HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/19/1994Kent, Washington
April 19, 1994
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett,
Clark, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Woods, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning
Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief
Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Finance Division Manager Miller
and Government Affairs Division Manager Martin. Approximately 20
people were at the meeting.
Volunteer Week. Mayor White read a pro -
clamation noting that the City of Kent has
volunteers working in numerous departments and
offices and serving as members of various
boards, commission and committees, and declared
the week of April 18-24, 1994 as Volunteer Week
in the City of Kent.
Introduction of Mayor's Appointees. The Mayor
introduced Linda Johnson and Russ Stringham,
who are his appointees to the Transit Advisory
WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
through G be approved. Orr seconded and the
motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of April 5,
Downtown Water and storm Drainage Improvements.
AUTHORIZATION to accept as complete the con-
tract with Robison Construction, Inc. for the
Downtown Water & Storm Drainage Improvement
project, and release of retainage after receipt
of State releases, as recommended by the Public
Works Committee.
to execute agreements with the Washington State
Dept. of Transportation, subject to some modi-
fications by the Public Works Department and
review and concurrence by the City Attorney, as
recommended by the Public Works Committee.
With the extension of the HOV lanes from 84th
Ave. to W. Main Street, the State will be
April 19, 1994
TRAFFIC re -doing all the bridges thereon. As such,
CONTROL certain City streets will be impacted with lane
reconfigurations and detours, and portions of
City trails will be detoured.
Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement.
AUTHORIZATION to execute an agreement with the
Washington State Dept. of Ecology to receive a
$72,052 grant for education and public involve-
ment of our recycling efforts, as required in
the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste
Management Plan, and as recommended by the
Public Works Committee.
Residential Garbage Service Rates. In January,
the City performed an audit to verify the
hauler's claim for the necessity of a rate
increase. The City also analyzed a claimed
revenue loss attributed to instituting a re-
cycling incentive garbage rate. The Public
Works Committee recommended 2-1 that staff be
directed to proceed with Option 2.
Bennett asked why an auditor was not selected
mutually by the vendor and the City, rather
than using a staff auditor. McFall responded
that the vendor and the City agreed to use the
staff auditor in the interest of time. He also
noted for Bennett that the cost involved was
the normal cost of the salary and benefits of
the auditor. Lubovich explained for Orr that
the contract originally was drafted by Steve
DiJulio, who had been representing the city,
with input and review by City staff.
MANN MOVED to direct staff to proceed with
Option 2 with the stipulation of an added
compensation increase. The motion died for
lack of a second. MANN THEN MOVED to direct
the staff to proceed with Option 2. Houser
seconded. Orr noted that Option 1 has
a smaller increase than Option 2, and that
information in the packet hinted that since
there was the threat of legal action, the City
is being asked to accept a higher rate. She
noted that if the audit if fair, as it appears
April 19, 1994
SOLID WASTE to be, the threat of a lawsuit is no way to
address the issue. She said that an increase
was requested less than six months from the
date the contract was signed and that a more
reasonable rate should have been established
before signing the contract. She also voiced
concern about increased dump fees.
Lubovich explained that the contract was exe-
cuted late in 1992, and that CPI increases have
been provided for in the contract. He noted
that Kent Disposal asked for an increase based
on their understanding of the contract; he
added that he interprets the contract dif-
ferently. He listed the four areas which
provide for increases in rates as follows:
1) Increase in dump fees -- there have been
none. 2) Unusual costs such as changes in
law -- Wickstrom has determined that there has
been an impact due to change in law with re-
cycling and consequently 3.26 was calculated
and included in Option 1. 3) Consumer Price
Index. 4) Other unusual costs that reflect
justified increases in operating expenses not
associated with other changes.
Lubovich said that the audit determined that no
other changes occurred since the inception of
the contract which would justify an increase,
pursuant to the terms of the contract. He
opined that Option 1 reflects what the con-
tract allows for changes, and noted that Kent
Disposal disagrees. He noted that he does not
know if litigation has been threatened, but
that it is common to dispute a contract because
of differing interpretations. He noted that
the City has not been provided with any changes
which would reflect allowed adjustments under
the terms of the contract. He noted that a CPI
increase has been factored in under Option 1,
as well as the recycling impact.
Orr spoke in favor of Option 1, and noted that
there is a great deal of discrepancy between
the City and the vendor as to the amount of
the increase necessary. She said she cannot
justify a larger increase than the auditor
recommended, if the contract is sound.
April 19, 1994
SOLID WASTE Lubovich noted that there has been a concern
as to how long Kent Disposal will stay in the
contract if they are losing money, which is why
looking at different rate adjustments was
suggested. Clark noted that the Public Works
Committee recommended Option 2 since it appears
that Kent Disposal is losing money. Wickstrom
explained that the existing contract does not
expire until 2001, and that it is important to
look at the long term effects. Noting that an
increase was requested six months after signing
the original contract, Orr questioned if there
is any way to prevent requests for increases in
the future. Wickstrom suggested rewriting a
portion of the contract to clarify that issue,
and reiterated that it is important to maintain
good quality service throughout the 10 -year
contract period, and to find a compromise that
works for the City and is reasonable for the
Lubovich noted that an addendum regarding rate
increases could be done subject to satisfactory
MANN MOVED to amend his motion to incorporate
the comments made by Lubovich. Houser
seconded. Lubovich clarified that this would
be a one-time adjustment. Upon Johnson's
question, Lubovich clarified that the language
which the City and the hauler have agreed to
must be approved and adopted by Council.
