HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/18/2003 • KEN T Kent City Council Meeting W A S+M I N O T O N November 18, 2003 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present: Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White, Woods and Yingling. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO AGENDA A. From Council,Administration or Staff. (CFN-198) Executive Session was added by Martin. Consent Calendar Item R was removed by Councilmember Peterson. B. From the Public. CFN-198 Continued Communication Items A B and C were added at the request of citizens. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Mavor's 2004 Budget Presentation. (CFN-198) Mayor White gave his annual budget presentation, noting that the 2004 budget brings the city staff per capital ratio to its lowest point in decades,protects public safety and other important services, and acknowledges the devastating effect of the recession and Initiative 776. B. Economic Development Update. (CFN-198) Nathan Torgelson presented the monthly update of economic development in the city. C. Introduction of Appointees. (CFN-198) Mayor White introduced Dr.Natalie Ellington,his • appointee to the Independent Salary Commission, and noted that Jay Thornton is his re-appointee to the Kent Arts Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS CD A. 2004 Annual Budget(Second Hearing). (CFN-186) This date has been set for the second hearing on the 2004 budget. w � �U. B. Capital Improvement Plan 2004-2009 (Second Hearing). (CFN-775) This is the second and final public hearing on the 2004-2009 Capital Improvement Plan. The Capital Improvement ' U— Plan includes all capital expenditures for the next six years as described in the Comprehensive aCD Plan and is updated and incorporated into the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive VW Plan on an annual basis. W F-- C. 2003 Tax Lew for 2004 Budget. (CFN-104) This date has been set for the public hearing on �O Z the 2003 Tax Levy for the 2004 Budget. U CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A though S, with the exception of Item R which was removed from the agenda by Councilmember Peterson. Orr seconded and the motion carried. A. Approval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular meeting of November 4, 2003, were approved. B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Payment of the bills received through October 31 and paid on October 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 4, 2003 were approved. 1 Kent City Council Minutes November 18, 2003 Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/31/03 Wire Transfers 1535-1548 $ 993,541.79 10/31/03 Prepays & 554825 983,113.08 10/31/03 Regular 555549 2,742,242.46 $4,718,897.33 C. Government Relations Services Contract. (CFN-1216) The 2003 Government Affairs contract with Doug Levy of Outcomes by Levy was approved. D. Resolutions Authorizing Three Applications to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grants. (CFN-118) Resolution Nos. 1658, 1659, and 1660, which authorize the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Director to make formal application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for funding assistance to make facility improvements at Glenn Nelson Park and to assist in financing the cost of facility maintenance at Kent Memorial Park and Uplands Playfield were adopted. E. Linda Johnson Memorial Donation. (CFN-104) $1,600.00 from the Kent Downtown Partnership for a memorial bench to honor Linda Johnson, a former president of the Kent Downtown Partnership and a civic leader who devoted much of her life to the betterment and improvement of downtown Kent was accepted. F. Sale of Properties at Meadow Ridee Short Plat. (CFN-239) The Public Works Director was authorized to commence procedures to sell the properties at the southeast quadrant of S.E. 274`h Street and 108t'Avenue S.E. G. Washington State Department of Transportation Participation Agreement for Pacific Highway North Phase. (CFN-1271) The Mayor was authorized to sign a Participation Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation in the amount of$77,000 for the design of the North Phase Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Asphalt Concrete Overlay upon approval by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney, and to establish a budget. H. Interlocal Agreement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. (CFN-1038) The Mayor was authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District for provision of water and sewer service by the District within the City subject to the Public Works Director's and the City Attorney's approval. I. Boeing and Mill Creek Improvements. (CFN-1038) The Boeing&Mill Creek Improvements Project was accepted as complete and release of the retainage to SCI Infrastructure, LLC, upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized. J. 2003 Traffic Striping Project . (CFN-1282) The 2003 Traffic Striping project was accepted as complete and release of the retainage to Stripe Rite, Inc., upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens was authorized. K. COPS Homeland Security Grant. (CFN-122) The COPS Homeland Security Overtime Program grant award in the amount of$51,252 for the Kent Police Department was accepted, and 2 Kent City Council Minutes November 18, 2003 establishment of budget documents for additional overtime for officers working in activities focused on homeland security and violent and drug-related crimes was authorized. L. Consolidated Food Services Contract. (CFN-122) The contract with Consolidated Food Management for the period of l/1/2004 through 12/31/2004, without going out to contract bid, was authorized. M. Target Grant For DVD Camera. (CFN-122) The grant award from Target in the amount of $1,375 to purchase audio/video equipment was accepted. N. King County Public Health Youth Conference Grant. (CFN-122) The Public Health— Seattle &King County mini-grant in the amount of$4,000 to support the 2003 Youth Conference sponsored by the Kent Police