HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/11/2001 (2) Kent, Washington December 11, 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present : Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Peterson, Woods, and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Community Development Director Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 200 people were at the meeting. The flag salute was led by Girl Scouts from the South County Totem Girl Scout Council . The Mayor explained that Girl Scout Troops 663 and 3171 tied for the honor of being his guest for lunch at McDonald ' s by each collecting 900 non-perishable food items to be donated to those in need during this holiday season. He added that 2 , 768 items were collected in all by the Council . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Council President Orr added Other Business Item G regarding State of Washington Office of Community Development Direct Appropriation, accepting a grant and amending the budget . At the request of Joe Rubio, Council member Yingling agreed to remove Consent Calendar Item 6F, Lodging Tax Funding Allocation. Continued Communications Item 11A, the Millennium Plaza Art Project Dedication, was added to the agenda at the request of Carol Voss . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Oath of Office. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Council member Julie Peterson. She was officially sworn in on November 21, 2001 . Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Christine McCann, Accounting Services Assistant III in Public Works Engineering, has been chosen as Employee of the Month for December. He noted that Ms . McCann exemplifies team spirit and has earned the respect and appreciation of her co-workers . Public Works Director Wickstrom added his congratulations for a job well done . 1 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of Employees . The Mayor announced appointees to various Boards and Commissions as shown in Consent Calendar Items M through P, as well as Don Villeneuve to continue serving as a member of the Kent RJC Citizens Advisory Committee, introduced those in attendance, and thanked them for serving. Kent Historical Museum Update. Bud Battles thanked the Mayor and Council for their support and explained the history and purpose of the museum. He outlined their long range plans and encouraged everyone to visit the museum. Proclamation - Tom Brotherton. Council President Orr read a proclamation commending Tom Brotherton on his contributions in various positions in the City and thanking him for his service . Brotherton accepted the proclamation and expressed his thanks . CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through R, with the exception of Item F. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 20, 2001 . BILLS OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Thompson Short Plat Bill of Sale. Accept the Bill of Sale for Thompson Short Plat submitted by Steve Thompson for continuous operation and maintenance of 110 feet of sanitary sewers, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Bonds are to be released after the one-year maintenance period. This project is located at 22218 Military Road South. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GI) Kingsley Pond Short Plat Bill of Sale. Accept the Bill of Sale for Kingsley Pond Short Plat submitted by Kingsley Pond, LLC for continuous operation and 2 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 BILLS OF SALE maintenance of 875 feet of street improvements and 608 feet of storm sewers, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Bonds are to be released after the one-year maintenance period This project is located at 28311 144th Avenue Southeast SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) 2002 Metro Sewer Rate Increase. Adoption of Ordinance No . 3578 passing the Metro Sewer rate increase and its associated utility tax directly onto City of Kent customers, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . TRAFFIC CONTROL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 713) 228th Street Corridor Extension Project Alternatives Review. At the June 19, 2001, Council meeting, Council deferred this project and requested the Public Works Department to re-examine the alternatives . Martin said the decision on this project has a great effect on growing the economy. Public Works Director Wickstrom explained that Council had asked for additional information on the need for the project, alternatives, concurrency and Growth Management Act issues, funding, project utility, and the environmental impact . Tim LaPorte, Design Engineering Manager, explained the history of the project, showing slides of development of the area over the years He noted that this is part of a plan developed fifteen years ago, and added that there are currently 9, 000 peak hour trips . He said the Riverview complex, as well as The Lakes, was built assuming that the 228th Street corridor would exist . LaPorte said the corridor is the last link in a plan to distribute traffic flow between 180th Street and 277th Street . He also noted that the project allows a direct connection to the proposed State Route 509, which would provide a route from Seattle to Kent . 