Bennett recommended that Administration con-
sider the need for a person who could handle
contracts and capital improvement projects,
rather than having each department manage their
Orr voiced concern about whether the garbage
company is getting their best deal, and noted
that she would have been more comfortable if an
outside audit were done and if the contract
were drafted better.
The motion to direct staff to proceed with
Option 2, and to adopt the rate schedule in
Option 2 and authorize Administration to
April 19, 1994
negotiate an addendum which would incorporate
the rate adjustment to
satisfaction then carried with Bennett and Orr
1995 community Development Block Grant Program
Policies and Funding Level. This public hear-
will consider the adoption of five action
items for the 1995 CDBG Program, as recommended
by the Planning Committee on March 15, 1994.
The five items that need Council approval are
to: 1) accept 1995 Pass -Through funds; 2)
accept the $38,830 in 1993 recaptured funds for
the 1995 program year; 3) allocate the maximum
available to the City of Kent the
(Human) Services ($50,171);)the
city's fair share maximum of 1995 Pass -Through
funds to Planning and Administration ($42,336);
and 5) approve the proposed 1995 local program
Betsy Czark of the Planning Department noted
that the City is eligible to receive approxi-
mately $393,000 in pass-through funds and will
recapture approximately $39,000 from two
projects in the 1993 program. She added that
the Human Services Commission has approved
these policies and the Planning Committee has
recommended approval of all five action items.
ORR MOVED for approval of the five action items
for the 1995 CDBG Program, as recommended by
the Planning Committee as follows: 1) accept
1995 Pass -Through funds; 2) accept the $38,830
in 1993 recaptured funds for the 1995 program
year; 3) allocate the maximum available to the
City of Kent for the Public (Human) Services
($50,171); 4) allocate the city's fair share
maximum of 1995 Pass -Through funds to Planning
and Administration ($42,336); and 5) approve
the proposed 1995 local program policies.
Houser seconded and the motion carried.
DEPARTMENT Emergency Generator - Station 74. APPROVAL for
the contract related to the emergency generator
at Station 74.
April 19, 1994
FIRE A contract was signed with VECA Electric for
DEPARTMENT the purchase and installation of a standby
emergency generator at Station 74. It is
anticipated that the entire project will be
completed within 2 months. The portion related
to the VECA contract is complete. Council
acceptance of the completion of VECA's contract
will allow the City to contact the Department
of Labor and Industries and the Department of
Revenue for certification. Upon this certi-
fication, retainage will be released.
Transit Advisory Board. APPROVAL of the
Mayor's appointment and reappointments to the
Kent Transit Advisory Board.
The Mayor has recently appointed Linda Johnson
to serve as a member of the Kent Transit
Advisory Board. Ms. Johnson is Executive
Director of the Downtown Partnership, serves on
the RJC Citizen's Advisory Committee and RJC
Arts Committee and is active with the Kent
Chamber of Commerce. She will replace Don
McDaniel, who resigned, and her appointment
will continue to 4/30/95.
The Mayor has recently reappointed Claudia
Otey and Russ Stringham to serve as members of
the Kent Transit Advisory Board. Their new
appointments will continue to 4/30/96.
Approval of Bills. Dates and figures are not
available because the Operations Committee
meeting scheduled for April 13, 1994, was
REPORTS Council President. Woods announced that she
has been asked by County Executive Locke to
serve on the Stadium Alternative Task Force.
Operations Committee. Johnson noted that
the committee will meet at 9:30 a.m. next
April 19, 1994
REPORTS Planning Committee. Orr noted that the
Planning Committee will hold an extra meeting
at 4:00 p.m. on May 3rd in the Centennial
Building Conference Room. She added that they
will hold their regular meeting on the third
Tuesday as well.
Public Safety Committee. Bennett asked the two
other committee members to meet with him after
tonight's meeting to establish a time to hear
the curfew issue again.
Administrative Reports. Woods asked that all
Councilmembers receive complete Committee
agenda packets in the future.
McFall asked the Council to set May 10th as the
date for a workshop on the Capital Facilities
Plan. It was determined that several Council -
members will not be available on that date, and
it was agreed that Councilmembers would co-
ordinate with the Mayor's Office to set a time
compatible to all. Planning Director Harris
pointed out this will go to the Planning
Commission on June 29, so time is limited.
EXECUTIVE At 7:40 the Mayor announced an executive
SESSION session of approximately to minutes regarding
ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at
7:55 p.m.
Brenda J cobe , CMC
City C1 rk