HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 12/11/2001 �i City of Kent City Council Meeting Agenda KEN T W A S H I N G T O N Mayor Jim White Councilmembers Leona Orr, President Tom Brotherton Julie Peterson Tim Clark Judy Woods Connie Epperly RicoYingling December 11 , 2001 Office of the City Clerk SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 11 , 2001 KENT ChambersWP5HINGTON Council Chambers 7 00 p.m MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS Leona Orr, President Tom Brotherton Tim Clark Connie Epperly Julie Peterson Judy Woods Rico Yingling 1 . CALL TO ORDER/bLAG SALUTE - Girl Scouts 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA e1z'd A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF W B FROM THE PUBLIC 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ,' A Oath of Office - Julie Peterson B . Employee of the Month C. Introduction of Appointees D Kent Historical Museum Update k , PfOCIama f' ur\ 3 rof-her+" 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR -A. Minutes - Approval B Bills - Approval � C S . 212th Street Retail Center Rezone - Ordinance ?j i D. 2002 Metro Sewer Rate Increase - Ordinance 3 57Sf 1, vE Accounts Receivable Write-offs for 1992 through March J�J�yY^y 2001 - Approve Lodging Tax Funding Allocation - Approve �G Claims for Damages - Ordinance Appointing Agent 3 579 H Thompson Short Plat Bill of Sale - Accept I . Kingsley Pond Short Plat Bill of Sale - Accept J Law Enforcement Education Partnership (LEEP) Grant Amendment - Accept and Amend Budget K Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program (Washington Traffic Safety Committee) Grant Amendment - Accept and Amend Budget L Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) 2001-2002 Budget - Approve M. Kent Land Use and Planning Board Appointment and Re-appointments - Confirm N. Kent Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Re-appointment - Confirm O. Kent Diversity Advisory Board Appointment - Confirm P. Kent Human Services Commission Appointment and Re-appointments - Confirm Q. Cottonwood Final Plat - Approve - 40 R. 2001 Budget Ad3ustment Ordinance 2nd Half - Adopt 3 5g° (continued next page) Jul SUMMARY AGENDA CONTINUED i 7 . OTHER BUSINESS A. DeMarco Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to Repeal B. 228th Street Corridor Extension Protect Alternatives Review C. Future Tax Levy capacity Protection - Ordinance D. 2001 Tax Levy Increase for 2002 Budget Authorized - Ordinance E. 2001 Tax Levy for 2002 Budget - Ordinance F. 2002 Budget Adoption - Ordinance 8 . 'BIDS None 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF 10 REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS 14 Ifit//t netim P147!6? 4&- Pot be-J 12 . EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Labor Negotiations 13 ADJOURNMENT NOTE. A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk' s Office and the Kent Library. The Agenda Summary page is on the City of Kent web site at www. ci .kent .wa us . An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page . Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk' s Office in advance at (253) 856-5725 . For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388 CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Citizens wishing to •address the Council will , at this time, make known the sub3ect of interest, so all may be properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF B) FROM THE PUBLIC • PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A) OATH OF OFFICE - JULIE PETERSON B) EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH C) INTRODUCTION OF APPOINTEES D) KENT HISTORICAL MUSEUM UPDATE • • CONSENT CALENDAR 6 . City Council Action:/n n / Councilmember &V moves, Councilmember seconds to approve Consent Calendar Items A through R Discussion F— Action �C 6A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 20 , 2001 . 6B. Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through November 15 and paid on November 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 20 , 2001 . • Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/15/01 Wire Transfers 1071-1078 $ 989, 072 . 93 11/15/01 Prepays & 525316 2 , 831, 504 . 25 11/15/01 Regular 525996 1, 233 , 895 . 99 $5, 054 , 473 17 Approval of payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 4 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/30/01 Wire Transfers 1079-1086 $ 801, 622 . 83 11/30/01 Prepays & 525997 4 , 717, 067 . 68 11/30/01 Regular 526621 2 , 429, 897 . 37 $7, 948, 587 . 88 Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 1 through November 15 and paid on November 20 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount • 11/20/01 Checks 256319-256630 $ 272 , 387 . 10 11/20/01 Advices 119976-120642 1 , 092 , 093 . 92 $1 , 364 , 481 . 02 Council Agenda Item No. 6 A-B Kent, Washington November 20 , 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 00 p m. by Mayor White Councilmembers present Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, Worthing, and Yingling. Others present Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson Approximately 35 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Golf Merchandising Plan. Robert O 'Brien and Ted Kogita requested the addition of the merchandising plan and Riverbend Golf Course It was added as Continued Communications Item 11A. The Mayor pointed out that the golf merchandising plan is on the Consent Calendar and that it won' t be heard as a separate item unless a Council member chooses to remove it from the Consent Calendar. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Chief Administrative Officer. Mayor White noted that Mike Martin has to leave tonight ' s meeting early and announced that he has appointed Martin to fill the Chief Administrative Officer position He offered his congratulations, Orr added her thanks . Martin said he is pleased to work for the Mayor and Council, and the community. Police Department Reaccreditation. Lt . Bruce Weissich of the Police Department announced that the department is going through a reaccreditation process, which involves a team of assessors examining the department ' s policies and procedures and the way they do business . He added that the department has been nationally accredited since 1996 He said a public hearing will be held on December 3rd at 7 00 p m. in the Council Chambers, and that from 1 00 to 5 : 00 p.m. that day, citizens can speak with the assessors by phone at 253-856-5891 He encouraged anyone with input to participate by attending the hearing or calling the assessors . Kent Food Sank Donation Presentation. Mayor White noted that City of Kent employees have raised money for the food bank and presented a check in the amount of $1253 29 1 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS to Marilyn McGuire, Food Bank Director. McGuire thanked the Mayor and employees and noted that over 600 Thanksgiving baskets have been prepared CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through M Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 6 , 2001 BILLS OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Van Doren' s West Bill of Sale. As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for Van Doren' s West submitted by Benaroya Capital Company, L L C for continuous operation and maintenance of 135 feet of watermain improvements, and 3 , 152 feet of sanitary sewer Bonds are to be released after the one- year maintenance period. This project is located at 22718 Russell Road. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) S . 196th/200th Street West Leg, King County Agreement, Supplement No. 4 . Authorization for the Mayor to finalize and sign Supplement No 4 to the King County Agreement , upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Supplement No. 4 of this agreement will increase the allowable costs by King County to the City for this project, by $700 , 000 to $6, 471, 153 . The County has budgeted for this increase payable this year. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Washington Traffic Safety Commission Mini-Grant. Accept and establish a budget for a Washington Traffic Safety Commission mini-grant, which the Police Department has received for two video cameras to be used in conjunction with ongoing traffic safety activities . The amount of the grant is $3 , 284 . 2 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 TRAFFIC (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) 94th Avenue South and Canyon Drive Signal . On July 2nd the Public Works Committee recommended (2-1) to install the 94th Avenue Signal , which is part of the facilities improvement for the Canyon Drive contract The Public Works Department recommends moving forward with the signal installation as completion of this project City Engineer Gill summarized the project , noting that it provides a safe pedestrian crossing He pointed out that there are over 40 , 000 trips a day up and down Canyon Drive , and reiterated their recommendation to move forward CLARK MOVED to adopt the Public Works Committee ' s recommendation of installation of the 94th Avenue Signal Orr seconded Clark noted that there were many concerns about this project and that it became clear after investigation that pedestrian safety, bus transportation and bicycle use must be addressed The motion then carried (BIDS - ITEM 8A) Replacement Traffic Signal Cabinet Project . The bid opening for this project was held on November 9th with four bids received The low bid was submitted by McCain Traffic Supply with a bid amount of $95 , 635 20 , including sales tax The Engineer ' s estimate was $114 , 240 00 including sales tax The Public Works Director recom- mends awarding this contract to McCain Traffic Supply CLARK MOVED that the Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacement contract be awarded to McCain Traffic Supply for $95 , 635 . 20 including sales tax Epperly seconded and the motion carried CONTRACTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) 2002 Government Affairs Contract. Authorization for the Mayor to finalize and sign the 2002 Government Affairs contract with Doug Levy of Outcomes by Levy, as reviewed and recommended by the Operations Committee during its November 6 , 2001 meeting The contract covers Mr Levy' s services and expenses for 2002 These services include legislative advocacy at the local , state and federal level on the City' s high priority issues . The services 3 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 CONTRACTS are detailed further in the contract ' s scope of work The high priority issues are detailed further in the City' s 2002 Legislative Agenda. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) 2002 Kent Reporter Contract. Authorization for the Mayor to finalize and sign the 2002 Kent Reporter contract as recommended by the Operations Committee . The Kent Reporter is typically distributed to 68 , 000 Kent area addresses Council and community feedback on the news- letter has been very positive and staff recommends continuing the newsletter in 2002 . Included is a total pro] ect cost of $51 , 696 in the 2002 Preliminary Budget . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Printing Press and Plate Maker Replacement. Authorization to purchase an AB Dick 9995 Offset press and an AB Dick Digital P1ateMaster DPM2340 for a total of $98 , 000 , to replace and upgrade the print shop press and direct-to-plate system, subject to approval of contract wording by the City Attorney, as recommended by the Operations Committee on November 6 , 2001 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Fire Station No. 75 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Contract. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Sieman ' s Landis Division to perform the installation of Direct Digital Controls for the HVAC at Fire Station #75, as recommended by the Operations Committee In 1998 , the City and Sieman ' s Landis Division entered into a sole source agreement to upgrade all City build- ings with automated heating and ventilation controls (HVAC) . As funds become available, every City building will be upgraded STREET VACATION (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) Street Vacation, S . 206th and East Valley Highway (STV- 2001-2/KIVA #2012601) . Resolution No 1606 established November 20 , 2001 as the public hearing date for the application by Specialty Metals to vacate a portion of S . 4 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 STREET VACATION 206th Street . A staff report recommends approval with conditions . Charlene Anderson of the Planning Department displayed a map and explained the conditions . The Mayor opened the public hearing There were no comments from the audience ORR MOVED to close the public hearing Woods seconded and the motion carried BROTHERTON MOVED to approve the staff recommendation of approval with conditions of the application to vacate a portion of S . 206th Street , as referenced in Resolution No 1606 , and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance upon compliance with the conditions of approval Orr seconded and the motion carried REZONE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) S . 212th Street Retail Center Rezone (RZ-2001-1/KIVA #2012238) . Hartigan Retail Strategies has requested a rezone of approximately 12 9 acres of property from 0, Professional and Office, to NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial The property is located at 9116 S 212th Street, and is the current site of the Golf Park driving range A public hearing was held before the Hearing Examiner on October 17 , 2001 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the proposed application on October 24 , 2001 Damien Hooper of the Planning Department explained the rezone, displayed the location, and outlined the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation He then answered questions from Council members regarding considerations given to 208th, environmental impacts, conditions, funding, benefits to the city, and future development Brotherton expressed concern about the viability of NC going in at that location, and Clark expressed concern about the potential increase in traffic . Woods pointed out that these kinds of issues would be addressed within the permit process . John Hartigan, 2323 N 31st , Tacoma, explained that they have been seeking ma3or tenants including a ma]or West Coast grocer, and that they would work extensively with staff to comply with all ordinances He said this business would draw not only from housing in Kent, but from Renton as well The motion then carried 5 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) (Mike Martin left the meeting at 7 : 55 p.m. , Dust prior to this item. ) Qwest Conditional Use Appeal . This is a closed record appeal hearing of the decision of the Hearing Examiner, approving a conditional use permit filed by KDW Architects on behalf of Qwest for construction of a second floor on an existing facility located at 206 South State Street . The Hearing Examiner ' s Findings were issued on October 3 , 2001 Mr Paul Morford, on behalf of CAP Properties, Inc , filed a timely appeal of the Hearing Examiner' s decision on the conditional use permit on October 12 , 2001 The City Attorney explained the appeal process, the options available to Council, and the issue Paul Morford, P.0 Box 6345 , Kent 98064 , noted that one drawing in the packet provided to the Council was incomplete, Orr responded that Council has received corrected copies He also showed Council members a picture of the building he built . He then read the letter which he submitted to the Hearing Examiner (Exhibit 2 in the notebook) . He said there is proof that Qwest ' s request will be detrimental and that he feels the situation should be taken care of by building in a different location or compensating him for the devaluation of his property. He added that three people, as well as the applicant, have said the action would be detrimental Morford expressed concern about the number of employees at the facility and about parking problems . He stated that Planning had said that landscaping would take care of the negative impact, and that it appears two of the notices were not timely Upon Brothertcn ' s question, Morford said he feels he has proof that the requested action would be detrimental , and that it is less costly for Qwest to build a second floor than to expand elsewhere . Brenda Ross, KDW Architects, showed the drawings she used in the original hearing (which are in the notebook pro- vided to Council) and noted that the Qwest building is an 6 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL emergency facility and provides a critical utility use to the city, and as such is essential to the City She added that since the building was built in 1955 , it has expanded three times, in 1965 , 1968 and 1984 She pointed out that Morford ' s building was built before the last addition. She stated that the building has grown with the City, and that most of it existed prior to Mr Morford' s building. Ross agreed that the addition of a second floor will block some of his view, but said landscaping will buffer that . She said Morford had no right to the view to begin with, therefore there is no detriment to him if the view is taken away and added he has had positive impacts over the years in which they have not built in front of his property She said that not much of his view will be blocked, and that none will be blocked from the third floor She also noted that the DCE zone allows unlimited height She provided pictures of the view for the Council members to look at Epperly said she has been in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building and that what Ross presented as the view is not accurate . Upon questions from Council members , Hooper noted that the last time the building was changed was a variance which was granted in 1983 , that the zoning was changed in 1992 , and that in the early 1980 ' s the zoning was probably general commercial Epperly opined that the Number One criteria for a conditional use permit was ignored by the Hearing Examiner Brotherton verified that a building containing different contents would not require a conditional use permit to make changes to it Morford noted that the view ordinance was in place when his building was built and therefore his view was pro- tected He said there is a parking problem and that doubling the size of the building and number of desks will add to it Ross emphasized that the Qwest building is not a dispatch facility and that the trucks are not there very long She added that they appreciate the difficult parking 7 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL issue for Mr_ Morford and said they consistently attempt to get staff to use the parking provided across the street . She clarified for Orr that there will not be additional employees in the building, and that the desks are moved from place to place to monitor equipment Morford opined that there will be more trucks and more people and encouraged the Council to deny the request Lubcvich clarified that the issues are whether the loss of view is a detriment to the use of the ad3oining property, and parking. Satterstrom noted for Yingling that he is not aware of any precedent for this type of thing with respect to a conditional use permit . BROTHERTON MOVED to remand the issue back to the Hearing Examiner for a further hearing in order to obtain additional evidence, facts, or information for its reconsideration, to wit four issues identified: 1 The view ordinance protecting Mr. Morford' s view when they built the property Was there a view ordinance in place and did it protect his property? 2 What is the actual view blockage? There appears to be some difference of opinion as to what view is actually blocked and what weather impacts are there . The view that he saw looked like it was pretty long distance to Seattle, which you can sometimes not see very well . 3 The Qwest building was there first , and that ' s an important issue 4 . Is the loss of view detrimental if it ' s applied to a building without a protected view. Epperly seconded Brotherton said he would like to have the Hearing Examiner look at these issues in light of legal cases throughout the state and provide a reasoned opinion. 8 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL Lubovich confirmed that this issue would be remanded to consider those four issues and would be limited to those four issues Epperly added an additional amendment that the Number One criteria for conditional use should be further reviewed, since it was possibly not given enough importance Brotherton said he heard for the first time tonight that Mr Morford believed there was a view ordinance in place protecting his property when he built it He said he would like to know if that is true and whether it would affect the Hearing Examiner' s decision. He said he would also like to know about the actual view blockage, what percentage of the view and what percentage of the time He questioned whether the Qwest building was there first, and whether it is really detrimental if it is not a protected element in that zoning area It was clarified that the intent of the motion is to remand the issue back to the Hearing Examiner for a further hearing in order to obtain additional evidence, facts or information for reconsideration, with the following five criteria for the Hearing Examiner to pay attention to the view ordinance when Morford ' s building was built ; the actual view blockage; whether the Qwest building being there first matters , whether the loss of view is detrimental if not protected, and whether the Number One criteria for conditional use was given enough importance The motion then carried unanimously. PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Donation From Rotary Auction. Accept the $186 00 donation from the Kent Rotary Club and amend the Adopt-A- Park budget, as recommended by the Parks Committee Each year the Kent Rotary Club holds an auction to support local programs . One half of the proceeds from the sale of each item sold is donated to a designated charity 9 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES or program. This year Kent parks Planning and Development received the donation, which will be used for the Adopt- A-Park program. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) King County Conservation Futures Interlocal Agreement. Authorization to enter into an agreement with King County for Conservation Futures Interlocal Funds and amend the Clark Lake Land budget for $600 , 000 , as recommended by the Parks Committee . In September 2001, Kent Parks Planning and Development received $600, 000 . 00 from the King County Conservation Futures Levy Fund for open space acquisition projects The funds will be used in the Clark Lake Park Land budget (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Fee In Lieu Allocation. Accept the $130 , 408 37 for fee- . in-lieu-of funds and amend the following budgets, as recommended by the Parks Committee Canterbury Park (P96) $ 53 , 728 33 Clark Lake park Acquisition (P21) $ 6, 930 , 04 Service Club Ballfields (P24) $ 69 , 750 00 $130 , 408 . 37 The City received a total of $130 , 408 . 37 from six subdivisions who voluntarily paid fee-in-lieu-of funds, dedicating parkland to mitigate the development of single family homes . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Riverbend Golf Merchandising. Authorization for staff to develop a golf merchandising program effective December 1, and ad]ust the merchandising golf complex revenue and expenditure budgets for 2001 and 2002 , as recommended by the Parks Committee . Nevada Bob ' s closed all of their golf merchandise stores in Washington, including the store at the Riverbend Golf Complex where the space was leased from the City Staff 10 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 PARKS , RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES is currently making minor tenant improvements and renova- tions in preparation of the City Council direction on merchandising. The Golf Advisory Board recommended the City operate the golf merchandising at the Riverbend Golf Complex at their Board meeting in October (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) Golf Merchandising. Robert O ' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, noted that the pro shop merchandising plan was presented at a Parks Committee meeting and adopted. He said he would like to see the pro shop set up as a separate item including things such as salaries and benefits, taxes , depreciation, interest debt, and overhead He disagreed that $150 , 000 is an accurate figure for salaries and benefits, and said he would like to see balance sheets and profit and loss statements . Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, said the golf merchandising plan does not make sense and that $70 , 000 for apparel is a bogus number He suggested further study Parks Director Hodgson said there will be a separate tracking program for the pro shop and 1800 sq ft . is being added to the pro shop at the driving range BUDGET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5B) 2002 Budget and 2001 Tax Levy for the 2002 Budget . This is the second public hearing on the 2002 Budget and 2001 Tax Levy for the 2002 Budget This 2002 Preliminary Budget is on file with the City Clerk, and is in balance with no new taxes or fees . Public input is desired as the City prepared for the planned final budget adoption on December 11 , 2001 Finance Director Miller explained what the budget includes , noting that there are no new positions , that many cuts in things such as supplies were made, and that many capital items were deferred. Miller noted that the City must charge citizens a Metro pass-through rate increase which goes to Metro. She said $180 , 000 in golf fees which were proposed by the men ' s 11 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 BUDGET and women' s clubs is included, and that the mill rate may be increased by 3-1/2% She added that other tax options are being considered, that the budget will be discussed by the Operations Committee on December 4th, and that adoption is scheduled for December llth WOODS MOVED to make letters from ACAP and the Kent Historical Society part of record. Orr seconded and the motion carried Mayor White opened the public hearing. Bill Young, 1005 E . Guiberson Street, made the following recommendations to reduce the budget • eliminate or postpone the 21% increase in the arts program, as it is not a necessity, and spend that money on public safety or roads; eliminate or postpone the $3 3 million youth soccer field on East Hill to be funded by Councilmanic bonds; eliminate or postpone the Councilmanic bonds for parks to be built and for campus expansion and renovation, eliminate or postpone the $1 million for Kent Station Infrastructure Bob O' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, disputed figures . regarding the golf course, and asked for clarification on Kent Station Infrastructure funding He also suggested looking at the management span of control , noting a ratio of 24 4% management- personnel There were no further comments and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing Woods seconded and the motion carried Martin noted that the Councilmanic bonds are placeholders and that such bonds do not increase taxes . Parks Director Hodgson offered to discuss Mr O ' Brien' s figures after the meeting and explained that the ball fields will be used as five or six facilities and will be used year around. He said some of the funds O ' Brien referred to are for seismic work on City Hall , which is a life safety issue, and that the arts budget is funded on a $2 . 00 per capita program by ordinance FINANCE (CONSENT ALENDAR - ITEM 69) Approval .,P Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through October 31 and paid on October 31 , 2001 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 6 , 2001 . 12 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers . Date Check Numbers Amount 10/31/01 Wire Transfers 1062-1070 $ 923 , 199 52 10/31/01 Prepays 524606-524923 3 , 582 , 300 59 10/31/01 Regular 524924-525315 1, 933 , 483 79 10/31/01 Void 524623 (1, 745 , 937 06) 09/15/01 Reissued 524982 1 , 745 , 937 06 $6 , 438 , 983 90 Approval of checks issued for payroll for October 1 through October 15 and paid on October 19, 2001 Date Check Numbers Amount 10/19/01 Checks 255660-255983 $ 286, 685 35 10/19/01 Advices 117885-118593 1 , 084 , 458 63 $1 , 371 , 143 98 Approval of checks issued for payroll for October 16 through October 31 and paid on November 5 , 2001 Date Check Numbers Amount 11/5/01 Checks 255984-256318 $ 275 , 112 70 11/5/01 Advices 119256-119975 1 , 046 , 330 60 $1 , 321 , 443 30 REPORTS Council President . Orr invited the local reporter to ]oin the Council at any time while they have dinner between the workshop and the Council meeting, noting that the discussion is about personal , not business items She thanked Mr Worthing and presented him with a key to the City Worthing commended the Council members for their patience and understanding, and said it has been an honor and a privilege working with them EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9 : 05 p m. , the City Attorney reminded Council members of an executive session regarding pending litigation, property acquisition and a leasing issue He said action is anticipated on all items after the meeting reconvenes, and that the executive session will be approximately twenty minutes . 13 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting reconvened at 9 : 30 p m. Property Acquisition. WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a rent free Rental Agreement with Multi- Service Center for the Haak House at 11525 SE 240th Street for a two-year term Yingling seconded and the motion carried. Surplus Property. WOODS MOVED to surplus the washer and dryer located in the Haak House and acquired with the purchase of the property in February of 2001, and to authorize the Mayor to donate the washer and dryer to the Multi-Service Center for use in the transitional housing program Orr seconded and the motion carried. Property Sale . WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for an amount not less than $36 , 000 cash from a qualified buyer for the Jean Austin Property; to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the sale, and amend the Canterbury Park budget with the proceeds resulting from the sale Epperly seconded and the motion carried. Property Acquisition. WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for an amount not to exceed $205 , 000 for the James/Grayson Property adjacent to East Hill Youth Sports Complex, and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the purchase upon review by the City Attorney, and to appropriate $205 , 000 plus closing costs from the Park Land Acquisition account Orr seconded. Woods noted that this money is budgeted and that this is designed to be the location for parking for the East Hill Youth Sports Complex. The motion then carried Property Acquisition. WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for an amount not to exceed $175 , 000 for the Martin Property adjacent to East Hill and Morrill Meadows Parks , and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the purchase upon review by the City Attorney, and to appropriate $175 , 000 plus closing costs from the Park 14 Kent City Council Minutes November 20 , 2001 EXECUTIE SESSION Land Acquisition account Orr seconded. Woods noted that this money is available in the acquisition fund and that this is part of an effort to bring the two parks together in the future The motion then carried. DeMarco Annexation. BROTHERTON MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to enter into anv and all stipulations and/or agreements in the matter of Lotto and Topparo v City of Kent, which is presently pending before the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board, No 01-3 -0024 , and King County Superior Court , Cause No 01-2-26006-5 KNT, to remand to the City the DeMarco Annexation zoning as set forth in Ordinance No 3572 , to repeal the same upon remand reverting to interim zoning at SR2 and to reconsider zoning for the recently annexed area. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to ad] ourn at 9 : 35 p m Woods seconded and the motion carried Brenda Jacobe CMC City Clerk 15 0 O • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: S . 212TH STREET RETAIL CENTER REZONE - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No. relating to Land Use and Zoning, rezoning 12 . 9 acres of real property located at 9116 S . 212th Street from Professional and Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) zone . (S . 212 Street Retail Center Rezone - RZ-2001-1 . ) • 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Hearing Examiner (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6C • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to Land Use and Zoning, specifically the rezoning of approximately 12 9 acres of property located at 9116 S 212th Street from Professional and Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) (S 212th Street Retail Center Rezone - RZ-2001-1) WHEREAS, an application to rezone approximately 12 9 acres from the current zoning of Professional and Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) was filed on July 6, 2001, and WHEREAS, the City's SEPA responsible official issued a Determination ofNonsignificance (DNS) for the proposed rezone on September 28, 2001, and I WHEREAS, a public hearing on the S 212th Street Retail Center Rezone was held before the Hearing Examiner on October 17, 2001, and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2001, the Hearing Examiner issued findings that the S 212th Street Retail Center Rezone is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan, that the proposed rezone and subsequent development activity would be compatible with the development in the vicinity, that the proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated, that circumstances have changed since the establishment of the current 1 S. 212th Street Retail Center Rezone zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone, and that the proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, the findings are consistent with the standards for rezone set forth in Sections 15 09.050(A)(3) and 15 09 050(C) of the Kent City Code, and WHEREAS, the Kent Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the S 212th Retail Center Rezone on October 24, 2001, as submitted by the applicant, and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2001, the City Council moved to accept the findings of the Hearing Examiner and the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for approval of the S 212th Retail Center Rezone from Professional and Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC), NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. The property located at 9116 S 212th Street, Kent, Washington consisting of approximately 12 9 acres depicted in Exhibit "A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is rezoned as follows Parcel numbers 0722059049 located in Kent, Washington, shall be rezoned from Professional and Office(0)to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC), and the City of Kent zoning map is hereby amended to reflect the same. SECTION 2. Severability If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 2 S. 212th Street Retail Center Rezone SECTION 3. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED day of , )001 APPROVED day of 2001 PUBLISHED day of , 2001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK r%O Eam„ cutn iz� ]C=tRR�ne eM 3 S. 212th Street Retail Center Rezone SW 43AD ST Y W N y W 4 C N 5 O I r SE 192ND ST 167 Y ni J S 200TH ST h W � S z � 208TH S' S 2WTH ST ST S 21ZTH ST SITE i fn h 6 C 2 0 � W N S 22TM ST ¢ 0 z N A E JAMES ST SE 240TH ST APPLICATION NAME 212TH RETAIL CENTER #RZ-2001-I KIVA#20I2238 REQUEST. REZONE VICINITY MAP North EXHIBIT "A" • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: 2002 METRO SEWER RATE INCREASE - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No. passing the Metro Sewer rate increase and its associated utility tax directly onto City of Kent customers, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . • 3 . EXHIBITS : Ordinance and Public Works Director Memorandum 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION- Council Agenda Item No. 6D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom, P E Public Works Director - K G N 1 Phone Fax 253-856-6500 WI.SMINOTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 980325895 Date . November 19, 2001 To Public Works Committee From Do ickstrcm, P. E Sub3ect : 2002 Sewer Rate Increase King County Metro has passed a sewer rate increase affective ,January 1, 2002 Their new monthly rate is now $23 40 per residential equivalent unit (750 cubic feet) of sewage This new rate reflects a $3 65 increase Because the City' s utility tax is presently embedded into the rate we charge our customers, said tax would add another 18 cents onto Metro ' s charge bringing the total increase to $3 83 per month It is the Public Works Department ' s recommendation that the City pass the Metro and it ' s associated utility tax directly onto our customers . The attached proposed ordinance reflects what the new City sewer rates will be MOTION Recommend to Council the adoption of the proposed Ordinance sewerincre&se ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adjusting the scheduled charges for sewer service inside the City limits due to King County fee increases WHEREAS, King County has increased its rate for sewage treatment, including applicable utility tax, by $3 83 per month per residential equivalent (750 cubic feet of sewage), and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that this increase, including applicable utility tax, be passed along to the City's customers, NOW THEREFORE, i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS I SECTION 1. Section 7 04 280 of the Kent City Code shall be amended as follows Sec. 7.04.280. Schedule of charges for service inside City limits. The following sanitary sewer service charges for service inside the City limits are in effect on the dates and in the amounts listed below 1 Sewer Rate Increase Type of Service Charge per month 0 Effective Effective on through January 1, December 31, 2002-1 20010 1 Single-family residential dwelling, as $27 18 $27 4 defined in Ch 15 02 KCC $27 44 $31 27 2 Two-family or multiple-family residential $27 18 $27 44 dwelling, as defined in Ch 15 02 KCC, $27 44 31 27 each unit separately charged 3 Single-family residential/Lifeline $24 56 $24 93 Eligibility cntena for Lifeline Rate shall $24 82 $28 65 be established by City Council 4 All other than single-family residential, $3 66$3- r S4 1753 66 shall be billed in accordance with the per 100 cubic per I00 cubic consumption of water and at the following feet per month feet per month rate, except that no monthly bill shall be less than $31 27$27 14 SECTION 2 The adjusted fees are for services beginning January 2002, which shall apply retroactively to January 1, 2002 on the effective date of this ordinance SECTION 3. Severability If anyone or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect 2 Sewer Rate Increase SECTION 4. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED day of 12001 APPROVED day of 12001 PUBLISHED day of 12001 -- — I hereby certify that tlus is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Crvd\Ordm�me Chargc amend ID 101 d c 3 Sewer Rate Increase • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFFS FOR 1992 THROUGH MARCH 2O01 - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee at their November 20, 2001 meeting, approval of the write-off for $62 , 112 . 02 for Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable, LIDs, Parks Department Receivables and Utility Billing Receivables, 1992 through March, 2001 past due accounts . The State Auditor recommends that the City write off uncollect- able accounts each year. Of this amount $48, 979 . 86 is primarily for three utility accounts that declared bankruptcy and are deemed uncollectable . 3 EXHIBITS: Memo from Finance Director Miller 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E • KENT WASHINGTON DATE November 8, 2001 FINANCE May Miller TO Operations Committee Director � [\n Phone 253-856-5260 FROM May Miller � \\\ I_l1 Fax 253-856-6255 SUBJECT COUNCIL APPROVED WRITE-OFFS 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 The State Auditor recommends that we write off uncollectable accounts over one year old This year the write-off request is for 1999 through March 2001 Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable, LIDS Parks Department Receivables, and Utility Billing Receivables The total write-off request is for$62,112 02 The total Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable, Subsidiary Ledger as of September 30, 2001 is $2,375,209 30 and this write-off amount is 005% of the total receivables to date The Utility Billing three year receivable write-offs of$50,290 90 are for 1992, 1993, and 1994 and are 02% of the August 31, 2001 outstanding Utility Accounts Receivable balance Of the total Utility Billing Receivable amount, $48,979 86 is primarily for three accounts that have declared bankruptcy and are deemed uncollectable Attached is information from Tom Vetsch, Customer Service Manager, describing the write-offs in detail We continue to follow the city's Collection Process which is attached We are currently implementing the J D Edwards Receivable System which should help make the process even more efficient COUNCIL ACTION Approve the write-off for 1992 through March 2001 past due accounts receivables of$62,112 02 2001 Write-offs ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Write-offs BUSINESS UNIT DATE CUSTOMER AMOUNT SERVICE I� 41005550 31-Dec-00 Maria Millan 27770 Repair Hydrant zzuzz Total Damage of City Property $277 70 10006210 25-Oct-00 Swayzee Wildcats AAV 3000 Commons Gym Rental 21865 10006210 31-Dec-00 Fastbreak Basketball Assn 10000 Commons Gym Rental 22146 Total Rent $130 00 10002231 20-Jul-00 David Allen Anthony 23000 Police/Fire Assistance 21626 10003500 20-Jul-00 David Allen Anthony 531 36 Police/Fire Assistance 21626 41005550 07-Aug-00 RJC, Inc 25020 Flush Main 21621 41005550 05-Oct-00 Catherine Patton 1,41368 Site clean-up 21891 44005550 05-Oct-00 Catherine Patton 1,65216 Site ctean-up 21691 41005550 10-Oct-00 Budding Busters, Inc 40520 Repair Main break 21892 Total Misc City Services $4,482 60 52001750 13-Sep-00 Nevada Bob's 38688 Bankruptcy/Modem Line 21852 10004400 29-Nov-00 Michael Jackson 12500 Medical Premiums-Prey Employee 20149 4100 31-Dec-00 John Buetow 2,70928 Duplicate refund 22115 4400 31-Dec-00 John Buetow 2,16764 Duplicate refund 22115 52001750 31-Dec-00 Nevada Bob's 14043 Bankrup'cy/Modem Line 21853 6800 31-Dec-00 Swanson Homes 25000 Over paid Bond refund 22165 Total Miscellaneous $5,779 23 Total AIR Write-offs $10,669 53 LID Write-offs • LID# DATE CUSTOMER AMOUNT 340-042700 05-Mar-01 Virginia OdegardlKing County 6434 Penalties Deferral Program Total -LID Write-offs $64 34 PARKS DEPT / CLASS Write-offs BUSINESS UNIT DATE CUSTOMER AMOUNT 10006210 15-Mar-99 Dan Brigham 41 75 NSF check/Softball 10006210 03-Jun-99 Phillip&Valerie Williams 37500 NSF check/Adult Basketball 10006210 24-Feb-00 Vi SIOSa(2 5000 NSF check/Youth Track 10006210 _- _09-Mar-00 Charles Gilbert 1750 NSF check/Boys Baseball 10006210 03-Apr-00 Brenda Reynolds 3800 NSF check/Gins Softball 10006234 20-Jun-00 Amy Vires 20500 NSF check/Camp Walkapala 10006210 18-Sep-00 CompuCorp 10000 Sponsorship/Company closed 10006210 29-Sep-00 Video Magic 20000 Sponsorship/Company went out of Business 10006235 19-Feb-01 L Anne Kim 3500 NSF check/TOAC trip 10006210 29-Mar-01 Charlene Johnson 2500 NSF check)Youth Track Total Class Write-offs $1,08725 UTILITY BILLING Write-offs 42108924 8/6192 Circle K Corporation 9575 Bankruptcy 421089 9/20/93 Circle K Corporation 6075 Bankruptcy 8020837 4126/93 Lincoln Garden Apartments 6,75147 Bankruptcy 80802306 8/2193 Blue Banner Foods 4.36542 Bankruptcy 61602509 815/93 John Mitchell Trustee 5590 Billing Adjustment 10/29/93 Quail Ridge Club 37,942 66 Bankruptcy 56414168 1118/94 Tony Thanh Le 40287 Billing Adjustment 59704796 2/24/94 Kent Motels 21032 Billing Adjustment 59604393 2/24/94 William Goodgoin 7252 Billing Adjustment 61503785 6/10/94 Frederick's Fine Chocolates 33324 Billing Adjustment 50$ ,290 90 TOTAL 2001 WRITE-OFFS: $62,112.02 ' - 1 Detail Break Down: Section I & II Total of$ 10,669 53 is related to damages involving City property,rents not paid by a person or company that have either moved away or left the area leaving no forwarding address Other receivables are not cost effective to spend the time and monies to collect the lower amount We have completed all possible collection efforts with department staff and using the services of outside agencies in this effort Invoice number 41005550 for amounts of S L4li 68 & 1,652 16 for Catherine Patton are directly related to Environmental Site Cleanup requirements Owner was renting the City property and agreed to pay, but move away and it has been difficult to track her where about and collect the monies due Law department recommended we have little opportunity to win a favorable Judgement in this case, since we are required by law to meet safety and health requirements in this case, as City owned property i Invoices number 4100 &4400 John Buetow was refunded amount of 52,709 28 and 2,167 64 on two different projects and has been sent to collections Collections involve years 1997-1998 collection efforts have not recovered additional funds The law department recommended we have little change to win a favorable Judgement in this case, since City errors were made by the department in handling issuing the refunds at that time LID System write off is recommended by the law department due to the small amount and cost it would take to recover the$64 34 late penalty amount Section III Total of$ 1,087 25 is related to the Parks Department Class System These are first time request write-offs involving fees,NSF checks not recovered, due to customer accounts being closed and moved out of the area So often the time and cost required to collect lesser amount dollars would not be cost effective A great deal of time and effort has been already spent in trying to clear these delinquent accounts Some promised sponsorships of companies that have closed their businesses Sections IV_ _ Totals of 50,290 90 are directly