HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/08/1998 Kent, Washington December 8, 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, and Yingling, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director Miller, Parks Director Hodgson, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 45 people were at the meeting . CHANGES TO City Attorney Lubovich asked that an Executive THE AGENDA Session be held dealing with pending litigation, and that Item 7H (TM Investment Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendment) be discussed after the Executive Session. He also requested that Item 8A be added regarding the purchase of carpeting for the Centennial Center. (Kentview) Terry Bowman, 20827 144th Avenue SE, asked that the Kentview P .U.D. be added to the agenda. He explained that the Seattle Motorcycle Club is being displaced by the development and that they would like to stay within the city limits . He also said that the property which has been approved is the last buffer between the old dump and the Cedar River and that toxic waste settles on this and properties near their motocross track. He said he has reason to believe that there are in excess of fifty dump truck loads of a toxic slag which was dumped by Bethlehem Steel Mills in the 1950s . Bowman said the motorcycle club has provided one of the only spots in the state where inner city youth and other groups can participate in an outdoor activity called "Ready to Ride" . He pointed out that their races and hill climbs draw over 1 , 000 visitors to the area. Mayor White suggested that Bowman speak with Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom regarding his concerns . Rick Harpster, 4453 S . 170th, SeaTac, agreed that the area needs to be investigated. Orr requested that staff report to Council on this issue . Later in the meeting, Jim Anderson said he has questions about Kentview and the reconsideration process . He was referred to Planning Director 1 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 (Kentview) Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. The City Attorney offered to speak with Anderson after the meeting . PUBLIC Drinking Driver Task Force Presentation. Nancy COMMUNICATIONS Mathews, Drinking Driver Task Force Coordinator, expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council for their continued support , and introduced members Kevin Ruoff, Rod Blalock, Richard Manoli, and Mary Lou Becvar. She stated that the steering committee recently adopted a letter of recommit- ment . Mike Buckingham then noted that the Task Force has reduced deaths and injuries from impaired driving, and has increased awareness all across South King County. He invited Council- members and the public to attend their conference for youth on December 14 , 15 and 16 , and added that they have begun equipping officers with knowledge on how to apprehend DUIs . Mayor White said the Task Force is recognized state-wide as a leader in this field. Introduction of Mayor' s Appointees. Mayor White announced his appointments and introduced those in attendance . Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Jim Vinzant of the Planning Department has been chosen as Employee of the Month for December. He noted that Vinzant knows the intricacies of the federally funded Home Repair Program, and instills a true sense of confidence in the ability of the program. Planning Director Harris said Vinzant is a "can do" person and he appreciates his good attitude and hard work. Home Repair Coordinator Jerri Broeffle said Vinzant has grown as a force in Kent and that many home owners have commended him for his attention to detail , safety and quality of work, as well as his caring attitude . Mayor White presented Vinzant with the Employee of the Month plaque, and expressed appreciation for his hard work. 2 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 CONSENT ORR MOVED for approval of Items A through X, CALENDAR with the exception of Item J which was removed. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 17, 1998 . SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6U) Kent-Meridian High School Sanitary Sewer Repair. ACCEPT the Kent Meridian High School Sanitary Sewer Repair contract as complete and release retainage to Insituform West, Inc . upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $53 , 855 . 83 . The final construction cost was $46, 481 . 18 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6V) LID 349, S. 223rd Street Sanitary Sewer. ACCEPT the LID 349 - S . 223rd Street Sanitary Sewer contract as complete and release retainage to Laser Underground upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $284 , 456 . 96 . The final construction cost was $282 , 121 . 55 . PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7E) Pacific Heights Final P1at.FSU-96-22 . A final plat application was submitted by Pacific Industries, for the Pacific Heights Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on February 17 , 1998 . CLARK MOVED to approve the staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Pacific Heights Final Plat and authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7F) Mixed Use Development CPA-98-3/ZCA-98-5 . In July the Planning Department and the Land Use and Planning Board were asked by the Mayor and City 3 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING Council to consider amendments to mixed use zoning with regard to multi-family residential development in the GC zoning district . The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on October 26, and are recommending no change to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code relating to multi-family residential development in mixed use areas . Clark pointed out that there is no recommendation from staff and suggested referring this item to the Public Works and Planning Committee . There was no objection and it was so ordered. