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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/02/1999 Kent, Washington November 2 , 1999 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order to 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director Miller and Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 35 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Introduction of Appointees. Mayor White intro- COMMUNICATIONS duced Judie Sarff, his reappointment to the Human Services Commission, and added that Dini Duclos, an appointee to the same Commission, is not in attendance . Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Dwight Rodarme of Parks Maintenance has been selected as Employee of the Month for November. He noted that Rodarme oversaw all aspects of maintaining the five-field Russell Road complex, and has received many compliments from users and tournament directors about the condition of the complex. Parks Director Hodgson commended Rodarme for his commitment to excellence, and the Mayor presented him with the Employee of the Month plaque. Human Services Month. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that homelessness is an increasing problem affecting not only the very poor, but also working and middle class Americans. He declared November, 1999, as Human Services Month in the City of Kent and encouraged all citizens to recognize and support its observance. Judie Sarff of the Human Services Commission accepted the proclamation and thanked the Mayor, Council and citizens for their efforts . Community and Regional Planning Day. Mayor White noted that November 8, 1999, is the 50th Anniversary of World Town Planning Day, which presents an opportunity to publicly recognize the participation and dedication of the members of the Kent and Use and Planning Board and other citizen planners, past and present, who have contributed 1 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 PUBLIC their time and expertise to the improvement of the COMMUNICATIONS City of Kent . He proclaimed November 8, 1999, as Community and Regional Planning day and presented the proclamation to Ron Harmon, Chair of the Land Use and Planning Board. Harmon explained when the Land Use and Planning Board meets and encouraged citizens to attend. City Customer Service Survey Results. Government Affairs Manager Dena Laurent presented the results of the first external customer survey, which was conducted as part of the new performance measure project . The survey contained questions on the quality of life, public information, contact with City employees, permit services, public safety, recreational activities, streets and traffic, and water services . CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through N CALENDAR be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Later in the meeting, ORR MOVED to correct a typographical error in Item 6E regarding the Community Access Studio to read " . . . facility to be fully operational no later than January 1, 2001 . " Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 19, 1999 . ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Nelson Annexation AN-99-1. SET November 16, 1999, for a public meeting to accept the 10 percent petition for the annexation of 23 acres located between the Union Pacific Railroad and the Burlington Northern-Santa Fe Railroad lines and north of S . 277th Street . ANNEXATION (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) ZONING Horseshoe Acres Annexation Zoning AZ-99-1. On August 23, 1999, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on both the annexation zoning map amendments and the comprehensive plan amendments for the Horseshoe Acres annexation 2 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 ANNEXATION area. Tonight ' s meeting is the second of two ZONING public hearings to be held by the City Council pursuant to state law; the first hearing was held on September 21, 1999 . Matt Jackson of the Planning Department showed the area on the map and noted that the Planning Board recommends a compre- hensive plan land use designation of industrial for the site, and a zoning of M-1 for the entire properties . He noted that Planning staff concurs . Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation on initial zoning and potential Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Horseshoe Acres annexation area (AZ-99-1 and CPA-99-1) , and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) PLAN AMENDMENT School District Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-99-2 And Impact Fee Schedule. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3482 amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan - Capital Facilities Plan element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts, and amending Section 12 . 13 . 160 of the Kent City Code to amend the school impact fee schedule. PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Mack Park Final Plat FSU-95-2 . APPROVAL with conditions of the Mack Park Final Plat and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. The final plat application was submitted by W. Shupe Holmberg for the Mack Park Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on April 2, 1996 . 3 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 COMMUNITY ACESS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) STUDIO Community Access Studio Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement allowing an extension of AT&T' s (formerly TCI) public access studio franchise obligations until January 1, 2001 on the condition that, in good faith, AT&T work with participating south county cities and a selected educational institution to create a combined community access and educational studio facility to be fully operational no later than January 1, 2001 . APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Human Services Commission Appointment And Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Ms. Judie Sarff to continue serving as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission. Her new term will be in effect until 1/1/2003 . Confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Ms. Dini Duclos to serve as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission. Ms . Duclos will replace Steve Anderson, who resigned, and she will serve as the non-voting agency representative on the Commission. Ms . Duclos is the Chief Executive Officer of the South King County Multi-Service Center. She also serves as Chair of the Federal Way Parks and Recreation Commission, is a Past President of Rotary, is President of her Homeowners Association and is President Elect of South King Council of Human Services . Her term will be in effect until 1/1/2002 . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) RECREATION Kent Arts Commission 2000 City Art Plan And Five- Year City Art Plan. ACCEPT and BUDGET the 2000 City Art Plan and Five-year City Art Plan, as recommended by the Arts Commission. The Kent Arts Commission has developed and approved a City Art Plan for the year 2000 and a Five-year Art Plan for the years 2000 through 2004 . The City Art Program and fund was established in accordance with Ordinance No. 2552 . 4 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) RECREATION DSHS Family Support Expansion Grant. ACCEPT the $3, 100 grant from the DSHS Family Support Expansion Program and budget it to fund the Stewpot Theater, as recommended by the Parks Committee . The Specialized Recreation Division of the Parks and Recreation Department applied for and received a $3 , 100 grant from the Department of Social and Health Services Family Support Expansion Grant/ Discovery Trust Program to assist in funding the Stewpot theater. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Green View Park Neighborhood Donation. ACCEPT the $400 donation from the Green View Park neighbors and budget it to purchase a play dinosaur for their neighborhood park, as recommended by the Parks Committee. The Green View Park neighbors rallied to raise $400 toward the purchase of a $600 dinosaur to replace the one vandalized in their neighborhood park. Some adults in the neighborhood believed the dinosaur was vandalized by kids within their own neighborhood, so they took it upon themselves to help with the cost of replacement . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Make A Difference Day Donations. ACCEPT the $400 in cash donations from Golden "K" Kiwanis Club, Kiwanis Club of Kent, Soroptomist International, and the Kent Police Benevolent Association and budget it to fund the 1999 Make A Difference Day event, as recommended by the Parks Committee. Each year the local service clubs donate $100 to purchase supplies and materials to support Make a Difference Day. This year the program has also received commitment from the following businesses for bulb donations : East Hill Nursery, Fred Meyer, Wal-Mart, and McLendon' s Hardware. 5 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) RECREATION Eagle Scout Project Recognition Program. ACCEPT the $870 from Paul Morford and an anonymous donor and budget it to fund recognition plaques and supplies for the Eagle Scout Program, as recom- mended by the Parks Committee . An Eagle Scout Recognition Program was established with a $770 contribution from Paul Morford to fund ten Eagle Scout recognition plaques . An addi- tional $100 was contributed to support supplies/ materials for Eagle Scout development projects for a total of $870 . (BIDS - ITEM 8A) Commons/Public Works Shops Stand-By Generator Installation. The bid opening for the Commons/ Public Works Stand-By Generator Installation Project was held on October 29, 1999 . The Engineer' s Estimate is $75, 000 . 00 . The Parks and Recreation Director noted that one bid was received in the amount of $114 , 000 . 00 . He recommended rejecting the bid and noted for Brotherton that the terms may be changed. WOODS MOVED to reject the bid for the Commons/Public Works Stand-By Generator Installation. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Consolidated Food Management Contract Extension. AUTHORIZE a contract extension with Consolidated Food Management, Inc. for the year 2000, as recommended by the Operations Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Equitable Sharing Of Federally Forfeited Property. APPROVAL for the Police Department to establish a project for receiving and expending the funds received from the Equitable Sharing of Federally Forfeited Property program in the amount of $3 , 102 . 84, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee . 6 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 15 and paid on October 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 19, 1999 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 10/15/99 224508-224714 $1, 655, 175 .27 10/15/99 224715-225134 2 , 918, 159 .47 $4, 573 , 334 . 74 REPORTS Council President. Orr reminded Councilmembers to respond to the Council Secretary regarding the upcoming Suburban Cities dinner. Operations Committee. Woods noted that the Committee will meet at 3 : 30 on November 16, and at 3 : 30 on December 7, which is a date change, and that both meetings will deal with the 2000 budget . Public Safety Committee. Epperly said the next meeting will be held on November 9 at 5 : 00 p.m. Public Works/Planning Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet on the third Monday of November, and MOVED to hold the sole December meeting and public hearing on the possibility of forming an LID on the 277th Corridor at 7 : 00 p.m. on Monday, December 13 , 1999 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. Parks Committee. Woods noted that the Committee will meet on November 16, at 4 : 30 p.m. EXECUTIVE At 7 :25 p.m. , McFall reminded the Council of an SESSION Executive Session of approximately 20 minutes regarding property acquisition and potential litigation. 7 Kent City Council Minutes November 2 , 1999 (Parks & The meeting reconvened at 7 : 59 p.m. WOODS MOVED Recreation) to authorize the Mayor to execute an Addendum to the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Columbia Greenhouse property with terms and conditions substantially similar to those set forth in the letter from the City Attorney to Seller' s attorney, dated November 2 , 1999, which is hereby made part of this record, and to further authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to close the transaction subject to approval of the documents by the City Attorney. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 00 p.m. "!I' Brenda Jac e , CMC City Clerk 8