HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/05/1999 Kent, Washington
October 5, 1999
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Orr. Present : Councilmembers Amodt,
Brother, Epperly, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of
Staff McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire
Chief Angelo, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Parks Director
Hodgson. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting.
CHANGES TO The City Attorney noted that the closing of S .
THE AGENDA 256th Street at 29th was discussed yesterday by
the Public Works and Planning Committee, and the
issue was added to the agenda as Other Business
Item 7D.
The City Attorney noted a typographical error in
Consent Calendar Item 6C regarding the date of the
public hearing on the budget and said the correct
date is October 19, 1999 .
PUBLIC Youth Service Club Ball Fields Presentation.
COMMUNICATIONS Parks Director Hodgson noted that the Parks
Department has been working with all the service
clubs in Kent on a facility with ball fields for
youth. He showed a video which explained the pro-
ject and noted that each service club for each
field will provide either $35, 000 in cash or in
goods and services toward the development of that
park. Baseballs signed by their members were
presented to Mayor Pro Tem Orr by a representative
of each club. Hodgson noted the dedication is
planned for April 2 , 2003 . Bags of peanuts were
distributed by Rick the Peanut Man, and Mayor Pro
Tem Orr expressed thanks to all .
Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem Orr
announced that Barbara Hill, Project Coordinator
in Public Works Engineering Construction, has been
selected as October Employee of the Month. She
noted that Ms . Hill was instrumental in implement-
ing the new permitting system and is an excellent
customer service representative for the City.
Kent City Council Minutes October 5 „ 1999
PUBLIC Fire Prevention Week. Mayor Pro Tem Orr read a
COMMUNICATIONS proclamation noting that the Kent/District 37 Fire
Department is dedicated to the preservation of
life and property from the devastating effects of
fire, and emphasizing the extreme importance of
not only having a home escape plan but physically
practicing it regularly. She proclaimed the week
of October 3-9, 1999 as Fire Prevention Week in
the City of Kent and encouraged residents to
participate in fire prevention activities at home,
work and school . Fire Chief Angelo accepted the
proclamation and said fire prevention does not
cost, it pays .
National Mammography Day. The Mayor Pro Tem noted
that this year more than 180 , 000 women in the
United States will learn that they have breast
cancer, that more than 400 , 000 women will lose
their lives, and that mammography is recognized as
the most effective method of detecting breast
changes that may be cancer. She proclaimed
October 15, 1999, as National Mammography Day in
the City of Kent and encouraged all women to get
the facts about mammography. The proclamation was
presented to breast cancer survivor Margaret
Porter, who noted that it has been a year since
her stem cell transplant . She encouraged women to
do breast self exams, and said that breast cancer
is not a death sentence .
A Day in Memory and Honor of Domestic Violence
Victims. Mayor Pro Tem Orr noted that the
Domestic Abuse Women' s Network is organizing the
2nd Annual South County Domestic Violence Rally in
honor of those killed by domestic violence, those
who are currently in a domestic violence situa-
tion, and those who have survived this abuse in
communities throughout the South County region
during the last year. She proclaimed October 13 ,
1999, as A Day in Memory and Honor of Domestic
Violence Victims, and encouraged all citizens to
take an active role in supporting all victims so
they can lead healthy lives safe from violent and
abusive behavior.
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR I , including an amendment to Item C correcting the
hearing date, be approved. Epperly seconded and
the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of September 21, 1999 .
Closure of S. 256th Street and 29th Avenue South.
Mayor Pro Tem Orr explained that this issue was
discussed by the Public Works and Planning
Committee on October 4th, and that the committee
unanimously agreed to close the road temporarily
while traffic studies are done.
BROTHERTON MOVED to temporarily close 256th Street
at 29th for a period not to exceed six months and
to request Administration to conduct appropriate
traffic studies during this time and report to the
Council with its findings and recommendations .
Yingling seconded. Amodt commended Epperly for
her work on this issue . Juanita Bosshart, 25327
29th Avenue South, also thanked Epperly and the
entire Council . Orr explained that there are
notification requirements, but that the notifica-
tion and the closure will take place as soon as
possible. Epperly pointed out that when the
apartments were built, part of the mitigation with
the neighborhood was that the road would be closed
and there would be no access onto the street .
Brotherton' s motion then carried.
VACATION 40th Street South Street Vacation. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3476 vacating a portion of 40th
Avenue South.
The City received a street vacation petition
signed by various owners of property abutting the
applicable portion of 40th Avenue south, an
existing public street, lying generally at the
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
STREET intersection of 37th Place South and 40th Place
VACATION South in Kent . After a public hearing on July 6,
1999, the City Council approved the vacation so
long as the petitioner first fulfilled all the
conditions recommended by staff and approved by
Council . The petitioner has fulfilled all of the
conditions imposed.
