HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/16/2002 • KEN T Kent, Washington WASXINGTON July 16, 2002 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Woods . Present : Councilmembers Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Brubaker, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Schneider, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, and Assistant Finance Director Hillman. Mayor White was not in attendance . Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Other Business Item 7B was added at the request of Council member Epperly. Martin removed Item 4B from Public Communications . White removed Item 6P from the Consent Calendar. Woods added a Public Communications item introducing an appointee, and Consent Calendar Item 6T confirming the appointment . Continued Communications Item 11A was added at the request of Joe Rubio, Val Ensor noted that she would like to comment on the S. 228th Corridor Noise Abatement Wall , which was added as Continued Communications Item 11B; and Continued Communications Item 11C was added at the request of Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road. (CFN-198) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS National Night Out. Mayor Pro Tem Woods read a pro- clamation noting that it is important that all citizens of the City of Kent know the value of crime prevention programs and the impact that citizen participation can have on reducing crime and drug abuse, and noted that Mayor White has proclaimed August 6, 2002 as National Night Out in the City of Kent She presented the proclamation to Judy Mauhl of the Police Department, who explained the program. Woods noted that most of the Council members will be participating in the program on August 6th. (CFN-155) Introduction of Appointee. Woods noted that the Mayor has appointed Mr. Oleg Pynda to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. (CFN-155) Senior Center. Mayor Pro Tem Woods noted that City staff and many citizens are mourning the loss of three senior citizens who died in a City-sponsored event last weekend. 1 Kent City Council Minutes July 16 , 2002 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Parks Director Hodgson explained that a plane taking them to a fishing trip in Alaska went down and everyone on board was killed. He commended staff members Leah Bishop and Lori Hogan for their professionalism and their caring support of the families, and expressed thanks for the many offers of help from other citizens, staff members and communities . He noted that a memorial will be held on July 31st Woods extended the Councils thoughts to the families, and said these three men touched the lives of many people at the Senior Center. (CFN-198) CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through T, with the exception of Item P. Yingling seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) (CFN-198) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 2 , 2002 . PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) (CFN-1038) King County Flood Control District Interlocal Agreement. Authorization for the Mayor to sign an Interlocal agree- ment which provides for the continued support for the flood hazard reduction, flood warning and emergency response embodied in the Green River Basin program. The term of the agreement is for ten years . The citizens of Kent and the business community have benefited substan- tially from this program by the high level of risk reduction provided. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) (CFN-171) S. 228th Street Corridor Noise Abatement Wall. Authorization to direct staff to include the design and construction of a noise abatement wall in conjunction with the 228th Corridor project , as recommended by Public Works Committee . (BIDS - ITEM 8A) (CFN-1270) 2002 Traffic Striping. The bid opening for this project was held on July 8th with three bids received The low bid was submitted by Stripe Rite, Inc . in the amount of 2 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 PUBLIC WORKS $38, 429 . 50 . The Engineer' s estimate was $45, 961 .40 . The Public Works Director recommends awarding this contract to Stripe Rite, Inc . CLARK MOVED that the 2002 Traffic Striping contract be awarded to Stripe Rite, Inc . for the low bid amount of $38 ,429 50 . Peterson seconded and the motion carried. STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) (CFN-102) Street Vacation, Smith Street and Thompson Street. Passage of Resolution No. 1622 setting a public hearing date of August 20th for the street vacation located along a portion of Smith Street and Thompson Street, as recommended by Public Works Committee . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F (CFN-1172) Microsoft Software Purchases. Authorization for the Mayor to sign purchase agreements necessary to purchase Microsoft Upgrade Advantage licenses from Insight Direct USA and Microsoft Software Assurance licenses from Washington State DIS contract . The need to update the City' s Microsoft software licenses was identified as part of Technology Plan 2002 . Upgrades are planned for both the Office Suite and e-mail systems software . Microsoft has altered purchasing programs and has eliminated a program that allowed purchase of version upgrades at a reduced price This purchase takes advantage of a government open licensing program that expires on July 30th. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) (CFN-1172) Desktop PC Replacement Plan 2002 . Authorization for the Mayor to sign purchase orders for replacement computers, payable to Washington State Department of Information Services, not to exceed $191, 968 . The City PC inventory tracks 632 desktop computers that are eligible for replacement . 3 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Each year the City replaces some of the oldest and slowest computers in the City. This project will replace 150 of the oldest desktop computers in the City. Computers will be purchased from the Washington State D. I . S . contract . LODGING TAX (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) (CFN-1170) Lodging Tax Budget Change and Contract Amendment. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to Contract for Services between the City of Kent and the Kent Chamber of Commerce . At its July 2 , 2002 meeting, the Operations Committee authorized the revised Kent Lodging Tax budget of $57, 530 for the Kent Chamber of Commerce tourism efforts and amended the work plan by adding $7, 530 for a total 2002 budget and contract to reflect the changed scope of work. FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) (CFN-122) Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium Interlocal Agreement Amendment. Authorization for the Mayor to sign Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement Establishing the Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium, extending the current Interlocal Agreement for an additional year. The Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium was established by Interlocal Agreement in the Year 2000 in response to the devastating explosion of the Olympic Pipeline in Bellingham. The current Consortium member- ship includes : Auburn, Bellevue, Bellingham, Bothell , Kent, Redmond, Renton, SeaTac, Seattle, Tumwater, Woodinville, Clark County and Thurston County. The Consortium is now reaching its two year sunset and termination, as provided in the Interlocal Agreement . Paragraph 3 .G on the Interlocal Agreement provides that additional one-year renewals may be approved by agreement of the principals . 4 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) (CFN-118) Parks Fee-In-Lieu of Revenue Budget Transfer. As recommended by the Parks Committee, accept the fee-in- lieu of funds totaling $66, 567 . 00 and amend the appropriate budgets for the following projects 132nd Ave . Neighborhood Park (P68) $ 9, 375 . 00 Clark Lake Park Land Acquisition (P21) $14 , 367 . 00 Service Club Ballfields (P24) $42 , 825 . 00 $66, 567 . 00 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) (CFN-118) King County Youth Sports Facility Grant Application. Authorization to submit the 2002 King County Youth Sports Facility Grant Application, as recommended by the Parks Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) (CFN-146&118) Park/Facility Naming Policy. Passage of Resolution No 1624 , which amends Resolution No. 1049, regarding the policies and procedures for the name of City parks and public facilities . The City finds it appropriate to update the original policy and procedure to further develop the circumstances under which it would be appropriate to name a park, public facility, or feature within a park after a living person (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) (CFN-118) Service Club Ball Field Donation. Accept the $4 , 500 . 00 from the Kent Sunrise Rotary Club and amend the Service Club Ballfield budget, as recommended by the Parks Committee POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) (CFN-122) Public Health Of Seattle and King County Grant. Accept a grant in the amount of $20, 000 . 00 from Public Health of Seattle & King County, and establish budget documents, as required. 5 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 POLICE The funds from this grant will be used by the Kent Youth Board to provide tobacco education and training during the 2002 "Game of Life" youth conference held in December. The grant will also allow the Kent Youth Board to participate in a regional summit next spring. The program period will run from July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 and will include media and public educa- tion activities . The match requirement for this grant will be met with current Drinking Driver Task Force funds . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) (CFN-122) Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Application. Approval to apply for an LLEBG in the amount of $68, 410 Funds from this grant will be used by the Community Education Unit for crime prevention and publication education programs . Funds will also be used for officer training software . The total award amounts to $68 , 410 with a City match of $7, 601 . The grant project total is $76, 011 . The deadline for the application is July 17, 2002 . FIREWORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) (CFN-122) New Years 2002 Fireworks Prohibition Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3609, which amends Ch. 13 . 05 of the Kent City Code to prohibit the sale, purchase, possession or use of consumer fireworks during the 2002/2003 New Years period, from December 27 through December 31, and replaces the term, "common fireworks, " with the term, "consumer fireworks, " in accordance with a newly enacted state law. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) (CFN-122) Permanent New Years Fireworks Prohibition Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3610, which amends Ch. 13 . 05 of the Kent City Code to permanently prohibit the sale, purchase, possession, use and discharge of consumer fireworks from December 27 through December 31 of each year. 6 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 AGRICULTURAL LANDS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) (CFN-131) (REMOVED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WHITE) Agricultural Lands Amendment Ordinance. The Planning Committee has recommended approval of an amended Land Use and Planning Board recommendation for Comprehensive Plan and Zoning map, text , and use amendments in the Agricultural Lands study area. The study area includes lands with a current zoning designation of A-1 , Agricultural, and AG, Agricultural General . The Committee ' s recommendation includes Agricultural Resource Land, Agricultural Support , and low-density Single Family Residential designations . The Committee recommendation is consistent in the southern area with the Board' s recommendation, with the exception that "reserve" lands with development rights previously sold to King County would be designated A-10 . The Committee recommendation for the central and northern areas again designates King County lands as A-10 and designates all other areas SF-1/SR-1 . The Committee also recommends a subsequent comprehensive plan and zoning amendment procedure to provide a clustering provision in areas zoned SR-1 . Details of the Planning Committee ' s motion are included in the staff memorandum of July 10th. ORR MOVED to accept in part and modify in part the Land Use and Planning Board ' s recommendation regarding Agricultural Lands as follows : • for the southern study area to accept the map, text and use recommendations regarding comprehensive plan designations of Agricultural Support and zoning designations of AG, and to modify the recommendation to replace the zoning designation of A-1 on King County PDR program lands with a zoning designation of A-10, • for the central study area to modify the map, text, and use recommendations to change the comprehensive plan and zoning designations to SF-IJSR-1; • for the northern study area to modify the map, text, and use recommendation to replace the zoning designa- tion of A-1 on King County PDR program lands with 7 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 AGRICULTURAL LANDS a zoning designation of A-10 ; and to replace the remaining comprehensive plan and zoning designations with SF-1/SR-1 , • for all study areas, neither a PDR nor a TDR program would be created because the only agricultural resource lands would be those for which King County has already purchased the development right ; • and to conduct a public hearing on August 20 , 2002 , on the limited issue of enacting comprehensive plan and zoning code amendments to add clustering to the SF-1/SR-1 designations for lands in the agricultural study areas . Woods seconded. Orr explained that this recommendation came from the Planning Board. Yingling noted that he is opposed to the motion as he is inclined to move towards an SF-3/SR-3 designation for those property areas designated SF-1/SR-1 in the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was defeated by a vote of 5-2 , with Orr and Woods in favor and Clark, Epperly, Peterson, White and Yingling opposed. WHITE MOVED to accept in part and modify in part the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation regarding Agricultural Lands as follows : • for the southern study area to accept the map, text and use recommendations regarding comprehensive plan designations of Agricultural Support and zoning designations of AG, and to modify the recommendation to replace the zoning designation of A-1 on King County PDR program lands with a zoning designation of A-10 , • for the central study area to modify the map, text, and use • recommendations to change the comprehensive plan and zoning designations to SF-1/SR-1; 8 Kent City Council Minutes July 16, 2002 AGRICULTURAL LANDS • for the northern study area to modify the map, text, and use recommendation as follows : - to replace the zoning designation of A-1 on King County PDR program lands with a zoning designation of A-10; - to adopt SF-3/SR-3 comprehensive plan and zoning designations as designated in Option C; and - to replace the remaining SF-1/SR-1/TDR Receiving Overlay and SF-1/SR-1/Urban Separators with SF-1/SR-1 • for all study areas, neither a PDR nor a TDR program would be created because the only agricultural resource lands would be those for which King County has already purchased the development right . Peterson seconded. White explained that the SF-3 option lessens the City' s legal liability and is the zoning the current land owners have asked for. The City Attorney clarified that this motion refers to the SR-1 lands in the northern study area and does not include clustering. Planning Manager Anderson displayed a map and pointed out the areas which would be affected The motion then carried unanimously. KENT STATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) (CFN-171) Kent Station Planned Action Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No 3608 designating "planned actions" as provided under SEPA and GMA for the Kent Station project The Planned Action Ordinance for Kent Station describes types and amounts of land use development in a specific area of Downtown Kent for which environmental review has been completed. The Ordinance selects Alternative 2 from the environmental document as the Preferred Alternative . Future proposals for development that are consistent with the Planned Action Ordinance will not require a separate environmental evaluation nor be subject to procedural appeals under the State Environmental Policy Act . 