HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1998 Kent, Washington June 16, 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, Assistant City Attorney Brubaker, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Parks Director Hodgson. Councilmember Woods was excused from the meeting. Approximately 20 people were in attendance. PUBLIC Sister City Association International Award COMMUNICATIONS Winner. JoAnn Schaut of the Kent Arts Commission and the Sister City Committee, introduced Anna Slater who has been named one of the ten first place winners in the International Sister Cities Youth Art Program. Ms. Slater' s work was dis- played and Ms. Schaut and Mayor White presented her with the award and noted that she will also receive $300 from Sister Cities International. Ms. Slater noted that her artwork will be dis- played across the country and that she intends to attend art school in the future. American Cancer Society Award. Mayor White introduced the Chair of Kent's Wellness Committee, Barbara Ekstrom, and presented the American Cancer Society Award to her. He noted that Kent raised $12 , 777 . 58 this year and challenged other cities to raise funds as well. Ms. Ekstrom thanked all the employees, their spouses and friends who helped raise this money. CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR I be approved. Clark seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 2 , 1998 . SEWER (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Kent Meridian High School Sanitary Sewer Repair. The bid opening for this project was held on June loth with six bids received. The low bid was submitted by Insituform West, Inc. in the amount of $53 ,855. 83 . The Engineer's estimate was $73 , 143 . The Public Works Director recommends that the contract be awarded to Insituform West, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the Kent Meridian High School Sanitary Sewer Repair contract be awarded to Insituform West, Inc. for the bid amount of 1 Kent City Council Minutes June 16, 1998 SEWER $53 , 855. 83 . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (BIDS - ITEM 5B) S. 277th Street Interceptor. The bid opening for this project was held on June 10 with seven bids received for Schedule I and Schedule II. The apparent low bid for Schedule I by itself and Schedules I and II together was submitted by Robison Construction in the amount of $2, 514,956. 63 (Schedule I) and $3,735, 197 . 09 (Schedules I and II) . The Engineer's estimate for Schedule I was $5, 362, 271. 61 and for Schedules I and II was $8 , 213, 651.49 . Wickstrom noted that the City of Kent is acting as the lead agency for King County Metro, and that the system services both Kent and Soos Creek Sewer and Water District. He explained that Soos Creek recently asked the City to review some major design changes, and that Metro has been asked to determine whether they want to recon- sider before award of the bid. Wickstrom noted that if revisions are necessary, the bids could be rejected and the project be rebid. CLARK MOVED that the Mayor be authorized, upon concurrence by the Public Works Director, to reject all bids on the project or to award the construction contract to the most satisfactory and responsible bidder for either Schedule I by itself or for Schedules I and II together. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Western Processing Trust Agreement. AUTHORI- ZATION to allow the Public Works Director and the City Attorney to finalize the necessary documents to have the Boeing Company construct an embank- ment as part of the Western Processing "Cap" Containment Project. As part of the construction of the 196th Street Corridor, the City plans to work with the Boeing Company, as primary trustee for the Western Processing Trust, to construct an earthen embankment as part of the "cap" being built to contain final cleanup on the Western Processing site. This embankment will support the west edge of the grade-separated railway bridge to be constructed for the 196th Corridor. 2 Kent City Council Minutes June 16, 1998 TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Transportation Improvement Board Grant - SR 516 at 256th. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, accept the grant and establish a budget for $100, 000, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. The Public Works Department has received a grant of $100, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board for the design and construction of the Pedestrian Improvements at the intersection of SR516 and 256th Street. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Transportation Improvement Board Grant_ - 64 Ave. So to West Valley Highway. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, accept the grant and establish a budget for $100, 000, as recommended by the Public Works/ Planning Committee. The Public Works Department has received a grant of $100, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board for the design and construction of the Pedestrian Improvements on James Street from 64th Avenue S. to West Valley Highway. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Transportation Improvement Board Grant - James St To 4th Ave. So. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the TIB grant agreement, accept the grant and establish a budget for $74 , 000, as recom- mended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. The Public Works Department has received a grant of $74 , 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board for the design and construction of the Pedestrian Improvements at the James Street intersection with 4th Avenue South. RAILROAD (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) FRANCHISE Railroad Franchise Agreements. AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works Department and the City Attorney's Office to begin discussions with the affected railroad companies to enter into new franchise agreements which will either amend or repeal the franchise ordinances which are pur- portedly controlling crossings, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. The Public Works Dept and the City Attorney's Office have been reviewing railroad mainline and spur cros- sings within the City. 3 Kent City Council Minutes June 16, 1998 COMMUTER RAIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) (ADDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT ORR) Commuter Rail Site. Council President Orr noted that the recent decision of Sound Transit and the location of the station in Kent was discussed at the Operations Committee meeting today. She said concern has been expressed by the Councilmembers in attendance at the Committee meeting as to the way the decision was handed down. She said she was asked to prepare a letter to be sent to Mr. Steven Goldblatt of the Citizens Oversight Committee. She noted that a version of the letter was passed by the Committee on a 2-1 vote, and that after the meeting she and another Councilmember revised the letter. ORR stated that copies of the revised letter have been pro- vided to all Councilmembers and MOVED to send the letter to Mr. Goldblatt of the Sound Transit Board, c/o Citizens Oversight Committee. Brotherton seconded and the motion carried with Clark opposed. PLAT (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Swan Court II Preliminary Plat #SU-98-5 This date has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for conditional approval of an application by Terry Ferguson for a 12-lot single-family residential preliminary subdivision. The property is located at the southeast corner of 112th Avenue SE and SE 240th Street. CLARK MOVED to approve the Hearing Examiner's recommendation of approval with conditions of the Swan Court II preliminary plat. Orr seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Horseshoe Acres Annexation. The City has received a Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings from owners of not less than 10% in value of property adjacent to Kent. The proposed annexation is located south of S. 259th Street and between the Green River and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. Planning Director Harris showed a map of the area and outlined the boundaries. He noted that al- though his memo mentions 42 persons living in the area, there are probably quite a few less. Upon Clark's question, Harris stated that none of the 4 Kent city council Minutes June 16, 1998 ANNEXATION area is in the agricultural district and that the County' s zoning is industrial, as is the City's. Wickstrom explained for Yingling that there is no drainage system in the area and that a storage facility and an outlet to the river will even- tually be needed. He noted that there is a major development occurring in the south which will contain new roads and a drainage system. CLARK MOVED to accept the 10% annexation petition and to authorize the circulation of the 60% peti- tion for the proposed Horseshoe Acres Annexation. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Dana Warren, 500 Union Street, Suite 900, Seattle, representing Opus Northwest, the appli- cant, explained the history of the project, noting that discussions were begun with the City six months ago in an effort to provide water and sewer availability. He stated that they will improve the roads and sewer in the area, contri- bute to traffic mitigation programs, and increase clearance under the railroad trestle. ZONING CODE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Zoning Code Update Phase I. ZCA-98-1. The Land Use and Planning Board has recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code, Phase I. Phase I focuses on reformatting the Code to make it more user friendly" , and ensur- ing that the Code is consistent with itself, other sections of the City Code and with recent changes to State law. Kevin O'Neill of the Planning Department noted that this issue was discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 2nd. He said that the second phase will deal with more substantive issues. He noted that the Land Use and Planning Board began holding workshops in January, had a public hearing on May 26, and recommend approval of the changes indicated in the staff report. CLARK MOVED to approve the Land Use and Planning Board' s recommendation of approval of the amendments to the Zoning Code, Phase I, and to direct the Attorney's Office to prepare an ordinance. Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. 5 Kent City Council Minutes June 16, 1998 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Excused Absence For Councilmember Woods. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight's Council meeting for Councilmember Judy Woods, as she will be unable to attend. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Donation of Old VHF Portable Radios to Bremerton Police. AUTHORIZATION to donate the 14 old VHF portable radios to Bremerton Police Department for use by their reserve police officers. Kent Police Department has 14 Motorola model 350 and 360 VHF portable radios, which are of no value to the Police Department or any other department within the City, and would be of no value at public auction. Bremerton Police Department has spare parts and accessories for these models and replacement of the crystals would be their responsibility. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through May 29 and paid on May 29, 1998 after auditing by the Operations Committee on June 2 , 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/29/98 200573-200886 $ 335, 041.79 5/29/98 200887-201290 1,808, 036. 72 $2 , 143, 078 .51 Approval of checks issued for payroll for May 1 through May 15 and paid on May 20, 1998: Date Check Numbers Amount 5/20/98 Checks 227556-227932 $ 271, 834. 38 5/20/98 Advices 65951-66475 771, 911.81 $1, 043 ,746. 19 REPORTS Council President. Orr announced that the Suburban Cities Association's Board meeting has been changed to June 24 and asked any Council- member who is available to attend for Mr. Clark to contact Ms. Banister. 6 Kent City Council Minutes June 16, 1998 REPORTS Orr asked Councilmembers to contact Ms. Banister regarding the Cornucopia Days Parade. Orr noted that copies of the letter to Sound Transit discussed earlier this evening are available. Upon Clark's question, it was noted that information regarding the Gas Tax Option Summit is available in the Mayor' s Office. EXECUTIVE At 7: 29 p.m. McFall reminded Councilmembers of SESSION the Executive Session regarding property negotia- tion and litigation which had been added to agenda at the beginning of the meeting. He noted that it would last approximately 15 minutes, and the meeting then recessed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 8 : 08 p.m. Brenda J,aco er, CMC City Clem 7