal], TM—TianSportation Improvement Account,TIR—Transportat ion Improvement Board[State],TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] 1 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 iPROJECT#26: South 272"d Street Widening, Phase II Pacific Highway South to Military Road South DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV lanes and left-turn lanes at intersections from Pacific Highwav South (SR 99) to Military Road South Construction will include full width paving; concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage. utilities; traffic signals; and appurtenances. The project also includes widening the roadway under the I-5 bridges PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$1,290,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$1,260,000 Construction ..............................$10,100,000 TOTAL......................................$1296509000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, Washington State Transportation Partnership Account, Federal, Sound Transit PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pacific Highway South and Military Road South have reached the point where improvements supporting HOV-added capacity are ' required to reduce congestion at the intersections and reduce backups approaching I-5. The HOV lanes will provide access to the Star Lake Park and Ride lot and the Redondo Heights Park and Ride lot. Adding HOV lanes and HOV access to I-5 supports various county and City of Federal Way transportation and transit improvement projects. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CAIAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 26 Action Strategy for Evei ett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Fedeial Tiansit Administration [Fedeial],IIES-Flazaid Elimination(Federal],ITS-intelligent Transportation Systems [Federall,LID -Local Improvement District,PIVTF-Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[Statel,STP-Surface Transportation Program[Fedeiall, TCA-Transportation hnprovement Account, TIB-Transportation Inipiovement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #27: SR 184/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxrmately the 218" block- DESCRIPTION: Widen the existing five lane road to seven lanes to include three lanes in each direction and a center him lane and install a traffic signal at the intersection of West Valley Highway and South 238t1' Street The project will Include the construction of full-width paying; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; stone drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$860,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$4,700,000 Construction ................................$9,100,000 TOTAL......................................$14,660,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, STP, TIB, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue is a major north- south route through the City and an important truck route for freight moving between the manufacturing, industrial and warehousing center of the Green River Valley and the regional freight corridors. This route is seven lanes wide both north and south of the project segment With increasing traffic volumes from the expected growth in both the freight and commute segments, the widening is needed to reduce congestion at intersections and reduce backups approaching SR 167 and South 212t1' Stl eet. AIP-Artei ial Impi ovement Program[State],C'AMQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quahtv[Federa]],FAST—Freight 27 Action Strategy for Everett-Scathe-Tacoma Comdor,FAIS18—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Boaid [State],FTA— Fedeial Transit Adminisnation[Fedeial], KES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fed eial],LID—Local It piovement Dishict,PIVTF—Public woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Suiface Transportation Program[Federal], TI4—Transportation Impiovement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT#28: South 2081h Street Improvements 84"'Avenue South to 96"' Wav South DESCRIPTION: Rehabilitate the existing pavement to add additional service life to the I roadway from 84"' Avenue South to 961h Way South. This project will widen the existing roadway to two 14 foot lanes with the addition of concrete curb, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage and illumination The project will rebuild failing roadway sections near 93rd Avenue and add a left turn lane from eastbound 108"' Street to northbound 92nd Avenue South Retaining walls and guardrails will be added as needed. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$190,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$110,000 Construction . . ........... ............... $2,200,000 TOTAL........................................$2,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent 1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: South 208ih Street between 84th Avenue South and 96th Way South is a substandard narrow two-lane roadway that connects 84"' Avenue (East Valley Highway) Nvith SE 208'h Street. This section of roadway cannot accommodate the existing and anticipated traffic volumes and is experiencing pavement and roadway failures that require repair. Widening of the roadway will necessitate the installation of retaining walls and guardrails AIP-Artei ial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 28 Action Strategy for Evei ett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Fedeial Transit Admimstiation[Federal],KES -Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PffTF-Public works Trust Fund Loan[state],STP—Suitace Transportation Piogiam[Federal], TIA—Transportation Impiovement Account, TIB—Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP— ` Tiansportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT 929: 132°d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase 1 Southeast 288"' Street to Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen 132nd Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left turn lane, and a bicycle facility, modifying the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Kent Kangley Road. The project will include the construction of full width paving, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ineerin $1,600,000 g.............. Right of Way Acquisition........... $2,000,000 Construction ......... ....... ..............$7,800,000 TOTAL......................................$11,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132nd Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway section is ' desirable to provide safe left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. The south end of 132' Avenue Southeast provides alternative access to SR 18. Existing traffic volumes ' that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132"d Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road) points to a five lane section Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multimodal access to adjacent land uses. AIP-Arterial hnpiovement Program[State],CHAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST-Freight ?g Action Snategv foi Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FHSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA- Fedcial Transit Admmistation[Federal],HF_S-Hazaid Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intel gentTranspoitaton Systems [Fedei a]],LID-Local ImprovemenI District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Sin face Tiansportation Program[Federal], T121-Transportation tmpiovement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Tiansportaton Paimership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT 930: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase II Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 248"' Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle facility, modifying the existing traffic signal systems at the intersections of Kent Kangley Road and Southeast 256t Street. The project will include the construction of full-width paving; bicycle lanes; concrete curbs gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage;utilities; and appurtenances, I PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..... .......$3,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$2,400,000 Construction ............................. $14,800,000 TOTAL......................................$20,2001000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132nd Avenue has already reached the point whereby and consistent five land roadway section if desirable to provide safe left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes Exlstin�g traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132" Avenue southeast and Kent Kangley Road) point to a five lane section. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multimodal access to adjacent land uses. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 30 ' Action Stiategy for Eveiett-Seattle-Tacoma Con idor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- Federal Transit Admimshation[Federal],PIES-Hazard EI"mmation[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial],LID-Local Improvement District,PIGTF-Public W orl.s Trust Fund Loan[State],ST P-Sin face Transportation Picgari(Fed eialI,TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board(State],TPP- 1 Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT#31: 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening—Phase III Southeast 248"' Street to Southeast 236'1' Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 132nd Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle facility; modifying the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Southeast 240"' Street. The project will include the construction of frill- width paving; bicycle lanes; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$1,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition...............$700,000 Construction ........ .......................$8,100,000 TOTAL......................................$10,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132nd Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway section is desirable to provide safe left-turn access to adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide multimodal access to adjacent land uses. i AIP- Arterial Improvement Program[State],CAMQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federall,FAST—Freight 31 Action Strategy for Evei ett-Scattle-Tacoma Corridor FAN18—Freight Mobility Strategic Inveshnent Board[State],FTA— ' Federal Tiansit Admimsu ation[Fedeial],f1ES—Hazard Elimination [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedcial],LID—Local Improvement Disn ict,PFVTF—Public Wei ks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Sur face Ti anspa tation Piogram[Federal], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account,T/B—Tiansportation Improvement Soaid[State], TPP— Tiansportanon Paitneiship Piogiam(State] I CITY OF KENT 1 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 IPROJECT#32: Southeast 256t" Street Widening—Phase III 132nd.]venue Southeast to 148`1'Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Widen Southeast 250h Street to provide a three-lane roadway, including two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a bicycle facility, modifying the existing traffic signal systems where appropriate. Construct a new bridge crossing at Soos Creek and elevate Southeast 256" 1 Street approaches above the 100 year flood plain. The project will include the construction of full-width paving, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; bridge; street lighting; storm drainage; utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$2,300,000 Right of Way Acquisition............. .$900,000 Construction ..............................$11,600,000 TOTAL......................................$14,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent ' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Southeast 256t11 Street has already reached the point whereby a consistent three-lane roadway section is required to provide safe left-turn access into adjoining properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. With the widening of Southeast 256t" Street, the bridge at the east end of the project would need to be replaced and elevated above the 100 year flood plain. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide safe access for pedestrians and cyclists The east end of Southeast 256th Street provides an alternative access to SR 18 AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 32 ' Action Suategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoina Comdni,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Boaid[State],FTA— Fedeia]Tians t Administration[Federal], HES—Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[Slate],STP—Sul face Tiansportation Program[Federal],TIA—Transportation Improvement Account,TIB—Transportation hnpiovement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partneiship Piogram[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #33: South 196tt'/192"d Street Corridor—Phase III 84'I'Avenue South (East valley Highway) to 108"'Avenue SE (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five lane roadway from 84"' Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108"' Avenue SE (SR 515); including a new bridge over SR 167. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering........ ... .$5,700,000 Right of Way Acquisition............$5,700,000 Construction ..............................$28,600,000 TOTAL......................................$40,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, STP, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes on existing east-west corridors will exceed the adopted standards if forecasts of economic and residential growth on the East Hill of Kent and jut isdictions,to the east of Kent continue as predicted by state and regional planning agencies. Additional roadway capacity must be found to accominodate this growth within the urban growth boundaries This project supports GMA poltctes, helps the City meet its Concurrency Standards, and augments previous investments in this corridor by extending its usefulness as a freight corridor and major east-west connection AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State], CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 33 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],PTA— Federal Tiansit Adnumstiation[Federal],HES—Hazard Elimmation[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Tiansportation Systems [Feder a[],LID—Local Improvement District,PIVTF—Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Sin face Transportation Piogiam[Fedeial], TIA—Transportation Improvement Account, TiB—Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT I SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 -2012 I PROJECT #34: State Route 167 Widening TViden SR 167 fi•oin SR 512 to South 18(1 r Street DESCRIPTION: City of Kent Engineering and Transportation Planning staff support towards the Washington State Department of Transportation's project to widen State Route 167 from State Route 512 to South 1goth Street. This project is to include an additional general purpose lane in each direction and to complete the NOS' system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..............