HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 03/21/2006 • • • mmw� . , . ! • • • • • • • City of Kent City CouncilMeeting Agenda • March 21 , 2006 Mayor Suzette Cooke Deborah Ranniger, Council President • Councilmembers • • Tim Clark Debbie Raplee • Ron Harmon Les Thomas • Bob O'Brien Elizabeth Watson • • • • KENT • W A 5 H I N G T O N • City Clerk's Office • • • KENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS • March 21, 2006 KENT Council Chambers W.S M I N G T O N MAYOR: Suzette Cooke COUNCILMEMBERS. Deborah Ranmger, President • Tim Clark Ron Harmon Bob O'Brien • Debbie Raplee Les Thomas Elizabeth Watson COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA 5:30 p.m. Item Description Speaker Time 1. Sound Transtt/WSDOT Tim LaPorte 60 min COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3 CHANGES TO AGENDA A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC— Citizens may request that an item be added to the agenda at this time. Please stand or raise your hand to be recognized by the • Mayor. 4- — Lvt /� t l Cif-c� 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition �j B. Community Events . C. Kentridge & Kent-Meridian High Schools Sister School Presentation D. Employee of the Year E. Introduction of Appointee F. Mayor's State of the City Address • 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6. CONSENT CALENDAR • A Minutes of Previous Meeting—Approve B Payment of Bills —None C. King County/King Conservation District Project Funding Agreement for iRiverview Park Habitat Restoration Project— Authorize D. Mapcon Mapping, Inc. Contract—Authorize i (Continued on Back) COUNCIL ,MEETING AGENDA CONTINUED S E. 2005 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report—Authorize F Shipping Containers in Residential District Ordinance—Adopt f-, G. Walker Business Plaza II Bill of Sale—Accept H. Gage's Grove Bill of Sale— Accept I. Van Doren's North Bill of Sale—Accept J. Land Use and Planning Board Appointment—Confirm K. Centennial Center Renovation Project—Accept as Complete 7 OTHER BUSINESS • None 8. BIDS A. S. 228`h Military Road Widening—Phase 2 —Award 9. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES 10. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION A Property Acquisition a 12. ADJOURNMENT r NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. The Agenda Summary page and complete packet are on the City of Kent web site at www.ci.kent.wa.us. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at(253) 856-5725 For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. w< Oy D o o f° f < D 3 A71 9 o a�o rno E co(=� fD ca �o > > n r'o ? 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City Council Action: . CouncilmemberXa �/ ' moves, Councilmember seconds to approve Consent CaTendar Items A through K. • • Discussion Action • • 6A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 7, 2006. • 6B. Approval of Bills. • Numbers were not available for approval. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Council Agenda Item No 6 A-B • • • • Kent City Council Meeting K E N T March 7, 2006 WASHINGTON_ The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p m by Mayor Cooke. • Councilmembers present Clark, Harmon, O'Brien, Ranmger, Raplee, Thomas and Watson (CFN-198) FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Cub Scout Pack 459, Den 2 • CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A From Council, Administration, or Staff. (CFN-198) Interim CAO Hodgson noted an Executive Session of 5 minutes, and added a report from the Attorney on the Critical Areas Ordinance hearing. • PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A King County Councilman Reagan Dunn. (CFN-198) Councilman Dunn spoke about representing Kent and noted that his priorities are transportation, land use, methamphetamines, and • annexations. B Lions Club Donation. (CFN-104) Brian Ipsen, President of the Lions Club, presented the Mayor with a check for$15,000 to be used for a portable stage. C. El Grullo Gift Presentation. (CFN-155) Former Mayor Jim White of the Sister Cities • Association, presented Mayor Cooke with a clock from El Presidente Antonio Mendoza of El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico. • D. Lifetime Achievement Award from Washington State Traffic Safety Commission. (CFN-155) It was noted that Nancy Matthews, Drinking Driver Task Force Coordinator,has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission. • E. Economic Development Update. (CFN-198) Economic Development Manager Torgelson discussed economic indicators, and noted that 2005 was an incredible year. F. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Ron Halverson, Control Center Technician in Water Operations, was named Employee of the Month for March. ADDED ITEM G. Events. (CFN-198) Mayor Cooke announced that Congressman Adam Smith will hold a meeting at City Hall on Saturday, March 18, from 10:00-11.30 and invited those interested to attend. CONSENT CALENDAR . RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through J. Raplee seconded and the motion carried • A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 21, 2006 were approved. • 1 Kent City Council Minutes March 7, 2006 • B Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through February 1 and paid on February 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 21, 2006 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers- Date Check Numbers Amount 2/15/06 Wire Transfers 2329-2345 S1,3681306.04 2/15/06 PrePays & 589822 527,333.22 2/15/06 Regular 590416 1,877,093 53 Use Tax Payable 1,212.79 $3,773,945.58 Approval of checks issued for interim Payroll: • Vold Check# 287807 & 288070 ($595 01) 2/3/06 Check# 288990-288991 $595 01 Approval of checks issued for payroll for February 1 through February 15 and paid on February 17, . 2006: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/17/06 Checks 288992-289274 $ 199,352 97 • 2/17/06 Advices 192367-193059 1,245.908 04 i Total of Regular Payroll $1,445,261.01 C. 145th Place SE Street Vacation Ordinance. (CFN-102) Ordinance No. 3789 vacating a portion of 145`h Place Southeast was adopted • D Transfer Ownership of Artwork at Kent Meridian Pool. (CFN-118) The transfer of ownership of the artwork at Kent Meridian Pool from the Cultural Development Authority of King County to the City of Kent was approved. The work of art is affixed to the north exterior wall of the Kent Meridian Pool. • E Lions Club Donation for Portable Staging. (CFN-118) A S15,000 00 donation from the Kent Lions Club to reimburse the purchase of portable staging was accepted, and expenditure of funds in . the Portable Staging budget was approved • F. Riverview Park Design Consultant Agreement. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to sign the consultant agreement with JA Brennan Associates, PLLC for the Riverview Park Master Plan. G. Purchase of Ladder Truck. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign a purchase contract • for a 100' aenal ladder truck from Pierce Manufacturing. S H. Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) Kit Bulk Buy Program Grant. (CFN-122) , The Mayor was authorized to accept the Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) Kit Bulk Buy • Program grant in the amount of$60,000 from King County Office of Emergency Management and to sign the grant agreement. 2 • • i • Kent City Council Minutes March 7, 2006 I. No Parking and 2-Hour Parking Ordinance. (CFN-171) Ordinance No. 3790 repealing and ireadopting sections of the Kent City Code Sections 9.38.020, No Parking Zones, and 9 38 060, Two (2) Hour Parking Zones was adopted. Revisions to the Parking Code are necessary due to the development of Kent Station. i J LID 360—SE 227th Place Sanitary Sewers, Resolution Setting Public Hearing Date. (CFN-1301) Resolution No. 1716 setting a public hearing date of April 4, 2006, on the formation of • a sanitary sewer LID was adopted. OTHER BUSINESS A. Dickerson Rezone Ordinance (Quasi-Judicial). (CFN-121) The proposed ordinance relates to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of one parcel totaling 1.94 acres of property from Single-Family, 4 5 units per acre to Single-Family Residential 6 units per acre The property is located at 23507 981h Avenue South. The Kent Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on February 1, 2006, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a Recommendation for approval on • February 15, 2006. The City Attorney explained the process and it was noted that no Councilmembers have had ex-parte communications on this issue Matt Gilbert of Planning Services described the project. . HARMON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3791, which accepts the Findings, Conclusions and • Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Dickerson Rezone Clark seconded and the motion carried. . B. Council Strategic Plan. (CFN-198) Council President Ranniger explained the process used to • develop their goals for the City and outlined each goal. SHE THEN MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1717 adopting the new City Council Strategic Goals in furtherance of the Council's long term vision for the City of Kent. Clark seconded. Watson offered a friendly amendment to revise Goal iNo. 3 to say enhance our sense of community rather than the sense of community. Ranniger and . Clark accepted the amendment and the motion to amend carried Ranniger's motion to adopt . Resolution No 1717 as amended then carried. REPORTS • Council President. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that she will discuss the Stratcgic Goals at the • Chamber of Commerce meeting on March 14. Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Thomas noted that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. . on March 16. Public Works. (CFN-198) Raplee noted that the next meeting will be held on Monday, March 20 at 5:00 p.m Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Harmon noted that the next . meeting will be on March 20 at 4.00 p.m. Parks and Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that the next meeting will be • held at 4 00 p.m. on March 16. • 3 i • Kent City Council Minutes March 7, 2006 • • Administrative Reports. (CFN-198) City Attorney Brubaker gave an update on the Critical Areas • Ordinance hearing which was held today Hodgson reminded the Council of a five-minute Executive • Session regarding property acquisition and possibly the Critical Areas Ordinance Mayor Cooke commended staff for their work on an arson on S 248th, Kids Arts Day, and capturing a bank robber. • EXECUTIVE SESSION • The meeting recessed at 8:10 p.m. and reconvened at 8 20 p.m. (CFN-198) ADJOURNMENT • The meeting adjourned at 8.20 p.m. (CFN-198) • • • Brenda Jacober, CMC i City Clerk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • Kent City Council Meeting • Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: KING COUNTY/KING CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROJECT FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR RIVERVIEW PARK HABITAT RESTORATION PROJECT —AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Project Funding Agreement with King County in the amount of$10,000, to direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within the Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project. 3. EXHIBITS: Public Works Director's memorandum, King County/King Conservation District Project Funding Agreement for Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project • 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? _ Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no: • Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6C • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director Phone-253-856-5500 • KE N T Fax. 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON • Ad(kss: 220 Fourth Avenue S. . Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: March I, 2006 To: Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members • PW Committee Meeting Date: Mareb 6, 2006 • From: Mike Mactutis,Envirotunental Engineering Manager Through: Larry Blanchard,Public Works Director Subject: King County/King Conservation District • Project Funding Agreement for Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project Motion: X Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Information Only Recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Project Funding Agreementwith King County in the amount of$10,000,direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for • the funds to be spent within the Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project. Will document be required? • ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Contract • ❑ Policy ❑ SOP's ❑ Other ❑ Attachments Governing Policies Procedures,Rules &Regulations: . BackgroundlHistory: The Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project will be constructed through a partnership between the City of Kent and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers- The project will meet two purposes: 1) establish a backwater channel refuge for fish during • high flood flow in the main stem of the Green River, and 2)to provide a summer rearing habitat • at the mouth of the off=charmel area. Designs for the project will be completed by December 2006. • The King Conservation District (KCD) is a special purpose district responsible for promoting • conservation practices and developing new technologies and methodologies to preserve,protect, and enhance ground and surface water supplies,natural areas and open spaces, and for promoting • distributed previously to King County under the WRIA 9 Watershed Forurn to be disbursed through an Opportunity Fund Grant to Kent in support of the Project. Summary: ' Mris Project Funding Agreement between King County and the City of Kent, • provides Kent with up to $10,000, to perform geotechnical exploration and design review work • for the Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project. s i 46 Project Funding Agreement Between . King County and the City of Dent • For Riverview Park Habitat Restoration Project • I. Purpose • This Funding Agreement between King County(the"County")and the City of i ' Kent,provides Kent with up to$10,000(hereinafter"Project Funds")to perform geotechnicat exploration and design review work for the Rivet view Park Habitat i Restoration Project("Project'). i II. Background • The King Conservation District(KCD)is a special purpose district,authorized by i RCW 99.08.400,responsible for promoting conservation practices and developing new technologies and methodologies to preserve,protect,and enhance ground and surface water supplies,natural areas and open spaces,and for promoting , sustainable land use practices. The KCD collects a fee on most parcels in King • County to support a range of conservation activities,including protecting and improving fish habitat and riparian areas and improving fish passage. King County Ordinance No. 12959,enacted in 1997,raised the KCD assessment from • $1.25 per parcel to five dollars per parcel and provided for disbursement of three . of the five dollars to regional watershed forums to support watershed conservation activities. KCD-supported conservation activities must be consistent with the • purposes of the KCD as established in Chapter 89.08 RCW and the regional . funding principles established by King County's Regional Water Quality i Committee(RWQC),formed for the purpose of addressing and responding to regional environmental needs. The KCD manages a non-competitive grant program through which it distributes • the three dollar portion of its fee to regional watershed forums,composed of governments from the watersheds working cooperatively on water quality, flooding, and fish habitat needs across the watersheds. The forums recommend • projects and programs to be funded by the KCD grants. The watershed forums' . use of funds must be consistent with the RWQC's funding principles and the purposes of the KCD as established in Chapter 89.08 RCW in determining activities to be funded. . This Funding Agreement provides for KCD grant funds distributed previously to • King County under the WRIA 9 Watershed Forum to be disbursed through an Opportunity Fund Grant to Kent in support of the Project. , III. Project Manabement and Administration , KCD OppGrant Scope-Kent Riverview Par; , zmrzoos ' 1 5 i A. Linda Hanson(King County)and Julie Hail(Kent),or other identified representatives,shall coordinate with each other on Project activities and progress and verify compliance with this Agreement. B. The Project,consisting of tasks outlined in Exhibit A,attached to this • Agreement and incorporated herein and made a part hereof,will be conducted in 2005 and 2006. Kent will provide the County with Project financial and progress reports as described in Section V.A.below. . C. Kent represents and warrants that it will use Project Funds solely for the work idescribed in Exhibit A_Kent shall refund to the County any portion of Project Funds which is used for work not authorized by the terms of Exhibit A. D. Kent acknowledges and agrees that Project Funds maybe expended only on work that shall be entirely within the KCD's jurisdictional boundaries. The • following municipal entities are not within the KCD's jurisdictional . boundaries: Enumclaw, Federal Way,Milton,Pacific,and Skykomish,and any counties other than King County. Kent shall refund to the County any . portion of any Project Funds that are used for work performed outside the • KCD's jurisdictional boundaries. E. Kent agrees to obtain all necessary personnel,volunteers,services,materials, and permits required to perform and complete the Project outlined in Exhibit • A. Under this Agreement King County's only obligation to Kent will be the • provision of payment for authorized expenses incurred in the performance of this Project as outlined in Exhibit A. F. Kent shall ensure that all work performed by Kent or its employees, icontractors or subcontractors is performed in a mariner which protects and • safeguards the enviromnent and natural resources and which is in compliance with all applicable federal,state,and local laws,orders,regulations and permits. Kent shall pro,,ide King Comity such compliance information upon • request. • G. Kent shall immediately notify King County if,at any time,it encounters problems, delays,or conditions that will hamper or significantly affect its ability to carry out and complete the Project. • H. Kent agrees to acknowledge the King Conservation District and the WRIA 9 Watershed Forum as a source of funding for the Project on all literature, signage or press releases related to the Project. • IV. Project Costs and Payment: A Costs . 1. Total estimated Project costs are $10,000 as outlined on Exhibit A. Kent will invoice King County for expenses incurred up to$10,000. 2. Project costs may include expenses incurred prior to execution of this Agreement. • B. Payment • 1. In consideration of Kent's satisfactory performance,King County shall pay for expenses described in Exhibit A that are actually incurred by Kent • in the performance of the Project up to an amount not to exceed the • amount specified in Exhibit A. Such payment shall be made for the costs • KCD OppGrant Scope—Kent Riverview Park M72006 • 2 • i 6 of services,benefits,travel, supplies,commercial services and/or other • expenses(as agreed upon by King County and Kent and itemized in Exhibit A)which are necessary and directly related to the performance of the Project. 2. To initiate reimbursement for incurred expenses,Kent must submit to • King County invoices that include the following. • Name and address of Kent(on letterhead or notarized copy); i • Date; ■ Project name; i ■ Itemization,including supporting expense reports,of actual expenses incurred to complete the Project;and ■ Total amount of payment request. i 3. Upon review and approval of the request,King County will pay the approved amount to Tent within thirty days. The total for all payments shall not exceed the total Project cost shown on Exhibit A. i 4. Funding or obligation under this Contract beyond the current • appropriation year is conditional upon appropriation by the County • Council of sufficient funds to support the activities described in the Contract. Should such appropriation not be approved,this Contract will terminate at the close of the current appropriation year. • V. Maintenance of Records and Reporting A. Kent shall provide the County with a Project financial report consisting of a • summary of project expenses reported under the expense categories given in • Exhibit A.Kent shall also submit to the County a report documenting Kent's completion of the work in conformance with this Agreement within thirty(30) • days after the completion of the work. The final report shall,among other things, • summarize the Project's accomplistm-tents and shall address the regional benefits resulting from the work. The final report shall also identify any obstacles or challenges encountered during the work,along with general recommendations i regarding ways to avoid such obstacles or challenges in the future. If requested, i Kent agrees to provide the County with additional financial or progress reports within reasonable timeframes upon request by the County. B. Kent's expenditure of funds provided through this Agreement shall be identified • separately in Kenf s records. If requested,Kent shall comply with other reasonable requests made by the County with respect to the manner in which Project expenditures are tracked and accounted for in Kent's accounting books i and records.Kent shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be • necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principals and to meet the i requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. C. The County shall have the right from time to time,upon reasonable notice, to • audit Kent's books and records in order to verify compliance with the terns of i this Agreement.Kent agrees to cooperate with the County in any such audit. D. The County's provision of funds to Kent is and will be construed by the Parties as • a disbursement to Kent to provide for activities that benefit the County's natural . resource protection and restoration activities consistent with the purposes of the KCD OppGrant Scope—Kent Riverview Park Zmrzoo6 . 