Billboard Moratorium Renewal. On April 20, 1999,
the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1536
imposing a moratorium barring acceptance of all
applications for the issuance of any building,
land use, or development permit or approval for
billboards . The moratorium expires at midnight,
October 17, 1999 . The purpose of the proposed
resolution is to renew the moratorium for an
additional six months to allow Council sufficient
time to thoroughly analyze all the information
gathered and to consider proposed code amendments
relating to billboards . The City Attorney ex-
plained that the moratorium would expire prior to
completion of this matter if not renewed.
Mayor Pro Tem Orr declared the public hearing
open. There were no comments from the public and
WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt the findings in the
proposed resolution and to pass Resolution
No. 1556 renewing the moratorium relating to
billboards . Woods seconded and the motion
Adult Retail Moratorium Renewal. On November 17,
1998, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1520
imposing a moratorium barring acceptance of all
applications for the issuance of any building,
land use, or development permit or approval for
adult retail establishments . On April 20 , 1999,
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
ADULT RETAIL City Council adopted Resolution No. 1534 renew-
ing the moratorium which expires at midnight,
October 29, 1999 . The purpose of the proposed
resolution is to renew the moratorium for an
additional six months pending consideration by the
City Council of a proposed ordinance relating to
adult retail establishments . Council will con-
sider the proposed ordinance during tonight ' s
meeting under Other Business .
The City Attorney said the concern is with the
sufficiency of the definition of adult retail
establishments and the purpose of the regulations
is to site those facilities within 1, 000 ' of
churches, schools, parks, libraries and residen-
tial zones . He added that the purpose of the
moratorium was to study the regulations, and that
those studies have been completed. He explained
that if the Council adopts the proposed regula-
tions tonight, the ordinance will not be in effect
prior to the expiration of the moratorium on
October 29 . He clarified that the moratorium
would expire on the effective date of the regula-
tions .
The Mayor Pro Tem opened the public hearing.
There were no comments from the audience and WOODS
MOVED to close the public hearing. Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt the findings in the
proposed resolution and to pass Resolution
No. 1555 renewing the moratorium relating to adult
retail establishments . Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
Adult Retail Establishments. On September 27,
1999, the Land Use and Planning Board held a
hearing and thereafter recommended approval of the
proposed ordinance relating to adult retail
establishments . The ordinance amends both the
business license code (Chapter 5 . 10) and the
zoning code to establish a new definition of adult
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
ADULT RETAIL retail businesses which includes adult bookstores,
video stores, and novelty stores . Those esta-
blishments meeting the definition of an adult
retail establishment must be properly licensed and
zoned as such.
City Attorney Lubovich explained that the main
purpose of the regulations is to make sure that
these facilities which have a significant impact
on the community are located in the proper sites .
He noted that the business license code defines a
retail establishment as 20% stock in trade, and
that there is a slight inconsistency in the zoning
code which needs to be corrected. He said the
proposed ordinance shows that this kind of facili-
ty does have impacts and defines adult retail
establishments in such a manner that it would
survive court scrutiny. He recommended using 30%
as a guideline. He noted that new definitions are
found on pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15-19 of the
proposed ordinance.
Lubovich noted that if the ordinance is adopted
tonight, it would go into effect in thirty days
and the newly extended moratorium would expire; if
the ordinance is not passed tonight, the mora-
torium would continue until it expires or until
further action is taken on the matter.
BROTHERTON MOVED for the adoption of the findings
set forth in the proposed ordinance including
those relating to the referenced studies and
further for the adoption of the ordinance as
Ordinance No. 3475 relating to adult retail
establishments . Woods seconded. Brotherton
commended the City Attorney for working with local
businesses to define a standard they can live
with. His motion then carried.
Burdic Feed Rezone RZ-99-2 . (KIVA 9900515) . The
Hearing Examiner has recommended approval of an
application to rezone two parcels of property from
Kent City Council Minutes October 5 „ 1999
REZONE DCE, Downtown Commercial Enterprise, to GC,
General Commercial . The property is located in
the northeast corner of Willis and Railroad Avenue
and the other parcel is located in the northwest
corner. Planning Manager Satterstrom explained
that this would accommodate the relocation of
Burdic Feed, which is being displaced by the RTA
BROTHERTON MOVED to accept the Findings of the
Hearing Examiner and to adopt the Hearing
Examiner' s recommendation of approval of the
Burdic Feed Rezone and to direct the City Attorney
to prepare the necessary ordinance . Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
City Code. This is the first reading of the
proposed ordinance adopting the Kent City Code
as compiled, edited and republished by Code
Publishing Company of Seattle as the official
code of the City of Kent .
The City Attorney explained that the intent of
republishing the code is to enhance delivery of
the Code and updates to both City staff and the
public, and to take advantage of upgraded tech-
nology. He noted that the Code will be accessible
on the internal computer system and to the public
through the Municipal Research Service Center
website . He added that hardbound copies are
available through Code Publishing.
WOODS MOVED to schedule a public hearing on re-
publication of the Kent City Code for October 19,
1999 . Amodt seconded and the motion carried. Orr
expressed support for this project .
