HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/01/2004 KENT Kent City Council Meeting
WASHINGTON June 1,2004
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by Mayor White.
Councilmembers present: Clark,Harmon,Peterson Ranniger,Raplee, Thomas and White.
A. From Council.Administration.or Staff. (CFN-198) Consent Calendar Items F and L
were removed for discussion. Bid Items B and C,Pacific Highway South Storm Drainage
Improvements and Pump station 5 Generator Upgrade were removed from the agenda.
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) The Saturday Market was added as Continued
Communications Item I IA at the request of Bob O'Brien.
A. King Countv Library Presentation. (CFN-198) Judge Richard Eadie, Chair of the King
County Library Board, gave a brief presentation regarding the upcoming library election.
B. Public Works Washington Quality Award. (CFN-155) Larry Blanchard, Public Works
Operations Manager, explained the award and the criteria it is based on.
C. Fire Department Accreditation Recommendation. (CFN-122) Chief Schneider explained
the program and results of going through it.
D. Emvlovee of the Month Presentation. (CFN-147) Mayor White announced that Darrell
Hammack,Jeff Veach and Robert Westby,the Housing and Human Services Repair Crew, have
been named Employee of the Month.
E. Municipal League Employee of the Year. (CFN-147) Mayor White noted that Police Chief
Ed Crawford was selected as the Municipal League's Employee of the Year.
PETERSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through R, with the exception of
Items F and L which were removed from the Consent Calendar. Clark seconded and the motion
A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 18,
2004 were approved.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through May 14 and paid on
May 14 after auditing by the Operations Committee on May 18,2004 was approved.
Kent City Council Minutes June 1,2004
Approval of checks issued fbr vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/14/04 Wire Transfers 1699-1714 $1,306,191.45
5114104 Prepays & 562762 819,819.44
5/14/04 Regular 563307 832,127.25
C. 105 Buildine Lone Term Lease with Burlington Northern Railroad. (CFN-171)
Resolution No. 1677 requesting the support and cooperation of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Railway Company in extending a long-term lease for the 105 Building was adopted.
D. Criminal Codes. (CFN-122) Ordinance No. 3692 amending Ch. 9.02 of the Kent City Code
to update the reference to various criminal state laws in the Revised Code of Washington and to
adopt three additional laws by reference relating to sex offender registration, the duties of trustees
in lawsuits, and cyber stalking was adopted.
E. Recreational Vessel Regulations RCW Amendments. (CFN-122) Ordinance No. 3693
declaring an emergency and revising Chapter 4.06 of the Kent City Code relating to recreational
vessel regulations was adopted.
F. Fireworks. (CFN-122) The proposed resolution resolves to educate the public regarding the
dangers of fireworks, direct the police to aggressively enforce the City's fireworks ordinance,
encourage the public's responsible use of fireworks, and establish an amnesty policy for the public
to turn in illegal fireworks.
Police Chief Crawford explained the education and enforcement programs, and Fire Marshall John
Napier explained the amnesty program. RANNIGER MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1678.
Peterson seconded and the motion carried.
G. S. 228th Street Extension—Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board Grant.
(CFN-1269) The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement with the Washington State
Department of Transportation Highways and Local Programs Office to accept$2,000,000 from the
Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board(FMSIB), to establish a budget for these monies
within the South 229' Street project fund, and to authorize spending accordingly.
H. S.228th Street Extension—Public Works Trust Fund Loan. (CFN-1269) The Mayor was
authorized to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement for the construction of the South
228`h Street Extension, in the amount of$10,000,000, authorize staff to accept the money and
establish a budget for the same and set the 20-year repayment schedule beginning July 1, 2005.
I. Soos Creek Water and Sewer Interlocal Agreement Reeardine Meridian Valley Creek
Realignment. (CFN-470) The Mayor was authorized to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Soos
Creek Water &Sewer District regarding the Meridian Valley Creek Realignment Project.
Kent City Council Minutes June 1,2004
J. Millennium Elementary School Latecomers Agreement (CFN-485) The Public Works
Director was authorized to execute a Sanitary Sewer Latecomer Agreement with the Kent School
District for the Millennium Elementary School Sewer Extension.