related to the Utility Billing System These are first time request write-offs of Utility Billing for 1992, 1993 & 1994 The attached chart provides a history form 1992 to 1999 The majority of these are related to bankruptcy issues We have work on these accounts for a number of years and after film-.the necessary liens, court Judgements and various bankruptcy requirements we are unable to collect additional funds on these accounts The law department is also recommending these accounts be taken off the Utility System The major amounts due to bankruptcy involve the following companies Quail Ridge Apartments for$ 537,942 66 Lincoln Gardner Apartments for S $6,67178 Blue Banner Foods Corporation for$4,365 42 Circle ic is for 50 Frederick's Chocolates is for$333 24 2 November 6,2001 TO May Miller FROM Tom Vetsch The Council approved write-off request for this year is a combination of four major areas The Total Write off Request for 2001: $62,112 02 Reason for Write Off I Receivable& LID write-offs 10,669 53 $ 8,700 07 Law Recommends Not cost effective II LID System 64 34 64 34 Not cost effective II Class System Parks Department 1,08725 78725 Closed Bank Account Some moved away unable To locate, not cost worthy IV Utility billing write-offs for 2001 50,290 90 48,979 76 Bankruptcy Accounts Law Recommends Section I. Detail on Receivable 10,669 53 Reasons. a Damage of City Property&LID 27770 (3%) Turned into collections b Rent of City Property 130 00 (10/6) Rental fees moved out of state c Misc City Services 4,482 60 (42%) City clean up site required by law d Miscellaneous 5,779 23 (54%) Law recommendations uncollected Section IV Utility Write Off accounts. Reason. Quail Ridge Apartments $37,942 66 Bankruptcy Lincoln Garden Apartments 6,67178 Bankruptcy Blue Banner Foods Corporation 4,36542 Bankruptcy 3 � � I I I I a o I � I � ON m I ' C CD O I� CO T LO CD I CD ry I -� T- N m I i I I 0 O o 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c,D- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co Ln qlzl- co N ba Q9- ea � - 4 i m CO 4-0 c� M rn O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 C C 0 0 0 60- O O O O O O O O O O O Lf) O L6 O Lf) O L6 O 11 Lo :I- d- CO M N N r- V ER GG- 69- 61} 69- Eft 5 The Citv's A/R Collection Process (Miscellaneous Invoices) 1 Invoices are mailed throughout the month Invoices are all due on the 15'h (fifteenth) of the following month 2 Each month on or about the 25`h (twenty-fifth) of the month a collection letter is sent out on each delinquent account The letters vary in intensity based on the level of delinquency If a phone number is available then the customer maybe called 3 If after several attempts we have still not received payment from the customer, the department that issued the invoice is notified At this point the issuing department may write a letter or call the customer directly 4 The Legal department is notified of delinquent indices of significant amounts If the Legal department deems the invoice collectable the% may take the mdty ideal or company to court to recoup the invoiced amount or they may recommend transferring the account to a collection aeencv At the end of each month a statement is sent out to all customers with account balances 6 / Kent City Council Meetin • Y 9 Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: LODGING TAX FUNDING ALLOCATION - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee on November 20 , 2001, and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee on November 13 , 2001 , approval to reallocate $85, 000 from the Performing Arts Center land debt to Riverbend Golf Course for land debt reduction payment; to allocate $7, 000 from 2001 Tourism Marketing Funds to support bids to host amateur softball championship tournaments in 2002 ; and to enter into a $50, 000 half year contract with the Kent Chamber of Commerce Lodging Association for marketing Kent to increase tourism, meetings, and overnight stays . • 3 . EXHIBITS: Back up material presented to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Jim White, Mayor Phone 253-856-5700 KENT Fax 253-856-6700 W n s n i n c 1 0 N Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date November 14, 2001 To Operations Committee From Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Re Funding allocation The City of Kent Lodging Tax Advisory Committee at their November 13, 2001 meeting voted to recommend the following activities for funding 1 Recommend the reallocation of $85,000 from the Performing Arts Center land debt to Riverbend Golf Course for land debt reduction payment 2 Recommend allocating $7,000 from 2001 Tourism marketing funds to support bids to host amateur softball championship tournaments in 2002 3 Recommend the City enter into $50,000 half year contract with the Kent Chamber of Commerce Lodging Association for marketing Kent, to increase tourism, meetings and overnight stays Enclosed is back up material presented to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee i Bent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department Request for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee November 13, 2001 Background The Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department has been approached by Metro Seattle King County Amateur Softball Association (MSKC) to host two championship ASA tournaments in 2002 *Girls 1 SU Gold National Qualifier 50-70 Teams July 11-14, 2002 *Women s Class 'D' Slowpitch Western National Qualifier 40-60 teams September 20-22, 2002 Where: Russell Road Softball Complex Kent, Washington Additional games possible at Commons Playfield «hat's needed. Financial resources to help offset operational costs of the event mcluoing bid expense, field maintenance, etc Request: S2,500 - S4,500 for field maintenance S4,000 - S7,000 to be applied to the MSKC bid Why: Events like this draw 40-70 teams (800-1,400 participants plus several thousand participants) Teams typically arrive several days ahead of the e,,ent and tend to sta,, several days after They will need lodging, food, and shopping in close proximity to the tournament site Historically, these events can hay e a �,en positive economic impact on the host community Future: Annual opportunities for similar events RP• Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - ORDINANCE APPOINTING AGENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Adoption of Ordinance No amending Section 2 . 97 . 010 to appoint the City Clerk as the agent to accept service of claims for damages and providing the address for the City Clerk during business hours . The State Legislature recently enacted new legislation which requires each local government to appoint an agent to accept service of claims for damages against that locality. Each local government must record, with its county auditor, the identity and the location of the agent during business hours . Chapter 2 . 97 of the Kent City Code pertains to the presentment , filing, and administration of claims for damages filed with the City. This ordinance amends Section 2 . 97 . 010 of the Kent City Code to clarify that the City Council has appointed the City Clerk as the agent to receive claims for damages and provides • the address where the City Clerk ' s Office is located. If this ordinance passes Council, the City Clerk will record this ordinance with the King County Auditor. 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6G ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 2 97 010 of the Kent City Code relating to the presentment, filing, and administration of claims for damages against the City in order to comply with newly enacted legislation WHEREAS, the State Legislature recently enacted new legislation which requires each local government to appoint an agent to accept service of claims for damages against that locality and. further, each local government must record, with its county auditor, the identity and the location of the agent during business hours, and WHEREAS, Chapter 2 97 of the Kent City Code pertains to the presentment, filing, and administration of claims for damages filed with the City, and WHEREAS, Section 2 97 010 of the Kent City Code designates that all claims for damages are to be filed with the City Council, through the City Clerk, and WHEREAS, tins ordinance amends Section 2 97 010 of the Kent City Code to clarify that the City Council has appointed the City Clerk as the agent to receive claims for damages and provides the address where the City Clerk's Office is located Upon passage of this ordinance, the City Clerk will record this ordinance with the King County Auditor, NOW THEREFORE, 1 Claims for Damages— Appointment of Agent THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. Section 2 97 010 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Claims, presentment and filing process,"is hereby amended to read as follows Sec. 2.97.010. Claims, presentment, and filing process, and appointed a ent. A All claims for damages against the city shall be presented to and filed with the city council gieTee f-, th fe gh the eity el _E's ..fa,., within the applicable period of limitations within which an action must be commenced The city council herebv appoints as its agent to receive claims for damages filed under this section the city clerk, whose office is located within city hall at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washmaton 98032 B All claims for damages arising out of tortious conduct must specify 1 The date, time and place the injury or damage occurred, 2 The conduct and circumstances which brought about the injury or damage; 3 The injury or damage incurred, 4 The amount of damages claimed, —5- — Any-alleged act or omission on the part of the city and the basis upon-- which liability is being asserted against the city, 6 The names of all persons involved and any known witnesses, 7 The name and actual residence of the claiming at the time of presenting and filing the claim and for a period of six (6) months immediately prior to the time the claim arose C. All claims must be signed by the claimant and notarized prior to filing If the claimant is incapacitated from verifying, presenting, and filing the claim in the time prescribed or if the claimant is a minor, or is a nonresident of the state absent 2 Claims for Damages— Appointment of Agent therefrom during the time within which the claim is required to be filed, the claim may be verified, presented, and filed on behalf of the claimant by any relative, attorney, or agent representing the claimant D No action shall be commenced against the city for damages arising out of tortious conduct until sixty (60) days have elapsed after the claim has first been presented to and filed with the city council thereof The applicable period of limitations within which an action must be commenced shall be tolled during the sixty (60) day period SECTION 2. —Severabikty If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 3. — Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY 3 Claims for Damages— Appointment of Agent PASSED. day of 2001. APPROVED day of 2001 PUBLISHED day of 2001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA 7ACOBER, CITY CLERK 4 Claims for Damages— Appointment of Agent • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: THOMPSON SHORT PLAT BILL OF SALE - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for Thompson Short Plat submitted by Steve Thompson for continuous operation and maintenance of 110 feet of sanitary sewers . Bonds are to be released after the one-year maintenance period. This project is located at 22218 Military Road South • 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) S . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6H • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KINGSLEY POND SHORT PLAT BILL OF SALE - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for Kingsley Pond Short Plat submitted by Kingsley Pond, LLC for continuous operation and maintenance of 875 feet of street improvements and 608 feet of storm sewers Bonds are to be released after the one-year maintenance period. This proDect is located at 28311 144th Avenue Southeast . • 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6I • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: LAW ENFORCEMENT EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP (LEEP) GRANT AMENDMENT - ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Law Enforcement Education Partnership Grant amendment and amend the budget accordingly. The State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) has amended the LEEP grant (7/l/01 to 6/30/02) by increasing the funds allocated by $2 , 967 . 00 (The original budget for this program was approved by Public Safety Committee on 8/14/01 and by City Council on 9/4/01 . ) The revised total for LEEP grant contract #FO1-67001052 is now $29, 495 00 for the period of 7/l/01 to 6/30/03 . The City ' s Matching Funds total remains unchanged at $92 , 346 . 00 . • 3 . EXHIBITS : State of Washington CTED Program Amendment Form 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Safety Committee 11/13/01 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6J DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY,TRADE EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FORM I OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • APPLICATION/PROGRAM AMENDMENT FORM Fiscal Year 2002 (July 1,2001-Jane 30,2002) Please complete the following in order to expedite the processing of your contract 1. Name: Stacy Judd Title Program 71anager Y. County:Agency, Kent Police Coun King g II. Briefly describe anticipated budget changes and/or proposed activity/protect changes to your application. 111. Please ineicare the toiai revisea oudget oeiow On2inal Revision New Buaget Plus or Minus Budget Match Salaries S $ 13,080 5 13.030 S a8,571 Benefits S S 907 S 997 S 12,575 Contracted Services 5 11,a00 S (a,400) S 7,300 S 91030 • Goods and Services 5 12,a13 S (3,155) S 9,238 S 20,853 Travel S 750 $ S 750 S 250 Trammg S 2,500 $ (1,300) S 1 ,50C S 11000 Equipment S S S S TOTAL S 27,363 $ 2,432 S 29,495 S 92,346 IV Estimated Monthly Expenditures RMS 890 SEPS 920 NOV$ 1,400 JANS 1,500 MARS2,4a0 MAYS 3,940 AUG$ 89J OCT S 1 ,403 DEC $ 6,000 FEB $ 940 APR S 1,940 JUN$ 7,235 Contractor Certification: I request funding from the Department of Communit), Trade 8c. Economic Development, Office of Community Development according to these revisions which are rue and co..ec:x :he best of my knowledge -With thetxception of the above revisions, the original 2000-2002 Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program 'Wpp16d6n for Funding is still in effect. Signature: Date: y . . Chief of Police, Kent, WA Return to: Connie Wiley, Program Coordinator • Office of Community Development Sate and Drug-Free Cornmummdes Unit POST Utfice Box 48350 Olympia, Washington 98504-8350 Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT DRINKING DRIVER COUNTERMEASURE PROGRAM (WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE) GRANT AMENDMENT - ACCEPT AND AMEND BUDGET 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Accept the Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program Grant Amendment and amend the budget accordingly. Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) has amended Project Agreement (Project #03ST-16) , by increasing the funds allocated for the biennium by the amount of $5, 750 . 00 (The original budget for this program was approved by Public Safety Committee on 5/8/01 and by City Council on 7/3/01 . ) The revised total for this program is now $65, 750 . 00 for the two-year period of 7/1/01 to 6/30/03 . • 3 . EXHIBITS : Copy of letter dated 8/6/01 from WTSC; copy of amendment No. 1 from WTSC; and copy of amended program agreement, Section 3 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Safety Committee 11/13/01 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No . 6K TAJp C £ w_ S � 01 bf lean� STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1000 S. Cherry St, PO Box 40944 • Olympia, Washington 98504-0944 • (360) 753-6I97 August 6, 2001 Nancy Mathews, Coordinator Drinking Driver Task Force 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Nancy Enclosed is an amendment to your Project Agreement (Project T 03ST-16), increasing the Task Force budget for the 2002-2003 biennium to $65,750 This increase reflects the new state budget for the Task Forces that was passed by the legislature this past session I know that $5,750 is not a huge amount of money to spread over two years, but hopefully this is lust the first step in the right direction I hope that these additional funds may be applied to salaries and/or benefits but I know that this may not be possible depending on agency rules Please return a copy of the amendment signed by your agency and also a revised budget page for the Project Agreement Thank you again for all your hard work, and don't hesitate to call if you have any questions SincereI Gina Beretta WTSC Task Force Program Manager i STATE OF WASHINGTON { • WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1 { AMENDMENT NO 1 TO i Project No 03ST-16 7 Washington Traffic Safety Commission Project No 03ST-16 by and between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and C;ty of Kent, is amended as follows Section 3 Sucget Summary, is herebv realised to reflect an increase of S5,750 in ,he funcs allocated for the 2002-2003 biennium The reVnsed total --or -he biennium is S65,750 Any substantive changes to the contractor s scoce of work -esulting from this amendment must oe cocumented ov the contmmcr and aocrcved by .he Traffic Safety Commission The effective date of this amendment !s 'uly 1 , 2001 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT 'N WITNESS 'NHEREOF, the AGENCY and CON T R;,CTOR have signee -,his contract. C.ty of -- Kent Safety Commission Title Date Titk J Date s i t � Pr t City of Kent: Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program AMENDMENT TO PROJECT NO. 03ST-16, EFFECTIVE DATE 7/1/01 Section 3 Budget and Cost Sharing Budget: Oirect Costs: 1 Salanes and Wages: 3 43,054 2. Employee Senents: S 4,546 3 gavel and Suosistence 000 3 Ccr 1raCual Services S 5 Hcuioment: S S. Goods and Services- 12>co0 S Totai CireC Cass IndireC Costs 3 TOTAL. S 65,750 Cost Sharing: (Washington Traffic Safety Commission Use Only) Share Amount Percent State: S Political Subdivision: S 75% (Minimum) Total Estimated Cost: S 100% Revision: • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: VALLEY NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM (VNET) 2001-2002 BUDGET - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Approve the Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team 2001-2002 Budget and establish budget documents, as required. The Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) began with funding from the Federal Byrne Grant in 1988 . The cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila make up the member agencies, each contributing match funds and one detective . There is also one Washington State Patrol detective, a King County Prosecuting Attorney, and an officer manager to complete the unit . VNET' s operating budget is managed by the City of Kent and is comprised to funds from the Byrne grant, match funds from the four above-mentioned cities, and monies seized or derived from completed VNET cases Due to the Byrne Grant funds being • administered by the State of Washington, funding follows the State ' s Budget Calendar of July 1 , 2001 to June 30 , 2002 . 3 . EXHIBITS: copy of State of Washington budget documents for program period 7/1/01 to 6/30/02 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Safety Committee 11/13/01 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 6L STATE OF WASHINGTON MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL STATE OF WASHINGTON NARCOTICS TASK FORCE PROGRAM FORM 1 FFY 2001 APPLICATION FACE SHEET la Task Force Title 5 Program Period Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team July 1,2001 to Jun 30,2002 1b Contracting Agent (County/City agency if applicable) 6. Funding Authority City of Kent State of Washington Department of Community,Trade 1 c Mailing Address and Economic Development 220 Fourth Avenue South 7 Service Areas (by City/County) Kent WA 98032 Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila, the South King Countv Area Id Contact Person Lt Loma Rufener Population 180,000 Telephone 253 856 5934 Fax 253 856 6802 Legislative Dlstrtct(s).5,11,30,21 33 Congressional District(s) 8 & 9 2 Tax Identification No 91-6001254 8 Bars Code 333 16 579 3 Application Sequence No CTED USE 9 Organization Fiscal Year 4 CFDA No 16 579 January 1 to December 30 10 PURPOSE To provide local and tribal governments with U S Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance funds to interdict drugs through the multiJunsdictlonal efforts of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors I 1 PROPOSED BUDGET REQUEST TASK FORCE PROSECUTION TOTAL LOCAL GENERAL DEDICATED FEDERAL MATCH TOTAL a b c d e (a+b) (c+d) Salaries $170,000 - -- -$51280 - 5221,280 $179.720 5401,000 Benefits $99.000 $99,000 Contracted Services $9,000 $9,000 Goods and Services $15 000 $15,000 $17,000 $32,000 Travel $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $7,000 Training Equipment $8,060 $8,060 $7,740 $15,800 Confidential Funds $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 12 GRAND TOTAL $206,560 $51,280 $257,940 $330,960 s588,800 #t 13 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES (based upon item 12,column c) JUL $21,486 OC $21,486 J $21,487 AP $21,487 AU $21,486 NO $21.487 F $21,487 MA $21,487 SEP $21,486 DE $21,487 $21,487 JUN $21,487 TOTAL $257,840 (should equal item 12,column c) FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 2001 TASK FORCE PROSECUTION TOTAL LOCAL GENERAL, DEDICATED FEDERAL MATCH TOTAL a b c d e (a+b) (cam A SALARIES Position Title FTEs Sergeant-Kent(6 mo) $18,450 $18,450 $19,050 S37 500 Sergeant-Aubum(6 mo) $18,000 $18,000 $19,200 $37,200 Detective-Auburn(6 mo) $15,200 $15,200 $15 200 $30.400 Detective-Kent(6 mo) $17,150 $17,150 $17,150 $34,300 Detective-Tukwila $30200 $30200 $30,200 560,400 Detective-Renton $30,000 S30 000 530,000 $60.000 Detective-WSP $35,000 $35,000 Prosecutor $51280 551280 $13,920 565200 Office Manager 541 000 541,000 $41,000 TOTAL SALARIES $170.000 $51280 $221280 $179.720 $40L000 B BENEFITS TOTAL BENEFITS $99,000 $99,000 TOTALPERSONNEL SAL &BEN.