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KEN T Kent City Council Meeting
W A S H I N O T O N November 2, 2004
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White.
Councilmembers present: Clark, Harmon, Peterson, Ranniger, Raplee, Thomas and White.
A From Council Administration or Staff. (CFN-198) Martin added a personnel matter to the
pending litigation item already on the Executive Session, and noted that no action afterward is
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Bob O'Brien asked to discuss Consent Calendar Item 6G,
Eagle Creek Park proceeds from sale. The Mayor agreed to meet with O'Brien on this matter.
A. Suburban Cities Association Executive Director Karen Goroski. (CFN-198) Ms. Goroski
introduced herself and outlined upcoming events.
B. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Paula Barry, Senior Analyst in the Finance Department,
was presented with the Employee of the Month Plaque.
C. Introduction of Appointee. (CFN-174) Dana Ralph,the Mayor's appointee to the Land Use
and Planning Board,was introduced.
A. McMillin Street Vacation. (CFN-102) Kent School District#415 has requested vacation
of a portion of McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck Avenues, and the alley
directly north. Staff recommends approval with conditions. Mayor White opened the
public hearing. Larry Price and Fred High of the School District spoke in favor of the
vacation. There were no further comments from the audience and PETERSON MOVED
to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to
approve staff s recommendation of approval with conditions of the petition to vacate a portion of
McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck Avenues, and the alley directly north, as referenced
in Resolution No. 1685,and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance upon
compliance with the conditions of approval, and to make the report and recommendation a part of
the record. White seconded and the motion carried.
PETERSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Z, with clarification that
Councilmember Harmon recused himself from voting on Item V,the Copper Ridge resolution.
Clark seconded and the motion carried.
A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) ,The minutes of the regular Council meeting of
October 19, 2004 were approved.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through September 30 and paid
on September 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 5, 2004 were approved.
Kent City Council Minutes November 2, 2004
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
9/30/04 Wire Transfers 1832-1845 $1,201,279.84
9/30/04 Prepays & 568352 1,822,083.40
9/30/04 Regular 568835 1,827,155.45
&proval of checks issued for pMll for September 16 through September 30 and paid on
October 5, 2004:
Date Check Numbers Amount
10/5/04 Advices 169954-170609 $1,180,897.68
10/5/04 Checks 279726-279976 229,502.32
C. 2005 Annual Budget—Set Date for Second Public Hearing, (CFN-186) November 16,
2004 was set for the second public hearing on the 2005 Annual Budget at the regular City Council
D. 2005-2010 Capital Improvement Plan—Set Date for Second Public Hearing. (CFN-775)
November 16, 2004 was set for the second public hearing on the 2005-2010 Capital Improvement
Plan at the regular City Council meeting.
E. 2004 Tax Levy for 2005 Budget—Set Date for Public Hearing. (CFN-104) November 16,
2004 was set as the public hearing date for the 2004 Tax Levy on the 2005 budget.
F. Third Quarter Parks Development Fee. (CFN-118) The fee-in-lieu funds from developers
in the total amount of$48,000 were accepted and the expenditure of funds in the Clark Lake Park
and East Hill Skate Park budgets was authorized.
G. Eagle Creek Park Proeeeds.grom Sale. (CFN-118) The proceeds from the sale of the
Clasen property for Eagle Creek park in the amount of$141,825.27 were accepted and the
expenditure of funds in the Eagle Creek park development budget was authorized.
H. Dr. Jacob Wagner DouattjM (CFN-118) The $540 in donations from family and friends of
the late Dr. Jacob Wagner to support a family memorial at Clark Lake Park was accepted and the
expenditure of funds in the Clark Lake Park budget was authorized.
I. Washington State Arts Commission Grant. (CFN-l18) The $6,361 grant from the
Washington State Arts Commission(WSAC) for general operating support was accepted and the
expenditure of funds in the Kent Arts Commission's budget was authorized.
J. 2005 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan. (CFN-493) The
proposed Community Development Block Grant 2005 Action Plan, including funding allocations
and contingency plans,was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute the appropriate
certifications and agreements.
Kent City Council Minutes November 2, 2004
K. Clark Lake Management and Master Plan. (CFN-1246) The Clark Lake Management and
Master Plan was accepted.
