HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1998 Kent, Washington April 21, 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, Assistant City Attorney Brubaker, Assistant Fire Chief Aldridge, Police Lt. Bruce Weissich, Planning Manager Satterstrom, City Engineer Gill, Information Services Director Mulholland, Assistant Finance Director Hillman, and Recreation and Cultural Arts Superintendent Hogan. Approxi- mately 30 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Introduction of Mayor' s Appointees. Mayor White COMMUNICATIONS introduced Mike Etzell, Paul Hammerschmidt and Perry Woodford, his appointees to the Transit Advisory Board, and Tim Gimenez , his appointee to the Civil Service Commission. CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through N be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 7, 1998. SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Sewer Service West Of Green River. CONCURRENCE with providing sewer service to properties or areas west of the Green River as proposed in the Public Works Director' s memo dated April 7th and included in the Council packet, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) S. 272/277 St. Corridor House Move. AUTHORIZATION to declare the house at 11459 SE 266th St. as surplus with zero value and authorization for the Public Works Director to dispose of same, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. This house is in the path of the 272nd Corridor project. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) 196th Street Corridor Condemnation. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3399 authorizing condemnation by eminent domain proceedings on certain property for the acquisition of road easements, etc. , should negotiations fail, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. 1 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Stormwater/SUrface Water Drainage Codes Revisions - Authority To Inspect ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3400 adding new sections to Chapter 7 . 05 and 7 . 07 of the Kent City Code to require that storm and surface water systems comply with City construction standards and to confirm authority to allow for inspection and to require maintenance and correction of defects in those systems, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Closing Of 110th Avenue S E Access To S. 274th St. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1508 , as recom- mended by the Public Works/Planning Committee, providing authority to prepare and execute the necessary documents to eliminate access from 110th Avenue SE onto SE 274th St and redirect 110th Ave to the north. This is beneficial to the function of the corridor project and would eliminate a turning movement from the 277th Corridor on and off of 110th Avenue at this point. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Fast Corridor Memorandum Of Understanding AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the draft Memorandum of Understanding of the FAST Corridor, subject to staff' s concurrence of the final language, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. This agreement (M.O.U. ) represents $356 million funding of the $1 billion cost for the grade separation projects. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Transportation improvement Board Grant Washington Ave. (SR 181) The Public Works Department has received a grant of $276, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the design phase of the Washington Avenue (SR181) project. The Public Works/Planning Committee recommends that the Mayor be author- ized to sign the grant agreement, to accept the grant and to establish a budget for $276, 000. 00. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement, to accept the grant of $276, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board, and to establish a budget for same and use the funds 2 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 PUBLIC WORKS for the Washington Avenue (SR181) project. Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Transportation Improvement Board Grant 272nd Corridor. The Public Works Department has received a grant of $5, 640, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the construction phase of the 272nd/277th Corridor project. The Public Works/Planning Committee has recommended acceptance of the grant and establishment of a budget for $5, 640, 000. CLARK MOVED to accept the grant of $5, 640, 000 from the Transportation Improvement Board and to establish a budget for same and use the funds for the South 272nd/277th Corridor project. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) S. 277/S.E. 274 Way Schedule 1 (Green River Bridge) and Schedule 2 (108th Avenue S.E. Bridge) . The bid opening for this portion of the S. 272nd/277th Street Corridor project was originally held on March 26. However, due to irregularities with the bids submitted, all bids were rejected and the project was re-bid on April 17 . Due to time constraints, the low bid results and recommendations will be presented at the Council meeting. City Engineer Gill explained that five bids were received and that the low bid was submitted by MKB Constructors in the amount of $8, 518, 365. 32 . He noted that the Engineer' s estimate was over $9, 000, 000, and that the re-bid resulted in a reduction in the bid amount of approximately $150, 000. He recommended that the contract be awarded to MKB Constructors. CLARK MOVED that the S. 277th St. /S. E. 274th Way Schedule 1 (Green River Bridge) and Schedule 2 (108th Avenue S.E. Bridge) contract be awarded to MKB Constructors in the amount of $8 , 518 , 365. 