HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Agenda - 10/16/2001 City of. Kent City Council Meeting Agenda KENT WASH I NGTON Mayor Jim White Councilmembers Leona Orr, President Tom Brotherton Judy Woods Tim Clark Gregory Worthing Connie Epperly RicoYingling October 16, 2001 Office of the City Clerk SUMMARY AGENDA KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING KENT October 16, 2001 WASH IN OTON Council Chambers 7 : 00 p.m. MAYOR: Jim White COUNCILMEMBERS : Leona Orr, President Tom Brotherton Tim Clark Connie Epperly Judy Woods Gregory Worthing Rico Yingling ******************************************************************* 1 . CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE 2 . ROLL CALL 3 . CHANGES TO AGENDA oar A. FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF n ,, B. FROM THE PUBLIC �pM,-� s �ev\ _ Q` 4 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Proclamation - Make A Difference Day B. Introduction of Appointee 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 . CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes - Approval B. Bills - Approval C. Year 2000 Downtown Sidewalk Replacement and Gateway Improvements - Accept as Complete 5�6 D. 2001 First Half Budget Adjustments - Ordinance E. Kent Springs Production Well - Accept as Complete F. Span Alaska Building Expansion Bill of Sale - Accept G. Seattle Mack Truck Bill of Sale - Accept H. Excused Absence from Council Meeting - Councilmember Woods I . entt DiversityA-&PP15 Advisory Board - Appointment 7 . O HER B SINESS - None 8 . BIDS None 9. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES AND STAFF 10 . REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES , D 11 . CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. k'z,'t 5-F 12 . EXECUTIVE SESSION ezt None 13 . ADJOURNMENT NOTE: A copy of the full agenda packet is available for perusal in the City Clerk's Office and the Kent Library. The Agenda Summary page is on the City of Kent web site at www.ci.kent.wa.us. An explanation of the agenda format is given on the back of this page. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at(253) 856-5725. For TDD relay service call the Wpjhington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. A h CHA 3 Et 'TO E`'AGENDA � Citizens wishing to address the Council will, ' at this time, make known the subject of interest, so all maybe properly heard. A) FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF , B) FROM THE PUBLIC i V PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 'u A) PROCLAMATION - MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY , B) INTRODUCTION OF APPOINTEE a. a 1 , r i CONSENT CALENDAR 6 . City Council Action: Councilmember OlAA moves, CouncilmeTobex seconds to approve Consent Calendar Items A ;thrdugh Discussion Action Cr 6A. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of Octd�fter 2 , 2001 . 6B. Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received 'tYrough September 28 and paid on September 28, 2001 after auditi4g by 'the Operations Committee on October 2, ,'2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/28/01 Wire Tranfers 1047-1052 ; ; 788,263 . 66 9/28/01 Prepays 523201-523483 3r48, 509.29 9/28/01 Regular S23484-523864 j2,1848, 589. 97 9/218/01 Void 9/15/01 Reissued �7,285,362 . 92 Council Agenda { Item No. 6 A-B Kent, Washington October 2 , 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, Worthing, and Yingling. Others present : Interim Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, Information Technology Director Mulholland, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Council President Orr added Other Business Items 7A and 713 . Continued Communications Items 11A, 11B, 11C and 11D were added at the request of audience members . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of Appointees . Mayor White announced his appointment of Gurinder Bains and reappointment of Jeffrey Pang to the Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Pang was in attendance and was introduced to the Council members . Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Joe Bartlemay of Finance Accounting Operations has been chosen as Employee of the Month for October. He noted that Bartlemay is professional , cheerful and efficient and handles all calls and inquiries with ease . He congratulated Joe on being chosen Employee of the Month, and commended him on his dedication, diligent work ethic, and can-do spirit . Finance Director Miller added that Joe is always willing to take on new responsibilities and does so with a smile . She offered congratulations and Joe was presented with the Employee of the Month plaque . Council member Woods noted that she had shared a class with Joe at Green River Community College and expressed pride in his accomplishments . Physician Assistant Day. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that Physician Assistants are important members of the health care team, working closely with their super- vising physicians to enhance the quality of medical care, and proclaimed October 6 , 2001 as Physician Assistant Day in the City of Kent . He encouraged citizens to recognize 1 _ty Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 COMMUNICATIONS the valuable contributions that Physician Assistants make to the health care system, and presented the proclamation to Jackie Shuey. '_re Prevention Week. Mayor White read a proclamation -ng that cooking, heating, and electrical fires -esent three of the nation' s leading causes of home _s . He proclaimed the week of October 7 - 13 , 2001, a�F ; re Prevention Week in the City of Kent and presented the proclamation to Acting Fire Chief Hamilton. Chief Hamilton then explained how to prevent the three main causes of home fires . CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through H. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 18 , 2001, with the following correction to Consent Calendar Item 6B : Check No . 254580 should read 254994 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Tacoma Second Supply Supplemental Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute the Tacoma Second Supply Supplemental Agreement subject to concurrence of the terms and conditions therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . Council has authorized the execution of the Tacoma Second Supply Agreement . Under this Supplemental Agreement, Seattle has the option of pulling out of the agreement if the north branch of the pipeline is not constructed by 2006 . The Supplemental Agreement defines now Seattle ' s financial obligation and its water supply are to be redistributed among the remaining partners were such a remote possibility to occur. 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Washington State Department of Transportation Grant, Citywide Bicycle Improvements . ACCEPT the grant for Citywide Bicycle Improvements, which will provide funds for signs throughout the city indicating upcoming challenges and hazards for cyclists, for the publishing of maps for commuting cyclists and establishing a fund for this project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Meridian Pacific Final Plat (FSU-99-3/KIVA #2010730) . APPROVAL with conditions of the Meridian Pacific Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar, as recommended by staff . This appli- cation was submitted by JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC. The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on December 29, 1999 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) South Ridge Estates Final Plat (FSU-98-4/KIVA #2011633) . APPROVAL with conditions of the South Ridge Estates Final Plat and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar, as recommended by staff . This application was submitted by Hultquist Homes, Inc . The Hearina Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on January 20 , 1999 . STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Street Vacation, 206th at East Valley Highway. PASSAGE of Resolution No . 1606 repealing Resolution No. 1604 and setting the public hearing on the South 206th St . at East Valley Highway street vacation petition for November 20 , 2001 . The proposed resolution sets the hearing date on the street vacation petition for the same date as Resolution No . 1604 . However, the resolution will set the hearing date on the street vacation in accordance with KCC 6 . 09 . 010 , which requires that the public hearing be conducted no less than 20 days and no more than 60 days after the passage date of the resolution setting the 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 STREET VACATION hearing date . When Resolution No . 1604 was passed, the established hearing date was more than 60 days from the date of its passage . REDISTRICTING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Redistricting. Council President Orr explained that the State is in the process of redistricting and setting new boundaries and that one of the proposals is not in the City' s best interest . She read a resolution relating to the proposal of the Washington State Redistricting Commission to redraw the boundary lines for federal Congressional Districts and state Legislative Districts, and the impacts to the City of Kent by placing it into the 7th Congressional District . The resolution expresses concern that Kent would have to compete with the City of Seattle on important issues rather than be recognized on its own as a major employment center and growing com- munity with its own set of needs and issues, and that the City believes there would be too much of a tendency to the needs of Seattle over the needs of other cities such as Kent . She then MOVED to pass Resolution No . 1607 which urges the Redistricting Commission to keep the City of Kent split across the 8th and 9th Congressional districts instead of placing it within a Seattle- dominated 7th Congressional district . Woods seconded and the motion carried. TERRORIST ATTACK (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 72) September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks . Council President Orr read a resolution expressing sympathy to all those who lost family and friends in the terrorist attacks and noting that Americans must carry on with their lives so as to show those responsible for the tragedy that they have only strengthened the spirit of the American people . She MOVED to pass Resolution No . 1608 which commemorates and honors the memory of the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States of America. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Yingling suggested that Kent unite as a community, noting that people of all nationalities are Americans and have pride and freedom in their hearts . 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Diversity Advisory Board Appointment and Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Gurinder Bains to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Bains and his wife and two children are Kent residents and have lived here for almost seven years . He is employed by 4 Staride Limousine . In his spare time he en]oys spending time with his family and practicing Yoga. He will replace Mr. Major Dhami , whose term expired, and his new appointment will continue until 9/30/2004 . Confirmation of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Mr. Jeffrey Pang to continue serving as an Advisory Board member. His new term will continue until 9/30/2004 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 63) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 15 and paid on September 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 18 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 9/15/01 Wire Transfers 1036-1046 $1 , 857 , 936 . 83 9/15/01 Prepays 521594-521937 $ 625 , 050 . 88 9/15/01 Regular 521938-522454 $1 , 798 , 263 . 04 9/15/01 Void 521754-521782 ($14 , 984 . 56) 9/15/01 Reissued 522532 -522560 $14 , 984 . 56 $4 , 281 , 250 . 75 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 9/20/01 Checks 254995-255316 $ 293 , 227 . 81 9/20/01 Advices 117208-117884 $1 , 072 , 216 . 23 9/20/01 Void 254084 ($86 . 45) Reissued 522499 (A/P) $ 85 . 45 $1 , 365 , 444 . 