3 i 1 1 7 1 KCD,and pursuant to the KCD's underlying funding agreement with King County It is not and will not be construed to be a contract for services between 1; Kent and the County. Neither Party is acting as the agent of the other under the terms of this Agreement. • VI. Authority Each Party warrants and represents that such party has full and complete authority • to enter into this Agreement and each person executing this Agreement on behalf . of a Party warrants and represents that be/she has been fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of such Party and that such Party is bound by the signature of such representative. • ViI. Indemnification • Kent agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the Comity,its agents, officers,officials and employees from all claims,alleged liability,damages,tosses • to or death of person or damage to property allegedly resulting from the acts or . omissions of Kent or any of its employees,agents, contractors, subcontractors,or • volunteers in connection with this Agreement. • This indemnification shalt survive the termination of this Agreement. • Approved as to Form King County: • • • By: By: • Titre: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Title: King County Executive • Date: Date: • • Approved as to Form City of Kent: i • By: By: • Title: Title: • Date: Date: • • • KCD OppGmnt scope—Kent Riverview Pnk 2127/2006 • 4 • 9 • City of Kent Riverview Park Geotechnical and Design Work Group Name City of Kent • Project Name Riverview Park Restoration Project Project Alex Murillo Grant $10,000 Contact Award Phone 253-856-5520 • Number Contract Linda Hanson Start Date June 2005 t'Oneer" WRIA 9 Project Coordinator End Date December 2006 • (206)296-8383 • A. Project Description The Riverview Park off-chamiel habitat restoration is part of the Green/Duwamish Ecosystem Restoration Project to be constructed through a partnership between the City • of Kent and the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.The cost estimate for this project is • approximately$2 million,of which the Corps of Engineers would provide 65%,or approximately$1.3 M and the City the remaining 35%,or$700K. Project design and • construction are scheduled for 2006 and 2007 respectively. The project purposes are to: 1)establish a backwater channel refuge for fish during high/flood flows in the mainstem of the Green River; and 2)to provide a summer rearing • habitat at the mouth of the off-charmel area. A backwater slough will be designed to • begin at the bank of the Green River and extend approximately 800 feet into and through the existing Riverview Park. Habitat enhancement will consist of placement woody debris and planting of riparian vegetation. • This grant will support the City of Kent in completing project design tasks and geoteclmical researcli necessary to move the Riverview Park restoration project forward • to construction. The City of Kent will provide: • ■ equipment and staff in order to complete survey excavations; ■ staff time to work with the Corps to incorporate the information from the geotecln ical survey into design for the restoration project scheduled for • Riverview Park. • These grant funds would contribute to the City's 35%share of the total project cost. • B. Project Work Tasks ■ Confirm overall goal of the Riverview Park off channel restoration project; M Identify full scope of geotecluucal work to be completed; • ■ Schedule and provide equipment and operators for geotechnical survey; ■ Analyze information fiont survey; • ■ Incorporate survey information into design,review with the Corps; • • Revise and adjust project concepts and plans;and . KCD OppGmt Scopc—Kent Riverview Park. 2/27/2006 . 6 • • • 10 ■ Prepare plans for pennitting requirements C. Deliverables: • Information and reports on the work accomplished together with project plans, successes A and lessons learned from this grant will be provided to the WRIA 9 Project Coordinator, Linda Hanson,as well as other WRIA 9 committees as requested. Reports will document the support of the WRM 9 KCD Opportunity Grant. • D. Budget: Item KCD Funds Total . Geotechnical Exploration $300.00 $300.00 • Design Review $9,700.00 $9,700.00 • Total 1 $10,000.001 $10,000.00 • E. Timeline: 2005-2006 Geotechnical exploration was completed in 2005. Design of the river backehannel is to be completed by December 31,2006. KCD OppGrant Scope—Kent Riverview Pad: 2272006 . 7 • • • • Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 • Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: MAPCON MAPPING, INC. CONTRACT—AUTHORIZE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Consulting • Agreement with Mapcon Mapping Inc for new aerial photography. 3. EXHIBITS: Public Works Director's memorandum • 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? _ Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes X No • If no: • Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: • ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6D • 11 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director 4 6• 0 ' 6 Phone.253-856.5500 • • K E N T Fax: 253456-6500 • WEE NIMOTQM • Address. 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032.5895 . Date: March 1, 2006 • To: Chair Debbie Raplee and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date:March 6p 2006 From: Tim LaPorte • Through: Larry Blanchard,Public Works Director • Subject: Mapcon Mapping Inc. • Motion: X Required ❑ Not Required ❑ For Infomnation Only i Recommend authorizing the A4ayor to sign the consultant agreement with Mapeon • Mapping Inc.for new aerial photography. (, Will document be required? • ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement X Contract ❑ Policy a SOP's ❑ Other • Governing Policies Procedures Mules&Regulations: The aerial mappiue was included in the 2006 Annual OWSO approved by Council. The • consultant was seated following.City of Kent City procurement policy cbMter 3.70, • Background(History: Aerial photography has become an invaluable tool used for decision making and graphic information mapping. Our existing aerial photography is nearly four years • old, limiting its usefulness- the mapping is used by nearly every department in the City including • Police,Fine,Planning,Economic Development and Public Works. • P Wb/kUe..lnJyrWahVMCaw.m.AVi(exlb•ede • • • Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: 2005 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT —AUTHORIZE • 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Authorize submission of the 2005 Consolidated Annual Perfonnance and Evaluation Report to the Department of Housing and Urban Development The 2005 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the City of Kent, Washington is a report to the U S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on the City's activities and accomplishments using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other funds The report is required by HUD annually and must be submitted by March 31 of each year. The report includes information on how CDBG funds were used to further the goals and strategies of the Consolidated Plan, as well as other activities executed by the City. • 3. EXHIBITS: 2005 Annual Performance and Evaluation Report 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks & Human Services Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A • Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: • Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6E i i • • • CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL • PERFORMANCE AND • • EVALUATION i REPORT • • 2005 • • • I' • • • • CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON • PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPT. i HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION • • • • • • �Y KENT • WASH�nOTOH • City of Kent 2005 CAPER i • • • • • CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON • • • CITY COUNCIL • Mayor: Suzette Cooke Council President: Deborah Ranniger • Council Member: Tim Clark Council Member: Ron Harmon Council Member: Bob O'Brien Council Member: Debbie Raplee • Council Member: Les Thomas • Council Member: Elizabeth Watson • • HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Chair: Brett Hollis • Commissioner: George Adams Commissioner: Dini Duclos Commissioner: Jennifer Grosman • Commissioner: Marilyn LaCelle Commissioner: Cathy Peters Commissioner: Perry Raak • Commissioner: Edna White City Council Member: Elizabeth Watson • • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES Acting Director: Lon Hogan • • • HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION • Manager: Katherin Johnson • CDBG Coordinator: Dinah R. Wilson Senior Human Services Coordinator: Merina Hanson • Human • Services Coordinator: Jason Johnson • • • • • • City of Kent 2005 CAPER i • • • • • • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS • • INTRODUCTION ................... . . ... . ... ......... . ..... .......................... ...... ...................... I PART ONE: ASSESSMENT OF GOALS AND STRATEGIES ......... . . . ..... . . . ..... 1 HOUSING AND HOMELESS PREVENTION STRATEGIES......... ....... ........1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT SIRATEGIES..............3 • LIVABLE COMMU�iITIES STRATEGIES ......................................... ....5 • ANTIPOVERTY STRATEGIES .................................................. .........7 2005 PROGRAMS/PROJECTS (APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER? 2004) . ........ . ... .. . ... .... .. ..... ... ................... ..7 • AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHER FAIR HOUSING WHAT ACTIVITIES WERE TAKEN? ... .. . .. ... . ..... .. .. .... ..... .... .. ..... ...... .. . 9 AFFORDABLE HOUSING: EVALUTE PROGRESS IN MEETING SPECIFIC • OBJECTIVE OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING...... . . ................................................ 9 CONTINNUM OF CARE......... .................... ...... .............................. ................... 11 • LEVERAGING RESOURCES......................................................... . ..................... 11 • CITIZEN COMINIENTS ......................................................................................... . 12 • SELF-EVALUATION: WHAT PROGRESS WAS MADE IN MEETING PRIORITYNEEDS" ... . .... .. ...... ............................. ... ............. . .............. . 12 • PERFORMANCE BASED OUTCOMES . ....... . . . . ................. ........ ... .............. 12 • PART TWO: ADDITIONAL PROGRAM NARRATIVE.............................................. 13 • RELATIONSHIP OF USE OF CDBG FUNDS TO THE PRIORITIES.NEEDS, GOALS, AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES IDENTIFIED IN THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN . . .. ..... .. . ...... .................13 • NATURE OF AND REASONS FOR CHANGES IN PROGRAM OBJECTIVES.13 ASSESSMENT OF GRANTEE EFFORTS IN CARRYING OUT THE • PLANNED ACTIONS DESCRIBED IN THE ACTION PLAN. ........................... 13 WERE FUNDS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE THREE NATIONAL • OBJECTIVES?............. ............... ........................................................................... 14 • NARRATIVE OF ACTIVITIES INVOLVING ACQUISITION, • REHABILITATION, OR DEMOLITION OF OCCUPIED REAL PROPERTY • AND HOW RELOCATION WAS ACCOMPLISHED...................................... ... 14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES WHERE JOBS WERE NOT • TAKEN BY LOW/MODERATE-INCOME PERSONS ... . ...... . ... .............. . . ... 14 • NARRATIVE REPORT REGARDING LOAN REPAYMENTS........................... 15 • NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF REHABILITATION PROGRAMS........... ..... 15 CONCLUSION . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .............. ... .................. 15 ATTACHMENTA.......... ...................... ..... ............. . . . . ...... . ............. ................ .. 16 • ATTACHMENT B . ................................................................................. .................... .. 36 • City of Kent 2005 CAPER • ii • • s s s s INTRODUCTION s The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report(CAPER) for the City of Kent, Washington for program year 2005 is a report to the U S Department of Housing and Urban • Development (HUD) on the City's activities and accomplishments using Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) and other funds. The City of Kent(hereinafter referred to as the City) uses all of its CDBG funds to support human services activities and human services planning and administration. In 2005, HUD allocated $899,418 in CDBG funds to the City. Overall, the City accomplished the activities outlined in the 2005 Action Plan. CDBG funds were expended in conjunction with $607,087 in funds allocated from the City's General Fund budget to s provide for a wide range of human services and affordable housing needs. Instead of prioritizing one area of human services, the City supports a continuum of services This strategy calls for collaborative efforts with regional municipalities, King County, state government, United Way of King County, and other non-profit organizations to build a strong community safety net In addition, collaboration allows for visionary planning and comprehensive development of services that s respond to the needs of City residents and the regional community. • • • • HOUSING AND HOMELESS PREVENTION STRATEGIES Goal H1: Expand homeownership opportunities throughout the community for all income groups. s Strategy HI.B: Use zoning and building codes to encourage homeownership • opportunities. • The City approved the following changes to expand homeownership* s s • The City Council approved alternative ownership options in the townhouse zoning district • • The City Council amended the zoning code to allow stacked condominiums in the townhouse zoning district when the condominium is located within the downtown area • The City Council passed a Critical Areas Ordinance reducing the five acres lot area s requirement to no minimum area requirement on property with sensitive areas when the developer agrees to a greater buffer around the sensitive area . • The City revised the zoning code to allow manufactured housing wherever single housing is allowed, subject to state legislative parameters s s City of Kent 2005 CAPER 1 • Goal H2: Expand the range of affordable housing choices available to meet the needs of both current Kent residents and residents projected in growth estimates. • Strategy H2.A:Maintain the existing stock of affordable housing. The City allocated $269,816 in CDBG funds to the Home Repair Program in 2005, 138 new households received assistance Through its commitment of funds to the home repair program, a . significant number of City residents remained in their homes rather than being relegated to homelessness or forced to move into unaffordable housing The program also allowed seniors and the disabled to maintain their ability to live Independently Strategy H2.B:Provide housing opportunities for low/moderate-income families. The following initiatives led to housing opportunities: i The City conducted research and consulted with regional housing specialists regarding the development of a collaborative project to decommission aging mobile homes and provide • down payment assistance grants to homeowner's to purchase mobile homes that are five years older or less Research on this project is ongoing • Through its Human Services Division and General Fund Budget, the City funded a Human • Services Coordinator specializing In resource and referral to provide housing resource and • referral information to City residents Low/moderate-income families receive key information on affordable housing opportunities in Kent and the surrounding region Kent staff advocated for Kent service providers to access HOME funds through the King i County Consortium Strategy H2.D: Support the development of housing near transportation hubs and employment centers. • The first phase of Kent Station, a development project constructed on 18 2 acres of property purchased by the City in 2001, was implemented in 2005 The project is located within easy access to City Hall, the King County Regional Justice Center, and existing downtown businesses • Permits have been issued for four senior apartment complexes and single-family homes i Moreover, Kent Station is located adjacent to Sound Transit's Sounder Commuter Rail Station and • King County Metro Transit bus stops. Goal 1­13: Provide stable, service-enriched housing for homeless persons and persons with special needs. Strategy HIA:Actively support regional and sub-regional efforts to provide a S coordinated continuum of housing and services for the homeless. Assure the interests of • South King County are included in the countywide process to end homelessness. CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -2- • i i i The City took the following steps to implement Strategy H3.A• i • Staff chaired/participated as members of the following committees of the Committee to End Homelessness in King County Youth &Young Adult, Single Adults, and Resources • Re-activated the Homelessness Providers Network • Staff served on the following housing/shelter grant review panels McKinney, City of Seattle Shelter Grants, and United Way of King County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Impact Council Grants. Strategy H3.B:Provide enhanced case management and stabilization services linked to transitional housing services for homeless persons. i The City executed the following initiatives to implement Strategy H3.13: i • Provided $9,500 in CDBG funds to Community Health Centers of King County to support primary care and nursing services to homeless families and individuals in transitional housing. • Provided $10,000 in CDBG funds to Catholic Community Services to support shelter and i case management services for homeless women in recovery. • Provided $10,000 in CDBG funds to Hospitality House to support a shelter for homeless women and linkage to securing permanent or transitional housing • • Provided $17,000 in CDBG funds to Valley Cities Counseling to support case management services for homeless individuals in the City of Kent Strategy H3.C:increase housing stabilization for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The City provided $35,000 in CDBG funds to the Multi-Service Center Housing Stability Project to i support the award of housing stability grants to low-income homeless individuals to prevent • eviction or to assist with move-in costs ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES i Goal E1: Improve the potential for Kent residents to obtain and retain livable wage jobs. i Strategy E1.A:Support multi-dimensional approaches linking services to jobs to improve the ability of people to obtain, progress in, and retain livable wage jobs. The City executed the following action to promote Strategy E1 A� . • Applied for and received a total of$565,000 in federal and state funds to study the feasibility of creating a Center for Advanced Manufactunng (CAM) The City partnered with the Kent Chamber of Commerce to hire a consultant to complete the feasibility study. CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -3- • • • • s s ! The active mission of the CAM is to focus on innovation among area manufacturers and to • allow them to retain and add lobs in an increasingly competitive global manufacturing marketplace s • Provided $12,675 in General Funds to Child Care Resources to provide child care vouchers to low/moderate-income families • Provided $10,000 in General Funds to the Center for Career Alternatives to support a job readiness training and placement program for low/moderate-income lob seekers who have • multiple barriers to employment and/or basic education, • Provided $35,000 in General Funds to Washington Women's Employment and Education s (WWEE) to provide computer training and a job readiness class to low-income Kent • residents s Goal E2: Increase opportunities for businesses to develop and expand in Kent,with particular focus on small businesses and micro-enterprises. Strategy E2.A: Prepare an economic development strategy for the City. • S To further Strategy E2 A, the City continued implementation of the 2003—2008 Kent • Economic Development Strategic Plan, The Plan formalizes the City's economic development policy, establishes a five-year workplan for the City's Economic Development Manager, and is a marketing piece for the City's business attraction, retention and investment initiatives. • The Plan expands on two of the City's Five Strategic Goals A Vibrant Downtown and a Strong Local Economy, and also incorporates recommendations from a 17-month planning process s facilitated by the Kent Chamber of Commerce which was capped by a Kent Economic Summit on August 4, 2003 This process included the City, the Kent Downtown Partnership, Green River Community College, Highline Community College, Renton Technical College, and other • community members The Plan also incorporates recommendations of a Kent industry outlook study completed by the University of Washington Evans School of Public Affairs s . Strategy E2.8: Develop incentives and supports for small businesses. s The City implemented the following: • Partnered with Evergreen Community Development Corporation, a non-profit cartified by the Small Business Administration to make 504 loans, by writing support letters for existing s and new businesses seeking loans to purchase their own real estate Local business ownership of real property leads to business stability . • Supported the One-Stop Shop for small business and micro-enterpnse development and technical assistance which utilizes resources from the State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development and from the Small Business Administration • Through the City of Kent Mayor's Office, the City provided$12,000 in General Funds to Green River Community College Small Business Assistance Center to provide one-on-one counseling and small business classes to Kent residents s • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER .4- s • • Provided$15,000 in CDBG funds to Green River Community College Small Business Assistance Center to support business counseling and technical assistance to assist low- income Kent residents with developing a new micro-enterprise business or expanding an existing micro-enterprise business. Strategy E2.D: Support real estate development and redevelopment projects through Section 106 Guarantees and CDBG Float Loans that will benefit low/moderate-income persons or provide housing for lowlmoderate-income persons. The City partnered with the Boeing Company for the future use of business property in the Pacific Gateway Business Park, lobs will be created as a result of this partnership. Subsequently, a portion of the property was sold to other parties who are developing new warehouse and business space LIVABLE COMMUNITIES STRATEGIES Goal Cl: Address issues of inclusion and integration. S bY" i • Staff served on the People of Color in Philanthropy (POCP) Leadership Team to expand assetbuiiding, cultural enhancement, education support, and community connection • activities to People of Color who are served by non-profit organizations, POCP is a countywide organization that promotes racial equity and social justice for communities of color through philanthropy. • Staff provided technical assistance and community linkages to newly developed non- profits that work with immigrants and refugees. Goal C2: Create a community that supports healthy individuals and families. Strategy C2.A:Build neighborhood centers/local access to services. • The City continued its support to ensure the long-term success of the Alliance Center, a One Stop Service Center that provides a central location the meet the human services needs of the low/moderate-income community The Kent City Council unanimously approved the development of Project Springboard, a $20 million hotel and condominium project in downtown Kent In addition,the City proposed the development of a 33,500 square foot Town Square Plaza adjacent to Project Springboard The Town Square Plaza will be a central gathering place for the Kent community The amenities and programming for the plaza will include the Kent Lions i Club's Farmers Market, other community