3 Kent City Council Minutes December 11 , 2001 TRAFFIC CONTROL Chad Bieren, Project Manager, explained that eight alternatives were considered since June 19 . He said that they considered widening SR 516, widening Meeker Street, and widening S . 212/Orillia Road, and that the five other alternatives were eliminated because they were too costly, environment impacts were too great, or they did not relieve traffic . Bieren noted that Alternative A had been selected previously and was chosen again and urged the Council to select Alternative A, as it offers the best operational improvements to the valley transporta- tion system, while minimizing environmental impacts . Steve Mullen, Traffic Engineer, explained the Growth Management Act and the implications this project has to it . He noted that the proposed project provides suffi- cient capacity for the foreseeable future . He stated that Kent has secured obligations from developers to help pay for the arterial corridor in the amount of approxi- mately $14 , 000, 000, and that the funds do not carry over to any other alternative Wickstrom recommended proceeding with implementation of the 228th corridor He said it is key to complete the arterial system and that there is no funding for the other options Upon questions from Council members, staff noted that there would not be a cut-through traffic problem near the school, there will not be a loss of property values in The Lakes, and that the corridor would allow traffic from Seattle to get to Kent without going near Southcenter. Val Ensor, 5207 S . 232nd, presented a petition with 975 signatures in opposition to the corridor, and asked that if the Council approves the project that it concurrently approve full and adequate measures to mitigate any and all adverse effects created by the project . The follow- ing citizens also spoke in opposition to the corridor or Alternative A, relating to noise, air and sound pollu- tion, railroad crossings, grade separation projects, slopes, vibration from traffic, loss of property values, preservation of wildlife and wetlands, fumes, access, 4 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 TRAFFIC CONTROL lack of information regarding alternatives, lack of information on SR 509, quality of life, speed limits, construction timing and the safety of Kent residents : Jill Zubia 5801 SE 234th Place Debbie Beaver Federal Way Bonnie Gnecchi 5009 S . 233rd Place Mike Powers 23715 56th Place South Paul Chang 5813 S 238th Court F6 Peter Heisen 5405 S . 236 Street Cintra Bodenhausen 23206 60th Place South Quenta Pollard 23104 50th Avenue South Chris Anderson 5422 S . 236th Place Joe Heltzel 5109 S . 232nd Street Chris Ensor 5207 S 232nd Street Mariko Hada 23326 53rd Avenue South Ron Perkowitz City of Seattle Public Utilities Aldon Elrich 5422 S 236th Place Dave Robertson 233rd Place Donald Tock 23604 55th Avenue South Mary Ann Hobson 53rd Avenue South Joe Rubio 3831 SE 248th Jim Brown Marina Pointe Ted Kogita 25227 Reith Road Ted Klovesyh 23228 59th Court South Wendy Werner 23108 50th Avenue South The following citizens spoke in favor of the corridor, noting that property values will not be lowered, traffic problems will be solved, safety will be improved, and that no-protest LID covenants have been signed by everyone who has built in the area: Pamela Martin Federal Way Cliff Ridgway Auburn Doug Cushen Auburn Jeff McCann 25870 Lake Fenwick Road Gary Young 11305 SE Kent Kangley Barbara Ivanov Chamber of Commerce Jim Storment 22020 41st Place South Gary Volchok 16400 Southcenter Parkway Dave Kumar 228th and 6th Avenue Mike Ellis 22105 41st Place South Joseph L. Hada 228th & Russell Road 5 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 TRAFFIC CONTROL Rich White Boeing, P.0 Box 3707 Seattle Elsa Pang 16601 Air Cargo Road LaPorte then responded to questions raised by the speakers and Council members, noting that it is the arterials which intersect interstates that cause congestion and that north-south capacity is the mission of the State . He pointed out that the grade of the 228th corridor is not as steep as James Street, and that 228th will not be designated as a truck route, although it includes a third truck climbing lane . He explained that it is impossible to build a high level bridge on Meeker Street, and said they cannot document a decline in pro- perty values on any arterial . He also explained that the first meeting on this project was held two years ago, that at least a half million dollars has been spent, and that a thorough study has been done which resulted in this proposal . He clarified that Military Road would be improved to five lanes, and said this project stands alone with or without SR 509 . He predicted that the corridor would be complete in 2010 . He said that funds are being sought to separate the railroads from the arterials . Bieran explained that noise would be mitigated by a 35 mph speed limit and a 6-12 ' noise wall . He confirmed that noise mitigation cannot take place in all areas, and that the city will do what they can to