04 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 REPORTS Council President. Orr asked thanked Council members for their support of the resolution on terrorism. Public Safety. Epperly stated that the next meeting will be held at 5 : 00 p.m. on October 9th. Public Works. Clark noted that the next meeting will be held on October 15th at 5 : 00 p .m. Planning. Brctherton noted that the next meeting will be on November 5th at 4 : 00 p .m. Parks Committee. Woods noted that there will not be a meeting in October. Administrative Reports. Martin reminded the Mayor and Council of an executive session of approximately 15 minutes to discuss labor negotiations and said that no action is anticipated after the executive session. At Martin' s request, Finance Director Miller updated the Mayor and Council on the audit recently completed by the State Auditor. She explained what areas are audited and noted that the auditor said Kent has some of the strongest internal controls she ' s seen. Miller added that all audit concerns at the golf course have been resolved. Martin thanked Miller and her staff for their work and said he was impressed with the comments made by the auditors regarding changes the city has made . KENT STATION (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) Kent Station. Robert O' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street , Kent , noted that both of the proposals for the Kent Station project say the City must buy the Bank of America pro- perty in order for their proposals to work. He said that the cost, including purchase of that property, would be $17- to $18 , 000 , 000 , not including clean up of the Borden site . He outlined requirements of the Opus proposal , said Opus will offer the City a purchase price of $7 , 000 , 000 , and voiced concern about the $13 , 000 , 000 difference . He concluded by stating that existing businesses are concerned about the project . 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 KENT STATION (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11C) Joe Rubio, 3831 S . 248th, voiced opposition to sub- sidizing downtown revitalization and suggested looking into an alternative . He said citizens will not get any benefit and he does not want to pay any more taxes for subsidizing downtown. (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11D) Bill Young, 1005 E . Guiberson Street , said this is not a good time for this project . He noted that this would be a private/public project and said it appears that most of the cost would be paid by the city. He said additional grocery stores , apartments , and a cinema are not needed. He also said he feels this is a back door approach to a performing arts center. Martin explained that it is the City ' s goal to grow the economy and that this economic development project will relieve the residents of what might otherwise become a tax burden. He noted that the Borden property generates only $40 , 000 a year in taxes and that the proposed project will increase that times ten. Martin said this public/private partnership will require public participation to make it work. He said they are currently negotiating how much of the cost will be public, and he believes the conclusion will be pleasing to the public . He added that there are no plans to acquire the Bank of America property, and said input from the public will be included in the process . POLICE (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11B) Neighborhood Crime. Danette Helms, 810 Second Avenue North, explained that the North Park neighborhood has experienced ongoing drug activity, theft, and vandalism for three years and that nothing has been done . Mayor White suggested that Helms and her neighbors speak with Police Chief Crawford after the meeting. Epperly also agreed to talk with them after the meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7 : 33 p .m. the meeting recessed to Executive Session. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 02 p .m. 7 Kent City Council Minutes October 2 , 2001 ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to adjourn at 8 : 02 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, - C City Clerk 8 Kent City Council Meeting Date October 16, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: YEAR 2000 DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT AND GATEWAY q IMPROVEMENTS - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the 2000 Downtown Sidewalk Replacement contract as complete and release retainage to Gary Merlino Construction upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens . The original contract amount was $1, 135, 836 . 50 . The final construction cost was $1, 157, 866 . 10 . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6C Kent City Council Meeting Date October 16, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: 2001 FIRST HALF BUDGET ADJUSTM8kT8 - ORDINANCE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Operations Committee, adoption of Ordinance No. amending the 2001 Budget for adjustments made from January 1, ' 2001 to July 31, 2001 in the amount of $31, 914, 129 . This ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance. The majority of this budget adjustment is in the Street Capital Projects Fund which includes the budget for the City of Auburnlb portion of the 277th Street Corridor project . 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo from Finance Director Miler and ordinance 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Operations Committee (3-0) (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc. ) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSO$ML IMPACT: NO YES X 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmember seconds DISCUSSION: ' ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6D KENT WASHINGTON Date: September 27, 2001 To: Operations Committee From: Mayene Miller, Finance Division Director Subject: 2001 First Half Budget Adjustment Ordinance Authorization is requested to approve the gross budget adjustment ordinance totaling $31.914,129 for budget adjustments made between January 1, 2001 and Julv 31. 2001. This ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance. Please note that $31,197,280 has been previously approved by Council. Of this amount, 82%, or $25,631,185 is for the Auburn 277th Corridor project managed by Kent. This project was approved by Council March 6. 2001 and is funded by state and federal grants and mitigation fees. Of the remaining $5,566,095; $1,724,137 was previously approved by Council in prior years for other funds and $3,841,958 is primarily related to current year approved capital projects. The difference of $716,849 that was not previously approved by Council needs to be approved to be in compliance with the State Auditor's requirements. These amounts not previously approved are primarily related to adjustment of insurance claims and premiums, or capital projects or technical corrections, including recognition of and authorizing expenditure of project revenues that have been received, but were not previously budgeted. The amount also includes other miscellaneous adjustments as outlined below: Capital Project Adjustments Allocation and authorization of the spending of additional project interest and revenues received or removed from the respective projects • $540,149 for street capital projects, including $466,936 for the 1961h Ave Middle Leg, and $73,213 for other street capital projects • Reduction of$250,000 transfer from the Street Fund related to the correction of the 72"d Street Capital project budget • $101,778 for various parks capital projects • $56,608 for facilities projects is $250,000 reduction for 72nd Ave overbudget U Tois's Fi1es\2001\Counci1\memo 2001 1st Half Budget Adjustment A Operating Adjustments $500,000 Self-Insurance adjustments to cover increases due to the trend in increased claims and insurance costs: • $200,000 is for health insurance to recognize the revenue we are receiving per the current schedule and the related expenditures • $300,000 uses fund balance for $30,000 in unemployment claims. $100,000 in workers' compensation claims, $150,000 in liability claims and legal fees, and $20,000 for property insurance premiums. This leaves a budgeted ending fund balance of$1,736,403 for Self-Insurance plus money in additional incurred debt not reported in the amount of $2.503,889 as of August 31, 2001. Minor Technical Adjustments • Decrease of$69,196 in minor technical adjustments to budgets dispersed across all funds, operating and capital. Of this amount, a decrease of$45,813 is related to adjustment of costs allocated to using departments and $23,383 to miscellaneous technical adjustments. • $87,510 for Golf Course for $43,755 technical adjustment for equipment lease/purchase debt payment and the related $43,755 transfer. • Technical reallocation for FTE's not requiring monetary changes to the budget: .2 FTE Legal Department to bring .8 Administrative Secretary I to fulltime, using existing budget dollars .2 FTE Employee Services to bring .8 HR Analyst to fulltime, using existing budget dollars - 1.0 FTE Compensation Study Project Budget for Phase Il, reallocation of existing Professional Services budget for one Project Analyst FTE for two years. This is a more cost-effective way to complete Phase lI. The attached summary shows the carryover budgets by fund, the 2001 budget adopted by ordinance #3537, and 2001 adjustments through July 31, 2001 being requested for the total operating and capital budgets. The following pages show a detailed listing of these adjustments by fund, including Council authorization dates for the amounts previously approved. Council Action: Approve the budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between January 1, 2001 and July 31, 2001 totaling $31,914,129. U\Lois's Files\2001\Council\memo 2001 1st Half Budget Adjustment d2c City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjusted Budget as of July 31, 2001 Fund Carryover Ordinance Adjustment Total Adjusted Title Budget #3537 Ordinance Budget 001 General Fund - 61,964,773 95,898 62,060,671 110 Street Fund - 5,784,687 1,036,103 6,820,790 130 Lodging Tax Fund - 140,000 - 140,000 140 Youth/Teen Programs - 745,261 542 745,803 150 Capital Improvement Fund - 8,865,573 8,419 8,873,992 160 Criminal Justice Fund 1,911,956 3,942,469 70,841 5,925,266 170 Environmental Fund - 461,119 134,344 595,463 180 Comm Development Block Grants 928,573 550,114 95,268 1,573,955 190 Other Operating Projects Fund 2,309,345 684,217 (12,260) 2,981,302 211 Voted Debt Service Fund - 1,789,253 - 1,789,253 212 Councilmanic Debt Service Fund - 6,118,779 1,033 6,119,812 250 Spec Assmnt Debt Service Fund - 3,838,221 - 3,838,221 310 Street Capital Projects Fund 88,629,459 4,271,173 27,963,839 120,864,471 320 Park Capital Projects Fund 15,087,456 1,834,095 438,086 17,359,637 330 Other Capital Projects Fund 53,526,449 1,022,701 212,386 54,761,536 410 Water Fund 18,706,809 10,785,272 197,846 29,689,927 440 Sewerage Fund 36,120,804 31,844,199 890,084 68.855,087 480 Golf Complex Fund 250,000 3,003,522 87,510 3,341,032 510 Fleet Service Fund 47,000 2,169,265 160,195 2,376,460 520 Central Services Fund 13,539,017 5,985,519 15,000 19,539,536 530 Fire Equipment Fund 2,034,000 500,000 - 2,534,000 540 Facilities Fund 14,474,443 5,505,907 48,055 20,028,405 560 Insurance Fund - 8,219,645 470,940 8,690,585 620 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund - 254,936 - 254,936 680 Economic Development Corporation - 6,171 - 6,171 Total Gross Budget 247,565,311 170,286,871 31,914,129 449,766,311 Less Internal Service Funds (18,774,333) - (18,774,333) Other Transfers (33,868,035) (17,305,327) (2,371,869) (53,545,231) Internal Transfers (3,324,086) (10.927,209) (1,082,730) (15,334,025) Subtotal (37,192,121) (47,006,869) (3,454,599) (87,653,589) Total Net Budget 210,373,190 123,280,002 28,459,530 362,112,722 Ordinance format xlsordinance totals10/8/2001 3 City of Kent 2001 Combined Operating Statement Adjusted Budget as of July 31, 2001 Inc(Dec)in Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Title Revenue Expenditures Balance Balance Balance General Fund 58,233,048 61,964,773 (3,731,725) 9,932,633 6,200,908 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 35,740 (35,740) (35,740) Previously approved by Council 134,896 82,299 52,597 52,597 Not previously approved by Council (12,558) (22,141) 9,583 9,583 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (358,410) (358,410) Total General Fund 58,355,386 62,060,671 (3,705,285) 9,574,223 5,868,938 Street Fund 4,498,206 5,784,687 (1,286,481) 1,363,100 76,619 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 1,217,631 1,232,345 (14,714) (14,714) Previously approved by Council 53,758 53,758 - Not previously approved by Council (250,000) 250,000 250,000 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 16,727 16,727 Total Street Fund 5,769,595 6,820,790 (1,051,195) 1,379,827 328,632 Lodging Tax Fund 152,172 140,000 12,172 18,414 30,586 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - 11,548 11,548 Total Lodging Tax Fund 152,172 140,000 12,172 