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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/05/2002 Kent, Washington March 5, 2002 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White, Woods, and Yingling. Others present Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Brubaker, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Community Development Director Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Consent Calendar Item 6I , Appointments, was added at the request of Mayor White . Continued Communications Item 11A regarding Riverbend Golf Course was added at the request of Robert O 'Brien. (CFN-198) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that the Employee of the Month for March is Dave Everett, Fund Development Coordinator in the Parks Department . He noted that after nearly thirty years in the Kent Police Department, Everett joined the Parks Department in June 2001 . He explained that Dave has worked tirelessly soliciting funds and implementing parks and recreation programs . Parks Director Hodgson added that Everett has been a stand out employee in the City for many years and offered his thanks and congratulations . Everett said that the stronger the Parks Department is, the less money will have to be spent on corrections centers and justice centers . He expressed appreciation for the opportunity to work in the Parks Department . (CFN-147) CONSENT CALENDAR CLARK MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through I . Woods seconded and the motion carried MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GA) (CFN-198) Approval of Minutes Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 19, 2002 BILL OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) (CFN-484) Swan Court Division III Bill of Sale. Accept the Bill of Sale for Swan Court Division III submitted by Dreamcraft 1 Kent City Council Minutes March 5 , 2002 BILL OF SALE Homes for continuous operation and maintenance of 134 feet of sanitary sewers and 165 feet of storm sewers, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Bonds are to be released after the one-year maintenance period. This project is located at 11405 SE 240th Street . ENERGY AUDIT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) (CFN-120) Energy Audit Agreement. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Washington State Department of General Administration to complete an audit of conservation measures throughout the city for a cost of $43 , 622 . 00, as recommended by the Parks Director. Quantum Engineering has been selected as the Energy Services Company. CORRECTIONS FACILITY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) (CFN-120&122) Corrections Facility Structural Report. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Staaleson Engineering to conduct further structural analysis on the Corrections Facility and prepare a report for an amount not to exceed $26, 550 . 00, as recommended by the Parks Director. As a result of the Nisqually earthquake on February 28, 2001 , Staaleson Engineering was hired to prepare a pre- liminary evaluation of structural issues at the Corrections Facility. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) (CFN-122) Appointments. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Council Member Leona Orr to the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force and Council Member Julie Peterson to the LEOFF 1 Disability Board. PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) (CFN-120) Russell Road Maintenance Security. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Honeywell in the amount of $32 , 150 . 00 for added security at the maintenance facility located at 5821 South 240th, as recommended by the Parks Director. 2 Kent City Council Minutes March 5, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (BIDS - ITEM 8A) (CFN-118) East Hill Youth Sports Complex. The bid opening for this project was held on February 28 , 2002 , with seven bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by Stan Palmer Construction in the amount of $3 , 572 , 000 . 00 . The Engineer ' s estimate was $3 , 600, 000 . 00 . The Parks Director recommends awarding the contract to Stan Palmer Construction. The City Attorney noted that a protest was received this afternoon from the third lowest bidder. He explained that the protest was reviewed and it was determined that valid legal issues were not raised. Parks Director Hodgson explained the project, noting that due to a new type of turf, this facility at 132nd and 248th will be usable year around WOODS MOVED to award the East Hill Youth Sports Project to Stan Palmer Construction in the amount of $3 , 572 , 000 . 00 , plus Washington State Sales Tax and to establish a budget for the project and declare intent to bond for a portion of the funds Epperly seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) (CFN-1065) Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, and to establish a budget for same, as recommended by the Planning Committee . PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) (CFN-1267) Willow Point (aka Blueberry Farm) Final Plat. Approval of the Willow Point Final Subdivision #FSU-96-9 (KIVA #2011532) and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. The final plat application for the Willow Point Final Subdivision was submitted by Paul V. Hanson Inc . The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on February 3 , 1997 . The City Council approved the preliminary plat on March 4 , 1997 . 3 Kent City Council Minutes March 5 , 2002 PUBLIC RECORDS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (CFN-1266) Public Records Request Procedures. Ch. 42 . 17 RCW provides that the public shall be given full access to public records to assure continuing public confidence of fairness of elections and governmental processes, and to assure that the public interest will be fully protected. The City' s current policy regarding the processing of public records requests is contained within the City' s Policy Manual ; however, this policy manual is not always easily available to the public . By converting the current City of Kent Administrative Policy 1 . 