accommodate those property owners regarding noise and access . He noted that wetlands can be mitigated for in Alternative A. Wickstrom confirmed that residents of The Lakes were notified of the EIS process and that when the compre- hensive plan was adopted in 1985, the issue was to try to retain quality of life throughout the community, not just in a specific area. He pointed out that if 228th is put on hold, the State will not spend $50 , 000 , 000 on the SR 509 diamond split interchange. He explained that grant funds cannot be diverted to other projects and that money would be lost . He noted that $13 , 000, 000 of the project would come from businesses and $1, 000 , 000 would come from residents He added that the amount for The Lakes and Riverview residents would be uniform 6 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 TRAFFIC CONTROL Mullen noted that cut-through traffic could be addressed through a neighborhood traffic control program. He reiterated that it is not feasible to widen Meeker because a new bridge cannot be built there . He noted that the traffic problem on Meeker will be helped by the 228th corridor. City Engineer Gary Gill noted that there is already both residential and industrial in the valley and explained that the city does not control the construction timing of private developers . CLARK MOVED to approve the South 228th Street Corridor Extension project , to select Alternative A for the project , along with identified mitigation for this alternative as set forth in the EIS, and to direct the Public Works Department to proceed with design and implementation of the project , including additional design for noise control for further Council considera- tion. Woods seconded. Clark thanked those in attendance and explained the road project process, including the Growth Management Act, funding, restrictions and safety factors . He reiterated that this project has been coming for fifteen years, and that it has been worked on annually. Orr noted that The Lakes would not exist if it weren ' t for this project , and that the impact has been planned for the past fifteen years . She added that residents bought the homes antici- pating that in a short period of time there would be improved access, making their homes even more desirable. Brotherton stated that the city does not have to mitigate noise, but that it should, and that this project helps more people than it hurts . Woods said it is painful to make decisions such as this, but that there are no other options . Clark' s motion to approve the South 228th Street Corridor Extension project then carried. Later in the meeting ORR MOVED to add the materials received tonight to the public record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 7 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 ANNEXATION ZONING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) DeMarco Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to Repeal. The proposed ordinance would repeal Ordinance No. 3572 , regarding comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area and revert to comprehensive plan designations of King County urban residential 4-12 units per acres; King County urban residential 12 plus units per acre; (SF-6) Single Family Residential , 6 units per acre; and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential (SR-2) . City Attorney Lubovich distributed copies of a sub- stitute ordinance and explained that this action is part of an agreement to settle a pending lawsuit and Growth Management Hearing Board action filed by the petitioner. He noted that the substitute ordinance adds language making it clear that the interim zoning measures will stay in place until Council adopts new zoning and compre- hensive plan designations for the DeMarco Annexation area. He said the proposal is to send this issue back to the Land Use and Planning Board, who will deal with it in January and send it back to the City Council . BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3581 repealing Ordinance No . 3572 regarding comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area and reverting to the previous King County Comprehensive Plan designations and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential, 2 units per acre . Woods seconded. Clark reiterated the reason for this action, and the motion then carried. BROTHERTON MOVED to direct the Land Use and Planning Board to establish recommended comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the DeMarco Annexation area pursuant to Kent City Code 15 . 09 055, and request that the Board begin the process before January 31, 2002 . Orr seconded and the motion carried REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) S . 212th Street Retail Center Rezone. Adoption of Ordinance No 3577 relating to Land Use and Zoning, 8 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 REZONE rezoning 12 . 9 acres of real property located at 9116 S 212th Street from Professional and Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC) zone . (S . 