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7G) Ketola Regulatory Review ZCA-98-6 . The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on November 23 , 1998, and recommended that the M-2 zoning district be amended to allow dart playing facilities as principally permitted uses . CLARK MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation that the M-2 zoning district be amended to allow dart playing as a principally permitted use and direct the Attorney' s Office to prepare an ordinance . Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7I) Land Use Fee Schedule Revisions. The Operations Committee has recommended approval of an updated fee schedule for land use permits and other planning reviews and approvals . The matter was reviewed by the Operations Committee at their November 17 and December 1, 1998, meetings . Diana Nelson of the Planning Department explained that land use fees were first established in 1979 and that the last significant revision to the current fee schedule took place twelve years ago. She added that in March, 1993 , the zoning permit fee was increased from $25 to $32 . She pointed out that the City does not currently charge for a number of permits and services provided to property owners, citizens and developers which 4 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 PLANNING other cities charge for, and said that if the permit applicant does not pay the full cost of processing the permit, local taxpayers pay the remainder of those costs through their taxes . She noted that the Planning Department has studied the costs and time required for processing of permits and fees, and concluded that the current fees do not cover the administrative portion of processing costs, and sometimes not even expenditures for advertising, mailing and Hearing Examiner fees . She explained amendments approved by the Operations Committee to address affordable housing and mixed use buildings . Upon Clark' s question, Nelson explained that advertising of most applications is required by law. She pointed out that advertising can cost up to $1200 each and that the application fee is $500 . She also noted that although costs continue to rise, the fees have not been changed. Brotherton spoke in favor of raising fees to cover costs . Nelson noted for him that the proposed fee schedule will not be 100% fee- supporting on all applications, and that in fact a decision was made to subsidize certain kinds of development such as lot line adjustments and variances for single-family homeowners . She added that in some cases estimates must be made . Upon Brotherton' s question, she stated that the impact on a building permit for a single-family dwelling would be minimal, and that the impact would be in the preliminary plat stages which would increase considerably due to the processing time . Mayor White suggested a yearly update to committees regarding fees . CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3434 repealing and revising Section 11 . 03 . 730 of the Kent City Code and repealing Ordinance Nos . 2171, 2178 , 2249, 2403 , 2667 and 3098 relating to land use application fees and adopting Resolution No. 1524 establishing a new fee schedule for planning and land use applications filed with the City of Kent . Woods seconded. 5 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 PLANNING Amodt said the increases will impact everyone in Kent and will discourage small developers . She urged Councilmembers not to impose the full increase, but to do incremental increases over time, saying that a five-fold increase at one time is not acceptable. She expressed hope that the added staff will expedite the processes for developers who are initially paying for the services and passing the costs along to buyers . Clark said the intent of the proposed ordinance is to bring into alignment what is being done with the cost of doing it . He added that the proposed fee schedule encourages certain types of development, such as those buying a start-up home. He noted that as densities grow greater, a new type of development must be looked at, which this fee schedule does . He urged the Council to support the resolution. Yingling spoke in support of the revisions, noting that a slow permit process can cost thousands of dollars and that developers would not mind paying a little more in fees to save time in the permit process . He said they have found very little negativity from builders on raising the fees if the performance is improved. He was opposed to incremental fees . Upon Epperly' s question, Mayor White noted that an audit is currently being done in the building permit area and recommendations will be made in January. He also noted that three of the positions proposed in the budget are contingent upon this funding mechanism, and that an average of $13 , 000 , 000 a month in building permits is being processed. Orr stated that one of the biggest complaints she hears is that the City does not process permits fast enough and that it costs money when projects are delayed, and that during the committee process she did not hear any complaints from developers . She said that processing permits in a timely manner would probably save them money. She spoke in favor of reviewing the fees annually. The motion then carried with Amodt opposed. 