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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 02/05/2002 City of Kent _ City Council Meeting Agenda 4# ,d6o�se KEN T W A S H I N G T O N Mayor Jim White Councilmembers Tim Clark, Council President Connie Epperly Bruce White Leona Orr Judy Woods Julie Peterson RicoYingling February 5, 2002 Office of the City Clerk SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2002 K EN T council Chambers WASHINGTON 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Tim Clark, President Connie Epperly Leona Orr Julie Peterson Judy Woods Bruce White Rico Yingling 1 . CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B. FROM THE PUBLIC 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (� A. State of the City Address B. Employee of the Month C. National Night Out Presentation D. Introduction of Appointees E. Government Finance Officers Association Award (GFOA) F. Traffic Solutions Committee Presentation G. Proclamation - Arts Day 2002 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes - Approval G B. Bills - Approval QD. Surplus Equipment - Approve35 Public Records Request Procedures - OrdinanceLID 350 - Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main - Set Public Hearing Date F. Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Project - Accept as Complete nm G. Drinking Driver Task Force Re-appointments - Confirm Re-appointment to LEOFF Disability Board - Confirm - Kent/Covington Water District Agreement - Authorize a 7 . OTHER BUSINESS A. 2001 Comp Plan Amendments �. W"t " .LL- pkbfic 8 . BIDS T&bled C. blic None 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF 10 . REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 4. 6Aa4"21fi CA t 12 . EXECUTIVE SESSION None - 13 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library The Agenda Summary page is on the City of Kent web site at us An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at(253)856-5725. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6M. } . cH1% "U TO TTAZ:A1MMA\\ Citizens wishing to address the Councif IQ at this time, make known the subject of interest, so a,11 rmy be properly / ƒ nos } » FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR s�FF a, } $ FROM THE PUBLIC a � If \ » . \ ` � ! � \ ! , � \ } |\) \ $ \ \ 2 A. \ / P to �� A ble up . � / » STATE OF AS CITY Angie \ ƒ' } \ m EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH ƒ ` m NATIONAL NIGHT OUT PRESENTATION \ ƒ � \ *. p @ « \ ƒ ¢ INTRODUCTION o ,APPOINTEES 6 , m GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASm2A\Off AWARD (go) ) -rr-a b SOLUTIONS COMMITTEE PRESSM-ZION \ It � 4 m PROCLAMATION - ARC n7 »3 \ © We did it! Top Ten for Kent Police this year! Thanks to everyone who helped with National Night Out this year. It was the biggest Kent ever had--52 neighborhood events involving over 2300 people. Nationally, there were more participants than ever, 33 million people in 9,700 communities Thousands of cities compete for national recognition, for an award and plaque from the National Town Watch Association. To compete, each presents a report to the committee in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania On September 1,judges start reading the reports which can include photos, short videos, and proof of mailings,publicity, and event details. For"extra credit" an agency can propose to complete a special project in the year between NNO dates "Project 365" is any problem you want to solve, from cleaning up a high crime area to getting a Block Watch newsletter started The Kent Police proposed last year to revitalize our Block Watch program, convince neighborhoods to update their maps and host personal appearances to learn more about helping Kent Police fight crime in their neighborhoods. The award winners were just announced. In our category (population under 100,000)we • ranked Its in the nation! They listed the top 50 winners in our category and Kent was the only Washington city on the list Spokane ranked 7th for under 300,000 population. Toppemsh was 4th and Fircrest 34th for cities under 30,000, and NAS Whidbey Island was 0 among Navy Bases. (Last year Kent was 11`h and Everett PD was 37`h) Washington cities participating in NNO this year were: Algona,Asodn Co.,Bellevue,Bellingham, Bloomfield,Bonney Lake,Bremerton,Burien, Carnation, Centralia, Chelan Co., Clallam Co., Clark Co., Clarkston, Cosmopohs, Coupeville, Covington,Des Moines,Edmonds,Ellensburg,Everett,Federal Way,Fircrest, Gold Bar,Hoquiam,Kenmore,Kennewick,Rent,King Co.,Klickitat Co.,Lake Forest Park,Lake Stevens,Longview,Mabton,Mercer Island,Moses Lake,Mountlake Terrace,Normandy Park, Oak Harbor, Odessa,Pacific,Palouse,Port Angeles,Puyallup,Redmond,Renton,Sammamish, SeaTac,Seattle,Selah,Shorlme,Skamania Co.,Snohomish Co.,Spokane,Stanwood,Sumner, Sunnyside, Tacoma, Toppenish, Tukwila, Union Gap, University Place, Vancouver, Wapato, West Richland, Yakima, Yakima Co.,and Zillah. Now we're in the TOP TEN!1 And it's because of the enthusiasm of the Kent Police,the Mayor, City Council, VIPS, police family members, our multi-media department, Bob Bradley of Keepsake Productions, AND our Kent citizens. Thanks to all for making this a bigger-than-ever success and lots of fun, tool Juzu/M auYl.L Kent Police Crime Prevention Team (253) 856-5879 November 2, 2002 • Ohl jTey, t`,I µi BEM C%LENDA f �I 6 . City Council Action: z , x rt Councilmember mol Council seconds to approve Con ont C410p r items, 't h Discussion ru + Action J 6A. Approval of Minutes. rf Approval of the minutes?!of the regular Cc �1� ,Tweting of January 15, 2002 . C — 613. Approval of Sills. Approval of payment of the bills received,' ghlDecember 31 Ir and paid on December 3 2001 after audIt*4,,h Y the operational, Committee on January Up 2002 . Approval of checks is�"d for vouchers Date Check Amount 12/31/01 Wire Transfers , 109 -1101 1 $ 755, 673 . 84 12/31/01 Prepays & 527326 12,,467, 562 .45 12/31/01 Regular 527976 �,, -1,r417, 123 . 02 140, 359 .31 Approval of, payment ofE" bills received, January 15 and paid on January 15+ l2002 . Approval of checks iss d for vouchers . Date ; Check Numbe37'0Amount 1/15/02 Wire Transfers 1102-1109 $3, 013, 602 . 01 1/15/02 Prepays & 527977 1,073, 063 . 00 t 1/15/02 Regular j 528611 1, 044, 764 . 31 " W'031,429 .32 yr, Approval of checks is for payroll fxx Or 15 through + ?` December 31, 2001 and Wd on January 4, 02; 4� Date ck Numbers � mount r= 1/4/02 Checks 72�72 fie 2:4 , 073 . 17 + 1/4/02 Advices 1? 242-122971 a 959. 06 ", 9, 032 .23 N , I, Council Agenda Item No. 6 A=8 • Kent, Washington January 15, 2002 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White, Woods, and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Police Chief Crawford, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Community Development Director Satterstrom, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, Finance Director Miller and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. (CFN-198) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Martin added an Executive Session dealing with labor negotiations and Continued Communications Item 11A was added at the request of Robert O 'Brien. (CFN-198) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Trout Unlimited Presentation. Dana Smith, of the South King County Chapter of Trout Unlimited, explained that they are a non-profit cold water fisheries organization which does habitat improvement and salmon recovery. He thanked the City of Kent for providing volunteers and funding and showed slides of children fishing at the Old Fishing Hole . He then presented Parks Director Hodgson with a plaque in appreciation of the fishing opportuni- ties provided for children. Hodgson thanked him and noted that many organizations such as the Police Department and the Rotary Club are also involved. (CFN-198) Roger Lubovich Day. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that Roger Lubovich began his tenure as the City Attorney for the City of Kent over eleven years ago, and that under Roger ' s leadership the City Attorney' s Office provided legal counsel for the Ramstead, Meridian, Lake Meridian, Del Mar and other annexations, which helped Kent grow from a town of 38 , 000 to the seventh largest city in the state with a population of over 83 , 000 citizens . He added that Roger assisted the City in designing and building the Harrison House senior housing project; that he and his office provided legal counsel for the 196th Street Corridor and the 277th Street Corridor, including successful supervision of the 277th • Street Corridor EIS lawsuit; that he conceived the idea and inspired the Mayor and Council to create the Kent Municipal Court in order to administer justice under the 1 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 • PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Kent criminal code more efficiently; that he effectively drafted regulations on adult businesses which were so successful that those businesses tried, but failed, to do business in the City of Kent; and defended a lawsuit brought by those adult businesses against the City and won - and won on appeal - and won on appeal after appeal until the United States Supreme Court issued a decision affirming the regulations Roger drafted. The Mayor out- lined many other accomplishments and recognized the dedication, professionalism, experience and just plain all around good, hard work of Roger Lubovich for the City of Kent, and asked members of the City Council and the Kent community to loin him in thanking Roger for his service to Kent and in wishing him well in his future endeavors . He then declared January 22 , 2002 , "Roger Lubovich Day" in the City of Kent in honor of Roger ' s service, and presented him with the proclamation. Several Councilmembers commended Lubovich. He then thanked the Mayor, Council and staff for their kind words and their time, and for the opportunity to serve (CFN-155) CONSENT CALENDAR CLARK MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through P . Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GA) (CFN-198) Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 2 , 2002 . PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) (CFN-118) Demolish House on 251st Street. Approval to demolish the surplus house at 13020 SE 251st Street in Kent . A purchase and sale agreement was executed with the James- Grayson' s in December 2001 for their home at 13020 SE 251st Street in Kent . The property was acquired as an important piece for the future East Hill Youth Sports Complex. The City will close on the property January 11, 2002 and demolition is scheduled for March 2002 . The $20 , 000 . 000 in estimated demolition costs will be charged to the East Hill Youth Sports Complex budget (P20073) . 2 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) (CFN-118) 2001 Fee-In-Lieu of Funds. Accept the Fee-in-lieu funds totaling $39, 990 . 50 and amend four parks budgets . From October through December 2001 , the City received a total of $39, 990 . 50 from four subdivisions who voluntarily paid fee-in-lieu of funds, which are paid instead of dedicat- ing park land to mitigate the development of single family homes . The City has five years from the date of deposit to spend these funds for park acquisition, development, or open space . Funds are used at a park close to the subdivision. The Parks Director requests approval to accept fee-in-lieu funds totaling $39, 990 . 50 and amend the following budgets : Clark Lake Park Acquisition (P21) $15, 075 . 00 Park Land Acquisition (P49) $ 5, 602 . 00 Seven Oaks Play Equipment (new project) $ 6, 375 . 00 272nd Street Neighborhood Park (P93 ) $12 , 937 . 50 $39, 990 50 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) (CFN-118) U.S . Forest Service Grant. Accept the $23 , 000 Natural Resource Stewardship Network grant and amend the Clark Lake Park budget . Parks Planning & Development staff applied for a grant from the U. S . Forest Service through the Natural Resource Stewardship Network for restora- tion of Clark Lake Park. The $23 , 000 . 00 grant was awarded for reforestation of over-grazed pasture land and installation of interpretive signage . Parks Planning & Development staff will work with Parks Maintenance staff and volunteers to complete the project . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) (CFN-118) Western States Arts Federation Grant. Accept the $2 , 500 grant from Western States Arts Federation and amend the 2001 Kent Arts Commission budget for the Halau Hula Ka No ' eau production. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) (CFN-815) City Art Plan and 2002-2007 Five-Year City Plan. Approval of the City Art Plan and 2002-2007 Five-Year City Plan. On December 10 , the Kent Artq Commission accepted the revised 2002 City Art Plan, including pro- jects carried over from previous years and new projects 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES to be completed in 2002 . The Five Year plan lists projects planned for years 2002 - 2007 . Each year the Kent Arts Commission submits a revised City Art Plan to City Council for review and approval . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GH) (CFN-118) Meetings Conducted on Parks Properties . Adoption of Ordinance No. 3587 repealing Section 4 . 01 180 and amending Section 4 . 01 . 170 of the Kent City Code relat- ing to the use of park facilities . City of Kent park properties have historically been considered a public forum. Governmental regulation of speech occurring in City parks must be content-neutral , serve a compelling governmental interest, and leave open alternative channels of communication. The enforcement of Section 4 . 01 . 180 of the Kent City Code may result in an unreasonable restriction on free speech In addition, amendment of Section 4 . 01 . 170 of the Kent City Code will assist in clarifying for users of City parks that they shall not unreasonably interfere with others use of the park facilities . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) (CFN-1087) Greater Kent Historical Society Agreement. Approval to finalize and execute an agreement with the Greater Kent Historical Society for historical and museum lease and services . The agreement includes management of the museum building and curating items related to the history of Kent . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) (CFN-118) Riverbend Golf Management and Services Agreement Amendment. Authorization for the Mayor to negotiate, finalize and execute Amendment Number One to the Riverbend Golf Services and Management agreement, upon terms as proposed. City staff and Public Golf Management staff met to discuss minor changes to the golf services and management agreement to allow for clearer operation of the Par 3 , Driving Range, Golf Lessons, Mini Putt and Captain Jack' s Fish `n' Chips . 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 • ECOLOGY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) (CFN-904&738) Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Washington State Dept . of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement and direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget of $84 , 335 . 00, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) (CFN-904) Waste Reduction & Recycling Program Grant. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the King County Waste Reduction & Recycling Program Grant Agreement and direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget of $171, 030 . 00 , as recommended by the Public Works Committee. POLICE (,CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) (CFN-122) Corrections Facility Food Vendor Contract Extension and Amendment. Authorization for the Mayor, after approval • of the terms and conditions by the City Attorney, to sign the necessary documents to continue with Consolidated Food Management (CFM) as the food vendor for the one year period from 01/01/02 to 12/31/02 , as requested by the City of Kent Corrections Facility This contract also will increase food preparation costs from $0 615 to $0 645 per meal . Food preparation costs have not been increased since 1992 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) (CFN-122) Corrections Facility Contract for Services . Authorization for the Mayor to sign "Addendum One and Extension to Contract for Services" with Occupational Health Services for an additional one-year term beginning 01/01/02 and ending 12/31/02 . OHS provides certain required medical services to the inmates of the Corrections Facility. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) (CFN-122) Services Contract with Goals to Recovery. Authorization to continue with Goals to Recovery to provide inmate and alcohol addiction relapse prevention treatment for the is out year period from 01/01/02 to 12/31/02 , without going out to contract bid, as requested by the City of Kent 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 is POLICE Corrections Facility. Goals to Recovery has provided this service since September 1999 . FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) (CFN-122) Fire and Life Safety Department Strategic Plan. Approval of the 2001 Strategic Plan developed by the Fire and Life Safety Department, with minor amendments as noted on a memo from Acting Chief Hamilton. This plan has been generated to provide a general vision for the future goals and services to be provided by this department , with an expanded focus on Emergency Medical Services demands now faced by the Department . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) (CFN-104) Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through December 15 and paid on December 15„ 2001 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 7, 2002 . • Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/15/01 Wire Transfers 1087-1094 $1, 109, 661 . 29 12/15/01 Prepays & 526622 1, 765, 332 .40 12/15/01 Regular 527325 1, 292 , 364 . 55 $4 , 167, 358 . 24 Approval of checks issued for payroll for December 15 through December 31, 2001 and paid on January 4 , 2002 : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/4/02 Checks 257288-257572 $ 248 , 073 . 17 1/4/02 Advices 122242-122971 1, 040 , 959 . 06 $1, 289, 032 . 23 REPORTS Council President. Clark reminded Councilmembers of the Suburban Cities meeting in Tukwila on January 16 . (CFN-198) Public Works. Orr noted that the next meeting will be . held at 5 : 00 p .m. on February 4th. (CFN-198) 6 Kent City Council Minutes January 15, 2002 REPORTS Pla=ing Committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be at 3 : 00 p.m. on February 19th. (CFN-198) Administrative Reports. Martin reminded Councilmembers of an Executive Session of approximately 15 minutes regarding labor negotiations, and added that no action is anticipated after the Executive Session. (CFN-198) CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS Kent Station. Robert O ' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, requested financial pro formas for the Kent Station, and suggested that the City do their accounting by pro]ect . Martin explained that the financial information requested by O 'Brien may not be complete, and that if so, it will be provided to him when it is complete (CFN-171) EXECUTIVE SESSION I , The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 7 : 30 p.m. and reconvened at 7 :45 p m. (CFN-198) • ADJOURNMENT EPPERLY MOVED to ad]ourn at 7 : 45 p m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CFN-198) Brenda JacoJ City Clerk • 7 a , K"ta 4tr Council Meeting Dato,? ,, iruary 5, 2002 r [s Category 2g!2,Sent Calendn� I i 1 . SUBJECT: SURPLUS EQU��MgT - APPROVE 2 . SUb9MRY STATEDMNT: Authorization to lu lus two John Deere yard tractors: equipment numbers 95 and 94f, 'eand one John Deere mower: equipment number 1008, as reca"iAed by the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Dissector. The equipment has been replaced by newer models ;and is no longer in use. I 3 . EXHIBITS: None { ' l f , 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Staff operations CoMm e (Committee, Staff, ner, Commission,-' tq",) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PER§y*M IM ACT: NOS , YES S i { 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember_ rtmoves, Council memb _seconds G n DISCUSSION: ACTION: ,", , - Council Agenda # , Item No. 6C r i i c4�.V, ;Council Meeting DEi �4 �_ bruary 5, 2002 a Cad ,,9onsent Calendhr 1 . SUBJFdTs PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST PROCED �"S - ORDINANCE i Y 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordiriaz%ge No: relating to public records requests. Ch. 42 .17 RC'dtprdvides that the public shall be given full access to publiq records to assure ' continuing public confidence in gcvernment41 orocesses and to assure that the public interest will be fii; ly protected. The , City' s current policy regarding the processingg cif public ,f records requests is coritained within the C$ttyts Policy Manual., i, However, this policy manual is not always j*' 4,s�13i available to the public. By converting the current "gity, cif Kent Administrative Policy 1.3 to a code provis$on, the public will ` be better able to access the City's Publigl1keCords Disclosure processing procedure. Y This ordinance also modifies existing polity provisions to clarify-and streamline, t<he processing pro dude, to make some records that each department can individually designate as "over the counter" recoirds available withs t completion of a request form, and to make other revisions And additions to the existing policy in order to provide a quicher response to the public. di 3 . EXHI TS: Ordinance , 4 . RECOI�¢FFNDED SY: Operst�bns Committee {Committee, Staff, 2 #mirier, Commission ;etc' i 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PEMMEL IMRACT: NO '' _ YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED. SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ` I Councilmember� moves, Councilmem]WJr,,seconds All 3 ! L� i DISCUSSION: # ACTION: N r, 4 ', Council Agenda Item No. 6D 1 a, x , i ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 105 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Public Records Indexes and Records Requests under the Public Disclosure Act," establishing and codifying new policies relating to the processing of public records requests WHEREAS, Ch 42 17 RCW provides that the public shall be given full access to public records to assure continuing public confidence of fairness of elections and governmental processes, and to assure that the public interest will be fully protected, and WHEREAS, in order to improve its level of customer service to the public, the City recently hired a Records Management Officer whose responsibilities include the processing of all public records requests, and WHEREAS, the City's current policy regarding the processing of public records requests is contained within the City's Policy Manual made available to all City staff. However, this policy manual is not always easily available to the public; and • 1 Public Disclosure Index WHEREAS, by converting the current City of Kent Administrative Policy 13 from a policy provision to a code provision, the public will be better able to access the City's processing procedure; and WHEREAS, this ordinance also modifies existing policy provisions to clarify and streamline the processing procedure, to make some records that each department can individually designate as `over the counter" records available without completion of a request form, and to make other revisions and additions to the existing policy in order to provide a quicker response to the public,NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS I j SECTION 1. Chapter 105, entitled "Public Records Indexes and Records Requests 'Under the Public Disclosure Act," is hereby amended to read as follows- CHAPTER 1.05 PUBLIC RECORDS 1NDEXES AND RECORDS REQUESTS UNDER THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ACT See. 1.05.010. Purpose. The obiecthve of this chanter is to establish the process for obtaining public records as required by Chanter 42.17 of the Revised Code of Washington Failure of the City to fully comply with any provision of this chapter shall not result in any liability imposed upon the City other than those outlined in Ch 42 17 RCW Sec. 1.05.0-20. Index of Public Records - Findings. A Ch 42 17 RCW requires all cities and public agencies to maintain and make available a current index of all public records B. RCW 42 17 260(4)(a) provides that if maintaining such an index would be unduly burdensome, or would interfere with agency operation, a city need not maintain 2 Public Disclosure Index • such an index but it must issue and publish a formal order specifying the reasons why 40 and the extent to which compliance would be unduly burdensome C. The City of Kent is comprised of twelve departments, their divisions and subdivisions, which maintain separate databases and/or record keeping systems for the indexing of records and information. D. Because the city has records which are diverse, complex and stored in multiple locations and in multiple computer systems, formats and/or databases, it is unduly burdensome, if not physically impossible, to maintain a central index of records E The City of Kent will make available for inspection and/or copying all public records, including any indexes that are maintained by the City pursuant to the Public Disclosure Act, Ch 42.17 RCW and this chapter. Sec. 1.05.0230. Order regarding Public Records Index. Based upon the findings, set forth in KCC 1 05.0210, and pursuant to RCW 42.17;260(4)(a), the City Council orders the following- A. The City of Kent is not required to maintain a current index of public records due to findings of the City Council that the requirement is unduly burdensome and such a list is nearly impossible to create and/or maintain, and B Pursuant to Ch. 42 17 RCW and this chapter, the City of Kent shall make available for public inspection and/or copying all public records and any indexes of public records maintained by the City to the extent not exempt from inspection and/or copying pursuant to RCW 42 17 310 or other applicable law Sec. 1.05.040. Form and manner of request for public records. A All requests for public records shall be made in writing and delivered in Verson or by mail. Requests delivered by facsimile, electronic mail, telephone, or verbally will not be accepted as valid public record requests. B The City will provide a public records request form that may be used by those requesting public records The public records request may be submitted on the form 3 Public Disclosure Index provided by the City, or in another wntten format that contains the following information: 1 The date of the request; 2. The name of the requestor: 3 The full address of the requestor. 