festivals, a concertlamphitheater venue, an interactive water feature, an additional water feature donated by the Kent Rotary Clubs, i and landscaped and open areas for seasonal activities The Town Square Plaza is strategically located across from the Kent Library along Second Avenue Project . Springboard will build upon the momnetum of Kent Station,which is located across the i r CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -5• • street and has additional Phases that are still under development Phase One of Kent Station opened in November 2005 Strategy C2.B; Create a community that supports healthy families. The following actions were implemented in 2005: M . Provided $84,806 in CDBG funds to the City of Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services to improve Kent Commons Playfield, a neighborhood park that is located in a low/moderate-income community Funds were used to replace playground equipment so that it meets National Park Safety Institute standards . Provided $37,450 in CDBG funds to Community Health Centers of King County to provide primary medical and natural medicine services to low/moderate-income individuals. • Provided $15,936 in CDBG funds to Kent Food Bank (KFB) to cover a portion of the rent . and utilities KFB provides emergency food bags to needy individuals and families residing in Kent. • Provid $110,000 irvCDBG funds to King County Housing Authority to renovate Springw6od Community Center The Community Center will serve as an activity center for r♦ low-income youth and include a gymnasium, a game room, a computer room, a kitchen, administrative offices, a classroom, and an arts and crafts room • Continued to manage the Safe Havens Visitation Center for family violence victims. CITY Of KENT 2005 CAPER 6 ANTIPOVERTY STRATEGIES Decrease housing costs of low/moderate-income persons • Provided Home Repair Program Grants up to$5,000 to 138 households • Encouraged low/moderate-income persons to apply for weathenzation services through the King County Weatherization Program Seek means to provide affordable child care to low/moderate-income families The City provided $12,675 in General Funds to Child Care Resources to provide child care vouchers to low/moderate-(ncome families Increase incomes of persons in need City staff prioritized the following; ` • Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign.This collaborative campaign provided free-tax preparation assistance to low/moderate-income working people to help them file for the 'I Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)and the Child Tax Credit The EITC benefits eligible workers by reducing their tax burden and allowing them to retain more of their earnings A \j tax preparation site was located at the Alliance Center in Kent, and the City publicized the campaign on its web site, through its contractors, and various other ways • Financial Literacy. Staff focused on distributing information on financial literacy to Kent residents Work included participating in bringing the Earned Income Tax Credit • (EITC) campaign to Kent in order to educate and assist Kent residents about the special tax benefit for working people who earn low or moderate incomes This included marketing the program through posters, a program featuring an interview with the Mayor on Kent TV 21, and utility stuffier mailings to Kent residents Information on the basics of financial literacy was also included in mailings to Kent residents through several outlets, including • Kent Connections, the In Sox, and the Parks, Recreation &Community Services Program' Guide Financial Literacy was the theme of Human Services Month in November and i handouts related to financial literacy were available at a display in the City Hal!lobby . throughout the month. Staff is also in the process of developing a comprehensive guide to the basics of financial literacy that will be available for Kent residents in 2006. 2005 PROGRAMS/PROJECTS(APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 2, 2004) S The City of Kent supports housing and human services agencies with funds for on-going programming, e g , feeding programs, medical services, housing stability, domestic violence shelter, etc , through its CDBG entitlement it is the City's policy to support human service • programs that meet one of the City's priorities (A complete list of all agencies supported by the . City, including CDBG-funded projects and General Fund-funded projects is attached ) The following organizations were awarded CDBG funds in 2005. (� CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER 7• • Capital Projects' • City of Kent Commons Playfield: $84,806 Funds awarded to Improve Kent Commons Playfield, a neighborhood park that is located in a low/moderate-income community • . City of Kent Home Repair Program: $269,816 Funds used to rehabilitate housing that is owned and occupied by low/moderate-income families residing in the City of Kent • • King County Housing Authority: $110,000 S Funds used to renovate Spnngwood Community Center, an activity center for low-Income youth that is located at Springwood Public Housing Apartments. • Public Services Projects i • Catholic Community Services: $10,000 Funds used to provide shelter and case management services to homeless women in recovery. • • Community Health Centers of King County: $46,950 Funds used to provide primary medical and natural medicine services to low/moderate- income individuals and to support primary care and nursing services to homeless families • and individuals in transitional housing • Hospitality House: $10,000 Provided $10,000 in CDBG funds to Hospitality House to support a shelter for homeless women and linkage to securing permanent or transitional housing i • Kent Food Bank: $15,963 Funds used to cover a portion of the rent and utilities KFB provides emergency food bags to needy individuals and families residing in Kent. • • Multi-Service Center: $35,000 Funds used to support the award of housing stability grants to low-income homeless individuals to prevent eviction or to assist with move-in costs. • • Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation: $17,000 Funds used to support case management services for homeless individuals in the City of Kent The City recaptured$105,000 from a capital project that an organization could not implement in 2005. CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER 48- i i i i Micro-Enterprise Assistance • Green River Community College: $15,000 S Funds used to support business counseling and technical assistance to assist low-income Kent residents with developing a new micro-enterprise business or expanding an existing micro-enterprise business. Planning and Administration:$179,833 • Funds used to administer the City of Kent CDBG projects and engage in planning i activities AFFIRMATiVELYFURTHER FAIR HOUSING: WHAT ACTIONS WERE TAKEN? Because the City does not have a fair housing ordinance, complaints received by the City are . referred to the Washington State Human Rights Commission for investigation under the Washington State Law Against Discrimination The Washington State Law Against Discrimination was determined to be substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act. No fair housing complaints were filed against the City in 2005, In 2005, the City conducted its first Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) as a direct entitlement City Information was solicited from the public via a targeted survey Surveys were . distributed to 122 individuals and made available on the City of Kent website in addition, a public forum was held in which individuals and organizations were asked to comment on their experiences and perceptions of housing discrimination in the City of Kent. As a result of the Al and i the public response, the Fair Housing Consultant identified three impediments and made two recommendations The two recommendations were: • Expand current education and outreach efforts; and S • Target homeownership and lending marketing to African American and Hispanic households . The City is in the process of implementing these recommendations AFFORDABLE HOUSING:EVALUTE PROGRESS IN MEETING SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING As noted in the 2003—2007 City of Kent Consolidated Plan, the City of Kent's comprehensive plan is consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies that include policies to support housing affordability. The Countywide Planning Policies require that all jurisdictions'provide for a diversity of housing types to meet a variety of needs and provide for housing opportunities for all economic segments CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -9- . of the population " The policies further call on all jurisdictions to participate in an equitable distribution of low-income and affordable housing throughout the County i A variety of strategies have been adopted by the City to encourage affordable housing and to remove barriers to affordable housing development. Following is an evaluation of progress in meeting the specific objective of affordable housing Maintaining Existing Stock of Affordable Housing a Home Repair Program • The City of Kent has an existing stock of smaller, older, and more affordable homes These are particularly located adjacent to the downtown core The City preserves this housing through the Home Repair Program and other investments In addition to preserving housing, the City's investment avoids costs of new development on the same location. Units Preserved Through Home Repair Program Rehabilitation 2004 2005 New Households Assisted. 151 New Households Assisted. 139 Job Units. 1612 Job Units 2352 2005 Outcome Kent Home Repair Program 97910 of homeowners receiving rehabilitation assistance reported that they were satisfied with the repairs completed on their home. i i Although 12 less households were assisted In 2005, the decrease in new households assisted can be attributed to the Increase In the cost for materials Job units were increased. New Funds for Affordable Housing 2163 Funds In 2005, the Washington State Legislature passed a bill levying an additional surcharge (in 2004 the first surcharge was levied to generate a new source of operating and maintenance funds for emergency and transitional housing) on document recordings to generate revenue for local governments to fund low-income housing programs, e g , shelter expansion, homeless supportive S services, eviction prevention programs, supportive and transitional housing, etc The first 2163 Fund Grants will be awarded in 2006, but will include surcharges collected in 2005 Staff participates on the Committee to End Homelessness in King County, the body that will administer 2163 Fund Grants. i Veterans and Human Services Levy During the November 2005 election, King County voters passed a levy authorizing a six-year property tax to fund regional health and human services for veterans and other King County CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -10- residents A portion of this funding could be combined with 2163 monies and used for a low- Income housing program CONTINUUM OF CARE The City of Kent participates regionally with the Seattle/King County Continuum of Care for the application and distribution of HUD funds for homeless programs through McKinney funds, Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG) and HOME funds In addition to regional participation, the City takes action on its own to support a continuum of services for homeless individuals . In 2005, the City supported a number of programs that provided assistance to homeless persons and persons requiring supportive housing Support for these programs came from a combination of City General Fund and CDBG resources Included were. 0 Catholic Community Services Emergency Assistance Program -emergency motel vouchers for individuals and families and emergency financial assistance 0 Catholic Community Services Katherine's House- transitional housing for women 0 Community Health Centers of King County Healthcare for the Homeless—nursing i services to homeless individuals residing in transitional and domestic violence shelters • located in the Kent area 0 DAWN Domestic Violence Shelter Program -confidential emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children r 0 Hospitality House—emergency shelter for homeless, single women 0 Homeless Mobilization Outreach Effort(HOME) -emergency shelter for homeless men 0 Home Repair Program -grants for health and safety-related repairs for low/moderate- income homeowners • 0 Kent Food Bank —emergency financial assistance and food bags r 0 Kent Youth and Family Services Watson Manor-transitional housing for parenting teens 0 Multi Service Center Housing —emergency and transitional housing for women and families 0 Multi Service Center Housing Stability—grants to prevent eviction or to assist with • move-in costs 0 Valley Cities Counseling—case management services for homeless individuals The City also provided services to persons with disabilities at the Kent Resource Center and escorted transportation services for seniors living independently in the community. LEVERAGING RESOURCES In 2005, CDBG funds were used in conjunction with $607,087 in local funds to address human services needs Community agencies report that for every$1 provided by the City of Kent another $7 is leveraged. Community agencies receive the balance of their funding from other federal CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -11- • • agencies, the State of Washington, King County, local municipalities, United Way and other • charitable giving campaigns, foundations, private donations and fundraising Funding reductions at federal, state, and local levels continue to impact the stability of the human services system i► CITIZEN COMMENTS s Members of the public were notified in the King County Journal of the availability of this CAPER for s review prior to its submittal to HUD No comments/comments were received The public notice was published on Thursday, February 9, 2006 The King County Journal is the City's official . publication of record • SELF-EVALUATION: WHAT PROGRESS WAS MADE IN MEETING PRIORITY NEEDS? •• The overriding priority for human services expenditures has been to continue to support the wide continuum of services Funds expended in 2005 continued that policy The City is meeting its s requirements for housing development and affordable housing as agreed to by the King County Growth Management Planning Policies adopted by the region in 1993 • The City's allocations of Human Services Funds and CDBG resources met its goal of responding to the needs of the community The City's nine-member Human Services Commission, a citizen's advisory body to the City Council, reviews the human service issues of the Kent community on an ongoing basis and recommends funding allocations based on the current needs Emerging issues i in the past several years have included the increased demands for job training and workforce development, improving the domestic violence system, an increase in the number of residents who s lack health care insurance or are under-insured, collaboration in the county-wide goal of ending s homelessness by moving the homeless into permanent housing, and addressing needs of the immigranUrefugee population In 2005, the City responded to the need for lob training and workforce development by providing CDBG funding to a micro-enterprise assistance project. This s trend will continue into 2006. s PERFORMANCE BASED OUTCOMES � s S The City evaluates the outcomes of its general fund contracts by requiring the annual submission of program outcome reports by service recipients. In addition to providing the City data on the number of service units that are provided, outcome based evaluations provide data on how clients • and the greater community are impacted by funded services CDBG Public Seance agencies that • were already using Outcome Based Measurement were asked to include CDBG programs on a voluntary basis in 2003. Mandatory outcome based evaluations are now required Data results demonstrate that clients were significantly impacted by funding allocations (See Part Two Assessment Efforts in Carrying Out the Planned Actions Described in the Action Plan.) s • s s CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -12- • RELATIONSHIP OF USE OF CDBG FUNDS TO THE PRIORITIES, NEEDS, GOALS, AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES IDENTIFIED IN THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN CDBG funds and the$607,087 allocated from the City's General Fund provide the foundation for the City's efforts in human services The combined funds are allocated by the City Council based on recommendations by the City's Human Services Commission The Commission is a nine- member citizen advisory body appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council to provide guidance to the City on human services related issues The Commission reviews the data from a number of assessments, demographic reports and plans to develop priorities for funding, and then • calls for applications from the community. Applications for capital-related needs are also sought from human services agencies, e.g., renovation of office or counseling space, projects to acquire/preserve affordable housing, etc. Only CDBG funds may be expended on capital projects. The City seeks to maximize use of the 15 percent cap on public services for CDBG funds The • City elects to spend the maximum 20 percent for planning and administration However, in 2005 only 16 percent was expended NATURE OFAND REASONS FOR CHANGES IN PROGRAM OBJECTIVES There were no changes to program objectives in 2005. ASSESSMENT OF GRANTEE EFFORTS IN CARRYING OUT THE PLANNED ACTIONS i DESCRIBED IN THE ACTION PLAN A majority of CDBG public service funded projects met or exceeded the performance measures required by contract The following outcomes were reported on public service CDBG-funded projects which ended December 2005 AGENCY OUTCOMES Catholic Community 83% of clients leaving shelter found permanent housing and Services 67%remained sober Community Health Centers of 48% of clients received medical careltreatmentz King County r 'Cuterion used to detemmne whether indicator was met was whether children between 24 and 35 months , old were recorded in the CHILD Profile Inuimmzatron Registry,which documents whether the child recen ing set gees had specific immunizations The decrease to utnnurnzatron tates was due ro the agency's change in data collection(rates higher when medical charts are also exannned) The agency is m s CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -13- • • • AGENCY IOUTCOMES • Hospitality House 100% of homeless women received access to affordable housing and other service-enriched support Kent Food Bank 100% of clients obtained basic food items/meals Multi-Service Center Housing 75% of clients receiving eviction assistance or move-in costs Stability Program during the second and third quarters of FY04 and the first and second quarters of FY05 remained in housing six months after receiving assistance Valley Cities Counseling Y 96% of homeless clients received outreach/case management services WERE FUNDS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE THREE NATIONAL OBJECTIVES? • All CDBG funds were used exclusively to meet one of the three national objectives, primarily to ♦ benefit low/moderate-income residents • NARRATIVE OFACTIVITIES INVOLVING ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION, OR DEMOLITION OF OCCUPIED REAL PROPERTYAND HOW RELOCATION WAS ACCOMPLISHED No CDBG or City funds were expended for activities that required relocation actions in 2005. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES WHERE JOBS WERE NOT TAKEN BY LOW/MODERATE-INCOME PERSONS • No economic development activities were undertaken involving the creation/retention of jobs. i • • • • • • the process of entering medical chart data into CHILD Piofile and once this is completed,percentage will increase Data is froru 7/03 to 6/04. • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -14- • • • • • • NARRATIVE REPORT REGARDING LOAN REPAYMENTS The City did not use CDBG funds to enter into loans. • • NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF REHABILITATION PROGRAMS • • The Home Repair Program is available to remedy health/safety-related repairs in the homes of low/ • moderate-income homeowners. Low/moderate-income clients qualify for a grant of up to$5,000 for minor repairs to their homes Typical projects include roofs, plumbing, and electrical improvements, A total of 139 households were assisted in 2005. • • CONCLUSION • The City and its funded programs successfully met the needs of the Kent Community in 2005 The • community worked collaboratively to leverage resources and to respond to ongoing and emerging • human services issues In addition, the City expended a portion of its CDBG funds on capital • projects to increase or enhance services to Kent residents. CDBG funds, local funds, and funds from other governmental entities were critical in protecting the safety net in the City and the South • King County region • • s • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -15- • • • • • • • ATTACHMENT , • t INFORMATION FROM HUD'S INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (IDIS) FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2005 CDBG Financial Summary-C04PR26 i CDBG Activity Summary Report (GPR)-C04PR03 Additional reports analyzing the use of funds are available upon request. To request the reports contact the Housing and Human Services Division at 253.856-5070 • • i • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER 46- • • i ry • o N o W W F E -. roo 000H W W r �rooa, a, o c W �w � W W0000su� r � r Hol0 � 0 � r r ioo H � o i E r a E H H z •H H E+ W u Q W W m o \< aa �14 `„ H w a z ¢ z G . > > a w q rz4 a o >W+ ❑ " z 0 C° Ij ` a M El o a • z FL' a N E E z P'. a E :-1 E. 04 W 0: E co H r, ry n a w a E o w m 2 E C � z � 14 — H a 2. N w H W H ' a El ul H H W O E WY- > a W rn a Z W E a� rJ U N H U N ri x H Ul Do W W o �^ H p. H ,� W a E W p =1 r� N fx -� " F• ❑ W W O H ❑ r z •� m a „1 °, a H ro -- ,� H o W •"-, IZ-1 ❑ `° x' H £ '-a a m FC o G� 'Z O O G. \ ti P. a O z E, E \ u? E O H H O Q ",� , H $� W C7 JC V) H w c Q yo Q w FCo El uawHoww 1 w OzN �, [x Q ryC •' z W a W 14 [4 z H 11r W a 'Z , ❑ 1j y F FC Ur W FC z E FC a o H H O a a E H O O E W E ❑ FC U E t7 cn H i 4 - r i W FC w E aU Oz co z0O1-1 W O W z 'A E- E a W U a FC z EH W E+ £ a c) EE2 H 0 :::) 30 :D — H C9 (_'1 QH a a \ 5H E SEO F+ U] m aw w a E. w3aaw cna a E Q W E ❑ v7 ❑ rS W E+ E E 0 0 0 E, O Q ❑ W H 0 ,^ U W Z 3 E 2) H P: :D 1-1 44 Gl P., O O a E+ E A v� H u o W 2 a a o W P. a m W W E :9 W Q H W rz Ga E z FC C7 z w Px a0 O '-' W EGEHHOaz 33 - E W V 0 u LC F 0l u a o V QQUo C to OOOOa n m a o a, w 5c E H H H a H a s u Q W ❑ U r0 O a W rn O V O H cC x m O a U FC a H E H W 2 2 E+ ❑ W E+ Q a(D 0 Q £ E PQ W FC CD z h H H Z O O fs, E O L7 ❑ <, a o W H pQ W E W E+ W Q E+ 44 W 3 W W W a H �+ 2 H 6 F 2 ❑ ❑ z a W H ❑ E \ O ❑ Q F, W V W W c� W W W >; Q k. in W z 0 .] U z W rq 0 E Z £ rn £ U � £ w z W W W v� W O W El a 0 W F140 a E E a PD E W z Q ❑ Z) £ •� E' Pr F a H W t3: -D O 'J V1 :D '.