6 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 TELECOMMUNI- (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) CATIONS (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) TCI Merger with AT&T. The Operations Committee has recommended passage of a resolution approving the proposed merger of TCI and AT&T subject to certain conditions, specifically the AT&T agree- ment that all its cable operations purchased from TCI within the City of Kent will remain subject to the City' s franchise agreement . Clark explained that this merger may result in the expansion of telecommunications services and that the city must be prepared to regulate them. HE THEN MOVED to approve the Operations Committee ' s recommendation to pass Resolution No. 1523 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. LODGING TAX (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Lodging Tax. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3426 levying a special excise tax of one percent (1%) for lodging for the purpose of paying all or part of the cost of tourism promotion or tourism- related facilities . PARKS & (BIDS - ITEM 8A) RECREATION Carpet Purchase for Centennial Center. Through the State Bid Contract, Facilities staff secured pricing from three vendors to purchase replacement carpet for City space in the Centennial Center. DuPont Flooring Systems was the low bidder at $67, 945 . 59 for carpeting and $44, 393 . 99 for installation, (plus WSST) . Staff is requesting immediate action so that all necessary materials can be ordered for installation in February, 1999 . Parks Director Hodgson explained that the carpeting will be in squares, which are more easily replaced when damaged. WOODS MOVED to authorize entering into agreement with DuPont Flooring Systems for the purchase and installation of carpet for the Centennial Center in the amount of $121, 914 . 45 , including 7 «x....a..w��...—.n..iirv.xa.....x.x.u..w..n....rrv..in...rv...w...rv.......—........... ... .................w ..... ......... ..w�........ Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 PARKS & Washington State Sales Tax. Orr seconded and the RECREATION motion carried. NEWSLETTER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Kent Reporter/City Newsletter Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign the 1999 Kent Reporter contract for the publication of a monthly City newsletter. At its December 1, 1998 meeting, the City Council Operations Committee unanimously recommended approval of the contract to publish a one page monthly City newsletter in the Kent Reporter. The newsletter content and layout would be completed in-house . Distribution would be to all Kent households in the incorporated boundary. The expenditure includes the Kent Reporter contract as well operating funds for additional graphics production work and materials . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) RECREATION 1999 City Art Plan And Five-Year City Art Plan. ACCEPTANCE of the 1999 City Art Plan and Five- Year City Art Plan for 1999-2003 . In compliance with the general procedures of the City Art Program, Ordinance No. 2552 , Kent Arts Commission budgets for all City art program pro- jects are compiled annually. Proposed projects are for 1999-2003 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Arts Commission Membership. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3428 amending Section 4 . 02 . 030 of the Kent City Code relating to membership in the City Arts Commission, establishing certain requirements for appointment . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Pets In Parks. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3429 regarding removal of pet waste in City parks . City staff received numerous complaints from citizens relating to dogs off leash and animal feces in parks and on trails . City staff proposes changes to Kent City Code 8 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PARKS & Section 8 . 03 . 030 requiring pet owners to have RECREATION their pets on a leash and requiring them to clean up after their pets . POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6W) Consolidated Food Management Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization to extend the Consolidated Food Management Contract through December 31, 1999, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee . The City of Kent Corrections Facility contracts for food services with Consolidated Food Management, Inc . This contract is due to expire on December 31, 1998 . Pursuant to the renewal option, as outlined in Section 11 . 