Excused Absence. APPROVAL of Councilmember Tim
Clark' s request for an excused absence from the
October 5, 1999, City Council meeting, as he will
be unable to attend.
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
DEPARTMENT Kina County Interlocal Agreement, Miscellaneous
Structures Inspection. APPROVAL of and AUTHORIZA-
TION for the Mayor to sign the Inspection Agree-
ment with King County for 1999 . This agreement
covers the inspection of all occupancies in Fire
District #37, with the exception of single family
residences and miscellaneous structures . It is in
a series of continuing agreements that have been
signed for the last several years . It provides a
tool used by the Fire Department to alleviate
serious fire hazards in the District ' s commercial
buildings and is for the first inspection and one
re-inspection only. Any follow up work after the
first re-inspection is the responsibility of the
King County Fire Marshal . The County will reim-
burse the City at the rate of $100 . 00 per hour for
travel, research time and inspections performed on
any permit application within the City' s
jurisdictional boundaries .
$100 . 00 in irrigation materials for the Kent
Memorial Park Field #1 Improvements project
donated by H. D. Fowler, as recommended by the
Parks Committee .
Revenue From Runsten House Purchase. ACCEPTANCE
of a check from Mr. & Mrs . Runsten for $1, 300 . 00
for the purchase from the City of the City' s
surplus house and authorization to deposit the
funds in the East Hill Youth Sports Complex 41
budget, as recommended by the Parks Committee .
In 1998, the City' s surplus house located at 14420
SE 288th Street in Kent was advertised to sell .
Mr. and Mrs . Runsten were awarded the contract for
their sole bid of $1, 300 .
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
RECREATION Golf Fees Year 2000 . APPROVAL of the golf fees
increase in the Year 2000, as recommended by the
Parks Committee .
Each year city staff, S . S .M.D. staff, and the Golf
Advisory Board meet to evaluate golf fees for the
upcoming year. The increases are based on
evaluation of other like-facilities in the area.
East Hill Park Expansion. The bid opening for
this project was held on September 24th with
13 bids received. The low bidder was Fuji
Industries, Inc . in the amount of $743 , 600 . 00 ,
plus Washington State Sales Tax. The Engineer' s
estimate was $850, 000 . 00 .
The Parks Director recommends entering into an
agreement with Fuji Industries, Inc . in the amount
of $743 , 600 . 00, plus WSST for the East Hill Park
Expansion Project base bid and alternate #1 .
WOODS MOVED that the East Hill Park Expansion
project be awarded to Fuji Industries, Inc . for
the bid amount of $743 , 600 . 00, plus Washington
State Sales Tax. Epperly seconded and the motion
Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through August 31 and paid on
August 31, 1999; and payment of bills received
through September 15 and paid on September 15,
after auditing by the Operations Committee on
September 21, 1999 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/31/99 222376-222654 $ 555 , 123 .45
8/31/99 222655-223069 $3 , 053 , 855 . 87
$3 , 608, 979 . 32
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
FINANCE 9/15/99 223070-223298 $ 797, 105 . 80
9/15/99 223299-223663 $1 , 437 , 105 . 88
$2 , 234, 211 . 68
APPROVAL of checks issued for payroll of August 16
through August 31 and paid on September 3 , 1999,
and checks issued for payroll of September 1
through September 15 and paid on September 20 ,
1999 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
9/3/99 Checks 238246-238603 $ 285, 508 . 69
9/3/99 Advices 84104-84726 $ 816 , 062 . 90
$1, 101, 571 . 59
9/20/99 Checks 238604-238936 $ 301, 916 . 69
9/20/99 Advices 84727-85310 $ 857 , 154 . 95
$1, 159, 071 . 64
Year 2000 Operating Budget. SET October 19, 1999,
as the date for a public hearing on the Year 2000
Operating Budget .
REPORTS Council President. Orr reminded Councilmembers of
the Suburban Cities dinner in Enumclaw on
October 13th.
Operations Committee. Woods noted that the next
meeting will be at 3 : 30 p.m. on October 19 .
Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the
next meeting will be at 5 : 00 p.m. on October 12 .
Parks Committee. Woods noted that the next
meeting will be at 4 : 30 p.m. on October 19 .
EXECUTIVE At 8 : 00 p.m. , the meeting recessed to Executive
SESSION Session to discuss property acquisition for
approximately 15 minutes .
The meeting reconvened at 8 : 14 p.m.
Kent City Council Minutes October 5„ 1999
Property Acquisition. WOODS MOVED to authorize
the Mayor to finalize negotiations and close on
the purchase of property described as Lots 5, 6
and a portion of Lots 4 , 7 and 8 of Block 2 ,
Ramsay' s Addition, known as the Reiman property,
for $598 , 000 , subject to removal of contingencies
relating to an environmental study and title
review to the satisfaction of Administration.
Epperly seconded and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 15 p.m.
Brenda Jaco r, CMC
City Clerk