29,962 42,134 Youth/Teen Fund 634,428 745,261 (110,833) 241,756 130,923 Previously approved by Council 542 542 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 2,410 2 410 Total Youth/Teen Fund 634,970 745,803 (110,833) 244,166 133,333 Capital Improvements Fund 8451,012 8,865,573 (414,561) 2,595,343 2,180,782 Previously approved by Council 7,386 7,386 Not previously approved by Council 1,033 (1,033) (1,033) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (595,412) (595 412) Total Capital Improvements Fund 8,458,398 8,873,992 (415,594) 1,999,931 1,584,33 Criminal Justice Fund 3,082,730 3,942 469 (859,739) 1,371,043 511,304 Carryover budget 1,809,102 1,911,956 (102,854) 102,854 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 20,000 20,000 Previously approved by Council 46,911 46,911 Not previously approved by Council 617,568 3,930 613,638 613,638 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 233,996 233,996 Total Criminal Justice Fund 5,576,311 5,925,266 (348,955) 1,707,893 1,358,938 Environmental Fund 466,753 461,119 5,634 386496 392,130 Previously approved by Council 134,344 134,344 - 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - (64,149) (64,149) Total Environmental Fund 601,097 595,463 5,634 322,347 327,981 Community Development Block Grant Fund 550,114 550,114 - Carryover budget 928 573 928,573 Previously approved by Council 95,268 95,268 Total Cummunity Development Block Grant Fund 1,573,955 1,573,955 Other Operating Projects Fund 654,217 684,217 (30,000) 39,053 9,053 Carryover budget 2,222,914 2,309,345 (86,431) 116,521 30,090 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund (12,260) (12,260) Total Other Operating Projects Fund 2,864,871 2,981,302 (116,431) 155,574 39,143 Voted Debt Service Fund 1,725,000 1,789,253 (64,253) 115,341 51,088 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 3,017 3,017 Total Voted Debt Service Fund 1,725,000 1,789,253 (64,253) 118,358 54,105 Councdmanic Debt Service Fund 6,118,894 6,118,779 115 137 252 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - (137) (137) Not previously approved by Council 1,033 1 033 - Total Councilmanic Debt Service Fund 6,119,927 6,119,812 115 - 115 Ordinance format xls10/8/2001 4 • City of Kent 2001 Combined Operating Statement Adjusted Budget as of July 31, 2001 Inc(Dec)in Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Title Revenue Expenditures Balance Balance Balance Special Assessments Debt Service Fund 4,149,571 3,838,221 311 350 3,022,775 3,334,125 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - (619,466) (619,466) Total Special Assessments Debt Service Fund 4,149,571 3,838,221 311,350 2,403,309 2,714,659 Street Capital Projects Fund 4,271,173 4,271,173 - Carryover budget 86,810,907 88,629,459 (1,818,552) 1,818,552 Previously approved by Council 27,666,190 27,666,190 Not previously approved by Council 297,649 297,649 Total Street Capital Projects Fund 119,045,919 120,864,471 (1,818,552) 1,818,552 Parks Capital Projects Fund 1,834,095 1,834,095 158,422 158 422 Carryover budget 14,782,193 15,087,457 (305,264) 305,264 Previously approved by Council 336,307 336,307 Not previously approved by Council 101,778 101,778 Total Parks Capital Projects Fund 17,054,373 17,359,637 (305,264) 463,686 158,422 Other Capital Projects Fund 265,000 1 022 701 (757 701) 757,701 Carryover budget 54,284,150 53,526,449 757,701 (757,701) Previously approved by Council in pnor year or other fund 205,000 205,000 - Previously approved by Council 7,386 7 386 Total Other Capital Projects Fund 54,761,536 54,761,536 - - Water Fund 10 881,733 10 785 272 96,461 1 966,000 2 062,461 Carryover budget 18,706,809 18,706 809 - Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 97,959 205,212 (107,253) (107,253) Not previously approved by Council 1,312 (7,366) 8,678 8,678 1 001 Fund Balance Adjustment 832,331 832,331 ate,Fund 29,687,813 29,689,927 (2,114) 2,798,331 2,796,217 rage Fund 29 346 003 31,844 199 (2,498,196) 4349,189 1,850,993 Carryover budget 33,819,793 36 120 804 (2,301 011) 2,301 011 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 5 600 (5 600) (5,600) Previously approved by Council 883 461 883 461 - Not previously approved by Council 420 1,023 (603) (603) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 1 (901689) (901,689) Total Sewerage Fund 64,049,677 68,855,087 (4,805,410) 5,748,511 943,101 Golf Complex Fund 3,158 833 3003,522 155 311 98,838 254 149 Carryover budget 237,046 250,000 (12,954) 12 954 Not previously approved by Council 43,755 87,510 (43,755) (43,755) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (943 953) (943 953) Total Golf Complex Fund 3,439,634 3,341,032 98,602 (832,161) (733,559) Equipment Rental Fund 2,601 514 2,169,265 432 249 2698,490 3,130,739 Carryover budget 47,000 47 000 Previously approved by Council 159,290 (159 290 (159,290) Not previously approved by Council 905 (905) (905) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment 170,095 170,095 Total Equipment Rental Fund 2,648,514 2,376,460 272,054 2,868,585 3,140,639 Central Services Fund 5 837,860 5 985 519 (147,659) 211 916 64,257 Carryover budget 13 539,017 13,539,017 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 15,000 (15,000) (15,000) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (130,492) (130,492) Total Central Services Fund 19,376,877 19,539,536 (162,659) 81,424 (81,235) Fire Equipment Fund 343 281 500 000 (156 719) 476,165 319,446 Carryover budget 2,034,000 2,034,000 - 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (56 341) (56,341) Total Fire Equipment Fund 2,377,281 2,534,000 (156,719) 419,824 263,105 is Ordinance format xls10/8/2001 5 City of Kent 2001 Combined Operating Statement Adjusted Budget as of July 31, 2001 Inc(Dec)in Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Title Revenue Expenditures Balance Balance Balance Facilities Fund 5,617,685 5,505,907 111,778 114,739 226,517 Carryover budget 14,474,443 14,474,443 - Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 17,500 17,500 Not previously approved by Council 30,555 30,555 - 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (124,200) (124,200) Total Facilities Fund 20,140,183 20,028,405 111,778 (9,461) 102,317 Insurance Fund 8,295,238 8,219,645 75,593 2,636,589 2.712,182 Not previously approved by Council 200,000 470,940 (270,940) (270,940) 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (704,839) (704,839) Total Insurance Fund 8,495,238 8,690,585 (195,347) 1,931,750 1,736,403 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund 280,117 254,936 25,181 3,385,201 3,410,382 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - 142,719 142,719 Total Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund 280,117 254,936 25,181 3,527,920 3,553,101 Economic Development Corporation 11,475 6,171 5,304 36,189 41,493 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment - 127 127 Total Economic Development Corporation 11,475 6,171 5,304 36,316 41,620 Total Combined Operating Statement 437,349,890 449,766,311 (12,416,421) 36,788,867 24,372,446 Unadjusted Budget Ordinance#3537 161,460,152 170,286,871 (8,826,719) 35,975,530 27,148,811 Carryover budget 243,695,947 247,565,312 (3,869,365) 3,899 455 30,090 Previously approved by Council in prior year or other fund 1,593,830 1,724,137 (130,307) (178,307) Previously approved by Council 29,318,449 29,473,142 (154 693) - (106,693) Not previously approved by Council 1,281,512 716,849 564,663 564,6 1/1/2001 Fund Balance Adjustment (3086,118) (3 086 1 Total Combined Operating Statement 437,349,890 449,766,311 (12,416,421) 36,788,867 24,372,44 ORW Less Internal Service Funds (18,774,333) (18,774,333) Other Transfers (53,545,231) (53,545,231) Internal Transfers (15,334,025) (15,334,025) Total Net Adjusted Budget 349,696,301 362,112,722 Ordinance format xIs10/8/2001 6 City of Kent General Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 61,964,773 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Communications Study 35,740 Previously Approved by Council 11/21/00 Law Enforcement Block Grant 7,936 2/20/2001 King County Arts Commission Performance Grant 5,0Q0 2/20/2001 King County Arts Commission Sustained Support 12,000 2/20/2001 Washington State Arts Commission Operating Grant 6,000 4/17/2001 Police Corp Program-fund Civil Service aid 10,000 7/3/2001 King County Youth/Teen Work Training Grant 20,020 6/19/2001 Operating Expenditures-DeMarco Annexation 21,343 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment to grant budgets (12,558) Technical adjustment for cost allocations (9,583) Total Adjustments to Expenditures 95,898 Total Adjusted Expenditures 62,060,671 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 58 233,048 Beginning Fund Balance 9,932,633 Ending Fund Balance (6,200,908) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 61,964,773 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (358,410) Ending Fund Balance 331,970 Intergovernmental Grants (6,000) County Grants 37,020 State Grants (558) Federal Grants 10,000 Sales&Use Tax 1,576 Utility Tax Revenue 6,325 Licenses, Permits, Fees, Fines-DeMarco Annexation 28,389 Transfer In-Street Fund 45,586 Total Adjustments to Sources 95,898 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 62.060,671 7 City of Kent Street Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 5,784,687 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Operating Transfer to Canyon Drive Improvements 89,714 Transfers to reallocate funds to other projects 1,142,631 Previously Approved by Council 6/19/2001 Operating Transfer to General Fund-DeMarco Annexation 45,586 6/19/2001 Adjust operating costs-DeMarco Annexation 8,172 Not Previously Approved by Council Reduce transfer to 72nd Street Project overbudgeted (250,000) Total Adjustments to Expenditures 1,036,103 Total Adjusted Expenditures 6,820,790 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 4,498,206 Beginning Fund Balance 1,363,100 Ending Fund Balance (76,619) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 5,784,687 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 16,727 Ending Fund Balance (252,013) Transfers to reallocate funds to other projects 1,142,631 Transfer-70th Ave/72nd Ave project 75,000 Property Tax-Annexed Streets 45,586 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 4,353 Utility Tax Revenue 1,807 Local Vehicle License Fees 2,012 Total Adjustments to Sources 1,036,103 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 6,820,790 8 City of Kent Lodging Tax Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 140,000 Total Adjusted Expenditures 140,000 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 152,172 Beginning Fund Balance 18,414 Ending Fund Balance (30,586) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 140,000 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 11,548 Ending Fund Balance (11,548) Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 140,000 9 City of Kent Youth/Teen Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 745,261 6/19/2001 Previously Approved by Council Operating Transfer-to General Fund (DeMarco Annexation) 542 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 542 Total Adjusted Expenditures 745,803 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 634,428 Beginning Fund Balance 241,756 Ending Fund Balance (130,923) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 745,261 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 2,410 Ending Fund Balance (2,410) Utility Tax Revenue 542 Total Adjustments to Sources 542 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 745,803 10 City of Kent Capital Improvements Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures 8,865,573 #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 6/19/2001 Operating transfer out-Capital Projects(DeMarco Annexation) 7,386 Transfer to Other Operating Projects Fund (48,000) Payment to PDA 48,000 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment for estimated debt pmts to actual 1,033 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 8,419 Total Adjusted Expenditures 8,873,992 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 8,451,012 Beginning Fund Balance 2,595,343 Ending Fund Balance (2,180,782) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 8,865,573 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (595,412) Ending Fund Balance 596,445 Sales and Use Tax- DeMarco Annexation 526 Real Estate Excise Tax- DeMarco Annexation 6,860 Total Adjustments to Sources 8,419 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 8,873,992 11 City of Kent Criminal Justice Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 40 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 