(A&B) $170,000 $51280 52211280 $278 720 $500,000 C CONTRACTED SERVICES (include task force paruapants) City of Kent Fmmm $6,000 56,000 Hearinga users 52,500 52,500 Interpreters S500 $500 TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES $9,000 $9,000 STATE OF WASffiNGTON MULTI-JMSDICITONAL OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NARCOTICS TASK FORCE PROGRAM FORM 2 cont. TASK FORCE PROSECUDON TOTAL LOCAL GENERAL DEDICATED FEDERAL MATCH TOTAL a b c d e D GOODS AND SERVICES (a+b) (CA) I SUPPLIES Office $3700 $3,700 S3,700 $7400 Other Drug Test Kits $100 $100 $100 S200 Film&Developing $300 $300 S400 S100 TOTAL SUPPLIES S4,100 $4 100 $4,200 $8 300 2 FACILITIES Rent Utilities Telephone $3 600 $3 600 $4,400 S8 000 Maint &Repair $100 $100 Other (ACCESS) SI800 $I80o $1800 S3600 TOTAL F ACILITIES $5 400 $5 400 $6,300 $1 1 700 3 SERVICES Audit Indirect* Sondme Insurance Payroll/Acct _Publications Memberships Printing $500 $500 Postage $500 S500 $1,000 $1,500 Vehicle Mamt Other Fuel $5,000 $5 000 $5,000 $10,000 TOTAL SERVICES $5,500 $5,500 $6,500 $12 000 TOTAL GOODS AND SERVICES $15,000 $15,000 $17,000 $32,000 • Inducer rate approved by federal/state agency Yes No_ Agency (d'Vm emnvtctrond.m rnesvnhwmd) ','hat are the cost factors and functions to YJuch the indirect rate applies STATE OF WASHINGTON MULTIJNRISDICTIONAL OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NARCOTICS TASK FORCE PROGRAM FORM 2 cont. TASK FORCE PROSECUTION TOTAL LOCAL GENERAL DEDICATED FEDERAL MATCH TOTAL a b c d e (a+b) (c+d) E, TRAVEL TOTAL TRAVEL $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $7,000 F TRAINING (Type of Trairung) TOTAL TRAINING G EQUIPMENT Office Vehicle Lease S6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $12,000 Other S2.060 $2,060 $1,740 $3 800 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $8 060 $8,060 $7,740 $15,800 -- - R CONFIDENTIAL-FUNDS - ---S10,000 - -N/A - - $10,000 -S15,000 S25000 GRAND TOTAL $206,560 $51,280 $25T840 S330960 $588,300 STATE OF WASHINGTON MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NARCOTICS TASK FORCE PROGRAM FORM 7 CONFIDENTIAL FUND CERTIFICATION This applicant certifies to have read, understood, and agreed to abide by all the conditions for confidential funds as set forth in the Drug Control and Svstem Improvement Formula Grant Program Policy and Procedures Manual published by the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Contractor: City of Kent Police Department Address: 220 Fourth Avenue South City, State,Zip: Kent WA 98032-5838 The amount of funding budgeted for confidential funds by the task force for 1999-2000 is as follows FEDERAL GRANT LOCAL MATCH Purchase of Services $ S 2.000 Purchase of Information $ S 8.000 Purchase of Evidence $15 000 $ TOTAL $15,000 $10 000 This certification applies to both grant and match funds �' f � Signature— `� \��/ � �.(� ��L/ Date Title Lieutenant/VNET Coordinator Notes: If forfeited funds are used ,they should be reported under`Local Match' Note'- If confidential funds are not requested from grant funds or used as match funds,enter N/A Note': The Federal and Match column totals should equal those on Form 2, Line H 17 STATE OF WASHINGTON MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NARCOTICS TASK FORCE PROGRAM FORM 7 CONFIDENTIAL FUND CERTIFICATION This applicant certifies to have read, understood, and agreed to abide by all the conditions for confidential funds as set forth in the Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program Policy and Procedures Manual published by the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. Contractor: City of Kent Police Department Address: 220 Fourth Avenue South City, State,Zip: Kent WA 98032-5838 The amount of funding budgeted for confidential funds by the task force for 1999-2000 is as follows FEDERAL GRANT LOCAL MATCH Purchase of Services $ $ 5,000 Purchase of Information $ S 10.000 Purchase of Evidence $10.000 $ TOTAL $10.000 $15,000 This certification applies to both grant and match funds Signature_ —_ Date_ Title Lleutenant/VNET Coordinator Notel: If forfeited funds are used , they should be reported under`Local Match' Note': If confidential funds are not requested from grant funds or used as match funds,enter N/A Note3: The Federal and Match column totals should equal those on Form 2, Line H 1 • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11 , 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT AND RE-APPOINTMENTS - CONFIRM 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Les Thomas to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Mr. Thomas is a long-time Kent resident . He was a business owner in Kent for many years and more recently has been involved in the political arena. He served five years as a State Legislator and this past year as a King County Councilman. While in Olympia, he was vice-chair of the Government Operations Committee where he helped write and re- write much of the Growth Management Laws which are on the books today. Mr. Thomas will replace Brad Bell , who resigned from the Board effective 12/31/01 . Mr. Thomas ' new appointment will be in effect from 1/1/02 until 12/31/2004 . • Confirmation of the Mayor' s re-appointment of Mr. Ron Harmon and Mr. Steve Dowell to continue serving as Land Use and Planning Board members . Their new appointments will continue until 1/31/2004 . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6M • KENT WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM MAYOR JIM WHITF DATE NOVEMBER 28, 2001 SUBJECT APPOINTMENT AND REAPPOINTMENTS TO KENT LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD I have appointed Mr Les Thomas to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board Mr Thomas is a long-tune Kent resident He was a business owner in Kent for many years and more recently has been involved in the political arena He served 5 years as a State Legislator and this past year as a King County Councilman While in Olympia, he was vice-chair of the Government Operations Committee where he helped write and re-write much of the Growth Management Laws Isthat are on the books today Mr Thomas will replace Brad Bell, who resigned from the Board effective 12/31/01 Mr Thomas' new appointment will be in effect from l/l/02 until 12/31/ 2004 I have reappointed Mr Ron Harmon and Mr Steve Dowell to continue serving as Land Use and Planning Board members Their new appointments will continue until 1/31/2004 I submit this for your confirmation lb • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE-APPOINTMENT - CONFIRM 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Mr. Ron Banister to continue serving as a member of the Kent Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors . Mr. Banister ' s new term will continue until 12/31/2005 . • 3 . EXHIBITS : Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS . 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6N KEN WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILME BERS FROM MAYOR JIM WHIT DATE NOVEMBER 28, 2001 SUBJECT REAPPOINTMENT TO KENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS I have reappointed Ron Banister to continue serving as a member of the Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Mr Banister's new term will continue until 12/31/2005 I submit this for your confirmation Ib Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT DIVERSITY ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT - CONFIRM 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Ahmet Egal to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Egal has been a Kent resident for three years and is owner/operator of Al-Mburak Grocery located on Railroad Avenue in Kent . His business was formerly located in a shopping complex at Kent-Kangley and 132nd. He is a member of "Green Somali Relief Development . " Mr. Egal will fill one of the newly created positions on the Diversity Advisory Board and his term will be in effect until 9/30/02 . • 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) S . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES G . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 60 • K*ZOOOO�ENT WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM JIM WHITE, MAY0 3 DATE NOVEMBER 28, 2001 SUBJECT APPOINTMENT TO KENT DIVERSITY ADVISORY BOARD I have appointed Mr Ahmet Egal to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board Mr Egal has been a Kent resident for three years and is owner/operator of Al- Mburak Grocery located on Railroad Avenue in Kent His business was formerly located in a shopping complex at Kent-Kangley and 132nd He is a member of "Green Somali Relief Development " Mr Egal will fill one of the newly created positions on the Diversity Advisory Board and his term will be in effect until 9/30/02 I submit this for your confirmation jb • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION APPOINTMENT AND RE-APPOINTMENTS - CONFIRM 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the Mayor ' s re- appointments of Edna White, John Jendresen and Melvin Tate to continue serving as members of the Kent Human Services Commission. Their new terms will continue until 1/1/05 . Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mike Heinisch, Executive Director of Kent Youth and Family Services, to serve as a Human Services Commission member Mr. Heinisch will serve as the non-voting Agency Representative . He will replace Ms . Dini Duclos, whose term expired, and his new term will continue until 1/1/04 . • 3 . EXHIBITS: Memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No.. 6P 40 *\_Z KENT WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBER FROM JIM WHITE, MAYOR DATE NOVEMBER 28, 2001 SUBJECT REAPPOINTMENTS AND APPOINTMENT TO KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION I have reappointed Edna White, John Jendresen and Melvin Tate to continue serving as members of the Kent Human Services Commission Their new terms will continue until 111105 isI have also appointed Mike Hemisch, Executive Director of Kent Youth and Family Services. to serve as a Human Services Commission member He will serve as the non- voting Agency Representatne Mr Hemisch belongs to Kiwams Club, is Chairman- Elect of Executive Alliance and is a member of the Kent School District Strategy Planning Committee He will replace Ms Dim Duclos, whose term expired, and his new term will continue until l/l/04 1 submit this for your confirmation Ib Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: COTTONWOOD FINAL PLAT - APPROVE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Approve the staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Cottonwood Final Subdivision and authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar This final plat application was submitted by JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC for the Cottonwood Final Subdivision #FSU-98-12 (KIVA #2012804) The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on May 5, 1999 • 3 EXHIBITS: Memo with conditions and map 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Community Development Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager Phone 253-856-5454 Fax 253-856-6454 KENT W n s N i Ncr0N Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 TO MAYOR JIM WHITE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT LEONA ORR, AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM CHARLENE ANDERSON, AICP, PLANNII-G MANAGER MEETING DATE DECEMBER 11, 2001 SUBJECT COTTONWOOD FINAL SUBDIVISION#FSU-98-12/ (KIVA#2012804) On May 5, 1999, the Hearing Examiner issued Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation with conditions on the Cottonwood Final Subdivision#FSU-98-12(Kn a #2012804) The applicant, JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC is subdividing 4 77 acres into 18 single family residential lots The property is located at 12036 SE 270th The applicant has complied with the conditions required prior to recording Staff recommends the City Council approve the Cottonwood Final Subdivision 4FSU-98-12(Kiva #2012804) with the attached conditions and authorize the Mayor to sign the mylar FNS/mIp/S \Permit\Plan\longplats\2001\2012804FSU9812CC doc Enclosure COTTONWOOD FINAL SUBDIVISION #FSU-98-121KIVA#2012804 COTTONWOOD SU-98-12 COTTONWOOD FINAL PLAT itt'SU 98-12 92012504 A Portion of S.E. 1/4, S.W. 1/4, Sec 28, Twp. City of Kent, King County, Walc THEORETICAL /4 B, Y�E� 4t JNPLAT-1ED U1.IPLATTED UNPLATTED UNPI-ATTED- N88'5.928.w 3300$ N IN SE 1/4 SW t 4 BE 25-T22N-R5E W. 9B 94 201 11 �, 65010 c \Ya\ `�20 SEWER EASEMENT 25 N88 53 58 WPER REC No 9903313972 36 73 J TRACT 'C' SENSITIVE AREA _i 25 WATER PIPE EASEMENT SEE NOTE BHT I OF 2AND SENSITIVE AREA TRACT NOTE BELOW PER REC No 402674 O s TRACT 'B' 1`. UTILITY EASEM NT m STORM DRAINAGE PER REC No 1999101 S001497 w^ '� SEE NOTE 8 �� \ SCE DETAIL 'B' RIGHT SHi 1 OF 2 \ m TAACT 'D �� ACCESS/UTILITY y 5H NOTE 10•1 N013 00 2_E w. n SHT10F2 \ N88 53 58 W 129 30 15 07 42 86 ` z .7o?C95 5793' 1700' N88 S58'W 149 gD N8853'58 W 81 00 68 80 p w - 1 L-79 30.57 o THE r �TIISESHEET� `� 0 R=2500' a8948'02 RIGHT \ m)! 11 L=3470' f R=51 5D'm ^q N09 23 01"W 2 L=80 72 12 26 92' 5D 6 z m ^ N88 53 59 W nc 4 o � 1 a61 01 50" ^ z h 1/' 10 R=51 50 Neal oo 8-w N8853'S8"w`b; lo' PRIVATE L=54 86' o w 'O h DRAINAGE EASEMENT 72 701 _ ^� hl SEE NOTE 11 BHT I OF 2 - T110 'c s 3600 = 'Di N88 53 Q4'W n y V _ 41 w 6313' p 0 576,� 223116 'ow 0 0 Roo 50' 13 ' 'a ON 0 9 L=20 24' m O n-a434'OS Q W w R-2500' 1329 O ~ o ,n L=19 45 18 65 Z f- 2c5 Ize°, N8853'S8'Vl; Q p o m 7 io N88 53'Da'w 114 01 ^ 104 00 , -' !W 00 o za 11 Q zC, 8 o m=N o0 10 z Q N593050 E h aw. 11 ,n 14 '0n 0- 23 N8853'04"W 11402' F¢o iN 11 N88 53 04"W 11 N88 53 58 W! ' 42 00 TAACT'A' Co a;-, ACCESS/UTILITY ao 104 00 SEE NOTE 7 BHT I OF 2 1O o0o N571907 W N8853'04'W 11400 awe 2483 o 15 �o 00 0 0 wok ,n I Tin o Jr a o N88 53 58'W 1 6 w' N88 53 04 W � �. 104 OC II a 11400 wm lm 0 10 0 0 O .1 O �wri N 16 ,N O O ~ O m z '�' In v~}'la 3 N885358 W N88 53'04'W N88 53'04 W �E I 104 00 —; ,0 PRIVATE 63 19 114 00' z DRAINAGE EASEMENT O �O SEE NOTE 12 n o 00 , 17 i� SHEET 1 OF 2 n 0 3 o II vl o n w N88 53 04 W, N88 Vr 0 1 o t 14 N � v 1044 000 (DC) , 25 �n m 24 5 � 24 5 n 18 aN C, w a90 02 23 - n 2 89 57 37'R=25 00 1 L� m oz 'n L=39 29 R= 0C'39 h 'G =39 25 I 7 PP 4- '9 02 1 • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: 2001 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE 2ND HALF - ADOPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee, adoption of Ordinance No. for adjustments made between July 31, 2001 and December 31, 2001 totaling $7, 345, 870 ; to approve short term loans in an amount not to exceed $200 , 000 to the housing and community development fund; and continuation of a three-year short term loan not to exceed $460 , 000 from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex with interest to be paid at the state pool rate . • 3 EXHIBITS: Ordinance, Memo from Finance Director and worksheets 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds • DISCUSSION- ACTION. Council Agenda Item No 6R ORDINANCE NO. i AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 2001 Budget for adjustments made between July 31, 2001, and December 31, 2001, and authorizing a short tern loan from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) to cover year-end expenditures and further authorizing the third year of the short-term loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to cover winter and spring operating expenditures THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I The 2001 City budget is hereby amended to include budget fund adjustments as summarized and set forth in Exhibit"A,"which is incorporated in this ordinance by reference as if fully set forth herein I SECTION 2. There is hereby established, as part of the 2001 budget, a short term loan from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Development Fund (CDBG) in an amount not to exceed $200,000 The funds may only be used as needed SECTION 3. The third year of the short-term 3 year loan established in the 1999 budget from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex in an amount not to exceed $460,000 to cover winter and spring expenditures is hereby confirmed and continued Interest will be paid at the monthly state pool rate 1 2001 -Budget Adjustment- Second Hal SECTION4. Severabihty If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this • ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent Jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance SECTION 5. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five(5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED day of 2001 APPROVED_ day of 2001 PUBLISHED day of , 2001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\C�Mduw=c udge dio+ t-2WI2U(Ld 2 2001 -Budget Adjustment- Second Hal City of Kent • Budget Adjustment Ordinance Exhibit A Adjusted Budget as of December 31, 2001 Fund Adjustment Title Ordinance 001 General Fund 160,589 110 Street Fund 122,470 130 Lodging Tax Fund - 140 Youth/Teen Programs 150 Capital Improvement Fund (156,677) 160 Criminal Justice Fund 137,445 170 Environmental Fund 5,764 180 Comm Development Block Grants - 190 Other Operating Projects Fund 238,467 211 Voted Debt Service Fund - 212 Counalmanic Debt Service Fund (42,415) 250 Spec Assmnt Debt Service Fund 430,000 310 Street Capital Projects Fund (947,171) 320 Park Capital Projects Fund 1.505.170 330 Other Capital Projects Fund (3,320,000) 410 Water Fund 51,762 . 440 Sewerage Fund 7,282,000 480 Golf Complex Fund 3,386 510 Fleet Service Fund 57,455 520 Central Services Fund 390,852 530 Fire Equipment Fund 571,361 540 Facilities Fund 168,773 560 Insurance Fund 686,639 620 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund - 680 Economic Development Corporation Total Gross Budget Less Internal Service Funds (415,291) Other Transfers (1,267,193) Internal Transfers (88,839) Subtotal (1,771,323) Total Net Budget 5,574,547 Ordinance 01a xlsordinance totals (7)12/6/2001 KENT WASHINGTON DATE December 4,2001 FINANCE May Miller TO Operations Committee Director Phone 253-856-5260 FROM May Miller Fax 253-856-6255 SUBJECT Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between 220 Fourth Ave S July 31,2001 and December 31, 2001 Kent,WA 98032-5895 Authorization is requested to approve the gross budget adjustment ordinance totaling $7,345,870 for budget adjustments made between July 31,2001 and December 31, 2001 The net amount, excluding transfers and internal service changes, is $5,574,547 This ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance Please note that$7,044,305 was previously approved by Council as reflected in the Council minutes These were primarily for projects The major amount of$7,111,910 is for the Auburn sewer portion of the 277`"Street Corridor project This amount also includes $43,350 for FEMA and State disaster grant funds for the 2001 earthquake Although it was not previously approved by Council, it was authorized by Council to apply for the grant Other adjustments reduce previously approved budgets as appropriate technical changes reduce transfers The difference of$3,413,600 that was not previously approved by Council needs to be approved to be in compliance with the State Auditor's requirements Some of the amount not previously approved are project related Projects total $651,038 and consist -- — — of-a-reduction-of$47,525-to-the street capital projects fund,budgeting bond interestof - - -- $680,000 to the associated projects,plus $18,563 miscellaneous budget adjustments Other not previously approved budgets are • $571,361 was recovered from the return of two fire engine aids to assist in the purchase of new fire engine aid trucks • $184,036 for technical adjustments and inter-fund charges from self-insurance funds due to rate increases and cost allocation changes • $686,639 for self-insurance fund claims per current expense trends,and incurred but not reported claims as estimated by the city's actuary for the Workers' Compensa- tion,Health,and Liability self-insurance funds • $36,220 for police equipment from seized assets, $5,693 to budget funds on hand for site clean up costs,$57,500 for a growth management grant,and$16,869 from Water and Sewerage utility funds for an adjustment to debt service expense TO Operations Committee -2- December 4,2001 • $282,197 is a technical adjustment for cost allocation,debt, or self-insurance. $430,000 transfer of excess of the required 10%LID Guarantee Funds to CIP Fund for General • Fund type one-time only expenditures • $100,000 is for the utility portion of the Management Compensation Study • Staff status changes for Parks to adjust a part-time position to Regular part-time,primarily adding benefits to an existing position This was covered by existing budgets and requires no additional cost. • Staff changes to add two full time,two regular part time, and two four-month temporary positions to the Golf Complex budget to establish FTEs for the Golf merchandising as approved by Council on November 20, 2001 No budget dollars need to be added as staff will not be hired unti12002 The balance of$392,047 is primarily transfers related to the various other changes The attached summary shows the carryover budgets by fund,the 2001 budget adopted by Ordinance Numbers 3537 and 3576 and the 2001 adjustments from July 31 to December 31, 2001 The following pages show a detailed listing of these adjustments by fund, including council authorization dates for the amounts previously approved In addition to the budget adjustments,a short term loan from the General Fund in an amount not to exceed $200,000 is needed for housing and community development funds to cover year-end expenditures until King County reimburses the amount Additionally,the third year of the short-term three year loan established in the 1999 budget from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex in an amount not to exceed$460,000 00 to cover cash flow for winter and spring expenditures is hereby confirmed and continued Interest will be paid at the state pool rate - ---COLTNCIL-ACTION- — - - Approve the technical budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between July 31,2001 and December 31,2001 totaling$7,345,870 Approve a short term loan from the General Fund in an amount not to exceed$200,000 to cover housing and community development costs at year-end until they are reimbursed by King County Confirm and continue year three of the three year loan from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverhead Golf Complex in an amount not to exceed$460,000 00 to cover winter and spring expenditures with interest to be paid at state pool rate Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11 , 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: DEMARCO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE TO REPEAL 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The proposed ordinance would repeal Ordinance No. 3572, regarding comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area and revert to comprehensive plan designations of King County urban residential 4-12 units per acre; King County urban residential 12 plus units per acre; (SF-6) Single Family Residential , 6 units per acre, and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential (SR-2) . 