HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/15/1999 Kent, Washington
June 15, 1999
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt,
Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, and Yingling, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning
Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief
Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, and Parks Director Hodgson.
Approximately 35 people were at the meeting.
CHANGES TO At McFall ' s request, Other Business Item 7A
THE AGENDA regarding Seasonal No Parking Zones near Lake
Meridian Park was added to the agenda, as well as
an executive session regarding property
PUBLIC Bicycle Safety Rodeo. Mayor White commended
COMMUNICATIONS Councilmember Epperly and volunteers from the
Police Department, Fire Department and Regional
Justice Center for their efforts. Epperly noted
that there was an excellent turn-out and ex-
pressed hope that this will become a yearly
event . She commended Police Chief Crawford and
Fire Chief Angelo for the efforts of their staff,
and noted that the unions donated the helmets .
Creative Art Space. Janet Hasselblad, Program
Coordinator for Specialized Recreation, noted
that the artwork in the City Hall Lobby is called
"Faces of Color, " and explained that they have
collaborated with Very Special Arts Washington
and Highline Community College in providing the
program. She introduced the artists and
instructors who were in attendance and invited
anyone who is interested in participating to
contact her at the Resource Center.
Soroptimist Presentation. Judy Dreis of
Soroptimist International noted that Soroptimist
International of Kent is celebrating 35 years of
service to the community, and presented Family
Violence Prosecutor Rhonda Giger with a check in
the amount of $1, 500 for use in the family
violence voucher program. Ms . Giger explained
that the funds will be used for short-term
emergency assistance . She noted for Yingling
that they partner with local hotels .
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
PUBLIC Flag Day. Mayor White read a proclamation noting
COMMUNICATIONS that Flag Day celebrates our nation' s symbol of
unity and our country' s devotion to freedom and
proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day and the week of
June 14 as National Flag Week in the City of
Kent .
Recreation and R,arks Month, Mayor White read a
proclamation regarding Recreation and Parks Month
and urging citizens to join in bringing recog-
nition to all the benefits derived from quality
public and private recreation and park resources
at the local level . He presented the proclama-
tion to Parks Director Hodgson.
CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent calendar Items A through
CALENDAR I be approved. Woods seconded and the motion
Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of June 1, 1999 .
VACATION South 125th Place Street Vacation STV-99-1.
Resolution No. 1538 established June 15, 1999, as
the public hearing date for the application by
Donna Young to vacate a portion of 125th Place
SE, a dedicated unopened street, lying immedi-
ately north of SE 270th Street . A staff report
recommends approval with conditions .
Planning Director Harris showed the location of
the street vacation and noted that staff recom-
mends that the City be compensated for the value
of the 125th Place SE right-of-way and that any
money received be deposited in the City' s School
Pedestrian Walkway Fund. Upon Clark' s question,
Harris noted that the office and professional
area to the east will not be impacted.
Wickstrom explained for Brotherton that there is
no bearing on the purchase of the adjacent
easement . Wickstrom added that if the vacation
is approved, he would like a second condition
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
STREET retaining an easement over the northerly 50 ' of
VACATION the proposed vacated property plus a utility
easement and a temporary construction easement .
Mayor White opened the public hearing. Donna
Young, 12524 SE 270 Street, stated that she will
lose the majority of her background and the
playground due to construction. She explained
that she is a licensed day care provider and that
the State requires large play equipment and 75 '
of outside space per child. She said the con-
struction has caused a decrease in clientele and
noted that 1/3 of her annual income is generated
during the summer months . She said she does not
need the sewer, and that she is requesting the
street vacation because she cannot afford the
fees or the disruption to her business.
Young said that according to Section 2 Item 2 of
Ordinance No. 2333 , Class C vacations may require
compensation at one-half the appraised value, not
that they must . She added that, according to the
City, 125th Place SE will never be a right-of-
way. She urged the Council to vacate the western
half of 125th Place SE.
There were no further comments and ORR MOVED to
close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
CLARK MOVED to approve the Planning Director' s
recommendation to approve with conditions the
application to vacate a portion of 125th Place
SE, a dedicated, unopened street, lying immedi-
ately north of SE 270th Street, as referenced in
Resolution No. 1538, and to amend the recommenda-
tion by reserving a 20 ' easement on the northern
part of the property, plus an additional 30 '
temporary easement on the north part of the
parcel, and to direct the City Attorney to pre-
pare the necessary ordinance upon compliance with
the conditions of approval . Brotherton seconded.
Wickstrom noted for Epperly that the value of
Young ' s property is approximately $11, 000 . 00 .
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
STREET Upon Yingling ' s question, Wickstrom explained
VACATION that the City puts the funds from vacations in
the Pedestrian Walkway Programs around schools.
Lubovich explained that the City traditionally
has charged one-half of the appraised value.