212 Street Retail Center Rezone - RZ-2001-1 . ) PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Cottonwood Final Plat. Approval of the staff ' s recom- mendation of approval with conditions of the Cottonwood Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. This final plat application was submitted by JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC for the Cottonwood Final Subdivision #FSU-98-12 (KIVA #2012804) . The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on May 5, 1999 CLAIMS AGAINST CITY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Claim For Damages Ordinance. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3579 amending Kent City Code Section 2 . 97 . 010 to appoint the City Clerk as the agent to accept service of claims for damages and providing the address for the City Clerk during business hours . The State Legislature recently enacted new legislation which requires each local government to appoint an agent to accept service of claims for damages against that locality. Each local government must record, with its county auditor, the identity and the location of the agent during business hours . Chapter 2 . 97 of the Kent City Code pertains to the presentment, filing, and administration of claims for damages filed with the City. This ordinance amends Section 2 . 97 . 010 of the Kent City Code to clarify that the City Council has appointed the City Clerk as the agent to receive claims for damages and provides the address where the City Clerk' s Office is located. The City Clerk will record this ordinance with the King County Auditor. 9 Kent City Council Minutes December 11 , 2001 PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) (REMOVED BY COUNCIL MEMBER YINGLING) Lodging Tax Funding Allocation. The Operations Committee and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee have recommended approval to reallocate $85, 000 from the Performing Arts Center land debt to Riverbend Golf Course for land debt reduction payment ; to allocate $7 , 000 from 2001 Tourism Marketing Funds to support bids to host amateur softball championship tournaments in 2002 ; and to enter into a $50, 000 half year contract with the Kent Chamber of Commerce Lodging Association for marketing Kent to increase tourism, meetings, and overnight stays Joe Rubio, 3831 S . 248th, opined that the funds should go into the general fund. Bob O 'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, voiced concern about the $50, 000 half year contract and noted that many businesses would like to bid on it . He asked the Council to reconsider. The City Attorney explained that this is a special tax and it is limited to tourism functions and cannot go into the general fund. YINGLING MOVED to approve the Lodging Tax Funding Allocation. Woods seconded. Clark pointed out that part of the contract is to set up a web page which can be used to schedule tournaments and reserve rooms . The motion then carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7G) State of Washington Office of Community Development Direct Appropriation. The Parks Director has recommended acceptance of the $250 , 000 direct appropriation from the State of Washington Office of Community Development, which is designated for the Clark Lake Park Acquisition budget . Martin explained the issue and noted that this brings the total that the Parks Department has solicited in grant money for the Clark Lake project to $1 , 350 , 000 . WOODS MOVED to accept the $250, 000 State of Washington Office of Community Development direct appropriation and amend the Clark Lake Acquisition budget . Orr seconded and the motion carried 10 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) Law Enforcement Education Partnership (LEEP) Grant Amendment. Accept the Law Enforcement Education Partnership Grant amendment and amend the budget accordingly. The State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) has amended the LEEP grant (7/1/01 to 6/30/02) by increasing the funds allocated by $2 , 967 .00 . (The original budget for this program was approved by Public Safety Committee on 8/14/01 and by City Council on 9/4/01 . ) The revised total for LEEP grant contract #F01-67001052 is now $29, 495 . 00 for the period of 7/1/01 to 6/30/03 . The City' s Matching Funds total remains unchanged at $92, 346 . 00 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program (Washington Traffic Safety Committee) Grant Amendment. Accept the Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program Grant Amendment and amend the budget accordingly. Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) has amended Project Agreement (Project 403ST-16) , by increasing the funds allocated for the biennium by the amount of $5, 750 . 00 . (The original budget for this program was approved by Public Safety Committee on 5/8/01 and by City Council on 7/3/01 . ) The revised total for this program is now $65 , 750 . 00 for the two-year period of 7/1/01 to 6/30/03 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) 2001-2002 Budget. Approve the Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team 2001-2002 Budget and establish budget documents, as required The Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) began with funding from the Federal Byrne Grant in 1988 . The cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila make up the member agencies, each contributing match funds and one detective . There is also one Washington State Patrol detective, a King County Prosecuting Attorney, and an officer manager to complete the unit . 