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance • 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: City Council (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: /, l Councilmember ,w moves, Councilmember W� seconds to adopt Ordinance No. -3-5-9/ , repealing Ordinance No 3572 , regarding comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area and reverting to the previous King County Comprehensive Plan designations and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential , 2 units per acre DISCUSSION. ACTION: Council Agenda Item No 7A ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing Ordinance 3572 regarding comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area and reverting to the previous King County Comprehensive Plan designations and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential (SR-2) WHEREAS, on June 19, 2001, the Kent City Council adopted Ordinance No 3562, effective on July 1, 2001, approving the annexation of the DeMarco Annexation (the "Annexation Area") into the City of Kent, and I WHEREAS, the Annexation Area is approximately 266 acres of land contiguous with the City's existing boundary, and is generally bound on the west by 116th Avenue SE, on the east by 132nd Avenue SE, on the north by SE 231 st, and on the south by SE 240th, and is more particularly described in Exhibit A and B to this ordinance, and WHEREAS, the comprehensive plan designation for the Annexation Area is an issue of community-wide significance that promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Kent, and WHEREAS, during the September 18, 2001 meeting, the City Council adopted Ordinance number 3572 which adopted a comprehensive plan designation of Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre (SF-6) for the Annexation area and further • 1 Repeal Ordinance No. 3572- DeMarco Annexation adopted zoning of Single Family Residential (SR-6) and Single Family Residential (SR-4 5) for the Annexation area, and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2001 there was filed Lotto and Toppano v City of Kent in King County Superior Court, cause number 01-2-26006-5 KNT, which included allegations of procedural defects in the City's public process used to adopt Ordinance number 3572, and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2001, there was filed Lotto and Toppano v City of Kent before the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board case number 01-3-0024, which included allegations of procedural defects in the City's public process used to adopt Ordinance number 3572 in violation of the requirements of Chapter 35 70 RCW, the Growth Management Act, and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36 70A 130(2)(b) and in consideration of the Superior Court and Growth Management Hearings Board causes of action being dismissed, the City Council on November 20, 2001 authorized execution of stipulations or agreements whereby Ordinance No 3572 would be repealed, interim zoning of SR-2 would be adopted, and an appropriate public process would be followed to reconsider and adopt comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the annexation area, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION]. Ordinance No 3572 is hereby repealed in its entirety SECTION 2. In accordance with section 15 03 020(E) of the Kent City Code, the annexation area shall revert to interim zoning of Single-Family residential (SR-2), as seen on Attachment "A" 2 Repeal Ordinance No. 3572- DeMarco Annexation SECTION 3. The comprehensive plan designation for the annexation area shall revert to the previous designations of King County urban residential 4-12 units per acre King County urban residential 12 plus units per acre (SF-6) Single Family Residential, 6 units per acre as seen on Attachment "B" SECTION4. — SeverabiliA, If anyone or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 5. — Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after passage and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR i 'ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY 3 Repeal Ordinance No. 3572 - DeMarco Annexation PASSED; day of 12001 APPROVED- day of 12001 PUBLISHED day of 2001 1 hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\CMPOMina cc\p Mar oAnnc=ion Rrp 3572 doc 4 Repeal Ordinance No. 3572 - DeMarco Annexation N 10 C COm C U 0 ow C � o x y �,� N •z: U c � z x � O W c Y3 4� � c ;� � � E m N z 1 � a ♦� c y m a o y rto v6 e a (� r �tr o � 0 oa e m �7 S p o f Ylk7 SSfC � 777 i'o ooA � o � p ��Ip Q� � cy ❑ r5 iq o t� q q ] P 4 Ado m'b�lp �P g o ' 4 �, o g ddoid v9z� R w ° N 0 Q 9w a 0 pzt • �' © •® [M9 o a a• ■ ■ a a. �. . ■ _ � 3S v91 Q ` � tF� i 0 � t��Y��` .�.,t� � .. �Ilh `■ �� f.°... ,.yc:2 � ww WC1v 14 s A 6 �� _ � �tiT �lS •../ 8 . .r rJ�1< I� e.�S; L f" �� f j " F Z 1'.. # �., � � ` i^ C• �■y : t • D ��. y `' T_:�7' y k r � � + �' �k W e'c F R+�+o-��•y,' +rr• ++rr ME t IQ ' � f f' ISO ME ME ME ir, ar-•c IME ppg oil ter. f: GAO dJGG �7adidlidw v - i • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: 228TH STREET CORRIDOR EXTENSION PROJECT ALTERNATIVES REVIEW 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: At the June 19th Council meeting, Council deferred proceeding ahead on this project and requested the Public Works Department to re-examine the alternatives The Public Works Department memo included in the packet accomplishes same, and staff will make a presentation. 3 . EXHIBITS: Public Works Director memorandum 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Council 6/19/01 (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) • 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS . 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: A) Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds OR //'' /r /n� � B) Councilmember moves, Councilmember W h/ seconds to approve the South 228th Street Corridor Extension Project, to select Alternative A for the project, along with identified mitigation for this alternative as set forth in the (EIS) , and to direct the Public Works Department to proceed with design and implementation of the project , including additional design for noise control for further Council consideration DISCUSSION. ACTION: L Council Agenda Item No. 7B COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom, P E Public Works Director • Phone 253-856-5500 KENT Faz 253-856-6500 WASNINOTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date December 4, 2001 — To — — City CouncilFrom Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Regarding- South 228th Street Extension Project Final Environmental Impact Statement As directed by Council at the June 19th Council meeting, the Engineering Department has reevaluated the S 228th Street Extension and is prepared to return to the Council on December 11, 2001 to present its findings The major areas of concem expressed by Council in June included reanalyzing the need for the S 228th Street Extension, examining alternatives at other locations (r e Meeker Street or S 212th Street), issues with concurrency and GMA, funding, project utility, and environmental impacts Copies of the June 19th Council meeting minutes and a memo summarizing the S 228th Street Extension EIS are attached Purpose and Need of the S. 228th Street Extension Residential and industrial development in the valley has been intense over the past 15 years The City Council directed planning efforts to respond to this planned development These efforts culminated in the development of the S 196th Street, S 228th Street, and S 277th Street Corridors, Thinking ahead, the City required developers to sign Environmental Mitigation Agreements (EMAs)to help pay for these major improvements to the transportation system The improvements are needed to accommodate the increased traffic associated with these developments Today, S. 196th Street and S 212th Street feed into Onllia Road and serve traffic on the north end of Kent. After Auburn and King County complete their portions of S 277th Street, the southeast comer of Kent will have a new connection between the East Hill, SR 167, and I-5. The S. 228th Street Extension would be constructed to alleviate congestion on S 212th Street and W Meeker Street, congestion that is generated by residential and industrial development in the center of Kent In other words businesses on W. Meeker Street are living with congestion generated on Meeker Street and in the developments surrounding S 228th Street. The S 228th NDWO1002 1 Project Number 97-3007E Street Extension would serve the developments that surround it, the developments that agreed to help pay for it, by delivering their traffic to I-5 and SR-167 without traveling through neighboring areas of Kent. Benefits of the S. 228th Street Extension The S 228th Street Extension would help alleviate traffic congestion in the valley by giving residential and industrial traffic another route to I-5 and SR-167. The roadway is largely constructed, with less than a mile remaining to provide a five-lane arterial between SR-167 and I-5 It would also provide the opportunity to connect directly with WSDOT's proposed SR-509 Extension. The SR-509 Extension would provide 2-3 lane collector/distributor lanes down either side of I-5 to increase capacity on mainline I-5, and accommodate traffic from SR-509 As part of the SR-509 Extension, WSDOT would reconstruct the I-5/Kent-Des Moines Road interchange to provide direct access to both S 228th Street and Kent-Des Moines Road. WSDOT studies indicate that the interchange could not meet level of service (LOS) standards in the future without this improvement In combination, these improvements would provide a major benefit to Kent's overall valley transportation system and I-5 Plamung and funding for the S 228th Street Corridor has a long lustory, and has enabled the City to complete the majority of the roadway through SEPA conditions on development In addition to frontage improvements, these SEPA conditions also included the signing of the EMAs, which obligate existing developments to pay up to roughly $14-million to complete the proposed S 228th Street Extension. All told, the S 228th Street Extension would be funded through a combination of state funding, local funding, and these LID funds We have been working with the State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) to secure funding, and have indications that the state may be prepared to contribute $7-million to the project Total project costs have been roughly estimated to be $21-million, which means that the City would be in a good position to complete the project The Alternative A — North Alignment (Preferred Alternative) effectively minimizes environmental impacts while providing a direct route up the West Hill Associated traffic mitigation measures would improve operations at the Military Road/Kent-Des Moines Road mtersection. The proposed bridge crossing of the Green River has been reviewed by the Muckelshoot Tribe and is similar to the S 277th Street crossing, which has the least possible- impact to fisheries Wetlands impacts have been mmimized, and several potential mitigation sites have been identified near the Green River between S. 212th Street and James Street Russell Woods Park and the Green River Trail are not changed by the project other than visual and noise impacts. Kent Parks has reviewed the proposal and supports its construction in any of the three alternatives, as long as access to the park is maintained—which would be the case With completion of the S. 228th Street Extension, Riverview Boulevard would be completed between S 216th Street and the new roadway. This connection would provide the Riverview development and its roughly 680 units with a key connection to downtown Kent, schools, and commercial areas. Thus, making Riverview part of the community. Alternatives to the S. 228th Street Extension The S 228th Street Extension EIS evaluated seven alternatives to the proposal and eliminated them based on their severe adverse environmental impacts and/or their inability to effectively reduce overall traffic congestion Following issuance of the EIS, members of The Lakes NDW01002 2 ProjectNumber 97-3007E community suggested two other alternatives. Those alternatives have been evaluated and . eliminated because they would severely impact the Riverview Community and Grandview Park. Of the nine alternatives to S 228th Street, only four could be a possibility. 1) Widen Kent-Des Monies Road to 6-lanes, 2) Widen West Meeker Street, 3) Widen Orillia Road to 6-lanes, 4) No Action The five remaining alternatives were either prohibitively expensive, or had insurmountable environmental impacts Widen Kent-Des Moines Road to 6-lanes. This alternative was eliminated because it could not effectively reduce traffic delays on S 212th Street or W. Meeker Street. It also had greater impacts to fisheries and wetlands than S 228th Street, and would not allow for improvements to the I-5/Kent-Des Moines Road interchange and SR-509 Traffic on W Meeker Street can only access Kent-Des Monies Road by crossing the Meeker Street Bridge, or by Willis Street or Washington Avenue The interchange of Willis Street and SR-167 is congested and avoided by commuters not headed for SR-167. Even if Kent-Des Moines Road were widened, traffic would have to travel through this interchange to access it via Willis Street Waslungton Avenue is congested by traffic bound for SR-167 Similar to Willis Street, commuters would be forced to wait on Washington Avenue to access Kent-Des Moines Road, diminishing its effectiveness If Kent-Des Moines Road cannot be accessed by Willis Street or Washington Avenue, the only alternative is W. Meeker Street, which is why W Meeker Street is congested today • Environmentally, this improvement would require new, low-level bridge crossings of the Green River and Mullen Slough, both of which are salmon bearing As we have mentioned in previous meetings, the Muckelshoot Indian Tribe has vehemently opposed low-level bridge crossings in the past, and they would have direct input in the permitting of these bridges The S 228th Street bridge crossing has already been presented to the Muckelshoot tribes fisheries expert, and initial indications are that they will not oppose the bridge Finally, the I-5/Kent-Des Moines Road interchange could not be improved to provide a second route to the valley With the S 228th Street Extension, the interchange would be reconstructed and effectively split traffic to/from Kent between S. 228th Street and Kent-Des Moines Road Widen W Meeker Street to 5-Lanes This alternative would widen Meeker between 64th Avenue S and Kent-Des Moines Road. It was eliminated because it would provide only a minor improvement over existing traffic conditions, require construction of a second bridge over the Green River, include considerable right-of-way acquisition through a developed commercial area, and would have negative impacts on fisheries From a traffic operations perspective, an expanded W. Meeker Street would offer limited improvement over the existing street because it would concentrate traffic on a corridor that is . already congested, instead of distributing the traffic over the arterial system. Intersections at Washington Avenue, 64th Avenue S., and Kent-Des Moines Road would require substantial upgrades, and would still not effectively alleviate congestion. NDW01002 3 ProjectNumber 97-3007E Fisheries resources in the Green River would be significantly impacted by the low-level bridge. Wetlands would not be a major issue on Meeker Street, but siting of stormwater detention and . treatment would be difficult because both sides of the roadway are developed. Conversely, stormwater detention for the S. 228th Street Extension would be sited in the existing detention ponds that the former sand and gravel operation utilized and are currently used by Riverview for the same purpose. Businesses in the area would be heavily impacted, particularly west of 64th Avenue S., where much of their parking is adjacent to the sidewalk and would be removed if Meeker were widened. This alternative would also limit reconstruction of the I-5/Kent-Des Moines Road interchange to one major arterial, concentrating traffic at an already congested interchange Expand Onllia Road to 6-Lanes _This alternative would improve east-west capacity, but was eliminated because it would not effectively alleviate congestion on W Meeker Street The widened roadway would mainly serve traffic north of S 228th Street. Onlha Road ends at the heavily congested 1-51S 188th Street Interchange, which operates poorly today and is forecast to do so in the future. Sending more traffic to this interchange would further reduce its level of service. Widening would require the removal and relocation of 14 residences along S 212th Street, and would impact several acres of high-value wetlands. Finally, there is no way to access SR-509 through this alternative, and no wav of reconstructing the I-5/Kent-Des Moines Road interchange to accommodate SR-509 Concurrenev and GMA: Without the S 228th Street Extension, the area between S 212th Street and W Meeker Street would be out of concurrence with the Growth Management Act (GMA), and would require other improvements to bring area-wide LOS to within acceptable limits As discussed, other options to S. 228th Street either do not provide enough improvement to alleviate congestion, or have excessive environmental impacts There are roughly 9,000-10,000 PM peak hour traps that are tied to the S 228th Street Extension through EMAs These trips currently overload Meeker Street and S 212th Street, lowering the LOS on those corridors and potentially blocking development and redevelopment along them. The result of not completing the S 228th Street Extension is that development and redevelopment miles away from S 228th Street could be prohibited because S. 228th Street traffic is using capacity on S. 212th Street,Meeker Street, West Valley Highway, 64th Avenue S. and 4th Avenue N Businesses and residents on S. 212th Street and Meeker Street paid into L]Ds to construct S 196th Street and S 277th Street, respectively Currently, the additional capacity these new corridors provide is being used by traffic on the south and north, while traffic that could eventually use S 228th Street is using capacity on Meeker Street and S 212th Street Essentially,businesses and residents in the center of the valley are taking the capacity paid for by businesses and residents on S. 212th Street and Meeker Street. NDWO1002 4 Project Number 97-3007E Summary Key findings of the EIS and Council-directed review indicate that benefits of the S 228th Street Extension are as follows: 1 Completes the arterial system in the valley, evenly distributing traffic instead of concentrating it at congested intersections 2 Improves overall traffic operations in the area between S. 212th and Meeker 3 Improves the operation of the Military Road/Kent-Des Moines intersection 4 Provides a viable connection to the SR-509 project, enabling commuters and businesses to eventually access I-5 and SR-509 directly 5 Utilizes a high-level bridge and state-approved construction windows to rri mrmze and effectively negate impacts to fisheries and the Green River 6 Utilizes existing City of Kent and City of Seattle property to minimize right-of-way costs and delays due to negotiations 7. Effectively avoids Russell Woods Park and steep slope sensitive areas on the West Hill while also mimmizing wetlands impacts 8 Makes use of earmarked funding mechanisms to pay for construction 9 Builds on 15 years of planning that notified all adjacent property owners of its planned completion 10 Connects the Riverview development to the rest of the community For the above stated reasons, the Public Works Department continues to recommend proceeding ahead with the S 228th Street Extension project as proposed at the June 19th Council meeting MOTION: Councilmember moves, Councrlmember seconds to approve the South 228th Street Corridor Extension Project, to select Alternative A for the project, along with identified mitigation for this alternative as set forth in the (EIS), and to direct the Public Works Department to proceed with design and implementation of the project, including additional design for noise control for further Council consideration i NDWO1002 5 Prof ect Number. 97-3007E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E Wickstrom,P.E. Public Works Director Phone 253-856-5500 KENT Fax 253-856.6500 WA4NINOTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date June 11, 2001 To City Council From. Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: South 228th Street Extension Project Final Environmental Impact Statement The Engineering Division has completed the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS and FEIS) for the S. 228th Street Extension Project (a copy thereof is in the council's office for perusal), and is ready to continue with preliminary design and permitting As shown in Figure 1, the S 228th Street Extension would complete a 5-lane minor arterial roadway between Central Avenue and Military Road allowing traffic to access SR-167 and I-5 through Kent's industrial center with lower delay Along with the no action alternative three alternative alignments (A, B, and C) as shown in Figure 2 were considered in the EIS Alternative A (Figure 3) was chosen as the Preferred Alternative by the Engineering Division because it not only provided traffic congestion relief for the area it was also a more direct route up the West Hill with similar grades to Alternative B or C. In addition its location was farthest away from the West End of The Lakes residentiar community Commuters and freight haulers on I-5 that currently access this area via S 212th Street, W Meeker Street and Kent-Des Momes Road (SR-516) would be able to use the S 228th Street Extension to access the area directly. The traffic study performed for the EIS indicates that overall traffic operations between S 212th Street and W Meeker Street would improve as a result of the S 228th Street Extension Traffic modeling forecasts show that between 17,000 and 21,000 vehicles per day (vpd) would utilize the S 228th Street Extension With the proposed roadway extension in place, traffic volumes on other major roadways would be lower Traffic volumes on W Meeker Street would be approximately 3500 vpd lower, on SR-516 they would be roughly 5000 vpd lower, and traffic on S 212th Street would be reduced by about 2500 vpd. The S 228th Street Extension alone would not solve the valley's traffic problems, but it would create an alternative route to I-5 and would provide a more balanced transportation system in the valley In addition, through discussions with WSDOT, the Engineering Department has been working on planning, conceptual design, and funding for a direct connection between the proposed S 228th Street Extension and the proposed SR-509 Extension. This possible future direct connection would reduce overall vehicle delays and travel tunes between I-5 and the valley floor Without the S 228th Street Extension, this direct connection would not be a possibility Figure 4 illustrates the conceptual layout of this proposed connection The DEIS and FEIS represent the first stage of the environmental review for the S 228th Street Extension The likely environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures for those impacts are included in Chapter 1 of the FEIS A summary of the most sigmficant impacts is included as Attachment 1 to this memorandum As shown in the Attachment 1, there are required mitigation measures that must be constructed with the project to make it compatible with the existing infrastructure, such as the improvements to the SR-516/Military Road intersection Other improvements, specifically a noise wall or speed limit reduction are optional mitigation measures that the Council would need to make a decision on, as they are not required under any applicable environmental regulations During the DEIS comment period, a number of residents from The Lakes residential development (located south of S 228th Street, near 54th Avenue S ) expressed concern with the environmental impacts associated with the S. 228th Street Extension particularly with regard to noise and traffic issues. The traffic study for the EIS indicates that the S 228th Extension would improve traffic operations throughout the valley, opinions to the contrary have not been supported by any data, and even intuitively, the S. 228th Street Extension makes sense One drawback of the proposal is a lack of direct connection to I-5 and the routing of traffic to SR-516 to access freeway ramps The traffic analysis indicates that the mitigation measures shown in Attachment 1 would provide an acceptable level of service (LOS) on Military Road and SR-516 In fact, the improvements are substantial enough to IMPROVE traffic operations over those that would exist without the S 228th Street Extension. Completion of the proposed direct connection to SR-509 would eliminate the impacts at SR-516/Mihtary Road, and would dramatically improve traffic operations throughout the interchange. With regard to traffic noise, the Kent City Code (KCC 8 05 140) specifically exempts traffic noise from the Kent Noise Ordinance The EIS provides an analysis that indicates maximum WSDOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) noise levels would be exceeded within The Lakes residential area with S 228th Street. The Public Works Department recommends that should Council adopt the EIS and direct staff to proceed with implementmg the project that it also directs staff to pursue some level of noise mitigation and provide back to Council a recommendation thereon MOTION: Council person moves and Council person seconds to adopt the EIS and FEIS for the S 228th Street Extension Project and select Alternative A with its proposed mitigation as the project to implement and direct the Public Works Department to go along with further directing them to pursue additional noise mitigation along The Lakes, and return to Council with a recommendation thereon i NDW01001 ProjectNumber 97-3007E N r _ t0 V V a a y C O C C V •O � � ..