9 Kent City Council Minutes July 16 , 2002 APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) (CFN-1127) (ADDED ITEM) Diversity Advisory Board. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Oleg Pynda to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Pynda is employed as Director of the Ukrainian Community Center. He was born in Ukraine and has been a Kent resident for eleven years . Mr. Pynda hopes to serve as liaison between the Ukrainian Community and the City of Kent . He will replace Marya Goy, who resigned, and his term will continue until 9/30/04 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) (CFN-104) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 2 , 2002 Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/02 Wire Transfers 1203-1212 $ 990, 967 18 6/30/02 Prepays & 535098 1, 586, 262 . 61 6/30/02 Regular 535738 1, 959, 395 73 $4, 536 , 625 . 52 Approval of checks issued for payroll for June 1 through June 15 and paid on June 20, 2002 : Date Check Numbers Amount 6/20/02 Checks 261081-261427 $ 268 , 954 . 26 6/20/02 Advices 130320-131006 1, 158 , 372 . 06 $1, 427, 326 .32 Approval of checks issued for payroll for June 16 through June 30 and paid on July 5 , 2002 . Date Check Numbers Amount 7/5/02 Checks 261428-261818 $ 278, 468 . 19 7/5/02 Advices 131007-131755 1, 105, 496 13 $1 , 383 , 964 . 32 10 Kent City Council Minutes July 16 , 2002 FINANCE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) (CFN-104) Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds 2002 Ordinance and Bond Purchase Contract. The City Council has recommended approval of the 2002 LTGO Bond Ordinance and authoriza- tion for the Mayor to sign the Bond Purchase Contract with Lehman Brothers . John Hillman, Assistant Finance Director, introduced Dick King of Lehman Brothers, who reviewed the bond issue and purchase contract . King noted that the City has a bond rating from Moodys of Al and of AA- from Standard & Poore ' s . He announced that the interest rate is just under 4 . 7% . YINGLING MOVED to adopt 2002 LTGO Bond Ordinance No. 3607 and to authorize the Mayor to sign the Bond Purchase Contract with Lehman Brothers . Orr seconded and the motion carried COUNCIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (CFN-198) King County Council. Epperly explained that Kent Pullen and David Irons brought forth a charter amendment which would downsize the King County Council from 13 members to 9 members . She read a resolution in support of the amendment, and MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1623 . White seconded Yingling expressed concern that Kent residents are properly represented on the County Council , and Orr pointed out that it is important that the voters have an opportunity to speak. The motion then carried. Woods opined that the County Council positions should be non-partisan positions REPORTS Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be held at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 17 . (CFN-198) REFERENDUM 51 (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) (CFN-198) Referendum 51. Joe Rubio, 3831 S 248th, outlined some unfinished transportation issues and other high cost projects and asked the Council to consider not supporting Referendum 51 or any proposal which does not include at least performance measures and performance audits, and 11 Kent City Council Minutes July 16 , 2002 REFERENDUM 51 demands that the programs be accountable to the tax payers . Yingling agreed that performance measures and audits should be included S . 228th STREET CORRIDOR (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11B) (CFN-171) S. 228th Street Corridor Noise Abatement wall. Val Ensor, resident of The Lakes , spoke in favor of the noise abatement wall . Peterson noted that additional design work and input will occur before the wall is built . PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11C) (CFN-118) Performing Arts Center. Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, noted that at the Operations Committee meeting of June 4 , 2002 , an expense of $2 , 230 , 640 was shown under Other Kent Station Related Projects for Performing Arts Land Interest Expense . Martin explained that when the Performing Arts bond measure failed, the property was no longer eligible for tax exempt status for bonding measures, and that the tax exempt status was being moved somewhere else . He noted that the property was only being identified as the potential site, and said there was no money anywhere in the Kent Station budget for a performing arts manager or anything like that . Upon Yingling ' s request, Martin agreed to clarify that this is a designation for the property before the bond failed so that there is no confusion in the future. ADJOURNMENT PETERSON MOVED to ad3ourn at 7 : 52 p.m. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober,qa-e—� C City Clerk 12