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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/06/2006 • Kent City Council Meeting
KEN T June 6, 2006
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 00 p.m by Mayor Cooke.
Councilmembers present Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Raplee, Thomas and Watson. Council President
Ranniger was excused from the meeting. (CFN-198)
A. From Council, Administration, or Staff. (CFN-198) Items 6Z, 713 and an update on the
Critical Areas Ordinance appeal were added to the agenda.
B Community Events. (CFN-198) Events mentioned by the Mayor and Council were the
Downtown Partnership Clean-Up, trails laid at Clark Lake, the cleanup of graffiti on 94th, and the
Drinking Driver Task Force Kent CAPE event to be held on Saturday.
C Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) The Mayor announced that Kari Endicott of the Employee
Services Department has been chosen Employee of the Month for June, and presented her with a
D. Kent Diversity Advisory Board Appointment. (CFN-1127) Asad Hassan was introduced and
CLARK MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Z. Raplee seconded and the motion
A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 16, 2006
were approved
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Numbers were not available for approval at this time.
C. Pioneer Street Property Surplus. (CFN-239) The Mayor was authorized to sign all sale
documents related to the surplus of unneeded portions of city-owned property along Pioneer Street.
D. Vehicle and Equipment Surplus. (CFN-136) The vehicles and equipment described in the
Public Works Director's memo of May 10, 2006, were declared as surplus, and sale at the next public
auction was authorized.
E Zoning Code Amendment,Administration of Development Regulations, Ordinance.
(CFN-131) The City Attorney clarified that a second copy of the ordinance provided to Council-
members by fax did not contain any language changes, and that only the underlining was added.
Ordinance No 3801, amending Chapter 12 01 of Kent City Code to correct and clarify city code
permit processing requirements and to add public notice requirements, as recommended by the
Planning & Economic Development Committee was adopted.
Kent City Council Minutes Jude 6, 2006
F. Review Overpass Art Proposal. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to enter into an agree-
ment with Carolyn Law for the Riverview Overpass Art Proposal in the amount of$55,000 and
approve the expenditure of funds in the City Art Plan budget
G. Nextel Lease Agreement for Wireless Communications Equipment at West Fenwick Park.
(CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Nextel West Corporation
to install wireless communication equipment at West Fenwick Park, the monthly fee of$1,300 was
accepted, and the expenditure of funds in the Light Pole Replacement budget was authorized.
H. Morford Family Donation for Eagle Scout Plaques. (CFN-118) The donation of$1,500 from
the Morford family to fund Eagle Scout recognition plaques was accepted and the expenditure of
funds in the Eagle Scouts project budget was authorized.
I. Quota International Donation for Service Club Ballfields. (CFN-118) The donation of
$5,000 from Quota International of Kent Valley in support of the Service Club Park development was
accepted and the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Ballfields budget was authorized.
J. Soroptimist Donation for Service Club Ballfields. (CFN-118) The $7,750 donation from
Soroptimist International was accepted and the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Park budget
was authorized
K American Legion Donation for Mill Creek Park. (CFN-118) The donation of$300 from the
American Legion Post 15 to fund the installation of a gate and fence at Mill Creek was accepted and
the expenditure of funds in the Life Cycle project budget was authorized.
L. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolutions for
Miscellaneous Parks. (CFN-118) Resolution Nos. 1721, 1722, 1723 and 1725 authorizing grant
applications to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Washington through the Wildlife
and Recreation Program were adopted. Funds will be applied toward the development of 132nd
Avenue Neighborhood Park, Eagle Creek Neighborhood Park, Riverview Community Park, and West
Hill Neighborhood Park.
M. Interagencv Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolution for
Farmland Preservation. (CFN-118) Resolution No 1724 authorizing the grant application to the
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program
through the Farmland Preservation Category was adopted Funds will be applied toward the acquisi-
tion of property adjacent to the Green River and across the river from Riverview Community Park.
N. Kiwanis Club of Kent Donation. (CFN-122) The Kiwanis Club of Kent donation in the
amount of$450 to purchase prizes for the winner of the "Keep A Friend Alive"poster design contest
was accepted.
O. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant Anti-Dui Message. (CFN-122) The
Washington Traffic Safety Commission mini-grant in the amount of S799 to purchase 3,250 coffee
sleeves with an anti-DUI message for distribution at local coffee stands and community events was
Kent City Council Minutes June 6, 2006
P. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant"Click It Or Ticket." (CFN-122) The
Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in the amount of$6,000 to fund officer overtime for
the seat belt enforcement program entitled"Click It or Ticket"plus media and public education
activities was accepted.
Q. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant Project"Saferoad." (CFN-122) The
Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in the amount of$20,175 to purchase five (5) fixed
mount 18-inch speed advisory signs along identified high incident arterials and corridors in Kent was
R. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant. (CFN-122) The Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2006
grant in the amount of$29,312 to plan for a crime analysis function with the purchase of equipment,
supplies and training was accepted.