Amodt said this project has apparently caused
Ms . Young undue financial stress and that the
Council should consider .not charging for this
property. She said the City has put no money
into the property and the property owner has been
maintaining it . Lubovich pointed out that the
City has reached a negotiated agreement to
compensate for the acquisition of the easements
and the inconvenience. Clark added that a
significant amount of staff time has been spent
on this property, and that a sincere effort has
been made to ease the inconvenience. Amodt noted
that Ms . Young is being burdened with a $10, 000
LID cost and that an additional cost could harm
her. She urged the Council to consider the
welfare of citizens and do this as good will .
McFall pointed out that the applicant was not
compelled to request the vacation, and that when
property is disposed of, it is typically sold.
Orr said she is unclear whether the City has put
money into this property, and would not want to
set a precedent whereby City-owned property is
given away. She said it is unreasonable for
property owners to ask to be given a piece of
City property to enhance their own property and
said that has not been done in the past . She ex-
pressed concern about setting a precedent . Woods
agreed with Orr, noting that it is a bit like
making a gift of public money. Orr added that
there is the potential of the property being sold
in the future.
Brotherton sympathized with Ms . Young, but said
it is unreasonable to give the property away. He
suggested giving Ms. Young credit for the
inconvenience to her business, since the pro-
perty is of no value to anyone else, and charging
an amount such as $2 , 000 for the property. Mayor
White clarified that negotiating and setting
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
STREET dollar amounts is a staff responsibility, and
VACATION offered to work on a compensation package if so
desired. AMODT MOVED to amend the motion to
charge the applicant by going through negotia-
tions and determining what is acceptable to the
applicant and the City for the vacation.
Brotherton seconded. Woods spoke in opposition
to the motion. She suggested that staff provide
details and that the issue be brought back to the
next Council meeting. Orr agreed. Clark con-
curred and reiterated that this issue has been
under extensive negotiations . He then WITHDREW
HIS MOTION. ORR MOVED to table this item until
the next Council meeting. Woods seconded and the
motion carried. Mayor White reminded Council
that a precedent of charging 50% of the appraised
value has been set over the years, and if Council
chooses to deviate from that, the door will be
open for a public negotiation of public right-of-
way on every street vacation.
Seasonal No Parking Zone In The Neighborhood East
Of Lake Meridian. The neighborhood east of Lake
Meridian Park has experienced a number of pro-
blems related to on-street parking. Residents
have found cars and boat trailers on their
property and blocking their driveways, litter and
other trash discarded on their yards and on the
neighborhood streets, and trespassers have used
their yards to access the lake . These streets
have also become so congested that safe passage
by emergency vehicles has been threatened. These
problems occur during the warmer days of the
year, when use of the park is at its peak.
This ordinance would prohibit parking between
12 : 00 p.m. and 8 : 00 p.m. from May 15th to
September 15th of each year. Because of the
threat regarding the access of emergency vehicles
over the Fourth of July weekend, this item is
presented as an emergency ordinance. The City
Attorney noted that an emergency ordinance
requires a majority plus one for passage. Upon
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
TRAFFIC Amodt ' s question, Lubovich said the Public Works
CONTROL Committee felt this option is the most feasible.
CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3463 prohibit-
ing on-street parking on certain designated
streets in the Lake Meridian area from May 15th
to September 15th of each year. Epperly seconded
and the motion carried unanimously.
LID Position and Budget Change. APPROVAL of a
budget change of $38, 138 for the addition of an
LID Billing Technician to the Customer Service
division, as recommended by the Operations
Committee at their June 1, 1999 meeting.
Local improvement district billings have doubled
with the addition of LIDS 348, 349, and 340 and
this position is needed for billing and collec-
tion. The position will also spend a quarter of
their time assuming the miscellaneous Accounts
Receivable function. The 1999 budget is
primarily covered by administrative revenue of
LID 340 .
LIDS 340 & 349 Bonds. AUTHORIZATION to proceed
with Dain Rauscher, Inc. for a $13 , 221, 664 bond
sale for LIDS 340 and 349, as recommended by the
Operations Committee at their June 1, 1999
meeting. This will be a 15-year issue for
LID 340 for the 196th Street Corridor project,
and a 10-year issue for LID 349 for sanitary
sewers on 223rd Street . A Bond Ordinance and
Purchase Contract will be back to the Operations
Committee on July 6, 1999 and to Council on
July 20, 1999 .
1999 ABRhalt Overlays. The bid opening for this
project was held on June 9th with three bids
received. The apparent low bid was submitted by
M.A. Segale in the amount of $558, 287 . 25 . The
Engineer' s estimate was $582 , 741 . 25 . The Public
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
PUBLIC WORKS Works Director recommends awarding this contract
to M.A. Segale .