4. The telephone number of the requestor; 5. A complete description of the requested record; 6. The title and date of the requested record, if known. 7. The location of the requested record, if known: and 8 Whether the requestor intends to inspect the records or to obtain a photocopy of the records at the cost set forth in section 105 100 below C Requests for public records shall be submitted to the Records Management Officer located within the City Clerk's Office, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 or his or her designee The Records Management Officer has designated Citv employees listed in subsections (1) through (4) below who may receive public recotd requests directly for specific records identified below in an attempt to provide the quickest response possible If the record requested is not identified in subsections (1) through (4) below, or the requestor is unsure of where to file the request, the request shall be filed with the Records Management Officer of the City Clerk's Office 1 The Records Manager of the Police Department if the request is to inspect and/or photocopy a police or incident report The request shall comply with subsections (A) and (B) herein and shall be delivered to the Police Department, 232 — 4ch Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032; or 2 The Records Manager of the Fire Department if the request is to mspect and/or photocopy a fire report or an aid report The request shall comply with subsections (A) and (B) herein and shall be delivered to Fire Station 74, 24611 — 116`h Avenue S E Kent WA 98031 All other requests for records of the Fire Department outside of fire and aid reports shall be submitted to the City's Records Management Officer as vrescnbed in subsection(C) above, or 4 Public Disclosure Index 3 The Records Manager of the Commumty Development Office if the request is to mspect and/or photocopy a planning file which the departmental records manager, in lus or her own discretion determines to be readily available and easily accessible to the requestor without sigmficant staff time expended hi the event the departmental records manager believes that the request cannot be fulfilled without staff impacts then he or she shall refer the requestor to the Records Management Officer located in the City Clerk's Office: or 4 The Records Manager of the Public Works Department if the request is to inspect and/or photocopy a public works file which the departmental records manager in his or her own discretion determines to be readily available and accessible to the requestor without significant staff time expended. In the event the departmental records manager believes that the request cannot be fulfilled without staff impacts then he or she shall refer the requestor to the Records Management Officer located in the City Clerk's Office D If the requestor submits the request on the form provided by the City, the Records Management Officer, or his or her designee, should indicate on the form the estimation of time necessary to provide a final response to the request In the event I the estimation of time necessary for providing records does not appear on the form the estimated time for providing disclosable records shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days Records provided in reMonse to a public records request shall be those documents of record available for disclosure as of the date of the request E. Each City department may designate within its own department certain "over the counter" records available to the public for immediate inspection without the ree uirement of a formal public records request as set forth in section 105 040 Examples of such records may include zomng maps comprehensive maps Kent Cit Code and other documents intended for "over the counter" review and inspection. In the event a photocopy of such `over the counter" records is requested, the department may provide the first ten (10) pages free of charge. However, if the photocopies 5 Public Disclosure Index exceed ten (10) pages, a public disclosure rpquest will then need to be completed and the applicable duplication cost paid. Sec. 1.05.050. Initial response to request. A. The City shall make an initial response to the request for public records within five (5) busmess days of receipt of the request. In the event a request for public records is received after 5 00 p m , the request shall be deemed to have been received on the next business day Depending upon the nature of request, the City may respond initially by: 1 Producing the record - or the disclosable portions of the record - after the payment of applicable fees, 2 Acknowledging the City's receipt of the request accompanied by an estimate of the time necessary for further response: 3 Denying the request accompamed by an explanation of the basis for the denial, 4 Requesting a deposit; or 5 Requesting clarification of the request. B. In the event that the requestor comRletes the City's standard public records request form, the returned copy provided to the requestor shall constitute the initial response by the City with the estimation of time necessary for further response hi the event the estimation of time necessary for providing records does not appear on the form, the estimated time for providing disclosable records shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days. Sec. 1.05.060. Final response to request. A public disclosure request is not continuing in nature. In the event additional records are created after the date of the ree uestor's ongmal public records request, the requestor will need to submit a new request. Any records or portions of records disclosed by the City will be provided to the requestor in the same format as they are retained, provided that any disclosable 6 Public Disclosure Index records contained on a computer or other electromc or mechanical device shall, at the • discretion of the City, be provided in printed form, on disk, or in another format. If the requestor specifies a format in which the records should be disclosed, the Cif will disclose the records in the requested format if: (1) it is detennined that disclosable records exist. (2) the City is capable of providing the records m the format requested, (3) the format requested is reasonable, and (4) the requestor pays all fees required by this policy. The City's response to the request shall be deemed complete and the City's response final upon- (1) requestor's inspection of the records or(2) in the event photocopies were requested, upon notification to the requestor that the photocopies requested are available for payment and pick-up Sec. 1.05.070. Inspection of Records. In the event a requestor chooses to infect records, the City shall notify the requestor once the records which respond to the request are available for inspection The records will be available for inspection at a date and time mutually agreeable between the requestor and the City's Records Management Officer, or his or her designee. The appointment to inspect the records may be broken into intervals, possibly over a couple of days, so as to not interfere with the daily operations of the City Clerk's Office, the Records Management Officer, or other City employees. Any appointment to inspect records shall be limited to no more than a two (2) hour appointment on any mven day, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the requestor and the Records Management Officer, or his or her designee Records that have been pulled for inspection shall be made available to the requestor for a penod of no more than fourteen (14) calendar days. In the event a requestor fails to contact the Records Management Officer, or his or her designee, within fourteen (14) calendar days of being notified that the records are available for inspection: (1) the records shall be retumed to the onginating department: and (2) the requester will need to submit a new request for the records and the process will begin anew • 7 Public Disclosure Index Sec. 1.05.080. Documents subiect to disclosure. The City need only disclose records to the extent required or permitted by state or federal law and nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as reguinng the disclosure of any record that is not subiect to disclosure by state or federal law. Generally, any record, or portion thereof, which is exempt from disclosure will not be disclosed, and information contained in the records may be removed to the extent necessary or permissible by law The City will not create records or documents in response to a request for public records that do not exist at the time the request is made Sec. 1.05.090. Denial of request — Appeal. In the event that the Records Management Officer denies a request for public records, the requestor may appeal the denial to the City Clerk In the event that no response to the appeal is delivered to the requestor within two (2) business days of the City's receipt of the appeal the denial may be deemed final. Sec. 1.05.100. Duplication and transmission fees Prior to the disclosure of M public record duplication fees shall be collected. The City's Records Management Officer shall establish, update and post applicable duplication fees as appropriate Each department and the City Clerk shall have the department's fee schedule available for inspection upon request In providing a response to a records request the City will provide all audio tapes videotapes computer diskettes or other media requested No requestor provided media will be used. Sec. 1.05.110. Deposit for duplication. In the event that it is estimated that the duplication or transmission fees applicable to a particular records request exceed $25.00 the City, at its discretion, may require the requestor to deposit a sum equal to 75% of the estimated cost prior to duplication of the records In the event that a doosit is required the City will notify the requestor of the necessity of the deposit Any deposit shall be made in accordance with section 1.05 120 of this chapter. hi the • 8 Public Disclosure Index event that the actual duplication and deposit fees are less than the amount deposited by • the requestor, the City will return the sum in excess of the actual amount to the requestor Sec. 1.05.120. Payment of required fees. Payment of duplication and delivery fees shall be made prior to the disclosure of public records. When required pursuant to section 1.05 110 of this chapter, the payment of a deposit shall be made prior to the duplication of any records All payments shall be made by cash money order, or check payable to the City of Kent Payment shall be made in person at the Customer Service Desk located in the Centennial Center, 400 West Gowe St , Kent, Washington 98032 or by mail to the Records Management Officer, City Clerk's Office, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032 Sec. 1.05.130. Failure to pay required fees. In the event a requestor fails to Rap a bill for fees incurred within 30 calendar days, the City shall require the requestor • to pay in full the past due amount owed (together with any accrued interest) before it will begin processing a new request or a pending request from the delinquent requestor. In addition the City may require advance payment for any future requests of the full amount of the estimated fee before the agency begins to process a new request or a pending request from that requestor If the City is unable to collect the duplication fees from the requestor, the City may, upon providing thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the requestor, destroy the duplication set of records made available for the requestor in order to avoid storage concerns Although the records are destroyed, the requestor shall still be made responsible for the costs the City incurred in duplicating the records originally requested by the requestor. SECTION 2. —Severabzhty If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. • 9 Public Disclosure Index SECTION 3. —Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after passage as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM- ROGER LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I PASSED. day of 2002. APPROVED- day of 2002 • PUBLISHED• day of 12002 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK PCiN'ONmJ6YM4e1 W FV Aar' 10 Public Disclosure Index • 1 � I 1 i .L .,.- Kept �City Council Meeting Y ' 'ice '3� Date; �, February 5 , 200$ Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: LID 350 - BIG K SANITARY SEWER WATER MAIN - SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENTS As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorizatio4 to set the Public taring for March 5th on the confirmation of the Final hasessment Roll for LID 350 - Big K Sanitary Sewer & Water Main. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandu�, 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, *to. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSREML IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ . SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember 'moves, Councilmemb _ seconds u • DISCUSSION: ACTION: .Council Agen¢* Item No. 6E Al • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H Martin, Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom, P.E Public Works Director Phone 253-856-5500 KENT Fax 253-856-6500 W�SXINGTGN Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date January 22, 2002 To Mayor and City CC uncil From Don Wickstrom;Director of Public Works Regarding L I D 350 - Big "K" Sanitary Sewer (124`h Ave SE & SE 270`h Street) Final Assessment Hearin-,Date The City received a petition for the installation of sanitary sewers in the vicinity of 124`h Avenue SE • and SE 270rh Street including the plat of Big W as shown on the attached map Subsequently, all property owners within the project area were contacted and there was adequate support to proceed with the L I D formation In addition, the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health supported the sewer installation proposal and sent a letter to the homeowners The letter discussed the septic problems that existed, the difficulty in repairing these problems and recommended that sanitary sewers be installed as the most feasible and economical method for addressing the situation The Resolution of Intent No 1504 was approved by City Council on February 3, 1998 which set the hearing date for March 3, 1998 City Council passed Ordinance No 3397 on March 17, 1998 forming the L I D and ordering the construction of the sewer system Bids were opened for the project on April 18, 2001 and the construction contract was awarded to R L Alia Company Construction is now complete and we are ready to finalize the LID The Department of Public Works requests that the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll be set for March 5, 2002. MOTION: Recommend Council authorization to set the Public Hearing date of March 5`h on the • confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 350. P Troiect Typmg\Mern 1102 1-151.I1)350 Mavor'Councd doc CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING OEPARTAIENT `✓ KENT LID 350 SANITARY SEWER SGEE ,•=zco' "BIG e� DEL WEBS INTERCEPTOR SEWER / 0 � '�s O O fh A O O l 51 s Oi F 1 th VE. SE <s 125th AVE SE `I ti LID 350 I2 ACV O O J7 O J9 O I 41 �I BOUNDARY 1J 14 O O O Jr O I O 2a 1 124th AVE. SE N N � N O 2J ASSESSMENT 100' Q 15 NUMBER04 N WETLAND ' — „ Li BUFFER _ 3 ■ I N WETLAND BOUNDARY Y rr e ; NEW SANITARY 21 SEWER J9 G Q o 4ftyCouncil MeetiHg ] _ - bruary 5, 2OQ2 i C4t�jFor*,yr Consent Calendar 1i 1. SUBJECT: BIG K SANIT*RY SEWER & WATER MP4NIROJECT - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE; I; I i 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by �ublic Works Director, accept 'the B4 K Sanitary Sewew W*teir Main project + as complete and releas¢ ; of retainage to &t A$lil'la Company upon standard releases from the state and releaso 04 any liens . The original contract amount was $1,246, 183 .45;.i The final contract I ? amount is $1, 057, 124 .8C I 3 . EXHIBITS: (done ' 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, E4 miner, Commiasi;z '•t'{�.) S . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERS9�R ,EL I!4FACT: NO YES r 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $� SOURCE OF FUNDS : { 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: F Councilmember �rmoves, Councilmen-40,011r, secondp k DISCUSSION: �h hr e ACTION: " Council Agenda 5 ' ' " Item No. 6F { 4�y Council Meeting .�, T� � ti• 0,ebruary 5, 2002 �,'� CS �+x`y O'onsent Calendar ,�.�._„i r 1. SUBJECT: DRINKING DR;(CV'ER TASK FORCE RE ` VOtA3`MENTS - CONFIRM ; a r f; 2 . SUbMRY STATEMENT: Confirmation of thak {s � s�� re- appointments of Ms. Kar#n Minehan, Mr. R�, x Manoli and Mr.Rod Blalock to continusiserving as members of :t4m Kent Drinking Driver Task Force. Thp4r new terms will ^iitj until 1/1/2005 . { r „ 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo from Mkyor White 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, 2x#miner, Commission? , ) .E k i 5 . UNBUDETED FISCAL/PER,S IMPACT: NO °, YES x I i p; 6. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ 1 t [" SOURCE OF F'RES: " 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember 'moves, Councilmem seconft ' i I r i DISCUSSION: ACTION: # '` y_ Council Agend3a ' Item No. 6G • KENT W AS NINGTGN MEMORANDUM TO: TIM CLARK, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEM 3ERS FROM MAYOR JIM WHITE 40 DATE- JANUARY 25, 2002 SUBJECT- REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE KENT DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE I have reappointed Ms Karen Mmehan, Mr. Richard Manoli and Mr. Rod Blalock to continue serving as members of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force Their new terms will continue until 1/1/2005. I submit this for your confirmation. Ib '= {.$�Q4yncil Meeti#g f „ , .. t ,.Obbruary 5, 20 C � iasent Calen {{ 7 ' 1 . SU$T : RE-APPOIN�NT TO �,EOFF DI�j >' IJ - CONFIRM Pi }, 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: ; OonfirmatiQn of ttv'4jY 9is re- r 4 appointment of Counci 1p#mber Conn- e E tinue servi.rg as a member of the KenOLEOFF I Disai , ; moment ,Board. Her new term will coi until 12/31/20, I X Z 'F �- n�' 1 1ry14rFFF 1. I 1 3. TS: Memo from X*,yor white 1 4 . RECONENDRD BY: Mayor ite E"EI (Committee, Staff,— " ner, Commi.ssiotLi�i 5 . UNBUDGMTED FISCAL/PERS InRfAGT: ' '4 YES {' E a 6 . E88Etd1)ITU�: REQUIRED: =y� I< SOURCE OF I FUNDS: 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: I ' E CouneilmemberOves, 'Councilm'o*r. MYr. second 4 ]DISCUSSION: M ilk 1 ACTION: 1 v j�Zouncil Agenda ei , 1,Item No. GH ' 4 i ¢ a t� • . KENT WNS HIN GTGN MEMORANDUM TO. TIM CLARK, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM MAYOR JIM WHITE �jyL DATE: JANUARY 25, 2002 SUBJECT REAPPOINTMENT TO LEOFF I DISABILITY RETIREMENT BOARD I have reappointed Councilmember Connie Epperly to continue serving as a member of the LEOFF I Disability Retirement Board Councilmember Epperly's term will continue until 12/31/2003. 1 submit this for your confirmation. Jb JLZ X0iE iuncil Mel r Iua 5, 200�2 ent Cali x� f ' 1 . SUB s KENT/COVIN6 ON WATER DISTRr . „A - AUTHOR12% " ;a q STATIUMM: s recommended b ( i � sic Works ' Committee, authorizati4' for the Mayor b0l � J,-t Kent/ s" Covington Water Distri Joint Agreement,jti I ncurrence of e. the final language toe in by the Public "J#rector and the City Attorney. This agreement authoriftA the Co'vi� ngt.on _ strict to construct a connection rpm the City of f! +1 water supply line to both Karl : and Ccn;isgton sit''rict 's S systems. The City will -pay half the coii truction. ,�•3 � : a 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Wor Director memor Noint ;K agreement It IC4. REC D BY: Public, rks Committee [Cor:tmittee, Staffl iner, Commissi „ ,a ti - F ' 5 . M UDi FISCAL/BEMQ*UL IMMPAM NO "J' � �� YES 1« Iztf 6. E3CPEI+TLlITUR,E REQUIRED:' 1 SOURCE OF FUMS: r _ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION- 1 , j,All Councilmember moves, C`ouncilmembe r ` - ct secondf 11 ! � T 4 DISCUSSION: .�5, .' ACTION: k ij�Kat !' a{1CAVuncil Agent ; a 'jltem No. 61 _ liAl +J x COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Mike H Martin, Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom, P E Public Works Director GN l Phone A Fax 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date : February 4 , 2002 To : Public Works Go,Tn�nittee From Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Sub3ect : Kent/Covington Water District Joint Agreement . On January 7th, Committee recommended moving this item forward to Council authorizing the Mayor to sign the joint agreement with Covington Water District . As the agreement was not finalized, the Committee asked that it be placed under Other Business on the Council agenda. Since that time, the Public Works and Law Departments have refined the agreement and thus bringing it back to the Committee for concurrence . Further, we have taken the liberty of placing this item under Consent calendar on the agenda for the February 5th Council meeting on the assumption all issues will have been resolved at the Committee level . MOTION: Recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Kent/Covington Water District Joint Agreement, upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney • Kent-CovingtmAgreement COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Mike H Martin, Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom, P E. Public Works Director Phone 253-856-5500 K E N T Fax 253.856-6500 W.SHINGTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date January 7 , 2002 To : Public Works nmittee From- Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director SubDect : Kent/Covington Water District Joint Agreement This agreement provides for Kent and Covington to ]ointly construct, own, operate and maintain Joint Transmission Facilities from the Tacoma Second Supply Pipeline at approximately Southeast 340th Street & 216th Avenue Southeast . along a route generally described within said agreement_ MOTION: Recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Kent/Covington Water District Joint Agreement, upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. )ointagreement `✓ KENT 7A A copy of the Kent/Covington Water District Agreement will be provided to Council members and staff by fax and/or e-mail. Other interested parties may obtain a copy from the City Clerk or the City Attorney. e_ P oCiouncil Meeting t D#R IT bruary 5, 2©! 2 CR R' Other Busi eps 1. SUBJRCT: 2001 COMPR�1EXSIVHPLAN, _ I _ L rl i i >F r 2 . SUMNALY STATEMENT: 3y ordinance 4 amarl r the Kent su * Comprehensive Plan are' rocessed collet,4ij y„ a ever year ir- Applications for eight+) plan amendments ��eived by , September 1, 2001 . SiW6) of these apprl r lA gproposed changes to both the c rehensive plan =Ti g td coning ~r maps . The Land Use anO' Planning Board 1- S€4 And hearing on ') December 10, 2001 . The, Boards recommer re detailed in the attached report . it { 3 . EXXIBITS : 'Staff mega,, mm the Mayor date* 2 'with ; ' � ort dated 12/4/01i'� �ntal Revievi attachanente a staff {_. Report dated 12/4/01; minutes of the, �.ng of 12/10/01 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Land U Planning 8u�°� 'r ' „' �> ('Committee, staf miner, Cc mmfss4, 5 . UNI%UDC;'ETrj? FISCAL/P,E#S L IMP ACT: M� ; •,� � i YES k' 6. IZPSNDITURE REQUIRED: ` SOURCM OF FUNDS : SIiA, 7. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: , Courxeilmember moves, Council �) secorit —=s to approve/modify/deny he Land Use & �ard s j, recommendations on the oPosed 2001 a Iehensive planand zoning amendments, d to direct tbe. " ' �a�ney to f ; prepare the necessary ordinance (a) E y:'ig ` DISCUSSION: fist `' ACTION: 11touncil Agenda P f: Item No. 7A Y J OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ffJim White, Mayor Phone 253-856-5700 Fax 253-856-6700 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S. KENT Kent,WA 98032-5895 W..5NINOTON TO. COUNCIL PRESIDENT TIM CLARK AND /CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM MAYOR JIM WHITE DATE: JANUARY 29, 2002 RE PROPOSED 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS #CPA-2001-2(A-H)/#CPZ-2001-(1-6) It is my pleasure to forward to the City Council the recommendations of the Land Use and Planning Board regarding the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments for 2001. These recommendations are presented to you from the Land Use and Planning Board public hearing held December 10, 2001 as per RCW 35A.63.070, .071 and .072. The City received a total of eight (8) requests for Comprehensive Plan Amendments, six (6) of these involve changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and corresponding Zoning Map changes (see attached maps). Two of the requests involve Text Amendments to the Capital Facilities Element. The eight (8) proposed amendment applications have been classified as Proposals A through H, and a brief description of each request follows: Proposal A- [STILL MANOR RETIREMENT LIVING #CPA-2001-2(A)/CPZ-2001-1] A change to the Land Use Map from the current designations of Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential, seventeen (17) to twenty-three (23) dwelling units per acre (MDMF), to Mixed Use (MU); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designations from Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential, twenty-three (23) dwelling units per acre (MR-M), to General Commercial (GC) for the property located at 1027 & 1035 West Smith Street. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending DENIAL. Proposal B - [SOOS CREEK CENTER #CPA-2001-2(B)/CPZ-2001-21 A change to the Land Use Map from the current designation of Single Family Residential,six (6) dwelling units per acre (SF-6), to Commercial (C); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designation from Single Family Residential, 6.05 dwelling units per acre (SR-6), to Community Commercial (CC) for the property located at 27220— 154th Avenue Southeast. 2001 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments Page 2 The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending APPROVAL with the CONDITION that vehicular access to the subject site shall be limited to Southeast 272"d Street/Kent-Kangley, and shall be prohibited from 154`h Avenue Southeast, a residential cul-de-sac street. Proposal C - [KLOUZAL#CPA-2001-2(C)/CPZ-2001-31 A change to the Land Use Map from the current designation of Single Family Residential, six (6) dwelling units per acre (SF-6), to Low Density Multifamily Residential, sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre (LDMF); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designation from Single Family Residential, 6.05 dwelling units per acre (SR-6), to Single Family Residential, 8.71 dwelling units per acre (SR-8) with an intent to seek a subsequent rezone to Multifamily Townhouse, sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre (MR-T16), for the property located at 2635 South 26Wh Street. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending APPROVAL Proposal D - [AMERINOR/CAMERON #CPA-2001-2(D)/CPZ-2001-41 A change to the Land Use Map from the current designation of Single Family Residential, six (6) dwelling units per acre (SF-6), to Single Family Residential, eight (8) dwelling units per acre (SF-8); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designation from Single Family Residential, 4.53 dwelling units per acre (SR-4.5), to Single Family Residential, 8.71 dwelling units per acre (SR-8), for the adjacent properties located at the southwest corner of the intersecting rights-of-way for Southeast 252"d Street & 110 Avenue Southeast, and at 25218—113th Avenue Southeast. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending DENIAL of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation change to SF-8; and APPROVAL of a Zoning District Map designation change to SR-6, consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of SF-6 Proposal E - [FANNING/SCHARER #CPA-2001-2(E)/CPZ-2001-51 A change to the Land Use Map from the current designation of Single Family Residential, three (3) dwelling units per acre (SF-3), to Single Family Residential, six (6) dwelling units per acre (SF-6); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designation from Single Family Residential, 3.63 dwelling units per acre (SR-3), to Single Family Residential, 6.05 dwelling units per acre (SR-6), for the adjacent properties located at 25003 — 114th Avenue Southeast and 11223 Southeast 248`h Street. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending APPROVAL. Proposal F- [DEROSE #CPA-2001-2(F)/CPZ-2001-61 A change to the Land Use Map from the current designation of Low Density Multifamily Residential, sixteen 2001 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments Page 3 (16) dwelling units per acre (LDMF), to Commercial (C); and a corresponding change of the Zoning District Map designation from Garden (Low) Density Multifamily, sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre (MR-G), to Community Commercial (CC), for the property located at 13303 & 13307 Kent-Kangley Road. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending APPROVAL. Proposal G- [KENT AND FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICTS #CPA-2001- 2(G)/CPZ-2001-71 A request to amend the text of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element and Kent City Code Chapter 12.13 to reflect proposed changes to impact fees resulting from new student population generated by new single family and multifamily residential development. The Land Use and Planning Board held the public hearing on this issue and is forwarding the updated plan to the City Council without recommendation, allowing the City Council full flexibility in the adoption of budgetary matters. Proposal H- [CITY OF KENT CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT AMENDMENT • #CPA-2001-2(H)/CPZ-2001-8] Proposed text changes to the Capital Facilities Element of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use and Planning Board held the public hearing on this issue and is forwarding the updated plan to the City Council without recommendation, allowing the City Council full flexibility in the adoption of budgetary matters. Staff will be available at the February 5, 2002 City Council meeting to discuss the Land Use and Planning Board recommendations and answer questions. S\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2001\2012757-cpa2001-2a-bb doc • 00% c F � Q > m " a o L = w ` " O o m qto a O 90 N �'Ta O C �+ L A"I toE 3 ` {�7 O N L m E 9 Y YTr � �' a 0s�+ O O O W Z d p1N m e � « � P � E ° m '� e a 'c m 6 r� 3 rA � LL fLL FLL mJ W ' V = .� V1 1 .J V x a tm Cox Ir a Ir d Cox N 3Ad Z 0 $ gZ � c a R Drc y - _ o z L9L aS G Z v III I jN 3AV NOSdWOHI i 4 x E2 o N z oa6u114se Cox 13 x x SCoxO o Bad i $ S c c O C 7"I 01 i9 C ® � ION ION O Y; G16 p c N ° a IoEY 3 � 3E z N �c— jY � � 6 0q CA O W 7 • O! _ N O C N m' n ,� 3 ti'i � s FN6 ZIL � � M VfmeDU ia�ii r ' m IL �+ a I Cox CV) c F _ � c W F d mZ z CO) Q zao Q Cox N 3A SIO Z Z N � QJWo o` age Iwo 7 W _ [9t US CG o .c I N P� W� N 3AV NOSdWOHl 111 v� x l f o#BU14SO a T4- IL13J' � � x COX . 3 , °: g ^ a CA L.F., o V o o0a 0 CD • i y' N q W a A A O N N + W CM .Y.a i L 0 v ao eea ^� °erA a ° m zcc cc VN W a oo � Wm o LL5 c FAa m *A .. 3 U) UL fLL S � ma m ' tic O C Q0 �, , _ VA V V I Idl W a cq o Ax co 'dtx O W O M M t9 O ? � � ZGo M CO) gWo „—, d2a — � z --i W O U � W N Gw € V V x N ~x x Voi N -. LLMW COX C CO CM Big N 3S :JA 1 !i I. N e U ap x co � � of �da � � x x El d [. � -PRIV x � �x x � PEI a � � s L C s ar •Wr rl or a Se � � 3p 3m v m z cv �[ Y3 d C C a1 a L L 9 CC d ^�ar C p o m O 7 a e o02 A m u a o. c Vc D.fA }a a m H '= HU6 zIIL $ IL in -I Yl c IL I.119 L Vl V ia�i� e L x o ere 4141 IV col Too Mx co x C7 W ' 2 m N 0 O M COZ ¢ o ,M co , g2a w0 � wo i7 W M C V x 2 g 0 cf)x :art o g x _ fA ft.v n N N _ 3S 3AV VSW ON ch Lf) I 8 �R1V x g p _ �] `" •z C ry N LU i b & ai �+ A m Ato o 01 Y 3 O y a�7 m 7 C. O « O .. 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Six of the applications are on behalf of private property owners and propose changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Zoning Map Two of the applications are for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments to the Capital Facilities Element -- one from the City of Kent, and one joint proposal from the Kent and Federal Way School Districts Planning Services staff facilitated a Land Use & Planning Board tour of the sites on October 27'" At the Land Use & Planning Board workshop held November 261' staff introduced each proposed amendment to the Board for discussion and questions This staff report includes a detailed analysis of the merits of each proposal, maps of each site and a staff recommendation The eight proposed amendments have been classified as proposals A through H, and a description of each application follows. STANDARDS OF REVIEW Section 12 02 050 of the Kent City Code outlines the standards of review, which must be used by staff and the City Council in analyzing any proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments Proposed amendments are to be examined based on the following criteria 1 The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare, 2 The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, or that circumstances have changed since the adoption of the Plan that warrant an amendment to the Plan, and 3 The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and that the amendment will maintain concurrency between the Land Use, Transportation, and Capital Facilities Elements of the Plan The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments have been analyzed based on these criteria Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 2 of 13 Proposal A STILL MANOR RETIREMENT LIVING #CPA-2001-2(A)/#CPZ-2001-1 (KIVA#2012757) #ENV-2001-54(A) (KIVA#2012758) Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at 1027 & 1035 West Smith Street Applicant(Agent). Campbell/Nixon &Associates, Inc. Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND MHP (Mobile Home Park) MU (Mixed Use) USE Map MDMF (Medium Density Multifamily, 23 units/acre ZONING Districts Map MHP (Mobile Home Park) GC (General Commercial) MR-M (Medium Density Multifamily, 23 units/acre Background: The subject site is located on generally flat terrain between Washington Avenue (State Route 181/West Valley Highway) and State Route 167, along the north side of West Smith Street The existing residential uses located on the two tax parcels subject to this proposed amendment exceed the densities (units/acre) currently allowed under their existing zoning district designations. The Still Manor Mobile Home Park contains fifty (50) dwelling units and one laundry facility structure on 3 3 acres, and the single-structure Skyview Apartments contains eight (8) dwelling units on 0.244 acres. A non-subject parcel abutting the northern boundary of the subject site is designated in both the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning Maps as Mobile Home Park (MHP), and is currently in mobile home park use (Paradise Mobile Home Park) Otherwise, the subject site is surrounded by commercial land use and zoning designations, consistent with the designation changes requested by the applicant The parcels across Smith Street from the southern boundary of the subject site, are in low-intensity use, with two single-family dwelling unit structures, two parcels used for surface parking, and a used car dealership at the southeast corner of Washington and Smith Access to the site will be from Washington Avenue and the segment of Smith Street between Washington Avenue and State Route 167 The steeply sloped embankment of SR 167 abuts the eastern boundary of the subject site, and the nearest vehicular and pedestrian access to Downtown Kent is available along Meeker Street to the south. Direct pedestrian access to Downtown across Meeker and beneath SR 167 is complicated by the lack of a pedestrian crosswalk at Thompson Avenue, and traffic does not stop along the two-way Smith-to-Meeker connecting curve, nor the Meeker eastbound through-lane. Thompson Avenue does not have a sidewalk or curbing on either side between Meeker and Smith Streets The segment of Smith Street serving the subject site does not have sidewalks or curbing The portion of Washington Avenue adjacent to the subject site is presently a hostile environment for pedestrian and other non-motorized modes of travel, without sidewalks or curbing The City of Kent Public Works Department has identified Washington Avenue as an area in need of improvements, and curb, gutter, and sidewalks are to be constructed within fifty (50) feet of the street centerline as redevelopment of properties along Washington occurs These incremental improvements to Washington are to be paid through Local Improvement District (LID) 354 The W. Smith Street segment connecting to Washington Avenue from the subject site would have to be improved • Applicant has considered acquiring properties zoned GC-MU south of subject site for inclusion in the eventual development of the site Actualization of this consideration by the applicant could lead to an applicant request to vacate portions of Smith Street and Thompson Avenue Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 3 of 13 Issues Staff could reasonably define the independent living portion of the proposed project as either "retirement home" or "multifamily dwellings for senior citizens " In the GC Zoning District requested by the applicant, retirement homes are subject to a General Conditional Use Permit Multifamily dwellings are principally permitted uses only within the Mixed Use Overlay when located within a Mixed Use Development Given arterial traffic speeds and a lack of pedestrian facilities in the vicinity of the subject site, the City would require significant improvements for pedestrian travel and public transit use upon development of the site The Washington Avenue LID addresses one frontage in this regard, but improvements to the Smith Street segment could be constrained by the narrow width of that street right-of-way Several commercial uses at the corner of Washington and Smith have delivery access along Smith Street that interferes with road traffic, and could preclude safe pedestrian access along the Smith Street frontage of the subject site According to Kent's Housing and Human Services Manager, the fifty (50) mobile home units to be displaced by redevelopment of the subject site are considered low-income housing, not "middle income" as indicated by the agent for the applicant in the Environmental Checklist (see page 12, Housing) These units are not subsidized housing units, but any project using Federal funding would be required to provide relocation assistance According to a State-estimated relocation cost per mobile home unit and assuming space for units is available within reasonable distance of the subject site, relocation and cost could range between $3500 per single-wide unit and $7500 per double-wide unit Washington State provides reimbursement assistance through the Office of Community Development's Manufactured Housing Section to displaced mobile home park residents, regardless of household income level However, the remaining State budget for relocation assistance of displaced mobile home residents totals a mere $14,000 The applicant is researching potential receiving sites for households pursuant to the eventual loss or relocation of these mobile home units, even though the applicant may not be required to do so since private funding is anticipated to be the sole source of development capital The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies relating to commercial development, housing, and facilitating multi-modal transportation in activity centers, which are areas containing an existing base of retail and office uses The subject site, having these characteristics, and being adjacent to Downtown Kent, could be considered part of an activity center. LU-2.3 Emphasize in development regulations and design review processes site design standards, which facilitate public transit and pedestrian circulation. LU-6 Designate activity centers in portions of the city and in the annexation area. Allow in these areas a mix of retail, office, and residential development. LU-6.2 Allow residential uses in activity centers. Develop residential uses as part of a commercial area in a mixed use development or on a stand-alone basis in designated areas. LU-7 Develop activity centers in such a way as to facilitate pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation. LU-8.3 Locate housing opportunities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and human and community services. The Housing (H) and Human Services (HS) Elements of the Comprehensive Plan contain several goals and policies relating to provision and distribution of affordable housing choices, mobile home parks, on- and off-site improvements, and consideration of impacts of land use decisions on human services Land Use and Planning Board Rearing December 10, 2001 Page 4of13 H-1.5 Require developments to provide their fair share of on-site and off-site improvements needed as a result of the development. H-2 Provide sufficient, diverse, and affordable housing for the existing and projected population of Kent. H-2.1 Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs. H-2.2 Provide a sufficient amount of land zoned for current and projected residential needs, including, but not limited to, assisted housing, housing for low-income households, single-family housing, small lot sizes, townhouses, multifamily housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities. H-3 Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and improvement of existing affordable housing. H-3.3 Preserve and improve mobile home parks. Promote the provision of a low- interest loan program or other programs for low- or moderate-income mobile home park residents to replace dilapidated mobile homes. HS-1.2 Actively incorporate and encourage others to incorporate human services into the social, economic, and physical aspects of the City and the region. To this end, the City should act as a leader and model employer to the larger community through its policies, Including land use, facilities, and personnel policies. HS-3.1 Consider the impacts on and implications for human services when making land use decisions and other City policies and regulations. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies relating to coordination of development and road improvements, commercial land use and the transportation system TR-1.2 Coordinate new commercial and residential development in Kent with transportation projects to improve affected roadways. TRAJ Promote land use patterns which support public transportation. TR-1.8 Create land uses in the downtown and commercial areas which better support transit and reduce peak-hour trip generation. TR-7.2 Whenever practical, use incentives or regulations to encourage new construction to promote pedestrian and bicycle movements to pathways, transit services and arterials. The City of Kent has policies pertaining to the preservation of low-income housing While these are important considerations, the requested Land Use Designation and Zoning District Designation are consistent with the surrounding designations and developed land uses. Recommendation: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request to rezone the two subject parcels to General Commercial (GC) Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 5 of 13 Proposal B SOOS CREEK CENTER #CPA-2001-2(B)/#CPZ-2001-2 (KIVA#2012841) #ENV-2001-54(B) (KIVA#2012840 Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at 27220 154'h Avenue Southeast Applicant(Agent) DFM, L L C Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND SF-6 (Single-Family 6 C (Commercial) USE Map units/acre ZONING Districts Map SR-6 (Single-Family 6 05 CC (Community units/acre) Commercial Background: The subject site consists of one 0 84 acre tax parcel, vacant of any structures The applicant intends to package the subject site with an adjacent commercially zoned parcel that fronts Southeast 272nd Street The subject site and other parcels accessing 154E Avenue Southeast are currently zoned SR-6, Single Family 6 units/acre The existing right of way for 1541" Avenue SE ends in a cul-de-sac bulb located on the parcel fronting SE 272nd Street. The SR-6 zoned parcel to the east is being developed under a conditional use permit to allow a reception center (Covington Memorial Services) for the cemetery adjacent to the southeast Issues: Traffic conflict with residential uses is a key issue with this application Residential units served by 154'h Avenue SE must continue to have unobstructed access if the applicant seeks a vacation of the northern portion of this street The commercial development should also not have direct vehicular access to or from 154'h Avenue SE The Land Use and Transportation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan contain goals and policies relating to commercial development, adjacency to residential use, and limiting impacts on non- arterial streets LU-2.3 Emphasize in development regulations and design reviewprocesses site design standards which facilitate public transit and pedestrian circulation. LU-13.6 Ensure that commercial and mixed use developments adjacent to existing single-family residential areas are compatible in height and scale. Establish guidelines for design of edges where commercial and mixed uses abut single- family use and medium-and low-density residential. TR-1.1 Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily, and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials or around freeway interchanges. TR-4.1 Maximize traffic flow and mobility on arterial roads, especially on regional through routes, while protecting local neighborhood roads from increased traffic volumes. TR-4.3 Balance the dual goals of providing accessibility within the local street system and protecting neighborhoods. Where overflow traffic from the regional system significantly impacts neighborhoods, protect the residential area. The City notes that a previous effort to rezone this land to Community Commercial during the Meridian Annexation process failed The conditions of the residential neighborhood to the south have changed in the last few years, however, and commercially-zoned property with frontage on SE Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 6 of 13 272nd Street has been recently redeveloping to commercial use The City sees no incdnsistency with conversion of the frontage of SE 272nd Street to commercial use, but the subject rezone request creates a unique challenge The only access for this parcel at present is 154th Avenue SE, and commercial traffic accessing the subject parcel from this road could have deleterious impacts on residential uses along SE 275`h Street, in addition to those single family residences located along 1541h Avenue SE On its own, the subject parcel would not be a feasible candidate for a rezone The applicant has indicated ownership of the parcel directly north of the subject parcel, as well as intent to develop these parcels as one project. Recommendation: Staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of this request, with the following condition The subject parcel shall have direct vehicular access from Southeast 272nd Street only. The Applicant/Owner shall not be permitted to have direct vehicular access to 154th Avenue Southeast to serve any non-residential land use development Proposal C KLOUZAL #CPA-2001-2(C)!#CPZ-2001-3 (KIVA#2012844) #ENV-2001.54(C) (KIVA#2012845) Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at 2635 South 260th Street. Applicant(Agent) Alex Klouzal Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND SF-6 (Single-Family 6 LDMF (Low Density USE Map units/acre) Multifamily, 16 units/acre ZONING Districts Map SR-4.5 (Single-Family 4 53 SR-8 (Single-Family 8 71 units/acre) units/acre Background: The subject site is located approximately 1,000 feet east of SR 99 along South 260'h Street, and consists of one 4 78 acre tax parcel, with one single family dwelling structure and a detached garage located thereon. A significant amount of the subject site has been delineated as a Class II wetland; inclusive of a fifty (50) foot buffer, only 1.593 acres of the subject site is developable Several large parcels in close proximity to the north and east of the subject site are zoned and in use as Medium Density Multifamily residential apartments (MR-M) (Appian Way and Royal Skies Apartments). Three parcels abutting the western boundary of the subject site are currently designated the same as the subject site on the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use (SF-6) and Zoning (SR-4.5) Maps Further to the west of the property are commercial uses, including Pioneer Roofing Supply and the Woodmont Place Shopping Center. A large mobile home park (West Hill Mobile Manor) is located to the northwest of the property. Issues: Sensitive areas and traffic impacts likely are the key issues for this application The LDMF Land Use and SR-8 Zoning designations would allow the applicant to apply for a rezone to MRT-16 upon approval of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendment Present zoning would allow for the development of twenty-two (22) single family detached units, but sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to nine (9) single family detached units As proposed by the applicant, an eventual designation of MRT-16 zoning would allow seventy-six (76) multifamily condominium or single family detached units, but sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to seventeen (17) multifamily condominium units Since there is no minimum lot area for development of single family detached units in MRT-16 zoning, seventy-six (76) single family detached units could theoretically be clustered on the site despite sensitive areas restrictions If adopted, this amendment would in the interim provide SR-8 zoning, which would allow for the development of forty-two (42) single family detached units, but Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 . Page 7 of 13 sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to seventeen (17) single family detached units The Land Use (LU) and Transportation (TR) Elements of the Comprehensive Plan contain several goals and policies related to environmentally sensitive and critical areas, multifamily housing, and proximity to major roadways LU-8.3 Locate housing opportunities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and human and community services. LU-9 Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the city and the Potential Annexation Area. LU-9.2 Allow and encourage a variety of multifamily housing forms, such as townhouses, residences above businesses, triplexes and fourplexes, duplexes, and attached single-family units in multifamily districts and designated commercial areas. LU-20 Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of City regulations and programs which encourage well-designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in specified areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. TR-1.1 Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily, and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials or around freeway interchanges. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies relating to provision and distribution of affordable housing choices. H-2 Provide sufficient, diverse, and affordable housing for the existing and projected population of Kent. H-2.1 Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs. H-2.2 Provide a sufficient amount of land zoned for current and projected residential needs, including, but not limited to, assisted housing, housing for low-income households, single-family housing, small /of sizes, townhouses, multifamily housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities. H-4 Expand home ownership opportunities for all income groups via land use regulations, financial strategies, and the removal of barriers to lending. H-4.1 Revise zoning and development standards to facilitate small lot sizes, manufactured housing on single-family lots, townhouses, condominiums, clustering, and other options which increase the supply of affordable home • ownership opportunities. The City has an interest in promoting homeownership opportunities for all income levels The Multifamily Townhouse (MRT) Zoning Districts created by the City a short time ago are a tool that enables the goal of homeownership to be realized in areas that are more likely not to redevelop as single-family detached unit subdivisions The MRT zone would allow for the clustering of housing Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 8of13 units, which could avoid disturbing the significant portion of the subject site that contains wetlands while permitting the developer to maximize an allowed density of sixteen (16) units per acre, as appropriate to the site The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) allows Garden Density Multifamily (MR-G) zoning, typically developed as apartments, and MRT However, a rezone to an MRT Zoning District can be requested only if the subject property is zoned SR-8 Approval of the LDMF Land Use Designation and SR-8 Zoning District would allow the applicant to request a rezone to MRT-12, MRT-16 or MR-G Recommendation: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request Proposal D AMERINOR/CAMERON #CPA-2001-2(D)/#CPA-2001-4 (KIVA#2012866) #ENV-2001-54(D) (KIVA #2012865) Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at Southeast 252nd & 114d' Avenue Southeast and 25218 1131h Avenue Southeast Applicant(Agent) Ian Elliot Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND SF-6 (Single-Family 6 SF-8 (Single-Family 8 USE Map units/acre) units/acre ZONING Districts Map - SR-4 5 (Single-Family 4 53 SR-8 (Single-Family 8.71 units/acre) units/acre Background: The 4.15 acre subject site consists of three tax parcels located between • approximately Southeast 252"1 Street and Southeast 253`d Street, if extended, and between approximately 112t" and 110 Avenues SE, if extended Access to the subject site is limited to a driveway at the end of 113'' Avenue Southeast. Providing vehicular access to units developed on the subject site will necessitate the improvement of at least one right-of-way to public street standards The development of property to the north of the subject site might also require improvement of at least one right-of-way to public street standards Although the City's wetland inventory indicates approximately 50 percent of the site is encumbered by wetlands, the applicant states in the environmental checklist that limited wetlands occur on the site. No wetland report was submitted with the applications. Properties in the vicinity of the subject site, to the north and east are large lots, with properties to the south ranging from approximately one-third acre to larger lot parcels. Zoning of the properties in the immediate vicinity is SR-3 to the north and SR-4 5 to the west, east and south, except for the Stratford Arms Apartments which are zoned MR-M and abut the subject property on the west The Walnut Park Condominiums are zoned MR-G and are located northwest of the property The 7d' Day Adventist Church is located east of the property, across 114 ,Avenue SE. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations match the existing zoning except for those properties zoned SR- 4 5, for which the land use map designation is SF-6 Issues Access/transportation and sensitive areas are key issues for this property. When there are sensitive areas on a site, an increase in zoning density affords an opportunity to create a clustering effect that might be more acceptable to the neighborhood as single family development. Assuming that the City's wetlands inventory is an accurate (and not necessarily precise) indicator of sensitive areas on the subject site, approximately 2 075 acres (or 50%") of the site could be available for development. Under existing SR-4.5 zoning the development of nineteen (19) single family detached units would be allowed, but sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to twelve (12) single family detached units As proposed by the applicant, SR-8 zoning would allow the development of thirty-six (36) single family detached units, but sensitive Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 • Page 9 of 13 areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to twenty-three (23) single family detached units The minimum lot size in the SR zoning district is 4000 sq ft These small lots would be a drastic change to the character of this single-family neighborhood of large lots Circumstances have not changed sufficiently since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan to warrant increased density beyond the existing plan designation of SF-6 The existing designation of SF-6 creates a lesser and more acceptable impact to the neighborhood The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies related to environmentally sensitive critical areas and housing LU-8.3 Locate housing opportunities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and human and community services. LU-9 Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the city and the Potential Annexation Area. LU-10 Revise development regulations to encourage more single-family development and more flexibility and innovation in terms of building and site design. LU-10.1 Calculate the allowable density for single-family developments based on the size of the overall development site, as opposed to individual lot sizes. LU-10.2 Allow clustering of housing units in subdivisions in orde? to maximize potential build-out of single-family homes while preserving open space and • environmentally sensitive areas. LU-20 Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of City regulations and programs which encourage well-designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in specified areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. LU-23 Protect and enhance water resources for multiple benefits, including recreation, fish and wildlife resources and habitat, flood protection, water supply, and open space. LU-23.2 Protect wetlands not as isolated units, but as ecosystems, and essential elements of watersheds. Base protection measures wetland functions and values, and the effects of on-site and off-site activities. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies relating to provision and distribution of affordable housing choices H-2 Provide sufficient, diverse, and affordable housing for the existing and projected population of Kent. H-2.1 Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs.• H-2.2 Provide a sufficient amount of land zoned for current and projected residential needs, including, but not limited to, assisted housing, housing for low-income households, single-family housing, small lot sizes, townhouses, multifamily housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities. Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 10 of 13 H-4 Expand home ownership opportunities for all income groups via land use . regulations, financial strategies, and the removal of barriers to lending. H-4.1 Revise zoning and development standards to facilitate small lot sizes, manufactured housing on single-family lots, townhouses, condominiums, clustering, and other options which increase the supply of affordable home ownership opportunities. Recommendation: Staff recommends DENIAL of the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan to a Land Use Designation of SF-8, and staff recommends APPROVAL of a rezone of the subject site to SR-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre), which would be consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject site. Proposal E FANNINGISCHARER #CPA-2001-2(E)1#CPZ-2001-5 (KIVA#2012867) #ENV-2001-54(E) (KIVA#2012864) Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at 25003 1141h Avenue Southeast and 11223 Southeast 2481h Street Applicant(Agent): Ian Elliot Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND SF-3 (Single-Family 3 SF-6 (Single-Family 6 USE Map units/acre) unitsiacre) • ZONING Districts Map SR-3 (Single-Family 3 63 SR-6 (Single-Family 6 05 units/acre) units/acre Background: The 9 53 acre subject site consists of two tax parcels located in proximity to Southeast 248 t' Street between 112'h and 114th Avenues Southeast The Scharer parcel fronts on SE 248th St , and the Fanning parcel is accessed via a shared private drive (1141h Ave.) from SE 2481h Street Although the City's wetland inventory indicates approximately 40 - 50 percent of the site is encumbered by wetlands, the applicant states in the environmental checklist that limited wetlands occur on the site. The checklist also states a small stream exists from east to west. No wetland report was submitted with the applications Properties in the vicinity of the subject site, to the north, south and east are large lots Zoning of the properties in the immediate vicinity is SR-3 to the north and east, SR-4 5 to the south The Walnut Park Condominiums are zoned MR-G and abut the pro�erty on the west. The 7th Day Adventist Church is located southeast of the property, across 114' Avenue SE and SE 252nd Street Daniel Elementary School is located to the northeast of the property. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations match the existing zoning except for those properties zoned SR-4 5, for which the land use map designation is SF-6 Issues Access/transportation and sensitive areas are key issues for this property When there are sensitive areas on a site, an increase in zoning density affords an opportunity to create a clustering effect that might be more acceptable to the neighborhood as single family development Assuming that the City's wetlands inventory is an accurate (and not necessarily precise) indicator of sensitive areas on the subject site, approximately 4.765 acres (or 50%) of the site could be available for development Under existing SR-3 zoning the development of thirty-five (35) single family detached . units would be allowed, but sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to twenty-two (22) single family detached units As proposed by the applicant, SR-6 zoning would allow the development of fifty-eight(58) single family detached units, but sensitive areas and minimum lot size restrictions could limit the number of units to thirty-six (36) single family detached Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 11 of 13 units The proposal creates additional density in the neighborhood in efforts to accommodate growth, and is consistent with a major portion of the single-family designation of SF-6 on the East Hill The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies related to environmentally sensitive critical areas and housing LU-8.3 Locate housing opportunities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and human and community services. LU-9 Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the city and the Potential Annexation Area. LU-10 Revise development regulations to encourage more single-family development and more flexibility and innovation in terms of building and site design. LU-10.1 Calculate the allowable density for single-family developments based on the size of the overall development site, as opposed to individual lot sizes. LU-10.2 Allow clustering of housing units in subdivisions in order to maximize potential build-out of single-family homes while preserving open space and environmentally sensitive areas. LU-18_ Foster recognition of the significant role played by natural features and systems in determining the overall environmental quality and livability of the community. LU-20 Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of City regulations and programs which encourage well-designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in specified areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. LU-22.3 Indemnify the City from damages resulting from development in naturally constrained areas. To the extent possible or feasible, require that developers provide to the City accurate and valid environmental information. LU-23 Protect and enhance water resources for multiple benefits, including recreation, fish and wildlife resources and habitat, flood protection, water supply, and open space. LU-23.2 Protect wetlands not as isolated units, but as ecosystems, and essential elements of watersheds. Base protection measures wetland functions and values, and the effects of on-site and off-site activities. LU-23.4 Maintain rivers and major and minor streams in their natural state Rehabilitate degraded channels and banks via public programs and in conjunction with proposed new development. LU-25 Regulate development in environmentally critical areas such as steep slopes and landslide-prone areas to prevent harm, to protect public health and safety, and to save the remaining sensitive areas in the City. The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains several goals and policies relating to provision and distribution of affordable housing choices: Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 12 of 13 H-2 Provide sufficient, diverse, and affordable housing for the existing and projected population of Kent. H-2.1 Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs. H-2.2 Provide a sufficient amount of land zoned for current and projected residential needs, including, but not limited to, assisted housing, housing for low-income households, single-family housing, small lot sizes, townhouses, multifamily housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities. H4 Expand home ownership opportunities for all income groups via land use regulations, financial strategies, and the removal of barriers to lending. H-4.1 Revise zoning and development standards to facilitate small lot sizes, manufactured housing on single-family lots, townhouses, condominiums, clustering, and other options which increase the supply of affordable home ownership opportunities. Recommendation: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request Proposal F DEROSE #CPA-2001-2(F)/#CPZ-2001-6 (KIVA#2012904) #ENV-2001-54(F) (KIVA#2012903) Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for property located at 13303 & 13307 Kent-Kangley Road. Applicant(Agent): Mark O Pass, Agent for Owner Existing Designation Proposed Change Comprehensive Plan LAND LDMF (Low Density C (Commercial) USE Map Multifamily, 16 units/acre ZONING Districts Map MR-G (Garden Density CC (Community Multifamily, 16 units/acre) Commercial Background: The 1.12 acre subject site consists of two tax parcels located along State Route 516 (Kent-Kangley Road/Southeast 272nd Street) The properties currently are developed with single family residences The subject site is anticipated by the applicant to be packaged with westerly adjacent commercially zoned parcels as part of an automotive tire center with a convenience store and fuel pumps All four corners of the intersection of SR 516 and 132nd Avenue SE are designated Community Commercial, with MR-G zoning to the north and south of the subject property Single family residential zoning is generally located to the east The City's wetland inventory indicates wetlands on the properties to the east and south. Buffers for these wetlands may encroach into the subject property Issues: Buffering of the adjacent single family district and traffic impacts likely are the key issues with this application. Auto repair and washing services are subject to a Conditional Use Permit in the CC zoning district The Land Use and Transportation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan contain several goals and policies relating to coordination of development and road improvements, commercial land use and the transportation system. Land Use and Planning Board Hearing December 10, 2001 Page 13 of 13 LU-13 Determine the size, function, and mix of uses in the City's commercial districts based on regional, community, and neighborhood needs. LU-13.6 Ensure that commercial and mixed-use developments adjacent to existing single-family residential areas are compatible in height and scale. Establish guidelines for design of edges where commercial and mixed uses abut single- family use and medium-and low-density residential. TR-1,1 Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily, and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials or around freeway interchanges. Recommendation: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request Proposal G #CPA-2001-2(G) (KIVA#2012913) Update of the Comprehensive Plan and Kent City Code Chapter 12.13 to reflect changes to Federal Way School District and Kent School District Capital Facilities Plans Applicant(Agent) Federal Way School District and Kent School District Background: The applicants propose amendment of the text of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to reflect proposed changes to impact fees resulting from new student population generated by new single family and multifamily residential development The Kent School District is not proposing changes to their existing fees of $3,782 for single family units and $2,329 for multifamily units However, the Federal Way School District proposes a $2,616 fee for single family units (down from $2,710) and a $896 fee for multifamily units (up from $830) This Proposal would also amend Kent City Code Chapter 12,13 to reflect this update of impact fee amounts Recommendation Staff is recommending APPROVAL of these requests Proposal H #CPA-2001-2(H) (KIVA#2012908) Update of Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Applicant(Agent)• City of Kent Finance Department Background: The Capital Facilities Element in the Kent Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 1995, contains a great deal of information relating to inventories of existing capital facilities, estimated costs of anticipated future facilities, and projected revenues to fund these facilities These components of the Capital Facilities Element all are required under the Growth Management Act (GMA). The GMA requires that the Capital Facilities Element be updated to reflect the growth of the city in order to maintain concurrency with the Land Use and Transportation elements. Recommendation: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request. Staff will be available at the December 10 public hearing to highlight the location of each application A detailed review and discussion of each application will be presented WO/CA/pm 51PermdlPlanlCompPlanAmdmentsl200112012757CPA2001-2a-h doc Q£y Gegsa t I El /- �' �5 Fl <OD O cn m�3- =s= xOo S 81 Washingto �x --- ov` - 0 �' a 0 0 Cf)Z ��� ofloo � � � ©� o oLE D 10) - THOMPSON AVE N ® � 4 C G — SR 167 C — _:T�' t (A ; = z ° w MA AVE N CO ao C m CD fiff On - - — - - ----w-- >CO w z: 3 0 o o m y 9 m rt 3 m C. 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Z O NNN N�,N 31NN NNNNN NiIN . g = A ANN NNNNN NNNN 31N � N-n x HNN N NYINN NNN IN-A �+ TTT IL U *' y •1,41N NNN v1`NIN n T a'fm i NNN N I-41N NN NNv1NNN 31■N Iq NN W ,NN NNNNN •N N•NN N IN N41N 31N fAa 41NNN414141N4141 N 414141-H41 -1=,41414I NN NNN-MN NNN NN •N NNN-1 NNN11 N e x HNNNNN-AINNN NN NNNNii'NNNNN N z INNNNNNNNN NNN -Ny{ L^st ' NNNN N g 'NNNNNd -N4141 NNNN N nNN 1IN t, ' %34 31N4N4444NI 4NI41 N-1NN NN-NN N N N•NN 4141N 4141 NNNNN4Nd1 . . ., v1N i,r N .L.u,u NNN NNN 41414141 NNNN 31 m IN IN NNN3141 i NN di 3i N 0 x O NNNNNNNN NNNNN NN ,31N NN Q • IN•NN•31NNNN NNNNNNNN 41-INH74144N CNN N-NNN IN IN NINN•11N '41NNN-NN44 nNN41 NNNN NNNNNd1NNN NNNNNN O Y NNN iNNNN 44144N44NNN44y NNNNN n IZN 41N31N NNNNNN NNd NNNN 37N O 49"N 4NNN 4141NN%11 z I, _ NN�,NNNN31N i,31NN NN31 NNNNNN NNNNNIN IN IN N41NNNNi141 NNNN N 31NNNNNi1NNNNN NN3137N n44NN.31N4f 3, 44NH1N NNNNNN I-H N INNNNNN,9 NNNNNNNNN •NNN o 4N444441N44 N NN NdINN4 . 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BI�I 4431•H � •al•N•H•N•NY yy. —� ant/Z£6 ga Lo 3 E3 B p a e •� � � m N ad+ r C � o .� � c N C N _N A 10 OLU N G y YS C H +OC y � 3i 3 � r d r YC7 > °Co 0 °Cm ° d N di y, 10 LL C O `�, N ed E � aLL Inj rn o Cl) D U � � 144 a H 44 0 0 � o 0 3S 3AV M e- 1 zoo m� i191� 3l31v1 e1 a V V c dlIJ %AiH 41 je� m y a r 41%J1.11 u a 841�IxHIN41 mH 1�1 a 14%IM4 O •144 %N,11,A�1.1 y "' ` � Z •' � `1{ }1 • O r `}1`�`�`N`� � �p J cn z H dl•Ne 1•Hdld m `H dl AI °' � d1�3i91a •H dl�dl�r � �p' � •I'JI.71,v 31 � a8 3AV ZELO 6 y ,, C , F = 0 •,Z = C N H r W 47 of rl Y 3 E ea O 3 m N w Z CL o ' z C m tp o to d w CL ya Fug. o � u v = c° u a 1 S-' too U U 3S 3AV M . 39 3Ab st t N m i � m c i Q H _ E 3At/ZE L C C cc 3S3AV4ZI. ILe � r • 3S3Ab'91L ul 3S 3AVOl - r•-..: fn L9l S S HAV VC p � _ N AMH A3 A 1Sb'3 � -0 `m u� m E � m m c —� S 3AV L y z .... .. 64 VE • L% 8 � bP F Qi � b` Ta ' •_q•2 fq S 2 1J rr YRD + of 6 �`4 s� 5s'b f$3 Y b-� 66��u2E° COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N Satterstrom, Community Dev Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Phone 253-856-5454 KENT Fax 253-855-6454 Wn5HIHGTOH Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT Decision Document CITY OF KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS AND IMPLEMENTING ZONING MAP'AMENDMENTS ENV-2001-54(A-H) Responsible Official. Kim Marousek Prepared by William D Osborne, I. PROPOSAL The City of Kent is considering eight (8) amendments to its Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan amendments can be analyzed by the City Council once per . year, as authorized by the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A) and Kent City Code Chapter 12.02 Six (6) of these proposals have been made by private interests, and would amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map. One application updates the City of Kent Capital Facilities Plan and one application updates the capital facilities plans for the Kent and Federal Way School Districts. The School Districts issued their own environmental determinations. These proposed amendments are summarized below. A #ENV-2001-54(A) / #2012758 STILL MANOR RETIREMENT LIVING (CPA-2001-2(A) AND CPZ-2001-1) The 3.54 acre subject site is located at 1027 & 1035 W. Smith St. This request is to amend, for two adjacent parcels, the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designations from MHP (Mobile Home Park) and MDMF (Medium Density Multifamily) to MU (Mixed Use), and the Zoning District Map designations from MHP (Mobile Home Park) and MR-M (Medium Density Multifamily) to GC (General Commercial) B. #ENV-2001-54(B) / #2012840 SOOS CREEK CENTER (CPA-2001-2(B) AND CPZ-2001-2) The 0.84 acre subject site is located at 27220 154' Ave SE. This request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designation from SF-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre) to C (Commercial), and the Zoning District Map designation from SR-6 (Single Family, 6 units 0 per acre) to CC (Community Commercial). C. #ENV-2001-54(C) / #2012845 KLOUZAL (CPA-2001-2(C) AND CPZ- 2001-3) The 4.78 acre subject site is located at 2635 S. 260"' St This r Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designation from SF-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre) to LDMF (Low Density Multifamily), and the Zoning District Map designation from SR-4.5 (Single Family, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-8 (Single Family, 8 units per acre). D #ENV-2001-54(D) / #2012865 AMERINOR/CAMERON (CPA-2001-2(D) AND CPZ-2001-4) The 4 15 acre subject site is located at SE 252"' & 114'" Ave SE, and 25218 113" Ave SE This request is to amend, for three contiguous parcels, the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations from SF-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre) to SF-8 (Single Family, 8 units per acre), and the Zoning District Map designations from SR-6 (Single Family, 4.5 units per acre) to SR-8 (Single Family, 8 units per acre). E. #ENV-2001-54(E) /#2012864 FANNING/SCHARER (CPA-20012(E) AND CPZ-2001-5) The 9.53 acre subject site is located at 25003 114"" Ave SE, and 11223 SE 248' St This request is to amend for two contiguous parcels, the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations from SF-3 (Single Family, 3 units per acre) to SF-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre), and the Zoning District Map designations from SR-3 (Single Family, 3 units per acre) to SR-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre) F. #ENV 2001-54(F)/#2012903 DEROSE (CPA-2001-2(F) AND CPZ2001-6) The 1.12 acre subject site is located at 13303 & 13307 Kent-Kangley Road (SE 272nd St/SR 516). This request is to amend for two contiguous parcels, the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation from LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) to C (Commercial), and the Zoning District Map designation from MR-G (Garden Density Multifamily) to CC (Community Commercial). G #CPA-2001-2(G) KENT & FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES 2001 PLAN -a request to amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan and Kent City Code, Section 12 13 to reflect proposed changes to impact fees assessed on the development of single family and multifamily dwelling units. The school districts issued their own SEPA determinations. The City accepts the environment review by the School Districts H #CPA-2001-2(H) CITY OF KENT FINANCE DEPT CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT - a request to amend the cost and revenue summaries of the Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element as required under the Growth Management Act (GMA) Impacts of non-exempt projects will be reviewed with site specific development proposals. 