Department was accepted, and establishment of budget documents was authorized. O. King County Youth Conference Grant. (CFN-122) The King County mini-grant in the amount of$1,200 to support the 2003 Youth Conference sponsored by the Kent Police Department was accepted, and establishment of budget documents was authorized. P. Occupational Health Services(OHS) Contract Extension. (CFN-122) The "Addendum Five and Extension to Contract for Services"with Occupational Health Services for the period from January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004 for certain required medical services to the inmates of City of Kent Corrections Facility was approved. Q. Reappointment to Kent Arts Commission. (CFN-839) The Mayor's re-appointment of Jay Thornton to continue serving as a member of the Kent Arts Commission and lus new appointment will continue until 10/31/2007 was confirmed. S. Appointment to Independent Salary Commission. (CFN-1274) The Mayor's appointment of Dr. Natalie E. Ellington to serve as a member of the Independent Salary Commission was confirmed. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2003 Annual Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning May Amendments. (CFN377&131) At the Land Use and Planning Board's public hearing on October 27, 2003, they recommended approval of the Cofield request for higher density residential, and denial of the Lotto and City of Kent Parks Department requests for changes from residential to commercial. Bill Osborne of the Planning Services Office noted receipt of correspondence from Barghausen Consulting Engineers regarding the Lotto amendment and from Marlene Kelly regarding both the Lotto and Parks amendments. WOODS MOVED to make the letters part of the public record. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. Osborne explained the three proposals and the criteria used in making the recommendations. He concluded by noting that staff recommends conditional approval of the Cofield proposal, denial of the Lotto proposal, and approval of the Parks proposal. ORR MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation of approval of the Cofield Amendment with the condition that approval is contingent upon completion and recording of storm water and open space tracts on the subject site with the City of Kent. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 3 Kent City Council Minutes November 18, 2003 ORR MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation of denial of the Lotto Amendment. Woods seconded. After brief comments from White and Yingling, the motion carried with White opposed. Later in the meeting, Eric LaBrie of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, stated that he had described their proposal regarding the Lotto property at the Land Use and Planning Board meeting, and reiterated their willingness to work with the City as to size. ORR MOVED to modify the Land Use and Planning Board recommendation of denial of the City of Kent Parks Department Amendment, and approve the requested zoning change subject to the following conditions: 1. that if the private individual who proposed to develop a senior oriented park and asked for a few months to do so is able to demonstrate that that will happen and that the park will be owned and operated by that private entity and remain a public park in perpetuity by no later than March 15, 2004, the property zoning would not change, it would remain single family; and 2. that if that proposal fails, the zoning change would be granted effective March 16, 2004. Woods seconded. Orr explained the reasons for her motion, noting that if opposition to the original plan becomes such that the City is unable to do that, the second condition would provide citizens the best possible return for their investment. Clark offered a friendly amendment that if there were an alternative park project, it would be subject to a Council vote. Orr and Woods agreed. After a lengthy discussion by Council members involving rezoning, funding, alternative sites, deadlines and so forth, the following people spoke in opposition to rezoning the Parks property and building a skate park there: Elizabeth Page, 24121 116th Avenue SE, Apt 122; Pierre Travis, 11305 SE Kent Kangley Road; Harold Armstrong, 24121 116th Avenue SE,Apt 201; Russ Hanscom, 24121 116d'Avenue SE; Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle St.; Ted Nixon, 911 E. Temperance St.;Ted Kogita, 22527 Reith Road; George Hutchison, 11224 SE 320`h St., Auburn; Steven Yates, owner of Arbor Village; Martin Plys, 3004 S. 256; Ann Larson, 24509 128th Place SE. Eric LaBrie of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, 18215 72"d Avenue South,pointed out that this item could be remanded to the Hearing Examiner. After further discussion by Council members, upon a roll call vote, Orr's motion to modify the recommendation of denial of the City of Kent Parks Department Amendment subject to three conditions passed with Clark, Epperly, Orr and Woods in favor, and Peterson, White and Yingling opposed. REPORTS G. Administrative Reports. (CFN-198) Martin stated that the Executive Session relating to property disposition will last approximately ten minutes and that no action afterward is expected. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. Kent Station. (CFN-171) Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle St., urged the Council to move forward on a contract with the developer. 4 Kent City Council Minutes November 18, 2003 B. Independent Salary Commission. (CFN-1274) Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, questioned the residence of the last appointee to the Commission. Mayor White responded with the information. C. City Property. (CFN-239) Martin Plys, 3004 S. 256, suggested selling the Borden Property and the Kent Market, in light of budget problems. EXECUTIVE SESSION (CFN-198) The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m., and reconvened at 9:25 p.m. ADJOURNMENT (CFN-198) At 9:25 p.m., WOODS MOVED to adjourn. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, C C City Clerk 5