� C U O w ° L V a.r N � N O O 0 F is •R U � F O iy r J � N 0 0 o c L ttl 7 r N d G C V i OL rLj V A C V y c O u u o � c, 3 ❑ E w � � ,_ o o c c C_) o0 3 u ❑ c m tz ?� g 0, r E °' ^ OP ^ cooER > E � 2A � u � m � Qn oo $ v0 � whh U0 � 3n° C) M. ° ac H y C u o c u E ►I .J O _ u U 7 9 o on � 7 r m y ti c n _ > > N y� N >' •V.• C m c �O CT .a d V CIO a 3 —' E v a E t v c�x p o � � R y, > R N L lEV ftl 10 R A V O y N R V T w .. T c R caE- ? E ca to PC) W R y C O > O E � 0 7 = = E r- O E O y d v rn c ° a. 3 u v 0 0 •R 0� R C O �I Q ��UII �I to O bhL to c c C C O c to m E a° to C O N p Vim] C/] m G ` V F O O 2 m y „-�, cn u C -Z� �,T A f1. _ y i V V C V] 7 ? O T O R 7 j > p N T E U m N ❑ L ___ .o O y -0 R to u. -0 y O N C 'C t C y > O Q U w V E O 0 . 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I `�u ,� . �'I �+L y a•L � ,'�11I� p1 !1 � r _ � ^` 'I' :x 4'• r 1 •v�fllt/J" . 1 1�_ , I'" I f ' I , _ 'I 1 i1 1 L, it a 4 i"I 't' q l i x � 's I i '•1 I1 1 tAj4�' 'ol��� „i' � N g♦yy I'" �f'�,11ii I+II 't',1JI�9„z�� :111..,`Rs'` ( I� mod "�,� ��"_ l � •}•'� =�., i ,u�i1� ,� ��� L 'I '�} � S J _,I ,�+ 1 Il h{ _ y�[4 l ,115 ,� o� ri ill �i!;�I I �111 'II It:'�4 11 o p., � I InISI •�I,I 1 fl_„ i 'S 1 vNG�I � I I I I Ills 1� �� iI1� 7 Y June 19, 2001 City Council Meeting ITEM 5C 228th Street Corridor Extension Project Ms. Amodt: I took note as to where the 228th Street extension would end up and it would end up on Military Road which would create an additional bottleneck because I drive that area frequently and it's terrible The extension ends up approximately about 1/8 of a mile from the county freeway that comes up from Kent, and I scratch my head wondering why it would come out there so close to that extension, it should come up more in center in between Orillia and the county freeway, or not at all I think we need to take the money and put that into Meeker There is going to be Meeker road improvements but I think that money should be moved over to Meeker It's already mostly commercial anyway and let's take that truck traffic and move it over to Meeker where it already is and over to Onllia where residents are not Ms. Epperly As a counsel member, when we decided the 277ih Corridor I could see the benefit of the 277th Corridor With the 196th Corridor I could see . the benefit of the 196ih Corridor but ever since the 228th Corridor was put before me, I never really saw the sense in it Ms. Woods: We on the counsel feel that we are caught on the horns of the dilemma for which there is no solution In order to allow for development, we must develop more services Our level of service must somehow balance with the kind of development that we have allowed and there have been times in private when we've said `how can we continue to do this because it doesn't seem to ever pencil out' And we do know don t we, that even with 1961h and 2771h that that is not going to improve necessarily the level of service, certainly not for very long, that may help keep us even, but it is not going to over time improve And - that's not necessarily because of what's happening in the city of Kent that's for the most part because of what's happening outside the city of Kent to the east over which we have no control Because people are coming through our cities in droves, and you know that and we all know that but we like to be good neighbors so we don't mention it publicly too often, I again will tell you that I am very torn but I cannot bring myself to vote tonight for Mr Clark's motion Ms. Orr: I would like to ask the question of staff what the consequences are if this motion does not pass What happens to funding that has been approved, funding that is potentially available, what happens? Don Wickstrom: Well, funding that has been approved obviously doesn't get spent it would be diverted to some other project most likely Any grant we would obviously would not, there wouldn't be any grant, so we'd lose the opportunity to potentially get grants I guess the biggest thing is we are faced with a concurrency issue and this was a concurrency project This has been a concurrency project since you adopted the ordinance on the concurrency We had that and that was the basis of what allowed The Lakes to develop and what allowed a lot of the property out there to develop, so without that, this particular area I guess would be out of concurrence and we would not be able to issue any new developments within that service area of this road Ms. Orr(?): How much potential development is there? Don Wickstrom: I don't have that figure There is potential development but you're also talking re-development and so It's over a long haul Ms. Orr(?): Can you tell us what happens when this road gets to Military? Don Wickstrom: Well, Military is also part of the project It would be fully improved to a 5-lane section down from where this road would enter into down to 516 516 and Military would also be improved The intersection itself would also be improved and I think there are some improvements on the off-ramp that which is part of the mitigation on the off-ramp of 1-5 and 516 So, the project including the mitigation was to resolve the traffic congestion, if my memory serves me right, it improves the service level at the interchange itself because of the other improvements we were doing there Ms. Orr(?): And those improvements will not be made if this road is not extended Don Wickstrom: No, there'd be no reason We don't build the road then we're not doing those improvements They're all tied to this project The need for those improvements Ms. Orr(?): As I'm sitting here this evening, it's an incredibly difficult issue and I- - have to agree with something the Dr Woods just said, I was here through much of the 277`h Corridor development and we went through much similar type of hearing and a lot of people didn't want it There were even lawsuits filed trying to stop it, But at least it did have a reasonable beginning and an end so to speak. It had a point of beginning and it had a destination point that didn't end up on a really bad road which is Military And I'm having a lot of trouble with this tonight. That's why I want to know what happens if its not approved Will this affect concurrency in other parts of the City? Don Wickstrom: It could because our concurrency is kind of an average over and it vanes within individual traffic zones So you take out this one and essentially degrade it and that has an affect on the others. I mean, the immediate area we're talking about is 212'h down to James Street all the way over to the Burlington Northern Tracks, not the UP but the Burlington, and then west up the river and including since Kentwew is part of this and mitigated as part of this, it would include their development too Ms. Orr(?): What happens to the LID funds? Have they all been collected or are they in the process of being collected? Don Wickstrom: No that would be a subsequent first hurdle was to getting the EIS completed, that's your first hurdle Following LID would probably be it's probably over a year off before we pursue forming that And as you said, these projects do not occur over time, there's a permit process There's at least 2 — 3 years just on the permit process so, that's why Tim spoke he talked about the construction being 2 — 3 years out on the project Ms. Orr(?): If we were to not approve this, and you mentioned that money could be diverted to other projects, what is the potential for improving 212th, someone mentioned that 212th had some potential improving that might alleviate some of the 2281h problems Don Wickstrom: That was part of the EIS that was looked at and did not, I don't believe it, and Chad could speak to that directly I don't think it provided the relief in this area and if you're looking at Meeker Street, like I told you before Meeker Street will some day have to be improved This will probably affect that whole Meeker Street area also because that's the only option where this traffic was to go or would go Ms. Orr(?): Is Mr Clark correct that we could not build or widen the bridge at Meeker over the river? Don Wickstrom: Meeker Street is a low-level bridge It's the low-level bridge that has more impacts on fish because of the shadow effect The 228th was a high level bridge unlike the same level like over at the 2771h Corridor and it the bridge itself wasn't a concern as far as the fisheries were when they reviewed that project, so we don't expect that bridge to have a problem but a low level bridge on Meeker will have some problem because of the shadow effect and we will have to address that because of ESA and it's very difficult to try to mitigate for Ms. Orr(?): But is it impossible? Don Wickstrom: I couldn't tell you until we went through the process I can tell you the processes are very difficult in themselves and you don't want to start off with a project that you know has some big concerns in it so if you're comparing bridges then Meeker Street will be more difficult to get approval on Ms. Orr(?): Okay Thank you Mayor White: Yes, Mr, Yingling Mr, Yingling: Question for Don Um, what would be the impact of the 509 project should this project fad to go forward? Don Wickstrom: The 509, the large project which would mean collector distributor lanes along paralleling 1-5 and all the way down to 277th, in that project it would eventually be included a direct connection to the freeway instead of going back to 516 and the interchange there, because 516 and the state's long range plans has problems Over a period of time I think in their 20 year plan, they know they'd have to rebuild that intersection and so when we looked how the two would mesh, they came up with a solution that we would get a direct connection to the freeway and it would be a, you know, it would fit eventually. It's all predicated on whether the 509 gets built because that's a $700 million project. Mayor White: Further discussion Yes, Ms Orr Ms. Orr. The last statement you just made , so there's no way of knowing at this point in time whether 509 would ever be a part of this project Don Wickstrom: Right And we're not tying our project to 509, we're just saying that ultimately we looked at or the state looked at and there is a connection that they're recommending if 509 gets built, a direct access connection Right now, the mitigation we're proposing improves the intersection the interchange service level both immediately at the interchange and at Military Road and 516, that improves it better than it is today and it will be better when the project is built even with our traffic loadings Mr. Brotherton: Uh, one more question On the evaluation that's been done so far on the EIS, the questions that have been raised by many of the members here have to do with the environmental impact of this project on the surrounding - -- --- area -How thoroughly was that evaluated in the EIS? Can we state categorically whether the populations of the wildlife will decline, not be bothered, etc? • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: FUTURE TAX LEVY CAPACITY PROTECTION - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Operations Committee recommends adoption of an ordinance to protect the Council ' s future right to levy the maximum allowable; authorizes a limit factor of 6% over last year ' s highest allowable levy. This ordinance requires passage by a superma3ority of Council . • 3 . EXHIBITS : Ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS . 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember &CO moves, Councilmember NkA--) seconds to adopt Ordinance No. 3 51 aZ protecting the future right of the Council to levy the maximum amount by authorizing a limit factor of 6% over the last year ' s highest allowable levy • DISCUSSION- ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7C ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing a one hundred six percent (106%)property tax levy limit factor for year 2002 to protect the City's future property tax levy capacity in the event Initiative 747 is invalidated, amended, or repealed WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120 and after providing all appropriate notice, the City Council held a public hearing on September 18, 2001, to consider the City of Kent's proposed operating and capital budget for the 2002 calendar year, and held a public hearing on November 20, 2001, to address the City's 2001 property tax levy, revenues and limit factors, as well as the proposed 2002 budget, and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120, any increase in property tax revenue other than that resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy, requires the adoption of a separate ordinance from the tax levy ordinance specifically authorizing the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage, and WHEREAS, concurrently with this ordinance, the City Council is adopting separate ordinances to establish an increase in property tax revenue to be levied herein and collected in year 2002 and to levy the same, within the limitations established by Initiative 747 as passed by the voters in the November 2001 General Election, and 1 Future Levy Capacity-Protected WHEREAS, in addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property, and the refund fund levy, the City intends to establish its actual 2001 property tax levy for the 2002 budget, the level of services provided by the City have been impacted by recent growth and annexations and may be further impacted by a slowing of the economy in the region, therefore, the City finds a substantial need exists to preserve its future property tax levy capacity, and WHEREAS, subject to the limitations of initiative 747, upon a finding of a"substantial need" and the vote of a majority plus one of the council, the City can adopt an ordinance protecting its future tax levy capacity, and WHEREAS, The City Council finds that in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City, to best preserve the public health, safety and welfare, to best protect the City's future property tax levy capacity, and to best serve the citizens of Kent by maintaining an appropriate level of service throughout the City, a "substantial need" exists, therefore, in the event Initiative 747 is invalidated by a court of law, amended, or repealed by the State Legislature, an increase in the regular property tax levy limit factor, in addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy, should be authorized to one hundred six percent(106%) which would allow a (6%) increase from the highest amount of regular property taxes that could have been lawfully levied in the City of Kent in any year since 1985, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS 2 Future Levy Capacity-Protected SECTION I. Findmus The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth in the body of this ordinance, SECTION 2. Property Tax Levy Limit Factor Authorized Based on the foregoing findings that a "substantial need" exists to increase the regular property tax levy limit factor and to protect the City's future property tax levy capacity, in addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy, the regular property tax levy limit factor for 2002 is authorized to one hundred six percent (106%) which would allow a (6%) increase from the highest amount of regular property taxes that could have been law fully levied in the City of Kent in any year since 1985 Authorization shall only be effective if Initiative 747 is invalidated by a court of law or, amended or repealed by the State Legislature and then, only to the extent allowed by applicable law at the time of such invalidation, amendment, or repeal SECTION 3. Severability If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance SECTION 4. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of publication of this ordinance JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 3 Future Levy Capacity-Protected APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED day of 2001 APPROVED day of 12001 PUBLISHED day of 12001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL)BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\CIIBOrdum 6TuLc W!Pm'.c B.cFem 4 Future Levy Capacity-Protected • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Other Business 1 SUBJECT: 2001 TAX LEVY INCREASE FOR 2002 BUDGET AUTHORIZED - ORDINANCE 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: As part of the 2002 budget process, we are required to adopt a tax levy increase ordinance . Chief Administrative Officer Mike Martin will give a brief presentation. • 3 EXHIBITS: Ordinance and worksheet 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (2-1) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO X YES 6 EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember _moves, Councilmember seconds to adopt Ordinance No. 3 5S3 authorizing the tax levy increase, as outlined in Option, for the 2002 Budget . • DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7D ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing the 2001 property tax levy for the 2002 budget at the previous year's tax levy, plus an increase within the statutory allowable amount, in addition to increases resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, and any increase in the value of state-assessed property, the refund fund levy, and annexed properties WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120 and after providing all appropriate notice, the City Council held a public hearing on September 18, 2001, to consider the City of Kent's proposed operating and capital budget for the 2002 calendar year, and held a public hearing on November 20, 2001, to address the City's 2001 property tax levy, revenues and limit factors, as well as the proposed 2002 budget, and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120, any increase in property tax revenue other than that resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy, requires the adoption of a separate ordinance from the tax levy ordinance specifically authorizing the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 092 and RCW 84 55 0101, the City Council determined that a"substantial need"existed when it adopted Ordinance Nos 3430 and 3494, which established a reduced tax levy rate,but protected the Council's future tax levy capacity, and • 1 Tax Levy Increase Authorized (Option 4) WHEREAS, the City Council finds that to best protect the public health, safety and welfare,to best protect the City's future property tax levy capacity, to best serve the citizens of Kent by maintaining an appropriate level of service throughout the City, to appropriately discharge the City's expected expenses and obligations, and to best serve the citizens of Kent through a continued comrmtment to capital improvements throughout the City, a substantial need exists to increase its tax levy over last year,NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON,DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. Recitals Incorporated The City Council finds that the foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein SECTION 2. Propertv Tax Levy Authorized In addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property, the refund fund levy, the 2001 regular property tax dollar levy for the 2002 budget is authorized at the previous year's property tax levy, plus $840,973, representing 4 26% SECTION 3. Severability If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 2 Tax Levy Increase Authorized (Option 4) . SECTION 4. