HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/01/2002 • KEN ON WASHINGTON Kent, Washington October 1, 2002 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present : Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White, Woods, and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Brubaker, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Schneider, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Community Development Director Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approxi- mately 150 people were in attendance. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Consent Calendar Item J, Kingsley Glen Final Plat, was removed from the agenda. Continued Communications Items A, B and C regarding pool closure, golf course and crime, were added at the request of Mark Prothero, Bob O' Brien and Chuck Hohner. (CFN-198) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Jim "Wally" Waltrip, Firefighter, Fire Station #73, has been chosen as October Employee of the Month. He noted that he consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty - not only as a professional firefighter but also as a counselor to many. He said Jim maintains a positive outlook, attitude and associated mannerisms that are in line with the Kent Cares philosophy and participates in off-duty efforts such as Public Education (Firestoppers, CERT, and First-Aid) . Chief Schneider accepted the Employee of the Month plaque and expressed thanks on behalf of Firefighter Waltrip. (CFN-147) Fire Prevention Week. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that fire kills 3, 500 to 4, 000 people in the United States each year and that taking simple safety precautions, such as identifying and removing everyday home fire hazards, can prevent the majority of home fires and home fire deaths . He proclaimed the week of October 6-12, 2002 as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Kent and called upon the residents of Kent to "Team Up for Fire Safety" by participating in fire prevention activities at home, work, and school and taking steps needed to keep their homes and families safe from fire. Lt . Pat Pawlak accepted the proclamation and encouraged citizens to check their smoke alarms, do a home hazard hunt, and develop an escape plan. (CFN-155) 1 Kent City Council Minutes October 1 , 2002 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Make a Difference Day. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that for the past seven years the City of Kent joined the millions of volunteers throughout the nation on the annual Make a Difference Day to improve the quality of the parks in Kent and proclaimed October 26, 2002 as Make a Difference Day in the City of Kent . He encouraged all citizens to recognize the importance of this observance by volunteering their time to help "Make a Difference" in the community. Parks Director Hodgson invited citizens to help at Clark Lake or the Green River Trail that day. (CFN-155) Introduction of Appointees. The Mayor introduced Joyce Drake, Roberto Gonzales and Ahmed Egal, his appointees and re-appointees to the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. (CFN-198) CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through P, with the exception of Item J, and including the correction to Item C. Clark seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) (CFN-198) Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 17, 2002 . STREET VACATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) (CFN-102) Street Vacation, Thompson Street, Resolution Setting Public Hearing Date for November 5, 2002 . Passage of Resolution No. 1628 setting the public hearing on the Thompson Street vacation petition for November 5, 2002 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) (CFN-102) Temperance Street Vacation. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3620 vacating a portion of Temperance Street lying east of 4th Avenue, as approved by Council without conditions on September 17, 2002 . 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) (CFN-146) Public works & Improvement Projects Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3618, amending section 3 . 70 . 050 of the Kent City Code to raise the minimum bid amount requiring Council authorization for public works contracts from $35, 000 to $50, 000 . The State Legislature revised certain First Class City public works bid requirements by raising the maximum cost for allowing a First Class City' s own staff to make public works improvement from $35, 000 to $50, 000 . Traditionally, the City Council has paralleled this standard by requiring Council authorization only for public works contracts that exceed this contract amount . This proposed ordinance revises the Kent City Code to align with these bidding standards. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) (CFN-1084) King County Green River Natural Resources Area Lagoon Island Reforestation Grant Agreement. As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization for the Mayor to sign the Green River Natural Resources Area Lagoon Island Reforestation Grant Agreement, to direct staff to accept the grant funding ($10, 000) along with establish- ing a budget for same, and to spend said monies on the project . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) (CFN-164) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Set October 15th as the Public Hearing date on the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (2003-2008) , as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) (CFN-1038) Fernando Panlasigui Short Plat Water System Easement. Authorize the Mayor to convey a new easement with the revised language for an existing well on the city' s wetland mitigation site, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The revised language shall conform to the Seattle/King County Health Department' s standards and shall be subject to concurrence by the Public Works Director. 