3,942,469 Carryover budget 1,911,956 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 5,854,425 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Other Fund Move Police project from Other Capital Projects Fund to CJ Fund 20,000 Previously Approved by Council 7/10/2001 Washington Traffic Safety Commission 900 7/3/2001 Adjust estimate for WTSC DDTF Grant 31,988 4/17/2001 Police Corp Program-fund Civil Service aid 10,000 6/19/2001 Adjust Salaries-DeMarco Annexation 4,023 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment to correct original budget for transposition (270) Technical adjustment to recognize additional project revenue 4,200 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 70,841 Total Adjusted Expenditures 5,925,266 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 3,082,730 Carryover budget 1,809,102 Beginning Fund Balance 1,371,043 Ending Fund Balance (511,304) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 5,751,571 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance 102,854 Beginning Fund Balance 233 996 Ending Fund Balance (847,634) Seized assets 589,107 Correct original budget for transposition (270) Transfers in CIP Fund 20,000 Washington Traffic Safety Commission 32,888 Police Corp Program Grant 10,000 Program Fees-Youth/Teen Task Force 2,609 Interest on Investments 26,122 Sales Tax-DeMarco Annexation 3,988 MVET Criminal Justice-DeMarco Annexation 35 Total Adjustments to Sources 173,695 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 5,925,266 12 City of Kent Environmental Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 461,119 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 1/16/2001 Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant 19,058 4/30/2001 King County Hazardous Waste Management 39,421 4/30/2001 King County Waste Reduction- Recycling 75,475 6/19/2001 Increase Operating Expenditures-DeMarco Annexation 390 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 134,344 Total Adjusted Expenditures 595,463 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 466,753 Beginning Fund Balance 386,496 Ending Fund Balance (392,130) isTotal 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 461,119 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (64,149) Ending Fund Balance 64,149 County Grants 114,896 Ecology Grant 19,058 Utility Tax-DeMarco Annexation 390 Total Adjustments to Sources 134,344 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 595,463 is 13 City of Kent Community Development Block Grant Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 550,114 Carryover Budget 928,573 Total Unadjusted Budget 1,478,687 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 03/20/01 King County CDBG add'I funding for existing projects 95,268 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 95,268 Total Adjusted Expenditures 1,573,955 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 550,114 Carryover Budget 928,573 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 1,478,687 Adjustments to Sources King County CDBG 95,268 Total Adjustments to Sources 95,268 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 1,573,955 14 City of Kent Other Operating Projects Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 684,217 Carryover Budget 2,309,345 Total Unadjusted Budget 2,993,562 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Communications Study 35,740 2001 Payment to PDA (48,000) Total Adjustments to Expenditures (12,260) Total Adjusted Expenditures 2,981,302 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 654 217 Beginning Fund Balance 39,053 Ending Fund Balance (9,053) Carryover Budget 2,222.914 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 2,907,131 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 116,521 Ending Fund Balance (30,090) Transfer in-General Fund 35,740 Transfer in-CIP (48,000) Total Adjustments to Sources 74,171 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 2,981,302 15 City of Kent Voted Debt Service Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 1,789,253 Total Adjusted Expenditures 1,789,253 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 1,725,000 Beginning Fund Balance 115,341 Ending Fund Balance (51,088) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 1,789,253 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 3,017 Ending Fund Balance (3,017) Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 1,789,253 16 City of Kent Councilmanic Debt Service Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 6,118,779 Adjustments to Expenditures Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment per debt payment schedule 1,033 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 1,033 Total Adjusted Expenditures 6,119,812 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 6,118,894 Beginning Fund Balance 137 Ending Fund Balance (252) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 6,118,779 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (137) Ending Fund Balance 137 Transfer in-CIP Fund 1,033 Total Adjustments to Sources 1,033 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 6,119.812 17 City of Kent Special Assessment Debt Service Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 3,838,221 Total Adjusted Expenditures 3,838,221 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 4,149,571 Beginning Fund Balance 3,022,775 Ending Fund Balance (3,334,125) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 3,838,221 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (619,466) Ending Fund Balance 619,466 Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 3,838,221 18 City of Kent Street Capital Projects Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 4,271,173 Carryover Budget 88,629,459 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 92,900,632 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 4/18/2000 Federal Grant Pac Hwy Phase II 358 400 5/15/2001 Accept TIB Grant 1,112,334 2/6/2001 Washington State Grant-School sidewalks 82,800 5/15/2001 King County Signal Grants 80,000 3/6/2001 Auburn 277th Street Corridor 25,631,185 SEPA#2492 Allocate mitigation fees SEPA 2492 247,190 SEPA#2494 Allocate mitigation fees SEPA 2494 154,281 Not Previously Approved by Council Reduce transfer to 72nd Street Project overbudgeted (250,000) 196th Ave-Middle Leg-allocate add'I project revenue received 466,936 Technical adjustment for Valley Com Services 7,500 Allocate additional project revenue received to the projects 73,213 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 27,963,839 Total Adjusted Expenditures 120.864,471 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 4271,173 Carryover budget 86,810,907 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 91,082,080 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance 1,818,552 Transfers in-Street Operating Fund (250,000) Federal Grant 358,400 Accept TIB Grant 1.112,334 State Grant 82,800 Mitigation fees 23,040,156 Contributions-277th Corridor 3,000,000 King County Grants 80,000 Contributions and land sales revenue 54,314 Interest 485,835 Total Adjustments to Sources 29,782,391 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 120,864,471 19 City of Kent Parks Capital Projects Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 1,834,095 Carryover budget 15,087,456 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 16,921,551 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 1/16/2001 IAC Grant for Kent Memorial Park 24,305 12/12/00 Auburn Home Repair Contract 125,000 2/20/2001 Fee-in-lieu Revenue 101,906 3/20/2001 Service Club Ballfields 32,750 5/15/2001 Reallocation of additional project revenues received 6,000 7/3/2001 Service Club Ball Fields for contributions received 2,088 7/3/2001 Budget fee-in-lieu funds received-P13 44,259 Not Previously Approved by Council Allocation of additional project revenues received 101,778 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 438,086 Total Adjusted Expenditures 17,359,637 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 1,834,095 Beginning Fund Balance 158,422 Ending Fund Balance (158,422) Carryover Budget 14,782,192 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 16,616,287 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance 305,264 IAC Grant for Kent Memorial Park 24,305 Auburn Home Repair Contract 125,000 Fee-in-lieu 146,165 Contributions 67,383 Rental Revenue 10,099 Interest on Investments 47,099 Misc Revenue(maps, unclaimed property) 18,035 Total Adjustments to Sources 743,350 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 17,359,637 20 City of Kent Other Capital Projects Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 1,022,701 Carryover Budget 53,526,449 Total Unadjusted Budget 54,549,150 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council in Prior Year or Other Fund 2001 Police Project moved to Criminal Justice Fund (20,000) Kent Station-lease revenue and interest allocated to project 12/20/2000 interest expense 225,000 Previously Approved by Council 6/19/2001 Capital Projects-DeMarco Annexation 7,386 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 212,386 Total Adjusted Expenditures 54,761,536 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 265 000 Beginning Fund Balance 757,701 Carryover Budget 54,284,150 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 55,306,851 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance (757,701) Transfer In-Capital Improvement Fund (20,000) Lease revenue 175,000 Interest on Investment 50,000 Transfer In-Capital Improvement Fund- DeMarco Annexation 7,386 Total Adjustments to Sources (545,315) Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 54,761,536 is 21 City of Kent Water Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 10,785,272 Carryover Budget 18,706,809 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 29,492,081 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Equipment purchases 107,253 Technical adjustment to reallocate project expenditures 97,959 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment for cost allocations (8,678) Technical adjustment to allocate additional project revenue received 1,312 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 197,846 Total Adjusted Expenditures 29,689,927 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 10,881,733 Beginning Fund Balance 1,966,000 Ending Fund Balance (2,062,461) Carryover Budget 18,706,809 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 29,492,081 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 832,331 Ending Fund Balance (733,756) Misc Revenue 1,312 Transfers in 97,959 Total Adjustments to Sources 197,846 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 29,689,927 22 City of Kent Sewerage Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 31,844,199 Carryover Budget 36,120,804 Total Unadjusted Budget 67,965,003 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Equipment purchases 5,600 Previously Approved by Council King County portion of 277th sewer 800,000 SEPA#2492 Soos Creek Comp Plan-SEPA Ordiance 2492 8,000 SEPA#2494 East Hill Interceptor-SEPA Ordiance 2494 5,595 SEPA#2494 Green River Flood Control-SEPA Ordiance 2494 69,866 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment for cost allocations 603 Technical adjustment to recognize add'I project revenue 420 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 890,084 Total Adjusted Expenditures 68,856.087 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 29,346,003 Beginning Fund Balance 4,349,189 Ending Fund Balance (1,350,993) Carryover Budget 33,819,793 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 65,663,992 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance 1,399,322 Carryover Ending Fund Balance 901,689 Ending Fund Balance 6,203 Mitigation payments 83,461 King County-277th 800,000 Easement revenue 420 Total Adjustments to Sources 3,191,095 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 68,855,087 23 City of Kent Golf Complex Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 3,003,522 Carryover Budget 250,000 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 3,253,522 Adjustments to Expenditures Not Previously Approved by Council Equipment lease-purchase payments 43,755 Internal Transfers related to lease payments 43,755 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 87,510 Total Adjusted Expenditures 3,341,032 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 3,158,833 Beginning Fund Balance 98,838 Ending Fund Balance (254,149) Carryover Budget 237,046 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 3,240,568 Adjustments to Sources Carryover