11 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 POLICE VNET ' s operating budget is managed by the City of Kent and is comprised to funds from the Byrne grant, match funds from the four above-mentioned cities, and monies seized or derived from completed VNET cases . Due to the Byrne Grant funds being administered by the State of Washington, funding follows the State ' s Budget Calendar of July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 . FINANCE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) Future Tax Levy Capacity Protection. The Operations Committee recommended adoption of an ordinance to protect the Council ' s future right to levy the maximum allowable; to authorize a limit factor of 6% over last year ' s highest allowable levy. After Lubovich explained the ordinance, YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3582 protecting the future right of the Council to levy the maximum amount by authorizing a limit factor of 6% over the last year' s highest allowable levy. Woods seconded Yingling pointed out that the city has never used this right , but it is good to have . The motion then carried (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7D) 2001 Tax Levy Increase for 2002 Budget Authorized. As part of the 2002 budget process, the City is required to adopt a tax levy increased ordinance. Chief Administrative Officer Martin noted that several alterna- tives were considered responding to the limitations placed on the City by I-747 . He noted that the budget was balanced with a 1% increase over last year. YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No 3583 authorizing the tax levy increase as outlined in Option One for the 2002 budget . Woods seconded. Lubovich noted that copies of the ordinance with option one have been provided to Council members . Yingling pointed out that the amount of the increase is $197, 644 . Clark stated that the budget already contains the use of reserves and that unless there is some increase in revenue next year, further significant budget shrinkage will take place. Discussion was held regarding drawing down the reserves, cutting costs, and increasing economic development rather than increasing property taxes . 12 Kent City Council Minutes December 11 , 2001 FINANCE Joe Rubio commended the Council for choosing Option One . The motion then carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7E) 2001 Tax Levy for 2002 Budget. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of an ordinance establishing the actual tax levy in the amount of $21, 275 , 464 for the General Fund levy, and $1, 775, 000 for the Debt Service Funds for a total of $23 , 050, 464 . Lubovich clarified that the ordinance with option one will be used in order to be consistent with action just taken; therefore the numbers will be different YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3584 establishing the regular property tax levy of $20 , 632 , 135 for the General Fund and $1, 775, 000 for the Debt Service Funds, for a total of $22 , 407, 135 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7F) 2002 Budget Adoption. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of the 2002 Budget . The budget is set forth in the Preliminary Budget document, plus the technical corrections approved at the December 4, 2001, Operations Committee meeting, plus any property tax adjustments as approved by Council WOODS MOVED to make letters regarding the budget a part of the public record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3585 adopting the final 2002 budget . Woods seconded. Lubovich clarified that this includes figures as per Option One . The motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills received through November 15 and paid on November 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 20 , 2001 . 13 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/15/01 Wire Transfers 1071-1078 $ 989, 072 . 93 11/15/01 Prepays & 525316 2 , 831, 504 . 25 11/15/01 Regular 525996 1, 233 , 895 . 99 $5, 054, 473 . 17 Approval of payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 4 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/30/01 Wire Transfers 1079-1086 $ 801, 622 . 83 11/30/01 Prepays & 525997 4 , 717, 067 . 68 11/30/01 Regular 526621 2 , 429, 897 . 37 $7 , 948, 587 . 88 Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 1 through November 15 and paid on November 20 , 2001 Date Check Numbers Amount 11/20/01 Checks 256319-256630 $ 272 , 387 . 10 11/20/01 Advices 119976-120642 1, 092 , 093 . 92 $1, 364 , 481 . 02 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Accounts Receivable Write-Offs for 1992 Through March 2001. Approval of the write-off for $62 , 112 02 for Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable, LIDs, Parks Department Receivables and Utility Billing Receivables, 1992 through March, 2001 past due accounts, as recommended by the Operations Committee at their November 20 , 2001 meeting. The State Auditor recommends that the City write off uncollectable accounts each year. Of this amount $48, 979 . 