11 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Amending the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map is considered a "non- project" action under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Amendments to comprehensive plans are also not considered to be project permit applications Page 2 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments . #ENV-2001-54(A-H) under ESHB 1724 and Kent City Code Chapter 12 01 The broad environmental impacts of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments will be analyzed in this document Subsequent development proposals on the applicable sites will likely require subsequent environmental review in conjunction with building permit, subdivision, and other appropriate project permit applications In addition to the above, Kent follows revisions to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 197-11 WAC (effective November 10, 1997), which implements ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094. III ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS A Earth 1. ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living. The subject site is currently fully developed and is relatively flat, with the steep slope of the State Route 167 embankment located along the eastern boundary of the subject site. The applicant indicates in response to Environmental Checklist Section B(1)(g) that approximately eighty percent (80%) of the subject site would be covered with Impervious surface at buildout of an assisted living facility. A Detailed Grading . Plan and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards will be required for review and approval with any proposal for redevelopment of the property. 2. ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center.The subject site has been recently cleared of structures, although debris remains on the generally flat terrain. A Detailed Grading Plan and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards will be required for review and approval with any proposal for redevelopment of the property. 3. ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal. The northern quarter of the subject site is partially developed at present on a moderate slope (applicant indicates 10%) from the north, which decreases in degree further south as it encounters a significantly-sized wetland area. The applicant indicates in response to Environmental Checklist Section B(1)(g)that approximately thirty-five percent (35%) of the subject site would be covered with impervious surface at buildout A Detailed Grading Plan and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards will be required for review and approval with any proposal for redevelopment of the property. 4. ENV-2001-54(D) Amerinor/Cameron The eastern portion of the subject site is partially developed at present, and the subject site Page 3 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-200 i-54(A-H) slopes gently down from the east-northeast. A Detailed Grading Plan and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards will be required for review and approval with any proposal for redevelopment of the property 5 ENV-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer Steep slopes are associated with the subject site, the extent to be determined as part of a development application process. The Applicant must submit and receive approval for a topographic and boundary map meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Zoning Code and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #2, Site Plans, from the Kent Department of Public Works concurrent with submittal for subdivision SEPA and Preliminary Subdivision Approval This map shall be stamped, signed and dated by a licensed surveyor, and shall include the approved wetland boundaries, the edges of the approved wetland buffers, the lines of ordinary high water for all on- site and adjacent creeks, and the edges of the buffers for all adjacent creeks. 6. ENV-2001-54(F) DeRose The subject site slopes gently from the north, and to the east is located an inventoried wetland area A Detailed Grading Plan and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards will be required for review and approval with any proposal for redevelopment of the property B. Air Any impacts to air quality of these proposals would not be expected to greatly exceed development typically allowed under the existing Land Use and Zoning designations for subject sites C. Water Subsequent development pursuant to each of the proposals shall increase the amount of impervious surface on the subject sites. City of Kent Stormwater Standards will be incorporated into the final site development plan. The full implementation of these standards will mitigate any water quality or quantity impacts associated with the additional impervious surfaces. 1. ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living. No comment. 2. ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center No comment. 3. ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal The Applicant/Owner for this proposal has submitted a Wetland Delineation Report, although it is Page 4 of 2 2 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) not required for this CPA/CPZ application The report has not yet received final approval from the City of Kent Engineering- Environmental Section. This Class I wetland is of very high value in terms of its functions and values within the McSorley Watershed and is significant as a regional resource Site development plans shall include provisions to maintain current surface drainage patters to ensure preservation of wetland hydrology 4 ENV-2001-54(D) Amennor/Cameron Based upon preliminary review of the subject site all three parcels are encumbered with wetlands serving the Mill Creek system which may significantly impact future development plans. Detailed wetlands and drainage review will be required before the parcels receive subdivision approval. The Applicant/ Owner/ Subdivider must submit and receive approval for a Wetland Delineation Report meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Wetlands Management Code and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #9, Wetland Delineation Reports, from the Kent Department of Public Works concurrent with submittal for'subdivisibn SEPA and Preliminary Subdivision approval. 5 ENV-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer. Based on preliminary review of the subject site, both parcels are encumbered with wetlands and a minor stream serving the Mill Creek system which are likely to significantly impact future development plans. Detailed wetland, creek, and drainage review will be required before the parcels receive subdivision approval. This project will require a fisheries study of the creek, pursuant to City Resolution 1605 The Applicant/ Owner/ Subdivider must submit and receive approval for a Wetland Delineation Report meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Wetlands Management Code and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #9, Wetland Delineation Reports, from the Kent Department of Public Works concurrent with submittal for subdivision SEPA and Preliminary Subdivision approval. The Applicant/ Owner/ Subdivider must submit and receive approval for a topographic and boundary map meeting the requirements of the City of Kent Zoning Code and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #2, Site Plans, from the Kent Department of Public Works concurrent with submittal for subdivision SEPA and Preliminary Subdivision Approval. This map shall be stamped, signed and dated by a licensed surveyor, and shall include the approved wetland boundaries, the edges of the approved wetland buffers; the lines of ordinary high water for all on-site and adjacent creeks, and the edges of the buffers for all adjacent creeks. Page 5 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) 6. ENV-2001-54(F) DeRose The two-parcel subject site is adjacent to inventoried wetland sites to the east and to the south Future development of the subject site, as well as adjacent parcels to the west of the subject site, will require Wetland Delineation Reports to determine if wetland buffers extend onto these properties. D Plants Most of the proposals would likely result in the eventual removal of some existing plants and trees at the time of development. Tree preservation plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval per Kent City Code Section 15.08.240 concurrent with development applications 1. ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living The subject site is currently developed as a mobile home park and apartment complex, with minimal landscaping 2 ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center The subject site has minimal vegetation, some trees and shrubs 3. ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal. The subject site is densely covered with trees and other foliage. 4. ENV-2001-54(D) Amednor/Cameron The subject site is densely covered with trees and other foliage. 5. ENV-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer The subject site is densely covered with trees and other foliage. 6. ENV-2001-54(F) DeRose. The subject site has some trees and shrubs that serve as landscaping for the two existing single family detached units. E. Animals Those Proposals containing, or adjacent to, sensitive areas might have impact on animals This would likely involve aquatic and aviary species associated with streams, wetlands, and areas of multi-layered, dense foliage The applicant for the Still Manor Retirement Living amendment proposal (ENV-2001-54(A)) indicates in Environmental Checklist Section B(5)(c)that the subject site ". .lies below what is sometimes referred to as the pacific flyway for migrating geese. Site is not a landing site." F. Environmental Health 1. ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living. Commercial use at the subject site could have noise impacts on the mobile home park located adjacent to the north, at a level according to the use. Noise Page 6 of 2 2 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) impacts on the subject site from surrounding uses would likely include traffic noise from State Route 167 and Washington Avenue (SR 181). 2 ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center The subject site may have noise impacts on surrounding single family uses to the south, particularly if the use Is automotive-related (with a conditional use permit in Community Commercial zones). Impacts will be assessed at the time of a specific development proposal Southeast 272nd Street will impact the subject site with traffic noise 3 ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal No comment 4 Env-2001-54(D) Amennor/Cameron No comment. 5. Env-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer No coment, 6 ENV-2001-54(F) DeRose. Commercial use at the subject site could increase noise impacts on residential uses to the east, north, and south Impacts will be assessed at the time of a specific - development proposal. Traffic noise from Southeast 272nd Street • (Kent-Kangley Road) would impact the subject site. G. Energy and Natural Resources None of the proposals is anticipated to generate demand for energy or natural resources beyond typical levels for development allowed within an urban area. The increase of residential densities via redevelopment within the city limits serves as an alleviating factor on consumption of rural and natural resource lands outside of the urban growth boundary. H Land and Shoreline Use The existing uses on the subject sites and the context of surrounding land uses are described hereafter. 1 ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living. The subject site has an existing mobile home park containing fifty (50) mobile homes, as well as an adjacent eight (8) unit apartment complex. Uses surrounding the subject site are primarily commercial, with the adjacent northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Smith Street occupied by a small multi-tenant retail commercial center Another mobile home park is directly adjacent to the north. 2 ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center The subject site has • been cleared of any structures and the parcel directly north is in similar physical condition An auto parts retail/repair center fronting on SE 272nd Street is located across 154' Avenue SE from the subject site Single family detached units of low density are located Page 7 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) to the south of the subject site 3. ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal The subject site has one (1) single family detached unit located on-site The subject site is adjacent to medium density multifamily developments to the east and north, a large mobile home park to the northwest, a few single family detached units Immediately to the west, and more single family detached units distant to the northeast as S. 260`" Street transitions into S 259" Place. The subject site is surrounded by a sizable Inventoried wetland area, largely to the south and east The Inventoried wetland area includes over half of the subject site. 4 ENV-2001-54(D) Amerinor/Cameron The subject site has one (1) single family detached unit located on site. At present, the subject site has limited vehicular and pedestrian access, and a significant portion of the subject site is Indicated as Inventoried wetland area. The surrounding uses are low-density single family residential to the north, with a large area of Inventoried wetlands also to the north The Seventh Day Adventist Church is located on a large lot to the east, _ low density multifamily residential use Is adjacent to the northwest and medium density multifamily immediately adjacent to the west of the subject site Medium density single family residential use is adjacent to the south and west of the subject site. 5. ENV-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer. The subject site has two (2) single family detached units located on two (2) parcels. The subject site is surrounded to the east and south by low density single family residential use, with medium density single family residential further east and south. Low density multifamily residential use abuts the western boundary of the subject site. The Daniel Elementary School is located across SE 24Vh Street from the subject site, and the First Baptist Church is adjacent to the east of the elementary school. A large portion of the subject site has been identified as inventoried wetlands (40-50%). 6. ENV-2001-54(F) DeRose. The subject site has two (2) single family detached units located on two (2) parcels. The subject site fronts on Kent-Kangley Road/SE 272nd St., and abuts a single family detached unit to the west. Further to the west is a comer gas station, and to the southwest is a low-density multifamily use that is separated from the uses immediately to the west by an inventoried wetland area. A vacant parcel to the east, zoned SR-6 (Single Family, 6 units per acre) also contains inventoried wetland area. Low-density single family detached residential predominates to the southeast of the subject site A low-density multifamily use is located directly across Kent-Kangley from the subject site. Page 8 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) One of the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan amendment process is to assess whether the proposals are compatible with surrounding land uses Issues of compatibility will be analyzed by staff, the Land Use and Planning Board, and the City Council in determining whether or not to approve the proposed amendments. I. Housing 1. ENV-2001-54(A) Still Manor Retirement Living. This proposal would displace fifty-eight (58) low-income housing units, including fifty (50) mobile homes and eight (8) apartment units with approximately forty (40) senior assisted living units and eighty (80) senior independent living units 2 ENV-2001-54(B) Soos Creek Center. No comment 3 ENV-2001-54(C) Klouzal. This proposal would replace one (1) single family detached housing unit on a lot with potential for twenty- two (22) single family detached units (potential for'forty-two (42) single family detached units not considering sensitive areas), with eventually • seventy-six (76) multifamily townhomes (not considering sensitive areas) 4. ENV-2001-54(D) Amerinor/Cameron This proposal would replace one (1) single family detached unit on three (3) lots (potential for up to nineteen (19) single family detached units not considering sensitive areas)with the potential for thirty-six (36) single family detached units not considering sensitive areas 5 ENV-2001-54(E) Fanning/Scharer. This proposal would replace two (2) single family detached units on two (2) lots (potential for thirty- five (35) single family detached units not considering sensitive areas) with the potential for fifty-eight (58) single family detached units not considering sensitive areas J. Aesthetics The proposals for the most part will have insignificant impacts on aesthetics, as most subject sites are located along high traffic corridors which were developed for the automobile without concern for aesthetics. Many of the proposals that might have aesthetics impacts would be more appropriately addressed during the review of development plans. An exception would be the Amerinor/Cameron proposal, which would create lot sizes down to 4000 Sq Ft in an area of one-third acre and higher lot sizes. However, the impacts of the proposal in this regard can be assessed from a policy standpoint rather than an environmental standpoint. Page 9 of 22 .e Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) K. Light and Glare Commercial projects, or projects to be located in proximity to commercial uses pursuant to Proposals A, B, and F are anticipated to create and receive light impacts due to the nature of commercial enterprise during evening hours. Glare Impacts might be anticipated for these three Proposals as well. Any impacts of light and glare would be more appropriately addressed during the review of development plans. L Recreation Any single family detached residential development subsequent to the amendment of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and or Zoning District Map will be required to provide open space or recreation areas, or a fee-in-lieu of such facilities, at the time of subdivision Proposals D and E are in proximity to Daniel Elementary School and East Hill Park, both located along SE 248"' St. CPA-2001-2(H) City of Kent Finance Dept. Capital Facilities Element Included in the proposed 2002-2007 Capital Facilities Plan are development or improvement of recreational facilities M. Historic and Cultural Preservation No impacts are anticipated. N. Transportation • The six (6) separate private amendments proposed for this non-project action are listed as A through F on the Environmental Checklist The potential traffic impacts are discussed below. Site-specific and project- specific constraints such as additional public right-of-way requirements, and sensitive areas (steep slopes, wetlands, streams, etc.) may result in more or less traffic impacts. 1. #ENV-2001-54(A) / #2012758 STILL MANOR RETIREMENT LIVING (CPA-2001-2(A) AND CPZ-2001-1): A proposed rezone of two (2) parcels totaling 3.54 acres, fronting on both Washington Avenue (SR 181/West Valley Highway) and West Smith Street, from MHP and MR-M to GC. The proposed development project is located within the Valley Floor area of the City, and will take its primary access from West Smith Street and from Washington Avenue. West Smith Street has an existing public right- of-way width of about 60-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 30-feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other improvements cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system; cement concrete sidewalks, or a street lighting system Page 10 of 22 i• - Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments • #ENV-2001-54(A-H) West Smith Street is classified as a Commercial Street upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require a minimum of 60-feet of public right-of-way, a 40-foot wide asphalt roadway with two traffic lanes; combined curbs & gutters, and 6.5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system, a City-approved street lighting system, public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. Washington Avenue is classified as a Principal Arterial Street upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require: a minimum of 100-feet of public right-of-way; a 80-foot wide asphalt roadway with seven traffic lanes, combined curbs & gutters and 6.5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. The subject site is within an area which is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes, and narrow or no shoulders, and has been identified as having'substandard pedestrian facilities Development will require off-site sidewalks / walkways to provide safe travel for pedestrians to and from the sidewalks constructed along Washington Avenue. Washington Avenue and West Smith Streets are currently not improved to City of Kent design standards, and both require improvement / widening in conjunction with development to support the project and continued development in the area. The Developer will also be required to design and construct off-site pedestrian and other transportation improvements on Smith and Thompson Streets in addition to on-site frontage improvements Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections: Washington Avenue / SR-181 and West Smith Street Washington Avenue / SR-181 and Harrison Street Washington Avenue / SR-181 and West James Street West Smith Street and Thompson Avenue Thompson Avenue and West James Street The current average daily traffic (ADT) along Washington Avenue is approximately 26,000 vehicles. The proposed retirement development • is estimated to add an estimated 50 daily and about 10 to 20 PM peak hour trips to the local street system The Developer of the subject lots will be required to pay an Page 11 of 22 - r Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) Environmental Mitigation Fee to participate in, and pay a fair share of the estimated construction costs of the City's South 272nd Street / South 2771n Street Corridor Project prior to approval of construction drawings for the development Each new trip over and above the existing number of PM Peak Hour Trips will be charged at the rate of $1068 per trip. All new PM Peak Hour Trips created by the new developments on the subject parcels that are above what would have been required by the previous zoning will be charged a the full-rate fee of$2136 per trip Instead of the half-rate fee of$1068 per new trip All fees will be adjusted from 1986 dollars to reflect inflation. 