HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/02/1993 Kent, Washington February 2, 1993 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Houser, Johnson, Orr and White, Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Operations Manager Heydon, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Captain Miller, Acting Finance Director Miller, Information Ser- vices Director Spang, and Human Resources Director Olson. Councilmembers Mann and Woods were excused from the meeting. Approximately 40 people were in attendance. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced COMMUNICATIONS that Corrections Officer Harold Burrell has been selected as Employee of the Month for February. He noted that Officer Burrell 's creativity and dedication make him exceptional. Lt. George Burke explained that Burrell established a vegetable garden on city-owned property next to the Correc- tions Facility which gives the inmates a project to enhance their self-esteem, as well as provides food for the Corrections Facility and the Food Bank. He stated that Burrell truly deserves this honor. The Mayor then presented Burrell with the Employee of the Month plaque. State of Emergency Report Fire Chief Angelo reported that during the recent Inauguration Day Wind Storm, the Police, Fire and Parks Departments each responded to over 200 calls in a 24-hour period, and Valley Com dispatched over 1400 calls for emergency services. He noted that Puget Power had over 500, 000 customers without service, and that trees were down, fire stations were damaged, and a water main was pulled up by the roots of trees. Angelo noted that there were approximately 245 buildings, residences or apartments that were impacted by the wind storm, as well as significant damage to landscaping, cars, and power poles. He showed slides of some of the damage, and said that there was unbelievable cooperation from not only emergency personnel, but citizens and businesses as well. He commended Lt. Burke from the Corrections Facility for providing food, since stores and restaurants had no power and there was no time to cook. 1 February 2 , 1993 PUBLIC Angelo noted that the total cost so far is $51, 873 COMMUNICATIONS in overtime, $3700 in damaged material and supplies, and $16, 000 in equipment, and that the community may be eligible for disaster damage assistance. He noted that there were fires, injuries and a fatality all at the same time, and emphasized that the public must be able to survive at least 72 hours on their own. He noted that over 25 people were overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning when trying to keep warm, and noted that when using kerosene heaters or Coleman stoves, the area must be ventilated. Angelo commended Don McDaniel of Puget Power and his employees, as well as out-of-state crews, for their help, noting that McDaniel provided regular updates and prioritization. He said that their commitment to serve the public and desire to coop- erate with emergency service personnel went above and beyond the call of duty, and added that they were caring and cooperative, and without them, the number of emergencies would have been even higher. Angelo added that all agencies and departments worked well together, and he is proud to be a part of this community. Mayor Kelleher expressed appreciation for the work Angelo, his department, City staff and citizens provided in this disaster. Don McDaniel of Puget Power explained that the power company was also out of power, because almost all of the major substations were down, and before they could get to the community the whole backbone of their system had to be redeveloped and put back in power. He said that he was impressed with the spirit of the community and that the cooperation was overwhelming. He noted that they received a great deal of help from Chief Angelo and his staff, as well as from Public Works, in very dangerous circumstances. He added that there were 300 power crews working in the area, and that they worked 18-24 hours at a time and took only 3 or 4 hour breaks. Mayor Kelleher noted that in addition to his assistance during the storm, McDaniel has devoted many hours to the City through his work on various committees, and has provided early payment of 2 February 2 , 1993 PUBLIC utility tax to assist with City cash flow, and COMMUNICATIONS surprised him with a proclamation declaring February 3 , 1993 , as Don McDaniel Day in the City of Kent. The Mayor asked all citizens of Kent to join him in thanking Mr. McDaniel and Puget Power for their dedication to the citizens of Kent and to recognize and appreciate their immediate and comprehensive response to a devastating and over- whelming emergency situation. Kent Arts Commission Rearant Awards. The Mayor noted that each year the City and the Arts Com- mission award funding to local arts organizations for the purpose of providing cultural opportuni- ties in the form of programs and performances. He honored the following groups who have been awarded project funding: Rainier Symphony, Kent Saturday Market, Washington State Music Teachers Associa- tion, Rainier Chorale, Kent Senior Activity Center, Imperial Music and Youth Organization, Kent Youth at Risk Program, Kent Reading Council, and Kent Special Populations Program. The Mayor thanked these groups for providing programs that will enhance and enrich Kent. Engineers Week. Mayor Kelleher read a proclama- tion noting that the ingenuity, knowledge and creative skills of engineers have benefitted. every aspect of the State, and that engineers turn ideas into reality, and proclaimed the week of February 14-20, 1993 as Engineers Week in the City of Kent. The proclamation was presented to Public Works Operations Manager Heydon. Dau hters of the American Revolution - American History Month. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring the month of February, 1993 as Daughters of the American Revolution - American History Month in the City of Kent. He noted that the Lakota Chapter has long recognized the need for all of us to reflect and learn from our past experiences in order for our nation to continue to thrive. The proclamation was presented to Lola Kimmel. CONSENT BENNETT MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through M be approved. White seconded and the motion carried. 3 February 2 , 1993 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 19, 1993 . SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) LID 338 Westview Terrace/McCann's Westview Sani- tary Sewer. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3089 con- firming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 338. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) VACATION Pioneer Street Vacation No. STV-92-3. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3088 vacating a portion of Pioneer Street as requested by the Kent School District and approved by Council subject to certain condi- tions which have now been fulfilled. TRAFFIC (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) CONTROL Commute Trip Reduction Program. This date has been set for the public hearing on the Commute Trip Reduction ordinance. City Attorney Lubovich clarified that the ordinance in the agenda packet contains an error in Section 6. 12 . 120, B. 1, which should say Section 6. 12 . 090 rather than Section 9 and noted that a corrected copy has been distri- buted. Dick Gillisse explained that the State Legisla- ture has adopted the Commute Trip Reduction Law which directs local jurisdictions to adopt an ordinance which will require major employers to design and implement a program to encourage em- ployees to find alternatives to driving alone to work. He noted that the ordinance will apply to employers who have 100 or more full-time employees who report to work between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. , and that they will be required to appoint an employee transportation coordinator to submit information and reports annually to the City. He noted that the State has established reduction in the number of drive alone commuter goals of 15% by 1995, 25% by 1997 and 35% by 1999 . He added that employers face a fine if they do not participate, and that they have six months to develop a program and sub- mit it to the City for approval, and another six months to implement it. He said that the ordi- nance will affect 30-40 employers within the City, and that there has been participation by the business community in drafting the ordinance. 4 February 2 , 1993 TRAFFIC Gillisse pointed out that the City will conduct CONTROL workshops and seminars to assist employers in putting together their programs and will provide the training and materials necessary to conduct the surveys required. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. WHITE THEN MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3086 relating to the Commute Trip Reduction measures required by RCW 70.94 . 527 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) LID 333 - Traffic Signal at 72nd Ave. S. & S. 180th. Ordinance No. 3082 confirming the final assessment roll for LID 333 was adopted at the last Council meeting. The proposed ordinance would repeal that ordinance and change the payment period from 15 years to 10 years. There will be no fiscal impact. WHITE MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3090 confirming the final assessment roll for LID 333 and repealing Ordinance No. 3082 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. FRANCHISE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) (REMOVED FROM AGENDA BY CITY ATTORNEY) Heath Techna Franchise. City Attorney Lubovich explained that the legal description for the Heath Techna Franchise Agreement relating to the use of communication line duct bank facilities under and across S. 200th St. has not yet been received, and that this item should be removed from tonight' s agenda and scheduled for the next Council meeting. There was no objection and it was so ordered. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) (ADDED ITEM) Council Absences. APPROVAL of requests from Council President Woods and Councilmember Mann to be excused from tonight' s Council meeting. 