Beginning Fund Balance 12,954 Beginning Fund Balance (943,953) Ending Fund Balance 987,708 Internal Transfers 43,755 Total Adjustments to Sources 100,464 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 3,341,032 24 City of Kent Equipment Rental Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31, 2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 2,169,265 Carryover Budget 47,000 Total Unadjusted Budget 2,216,265 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved by Council 03/20/01 Police vehicles 133,187 04/17/01 Department van 26,103 Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment for cost allocations 905 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 160,195 Total Adjusted Expenditures 2,376,460 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 2,601,514 Beginning Fund Balance 2,698,490 Ending Fund Balance (3,130,739) Carryover Budget 47,000 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 2,216,265 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 170,095 Ending Fund Balance (9,900) Total Adjustments to Sources 160,195 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 2,376,460 25 City of Kent Central Services Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 5,985,519 Carryover budgets 13,539,017 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 19,524,536 Previously Approved in Prior Year or Other Fund 2000 Printing and graphics equipment 15,000 Total Adjusted Expenditures 19,539,536 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 5,837,860 Beginning Fund Balance 211,916 Ending Fund Balance (64,257) Carryover budgets 13,539,017 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 19,524,536 Beginning Fund Balance (130,492) Ending Fund Balance 145,492 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 19,539,536 26 City of Kent Fire Equipment Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 500,000 Carryover budget 2,034,000 Total Adjusted Expenditures 2,534,000 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 343,281 Beginning Fund Balance 476,165 Ending Fund Balance (319,446) Carryover budget 2,034,000 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 2,534,000 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (56,341) Ending Fund Balance 56,341 Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 2.534,000 27 City of Kent Facilities Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 5,505,907 Carryover budget 14,474,443 Total Unadjusted Expenditures 19,980,350 Adjustments to Expenditures Previously Approved in Other Fund Move Police Security from Criminal Justice Fund to Facilities Fund 17,500 Not Previously Approved by Council Allocate additional project revenue received 56,608 Technical adjustment to adjust Utility Expenditures (26,053) Total Adjustments to Expenditures 48,055 Total Adjusted Expenditures 20,028,405 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 5,617,685 Beginning Fund Balance 114,739 Ending Fund Balance (226,517) Carryover budget 14,474,443 Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 19,980,350 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (124,200) Ending Fund Balance 124,200 Sales of Maps 2,193 Interest on Investments 26,538 Lease Revenue 27,877 Transfer in-Police Funiture/Equipment project account 17,500 Public Office Bldg Revenue (26,053) Total Adjustments to Sources 48,055 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 20,028,405 28 City of Kent Insurance Fund Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 8,219,645 Adjustments to Expenditures Not Previously Approved by Council Technical adjustment for cost allocations (29,060) Health insurance premium revenue and expenditures-per trend 200,000 Liability claims and legal fees-per trend 150,000 Unemployment claims-per trend 30,000 Property insurance premiums-per trend 20,000 Workers compensation claims-per trend 100,000 Total Adjustments to Expenditures 470,940 Total Adjusted Expenditures 8,690,585 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 8,295,238 Beginning Fund Balance 2,636,589 Ending Fund Balance (2,712,182) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 8,219,645 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance (704,839) Ending Fund Balance 975,779 Blue Cross reimbursements-city contract 200,000 Total Adjustments to Sources 470,940 Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 8,690,585 29 City of Kent Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Budget Adjustments January 1,2001 -June 30,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 254,936 Total Adjusted Expenditures 254,936 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 280,117 Beginning Fund Balance 3,385,201 Ending Fund Balance (3,410,382) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 254,936 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 142,719 Ending Fund Balance (142,719) Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 254,936 30 City of Kent Economic Development Corporation Budget Adjustments January 1, 2001 -July 31,2001 Authorization Expenditures #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Total Expenditures 6,171 Total Adjusted Expenditures 6,171 Sources of Funding #3537 2001 Budget Ordinance Revenues 11,475 Beginning Fund Balance 36,189 Ending Fund Balance (41,493) Total 2001 Budget Ordinance Sources of Revenue 6,171 Adjustments to Sources Beginning Fund Balance 127 Ending Fund Balance (127) Total Adjustments to Sources - Total Adjusted Sources of Funding 6,171 31 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 2001 Budget for adjustments made from January 1, 2001, to July 31, 2001. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHNGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The 2001 City budget is hereby amended to include budget Rind adjustments as summarized and set forth in Exhibit"A,"which is incorporated in this ordinance by reference as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. Severabdinv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 3. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. JIM WHITE, MAYOR 1 2001 -Budget Adjustment ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY �PASSED: day of , 2001. APPROVED: day of . 2001. PUBLISHED: day of ' 2001. i i I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P\Ci iROrdin=cc\BudgctAdjustrnent-Z00I doc 2 2001 -Budget Adjustment City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments January 31, 2001 to July 31, 2001 Exhibit A Fund Adjustment Title Ordinance 001 General Fund 95,898 110 Street Fund 1,036,103 130 Lodging Tax Fund - 140 Youth/Teen Programs 542 150 Capital Improvement Fund 8,419 160 Criminal Justice Fund 70,841 170 Environmental Fund 134,344 180 Comm Development Block Grants 95,268 190 Other Operating Projects Fund (12,260) 211 Voted Debt Service Fund - 212 Councilmanic Debt Service Fund 1,033 250 Spec Assmnt Debt Service Fund - 310 Street Capital Projects Fund 27,963,839 320 Park Capital Projects Fund 438,086 330 Other Capital Projects Fund 212,386 410 Water Fund 197,846 440 Sewerage Fund 890,084 480 Golf Complex Fund 87,510 510 Fleet Service Fund 160,195 520 Central Services Fund 15,000 530 Fire Equipment Fund - 540 Facilities Fund 48,055 560 Insurance Fund 470,940 620 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund - 680 Economic Development Corporation - Total Gross Budget 31,914,129 Less Internal Service Funds - Other Transfers (2,371,869) Internal Transfers (1,082.730) Subtotal (3,454,599) Total Net Budget 28,459,530 Kent° City Council Meeting Date ; October 16, 2001 Category Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: KENT SPRINGS PRODUCTION WELL - ACCEPT AS COMPLETE 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by the Public Works Director, accept the Kent Springs Production Well contract as complete and release retainage to Arcadia Diril•ling upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens. The original contract amount was $55, 586.91. The final construction cost was $57, 085 . 73 . 3 . EXHIBITS: None 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission, etc;.`) 5. UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCL OF FUNDS : 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmembeg seconds . " DISCUSSION: E ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6E -A , Kent �C#Y ',Council Meeting Date t ; October 16, 200i Categox Consent Calendar 1 . SUBJECT: SPAN ALASKA BUILDING EXPANSION- 13ILL OF SALE - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by th(e public Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for the Span Alaska Building Expansion submitted by. Span Alaska Consol djatOrB ' for continuous operation and maintenance of 300 feet of stkreet improvements. Bonds to be released after the one-year expirati'on period. This project is located at 8130 South 216th; Street . 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission,-', eta.") 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSOML IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: t r�+ 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmembex seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6F S 196 H —TT Z Co } N } Q J 0 Q N 2 > 0) W II N > 3 PROJECT S 2 T Sl LOCATION s 208TH N S 216TH ST>a N coS 218TH T ` w > � Z 00 CO m S 222ND ST af w vi a w N > U tO S 228T vi N a a N ^ V/co S 234TH T �1�� 00 N J � 00 O w !v ST 0 0 m J 3 a S ST co Y f/1 (0 m N N SMITH T I Q N 0 SPAN ALASKA BUILDING EXPANSION 0 Kent, Ci,py Council Meeting Dat 0,.1 � .Oeltober 16, 2 0 Q I Category, onsent Caletdat 1 . SUBJECT: SEATTLE MACR TRUCK BILL OF SA ; - ACCEPT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: As recommended by thi Ou'):c Works Director, accept the Bill of Sale for Seatt�e +Pack Truck submitted by Sea-Mac LLC for continuous ope alripn and maintenance of 506 feet of street improve=6,,,3sLnd 513 feet of storm sewer. Bonds to -be released after ti+ Qpe-year expiration period. This project is locate4,ist, ,25619 Pacific Highway South. 1 I 3 . EXHIBITS: Vicinity map ;7- 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director .wd. (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commissioil;,• tol.� '- r 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: NO YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: $ „ SOURCE OF FUNDS: i 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilmembe,3r seconds �+> DISCUSSION: ' ACTION: I haw •Council Agenda -Item No. 6G c� ' QI� KENO �eS w O� 04 GREEN cn w Q = 3 U spa, Q a S 252ND ST P a s 260TH S ►— -1 N Q ��P� K. FENWICK co o � o � N rT O O Z O 3 Y U 7 Y U f0 E a� S 7 D m N SEATTLE MACK TRUCK 0 E + Kenlo, 'Council Meeting -Date October October 16, 200I. o Consent Calends 1. SUBJECT: EXCUSED ABStNCE FROM COUNCIL N"T o, 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Approval, of an excl ' d,absence for Councilmember Judy Woods from the October .i �,,20QI, City Council meeting, as she is unable to atte �j rr: k } f r "4 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: r (Committee, Staff, Examiner, Commission,: b't�l.) 5 . UNBUDGETED FISCAL/PER$O NEL IMPACT: N0 YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRE?: SOURCE OF FUNDS V { 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Councilmember moves, Councilme mb���r ' seconds V DISCUSSION: ACTION: ; { : Council Agenda Item No. 6H • MEMORANDUM TO: JIM WHITE, MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JUDY WOODS, COUNCIL MEMBER DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2001 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL EXCUSED ABSENCE I would like to request an excused absence from the October 16, 2001 City Council meeting. I will be unable to attend. Thank you for your consideration. JW:jb i 4 Kenf :�Cx, Council Meeting Pat,$ p ,,O'ctober 16, 2001 Cad' Consent Calera aE 1. SUBJECT: KENT D I VERS J,TY ADVISORY BOA. '". 114TMENT 2 . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Confirmation of the,,x 4y,4,'*0,b appointment of Ms. Moon Bang to serve as a member of t4, 'I o� 'biversity Advisory Board. Ms. Bang and her husbancj, ;0 d wt*o::children are Kent residents. She has lived here for n 4e 04years and she and her husband own and operate East Hill a rs,. She spends much of her spare time with church activit o<�11, ^ On August 21, 2001, City Council pass Ordicf;.N�. 