2 #ENV-2001-54(B) 1 #2012840 SODS CREEK CENTER (CPA- 2001-2(B) AND CPZ-2001-2): The subject site is located within the Mendian Annexation area of the City, and will take Its primary access from Southeast 272nd Street / SR-516 / Kent Kangley Road This street has an existing public right- of-way width of about 100-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 58-feet wide. The existing street provides for five lanes of traffic, and does include the following other improvements. cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system, cement concrete sidewalks, but does not include a street lighting • system The subject parcel shall have direct vehicular access from Southeast 272nd Street only The Applicant/Owner shall not be permitted to have direct vehicular access to 154" Avenue Southeast to serve any non- residential land use development Southeast 272nd Street is classified as a Minor Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require. a minimum of 88-feet of public right-of- way; a 58-foot wide asphalt roadway with five traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot wide in-street bike lanes; combined curbs & gutters, 5-foot wide planter strips between the back of curb and front of sidewalk, and 5- foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street; a stormwater drainage system, a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved 154" Avenue Southeast is classified as a Residential Street upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require: a minimum of 49- feet of public right-of-way; a 28-foot wide asphalt roadway with two traffic lanes, combined curbs & gutters, 5-foot wide planter strips, and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system, a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved Page 12 of 22 i. Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments • #ENV-2001-54(A-H) The developer of this parcel will be required to affect the dedication of a 15-foot strip for bicycles/pedestrians connecting 1541" through to 272nd Southeast 272nd Street and 154d' Avenue Southeast are currently not Improved to City of Kent design standards, and both require Improvement / widening In conjunction with development to support the project and continued development in the area. Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections- Southeast 272nd Street and 152nd Avenue Southeast Southeast 272nd Street and 156" Avenue Southeast Southeast 272nd Street and 144" Avenue Southeast Southeast 272nd Street and 132nd Avenue Southeast The current average daily traffic (ADT) along Southeast 272nd Street Is approximately 29,100 vehicles The potential commercial development is expected to add an estimated 300 daily and 30 to 50 PM peak hour trips to the local street system if that development is car care oriented like the parcel to the north. The Owner / Applicant proposes vehicular access to the subject parcel from Southeast 272nd Street/ SR-516 / Kent Kangley Road via a driveway through the abutting commercial parcel to the north Absolutely no access will be allowed via 154"Avenue Southeast The proposed access route / private driveway has several sharp turning constraints which will make access extremely difficult for the commercial delivery vehicles to serve the proposed commercial development, and will adversely impact the existing parking stalls for the that abutting development. Because access from Southeast 272nd Street Is a condition of approval for this proposed Rezone, the application for SEPA for the actual commercial development must Include a Vehicular Maneuvering Diagram (VMD) for the appropriate delivery vehicle, and that design vehicle shall be a WB-50 unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works The Developer of any commercial development on the subject parcel will be obligated to pay the full cost for each new PM Peak Hour Trip contributed to the City's South 272n1 Street / South 277 ' Street Corridor The first five PM Peak Hour Trips will be charged at the half- rate price of$1068 per trip, and all additional trips will be charged at the full-rate price of $2136 per trip (1986 dollars, and adjusted for inflation) Page 13 of 2 2 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) 3. #ENV-2001-54(C) / #2012845 KLOUZAL (CPA-2001-2(C) AND CPZ-2001-3): The subject site is located within the West HIII area of the City, and will take its primary access from South 2601' Street. This street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 60-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 44-feet wide The existing street provides for two large lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other improvements. cement concrete curbs & gutters, stormwater drainage system, cement concrete sidewalks, or an approved street lighting system on the south side of the street. South 260" Street is classified as a Minor Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require: a minimum of 95-feet of public right-of-way; a 58-foot wide asphalt roadway with five traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot wide in-street bike lanes; combined curbs & gutters, 5-foot wide planter strip, and 5- foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street; a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system, public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. South 2601h Street is currently not improved to City of Kent design standards, and does require improvement / widening in conjunction with this development to support this project and continued development in the area. The subject site is within an area which is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes, and narrow or no shoulders, and has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities The future development will require off-site sidewalks / walkways to provide safe travel for school-age pedestrians to and from Star Lake Elementary School. The Developer of the subject rezoned parcel will be obligated to participate in the financial costs to construct improvements for the City's Pacific Highway South / SR-99 HOV Project, Phase 2. The Developer will also be required to meet the minimum driveway to driveway separation criteria of the City of Kent Construction Standards at the time of development review.Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections: South 2601h Street and Pacific Highway South / SR-99 South 260`h Street and 27'h Avenue South South 260'h Street and 291h Avenue South South 260`h Street and 301h Avenue South Page 14 of 22 h Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) The current average daily traffic (ADT) along South 260`h Street is approximately 4800 vehicles Development will add an estimated 390 daily and 38 PM peak hour trips to the local street system 4 #ENV-2001-54(D) /#2012865 AMERINORICAMERON (CPA-2001- 2(D) AND CPZ-2001-4): The subject site is located within the East Hill area of the City will take its primary access from Southeast 248 ' Street and/or 11 Vh Avenue Southeast via Southeast 252"d Street Southeast 248`h Street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 60-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 28 to 30-feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other improvements cement concrete curbs & gutters, stormwater drainage system; sidewalks / walkway; or a street lighting system Southeast 248' Street is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require- a minimum of 73-feet of public right-of- way; a 36-foot wide asphalt roadway with three traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot wide in-street bike lanes; combined curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system, a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved Southeast 252"d Street and 111"' Avenue Southeast are classified as potential Residential Collector Streets Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require a minimum of 78-feet of public right-of-way; a 36-foot wide asphalt roadway with two traffic lanes; combined curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip, and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system, public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved Without approved topographic and boundary maps which clearly show the lines of ordinary high water for the creeks, wetlands, and their associated buffers, it is difficult to determine vehicular impacts and exactly how vehicular access will be provided to the buildable portions of both parcels The City anticipates requiring the construction of a Residential Collector Street connecting Southeast 2481" Street to Southeast 2561" Street as a condition of subdivision approval. Should this street connection not occur, because of adverse creek and wetland impacts that cannot be adequately mitigated for, then the classifications of the streets serving the future subdivisions Page 15 of 2 2 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) will have to be determined prior to application for Preliminary Subdivision approval The subject site is within an area which is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes, and narrow or no shoulders, and has been identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities. The future subdivision of these three parcels will require off-site sidewalks / walkways to provide safe travel for school-age pedestrians to and from George Daniel Elementary School. The off-site pathway will extend south and westerly of the subject parcels and will connect Southeast 256 h Street to Southeast 248" Street. Future development proposals will require the dedication and construction of public streets to and through the subject property. The public streets serving the interior of this proposal shall adhere to the connectivity requirements of the City of Kent Subdivision Ordinance The presence of existing wetlands may significantly impede achieving this City goal The required transportation improvements will most likely have a significant impact on the existing neighborhood character and atmosphere , The Developer of these rezoned parcels will be obligated to pay the full cost for each new PM Peak Hour Trip contributed to the City's South 272nd Street / South 277" Street Corridor The City estimates that the first forty-eight PM Peak Hour Trips for these three parcels will be charged at the half-rate price of $1068 per trip, and that all additional trips will be charged at the full-rate price of $2136 per trip (1986 dollars, and adjusted for inflation), the actual number of each type of trip won't be possible until the City approves the topographic and boundary survey describe above. Southeast 248" Street and 11 Vh Avenue Southeast and Southeast 252"d Streets are currently not improved to City design standards, and all three streets will require improvement/widening and appropriate right-of-way dedication(s) conjunction with development to support the project and continued development in the area. Achieving this City goal may likely require cooperation, participation, and right-of-way dedication from other neighboring property owners. It will be the responsibility of the Developer to orchestrate these efforts. Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections. Southeast 2481h Street and 116' Avenue Southeast Southeast 2481' Street and 115d'Avenue Southeast Southeast 248`h Street and 109d'Avenue Southeast Page 16 of 22 r. Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) 111' Avenue Southeast and Southeast 256" Street Southeast 2561" Street and 1161" Avenue Southeast The current average daily traffic (ADT) along Southeast 2481" Street is approximately 12,300 vehicles The future subdivision of these rezoned parcels will add up to an estimated 230 daily and 33 PM Peak Hour Trips to the local street system, over the number of PM Peak Hour Trips permitted under the existing zoning 5 #ENV-2001-54(E) / #2012864 FANNING/SCHARER (CPA-2001- 2(E) AND CPZ-2001-5): The subject site is located within the East Hill area of the City and will take its primary access from Southeast 248'" Street and/or 111'" Avenue Southeast via Southeast 252nd Street. Southeast 2481" Street has an existing public right-of-way width of about 60-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 28 to 30-feet wide. The existing street provides for two lanes of traffic, but does not include the following other improvements: cement concrete curbs & gutters; stormwater drainage system, sidewalks /walkway; or a street lighting system. Southeast 248" Street is classified as a Residential Collector Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require. a minimum of 73-feet of public right-of- way, a 36-foot wide asphalt roadway with three traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot wide In-street bike lanes, combined curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. Southeast 252ntl Street and 111' Avenue Southeast are classified as potential Residential Collector Streets Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require: a minimum of 78-feet of public right-of-way; a 36-foot wide asphalt roadway with two traffic lanes, combined curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip, and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street; a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system, public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved • Without approved topographic and boundary maps which clearly show the lines of ordinary high water for the creeks, wetlands, and their associated buffers, it is difficult to determine vehicular impacts and exactly how vehicular access will be provided to the buildable Page 17 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) portions of both parcels The City anticipates requiring the construction of a Residential Collector Street connecting Southeast 248th Street to Southeast 2561h Street as a condition of subdivision approval Should this street connection not occur, because of adverse creek and wetland Impacts that cannot be adequately mitigated for, then the classifications of the streets serving the future subdivisions will have to be determined prior to application for Preliminary Subdivision approval This development is within an area which is characterized by streets with narrow traffic lanes, and narrow or no shoulders, and has been Identified as having substandard pedestrian facilities The future subdivision of these two parcels will require off-site sidewalks / walkways to provide safe travel for school-age pedestrians to and from George Daniel Elementary School. The off-site pathway will extend south and westerly of the subject parcels and will connect Southeast 256`h Street to Southeast 248th Street Future development proposals will require the dedication and construction of public streets to and through the subject property. The public streets serving the interior of this proposal shall adhere to the connectivity requirements of the City of Kent Subdivision Ordinance. The presence of existing streams and wetlands may significantly impede achieving this City goal The required transportation improvements will most likely have a significant impact on the existing neighborhood character and atmosphere. The subject site of these rezoned parcels will be obligated to pay the full cost for each new PM Peak Hour Trip contributed to the City's South 272Id Street / South 277'h Street Corridor. The City estimates that the first four PM Peak Hour Trips will be charged at the half-rate price of$1068 per trip, and that all additional trips will be charged at the full-rate price of $2136 per trip (1986 dollars, and adjusted for inflation), the actual number of each type of trip won't be possible until the City approves the topographic and boundary survey described above. Southeast 248" Street and 1111h Avenue Southeast and Southeast 252nd Streets are currently not improved to its design standard, and all three streets will require improvement/widening and appropriate right-of-way dedication(s) in conjunction with this development to support this project and continued development in the area. Achieving this City goal may likely require cooperation, participation, and right- of-way dedication from other neighboring property owners It will be the responsibility of the Developer to orchestrate these efforts. Page 18 of 2 2 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments • #ENV-2001-54(A-H) Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections, Southeast 248`h Street and 116 h Avenue Southeast Southeast 248'h Street and 1151h Avenue Southeast Southeast 248 h Street and 109'h Avenue Southeast 111`h Avenue Southeast and Southeast 2561h Street Southeast 256"' Street and 1161h Avenue Southeast The current average daily traffic (ADT) along Southeast 2481h Street is approximately 12,300 vehicles. The future subdivision of these rezoned parcels will add up to an estimated 280 daily and 28 PM Peak Hour Trips to the local street system, over the number of PM Peak Hour Trips permitted under the existing zoning. 6 #ENV-2001-54(F) /#2012903 DEROSE (CPA-2001-2(F) AND CPZ- 2001-6): The subject site is located within the Meridian Annexation area of the City,-and will take its primary access from Southeast 272nd Street / • Kent Kangley Road / SR-516 This street has an existing public right- of-way width of about 80-feet, while the asphalt street width is currently about 58-feet wide The existing street provides for five lanes of traffic, and does include the following other improvements cement concrete curbs & gutters, stormwater drainage system, cement concrete sidewalks; but does not have a street lighting system Southeast 272nd Street is classified as a Minor Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require: a minimum of 95-feet of public right-of- way; a 58-foot wide asphalt roadway with five traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot in-street bike lanes, combined curbs & gutters, 5-foot wide planter strips, and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system, a City-approved street lighting system; public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully improved. 132nd Avenue Southeast is classified as a Minor Arterial Street Augmented with Bike Lanes upon the City's Master Plan of Roadways, which will require a minimum of 95-feet of public right-of- way, a 58-foot wide asphalt roadway with five traffic lanes, plus two 5-foot in-street bike lanes; combined curbs & gutters, a 5-foot wide planter strip, and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, a stormwater drainage system; a City-approved street lighting system, public utilities, and other street appurtenances when fully Page 19 of 22 s Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2001-54(A-H) improved The Developer of any commercial development on the subject parcels will be obligated to pay the full cost for each new PM Peak Hour Trip contributed to the City's South 272"d Street / South 277`h Street Corridor The first PM Peak Hour Trip for each lot will be charged at the half-rate price of $1068 per trip, and all additional trips will be charged at the full-rate price of $2136 per trip (1986 dollars, and adjusted for inflation) The Owner / Applicant proposes vehicular access to the subject parcels from Southeast 272"d Street / SR-516 / Kent Kangley Road via shared driveway approaches and via a driveway through the abutting commercial parcels to the west The proposed private driveways onto Southeast 272nd Avenue Southeast and onto 132nd Avenue Southeast must meet the City's minimum driveway to intersection, and driveway to driveway separation criteria The subject site is within an area that has been identified as having substandard pedestrian and bicycle facilities Development may be require to provide off-site sidewalks/walkways to provide safe travel for pedestrians. Southeast 272"d Street is currently not improved to its design standard, and does require improvement / widening in conjunction with this development to support this project and continued development in the area. Development will cause significant and/or additional congestion at the following intersections: 132"d Avenue Southeast and Southeast 272"d Street / Kent Kangley Road Kent Kangley Road and 1241" Avenue Southeast Kent Kangley Road and 1161' Avenue Southeast 132"d Avenue Southeast and Southeast 256'" Street The current average daily traffic (ADT) along South 272"d Street is approximately 33,000 vehicles. This development will add an estimated 1300 daily and 115 PM peak hour trips to the local street system G Public Services On the whole, the proposals will require public services consistent with the . Comprehensive Plan, and other City operational documents. An exception Page 20 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments • #ENV-2001-54(A-H) in regards to an impact on social and human services would be Proposal A (Still Manor Retirement Living, ENV-2001-54(A)), which would displace fifty- eight (58) low-income households. The demand for public services to aid in relocation and transition by these households will increase The City of Kent Housing and Human Services Office would be expected to have a role in the coordination, acquisition and provision of such aid CPA-2001-2(H) CITY OF KENT FINANCE DEPT CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT Included in the proposed 2002-2007 Capital Facilities Plan are development of or improvements to general govemment, public works, police and public safety facilities. H Utilities All of the proposals have basic utilities services Any of the proposals that might have utilities Impacts would be more appropriately addressed during the review of development plans, as none of the proposals are anticipated at this time to have project-specific impacts CPA-2001-2(H) CITY OF KENT FINANCE DEPT CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT. Included in the proposed 2002-2007 Capital Facilities Plan are improvements to water, sewer and storm water drainage facilities IV SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION A. It is appropriate, as per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43 21C.060 that the City of Kent establish conditions to mitigate any identified impacts associated with this proposal. Supporting documents for the following conditions and mitigating measures include: 1 City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, as prepared and adopted pursuant to the 1990 Washington State Growth Management Act. 2. The State Shoreline Master Program and the Kent Shoreline Master Program. 3. Kent City Code Title 15, Zoning Code 4. Kent City Code Section 7.07, Surface Water and Drainage code 5 City of Kent Transportation Master Plan, Green River Valley Transportation action plan and six-year transportation Improvement plan. 6 Kent City Code Chapter 7 09, Wastewater Facilities Master Plan 7 City of Kent Comprehensive water plan and conservation element 8. Ordinance 3117, which adopted the City of Kent Construction Standards, and Kent City Code Sections 6.02.010 and 6 02 020 9. Kent City Code Chapter 6 07, Street Use Permit Requirements 10 Kent City Code Chapter 14 09, Flood Hazard Protection. Page 21 of 22 Decision Document City of Kent CPA and Implementing Zoning Map Amendments #ENV-2D01-54(A-H) 11. Kent City Code Chapter 12.04, Subdivision Code • 12 Kent City Code Chapter 12 05 Mobile Home Parks, and Chapter 12 06 Recreation Vehicle Parks 13 Kent City Code Section 8.05, Noise Control 14 City of Kent Uniform Building and Fire Codes 15 Kent City Code Section 7.13, Water Shortage and Emergency Regulations and Water Conservation Ordinance 2227. 16. Kent City Code Chapters 6.02 and 6.03, Required Public Improvements 17 Kent City Code Chapter 7 05, Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utility. 