$1,200,000 Right of Way Acquisition....... ..................$0 ' Construction ..... ..... . ........... ............$0 TOTAL........................................$1,2009000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: While this Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) project is a multi-million dollar improvement consisting of State and RTID funding, the City of Kent has provided, and will provide, hundreds of hours of transportation planning, data gathering, and preliminary engineering in support of this critical transportation corridor. The congestion on SR 167 resulting from inadequate I capacity creates spillover congestion onto Kent arterials and jeopardizes the future of our local and regional economy. Kent is the second largest warehouse/distribution center on the west coast, containing over 40 million square feet of warehouse/industrial space. Many Kent businesses ship to national and international customers and need reliable travel time to the ports. With the planned extension of SR 167 to the Port of Tacoma and planned completion of SR 509 connecting Kent to the Port of Seattle, this project Avould complete the freight corridor, shifting thousands of daily truck trips from 15 and SR 18 to SR 167 AIP-Aitetial Improvement Program[State],CMAQ—Congest ion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 34 Action Strategy for Eveiett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— Federal Tiansit Admimsnanon[Federal],IIES—Hazard Elmmation[Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID—Local Improvement District,PWTF—Public Works Titist Fund Loan[State],STP—Sui face Tianspoitation Piogiam[Federal], TIA—Tiansportation Improvement Account, TIB—Tiansportation Improoenient Board [State], TPP- 1 Tianspmtation Partneiship Piogiam[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007- 2012 PROJECT #35: Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing Citywide Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous improvements to the city's pedestrian network and bicycle routes as Identified tin the Nonmotorized Element of the Transportation Master Plan. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering...................$60,000 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 t Construction ............. .....................$562,000 TOTAL...........................................$622,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project can help achieve the City's transportation goals for improving mobility and safe access for walking and bicycling. The project complies with the City's Commute Trip Reduction Ordinance by promoting non-motonzed travel to employment centers, commercial districts, transit stations, schools and civic centers, and recreational destinations Walking can be a practical alternative to driving, especially for short trips and contributes greatly to neighborhood quality and vitality. Pedestrian improvements to streets, intersections, sidewalks, and other facilities can improve access and safety Such facilities are particularly important for children, senior citizens, and people with disabilities. This project also leverages opportunities to enhance safe walking routes to schools for children. i ALP-Arterial Impi ovement Program[State]; CMAO-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST-Freight 35 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA- ' Federal Ti ansit Administration[Federal],LIES-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal],LID -Local improvement District,P6i'TF-Public Woiks Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Tiansportation Progiam[Federal],71A-Ti ansportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Hoard[State], TPP— Tiansportation Partnership Piogiam[State] ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 YEAR: 2007 - 2012 PROJECT#36: Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongoing Citywide Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Candidate projects include Frager Road and 100t1i Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block). Upgrade existing guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations PROJECT COST: Pre]iminary Engineering...................$20,000 Right of Way Acquisition................... . . ..$0 1 Construction ...................................S175,000 TOTAL...........................................$195,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, HES ' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. 1 1 AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State],CMAO-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal].FAST-Freight 36 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FUSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State],FTA- Federal Tiansit Administration[Federal],IIL'S-Hazard Elimination[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID-Local Improvement District,PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Tiansportation Progiarn[Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP— ' Tianspoitation Partnership Piogram[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' YEAR: 2007 - 2012 PROJECT #37: Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing Citvwide Programs DESCRIPTION: Continue to provide enhanced transit service to meet the needs of the community through the use of fixed-route shuttle service, with demand- responsive routing capabilities Routes 914,1916 serve the Kent Transit Center, Regional Justice Center, Kent City Hall, Green River Community College's Kent campus, and local shopping and medical facilities. The City plans to add two new routes to demonstrate the value of circulator transit service comiecting residential areas of the east and west hills with ' the regional bus and commuter train services at the Kent Transit Center. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering............................$0 Right of Way Acquisition..........................$0 Construction ... . . . ........................$840,000 TOTAL...........................................$840,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, King County, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Routes 914/916 provide mobility and independence to many of the city's seniors and reduce the need for expensive ACCESS service for many wheelchair-lift service trips. Community circulating shuttles encourage the participation of all ages, all economic groups, all physical abilities, and virtually all of our community in everyday civic life without the isolation acid pollution of the automobile for every trip. Commuter shuttles enhance the regional transtt/tram service by providing the vital link from the home to the Transit Center and from the Transit Center to the workplace, encouraging people to leave their vehicles at home, avoiding the cold start impacts to air quality and reducing congestion on local streets. AiP-Arterial Improvement Program[State];CMAQ—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal],FAST—Freight 37 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FMSI&—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board[State],FTA— , Federal Tiansrt Admimsti ation[Federal],LIES—Hazard Elimmation [Federal],ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial],LID—Local Impiovement District,PIYTF—Public works Trust Fund Loan[State],STP—Sui face Tiansportation Piogram[Fedeial], Nei—Transportation Improvement Account,Tl6—Transportation Improvement Board[State]; TPP— Ti anspoi tation Pai tnership Program[State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007- 2012 PROJECT I#38: Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing Citywide Program 1 DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and curb ramps and install new truncated domes and hard-surfaced sidewalks to implement and 1 requirements of the Federal Arnencans with Disabilities Act (ADA) consistent with the findings of the Nomnotonzed Element of the Transportation Master Plan. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.................$200,000 tRight of Way Acqutsition......................... $0 Construction .. .............................$1,750,000 ' TOTAL........................................$11950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title 11 requires that a public entity must evaluate its services, programs, policies, and practices to determine whether they are in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of the ADA. The ADA requires that an ADA Transition Plan be prepared to describe any structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible. The City of Kent has conducted a self evaluation and prepared a Transition Plan including a prioritized list of projects to bring itself into compliance with the Federal ADA regulations This program begins working on that list of projects to reconstruct and repair the City's sidewalk and street/sidewalk transition zones for accessibility for all citizens. AIP-Arterial Improvement Program[State].CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality[Federal];FAST-Freight 38 ' Action Strategy Cot Fvetett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor,FUSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board[State],FTA- Fed eial Transit Administration[Fedeiall,HES-Hazard Elmimation[Federal],ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Fedeial],LTD-Local Improvement District,P14,7F-Public Works Tiust Fund Loan[State],STP-Surface Tiansportation Program[Federal],TIA-Tiansportatton Imptovement Account,TIB-Transportation Improvement Board[State], TPP— Transportation Partnership Progiam[State] CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007 - 2012 , KENT W A S H I N G T O N ' For more information or additional copies of this document contact: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5585 smullen(cb-ci_kent.wa.us 39 ' Kent City Council Meeting Date August 1, 2006 Category Other Business 1. SUBJECT: VALLEY VIEW REZONE (QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING) 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The proposed ordinance relates to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of two parcels totaling 3.97 acres of property from SR-4 5 (Single-Family Residential), to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential) The property is located at 20433 and 20541 92A Avenue South. The Kent Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on June 21, 2006, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a Recommendation for approval on July 6, 2006. 3. EXHIBITS: Ordinance; Hearing Examiner Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation; Staff report with map; and Determination of Nonsignificance 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure" No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no ' Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councdmember moves, Councilmember seconds 1 to accept/;-��the Findings, Conclusio s, and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and to adopt Ordinance No. relating to the Valley View Rezone. DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda ' Item No 7A ORDINANCE NO. ' AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, ' specifically the rezoning of approximately 3.97 acres of property located at 20433 and 20541 92nd Avenue South, from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Valley View Rezone, #RZ-2005-12) ' RECITALS ' A. An application was Bled on September 12, 2005, by Omied Pazooki to rezone approximately 3.97 acres of property located at 20433 and 20541 92nd Avenue South, in Kent, Washington, from the current zoning of SR-4.5 (Single- Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). (Valley View Rezone, #RZ-2005-12). B. The City's SEPA responsible official issued a Mitigated Determination ' of Nonsignificance (MDNS) (#ENV-2005-58) for the proposed rezone on May 19, 2006, and a Revised MDNS on June 2, 2006. ' C. A public hearing on the rezone was held before the hearing ' examiner on June 21, 2006. On July 6, 2006, the hearing examiner issued findings and conclusions that the Valley View Rezone is consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan; that the proposed rezone and subsequent development activity would be compatible with the development in the vicinity; that the proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of ' the property with significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated; that circumstances have changed since the establishment of the current zoning district ' to warrant the proposed rezone; and that the proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. 1 Valley View Rezone D. Based on these findings and conclusions, the hearing examiner recommended approval of the Valley View Rezone. E. On August 1, 2006, the City Council determined that the hearing ' examiner's findings and conclusions are consistent with sections 15.09.050(A)(3) and 15.09.050(C) of the Kent City Code, accepted the findings of the hearing ' examiner, and adopted the hearing examiner's recommendation for approval of the Valley View Rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ' WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Rezone. The property located at 20433 and 20541 92nd Avenue South, in Kent, Washington consisting of approximately 3.97 acres depicted in Exhibit "A" (marked "Vicinity Map"), attached and incorporated by this reference, and legally described in Exhibit "B", attached and incorporated by this reference, is rezoned from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, 4.5 units per acre) to ' SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, 6 units per acre). The City of Kent zoning map shall be amended to reflect the rezone granted above. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision ' shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. ' SECTION 3. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in , force five (5) days from and after its publication as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR , 2 Valley View Rezone ' ATTEST: ' BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of August, 2006. ' APPROVED: day of August, 2006. PUBLISHED: day of August, 2006. ' I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) ' BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Civil\Ordinance\Rezone-ValleyView doc 1 ' 3 Valley View Rezone E � - . ••11 '.l.' :•f�1Rt.i`, .i I••��Y• " �(P q�.,.Q �t it ..