HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1998 Kent, Washington October 20 , 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Orr. Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Captain Chuck Miller, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Parks Director Hodgson, and Finance Director Miller. Approximately 15 people were in attendance . PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem Orr COMMUNICATIONS announced that Julie Cleary, Program Assistant for the Parks Department Community Education Classes at Kent Commons, has been selected Employee of the Month for October. She noted that Ms . Cleary pro- vides excellent customer service to the thousands of class participants and instructors, and has a delightful way of relating to the public . Lori Hogan, Superintendent of Recreation and Cultural Services, said that Julie is very knowledgeable and competent, and is a pleasure to work with. Cleary was then presented the Employee of the Month plaque . YWCA Week Without Violence. Mayor Pro Tem Orr read a proclamation declaring the week of October 18-24 as YWCA Week Without Violence in the City, and noting that violence affects people of all races, ages, religions, classes and neighborhoods and takes an extremely harsh toll on the most vulnerable in society, especially women, children and youth. Make A Difference Day. Mayor Pro Tem Orr noted that connecting with others and working together through volunteer service can bridge the differ- ences that separate people and help solve serious social problems . She read a proclamation de- claring October 24 , 1998 , as Make A Difference Day in the City of Kent , and presented it to Parks Director Hodgson. Hodgson expressed thanks and noted that the City has done a number of beautifi- cation projects in the past five years using volunteers on Make A Difference Day. 1 Kent City Council Minutes October 20 , 1998 CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR J be approved. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 6 , 1998 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Greenfield Park. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Greenfield Park submitted by Novastar Development, Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 1, 860 feet of street improvements, and 1 , 519 feet of storm sewer and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 28th Avenue South & South 268th Place . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Briarmount Plat. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Briarmount submitted by Geonerco, Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 350 feet of street improvements, and 854 feet of storm sewer and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at South 202nd Street & 94th Place South. TRANSPORTATION (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2B) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. This date has been set for the public hearing on the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan and adoption of the resolution establishing it . Public Works Director Wickstrom explained that the Plan must be adopted annually and that Federal or State grants are not available for projects not listed in the Plan. He displayed a map showing the location of the projects, and noted that the projects have been discussed by the Public Works Committee, who recommended approval . He explained for Amodt that funding sources include grants, Local Improvement Districts and City money. 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 20, 1998 TRANSPORTATION Mayor Pro Tem Orr opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No . 1515 esta- blishing the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Woods seconded. Clark noted that only the early projects are secure and that later projects will be done as possible . His motion then carried. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Topsoil Sales Regulations. DIRECT Administration to investigate regulation of topsoil sales and report back to the Public Works/Planning Committee with its findings and proposals for consideration. PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Briarmount Final Plat FSU-96-11. SET November 3 , 1998 , as the date for a public meeting to consider the final plat application submitted by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc . , for the Briarmount Final Plat . The City Council approved the pre- liminary plat with conditions on June 4 , 1996 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Mallory Meadows (Formerly Meridian West) Final Plat FSU-96-2 . SET November 3 , 1998 , as the date for a public meeting to consider the final plat application submitted by Hearthside Homes, Inc . , for the Mallory Meadows Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on February 3 , 1998 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Bayberry Crest Final Plat FSU-96-_3 . SET November 3 , 1998 , as the date for a public meeting to consider the final plat application submitted by Bayberry Crest L. L. C . , for the Bayberry Final Plat . The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on September 16 , 1997 . 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 20 , 1998 PLATS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Alvin' s Pond Preliminary Plat. This date has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recom- mendation of approval with conditions dated September 10 , 1998 , of an application submitted by Poe Engineering, Inc . for Alvin' s Pond Preliminary Plat . Upon Brotherton' s question, Wickstrom noted that there is an existing apartment complex to the west . CLARK MOVED to approve the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the preliminary plat application for Alvin' s Pond Preliminary Plat . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 43) Lang (Canyon Crossina) Final Plat FSU-96-25 . This date has been set to consider the final plat application submitted by Lang Plat LLC . This plat is being renamed Canyon Crossing. The City Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions on September 2 , 1997 . CLARK MOVED to approve the staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Lang Final Plat and to authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. LEGISLATIVE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) AGENDA 1999 Legislative Agenda. The City of Kent annually adopts a legislative agenda to com- municate the City' s priorities and concerns to representatives in State Government . This draft Legislative Agenda for 1999 has been developed in consultation with staff, the Suburban Cities Association and the Association of Washington Cities . It was presented to the Council Committee of the Whole on October 6 . Staff have met with all interested Councilmembers to identify refine- ments to the draft . Proposed changes are 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 20 , 1998 LEGISLATIVE summarized in the memo from Dena Laurent dated AGENDA October 15 , 1998 . Laurent explained that the two most significant changes recommended in her discussions with Councilmembers are the Manufacturing Tax Exemption and Human Services . She noted that there were Councilmembers at both ends of the spectrum on the manufacturing tax exemption, and she therefore attempted to craft a statement more to the middle of the two viewpoints . Laurent noted that Brotherton had pointed out the issue of welfare reform and the funding needs, and stated that that item has been moved from the position paper to the legislative agenda, and the affordable housing issue has been moved to the policy paper. Clark noted that transmission of cable signals is being switched from analog to digital , which will have some implications for the City and for some citizens . WOODS MOVED to adopt the proposed 1999 Legislative Agenda . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Council Rules and Procedures. Pursuant to Resolution No . 1461, the City Council established rules and procedures for the City Council, City Council meetings, and meetings of Council committees . The City Council now desires to update and revise those rules and procedures by adopting a new resolution. McFall explained that the proposed resolution was prepared in response to changes in the Council committees, and that some housekeeping items have been included. He noted that the two significant changes have to do with Sections 13 and 24 . 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 20, 1998 COUNCIL McFall explained that in Section 13 , "Changes to the Agenda" has been added to the order of the agenda for Council meetings, which is designed to prompt the Chair of the meeting to ask for any changes . He added that it further states that an item that is requested to be added to the agenda would be dealt with at that meeting, with the consent of the Council . McFall noted that Section 24 combines the re- sponsibilities of the previously existing Public Works Committee with the previously existing Planning Committee to create the Public Works/Planning Committee . Upon a question from Amodt, McFall explained that in Section 14 , "Council" was crossed out and replaced by "presiding officer" to reflect the existing practice of the Mayor or Council President establishing the time limit for speakers . He also clarified for her that purpose of the change to Section 13 is to make it clear that there is an opportunity on the Council ' s agenda for someone to ask that an item be added for consideration. He pointed out that there are other opportunities for public comment, depending upon the issue . WOODS MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1516 relating to rules and procedures for the City Council , City Council meetings, and Council committee meetings and repealing Resolution No. 1461 . Epperly seconded. ORR OFFERED A FRIENDLY AMENDMENT to change Section 13 by adding two sub-headings, one saying "from Councilmembers, Administration or staff" and the other saying "from members of the public" . Woods and Epperly accepted the friendly amendment . There was no further discussion and the motion carried as amended. 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 20 , 1998 FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) DEPARTMENT Transfer Of Assets From Fire District #37 . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Transfer of Assets from King County Fire Protection District No . 37 . As a result of the Meridian Valley Annexation, and in accordance with State law, the King County Fire Protection District #37 is required to transfer assets based upon the percentage of the District that was annexed. An agreement has been reached that meets the requirements of State law. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Senior Blood Pressure Program Grant. ACCEPTANCE of grant funds received from the Safeco Corpora- tion and authorization for the Fire Department to apply the funds toward the purchase of blood pressure equipment and educational materials to institute a Senior Blood Pressure Program. FINANCE (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1999 Operating And Capital Budget. This is the second public hearing on the 1999 Budget . This is the annual budget for both operating and capital . Public input is desired and welcome . A copy of the Preliminary Budget will be available at the November 3 Council Committee of the Whole meet- ing . The final public hearing will be held on November 17, 1998 , with the anticipated budget adoption planned for the December 8 , 1998 , Council meeting. Finance Director Miller noted that the general fund total is $67 , 000 , 000 which is used to pay operating costs . She added that 74% of that comes from taxes, primarily sales tax. She explained that a conservative view has been taken, and that there is a lot of one-time-only money in the budget . She noted that growth will allow for additional staff, and that the capital portion of the budget is $222 , 000 , 000 over six years including about $60 , 000 , 000 for next year. She stated that the budget will be discussed at the next Committee of the Whole meeting, and added 7 Kent City Council Minutes October 20, 1998 FINANCE that the budget does not contain rate increases or tax increases at this point . The Mayor Pro Tem opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience. WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 30 and paid on September 30, 1998 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 6 , 1998 . :CM:'IN' RECTED - REFER TO Approval of checks issued for vouchers : UTES OF Date Check Numbers Amount 9/30/98 205650-205886 $ 611, 764 . 61 9/30/98 205887-206237 1 , 735 , 471 . 01 $2 , 347, 235 . 62 Approval of checks issued for navroll for September 16 through September 30 and paid on October 5 , 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 10/5/98 Checks 230712-231028 $ 253 , 371 . 88 10/5/98 Advices 70899-71449 748 , 962 . 95 $1 , 002 , 334 . 83 MEMORIAL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER AMODT) Memorial. Amodt noted that Carol Thuringer was recently killed in a car accident in Kent, and said a citizen has asked her for information on placing a memorial at the site . McFall offered to research the issue regarding the use of public right-of-way and public funds and report back to Council or to a committee . Amodt agreed. REPORTS Council President. Orr thanked everyone who has helped get the message about safety out to the public . She said she has received numerous positive comments about the recent meeting giving 8 Kent City Council Minutes October 20, 1998 REPORTS women an opportunity to learn about their own safety, and the fact that it has been shown so frequently on the cable TV station. She listed the times that the program will be shown again. EXECUTIVE McFall reminded Council of the executive session. SESSION At the beginning of the meeting, the City Attorney had added potential litigation to the items to be discussed during the executive session. The meeting recessed to executive session at 7 :40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8 :20 p.m. PARKS & Property Accruisition, WOODS MOVED to accept the RECREATION offer of $45 , 000 from Shamrock Development Corporation and authorize the Mayor to enter into the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Jean Austin property, and amend the playground equip- ment account with the proceeds resulting from this sale . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. Land Lease Negotiation. WOODS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to negotiate and execute a lease with the Urban Landmark Corporation for the Kent Valley Ice Arena at Russell Road Park upon terms and conditions substantially similar to the draft lease, which is hereby made a part of the record; and further, to approve replacement of the Russell Road soccer fields and to direct the Mayor to begin the site selection and planning process for the new soccer fields . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 43 p.m. Brenda Jac 4 CMC City Clerk 9