HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/02/2002 Kent , Washington January 2 , 2002 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present : Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, White, Woods, and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer Martin, Deputy City Attorney Brubaker, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Community Development Director Satterstrom, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson and Employee Services Director Viseth Approximately 75 people were at the meeting. (CFN-198) PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Oath of Office. Mayor Jim White and Councilmembers Tim Clark, Julie Peterson and Bruce White were sworn in by the City Clerk The Mayor welcomed the new and re- elected Councilmembers . (CFN-198) Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that the Facilities Maintenance Employees have been chosen as Employees of the Month for January. He noted that each day they are presented with complaints and concerns from City employees regarding a special project or something that needs to be repaired, installed, removed or moved, and that they must be informed about a variety of techni- cal and mechanical things, along with being comfortable working with a variety of tools and equipment . He added that they keep the City of Kent Facilities running smoothly, comfortably and in good working order, and that the City is fortunate to have such a responsive, pleasant and professional group to work with. Facilities Superintendent Lindsey commended the group and the Mayor presented Team Leader Alex Ackley with the Employee of the Month plaque. (CFN-147) CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through D. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) (CFN-198) Approval of Minutes . Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 11, 2001 and approval of the addition of the following after the second sentence of the second paragraph of Item 7B in the minutes of November 20, 2001 : 1 Kent City Council Minutes January 2 , 2002 MINUTES BROTHERTON MOVED to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner on the 212th Retail Center rezone application, and to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance Woods seconded. (CFN-121) AGRICULTURAL LANDS MORATORIUM RENEWAL (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) (CFN-131) Agricultural Lands Moratorium Renewal. This date has been set for a public hearing regarding renewal of a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for land use permits or approvals for subdivisions, short plats, or other similar applications that would increase the number of lots and/or density on property located within Agricultural (A-1) and Agricultural General (AG) zoning designations until additional review had been completed and until any related code revisions have been adopted by the City Council . The current moratorium will expire on January 13 , 2002 . If renewed by the proposed resolution, the moratorium will be extended for an additional six months . Deputy City Attorney Brubaker pointed out that the pro- posed resolution does not change existing zoning, and that it simply renews the existing moratorium. Martin added that the Land Use and Planning Board is currently considering this issue and resolution is expected in the next several months . Mayor White opened the public hearing. Elaine Spencer of Graham & Dunn, 1420 5th Avenue, Seattle, attorney for Carpinito Brothers and Smith Farms, said that by unduly restricting the flexibility of these companies in their ability to respond to changes in their businesses with their land, the City can drive them from business . She requested that this issue be taken care of in a timely manner. Ralph LoPriore, 26414 68th Avenue South, said it is too late to start saving land in the valley and that the prosperity of Kent is in turning those sites into industrial sites . He noted that traffic on 68th Avenue S. is heavy and that there should be four lanes between K-Mart and 277th. He also encouraged the Council to 2 Kent City Council Minutes January 2 , 2002 AGRICULTURAL LANDS MORATORIUM RENEWAL investigate further. There were no further comments from the audience and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to pass Resolution No 1609 adopting Findings of Fact and renewing for 180 days the moratorium established pursuant to Resolution Nos . 1599 and 1602 relating to land use applications that would increase the lots or density on property located within A-1 and AG zones . Yingling seconded. Epperly agreed with Spencer that this issue should be taken care promptly. Upon Peterson' s question, the Mayor and Martin agreed that the issue can be concluded within the 180 days of the moratorium. Woods' motion then carried. PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) (CFN-1264) Swan Court III Final Plat. Approval of the Hearing Examiner' s conditional approval of the Swan Court III Final Subdivision (#FSU-98-14/KIVA #2013234) and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar The final plat application was submitted by M.J.D. Holdings, Inc . for the Swan Court III Final Subdivision The Hearing Examiner issued his Findings, Conclusions, and Decision for conditional approval of the subdivision on March 15, 2000 APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) (CFN-1001sf) Kent Regional Justice Center Citizens Advisory Committee Re-Appointment. Confirmation of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Mr. Don Villeneuve to continue serving as a member of the Kent Regional Justice Center Citizens Advisory Committee Mr. Villeneuve ' s new term will continue until 2004 . FIRE (BIDS - ITEM 8A) (CFN-122sf) Two Medium-Duty Aid Vehicles. The City advertised for bids for two medium-duty aid vehicles and received only one written bid at the bid opening on December 21, 2001 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 2 , 2002 FIRE After having evaluated the bid, Staff recommends award of the bid to H & W Emergency Vehicles of Marysville . EPPERLY MOVED to award the bid for two medium-duty aid vehicles to H & W Emergency Vehicles in the amount of $332 , 928 . 