HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/13/2005 Kent City Council Meeting KENT December 13,2005 WAl NINOTON The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present: Clark,Harmon,Ranniger,Raplee, Thomas and White. (CFN-198) Flag Salute. The flag salute was led by the Police and Fire Honor Guards. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. I7rom Council.Administration.or Staff. (CFN-198) Mayor White added Other Business Items B, C,D, E, and F. Hodgson removed Bid Item A, and Consent Calendar Items CC, DD, EE, FF and GG were removed from the agenda at the request of Mayor-Elect Cooke. B. From the Public. North Park Neighborhood. (CFN-131) Pam Newcomer, 839 3rd Avenue North, thanked the City, and Public Works Director Larry Blanchard in particular, for their prompt response to the neighborhood's concerns. Farewell. (CFN-147) Dave Everett,formerly of the Police Department and currently in the Parks Department, announced that he is leaving the City after 34 years, and expressed his gratitude to the Mayor and Council for all the things they've done for the City. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Mayor White,announced that Chris Thompson of the Multimedia Department,has been chosen as December Employee of the Month. B. Economic Development Renoit (CFN-198) Economic Development Manager Torgelson reported on the progress of Kent Station,Project Springboard, and the Center for Advanced Manufacturing. C. Soroptimiixt Club Donation for Service Club Park. (CFN-118) The President of the Soroptimist Club presented Dave Everett of the Parks Department with a check in the amount of $10,000 for Service Club Park. D. Kiwanis of Kent Presentation. (CFN-198) The Charter President of the Kiwanis Club of Kent A.M.presented Mayor White with a proclamation declaring him an Every Day Hero. E. Introduction of Appointees. (CFN-198) Mayor White introduced the following youth who he has appointed as ex-officio members of various boards and commissions: Jennifer Grosman to the Human Services Commission,Mammeet Dhami to the Diversity Board, Jayleen Bowman to the Drinking Driver Task Force,and Bonnie Farquhar to the Art's Commission. F. Mayor/Council Presentations. (CFN-198) Council President Ranniger commended Councilmember Bruce White and Mayor White for their service and presented them with plaques. Councilmembers also expressed their appreciation. 1 Kent City Council Minutes December 13,2005 PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Street Vacation,Por on gf j32Md Avenue SE. (CFN-102) Resolution No. 1713 established December 13,2005 as the public hearing date for the petition by Mike Romano, on behalf of Norris Homes, Inc., to vacate a portion of 132nd Avenue SE. Staff recommends approval with conditions. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Mike Romano,consultant for the applicant,urged the Council to approve the vacation. There were no further comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED to close the public hearing. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. WHITE MOVED to approve staffs recommendation of approval with conditions of the petition to vacate a portiorrof 132nd Avenue SE, as referenced in Resolution No. 1713, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance upon compliance with the conditions of approval. Ranniger seconded and the motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR RANNIGER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through BB,with the exception of Item G which was removed by Councihnember Clark. Clark seconded and the motion carried. A. Anoroval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 15, 2005 were approved. B. Auaroval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through November 15 and paid on November 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 15, 2005 was approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/15/05 Wire Transfers 2233-2245 $1,261,310.50 11/15/05 Prepays & 585887 3,850,287.39 11/15/05 Regular 586539 1,121,672.78 Use Tax Payable 1,124.57 $6,234,395.24 Approval of checks issued for .tRUMIl for October 16 through October 31 and paid on November 4, 2005: Date Check Numbers Amount 11/4/05 Checks 287090-287362 $ 199,619.50 11/4/05 Advices 187540-188230 1,255,881.23 Total of Regular Payroll $1,455,500.73 Interim Void 282000,282819,283102 283134,283381,283 686 11/9/05 Checks 283867,283988,284941 $(1,970.58) Checks 287363-287371 $1,970.58 $0.0 2 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2005 C. 2006 Annual et. (CFN-186) Ordinance No. 3772,which adopts the City's 2006 budget was adopted. D. 2005 Tag Levy Ordinances for 2006 Budget. (CFN-104) Ordinance Nos. 3773 and 3774 authorizing an increase in property tax and levying the property tax levy for collection in 2006,with final numbers subject to minor adjustment upon receipt of the assessed valuation from King County, were adopted. Ordinance No. 3773 authorizes an increase in the regular property tax to 1% over the previous maximum allowed tax levy. Ordinance No. 3774 levies the tax for 2006 collection. The estimated levy is$24,615,938 for the General Fund and$1,785,000 for the Debt Service funds, for an estimated total of$26,400,938. Final numbers are pending receipt of the assessed valuation from King County. E. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Include 2006-2011 Capital Improvement Plan. (CFN-377,775&961) Ordinance No. 3775,relating to CPA-2005-3 amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to include the Capital Improvement Plan for 2006-2011 was adopted. F. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Revisions to Kent City Code 12.13,School District Capital Facilities Plans. (CFN-377&1000) Ordinance No. 3776 relating to CPA-2005-1,which amends the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive plan to include the amended Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent,Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts, and Ordinance No. 3777 relating to CPA-2005-12,which amends the school impact fee schedule contained in section 12.13.160 of the Kent City Code to reflect changes in the Kent,Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts' Capital Facilities Plans were adopted. REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK G. LTGO 2006 Parks Bond Ordinance. (CFN-104) The proposed ordinance would authorize the 2006 Parks Limited Tax General Obligation(LTGO)bonds which would provide $12 million for various parks improvements. Clark pointed out that this is a long-term debt and expressed concern that the State will pass costs on to cities in 2007. He added that if there were a real estate bubble and it burst,the-City would take on some major financial obligations with these bonds. HE THEN MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3778 authorizing the 2006 Parks Limited Tax General Obligation bonds. Ranniger seconded. Upon Ranniger's request, Finance Director Nachlinger said that a housing bubble may or may not affect Kent, and that there is a reasonable balance between the needs of the citizens and the City's outstanding debt. Clark's motion to authorize the bonds then carried. H. HomeStree Rank Donation to Fire Department. (CFN-122) A donation from HomeStreet Bank's Corporate Giving Program to the Fire Department in the amount of$3,000 was accepted. I. Washington Traffic Safety Commission"DOTS"Mini-Grant. (CFN-122) A grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for$4,000 to provide supplemental overtime funding for DUI enforcement in the Kent Police Department was accepted. 3 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2005 J. Washington Traffic Safety Conjgl jL on `Drive Hammered—Get Nailed"Mini-Grant. (CFN-122) A grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in the amount of$3,500 to provide supplemental overtime funding for DUI enforcement by the Kent Police Department was accepted. K. Soroytimist Club Donation for Service Club Park. (CFN-118) A donation of$10,000 from Soroptimist International of Kent for development of the Service Club Park was accepted, and the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Park budget was authorized. L. Indigent Counsel Contract. (CFN-234&118) The Mayor was authorized to enter into an agreement with Stewart, Beall and McNichols for indigent counsel services. M. 2006 Art Plan and Five Year Art Plan. (CFN-118) The 2006 City Art Plan and Five Year Art Plan was approved. N. 2005 Annual Docket Report.Comprehensive Plan and Zoning May and Text Amendments. (CFN-377&131) The 2005 Annual Docket Report, a list of this year's suggested amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning maps and text,was approved. O. Agreement with Puget Sound Energy for Easement at Service Club Park. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement with Puget Sound Energy(PSE) for an easement at Service Club Park. • P. Vehicle Equipment Surplus. (CFN-136) Equipment described in the Public Works memoran- dum of November 2, 2005 was declared as surplus and staff was authorized to dispose of it in accordance with City policy. Q. Disposal of Metrotech Locators. (CFN-136) Equipment described in the Public Works memo- randum of 12/5/05 was declared obsolete and staff was authorized to "trade in"two Metrotech 9800 utility locators,purchased approximately 10 years ago,to reduce the purchase cost of a new Metrotech utility locator. R. Street Sweeping Contract Change Order No. 4. (CFN-136) The Mayor was authorized to sign Change Order No. 4 with McDounough&Sons, Inc. for a 4%increase in the monthly lump sum for the street sweeping contract,upon concurrence of the language by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. S. Univar USA,Inc.2006 Water Treatment Chemical Contract. (CFN-675) The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2006 Water Treatment Chemical Supply Agreement between the City and Univar USA, Inc. for 12.5%Sodium Hypochlorite,Potassium Permanganate, Sodium Fluoride and 25%Sodium Hydroxide. T. JCI Jones Chemical. Inc.2006 Water Treatment Chemical Contract. (CFN-675) The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2006 Water Treatment Chemical Supply Agreement between the City and JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. for gas chlorine. 4 Kent City Council Minutes December 13,2005 . U. LID 352 Segregation Res . (CFN-1195) Resolution No. 1715 directing the Finance Director to segregate Assessment No 2 levied under LID 352 was adopted. V. Homeland Security O'Brien Well Security Improvements Contract. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington State Homeland Security Grant for the O'Brien Well Security Improvements in the amount of$11,205, and staff was directed to accept the grant and spend the funds on this project. W. Homeland Security Kent Sprines Security Improvements Contract. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington State Homeland Security Grant for the Kent Springs Security Improvements in the amount of$13,200, and staff was directed to accept the grant and spend the funds on this project. X. Lifeline Utility Rate Ordinance. (CFN-110) Ordinance No. 3779 amending Chapter 7.