01 of the contract, both parties request to extend the contract for an additional year. The Corrections Facility has been very pleased with the services provided by Consolidated Food Management, Inc . and its staff . There are no wording or payment schedule changes associated with this request and the extension covers the period from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 . (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7J) Bureau of Justice Administration Grant Application. In order to receive approximately $250 , 000 in grant application funds, the Kent City Council must first authorize the Police Department to apply for the grant . The deadline for the grant application is December 15, 1998 . EPPERLY MOVED to authorize the Police Department to apply for the Bureau of Justice Administration grant application. Orr seconded and the motion carried. INFORMATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) SERVICES Software Maintenance Contract. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with CIS for the maintenance of the City' s Finance, Payroll, and Production Management Systems, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . 9 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 INFORMATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) SERVICES Wide Area Network Equipment Purchase. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with Cisco Systems for the purchase of network hardware for wide area networking, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) PC Purchase. ACCEPTANCE of the quote of $157, 629 . 90 from Technology Express for the purchase of eighty-seven Hewlett-Packard Pentium II personal computers, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to complete the purchase, as recommended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Parks System Software Purchase. APPROVAL of and authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with Escom Software Services Limited for the purchase of a Parks and Recreation System and Services, subject to City Attorney approval of contract documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 63) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 16 and paid on November 16 after auditing by the Operations Committee on November 17, 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/16/98 208494-208776 $ 675, 309 . 85 11/16/98 208777-209144 2 , 435 , 108 .49 $3 , 110, 418 . 34 Approval of payment of the bills received through November 30 and paid on November 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 1, 1998 . 10 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/30/98 209145-209382 $ 850, 105 . 30 11/30/98 209383-209751 1, 894 , 884 . 32 $2 , 744, 989 . 62 Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 1 through November 15 and paid on November 20, 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/20/98 Checks 231725-232040 $ 246, 381 . 01 11/20/98 Advices 72671-73221 797 , 387 . 49 $1, 043 , 768 . 50 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Accounts Receivable Write-Offs . APPROVAL of the write-offs for 1997 past due accounts receivables of $19, 122 . 80 , as recommended by the Operations Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Petty Cash/Change Fund Amendment. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3425 transferring $1, 500 from the Change Fund to the Petty Cash Fund, as recom- mended by the Operations Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Tenant/Facility Improvement Budget. APPROVAL of and authorization of tenant improvement budgets totaling $1, 291, 000 with "intent to bond" and reimburse expenditures in Spring of 1999, for Centennial, City Hall and other City facilities, as recommended by the Operations Committee on December 1, 1998 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) 1998 Budget Adiustment. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3427 for the July to December 1998 budget adjustments totaling $16, 729, 927 , approval of a line of credit up to $200 , 000 to cover housing and community development costs at year-end until they are reimbursed by King County and a line of credit up to $250, 000 to the Riverbend Golf 11 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 FINANCE Complex as approved by Council on November 3 , 1998, and as recommended by the Operations Committee at their December 1, 1998 meeting. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEMS 7A-7D) 1999 Budget and Tax Ordinances. City Attorney Lubovich explained that Other Business Item A, the tax levy capacity protection ordinance, preserves the City' s right to make adjustments for urgent need in the future, and that Items B, C & D are interconnected with each other. Finance Director Miller further explained the ordinances . She noted that this is the largest annual budget ever adopted, and it has the smallest property tax increase. She added that the budget contains 47 . 6 new full-time positions, keeping the level at 10 . 4%, with a focus on public safety with 6 police positions and 7 fire positions . She noted that if citizens see an increase in their property taxes, it is due to an increase in their assessed valuation or to increases from the school district, county or state . (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) 1999 Tax Levy Capacity Protection. The Operations Committee recommended adoption of an ordinance which states the Council ' s intent to levy an amount equal to inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator of 0 . 85%, but to protect the Council ' s future right to levy the maximum allowable, authorizes a limit factor of 6% over last year' s highest allowable levy. This ordinance requires passage by a supermajority of Council . WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No. 3430 protecting the future right of the Council to levy the maximum amount by authorizing a limit factor of 6% over the last year' s highest allowable levy. Epperly seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 12 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 FINANCE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) 1999 Tax Increase for Inflation. