HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/01/1993 Kent, Washington June 1, 1993 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Dan Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, White and Woods, Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Acting Finance Director Miller, and Human Resources Director Olson. Approximately 25 people attended the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced COMMUNICATIONS that Paula Fennell of the Fire Department has been selected as Employee of the Month for June. He noted that Paula works very conscientiously with a deep sense of personal pride in the performance of her Fire Department assignments, and that she has significantly contributed to the success of several programs, such as the Medic 1 program through which the Fire Department teaches CPR to citizens. Regional Justice Center Update. Wendy Keller, Interim Project Manager, outlined the schedule, noting that a Project Manager and the construc- tion management firm will be hired by October. She added that schematic design will also be done by that time. She thanked the Mayor, Council and Staff for putting together the technical com- mittee, and noted that they have discussed ways to handle traffic and parking, and will continue to work together on it. She said the next step is design development which will take four to five months, after which construction documents will be prepared, and that the whole process will take approximately 19 months. She explained that the majority of clean up will be done between the time design is finished and the owners have moved off the site. She noted that clean up includes removal of two underground storage tanks and demolition of the buildings. She said that they will then call for bids, and that construction will take approximately 20 months. Keller then distributed copies of the justice center, noting that it will consist of a court building of four or five floors, and the detention facility. The two buildings will be connected by a vehicular sallyport so that prisoners coming into the facility will not walk through public areas. Hugh Leiper pointed out that the majority of voters in Kent voted against this facility. 1 June 1, 1993 PUBLIC Commuter Rail Update. D. J. Mitchell, Assistant COMMUNICATIONS to the Chairman of Burlington Northern, noted that they are prepared to move forward with whatever agency is ultimately determined to be responsible. He added that they have been working on an operational plan and they want to be sure that the proposed commuter rail improve- ments compliment the proposed intercity passenger service improvements. He stated that they would be happy to discuss issues such as station locations, bus routes, vanpooling and parking with the City, even though it has not been determined who will operate the system. He noted that with the Regional Justice Center being built downtown, Kent has a wonderful opportunity to plan for such things. He noted that every station will be designed to accommodate bicycles and pedestrians, and that every train will be accessible to the handicapped. Upon a question from the Mayor, he explained that trains travel- ing at low speeds are involved in more accidents because people think they can get around the gate before the train arrives. He also said that, depending on the station location, speeds will be 30-40 mph, and that speeds will not exceed the legal limit of 79 mph. He added that the faster the trains go, the less congestion there will be in the community. Hugh Leiper stated that trains and automobiles need to be separated, possibly by elevating the train tracks, and urged the Council to consider this in their planning. CONSENT BENNETT MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through L be approved. Orr seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) A_PRroval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 18, 1993 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Water Conservation Plan (Water System Plan Amendment) . ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1361 relating to the Water Conservation Plan. The adoption of a Water Conservation Plan is required by the South King County Coordinated Water System Plan, a regional plan for critical water supply areas in South King County (including the City of Kent) required by state law. 2 June 1, 1993 TRAFFIC CONTROL Intersection of 108th and 240th. A friend of Anna Heard, a sixth grade student at Park Orchard Elementary School who was hit by a car in the crosswalk on S.E. 240th at 108th Avenue S.E. , noted that a stoplight planned for that inter- section would not be installed for a year and a half. She asked whether it could be installed sooner, so that no one else is injured or killed there. Public Works Director Wickstrom explained that each pole and signal is designed and built specifically for the location, which takes approximately 18 months. He added that this issue will be discussed by the Public Works Committee at 5: 30 p.m. tomorrow, and that staff recommends proceeding with the project and establishing a budget for it. A woman from the audience reiterated that there are many children in the area and 18 months is too long to wait. The Mayor invited all interested citizens to attend the Public Works Committee meeting, and White noted that the committee will look at alternatives to use until the light is installed. A petition signed by 194 students was provided to the City Clerk. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Traffic Signal Remodel - 228TH & 84TH & SR167 Ramps. ACCEPT as complete the contract with The V Company for a traffic signal remodel at 228th & 84th & SR167 Ramps, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. 272nd/277th (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) CORRIDOR 272nd/277th Corridor - Road Improvement Agreements. Lindental Meadows and Julie' s Addition are plats abutting the 277th Corridor alignment along 116th Avenue SE. The Public Works Committee has recommended that the Public Works Director be authorized to sign the Lindental Meadows Agreement and the Julie's Addition Agreement. By these agreements, the City would be an agent acting on behalf of the developer and the City would build a minimum road during the plat development, which would later fit into alignment with the corridor project. The Developer would pay the City the equivalent cost which would have been incurred had they constructed the streets in accordance with the County' s approved plat requirement. WHITE MOVED that the Public Works Director be authorized to 3 June 1, 1993 272nd/277th sign the Lindental Meadows/City Agreement upon CORRIDOR finalizing the details therein, and that the Public Works Director be authorized to sign the Julie's Addition/City Agreement upon finalizing the details therein. Bennett seconded and the motion carried with Mann opposed. PARKING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Offsite Overflow Parking. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1363 relating to offsite overflow parking, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This resolution establishes a City policy encouraging sufficient onsite parking facilities and discour- aging offsite overflow parking; the resolution also would allow staff to review with developers potential onsite parking insufficiencies in new multi-family developments. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) OCCUPATION Kent Cornucopia Days. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3119 granting a street occupation permit to users, and authorizing the issuance of a Street Occupation Permit to Kent Lions Club for Kent Cornucopia Days, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This ordinance is a new standard street use ordinance for all street closures. In previous years, Cornucopia Days was covered under its own ordinance; however other organizations also request the use of streets for their functions. As a result, the City has pre- pared a standard ordinance and a standard Street Occupation Permit for Street Closures. UNFUNDED FEDERAL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) MANDATES Unfunded Federal Mandates. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1362 supporting the proposed Federal Mandate Relief Act of 1993 , as approved by the Budget Committee. This resolution is a statement of support for H.R. 140, the Federal Mandate Relief Act, as introduced by Congressman Gary A. Condit of California. Congressman Condit' s bill would eliminate the Federal Government's practice of imposing unfunded federal mandates on state and local governments which, when implemented, cause those state and local governments to incur extensive implementa- tion costs to comply with the federal mandates. 4 June 1, 1993 ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) East Hill Annexation - Ramstead/Schneider Annexation (City Properties) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the 60% petition for all the City' s properties within the East Hill Annexation area, as recommended by the Public Works Com- mittee. In October of 1991, Council authorized the circulation of a 60% petition for the subject annexation. While an actual 60% petition has not yet been received, the petitioner is still pursuing same. GROWTH (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) MANAGEMENT ACT Growth Management Act Grant. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1364 relating to the 1992-93 Growth Management Act Grant Service Agreement with King County. The Growth Management Act provides funding to cities and counties that are required to plan under the act. GMA funds are distributed to the City of Kent through King County. This resolution approves the agreement between the City of Kent and King County for the distribution of 1992-93 funds in the amount of $34, 242 . The Planning Committee approved the proposed service agreement on May 18, 1993 . POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) 1993 Correction Facility Health Services Contract. ACCEPTANCE of and authorization for the Mayor to sign the Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health contract to provide medical services at the Kent Correction Facility, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee on May 17 . This is an annual contract that expired on 12/31/92 . Contract negotiations were pro- longed due to the desire to increase service and reduce cost, which was successfully accomplished. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Washington Traffic Safety Grant - Safety Belt Awareness Project. ACCEPTANCE of a Washington Traffic Safety Grant for Kent Community Safety Belt Awareness Project in the amount of $5, 000, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee on May 18th. EQUIPMENT (BIDS - ITEM 5A) RENTAL Highway Paint Striper. The bid opening was held on May 5th with five bids received. The low bid was submitted by Municipal Machinery in the amount of $28, 536 . 00. The Public Works Committee 5 June 1, 1993 EQUIPMENT has recommended that this contract be awarded to RENTAL Municipal Machinery. WHITE SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Upon Houser's question, Wickstrom explained that this piece of equipment fits in the bed of a pickup truck, that it will be used nearly full time during the summer months, and that the truck can be used for other things the rest of the year. The motion then carried. APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Human services Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's appointment of Tony Ladner to the Kent Human Services Commission. He will replace Marvin Eckfeldt, who filled the religious category and whose term expired. Mr. Ladner 's appointment will continue to January 1, 1996. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through May 28 , 1993 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting on June 1, 1993 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/16-5/31 130801-131252 $1, 411, 687.77 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/4/93 Checks 183882-184334 $ 310, 919 .27 Advices 7068-7383 $ 349 ,891. 12 $ 660,810. 39 REPORTS Council President. Woods reminded Councilmembers that Suburban Cities will meet on June 16 at the Kingdome. She noted that until further notice, the first Tuesday of the month at 6: 00 p.m. will be reserved for workshop sessions. She asked Councilmembers to review the draft poster of target issues in Alana McIalwain's office by the end of the week. 6 June 1, 1993 REPORTS Operations Committee. Houser announced that the Operations Committee will now meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 4 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers East. She added that if necessary, meetings may be held on the third Tuesday. Planning Committee. Orr announced that the Planning Committee will now meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 5: 30 p.m. , with the option of a second meeting on the first Tuesday of the month if a timely issue arises. Administrative Reports. McCarthy stated that SSMD has taken over operation of the golf course and has hired approximately 24 City employees. He added that three additional employees have been placed in other City positions. He noted that recruitment for the Maintenance Superinten- dent has been extended, and that Mr. Sanden will attend Parks Committee meetings in the future. McCarthy introduced Fred Wilmuth who will assist in the permit process development. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 00 p.m. , McCarthy announced an executive SESSION session of approximately ten minutes to discuss labor negotiations. ADJOURNMENT At 8 : 10 p.m. the meeting reconvened and adjourned. Brenda Ja obe , CMC City Cler 7