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five(5)days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law J1M WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED day of 12001 APPROVED day of 11001 PUBLISHED day of 12001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the I City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK r Ta.,na.aw mu Tr ma��Inhm-M2-00iom dm 3 Tax Levy Increase Authorized (Option 4) 2002 PROPERTY TAX Option 4 Based on 1 Levy Rate Regular levy Increase 2001 Regular Levy was 19,764,357 2002 Regular Levy Increase in dollars 840,973 (1%@$197.644+$643.329 Banked Capacity) Increase as a percentage 4 26% Plus estimated effects of new construction,Improvements and increases in the value of state assessed property 562,299 Other adjustments 107 835 Total regular tax levy 21,275,464 Levy for Voted Debt Obligations 1,775,000 Total Levy request 23,050,464 Levy Rates 2001 @ 1 00%of (Decrease)! Percent Levy Rate Increase General Fund Levy Rate 27720 28059 00339 1 22% Voted Issues Levy Rate 02380 02341 (0 0039) -1 64% Total Levy Rate 30100 30400 00300 1 00% 360 c 0 340 m m 320 > c 300 � I N O 280 — L H `m 260 a 240 -- kin 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Change 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 % Regular 2 56 2 796 2 623 2 814 2 992 2 994 29272 2 921 2 772 2006 1 2% Voted 0 492 0 434 0 462 0 402 0 382 0 361 0 3123 0 283 0 238 02341 -1 6% Total 3 052 3 230 3 085 3 216 3 374 3 355 3 240 3204 3 010 3 040 1 0% Effectwlth a"1%increase over lastyears levy" City taxes on a home with a constant$200,000 assessed value 61040 64600 61700 64320 67480 671 00 647 9D 64080 60200 60800 Prop Tax Options-1 axis 121512001 City of Kent 2002 Budget Options Kent's Projected 2002 General Fund Uses $1,037,132 of Fund Balance Annual Est. Levy Rate Change on City Levy % $200,000 Revenue Rate Change Home Changes Comments Property Tax Options Reduces tax levy rate from $3 01 to #1 - Property Tax Option $2 9552 (1 8%) ($10 98) -0- $2 9552 The General Fund Provides a 1% increase in Budget includes the 1% over last actual dollars of property tax year's revenue collection of revenue from 2001 (Does S197,644 but required using not consider statutory $1.037,132 of Fund Balance, a allowable levy bank reduction from 10% to 8 8% Could capacity ) jeopardize city's credit rating for bond issues #2 - Property Tax Option $3 009 ( 03%) ($0 20) $393,904 Reduces tax rate from $3 01 to Provides a slight 001% $3 009 Would decrease the levy decrease in property tax levy rate by 001% from last year, below from 2001 (Includes a every levy rate for last ten years . portion of banked capacity ) #3 - Property Tax Option $3 01 -0- -0- $401.216 Rate stays at $3 01 Would leave Provides the same levy rate levy rate as 2001 Lowest in last as last year (Includes a nine years, same as 2001 portion of banked capacity ) #4 - Property Tax Option $3 04 1 0% $6 00 $643,330 Increases the tax levy rate by 1% Provides a 1% increase in-- — — - -over last year(from $3 01 to - the City of Kent's levy rate $3 04), still lower than 3 9% COLA per thousand (Includes a for Public Safety contracts Would portion of banked capacity ) still leave Kent with one of the lowest property tax rates in nine years, below every year with the exception of the 1% increase over 2001 rate #5 - Property Tax Option $3 1143 3 5% $20 94 $1,206,793 Increases the tax levy rate by 3 5% Use 1% of maximum over last year(from$3 01 to statutory allowed property $3 1143), still lower than 3 9% tax levy (Includes banked COLA for Public Safety contracts capacity ) Would still leave Kent with one of the lowest property tax rates in ngft years, below every year but 199 and 2001 The rate is 3 5% over 2001 1 LEVY LIMIT WORKSHEET - 2002 Tax Roll TAXING DISTRICT: City of Kent �Thejo Ilan m?deferrranalian of pour regular/e j I mit for 2002 property razes is provided by the XtnZ County AssessorpursuanlroRCri'8455700 �Annexed to Library District (Note 1) EStimated Library rate 0.45614 Using Lunit Factor Using Implicit For District Calculation of Limit Factor Levy Price Deflator 7—Z0,959,202 Levy basis for calculation (2001 Limit Factor)(Nate 2) 20.959,202 1.0100 x Limit Factor 1 0169 21,168,794 =Levy 21,355,331 177,881,061 Local new construction 177,881,061 25,463,581 + Increase In utility value(Note 3) 25 463,581 4 2,33,344,642 =Total new construction 203,344.642 276525 x Last year's regular levy rate 2 76525 552,299 = New construction levy 562,299 t1,731,093 Tatal Limit Factor L<_vy 21,917,630 Annexation Levy 67,515 Omitted assessment levy (Note 4) 67,515 i t1 651,578 Total Limit Factor Levy+ new lid lifts-omits 21,850 115 7,5 32,349 300 — Regular levy assessed value less annexations 7,532,349,300 285711 = Annexation rate (cannot exceed statutory maximum rate) 238171 0 x Annexation assessed value 0 0 =Annexation Levy 0 �— Lid lifts, Refunds and Total 0 + First year lid Lfis 0 4 '11,731,093 + Limit Factor Levy 21,917,530 ::1,731,093 = Total RCW 84 55 levy 21,517,630 h 107,835 + Relevy for prior year refunds (Note 5) 107,835 { "I,838 928 = Total P.CW 84 55 levy + refunds 22,025.465 C'1 838 928 ALLOWABLE LEVY (Note 6) 22,025,465 Increase Informatlan (Note 7) 2.87133 Levy rate based on allowable levy 259593 19,764.357 Last year's ACTUAL regular levy 19,764,357 1.404,437 Dollar increase over last year other than N1C—Annex 1,590,974 F 7.11% Percent increase over last year otner than NIC—Annex 6 05% i f Calculation of statutory levy Regular levy assessed value(Nate 8) 7,582,349,300 x Maximum statutory rate 3 14386 Maximum statutory levy 23,837,845 + Omitted assessments levy 67,515 = Maximum statutory levy+ omits 23.905,350 Limit factor needed for statutory levy Not usable 1 ALL YEARS SROWN ON THIS FORM ARE THE YEARS IN WHICH THE TAX 1S PAYABLE lease read carefulbl the notes an the reverse side { 1 129/01 1l-23 AM 1 vyLinut`/S doc 3 l 8 Notes 9) Rates for fire districts and the library district are estimated at the time this worksheet is produt:ed Fire district and library district rates affect the maximum allowable rate for cities l annex,:d to them These rates will change, mainly in response to the actual levy requests ifrom fse fire and library districts Hence, affected cities may have a higher or lower allowable levy rate than is shown here when final levy rates are calculated. �?) Tlus f gure shows the maximum allowable levy, which may differ from any actual prior levy if a di:tact has levied less than its maximum in prior years The maximum allowable levy iexcludes any allowable refund levy if the maximum was based on a limit factor. The maximum allowable levy excludes omitted assessments if the maximum was determined by hyour district's statutory rate limit. If your district passed a limit factor ordinance in the year j mdica'ed, that limit factor would help determine the highest allowable levy However, if the statutory rate lunit was more restrictive than your stated hmit factor, the statutory rate limit is controlLing 3) Any increase in value in state-assessed property is considered to be new construction value for purposes of calculating the respective linuts State-assessed property is property belonf mg to inter-county utility and transportation companies (telephone, railroad, aulme eomparues and the like) 4) An omirted assessment is property value that should have been included on a prior year's roll but wt 1 be included on the tax roll for which this worksheet has been prepared Omits are assessed and caked at the rate in effect for the year omitted (RCW 84 40 080-085), Omitted assessments tax is deducted from the levy maximum before calculating the Levy rate for I, ciureni,assessments and added back in as a current year's receivable. 5) Ad=istrative refurids under RCW 84.69 020 were removed from the levy Lid by the 1981 lepslamre. E) A district is entitled to the lesser of the maximum levies determined by application of the limit under RCW 84.55 and the statutory rate limit Levies maybe subject to further proration if aggregate rate limits set in Article VI1 of the state constitution and in RCW 84 52 )43 are exceeded 7) TTus st ction is provided for your information,and to assist in preparing any Increase jOrdmsncc that may be requircd by RCW 84 55 120 The increase information compares the + allowable Ievy for the next tax year with your ACTUAL levy being collected this year The actual levy excludes any refund levy and expired temporary lid Lifts, if applicable New Cconstniction, annexation and refund levies, as well as temporary lid lifts in their initial year, I are subtracted from this year's allowable levy before the comparison is made Assessed valuations shown are subject to change from error corrections and appeal board decisic.ns recorded between the date ofthts worksheet and final levy rate determination. i 0/10/01 It 42 AM I;evyi:unitH S doc 9 • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11, 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: 2001 TAX LEVY FOR 2002 BUDGET - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of an ordinance establishing the actual tax levy in the amount of $21, 275, 464 for the General Fund levy, and $1, 775, 000 for the Debt Service Funds for a total of $23 , 050 , 464 . • 3 EXHIBITS: Ordinance and worksheet 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember ti(,p moves, Councilmember seconds to adopt Ordinance No. 3 5_gy establishing the regular property tax levy of $21, 275, 464 for the General Fund and $1, 775, 000 for the Debt Service Funds for a total of $23 , 050, 464 . • DISCUSSION -= C, 32 /.35 775 ACTION: 2 -2- 407 r35 Council Agenda Item No 7E ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2001 property taxes for the 2002 budget for the City of Kent WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120 and after providing all appropriate notice, the City Council held a public hearing on September 18, 2001, to consider the City of Kent's proposed operating and capital budget for the 2002 calendar year, and held a public hearing on November 20, 2001, to address the City's 2001 property tax levy, revenues and limit factors, as well as the proposed 2002 budget, and i WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 55 120, any increase in property tax revenue other than that resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy,requires the adoption of a separate ordinance from the tax levy ordinance specifically authorizing the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage, and I WHEREAS, concurrently with tins ordinance, the City Council is adopting a separate ordinance to establish an increase in property tax revenue to be levied herem and collected in year 2002, and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84 52 010 and WAC 458-12-365, taxes shall be levied in specific dollar amounts, NOW, THEREFORE, 1 Property Tax Levied (Option 4) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION]. Recitals Incomorated The foregoing recitals are incorporate as if fully set forth herem SECTION2. Le There is hereby levied against the assessed value of the property in the City of Kent, Washington, a tax for the City's 2002 budget in the following amounts for the following funds A For the General Fund, for the purpose of paying the general expenses of municipal government Levy per $1,000 of assessed valuation Fund (estimated) Amount General Fund 28059 $21,275,464 B For Voted Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, for the purpose of paying debt service in the following amounts for the following funds Levy per$1,000 of assessed valuation Fund (estimated) Amount General Obligation Refunding 2341 $ 1,775,000 (Public Safety and Senior Housing) C Total General Fund and Voted Bond Interest and Redemption Fund Levy per$1,000 of assessed valuation (estimated) Amount TOTAL LEVY 3 0400 $23,050,464 2 Property Tax Levied (Option 4) SECTION 3. Limitation on Lew The application of the general fund levy shall be consistent with and not result in a tax revenue in excess of the limitation imposed by RCW 84 55 010 and State Referendum 47, as passed by the voters in the November 1997 General Electron and Initiative 747 as passed by the voters in the November 2001 General Election SECTION 4. Adiustments Administration shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments pursuant to RCW 35A 33 120 SECTION 5. - Severability If anv one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 6. - Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five(5) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY 3 Property Tax Leveed (Option 4) PASSED. day of 12001 APPROVED day of 12001 PUBLISHED• day of 2001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK e IQW,0,d. 'T xL .ud-mm ULYv -amm.<d� i 4 Property Tax Levied . (Option 4) 2002 PROPERTY TAX . Option 4 Based on 1 Levy Rate Regular levy Increase 2001 Regular Levy was 19,764,357 2002 Regular Levy Increase In dollars 840,973 (1%@$197,644+$643,329 Banked Capacity) Increase as a percentage 4 26% Plus estimated effects of new construction,improvements and Increases in the value of state assessed property 562,299 Other adjustments 107,835 Total regular tax levy 21,275,464 Levy for Voted Debt Obligations 1,775,000 Total Levy request 23,050,464 Levy Rates 2001 @ 1 DO%of (Decrease)/ Percent Levy Rate Increase General Fund Levy Rate 27720 2 8059 00339 1 22% Voted Issues Levy Rate 02380 02341 (0 0039) -1 64% Total Levy Rate 30100 30400 00300 1 00% 360 0 340 e i=e 320 i,•-w ,u�,, . ypG;y,�[. �r. mN Ylliyf- J+• Yam}{ f0. � M }-o �N O 280 m 260 t o f 240 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Change 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 2002 Regular 2 56 2 796 2 523 2 814 2 992 2 994 2 9272 2 921 2 772 2 806 1 27 Voted 0 492 0 434 0 462 0 402 0 382 0 361 03123 0 263 0 238 02341 -1 6 Total 3 052 3 230 3 085 3 216 3 374 3 355 3 240 3 204 3 010 3 040 1 0'/, Effect with a"1%Increase over last yeafs levy" City taxes on a home with a constant$200,000 assessed value 61040 646 00 61700 64320 67480 671 00 64790 64080 602 00 60800 Prop Tax Options-1a xis 12/5/2001 • Kent City Council Meeting Date December 11 , 2001 Category Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: 2002 BUDGET ADOPTION - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of the 2002 Budget The budget to be adopted is set forth in the Preliminary Budget document plus the technical corrections approved at the December 4 , 2001, Operations Committee meeting plus any property tax adjustments as approved by Council . • 3 . EXHIBITS: Ordinance and Exhibit A & B. The 2002 Preliminary Budget document is available at the City Clerks office . 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc . ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS • 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: s Councilmember MA W moves, Councilmember Wd-A seconds to adopt Ordinance No . 35 K adopting the final 2002 Budget . • DISCUSSION. (�po ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 7F +JL� GAOLK 1229 West Smith Street COMMUNITY Kent, Box 398 S�rn �� Kent,WA)854-0398 077 l�V 1 Phone 253 8540077 South King County 1-800-722-3479 Family Center Fax (253)850-2503 TDD (253)850-2523 November 21, 2001 Dear Mayor White and Members of the Kent City Council, The recent tragic events in New York and the economic slow down in our own state have reemphasized the need for all of us at a local level to continue to care for those who are struggling with basic needs, such as shelter, housing and food The City of Kent is a leader in helping families, individuals and children with a wide variety of supportive services Catholic Community Services (CCS) is honored to partner with the city in these efforts Last year, CCS provided services to 3,615 Kent residents These services, included counseling, supportive services to families at risk of child abuse, shelter for men, housing for teen moms, housing for women existing the regional justice center, emergency services and long term care to the elderly and disabled We are especially proud of Katherine's House, the new transitional home for women existing the RJC and want to thank the city for all of their efforts in making this home a reality The season for caring is not just dunng the holidays The City Of Kent cares all year We wish to once again thank you for selecting CCS as a partner in provision of quality supportive services to the residents of Kent Sincerely, RECEIVED NO V 2 h 2001 Cathy Peters HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Catholic Community Services ACCREDITED i am�wxnw uo�rmc NDV 2 6 2��1 November 20, 2001 CHILD CARE RESOURCES Mayor Jim White City Council Members City of Kent 220 4" Ave S E-mail ccr®childcare org Kent, WA 93032 Web www childcare org Dear Mayor White and Council Members EAST KING COUNTY Street Suite?06 � y nue Pp We are grateful to the City of Kent for its continued support of Child Care Suite O6 Bellevue wA 98007 Resources With your support we have been able to serve hundreds of 425-S65-9920 Kent families in their search for child care We have supported child care professionals as they provide loving, nurturing, and stimulating care for SEATTLE many hundreds of Kent children And we have taken a leadership role in 2719 E Madison advocating for public and private support of programs serving children Suite 300 Searle WA o8112 206-329-1011 • As of the end of the third quarter of 2001, we helped 363 Kent families find child care, 90% of which were low income and SOUTH KING COUNTY were served at no charge 341 N central Avenue • As of the end of the third quarter of 2001, we trained 4S child Suite 126 WA 9S03z Kent, 54' care providers in low cost workshops that helped them meet 253-SS2 i908 DSHS-mandated training requirements We have also provided 72 hours of customized technical assistance to help child providers start and improve their programs In 2001 we mobilized the child care community and families and successfully urged Icing County to continue funding child care programs and Child Care Resources as an essential service You are faced with extremely challenging economic realities as you formulate the 2002 budget for the City of Kent, and must make difficult choices about funding priorities in the face of enormous need We appreciate the hard work you are facing in the coming months The availability of quality child care is absolutely essential for working families, and helps to ensure the successful futures of Kent's most vulnerable citizens You have demonstrated your commitment to families and children, and we urge you to continue that commitment Sincerely, �L , ,f� 1 t�, � Putt Deeann Burtch Puffert Elaine Larson Chief Operating Officer Director of Provider Services We lead community efforts to ensure that every family can find safe, quality, affordable child care November 9, 2001 Mayor White Kent City Council Members C/o Kent Parks and Human Services 220 4 s Avenue South "--- - - Dear Mayor White and Members of the Kent City Council. At Children's Therapy Center our primary objective is to help the children we serve enjoy the same opportunities and activities as other children We do this by providing quality physical, occupational, speech and feeding therapy, plus early education, for children challenged by neuromuscular disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Down syndrome and Autism We are privileged to serve some of Kent's most fragile citizens It has always been our goal to assist all children regardless of their family's ability to pay This goal cannot be achieved with out the generous support of people like you On behalf of the children and families we serve thank you for making health and human services a priority The community is a better place because of the priorities you have established It has been our experience that Kent does Care WarmRegards- — -- — �i3 - C�- Jon Botten Executne Director FtECE1V�D NOV 13 2p61 HOUSING pN0 HUMAN SEEL`�GES • I0811 Kent-Kanel0, Road SeaTac Center Kent WA9S0+1 440South 186th PhunL '51-SS4-%60 SeaTLL, WA 98148 Fay 253-854-7025 www ctckids ore Phone 206-433-2579 [ November 27, 2001 lines Honorable Mayor James White Administration Members of the City Council 403 East Meeker Street City of Kent Suite 300 Kent WA 98031 220 4th Avenue South t425)277-1311 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Auburn Community Health Center 126Aui Dear Mayor White and Council Members, 126 Auburn Ave k300 Auburn WA 98002 (253)735-0166 Dental Thank you for supporting the primary health care needs of low income, One n st N w uninsured Kent residents. CommunityHealth Centers K County Auburn WA 98001 enters o King ('531 SW-8713 (CHCKC) relies on the support it receives from the City of Kent to serve Bothell Community medically disadvantaged Kent residents Health Center 10414 Bearildee Bled Both025)4 WA 98ou Community Health Centers of Kin Count receives support for health services (42SI 486-0658 �' g Y PP Eastvde Community from various sources. No other source, however, has the leveraging power Health Center Family Resource Center Camps that the City of Kent support has Other cities look to the City of Kent's Medical leadership as an example for serving its low income residents. Kent's support 16315 N E 87th St B-6 Redmond WA 98052 of human services is more important than ever with the current budgetary (425)882-1697 u isses bete faced due to significant cuts to CHCKC in Kin Countyg g CX funds Dental 16345 N E 87th St C-2 Redmond WA 99052 (425)883-8000 Again, we very much appreciate your continued support of health care for low Federal Way Community income and homeless Kent families and individuals Without the support Health Center - 3341 - 1$h PI So received from the City of Kent, CHCKC would not be where it is today. 3343 Federal Was WA 99003 Medical (206)296-9890 .Since ly, (253)874-7634 Dual / (253)8747646 Kent Community Health Center 104, 403 East Meeker Street Kent WA 98031 Medical Thomas Trompeter Suite 200 Executive Director (253)852 2866 D n al Suite 100 (253)796-4071 Renton Community Health Center 5 3PI Re W Renton WA 98055 (425)226-5536 TDD Access 1-800-833-6388 (lured Wnv&Y ur Cn.m us go"Nob s� n i 16 community Service center (KENT FOOD BANK) 525 North 4th Kent, WA 98031 (253) 956-5190 November 26, 2001 NOV 2 7 2001 Dear Mayor White and Members of the Kent City Council We at the Kent Food Bank will like to extend our appreciation for all the support you have shown our agency in the }ear 2001 Your support has helped us greatly in our ever- increasing effort to help those is need in our community As recent e-,ents of September I I have hit our community hard, your generosity is neN er been in more help than in recent years Mayor and city council show how much you care for our city with your support of our agency We will be looking forward to working with you in the future to help our citizens of our community that are in need Sincerely yours, Marilyn McGuire Executive Director November 24, 2001 Mayor Jim White City of Kent Kent, Washington Dear Mayor White, H 0 M E (Homeless Outreach Mobilization Effort)began its fifth year of operation in Kent this fall As you know, we provide food and shelter to about 30 homeless men each night in Kent area churches This past year, we were open every night year around We have 22 churches providing volunteers for our effort, and we also have three paid employees who are supervised by Catholic Community Services but whose salaries are paid by H 0 M E H 0 M E is very appreciative of the City of Kent's support Our shelter's existence has been made possible by your generous funding With the downturn in the economy, and the projected estimates of less giving from the public, we know that we can expect great challenges in the coming year We would be glad to provide with any additional information or answers to any questions that you may have about the shelter We always enjoy visitors We are currently housed at Valley View Christian Church, and will be moving to First Presbyterian Church of Kent in December Sincerely,,// y / )-", ��J , i IY�`�.1.'h' , Konrty Newcomb H O ME Secretary (253) 854-7008 • Kent Youth and Family Services 232 S 2nd, Suite 201 Kent,Washington 98032 ember 21, 2001 Mayor White Kent City Council C/o Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services, Housing and Human Services 220 4ih Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mayor White and Council Members Once again this year I'm taking the opportunity to graciously extend a "thank you" on behalf of the thousands of children, youth and their families served by Kent Youth and Family Services, also on behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of Kent Youth and Family Services We all are in appreciation for the many ways you each continued supporting the work of this agency during the past year Kent Youth and Family Services values your partnership, directly addressing the many social service needs of the families of Kent Kent Youth and Family Services' partnership with the City of Kent is unique and, quite possibly, this agency's most important partnership A good portion of any community-based organization's credibility is based on the willingness of the local jurisdiction to partner with it As the city's leadership without the confidence you demonstrate in this agency, Kent Youth and Family Services would be unable to develop and sustain relationships with all those other numerous funders who reside elsewhere in the county or at the state and federal level During the past year Kent Youth and Family Services has provided