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 1 , 2002 PUBLIC WORKS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) (CFN-1038) King County Sewer Utility Easement. The Public Works Committee has recommended that the Mayor be authorized to convey a Sewer Utility Easement to King County for their South Interceptor Parallel, Phase III project, over, upon, and under city property located in the vicinity of 80th Avenue South and 80th Place South. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to convey a Sewer Utility Easement to King County for their South Interceptor Parallel, Phase III project . Woods seconded and the motion carried. LID 353 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) (CFN-1269) LID 353, S 228th Street Corridor, Formation Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3619, ordering the construction of the South 228th Street extension, establishing Local Improvement District ("LID" ) 353 , and providing for the issuance and sale of LID warrants . LID 354 (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) (CFN-1241) LID 354, Meeker Street Widening and Washington Avenue HOV Lanes. This date has been set for the public hearing on confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 354 . The City has determined that certain properties are specially benefited by these road improvements and has proposed to proportionately assess these properties in accord with those special benefits . Because the proposed final assessment roll affects specific, individual property owners, the Council sits in a quasi-judicial capacity as a board of equalization for the matter. Public Works Director Wickstrom explained the history of the project and displayed a map of the area. He ex- plained the cost and outlined the improvements which were made . He then explained the method of assessment, the method of payment, and benefits of the project . Wickstrom added that 69% of the LID are encumbered with agreements to either build their frontage improvements as part of their developments or support this LID, and pointed out that the improvements were part of the development . He also noted that a protest has been received from Burger King, and that it is related to 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 LID 354 traffic, the loss of business and construction, rather than to the assessment . Upon Peterson' s question, Brubaker explained that a property owner could file a claim against the City for loss of business income, however they typically would not be compensated for that kind of loss . WOODS MOVED to make Wickstrom' s memo a part of the record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to make the letter from Burger King part of the record. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. After the City Attorney explained the quasi-judicial process and Council members noted that they have had no discussions with any property owners affected by this LID, Mayor White opened the public hearing. Brian Park, 13906 SW. 216th, Vashon Island, representing two adjacent property owners, Park Court Apartments and Green River Court Apartment, Assessments 25 and 26, said the LID is not viewed as an enhancement of value by Green River Court Apartments. He submitted and explained a traffic impact analysis and trip generation study, and stated that the impacts of these affordable senior housing projects are minimal . He said he does not con- sider the assessments fair and urged the Council to reduce them. There were no further comments from the audience and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to make Mr. Park' s study a part of the record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3616 confirming the final assessment roll for LID 354 . Woods seconded. Upon questions from Council members, Wickstrom explained that the assessments are based on square footage of the pro- perty rather than on trip generation, and that the properties Mr. Park is referring to had a commitment to make the frontage improvement in conjunction with the development . He noted that giving up property for the right-of-way without compensation was part of Green River Court Apartments ' development . Mr. Park emphasized that his concern is with the fairness of the assessments, and 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 LID 354 asked how the amounts were determined. Wickstrom explained the three levels of assessments and what the property owner is being assessed for. He noted that the property owner would have had to pay much more if he 'd made the improvements himself . Yingling opined that trip generation should be a part of the calculation, but Wickstrom said the issue is zoning. The City Attorney explained that 15 days after the effective date of the ordinance, an appeal could be filed to Superior Court . Epperly spoke in opposition, noting that the housing complex' s assessments are similar to the retail establishment ' s assessment, but that the housing complexes do not benefit from the improvements. White opined that the fact that these properties do not have access to Meeker Street should be taken into account . Peterson and Woods agreed that the issue is fairness and that the method of assessment used is fair. Wickstrom answered questions regarding access, Brubaker explained possible actions, and Clark withdrew his motion in order to allow a motion regarding other alternatives . WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3616 confirming the final assessment roll . Clark seconded and the motion carried 5-2 with White and Epperly opposed. BUILDING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) (CFN-205) Building Code Appeals Amendment Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3622 , that amends section 14 . 01 . 