� Q :D a s W Z 2 'O E Z G xHaHa , 0a w � � wrooF, w w wwmnaw W F a U m 41 '7 El ;.. rn h 0 co rn 7 E W a a. c� ❑ Ft U W ❑ F' a H ❑ H H ❑ O E w owrnv� UaFC � QFCFa' ❑ ❑ FCE £ ww ❑ � oa HNcn a• ,n •.or ;D mo HNMrn Ln m 0 N co NN H H H ly H H F W CL a a a+ U • ,x Ow r a O N U C X . U r Q H H H O M o H H U • i • • • ,w cc, � o H H o C rJ N i iN r . ko . o • H a a c: H ^ H W W v' N wow V) 2 o a H C w a • g a Ln � Ln 3 Q a4 zoo E w o � z F O 3 H H o a u a " H L L z z .r H O a z � w w p a H z � H aw, Cw 0 H wE, U) w aHws • H W C] r4 O H > o a W ( W H n H ?+ G] w E N a E+ a H � a .z w w H W > > m a r H H E E 10 • a U o D. 0 £ p E. a V V a H W vl u l • W N N N N a7 A � O UJ d. \ U 3 • a O N M z W • LL • U • N • O •N O W U h W W fS 'DOO N �� OOOOO -i000 ^ O • r O t� C v' M H H 0 9 � • Gt Ql O 5, 61 v d� 41 01 Ol H � i z F • W F O ^ � W S+ Cl) a � n a • a a z < £w w W W W Q > o H H co a fx a W a w0 w cn w 2 cn a crC a ° `w o w a > v Ha41cn z 0 a 0 rn u r o a a o � w o w a � � o � a W a w El E �^' 4� H i H H U a+ H W H a W w X N W G] CcI I+a g N O M H H G, Ell cc E. M F v H O >+ 8 _£ o X W 00 c9 W 9 Z 0 0 c9 W 9 x F W o U H z H H H H z E co H • H U7 N H O WI H i.' W W F+ 0 ❑ r] H U W H w w > s a w nz ID O J H P; W W O rJ H f� W Q' W N W 0 rJ H FC i w o Cl) w + m a \ + w a E vi El [I C)rn a cn U z a 2 < FC04 o H ,� H o aw � cow E U Q ^Co F co N aka FC ,: mrn E W q f- r.� .70 ,Z �CW Ff, cqO P, 2Z :ZF� W � FCmO 4ti O 0 0 E OE —' 44 w v u a P Q Ela o H rt o o a <E 9 H a E < w a H w a a w W uH H [Zr.� C7w wuE w . W 0 U OHHE cO HE Q E O HHFcn gE < w E U a Da 2!; O cn tD K� 11 1-1 D z C a C w a'l cq w a H PL W fp a, O ,x w w H H c� c7 O O £ H , E H O O O H El z 17 U H 0 El Ela O 0 O] v2 H G H Z 0 0 0 0.Q Ll w J � 0 U El 0 H A 0 U r.� a: ID E O M EIJ W W 0 C4 W Co El El [L O E cf] H El E+ O H 0 O Elco ze < o .a a4EU0 x z9Kr p a rxHUa m W Z 0 H 0 0 Q E1 4 W H H 0 E' F). E 1 < H H H O Z W E-F -D W O D p E z < Z W W Ll p J z W '�' Z Rl W u wa7g Unwwwa ca waawF;cE wo • 04 2 ;. E co H Z cn H H Wa W H O u) H W E+ Z E '-I Z E 2 aaa: cnaw a2zv aFw (naw w MI a, El ID 0 < " C4 :-: Fcu m m 71 'H " [� Z co ^ HHa. �� Ea H cn C� n E+ cG O O W H H K� ❑ O Z O 0 O W • H D a P. E W w E a Z 0 W Pa ry' ElW U rw H 0-4 a r-1 t� O 61 O .-i N M a U� ID • 04 N N N O M M M M M W H W • H C4 Q U • N a a a c a o f- U Z W .i Y co LL H '-I O Ac0 CI f o .f N U • • N • O N • o W r� w w a � F • F W � z E O E c o 2: � z r c, c w n m O E ti W 04 O Z C w w W W Q > o a a zd G co0 Q o a a a w w z o x M z z H Z o N W W r.0 G. � 3 z z(w P4 O , E El O El a w E. H a N O z H . o E F Q V F W • E G 2 0 F U z x O E �� z H O a W a W w F ro a w a . O 14 GU E W O z H E H a W p H Q H • z 4 W 2 O O U U U OE P H IQ ElH F-. W H F ' Q °z °z a• a a N a U H aLO W H F H o E. N • W W z A G G U W • ti Y o H 1p M a a a H 4 O uo O .-I N v� O O O O H a' M 0 0 0 G M O O O O O O 0 r r a' cls rocvoMorr000 � ,- 000tilno 0o Inoolnr �o ; m F' � c rrn � m0i ooCA or) ooG oomoo0v N ,-i boo � N �no � oM rn c (7, � ,.� m G 0 �n r M m QD a, r �n o� m o o w r u= ro ue o N 10 O --I u-� 61N H mc� ern cor �� H �n NaNmG ulr m r M so r m a ti ifi l0 UJ p� V ul r 'n C CJ t0 M r Jl O �P u� CJ H �C' r-1 QP S N N f0 Ul N T r M r m i �n M r-V ri N u� nl 3 1 � a � 1 q t 1 � "' SS (.] STSSFCUU V U � � USS 'S xUUC, Ur� UUV �� UUUUU '+ z c a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ,tea a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a h ooX �i z X fk Q 1 u) N 0 uO P7 . O i .-+ .-+ ,Hc �r H .-1 --ic0000H ,ti .-1 .-1 ,--i .-a .-r00000 000000coo ,--a a x O w E > a o Q w W O U Cl - F E W W El< < LC < co U] ZZ cz o. r- Z V) CFCC MM C^ W W fs7 v] W W x E E N 2 w CO] Cn W fZ H U �J V " � �' E V b W W w W H H H H w y o o � � a a >+ * �., n z > 5 0 o 0 w w v c QL, 0 Z w Cn U 1 Y+ 0 W n] W W w W W m E H O O W W W 0 W c4 IQ m U) w D W W W W W W .-, S Ulu _H O W w W W O m W W FC W cl�W R: Pti z, U H E E E Q W o D p W W Cl', W W W W W W U [=, FC V y x 0 w O O W W [+ p 0 F S x S S w i • U yr" Ga tZ � 4Z tti i- 0 0 0 0 W W W H H P; a Sri t>) 0 " H O O E W W W • C' r� C' H H H H H w W 4L W L� r�7 �') H H H H '.J' O H H 7.' S W W " 6 ti. oa D w r-' H `� < FL FC cu v) F!1 O O i-7 �-1 U U C a x WL H Cl G. ]4 1�4M 'O O C W y Ix C.. W PJ P. y - S 'S H H W U' rJ V U U Z 2 tZ W W u� G^ :n _1 m y W W W W W W p] Ft W W H H C*. G, m m 0+ < a. x w ¢: n. .. Cna ffl I,] a a. a rxHH • E, HC, EL HOG 0.l fAw 40 < H H S rn Z E E W W W a C4 E E E E E E W W W W W Q H FC E W W W z 0: - z E E z W W W W x W H H c/1 rn u H ^,z, ' 0.< cx O Cl z Q a. 'E � E a W W W z - z E � �"' S S W W U U FC FC O O W C EB E6 V C J+ N V V O O w E R. a . S S S W' L S S-, -� �+ £ S ;, FC �j .�. Z ?+ >+ P`. fY x x W W H i p,' 0 0 0 N O O G ^..-'. `w H H H H W W Q' q' E 1+ O • J I W W E r N E El E a a .-7 O a P: p: E E E E-+ a W v+ rq �� a 'Z a a E El C. H 1 Z w E C4 W (.4 a U (� o F. - �`�., fr fn M CO '� a W a H H (� Z H V � E O E O W w W W W W0 > J > l0 ID Jnr rr r U') r r sssMMM M rn Lf) IDr rCV W ss0ID H • (A N N N r N N (4 H q E 1 H V 1 1 H H co r-I H .-I ,-i C -J N N C1 N M M M M LO u7 IDl0 r r m m 61 Of m Q, G CD . h I O E 0 0 0 0 0 N rl N 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 H �-i '� C q 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ G H 0 O G O O G O O O O O O O O O G O O O O G G H 04 ''' o o _ o0000 oc o00000000 000c0000c+ o c+ oo o • II a c lnln In In InlnN ,,; In10rnln � ,n • £ o o G o 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 o O o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r9 W o ,j 0 0 0 0 0 E O C O o p o O O O G O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O LU • W I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CJ N N N N N N N CA N N N N N N N N d U Y-) 0 0 N . Z W •Y 0 O r U r M'tn (-10 O N O`O LA N Lr) Lr) 00 O O CD O U) f� �p O M t0 0 q' O O I� O M LnM0) O %.0OLr) M (3) +-1 co It to l`1 m -, m ,6 M loo 00 O� Q i z � o ~ o . z � � of ! a � i � 0 i � � � � t.0k "Dk.0 • p J o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� 6 6 6 000000001oo a w u. J . Z U WLU T} ( 10 W f6 Q)LO to �I� U C d cr Lr) _ N L o a O O in k f�4�, 0 ra Y F U . L L E C i CD 2 (6 U o (Q�I a- Q In Q) m L N � + E 0 i Z � �, c ra fu ctia -j Y _ E E" c c i U °' c c 0 o so SSaUS � > V YYF- c . W H o 0 0 0 • H O < H H a a •I a o . O` _ co E H F- p Uroc+ u c� 00000 n U G T_ Q W W O � < x El co E to to �W iJ @ N C2 W 0 - El u ^ .. E C .- H F o ¢ H E E E E U C [G •• co ca H H E+ L W a a El W U H N H W 1 14 3 Q � H O 4] W > �-7 •• H •• U W H H H m rn Cn > U > ElH g q 0 -+ a F F [Hu El . W a O O x E '� � 5 - a 3 a '-� w V O O O > III El _. r1 Q U c0 W Co U < Cl) O O Cow O a • H El a \ Z N m • £ a U O C H < p o CZ ~ H H H W ^ W N H p Q H p E U < 1 ti I-L H H H 3 H x H, Ei 04 H Owc� a < sxza 0 H N L4 .-+ x WZ:) CG Q H E a W z H > H ^ x -- [� a H i-1 C4 a H w H G( x H Q w w as a o of w Q w • w # 2 # x # H # a a U pn ) v E O O� 0 0 d� O N £ O O a P, N r' E o En W E. U P: .. C4 H HE H r.0 a H � m � ul 0 CC4 H H H 2 2 D •E a C.. m -r cr �• n w o q o w aW H W C^ i7 CD .. 9 wy > z z z w El n E H H z E W w O W co rn m H £ C E' .. .. rn W Q :7 O U E x W mm QF 2 a 00 q Oxx a z w z rgW� W O i FC d x W v] a o 0 o z .H-� C) m ..7 x E A' fi H 'i E 0 o O m 9) D 0 u 0 w W zO_. H D Pa O £ O 3 fW-1 ,£ �+ £ U N W •• k' �, FC Pal .j x Pw'. a t# 2H3 ,CR ,rLHQOEH O H3Q0 �l m W m Z FC H E+ 0 3 _ H H > W 7 W X 2 E W .H7 H a Q W W U H m H :+ U E-, H p H 3 3 t. Z !L H •• p, Q Se?, W > q E E H E �7 FC Fr' W .7 .] .-1 a ,7 W .7 £ a �7 £ £ O h H < U U H W 2 U u: P: mFC A; a; FC r.[ U EC O O ri •s vi < O W O H S Y' F. H cC W p Ca £ E E H E H C" H ElV El a c4 Q q O O O Q O W O U W o 0 0 0 U >C F Z E E+ H E E O. E E r.� W • U 0 a E woo � • a F a m O H E EI U U (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m CA FZC • < Q 'o 61 l0 • z E co co a a w :D H E O rL 3k C' M .-I al 61 O O O O N v O F a O E� r x m U 0 OW ILH O U 2 i El o H 1.1a > o a w v r� rah [4 £ 2 x [Wu z z • rc [ a wwww a+ o w a a a H U >+ aaa w> U > F E wwWWw H H H H H H m a C4 a R. o > x < " Q 3 :Da Rw ` a •� W U ,� `c Z a > 0 0 0 a zy FC < p; 'a< a .'. < F H a U rnwN UFC mvooc a O z .Wray O Z 5 U a El � 14 R1 co Z. i4 E H H 3 H x H E Pa W54 W 44 .-. x r' 3 4u < O a U c, 0 W .. 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J � P: s E � E p H O � - H W < , z a a w DI • H H H M 2 El E E U H H H � H H m x w a a a a H H H U W H W E H C7 O W w w w E+ W M. a [.. W a 3 W U U U • O E y W LI WEl M H H H r a a a 00 r�irU+ H Hco aa �aa • Mz z O w0 tia ° > w q W Q 4t m � F O ❑ q U CQ coW UQ u, HooH x a z a w ` a H aa ,. <C W W FCo � �a � H q El z z rC.�J • W c O E. H H 3 H x H IL N CO C4 Q 3 Ix a O Z y W w O O a C a4CJ � jE m 1=i H Hy W x4 H > U E C4 V < a H H < r.[ U x E+ x H r,C H w H W. H x E E O F m E W a o7rzt W cn a £ E O W El Hai q S fA FL <. FC OQ FC O F • C7 P9 O C4 U m W v rA rx rc 3 w w E Q' E W W;4 U i • h x U U O co to W W O O O p O p O H H H H E E a s • p H H H VI O H 0 0 O E- r) V U .• O C O • FK4" w �, H El G W o CQ Ell > H H O 5 E"i .. Cl) •• Q W EQ C a "' a a' z W P- E. CDO ?� �' £ V] a £ q H a "' `n a x E c4 H M H E > LO 0 o O vl C7 C7 a W 3 2 2 H o • N o U E, 61 w W r, m P, w W Q El W W o EEl a p E- Iz-1 6, El g q z N w H rs El El O , > HH > 4 p0Z Z. W � E � E Cwu a � a W LU Z W U H m H •-i F H r/ t• H Cl H 3 3 P4 [L E •• P. q Y rr= > zI- n HEzaa w aaaaa a Ex a z u- z hHEFccwz zg a ro ElE, E-' ECrSU a ooM r nRC o w o £ CE EC U � W zHa [u qq E EEHE E u W no E G+ U F El W r C7 a, U z w O H ✓ G O O O - O U o 0 o U X W CL FC � a ri z E E E E F P, E rf P: N N N E rS W U • z CJ H >1 W Cl) H H H r • a a H H p a z p H a 0 Q w a O w U a • a U 5 W F Q U U000m000 00+ � r U • O E- H rn a a H _ a a W W u z a m H H ❑ > x a w V E El N u) O1 o > :w a ,n N w E a . a H E O y F a •ram • H < W H H H Ea E F E H r H ;E; a a a a N H W • u wF H 7 O fY4 aaa w 7 w za � � w w w • a' > a \ W U U U W > 0) w Y' a H H H co gyw •• H •• U ?' a a m Q HHH ,Fib aaaw El r-4 El E 1 i F Pa > H ,--, •--I Q EF F, Z. H . 0 ❑ U m W O u a d) O H O H U x, cco < a .4 E .a-4 a: za HFi • O W C 0 a W r-C z HC' El W \ - 4- UED ate+ H rS c� H ❑ EFCa i co a a U a ,: HUaH 0 'yam H E V H H 3 H x H \ F w p i a a s x z a o r Elw ° a a T w d E w x x a o a u w u v 0 o ¢� "• H >� � � 4 Fx < a• Ha. FcUHw a 4 U L. E' H H U H W E W H a x F 1-1 W W W ❑ :3,. aka � �a < m 0 . a a ❑ w w w w wEl ❑ u u w . H H W O w W W U] J1 ^L # >4 >+ O . a a H H Ocoo as rn m co m V Q O O O O O N a O W M M 1 f 1 0 01 w W W w w w O E+ M H n O Q rl H H H J N o N a O H N H F F O E+ M H H H a • f7-yGGI N kD �il rn �-7 a a IL x .'4" O � �01 01 t0 C1 V U •• . a a N ° ❑ w w w W > w L4 H �° ypI F >. uuu wEl V H H H H > O H a a a H • Zz '� EW+ .. vz wQmmm rEr� a a 3 ❑ ?' ui a, a W p4 • E"' F Z co O .. W pQ O LU i a cz N 2 f H £ a z .a O ❑O W z F El U O O H p LI co Vt £ w' W S \ �C E+ A' H H H E. H N. c� •• r .. NG a m x z a . Q zx a O O U Wna W> w i a x a `FZaF OE z z a HO 0 x000 H ❑ Kt H E O > �W a z z W a z E. w a a w W w F 3 a U H V] H E U H O H 3 >1 w > � F N Z zz Hz 7 < < Ea a s 7 a a W a f x a Q Y U- h HEQOw a -Z Q71 as CQ aaaa QU a OO a O w O 2 OEaUI'll �r. z ❑ ❑ £ HHHEF 0Y H Va, 000E U E+ C7 Ck U E O C4 H a 0 0 0 0 o W O U W o 0 0 0 U x >- a C, Q m a 0 L. E+ E P E E+ W El a s N N N E FC W U HHON ZD m F+ H p ° a x � H H z E z S W a • F N O E. o O E r z C) N O a • 0 0 � • H m H E x wzz . a �-+ > U > H FC F x 0 x 0 H H H H cr a 3 a' r'S ww ^Qr 1 Z U 2 F W O a a '� H < 00 • Z u aW a mw u < mo04 oo • a: W 0 ��� .may 6 H a • E W h a G cC v] U( E] w ^ W .^. co a H H 3 H x p w x ^ w H _ 2 < w a E w ° zx wx H > Hz awE H < aHx V Hw �C U rN H 1; H W E w H x m El W 3 3 co EC 'f'C r-C a O E A rQ . x + U r � O � a • •s000 � .] m o 0000a• � a aS m H � to .r-I uHi O N N N O H O aai W NM M O F mm W W N N m r E H . R' h' N o M U m w • 0 o H a u (D H x x m - z w F H F G] m < F H w • 2 z E u 7 o E- a x �+ Q W mPL q 3 A y' vwi Oxx c4 2 3 UQ LLJ 0 a, O "� O A A f�A a' i i '" IL Q H Z >' x O O Q O z E • 0 o H Q m q 5 W a W x E a o o Z H U FW Oa 2 w O [d W E 30 a U c- r zs za � o ° FH o 000 a w mw H 0 z FE O > W a " z Wa £ z E WH7 a w LLI u HmHr E, U FCC) a •• z wH a 0 Y • rw » EF2 HE a < w -I DI a £ a. a £ z El m a o h H 4 H W a z U a a C C c u 94 0 0 N o w • £ O F < U U X Z H < w O q £ E-E ElE+ E+ E+ [k E+ U a4 00 H u ElC7 [ti U F O H q 0 0 0 0 0 W O U W o o O U +; },>-CL P. z F El E E ElP4 H �C a. N N E r.0 W • U • W H moo � H o � aF U � � 000 � ,� oo 0 ZO F o a • w a: W z z a rn H q � Q � W q W O O O O O O O O . 0 Q O O a N Q S o D o w ur w a E • z w � OU Z E, E# Z F Kt E G O • U ^ W F H � H a 44 • a a a w w H S a, • d W H W W 1 I. E N W A' Q El W <�71 3 q • 0.l O LQL z El > Q 1 U 44 OU H cox Q i O o X O w w Q O < w ;a; 14 z H ^ x ,7. zz,, H • H H O H H H W a Q U) W U < H F Q q H G F+ Kr .-] M a V Q <^.. - UQ 1 O O Z u; W EW+ W H a' H 3 W \ E O Q a ^ a z .. U w ❑ E H W �4 — H > p� C E w U Q O q H Q H W F W Q H F[; W F 1-1 3 W < tihrz Q co E. OE q O z z O O N • � + } E. to H H Z z a o 0 0 o r a o • :E: `+ omrnoso� HC) 000 0 qq q�q � m m q d N N N N O . O to W 1p N W C7 ti ti H W 7. F. W .. H H a E. E • Fa„ a ?, rn Qw via: •• .. q r.4 a z w µ7 O tZ E. O W O q0 O 2 F Q W m H F M E E 2 F El W (n• x w E 9 9 U'C U) .l z 's z H c? OHpw U2 W O W W W F Q E a U N x Q " a H C El W a 3 d cxr� W v�i F' d O F 0 0 0 W H >+ H q Z • Q E E O > W C Z Z a E Z LU W U H U; H H V E H g H 3 3 W' W ti W pai F W G Y >+ W > 5 F o H Hz ' r� Q W a ...7 a a W a E P: Iq " IL hHEaNw ? z � D as w aaQ < QU a oo o w O O E ;C V N .`G Z H Q W 7 q q Q F F F E (k E. U W o E+ U F+ [7 C V O H F O O O O w O U W o O U X H a W Q cl a li+ F ElE+ ElE+ o+ F Q a: N ElW Q U • E ` a U, • H • H w E M O M O H n � z w o Ov p N V a z w w a w N w w v In o r`nn ace -a ,ecvmr � d, 00 r> C J x u E O E-4 w H H a IK a J •+ �CCyGG W z •• � _ a] Y' w E H .. O .^ z x w-i V 0 V FC S C a \ .aw. aa ,n a W W CA o c� a E w E S P7 < w w -- • W FC H FC 'S W i i H W E Q z W U ,-� .-. L o < w o c • Y: V W FL x FC H Z •• H N N < . a o o x w H o w C z - ❑ E rp 3 < GC < FC C] w o w H H H w U H a O H a E Q < 0 w H x: H \ F 04 p o g o o 2: w z a o x a H w U [1 F 0 H Q H W E W H < W u 3 W FC EZ.� Ft m O Ll RC z H Q w E W [^1 a + � a 0 0 0 • a a a a E o u 0 0 0 OM M O CD O r w • z z O O H 61 M O N 14 FL O W ❑W N NN ONo O � m o N W W 14 w W W D H H R, 44 M N W 2 o W w H w w El Faa a El H a w H w w r H m W o 0 o E a W W W H O W V} 0., < M a a < • o ❑ o a w w w N N 0 x z a o o CQ w > a £ > z O O E+ N o 00 ^ W O H a cL W O \ ra z W El • O ?+ z z 3 Z H O E H 0 x 0 a w H ?H H ❑ Z • ad E F o H H > w o z z W a z E w a w W • w u H n H O U E H o H 3 3 z 2 W E w o Y w > p xz HEza CFC w aaaa .• W a Ex a z LL hHE Exw Kazuo xa: ❑ w O 2: E O pI:c U zHa Ga ❑ ❑ F- FEFCa E UwOOE V E } 0 auEO H D 0000 E+ W O UW o00 V x w w < w a W z E+ E E+ F O w E FC a; N N E. FC WEl U • • U E- c 't o N z z • o U � H a ui U H o 0 0 0 0 0 o c H v z W H y O H O 4 F • �z a a Cia H H � x � • n Q x £ FC W E N O N � • x G H O � E N R • G W CL • El U ^ H W E H U, H3 Q � W C9 L7 • a cal o 3 a W W W v z x a a a C) w H U r a a o • W W W FC E 0 0 O (? H H H H CO a W CL N O v s w a rz-i w z (-I z z E x z W z � WJ 0 0 3 • W O C � xs�. 4E o Q O H V U W W V co U co r H < 'x 9c •• E Q GC z z x U a a `1 < Q FC • c� Q FC • z a rn z H v H W FC P, W z r1 ❑ H0E a . co H C) U zFC .-. H4 yH O W 2 H H H 3 H U ^ E a, 54• Ov] a a CxFC � W �' z P+ EEi a Pl'. ^ El U U E 3 H < E W H U T E o W 3 W FCF' FCaO O cli o O Q C w z z H H Wco Q x H W a rD Pt # • O O r U � H a H 2 c o 0 0 o a s o U Ly9yyy (D • F 00 OO C NO .a 'ra� �, • H ui ,n ,n o ,n o E w E" �N,- N r r � W W P, Lf) v z z N E, „ UU W D o W P. v .' H E Pa, W H Z 3 C1 E" .. W W W FC yC QE cn o4 3 Q v. ww w R' O .. W O [G W ia4• a Oa N z O z '� O O q pq 0. U i i zfl. E Q EE E, CU Cl) a • o o O FC r, q F z CQ7 0 a w 3 W z o o z H p N o U ElrI W G H P, W E' O W a CG (4 W .] 3 rwl E U N >+ Z, W 3 2 4 cQ H Q O El H DW Ea+ 3 o z � � co 4EE G E HH > w OI z• z O W � Ez E W a � a W W • W U H v7 H W E U [� r, o H 3 3 P; z P4 E .. P, Q Y >+ W E -- a FC W a s a a a W A 04 x z LL • ouFFCn FCHUOZP. � m < FS < < 4U FC OOvt O W p FC U U < G. ] ,� Q E F E F, F a E+ U P. o o E U E c� m u E o 0 0 0 0 0 w o U w o 0 0 U x Cw a r.( ✓; a F H E, E E P. E RC 0.. N ry F FC W • E n r • v H � • > 2 O O p W E V O w y ' H O N � • � � w c w c Ft � <o � No � 000 0o r a W G N O E+ • In � 3 E F a �zC • H m = x W U •7; W ❑ H (Z ul x a10 j F a El W ° w H z H H H H w a a a � _ � C., F � FC 3 • E q C14 > FC O O a y U co W � � E ❑ < H ry T < H F L O 0 .7 X < N H gWg O Ft W FC z 2 < z < U O W . C, u E FC ❑ ❑ - W x • M E El c^ 44 H rt; H �, a, Z -I O S F G, 2 z a G+ < D >+ H U F > w ^4 " H > H x z C4 a N El O a r-' H W E w W rC x 2 Iai 1-1 41 W 3 W FC � v� OQ E H W F E c ,� • W V CQ x < * • 3 [Y •W O h 0 N a W F O E M Ol O N rarh� s c� • .a � o 00 0o O o O 2 w w W O � W V •• H � zo `n E- q > as Cl) 04 £ x a Q E k O A SW W 04 w F w E z 0 W Q 0 i z E a N 04 `_� H H E E rED O �"' E £ W cn a z H U 0 o N O < m Q rE.� n 0' O W W W W W U N • m wE' �a W xz c4 a o xa 0 a h 7+ z C. 4 Ed a L 4 H ❑ n E H O ^' O O O .7 W H ?+ H Z E O 'J ^ �-+ H > W O' 2 G] a E z F w .] i-7 W W W W > 5 EH+ o Q E U Ei EE, ❑ a 3Q 3 W ,aa a W .7 £ a .l E 2 LL • N > w < I 2Ua t� w FC 144 RS � u < Oo < o w O O F rl U --+ H H r-i; w D q C] Z E El F E. E+ CK El U a o o E+ U E y E a V F O ❑ H D Cl 0 0 0 0 W O U W o 0 0 V X a CL <C U) a H C*+ z E+ E+ E+ E F P. F FC fK N N E+ u� W U • • i • U E co W a f v x F o a 3 H • h c� n w o aw • U o a o E O O C C O C C O O • o z H o w a 4 El a a • z H v o w a • W w a U H qk M H O O O O O p 0 0 rn o � N £ U E-E . W O � w o F N . a U a • E C z a F W W U h 0' W E H • w co w OH a: r4 �1 W O • x x w a w w w N u H w .. � a w a z . a w w w w a E o o H z U > U > F a W W N � H ESE xr° a� aa 3 H z u z Elo h a � w c Hr-A 3 • W a > a o 0 0 U E � U t/} w (1] U �C Cl) M O M O w oF4 ` ' \ u o w F � a° z w x w a E v a H x H o El • H H 3 H x H F a 'S 70C NUZ z f+a+ ^ ¢ 3 Ga. ¢ � O E w H w FC �C W FC < o ff o w a H > H a a N w aw U < a. HaKv co a 2 U a W H FC H W E W --+ rs x E Z H co M xa F o H W Wq 3 a] < z a' m Q O F q H El a co O tD H # > co # w # W • CO rn El W >. 7 c0 O 00 a v O U . y x O p O o O O r.0 O O a 0 ch W 0 0 `� aq o • 2 N N N p N F W a X: z z OUP W H F O W a H F + W W W E E, w q E v] •• W W O El f4 w FC FC uuw qw co d 3 q U) aaa • 1 w N U. O a M O M 14 W (Q a t 1 < N z El Q ElF, C7 F O >. £ O W Cn a H H H U • oo � O amCl � � `" C7 a W 3 g x F a ct o 2 H 0 o u H s w o H o w w o z o v a a: a w a s x x `M �+ z O 2 Q iEi 0 E H El3 q O E coW c� 2 • a E F O ''+ 3 H H > W cy .-, z w £ z a (wi, a �' .. a W LU F FS U H v1 H G. F O H O H 3 3 0x .. F P� Ela q Y w W > z El z zzHE FCC W aaaaaz a f at a z lL • >� hHF4OW QZ, U L, a. x M < FC RC < QC FC OOwui < O w Q O F a U U `.4 ,'y H cC G. q a E FE F F F E U F U a, o o F U E- x } a U F O H ❑ 00 0 00 1-4O U W o o O U x r• a s cC cr] a O W z E+ F E F EH Wa E �Q a c� N E+ < W • U • U W N • £ E N o N a H N h • G] 2 a U O O O O C� o 0 0 ,U F 0 z a y, z m .H x W x� o N000Oo - o N 0 m a . N E- F o E E • N x •U •Hot EE-• O x W U Z Z U m 1-: E H W a E a s <c • w z W w w o m H cx ' aw x w w W w < E. QQ W > HH HQC) aaa o q z F a. F x Ft FCH < 3w o o > F w w •• F. a z , r.0 o o • o a y < w < z .. E CD . x H x a E a a a H H 3 O W FC O r-C W z FC 0.' z H H H W a s w • �� � ❑ H E z H H S x H \ E • U •,. W a', H 3 IT, ,'� z �r El W rl F( ~Q d Q; H2: a O q w U 'H Elz E U " R E- H r� E N au >> r-C H g H W 4 E FC H < x F x G� FC W rJl i-1 E O H O w 3H.' �C ,.. �C C.QO F co ❑ Q x W E a < a � w a E O co w w .E. ✓ E O O C 0 0 0 N O O C N O W Q O O O E. N O ri .a a h • U x a0 c O �C FC O d' C1 m o m o E o a a ZEl El a HH m fl zW H H Oi o ff .H .-a •• U W • U V u q W v > 0 aE- DIa � w n ❑ ao EH, a . > > w Aw rn a FC 3 .. " oiaa a Z ot i LLI a N z p £ � .] 0O 0qWq (A0 i �C E Q . s v a E" -� H H E E+ 0 O ?+ £ r,_, y o N ,F,0 m m q E Q n E F; W 3 W E^ o 0 o z H •o U W c' W W O H a P, W £ O x W W E O N 0co w � Xz w .. .. 'oa x � x a ~ U a �C U .7 E-r O E" H G. E ca w 3 q z a c� Z z a3zaHq o xoo0 Hr H ❑ w [v EH 03a � H+ �-+ > WCY Wa £ z Ew a .q w Y . E-E U E H G H 3 3 C4 •• z W a E+ a q W W > q E `n H H E z a rS' W a .] .-7 .7 a W £ [x .7 £ z u' Y h �+ F �.' N > W z U Z a a CO FC FC �C FC r� U .7 0 O �n uC O w O U w ❑ q £ F E E E+ E N FC U a o o E U F }• £, a J E 0 ❑ H 0 00 0 0 W E. U w o 0 0 U x F- a a < cn 1-1H W z E E E+ E+ ElP, F � a N N El i i E E H • a H z h � • w a 2 a H o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o V • o w a z Q o w • - a �• � O o � .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O H H < E E • O W O 4fl C E a x z Q o U) ri) o ww E O E H • H O [r, W U H H W y W H U FC 3 rC • 0.' W U a \ W U U z a w o C HHN H � aaa z " 2 a' z w w E- ., N . w W H < w Z H r-1 ri Q El O z U cQ Ul U U? tio -+ u S H 2 V w d 0 < w z F .. E U Qr-C � HUr,CH O rZ H W H z 3 r-i x \_yy H u, H W W H x 7 X a < H \ -w u 6 W U A Q a H x a E a H w C x FE. o q W 3 CI �C •�w� fC G7 O E N xEl ' m w • °° w lD PI • z £ o cQ7 O r U a . O O 3 3 v o 00 ao O U U 2 ww W 2 0 0 0 00 O E E, O C' C' d• 0 0 O O O F O H H LL' • a s c� � of Ql s a s Q (L Ifl m Ln N ul U U £ . O w O Ill 1.f) In a W Gi \ H . 54 a >+ U U 3 w H EEo F•' W Eaa �a a ;z Z ElQ q W EEl a wwQ 4 " a S Wrnaa z a W h Q o a a E a £ r l l a 2 £ H o qgW a z F UWa w• O O O 2 O Vl z C7 �_ F H 0 o U FS w W £ a •Y• a H w H p • 3 a W rz U £ U c� x r m x z a O FC £ zcx al z � H3zaH oco ❑ HH �X o - 000 a w o F Q Z • a E H O z .- H H W a rt w a 2 E w H a w w rtu " mHhwvFH ❑ H33 a z aE •• v] a Q Y s lL a o $�' z LL • >+ �7HEFCwaI•lJ." ^F, Ua n. a, OQ FCRCFLFCFtu FC � U � cncCM O w p E O < U cn H .4 HQ W QQ £ HEE HLX EOaooEz U E £ cK U El O P H D O O O O O w O U W o o O W U x H a PL F1-1 W W C co . z E El E H El a E U a. N N E U W U • a � E • aW E H o H Fy HH+ • o w x a • F F Q a o •2 W � U [� 000000000 r� a H r+ • a H D � k J Q c • z °• w x F 'F . a HOrrr OOIL' om r� 1 r r rn O J r4 N : < 4' E r � W H Z 1 c � � rA� ww H H El E • 2 H H E a a H H O a W U H H U E W E H • ❑ H (x W W a u M3 a a � wuv W > U > EE �4 E W W N H H H H p] a a a '1 E. rwi a 3 a I FCC 0 o c x o' :4 a E U oa U mww Uri m o W H rs a, r2 H z •• E -1 X O w < O Q wZ: �z H E Q � O mFCa •• cn < o H H H W � c4 W H yN E H H '3 H x H _ El 01 F O 'er w a � 3 a z a C iNy EI H Q Q rj FC w F.^ a D a D > .. t� W U ❑ •• Hao f44z Hz 4 Pa a uz aoa El Ca c. QUH W Q a QO U < aa Ha; X E o a C • ✓'. Fj � O O O ?i ElW 3 !A Q ry H ul Ca z . a H H I w Q El w w c6 x a a w w a • U U .?� r m00000 ao o �nv� v aQ oa000c E- InmN N o r rx N t•'1 W O N H H h E E O NF N O O O m a s a u m o o O U U m m o o ,n ul ul Q Q W W W o W a U CJ Wul H E H H > a a H 0: x ` O A w ra Q 3 Ca '" W W W a z a' • 1 I a U < 'E'I O U � U) O n O pq O I I 2 H a L� a Pa W 3 •� x z a' eH-I N N �O 0 o U OE' W 0 a a a W £ O El W w O a g a % U N � Q C7NU: F SFI z3 Q,' H ❑ OEH p x H000 p Z O ~ • LU • Q U H Vl H N F U p H ,� H 3 a cK z a E a ❑ Y W W > z ZH E Z aFCQQ W aaaaaW a £ a •• z LL �+ hD FQ m QQ < TL < u Q ooal lna o w O OE a< C) HQw ❑ ❑ ElFEFFa E Uk,4 < U E- a U F 0 H p O O O O O w O U woo E u x F, a 0, 4ma w z EAE+ E+ EEE a E Qa: NNO Q W U • • E G F Fcooa • a H d F O • r7 V m E 2 a O V N o c o 0 0 0 0 o N U H H Z S W � • v C'J a H Q � H a � a � �r000000M m o a F F • o E n O u• �^ W • ❑ O • El a a Fd E V a V P H W E H w w W > ❑ H G4 CCU" w H F x r a a a > u > EW, ` E w w E w H H H H m a a a x E, wE x a . W f,, El < E z z < x < H F �o o ko W w rz a E a a E w w Co c wy �C z C . 