3 from a policy provision to a code provision and allowing submittal of requests through the City' s website, the public will be better able to access the City' s processing procedure . This ordinance was originally brought before the Council on February 5, 2002 ; however, Council wished to incorporate additional changes to allow for the submittal of requests via an interactive web page, which the City' s Information Technology Department has installed and which is now online . YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3588 which establishes and codifies policies relating to the processing of public records requests . Orr seconded and the motion carried FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) (CFN-104) Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through February 15 and paid on February 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 19, 2002 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 2/15/02 Wire Transfers 1117-1124 $1, 212 , 124 . 88 2/15/02 Prepays & 529335 419, 927 53 2/15/02 Regular 529973 1 , 836, 035 . 62 $3 , 468, 088 . 03 4 Kent City Council Minutes March 5, 2002 FINANCE O Approval of checks issued for payroll for February 1 F— q through February 15 and paid on February 19, 2002 : W O Date Check Numbers Amount L1. W 2/19/02 Checks 258290-258613 $ 266, 723 . 20 � U- 2/10/92 Advices 124631-125331 1 , 120 , 133 . 62 W d $1 , 386 , 856 . 82 U W LLJ COUNCIL Z (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) (CFN-198) Cc p — Term Limits . Kent City Code Sections 2 . 01 . 030 and U 2 . 02 . 020 established term limits for the positions of City Council Members and Mayor The proposed ordinance would repeal these term limits . Martin explained that this is strictly a policy matter YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No . 3595 repealing term limits for Council Members and the Mayor. Woods seconded. Joe Rubio, 3831 S . 248th, asked the Council not to repeal term limits, noting that newcomers can be effective . He said that incumbents have more resources available than challengers, so it not a level playing field. Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, said the City has lost money and urged the Council to leave term limits in place. Sandy Amodt, 22633 141st Avenue, said term limits benefit citizens . She said the difference between the proposed ordinance and the prior ordinance is retro- activity, and that the Council should be run by all seven members rather than just the three senior members . She questioned whether Council members are fighting for citizens or for themselves . Carol Voss, 14610 SE 266th Street, voiced opposition to term limits for anyone, saying it takes away the voter' s right to decide . Yingling noted that he was not on the Council when the original vote was taken and has no vested interest in this, and responded to Amodt that he is fighting for the citizens . He said that who citizens can and can' t vote 5 Kent City Council Minutes March 5, 2002 COUNCIL for should not be legislated, and urged Council members to adopt the proposed ordinance. Epperly said citizens like term limits and noted that no one on this Council would affected by this ordinance for at least eight years . Clark clarified that the comment he used at the time of the previous term limit ordinance debate was that "institutional memory is lost" , and that one of the problems faced by part-time legislative positions is becoming involved in long-term processes that are set up to deal with long-term problems . He said that when experienced Council members are lost, one of the impacts is losing people who were at the earlier discussion, resulting in dependence upon staff . He added that good candidates are hard to find because people can' t stand up to the abuse they receive . Woods said there is no better job than being on the City Council and suggested that democracy works . She noted that in the last five years there have been six Council members who are no longer on the Council , and noted that Ms . Amodt defeated a long-term incumbent in 1997 . Orr spoke in support of repealing term limits and pointed out that there is no personal gain, as she would not be affected for two more elections . She said people have changed their opinion on term limits, as it takes away their right to choose . Peterson said voting to repeal the ordinance is not an honorable thing for a new Council member to do . White agreed that public opinion has changed and noted that his research showed that only one-third of the people he visited were in favor of keeping term limits in place. The motion to adopt Ordinance 3595 repealing term limits then passed with Epperly and Peterson opposed. REPORTS Council President. Clark reminded Council members of the Suburban Cities meeting on March 13th in Auburn. (CFN-198) Operations Committee. Yingling thanked Clark for filling in for him at the committee meetings while he was on vacation. (CFN-198) 6 Kent City Council Minutes March 5, 2002 REPORTS Public Works Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be held at 5 : 00 p.m. on March 18 . (CFN-198) Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be held at 3 : 00 p.m. on March 19th. (CFN-198) Parks Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be at 4 . 00 p .m on March 12th. (CFN-198) Administrative Reports. Martin reminded Council members of an executive session of approximately fifteen minutes regarding property acquisition and pending litigation, with no action anticipated (CFN-198) RIVERBEND GOLF COURSE (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) (CFN-118) Riverbend Golf Course. Robert O 'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street , expressed interest in the contract change to the Riverbend Golf Services contract with Public Golf Management and the increase in driving range percentage to the PGM people by 5% to replace revenue from merchandise . He also voiced concern about the fixed fee payment schedule and said he had asked for a profit and loss statement for January, but that he hasn' t seen it yet . Parks Director Hodgson responded that he will provide a profit and loss statement when the month is closed out He explained the contract change relating to merchandis- ing and then explained the change to the fixed fee payment schedule . EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7 : 55 p.m , the meeting recessed to Executive Session The meeting reconvened at 8 . 40 p m. (CFN-198) ADJOURNMENT CLARK MOVED to adjourn at 8 :40 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacobe , C(d MC City Clerk 7