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of an ordinance establishing the actual increase in the regular tax levy at a rate equal to inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator, which is 0 . 85% . The amount of the tax increase is $129, 123 in addition to the amounts added for new construction, any increase in state assessed property, annexations, and the refund fund levy. WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No. 3431 establishing the regular property tax increase to an amount of $129, 123 , which is equal to the rate of inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator of 0 . 85% . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) 1999 Tax Lew. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of a traditional tax levy ordinance which establishes the actual tax levy in dollar amounts . They recommend a levy of $17, 175, 994 for the General fund levy, and $1, 832 , 413 for the Debt Service Funds . WOODS MOVED to approve Ordinance No. 3432 establishing the regular property tax levy of $17, 175, 994 for the General fund and $1, 832 , 413 for the Debt Service funds . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7D) 1999 Budget. The Operations Committee has recommended adoption of the 1999 Operating and Capital Budget . The budget is the Preliminary Budget document plus the technical corrections approved at the December 1 , 1998 Operations Committee meeting. The Budget is in balance and includes a 10 percent General Fund reserve of $5 , 354 , 412 . WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3433 adopting the Final 1999 Operating and Capital Budget . Epperly seconded. 13 ..�...__._...___._._ .. .. ...... Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 FINANCE Orr thanked the Operations Committee for their efforts and expressed appreciation for the Economic Division Coordinator and 2 additional police officers . Miller explained for her that 3 police officers will be hired in January, 1 in May and 1 in September, and that 2 fire positions will be hired in January, 2 in April and 3 in May. She explained that the dates are coordinated with entry into the Academy. She also explained that the Budget Analyst and Economic Division Coordinator will be hired in January. Orr pointed out that Council has approved a real estate excise tax and urged councilmembers to try to keep a hold-the-line attitude regarding taxes . She said she is generally pleased with the budget, especially the fund to begin acquiring development rights to agricultural land. Yingling thanked Miller and the Finance Department for a readable document, and thanked City staff for creating a pro-family and pro-business budget . Woods also commended all departments for a wonderful job. Mayor White thanked the Council for their work and cooperation. The motion then carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Land Use And Planning Board Reappointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Brad Bell , Steve Dowell, and Ron Harmon to continue serving as members of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Their new terms will continue until 12/31/2001 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) Human Services Commission Reappointments And Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s re- appointments of Pastor John Jendresen and Melvin Tate to continue serving as members of the Kent Human Services Commission. Their new terms will continue until 1/1/2002 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Edna White to serve as a member of the Commission. Ms . White is a long time Kent resident . She is active in Kent Soroptimists and is a past presi- dent . She is a member of the Kent Performing 14 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 APPOINTMENTS Arts Center Board of Directors, serves as a member of the Board of the Southcenter Merchants Association, and is a member of the Kent Chamber of Commerce . Ms . White will replace Dee Moschel , whose term has expired, and she will represent the Service Clubs category. Her new term will continue until 1/1/2002 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) Drinking Driver Task Force Reappointments And Avvointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s re- appointment of Rod Blalock and Peter Mourer to continue serving as members of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force . Their new terms will continue until 1/1/2002 . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Richard Manoli to serve as a Task Force member. Mr. Manoli is employed by the Washington State Liquor Control Board and is Acting Director of the Kent office . He will replace Jim Sawyers whose term expired. Mr. Manoli ' s new term will continue until 1/1/2002 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) Regional Justice Center Citizens Advisory Committee Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Don Villeneuve to continue serving as a member of the RJC Citizens Advisory Committee . His new term will continue until 1/1/2001 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6X) Bicycle Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Robert Hoffman and Steve Babbitt to continue serving as members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. Their new terms will continue until 12/31/2000 . REPORTS Council President. Orr thanked citizens for their participation, staff for their support, and her colleagues for making her first year as Council President an enjoyable one . She wished everyone a happy holiday season. 