5 February 2 , 1993 LIBRARY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Kent Library Project FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the Kent Library Project allowing for final payment on the contract with Eberharter & Gaunt, Inc. Upon acceptance by the Kent City Council and the King County Library System Board, the statutory waiting period for the contract retainage will commence. Subtracted from the final payment is an amount for liquidated damages for delays by the contractor as provided for in the contract. Final acceptance herein is subject to the claims pending in the current litigation, King County Superior Court Cause No. 92-2-27774-3 . MUNICIPAL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) COURT ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Munici al Courts. White distributed copies of a resolution opposing Senate Bill 5117 which would in effect prohibit cities from establishing new municipal courts. He noted that the Association of Washington Cities has asked for support from cities, and that this was discussed by the Opera- tions Committee today. He added that the resolu- tion will be forwarded to various elected repre- sentatives in Olympia. HE THEN MOVED for approval of Resolution No. 1343 Houser seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Human Services Commission Appointments CONFIRMA- TION of the Mayor's appointments of Tim Clark, Rosemarie Clemente and Peg Mazen as members of the Kent Human Services Commission. Tim Clark has been appointed to represent the Regional Agency category. Mr. Clark is a Social Studies teacher at Kentridge High School and is a member of the Board of Directors of Children's Alliance. He will replace Peg Mazen whose term expired and his appointment will continue to 1/1/96. Rosemarie Clemente has been appointed to represent the Service Clubs category. Ms. Clemente is a member of Kiwanis Club and will replace Dee Moschel whose term expired and her appointment will continue to 1/1/96. 6 February 2 , 1993 APPOINTMENTS Peg Mazen has been appointed to serve as a non- voting Agency Representative. Ms. Mazen works with the Children' s Home Society. Her appoint- ment will continue to 1/1/94 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Bicycle Safety Advisory Committee Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's appointments of Mark Davis, David Hoffman and Steve Knight as members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. They will replace Neil McQuage, Larry Stougard and Laurie Sundstedt whose terms expired. Their appointments will continue to 12/31/94 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's reappointment of Steve Babbitt as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. Mr. Babbitt' s reappointment will continue to 12/31/94 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Gary Westerland as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board to replace Eric Leiper who resigned. Mr. Westerland' s appointment will con- tinue to 12/31/93 . HUMAN (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) RESOURCES Environmental Fund Position Clarification. AUTHORIZATION to delete a recently vacated Public Works General Fund position in lieu of the Golf Manager's position vacated by the in-house recruitment for the Environmental Fund position, as recommended by the Budget Committee on January 25, 1993 . At its July 21, 1992 regular meeting, the Council moved to eliminate the position vacated during an in-house recruitment for the Environmental Fund position. Its intent was to eliminate a general fund position from the budget. The 1993 Budget as passed assumed a general fund position would be deleted. The Environmental Fund position was filled by the person in the Golf Manager's posi- tion which is not a general fund position. This action will clear up this contradiction and comply with Council ' s intent. 7 February 2 , 1993 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) RECREATION Interurban Trail. ACCEPTANCE of Tucci & Sons, Inc. contract for the Interurban Trail project as complete, and release of retainage upon receipt of State releases. BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) 1992 Budget Adjustment Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3087 adjusting the 1992 Budget. The budget adjustment ordinance totals $14, 805, 897 . This budget adjustment is primarily a housekeeping adjustment consolidating individual budget items into one ordinance. $14, 063 , 768 of this amount has been previously approved by Council. The additional amount of $742 , 129 has not been officially approved by the Council but is needed to be in compliance with the State Auditor' s requirements. Revenues, grants, charges to City departments or fund balance provide sources of funding for the budget adjustments. In addition to the budget adjustments two lines of credit are necessary to cover funds that are required to be spent before they are reimbursed. $200, 000 is needed from the Capital Improvement Fund to cover a late December Lake Fenwick land purchase, until the funds are received from King County Open Space Bonds in January, 1993 . A line of credit of $75, 000 from the General Fund is needed to cover the Housing and Community Develop- ment Fund expenditures until the funds are reim- bursed by King County. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) "Inauguration Day" Storm Clean-Up Funding. The Budget Committee has recommended that approxi- mately $12 , 000 from the Environmental Fund be used for clean-up activities for the residents of the City of Kent, due to the recent wind storms. Tim Heydon of the Public Works Department explained that pick-up will be scheduled between February 8 and 19 . JOHNSON MOVED to authorize the use of approxi- mately $12 , 000 from the Environmental Fund for clean-up activities due to the "Inauguration Day" storm. White seconded and the motion carried. 8 February 2 , 1993 BUDGET Gary Ewing of Kent Disposal noted that the material will be composted, not land-filled. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through January 29 , 1993 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 2: 30 p.m. on February 2 , 1993 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/16-1/31/93 126748-127299 $1,762 , 194 .85 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/5/93 180658-181090 $ 340, 959 . 65 2/5/93 Advices 4612-4889 307 , 915. 67 $ 648, 875. 32 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Accounts Receivable Writeoff. AUTHORIZATION to writeoff $64 ,777 . 35 in accounts receivable, as discussed with the Operations Committee on January 26, 1993 . The amount represents approximately .5 percent of the monthly receivable balance of approximately 13 .7 million. The amount to be written off has been through the City' s collection process. The majority of the $52 , 391 to be written off is accounts that are in bankruptcy. The balance of the write offs include $2 , 908 in employee medical that the collection agency has deemed uncollectible, $4 , 840 in parking citations from 1980, and $4 , 337 in miscellaneous accounts. The miscellaneous accounts receivables have been through our collection process with a collection agency, and represent the portion that the agency keeps for their fees. A Listing of Accounts and the Accounts Receivable policy specifies the pro- cedure used in collection of accounts receivable through the collection agency. 9 February 2 , 1993 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Award of office Supply Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a 36-month contract with Boise Cascade to provide the City of Kent' s office supplies, as recommended by the Operations Commit- tee. This recommendation is being made after evaluation of several companies and as a recommen- dation of the Purchasing Committee. Projected funds are already included in the budget to cover the office supplies for each department. REPORTS Public Works Committee. White stated that he has been asked by citizens to form a committee to look at bus transportation in the City, and that he has asked Bob Weyland to co-chair the committee with him. He noted that they will meet at 7 : 00 p.m. on February 11 in the Council Chambers East, and that interested Councilmembers are invited to attend. Planning Committee. Orr announced that the Plan- ning Committee meeting scheduled for this date was cancelled due to lack of a quorum; therefore there may be one or two items brought directly to Coun- cil on February 16. She added that information will be in the packet. Mayor Kelleher asked Orr to contact Council President Woods and have her verbally request that those items be placed on the agenda. Public Safety Committee. Orr noted that the Fire Chief had informed the Public Safety Committee that the Call for Bids on the surplused apparatus resulted in the receipt of no bids, and that some people had expressed interest in the apparatus but not at the minimum bid of $25, 000. Orr said the Committee recommends that the Chief be authorized to call for bids with discretion as to the bid limit that might be set on the apparatus. There was no objection from the Council and it was so ordered. 10 February 2 , 1993 REPORTS Administrative Reports. McCarthy noted that his report is contained in the agenda packet, and added that Acting Finance Director Miller had reported to the Budget Committee that the City ended the year $400, 000 over what was planned for in the budget. He explained that the improvement was due to the sales tax increases of October and November, utility tax improvements, and depart- ments underspending their budgets. He added that the hiring freeze will continue, since labor agreements are not settled and the impact of the Boeing production slowdown is unknown. McCarthy noted that Suburban Cities will meet in Redmond this month and interested Councilmembers should contact Jan Banister. He noted that on February 16, prior to the Council meeting, there will be a workshop on the Regional Transportation Plan from 6: 00-7: 00. He also noted that the City's Legislative Action Committee will meet with legislators on February 24 and 25 at the Tyee in Tumwater, and interested Councilmembers should schedule through Jan Banister. He also reminded Councilmembers of the Council retreat on February 26 and 27 at the West Hill Fire Station. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 45 p.m. Brenda Jaco er, CMC City Clerk ' 11