86 is primarily for three utility accounts that declared bankruptcy and are deemed uncollectable . 14 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) 2001 Budget Adjustment Ordinance 2nd Half. Adoption of Ordinance No. 3580 for adjustments made between July 31, 2001 and December 31, 2001 totaling $7, 345, 870 ; to approve short term loans in an amount not to exceed $200, 000 to the housing and community development fund, and continuation of a three-year short term loan not to exceed $460, 000 from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex with interest to be paid at the state pool rate, as recommended by the Operations Committee . APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Kent Land Use and Planning Board Appointment and Re- appointments. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Les Thomas to serve as a member of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Mr. Thomas is a long-time Kent resident . He was a business owner in Kent for many years and more recently has been involved in the political arena. He served five years as a State Legislator and this past year as a King County Councilman. While in Olympia, he was vice-chair of the Government Operations Committee where he helped write and re-write much of the Growth Management Laws which are on the books today. Mr. Thomas will replace Brad Bell, who resigned from the Board effective 12/31/01 . Mr. Thomas ' new appointment will be in effect from 1/1/02 until 12/31/2004 . Confirmation of the Mayor' s re-appointment of Mr. Ron Harmon and Mr Steve Dowell to continue serving as Land Use and Planning Board members . Their new appointments will continue until 1/31/2004 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Kent Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Re-appointment. Confirmation of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Mr. Ron Banister to continue serving as a member of the Kent Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors . Mr. Banister' s new term will continue until 12/31/2005 15 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Kent Diversity Advisory Board Appointment. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Ahmet Egal to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Egal has been a Kent resident for three years and is owner/ operator of Al-Mburak Grocery located on Railroad Avenue in Kent . His business was formerly located in a shopping complex at Kent-Kangley and 132nd. He is a member of "Green Somali Relief Development . " Mr. Egal will fill one of the newly created positions on the Diversity Advisory Board and his term will be in effect until 9/30/02 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Kent Human Services Commission Appointment and Re- appointments. Confirmation of the Mayor ' s re- appointments of Edna White, John Jendresen and Melvin Tate to continue serving as members of the Kent Human Services Commission Their new terms will continue until 1/1/05 Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Mike Heinisch, Executive Director of Kent Youth and Family Services, to serve as a Human Services Commission member. Mr. Heinisch will serve as the non-voting Agency Representative. He will replace Ms . Dini Duclos, whose term expired, and his new term will continue until 1/l/04 . REPORTS Council President. Orr announced that, due to the holiday, the first Council meeting in January will be held on Wednesday, January 2nd. She expressed thanks to the staff and citizens, welcomed Julie Peterson, and commended Tom Brotherton Operations Committee. Yingling noted that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15, and echoed Orr ' s comments . Public Safety Committee. Epperly commended Brotherton and announced that the Ice Arena was dedicated today. 16 Kent City Council Minutes December 11, 2001 REPORTS Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the next meet- ing will be held on January 7th. He also acknowledged Brotherton' s service to the city. Planning Committee. Clark noted that the next meeting will be on January 7th at 4 :00 p.m. Parks Committee. Woods voiced appreciation for Brotherton's work on urban separators and many other issues as well . Administrative Reports. Martin reminded Council members of an executive session of less than ten minutes with no action anticipated. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS Millennium Plaza Art Project Dedication. Carol Voss, 14610 SE 266th, invited everyone to the dedication of the Millineum Plaza Art Project at the Kent Commons on Saturday. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10 : 53 p m. the meeting recessed to Executive Session. The meeting reconvened at 11 : 13 p.m. Mayor White welcomed Julie Peterson and said it has been a pleasure working with Tom Brotherton. ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to adjourn at 11 : 14 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacobe CMC City Clerk 17