•. - n .• •� . ST ��' •el' �# ,ram ..' 07H ST` IJ PL ■ :,.� �:`. •.`„..: 'k- Yam, . . � .�, ``• �3 1:[x��#Tq k�• . '""" = �.., -•- //��� ' ,fie i s :kr,V_ '` •,;�V �.'� t ��•\�,,.�- � .,. @' .." .• .3',Y ,` Lit{ , , ST o ++ k 12 ." 2VON u•koat� Ln on �I I14 s f-----1 4 k Dr Q t� V is � e s . fif lie ID to i 7 6fir lir __ifr Or br I APPLICATION NAME:VALLEY VIEW REQUEST: REZONE#RZ-2005-12 AND PRELIMINARY PLAT#SU-2005-15 VICINITY AND SITE MAP EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCUMON• ti Beginning at a point which is north O'321330 East 829.05 feet from the South quarter section corner of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 5 Eaat, N.N. , in King County, Washington, said point being on the North and South centerline of said Section 6; TAMCE North 00424330 East 301.03 feat; THENCE North 99.531051 West 572.54 feet; THORCE South x035'05• East 302.02 feet; THENCE South 89053.05" West $60.45 feet, more or leaa, to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the North 135.02 feet, more or less; AND EXCEPT 92nd Avenue South. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: *{ Z That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.H. , in Icing County, washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 4hich is North 0142123" East 829.05 feet from the South quarter section corner of Section 6; THENCE South 0042123^ Went 158 feet; THENCE Vorth 99653,051 West 554. 13 feat; THENCE North 16351050 Want 1S8.06 feet, more or less, to a point from which the point of beginning boars South 89153.054 East; THF2 = South 69.53,05, East 560.45 feet, more or loss, to the point of beginning; EXCEPT County Road. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. EXHIBIT "B" ti . i OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Theodore P. Hunter Hearing Examiner FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FILE NO: VALLEY VIEW #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #2053391 APPLICANT: Omied Pazooki 5624 117`h Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006 RE UEST: A zoning map amendment to rezone tax parcel numbers 0622059056 and 0622059036 from SR-4 5 (Single-Family Residential, maximum density 4 53 dwelling units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, maximum density 605 dwelling units per acre) LOCATION: 20433 and 20541 92nd Avenue S. South, located just east of the Valley Freeway, SR-167, Kent, WA APPLICATION FILED: September 12, 2005 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ISSUED: May 19, 2006 and revised on June 2, 2006 (#ENV-2005-58) HEARING DATE: June 21, 2006 RECOMMENDATION ISSUED: July 6, 2006 1 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Gilbert, Planning Services PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Matt Gilbert, Planning Services Brendan Madden, representing applicant EXHIBITS: 1. Staff File with the following attachments: A. Staff Report for Hearing Examiner Meeting of June 7, 2006 i Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Heanng Examiner for the City of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 1 of 7 B. Preliminary Plat Application C Correspondence D. Department Routing E. Public Notice Documents, including affidavits of notice, publication notice and mailing list F. Notice of Completeness; Notice of Application G. Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance dated April 21, 2006 and Environmental Checklist The Hearing Examiner enters the following Findings and Conclusions based upon the testimony t and exhibits admitted at the open record hearing: FINDINGS 1. The Applicant requested a zoning map amendment to rezone two parcels' from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential, maximum density 4.53 dwelling units per acre) to SR-6 (Single-Family Residential, maximum density 6.05 dwelling units per acre).Z The two parcels include approximately 3.97 acres and are located at 20433 and 205431 92n1 Avenue South, Kent, WA, lust east of the Valley Freeway, SR-167. Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, p. 2;Attachment H, Valley View(Preliminary Plat). 2. The subject property was annexed to the City of Kent on March 15, 1959 (Ordinance No. 320). The City established the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and SR-4 5 Zoning designation for several properties along 92"d Avenue as part of its 2004 update of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 3698). Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, page 3. 3. Most of the surrounding developed properties are located in the SR-6 zoning district. Properties to the north were recently rezoned from SR 4.5 to SR-6 (Brennas Vista R/Sophia Glenn #RZ 2005-1). Property to the east is zoned SR-6, while properties located to the south are currently zoned SR 4.5 and SR-6. A subdivision of the 22.3 acres north of the subject site is currently under City review and generally proposes development of near minimum area lots and maximum achievable density for the SR-6 zone. The City is currently processing a SR-4.5 to SR-6 rezone and recently reviewed a tentative plat application for one of the southern adjacent parcels. Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, pages 2 and 3. Testimony of Matt Gilbert. The King County tax parcel numbers are 0622059036 and 0622059056 A legal description is provided on the preliminary plat associated with this rezone request Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report,page 2, AttachmentH, Valley View(Preliminary Plat) 2 The Applicant submitted applications for both a rezone(#RZ-2005-12 K1VA4 2053391)and subdivision(#SU- 2005-16 KIVA#2053388)of the subject site on September 12,2005 Because the Hearing Examiner must make a recommendation to the City Counul on the rezone in contrast to a decision on the subdivision,the rezone hearing was heard separately and has its own findings, conclusion and recommendation Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Hearing Examiner for the Oty of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-I2(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 2 of 7 4. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property as Single Family Residential, six dwelling units per acre (SF-6). The zoning designation of SR-6 is allowed within the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation. Although the existing SR-4.5 zoning designation is also compatible with the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation, the City Planner testified that the SR-6 zoning designation is appropriate for the subject property because it allows for greater flexibility in the layout of proposed lots for a plat. Exhibit 1, Staff Report, pages 3 and 15; City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element—Land Use Map, Table 4.1, Testimony of Matt Gilbert. 5. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan contains the following goals and policies that are relevant to the rezone application: Goal H-2: Promote the organization and enhancement of neighborhoods, and provide the opportunity for comfortable and well-maintained housing for all citizens. Policy H-2.7: Continue to utilize regulatory measures to control impacts of residential development on the environment and on water quality. . . Goal LU-9: Provide adequate land and densities to accommodate the adopted 20 year housing target of 4,284 new dwelling units within existing city limits . . Policy LU-9.1: Where appropriate, establish urban residential densities of at least four (4) units per net developable acre in order to adequately support urban densities. Policy LU-9.4: Locate housing opportunities with a variety of densities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and where possible, near human and community services. Goal LU-10: Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the City . to meet the housing needs of the Region's changing demographics. Policy LU-10.4: Allow single family housing on a variety of lot sizes. Locate smaller lot sizes within close proximity to the Urban Center or Activity Centers wherever possible. Goal LU-20: Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of the City regulations and programs which encourage well- designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in specified areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 3 of 7 Goal LU-22: Ensure that the City's environmental policies and regulations comply with state and federal environmental protection regulations regarding air and water quality, noise and wildlife and fisheries resources and habitat protection. Demonstrate support for environmental quality in land use plans, development regulations, and site plan review to ensure that local land use management is consistent with the City's overall natural resource goals. Policy TR1.2: Coordinate new commercial and residential development in Kent with transportation projects to assure that transportation facility capacity is sufficient to accommodate the new development, or a financial commitment is in place to meet the adopted standard within six years, before allowing it to proceed. Policy TR-1.5: Ensure consistency between land use and transportation plans so that land use and adjacent transportation facilities are compatible. The proposed rezone supports these goals and policies in that existing urban services and infrastructure serve the subject property. The density allowed by the rezone would accommodate additional households pursuant to the 20-year time horizon provided for in the Comprehensive Plan without converting single-family residential lands to multifamily residential lands. Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, page 7. Testimony of Matt Gilbert. 6. Circumstances have changed since the City established the current zoning district. The City amended its Comprehensive Plan in 2004 and established the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and SR-4.5 zoning designation for this area. The City Council passed an updated Critical Area Ordinance (CAO) in 2005. The new CAO allows more flexibility through a detailed geotechnical review process with site specific analysis. In early 2006, the City Council approved a rezone of the 22 acres north of the Valley View site from SR-4.5 to SR-6. Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, pages 16 and 17. Testimony of Matt Gilbert. 7. Based on the gross acreage of the subject property, the maximum number of dwelling units that could be developed under current SR-4.5 zoning is 17 single family units and the maximum number of dwelling units that could be developed under the proposed SR- 6 zoning is 23. Mr. Madden testified that he submitted the rezone application because roads and the detention pond for the proposed subdivision removed buildable land from the site leaving a density of 4.53 dwelling units per acre that exceeds the SSR-4.5 zoning. With the rezone, smaller lot sizes will be available as is consistent with the SR-6 zoning. The Applicant's environmental checklist discloses a proposal to divide the subject property into 18 single-family residential lots. Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, p. 2; Attachment G (Environmental Checklist) page 4. Testimony of Brendan Madden. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 4 of 7 8. The proposed rezone, in and of itself, would not add traffic to the local to the local street system. The traffic impact of future development of the subject property would be mitigated through a Traffic Impact Study and payment of traffic mitigation fees. The City Planner testified that the MDNS condition regarding transportation impacts applies to the rezone to address general traffic impacts related to development generally, not the plat specifically. Exhibit 1, Attachment G(MDNS), p. 2. Testimony of Matt Gilbert. Testimony of Brendan Madden. 9 The City of Kent acted as lead agency for review of environmental impacts caused by the proposal. The Applicant submitted applications for subdivision and rezone of the subject site on September 12, 2005. The City, issued a Mitigated Determination of I Nonsignificance (MDNS) for the rezone, as well as for the subdivision on May 19, 2006 (revised on June 1, 2006).3 The MDNS was not appealed.4 Exhibit 1, Attachment A, Staff Report, pages 3 and 4;Attachment G(MDNS). Testimony of Matt Gilbert: 10. Notice of the open record hearing was posted on the property, mailed to properties within 300 feet of the site, and published in King County>ournal in accordance with City ordinances. Exhibit 1, Attachment C. 11. Other than the City Staff planner and the applicant, there was no other testimony or public comment at the hearing. CONCLUSIONS Jurisdiction The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction to hold an open record hearing on this quasi-judicial rezone and to issue a written recommendation for final action to the Council, pursuant to RCW 35A.63.170 and Chapters 2.32 and 15.09 of the Kent City Code. Criteria for Review Section 15.09.050(C) of the Kent Zoning Code sets forth the standards and enteria the Hearing Examiner must use to evaluate a request for a rezone A request for a rezone shall only be granted if: 3 It is noted that a bifurcated environmental review process would still be appropriate under certain circumstances, such as when a rezone is not directly attached to a particular development proposal that has been filed with the City. It is recognized that the preparation of detailed project plans may be costly,and a developer may wish to obtain a decision on a rezone prior to submitting detailed project plans However, in this case the developer has already submitted a complete preliminary plat application a The City Planner testified that the City reviewed the rezone using a project rezone approach As recognized by the Washington Supreme Court, the impacts of a specific development proposal can serve as a useful yardstick for measuring the impacts of a rezone See Citizens Alliance v Auburn 126 Wn 2d, 356, 365 (1995) A combined threshold determmation is consistent with KCC 12 01 030(D),promotes the policies of SEPA,and is a more efficient use of City,applicant and public resources Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 5 of 7 a. The proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan; b. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity; c The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated; d. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone, e. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city Conclusions Based on Findings 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property and all surrounding properties as SF-6. The additional density allowed by the rezone would support the policies of the Comprehensive Plan Findings Nos 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible T with development in the vicinity. Existing and authorized land uses in the vicinity of the site are single-family residential. The properties to the north and east are zoned for residential development at the same density as requested by the Applicant Properties to the south of the site are zoned SR 4 5 and SR-6. Future development of the subject property would be compatible with existing and planned development in the vicinity of subject property. Findings No 3, 4, 6 3. The proposed rezone would not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated. The rezone itself would not generate any traffic. The traffic impact of future development of the subject property would be mitigated through a Traffic Impact Study and payment of traffic mitigation fees. Finding No. 8. 4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district. In considering a rezone, the Applicant has the burden of proof in demonstrating that conditions have substantially changed since the original zoning and that the rezone bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare Parkridge v Seattle, 89 Wn.2d 454 (1978). A variety of factors may be utilized to satisfy a change in circumstances including changes in public opinion, local land use patterns, and changes on the property itself Blarnson v Kitsap County, 78 Wn. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Hearing Examiner for the City of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 6 of App 840, 846 (1995). The proposed rezone is supported by changes in surrounding residential zoning and development to conform to the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and by the City Council's passage of an updated Critical Area Ordinance Findings No. 6 5. The proposed rezone would not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. Allowed land uses under both the current and proposed zoning designations are exclusively residential. No adverse impacts were identified durmg the environmental review process Other then testimony by the City planner and the Applicant, there was no public comment on the rezone application at the public hearing. Findings Nos 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the preceding Findings and Conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommends that the application for a rezone of King County Tax Parcel number 0622059056 and 0622059036 from SR-4.5 to SR-6 be APPROVED. DATED this 6th day of July 2006. THEODORE PAUL HUNTER Hearing Examiner Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Heanng Examiner for the Co of Kent Valley View Rezone #RZ-2005-12(KIVA #RPP4-2053391) Page 7 of Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 r and revised on June 1, 2006. One condition related to mitigation of vehicle trips on the local roadway network was associated with the MDNS. No public comments were received in association with the SEPA process. B. Significant Physical Features Topography. Wetlands and Vegetation The site slopes down from east to west at about 14%. A localized area of 40% slopes exists along the northern property line that will be regraded prior to development. A wide range of vegetation exists on the subject site. Deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and grasses have all been identified in various plant communities. The applicant has indicated that up to 70% of the site may be covered with impervious surface, as allowed by the zoning code. The applicant will submit a survey of significant on-site trees and, as part of civil construction plan review, will be required to submit and receive approval of a detailed tree plan that shows trees to be retained. No wetlands, streams or associated buffers have been identified as encumbering the site. C. Significant Social Features 1. Street System The proposed development project is located within the East Hill area of the City and will take its primary access from 92'6 Avenue South. This public street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 60-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 22-feet wide. The existing street provides for two narrow lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other improvements: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks; or a street lighting system. The existing asphalt pavement section of this 1 portion of the street is inadequate to provide an expected 20-year t service life and may be in need of an asphalt overlay/rebuild in order to maintain an acceptable level of service while accommodating the increased volume of trips being generated by this proposal. 92nd Avenue South is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street with Bike Lanes within the City's Comprehensive Plan and will require: a minimum of 70-feet of public right-of-way; a 44-foot wide asphalt roadway with three traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot wide in-street bike lanes; cement concrete curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip, and Page 4 of 30 I Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 5-foot wide cement concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street; a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. As stated in the SEPA decision document, the proposed subdivision development will cause incremental but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems -- demonstrated, in part, as additional traffic congestion at the intersections of: 92nd Avenue South at South 200`h Street, 92Id Avenue South at South 202nd Street, 92"d Avenue South at South 2081h Street and South 208th Street at 841h Avenue North / East Valley Highway This Proposed Valley View subdivision abuts the southern boundary of the Sophia Glenn Preliminary Subdivision, which is currently under City review. In order to achieve roadway connectivity, the proposed north/south roadways of Valley View and Sophia Glenn will be required to match at the common boundary, along the north property line of the subject site. Due to the complex site grading associated with each of these proposals, close design coordination will be necessary. 1 Coordination will also be required to achieve connectivity of other utility systems. To this end, the applicants for the Valley View and Sophia Glenn projects have each retained Barghausen Consulting Engineers to prepare design drawings. The applicant will also need to work closely with the City's Public Works Department to achieve this coordination. This development is within an area which is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes and narrow or no shoulders, and the area has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities. 2. Water System The site is located within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The applicant has provided a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from this agency. I3. Sanitary Sewer System The site is located within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The applicant has provided a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from this agency. 4. Stormwater System I A stormwater system will be necessary to accommodate the proposed development. The applicant has submitted a preliminary drainage Page 5 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 analysis which supports the location and size of the proposed storm drainage tract. Prior to development of the site the applicant will be required to submit complete drainage plans prepared in accordance with the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual and the 1998 King ' County Surface Water Design Manual. As the on-site stormwater will ultimately discharge into the Garrison Creek channel, located within the SR-167 right-of-way, the applicant will need to receive approval from the Washington State Department of Transportation prior to construction of the stormwater system. III. CONSULTED DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES The following departments and agencies were advised of these applications: Chief Administrative Officer Police Department Director of Public Works Fire Chief , Parks & Recreation Director City Clerk City Attorney Kent School District U.S Post Master WA State Dept. of Ecology Washington State DOT K. C. Wastewater Treatment Puget Sound Energy King Co. Environmental Health Qwest King Co. Transit Division Soos Creek Water & Sewer Dist. In addition to the above, all persons owning property located within 300 feet of the site were notified of the application and of the public hearing. No public comments were received regarding this proposal. Comments received from the above listed agencies and departments have been incorporated in the staff report where applicable. IV. PLANNING SERVICES REVIEW A. Comprehensive Plan The City of Kent has adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Ordinance #3698 — July 2004). The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan represent an expression of community intentions and aspirations concerning the future of Kent and the area within the potential annexation area. The Comprehensive Plan is used by the Mayor, City Council, Land Use and Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and City departments to guide decision-making relative to development and capital facility spending. Page 6 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan is comprised of eleven elements which contain written goals and policies as well as a land use map. The proposed subdivision supports several goals and policies in the Land Use element, most notably goals LU-1 and LU-8, and policies LU 1.1 and LU 8.1. The proposed plat is located near existing urban services and infrastructure. The City supports the development of close-in vacant or underdeveloped properties which limits further urban sprawl on the edges of the planning area. In addition, in-fill development provides a more efficient means of providing services and enhancing pedestrian mobility. Also, one of the objectives of the comprehensive plan is to provide a wide variety of housing types and opportunities to accommodate projected population growth without converting single family lands to multifamily residential. Development of single family subdivisions on underdeveloped, single family zoned land is consistent with this objective. Upon reviewing the subdivision map for the Valley View Preliminary Subdivision development, it has been determined that the proposed development will cause incremental but cumulatively significant, additional impacts to the regional and local transportation systems. Additional incremental, but cumulatively significant, impacts will be created to stormwater quantity, stormwater quality, stormwater detention and conveyance facilities, utility transmission facilities, sanitary sewage and domestic potable water conveyance systems. Compliance with City of Kent's 'Public Works Ordinance' and the State of Washington's Growth Management Act will require concurrent improvement -- or the execution of binding agreements by the Owner / Subdivider with the City of Kent, for participation in future public improvement projects-of roadways, pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, intersection and intersection traffic signals, stormwater detention, stormwater treatment, and stormwater conveyance, utility, sanitary sewage, and domestic potable water systems. LAND USE ELEMENT The Land Use Element of the plan contains a Land Use Plan Map, which designates the type and intensity of land uses throughout the city, as well as in the entire potential annexation area. The Land Use Plan Map designates the subject property as SF-6, Single Family Residential which allows six units per acre. In addition to the Land Use Plan Map, the Land Use Element also contains goals and policies relating to the location, density, and design of future development in the City and in the Potential Annexation Area. Page 7 of 30 i Staff Report , Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 Overall Goal: Encourage a future growth and development pattern which implements the community's vision, protects environmentally sensitive areas, and enhances the quality of life of all of Kent's residents. Policy LU-8.1: Provide in the land use plan adequate land and densities to ' accommodate both city and county housing targets within the Potential Annexation Area. Average net residential densities throughout the Potential Annexation Area should be at least four units per acre in order to adequately support urban services. Policy LU-8.3: Locate housing opportunities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit and human and community services. Goal LU-9: Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the city and the Potential Annexation Area. Policy LU-9.4: Allow single family housing on a variety of lot sizes, including 5,000 square foot lots. Locate smaller lot sizes within close proximity to the urban activity centers. Planning Services Comment: The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The development proposed through this subdivision request seeks to establish residential lots at a net density of approximately 6.3 units per acre, which is sufficient to support urban services. The proposed location is easily served by existing urban services and is in convenient proximity to commercial areas along East Valley Highway. Also, the proposed rezone is consistent with the Land Use Plan Map, which allows up to six dwelling units per gross acre on the proposed rezone parcel. HOUSING ELEMENT The primary goal of the housing element is to meet the current and future need , for housing in the Kent area. Overall Goal: Ensure opportunities for affordable housing and an appropriate living environment for Kent citizens. Goal H-1: Promote healthy neighborhoods by providing a wide range of housing options throughout the community that are accessible to community and human services, employment opportunities, and transportation and by being sensitive to the environmental impacts of development. Page 8 of 30 i Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 Policy H-1.1: Ensure that community and human services, including, but not limited to, fire, police, library facilities, medical services, neighborhood shopping, child care, food banks, and recycling facilities are easily accessible to neighborhood residents. Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Appropriate services, including, but not limited to, fire, police, medical services and neighborhood shopping are easily accessible to neighborhood residents upon development of the subject property. NATURAL RESOURCES GOALS AND POLICIES: Goal LU-20: Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of the City regulations and programs which encourage well-designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in specified areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. Goal LU-22: Ensure that the City's environmental policies and regulations comply with state and federal environmental protection regulations regarding air and water quality, noise and wildlife and fisheries resources and habitat protection. Demonstrate support for environmental quality in land use plans, development regulations, and site plan review to ensure that local land use management is consistent with the City's overall natural resource goals. Planning Services Comment: I The proposed rezone and subdivision are supported by relevant goals and policies contained within the Natural Resources Section of the Comprehensive Plan. The steep slope areas located along the northern property line of the 1 subject site will be addressed through an approved grading plan that will minimize potential runoff and potential for erosion and slope instability. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT: Goal TR-1: Coordinate land use and transportation planning to meet the needs of the City and the requirements of the Growth Management Act. Page 9 of 30 i Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 Policy TR-1.2: Coordinate new commercial and residential development in Kent with transportation projects to improve affected roadways. Policy TR-1.5: Ensure consistency between land use and transportation plans ' so that land use and adjacent transportation facilities are compatible. Planning Services Comment: The Growth Management Act requires consistency between land use and 1 transportation planning. As noted, the Land Use Plan identifies the area of the rezone as SF-6 Single Family Residential. The Public Works Department has identified improvements to the local transportation network necessary to accommodate the proposed higher density. These improvements will be required through the conditions of approval proposed for this subdivision. B. Standards For Granting A Subdivision The purpose of the City of Kent Subdivision Code is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for subdividing land in the City of Kent, ensuring that the highest feasible quality in subdivisions will be attained; that the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the City of Kent shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth, development, and the conservation, protection and proper use of land shall be promoted; that proper provisions for all public facilities, including connectivity, circulation, utilities, and services shall be made; that maximum advantage of site characteristics shall be taken into consideration; and that the process shall be in conformance with provisions set forth in the City of Kent Zoning Code and Kent Comprehensive Plan (KCC 12.04.015). The procedures regulating subdivisions are established to ensure quality development which promotes orderly and efficient growth, the conservation and proper use of land; protects the public health, safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the city; makes adequate provisions for public facilities in conformance with provisions set forth in KCC Title 15, Zoning, and the Kent Comprehensive Plan; and complies with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 58.17 RCW (KCC 12.04.600). No subdivision shall be approved unless the following principles of acceptability are met; the subdivision shall: 1. Create legal building sites which comply with all provisions of KCC Title 15, Zoning, and health regulations; Page 10 of 30 i jStaff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-1105-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 2. Establish access to a public road for each segregated parcel; 3. Have suitable physical characteristics; a proposed plat may be denied because of flood, inundation or wetland conditions; slope, soil stability and/or capabilities; or the construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval; 4. If adjacent to another municipality or King County, take into consideration the subdivision standards of that jurisdiction as well as the requirements of this chapter; 5. Make adequate provision for stormwater detention, dramageways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, and other public utilities and services, as i deemed necessary; ■ 6. Make adequate provision for the connectivity of streets, alleys, pedestrian accessways and other public ways (KCC 12.04.635). As evidenced by the General Information in Section I. and the following responses to the criteria for approving subdivisions, the proposal is in general conformance with the Kent Subdivision Code. Furthermore, Section 12.04.685 of the Kent Subdivision Code indicates that a subdivision shall not be approved unless the City finds that: 1. Appropriate provisions have been made for: a. The public health, safety and general welfare of the community; The proposed plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-6 The proposed density and lot dimensions are consistent with the respective zoning districts, as proposed through this application. b. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (ENV-2005-58) for this development proposal as well as for the proposed rezone was issued on May 19, 2006, then revised on June 1, 2006. Conditions of this determination require the applicant to provide * mitigation for traffic impacts created by the proposed j development. Page 11 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 C. Open spaces; Provisions for open space will be made through payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of on-site open space as discussed in section d. below. d. Community parks and recreation; The Parks Department has commented that the proposed subdivision does impact existing park facilities. No open space is shown on the site plan for this project. The owner/applicant will be required to pay a fee in lieu of dedication of land pursuant to Section 12.04,780. This fee is based on the value of the subject land at the time of application for preliminary subdivision approval. As this application was deemed complete in January of 2006, land values from that date have been used to determine that a fee of approximately $33,750 will be required in lieu of dedication of open-space within the proposed plat (based on the values provided by the King County Department of Assessments). Funds collected in lieu of an on site dedication of open space will be used for improvement and/or acquisition of additional park space at the Chestnut Ridge park, located about one-half mile east of the proposed subdivision. e. Neighborhood tot lots and play areas; Provisions for these areas will be accomplished by the fee paid under section d. above. f. Schools and school grounds; The subject property lies within the Kent School District. Pursuant to KCC 12.13.160, a school impact fee (currently assessed at $4,775 per single family residence) will be assessed in association with the subdivision of land. The impact fee will be assessed and collected for each individual lot at the time of construction permit issuance and will be based upon the adopted impact fee at that time. 9. Drainageways; Each individual residence will be required to provide on-site infiltration as well as an overflow connection to an approved conveyance system. Page 12 of 30 iStaff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 In. Stormwater Detention; The City of Kent Public Works Department has reviewed the incremental increase in impervious area and determined the proposed stormwater system to be adequate. i. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services; Sidewalks will be required along both sides of the proposed public streets, and along 92nd Avenue. The proposed road configuration will allow connection of sidewalks to future developments north and south of the site. j. Connectivity of streets or roads, alleys, pedestrian accessways, and other public ways within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods; Properties to the north of the Valley View site are currently under City review for subdivision development, but have yet to receive preliminary approval. A proposal for subdivision of the southern adjacent properties is also expected in the near future. The proposed north/south roadway for the Valley View subdivision provides connection points at the north and south property so as to allow the roadway to be part of an interconnected network that will be created by the proposed development in this area. By working closely with City staff and the applicants for the northern adjacent project (Sophia Glenn #SU-2005-6), the applicant has proposed a roadway design that will be part of a larger network, and have access to existing public right of way only through the northerly Sophia Glenn site. As the Sophia Glenn preliminary plat is on a similar schedule as Valley View and the two projects are both being designed by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, the connection to 92nd Avenue South will likely be in place prior to final approval of the Valley View subdivision. However, in the event that the coordination effort fails and the Valley View roadway is constructed before the Sophia Glenn public roadway connection is available, appropriate temporary easements across the Sophia Glenn site will need to be in place to connect Valley View to 92nd Avenue South. Page 13 of 30 I Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 k. Transit stops; Transit service is available less than 1 mile from the site at East Valley Highway and 208th Street I. Potable water supplies; All homes within the proposed plat will be connected to water service provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. M. Sanitary wastes; All homes within the plat will be connected to sanitary proposed sewer service provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. n. Other public utilities and services, as deemed necessary: Power and natural gas lines will be installed during plat construction. Garbage service will be established by the individual residents. 2. The city has considered all other relevant facts; and determined that the proposed plat will be in conformance with all of the criteria listed above. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. 4. The City has considered the physical characteristics of the proposed subdivision site and may deny a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions; slope, or sod stability and/or capabilities. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat C. ZONING CODE 1. Feasibility of Development If the proposed rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6, Single Family Residential is approved, development on all lots in the proposed subdivision will be subject to Zoning Code requirements in the SR-6, Single Family Residential zoning district. All proposed lots within the subdivision area meet the minimum lot size and width requirements for the SR-6, Single Page 14 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 Family Residential district. The existing house on lot 4 will remain and meets the development standards of the SR-6 zone. Numerous significant trees are located on the site. Zoning regulations encourage the retention of significant trees where roads, utilities, and site improvements are not proposed. Tree retention plans will be required for the plat and development of each lot where trees are ilocated (per KCC Section 15.08.240). 2. Criteria for Granting a Request for Rezone The following standards and criteria (Kent Zoning Code, Section 15.09.050) are used by the Hearing Examiner and City Council to evaluate a request for a rezone. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the City Council determines that the request is consistent with these standards and criteria. a. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning_Services Comment The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designates the subject property as SF-6, Single Family Residential which allows up to six units per acre. A rezone of the site from SR-4.5 Single Family Residential to SR-6 Single Family Residential will allow residential development up to 6.05 units per acre, which is also allowed under the Comprehensive Plan. As previously discussed, the proposed rezone is also consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity. jPlanning Services Comment The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible and integrate well with the existing development in the vicinity. Future development on the subject site will be part of a residential area defined on the north by 200th Street, on the south by 208th Street and on the west by the Valley Freeway. This area features low to medium density residential development in located both in subdivisions and on unplatted lots. In February of 2006 the Kent City Council approved a rezone of the 22 acres immediately north of the subject site from SR-4.5 to SR-6 (ref. Sophia Glenn/Brenna's Vista II #RZ-2005-1, Ord. 3787). The proposed Page 15 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 SR-6 zoning designation allows for 6.05 units per acre, a medium density designation. As previously noted, the City is currently processing residential subdivision proposals on the northern parcels which, if approved, will establish modern residential subdivisions comprised of approximately 5,700 square foot to 8,000 square foot lots. , The Valley Freeway (SR-167) abuts the site along the western boundary. C. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system In the vrcmity of the property w1th significant adverse Impacts which cannot be mitigated. Planning Services Comment A rezone of this property to SR-6, Single Family Residential will not generate additional trips onto the existing transportation system. However, the subdivision development will add trips to the local street system. Road and street frontage conditions are part of the conditions of approval recommended by staff for the proposed subdivision. These improvements include but are not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalks, planting strips, street lighting, paving, necessary street improvements, and public stormwater conveyance. The applicant will be required to participate in other City transportation improvement projects by providing an environmental mitigation fee for the impacts created by future development. d. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. Planning Services Comment In 2004, as part of the Comprehensive Plan update, the Council established the SF-6 Comprehensive Plan designation and SR-4.5 zoning designation to the entire 48 acre area between 92"d Avenue and the Valley Freeway, south of 2001h Street and north of 2081h Street. In 2005 the City Council passed an updated Critical Area Ordinance. In part, the new CAO allows home builders greater flexibility when locating new buildings on hillside areas. In short, the former hillside development regulations set static numerical limitations on new development based on degree of slope, seismic stability, erosion and slide slippage potential. The development limitations associated with the former hillside development regulations would likely have applied to areas of this site. The new CAO allows development limitations to be Page 16 of 30 ' Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 set through a detailed geotechnical review process that includes site specific analysis and allows modern structural solutions to be applied to potentially hazardous areas. Given this new flexibility, development of the subject the site is feasible. Additionally, in early 2006 the City Council approved a rezone of the 22 acres north of the Valley View site from SR-4.5 to SR-6. The City is currently reviewing subdivision development plans for this northern area. Development of these adjacent sites will help facilitate creation of a roadway and utility network that will benefit the subject site. The applicant proposes this rezone to support development of the subject site as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. e. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. ! Planning Services Comment The proposed rezone is consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. Subsequent development on the site will have to meet applicable codes and regulations, including mitigation of anticipated environmental impacts. Therefore, the rezone proposal will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. D. CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS The proposed rezone and subdivision are consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. 1. Type of Land Use Allowed tThe development of single family home sites is a principally permitted use on land zoned SR-4.5 and SR-6, Single Family Residential. j2. Level of Development Allowed The proposed subdivision of approximately 3.9 acres into 18 building sites is consistent with the designated Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-6 Single Family/6 units per acre and with the zoning designation of ISR-6 (pending the outcome the proposed rezone). Page 17 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 3. Adequacy of Infrastructure The proposed subdivision will place increased demands on existing transportation, water and sanitary sewer systems in the general vicinity. The project will also result in a significant net increase of impervious surface area on the two parcels involved. When fully developed, the impact of 17 new homes being occupied will result in an estimated 170 daily and 17 new PM peak hour trips to the local street system. The effects on the domestic water supply, sanitary sewer service, stormwater run-off, conveyance, storage, treatment and discharge and transportation impacts have been analyzed through the subdivision review as well as the SEPA process and associated MDNS. 4. Characteristics of the Proposed Subdivision The proposed subdivision, as presented, appears to be in general conformance with the Kent City Code with respect to the required minimum lot area, minimum lot width and access to a public right of way. E. PROPOSED FINDINGS Planning Services has reviewed these applications in relation to the Comprehensive Plan, zoning, land use, street system, flood control problems and comments from other departments and finds that: 1. The Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates this site SF-6, Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre maximum density. 2. The site is currently zoned SR-4.5 Single Family Residential. If RZ- 2005-12 is approved, this site will be zoned SR-6, Single Family Residential and subject to the development standards which include 5,700 square foot minimum lot size and 50 foot minimum lot width. 3. Current land uses in the immediate area are predominantly low and ,. medium density single family residential. 4. A Tentative Plat meeting was held for the proposed subdivision on August 11, 2005 (#TSU-2005-16). 5. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance was issued for the plat on i May 19, 2006, and revised June 1, 2006 (#ENV-2005-58). Page 18 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision 4RZ-2105-11 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 6. There are significant trees of six inch or greater caliper located on the property. 7. The site has access to 92nd Avenue South. 8. The subject property would receive water service from the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 9. The subject property would receive sewer service from the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. V. CITY STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (#RZ-2005-12) Upon review of the merits of this request and the Code criteria for granting a rezone, the City staff recommends APPROVAL without conditions of the Valley View rezone. 2. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (#SU-2005-16) Based on the merits of this request and the code criteria for granting a preliminary subdivision, staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed Valley View preliminary plat subject to the following conditions A. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE PLAT FOR THIS SUBDIVISION: 1. The Owner / Subdivider shall pay all Charges in Lieu of Assessments and/or Latecomer Fees, if any, prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction Conference and/or prior to recording this plat, whichever comes first. 2. The Owner / Subdivider shall provide Public Works with a digital plat map prepared with a CAD program. The digital information can be formatted in either *.DWG (AutoCad) or *.DXF (Drawing Exchange File), but must be based upon State Plane coordinates: an assumed coordinate system is not permitted. The State Plane Coordinates shall be on the NAD 83/91 datum and must relate to at least two City of Kent reference points within one half mile of the subdivision. In addition, the project shall be tied into at least two City of Kent NAD 88 vertical benchmarks and two additional permanent benchmarks shall be established within the project. The locations, descriptions and elevations of these benchmarks will be Page 19 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 reported at the time as-built drawings are submitted along with field notes sufficient to verify the required precision. 3. The Owner / Subdivider shall submit and receive City approval for engineering drawings from the Department of Public Works, and shall then either construct or bond for the following: a. A public gravity sanitary sewer system to serve all lots. r This development will be served by the Soos Creek Water • & Sewer District and will be constructed to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District standards and specifications. The septic system serving the existing home(s) within the proposed subdivision - if any - shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department Regulations. b. A public water system meeting domestic and fire flow requirements for all lots. This development will be served by Soos Creek Water & Sewer District and will be constructed to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District standards and specifications. Existing wells — if any - shall be abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Ecology. C. A stormwater system. The Engineering Plans must meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards and 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM). Initial guidance for the Engineering Plans is given below (See Chapter 2 of KSWDM for detailed submittal requirements): (1) The Engineering Plans will include at a minimum: Site improvement plans which include all plans, details, notes and specifications necessary to construct road, drainage, and other related improvements. The engineering plans shall include a technical information report (TIR) which contains all the technical information and analysis to develop the site improvement plans. Page 20 of 30 rStaff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 (2) An erosion and sedimentation control (ESC) plan shall be included with the engineering plans. The ESC shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These plans must reflect the Detailed Grading Plan discussed below, and the Planning Department approved Detailed Tree Plan (3) The retention / detention and release standard that will be met by the subdivision is Level Two. The water quality menu that will be met by the subdivision is the Resource Stream Protection Menu. A letter of approval from WA DOT is required for the outlet of the stormwater facility to enter WA DOT right of way. (4) The site improvement plans and technical information report will contain drainage ' calculations and a drawing of the retention / detention pond tract at an appropriate engineering scale to show that the proposed on-site or off-site retention / detention tract is large enough to contain the required minimum stormwater storage volume and water quality facility. The site improvement plans will also show that all required stormwater management facilities will be outside of delineated wetlands and their buffers, as well 1 as outside of creeks and rivers and their buffers. (5) A downstream analysis is required for this I development, and it will include an analysis for capacity, erosion potential, and water quality. Refer to the requirements of Technical Information Reports in Section 3: "Offsite Analysis", of the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual for the specific information required for downstream analyses. (6) Roof downspouts for each roofed structure (house, garage, carport, etc.) shall be directed to a Roof Downspout Infiltration System meeting the requirements of Section C.2, flow Control BMP's, in 1 Appendix C to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. These roof downspout conveyance Page 21 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 and infiltration systems shall include overflow pipes connected to an approved dispersion system. The Drainage Plans will include an approved detail for the Roof Downspout Infiltration System. The face of the recorded plat shall contain the following restriction: AS A CONDITION OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE, RESIDENCES CONSTRUCTED ON LOTS OF THIS SUBDIVISION MUST PROVIDE ROOF DOWNSPOUT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS PER DETAILS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS. (7) If determined necessary by the Public Works Department following review and approval of the required downstream analysis, the Owner / Subdivider shall provide public drainage easements meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards for the specified downstream reach where adequate public drainage easements do not currently exist. (8) The Owner / Subdivider shall submit Landscape Plans for within and surrounding the retention / detention facility to the Planning Department and to the Department of Public Works for concurrent review and approval prior to, or in conjunction with, the approval of the Engineering Plans. These Landscape Plans shall meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and the stormwater management landscaping requirements contained within the , 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Landscape Plans are required to show adjacent Street Trees so that the City arbcnst can assess potential adverse stress upon all types of vegetation. (9) The Owner / Subdivider shall execute Declaration , of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenants for the private portions of the drainage system prepared by the Property Management Section of the Department of Public Works. See Reference 8- F, Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant, to the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Page 22 of 30 iStaff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 Design Manual for information on what is contained within this document. d. A Detailed Grading Plan for the entire subdivision meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits & Grading Plans. Initial guidance for these plans is given below: (1) These plans will include provisions for utilities, roadways, retention / detention ponds, stormwater treatment facilities, and a building Ifootpad for each lot. (2) These plans shall be designed to eliminate the need for processing several individual Grading Permits upon application for Budding Permits: phasing of grading on a lot-by-lot basis will not be considered. (3) These plans will use a 2-foot maximum contour interval, and every fifth contour line will be darker in conformance to standard drafting practice. (4) These plans will clearly demonstrate that the City`s maximum street grades of 12 percent will not be exceeded unless otherwise approved by the Fire I and Public Works Departments and that adequate stopping sight distance is available for all driveways and street intersections. je. Interim Street Improvement Plans for 92nd Avenue South along the entire property frontage thereon. These Interim Street Improvement Plans shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochures #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements, and # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans, for a street designated as a Residential Collector Arterial Street with Bike Lanes within the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. Initial guidance for the necessary interim street improvements is given below: 1 Page 23 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 (1) Combined vertical concrete curbs & gutters, a 5- foot wide planter strip, and a 5-foot cement concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. (2) A minimum of 22-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement as measured from the approved centerline of the street to the face of curb on the west side of the street, plus at least 12-feet of HMA pavement as measured from the approved centerline to the edge of the traveled lane on the east side of the street. A City approved shoulder on the east side of the street. (3) A City-approved street lighting system. (4) Public stormwater conveyance, detention and treatment facilities as applicable. (5) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips constructed between the back of curb and the front of the cement concrete sidewalk. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. f. Street Improvement Plans for Road B, the new public Residential Street running parallel to 92"d Avenue South and terminating with a temporary cul-de-sac bulb, or approved turnaround at its southerly terminus. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, PrIvate and Public Street Improvements and Gty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a public street 28-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: Page 24 of 30 1 i ' Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision 4RZ-2111-12 KIVA #RPP4-2011111 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 (1) Combined vertical curb & gutter, a 5-foot wide planting strip constructed between the back of curb and the front of the sidewalk, and then a 5- foot wide cement concrete sidewalk along both sides of the street. (2) A minimum of 28-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, as measured from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb which will provide for parking on one side only. I (3) A street lighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for by the Home Owner's Association created for this 1 subdivision. i (4) A public stormwater drainage system, including provisions for collection, conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities. (5) Curb return radii of 20-feet at the intersection Road A and Road B. (6) Street grades shall be no steeper than 12 percent without the Fire Marshal's and the Public Works Department approval, and must provide the minimum stopping sight distance on grades meeting the criteria found in the 2004 edition of the AASHTO Green Book, as modified by the WSDOT. (7) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide I planting strips. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within City of Kent Development AssIstance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees ' (8) Because Road B does not connect directly to 92'd Avenue Southeas4 the Owner / :-I Subdivider should pursue an agreement ? with the Owners of the abutting pending Page 25 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 subdivision, Sophia Glenn, SU 2005-06, which will ensure construction of an off-site interim street improvement that does connect to 92nd Avenue Southeast. No Building Permits for any lot will be issued until the off-site fire access roadway is constructed, and fire hydrants have been installed, g. Street Improvement Plans for Road A, the new public Residential Street connected to Road B and terminating with permanent cul-de-sac bulb at its easterly terminus. The Street Improvement Plans for this street shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a public at least street 28- feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is given below: (1) Combined vertical curb & gutter, a 5-foot wide planting strip constructed between the back of curb and the front of the sidewalk, and then a 5- foot wide cement concrete sidewalk along both sides of the street. (2) A minimum of 28-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, as measured from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb which will provide for parking on one side only. (3) A street fighting system designed to the City's standards, constructed and maintained by the IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy; all electrical and maintenance bills shall be paid for by the Home Owner's Association created for this subdivision. (4) A public stormwater drainage system, including provisions for collection, conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities. Page 26 of 30 t Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision 4RZ-2005-11 KIVA #RPP4-1011391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 (5) Curb return radii of 20-feet at the intersection of Road A and Road B, and 45-foot radii to the edge of pavement for the temporary cul-de-sac bulbs. ' (6) Street grades shall be no steeper than 12 percent without the Fire Marshall's and the Public Works Department approval, and must provide the minimum SSD on grades meeting the criteria found in the 2004 edition of the AASHTO Green Book - as modified by WSDOT. (7) Street Trees installed within the 5-foot wide planting strips. These Street Trees will be located as approved by the Public Works Department, and the species shall be selected from the Approved Street Tree List contained within Oty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #14, City of Kent Street Trees. h. Street Improvement Plans for the new Private Residential Streets connected to Road B, and terminating with permanent cul-de-sac bulbs, or approved turnaround at their termini. The Street Improvement Plans for these streets shall be designed in conformance to the requirements for a Private Residential Street as required by City of Kent Construction Standards, and Oty of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-2, Private and Public Street Improvements and City of Kent 1 Development Assistance Brochure # 6-8, Street Improvement Plans for a private street at least 20-feet wide. Initial guidance for these street improvements is Igiven below: (1) A minimum of 20-feet of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement, or from face of vertical curb to face of vertical curb, except where the Fire I Marshal requires additional pavement width for emergency vehicle access. I (2) A 5-foot wide paved walkway along one side of each private street. I (3) An approved cul-de-sac bulb, or turnaround at its terminus, unless these additional street Page 27 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 improvements are not required by the City Fire Marshal. (4) A private stormwater drainage system, including provisions for conveyance, detention, and treatment facilities where applicable. (5) The minimum inside radius the 90 degree bend in the westerly private street will be 30-feet, the minimum outside edge of the pavement radius of the 90 degree bend will be 55-feet. (6) The maximum grade of these private streets will be 12 percent without the Fire Marshall's and the Public Works Department approval, and the profile for these private streets must also comply with the vertical curve criteria for Public Residential Streets. (7) The private street, including sidewalk must be centered within a private roadway tract or ' easement that is at least 1-foot wider than the total width of the private street and sidewalk combination. (8) All private streets must meet the minimum horizontal and vertical alignment criteria required for a public residential street to ensure safe stopping sight distances, and all private streets will have a minimum design radii of 30-feet unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works. i. Street Light Plans for 92"d Avenue South and all internal Residential Streets meeting the requirements of the Cites of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-1, Street Lighting Requirements 4. The Owner / Subdivider shall create a Homeowner's Association for this subdivision to ensure that the property owners within this subdivision are advised of their requirement to pay for the provided street lighting system. Those sections of the required document written to govern that association as they relate to any IntoLight Division of Puget Sound Energy street lighting systems, Page 28 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision 1 #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works, prior to the recording these documents. 5. The face of the final plat will clearly identify all private streets, and which lots will be served by those private streets. The face of the final plat will also specify that the maintenance of all private streets is the sole responsibility of the property owners who are served by those private streets. 6. Direct vehicular access to and from lots having frontage along I 92nd Avenue South is prohibited, and the face of the final plat will carry the following restriction: DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO AND FROM LOTS HAVING FRONTAGE ALONG 92ND AVENUE SOUTH IS PROHIBITED. 7. The Owner / Subdivider shall deed all public rights-of-way, and otherwise convey all private and public easements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the required improvements for this subdivision development. 8. The Owner / Subdivider shall submit and receive approval of a Detailed Tree Plan, meeting the requirements of the Kent Zoning Code, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #3, Detailed Tree Plans, prior to the issuance of any Construction Permits for the subdivision. Grading Plans cannot be approved by the Department of Public Works without an approved Detailed Tree Plan. Detailed Tree Plans are not to be confused with required Street Tree Plans, which have an entirely different purpose. 9. Prior to release of any construction bonds, and prior to the approval of any Building Permits within the subject subdivision, the Department of Public Works must receive and approve As- Built Drawings meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #E--1, As-Build Drawings, for: Streets; Street Lighting ' System; Water; Sewer; Stormwater Drainage Facilities; and all off-site improvements where the locations and/or elevations are deemed critical by the Department of Public Works. ' B. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT ON ANY LOT IN THIS SUBDIVISION, THE OWNER / SUBDIVIDER SHALL: ' 1. Record the Plat. Page 29 of 30 Staff Report Valley View Rezone and Subdivision #RZ-2005-12 KIVA #RPP4-2053391 #SU-2005-16 KIVA #RPP3-2053388 2. Construct all of the improvements required in Section A, above, and/or pay the respective fees-in-lieu-of including any mitigation (EMA or EMF) charges. 3. Receive approval of the required As-Built Drawings for Street, Street Lighting, Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management Facilities as deemed appropriate by the Department of Public Works. KENT PLANNING SERVICES June 14, 2006 MG•ch•S.\Permit\Plan\rezone\2005\2053391-2005-12staffrpt doc , Page 30 of 30 I -TiW2 Si00TH ST ST St ST 1 a co' ' 'S 208TH `�'"� ..yy,,,���-•,�([�� �` ;�-?;SST � .. �.ri}' t .Q 'S 210TN ',— ._ , . fir low Isersra_ too CT weSNOn ss. k 12 r a s 2 ' ro I Ur f Ar I ,wtel,r/SFl10R e R. taY oil , A 3 ir 'Ta 1 ,n• nw IL i-i i 14 M 8 '? r- --- 70 V1 i I4 fit , x � fir � i X I ® tr ACCM #Ast 8 M uSEMor umar 5 ? t,r , fir n 7 +� 6 ar i ow flt fir 135 t APPLICATION NAME:VALLEY VIEW REQUEST: REZONE#RZ-2005-12 AND PRELIMINARY PLAT#SU-2005-15 VICINITY AND SITE MAP I t WAsiiirvcron REVISED CITY OF KENT MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Environmental Checklist No. #ENV-2005-58 Project VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION #RPSA-2053392 AND REZONE Description The applicant proposes to rezone and then subdivide two existing residential parcels totaling approximately 3.9 acres into 18 single family lots. The rezone proposal would change the current zoning of SR-4 5 Single Family Residential to SR-6, Single Family Residential The City`s Comprehensive Plan Map designates the site SF-6, Single Family. Primary access to the site is proposed via a new pubic road connected to 92nd Avenue South. Roadway connections will also be provided to properties located north and south of the subject site Per current City ordinances, no regulated environmentally sensitive areas are located on the subject site. Location The property is located at 20433 and 2054192nd Avenue S. and the parcels are identified by ' APN 062205-9036 and APN 062205-9056. Applicant Omid Pazooki 5624 117th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Lead Agency CITY OF KENT jThe lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. ' X This MDNS is issued under 197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 28 days from the date of this decision, this includes a 14-day comment period followed by a 14-day appeal period as provided by WAC 197 11 680 Comments must be submitted by June 2, 2006. Responsible Official Kim Marousek, AICP Position/Title Principal Planner / SEPA OFFICIAL Address 220 S. Fourth Avenue, Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: (253) 856-5454 Dated ,-,Q.-�,o Signature ' June 2, 2006 APPEAL PROCESS. AN APPEAL OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) MUST BE MADE TO THE KENT HEARING EXAMINER WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) FOLLOWING THE END OF THE INITIAL COMMENT PERIOD PER KENT CITY CODE 11.03.520. Mitigated DNS Valley View Subdivision and Rezone #ENV-2005-58 (RPSA-2053392) CONDITIONS/MITIGATING MEASURES: 1. The Applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Study(TIS) to identify the existing and future level-of- service(LOS)for the adjacent intersections identified in the Staff Report for this development and the existing and future V/ C ratios for the adjacent City streets in the roadway network. The TIS shall specifically identify all intersections and streets currently at or below City standards, or estimated to be at or below City standards due to the increased traffic volumes reasonably expected from the development; and all adjacent streets at or above the V / C ratios established for that Mobility Management Zone. The TIS shall then identify what improvements are necessary to provide a LOS better than or equal to City standards for all intersections to completely mitigate the existing and/or development impacts thereon The TIS shall also identify what improvements are necessary to completely mitigate the adjacent streets which do not meet the V/ C requirements of Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. Upon agreement by the City with the findings of the TIS and of the mitigation measures recommended in the approved TIS, implementation and/or construction of said mitigation measures shall be the conditional requirement of the issuance of the respective development permits. OR In lieu of submitting the TIS required above and then providing the mitigation measures identified in the approved study, the Owner / Subdivider may instead execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement (EMA) to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 200th Street/ South 196th Street / South 192nd Street Corridor Project. The minimum benefit to the Owner/Subdivider is estimated at$16,146(1986 dollars as adjusted for rezones, but to be adjusted for inflation based upon the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, or the substituted index as prepared by the United States Department of Labor) based upon 16 new PM Peak Hour Trips(at the half-rate of$897 per PM Peak Hour Trip), and 1 new PM Peak Hour Trips (at the full-rate of$1794 per PM Peak Hour Trip)and the capacity of the South 200th Street/ South 1961h Street/ South 192nd Street Corridor. The payment of the traffic mitigation fees shall be made on an incremental basis prior to the issuance of a building or development permit on each lot within the subject subdivision. If the Owner / Subdivider creates a Homeowners Association and provides for a sinking fund to pay for the identified financial obligation (subject to City approval of the form of the sinking fund financial obligation),then the Owner/Subdivider may execute an Environmental Mitigation Agreement(EMA)to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 200th Street/South 196m Street/ South 192A Street Corridor Project. a. The final benefit value will be determined based upon the number of lots approved upon the final plat (minus one for the existing home) multiplied times $949 76 (in 1986 dollars as adjusted for rezones; but not yet adjusted for inflation as described above). b. The execution of this EMA, and the conditions given within this document, will serve to mitigate traffic impacts to the above mentioned intersections and road system by committing funding for the South 200th Street/ South 196th Street/ South 192nd Street Corridor which will provide additional capacity for traffic volumes within the area of the above mentioned development. DepaFtfnent of Publie WeFks The Applieant shall then eenstFuet these fflpFE)YeFReAtS. These plefts shall PF6Y de f8F a 6 feet w de veirt eally sepaFated asphalt walkway EeflfeFFn fig te StaHdaFd Deta 16- 2of3 Mitigated DNS Valley View Subdivision and Rezone #ENV-2005-58 (RPSA-2053392) the sell d'seicetien of the Depaiatffient ef Publie 1A/eick.