CLARK MOVED that the 1999 Asphalt overlays con-
tract be awarded to M.A. Segale in the amount of
$558, 287 .25 . Orr seconded and the motion
140th Avenue SE & SE 260th Street - Pedestrian
Walkway. The bid opening for this project was
held on June 9th with six bids received. The
apparent low bid was submitted by Campbell
Construction Company in the amount of
$239, 010 .49 . The Engineer' s estimate was
$237, 399 . 33 . The Public Works Director recom-
mends awarding this contract to Campbell
Construction Company.
CLARK MOVED that the 140th Avenue SE & SE 260th
Street Pedestrian Walkway contract be awarded to
Campbell Construction Company in the amount of
$239, 010 .49 . Woods seconded and the motion
Horseshoe Acres Annexation. This date has
been set for the hearing on the proposed
Horseshoe Acres Annexation. The City has
received a sufficient and valid property
owner petition on the proposed Horseshoe Acres
Annexation, and the King County Boundary Review
Board approved the annexation proposal on May 7,
1999 . This annexation contains approximately 63
acres and is located south of Kent and lies
between the Green River and the Burlington
Northern-Santa Fe Railroad and between South
259th Street and the Green River. The proposed
ordinance would annex the Horseshoe Acres area
effective July 1, 1999 .
Mayor White opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience and ORR MOVED
to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and
the motion carried.
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
ANNEXATION CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No 3462 annexing
the Horseshoe Acres Annexation area effective
July 1, 1999 . Yingling seconded and the motion
Election Information & Ballot Noasures Policy.-
ADOPTION of ;Resolution No. 1541, relating to
providing election information through the City' s
government access channel for City Council and
Mayor ballot positions, as well as for ballot
measures. This Resolution provides an opportuni-
ty for primary and general election candidates,
as well as proponents and opponents on City
ballot measures, to videotape a four (4) minute
presentation for broadcast as part of a single
election program on the City' s government access
channel . The program will then be broadcast
daily for one month prior to each election.
Sor2Rtimist Donation To Family Violence Unit
ACCEPTANCE of a charitable contribution in the
amount of $1, 500 from Soroptimist International
of Kent for the Family Violence Emergency
Assistance Fund.
DEPARTMENT Trauma 8c uiRMnt Grant Money, ACCEPTANCE of a
$1, 200 grant from the State of Washington "trauma
care system. " Upon acceptance of these funds,
the Fire Department is authorized to apply the
funds toward the purchase of nine (9) backboards .
DEPARTMENT CADS Universal Officers Grant Funding & City
Share Obligation. ACCEPTANCE of $150, 000 grant
funding for two additional COPS Universal
officers and approval to obligate the City of
Kent for it ' s share of the funding in the amount
of approximately $364, 576 through the year 2002 .
The City of Kent is then required to retain the
positions .
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
POLICE The COPS grant funds $75, OOO toward each
DEPARTMENT officer' s base salary and benefits only. All
other costs would be City obligated funding.
Probation Officer Position. AUTHORIZATION to
create a third regular, full-time probation
officer position in the Probation Department of
the Court, and to amend the 1999 Budget to
reflect this added position.
Due to case loads in the Municipal Court the
Probation department has been operating with two
regular, full-time positions and one temporary
position which has been working full time. The
caseload is not diminishing.
RECREATION Salt Air Vista Park Develoflment. Bids on the
Salt Air Vista Park Renovation project were
opened on June 9th. The project is designed to
provide handicap access, concrete sidewalks,
curbs, seat wall, fencing, irrigation, and plaza
area. The Engineer' s estimate for the project
was $121, 030 . 28 .
Parks Director Hodgson noted that five bids were
received, and the low bid was submitted by BBWT
Construction in the amount of $125, 350 . 10 . WOODS
MOVED that the Salt Air Vista Park Renovation
project be awarded to BBWT Construction, in the
amount of $125, 350 . 10 plus Washington State Sales
Tax. Epperly seconded and the motion carried.
&Rroval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through May 28 and paid on May 28,
1999, after auditing by the Operations Committee
on June 1, 1999 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/28/99 217714-218147 $2, 280, 179 . 10
5/28/99 218148-218589 2 , 409, 889 . 05
$4, 690, 068 . 15
Kent City Council Minutes June 15, 1999
REPORTS Oflerations Committee. Woods noted that the
Committee will meet at 3 :30 p.m. on July 6 .
Public Safety Comi+mittee. Epperly noted that the
Committee will meet at 5 : 00 p.m. on June 22, and
that they will discuss a mandatory bike helmet
Public Works & Pla=ina Committee. Clark said
that there will probably be only one Committee
meeting in July, on the 19th.
EXECUTIVE At 7 : 55 p.m. McFall reminded the Council of an
SESSION executive session to discuss property acquisition
for approximately 15 minutes .
ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 8 : 10 p.m.
Brenda Jaco e , CMC
City Clerk