0 a FX, IT > z fCi " Wy�G FC � W a W q V z � G H u < H O • a F H H 3 H x H OW p w o a < :3: x - a o E. H ❑ v1 q W ,z x -- F.4 r,C a a; • w a > z v • o E H o H w x z H > H x x a a xa m w E OU < a: Ha. FCV Hw FC O Ua ] 'A FC H ZW_z�, W_ HFC gg• x F W W W F srm < FC Faye M < O F. > ❑ z 0. m w Q . U H • O W z u # w o H • u > W W # # (X rn H # # • E. w C4J W O W O M M O• M fly FC O N r O d� O M E ar� a U p' E . w •~. E N H d' �T p O W W U V7 O i H H ri z (D Di U .. W W �tl (� H H H ❑ W W mEo W 04 •• > . O E >+ W W H H O o x H a F a F a w "� E Ew., cn W ❑ 0 0 c a cn x w w Q W O P'. �C 3 Cl ?" +Wn a a < cr E, z El 2 > O .. .. W yi0 W • a H N F a o a z a q q w o a N � a E, H � E Fr, o T• E E w v> a ti N Z � U u m n Q O m W > 0 o U O rn i:] p '-' S n, w E O \ W W W H' o z E, O E, �-, [_., H 3 Q z 0 w W cxn < ~ Z • < U ,, In E, U E, H W a 3 3 �: w O g 2 F W r' .7 ❑ Y W W > a E 4 2 Z H E z .] < W a rl rl a s w r7 E Q( r7 f ❑ LL r1 H" P < < ; w � Zu z a: m QaaFCa V ¢ 00cU) < oz O • 0 E+ < U > a Y4 h H < 4. n ❑ ❑ E E, E E F E, a� F U w o o E, U W } f a U H C a H b 0 0 0 0 0 W O U W o 0 0 U E F, a a6cAa w 4 w z EFFEEn, F • U O a mo A ti s z " . E a H • a t' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lr) N x EE-+ • � U E in w • O� al to 3 W� W W W E W H H H Ea, z .. .. � E E E H H H • H a a r7 U U W E H H H H � Q H x U U U • t� a w x w w w 1C 3 C a M a \ W U U U O . H .. 04 k- H H H U W W W rf E p7 [9 CQ o ElF) H E I-Iw aaa _ < r w Q w C x a x a F U a P` a � w a H W FC O < 2 n E E H H H y H \ E W G H Q Ix x F- ElFL x < < H i a CZ) E U W E, E W H Ff x 0 H 0 H Fcri4 137 FC Smt� HF.; E a ❑ 3 < a Z W O Elw u El w X • E O • WKc U + [v V Vl � 3 r00000 al„ o caul m w o0000o E� CG V ' o 000o CH-I F F a 4 H 0 0 O F O H H H P, z H H O O O � a F-1 .7 • H H H > • W W W+, W >, •• EI 4 r CE+l F H H H 7 H u o w H a a a H a QW rU-1 O Q •• ,• 10 r Q 0] :D H C4 w Q rW� rJ] fZ FC qQ 'AP. t1 W 2 d' El El O O O FC Qp 1 1 Z E Q M ti m P, M H H E E C7 O >, S W tll a' H H H H U 0 o r.l E Q c� D � 0 a a � \ x E a' H r�+ H 2 H • (V pq O U ? 01 a W G' c a u Pw. W a U N FyL � s x ^ • .. o, � UaE (D E," w HSQ ° mw x F z z a v a H o x o o 0 w H r H Q w H a wa x es. E w w a a • w u m H� H3 H >e-+ u [IHQH 3 :s: a z aE A Q Y r w > V E , z z H E - a q < w a a a a a w a x a a '�z 5 P (D O: m rt( u� �Q < < U rj M e� ,n r.0 O W O . Z H K G. Q Q Q E E E E E E W E U C,, o 0 o E U E } U E O H b 0 0 0 0 0 W O U W o 0 0 0 U x H of P, Q m a W "Z E E+ E E E 04 E rj CC N N N E. < W U W E m o • � z H • z F z H V H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-I V • O a Q H O E Q a C Q 3 W w . z > c o x • U a �y, O Q a ik 0.� HO J O00 00 O 01 N z C7 E • p H z O H E. in W n W . Y 04 W F 3 O CQ V W [aPI 14 ] E H L7 C4 z 2 fa-i a U O a 3 W W W Wx w H ' v r a a Ela > 14> F Elw w w z E w H x w aQ a s � ❑ F U z F • W O >O 2 a H Q O o O U W Cam.+ U U1 W n U Q E. t+1 O M E. El Z) w a F a w z El coEl a SRC c .. �acn ❑ • Vto O ElFC ❑ H ❑ FQi�l I cwn 04 Q rn H H3HxH � E+ w z E, H z Q Q Q FC H £ M W 0, > £ H O m W x H > H x r a a • Oa a x F U Q C4 H CL U H w Q O U co H Fx H _W F W H Q 2' E w w ° a 4 �: zap < QQEl E. 0 • wfzl ❑ • 2: z O W N O W N U O * # • W a � + 0. > a x E. o00000 < � r m o c U m 0 0 o 0 o Ep p a s • G W H 43 In H l0 JD �D w • a• H O O CJ CJ N N W W W 2 u H In W o W P14 i+ W W W H • E-I O O H F P. 0 x W H • a U E .. .. v7 .. .. ❑ O O E n5 � £ W qw rn o4 M 3 ❑ >' w ww a 2 fY F z O • w o 0 O x rn a ❑ A W a a N Q N O1 a to �"� H r-i El ElU �+ 2 �. O O O z E • v .-a N � H o q E- z F y £ h a £ £ x F O o o E > U O O U c� W a� rJ] a N d F4 £ O \ F' z H N 5 W ,,, GS 'z p, c4 a Q x Q x FC N • Q r, a E-E O F H W E+ 3 ❑ ' O7 £ m W cn ~ ?+ z 3 z Q H ❑ O X 0 0 0 W H al H ❑ Z • txEF •• 03 - F'+ H > W Od " z W a £ Z E w a a w W Q U H rn H E F - ❑ H 3 3 0: z P. E W ❑ Y W W > OF Ln z HE M1. W aaa I W .7 xQx a £ z LLL >, h H U F Q ,-+ W Q z U• a. a C.1 Q Q Q Q Q V RC O O rn ul Q O W£ a U U F U N 3 x Z H Q W �J ❑ ❑ E ElF EF F F [4 F U n, o o E U ElD O O O O O W O U W p o o U x 1' PUi 44 '¢ .£7 0 a w C4 z E E E+ EE E W E. Q: N N E, Q W . U • r, ry o cn o • � H r7 • S o a a 2 o •w ox a z a �' • H Q x a • G. • Q w rs. . o o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o a • N rl E W F o DI Q O • E 14 O U • a z Z w H L9 E. E H iU El W E H . V Q H {3' w Ha x w a, u W > U > E «7 El O • Q E H H H H Lp a . a o H 3 a a N H z U E W b � <. a ^ 'n W < q C, , H r_ c � < H2 ,. co El El 0 o E a x a H w w o a w z a z cedar ~ a H o a •• A a F < z z H o p ..iWF c. FC 3a. 2a O H. HZ 7. Uj < � � W � A FL Q E a • Goy E W UaxHw cUHw El 14 x m r� < a; < cl O OE Q 3 • • O O •E, H # y N El � x x F F z H H z 2 o 0 0 0 0 0 E, 00 0 0 0 E+ H 0 0 0 0 o O o o E+ Q Q � z � � S o o W • > w El z Iz E H zo W Q a • aQ oW na c co a z W E Q o W „ o Cx w W N z U •• � � � F a o o �90 z F H o VI "' H H 2 E r� V} S+ f' w rJ) a �-+ U a E w E 7 • 0 o rS W co Q] o U U coz W 3 0 o U > a' W J H ^ CL Cl) E p W W W E+ a x � w O E H w El 3 Q z a F rn W to ~ }i ZE3 H Q O :4 oOp W H H Q Z P; F F .. p a H H > W G W a Z Z E w a '4 W W Q U �-+ [r] �-, E+ U E H G H 3 3 oL z W F •• P+ 0 Y W W > '7 E-E o z H E .] FC FC W a a a a a W a s a z LL. [Q 4Ft QFC FCU FC OO � FC O W Q • O F !S U N a: ,.• H r-C [.�, .7 W [] E El El F F m E+ U P. o E+ U E+ f C U O H O O O C O W 0 U W o 0 U X >- a E+ E E E E+ P. E KS ,X, cal E FC W F= U • • o s • a o H °; ti W z o ? a w . Q W E+ • H H .-1 FC rOi � 2 � H a H x • W at•-r Ln moo ,H000 • �� H � m • O E o E o E+ E ^ z o EQ,El H • H �d z w • U H W E+ • > ❑ H a H w W0.' ff. 3 KC W O rai Q • V7 .8 x H 04 cC W • la-I U > E+ E O x • �' Q H Q 3 w :J I W El FZC a a z >• U w 0 u z • U G. W U Q 2 xC co Q •• H I�rr a 0 w a o w_ < z H a 04 c, a s� � � � aH o z0 x a 0 � z �a x 0 H o Q w aNQ Wz �Ca W £ a • £ U ❑ H G H U Q H O W Q 0oz x ~ � ~ 3G: " 04 a p Hzw H H Hzw wx � H W H ^ x ^ z a a, za a w F E U Q tx a: Q U H W FC H U x H H Q H w H w H Q w E ❑ V] Vl vt 3 w .7 m 1-1 s' E O W O W • W 3xiQ Q Qo7 � O H HO0 O 2 • ry Co C0J E • ❑ O H I E � N • x H DI • 0e+ � x x o 0 0 0 o a � tD a) orq � o o x U w • Q Q r ,.1 �o w rn E o cn M O W W of a, m m E H w E- xa • o ,p °� H w E � W • w C4 H ^"Q 4 F V] H • � E l W fix ?+ qw u7n: 3 A N Wx 9 z oe Q E z �, .4 O W �-I O W • 13 C� `�, .. ri :N x a A A q 0.l P+ I z Eld 0 E W U] 0 O H U . o o M C] o A - LL E •] .T. E P. H E > 0 o z W m ! C7 O W 3 2 W H o N o ] ? W c1 � OH � a, O £ O W W E. O Q w >+ W x z S d .. .. a O '�' Q co m Q• F•zEszar, QOFH O X000 a H }. H O Z • QEE Oa' -' H > wOZz 41 1 z z E+ G. a a W LIJ W U H Lo H F F `_' IQ 3 3 W Y r W > z " H .7QrCQ W a4 -1 4 a W a mow4 a Z LL W Q z U �J z W PL m Q < Q Q < U Q O O • £ O H Q U �+ X z H Q w a q ❑ E F E El F El 0x E U P. o E+ U H U ), a u El o 0 0 0 0 o W o U W o 0 U X n. a Q M .] Lu z F H E E-F E w E Q 0: N H RC W • r� • W H • W E C H . � W � o ' a • .x7 E K4 u o 0 0 0 0 0 o O o o U H � 4 xa a z a �a In w • G Q, E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < . N E W E. p ❑ O • E Lfl r-� a O . a z�. z w H F.- ¢ ti z • H o rzw U Cis' r < Q 3 FC F4 a w n x a r a `w > u > ha E a < FwF m z a H w Ll rC H FC 3 "a � • C] U xtZx <— E aC x < H Z E . 0w wgg F:� 0< gwgz < z aH O rZ �Cz E' E — U • H < FC Q,' •• u� FC �C r�El O < 0 � -^�-. Hama 1 Q • zE ❑ M � Hg w Oc= W E., �� < Sa. zl O HH ^ � z x = �< D a: H H � E^` H W xzH > Hzy. z a: a w" ❑ f' F 0 FC w H O. U H W fL Q F L v] E (D �l RC • OO IC) H H * # F E a x N El � E E r U • H H 2 z I) oo � £ oop oo ti ,� � o0 000 0 Ll f� r� ca O �C r1 � m ,sa oium E o �Oy ❑ O � �` N N • 0. r nl N .. CA N • 0 0 W > z z w H E � a H H w zz E. pq W w • Ft a Kr. Ew, F a. .. C1 O •• .. WO [G z W i Z z i E" a O O S W O z E-H Q r c W E+ r.7 U] N £ w v1 w' H V < a. E H ..7 x E+ a E D c7 0 co c.i FCC wwaay w .. x a C7 a H O F H Cu F z z z }' ,^ E3 2rSH � O X000 W H7' H ❑ xEE em - HH > W oz � wa � z E. w a E a w !iJ • u E H ❑ H s 3 a Y W W > El o �-. El z a < < W a .] a .] ,.a W .7 £ a: a £ z LL > hHE < W 2azu ^ z� a a. m reK � FC oo n < O W El p • o FC U N z .-� Q li+ ❑ ❑ E E E EE H E W, F V w o E U F c: u E 0 H o 0 00 o O w o u w o 0 u x U w �L m a w 7- El El El EH El w ElE+ FC FC !Z N W • H (r) Ln g E a 3 ID H H z El U 5 • tJ CP Cl • a w z 2 r ID H H o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • O H O w • 4 o a H to O S W a. • ,y FL 3 H a • U a • � � w £d ,¢ 3 �Ei z H CG W U W cwn W EE a W U • pq E z x w w z za 14 W o a ,. DI w a r� a a z V > U > E O E E+ H*+ E C 07 F� CL • o E m yC H d 3 D i •r H z E G-� h d u W U H N Q W. d � �• Q E O^ E � drat H E Z l Q m H LO F 0 .] W H +n F • E O W z H H H W d d W z W az z CQ Uaa1 o w • H H 3 H H \ H d • Ey W H W Q FT • W a: W h g E V R; a. H tx d r, H d C7 2 u M W W H d H W E W w d W H E W u2lH w d s' d a > O W G Saa �C �R ,.. wd 0 E • rn W • w Cn U O * N H 3 • > m c� W clY * • w � r] • r a x U O O cm) O O a t n O O O N O O Q o a 0 W r 00 0 o O o .n Ln E. � t7 ,q z OH c` oo rr W • u f� o .y H .. C7 W U x O W D ti E W a •• H . .. co E a 04 r [n El � O rE� lKa: • U U ?+ A co w co a Q •• M a fx z • ul G W 2 H U • ooMo am �' stiC7 C'I c� .] 3 x z � o Ems. H -4OH Oa. W W O W W W E o cv F r'' mxz w w o x cr< N r a 3 ad H o o E H o LU h o o `o a w r H o Z z E E o f H H > w a ^ z x a £ z E w a a w W d Hcr. H Y W W > E 2 ZHE � ..7a < W Waa .7 .1W a EEw' �-] E 0 LL >+ ': " E- d �% w < zu mz a. x W aQdd QCJ d 00mgc o `w o C E d t.' In ?4 z .+ d W = O o £ d E E E E+ Ix E+ U P. o E+ U F f Ln U F O H D E O O O O W O U W o 0 U X 0 a d V; .] O G. f., O E+ E E E P. F. O: tv ElQ W �• El U • H { o � O E- n O a � O N � ❑ N H • z a o ro O 7 < M F s aw zw ` zs 2 • a e a o � • w 3 c9 w x a w H U w w a W w wa: FO as z H H H H M a s W W 0 C� < H r-C 3 �u cx W • .. < F, w W U W O a, Z Y H FP o G, • W w w U KC U) U Fj' O fx a E �-7� H H E H x • x � w xo < wwar`-'aw cti FC a; FC •• Cn Ll U a. P, .. co '? < H "'V H O W Z H H3Hxu E. P, OE x c x w 3 H a 0 w o • 914w w H o w x H > H z z a v x [K W E U 4z H w yi H W H W El . u Gq H 14 H w ElW H U x F4 4� w xaco to E O O V7 W 3 P7 FL 2. FC .] F+. O N z 4L • ca w w w w o � cow • m x • m w v cn x W • x G, U • ul O O O O a M O O H W El w C C O O O O 0 0 O O > X • !9 00 moo M � F ocoH • H H o -I •� C7 w • W DI w FE � tKE .04 > a • wa W w( q0 E. x w 0 x 0 E EO w Ea x • E z a a p w o a z w 3 c 7 to C7 54Cr O a W a p q q ro �+ a • E" F L-q O " E W a) w H H CU N O x W 0 H q [L W F. O \ zz H CD O P .. w �a w z z a .. .. a 00 x < x a ?� 7. H2z c( HOOF" H O xoo0 a w H ?+ H Z .dE E OM W -+ H > .4oi � z W aEz E w a a w W w H n H O H U E» H f� H 3 S PK z o f W q Y >+ W > � Eo C4 ' HE ' aQ W as I .. w a £ w a E LL • hHE a n ] < zu = P. w < < a oo �, a o o x 0 E a u H W H a �+ o G] E E E E E < 44 E U a, o f U E u cx U F O H a O O O O E W O U W o 0 U x P, a rf W a 44 2 E. E E P O P, E KC a. E W U El • • • U H Ul N • F F F N r H > O • � w S D F a U m o 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 m U • W W � fC z F � v� H H x • V} iF W O • ,� G �- m m r N ¢ ¢ F • o H o w w U E+ • � � z a w z H a •• a � " 3 F ¢ j q F • F a > a `n `om H N Elaw U z VFjUa] • U ul H W E H a q H E L. O N w v m cs a zoz • a H F k Cu a C U) U) H .. 0 ra w H • a z `>'� H H H m a W E a w • .7 H F Cv F x ¢ H 6'i 0 H tH 3 � E. ali+ rD a U z o x • o < W �. x a � > o x wF Wx � < WNN ¢ Q < • U H ¢ H a; x ¢ H z .. E+ .n m F z W, ,1 E .7 a. .7 H 0� KC 'x • H H ¢ w ¢ L a' z H E a F z w �a \\ \ z ¢ H rn G� q z U Z 3: H C.' �'i• E, w0 E O v] H O• _ rt U co 0 E - c z \¢ UwU \ Qz .. P' > wH a H w w x z H > H a a w F E m z1) H w H < " a t �> Hw 2 ao H U co C4 H ¢ H i j F W ¢ = F l� r3; 0 a 0) OP. xa Co ¢ Ha E, O zDx H o 3 w ¢ d z �a a) w �a o E " a z H ❑ H F. W !x • co U H C] w x w x F z • a H H co O z ¢ W . cV • x FW c x • a az .n W U O o [.. ww • w c. o000 � rn r.C � r+ � o o 0co E N N D W U H 0 0 0 Ol O r oW W O W H N `moo rnO1 E CCC444 x • U � � O oo w r Frn z H r ul u7 in W ,Wj cwn C7 W P. . 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El w * M O O E F • a >+ C7 E * • z � � c000 o o cn E H O O 0 :4 o 0 0 0 C C El x 0 U � o H • EE- Q Sa o > " to � • O U W El , U w' • Z ElEl E H W El X fn ❑ Q W co < 3 c� n`, z z • LLJ � Ea z ao o ❑ ° fal >. o C E U' O Ix E W 01 P^ 2 H f.,) • 0 0 �• m o M 7 C7 a H W 3 \ 'T 2 � £ El E o CO x 2 a a < N • o a x a N z 3 rD a N ❑ O E H O X 0 0 0 a W H ?' to q Z H > W O Z Z W 4 E '� E w .7 H W W • U H U1 M E U E H O H ,s 3 IX `,� a E 11 Ca Y W [v > '❑ E �`" z /y HEZrt a � w 44 .7 .4 ,.a W a � a 1-1a z LLL • >1 E-� arwazUo a; a [n aaaaaU a OOin < x W O El U c� X z H a G, U G ❑ E El E E E+ t 4 E V a o E 0 E E rxu Eo H o 00000w o uwo0U x >- w [L a :n 17 W Z E E El E E+ a E. a s � 14 U • ATTACHMENT B COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL FUND ALLOCATION FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2005 i • City of Kent 2005 CAPER • 36 City of Kent* 2005 CDBG Public Service Allocations Catholic Community Services: Katherin s House $ 10,000 Community Health Centers Medical Services/Health Care for the Homeless $ 46,950 • !Hospitality House Women's Shelter $ 10,000 .Kent Food Bank Emergency Meals Program S 15,963 Multi-Service Center Housing Stability $ 35,000 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation Homeless Outreach $ 17,000 TOTAL $ 134,913 2005 CDBG Micro-enterprise Allocation • Green River Community College- Micro- $15,000 entercrise Development TOTAL $15,000 2005 CDBG Capital Funding Allocations City of Kent Home Repair Program $269,816 City of Kent Commons Playfield $ 84,806 King County Housing Authority Springwood $110,000 Communit Center • TOTAL $464,622 2005 Planning and Administration City of Kent- Planning &Administration (20%of $179,883 entitlement) • TOTAL $179,833 • I 2005 CDBG Funding Summary Public Service $134,913 Micro-enterprise $ 15,000 • Capital $464,622 • Planning &Administration $179,883 Recaptured Amount $105,0003 GRAND TOTAL $899,418 'This amount was recaptured from HomeSrght because of service delivery issues • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -37- • 2005 CDBG Public Services Contingency Plan In the event of an increase the additional funds will be divided equally among the funded agencies. In the event of a decrease each agency will be decreased proportionately with no agency receiving less than S10,000 2005 CDBG Capital Contingency Plan In the event additional capital funds are received or recaptured, the additional funds will be distributed as follows: • a Funding for Kent Home Repair Program will increase up to $400,000 • Funding for Multi-Service Center will increase up to $150,000 4 • Funding will be allocated to a Public Facility Project(a local non-profit or rehabilitation of a City park). If there is a decrease in funds, projects will be cut in the following order- 1. King County Housing Authority 2. HomeSight5 3 Kent Commons Playfield 4. Multi-Service Center a 5. Kent Home Repair Program r • 4 In the City's 2005 Annual Action Plan,$75,000 was allocated to the Multi-Service Center Employee Development Pamieisbip Project The City amended its 2005 Amaral Action Plan and canceled funding for this project puisuant to a HUD ruling Funds were redistributed to King County Housing Authority and Green Rivet Commtumity College • 'See Footnote 3 • CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -38- City of Kent: 2005 General Fund Allocations ACAP Child & Family Services APPLE Parenting $ 10,000 00 • Catholic Community Services Emergency Assistance $ 55,280.00 Catholic Community Services HOME Men's Shelter $ 30,000 00 Catholic Community Services Volunteer Chore Service $ 5,00000 Center for Career Alternatives Springwood Career Development $ 10,000 00 Child Care Resources- Child Care Vouchers $ 12 675 00 Children's Therapy Center: Therapy Assistance $ 28,000 00 • Communities In Schools—Kent Mentonng Program $ 10,000 00 Community Health Center- Primary Dental $ 15,000 00 Community Health Center Primary Medical $ 58,450 00 Crisis Clink Telephone Services $ 5,00000 DAWN Community Advocacy & Crisis Line$ 10,000 00 DAWN Shelter $ 30,000 00 Jewish Family Service Immigrant Refugee Employment $ 7,50000 Kent Food Bank & Emergency Services, Food Bank $ 36,000 00 Kent Youth & Family Services Counseling $ 47,082 00 Kent Youth & Family Services Teen Parent Housing $ 7,50000 S ,King Co Sexual Assault Resource Center. Sexual Assault Services $ 20,600 00 Multi-Service Center HEART $ 9,000.00 Multi-Service Center, Housing $ 40,000 00 Public Health Seattle-King County Best Beginnings $ 25,000 00 Senior Services of Seattle, Volunteer Transportation $ 7,50000 • Ukrainian Community Center: Community Advocacy $ 7,50000 Valley Cities Counseling FWYFS Family Support $ 10,000 00 Valley Cities Counseling Senior Counseling $ 30,000 00 Valley Cities Counseling- Survivors Support $ 15,000 00 WWEE Economic Self-Sufficiency $ 35,000 00 YWCA Domestic Violence Services Program $ 30,000 00 TOTAL $ 607,087 00 CITY OF KENT 2005 CAPER -39- • • • i Kent City Council Meeting i Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar • 1. SUBJECT: SHIPPING CONTAINERS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ORDINANCE — ADOPT • • i 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adopt Ordinance No. amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to conditionally allow the placement of cargo containers in residential zoning districts, as recommended by the Planning & Economic Development Committee Q • • i 3. EXHIBITS: Ordinance and Staff memo w/attachments i 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Planning & Economic Development Committee (3-0) • (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT • Expenditure? No Revenue? No Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no: • Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ • 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: • Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • • • DISCUSSION: i ACTION: • i Council Agenda Item No 6F • • ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to conditionally allow the placement of cargo containers in residential zoning districts, (#ZCA-2005- 7). RECITALS A. The City of Kent's Zoning Code recognizes the need of all legitimate uses of land to be protected from other uses which are unrelated or incompatible (KCC 15.01.020.C.2). The City has received complaints related to shipping containers located in residential neighborhoods. These containers present a • potential for incompatibility with residential uses, particularly related to visual blight. • B. The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on January 9, 2006, and recommended approval of a zoning code amendment to conditionally allow cargo containers in residential zoning districts. On February 27, 2006, the Planning & Economic Development Committee also recommended approval of a zoning code amendment to conditionally allow cargo containers in residential zoning districts. 1 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts • Amend KCC Chapter 15 • • • C. On July 28, 2005, the city provided the required sixty (60) day • notification under RCW 36.70A.106 to the state of Washington regarding shipping • containers in residential zoning districts, and expedited review was granted on • August 12, 2005. • i D. The City's State Environmental Policy Act responsible official i determined that SEPA review was not required because the amendments are • • procedural in nature and therefore categorically exempt. • • E. This ordinance conditionally allows for the placement of cargo containers in residential zoning districts within the City of Kent. • NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, • WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: • • ORDINANCE • • SECTION 1. — Amendment. Chapter 15 02 of the Kent City Code is • amended to add the definition of"cargo containers" as follows: • Chapter 15.02 Definitions. • • Sec. 15.02.071. Cargo containers. • Cargo containers means a standardized, reusable vessel, designed without • an axle or wheels, which was: • A. Originally, specifically, or formerly designed for or used in the packing, shipping, movement or transportation of freight, articles, goods or • commodities; and/or • B. Designed for or capable of being mounted or moved on a rail car; • • and/or • • 2 Shipping Containers in • Residential Zoning Districts • Amend KCC Chapter 15 • i • • • • • • • C. Designed for or capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck trailer or loaded on a ship. When used for any purpose other than those listed in subsection A of this • section, a cargo container is a structure. • SECTION Z. — Amendment. Section 15.04.170 of the Kent City Code • entitled, "Agricultural and residential zone development standards" is amended as • follows: • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • i • • i • • • • 3 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts • Amend KCC Chapter.15 • • • Sec. 15.04.170. Agricultural and Residential Zone Development Standards. Zoning Distruts T T 7 _n E d v Q T c a d tc 7 c— 'u_ m :u i eo - _r. a ^ .�i y d c m G x v a, h 7C9 "' s � ? ''� a � `'. 'fie ya B n e oo C y yi h m h m � SC ACC 'ACC S_ 5 � '� � y' S07 • SF Duplex SF Duplex MF SN Duplex MF I SF Duplex MF I SF Duplex MN SN Duplex M1iF • Maximum density Idut Idulac 363 453 605 871 171 1089 120 I20 160 160 16U[Tdlu6,,/ 230 23 401) 40 dwelling units per 10 ac dust dos/ dos/ dos/ dust dus/ac dos/ dust dus/ dust dust duarae dO1t dus/ Ju✓acre ae ac ac at is ac ac ae ac ae ac ax we Minimum lot area 10 ac 34,700 9,600 7,600 5,700 4,000 4,000 8,000 none 89000 8,500/ none 8,000 8,5001 none 8,000 8 500/ none 8,000 8,50U note 8,000 8,500t square feet or sq ft sq ft sq ft sq It sq if sq ft sq it sq ft 3,500 sq ft 3,500 sq ft 2,500 sq it 1,600 sq ft 9010 acres,as noted sq ft (35) sq ft sq ft sq ft sq It (27) 1 (35) (1) (2) (3) Minimum lot 60 ft 60 it 50 ft 51)ft 50 Of 40 IN 25 it 80 it 25 ft 80 ft 80 ft 25 ft 80 ft 80 ft 25 Of 80 ft 80 it 25 ft 80 it 80 ft 25 ft rill ft rill ft width feet(4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Maximum site 30% 30% 45% 45% 50% 55% 55% 40% 55% 40% 45% 55% 40% 45% 55% 40% 45"/, 55% 40% 45- 55% 40% 50% coverage.percent (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) of site Minimum yard (22) requirements feet • Front yard 20 ft 20 It 10 ft ]Oft ]Oft 14)ft 14)IN ]Oft loft loft 20 ft 110 it 10 it 20 ft 10 ft loft 20 ft 10 It Ili ft 20 ft 10 ft loft 20 ft (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) DO (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) Side yard 15 IN 15 ft 5ft 5it 5ft 5ft 5IN 5111 5it 5ft (iq 5ft 5ft (11) 5ft 5ft (II) 5ft 5it (11) 5ft 5ft (11) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) Side yard on 20 ft 20 ft 10 it loft 10 ft 10 of loft IU it 10ft DID 15 ft 10ft loft 15 ft loft loft 15 ft 10 ft loft 15 it 10 ft loft 15 It Flanking street of (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) a corner lot Rear yard 20 ft 15 ft 5 It 5 It 5 ft 5 ft 5 IN 8 it 5 ft 8 ft 20 ft 5 it 8 ft 20 ft 5 ft 8 ft 20 ft 5 It 8 it 20 ft 5 it 8 it 20 It • Additional (12) (12) (32) (32) (14) (31) (31) (14) (31) (31) (14) (14) (14) setbacks/distances (15) (32) (32) (15) (15) (15) (15) between buildings (32) (31) (31) (32) • Height limitation: 25 25strvl 25F60%J70%.175% 5 [75% 25 25 2s[ry/ J 25 2slryl 3 25 25 3 25 25 3 25 25 4 in storiestnot to stry/ 35ft strylyl stryl stryl Soft stry/ stry/ 30ft stry/ stry/ stryl stryl stry/ stry/ stry/ str)/ stry/ sit exceed in feet 35 ft 35 ftit 35 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 it 30 Of 35 ft 40 it 3U ft 35 it 40 ft 30 ft 35 ft 50 It (16) Maximum 40% 40% 50% % 70% 75% 70% 70% 75% 70% 70% 75% 70% 75% 70 75% 70% Impervious surface (19) (19) (23) 3) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) percent of total parcel area • Zero lot line and The provisions in KCC 15 08 300,15 08 310,15 08 320,and 15(18 330 shall apply clustering(24) Signs The sign regulations of Chapter 15 06 KCC shall apply Off-street parking The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15 05 KCC shall apply Landscaping The landseapog requirements of Chapter 15 07 KCC shall apply Multi-famdv (25) (25) (15) (25) (25) transition Area Multi-family design (26) (26) (26) (26) (26) review Additional Additional standards for spearic uses are contained in Chs 15 08 and 15 09 KCC • standards Additional (20) (3Q (33) (33) (33) (43) (36) (36) (28) (28) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) (36) standards (33) (36) (36) (36) (36) (29) (29) (36) (36) (34) (36) • 4 • ! SECTION 3. - Amend. Section 15.04.180 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Agricultural and residential land use development standard conditions," is amended to read as follows: ! ! Sec. 15.04.180. Agricultural and residential land use development ! standard conditions. 1. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet • for the first two (2) dwelling units, and two thousand five hundred (2,500) square ! feet for each additional dwelling unit. 2. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. ! 3. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet ! for the first two (2) dwelling units, and nine hundred (900) square feet for each ! additional dwelling unit. ! 4. To determine minimum lot width for irregular lots, a circle of ! applicable diameter (the minimum lot width permitted) shall be scaled within the ! • proposed boundaries of the lot; provided, that an access easement to another lot is ! not included within the circle. 5. Interior yards shall not be computed as part of the site coverage. ! 6. Porches and private shared courtyard features may be built within ! the front building setback line. 7. For properties abutting on West Valley Highway, the frontage on West Valley Highway shall be considered the front yard. 8. Proposed front yards less than twenty (20) feet in depth are subject to approval by the planning manager, based on review and recommendation from ! the public works department relative to the existing and future traffic volumes and • right-of-way requirements as specified in the city comprehensive transportation plan and city construction standards. 5 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts ! Amend KCC Chapter 15 • • • • 9. At least twenty (20) linear feet of driveway shall be provided • between any garage, carport, or other primary parking area and the street property • line with the exception of an alley property line. • 10. An aggregate side yard of thirty (30) feet shall be provided. A • minimum of ten (10) feet shall be provided for each side yard. On a corner lot the • side yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the property line. • 11. Each side yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) percent of the lot • • width; however, regardless of lot width, the yard width need not be more than thirty (30) feet. For multifamily townhouse developments that attach three (3) • units or less, in the MRT-12 or MRT-16 zoning districts the aggregate yard width • need not be more than thirty (30) feet, but in no case shall a yard be less than ten • (10) feet. 12. Structures for feeding, housing, and care of animals, except household pets, shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any property line. • 13. Additional setbacks for the agriculture general AG zoning district. , • a. Structures for feeding, housing, and care of animals shall be set • back fifty (50) feet from any property line. • b. Transitional conditions shall exist when an AG district adjoins a • residential district containing a density of two (2) dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such • transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access • surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions • • exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty (50) feet shall be • provided. • c. Setbacks, Green River. Industrial development in the AG district • abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a • minimum of two hundred (200) feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the city • • 6 Shipping Containers in • Residential Zoning Districts Amend KCC Chapter ZS • • • • comprehensive plan and in accordance with the high quality of site development typically required for the industrial park areas of the city and in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more restrictive than, but as restrictive as, the Shoreline Management Act. 14. An inner court providing access to a double-row building shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. • 15. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half • the sum of the height of both buildings; provided, however, that in no case shall • the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same building separated from each other by a court or other open space. 16. The height limitations shall not apply to barns and silos; provided, that they are not located within fifty (50) feet of any lot line. 17. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four (4) • stories or sixty (60) feet, there shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for each additional foot of building height. . 18. The planning manager shall be authorized to approve a height • greater than four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the area. When a request is made to exceed the budding height limit, the planning manager may impose such conditions, within a reasonable amount of time, as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibilities with surrounding uses. 19. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet when the lot is greater than one (1) acre. • 20. The following uses are prohibited: a. The removal of topsoil for any purpose. b. Grade and fill operations; provided, that limited grade and fill may be approved as needed to construct permitted buildings or structures. 7 Shipping Containers in • Residential Zoning Districts Amend KCC Chapter 15 c. All subsurface activities, including excavation for underground utilities, pipelines, or other underground installations, that cause permanent disruption of the surface of the land. Temporarily disrupted soil surfaces shall be restored in a manner consistent with agricultural uses. , d. Dumping or storage of nonagricultural solid or liquid waste, or of trash, rubbish, or noxious materials. e. Activities that violate sound agricultural soil and water • conservation management practices. 21. Outdoor storage for industrial uses shall be located at the rear of a principally permitted structure and shall be completely fenced. 22. Mobile home park combining district, MHP. The standards and procedures of the city mobile home park code shall apply. General requirements and standards for mobile home park design, KCC 12.04.055; mobile home parks, Ch. 12.05 KCC. 23. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum • impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 24. Minimum lot width, building setbacks, and minimum lot size regulations may be modified consistent with provisions for zero lot line and clustering housing development. 25. The requirements of KCC 15.08.215 shall apply in any multifamily transition area, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within one hundred (100) feet of a single-family district or within one hundred (100) feet of a public street right-of-way. 26. The requirements of KCC 15.09.045 for multifamily design review shall apply to any multifamily dwelling of three (3) or more units. 27. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and three thousand five hundred (3,500) square i feet for each additional dwelling unit. 8 Shipping Containers in i Residential Zoning Districts . Amend KCC Chapter 15 • 28. The following zoning is required to be in existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the time of application of a rezone to an MR-T zone: SR- 8, MR-D, MR-G, MR-M, MR-H, 0, 0-MU, NCC, CC, GC, DC, or DCE. 29. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR-T zone shall be i condominiums only. A condominium plat shall be filed and recorded pursuant to Chapter 64.32 RCW prior to approval of a development permit by the city. 30. As an option to the five (5) foot side yard requirement for single- family development in all multifamily zoning districts as set forth in KCC 15.04.170, a side yard width of no less than three (3) feet may be utilized under the following • conditions: a. Fire hydrants for the development, as required by the fire code i set forth in KCC Title 13, will be placed a maximum of three hundred (300) feet in separation; b. The required fire hydrants shall have a minimum fire flow of one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons per minute; and • c. Emergency vehicle access roads shall be provided to the development, which includes an improved road accessible within one hundred fifty . (150) feet of all portions of the exterior first floor of the structure. This option is subject to the approval of the Washington State Building Council. Application of this option shall be effective upon receipt by the city of Kent of such approval. 31. Where lands are located wholly or partially within the urban separator, as designated on the City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, • dwelling units shall be required to be clustered, subject to the provisions of Ch. • 12.04 KCC, entitled "Subdivisions, Binding Site Plans, and Lot Line Adjustments." The density in a cluster subdivision shall be no greater than the density that would be allowed on the parcel as a whole, including all critical areas (creeks, wetlands, geological hazard areas), and buffers, using the maximum density provisions of the zoning district in which it is located. 9 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts • Amend KCC Chapter 15 The common open space in a cluster subdivision shall be a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the nonconstrained area of the parcel. The nonconstrained area of the parcel includes all areas of the parcel, minus critical areas, as defined in RCW 36.70A.030(5) as currently and hereinafter amended, and buffers. The remainder of the nonconstrained area of the parcel shall be the buildable area of the parcel. The common open space tracts created by clustering shall be located and configured in the manner that best connects and increases protective buffers for i environmentally sensitive areas, connects and protects area wildlife habitat, creates connectivity between the open space provided by the clustering and other adjacent open spaces as well as existing or planned public parks and trails, and maintains scenic vistas. Critical areas and buffers shall not be used in determining lot size and common open space requirements in a cluster subdivision. All natural features (such as streams and their buffers, significant stands of trees, and rock outcropping), as well as sensitive areas (such as steep slopes and wetlands and their buffers) shall be preserved, as open space in a cluster subdivision. • Future development of the common open space shall be prohibited. Except as specified on recorded documents creating the common open space, all common open space resulting from lot clustering shall not be altered or disturbed in a manner that degrades adjacent environmentally sensitive areas, rural areas, agricultural areas, or resource lands; impairs scenic vistas and the connectivity between the open space provided by the clustered development and adjacent open spaces; degrades wildlife habitat; and impairs the recreational benefits enjoyed by e the residents of the development. Such common open spaces may be retained • under ownership by the owner or subdivider, conveyed to residents of the • development, conveyed to a homeowners' association for the benefit of the residents of the development, conveyed to the city with the city's consent and approval or to another party upon approval of the city of Kent. i The minimum lot size of individual lots within a clustered subdivision is two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet, and the minimum lot width is thirty (30) feet. In the event that common open space prohibits development of one 10 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Amend KCC Chapter 15 • • • • single-family residence on the parcel, the common open space will be reduced by the amount necessary to meet the minimum two thousand five hundred (2,500) square foot lot size. New lots created by any subdivision action shall be clustered • in groups not exceeding eight (8) units. There may be more than one (1) cluster per project. Separation between cluster groups shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) feet. Sight-obscuring fences are not permitted along cluster lot lines adjacent to the open space area. 32. For multifamily townhouse developments that attach three (3) units, • • the minimum budding to budding separation shall be ten (10) feet. For duplex and • single-family condominium townhouse developments, the minimum building to • building separation shall be established through the International Building Code • (IBC) or International Residential Code (IRC), as may be applicable. • 33. Where lands are located wholly outside the urban separator, as designated on the City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, dwelling units may be clustered, subject to the applicable provisions of Ch. 12.04 KCC. • 34. The downtown design review requirements of KCC 15.09.046 shall • • apply. • 35. Minimum lot area requirements do not apply to multifamily development in the Kent Downtown Planning Area identified in KCC 15.09.046. • 36. Cargo containers proposed to be located in a residential zone must • be located completely within a stick-built structure with a peaked roof and building materials similar to that of the principal residence on the site. No containers greater than ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet may be placed in residential districts. This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting • household goods for moving that are located on residential property for less than • • 72 hours. Additionally, institutional uses are exempt from these requirements except when a shipping container is proposed to be located adjacent to or within sight of a residential use. • i • 11 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Amend KCC Chapter 15 • • • SECTION 4. —5avin4s The existing sections of the Kent City Code, which i are amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect until the S effective date of this ordinance. SECTION S, — Severability If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY • PASSED: day of March, 2006. APPROVED: day of March, 2006. PUBLISHED: day of March, 2006. 12 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Amend KCC Chapter fS • • I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. • • (SEAL) . BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\evi1\0RDINANCE\15 04 170-15 02 071-ShippingContamemResidenhal-TextAmend doo i • • • • i i • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • 13 Shipping Containers in + Residential Zoning Districts • Amend KCC Chapter 15 • . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager ' WASHINGTON Phone 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 S March 13, 2006 TO: Mayor Suzette Cooke, Council President Deborah Ranniger and City Council Members FROM: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager RE: Zoning Code Amendment #ZCA-2005-7/KIVA RPP6-2052605 Shipping Containers In residential zoning districts. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code to conditionally allow the placement of cargo containers in residential zoning districts, as • recommended by the Planning & Economic Development Committee. • SUMMARY: At their February 27th meeting, the Planning & Economic Development Committee unanimously recommended approval of zoning code amendments to conditionally allow cargo containers in residential zoning districts. The Land Use & Planning Board had also i recommended approval following their January 9th public hearing. BUDGET IMPACT: None • BACKGROUND: The Committee recommends approval of the following amendments: KCC 15.04,170: Add Note 34 in 'Additional Standards"section of all SR, MR and MHP zoning distncts. KCC 15.04.190 (34) would read "Cargo Containers proposed to be located in a residential zone must N be located completely within a stick-built structure with a peaked roof and budding materials similar to that of the principal residence on the site. No containers greater than ten (10) feet by twenty(20) feet . may be placed in residential districts. This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting household goods for moving that are located on residential property for less than 72 hours Additionally, institutional uses are exempt from these requirements except when a shipping container 15 proposed to be located adjacent to or within sight of a residential use." New KCC 15.02.071: "Cargo Containers—A standardized, reusable vessel, designed without an axle or wheels, which was: A. Originally, specifically, or formerly designed for or used in the packing, shipping, movement or transportation of freight, articles, goods or commodities;and/or 8. Designed for or capable of being mounted or moved on a rail car;and/or C. Designed for or capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck trader or loaded on a ship. When used for any purpose other than those listed in subsection A of this section, a cargo container is a . structure. The SEPA Responsible Official has determined the proposed amendments are procedural in nature and categorically exempt from environmental review. . CA/pm/SlPermrtlPlanIZONECODEAMEND120051ZCA-2005-75hippingContamerslnResiZoningDisfictslz052605-2005-7cr032106doc . Enc., Minutes 8115105,9119105,10117105,11121105&2127106 PEDC meetings,Minutes 818105&119106 LU&P8 meetngs, 1213110S memo CC. Fred N Satterstrom,AICP,CD Director Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Mgr Brian Swanberg,Code Enforcement Officer PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Committee Members: Chair Ron Harmon, Tim Clark, Elizabeth Watson The meeting was called to order by Chair Harmon at 4:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes Member Clark Moved and Member Watson Seconded a motion to approve the minutes of • January 23, 2006. Motion Passed 3-0. + #ZCA-2005-3 Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts • Interim CAO John Hodgson stated that Kent has an ordinance which speaks to this issue but is t difficult to interpret. He stated that staff has previously presented proposed ordinances on two occasions before the PEDC then on to the full Council without resolution. Mr. Hodgson stated that as the result of the Council's request at their February 2Vt meeting, . staff researched what other cities are doing and investigated the warehousing and trucking industry to see if there was space availability for independent truckers and trailers to park. . Planning Manager Charlene Anderson gave a summary of Kent's ordinance (a compilation of several ordinances), pertaining to commercial vehicles in residential zoning districts. She stated that currently staff and the Hearing Examiner must select from various regulations to clarify that commercial vehicles are not allowed in residential zones and staff would like to have one . comprehensive regulation Ms. Anderson shared the outcome of her research with other cities. Community Development Director Fred Satterstrom spoke on behalf of Nathan Torgelson who contacted the trucking industry to see if opportunities existed for trucks to park on nonresidential properties. He stated that Mr. Torgelson spoke with the Washington State Trucking Association who recognizes that the noise and aesthetic impacts from these trucks . don't lend themselves well to residential areas. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the Association indicated that they would prefer that existing operators with vehicles stored in residential areas be grandfathered into any new regulations developed by Kent, although the Association indicated that they do not object to prohibiting the future parking of trucks on private property. r Mr. Satterstrom stated that the Association is sending Mr. Torgelson a list of large trucking . companies in South King County to further investigate the possibility of leasing space for overnight parking for independent truckers. He stated that staffs survey of potential locations i to date are inconclusive. • Mr. Satterstrom responded to concerns raised by the Committee Members as to available parking alternatives, implementing ordinance revisions and code enforcement issues. After deliberations, it was determined that staff would continue to investigate parking alternatives and evaluate an ordinance that would clarify the city's stance with respect to trucks parking in residential districts. #ZCA-2005-7 Shippinn Containers in Residential Building Districts Charlene Anderson stated that this issue has been previously heard before the Committee then sent to the Land Use and Planning Board for a public hearing. The Board made a • recommendation that shipping containers be redefined as cargo containers and that they are to be located within a stick-built structure constructed of material similar to that of the principal residence on site. Alan MacLurg, 14425 SE 264th, Kent, WA questioned if shipping containers are allowed on church property in residentially zoned neighborhoods. Ms. Anderson stated that staff's proposal includes a section exempting institutional uses from the requirements for siting these containers • except when the shipping containers are proposed to be located adjacent to or within sight of a residential use. Churches are classified as institutional uses. After the Committee deliberated, Member Clark Moved and Member Watson Seconded a Motion to approve ZCA-2005-7 amending Chapter 15 of Kent City Code, to conditionally allow the placement of cargo containers in residential zoning districts as recommended by the Land Use . and Planning Board. Motion Passed 3-0. Adiournment • Chair Harmon adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. Pamela Mottram, i Admin Secretary, Planning Services 5 I Permit)Plan l Planning Committee[2006IMtnutesI 022706PEDCmin doc • • • • • • PEDC-Minutes February 27, 2006 • Page 2 of 2 r LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES . JANUARY 9, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Jon Johnson, Vice Chair Dana Ralph, Steve Dowell, Tim Gimenez STAFF MEMBERS: Charlene Anderson, Pamela Mottram • Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers. . Aooroval of Minutes Steve Dowell Moved and Tim Gimenez Seconded a Motion to approve the Minutes of October 24, 2005. Motion Carved 4-0. Added Items • Short Plat Meeting Coverage Communications • Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the #ZC4-1005--3 Commercial Motor Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts Amendment will be reviewed before the Planning and Economic Development Committee at their February meeting. #ZCA-2005-7 Shipping Containers in Residential Districts Planning Manager Charlene Anderson presented four (4) options to the Board for their reconsideration: . (Opt. 1) Limit the placement of shipping containers in residential zoning districts as previously • recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board, (Opt. 