-r the Applk - nt fflay .-4.-ad pay a ai Fund (fund #R29936.) S:\Permit\Plan\Env\2005\2053392-2005-58mdns doc 1 3of3 REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT ' B. MAYOR C. PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES OMMITTEE ' D. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ' E. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE F. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ' G. PUBLIC WORKS H. ADMINISTRATION REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES KENT ' WASHINOTON OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES TUNE 20, 2006 ' Committee Members Present: Tim Clark, Chair, and Ron Harmon The meeting was called to order by Tim Clark, Chair at 4:10 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS 4 AND 5 WERE REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. ' 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JUNE 6, 2006 Ron Harmon moved to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2006, Operation Committee ' meeting. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0, with Committee member Debbie Raplee's concurrence. 2. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED JUNE 15, 2006 ' Finance Director Robert Nachlinger presented the vouchers for June 15, 2006, for approval. Ron Harmon moved to approve the vouchers dated June 15, 2006. Tim Clark seconded ' the motion, which passed 3-0 with Committee member Debbie Raplee's concurrence. 3. PBX TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Information Technology Technical Services Manager Paul Dunn presented the PBX Telephone System Maintenance Contract. Mr. Dunn advised that since 2001, the City has contracted with the current provider for maintenance services to the City's Nortel telephone switching equipment. The maintenance contract has been renewed annually every July. For the last year, the level of service J received under this contract has been unacceptable. There has been one maJor incident where critical spare parts were not available. There are cases where the City's current provider has failed to complete required preventive maintenance or required maintenance logs. In April 2006, the Information Technology Technical Services Division issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Telephone System Maintenance. Six Vendors responded, and following our evaluations and reference checks, Verizon Business was chosen. Mr. Dunn advised that the cost of this contract is within $500 of the budgeted funds for the present vendor contract and that the funds are already budgeted for telephone system maintenance. ' Ron Harmon moved to recommend approval of the Information Technology Department to enter contract negotiations with Verizon Business to provide Telephone System Maintenance Services for an annual price not to exceed $52,000, and for the Mayor to approve said contract after it has been approved by the City Attorney's Office. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with Committee member Debbie Raplee's concurrence. Operations Committee Minutes June 20, 2006 Page: 2 For Informational Purposes On/y ' 1ST QUARTER 2006 FINANCIAL REPORT Assistant Finance Director Cliff Craig presented the Is' Quarter 2006 Financial Report. Questions were asked by the Committee concerning LEOFF 1 members health insurance costs. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary 2 Parks and Human Services Committee ' Meeting Minutes May 25, 2006 Council members present: Debbie Raplee, Ron Harmon, Ron Harmon Absent: Chair Debbie Ranniger concurred on all actions by telephone The Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee meeting was called to order by Debbie Raplee at 4:03 p.m. ' 1. Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2006 - Accept Bob O'Brien moved to accept the meeting minutes of April 20, 2006. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 2. Riverview Overpass Art Proposal - Authorize Brenda Abney, Visual Arts Coordinator reported that in December 2005, City Council approved the Five Year City Art Plan, which included the Riverview Overpass Project. The project is for transportation-themed art designed for the overpass bridge over the Green River, which runs east/west between 228th Street and Military Road. Artist ' Carolyn Law was chosen to complete the art proposal for $55,000.00 by jury. A model of the overpass art railing for bridge was displayed at the meeting. ' Ron Harmon moved to recommend the Council authorize contracting with Carolyn Law for the Riverview Overpass Art Proposal in the amount of $55,000.00, and approve the expenditure of funds in the City Art Plan budget. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 3. Lease Agreement with Nextel for Wireless Communications Equipment at West Fenwick - Authorize Lori Flemm, Superintendent of Parks and Open Space explained that Nextel West Corporation is requesting authorization to install wireless communications equipment, plus a nonexclusive access easement at West Fenwick Park (See Exhibits A and B). As part of the lease agreement, Nextel West Corporation will pay the City of Kent $1,300.00 per month. The revenue will fund replacement of light pole supplies and equipment Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a lease agreement with Nextel West Corporation to install wireless communications equipment at West Fenwick Park, to accept the monthly fee of $1,300.00, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Light Pole Replacement budget. Ron Harmon second and the motion passed 3-0. 4. Donation from the Morford Family for Eagle Scout Plaques - Accept and Amend Budget Lori Flemm reported that the Parks Adopt-A-Park Program works with local Boy Scouts to offer projects in parks, trails and open spaces that are suitable for Eagle Scout advancement Upon completion of the projects, the city recognizes each Scout ' with a plaque at the project site. As part of the city's acknowledgment of appreciation to the Scouts, they are also identified on the City's web page and in the Parks Program Guide. Carol & Paul Morford, are parents of Eagle Scouts and have Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes May 25, 2006-Page t Minutes of May 25, 2006 1 Page 2 generously supported this recognition project by donating funds for the purchase of the brass engraved plaques. Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council accept the donation of$1,500.00 I from the Morford family to fund Eagle Scout recognition plaques, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Eagle Scouts project budget. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 5. Donation from Ouota International for Service Club Ballfields - Accept and Amend Budget ' Lon Flemm informed the committee that Quota International voted to match the $37,000.00 pledges from local service clubs in support of the Service Club Ballfield project at the Parks Committee meeting on 3uly 15, 2004. Quota International is a ' women's based service club that has supported services to children in the Kent area for over 13 years. This is the second installment of their original pledge. Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council accept the donation of $5,000.00 from Quota International of Kent Valley in support of the Service Club Park development, and authorize the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Ball fields budget. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 6. Donation from Soroptimist for Service Club Ballfields - Accept and Amend Budget Lori Flemm explained that the $7,750.00 from Soroptimist International of Kent is the final payment from their original pledge of $35,000.00 to support the construction of Service Club Park. To recognize the contributions from the participating service clubs, play fields and the play area will be named for each club. The park is currently under construction. Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council accept the $7,750.00 donation from Soroptimist International of Kent, and authorize the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Park budget. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 7. Donation from the American Legion for Mill Creek Park - Accept and Amend Budget Lon Flemm reported that to order to secure the access road to Mill Creek Park from Canyon Drive, the American Legion Post 15 has requested the city install a fence and gate to keep park and trail users from using their property to enter the park. The Legion has provided a donation to off-set the cost of materials. Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council accept the donation of $300.00 from the American Legion Post 15 to fund the installation of a gate and fence at Mill Creek, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Life Cycle project budget. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 8. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolutions - Authorize Lori Flemm explained that each year staff pursues funding for park development through the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (IAC). In order to meet IAC application requirements, staff is required to get authorization from Council in order to submit grant applications. The requested grants are through the Wildlife and Parks and Human Seances Committee Meeting Minutes May 25,2006-Page 2 Minutes of May 25, 2006 Page 3 Recreation Program for future neighborhood park development of the following parks: 132 Avenue Park, Eagle Creek Neighborhood Park, Riverview Community Park and West Hill Neighborhood Park. Master Plans for each park have been developed Lori explained that in order to gain input from local neighborhoods before master planning, staff hold numerous public meetings, Lon also stated that additional public ' meetings are held to get input from neighborhoods kids to pick out the play equipment. Ron Harmon complimented staff for acquiring community input. ' Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council adopt the resolution authorizing ; grant applications to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to fund the development of 132nd Avenue Neighborhood Park, Eagle Creek Neighborhood Park, Riverview Community Park, and West Hill Neighborhood Park. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 9. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolution for ' Farmland Preservation - Authorize Lori Flemm clarified that the Wildlife and Recreation Program Farmland Preservation Category is a new IAC program implemented to preserve farmlands. Funds are used ' to purchase development rights so that property remains farmland Staff is currently pursuing funding for the acquisition of farmland adjacent to the Green River and across the river from Riverview Park. Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council adopt the resolution authorizing grant application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program Farmland Preservation ' Category, in pursuit of funding the acquisition of property adjacent to the Green River and across the river from Riverview Community Park. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0. ' Additional Discussion: Bob O'Brien asked about the distribution of flyers relating the Senior Center Deli. Acting Director Lon Hogan responded that no outside advertising for the ' Deli and flyers are printed for use at the center only. The meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m. 1 Respectfully submitted, Teri Petrole Council Committee Recorder ' Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes May 25,2006-Page 3 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 10, 2006 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee was unable to make the meeting. Committee Member Ron Harmon and Tim Clark were present. The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. Approval of Minutes Dated June 19, 2006 Committee Member Harmon moved to approve the minutes of June 19, 2006. The motion was seconded by Clark and passed 3-0, with Debbie Raplee's concurrence. Contract/Congressional/Legislative Support w/Thompson Smitch Consulting Group — Tim Thompson, Consultant Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager, stated that this contract will provide the City, on behalf of the Water Shed Resource Inventory Area 9 (WRIA 9), support to secure the FY07 Energy and Water Appropriation request (not FY06 as stated in the memo). Mike mentioned that Mr. Thompson has been used in the past by the City of Kent. Harmon moved to recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign the contract, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director, with Thompson Smitch Consulting Group for $70,000 to provide the City for Kent assistance to secure the FY07 Energy and Water appropriation The motion was seconded by ' Clark and passed 3-0, with Debbie Raplee's concurrence. Clark will contact Raplee to discuss any questions she may have. Information Only/Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Public Involvement/Public Outreach Report Jodi Kettleson, Consultant with CH2M Hill gave an overview of what her Job is and then went over the Stakeholder Involvement report. She encourages citizens and business owners alike to go to the City web site and see what the TMP is all about www.ci.kent wa us/transportation/TMP . ' No motion required, information only Larry updated committee members regarding two current Public Works projects, Pacific Highway and Kent Kangley/Clark Springs road conditions. No decisions were made, comment only. Adiourned: The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m. INext Meeting Scheduled for: Monday, July 17, 2006, 5:00 p.m. CherJUJ� itV, Administrative Assistant III ' Page 1 of I P�runWaammsuppon\ewc�t«N+,omw aoe CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS ' A. ' EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION 1 '