3570 that increased the number of -member4 ,�of the Di:,V6 y l dvisory Board- from seven to nine members. Ms: Bang wi• 1:; ilr ';'�^d,pe of the newly created positions, Her term will oo" juntil 9/30/2003 . M ik R , 3 . EXHIBITS: Memo �.. . f 4 . RECOMMENDED BY: Mayor White `R (Committee Staff Examiner, Commission.,,- tc: ) f , 5. UNBUDGRTED FISCAL/PER501jNEL IMPACT: NCB YES 6 . EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: SOURCE OF FUNDS: kj 7 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: f A , Councilmember moves, Councilmembei : seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: j Council l A Benda _ fltem No. 6I 40 • • KEN T W A S H I N G T O N MEMORANDUM TO: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: MAYOR JIM WHITE DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2001 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO KENT DIVERSITY ADVISORY BOARD I have appointed Ms. Moon Bang to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Ms. Bang and her husband and two children are Kent residents. She has lived here for nineteen years and she and her husband own and operate East Hill Cleaners. She spends much of her spare time with church activities On August 21, 2001, City Council passed Ordinance number 3570 that increased the number of members of the Diversity Advisory Board from seven to nine members. Ms. Bang will fill one of the newly created positions. Her term will begin immediately and will continue until 9/30/2003. I submit this for your confirmation. jb REPORTS FROX, 191 ING OO ITTX%44 �l ,* 9'F A. COUNCIL PRESIDENT E f , B. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 1, C. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEES° c P D. PUBLIC WORKS E. PLANNING COMMITTED, F. PARKS COMMITTEE G. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS ;w. l : REPORTS FROM SPECIAL Comurnt •, f � I } Operations Committee August 7, 2001 Committee Members Present: Chair Rico Yingling, Judy Woods, Tim Clark Staff Present: May Miller, Roger Lubovich, Becky Fowler, Jed Aldridge, Tom Brubaker, Brett Vinson. Jackie Bicknell Public Present- Ella Mae Pruitt, Jeff Barker, Linda Johnson The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by Committee Member Tim Clark, who served as Intenm Chair until Rico Yin,lin, arrived. Approval of the Nlinutes of July 3. 2001 Tim Clark moved to approve the minutes of July 3, 2001. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Judy Woods and passed 3-0 Approval of Vouchers Dated July 1-; and 31. 2001 Judy Woods moved to recommend approval of vouchers dated July 15 and 31, 2001 The inotion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Cable TV Political Statement for Municipal Court Judge Position Assistant City Attorney Brett Vinson presented amendments to the current Video Taping Resolution. When the resolution was first enacted, the Municipal Court Judge position was not an elected position but currently is an elected position, so the resolution was changed to provide an opportunity for those seeking that position to make a video presentation and allow it to be broadcast. There may also be other elected positions that could come up in the future that aren't currently stated, and rather than add just the Municipal Court Judge position, language was used to include all elected City of Kent positions. Two options of the resolution were presented. The first one dealt specifically with the amendment of the resolution that added "aril elected position " and deleted the language making reference to "ma ti•or or ctn councilinember" Option two addressed the issue of scheduling to accommodate Multi Media Manager Dea Drake and her staff who are on a tight time frame to get all the candidates video taped within the first two weeks. It also provided an opportunity for those individuals not subject to a primary election to be scheduled further out than the original two ��eek window. The taping period for individuals or candidates who aren't subject to a primary election would take place no later than four weeks after the official final deadline and they would be given the two week window from that four week period to make their video presentation. The language as exists in section 2B would allow flexibility to schedule those candidates who aren't subject to a primary election further out but no later than four weeks after the final deadline. City Attorney Roger Lubovich said the proposed resolution would repeal Redolution1544 and would be a new resolution with amendments. Operations Committee, 8/7/01 2 ~ Tim Clark moved to recommend a Cable TV Political Statement for resolution replacing current Resolution 1544 for adoption as printed and identified as Alternative 2. The motion was seconded by Judy Woods and passed 3-0. Diversity Advisory Board — Ordinance Roger Lubovich explained that the Diversity Advisory Board now has seven members and Administration would like to increase the membership to nine in order to provide more diversity and make it easier to get quorums. The proposed ordinance amends the City Code to increase the membership to nine. Judv Woods moved to recommend Council adoption of the ordinance increasing the Diversity Advisory Board Members from seven (7) to nine (9). The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Kent Downtown Partnership Quarterly Report Kent Downtown Partnership Executive Director Linda Johnson reported that the downtown was ever changing, emptying out and filling back up. She said Mr. Anderson, owner of the Penney's Building was waiting to get permits to do the remodel there and the Ben Franklin Building property has been listed with a very reputable real estate firm. The downtown merchants tend to relocate themselves when a vacancy comes up, with a couple moving out or a couple moving into new locations; some expansion has taken place. The Discount Tire store on Smith Street closed business, but the Partnership so far hasn't found out what the plans are of the property owner there. This year has been very, very slow for the Kent Market, but things are starting finally to pick up. Strawbemes came in the first week of July, raspberries the third week, and blueberries have Just now come into season. A permanent farmer is coming six days a week so there are vegetables for sale every day of the week. There will also be fish products as soon as the permits are taken care of, and hopefully there will be fresh fish and possibly a live crab tank if the King County Health Department will allow it. The deli is operating and doing catering out of its facility. There was a bit of a slump after Cornucopia but that's normal after Seafair time. The market didn't do as well this year dunne, Cornucopia as last because the Lions Club set up vendors all the way in front, blocking the Market vendors off. Quite a bit of money had to be refunded to the Market vendors to keep them happy. The KDP is going into the process of setting its goals. All the budgeting and marketing plans are in place and September 19`h has been set for the planning session at the East Hill Fire Station. The walking guides which go out to all of the hotels, motels, the airport, and numerous other places are being updated and should be printed in October. The Chalk Festival is the next event on the calendar and takes place in conjunction with Canterbury Faire on the 18`h of August. Everybody is invited to come down and draw wonderful pictures on the sidewalks. Prizes will be awarded in different categories (last year an eight year old girl won the S 100 grand prize). Tom Wood, President of the Kent Downtown Partnership, reiterated that the Partnership was going through the budgeting process for next year. He said there have been some good things going on at the Market and it might need more assistance, but the Partnership was working on a plan. Mr. Wood thanked Linda Johnson for all the work she's done and said there were some very creative things happening at the Market. Operations Committee, 3/7/01 3 Ms. Johnson commented that the KDP turns 10 years old on October 4th and an anniversary party is being planned at the Senior Center. The caterer from the Market will provide the food at cost and there will be facts and photographs from 10 years ago up to present day. The cocktail hour will begin at 6:00 PM, followed by a dinner and program. Ms. Johnson invited anv backvard fanners that may have way too much produce to bnng it to the Market to sell. Hours for the Market are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday, and from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. June Financial Report Finance Director May Miller said the June Financial Report helps to measure what the trends are since it is the half-year report. The overall General Fund revenue is almost right on budget at less than 1% off. The City budgets conservatively with the hope of over collecting. Last year. revenue was 6.8% or S 1.7 million over budget at this time and the City was considerably better off than in the current revenue picture. This year there was a sizable appeal in the Property Tax area, which money will be recovered next year. The General Fund Sales Tax for July was S255,000 over budget and that was the result of a 1997-2000 field audit which brought in S261,000. Now. instead of being behind in Sales Tax as has been the case all year. Sales Tax in the General Fund is 2.S% over. Last year it was one million over so it's about $750,000 short this year in the General Fund from the overage last vear. The Utility Tax is helping to make up some of that shortage. Through June, the Utility Tax was S721,000 over budget and is about S500,000 ahead of last vear at this same time, so that recok ers quite a bit of the money that's short in the Sales Tax area. In the Building Permit Revenue, both May and June were over what they were last year but are still running about 220'o under budget through June. All the south end cities are running about 20°'o under budget in Building Permit revenue so there seems to be a consistency with the whole area nght now. Building Permit Valuation was way over last vear because it was spiked by the Sound Transit Parking Garage. There won't be any property tax received on the parking garage because it will be a (Yovernmental facility, but it does add to the overall assessed valuation of the City. Permit Values this year are about 25% under last year. Plan Check Fees are running under from May and June but they could pick up later in the year because the plan check comes after the building permit. Recreation Fees are 8.5% over budget or S51,000. Fines and Forfeitures in June collected S26,000 more than June last vear. The court switched collection agencies and allowed people to come in and pay their fine without the collection penalty, so quite a few people took advantage of that one month reprieve. Expenditures are 2.5% under budget, mostiv from vacant positions through June. The Adjustment column on page 13 shows Sales Tax and Utility Tax coming in stronger at about S1,220,000 over budget in the Revenue side. That amount is used to project next year's revenue based on trends nght now. For Property Tax, it's assumed that 1-747 could pass and so the budget is conservative. The City received a notice about the Initiative that projected Kent would lose S270,000 next year if it passes. At the end of 5 years, the projection was for an accumulative loss of more than S2 million, which would equal about 34 positions if it were just people. The Expenditure side of the Adjustment column shows that some salaries will be saved because of underfilling, and there will be S400,000 savings in the retirement rate. The legislature passed a rate Operations Committee, 8/7/01 4 reduction in PERS2 and LEOFF2 which will save the City about S400,000 this year and S800,000 in annual savings next year. The City's share and also the employee's share of those two plans went down. The S2.2 million over two years will help offset some of the shortfalls. The ending fund balance for next year, taking all the revenues and expenditures that are known now would be S6,453,000, which equals the 10% reserve. If everything were to stay as it is today, revenue would be short S42,000. In June of last year, revenue was $187,000 to the positive side. Vacancies this year are just about the same number as last year. The Street Fund was up about S330,000 in the adjustment column for revenue because the utility taxis strong. There is S332,000 unbudgeted dollars showing for the end of next year. The Lodging Tax Revenue was budgeted at S152,172 and looks to be about S66,000 on the positive side. The Youth/Teen Program is primarily from Utilitv Tax so that fund is definitely showing that projections will be exceeded. The CIP Fund is strong because of S300,000 in sales and real estate excise taxes. Revenues in the Criminal Justice Fund have been coming in a little bit higher than what was budgeted. The Police Grant people are funded from that fund, but the time is now nearing for the end of the grants. Last year