2) Similar to 1 but changes "shipping containers" to "cargo containers" and defines them, (Opt. 3) Requires a stick-built structure and redefines "shipping containers" as "cargo containers", (Opt. 4) Staff would work with existing code language with no proposed changes. Ms. Anderson stated that staff recommends Option 3. . Chair Johnson declared the Public Hearing open and seeing no speakers, Dana Ralph Moved and Steve • Dowell Seconded a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. Steve Dowell Moved and Tim Gimenez Seconded a Motion to accept Option 3 as recommended by staff. Motion Carried 4-0. Election of Officers Chair Johnson declared the nominations open. Whereby, Steve Dowell Moved and Dana Ralph Seconded a Motion to nominate Jon Johnson for the position of Chair. Motion Carried. Steve Dowell Moved and Tim Gimenez Seconded a Motion to nominate Dana Ralph for the position of Vice Chair. Motion Carried. . Seeing no further nominations, Dana Ralph Moved and Steve Dowell Seconded a motion to close the nominations. Motion Carried. i Steve Dowell Moved and Tim Gimenez Seconded a Motion to elect John Johnson to the position of i Chair and Dana Ralph to the position of Vice-Chair. Motion Carried. Jon Johnson and Dana Ralph accepted the positions as appointed. Plat Meeting Coverage After discussion, Dana Ralph agreed to cover short plat meetings for the months of February, March and April 2006. Adjournment . Steve Dowell Moved and Tim Gimenez Seconded a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. • Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board • Land Use and Planning Board • Minutes-January 9, 2006 . C.iOocuments and sethngsl msrmmons1 Lora/5et&ngs1 Temporary Internet FilesiOLK51010906min doc • PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2005 . Committee Members: Chair Tim Clark, Ron Harmon, Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Clark at 4.00 P.M. Approval of Minutes Member White moved and Member Harmon seconded a motion to approve the minutes of October 17, 2005. Motion Passed 3-0. ZCA-2005-3 Commercial Motor Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts Planner Damien Hooper presented five options 1) to allow commercial motor vehicles outright in residential zoning districts, 2) to disallow commercial vehicles in residential districts, 3) to allow commercial motor vehicles via a Conditional Use Permit, 4) to allow commercial motor vehicles via a Special Home Occupation Permit, 5) to deny the proposal. . Chair Clark declared the public hearing open. • Janet Lewis, 13507 SE 2501h St., Kent, WA 98042 submitted pictures for the record of commercial trucks located at Kent Kangley and 1161h and at 109`n and 2561" Ms Lewis stated that Kent needs to develop a partnership with the trucking companies for providing and delivering their products and services without devaluing the residential areas. She stated roads 1. are not designed for huge vehicles being driven through these areas, Streets, sidewalks and storm drainage areas are being damaged. She stated that King County cited $64,000 as the cost to repair a one mile stretch of road in Kent She stated that Kent needs to establish a place for the truckers to park without infringing on the residential districts. S Member Harmon moved and Member White seconded a motion to accept the pictures submitted by Ms. Lewis for the record. Motion Passed 3-0. Dick Staples, 14629 SE 267rh St., Kent, WA submitted pictures which shows that he lives in a neighborhood where many of the residents store boats, campers and trailers on their sites. He stated that his neighbors are not opposed to his truck in the neighborhood and questioned how his • truck differs from the other vehicles parked in his community. Member Harmon moved and Member White seconded a motion to accept pictures submitted by Dick Staples for the record. Motion Passed 3-0. Member White Moved and Member Harmon seconded a motion to close the public hearing. . Motion Passed 3-0. Damien Hooper addressed questions raised by Member Harmon with respect to how Option 4 would affect Mr. Sanders and Mr. Staples. • Member Harmon moved and Member Clark seconded a motion to accept Option 4 allowing the storage and parking of commercial motor vehicles in residential zoned properties by means of a Special Home Occupation Permit (KCC 15.08 040) and to provide criteria for the approval of a special home occupancy permit The Hearing Examiner may also impose conditions of approval. Motion Passed 2 to 1 with Member White Opposed Member Clark stated that this issue will be sent to City Council in January. ZCA-2005-7 Shippina Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Planner Damien Hooper presented the following four options 1) to accept the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation to prohibit the storage of shipping containers in residential districts, 2) to prohibit shipping containers in residential districts and redefine them as cargo containers, 3) to allow cargo containers in single family and other residential zones by applying standards; such as restricting the containers to a maximum size of 10 x 20 feet and placing them in a stick-built structure with a pitched roof to maintain the residential characteristic of the neighborhood or, 4) to Deny this proposed amendment and continue to work within the framework of Kent's current ordinances. Mr. Hooper stated that a public hearing could be held by the Committee in January if they desire to change the Land Use and Planning Board's • (LUPB) recommendation. Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that based on the Committee's concerns as to where • trucks would park if denied in single family districts, she spoke with Barbara Ivanoff, . Washington State Department of Transportation. Ms. Ivanoff indicated an interest in working with the City of Kent and a private developer to establish a truck stop in Kent. In response to the Committee, Ms. Anderson stated that staff called self-storage facilities and warehouses who also stated they could accommodate one or more trucks at their locations. Ms. Anderson concurred with Member Harmon that this issue would require another hearing either before the LUPB or the Committee to consider the additional options • Member Harmon moved and Member White seconded a motion to send #ZCA-2005-7 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts back to the LUPB for a public hearing to consider the options as presented. Motion Passed 3-0. . Annual Docketing Report Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen described the changes to the annual amendment process stating that the City amended K.C.C. Chapter 12.02 last year to include docketing. She stated that the . Docket is tied to the annual land use and zoning map amendment application process with a timeline for filing by the first working day in September. Ms. Wessen said that the City accepts docketing submittals from any individual, agency or jurisdiction at no cost. She stated that the . land use map amendment applications are fee-based and submitted by property owners or S authorized agents. Ms. Gould-Wessen stated that December 1st has been established as the deadline for review by • the LU&PB and March 31" as the deadline for City Council decision on the docket(listing). Ms. Gould-Wessen described the review process and the criteria to be used when considering the docket items. Ms. Wessen identified the docket items on the report. • 2005 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zonine Map Amendments Planner William Osborne described the three comprehensive plan map amendment application proposals: 1) the Bohannon Amendment with the subject site located on East Hill, 2) the Millennium Kangley Building II Amendment with the subject site located just north of the intersection of 116th, and 130`s and Kent-Kangley, and 3) Safeguard Self-Storage Phase 4 Amendment with the subject site located on Washington Avenue. ' Member Harmon moved and Member White seconded a motion to accept the LUPB's recommendation to approve the 2005 Annual Docketing Report. Motion Passed 3-0. • Member White moved and Member Harmon seconded a motion to accept the LUPB's recommendation to act on the (3) three 2005 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendment • Applications. Motion Passed 3-0. Adjournment Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5.00 p.m. / h&w ~ Pamela Mottram, e Admin Secretary, Planning Services S.iPermiflPlmLOlanning Caemntee1200SU4nutes1101705mm due i P&EDC Mating Minutes—11121/O3 Page 2 of 2 a ZCA-2005-7 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Planner Damien Hooper said staff has no further information to present stating that Brian • Swanberg spoke on container complaints with his previous discussion on commercial vehicles The Committee asked staff to explore where these types of containers are used,where they might be allowed and to investigate what ordinances from other cities might be most compatible for use as a guideline by the City of Kent with respect to acccssory uses. Member Clark stated that this issue would be brought back to the next meeting. Urban Density Study #CPA-2004-5 Planning Manager Charlene Anderson presented a synopsis of this study; relating it to Kent's . Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies and urban growth based on the Growth Management . Act which requires that cities evaluate their zoning densities and apply zoning of 4.0 dwelling . units per acre where applicable. • Ms. Anderson described the public outreach efforts the City undertook to solicit public comment which included a series of Land Use and Planning Board Workshops and Hearings. She presented the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendations for the three study areas defined • as the Green River Area A, the North East Hill Area B, and the South East Hill Area C. • City Engineer Gary Gill and Ms. Anderson addressed concerns raised by Member Clark with respect to development as it relates to access issues along the 2281h Street Corridor and SR-516. Mr. Gill addressed Member Clark's concerns with flooding, storm drainage system capacity and water quality standards for the Benson Subarea. Member Harmon requested that staff notify him and other council members via email with respect to where the city stands with regard to the 4284 household target for the year 2020 and how much build-out the MRT-16 area will generate. Member Harmon Moved and Member Clark Seconded a Motion to accept Garrison Forks - Option 1. Motion Passed 2-0. Member Harmon Moved and Member Clark Seconded a Motion to accept Lower East Hill — Option 1. Motion Passed 2-0. Member Harmon Moved and Member Clark Seconded a Motion to accept Upper Mill Creek— Option 1. Motion Passed. Member Harmon Moved and Member Clark Seconded a Motion to accept Soosette Creek - • Option 1. Motion Passed. . In response to City Attorney Tom Brubaker, Chair Clark clarified that all the proposed amendments had been considered by the Land Use and Planning Board. Member Clark stated that the urban density issue will be presented at the City Council Workshop October 18 then will go before the full Council. . Member Harmon Moved and Member Clark Seconded a Motion to move forward the Urban Density Study as amended. Motion Passed 2-0. Adjournment • Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m. • Pamela Mottram, • Admin Secretary,Planning Services S:1Pcrm1^WY1ann1nq Cmmi eeU005Wwuwj1J0J7Qfnlal doe . P&EDC Meeting Minutes—10/17/05 Page 2 of 2 Damien Hooper defined recreational vehicles as indicated in the City's zoning code, with i Planning Manager Charlene Anderson clarifying some issues within the code. Mr. Hooper concurred with Chair Clank's supposition that recreational vehicles are to be screened from view. !♦ In response to Chair Clark's request, Ms. Anderson stated that staff would find out what . restrictions the county places in urbanized areas on arterials. Chair Clark requested staff alert the County on trucks parked on right-of-way. He also asked staff to keep track of the number of complaints. Mr. Hooper stated that the Police Department enforces the City's traffic code which currently prohibits the parking of commercial vehicles on a public right-of-way. Member Hannon moved and Member White seconded a motion to accept the pictures submitted by Judy Hanford and Tom Sharp for the record. Motion passed 3-0. S Chair Clark stated that he would like to see a definition in place to distinguish between the types . of commercial trucks allowed in residential districts. He stated that he also is concerned aobut the noise impact as trucks are warmed up Member Harmon stated that staff needs to address on- street parking, address parking of commercial vehicles on property on 132"d possibly by meeting with that group to educate them of the City's rules and regulations, and additionally suggesting . that staff consider employing the use of conditional use permits through the Hearing Examiner . process for those who want to park commercial vehicles on their property. Member White asked staff to provide statistics with regard to the number and nature of complaints received by the City with respect to single owner operators parking their commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods, stating that he would like a determination as to whether it is the actual parking of the commercial vehicle or how that vehicle is stored in residential neighborhoods that is creating problems. • After the Committee deliberated, Ms. Anderson addressed questions raised by Chair Clark and , Member Harmon with respect to establishing applicable criteria for a conditional use permit as well as reviewing the City's home occupation license as a possible way to execute solutions for commercial vehicles parked in residential zoning districts. Chair Clark asked that this • amendment be brought back to Committee after staff has reviewed further options. • ZCA-2005-7 Shipping Containers in Residential Zonine Districts • Jerry Sanders, 23102 112` Place SE, Kent, WA stated that the nature of his work requires the use of thirty-yard containers stored on the sites of homes he is renovating. He stated that it is not possible to complete a renovation within the 72 hour limitation as set forth in Kent's ordinance. Member Harmon stated that an active construction permit would allow for the temporary container to remain on site for the duration of the project. Mr. Hooper concurred. Chair Clark asked that staff bring this item back to the Committee with a report that shows the • locations where shipping containers are stored in residential zoning districts. Councilmember White would like a report of number and nature of complaints. Growth Management Hrgs Board Decision on Recent Urban Density Case—City of Bothell f♦ Assistant City Attorney, Kim Adams Pratt submitted a letter for the record summarizing the • Board's decision with regard to the City of Bothell; listing the six questions the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) stated they will look at when they review urban density i issues. Ms. Pratt explained why the GMHB found Bothell to be to compliance with the Growth Management Act with regard to their urban densities. Chair Clark asked Ms. Pratt to please review the City's position on a proposal before the Suburban Cities Association concerning the urban density issue. Adiournment Chair Clark adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m 06PA /� t♦ Pamela Mottram, • Admin Secretary, Planning Services S'IPermltlPlanlf'lannm;Cammiltee120051Menwrs1081 SOSmtn doe P&EDC Meeting Minutes—9/19/05 • Poor 7 of 7 S ZCA-2005-5 Processing of Applications for Rezone • Jon Johnson stated that the purpose of this proposed amendment is to clarify optional consolidated . permit processing. Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open and seeing no speakers, Steve Dowell moved and David Malik seconded a motion to close the public hearing. Motion Carried. i Elizabeth Watson moved and Steve Dowell seconded a motion to approve ZCA-2005-5 as recommended by staff. Motion Carried Unanimously • ZCA-2005-6 Townhouse Ownership Options in MR-T Zoning Districts . Chair Johnson stated that this proposed amendment considers ownership options within the MR-T zoning district. Ms Anderson stated that staff received an application to allow other than condo type ownership options in the MR-T district. She deferred to the staff report to describe the proposed wording changes. Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open. Seeing no speakers, Steve Dowell moved and David Malik seconded a motion to close the public hearing. Motion Carried. • Elizabeth Watson moved and David Malik seconded a motion to approve ZCA-2005-6. Motion Carried Unanimously ZCA-2005-7 Shippine Containers in Residential Zoning Districts Damien Hooper stated that this proposed amendment would limit the placement of shipping containers • in residential zoning districts. He stated that staff has added language that would exempt temporary storage units. Chair Johnson declared the public hearing open. Seeing no speakers, Steve Dowell moved and David Malik seconded a motion to close the public hearing. Motion Carried. After the Board deliberated with City Attorney Tom Brubaker and planning staff concerning phrasing the amendment, David Malik moved and Steve Dowell seconded a motion to approve "ZCA-2005-7 Shipping Containers in Residential Zoning Districts" as recommended by staff. Motion Carried Unanimously. Election of New Vice Chair Chair Johnson announced that a new Vice Chair needs to be elected since Greg Worthing's resignation . from the Board. Chair Johnson opened nominations. David Malik moved and Steve Dowell seconded a motion to nominate Dana Ralph to the position of Vice Chair. Motion Carried. Assignment of Representative(s) to Short Plat Meetines After discussion, subsequent to the meeting, Dana Ralph agreed to cover short plat meetings for August, September, and October 2005, Steve Dowell agreed to cover November, December and January, and David Malik agreed to cover February, March and April 2006. Adiournment . Steve Dowell moved and David Malik seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting Motion Carried. • Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. _:P�tc_Qi . Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manag rere . Secretary of the Board S IPermniPlanILUPBU0051Mmutes1080805min doc • Land Use and Planning Board Hearing . Minutes—August 8,2005 • Page 2 of 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director . • PLANNING SERVICES K E N T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager WASHINOTON Phone• 253-856-5454 Fax- 253-856-6454 Address, 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 • December 31, 2005 • TO: Chair Jon Johnson and Land Use & Planning Board Members FROM: Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager RE: Zoning Code Amendment #ZCA-2005-7/KIVA RPP6-2052605 Shipping Containers in residential zoning districts. SUMMARY: At their November 21, 2005 meeting, the Planning & Economic Development • Committee voted to remand to the Land Use & Planning Board for public hearing a proposed amendment to limit the placement of shipping containers in residential zoning districts. The Board had previously recommended approval of such an amendment after holding a public , hearing on August 8, 2005. At the Committee's direction, staff drafted other options for • consideration that would allow these containers in residential districts, incorporating code language from neighboring jurisdictions as deemed appropriate for the City of Kent. BACKGROUND: The City's Zoning Code recognizes the need of all legitimate uses of land to ' be protected from other uses which are unrelated or incompatible (KCC 15.01.020.C.2). The City has received complaints related to shipping containers located in residential neighborhoods. (♦ These containers present an incompatibility with residential uses, particularly related to visual . blight. Staff is bringing forward the following options for the Land Use & Planning Board public • hearing. Option 1: Limit the placement of shipping containers in residential zoning districts (previous Land Use & Planning Board recommendation). • KCC15.04.170: Add Note 34 in "Additional Standards" section of all SR, MR and MHP zoning districts. KCC .15.04.180 (34) would read "Shipping Containers. No person shall place or . cause to be placed any shipping container on any portion of a property located within this zone. • This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting household goods for moving that are located on residential property for less than 72 hours." Option 2: This option is similar to Option 1 but changes "shipping containers" to "cargo containers" and includes a definition. KCC15,04,170: Add Note 34 in "Additional Standards" section of all SR, MR and MHP zoning , districts. KCC 15,04,180(34)would read "Cargo Containers. No person shall place or cause to be placed any cargo container on any portion of a property located within this zone. This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting household goods for moving that are located on residential property for less than 72 hours." New KCC 15.02.071: "Cargo Containers — A standardized, reusable vessel, designed without an axle or wheels, which was: A. Originally, specifically, or formerly designed for or used in the packing, shipping, movement or transportation of freight, articles, goods or commodities; and/or • B. Designed for or capable of being mounted or moved on a rail car; and/or C. Designed for or capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck trailer or loaded on a ship. • When used for any purpose other than those listed in subsection A of this section, a cargo . container is a structure. Option 3; • KCC 15.04.170.• Add Note 34 in "Additional Standards" section of all SR, MR and MHP zoning districts KCC 15.04.180 (34) would read "Cargo Containers proposed to be located in a residential zone must be located completely within a stick-built structure with a peaked roof and building materials similar to that of the principal residence on the site. No containers greater • than ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet may be placed in residential districts. This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting household goods for moving that are i located on residential property for less than 72 hours. Additionally, institutional uses are . exempt from these requirements except when a shipping container is proposed to be located • adjacent to or within sight of a residential use." New KCC 15.02.071: "Cargo Containers — A standardized, reusable vessel, designed without . an axle or wheels, which was: • D. Originally, specifically, or formerly designed for or used in the packing, shipping, movement or transportation of freight, articles, goods or commodities; and/or E. Designed for or capable of being mounted or moved on a rail car; and/or F. Designed for or capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck trailer or loaded on a ship. When used for any purpose other than those listed in subsection A of this section, a cargo container is a structure. Option 4: Deny the proposed amendment. Staff would then work with existing code language RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Option 3 which would allow the containers • within specified parameters. • CA/pm/S\Permit\Plan\ZONECODEAMEND\2005\ZCA-2005-7\2052605-2005-71upb010906 doc Enc/ Minutes of 8115105, 9119105, 101-17105 and 11/21/05 PEDC meetings, Minutes of 818105 LU&PB meeting • cc Fred N Satterstrom, AICP,CD Director • Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Mgr Brian Swanberg,Code Enforcement Officer • Project File Parties of Record • • • Land Use&Planning Board Hearing • January 9, 2006 . Page 2 of 2 • Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 . Category Consent Calendar i 1. SUBJECT: WALKER BUSINESS PLAZA II BILL OF SALE —ACCEPT i r 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Walker Business Plaza II . submitted by WFT Company Two, LLC for 3 sanitary sewer manholes and 544 linear • feet of PVC sewer line. The Bonds are to be released after the maintenance period. This project is located at 19717 62°d Avenue South. 