L. Ordinances Supporting Regulations to 2004 Comprehensive Plan. (CFN-377,131&961)
The following ordinances for supporting regulations to the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update as
recommended by the Planning&Economic Development Committee were adopted: Ordinance
No. 3719 relating to zoning map changes for property more specifically identified in the
ordinance; Ordinance No. 3720 amending Chapter 12.01 to include a notification process for
owners of property located within 500 feet of real property with a land use designation of
Agricultural Resource Land; Ordinance No. 3721 revising the zoning map legend for MR-G from
Garden Density Multifamily to Low Density Multifamily; and Ordinance No. 3722 amending
Chapter 12.02 to include a docketing process for comprehensive plan and development regulation
M. Addendum to Agreement for Fire and Life Safety Services and Joint Operation of
Facilities. (CFN-122) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Addendum to the Agreement for Fire
and Life Safety Services and Joint Operation of Facilities with King County Fire Protection
N. Purchase of One Medium Duty Aid Vehicle. (CFN-122) The purchase of one medium duty
aid vehicle from Pierce Manufacturing was authorized.
O. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution. (CFN-122) Resolution No. 1689 adopting the
City's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted.
P. Department of Education Grant Award. (CFN-122) The Department of Education Grant
Award was accepted.
Q. Release of Waterline Easement to Kent School District. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was
authorized to execute all necessary document(s)required to release any and all City rights in the
waterline easement, as reflected in Exhibit A to the document release form from the Kent School
District upon the receipt of the respective new waterline easements.
R. S. 212th St. Pavement Rehabilitation. (CFN-1054) The South 212t' St. Pavement
Rehabilitation project was accepted as complete and release of the retainage to Western Asphalt,
Inc. upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authonzed.
S. Project Cooperation Agreement With The Department Of The Army Corps Of
Engineers (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Project Cooperation Agreement
with the Army Corps of Engineers for the construction of the Meridian Valley Creek Ecosystem
Restoration project.
T. S. 192nd/Springbrook Creek Culvert Replacement. (CFN-) The South 192°a/Springbrook
Creek Culvert Replacement project was accepted as complete and release of the retamage to Tri-
State Construction upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized.
U. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City
Code Chapter 12.13. (CFN-961&775) November 16, 2004 was set as the date for a public
hearing to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan
Kent City Council Minutes November 2, 2004
and amendment of Chapter 12.13 of the Kent City Code to incorporate the updated Capital
Facilities Plans of the Auburn, Kent and Federal Way School Districts, and to incorporate changes
to adopted school impact fees.
V. Copper Ridge Resolution. (CFN-1293) Resolution No. 1690 sustaining the Kent Hearing
Examiner's May 6, 2004 Decisions on Recommendation was adopted.
W. Deal Rezone Ordinance. (CFN-121) Ordinance No. 3723 relating to land use and zoning,
rezoning approximately 1.07 acres of property located at 302 Summit Avenue North from Duplex,
Multifamily Residential District(MR-D)to Multifamily Residential Townhouse District
(MR-T16)was adopted.
X. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for"Drive Hammered Get Nailed"
Campaign. (CFN-122) Application for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for
"Drive Hammered Get Nailed"campaign was authorized.
Y. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for Holidav DUI Enforcement Campaign.
(CFN-122) Application for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant for holiday DUI
enforcement campaign was authorized.
Z. Land Use And Planning Board Appointment. (CFN-174) The Mayor's appointment of
Ms. Dana Ralph to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was confirmed.
A. Critical AEeas Ordinance. (CFN-961) Following a public hearing before the Land Use and
Planning Board,the Planning Committee has recommended approval of the proposed changes to
the critical areas regulations. Staff described the changes and answered questions from
Councilmembers. PETERSON MOVED to send this matter to the November 15, 2004,Planning
and Economic Development Committee for further work and to bring it to full Council on
November 16, 2004. White seconded and the motion carried.
Public Works. (CFN-198) White noted that the next meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. on
November 15th.
Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Clark noted that the next
meeting will be on November 15 at 4:00 p.m.
At 8:02 p.m. Martin reminded Councilmembers of an executive session of approximately ten
minutes, and the regular meeting recessed.
At 8:16 p.m. the meeting reconvened and PETERSON MOVED to adjourn. White seconded and
the motion carried.
Brenda Jacober, CVIC
City Clerk