18 City of Kent Comprehensive Sewer Plan 19 City of Kent Fire Master Plan B It is recommended that a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) be issued for this project KENT PLANNING SERVICES December 4, 2001 WDO imttPermitlPlanlEnvt20011env-2001-54(a-h)CPA doc • Page 22 of 2 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N Satterstrom, Community Dev Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene I�GN T Anderson,AIC Manager Phone 25353-856-5454 WI5 NON OTON Fax 253-856-6454 Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING December 10,2001 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair,Terry Zimmerman at 7 00 p in on Monday,December 10, 2001 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LUPB MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Terry Zimmerman, Chair Charlene Anderson,AICP,Planning Mgr Brad Bell William D Osborne,Long Range Planner Steve Dowell Kin Adams-Pratt, Asst City Attorney Nicole Fetcher Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary Ron Harmon Jon Johnson David Malik APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve at this meeting ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA Election of Officers COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None #CPA-2001-2(G)RENT &FED. WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Planner Bill Osborne stated that this application is an update to the School Districts' Capital Facilities Plan and to the City of Kent's Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Mr Osborne stated that the School Districts propose to amend the text of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to reflect changes to impact fees resulting from new student population generated by single family and multifamily residential development Mr Osborne stated that the Kent School District is not proposing changes to their existing fees of $3,782 00 for single family units and $2,329 00 for multifarmly units. Federal Way School District proposes a $2,616.00 fee for single family units, down from $2,710 00 and a $896 00 fee for multifamily units, up from$830 00 Mr Osborne stated that this proposal amends the Kent City Code, Chapter 12.13 to reflect the updated impact fee amounts He stated that staff recommends approval Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open As there was no testimony, Ron Harmon MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion carved Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 2 of 15 Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to forward #CPA-2001-1(G) KENT & FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT without recommendation to the City Council for action Motion CARRIED unanimously. #CPA-2001-2(H) CITY OF KENT FINANCE DEPT CAPITAL FACILITIES AMENDMENT Mr Osborne stated that the City of Kent Finance Department is requesting to update the Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element He stated that the Capital Facilities Element in Kent's Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 1995), contains information relating to existing capital facilities inventories, estimated costs of anticipated future facilities and projected revenues to fund these facilities. Mr. Osborne stated that the aforementioned components of the Capital Facilities Element are required under the Growth Management Act(GMA) Mr Osborne stated that the GMA requires that the Capital Facilities Element be updated to reflect the growth of the City in order to maintain concurrency with the Land Use and Transportation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Mr Osborne stated that staff recommends approval Jon Johnson MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to open the Public Hearing Motion Carried Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open As there was no testimony, Jon Johnson MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED to close the Public Hearing Motion CARRIED Brad Bell MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to forward #CPA-2001-2(M CITY OF KENT FINANCE DEPT CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT without recommendation to the City Council for action Motion CARRIED unanimously Exhibits Bill Osborne submitted the following Exhibits for the Record. • Exhibit#1-CaicgnsCPA2001-2(A)Still Manor ReluemartLrrmeCentu- idaait Donna Regan, Director of the State Office of Manufactured Housing submitted a packet of material related to mobile home relocation assistance. • ExhM#2-CaxansCPA2001-2(A)StillMmuRettemmitLrvmeCentcrArpidirmt John Still submitted a letter dated November 27, 2001 including an executive summary and a facility description for the proposed Still Manor Retirement Center • Exhibit#3 -Concerns CPA-2001-2(E)Fanning/Scharer Amendment Mr and Mrs Ron Cody submitted a letter dated December 2, 2001 addressed to Planning Manager Charlene Anderson • Exhibit#4 -Concerns CPA-2001-2(A) Still Manor Retirement Living Amendment John Still submitted a letter dated December 7, 2001 along with demographics of the Still Manor Mobile Home Park, a survey of mobile home parks in South King County, including a list of potential relocation sites • Exhibit#5 - Concerns CPA-2001-2(B) Sons Creek Center Amendment Chris McCain, applicant, submitted a letter dated December 7, 2001 addressed to the Land Use and Planning Board • Exhibit#6 - Concerns CPA-2001-2(A) Still Manor Retirement Living Amendment Jim Lacma submitted a letter dated December 10, 2001 addressed to Planner Bill Osborne and the Land Use and Planning Board • Exhibit#f!-CorwnsCPA2001-2(A)Still MaruRetaeniffAl vnaCenkrArrendmart Doug and Theresa Hutchins submitted an e-mail letter dated December 10, 2001, voicing their support for this amendment • Exhbit#8-Cm=nsCPA2001-2(A)StiiUNb=Relnema I"=CmterArnffATr1 John Still submitted an addendum to the demographics portion of Exhibit #4 dated December 10, 2001. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 3 of 15 Chair Zimmerman informed the audience that the Land Use and Planning Board functions as an advisory board, sending recommendations to the City Council who has the power to accept, deny or amend those recommendations Ron Harmon MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to accept Exhibits 1-8 into the record Motion CARRIED. #ICPA 2001-2(AYC Z-2001-1 STILLMANORRErRIE IENTIPANGCENTERANJENDNH NT Mr Osbome stated that this proposal seeks a Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning District Map change for property located at 1027 and 1035 West Smith Street, known as the Still Manor Mobile Home Park and the Sky View Apartments Mr Osbome stated that the subject site is located between State Route 181 (Washington Avenue), West Valley Highway and State Route 167 Mr Osborne stated that problematic issues related to this proposal deal with access to and from the site and dislocation of existing tenants He stated that site access would primarily be along Smith and Washington Mr Osborne stated that regardless of what type of development occurs pursuant to the proposed zoning change, improvements to Thompson Avenue would be required to improve the site's connection with downtown and Meeker Street Mr Osborne stated that the surrounding land use and zoning districts are consistent with the applicant's request and that the actual land use around the site is consistent with(GC) General Commercial zoning Mr. Osborne stated that staff is concerned with the mobile home park and adjacent apartments He stated that both the applicant and the City of Kenfs Housing and Human Services Department note that the units are not subsidized Mr Osborne indicated that Federal funding for relocation of these units would be available only if Federal funding was involved in a project developed on the subject site He stated that the State provides limited funding in response to those who file paperwork and receipts to document their relocation costs. Mr. Osborne stated that the applicant is requesting to change the land use for the mobile home park and the (MDMF) Medium Density Multifamily uses to Mixed Use, which is consistent with surrounding properties He stated that there is a mobile home park use to the north and northwest Mr Osborne stated that predominate uses are(GC)General Commercial Mr. Osborne stated that the Comprehensive Plan's land use and housing element provide goals and policies relating to commercial development, housing and facilitating transportation and activity centers, which this site can be considered Mr Osborne said that Land Use Policy 2 3 states "Emphasize in development regulations and design review processes site design standards which facilitate public transportation and pedestrian circulation " Mr Osborne stated that this policy reinforces the City's determination that improvement to the site access would be necessary for pedestrians along Washington, Smith and Thompson Mr Osborne said that Land Use Goal #6 states 'Designate activity centers in portions of the City and in the annexation area Allow in these areas a mix of retail, office and residential development " He stated that this would be allowed in (GC) General Commercial as a conditional use, but would be more appropriate m(GC-MU)General Commercial Mixed Use zoning as is located to the south. Mr Osborne stated that the Housing and Human Services elements of the Comprehensive Plan contain goals and policies relating to the provision and distribution of affordable housing choices, mobile home parks, on and off site improvements, and consideration of impacts from land use decisions on human services Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 4 of 15 Mr Osborne said that Housing Policy 15 states "Require developments to provide their fair share of on- site and off-site improvements needed as a result ofthe development " He stated that this policy would be consistent with Public Works requirements for site improvement Mr Osborne said that Housing Policy 2 1 states "Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community far people of all income levels and special needs " Mr Osborne said that Housing Policy 2 2 states "Provide a sufficient amount of land zoned for current and projected residential needs including, but not limited to, assisted housing, housing for low-income households, single-family housing, small lot sizes, townhouses, multifamily housing, manufactured housing, group homes, and foster care facilities " Mr Osborne stated that this proposal could be considered a buttressing of the intent of the applicant to eventually develop a retirement facility or to provide housing for those who have needs not typically met in our housing market Mr Osborne said that Housing Policy 3 3 states "Preserve and improve mobile home parks. Promote the provision of a low-interest loan program or other programs for low- or moderate-income mobile home park residents to replace dilapidated mobile homes " Mr Osborne stated that this policy provides challenges for the City, State and Federal Government as their budgets are limited. Mr Osborne stated that the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies relating to coordination of development and road improvements , commercial land use and the transportation system. Mr Osborne said that Transportation Policy 1.2 states "Coordinate new commercial and residential development in Kent with transportation projects to improve affected roadways " He stated that this policy is in effect with the Washington Avenue Local Improvement District Mr Osborne stated that as sites develop along Washington Avenue, they will be the beneficiaries of a fund that they have paid into to improve the right-of-way along Washington Avenue The right-of-way will extend 50 feet from the road's center line with sidewalks,gutters and curbs, which currently the subject site does not have Mr Osborne stated that Transportation Policy 17 states "Promote land use patterns which support public transportation " Mr Osborne stated that this proposal is consistent with that policy. Mr Osborne stated that Transportation Policy 7 2 states "Whenever practical, use incentives or regulations to encourage new construction to promote pedestrian and bicycle movements to pathways, transit services and arterials " Redevelopment of the subject property would need to consider this policy. Mr. Osborne stated that the City of Kent has policies pertaining to the preservation of low-income housing He stated that while preservation of low-income housing is an important consideration, the requested land use and zoning district designations are consistent with the surrounding designations and developed land uses Mr Osborne stated that staff recommends approval to rezone the two subject parcels to General Commercial, which would follow the change in Land Use Designation for the Comprehensive Plan to Mixed Use In response to Chair Zimmerman, Mr. Osborne stated that information provided by Mr. Still, owner of Still Manor Mobile Home Park, does not indicate the number of mobile home owners versus renters Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to open the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open Andy Andras, 1035 W. Smith Space 47, Kent, WA said that he resides in Still Manor Mobile Home Park and has managed the park since 1969 He favors staffs recommendation to approve this amendment Mr Andras stated that Mr Still has owned this park since 1962 but that the time has come to rezone this property so that it can be put to better use Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10,2001 Page 5 of 15 John Still, 33205 30th SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 reiterated that he has owned the Still Manor Mobile Home Park since 1962 and has compassion and respect for his tenants. He stated that tenant disputes have always been resolved as venfied through Donna Regan's office. Mr Still stated that if this rezone were approved, his tenants would be given a twelve-month minimum notice as mandated by the State, indicating that the State offers an assistance program. He stated that he spoke with the SHAG Corporation, an organization that has six mobile home facilities in Kent with a total of thirty in the State of Washington Mr Still stated that Arthur Martin has offered to relocate anyone interested at a comparable rate of rent and probably to a better facility He stated that 37 of the homes in the park were built before 1976, and therefore, do not meet safety standards or codes In response to Chair Zimmerman, Mr. Still stated that tenants would receive their twelve-month notice upon approval of the rezone as his proposed project was time critical, emphasizing that a retirement center is needed in this community Ursula Linsldl, 1035 W. Smith St. Space 19,Kent, WA said that she has lived in the park two months and believes it is unfair that the owners are expecting the tenants to move from the mobile home park. She stated that many of these residents have lived in the park for several years; the trailers are old and would not survive being relocated to another area Solange Diaz, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 20, Kent, WA stated that this proposal has taken her,by surprise She stated that she works and purchased her mobile home for$4500.00. She stated that it would not be financially possible for her to move her mobile home within the next year and expressed concerti over moving her daughter from the school she attends Ms Diaz suggested that perhaps the tenants could purchase their spaces from the property owner, instead of having the property rezoned to commercial. She stated that she believes everyone in the park owns their trailers. Maria Avila Barron, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 36,Kent,WA stated that she purchased her trailer three days ago after working hard to own a place to live and was surprised about this proposal Ms Barron said that many tenants living in the trailer park speak only Spanish stating that it would be advantageous for the City to provide a Spanish interpreter for the next meeting on this issue Ms Barron stated that even though the tenants have a year to move, they would like more information on how the State or the Still Manor Mobile Home Park owners intend to compensate the tenants for their time and money invested in their mobile homes She voiced concern that many of the mobile homes would sustain damage when moved Bill Foster, 1035 W. Smith St.Space 22,Kent,WA stated that he paid$10,000 for his trailer He stated that he receives a$560 00 monthly disability check and cannot afford to move, questioning who would be responsible for paying for his move. Robert McKenna, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 37, Kent, WA stated that he has never met Mr Still but respects Mr. Andras who interacts well with the mobile home park tenants He stated that it is his understanding tenants must own their homes, voicing his belief that everyone within the park owns their mobile home Mr McKenna voiced concern on how moving would affect his children, stating that he had moved his family from Kirkland to Still Manor Mobile Home Park, purchasing his 1962 mobile home for $6000 in May 1999 Mr McKenna stated that he has invested time and money in the renovation of his home and landscaping the property surrounding his home He stated that he has never been late in paying his space rental fees. Mr McKenna stated that many tenants have purchased mobile homes as a starting point, with the intent of putting money aside to move out of the park and purchase a home Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 6 of 15 James Lacina, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 7, Kent, WA stated that he has lived in Still Manor Mobile Home Park for twenty years and his son has owned his mobile home in the park for ten years. Mr Lacina stated that he supports the property owner's desire to profit by developing his site with a new facility He voiced concern that many of the tenants will experience hardship and stress if forced to move from the mobile home park Mr Lacina voiced concern that if mobile home owners attempt to sell their homes, those potential purchasers need to be informed of the upcoming land use changes Lisa Simon, 1035 W. Smith St. Space 4,Kent, WA stated that she owns her mobile home Ms. Simon voiced concern that if the amendment is approved, adequate funding is not available to cover her relocation costs Ms. Simon questioned if Mr Still would consider working with the tenants and perhaps offering financial assistance or purchasing the tenants'mobile homes Ms Simon stated that a previous speaker mentioned the SHAG program as a potential resource in assisting the tenants in relocating She stated that she believed SHAG supports elderly and is not available for younger groups In response to Ms Zimmerman, Ms Simon stated that if she were monetarily compensated for the value of her trailer, she could afford to relocate Juan Delgado, 1035 W. Smith St. Space#17, Kent, WA stated that he has invested hundreds of dollars in fixing his mobile home with the future intent to sell his mobile home and purchase a single family home He stated that if he had known of the owner's intentions to convert this property he would not have invested his money in renovating his 1974 mobile home,which would collapse if moved from the park. Mr Delgado stated that he would like the City to provide a Spanish interpreter at these meetings He stated that he would like the reports translated into Spanish for the benefit of the families in the mobile home park whom speak only limited English. Mr Delgado voiced concern that many of the residents of the park were not informed of this meeting or they would have attended Lao Carson, 1035 W. Smith St. Space 29,Kent, WA stated that she did not receive notification of this meeting She stated that she is 82 and in poor health. Ms Carson stated that a neighbor informed her of the meeting from a notice that had been posted on the laundry room facility door She stated that her 92- year-old neighbor, Mary Sage, is extremely concerned about moving Ms. Carson stated that she has lived in the mobile home park for 15 years and appreciates the management, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Andras She stated that moving will prove to be difficult for herself and the other elderly residents in the park Ms Carson stated that she would like to know if the owner intends to reimburse the residents of the park for their homes and would like to know how much time they will have to move in and where they can relocate to. Lauraine Carlson, 1035 W. Smith St. Space 46,Kent,WA stated that she has not heard of Mr Still but has dealt with the mobile home park owners Andy and Kathy Andras She stated that she found the notice for this meeting posted in the mobile home park laundromat Ms Carlson stated that she has lived in the park for 10 years, purchasing her home with good faith for $15,000 She stated that the manner in which the residents were informed of the potential changes to this site is a disgrace Ms Carlson stated that the property owner's intent is to obtain more money for his property thereby displacing all of the residents who have continued to rent their spaces, while kept uninformed by management of the proposed changes In response to Ms Carlson, Chair Zimmerman stated that the Land Use and Planning Board is a group of citizens living in Kent, who will make recommendations to the City Council based on testimony given Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 7 of 15 this evening She stated that the Board is interested in what everyone has to say, thanking Ms Carlson for her testimony. Doug Hobkirk, 515 D2 - 20th Ave F. Seattle, WA stated that he is the Executive Director of the Manufactured Housing Community Preservationists, a nonprofit organization created in 1992 He stated that this organization's purpose is to purchase mobile home parks and maintain them as affordable housing, a study commissioned by King County indicated that mobile home parks were closing at a great rate He stated that his organization owns the other mobile home property north of the subject property Mr Hobkirk stated that this organization operates similarly as other nonprofit housing organizations that provide subsidized housing by using bank loans and various public-funding sources He stated that this organization has $30,000 available in Community Development Block Grant funds from Kent to assist residents on the subject site Mr Hobkirk stated that his organization made a purchase offer on Still Manor Mobile Home Park two years ago, which the owner declined in favor of now rezoning their property for redevelopment Mr Hobkirk stated that he generated a report as the result of his experience as a relocation coordinator for two mobile home parks that closed in Seattle He stated that this report outlines the process of relocating homes and the issues involved Mr Hobkirk stated that the State Office of Mobile and Manufactured Housing has a relocation assistance fund consisting of$20,000 administered by Donna Regan Funding is available to mobile home owners in the State who have received a one year notice to move Mr. Hobkirk said that it is difficult to find vacant spaces to move mobile homes. His organization owns two communities in Skyway, with only one vacancy He stated that some older, small spaces are available in a park in Redmond Board member Harmon stated that Mr. Still's report indicates 47 currently available spaces consisting of two double wide motor home spaces, five RV and 40 single wide spaces within this community He asked Mr Hobkirk to estimate the cost of moving a double or singlewide mobile home based on availability of sites in King County Mr Hobkirk stated that the State follows a formula which allows $3500 for single wide and up to $7000 in moving costs for doublewide mobile or manufactured homes These funds typically are not enough due to the cost of specific installation requirements required by local building departments Mr Hobkirk stated that State Law does not require manufactured homes to meet the code requirements of Cities they are relocated to if the relocation is caused by the closure of mobile home parks due to land use changes. Marina Amador, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 42, Kent, WA said that she owns her mobile home and moving from the park could restrict the qualities they have come to appreciate in respect to security, safety and the freedom their children experience by playing outside. Ms. Amador stated that they have never experienced problems with the management Ms Amador stated that moving her older trailer would be a hardship to her family and could cause irreversible damage to her mobile home She stated that it is unfair to ask people to move from Still Manor who have just moved into the park within the last couple months. Victor Sandoval, 1035 W. Smith St., Space 42, Kent, WA stated that he concurs with those neighbors who testified that they should receive monetary compensation for the investments they have made in their mobile homes He stated that moving his mobile home from the park would irreparably damage his 1960 home He is not in favor of the owner's proposal Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the Public Hearing Motion carried. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 8 of 15 In response to Chair Zimmerman, Planning Manager Charlene Anderson said that proper notification was sent to property owners as well as condominium owners in the vicinity of this subject site Ms Anderson stated that the City's notification methods do not include provisions at this time for noticing individual mobile homes, although the owner of the Mobile Home Park was notified She stated that a public notice board was posted on the site and the hearing was advertised in the newspaper In response to Chair Zimmerman, Ms Anderson stated that staff was unaware that provisions were needed for a Spanish interpreter at the hearing Assistant City Attorney Kim Adams-Pratt concurred when Ms Zimmerman asked her to clarify that City Code does not require publication of notices in Spanish Mr Osborne stated that Exhibit#4 from Mr Still provides demographics and a mobile home park survey, which addresses Board member Fincher's concerns over availability of mobile home spaces in Kent Board member Dowell stated that he would like the residents of Still Manor to receive the facility location information Mr Osborne stated that this information is available upon request through the Planning Services office After discussion by Board members Zimmerman, Malik and Harmon, it was determined that this information could be provided to the property manager, Mr Andras for distribution to the tenants Mr.Andras nodded in assent In response to Board member Dowell, Mr Osborne stated that staff has discussed the relocation reimbursement fund with both Ms. Regan, State Office of Community Development Manufactured Housing and Mr Still Mr Osborne stated that a tenant could receive reimbursement through the State's Manufactured Housing Relocation Assistance Program within two years of relocating The reimbursement provides $3500 for singlewide ,and $7500 for doublewide units based on availability,of funds. Mr Osborne stated that the State statute does not require Mr. Still to provide funds for relocation costs Mr Dowell stated that Mr Still stands to profit by approximately $1,600,000 based on approval of his rezone and property valuation, therefore, Mr. Still should assist his tenants by providing them with relocation costs. Mr. Malik concurred that Mr. Still should compensate the tenants although he voiced his belief that there is not a State statute mandating Mr Still to provide for relocation costs. Asst City Attorney, Ms Adams-Pratt stated that the State Legislature attempted to place the burden of relocation costs on owners who were forcing mobile homes to be relocated and the Court shuck down that statute She stated that the City could not request the owner to provide compensation to the tenants as a condition of the rezone Mr Harmon questioned the moral obligation that Mr Still has to his tenants who have rented space from him for 38 years. Mr Harmon concurred with Mr. Dowell that the owner should compensate the tenants for moving costs,estimating relocation costs at a minimum of$160,000 Board member, Johnson stated that granting a rezone and redeveloping this site would benefit the City economically in terms of improved pedestrian access and the generating of tax revenue. He stated that he is persuaded to consider the Housing and Human Services elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan particularly H-2 1 which says "Promote a wide range of housing to meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs " Brad Bell and Nicole Fmcher stated that they would not support staffs recommendation to rezone this property,indicating that the applicant has not indicated that he intends to compensate the tenants who will be displaced Ms Zimmerman stated that although the people in Still Manor Mobile Home Park do not own land, they S own their mobile homes and have invested money into a safe haven for themselves and their families. She stated that she does not fault Mr. Still as the law does not require him to do any of the things the Board would desire him to do for his tenants Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 9 of 15 Ms Zimmerman said that she believes the City of Kent has an obligation to facilitate a reasonable solution by first providing interpreters along with social service professionals to survey and facilitate dialogue between the tenants and the property owner Ms Zimmerman asked staff to assist in formulating a solution for the relocation of the 47 households in the Still Manor Mobile Home Park David Malik stated that he respects both the applicant's and the residents' rights, recommending sending this application for comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments to City Council without recommendation and asking the applicant to propose a solution for relocating the tenants Brad Bell stated that it is inappropriate to request that Mr. Still propose a solution He stated the Board should send this amendment on to City Council with a recommendation Brad Bell stated that although the Board has compassion for the residents, they do not have the power or authority, unlike City Council, to make a request of anyone in resolving the problems associated with relocation Mr Bell stated that it is his understanding that this issue is a civil matter between the residents and Mr Still and that the Board cannot bind Mr Still to any agreements He stated that further planning needs to occur before a final decision is reached on this issue. Brad Bell MOVED and Nicole Fetcher SECONDED to DENY staffs recommendation to approve CPA- 2001-2(A)/CPZ-2001-1 the Still Manor Retirement Living Amendment and send this on to City Council. Motion Carried Unanimously CPA-2001-2(B)/CPZ-2001-2 SOOS CREEK CENTER Bill Osbome stated that the 84 acre subject site is located at 27220 154th Ave. SE. He stated that this . request is to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, 6 units per acre to Commercial and the Zoning District Map Designation from Single-Family, 6 units per acre to Community Commercial Mr. Osborne stated that the site is located at the end of 154th Avenue Southeast, which is the current access point. He stated that the applicant is requesting access to 272nd Street also known as Kent Kangley or State Route 516. Mr. Osborne stated that the applicant has indicated his intention to loin the subject site to an adjacent parcel for commercial use with access onto 272nd. Mr Osborne stated that City staff recommends conditional approval of this application with the condition of prolubiting access to this site from 154th Avenue Southeast Mr Osborne stated that access to 154th Avenue Southeast is a major issue He stated that if a commercial use is allowed access to the residential street, it could create a serious load on the traffic and have a detrimental effect on the single-family neighborhood to the south Mr Osborne stated that the subject site would achieve a more consistent use if the two adjacent properties were joined with access to 272nd He stated that on this particular parcel, automotive use is located at 152nd Mr. Osborne stated that staff received correspondence from a resident who lives adjacent to the subject site, indicating concern that commercial businesses, such as adult nightclubs or bookstores, could be considered for this site and would be inappropriate for single family neighborhoods Mr Osborne stated that in researching this issue, City of Kent Zoning Code Section 15 08 270 prohibits any adult uses, which could include adult book stores or anything of that nature, from being located within 1000 feet of any residential district Mr Osbome stated that other uses for this site would be auto • intensive and therefore, have site development restrictions Ron Harmon referred to a letter submitted by Mr Wilson regarding this proposal Mr Harmon stated that Mr Wilson indicated concern that vehicular traffic would be allowed access to the commercial property from 154 s disrupting the single family neighborhood, and that pedestrian traffic access should be limited to Kent Kangley Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 10 of 15 Bill Osborne stated that staff has included in the environmental review document, a right-of-way or dedication from the end of 154th through the subject site, to Kent Kangley or Southeast 272nd Street, • which would be a pedestrian or bicycle access route Mr Harmon stated that Mr Wilson indicated that parking should be prohibited on 154" Street. Mr Osborne stated that staff has discussed the consideration for residential parking zones which would be determined at the time of development review. It is staffs belief that denying access to the commercial site from 150 would limit the desirability of parking. Ron Hannon stated that Mr Wilson voiced concern that if a multi-story commercial structure were erected on the subject site,it would overlook his property,thereby infringing on his family's privacy Mr. Osborne stated that under Community Commercial zoning,he believes that the height would be limited to a 2 or 2.5 story building Mr Osborne stated that he believes site development standards would include adjacent property considerations. Ron Harmon voiced concern that the residential property that abuts up to the subject site would need adequate buffering to protect it from potential commercial development and that a commercial development would need to consider installing lighting that would not intrude on the abutting residential property Mr Osborne stated that this issue was addressed in the Decision Document under"Aesthetics— Light and Glare Section" and that the specifics would be addressed through the development review process. Charlene Anderson said that the Decision Document does not attach conditions to the rezone or the comprehensive plan amendment She stated that conditions are applied during development Ms Anderson said that the City encourages pedestrian access from residential to commercial, stating that,she believes that it would be unlikely that a residential street restriction would be enforced to allow only residential users to park on 154 h Avenue. • Brad Bell stated conditional determinations are typically placed on a proposal during the development process and not at this point Ms Anderson stated that although staff does not prefer conditional rezones, this is the rare occasion where staff recommends a conditional rezone. Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to open the Public Hearing Motion carved. Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open Chris McCann, 17615 Southeast 240th Street, Kent, WA stated that he, Wayne Fortenbeny and Tom Dubral own the subject site He stated that the major reason for the rezone was due to the lack of adequate parking space on the original site in order to construct an economically feasible building Mr McCann stated they have discussed Mr Wilson's concerns with him as well as with the other neighbors A conditional approval would not adversely affect their plans as they never intended to use 154th Avenue Southeast Mr. McCann presented a conceptual drawing of intended development on the site, stating that the building would likely be a two story building constructed near the front of the site with parking in the rear,potentially to be used for medical and dental offices Dean Wilson, 27234 154th Avenue Southeast, Kent, WA stated that the intent of this proposal is to rezone the site adjacent to his roperty from Single Family, six units per acre to Commercial He stated that his concern regarding 1549 Avenue has been resolved by staff s recommendation of closure of 1540' Avenue to vehicular traffic Mr Wilson recommended that consideration be made for appropriate signage along 150 Avenue indicating residential parking only as part of development considerations Mr Wilson stated that he is concerned that if a two-story building is constructed, his property will lose privacy and security He stated that he would prefer that parkmg be placed at the front of the building as vehicles parked at the rear of the property would create pollution hazards and heighten noise Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10,2001 Page 11 of 15 Mr Wilson stated that he recognizes that City Code requires a 25-foot buffer between private properties but recommended that City Council consider increasing the buffer so that his property would not sustain significant visual impacts Mr. Wilson encouraged the Board to consider recommending approval of this rezone with the conditions stated Mr Malik stated that once zoning is approved, the Board or City Council could not place any directives on the developer concerning what he should construct on his property Ms Zimmerman stated that the only condition staff recommends to be placed on this rezone regards 154th Street access. In response to Mr. Dowell, Ms Anderson stated that the height limitation in the CC zone is three stones or 40 feet with a provision that the Planning Manager can grant an additional story In response to Mr Harmon, Ms Anderson said that the height limitation in NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial is two stones or 35 feet. Staff has allowed a medical facility in the NCC zone, which was similar in nature to other uses allowed in NCC. She stated that she would review whether medical and dental would be allowed on a general basis in the CC zone. Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to support staffs recommendation to APPROVE with CONDITIONS CPA-2001-2(B)/CPZ-2001-2 Soos Creek Center Amendment to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from SF-6, six units per acre, single family to Commercial with a Zoning Designation change from SF-6 to CC, Community Commercial with the condition of no vehicular access onto 154th from Southeast 272nd' Motion CARRIED with six in favor,one opposed.' CPA-2001-2(C)/CPZ-2001-3 KLOUZAL AMENDMENT Mr Osborne stated that the Klouzal property consists of 4 7 acres located at 2635 South 260th Street. He stated that this is a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation from SF-6, Single Family, six units per acre to LDMF, Low Density, Multifamily, and the Zoning District Map Designation from SR-4 5, Single Family, 4 5 units per acre to SR-8, Single Family,eight units per acre Mr Osborne stated that the applicant eventually intends to seek a rezone to MRT-16, 16 units per acre He stated that a zoning change to SR-8, Single Family, eight units per acre is under consideration at this point, which is the first step in the Multifamily Townhouse rezoning process. Mr Osborne stated that staff notes significant concerns with the wetlands on and adjacent to the subject site He stated that the applicant indicates that approximately 16 acres of the subject site is clear of wetlands and includes a 50-foot buffer . Mr. Osborne stated that a wetland delineation has not been approved for this site and that the portion of the site to be developed has not been determined at this time He stated that Public Works staff has voiced concern that this site lies adjacent to regionally significant wetlands but together with Planning staff, does not feel that this would impede development on the available buildable site of approximately 16 acres. Mr Osborne stated that staff recommends APPROVAL for a zoning district designation of Single Family, 8 units per acre and a land use designation of Low Density Multifamily. Mr Dowell stated that it seems there is a large amount of commercial and industrial work occurring in the vicinity of the subject site Mr Osborne stated that the property directly west of the site is single family, otherwise vacant land and a significant amount of wetlands marks this area Mr Osborne stated that he believes the Woodmont Shopping Center is located along Highway 99 with a sizeable mobile home park to the northwest and a number of medium density multifamily units located north and east of the site Brad Bell MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to open the Public Hearing Motion CARRIED. Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10,2001 Page 12 of 15 As there was no public testimony, Jon Johnson MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to close the Public Hearing Motion CARRIED. . Ron Harmon MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to support staffs recommendation to APPROVE the CPA-2001-2(C)/CPZ-2001-3 Klouzal Amendment and move this on to City Council. Motion CARRIED. CPA-2001-2(D)/CPZ-2001-4 AMERINOR/CAMERON AMENDMENT Mr Osborne stated that the Amennor/Cameron site consists of three parcels, totaling 4.15 acres in size, and located at the intersection of nghts-of-way for Southeast 252nd Street, 114th Avenue Southeast and 25218 113th Avenue Southeast. Mr Osborne stated that staff has identified significant concerns related to environmental constraints, surrounding density of single family use in the area and access to the site. Mr Osborne stated that at present, the access on 114th Avenue ends and access along 252nd only serves the Seventh Day Adventist Church,with the right-of-way presently a grassy, greenbelt walkway Mr Osborne stated that staffs recommendation is based on potential impacts of increasing density to single family, 8 units per acre. He stated that residential use in the area is zoned single family, 6 units per acre but actually has a lower density of around single family,three units per acre. Mr. Osborne stated that staff recommends DENIAL of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment seeking Single Family, 8 units per acre and recommends APPROVAL of a rezone of the subject site to Single Family, 6 units per acre which is consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject site In response to Mr. Hannon, Mr Osborne stated that the applicant has not indicated where site access will be He stated that staff has considered that 110, 252nd, 113th or 111th could serve as access locations to the property or the tract that serves single family properties from 248th Street to the North. Mr Osborne stated that there would be environmental constraints associated with any access points to the subject site based on the City's wetland inventory Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to open the Public Hearing. Motion Carried Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open Paul Morford,PO Box 6345,Kent,WA 98064 stated that he supports staffs recommendation Ian Elliot, 6231 NE 137th St., Kirkland, WA stated that he is the property owner's agent He stated that he believes the SF-8 designation would allow flexibility in developing this property with clustered housing due to the sensitive areas on this site Mr.Elliot stated that significant costs would be incurred in developing this site due to the sensitive areas, compliance with the City's streets, access and pedestrian way requirements. Mr Elliot stated that a significant reason for developing this site, is that only a few parcels exist adjacent to multifamily zoning, which allows the City to meet their planning goals for growth management Mr. Elliot stated that although the proposed zoning on this site will be at a higher density, arterial roads exist close to this property, with access to transit and schools,all assets in respect to developing tlus site Mr Elliot indicated that he believes the City's wetland's designation for this site is maccurate, citing that when this site was delineated two years ago, significantly less wetlands were indicated Bob MacIsaac, 25001 116th Ave SE, Kent, WA stated that he resides approximately two properties northeast of the subject site He stated that he questioned zoning in this area after the City annexed the parcels across 116th , which was zoned SF-6, while retaining the land he resides on as SF-3 He stated that he favors seeing the subject site remain zoned SF-6 Ron Harmon MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 13 of 15 Mr Dowell stated that this site would be best suited to 4 5 units per acre zoning He stated that he does not support developing this site at either six units per acre or at the higher density requested by the applicant indicating that the creek on site would serve as a nice amenity to a single family residential development Mr Osborne stated that the Comprehensive Plan Designation and zoning for the adjacent Stratford Arms Apartments is MDMF, Medium Density Multifamily and the Comprehensive Plan Designation for all properties including the subject site is single family, six units per acre. Mr Osborne stated that Low Density Multifamily zoning exists in the northwest corner with Single Family, three units per acre to the North He stated that existing zoning designations for surrounding sites consist of Garden Density Multifamily , Low Density Multifamily, Single Family, 3 units per acre to the North and Single Family 4 5 units per acre to the East, Southeast and West Ms Zimmerman stated that she favors this site developing with multifamily. She stated that this site would serve as a nice transition zone between what exists to the Southwest and North of this property as well as work in fulfilling the directives set forth in the GMA to develop more housing in Kent Mr Osborne stated that the applicant has not voiced intent to convert this site to multifamily zoning He stated that the applicant was originally seeking a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation change from Single Family, six units per acre to Single Family, 8 units per acre. Mr Osborne stated that this applicant is seeking single family and not multifamily zoning Mr Bell stated that he supports Staffs recommendation Jon Johnson stated that this amendment request exemplifies ways to meet some of the GMA requirements for the City, providing housing diversity He stated that due to the environmentally sensitive constraints on this site, the net result of units developed on this property would substantially decrease Mr Johnson voiced his support of Staff s recommendation Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to DENY staffs recommendation on CPA-2001- 2(D)/CPZ-2001-4 AMERINOR/CAMERON AMENDMENT retaining the existing comprehensive plan and zoning districts Motion FAILED with 3 in favor and 4 opposed Brad Bell MOVED and Nicole Fmcher SECONDED to ACCEPT staffs recommendation on CPA-2001- 2(D)/CPZ-2001-4 AMERINOR/CAMERON AMENDMENT to DENY amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation to SF-8 and APPROVE a rezone of the subject site to SR-6 Motion CARRIED. #CPA-2001-2(E)/CPZ-2001-5 FANNING/SCHARER AMENDMENT Mr Osborne stated that this subject site consists of two contiguous parcels 9 53 acres in size, located at 25003 114th Avenue Southeast and 11223 Southeast 248th Street Mr Osborne stated that the applicant requests a change in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation from Single Family, 3 units per acre to Single Family, 6 units per acre and a Zoning Distinct Map designation change from SR-3, Single Family, 3 units per acre to SR-6, Single Family, 6 units per acre. Mr Osborne stated that staff identified significant environmental constraints related to site access and the existence of a significant wetland area Mr Osborne stated that the applicant has filed a wetland map, indicating that a smaller wetland area exists than the City's wetland inventory indicates This wetland map has not been approved by the City as a wetland delineation Mr Osborne stated that the constraints are similar to the Amennor/Cameron proposal in that slopes and sensitive areas on this site will likely impact access Mr Osborne stated that staff recommends approval of both the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designation changes to SF-6 and SR-6 citing that the development process would address sensitive area requirements Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10, 2001 Page 14 of 15 Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to open the Public Hearing Motion Carved Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open. John Fanning, 25003 114th Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA stated that he is the applicant, indicating that his subject site is surrounded by multifamily to the West towards Benson, with SR-6 existing on the other side of 116'". He stated that the subject site is currently an island with a SR-3 zoning designation and that rezoning this site to SR-6 would create a transition from the apartments located west of the site Mr Fanning stated that this area provides amenities that would be used by a single faintly housing development on the subject site with respect to schools, parks, a fire station and close proximity to the new 116`h St arterial. Paul Morford, PO Box 6345, Kent, WA 98064 said that he owns property 300 feet south of the subject site zoned SF-6. He stated that he supports staff s recommendation to rezone this site. Ian Elliot, 6231 NE 137th Street,Kent, WA stated that he supports Mr Fanning's testimony adding that a cost benefit analysis was completed at the outset of this project with respect to lot sizes He stated that the biggest consideration, next to considering a multifamily development, was that it was unlikely the applicant would obtain the prices that the lots would require in order to build larger single family homes. Mr. Elliot stated that the neighborhood has all of the accoutrements for multifamily in the neighborhood in the way of schools,parks, access and transit. Bob Maclsaac, 25001 116th Ave SE, Kent, WA stated that he resides directly behind this subject property, to the East Mr MacIsaac stated that although he would favor the subject site remaining zoned SR-3, he would support a rezone to SF-6, as he is not against progress. Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carved Ron Harmon MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to accept Staffs recommendation to APPROVE CPA-2001-2(E)/CPZ-2001-5 Fannmg/Scharer Amendment and send this on to City Council Motion CARRIED. #CPA-2001-2(F)/#CPZ-2001-6 DEROSE AMENDMENT Mr Osborne stated that the DeRose subject site consists of two parcels 1.12 acres in size, located at 13303 and 13307 Kent Kangley also known as 272nd Street or State Route 516. Mr. Osborne stated that this request is to amend two contiguous parcels. He stated the request is to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Low Density Multifamily to C, Commercial and to amend the Zoning District Map Designation from Garden Density Multifamily to Community Commercial. Mr. Osborne stated that the issues identified by staff primarily concern traffic, the adjacent inventoried wetlands, and if buffers of those wetlands might affect the subject site. Mr Osborne stated that the existing use at the comer of Kent Kangley and 132nd Avenue is a Texaco Station Mr Osbome stated that staff is recommending approval of this request Brad Bell MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED to open the Public Hearing Motion carved. Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open As there was no public testimony, Steve Dowell MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED to close the Public Hearing Motion Carved Chair Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing closed. Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to accept staffs recommendation to APPROVE #CPA-2001-2(F)/#CPZ-2001-6 DEROSE AN1ENDMENT Motion CARRIED unanimously Land Use and Planning Board Minutes December 10,2001 Page 15 of 15 Chair Zimmerman submitted Mr Doug Hobkuk's Mobile Home Relocation Report for the record as Exhibit#9 Chair Zimmerman acknowledged Mr Bell's resignation from the Board, after six years of dedicated service,stating that it has been the privilege of all the Board members to work with Mr Bell ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Zimmerman opened the meeting for nominations Steve Dowell NOMINATED and Brad Bell SECONDED a motion to appoint Terry Zimmerman to the position of Chair Terry Zimmerman accepted Ron Harmon NOMINATED and Steve Dowell SECONDED a motion to appoint David Malik to the position of Vice Chair. David Malik accepted ADJOURNMENT Chair Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 10 40 p in Respegfully Submitted, A .� ene Char iderson, , P annmg M g Secretary \\EARTH_FSSSDATA\Penmt\Plan\LUPB\2001Mmutes\011210mn doc • all REPORTS &ROU• LNG c r v,. i U 1- A. COUNCIL PRESIDENTS .r I B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE --- TC. PUBLIC SAFETY COKKXTTEE D. PUBLIC WORKS Rf { E. PLANNING COMMITTEE F. PARKS COMMITTEE ; I G. ADMINISTRATIVE RF"TS fi i r REPORTS, c SPz=AL •+4MMNF1. u1 , I t �t� I { \ mg §£ ^ °? . . 1yy . / \ [ ; t\ \ \ � . \\ \� ' 9^ 9 < \ \ £ , IVE aEss ,�^ ��< a t Y 1�vh e Al ` t I lttrrk `llllll j rc a