there was S783,000 budgeted for salaries and benefits in the Police section, and this year that amount will go up to S1 281,000 as the City picks up its side of the grants as they are phased out. The rates for the internal service funds and self insurance funds are providing adequate fiend balance. The Unemployment Fund rates that are now being charged to the departments seem adequate to provide fund balance. The Workers Comp Fund rates have been increased by about S50,000 and an actuarial studyjust completed will determine if that fund balance is sufficient. The cost containment and new employee share for the Health Insurance Fund will pick up the increase in rates that's anticipated there, so the City won't have to have a rate increase this year. This is the first time in a long time that that fund has stabilized and the balance has increased. The Liability Insurance Fund, because of certain claims, has been increased by about S250,000 of what the departments are charged. The departments are charged back based on the actual history of where the claims are occumng. For example, if sewer claims totaled 25%, then 25% of the premium would be charged back to the Public Works department. The Property Insurance premium has just increased from $121,000 in 2000 to a projected S194,000 for 2001. The City is at the mercy of the market regarding those premiums, but part of the increase is due to adding more tools, equipment, and autos, etc. The rates have also gone up, so the amount that's being charged to the departments has been increased. The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 PM. Jackie Bicknell City Council Secretary Special Planning Committee September 10, 2001 Committee Members Present: Judy Woods, Tim Clark, Connie Epperly (sitting in for Tom Brotherton) Staff Present: Kim Marousek, Charlene Anderson, Kim Adams-Pratt, Tom Brubaker, Bob Hutchinson, Bill Wolinski, Jackie Bicknell Public Present. Julie Peterson, Ron White The meeting was called to order at 4:07 PM by Judy Woods. filling in as Chair. Approval of the ylinutes of August 6, 2001 Committee Member Tim Clark moved to approve the minutes of August 6, 2001. The motion was seconded by substitute Committee Member Connie Epperly and passed 3-0. ESA Response Under SEPA Senior Planner Kim Marousek recalled that at the Julv 2'd Planning Committee meeting staff proposed some interim policy measures to address the Endangered Species Act Response in the City of Kent. She said the Citv has taken a broad response to ESA and is involved in a number of watershed based groups and working on a number of enhancement projects under ESA both citywide and regionally. Kent has two separate sets of standards that apply within the water quality arena. The standards for the Soos Creek area (primarily the East Hill) are newer standards that w ere adopted from King County. An older set of standards done in the early 1980's applies primanly in the Vallev area (indicated on a hazard area inventory map). Major and minor creek systems and ditches are identified, including vlill Creek. Gamson Creek, and Springbrook Creek. The older standards are substantially less protective than the standards adopted in the Soos Creek area, so staff decided to look at whether or not the City may want to take additional measures to protect some monads in those systems that have a lesser level of protection. A certain level of protection can be obtained through the pm ate development process which involves an environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act for each substantial development project. That review would require a detailed level of analysis by the applicant and may require mitigating conditions, dependent upon the impacts that have been addressed from that development. This proposal would look at areas within a 200 foot swath adjacent to the mapped systems. Projects that are large enough to require environmental review under SEPA would be required to submit additional environmental documentation in the form of a Fisheries Study (which has been annotated and outlined in the resolution). If there is an impact to the fisheries resources, mitigation may become part of the conditions of approval for that building permit. That could potentially include enhanced buffer areas or a larger buffer area, depending on the level of impact based upon the independent review. The scope of the report would look at the threatened species, Chinook, and would also include the candidate species, Coho. An informal public meeting was held on August 161h to go over the draft proposal and about 12 people, primanly developers, attended the meeting and gave feedback. Those items outlined in the letter from Perkins Coie, LLP, on behalf of Boeing Realty Corporation were basically the issues that Planning Committee, 9/10/01 2 came out of that public meeting held on the 161h, and largely included how ditches would be handled and whether or not Coho should be included within the bounds of the report or study area. Protective measures aren't required, but in looking at a watershed approach, there is an interdependence of both species in needing good water quality in order to survive, and it's hard to separate between the two whether the Chinook is being protected or the Coho. There's a certain degree of relationship to water quality, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen—and whether or not it's in a headwater area or downstream, it feeds into that habitat ultimately and has a cumulative impact on the downwater systems. The proposal is a proactive stance (knowing that Coho are listed as candidate species and trying to not list them as threatened species in the future) and interim response that will eventually be replaced with more developed standards as the critical areas ordinance required under GMA is updated. That process will require the City to go through the public hearing process. Tim Clark read an excerpt from the Perkins Cole letter that talked about the Soos Creek Basin Overlay standards: Guidelines establish an unreasonable and potentially tune-consuming study, review, and approval process for assessing and mitigating potential impacts to salmonuds. He stated that within the Soos Creek Basin area, the City of Kent was the one that actually sets the standards, and questioned how that issue would reconcile. Deputy City Attorney Tom Brubaker replied that when the very large Meridian area was aimlexed 4-5 years ago, the Council elected to maintain the King County setback standards for streams. Those standards are much broader and more protective of streams than the existing standards in the rest of the City of Kent, and whereas in the Vallev the existing standards might set a 25 foot buffer, in the Lake Meridian annexations and subsequent annexations the buffer might be 100 feet. It's the opinion of the City's environmental staff that the existing buffers and standards incorporated in the Lake Meridian annexations and subsequent annexation areas are probably much more sufficient to protect endangered and threatened species fish. Heightened scrutiny might be required from time to time in the Valley because the buffers are so much smaller there, but the plan differentiates between the Soos Creek Overlav area because those standards are much more restrictive. In answer to Tim Clark's request for clarification on the overlap of major and minor creeks. ditches and associated wetlands, Kim Marousek said that Section 3, Page 5 of the draft resolution where it talks about Affected Areas or Management Zones: "These policies and procedures will apply to all properties,projects or portions of projects that fall within the 200 foot management zone adjacent to all rivers, streams, creeks, and tributaries located on the Citv's Hazard Area Inventon"Map " should probably read "streams, creeks, and ditches", because that's the way they're defined on the Hazard Inventory Map. Tom Brubaker added that also in Section 3 of the resolution where it says "These policies and procedures will apply, even though the affected river, stream, creek, or- tributary rnav be intermittent or permanent and though the course of the river, stream, or creek is to a natural, altered, or mart-made condition. "was an attempt to cover stream courses that have been straightened in the past and turned into what appear to be ditches but are actually part of the stream system. Kim Marousek explained that if there were no impacts to a system, no additional mitigation would be required, but the proposal is clear that an analysis must be done. Tim Clark questioned whether the ordinance covered anything flowing into and affecting the habitat of the defined areas of"..irrigation ditches, canals, storm or surface water runoff devices or other entirely artificial watercourses unless they are used by salmontd. " Tom Brubaker said that anything within 200 feet of the Hazard Area Inventory Map (which covers most of the streams and tributaries in the valley and the pre-Meridian annexation area) would be covered, but those ditches Planning Committee, 9/10/01 3 and smaller streams outside those areas would not be covered. He continued that the City of Kent has had a Hazard Inventory Area Map on the books for almost 20 years and that map is unchanged. The streams, creeks, and ditches affected are the ones that the map designates as rivers, streams, creeks, and ditches within 200 feet of the designated hazard areas. Mr. Brubaker said staff would look at the analysis provided by SEPA and if something were within the Hazard Area Management Zone, then they would determine whether or not there would be impacts to the habitat that needed to be mitigated. Some buffers may need to be expanded, but the thrust of the interim measure is primarily to increase the natural vegetation within the existing buffers and near the streams to provide the right kind of water temperature and insect life for food for the fish. Connie Epperly asked what would happen to all the older homes within 25 feet of the streams when stricter guidelines and buffers were adopted. She contended that on the Soos Creek there were a lot of houses only four steps away from the creek and asked if people would be able to rebuild if one of the houses in the Valley burned down. Tom Brubaker said those residences would be legal nonconforming uses with the existing development standards and under the Kent City Code. If a house were to burn down, it would be allowed under Citv code to rebuild. The Code used to sa-, that if a nonconforming use were more than 50-601 o destroyed by some act of God, then it couldn't be rebuilt, but that can be chanced. The ordinance is designed to target new development and not to chance any existing conditions; also single family, residential houses are exempt under SEPA. him Marousek added that single familv homes may be subject to SEPA because of other requirements (on the East Hill there is an area which is currently not protected by the Soos Creek Basin Standards and there may be some instance in that area that's more residential where that may occur), but Generally, homes redevelop in the Valley for commercial or industrial uses. If a development proposal is large enough to be subject to environmental review under SEPA, then additional analysis needs to be provided. If it's not subject to that scrutiny of review, there's no additional information required of the applicant—they can come in and Get their various permits. Authority is written into the proposal to outnght exempt from the process or tenant improvement a proposed project that may have no inherent impact to salmon. Tom Brubaker, responding to Tim Clark's request for clarification on citizen protection, commented that the people who develop would know the ESA regulations and that Chinook salmon were protected species. If those people took any action that resulted in harm to the fish, their habitat, spawning grounds, or waters where they live, thev would run the risk of being subject to criminal civil penalties in a lawsuit. Generally, those lawsuits are third party actions brought by an environmental or citizens group. The City of Kent is trying to do what it can to protect fish habitat and also be able to divert any lawsuits against the City for not doing a responsible job in being a regulator of this development. The habitat for the Chinook and Coho is all one interconnected extensive system because of the area where the mature fish live, the areas where they spawn upstream, the grazing areas where they eat insects. the areas where the fingerlings swim, and the areas further upstream where the fish never go but the water quality gets created and water temperature is controlled. It's very hard to say where the Chinook habitat ends and the Coho habitat begins. The policy in the resolution and ordinance includes analyzing impacts to both species of fish and reflects policies implemented already by the City Council because of involvement in the WRIAs (Water Resource Inventory Areas). The City is also actively involved with regional entities on the Cedar River Watersheds and the Green/Duwamish Watersheds and is creating plans to protect those watersheds and making Planning Committee, 9/10/01 4 commitments along with other cities, tribes, and regional and local jurisdictions. A policy decision could remove the Coho from consideration and would not be in violation of the provision of the Endangered Species Act; it might eliminate some mitigation conditions and allow some development opportunities. Judy Woods stated she would rather be proactive and progressive, and it was better to be safe than sorry. Tim Clark added that not keeping track of the Coho would be to get more severe restrictions in the future. He stated that in the struggle with wetlands, natural habitat has degraded to a severe situation and the accumulative effect has been a deterioration of the overall habitat for all amphibians and fish within the area. Connie Epperly moved to forward the draft resolution and ordinance implementing enhanced review procedures under the State Environmental Policy Act in response to the listing of endangered, threatened, and candidate species under the Endangered Species Act to the City Council with a recommendation for approval, including the amended language on Page 5 of the resolution, substituting ditches for tributaries. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Proposed Revisions to KCC Chapters: 2.32, 11.03, 12.01, 14.01, 14.11 Kim Marousek reported that the proposed revisions have come back from the August 6`h Planning meeting because of some unresolved issues related primarily to the appeal process. The draft ordinance change is essentially a clean up ordinance of a number of sections of code largely dealing with Chapter 12 permit processes. ♦ Page 3-4, Section 11.03), Appeal process under SEPA: The proposal is to revise the appeal process under SEPA to be in conformance with the WAC regulations which essentially require consolidated appeal of SEPA with the underlying permit decision. The substantive appeal process would be deleted from local appeals and would go directly to Superior Court. ♦ Page 11, Process and Procedures: The open record appeal and open record hearing were separated and the closed record appeal process was added. Those had all been combined in the previous chart, which made it confusing. Tim Clark asked about the exemptions for boundary line adjustments on Page 12. Kim Marousek said boundary line adjustments are reviewed, but that section of code applies only if a project is subject to SEPA. Boundary line adjustments are categorically exempt from environmental review to the extent that they are reviewed as lot line or boundary line adjustments in the City, and are not subject to the time limitations and the process limitations under Chapter 12. A lot line adjustment is a very simple administrative process where an existing line may be moved. Ms. Marousek further explained that the process of platting where parcels are being created would still be subject to that file. ♦ Page 16, Section 12.01.105 for Vesting was added, which bnngs the building code into conformance and adopts that language into this section so that they are the same. Tim Clark asked if that section would protect the City in cases where a permit had been granted by the county and then the area was annexed and there was a difference in the zoning. Kim Planning Committee, 9/10/01 5 ^ Adams Pratt responded that once someone had been vested with the county they would still be vested to those applicable code regulations and that wouldn't change with annexation. Kim Marousek added that the issue was clarified on what is vested under King County standards and what can be applied. The proposal specifically applies to those processes that are initiated in the City that go through the process under this title. ♦ Page 21-22: The things stricken under Notice of Public Hearing weren't deleted but were moved to a different title (12.01.145) on Page 24. Notice of the Public Hearing Process was broken out from the Notice of Application Process; they had been combined but are actually rwo different noticing requirements, so now have two separate sections in the code. ♦ Page 30, Section 12.01.155 is a section of code that was moved which had been contained previously under the Open Record Hearing, section. Kim Adams Pratt added that there was a scrivener's error in the first line in that section under (A): "The following shall apple to open record appeal hearings " The word appeal should be removed to make it read "The followuig shall apply to open record hearings " ♦ Page 36, subset (E): The state allows for some exemptions of notifications on permits and looks at minor administrative type decisions that are made after the land use applications have been done and noticed. The change would provide a notice requirement only to the applicant and not to additional parties beyond that point, with the reason being that it is a cumbersome process to go back and notify all the parties of record when a building permit is issued (maybe years after the land use element is done), and the appeal rights to a building permit are very narrow in scope but still have the substantive appeal issue at the environmental review stage ♦ Page 39: Open record and closed record appeals were broken out. That didn't change either of the processes, but they had been combined in one section of the code and the change makes it read easier. Kim Adams Pratt added that Pa,e 39 also contained the same reference to 12.01 140(H)(2)(b)(1) and (3), which should be 12.01.145(B)(2)(A) and (C) ♦ Page 40, Section 12.01.195 (C): The last sentence talks about an appeal period of 21 days, which should be deleted. The old RCW required SEPA appeals to be 21 days, but the new RCW is 14 days. The 21 days reference was deleted from the open records appeal in the draft, but also needs to be deleted from the closed record appeal, so the last sentence in (C) beginnin with "If an applicant.." should read 14 days, not 21. Also, the reference to the Planning Department should change to Planning Services Office. ♦ Page 42-43, Uniform Building Code: There was a conflict in the past where expiration of time limits under the Building Code didn't necessarily correspond with the time expirations under the Chapter 12 code. The change seeks to clanfy when a permit would expire under the Uniform Building Code and when a permit would expire under Title 12.01. If a project were not subject to Title 12.01 (meaning it wasn't a land use application defined on the chart or a building or civil permit subject to SEPA), then the time limitations that are found in the Uniform Building Code would apply. Ms. Marousek added that it was clear in the Uniform Building Code (which the City adopted under Title 14) that the time expiration was 180 days from date of filing; then an extension of an additional 180 days could be added. Plannin.-Committee, 9/10/01 6 Tim Clark moved to recommend forwarding the draft ordinance changes to the City Council, updating code provisions relating to the administration of development regulations by amending Chapter 12.01 of the Kent City Code and related portions of Chapters 2.32, 11.03, 14.01, and 14.11 with recommendations of approval and with the included drafted changes that were made at the table, including page 30 where the appeal was struck, page 36 where language was substituted, page 39 where the code numbers were substituted, and page 40 where there was a deletion and where Planning Services Office was added. The motion was seconded by Connie Epperly and passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM. Jackie Bicknell City Council Secretary Special Public Works Committee September 10, 2001 Committee Members Present: Chair Tim Clark, Connie Epperly, Rico Yingling Staff Present. Don Wickstrom, Gary Gill, Cyndi Wilbur. Charlene Anderson, Tom Brubaker, Alice Conrad, Bill Wolinski, Jackie Bicknell Public Present: Julie Peterson The meeting was called to order at 5:08 PM by Chair Tim Clark. Approval of the Minutes of August 6. 2001 Committee Member Connie Epperly moved to approve the minutes of August 6, 2001. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Rico Yingling and passed ;-0. Washing,ton .avenue HOV Lanes WSDOT Grant— Authorize Public Works Director Don Wickstrom relayed that construction had be,un on «"ashin17ton Avenue from the Green River Bndve to James Street. As Washington Avenue is a state route. the state is responsible for the pavement structure and so they are contributing S52S,000 to the project as their share of the cost Connie Epperly moved to recommend authorizing the Mavor to sign the agreement along with directing staff to accept the funds and adjust the project budget (Fund #R90069.6.110) accordingly including authorized said monies to be spent on the project. The motion was seconded by Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. Leasing Agreement . Parking and Storage — Authorize Don Wickstrom explained that the City owns a piece of property at 224"' and West Valley High%kav which pins from West Valley High%av to 6. "' Puget Sound Energy _aye the property to the Cit" a long time ago and reserved easements for their power lines. Since the City owns the property, it now has all the potential LID assessments On the property by West Valley Highway there is a 10 car parking lot, plus additional stalls, and a trail system over 6. 1" which a developer on the south side built as a condition of the original lease. The lease has expired once before and this is just another extension. The Citv will receive between S4200-S4600 a year over a six year period. Rico Yingling moved to recommend authorization for the Mavor to execute the Parking and Storage Lease agreement between the City and SPP Real Estate. The motion was seconded by Connie Epperly and passed 3-0. Watershed Basins Within Water Resource Inventory area (WRIA) 49 Amendment Don Wickstrom said this amendment to the WRIA 9 agreement (which covers the Green River/Duwamish Basin) adds Tacoma and Vashon Island to the Interlocal Agreement and deletes them out of WRIA 15, and reflects a vote change based on their contnbution. Public Works Committee, 9/10/01 '_ Tim Clark explained that it was critical that the WRIA #9 agreement have Tacoma as a partner as they retain a portion of the streams that flow back into the Green and have a vested interest in the outcome of that particular waterway along with the pipeline which is Kent's major future water supply. Tacoma is contributing money towards and have become a proportional voter of the WRIA management. He added that the addition of the Vashon/Maury Island to the WRIA 9 forum was nothing more than a political decision because King County has Vashon Island within its purview and they won't have to give up their authority in that area. It's an issue of near shore in terms of the protection of habitat (which is a somewhat universal issue throughout Puget Sound). Mr. Clark said that even though adding Vashon was simply protecting old claims, it was probably necessary under the current circumstances and he wouldn't object to it in terms of the finality of the agreement. Connie Epperly moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 9. The motion was seconded by Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. Street Vacation at South 2061h and East Valley Highway Don Wickstrom said a valid petition had been received to vacate a portion of South 206 Street lving west of East Vallev Highwav and serving 3-4 properties. In accordance with state law, a public hearing has to be held. Rico Yingling moved to recommend Council adoption of a resolution setting a public hearing date of November 201h for the street vacation at South 2061h Street. The motion was seconded by Connie Epperly and passed 3-0. Surplus Vehicles — Authorization Don Wickstrom said the Surplus Vehicles list was for those vehicles that staff is proposing to surplus at the public auction. Connie Epperly moved to recommend authorization to declare the listed vehicles as surplus and to authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction. The motion was seconded by Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:21 PM. Jackie Bicknell City Council Secretary CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS A. �F 4 k\$/UTIVE SESSION , » � , ) �