00 , subject to approval of the final purchase terms and conditions by the Interim Fire Chief and the City Attorney. ORR seconded and the motion carried. PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) (CFN-121) Northward Homes Rezone RZ-2001-2/KIVA 2012297 . Patrick Gilroy of Northward Homes has requested a rezone of approximately 6 . 7 acres of property from SR-3, Single Family Residential, to SR-6, Single Family Residential A public hearing was held before the Hearing Examiner on December 5, 2001 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the proposed application on December 19 , 2001 . Chris Hankins, Project Planner, displayed a map of the property and explained that this same proposal was submitted as a comprehensive plan map amendment in 1999 as the Fortunato amendment, and was approved as Ordinance No. 3504 . Hankins said the application is consistent with the comprehensive plan and compatible with develop- ment in the vicinity, and that a preliminary plat application has been submitted for the City' s review. In response to questions from the Council , Hankins explained that there are wetlands on the property which have been dealt with, and that connectivity in the area of 135th Avenue SE and SE 278th is being taken into consideration. WOODS MOVED to accept the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner on the Northward Homes Rezone and to adopt Ordinance No. 3586 . Yingling seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) (CFN-104) Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through 12/15/01 and paid on 12/15/01 after auditing by the Operations Committee 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/15/01 Wire Transfers 1087-1094 $1, 109, 661 . 29 12/15/01 Prepays & 526622 1, 765, 332 .40 12/15/01 Regulars 527325 1, 292, 364 . 55 $4, 167, 358 . 24 Approval of checks issued for payroll for 11/16/01 through 11/30/01 and paid on 11/30/01 - Date Check Numbers Amount 11/30/01 Checks 256631-256991 $ 333 , 661 . 85 11/30/01 Advices 120643-121567 1, 319, 873 . 39 $1, 653 , 535 . 24 Approval of checks issued for payroll for 12/01/01 through 12/15/01 and paid on 12/20/01 : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/20/01 Checks 256992-257287 $272 , 872 . 50 12/20/01 Advices 121568-122241 $1, 091, 975 19 $1, 364, 847 69 COUNCIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (CFN-198) Election of Council President. Pursuant to Resolution No. 1562 , the City Council must elect its president, who shall serve as the Mayor Pro Tem, in January of this year for a two-year term. Council President Orr thanked her colleagues on the Council, the Mayor, and staff for their help while she served as Council President for the past four years . She then MOVED to nominate Tim Clark as Council President . Woods seconded. There was no further discussion or debate and the motion carried. Mayor White congratulated Clark and thanked Orr for her service . Woods also expressed appreciation to Orr for her leadership. REPORTS Council President. Clark acknowledged the contributions and leadership Council member Orr has provided and said he hopes to meet the standard she has set He also 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 2 , 2002 REPORTS sought Council ' s cooperation and named the following committees and chairs : Operations Rico Yingling, Chair Leona Orr Judy Woods Planning Leona Orr, Chair Bruce White Judy Woods Public Works Leona Orr, Chair Rico Yingling Julie Peterson Parks Judy Woods, Chair Connie Epperly Bruce White Public Safety Connie Epperly, Chair Julie Peterson Rico Yingling Clark asked that committee meetings for January be held at the usual time when possible, and that committee chairs contact him when new meeting times have been set . He then thanked his colleagues for this opportunity to serve . (CFN-198) Parka Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8th at 4 : 00 p.m. (CFN-198) Administrative Reports. Martin reminded Council members of an executive session of approximately 15 minutes, and said action is anticipated when the meeting reconvenes . (CFN-198) EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 7 .40 p.m. and reconvened at 8 . 00 p .m. (CFN-198) Labor Negotiations. EPPERLY MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a three-year labor agreement with the Kent Police Officers Association, Officers and 6 Kent City Council Minutes January 2 , 2002 EXECUTIVE SESSION Sergeants Unit, effective January 1, 2002 , to December 31, 2004, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney' s Office . Yingling seconded and the motion carried. (CFN-122sf) ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to adjourn at 8 : 01 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CFN-198) Brenda Jacober, MC City Clerk 7