32 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Green Meadows Town Homes Final Plat FSU-97-4 AUTHORIZE May 5, 1998, as the date for a public meeting to consider a final plat application by 3 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 PLAT Baima & Holmberg for the Green Meadows Townhomes. The subject subdivision is 2 .85 acres in size and is located north of SE 256th and east of 138th Place SE. This subdivision was transferred to Kent by King County. King County approved the preliminary subdivision under Ordinance #12219 on January 16, 1996. FRANCHISES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) UPRR/196th Spur Crossing. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3401 which pertains to the Union Pacific Railroad Spur Crossing over 196th Street in the vicinity just east of the Green River, as recom- mended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. In 1981, the City originally granted a franchise to operate a spur crossing to UPRR, but the franchise ordinance expired by its terms ten years from the date of its enactment (1991) . Subsequently, last December, the City offered a new franchise ordinance (Ordinance No. 3380) , but UPRR did not accept that ordinance, so it became void for lack of acceptance. The ordinance clarifies that the original Union Pacific Railroad Spur Crossing over 196th Street franchise expired by its own terms and that the second franchise is void, and thereby automati- cally repealed, for lack of acceptance by UPRR. (OTHER BUSINESS - 4D) U.P.R.R. /196th St. Spur Crossing Franchise Ordinance. This item is the introduction of an ordinance offering a franchise to operate a railroad spur crossing to Union Pacific Railroad, as recommended by the Public Works/ Planning Committee, and as required by law. This crossing is located on 196th Street in the vicinity just east of the Green River. CLARK MOVED to approve the introduction and publication of the U. P.R.R. /196th Street Franchise Ordinance as required by law. Woods seconded and the motion carried. TECHNOLOGY (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) PLAN 1998-2000 Technology Plan. The 1998-2000 Technology Plan is the blueprint for guiding a comprehensive upgrade in the City's use of technology. Included in the plan are upgrades to wiring, networks, hardware, software, 4 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 TECHNOLOGY staffing and training. Details are provided in PLAN the agenda packet materials. Due to the press- ing issues of withdrawal of support for the finance/payroll systems and other Year 2000 compliance problems, staff recommends immediate approval of the plan and authorization to proceed. BROTHERTON MOVED that the Council approve the 1998-2000 Technology Plan as amended by eliminating the Centennial Center telephone switch for a savings of $108, 000 and adding $26, 000 to the reserve for the minicomputer/ application server project; to establish a project budget of $12 , 745, 000 to issue LTGO (Councilmanic) bonds in an amount not to exceed $7 million to partially fund implementation of the plan; to amend the 1998 Operating Budget by $442 , 000 to provide for additional staff and equipment as outlined in the plan; to authorize the Mayor to enter into contracts with TMC Group for telephone system consulting, Moss Bay for network design consulting, and COMP USA for employee training services; and to authorize the Mayor subject to the City' s purchasing rules for bidding, RFP and RFQ requirements, to sign pur- chase orders without further Council approval in amounts up to $50, 000 for purchases made in implementation of the Technology Plan as approved. Woods seconded. Upon Woods' question, Brotherton explained that the telephone switch for the Centennial Center is not necessary now and could be added later at no additional expense if the population in the building grows. He said the reserve for the remodeling process in City Hall seems too small, and that the items up to $50, 000 which the Mayor would be authorized to sign for would have already been discussed. He noted for Orr that equipment will arrive in groups, and this would avoid having to get each piece authorized, resulting in delays. He reiterated that it would already have been authorized, and noted that anything over $50, 000 would come back to Council for approval. McFall explained for Amodt that the Councilmanic bonds would be for 7-10 years, and that items which have a life span at least that long would be financed by the bonds. Upon Amodt' s question 5 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 TECHNOLOGY about the $50, 000 authorization, Clark explained PLAN that as smaller parts come in, they could simply be signed off on. McFall noted that normally the Mayor has signing authority up to $25, 000, and that Brotherton' s motion would simply raise that amount to $50, 000 for this project in order to expedite the process. He said many single items or groups of items would be in the $25, 000-$50, 000 range, and emphasized that competitive processes would be used to get the best prices possible, as is the normal practice. Epperly noted that what is being discussed tonight is a plan and that each part has to come back in the form of a bid. She pointed out that the figures could come back lower. Orr asked what would be done with any unused funds, and McFall stated that they would be available to fund a portion of the next phase of this pro- ject or could be used to fund other capital projects, after being rebudgeted for that pur- pose. Mulholland noted for Orr that figures for Phase 2 are not available, but that public safety is an area of need, as well as utility billing. Amodt voiced concern about the cost and the short time frame for reviewing the plan. Orr reiterated her concern about approval of up to $50, 000, and the assurance that items up to that amount will have already been approved by the Council, and will not be something that does not go out to bid or come to Council first. Mulholland said it is her understanding that Council ' s approval of the plan authorizes staff to seek the products, and if they come back at a price higher than $50, 000 Council must give final approval. She stated