S. State of Washington Department of Health,EMS Pre-hospital Participation Grant.
(CFN-122) The EMS Pre-hospital Participation Grant in the amount of$1,450 to assist the Fire
Department with meeting requirements to provide trauma care services to the public as a verified
EMS and Trauma Pre-hospital service and to purchase respiratory face masks, hand wash stations
(both for fire stations and apparatus), and information cards for the public, should an outbreak of the
flu occur was accepted.
T. Fire Station Exhaust Extraction System Purchase Agreement. (CFN-122) The Mayor was
authorized to enter into an agreement with Air Exchange, hic to furnish the Plymovent vehicle
exhaust extraction system for Station 74 in the amount of$52,812 84, excluding Washington State
Sales Tax, upon review by the City Attorney.
U. Fire Stoppers Program Grant. (CFN-122) The grant from King County Fire and Life Safety
Association in the amount of$2,500 to be utilized for mental health counseling services, educational
materials, administration of the program and so forth, was accepted.
V. Purchase of Four Apparatus Hoists. (CFN-122) The purchase of four Stertil-Kom model
ST1072 hoist systems for the Fire Department's Vehicle Maintenance Division was authorized.
W. Purchase of Aid Car. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign the contract for the
purchase of an aid vehicle from Medtec on a sole source basis.
X. State of Washington Military Department,Emereencv Manaeement Performance Grant.
(CFN-122) The Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Washington State Military
Department and the Department of Homeland Security was accepted and the Mayor was authorized
to sign the contract to receive grant funds in the amount of$65,312, which supplements local budget
Y Kent Diversity Advisory Board Appointment. (CFN-1127) The Mayor's appointment of
Mr. Asad Hassan to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board was confirmed.
Mr Hassan will replace Ray Coleman, whose term expired. His new appointment will continue until
Kent City Council Minutes June 6, 2006
Z. Council Absence. (CFN-198) An excused absence from tonight's meeting for Council President
Ranmger was approved.
A. Neighborhood Programs Manager Position. Mayor Cooke stated that the City needs a regular
full-time position to achieve the Council's goals and targets relating to neighborhoods. She said the
position will be in Administration and explained it's functions and funding. CLARK MOVED to
authorize the creation of a regular full-time Neighborhood Programs Manager position for the City of
Kent Raplee seconded
Mayor Cooke answered questions from Councilmembers regarding new commercial developments,
how neighborhoods would contribute to the programs, neighborhood councils, Block Watch pro-
grams, and how neighborhoods would be defined. It was clarified that the manager will be a
facilitator rather than an ombudsman. After Harmon called for the question, the motion to create the
position Gamed.
B. Defining Neighborhoods. Councilmember O'Brien suggested holding public hearings on what
constitutes a neighborhood and asked if access to neighborhoods for non-family uses should be
restricted. He voiced concern about the use of dwellings for rehabilitation The Mayor pointed out
that local, state and federal laws already exist, and said the new Neighborhood Programs Manager
would not be involved other than to recognize the neighborhoods where such activities are taking
place O'Brien agreed to hold an open forum rather than a public hearing. Clark spoke about zoning
and suggested taking this issue to the Planning and Economic Development Committee for a decision
as to how to gather information from the public and how to notify the public of what subject will be
discussed in the open forum. Mayor Cooke urged the public to contact the City with concerns on this
A Municipal Parking Lot Demolition (between Smith and Harrison Streets). (CFN-118) The
bid opening was held on May 24, 2006, with nine (9)bids received The apparent low bid was
submitted by RL Clearing and Excavation, Inc for the amount of$37,975 83, excluding Washington
State Sales Tax (WSST). The Engineer's estimate is $60,000, excluding WSST. RAPLEE MOVED
to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with RL Clearing and Excavating, Inc. to complete
the Municipal Parking Lot Demolition Project for $37,975.83, plus Washington State Sales Tax.
Harmon seconded and the motion earned.
B. Mill Creek Culvert Replacement. (CFN-1038) The bid opening for this project was held on
May 25, 2006, with six bids received The low bid was submitted by Taggart Construction, Inc in
the amount of$290,893 12 The Engineer's estimate was $303,236 48 RAPLEE MOVED to
authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Taggert Construction, Inc for the Mill Creek
Culvert Replacement at Chandler's Bay Apartments in the amount of$290,893 12. Harmon
seconded and the motion carried.
Kent City Council Minutes June 6, 2006
Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Thomas noted that the Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on
June 15.
Public Works Committee. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the next Committee meeting will be at
5.00 p.m. on June 19, and that there will also be a meeting on July 3rd
Plannine and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that the next
meeting will be on June 19 at 4:00 p.m.
Administrative Repots. (CFN-198) CAO Hodgson reminded the Council and public that the first
meeting in July will be held on Wednesday, July 5, due to the holiday on July 4th. City Attorney
Brubaker then gave an update on the status of the critical areas ordinance, noting that millions of
dollars in funding may be lost because the City is considered to be out of compliance
CAO Hodgson reminded Councilmembers of an Executive Session regarding two items of property
negotiations. He stated that there will not be discussion of pending litigation and that the session
should last approximately 20 minutes with no action anticipated afterward.
The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. and reconvened at 9.10 p in. WATSON
MOVED to adjourn. Thomas seconded and the motion carried.
Brenda Jacober, CMC
City Clerk