080 of the Kent City Code, regarding appeals of building code decisions to provide for a limitation period on filing an appeal and criteria for whom may file an appeal . PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) (CFN-118) Cingular Wireless Cell Tower at Lake Fenwick Lease. Authorization for the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Cingular Wireless to lease property for cellular antennas atop poles at West Fenwick Park for a compensa- tion of $1, 250 . 00 per month, which would go into the light pole replacement budget, based upon review and approval by the Legal Department and the Parks Director. 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Cingular Wireless proposes to lease approximately 216 square feet (18' X 12 ' ) from the Parks department adja- cent to an existing Puget Sound Energy (PSE) utility pole. Pending approval from PSE, Cingular would replace the 40 ft existing PSE utility pole with a 90 ft pole and attach antennas atop the new pole . (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (CFN-118) Van Doren' s Park Deed Conveyance. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director has recommended adoption of a resolution to accept the deed for 84% of Van Doren' s Park from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Since 1984, the City of Kent has developed and maintained Van Doren' s Park under an interagency agreement for a forty year term. Lori Flemm of the Parks Department explained the history of this issue. WOODS MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1629 to accept the deed for 84% of Van Doren' s Park from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Peterson seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) (CFN-118) Old Fishing Hole Deed Conveyance. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director has recommended adoption of a resolution to accept the deed for 100% of the Old Fishing Hole from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Since 1984 , the City of Kent has developed and maintained the Old Fishing Hole under an interagency agreement for a forty year term. Lori Flemm of the Parks Department explained the history of this issue. WOODS MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1630 to accept the deed for 100% of the Old Fishing Hole from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Orr seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 8A) (CFN-1199) Re-Bid Employee Services Tenant Improvements. The bid opening for this project was held on September 20, 2002 , with seven (7) bids received. The low bid was submitted by Mayer Construction in the amount of $136, 808 . 00 . The Engineer' s estimate was $140, 000 . 00 . 7 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES The Parks Director recommends awarding the Employee Services Tenant Improvement project to Mayer Construction for $136, 808 . 00, plus Washington State Sales Tax. Parks Director Hodgson noted that this project is part of the seismic improvements . WOODS MOVED that the Employee Services Tenant Improvement project be awarded to Mayer Construction for the bid amount of $136, 808 . 00, plus WSST. Clark seconded and the motion carried. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) (CFN-122) Adoption of RCWs By Reference. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3621, that repeals the current criminal code and adopts a new criminal code, which adopts by reference all misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor sections of the Revised Code of Washington. State law requires municipalities to enforce all misde- meanor and gross misdemeanor violations of criminal law that occur within the limits of a municipality. Section 35A. 12 . 140 of the Revised Code of Washington ("RCW" ) permits the City to adopt by reference sections of the RCW. The City already adopts numerous RCW sections; however, many other state statutes relating to criminal conduct are not adopted in the current criminal code and are, therefore, unenforceable . Replacing the current criminal code with a simplified criminal code that incorporates all RCW criminal code sections by reference would benefit police officers, prosecutors, and court staff . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) (CFN-104) U.S. Bank Contract Extension. Authorization to extend the current contract with U.S . Bank another two years . After responding to the city' s Request for Proposal (RFP) in 1997, U. S. Bank was awarded the contract to provide the City' s banking and safekeeping services . In September of that year, a five-year contract was signed with U. S . Bank. That contract allowed for two-year extensions, upon mutual agreement by both parties . The pricing is negotiable at the time of each extension. 8 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 FINANCE The initial five-year term of the contract expired on September 1, 2002 . A meeting was held with the city' s government banking representative to discuss the pricing for a two-year extension. With the exception of five items, the bank has agreed to leave the pricing as is . Effective January 1, 2003 , the pricing change for those items will result in an increase of slightly less than 1%, approximately $110 per month. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) (CFN-104) Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through September 15, 2002 and paid on September 16, 2002 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 17, 2002 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 09/16/02 Wire Transfers 1256-1265 $1, 156, 267 .26 09/16/02 Prepays & 538430 442, 134 . 07 09/16/02 Regular 539024 1, 757, 521 . 46 $3 , 355, 922 . 79 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16, 2002 through August 31, 2002 and paid on September 5, 2002 . Date Check Numbers Amount 09/05/02 Checks 262923-263248 $ 287, 172 . 89 09/05/02 Advices 134009-134768 1, 128, 603 .47 $1, 145, 776 . 