that some consulting fees and some server network pieces could be between $25, 000 and $50, 000, but that the major network components, the business systems, and the consultant for the Police Technology Plan will most likely be over $50, 000. McFall offered to report to Council on all of those items, and Orr agreed that they should be apprised at every step of the way. Orr offered a friendly amendment to remove the approval of up to $50, 000 from Brotherton' s motion. Epperly seconded. Brotherton did not accept the friendly amendment, noting the issue of timing. He said he feels some of Orr' s 6 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 TECHNOLOGY concerns can be alleviated by regular progress PLAN reports. ORR MOVED to amend the motion to remove the approval of up to $50, 000. Epperly seconded. Yingling spoke in opposition to Orr's motion, noting the many time-critical issues. Brubaker noted for Orr that if in the future Council does not agree with the way the process is working, the $50, 000 limitation could be reduced back down to $25, 000 by motion. Brotherton noted for Amodt that it is possible that a Council meeting would not be held for as much as thirteen days after a bid opening, delaying approval. Clark noted that the plan is very detailed and that raising the amount would expedite the process. Orr's motion to amend then failed with Amodt, Epperly and Orr in favor, and Brotherton, Clark, Woods and Yingling opposed. Brotherton' s motion then carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Transit Advisory Board Appointments. CONFIRMA- TION of the Mayor's reappointment of Mike Etzell, Paul Hammerschmidt, and Perry Woodford to continue serving as members of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Their new terms will continue until 4/30/2000. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) Civil Service Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Tim Gimenez to continue serving as a member of the Kent Civil Service Commission. Mr. Gimenez ' new term will continue until 4/30/2004 . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) RECREATION Performing Arts Center Budget Adjustment. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $50, 000 of unallocated funds from the City budget to the Performing Arts Center budget for the development of a public relations plan and to update the business plan for the Kent Civic Performing Arts Center. On April 7 , 1998 , John Hodgson and Don Campbell, representing the Kent Civic and Performing Arts Center Board, updated the Parks Committee on the progress of the proposed Performing Arts Center plan. They indicated a need to increase public knowledge and solicit support throughout the 7 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 PARKS & community, and noted the outdated business plan. RECREATION An estimated $50, 000 was requested to cover costs to develop a public relations plan and update the business plan. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Skatepark Irrigation, Transfer Of Funds. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $6, 600 from the Youth/Teen budget to the Skatepark budget for installation of an irrigation system and drinking fountain at the downtown Skatepark. At the April 7, 1998, Parks Committee meeting, Lori Flemm, Superintendent of Park Planning & Development, explained the necessity of install- ing an irrigation system and water fountain at the downtown Skatepark. A transfer of $6, 600 from the Youth/Teen budget is needed to cover the base bid and WSST. (OTHER BUSINESS - 4E) Golf Course Improvements Change Order. The Parks and Recreation Department recently contracted to have stall nets erected at the Riverbend Golf Complex Driving Range to reduce balls going over the net. During the course of their work, the contractor found areas of the older range net system that need to be improved for safety and stability reasons. The Parks Director recommends proceeding with these safety improvements. WOODS MOVED to approve a Change Order in the amount of $14, 504 , plus Washington State Sales Tax, to make safety improvements to the netting at the Riverbend Golf Complex Driving Range. Orr seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 31 and paid on March 31, 1998 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 14 , 1998 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/31/98 197879-198099 $ 236, 361. 18 3/31/98 198100-198500 1, 638 , 198.25 $1, 874 , 559 .43 8 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 16 through March 31 and paid on April 3 , 1998: Date Check Numbers Amount 4/3/98 Checks 226622-226897 $ 235, 807 . 25 4/3/98 Advices 56803-57337 719 , 310. 63 $ 955, 117. 88 REPORTS Council President. Orr reminded Councilmembers of the Suburban Cities dinner to be held at the River Rock Cafe on April 29 and asked those interested to contact Ms. Banister. Orr announced new Council Committees as follows: Public Works/Planning Tim Clark, Chair Tom Brotherton Rico Yingling Operations Judy Woods, Chair Tim Clark Sandy Amodt Parks Judy Woods, Chair Connie Epperly Rico Yingling Public Safety Connie Epperly, Chair Tom Brotherton Sandy Amodt Orr asked that Councilmembers attend their former Committee meetings during April, and noted that the new committees will begin in May. EXECUTIVE At 7 : 37 p.m. , McFall announced an executive SESSION session of approximately 15 minutes to discuss property acquisition. The meeting reconvened at 7 : 52 p.m. Property WOODS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to Acquisition enter into a Purchase and Sales Agreement with Ben C. and Kazuko Kay Estes in the amount of $358 , 000. 00 for the property commonly known as 9 Kent City Council Minutes April 21, 1998 Property 20403 100th Avenue S.E. in Kent, and that all Acquisition contingencies be removed. Amodt seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 54 p.m. Brenda Jacgber, CMC City Cler 10