K. Cable Television Conduits,Street Crossing and Mainline Distribution Conduits
Ordinance. (CFN-274) Ordinance No. 3694 amending Section 7.10.040 of the Kent City Code
regarding the installation of cable television conduits for street crossings and mainline distribution
was adopted.
L. 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update. (CFN-377) The Planning and Economic Development
Committee has recommended approval of Kent's 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update. Harmon
expressed concern about policies TR-5.6 and LU-9.1. He suggested that Planning staff review
TR-5.6 regarding cul-de-sacs and the cut-through problem for flexibility, and questioned whether
fewer than four units could be built under LU-9.1. Community Development Director Satterstrom
addressed the issues,and after discussion by Councilmembers,HARMON MOVED that Policy
TR-5.6 be remanded back to staff for further review and brought to the Planning Committee as
soon as possible. Ranniger seconded. It was clarified that only that policy is to go back to staff.
Motion carried with Clark opposed. HARMON MOVED to direct staff to re-evaluate Policy
LU-9.1 and bring it back to Council through the committee process. Peterson seconded. Motion
carried. CLARK MOVED to table the Comp Plan for 2004 to the July 6, 2004 Council meeting
and take it through the Planning Committee prior to that. Harmon seconded. Motion carried.
M. Burrows Replat. (CFN-1290) The Final Plat Mylar for the Burrows Re-plat was approved
and the Mayor was authorized to sign the mylar.
N. Washington State Department of Natural Resources Grant for Glenn Nelson Park Forest
Plan Planting. (CFN-118) The$3,530.00 grant was accepted,the Mayor was authorized to enter
into an agreement with Washington State Department of Natural Resources(DNR), and the
expenditure of funds for the Glenn Nelson Park Forest Planting Project was approved.
O. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant for Kent Memorial Park.
(CFN-118) The$25,000.00 grant was accepted,the Mayor was authorized to enter into an
agreement with the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, and expenditure of funds for
improvements to Field No. 1 at Kent Memorial Park was approved.
P. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant for Glenn Nelson Improvements.
(CFN-118) The$56,624.00 grant was accepted,the Mayor was authorized to enter into an
agreement with the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, and expenditure of funds for
improvements to Glenn Nelson Park was approved.
Q. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant for Uplands Plavfield
Maintenance. (CFN-118) The$25,000.00 grant was accepted,the Mayor was authorized to
enter into an agreement with the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, and the
expenditure of funds for improvements to Uplands Playfield was approved.
Kent City Council Minutes June 1, 2004
R. Grant Application for East Hill Skate Park Development. (CFN-118) Ordinance No. 1679
authorizing application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation(IAC)in pursuit of
funding additional development at East Hill Skate Park was adopted.
A. Kent Golf Par 3 Clubhouse Roof. (CFN-118) The bid opening was held on May 19,2004
with five(5)bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by Wayne's Roofing in the
amount of$28,480.00, including tax. The Parks Director recommends that the Mayor be
authorized to enter into an agreement with Wayne's Roofing in the amount of$28,480.00 to
complete the roofing project at the Par 3 Clubhouse at the Riverbend Golf Complex. PETERSON
SO MOVED, Clark seconded and the motion carried.
B. Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvements. (CFN-470) The Public Works Director
recommends that the motion to authorize the Mayor be authorized to sign the construction contract
for the Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvement project to the lowest responsive bidder. The
projected is estimated to be below $587,000.00. WHITE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter
into a contract to award the Upper Meridian Valley Creek Improvements to the selected lowest
responsive and responsible bidder at the bid re-opening on June 4,2004,provided the response bid
is less than$587,000.00. Clark seconded and the motion carried.
A. Council President. (CFN-198) Peterson announced that Councilmember Raplee has been
appointed as the Council representative to the Human Services Commission.
D. Public Works. (CFN-198) White announced that the next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m.
on June 7th.
E. Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Clark noted that the June
21st meeting has been cancelled and that there will be a special meeting on June 14th at 4:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.
A. Saturday Market. (CFN-198) Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, suggested selling the
Saturday Market Barn and getting it on the tax rolls. Wickstrom noted that staff has gone through
the list of properties previously supplied by Mr. O'Brien and that although most of the property is
wetlands, plats, impoundment sites, detention sites and so forth,they are looking at several further.
HARMON MOVED to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Thomas seconded and the motion carried.
Brenda Jacober, C
City Clerk