15 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 REPORTS Operations Committee. Woods noted that the next meeting will be on January 5, 1999, at 3 : 30 p.m. Public Safety Committee. Epperly announced that there will not be a committee meeting this month and that timing will be reviewed in January. She noted that donations are still being accepted for Senior Cheer baskets at the Police station and Toys for Joy at the Fire stations . Public Works/Planning Committee. Clark announced that the committee will not meet again in December, and that the second meeting in January will be held on Wednesday, January 20th due to the holiday on the 18th. He also noted that a letter from six of the councilmembers regarding the National Bible Week proclamation is being forwarded to the press, and that the letter states that the Mayor' s actions do not reflect the position of the City Council and the Council does not believe it is the job of the City to promote any particular religious text . Amodt later stated that she did not sign the letter because the Bible is not a church and is therefore not in conflict with the separation of church and state. She supported the Mayor in proclaiming Bible Week. Parks Committee. Woods noted that the committee will meet at 4 : 30 p.m. on January 19, 1999 . EXECUTIVE At 8 :32 p.m. , City Attorney Lubovich reminded SESSION the Council of an executive session of approximately 10-15 minutes . The meeting then recessed. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 50 p.m. PLANNING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7H) TM Investment Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendment. The Land Use and Planning Board approved a comprehensive plan and zoning amendment for TM Investment during its 1997 annual comprehensive plan and zone amendment process . The approval was granted on the condition that the owner deed a portion of the 16 Kent City Council Minutes December 8, 1998 PLANNING property as a public right-of-way for the widening and improvement of 116th Avenue SE and Kent-Kangley Road. On January 20, 1998, the City Council approved the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation subject to adoption of the necessary ordinances; however, on February 3 , 1998 , at the request of the applicant, this matter was pulled from the ordinances with the understanding that it would be submitted to the Council at a later date following fulfillment of the condition to approval . As of this date, the condition has not been fulfilled. Staff is asking that the City Council consider and deem the application expired for failure to fulfill the condition of approval . CLARK MOVED to confirm the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone requested by TM Investments, Inc . (CPA-97-3 (E) and CPZ-97-5) , so long as the owner files with an escrow agent suitable to both parties by 3 : 00 p.m. on December 14 , 1998, a fully executed Quitclaim Deed that will transfer all necessary property on the TM Investment property for use as City Right-of-Way; but the selected escrow agent shall be given instructions to record the Quitclaim Deed upon passage of the ordinance finalizing the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone; however, should TM Investments, Inc . fail to provide the fully executed original deed to the escrow agent by the time stated above, then TM Investments, Inc . ' s Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone shall be deemed expired and fully terminated; AND to authorize the City Attorney to execute a stipulated dismissal of its eminent domain proceeding against TM Investments, Inc . that includes the following conditions : 1 . The City will obtain a lot line adjustment acceptable to the parties that combines that portion of lots 59 and 60 of the subdivision of Lindental , (King County Recording #9112241094 , recorded on December 24 , 1991 , in volume 159 of 17 Kent City Council Minutes December 8 , 1998 PLANNING Plats at pages 33 through 40) lying north of the centerline of the Natural Growth Protection Easement with all of lot 62 of that same Lindental subdivision, subject to necessary slope and utility easements for the City' s South 277th Street Corridor right-of-way, and all subject to a final legal description satisfactory to both parties . 2 . TM Investments will pay the City Thirty Thousand dollars upon completion of the City' s lot line adjustment upon the condition that the City quitclaim all its interest in the above- described property to TM Investments, Inc . 3 . The City will allow construction of driveways with attendant lane-turning movements on the site as previously discussed, subject to the agreement of both parties . 4 . Without limiting the discretionary functions of the Land Use and Planning Board or the City Council , the Public Works Department is authorized to support the rezone of the above- described property to a Neighborhood Community Commercial zoning designation. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 55 p.m. Brenda J Joer, CMC City Clerk 18