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Kent City Council Meeting
KEWT June 7, 2005
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by Mayor White.
Councilmembers present: Clark,Harmon, Peterson, Ranniger,Raplee, Thomas and White.
A From Council.Administration,or Staff. (CFN-198) Councilmember Ranniger removed
Item 6V from the Consent Calendar to Other Business Item 7C.
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Continued Communications Item A and B were added at the
request of audience members.
A. Quota Club International Donation Presentation. (CFN-118) Bobbie Dickerson, President
of the International Quota Club for the Kent Valley spoke about their donation to the ballfields
and the play area.
B. Lions Club Donation Presentation. (CFN-118) Brian Epson representative from the Lions
Club presented the 2nd and final payment of$35,000 for the Service Club Ballfields.
C. Sorogtimist International,Donotion Presentation. (CFN-118) Louise Lee, President of
Scroptimist International of Kent presented$10,000 to the City of Kent for the Service Club
D. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Janet Perschek, Administrative Assistant to the Public
Works Director, was presented the Employee of the Month award.
E. Economic Development Update. (CFN-198) Nathan Torgelson, Economic Development
Manager, gave a brief update on the proposed projects that will connect Kent Station and historic
downtown, and events for the Washington Manufacturing Appreciation Week.
PETERSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Y,with the exception of V
which was moved to Other Business. Harmon seconded and the motion carried.
A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 17,
2005 were approved.
B. Approval of$ills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through May 16 and paid on
May 16 after auditing by the Operation&Committee on May 17,2005 were approved.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/16/05 Wire transfers 2045-2058 $1,219,411.70
5/16/05 PrePays& 577803 1,766,863.68
5/16105 Regular 578429 1,188,791.01
5/16/05 Use Tax Payable 1,306.88
Kent City Council Minutes June 7, 2005
Approval of checks issued for p#vroll for April 16 through April 30 and paid on May 5, 2005:
Date Check Numbers Amount
515105 Checks 283376-283679 $ 215,930.94
515105 Advices 179311-179989 1,269,184.89
515105 Interim Check 283680 27.01
5/5/05 Voided Check 282982 (27.01)
515105 Interim Check 283681 181.22
515105 Voided Check 283641 1181.22)
C. Zoning Code Amendment ZCA 2004-1,Manufactured Housing,Ordinance. (CFN-131)
Ordinance No. 3753 which amends the Kent City Code to allow manufactured homes in all
residential zoning districts per the requirements of state statutes was adopted.
D. 2005 Interlocal Agreement with Auburn for Home Repair Services. (CFN-118) The
Mayor was authorized to sign the 2005 Interlocal Agreement with the City of Auburn for home
repair services and the budget was amended.
E. Eagle Creek Final Plat(Ouasl-dudicial). (CFN-1272) The Final Plat Mylar for Eagle Creek
was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Mylar.
F. Quota Club International Donation for Service Club Park. (CFN-104) The donation of
$7,000 from Quota International of Kent Valley for Service Club Park development was accepted
and the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Ball Fields budget was authorized.
G. Kent Lions Club Donation For Service Club Park. (CFN-104) The donation of$24,000
from the Kent Lions Club for Service Club Park development was accepted and the expenditure of
funds in the Service Club Ball Fields budget was authorized.
H. Cultural Development Authority of Kine County 2005 Sustained Support Grant.
(CFN-118) The Sustained Support grant in the amount of$11,415 from the Cultural Development
Authority of King County to support 2005 Kent Arts Commission programs was accepted, the
expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission budget was approved and the Mayor was
authorized to sign the agreement.
I. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant for Canterbury Park Expansion.
(CFN-118) The grant for$92,500 from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the
Canterbury Park expansion was accepted,the expenditure of funds in the Canterbury Acquisition
and Development budget was approved, and the Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement,
upon review by the City Attorney.
J. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant for Clark Lake Park Expansion.
(CFN-118) The grant for$250,000 from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for
Clark Lake Park expansion was accepted, the expenditure of funds in the Park Land Acquisition
budget was approved, and the Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement, upon review by the
City Attorney.
Kent City Council Minutes June 7,2005
K. Surplus Residential Strug=and Allow Demolition at 13122 SE 251st Street (CFN-118)
The structure and all appurtenances at 13122 SE 251 st Street in Kent was declared as surplus and
salvage and demolition was approved.
L. Surplus Residential Structure and Allow Demolition at 10808 SE 248th Street.
(CFN-118) The structures and all appurtenances at 10808 SE 248th Street in Kent was declared as
surplus and salvage and demolition was approved.
M. Johnson Creek Restoration/Condemnation Ordinance. (CFN-1297) Ordinance No. 3754
authorizing condemnation, if necessary,of certain property for natural resources and storm
drainage improvements was adopted.
N. Pioneer and Smith Street Project. (CFN-1038) The Pioneer and Smith Street project was
accepted as complete and release of the reainage to Rodarte Construction, Inc. upon standard
releases from the state and release of any liens was approved.
O. Public Works Positions, Street System Vegetation Maintenance Proposal. (CFN-1038)
Hiring of one full time employee with benefits and two part-time employees with no benefits to be
assigned to the Street Vegetation Maintenance Sub-section of Public Works Operations was
P. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for Trailer. Speed Sign and Car Seats.
(CFN-122) The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC)additional grant funds in the
amount of$9,000 which will be used to purchase one radar trailer,one 18' speed sign and 46 car
seats, was accepted and the budget was amended.
Q. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for Drinking Driver Countermeasure
Program. (CFN-122) The Washington Traffic Safety Commission(WTSC)grant in the amount
of$65,750 for the Kent Drinking Driver countermeasure Program was accepted and the budget
was amended.
R. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant For Intense Traffic Safety Enforcement
Program. (CFN-122) The Washington Traffic Safety Commission(WTSC) grant funds in the
amount of$5,000 which will be used to participate in the Intense Traffic Safety Enforcement
program was accepted and the budget was amended.
S. Department of Social&Health Services,Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Grant
for Underage Youth. (CFN-122) The amount of$60,000 from the Department of Social &
Health Services,Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Grant for Underage Youth grant was
accepted and the budget was amended.
T. Interlocal Agreement with Washington State Department of Corrections for Community
Corrections Officer. (CFN-122) Provide community corrections services and facilities in a
manner best serving the needs and development of our local communities was authorized.
U. Ravensdale Range Interlocal Agreement. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign an
agreement which provides the City of Kent Police Department the resources of the Ravensdale
Range in order to qualify its commissioned police officers per state law firearms requirements.
Kent City Council Minutes June 7, 2005
W. Fire Station Exhaust Extraction Systems Sole Source Procurement. (CFN-120) The
Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement with Air Exchange, Inc. for the amount of$84,277.88
plus Washington State Sales Tax to furnish the Plymovent vehicle exhaust extraction systems for
Fire Stations 72 and 76.
X. Fireworks Display Permits. (CFN-122) The Fire Department to issue fireworks display
permits for two separate activities,based upon their review and investigation of the events was
Y. Surplus and Donate Engine/Aid Unit. (CFN-122) Surplus one (1) 1989 Pierce engine/aid
unit(VIN#040806)that has exceeded its expected performance was authorized.
C. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code 13.05—Fireworks. (CFN-122) The ordinance
extends to the fire marshal authority to grant public fireworks display permits for all celebrations
officially sanctioned by public or private high schools and in the observation of certain approved
marriage ceremonies. Dr. Ranniger said that it is not Council's intention to ban fireworks but
during years of drought there may be instances of extreme fire danger and it would be prudent in
the interest of community health, safety and public welfare to be able to either partially ban or ban
fireworks for that particular year only. RANNIGER MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3755
amending Chapter 13.05 of the Kent City Code relating to public fireworks display permits and
providing the authority, commencing one year from the date of passage and subject to prior
Council approval to ban the sale,use, and discharge of fireworks if a high fire danger exists.
Peterson seconded and the motion carried.
A. Eagle Creek Park Easement. (CFN-118) Soos Creek Water and Sewer District requires an
agreement for Easement for the sanitary sewer line and appurtenances through Eagle Creek Park,
located at 13636 SE 282nd Street in Kent to serve the adjacent subdivision. WHITE MOVED to
authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for Easement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer
District for Eagle Creek Park. Harmon second and the motion carried.
B. Interlocal Agreement with Kine County for Maintenance and Construction for: Grading
at East Hill Skate Park: S. 228th Street Corridor Mitigation Grading: and Garrison Creek.
(CFN-1038) The Interlocal Agreement with King County is for maintenance and construction to
include the following projects: Garrison Creek Channel Restoration,228`h/224`h Corridor—
Wetland Mitigation, East Hill Skate Park Rough Grade and Fill and Pacific Highway South
Wetland Mitigation. WHITE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to the King
County Interagency agreement approved on March 15, 2005 to include the projects.
A. Fire Station 76 Underground Fire Pump Test Tank. (CFN-120) The bid opening was held
on May 12, 2005,with five(5)bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by JW
Developers, LLC in the amount of$49,206, excluding Washington State Sales Tax (WSST).
RANNIGER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with JW Developers,
LLC, in the amount of$49,206,plus Washington State Sales Tax, to furnish and install the
underground fire pump test tank at Fire Station No. 76. Thomas seconded and the motion carried.
Kent City Council Minutes June 7, 2005
B. 3rd Avenue South Strut t IMovements. (CFN-1038) The bid opening for this project
was held on May 24, 2005,with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Rodarte
Construction, Inc. WHITE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Rodarte
Construction,Inc. in the amount of$386,620.80 for the 3rd Avenue South Street Improvements
project. Clark seconded and the motion carried.
C. 2005 Asphalt Overlay. (CFN-103) The bid opening for this project was held on May 26,
2005,with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by ICON Materials. WHITE MOVED
to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with ICON Materials in the amount of$692,952.80
for the 2005 Asphalt Overlay Project. Raplee seconded and the motion carried.
Operations Committer (CFN-198) Clark reminded Councilmembers of the Suburban Cities
dinner on Wednesday and the guest speaker will be State Attorney General Rob McKenna.
Parks &Human Services Committee. (CFN-198) Upon Ranniger's request,Parks Director
Hodgson noted that the aquatic feasibility study was on schedule and final negotiations were
underway with a consulting firm.
Administrative Reports. (CFN-198) CAO Martin reminded Council of an executive session that
will take 20-30 minutes and no action is expected.
A. Municipal Lot(Town Square Plaza). (CFN-198&1298) Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street,
spoke about the LID and would like to see more public meetings.
B. Municipal Lot(Town Square Plaza). (CFN-198&1298) Robert Bonaci, 302 E. Smith
Street, spoke about the business that would be affected by this development.
C. Kent Youth Council. (CFN-198) Nisha Nariya, Kentridge High School, asked the Mayor to
create a"Kent Youth Council." A brief discussion in support was held.
The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. and reconvened at 8:07 p.m. (CFN-198)
At 8:07 p.m. THOMAS MOVED to adjourn. Harmon seconded and the motion carried.
/ Simmons
Deputy City Clerk