36 APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) (CFN-1127) Appointment/Re-Appointments to Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Ms . Joyce Drake to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. She will replace Ms. Moon Bang and her term will continue until 9/30/2003 . Confirmation of the re-appointment of Mr. Roberto Gonzales and Mr. Ahmed Egal to continue as Board members . Their new terms will continue until September 30, 2005 . 9 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) (CFN-198) Independent Salary Commission Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3617, establishing an independent salary commission to annually review and establish the salaries of City elected officials . The City Attorney clarified that a revised ordinance has been distributed to them which removes two repealed subsections Chapters 2 . 01 . 030 and 2 . 02 . 030, which were inadvertently included. He noted that this has no impact on the agenda item itself . The state Legislature recently passed HB 1084 , which expressly authorizes cities to create independent salary commissions to set elected officials' salaries . REPORTS Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next meeting will be on October 8 at 5 : 00 p.m. (CFN-198) Public Works. Clark noted that the next meeting will be on October 7 at 5 : 00 p.m. (CFN-198) Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be on October 15 at 3 : 00 p.m. (CFN-198) Parks Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be on October 8 at 4 : 00 p.m. (CFN-198) Administrative Reports. Martin announced that an Execute Session is not necessary. He also noted that an audit focusing on internal controls, Kent Station, and the golf course has just been completed and the auditor found the books clean for the third year in a row. (CFN-198) KENT POOL (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) (CFN-198) Kent Pool. Mark Prothero, 12928 SE 246th, swim coach at Kentwood High School, gave the following reasons to keep the Kent Pool open: swimming lessons, which reduces the number of drownings, life guard classes are available, senior citizens stay healthy by swimming, post-surgery patients swim to regain health and strength, aquarobics, family fun, exercise for those with disabilities, and training for competition. He said the Kent Pool is a 10 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 KENT POOL vital asset to the community and urged the City to work with King County to save the pool . Comments were then made by the following citizens : Adrienne Lindblad, 26321 97th Avenue South Mark Vermilion, 22606 97th Avenue South Marlee Prothero, 12918 SE 246th Mackenzie Deutschendorf, 23022 SE 290th, Black Diamond Cindy Marshall, 13709 SE 253rd St . Marcia McCarthy, 14421 SE 270th Shellann Charles Buzzell, 18342 SE 259th Ct . Greg Vermilion, 26818 118th Ct SE Julie Mitchell, 20024 3rd Place SW, Normandy Park Diane Whiteley, 21108 126th Avenue SE Debbie Ranniger, 14606 SE 244th Ryder Farrell Desiree Butts, 25908 179th Pl . SE, Covington Dr. Dan Ranniger, 14606 SE 244th Nancy Bruce, Normandy Park Ron Harmen, P. 0. Box 1384, Kent Robert Corcoran, 23211 127th Avenue SE Jody Mayer, 20518 120th Avenue SE Pauline Bigelow, 25702 119th Avenue SE Jack Woodworth, 615 N. Jason Islama Rasheed, 29620 188th Avenue SE Megan Woodworth. 615 N. Jason Ron Berg, 10122 SE 268th St . Kyle Corcoran, 23211 127th Avenue SE Sarah Wallen, 25418 162nd Place SE Danielle Marshall, 13709 SE 253 St . Bob O'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street The issues and suggestions the speakers mentioned included putting pressure on King County to meet their obligations, using City staff to handle the pools, forming committees to assist the City, involving the school district, and joining forces with neighboring cities . One stated that swimming keeps people off drugs and reduces crime. Several said that swimming is some times the only way students can get a scholarship to attend college. Others endorsed the health benefits of 11 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 KENT POOL swimming and some opined that it is the City' s responsi- bility to pay for the pool . All wanted the pool to remain open. Mayor White thanked those who spoke, and Martin pointed out that the Kent Pool is not the City' s pool to close. He said the City will continue to meet with King County, but emphasized that the City cannot take over the County' s responsibility. He pointed out that this is the most difficult budget the City has faced for many years, that it includes $6-7 million in reductions, and that services such as pools and human services, which were once provided by other jurisdictions, now compete for funds in the budget . Mayor White asked the City Attorney to check into the legal ramifications of King County not living up to their obligations under Forward Thrust, and what legal alternatives are available to the City. The Mayor and Council members expressed appreciation for the input on this issue, urged citizens to contact their County Council members, and noted that staff will attend future meetings on this subject . GOLF COURSE (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11B) Golf Course. Robert O'Brien, 1131 Seattle St . deferred his remarks on the golf course to the next Council meeting. CRIME (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11C) Crime. Chuck Hohner, owner of Jewelry by Hohner on Central Avenue, said crime has increased substantially in the area, and that he has been assaulted and burglarized 18 times over the past two years . He said crime seems to follow low income housing and large apartment complexes, and suggested instituting a no tolerance policy at those places . The Mayor asked the City Attorney to look into such a policy. Peterson, Woods and Orr suggested training complex managers to police their residents and sharing information between complexes. It was agreed that this issue would be heard at a future Public Safety Committee meeting. 12 Kent City Council Minutes October 1, 2002 ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED to adjourn at 9 : 33 p.m. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 13