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled"Utility Service Billing,"to include a new section aligning eligibility requirements for the lifeline utility rate with those set-by the Federal Housing and Urban Development office in order to standardize the process within the City was adopted. Y. Transportation Master Plan Mira!Associates,Inc. Contract. (CFN-164) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Consultant Services Agreement between the City and Mirai Associates, Inc. for Project Management of the Transportation Master Plan,Phase 1. Z. Transportation Master Plan The Transpo Group,Inc. Contract. (CFN-164) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Consultant Services Agreement between the City and The Transpo Group, Inc. for the Kent Pedestrian and Bicycle element of the Transportation Master Plan,Phase 1. AA. Transportation Master,Plan C112M Hill Contract. (CFN-164) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Consultant Services Agreement between the City and CH2M Hill for Public Outreach/ Public Involvement efforts in support of the Transportation Master Plan,Phase 1. BB. Hiehline Water District Agreement. (CFN-1071) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Highline Water District Agreement upon concurrence of the language in that Agreement by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. OTHER BUSINESS A. Sophia GlennBrg,W's Vista II Rezone(Quasi-Judicial). (CFN-121) This request by Pacific West Development, LLC.,is to rezone 22.34 acres of property from SR-4.5 (Single-Family Residential),to SR-6(Single-Family Residential). The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on October 5, 2005, and issued Findings, Conclusions, and a Recommendation for approval on October 19,2005. The City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process, and it was determined that there has been no ex-parte communication by Councilmembers. Chris Hankins of Planning Services, noted that staff recommends approval. CLARK MOVED to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Sophia G1ennBrenna's Vista II Rezone and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. White seconded. Clark and Hannon then spoke in opposition to the motion,noting that nothing has changed to qualify the project for SR-6. Hankins outlined the changes which have occurred which relate to the handling of steep slopes, the required infrastructure and mitigation of transportation impacts. Upon a roll call vote, 5 Kent City Council Minutes December 13,2005 Ranniger, Thomas and White were in favor, and Clark,Harmon and Raplee were opposed. The motion to accept the Hearing Examiner's Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation then failed for lack of a majority. ADDED ITEMS B. Kent Downtown Saturday Market Red Barn Building. (CFN-462) Hodgson explained that the time has come to surplus the building and redevelop the property. RANNIGER MOVED to surplus the Kent Downtown Red Barn Market Building located at 206 Railroad Avenue North and authorize the Mayor to market the property in the manner determined to bring the best financial return, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. Clark seconded and the motion carried. C. Clark Lake Prouerty. (CFN-118) Hodgson explained that this property trade gives the City access around the lake,with one small exception. RANNIGER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Trade Agreement at fair market value with Bill Ruth for certain Clark Lake Park land, and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the trade, subject to review and approval of the terms and conditions by the City Attorney. Clark seconded and the motion carried. D. Kent Memorial Park Purchase and Sale. (CFN-118) Hodgson explained the purchase and sale agreement and noted that the Cooper Property is adjacent to Kent Memorial Park. RANNIGER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Kent Memorial Park Cooper Property at fair market value, and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the purchase upon review and approval by the City Attorney, and to appropriate $90,000 plus closing costs from the park land acquisition account. Clark seconded and the motion tamed. E. Pine Tree Park. (CFN-118) Hodgson explained that construction of the 272nd corridor land locked Pine Tree Park and that the park is used very little. He noted that the funds from the surplus of Pine Tree Park would be used to build two new parks. RANNIGER MOVED to surplus Pine Tree Park and authorize the Mayor to market the property in the manner determined to bring the best financial return,subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council, and to appropriate revenue to the 272nd Street Neighborhood Park Development account and the 132nd Street Neighborhood Park Development account. Clark seconded and the motion carried. F. Collective Bs[raai bw Agreement. (CFN-198) CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a three-year collective bargaining agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 1747,Fire Assistant the Division Chiefs unit, effective January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney's Office. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. REPORTS Public Safety Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger reported that there will be no meeting in December. Public Works. (CFN-198) Clark noted that due to the holiday,there will be only one meeting in January on the 23rd. 6 Kent City Council Minutes December 13, 2005 Planning and EL o DeXdgQSW Committee. (CFN-198) Clark noted that due to the holiday,there will be only one meeting in January, on the 23rd. Parks and Haman Services Committee. (CFN-198) Ranniger noted that there will be no meeting in December. Administrative Reports. (CFN-198) Mayor White stated that it has been an honor to serve the citizens of Kent. ADJOURNMENT At 8:10 p.m. THOMAS MOVED to adjourn. Ranniger seconded and the motion carried. Mayor White was escorted from the meeting by the Police and Fire Honor Guards. Brend�Jber, City Clerk 7 KE NT Kent City Council Meeting W A S ENT N O T O N December 13, 2005 A special meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present: Clark, Harmon,Ranniger, Raplee, Thomas (who arrived at 5:00 p.m.) and White. The Mayor noted that there would be an Executive Session of approximately 40 minutes to discuss property negotiations(sale and acquisition) and labor negotiations. The meeting then recessed to Executive Session. The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Brenda Jacober, MC City Clerk i •