thousands of service hours to the thousands of families who sought out services Mental health, school based and family Counseling, and Substance Abuse assessment, intervention and treatment continue as the agency's core services and responded to a large service demand from families Watson Manor Transitional Housing continued providing stable housing opportunities to homeless young women and their infants_ Lighthouse continues to attract a huge number of youth utilizing _ its late night and weekend recreational and support services Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) will provide educational programming and family support to 250 families this school year Youth violence prevention services in the Outreach program continued to be hugely successful in achieving that goal at Springwood, Valli Kee and Cascade, King County Housing Authority sites Newly added this past year is HOTT SHOTTS, a youth work training espresso coffee stand located in the Regional Justice Center. None of this would be possibly without your continued support We look forward to a continuing partnership with you in the coming year Sinc rgly, Michael Heinisch Executive Director Cc Kent Human Service Commission V/TDD (253) 859-0300 FAX 859-0745 �� uCti Service Center '.; S Helping South King County 1200 S 336th St,PO Box 23699,Federal Way,WA 98093-0699 Families Since 1971 253/838-6810•Fax 253/874-7831 •www skcrnsc com s RECEIVED November 19, 2001 N0V � 0 2001 HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Mayor Jim White Kent City Council City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Dear Mayor White The Multi-Service Center wants to take this opportunity to thank you, the members of the City Council and the Kent community for its past and continuing support of our services to Kent residents Your recogrution of the need to provide emergency and transitional housing for homeless families, literacy services for homeless children and energy assistance to the elderly and working poor of the Kent commumty is to be commended and recognized Under your leadership, Kent stands as an example for the rest of its south county counterparts Our agency and the City of Kent have enjoyed a long and beneficial relationship and we will continue to look upon you as a partner our goal of"helping people and changing lives " This partnership will be strained by increasing demand, as a result of the economic recession our state faces, for these most crucial services while at the same time - - - experiencing reductions in the very funding that allow us to provide these services The Multi-Service Center is confident that together we are up to these challenges I�1V ` U Dint Duclos CreiglUAgnew Chief Executive Officer President, Board of Directors Emergency Shelter,Transitional&Low-Income Rental Housing•Federal Way Food Bank•Federal Way Rotary Club Clothing Bank Literacy•Employment Services•Home Energy Assistance Program•Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program n pregnancy Aid November 24, 2001 Mayor Jun White and Ki,nt City Council Members Kent City Hall 400 West Gowe St Kent WA 9SO32 Dear and COnnl it Meinbeis, l)nu main we staid ljk� to thalik you for lundln." ourshchcr piugant at Pregnaney Aid thtou2h the KLiti 1111111.111 S,r v ic. ConuunSw❑ y our 11111diu." ht.lp, ds to provide shelter 101 Itonielcss, pregnant wontu: f aet ycdl we wen, able to sheher o,Ur 19 women In this pro-uam We have mo aparin,cuts tit down town Kent tui this pNposc and We ICLeIVC additional n,ndtng uom tt%,nwn s Human SaVIL S CUfnmtSMOn 1 our tunduig pays for our basic n"d ul this ,h�ltcr, for rent acid utlhucs and sunll, nlauR.lialILL We h.rvc lien oftcnng thn shelter for over eleven years and In that time we have sheltered more than 100 women It is only because of your d6 dlcahon to the uecdS of the wizens of Kent that we aic able to provide this service We are wntinuaily aware of the many need,, of the folks in the Kent area because of our networking wah other agencies, and therefore are humbled by your trust in our services and ui the wort,that we do I also want to thank you for the Interview we did earlier this fall I enjoyed meeting you and tellu , you a little of our wort. at Prcanancy �,d in person I hank you again for all your support — — - — -- S 4PLLL,,,0ll dy DIrCLtor RECEIVED NOV 2 7 2001 HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES SENIOR SERVICES OWES NVWIIH QNY 9NfS00H Suppnml g fhe,ode➢rodeo re of ren,urr loot 9 Z AON November 14, 2001 The Honorable Jim White City Council Members 220 4th Ave S PROGRAMS Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mayor White and City Council Members. . Senior Services' Volunteer Transportation Program would like to thank you for your ongoing support of human services We are the largest provider of volunteer transportation services in King County, and your help enables us to continue providing our much needed service Volunteer Transportation has over 350 volunteer drivers who use their own vehicles to transport isolated, frail, low-income elderly throughout King County to medical and other essential appointments Last year they drove SENIOR CENTER* over 361,000 miles, the most miles in the history of the program The Program is unique in its focus on seniors whose physical and/or mental condition requires them to have an escort Unlike buses, taxis and ACCESS vans, our volunteers wart with seniors at their appointments before driving them home, offering a helping hand and moral support There is no charge for our service, although we gladly accept donations We provide more mileage and more one-way trips to Kent seniors than to seniors in any other suburban city in King County) In 2000, volunteer drivers transported 116 Kent seniors on 1,230 one-way tops and over ADULTDAY 24,984 miles Volunteer drivers have already driven Kent seniors 22,058 HEALTH CENTERS miles this year Unfortunately Kent reduced its level of funding from $9,147 m 2000 to $5,000 m 2001 While we recognize the complex budgetary decisions that you face, we hope you will consider allocating more funds to the Volunteer Transportation Program during your 2002 budget negotiations UNITED WAY {KING TY 1pul,�oMxmn 1601 Second Avenue, Suite 800, Seattle,Washington 98101 •206-448-5757•TDD 206-448-5025 J jrn Net, www.semorservices org Mayor Jim White City Council Members Page 2 November 14, 2001 Transportation remains a critical issue for King County seniors Recent cutbacks in public transportation, including the elimination of Metro's Options Program, have intensified the problem More and more seniors are turning to Volunteer Transportation for help In fact, Metro is referring seniors whom they can no longer serve to our program It is disappointing that the City of Kent reduced its level of funding for Volunteer Transportation at such a critical time of need Our program is extremely cost effective when compared to Metro's ACCESS Program Their average cost is about $27 per one-way trip, while ours is only $10.82. Your financial support, and the support of other suburban cities, will assist us in meeting the transportation challenges faced by King County seniors Thank you again for your past support and for your consideration of increasing the 2002 funding request back to the year 2000 level of$9,147 Sincerely, w Margaret Strachan Deputy Director Senior Services of Seattle/King County Ukrainian Community Center of WA NOV 2 6 2001 25628 - 101st Avenue SE Kent, WA 98031 November 20, 2001 The Honorable Mayor of Kent Jun White 220—4 h Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Dear Mayor White On behalf of the Ukrainian Community Center of Washington (UCCW), I would like to thank you for the City of Kent support of UCCW and its programs UCCW provides community education, advocacy and intensive case management to assist mmugrants and refugees in the City of Kent in overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency that are caused by difficulty in accessing and appropriately utilizing the health and human service systems Despite the growing number of unmigrants and refugees in South King County, there are very few programs that address the specific and unique needs of immigrants and refugees In addition, with the passage of welfare reform, there have been drastic cuts in federal funding for public programs that provide a safety net for low in- come famihes and individuals These federal funding cuts disproportionately affect legal immigrants and refugees, and there will be even greater demand for services to help immigrants and refugees learn how to access and appropriately utilize the health and human service systems to meet basic, emergency and other needs Through the provision of community education, advocacy and intensive case manage- ment services, UCCW addresses the City of Kent's funding prionhes and the critical needs of new and emerging communities in the City of Kent Once again, thank you very much for the City of Kent support of UCCW We look forward to having the opportunity to continue to work in partnership with the City of Kent to continue to provide the high= est quality services to Kent residents If you have any questions, please contact me at 253/854-8229 Sin cerel y Oleg Pynda Executive Director Cc Kent City Council fax(253)856-8464 phone(253)854-8229 VALLEY CITIES counseling & consultation r'-"" NOY292001 To Accese Sem"- OTC D' 253 9394055 m,6 253 939 2302 try 253 735 3354 November 29, 2001 poscramter@vale[w com wwa�allc�cmes Conn Adm[msmuon 270+"['Street NE The Honorable Mayor White and Kent City Council Members Auburn %VA 98002 Ctty of Kent 253 83s-444 220 Fourth Avenue South ,/cr 253 833 0480 Kent, WA 98032 SERVICE SITES Auburn Dear Mayor White and City Council Members 253939 009 Anbnrn Nnrth The Board of Directors and Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation staff would like to express 253 520-933 our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Mayor and City Council for your ongoing support of Fcderat Way our programs and services 253 661 (,63 4 Kent 253 z0 r)350 Vallev Cities Counseling & Consultation has received funding from the City of Kent's Housing Remm. and Human Services' General Fund for the period of 2001/2002 These dollars will again -'5 `6 0'_10 supplement a portion of the salary of a Mental Health Therapist for the provision of services in our Survivors Support and Therapy Program Manh n LaCdle CG.r rieaunr O�rer i The Citv of Kent is outstanding in its support of human services The funding we recen a enables our chrucal staff to provide comprehensive mental health services to residents within the City of ARD OF DIRECTORS Kent who are survivors of farmh violence childhood and adult sexual and/or phvsical Chairman-Kenneth Seng assault/trauma. \iw Chan-Conine Eppers�n Treasurer-W Iter B,shnp The pranary goal of the Survivors Support and Therapy Program is to assist clients in secretary-earn Morgan�dn,l.plund recovering from serious mental health svinptoms resulting from trauma so they can be productive I curt \ub[r[ citizens and maintain healthy relationships Barbra Stuczt mkl Darwin Nom[ Specific outcomes of this program are Dic6 Plummer sauce Shimolima e To improve personal safety, emotional&economic stability, family functioning, HONORARY BOARD • To improve school performance for children&adolescents MEMBERS • To increase effective parenting skills Dcc Lnrem A reduction in suicidal nsk,and Agnes Farr To decrease and/or elumnate intergenerational patterns of abuse&family violence i ADVISORY MEMBERS Chan-L,da We greatly appreciate the ongoing support we have received from you, Mayor White, and all City Bno[h leanne Barber Council members Please contact me at 253-833-7444, ext 3104 if I can be of assistance to you in Fred Heiser the future Sincerely, A Una d Wa,/'urtnn Marilyn LaCelle J O`�ra a ir-rRr ' Chief Executive Officer i 2` Z , F EC�......=,7 NOV 19 2001 City 0, Office of L`ie v�i� ee Washington Women s Employment&Education November 15, 2001 Mayor Jim White and Kent City Council Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services Housing and Human Services 220 4"' Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mayor White and Members of the City Council Washington Women's Employment& Education (WWEE) greatly appreciates the support of the city of Kent this year and in the past The City's generosity will help us to carry on with our mission at WWEE—that of assisting low-income parents to gam the skills, the knowledge, and the courage to be self-supporting With the support of individuals, foundations, and businesses throughout the community, WWEE has been able to help over 8,000 well-deserving people and their families in their efforts to achieve self- sufficiency And for every one person who is able to get off welfare and stay off welfare, the community saves approximately $10,000 per year in cash assistance and gams the additional tar dollars generated by that individual receiving a paycheck We are proud that our program success rate has been exceptional more than 70% of our graduates are in school, employed, or engaged in a post-training active Job search one year after completing the WWEE program With the challenges that lie ahead, your support of WWEE s Job readiness and computer training programs is critical to our continued success. and to the success of our participants Please do not hesitate to contact us should you like to visit our program or attend a graduation ceremony On behalf of the people we serve, think you again for your generosity and your cominued support Sincerely, Pierce County /' V 3516 South 47th Street Robin J Lester Lynn Roberts Suite 205 Executive Director Director of Program Development Tacoma WA 98409 (253)474-9933 (253) 859-3718 P(253)474-9933 r(z53)474-3366 RJL sr King County 0 izoq Central Ave South Suite ray Kent,WA 98a32 P(253)859 3718 r(z53)859-,88t wwee org YWCA 0 It works November 29, 2001 Jim White Mayor City of Kent 220 West Gowe Kent WA 98031 The Honorable Mayor White and Esteemed City Council Members I am writing to thank you for your support for Human Services in the Kent community The YWCA has enjoyed your support in the past year for our Anita Vista Transitional Housing for victims of domestic violence and their children We have also had your support to provide community advocacy services to victims of domestic violence in the Kent court system, as well as the Kent community Your support allows the YWCA to continue operating our 14-unit transitional program, as you have since 1993 The YWCA has also enjoyed tremendous support from the Human Service staff and the Family Violence Unit program, allowing us to reach many women in our first year of community advocacy In addition, the employees of the City of Kent conducted a drive for hygiene products to benefit homeless families in our Emergency Housing program This was a tremendous gift to our program and the community Thank you for caring so much about all the residents of Kent, including those who need basic shelter and safety We look forward to continuing the work of the YWCA with you Sincerely, Linda Rasmussen Regional Director YWCA South King County W YWCA of Seattle• King County • Snohomish County • Serving women, children and families since 1894 YWCA South King County Youth and Family Center • 1010 South Second Street • Renton,WA 98055 - 4251226-1266 • www ywcaworks org ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2002 fiscal year budget WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Kent, Washington, for the 2002 fiscal year have been prepared and filed as provided by law, and the budget has been printed and distributed, and notice has been published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing, and that notice stated that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of the 2002 budget, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY"OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTIONI. Budget Adoption Pursuant to RCW 35A 33 075, the budget for the 2002 fiscal year, as summanzed in Exhibit "A" and as set forth in the 2002 Preliminary Comprehensive Budget, which is amended by Exhibit `B," all of which are incorporated in this ordinance by this reference as if fully set forth herein, is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the purposes established in that budget as the final budget for the City's 2002 fiscal year SECTION2. Transmittal The Finance Director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities 1 2002 Budget Adoptio SECTION 3. Adjustments City Administration shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments pursuant to RCW 35A.33.120 SECTION 4. - Severabjlity If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 5. - Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law JIM WHITE, MAYOR ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ROGER A. LUBOVIC$, CITY ATTORNEY 2 2002 Budget Adoptio PASSED day of 2001 APPROVED day of 2001 PUBLISHED day of 12001 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK p TinWrdmwce\Budge dopucn ZM2 doc 3 2002 Budget Adoptioij 2002 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTALFUNDS GENERAL FUND 62,651,772 64,678,862 (2,027,090) 8,091,435 6,064,345 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 4,993,734 4,930,974 62,760 637,447 700,207 Lodging Tax Fund 108,774 145,000 (36,226) 43,592 7,366 Youth/Teen Programs 744,162 790,886 (46,724) 243,918 197,194 Capital improvement 8.544,088 10,488,668 (1,944,580) 2,615,739 671,159 Criminal Justice 2,307,865 2,711,942 (404,077) 1,258,171 854,094 Environmental Mitigation 185,006 147.729 37,277 262,734 300,011 Community Block Grant 615,671 615,671 Other Operating Projects 601,376 601,376 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,790.000 1,786,503 3,497 57,028 60,525 Councilmanic 7,297,236 7297,236 Special Assessment 2,625,089 2,819,169 (194,080) 3,222,952 3,028,872 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects 7,526,000 7,526,000 Parks Projects 5,263,640 5,263,640 Other Projects 3,140,000 3,140,000 PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 8,838,764 9,589,921 (751,157) 3,207,184 2,456,027 Sewerage 24,120,958 24,030,931 90,027 1,345,057 1,435,084 Golf Complex 3,334,500 2,995,668 338.832 (87,062) 251,770 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 2,657,533 2,769,602 (112,069) 3,238,198 3,126,129 Central Services 7,373,212 7,387,610 (14,398) 89,935 75,537 Fire Equipment 443,281 600,000 (156,719) 381,793 225,074 Facilities Fund 4,302,330 4,488,757 (186,427) 279,172 92,745 Insurance 9,314.897 8,886,545 428,352 1,704,024 2,132,376 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 258,072 254,936 3,136 3,561,463 3,564,599 Economic Development Corp 8,600 8,385 215 34,157 34,372 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 169,046,560 173,956,011 (4,909,451) 30,186,937 25,277,486 LESS Internal Service Funds 20,425,400 20,425,400 Other Transfers 17.832,585 17,832,585 TOTAL BUDGET 130,788,575 135698,026 (4,909,451) 30,186,937 25,277,486 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2002 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Inc(Dec) Beginning Ending In Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND 61,811,215 64,678,862 (2,867,647) 8,091,435 5,223,788 * Property tax-new construction 191,745 191,745 191,745 levy higher than forecast ' Property tax per option 4 - 1% levy 643,330 643,330 643,330 rate increase EMS to be levy higher than forecast 5,482 5,482 5,482 Total General Fund 62,651,772 64,678,862 (2,027.090) 8,091,435 6,064,345 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 4,993,734 4,930,974 62,760 637,447 700,207 Lodging Tax Fund 108,774 135,000 (26,226) 43,592 17,366 Chamber Contract from $40,000 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) to $50.000 Total Lodging Tax Fund 108,774 145,000 (36,226) 43,592 7,366 Youth/Teen Programs 744,162 790 886 (46,724) 243,918 197,194 Capital Improvement Fund 8,544,088 10,488,668 (1,944,580) 2,615,739 671,159 Criminal Justice 2,307,865 2,711,942 (404,077) 1,258,171 854,094 Environmental Mitigation 185,006 147,729 37,277 262,734 300,011 Community Black Grant 615,671 615,671 Other Operating Projects 591,376 591,376 Chamber Contract from $40,000 10,000 10,000 to $50,000 Total Operating Projects 601,376 601,376 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,790,000 1,786,503 3,497 57,028 60,525 Councdmarnc 7,297,236 7,297,236 Special Assessment 2,625,089 2,819,169 (194,080) 3,222,952 3,028,872 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects 7,526,000 7,526,000 Parks Projects 5,263,640 5,263,640 Other Projects 3,140,000 3,140,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2002 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Inc(Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 8,838,764 9,589,921 (751,157) 3,207,184 2,456,027 Sewerage 24,120,958 24,030,931 90,027 1.345,057 1,435,084 Golf Complex 2,834,500 2,545,793 288,707 (87,062) 201,645 Merchandising plan 500,000 449,875 50,125 50,125 Total Golf Complex 3,334.500 2,995,668 338,832 (87,062) 251,770 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 2,657,533 2,594,602 62,931 3,238,198 3,301,129 Add fleet services share from 175,000 (175,000) (175,000) reserves for early replacements Total Equipment Rental 2,657,533 2,769,602 (112,069) 3,238.198 3.126,129 Central Services 7,373,212 7,387,610 (14,398) 89,935 75,53J Fire Equipment 443,281 1,154,000 (110,719) 935,793 225,074 Fire capital replacement moved to (554,000) 554,000 (554,000) 20DI budget Total Fire Equipment 443,281 600,000 (156,719) 381,793 225,074 Facilities Fund 4,302,330 4,488,757 (186,427) 279,172 92,745 Insurance 9,314,897 8,886,545 428,352 1,704,024 2,132,376 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 258,072 254,936 3,136 3,561,463 3,564,599 Economic Development Corp 8,600 8,385 215 34,157 34,372 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 169,046,560 173,956,011 (4,909,451) 30,186,937 25,277,486 LESS Internal Service Funds 20,425,400 20.425,400 Other Transfers 17,832,585 17,832,585 TOTAL BUDGET 130,788,575 135,698,026 (4,909,451) 30,186,937 25,277,486 9 ` Kent City Council Meeting Date: December 11, 2001 Other Business 1 . SUBJECT: State of Washington Office of Community Development Direct Appropriation - Accept and Amend Budget 2 SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Parks Director accept the $250, 000 . 00 direct appropriation from the State of Washington Office of Community Development . The funds are designated for the Clark Lake Park Acquisition budget . 3 . EXHIBITS None 4 RECOMMENDED BY: Staff (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc ) 5 UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: YES x NO • 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $250, 000 . 00 SOURCE OF FUNDS : State of Washington Office of Community Development Direct Appropriation 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves , Councilmember _ VL seconds accept the $250, 000 . 00 State of ' Washington Office of Community Development direct appropriation and amend the Clark Lake Acquisition budget DISCUSSION: ACTION: /171 G Council Agenda q4� • REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT B OPERATIONS COMMITTEE C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE D. PUBLIC WORKS E. PLANNING COMMITTEE • F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A • • • EXECUTIVE SESSION A) Labor Negotiations •