HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/15/1998 Kent, Washington September 15, 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Police Chief Crawford, Finance Director Miller and Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 15 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Day of Carina. Mayor White read a proclamation COMMUNICATIONS noting that the Day of Caring sponsored by United Way of King County will target 45 to 50 projects in the South County area involving more than 600 volunteers, and proclaimed September 25 , 1998 as Day of Caring in the City of Kent . He encouraged all citizens to experience the joy and satisfac- tion of volunteering their time and efforts to a worthwhile project . The proclamation was pre- sented to Police Chief Crawford, who thanked the Mayor and Council for their support and explained that this year ' s project is to help Kent Youth and Family Services put up playground equipment for some of the Head Start/ECAP programs . Day of Concern For The Hungry. The Mayor stated that the City recognizes adequate nutrition as a basic right for each citizen and commits both General Fund and Block Grant dollars to fund emergency food programs, and that the Seattle Emergency Feed Program has sought to provide balanced, nutritious meals to the hungry for many years . He proclaimed September 26, 1998 as Day of Concern For The Hungry and encouraged all citizens to join with the Seattle Emergency Feeding Program to feed those who are hungry. Constitution Week. Mayor White read a proclama- tion declaring the week of September 17-23 , 1998 as Constitution Week, and noted that the two hundred eleventh anniversary of the signing of the Constitution provides an historic opportunity for all Americans to remember the achievements of the Framers of the Constitution and the rights, privileges and responsibilities it affords . He presented the proclamation to Elizabeth Walker of 1 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 PUBLIC the Lakota Chapter of the National Society of the COMMUNICATIONS Daughters of the American Revolution, who thanked the Mayor and Council for their support . 1998 WCMA Award For Excellence. Mayor White announced that Operations Director Brent McFall has been awarded the 1998 WCMA Award For Excellence. He explained that the award is given by the Washington City/County Management Association. McFall accepted the award and said it is especially meaningful to be recognized by his peers for his work on behalf of the City of Kent . The Mayor said the City is honored to have someone of McFall ' s caliber with the organization. CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR J, with the exception of Item E, be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried unanimously. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 1 , 1998 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SANITATION Raschke Short Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale for Raschke Short Plat submitted by VSC Industries, Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 356 feet of sanitary sewer, 243 feet of street improvements and 78 feet of storm sewer and, release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is in the vicinity of 93rd Avenue South & South 221st Street . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Wellington Townhomes. Phase One. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale for Wellington Townhomes Phase One submitted by Benjamin Homes, Inc . for continuous operation and maintenance of 645 feet of sanitary sewer and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is in the vicinity of South 236th Street & 63rd Avenue South. 2 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 WATER (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 125, 000 Gallon Water Tank Improvements. The bid opening for this project was held on September 9th with three bids received. The apparent low bid was submitted by Fraser, Inc . in the amount of $216, 636 . 99 . The Engineer ' s estimate was $158, 013 . 00 . The Public Works Director recom- mends that this contract be awarded to Fraser, Inc . CLARK MOVED that the 125, 000 Gallon Water Tank Improvements contract be awarded to Fraser, Inc . for the bid amount of $216, 636 . 99 . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) 6th Avenue North Improvements. ACCEPT the 6th Avenue North Street Improvements contract as complete and release retainage to Ohana Nursery upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $47, 321 . 75 The final construction cost was $51, 345 . 74 . (BIDS - ITEM 5B) S . 200`h Street Improvements - Orillia to Green River. The bid opening for this project was held on September 11, 1998 . Public Works Director Wickstrom noted that six bids were received, and the low bidder was Scarsella Bros . in the amount of $3 , 242 , 543 . 00 . He added that the Engineer ' s estimate was $3 , 903 , 297 . 00, and recommended that the contract be awarded to Scarsella Bros . CLARK MOVED that the S . 200th Street Improvements - Orillia to Green River contract be awarded to Scarsella Bros . for the bid amount of $3 , 242 , 543 . 00 . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) CONTROL Interurban Trail Signals. ACCEPTANCE of an amendment to the Interurban Trail Signals contract in the amount of $3 , 001 . 52 , as recommended by the 3 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 TRAFFIC Public Works Director. Council accepted the CONTROL contract in the amount of $100, 679 . 50 as complete, as recommended by the Public Works Director on July 7 , 1998 . Since that acceptance, additional invoicing has been received in the amount of $3 , 001 . 52 against this project . STREET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) VACATION 32nd Avenue South Street Vacation STV-98-2 . Resolution 1510 established this date for a public hearing on an application from Doug and Ronda Mitch to vacate a portion of 32nd Avenue South right-of-way located east of 30th Avenue South. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location on a map and noted that the area is not open and has never been used as a street . He said the staff recommendation is for approval with the following conditions : 1) the City of Kent shall be compensated for the value of the right-of-way in accordance with applicable state law, and 2) the City of Kent shall retain the right to grant utility easement (s) to any public and/or private utility which presently has facilities within the right-of-way proposed to be vacated. Clark noted that the area is next to the freeway overhang and asked about liability if plant growth becomes a hazard. Lubovich said there is no significant exposure unless the City is aware of some activity or hazard that should be taken care of . The Mayor opened the public hearing. Doug Mitch, 23442 30th Avenue South, owner and applicant, explained that he had recently learned that people were camping in the area and were accessing it primarily from the bus stop near the southbound ramp of I-5 from Kent-Des Moines Road. He noted that one of the campers had stabbed another re- cently, and that media coverage of the incident resulted in a large traffic problem. He said residents have worked with the Police Department and DOT to get the area cleaned up and more secure . Mitch said he plans to develop his 4 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 STREET property eventually, but his primary concern is VACATION security. He noted that there is a fence along DOT right-of-way but that people have cut holes in it to gain access to private property, and pointed out that the wooded area provides a place to hide . He noted that the Midway Sewer District owns an existing sewer which terminates in the right-of- way area, and that he has agreed to give them an extension easement beyond the right-of-way area into the next parcel . He urged the Council to approve the request, and noted for Amodt that he and the other petitioners agree with the condi- tions . He explained that the property would be split among the five petitioners and said they are aware that there may be costs in the future . There were no further comments from the audience and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to approve the Planning Director' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the application to vacate a portion of 32nd Avenue South right-of-way east of 30th Avenue South, as referenced in Resolution No. 1510, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordi- nance upon compliance with the conditions of approval . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Green River Nursery Classroom/Office Workroom. ACCEPT the Green River Nursery Classroom/Office Workroom contract as complete and release retainage to 21st Century Builders upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $84 , 768 . 82 . The final construction cost was $89, 936 . 97 . 5 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 COUNCIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) (FORMERLY CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT ORR) Compensation of Councilmembers. The proposed ordinance would eliminate the cost of living adjustments to Councilmember salaries . Upon Orr ' s question, Lubovich stated that the last sentence in Section A, which states "This additional salary shall not be subject to Consumer Price Index adjustments as set forth herein" , should be elimi- nated. ORR MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3421 as amended. Woods seconded and the motion carried. POLICE DEPT. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Jail Services Contract Renewal, Citv Of Des Moines . RENEWAL of the contract for jail services with the City of Des Moines, as recommended by the Public Safety Committee . This is a standard out- side agency contract, which will take effect September 1998 , and shall supersede and terminate any other facility use agreement or contract existing between the City of Kent and the City of Des Moines . This contract shall be in effect through 1998 and automatically renew from year to year unless other modified or terminated as pro- vided in the contract . This contract may be terminated upon 60 days written notice from the party desiring termination. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Counterfeit Or False Trademarks . ADOPTION of Ordinance No . 3419 relating to counterfeit or false trademarks and declaring a public emergency necessary for the protection of public health, safety and welfare . PARKS & (BIDS - ITEM 5C) RECREATION Senior Center Exterior Painting Two written quotes were received to paint the exterior of the Senior Center. Halcyon Painting was low at $36, 980 . WOODS MOVED to award the contract to 6 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 PARKS & paint the exterior of the Senior Center to Halcyon RECREATION Painting for $36, 980 , plus applicable Washington State sales tax. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 33) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 31 and paid on August 31, after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 1 , 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 8/31/98 204953 -205186 $ 278, 998 . 58 8/31/98 205187-205649 2 , 284 , 625 . 06 $2 , 563 , 623 . 64 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16 through August 31 and paid on September 4, 1998 : Date Check Numbers Amount 9/4/98 Checks 230057-230395 $ 270 , 446 . 44 9/4/98 Advices 69776-70339 758 , 664 . 17 $1, 029, 110 . 61 (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) (FORMERLY CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER AMODT) Real Estate Excise Tax. The proposed ordinance would make corrective amendments to Ordinance No. 3418 to reference appropriate statutory authority and to establish November 1 , 1998 as the effective date of the excise tax. Amodt noted that she had voted nay on this issue at the last Council meeting, and that she voted nay on the proposed ordinance at the Operations Committee meeting today so that it would again come to the Council for a vote . Lubovich explained that the proposed ordinance is strictly technical in nature, and that it would 7 Kent City Council Minutes September 15, 1998 FINANCE clarify the effective date of the assessments and correct an error in the statutory provision. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3420 . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried, with Amodt opposed. REPORTS Council President. Orr invited everyone to attend a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 5 : 00 p.m. on October 5th at the Green River Natural Resource Area . She said this is an exciting project which has been in the works for many years . Public Works/Planning. Clark stated that the Committee will meet on September 21st at 3 : 30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 30 p.m. Brenda Ja ob r, CMC City Cle 8