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff. Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure's N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: . Unbudgeted Expense- Fund Amount $ . Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: i Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: • ACTION: • Council Agenda • Item No 6G • • Bill of Sale • Pagel of 3 i 4400 • • • KENT . W A S H I N G T O N . MAIL TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • ATTN: Mark Damon • 220 4T AVENUE SOUTH • KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 • PROJECT�alker Business Plaza II LOCATION: 19717 62nd Ave. S. TAX ACCT NO: 660021-0180 • BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT • KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON • THIS INSTRUMENT made this 5th day of December 20 06 ,by and between WFT Company Two,LLC , hereinafter called"Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of King County,State of . Washington,hermafter called"Grantee": • WITNESSETH: • That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: • A. WATERMAINS: together with a total of 0 gate valves at$ • each, hydrants at$ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Including 0 linear feet at$ per LF of (size&type) waterline. • B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of 3 manholes at • $ 1,950 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. • ON FROM TO • (street,esmt,etc) Including 544 linear feet at$ 27.50 per LF of 8"Diameter (size&type) PVC sewer line. C. ST_ RAF ,_TS: Together with curbs,gutters, sidewalks, and/or any other appurtenances . thereto. Bill of Sale ' Page 2 of 1 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ and t or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street, esmt,etc) . Including 0 linear feet at$ per LF of . (size &type) sewer line. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the • same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid;that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the , lawful claims and demand of all person. The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as • provided in the applicable City Ordinances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this • /,;7' day of �v ,Z0 • ll r-�1�1C Ae&4 _ r STATE OF Vf*SI3INffTON ) • COUNTY OFF��p �SS On this 4e day of-✓.d.� ,4-04 ,,200/27 before me,the • undersigned A Notary Public in a da for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared .Mw tr�'dtge'iE� to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me • that lielshe signed and sealed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for . the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this a'�r day of t! 200%49 • Note P1 bito State OfAMW Notary Public in and for the MrarMP cOwty State of 'residing at • Sh"L.SahraO Expires February 27,2M7 . • My Commission Ex s. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • Bill of Sale . Page 3 of 3 • Witness my hand and official seat hereto affix the day and year first above written. • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at • My Commission Expires: • • • The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded, and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington,on the • day of 120 • • • • • • • • • i • i • • • i KENT i WASH IN G T O N • ADDENDUM TO BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT • KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for Walker Business Plaza II . project dated ,were based on the "As-Built"Engineering Plans dated 12-21-05 ,for the same said Walker Business Plaza H project. • • Gary E. Warner the • undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill • of Sale and is an employee of Warner Engineering ,the firm • responsible for the preparation of the "As-Built" Engineering Drawings. • Ree LL f %1 Signatu i try 1 �o \PIP • • • • • • • • i • • • • • Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: GAGE'S GROVE BILL OF SALE— ACCEPT • • 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Gage's Grove submitted by Gage's Grove, LLC for 2 watennain gate valves, 1 hydrant and 907 linear feet of ductile iron waterline; 10 sanitary sewer manholes and 1991 linear feet of PVC sewer • line; 898 centerline linear feet of street improvements; 22 storm sewer catch basins, 62,300 cubic feet of detention pond storage and 2670 linear feet of PVC sewer line. • The Bonds are to be released after the maintenance period This project is located at • 12402 SE 2401h Street. • • • 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale • • 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) • 5. FISCAL IMPACT • Expenditure" N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no. . Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue- Fund Amount $ • 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: • Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • • • • DISCUSSION: ACTION: • Council Agenda • Item No. 6H • • Rill of Sale • Page 1 of 3 • KENT • WASH I N G T O N • MAIL TO: • ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Mark Damon 220 4Tn AVENUE SOUTH • KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 • PROJECT: Gave's Grove LOCATION: 12402 S.E.240th Street TAX ACCT NO: 162205-9067 • BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT • KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON • THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of 20 ,by and between Gale's Grove,LLC , hereinafter called"Grantors", and City of Kent, a municipal corporation of King County, . State of Washington,herinafter called"Grantee": WITNESSETH: • That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to Grantee the following described improvements: • A. WATERMAINS: together with a total of 2 gate valves at$ 850.00 • each, 1 hydrants at$ 2800.00 each and I or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO • 124th Pl SE STA 1+75 STA 7+25 Private Access No. 1 and 2 Whole Road • Including 907 linear feet at$ 29.65 per LF of 411, 61 . 8" • (size& type) Dl waterline. . B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of 10 manholes at • $3060.00 each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. • ON FROM TO • 124th PI SE M1191010-6 MH 10104 Easement btwn Lots 21-23 M11#1010-4 Ex.MH 775-1 • Private Access No.2 MH1010-10 MH 1010-8 • Private Access No. 1 MH 1010-9 MH 1010-7 126th Avenue SE MH 1010-8 Ex.MII453-2 • Including 1991 linear feet at$ 27.56 per LF of 6",8" ^-�^ p• E, .a� PVC sewer line. Bill of Sale Page 2 of 3 , 1 D. STORM S .W BS; Together with a total of 0 manholes at$ each or a total of 22 catch basins at$ 2,316.00 each, 0 LF of biofiltration swale or drainage ditch with a total cost of$ 0 62,3000 CF of detention pond storage with a total cost of$ 41,580 , and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO • 124th PI SE CB#A10 CB#A3 Tract C CB#A3 CB#A2 • Private Access No.2 CB#B4 CB#B2 Private Access No. I CB#B7 CB#B6 Tract A CB#AI CB#A9A Tract B CB#BI CB#BIA • Including 2670 linear feet at$ 26.02 per I.F of 6", 12", 18" • (size& type) PVC sewer line. . To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the • same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid;that • it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person. • The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself,its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this • 1 Ct� day of 20 aG • STATE OF WASFIINGTON ) • ss COUNTY OF HING ) On this f C;L• '` day of F p its tia y,20 0 G, ,before me,the . undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and • sworn,Personally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me • that he/she signed and sealed this instrument a hi er free and voluntary act and deed for . the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10' day of st-r2"*j 20 co S' a� Notary Public in and for the • y A State of Washington, residing at • i 0 : - Bill of Sale Page 3 of 3 . On this day of ,20 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared and to me known to be the and . respectively of the that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. • Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. • Notary Public in and for the . State of Washington,residing at My Commission Expires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded, and passed . by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County,Washington,on the • day of ,20 • Kent City Council Meeting • Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: VAN DOREN'S NORTH BILL OF SALE— ACCEPT 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Bill of Sale for Van Doren's North • submitted by Tarragon-Van Doren's North, LLC for 2 watermam gate valves including 22 linear feet of ductile iron CL52 waterline. The Bonds are to be released after the maintenance period This project is located at 6102 South 226`h Street 3. EXHIBITS: Bill of Sale • 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director • (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No . If no • Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: • ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6I • Bill of Sale • Pagel of 3 • i • • KENT • WASHINGTON • • MAIL TO: • ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Staty Givens i 220 4F" AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 PROJECT: Van Doren's North • LOCATION: 6102 South 226 'Street TAX ACCT NO: 619549-0020 • BILL OF SALE • CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON • THIS INSTRUMENT made this V day of December. 2004 by and between • TARRAGON-VAN DORLN'S NORTH, L.L.C.,hereinafter called "Grantors",and City of Kent,a municipal corporation of lung County,State of Washington,hereinafter called"Grantee": • WITNESSETH: • . That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration,does hereby grant,bargain,sell to • Grantee the following described improvements: • A. WATERMAINS: together with a total of Q gate valves at$1.120 each, NA • hydrants at$ NA each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. i ON EXIST UTILITY ESMT FROM EXIST WATERMAIN TO DBL CI K VALVE • (street,esmt,etc) Including 22 linear feet at$ 32 per LF of 10" • (size&type) D.I.C1,52 waterline. • B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of NA manholes at $ NA each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO • (street,esmt, etc) • Including NA linear feet at$ NA per LF of NA (size&type) NA sewer line. • C. Together with curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and!or any other appurtenances thereto. ...t FROM TO Bill of Sale ' Page 2 of 3 1 1 ON FROM TO (street,esmt,etc) Including NA linear feet at S NA per LF of NA (size& type) NA sewer line. . To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. . The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the • same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have been paid;that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the • lawful claims and demand of all person. • The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself, its • successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them • as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this • day of , (' e fart ( G�� ,20 _. TARRAGON-VAN DOREN'S NORTH L.L.C. CITY OF KENT , By: hwvstco Fin. racial lion,its Manager By: By: Its: Mollie Means,Chief Financial Officer STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of ,20 ,before me, the . undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washiugt ,duly commissioned and sworn,Personally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing idstrumeut, and acknowledged to me • that he/she signed and sealed this instrument as his/ ef�free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this zZday of 20 • Notary Public in and for the . % State of Washington,residing at My Commission Expires: • • Bill of Sale Page 3 of 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • )SS • COUNTY OF PIERCE ) • On this Ste day of December,2004, before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the • State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Mollie Means to me known to be the CFO of Investco Financial Corporation,as Manager of Tarragon—Van Doren's North L.L.C.,the company that executed the foregoing instrument,and • acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company • for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. • Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. • 4G."'IN oNF S�ltt Nota y Public in a� for the • i Q :Q�lypTgR �G�l/ State of Washiq ton,residing at /jt Nam; �13LIC t i • / y My Commission Expires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made,seconded,and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent,King County, Washington,on the • day of ,20 r Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1 SUBJECT: LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT— CONFIRM •• 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Mr Alan Gray to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Mr Gray has lived on Kent's West Hill since 1985 He is a Certified Public Accountant and owner of an accounting and tax practice in downtown Kent. He has observed the growth and changes in the City and has participated in hearings regarding the site placement of the Kent Sounder Station, as well as the Design committee: Storefronts Presentation at City Hall He has visited LUPB meetings and is looking forward to participating as a board member. Mr. Gray will replace Elizabeth Watson, who resigned after being elected to the Kent City Council Mr Gray's appointment will continue until 12/31/2006. 3. EXHIBITS: Memorandum • 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor Cooke (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A • Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no: • Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue. Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: • Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6J ® OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Suzette Cooke, Mayor • Phone:253-856-5700 Fax: 253-856-6700 • Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. \%:!!5 KEN TT Kent,WA 98032-5895 WASHINGTON • • TO: Deborah Ranniger, Council President City Council Members FROM: Suzette Cooke, Mayor DATE: March 9, 2006 • RE: Appointment to Land Use and Planning Board I have appointed Mr. Alan Gray to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. S Mr. Gray has lived on Kent's West Hill since 1985 and is a Certified Public Accountant and i owner of an accounting and tax practice in downtown Kent. He has observed the growth and changes in the City and has participated in hearings regarding the site placement of the Kent Sounder Station and the Design Committee: Storefronts Presentation at City Hall. He has visited LUPB meetings and is looking forward to participating as a board member Mr. Gray will replace Elizabeth Watson, who resigned, and his appointment will continue until 12/31/06. • I submit this for your confirmation. jb Kent City Council Meeting Date March 21, 2006 Category Consent Calendar 1 SUBJECT: CENTENNIAL CENTER RENOVATION PROJECT—ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Centennial Center Renovation Project as complete. Construction services for renovation of the second floor of the Centennial building for Public Works Engineering Department were provided by Mike Werlech Construction, Inc. The project was inspected and approved by the project manager on July 1, 2005. a 3. EXHIBITS: Letter of acceptance 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Parks Director . (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expendrture9 N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ • Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: • ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6K KENT WA5 NI NOTON F �tf `Y�'ya1 l"n ,""C+Wh WU N?I July 1, 2005 1 �i iyth�1�a� + 1/�L�� spy y$yyy`, •r ikWx4«'.1^f, bY�l k.. ��p'{9{�(A�iyyry�yeti Mike Werlech Mike Werlech Construction, Inc. PO Box 46579 �aa gx�r Seattle, Wa. 98146 3 aa,i aak, _?D`3'y.� �.tat�``i4v° • i4F RE: PW Engineering Renovation �•�,rt, ',fib i�aai; ��.y.; ^1yx+;J4t{Fji;�%+;>`:�,.,`,�`, � �;.�,�? w " ,-�u � � Dear Mike: � „�� � ,• ,�. � � I made a final inspection of the renovation project at PW Engineering and found that the project is completed to my satisfaction. This letter serves as final acceptance of the public works project effective as of July 1, 2005. `^ v, .�a.. ,;,�i Z��� •�a�i v The one-year warranty period will remain in effect through July 1, 2006. Please make sure thatall necessary State documents have been completed and filed. If you have any questions,please call me at(253) 56-5081. me ` sa had`hkfk��+,1 Char le , , u n nt Parks Facilities Parks Facilities C: John Hodgson, Director Parks Recreation& Community Services Pam Baum,Project Accountant CUrg • • • • . Kent City Council Meeting • Date March 21, 2006 i Category Bids 1. SUBJECT: S. 228`h MILITARY ROAD WIDENING —PHASE 2 — AWARD • • 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The bid opening for this project was held on March 14, 2006, with four bids received The low bid was submitted by Scarsella • Brothers in the amount of$2,993,985 25. The Engineer's estimate was $2,979,070.00 • • • • • • • 3. EXHIBITS: Public Works Director's memorandum 4. RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc.) • • 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure'? N/A Revenues N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No • If no: . Unbudgeted Expense: Fund Amount $ Unbudgeted Revenue: Fund Amount $ • 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember (XX/ moves, Councilmember WYl seconds to award the S. 228th Military Road Widening — Phase 2 project to Scarsella Brothers in the amount of$2,993,985.25. DISCUSSION: ACTION: • Council Agenda Item No 8A • • • • i • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • Larry Blanchard Public Works Director Phone 253-856-5500 40 Fax 253-856-6500 K E N T • WASHINGTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 DATE: March 14, 2006 • TO: Mayor Cooke and Kent City Council FROM- Chad Bieren, Project Design Engineer THROUGH: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director • SUBJECT: S 228t" Mthtary road Widening—Phase 2 • • Bid opening for this project was held on March 14, 2006 with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Scarsella Brothers in the amount of$2,993.985 25. The Engineer's estimate • was $2,979,070.00. The Public Works Director recommends awarding this contract to Scarsella Brothers. Bid Summary Scarsella Brothers $2,993 985.25 Dennis R. Cratg $3,305 383.24 RW Scott $3,346,887.00 • Gary Merlino $3,543,360.00 • Engineer's Estimate $2,979,070.00 • • • i • • • • • Mayor Cooke and Kent City Council $228'h Military Road Widening—Phase 2 1 • W tm N Nn N tJ IJ N tJ N N N IJ N r .� .� - - - O O J O f' O • O G G O ^ � N r O tJ ^ > Y > Y Y 'nnn �'1nnOn 'F n tc ry � rn � r ,� c.,�.�`.= �° � � � " � � � ° � 7 � � .Z. .�. .�. � G w o o- v � � Y `�' <, ry � _� � � � o � yi y •r • o o o c G�^� (-^-. C i° �' 3 J f° . W � n o � ry n n _ 'mil Cl a a ry 7 n n t'I tti M t' t o o L G. rp _. i • OG �l] W W ^_� (7 n ,.n .- N- `^ W n O 0 O �7 n L W O =_ - vi FJ V a' N f1Y I'l 7 O I i (7 (7 nl Rl O P O 'z � u a n o m m m rrc j �:; qa " n fl• uc w - �o �ro w _'r_., itl n 'l w = w < w r 3 = o w r, o �' �'. 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W O �a H H �n W N 4l rH M1 FA W rJ N �l ✓ O il. � N GC O O J ?� ""1 W V' W W LO L dl N W 41 A GO G �O U y � 7J • c s - w W •� � O ? r d C •n ., Sn H be cn n Yi FA J ^ N 'T Vi fA lA W G �L �p O '�. �1 J v V� O fib A O O •h N "i b C O O O C O O `a yr O 0 0 0 0 O 9 0 0 0 00 00000 0 0 000 0 ,,,,� o _• • • • REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF • A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT i • • B. MAYOR • C. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE • • D. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE • E. PUBLIC WORKS r • F. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • • • G. PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE • H ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS • REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES • • • PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES February- 27, 2006 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee and Committee Members Ron Hannon and Tim Clark. The meeting was called to order at 5.14 P M. Approval of Minutes Dated February 6,2006 Committee Member Ron Harmon moved to approve the minutes of February 6, 2006. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Minimum Travel Lane Requirement for Fire Life and Safety Access Jon Napier explained how requirements are applied, as shown in his presentation. Larry Blanchard discussed through travel lane access road, existing conditions and concerns that . committee members had • The committee decided to forward to a workshop before making a recommendation. Fats, Oils Grease Pretreatment Program (FOG) Greg Reed showed a PowerPoint presentation that went over how fats, o rls and grease create blockages and increase maintenance costs The committee decided to forward to a workshop before making a recommendation. Proposed LID: 227rh Place SE Sanitary Sewer Tim LaPorte gave a brief overview of why the LID was proposed and the reasons for moving forward. • Tim Clark moved to recommend that a resolution of intent setting a public hearing date on the formation of a sanitary sewer L.I.D. for the 12 properties show on the attached map be adopted. The motion was seconded by Ron Hammon and passed 3-0. . Presentation of Overall Work Plan-Environmental . Mike Mactutrs gave an informational Power Point presentation of the Overall 2006 Work Plan . for the Envmrotnnental section. . Presentation of Overall Work Plan-Warehouse Services Don Millett gave an informational Power Point presentation of Warehouse Services Overall 2006 . Work Plan Presentation of Overall Work Plan—Street Section Bill Thomas gave an umfommational Power Point presentation of the 2006 Overall Work Plan for • the Street section. Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm • Cheryl iseth Administrative Assistant • • • • • CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS • A. • • s • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • EXECUTIVE SESSION • ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION